10 TITE OMATIA DAILY HEE; TOURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1003. WOULD KNOW ALYORD BETTER W. H. Green end Other Real Estate Men Ask for Mors Spec iSo Ident fication- NO DISCREDIT OF THE NEW APPRAISER B. A. Feneon Think Eih(t Should Leave Matter to Water Hoard aad Heir oa lie Selection Wltb oat Pablle Inquiry. The Rent Estate exchange met at the Commercial club yesterday and after considerable discussion of the water works appratsershlp adjourned without any ac tion. W. II. Green brought the matter before the exchange. "I have a matter of the greatest Importance," said he, "and one which I think calls for action on our part. The Bee had an editorial last night which voiced my views. It appears that nobody knows the appraiser -for the city except Mr. Boyd, who, I am Informed, recommends him highly. None of the members of the council know Mr. Alvord, whether he Is a man of the company or for the people. I do not mean to say anything against Mr. Alvord, who doubtless la a capable and fair man, but In case he 'should turn out to be slightly favorable to the water com pany It will cost the city a million or two. The two appraisers have the choosing of the third and If they are both favorable to the company we will come out badly. "There la no contract, or at least I have heard of none, under which he cornea here and he can charge the city what he chooses. Of course the matter of a thou sand or two makes little difference In a transaction of this size If we get a good man. I do not mean to say anything against Mr. Alvord, but I think the peo ple should know something about ' the matter. I understand that It Is even now a question with the chairman of the water board as to whether the franchise or the company should be paid for. If this engineer understands that we are to pay for this franchise It will cost us millions. Without question we want the water works, but we must not put a burden on the city which will take generations to pay. Mr, Alvord has been In the employ of water companies, but thla Is not anything against him; but why do we not know anything about him? a (feats Cheek oa Appraisers. "I think the council should hire a man to assist Mr. Alvord in the appraisement and that this man should submit a sealed ap pialsement to the council to be opened after the other figure has come up for consid eration, so that the council may have some security that It Is really getting at the value of the plant." Chairman Harrison thought Mr. Green's remarks were to the point, but E. A. Ben son and Alexander Charlton look the op posite view. "We have a water board," said Mr. Ben son, "In whom I had supposed everyone had confidence.. Mr. Alvord has a reputa tion as an expert consulting engineer and I have heard of him for years. I think that If we feel that we do not know all we should about him we should go quietly to the members of the board who appointed him and not talk the thing over here." Mr. Charlton 'thought action premature. "The appraisers' action must come before the board for approval," he said. "If when thla report Is made It doesn't look right, then we can take action." It was moved that a committee consisting of W. A. Harrison and C. L. Saunders be appointed to talk with the members of the board In regard to the appraisement, but after discussion ths motion was ordered laid on ths table. ENGINEER ALVORD IN OMAHA Appraiser Selected by the Water Beard Spends a Day la the City. Engineer John W. Alvord of Chicago, who Is to be the city's appraiser In the water works purchase, arrived In Omaha yester day morning and met with the water board In the afternoon. He waa taken In hand by Chairman Boyd of the board and was put In touch during the morning with the men who have been connected and are familiar with the water plant Mr. Alvord returned to Chicago last night. There was not time for the trip to the pumping sta tion, aa had