Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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Beuoci Why He Should Not Be Hasg ed to
E Stael to Governor Jnc 15.
loir Central Committee Doing Some
Preliminary Work for the Com
ing Cams-alga Sessions
Uwi Are Late.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. June 8. (Special.) Probably
on June IS or It parties who are Interested
In the wellbeing and future happiness of
William Rhea will meet with Governor
Mickey to show the chief executive why
Rhea should not be hanged. Rhea was
convicted In th lower court and the de
cision was affirmed, of the murder of a
saloon keeper at Pnyder. At present he Is
In the penitentiary waiting for the day,
July 10. And as he waiU his friends are
preparing numerous arguroonts to be pre
sented in his behalf. Rhea himself, Just
now, Is getting much comfort out of read
ing works on Christian Science. He Is
the aid of these maps the stste committee
can readily poll the state at any time.
Dedicate Chapel Saaday.
The dedication of the new chapel of the
penitentiary will occur next Sunday, June
14. Governor Mickey and Chancellor An
drews will be present and will assist In the
dedicstory exercises. It Is expected before
the dedication all of the new furnltve will
have been Installed. The Board of Public
Lands and Buildings some time ago ad
vertised and received bids for fitting up
the chapel, but the members were not
satisfied and last week Governor Mickey.
Secretary of Stste Marsh and Treasurer
Mortensen visited Omaha and Lincoln
dealers to get prices. They called upon
those firms which had put In bids and
several that had not. They brought back
with them several samples of carpets and
It Is expected at the meeting of the board
to be held tomorrow the furniture and car
pets will be bought
l.eetares 01 Lawyers.
Commencement Exercises at Hasting and
Djaoa This Week.
Xameroas Fnnlle School Uraana
tlaas Coatlaaa ta.Be Subject of
Prima latereat Over Ik
HASTINGS. Neb.. June 8. Speeial.)-The
first exercises of the Hastings college com
mencement occurred at the Presbyterian
church, where th baccalaureate sermon
was delivered by the president. Rev. Wight.
'The purpose of Life" was the subject of
the discourse. In the evening J. P. Bailey
of Omaha, state secretary of the Toung
Tonight at Memorial hall Dr. Francis I Men's Christian association, delivered an
Marion Burdlck of Columbia university I address before the Christian associations.
lectured to the law class of the university
on "The Lawyer; a Pest or a Panacea."
Many lawyers and others from out In
the state were present.
At the conclusion .of the address the
senior law class gave a banquet at the
His subject was "What Am I?" Special
music was rendered at each meeting and
the church was well filled. A farce will
be presented at the college chapel this
evening by the senior class.
Harvey H. Jones, who graduated from
quoted as saying that he believes It is the Llndell hotel, at which R. C. Roper acted the scientific course of the high school a
greatest thing on earth and that his Soli- as toastmaster.
tary hours are made some brighter at leait I made.
by Its teachings.
But he hasn't sufficiently learned the JLE HART
Kl 1119 IV lrUUIIIQ IVVUIIUilCU .Kl ana
It Is said of him that ho la thinner and
paler than Is his wont and that as the
days drag by he becomes more nervous.
And the prediction is made that if Gov
ernor Mickey does not Interfere that Rhea
will not go to the scaffold with the same
coolness and unconcern that characterized
Several speeches were
Teteraa 5eweaper Maa of Dakota
City Dies of stroke of
few days ago. Is the youngest student
ever receiving a diploma from that school.
He Is the son of N. H. Jones, who was
IS DEAD Prtnclpal of th Juniata schools for several
years, it years oia ana ona ui wio
most brilliant students in a class of twenty-nine
Diplomas at Blair.
BLAIR, Neb., June g (Speclal.)-On Sat
urday evening the graduating c'.ass of 1903
of the Blair High school, composed of thlr
teen young women and five young gentle
men, were presented with their diplomas by
Public Lands and Buildings are having yterday mornnM .ni aiti MoT9 , Dhy. i."; oeior
. .... . ... I - ivn a lll 1 m r th a , , a .im.
slclan could reach his side.