been proposed. At the conference Chairman Boyd said: There Is absolutely no Information to give out Mr. Alvord has been getting ac quainted with, the board members and other city officers and getting a general Idea of what hla work will consist of. Aa to ths time when the appraisers will begin actual work, all I can aay la that It will not be before several weeks as the water eompany has not prepared an Itemized inventory." v Rwart Family Troubles. James B. Ewart of Lincoln has filed an swer to the supplemental petition of his former wife. Mule Ewart. In which he asks the court to leave the order regarding the custody of the children remain as it la for the present. He alleges that hla former wife Is seeking to create prejudice In the minds of the children against their father and that In thla she la seconded by her mother and sister, and that he on one oe cation wrote to her protesting against such action. rum nmvn. When a phrase is coined out of world wide human experience it is apt to be brief and expressive. We are "run down" we say in the endeavor to de scribe a relaxed physical condi tion, and all the terminology of medicine could not more ex pressively d e -scribe the actual condition than that every day ' phrase, it tug ' gests the clock, Dcrfect mechan ically, but failing to record the passage of time Because 11 ia run down. People who have that tired out, run down feeling will find new life in the use of Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Tills arreat medicine is far more than a tonic. It cures diseases of the organs of diges tion and nutrition, and enables the per fect digestion and assimilation of food of which alone all physical strength is made. The reason I delayed writing waa because I wanted to wait ne vtar after I had taken the medicine before living my statement, and now 1 can send a good. couaciciuiou testimon ial, write Mr. Ctaaa. II. bergeant. of plain City, ladiano Co., Ohio. " Uunui in summer aua fall of 1846 I became all 'rua-Jowa,' nerves were out of order ana etornacB out oi oraer. I wrote to Dr. Pierce tor advice. He Mid I bad general debility, and adviked Dr. Pierre's Gulden Med ical Discovery, and. thank to you fur your ad vice, I utcd tlx bottlei; and aiuce I stopped tak ing It about one year ago, I have not taken any aaediciae of any kind, and have tten ubt It mtork every atav. My appetite ia good, I can eat three square meal a dv, and I do not feel that uaerable burning in the stomach after eating. My blood and nerve arc in good shape, and, well in fact, I think 1 am iu pretty good rua- in. nrtter . Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets keep the teweia acoya aua besaui. 1 jm sMml. sV 4F Ladles' Low Slioes Special at $1.59 and $2.50. 1 ,.1H V to THURSDAY BARGAIN NEWS $IOand $12.50 Skirts at $5.98-56.98 The swell new etamine, voile, Venetian skirts made with all the new ideas and stylish trimmings, all with the wide French flares, have been sold regularly in our suit depart ment at $10, i 12.50 tomor- row as a great Thursday special, at All Silk Shirt Waist The new all silk shirtwaist suits, wear, ronde with tucked, fronts, clerical collar, the new sloeves and backs, formerly sold at $12.50 spwial Tbursdny's price at $25.00 Tailor-Made Suits at $10.00 Light weight tailor-mode suits In the beautiful and dainty shades designed specially for summer wear. They come In eta mines, voiles, covert Venetians, light weight meltons, etc., Louts XIV effects, collarless blouses, postilion backs, pouch sleeves, etc., wortn well up to $25.00, Thursday special, at Walking; Skirts at $4.98 Smart new walking skirts in the late stylish effects, handsomely trimmed, hip yokes, flared and all the novelty effects and In the popu- A -v Q lar cloths for separate I sklrta, worth $10, at ... S KJ The New "Princess" The beautiful now Prlnce33 girdle in bead effects with tassel ends, large medalion bucklo, Jewelers price $5, Thursday special at Ladies' $5 Trimmed Dress Hats at $2 95 Hundreds of beautiful new summer effects in Imdies and misses' trimmed dress hats in both blaoh, white and colors at two dollars and forty - day a lively day in our big second floor millinery section. These hats regularly priced would be $5, Thursday , Magnificent Dress Hats at $4.95. An Imposing gathering of magnificent white and black dress hats awaits your choosing for Thursday. In the assemblage are repre sented all of the very newest designs from across the sea, mostly large flat effects of horse hair chiffon, beautiful chip, etc., trimmed with all specie of dainty white flowers and wide silk and vel- a asssj vet ribbons. Most stores would ask $7.50 and $9.00 Jk If they had them. Thursday .; X" a $1.75 trimmed street hats 25c 50c white pique Automobile caps 25c 75c'Legliorn flats 39c 75c quality new Crown sailors.... 39c 21. . 3rntt & Qons 3f. Qrxnfctf & Sons .ai.nwwrajuafJ" .! t . fOO.OOO CLOTHING DEAL. Boston Store Pot on Bala be Choice of tlte Entire Wholesale Clotblna Btock of Louis Biff A Bros., 756-760 Broad way, New York. BALE BEGINS SATURDAY, JUNE U. ni-Miteat an In of summer clothing- ever known to Omaha. The very swellest and most trustworthy clothing at prices mat simnat nua belief. Choice of entire stock of Sift Bros., known as one of the swell cat wholesale clothing bouses on Broadway, on sale at less than cost, waicn uauy papers for particulars. J. L. BRANDElo BUfB. Card of Thanks. We wish to exDrees our heartfelt thanks to the kind friends who assisted us on the occasion of the death of our husband and brother, and especially to the soldiers and friends of Fort Crook. MRS. SOLOMON SELBY AND FAMILY. MR. LEWIS SELBY. MR. JEFFERSON SELBY. Half fare to Boston June 24, $5, SO; July 1, t, 8, 4. Long limit. Stopover privileges. Choice of routes. Through cars to Boston; no change en route via The Northwestern Line, the only double traok route. 1401-1403 Famam street I'nloa Paciae Pay Chejks. - And all other pay checks will be cashed at our bank. Accounts opened for II or more and 4 per cent Interest paid. J. L. BRANDEI8 ft SONS. BANKERS. OMAHA COLLEGIAN WINS HONOR Glenn Wbarlon Plucks a Few Laurels at Princeton VnlTeralty Com. anenceuient Eierelaee. In response to information from Prince ton that Mr. Glenn Carlton Wharton had taken highest honors of a cunt laude degree at the university commencement. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Wharton of this city, aent their son a cordial message of hearty con gratulatlons on his achievement. Toung Wharton is a graduate of the Omaha High school, having served aa his c'ass president and taken commencement honors when he graduated here. He will complete his edu cation by beginning a full course In tha Harvard Law school at Cambridge next fall preparatory to going Anally into the prao tlce of law. WIDOW REZEK BRINGS SUIT Wants Damages Because Her Husband Waa Fatally Stabbed la Saloon. Because her husband waa killed In a saloon row at South Omaha last February Rosa Rexek has brought suit against the saloon keeper and his bondsmen to recover 15,000 damages. According to the petition Joseph Rexek, the husband, and Patrick Shea were drinking In the saloon of Anton Raxar at South Omaha, when both became drunk and In a quarrel Shea stabbed Rexek so that he died. The plaintiff alleges that the death was the result of the liquor sup. plied by Baxar and therefore sues him and his bondsmen for the amount of the bond. A household word today, Cook's Imperial Extra Dry Champagne, In which the highest quality possible Is maintained. Mayar aad Eaglartr to Talk. The Weat Omaha Improvers have a meet ing scheduled for Thureday night. In tha church at Forty-first and Podge atreeta. which they uae for a hall. The sole object fur coiialduiatlon will be the Saddle Creek truer. Mayor Moorea and City Engineer Roaewater have been Invited to talk on the proposition and have accepted. UIEU. WECKBACH-Oui. aged 45 years t montha. at 11:45 a. m. June . tit the family resi dence. XI 7 South Twentieth alreet. Funeral from house at 30 a. in. Friday. June 11 Servlcea at I o'clock at St. Mary Magdalene church. 