Coming as It did without any warning of
Fill a bottle or common glass with your
water and let It stand twenty-four hours;
a sediment or settling Indicates an un
healthy condition of the kidneys; If It
stains the linen It Is evidence of kidney
trouble; too frequent desire to pass It, or
pain In the back Is also convincing proof
that th kidneys and bladder are out of
There It comfort In the knowledge so
often expressed that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, the great kidney and. bladder rem
edy, fulfills every wish In curing rheuma
tism, pain In the back, kidneys, liver.
bladder and every part of the urinary
passage. It corrects Inability to bold
water and scalding pain In passing It. or
bad effects following use of liquor, win
or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant
necessity of being compelled to go often
during the day, and to get up many times
during the night. The mild and the ex
traordlnary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon
realized. It stands the highest for Its
wonderful cures of the most distressing
cases. If you need a medicine you should
have the best. Sold by druggists In fifty
cent and one-dollar sites.
Tou may have a sample bottle of Swamp-
Root, the great kidney remedy, and a
book that tells all about It. both sent ab
solutely free by mall. Address. Dr. Kil
mer & Co., Blnghamton, N. T. When
writing be sure to mention that you read
this generous offer In The Omaha Dally
Bee. Don't make any mistake, but re
member the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kil
mer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Blng
hamton. N. T., on every bottle.
Chicaeo Folio Art at Work oa Another
Murder Xjtter.
MtlT tt- Crlai mm m
CATARRH Is a very frequent csuse of
that class of diseases popularly known
as female weakness.
Catarrh of the pelvic organs produces
such a variety of disagreeable and Irritat
ing symptoms that many people In fact,
the majority of people have no idea that
they are caused by catarrh.
If all the women who are suffering with
any form of female weakness would write
to Dr. Hartman. Columbus, Ohio, and give
him a complete description of their symp
toms and the peculiarities of their troubles,
he will immediately reply with complete
directions for treatment, free of charge.
Mr Era Barlho, 1SX Eatt Itth ttreet,
y. Y. City, X. Y., vrilr:
'I suffered for thru year with leucor-
DAKOTA CITT. Neb., June (.Special.)
Atlee Hart, editor and proprietor of the
Meglnfind. the fare for whose ticKet 01 I Korth Nebraska Earle. suffered a stroke of
xlt Warden Beemer and the Board of apoplexy at his home here, at 6 o'clock
such a time over. It Is raid that he will
collapse before the time comes and If he
goes to the scaffold at all he will go limp ts approach. Mr. Hart's death caused a
and nerveless. great shack to the members of his family
In the meantime different parties are j ana his friends. He had apparently been
the largest audience that has ever occupied
the opera house on a similar occasion. The
stage was beautifully decorated with palms
using different arguments for a commu
tatlon of his sentence. Rev. Wharton ar
gues that It is the fault of society's neglect
that Rhea Is a murderer. Attorney Loomls
In the best of health and spirits the pre
vious evening. People who had seen him.
big. strong and stalwart, happy and cor
dial, mingling gayly among his friends.
argues that under the laws of the state I could scarcely believe the news of his sud
his sentence of death Is not Justified. The I den demise In the morning.
Miss Bertha Conde, International college
and flowers of all kinds, and a banner over secretary of the Toung Women's Christian
head bearing the class motto, "Able and association, spent a part of Monday 4n the
Willing." The class flowers were white 'oral association rooms while enroute trora
rose and Marshall Nell rose; class colors. California, where she has been In the in-
silver and gold. The exercises were opened terest of college work, to New York. Miss
with prayer by Rev. A. E. Marsh of the Conde addressed the noon meeting, taking
Episcopal church and closed with the bene- tor her subject, "The Secrets, Belief, Trust
diction by Rev. J. W. Tarkln of the Con- and Service." Miss Conde's coming was
gregatlonal church. Each of the graduates wholly unexpected and many were disap
acquitted themselves with honor to them- pointed at not being able to hear her.
selves and their Instructors. Superintend
ent Fowler, while not taking any one sub- Mrs. A. Allee, state regent of the Daugh
Ject for his address. Spoke earnestly and ters of the American Revolution Is con-
, ..,, ,h .o.i. r r I feellnaxly to the graduates of their class, ducting correspondence In an effort to se
n.ure bo Dccaun or nis uemg bu penmen a- vuia mi, ran ium, pimuvrui Rcucimi di
ent of the Blair High schools for eight the national society at the etate confer-
consecutlve years, most of the present grad- ences of Nebraska, Iowa and Missouri, all
Te revr being pup... of the second grade of which are to ,be held aom, , time during
members of the Gospel Tabernacle have
sent this communication to the governor:
We. the member of the Gospel Taber
nacle. do earneatly petition you to spare
the life of the prisoner known as William
Rhea, now under sentence of dealu
His youth, the circumstances unoer
On Saturday night Mr. Hart attended the
meeting of the Omadl lodge. Ancient, Free I
and Accepted Masons, where he assisted
In giving the third degree to his son.
Harry, who had come home from Chicago I
to attend the graduating
which the crime was committed and the Dakota City High school. After the lodge
wl.' VaXsViy 1en,eaL"t STuum;: " - singled
favor your exercising executive clemency, with the members of the high school grad-
when Mr. Fowler came to the schools. I October. The Nebraska conference Is to
The members of the class are: Misses I be held In Omaha and It, la believed that
Abble G. Stewart, Elsie E. Hannum, Hazel the presence of the president general will
T. Davis. Ora D. Bracken, Mable L. Claar, prove an Inspiration to the chapters, among
ernor, taken with the circumstances and k- ir Hart and ahnrtw ftm
(' motives that prompted the same, and the ?r Mrf' "rt na "nort7 ft'r midnight
I fact that for months the prisoner has been I bade the young people a happy good
required to work lor tne stale witn tne 1 night.
death penalty hanging over his head, make I aham a-sn 't.v i. ... i ..
it seem inhumane to execute this severest I , 1 . . . ,. ..... 1 Sue Kenny. Cora A. Pierce. Mary A. Bire- which there has been so much Interest dur-
iiai L Bwaacueu ii i wii. m m niaining- rsr i - i .
YTiiiCMlUd www. . I . . ' r u aw H VPwil,m A - I 1111 th HAH I VMI--
Thavua raaiAni inerAtYiT with th cmrfi I as. tffrrfhlA nflln ftfl th imf miA 9 vnnvu, nB"ro v. I w r -
tachinr, such u "I came not to Ju.ige lhrt Mr w.rt -ya- . mann. Pearl
the world, but to Mve th worlds' (Johnl, . . . . - r I and Rprtha C. XfA.tV.U-rm mnA HTwar. I Tha iniTibra nt th n.mri. WAm.n.
, . . . m . i v. i a j . . j I i or mm inn inniiAn ir rn t i sf I . . ' ..
I'L'JV. f.rcjU",0,":Y ""sik.j tM ..e k- . " 7 vl Walter A. Bradley. Chester 8. Smith. Wlnl- club held their seventh annual party on
that our petition Is In accordance with the -non and advised her v fred Lnruh, E. Mark Beaty and Albert last Thursday at the home of Mrs. J. W,
will of Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and . . . lnutM f , . " ' Hedelund. ' Marshall. There were about sixty present
Lord of Lords. . Most .Incereiy. lu Wis BleP' ... . later Mr. Hart began I knrt ,h. m.r , ... '
I to aroan with caln and bee ma nnMn. I mt na. I r u-
.i i . . Icessful social cvenU In the history of
w . n I ".iv a..v uvuer i.u.u warn Bl VUBVTU 1 1 V !H r. I I'HHTIT. N,ll I It n A CJ .I I ft I . .
ae m aunw I u, mrtA r,, . ' . ' I ' voinii.r wm- i tna cluft.