9tvaaleuU aad Doug- Ue. JTrlenda Invited, vnnr. relics Lad lea' Oxfords today iTAid 31 atsi.av at $1.59 ds c f50r42and 12 80 1 5 XM Suits at $6.98 the fashionable suit for summer DUlt IVl H 111111-1 6.98 cis, coimnenn $10 Shantung; Coats We are showing a beautiful line of shantung; coats, the most beautiful and popular summer wrap for women. All the dainty new 1903 5.98 effects, from 119.00 down to Girdle at $2.49. Girdles, a loose fitted chain 2.49 Jive cents will make Thurs 2.45 eaiini minx u nigUMi m m j BLAZE AT BENNETT STORE Oyer Twenty Thousand Dollars of Damage in a Few Minutes, FIRE IS CONFINED TO DISPLAY WINDOWS Spray of Water and Smoke Bring; About Damage to Goods oa Main Floor Loaa Cov ered by Insurance. Fire broke out at o'clock yesterday morning in the large display windows of the Bennett department store at the corner of Sixteenth and Harney. The windows were filled with fragile and combustible material and the entire ground floor corner was In flames In a moment. There la only a frail wooden partition aeparating the large display window com partments from the main floor of the store, but this waa sufficient to keep the fire confined to the limits of the corner windows until the fire department reached the scene. The firemen soon had the blase under con trol The fire caught from an Incandescent electrlo light wire at the Sixteenth and Harney street corner. The beat waa so Intense that the big plate glass windows at this corner burst outward with a crash and In an almost Incredibly short time the fire was creeping toward the story above. The Are quickly spread to the Harney street front, and three pianos In the dis play windows were soon destroyed, and three windows immediately west. In which waa a display of children's clothing, were wrecked In a twinkling. Eleven Plate Glass Window! Go. The fire extended to the main entrance southward on Sixteenth street and nearly everything In these windows, was also destroyed. Six of the large plate glass windows on Sixteenth street and five on the Harney street front were destroyed. The main floor was filled with smoke, but business continued. Many of the clerical force of the estab lishment were pressed Into service la re moving the stock of silks and other dry goods adjacent the burning windows. For tunately the force of the fire was out ward, and no damage resulted to the In terlor of the building, nor did the fire com munlcate to the upper stories. There was considerable damage to stock by smoke and wster. The handsome wax figure of the June bride was among the articles destroyed. The total loss. Including the smoke and water damage, will be between $20,000 and $25,000, fully covered by lnaur ance. The store has been closed until Baturday to permit the adjustment of the loss by the Insurance men. Electrician Makes In veat lgatloa. City Electrician Patton started to make an Investigation of ths origin of the Bennett fire yesterday. He secured part of the wiring in the windows and some of the fixtures and took them to hla office in the city hall for a critical examination. At noon the electrician said he had not ascer talned enough facts to base conclualona upon, but expected to be In a poaltlon to make a report later. Portions ef the naked wire with insulation tin destroyed brought to the city hall had portions of paper clinging to them. It Is the second show window fire that has occurred In Omaha during the last twe years and tha city electrical department la anxious to find out whether It waa caused by poor protection of the wires. City Electrician Patton said, yesterday afternoon: "An examination falls to de termine, as is uaually the case, whether the electrical wiring caused the blase. However, flexible cord waa uaed In the windows, which ia directly forbidden by city ordinancea. It waa placed In these windows after the store had been last In spected by a representative from this de partment." 