., " 'i ummonfa. dul I meneemenf weelr mt TWnA h.M 4(k .v.
Tmn Ptu.nni In IJnenln todST CSm a 1 Kufnr hA nhir.lnl.n .1 I.
1 f'j ".v "um Kr(. Liiri Mr. i tiAAMIsurrilfil rrrrrlxM im1H u tk. p r . ...
wild story of the almost mlraculoua escape Hart'a life had passed away. Dr. Maxwell ttonl ehumh ...t.eri.V " "7.. ",nu wlln ln ra annual oon-
frora deth of C. C. Holtorf and a young pronounced th. cause of death irr . JT. "f 1. Vl T"000 ot " American Iagu of Civic
. m i. -v.. . i - - mo iiiuuiici wu i lmDrovement. a civio institute will ha
masur of th BurllngUm between Ravenna pRnp PRnCPFPTC IRC ODIPUT '- V' .HURl M- f dUcted at Chu,au'iu"' Vo' " ""tire week
With the young woman he LR0K PKOSPfcCTS ARE BRIGHT Chicago Theo ogical seminary. The music studenU and worker In the field of civic
i was lumisnea Dy tne church choir, under I Improvement will be offered a program of
aa-o ay Wet Weather Has Hot I the leadership of Prof. Walter G. Reynolds. I lecture and conference,; under th guld-
Beea go Great aa Bad Beea I in lno evening me xoung men s unnstian I ance of some of the chief leader In civic
Aatlelpaled. associaUon and the Toung Woman's Chris- I Improvement, which, will give for the first
nan "auun wen atumnra irjr k. i ume a complete survey of the principles.
CHICAGO. June (.Lured from home by
fellow countrymen, who believed she car
ried a large amount of money, robbed f
tM and then murdered Is believed by the
police to have been the fate of Mrs. Marie
Danllovsky, whose body has been found in
a lonely spot on the Illinois and Michigan
When the body was discovered there wss
a bullet hole In the woman's left temple rhta and tlct radon of the womb. The
and her clothing ws In disorder. Her fato? adtocatfi an ojerafton trnifA J
T ' "a ,a f " v w dnodtd wry much, amf lrnqy ejected
Mrs. Danllovsky was last seen by her t .
friends near h,r home In Eighteenth Place P 1 am a changed tro-
Thursday morning. She wa with a strange man. rerun rwrett me; K iook nine oor
woman who had visited her a week before I tlee, but I felt to much improved I kept talc
and whose husband is known to have be-1 ,ng at J dreaied on operation to much,
sougnt ner to lend mm money, it is inn
strange woman and her husband that the
police are seeking.
Heating for a Kaaaevr.
The police also are hunting Edward Dan
llovsky, nephew of the murdered woman.
who Is believed to know something of her
disappearance. An expressman also la be
ing sought.
' Mrs. Danllovsky was 67 year old and ha J
lived happily with her husband. James
Danllovsky, an employe In a furniture fac
tory. She came to America from Austria
last fall, six months after her husband. On
the voyage she became acquainted with an
Austrian, who assisted her in various ways.
By the theory the police are working on
It was this man's wife who Induced Mrs.
Danllovsky to go to their residence on
Thursday. 8he was supposed by these peo
ple to have considerable money and when
she refused to make them a loan the police
believe she was shot and her money taken.
In the night following the body was hidden
at the spot where It was found by three
I am today in perfect health and have not
felt to tceM for Afteen ye'irj." -rs. Eva
Miss Maud Stelnbach, 1393 Uth 8t, Mil
waukee, Wis., writes:
"Last winter I felt sick most of th Ume,
was Irregular and suffered from nervous
exhaustion and severe bearing down pains.
I had so frequently heard of Peruna and
what wonderful cures It performed so I sent
for a bottle and in four weeks my health
and strength were entirely restored to me."
Miss Maud Steinback.
Everywhere the women are using
Peruna and praising It. Peruna Is not a
palliative simply; It cures by removing the
cause of female disease.
Dr. Hartman has probably cured more
women of female ailments than any other
living physician. He makes these cures sim
ply by using and recommending Teruna.
If voii do not derive prompt and satisfactory results
from the use of Peruna. write at once to Dr. Hartman, Riving-a
full statement of your case and he will be pleased to
give you his valuableadvice gratis. ,
Address Dr. Hartman. (resident or ne nan man sani
tarium. Columbus. Ohio.
ortaera securities Sot a Kanway
Compaay aad Kot Controlled
by Hill.
BT. PAUL June 8. Judge George Toung
today continued his argument on behalf
. Knrihrrn Securities company In
name. ,
and. Seneca, With the young woman he
was riding on- a gasoline motor car. A
dog ran at the car, the car took the dog
amidships and the occupant of the oar,
the car and the dog were thrown over
oa .the Wmekm Ike maa and the Woman
being rendered unconscious. After a tlraa
the woman regained her senses to find I Farmers are taking a more hopeful view of
FREMONT K.ti a a iivJ V' MO""in,er or NeUgh. Two achievements and hope of this great
nrrn.r k "1 1 nthem wr rendered by th. Eu terpen n movement. Thl. institute arill begin at XI
uiee ciuo, and ueorge Ireland of the I a. m, Monday. July 13. after the registra
that apa'n. the South Loup river. Her com- . ,.. nn, , "JJ 2-. r" y". qu""" n.f nai tenor uon ana welcoming of del.
rnlon was some feet away. She succeeded '.,, "MT "'dJ "I'... .1 ' -t". "10- lnlt evnln wlu the gradua- nrst of a aerie of lectures on "Art In the
In rousing Holtorf and the two nianafwd whlcn up Very weedTf but trowing
10 the commencement exercises of I of American life and the elevation of the
to get to Ravenna, since which Ume they ., ' , ...Ik " v.. ' .'J lZ.l. . Jun -BpeclsX)-On l i-miadelphla. In which the beautifying
wttn tne beet nel
and it look as t
a very smau one. I aiven bv Rev. O. P. Ijtnrlls Ti T Ph n I njiiuwlstlnn hl-K I. I . ..,.
No Oae with Weapoa Allowed la
the Jacksea, Keataeky, Coart
JACKSON, Ky., June 8 Judge Redwine
came Into court at o'clock prepared to
call the case against Curtis Jett and Tom
White, charged with the assassination of
J. B. Marcum. A large crowd had gath
ered In anticipation of the trial.
A military guard was In charge of the
court house and many who entered were the suit of the state against that corpor
searched for weapons. Not being able to ation which Is being heard by Judge
obtain a jury from th sixty men sum- I Lochren.
moned. an adjournment was taken until I He devoted himself principally to an
tomorrow. The adjournment waa decided attempt to prove that the merger com'
on because all the veniremen from Magoffin i nahv was In reality a holding company
had not arrived and also because the de- for the stock of a few large holders ot
fendanta announced their desire to procure I railway stocks who wished to protect
additional counsel, who cannot reach Jack- I themselves from rslds by unscrupulous per'
son until Tuesday. I aona with designs on their roads, and who
Elisor Jones waa sent back to Magoffin I desired to consolidate their investments In
county to get twenty-nv more veniremen, I convenient form
as difficulty I expected In getting men to it was really a private arrangement.
aerve. contended the judge, and other holders
It la believed that the soldier guarding of stock were not especially invited to
the house of B. L. Ewen, the principal wit- come In with them unleas they liked. It
ness against Jett and White, prevented I was In no sense a railway company and
aa assassination last night I was not incorporated In this state because
Ewen keep a hotel. Parties claiming to I it did no business here and never Intended
be man and wife applied . last night for to.
lodging and were taken In. Mrs. Ewen was I xh point which he emphasised the most
suspicious ana asaea ror aanmonai guards. was .hat inasmuch aa the so-called Hill
When the new lodger were heard moving Morgan coterie did not own a majority of
about In their room the soldiers made an h,8 stock of the Securities company it
examination and found both were men. The eould not bo said to possess control of
parties were turned away and no arrests that comDanv. This group of capitalists
train for Ravenna passed. To the fact that
the train waa an hour late the young
people owe their success in getting off the
tracks before it came along.