4 FREE CIFT COUPONS WITH EVHRY PURCHASE MEN'S 50C UNDER SHIRTS AND 25c DRAWERS. Tim itKi.iABLE store:. $45,000.00 Spot Cash Purchase Finest Summer Under- Several of the largest leading underwe spot cash their entire surplus stock of sum eon made them anxious to unload, ahd. as ridiculously low for snot cash. THE GOOD SALE. MEN'S UNDERWEAR In tremendous quantities and most aston ishing variety. Every garment full fash lorfed, well made, perfect fitting, nicely fin ished, absolutely new and perfect in every way. The fabrics are the "best selected balbrlggans, llales, linen, silks, etc., etc. In ribbed and plain and net, In white, flesh and all the desirable shades, all go on sale without reserve In four lots worth up to W.60 sale prices 75c, 60c, 36o and tec. Thursday in tho A C SALE OX WASH GOOD! FOR OSK DAT OXLY. This will be the greatest 9c sale ever held In Omaha. ;ftc French batistes, 19o and 25c English oxfords, 19c. 26c and 3c lace stripes, 19c and 25c French organdies, Scotch and Irish dimities, and other goods worth up to 6oc a yard for one day only all will go at a yard 9 CEMTS. Corded batistes, printed piques, yard wide chambrays and Scotch madras worth up to 19c only ttc. T4 TESTS. The corded French batistes, In hair lines, small figures, wide stripes and floral de signs, aborted colors and strictly fast col ors, worth 15c, only 7ic 5 CEJITS. Scotch lawns, Scotch dimities, Scotch ba tistes and seersucker ginghams, yard wide percales, worth lHc, only 5c. 8K CENTS. Light and dark dress and shirting prints, worth 6c, only 8Vtc. Special Sale on Hammocka aad Croquet Seta. Largo assortment of tiammocks and croquet sets selling at 39c, 600 and upwards. fin Ji mm QUITE THE THING These days to present the granduate with some gift from the Jeweler's stock. We are showing hundreds of nice pieces that would be kept for years In memory of ?raduation day. Spend a few minutes In our Htore. Look or the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 1516 Douglas Street. Porcelain Inlay Filling BETTER THAN GOLD AND THE SAME COLOR AS THE TOOTH. LET US ADVISE TOU.. A Misses' and Children's Welt Sole Shoes. Genuine Goodyear welt soles wide bottoms and the foot-form last box calf or kid uppers the sole Is always smooth next to the foot and not rough and uncomfortable, as Is the case In machine-sewed, that are often repre sented aa welts. We have a line of these genuine welta that are the high est type of the shoemaker's art they prevent enlargement of the Joints and allow a natural growth to the foot 5 to 8. $1.50-V4 to 11, $'..7511 to 2, $2.26 2 to 6, women'a sizes, with spring heels, $3.00. DREXEL SHOE CO., Omaha's Up-to-Date Shoe House 1419 Farnam Street. I-aw ntttea te Boston and Return - Jane nnd July Via the Lake Shore Michigan Southern railway. Tickets will be sold June 2ft, 26 and 27, extreme return limit August 1. and on July 1, 2, t. t and B, extreme return limit September 1. Stop-overs allowed at Nl braga Falls and Chautauqua; also at New York on tickets via that route. Full in formation, with rates via variable routes, will be promptly furnished on application to M. B. Giles, T. P. A., Chicago, or to C. F. Paly, chief A. O. P. A., Chicago. Very low Speclul Eienrilos Ratee To Boston, Mass., Saratoga, N. Y., and Chautauqua Ike In June and July. Lib eral terms and stop-over privileges. On and after June 14 the new fast truln from Chicago to Buffalo and Intermediate points, 6:16 p. m. dally, For time cards, regular and special rates, etc., send postal card to II. L.. Purdy, Trav. Pass. Agent.. Erie Railroad. Chicago, 111., or U. M. Bowman, General Western Passenger Agent. Chicago, 111. The Wnbaau Hallrnad "In the Good Old Summer Time" offer many special rates to Boston, Indianapolis, Baltimore, St. Louis, Saratoga. Detroit. Atlanta and other points. Call at city office. 