Bessloa Law Late.
, The session laws, which should hwe not onlv suffered Dhysically. but both .... ? lu ln" commer,
"w w - wiLu Liita ww a. nping ja rriMna a nn aavitt w 1 1 i n . , .. . ... ....
are la a bad condition from the nervous It .'. .' .C' l .: 7" xor OT"e" w,u nela ,n tne united cmsen mi oe tne theme. On Monday
IZck 1 " l0k" " thOUBh CrP WOula be Brethren church. The address will be evening the American Park and Outdoor
During the Om they were unconscious
Ih. rarka trin tlmi for the arrival of HI. . ..
: . . , w- .... .w. Iour correspondent has visited every por-I the baccalaureate sermon at the TTnit. slon with th Am.Hn t..,. r...
tlon of Cuming county during the last four Brethren church yesterday. At the Ume Improvement. In another 'course of lec-
un nu i rum inquiry oi mi iarmers ana of commencement one of tho most Import- tures on "Contemporary Society." Prof.
.... ...u i.imn uui me i ant events or tne program Is the laying of Charles Zueblln of the University of Clil
prospects tor a oountiiui crop are excellent, the corner-stone of the conservatory. cago will attempt to define the function of
Some J.00O acres of low bottom lands, chiefly the various effort being made today to
aiong in, cmnorn nver, nave oern ail tne wmmr. improve social conditions. Dr. Charles B
been out by thl Urn, will probably come 1 , . ,Z , , June s.-tBpecial.)-ureat uimeri win rve a lecture treaUng of the
from the printer about July L The cause " " "'" V " " ,aRC" "i- commiitee in piao oi ine scnooi ana tne school teacher
of the delay wa the slowness of the State Pronll,e wel1- Corn "rowing finely small the meeting of the farmers of the Fourth in the Improvement of social Institutions.
t...i KAa.i4 i. l.rtir.. th. retract Tain never looked better and hay and congressional district. All the farmers In- A aerie of conferences, conducted bv m.
Rttn Sunertntendent P,,to IU b a very heavy crop. Corn tereated In the Independent grain elevator, lnent specialists, will cover the lmmedi.t.
ir ... ..K, from the nrinter his ute- Dut not mor than ,n manv Pa"t Uving In the Fourth congrosslonal district, pracUcal problems of civic iraDrovement-
Q' -School Lawa and School Land Lawa of I aeasons, and no alarm Is felt on that score, will meet in York June 10. At this meeting I rural, urban and national. Governor R. .. revised and amended in 1A Cuming county will sustain Its old-Ume ex-Oovemor Savage will be one of th B. LaFollette of Wisconsin will sneak on
..k .Tni.-tnr. nnt.. rit.tiona sunreme reputaUon as a heavy producer and Its speakers. There are several independent I "Representative Government" Evenln.
court decisions and official decision of th farmere are feeling confident and happy, grain elevator in York county and two or Illustrated lecture on some of the most
tat uperintendent, for th us ot schxl Th weather now la Ideal corn weather. three more are being agitated. significant phases of civic betterment will
- i i lurnian oota entertainment and Instruction.
Get Five Year la Prison. iorow ir.- w.goa ana ruuea. 0n evening at the annual banquot
BEATRICE. Neb.. June 8. Special. V LOUP CITY, Neb.. June 8. (Special Tel- at the Hotel Atheneum the presidential
Jamea Hall, one of the Clatonla bank rob-1 egram.) Mrs. John Blasney, 75 year of addresa will be delivered. On Saturday the
ber. who wa taken to Topeka, Kan., last age, wa returning to ner home east of I business sessions of th convenUon will be
winter to answer the charge of robbing Asnton this morning after visiting her I held, the InsUtute closing Saturday night
the Doetofflc at Greening. Kan., was tried aaugnier. Mrs. rTana r araowsw. and waa with Mr. Albert Kelsey's prophetic treat.
ger aad aay thai tne orainanc passea cy I in federal court at tne former place and l"r"w" i ana senousiy nurt. I msni or "i ne juoaei city," as exemplified
th council for th Issuance of bonds lor I sentenced to five year In the penitentiary, A Dor wno w& driving th team hastened by the proposed exhibit at the Louisiana
the establishment of an electric lighting I in company with three of his pals last home and brought her husband, but when Purchase exposition and the plans for mak-
plant for the city of Lincoln was not valid I week. Sheriff Waddlngton of this city ap- I lney arnvea at tne piece ene waa dead. 1 Ing th future Chautauqua a model com
and that th bond are no good. H. R. I peered aa a witness against Hall. O'Brien. TZ " tnunity. A steamboat excursion will be
Kent, who made the best bid for the bonds, I Hall' partner, was tried here shortly after Atteaa urow Reeepttoa. made to Jamestown Wednosdav. Jul in
has called the attention of the council to I the two were arrested at Clatonla and sen-I BEATRICE, iseo., June 8. (Special.) I at reduced rates, complimentary tickets
the fact and eaya that he will not accept I tenced to three years in the Nebraska I uaniei r reeman. wno nas ins honor of be- I being Issued to members of the league.
them. I state penltenUary. Aa five of these crim- lng the nrst homesteader in the United I For further Information addresa the Am.r.
Compromise o Ckalrmaa. inals are now doing time In the peniten- I States, departed yesterday for Montrose, lean League for Clvio Improvement, m
I I a nr ih. niiinnnnen rnuicva inrv niv. rjn I i - wnric uo win siienu ini Mr.nitA. I v mharb .v.nn. I'hir.. n
j. h. j vwtu ...v. V.....U..U. . .v- ....., i breakinr nn a desnemtn an. and celebration to oe tendered Hon
tor eeymour, j .uu owunw i . vv.,. who have Inferted southern Ne- A. Grow, the rather of the homestead law.
treasurer of the county republican com- bra,kft ani northern Kansas tor many which Is to be held Tuesday. Mr. Freeman
were made.
The soldier cannot make arrest until
martial law la declared, and the county
officers are making no arresta for drunken- I
ness or suspicion.
BOSTON. June 8. The press committee
perance union has received a copy of the naa any oearing. conienoea juuge luung,
program of the World's Woman's Chris- on the question of the legality of the
tlan Temperance union convention, which K'nrth.rn tWuritles -omnanv One reason
was opened at Geneva. Swltserland. today. Northerl Securltle company, one reason
snd which will continue through Thurs- he cited for the incorporstlon of the com-
day. In tha absence of Lady Henry Som- pany In New Jersey, was that the courts
nermit her to attend the convention, of Ie8Ialatur of Minnesota had for yeara
which she Is president Mrs. Lilian M. N. manifested a spirit of hostility toward
Stevens of Portland. Me,, vice oresldent laxre railroad enternrlses. He denied, that
1 - nMBi. Th. kn. ... ... 1 -
This little publication contains JIT pagoa
and 1 being sent out now as fast aa re
ceived from the printer.
Say Boats Ar Ho Good.
And now come forward Attorney Man-
mlttee at a meeting held thl morning. In
electing Mr. O'Neal chairman th candl
date selected a man who baa not been
affiliating with any of th faction of th
county and who wa favorable to them
alL Th election were all unanimous.