1601 Farnam. or address HARRY E. MOORES, O. A. P. It., Omaha, Neb. aio.ooi $10,001 910.001 aioooi Minneapolis and return June 13 and 14. via The Northwestern Line, the only double track route. 14U1-1'3 Farnam street. $10.00 $10.00 $10 00 $10 00. For Sale Due bill on one of the best New York City hotels at a good discount Ad dress B M, ear OuaavLa See. sushi aijiiai sjjsjjjjijf WOMEN'S 25c VESTS ON SALE.. . IOC on Sale. ar ml!ls of the country closed out to us for mer underwear. The rainy, backward aea thelr season was over, thev rrmde the prices 8 ARB HERE AT HATftEN8, AND ON THE WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR Will prove a pleasant surprise, on account of Its excellent workmanship, exquisite fin ish and high quality; in all the best fabrics and colors. Women's Lisle Thread Vests on sale at 20c, 16c and 10c. Women's Fine Vests and Pants, In ribbed and plain effects. In all colors, In lisle threads, Egyptian cottons, etc., etc., worth up to $1, on sa'e at 60c and 25c. Children's Vests and Pants In this grand sale at 35c, 25c and 15c. Domestic Room 12V4C TOWELS &HC Extra heavy double warp unbleached Turkish towel, large slze,12V4c value, at 8Vc. 1 TABLE IIE"I OOC. 72-lnch full bleached table damask, guar anteed purest of linen, neat floral designs and borders to match, 11.00 value, at 69c. Ttto and SOc Mercerised Walatlnga 19o We have placed on one big table all our ImporteM -white mercerised walstlng. In basket, oxford and madras weaves, full pieces, all the 19U3 patterns, worth up to 75c yard, for one day at yard 19c. 8ne White Walatlnara 13e. One big table Imported walstlng, In all the new weaves, not a yard worth less than 35c, for one day, at yard 13c. 2Tic Sheeting lVif. 25c extra fine quality bleached sheeting, 81 inches wide, for one day at yard I8H0. 16 yards Bleached Sheeting- $1. Soft finish bleached muslin, yard wide, 8Hc quality, for one day 16 yards for $1.00. Extra heavy feather ticking, regular 18o per yard, 12c. 80-Inch wide Shaker flannel, regular 8c, per yard, 6c. $1.25 extra heavy full size Marseilles pat terns bedspreads, each 9c. Our own Imported Don egal Handspun Home spunsthe caress of the surging ocean Is no cooler the blush of the rose no prettier nor Is wire more wearful. .It's unusually good cloth, and It requires un usually good tailoring to "work it up" rightly. If we didn't already have the tailoring talent, we wouldn't dare sell the cloth. $25 to $45 is the price runge. Don't forgot that we have moved from the B'e Hldg. to 304-300 So. 115th street. Mac Car thy Tailoring Company, cow located at 104-106 S 16th St. Next Door to Wabash Ticket Office. Phone 1808, COLLAR Merchant National Dank Or OMAHA ft M. ttowr 'ru mm UU k PtH mm mphti Kama Miii ImmI aiaajMa UXiTRD HTATRH UBHttmiTOHV. rrmmm M.rpfcj, pnMia. H H lul w mn li ml. Itrnkf rimit Y T H. mm uriiH i BBnaaBBBBBaBBaanBaaaaaaanaBannaeBBBBaas 1 a-J COPLEY lil 1 in I J 1 r a - " sfl I jfj ,,e Sella Watches. Vjj i I f L J 1 Hawk's Cut Glass. 1 1 : I 'P VrJ Goblets, $2i doz. II IvtF Hawk's Cut Glass U j .!s2.ij Wine Glasses tlj do. B 1 Hawk's Cut Glass fl jla, j- P'ch GlaHses Hi doz. Everything In glasj. V j TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMHF Deat Agricultural Weekly. P'-'-cth CPNTURY FARMER Fine Photograph le Illuairntloaa. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Addreae Oaaahn, eh. Women's Muslin These Specials goon Sale Thursday Morning. iThero's only a few of each lot so come as early in tho morning as possible. LADIES' MUSLIN DRAWERS made of pood quality muslin, full cut and well made, with hemstitch and tliree rows small tucks, a regular iKn 23c quality for LADIES' CAMRRIC UNDERSKIRTS made of fine qual ity cambric, well made, with full tucked flounce regular 50c values for LADIES' MUSLIN GOWNS made of fine quality muslin, extra wide cut, aud good length, with tucked yoke and ruffled sleeves 'lQn a regular 50c quality for '.. EXTRA SFECIAL-vThursday we will place on special sale, 120 dozen low neck, sleeveless vests, for ladies they are fine lisle finished, cotton jersey fSc ribbed full taped a 15c quality for Extra SpeciaJ...' 36 Dozen Ladies Wrist Bags go on Sale Thursday Morning They ar strictly new styles, mads of genuine seal and walrus they have the best Improved frames silk lined aTfc with Inside pockft all colors nnd positively $1.75 quality for. n 'Follow This Way You Can Round Trips Indianapolis sold June 7th, 8th, 9th, 14th, 15th $19.40 St. Louisa-sold June 15th, 16th and 17th $13. SO Boston sold June 24th, 25th, 26th $31.75 Boston sold June 30th to July 4th... $33. 75 New York sold July 4th and 6th $37.20 Saratoga-sold July 4th and 6th $32.2Q. Atlanta sold July 6th, 6th and 7th S32.IO Detroit -sold July 14th and 15th S2I.50 Baltimore sold July 17th and 18th $32.25 All tickets reading over ths Wabash R. R. are good In either direction via steamer between Detroit and Buffalo without extra charge, except meala and berth. Stop-overs allowed. Remember this Is "The World s Fair Line " For berths, lake tripe, folders and all Information call at Wabash City Office, 1601 Farnaia Street, or address "u viy Harry E. Moores, g. a. p. d., Omaha, Neb. In whatever direction the Colorado tourist may choose by rail, if he go to the mount ains his journey is a succession of glorious scenery, varying in the characteristics ' of placid beauty, grotesque ruggedness, and awe-inspiring grandeur. Vf the canons are stupendous walls rising ferfendicularty, or gradually slofing bach toward greater hills, or, yet again, leaning for chasm, as if threat bling down project' hang suspended over smoothly by a fan and grandeur such Rocky Mountains. Te enable people te reach these scenes the UNION PACIFIC has put la effect very low rates and apleodld train service frosa the Missouri River te Denver. Accommodations are provided tor all classes of passengers.. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FARNAM ST. One of Our Long Suits is our mall orUer department. The fact that the same prices are made to those patrons OUT OF TOWN as to those wno cume to our store has made this depart ment very popular, and every mail brings us new as well aa old evidence of the ap preciation of our OUT OK TOWN friends. Naturally, we prefer to have patrons come to the store, but a mall order receives the same prompt attention as a customer lu person. If you don't find what you are looking for In our dally price changes, write us, sending a list for quotations and then compare the prices we quote with those In BO-CALLEl UP-TO-DATE CAT ALOGS. $1 00 Peruna all you want 61 a $1.00 Bexlne Pills 76o ZoO Genuine C'astorla 'Ha 6'jc Doau's Kidney Pills 39c 6tc Bar Ben 40c $1.00 Ozomulslon 75c $1.00 Temptation Tonlo 2jo $1.00 I)r. Pierce's Remedies 61a $1.00 Miles' Nervine 74o We did not Join the Miles' combine. V: Miles' Anti-Pain Pills 2fe $2.00 Chester's Genuine Pennyroyal Pills $1 OPEN ALL NIGHT. SGIIAEFER'S DRUG STORl; Two 'I'houea 74T and 707. S. W. Coaner 101 li nnd 4 blcago Its. GRADUATION 4 CilFTS. We Close Saturdaya at 6 So e-S MENU juaiirM. i rt' jiiui ftim4 ui:iliOol. ain.h&, bm.-r. :d mm aud men luteaomK to tusvrry uuma iu m 001; uftu'iiiiiiiuif icimi inll wetvil itmvi u4 krsl buffer rcsHurt OmsUitu Underwear sizes alC the Flafir" The St. Uuis ' World's Fair Grounds ward abovs ths ening to corns turn ing great rocks that ths train as it glides or a ma of wonders as belong only to ths 'Phone ad. r Ufie Bost of Everything The Only Double TracK Railway to Chicago OPJLY je Indianapolis and Return JUtlE 13 & 14 -City Office): 101.1403 FARNAM 8T. OMAHA Tru 624-efti $10 (J I