Preparing for Stato Campaign,
Chairman Llndsey and Secretary Allen of
the atate central committee are doing
little preparatory work before entering on
th coming campaign. , At present they
are sending out maps to the varioua county
chairmen to have marked the changes In
local road district management. The
county chairmen are requested to not on
th map th varioua change in district
management In order to get th entir ma
chinery of the organisation In touch. With
1 to be the guest of honor of the occasion.
Workmaa Memorial Day. Moaameax is ueaieatea
FREMONT. Neb.. June 8 -(Special.) I NEBKABK-a iui, neo.. June I -
Fremont lodge. No. 85. Ancient Order of tSpeclal -Tne wooomen or the World
United Workmen, observed yesterday as dedicated a monument and held Joint
memorial day. In the morning they at- Memorial services with th Ancient Order
tended the Baptist church !n a body and Union Workmen, and city Are department
listened to a sneclal sermon bv the castor ' Wyuka cemetery yesterday afternoon.
Dr. Jordan. The decorations consisted of
emblems of the order done In roses and
were very elaborate. In the afternoon the
graves of the fourteen members buried In
Ridge cemetfry were strewn, with flowers
and the usual ritualistic services carried
out. There was a large attendance at both
It is estimated mat people were
present. Rev. Dr. Schleh. of Omaha, gavel Jun6 j
ino inurm.
Relative of tne .lariat Say Hi.
Reslgraatloa Became Effective
Jane 5.
DENVER. June 8. Relative of United
State Circuit Judge Henry C. Caldwell
confirm th report of bis resignation, tele
graphed from Little Rock, Ark. They say
that nis resignation Decani s effective
Your grandmother's doc
tor ordered it for your
father. It's the same
old Sarsaparilla today..
Tested and tried for 60
years. If constipated,
use Ayer's Pills;. gently
laxative, purely vegetable.
d. O. 4IU CO beweU. Kate,
Yeaag Maa Declared Iasaae.
OSCEOLA, Neb., June 8. (SpeciaL)-Al-
bert Gustafson, a young man about Zi
years old, was complained of and brought
before the commissioners of Insanity yes
terday, charged with a mind that was dis
eased and being liable to Injure himself or
taks his life. The commissioners thought
he ought not to be at large, and a com
mission was Issued by the board to Sheriff
Hartman to take Gustafson to the sslyum
for the Insane at Lincoln, and thfs tnorn-
Ing the sheriff started for Lincoln with
To Bea-ta Replanting.
BEATRICE. Neb., June 8. Speclal.)-If
the weather remains favorable farmers
expect to begin planting corn In a day or
two. About three-fourths of the crop Is
In. but It will be found necessary to re
plant a large amount of corn on the bottom
lands which was washed out or covered
over too deep by the high waters.
Judge Caldwell is now at his mountain
home. Aloha lodge, near Wagon Wheel
Gap, Colorado. Chief Justice John Camp.
bell of the supreme court of Colorado Is
mentioned here as the probable successor
of Judge Caldwell on the bench of the
United State circuit court of appeals
WASHINGTON. June 8 Attorney Gen
eral Knox today received the resignation
of Judge Henry C. Caldwell of th United
States circuit court or tne Eighth circuit
His home was In Little Rock. Ark
Judge Caldwell retire under th act
congress which authorises the retirement
of United States judges when they have
attained the age of TO years or have served
ten years or more on the bench.
. Coilrat a Largo Class.
WEST POINT. Neb.. June 8. (Special ) cial Telegram.) The annual concert was
Rt. Rev. Richard Scannell. bishop of j given this evening at the State Institute
Omaha, confirmed a class of forty-fir I for the Blind In this city. The graduating
young persons at St. Boniface church. I exercise will be held tomorrow afternoon
Walk Arson Case O
LOUP CITT. Neb.. June 8.-8pecial Tel
egram.) The trial of Robert Wstke. the
party suspected of setting fire to the Ash-
ton elevator, was commenced In the dis
trict court here todsy. The examination
today was conducted by Aaron Wall for
the state and W. H Thompn for th. de- GOVERNOR BAILEY TO MARRY
Mrs. Ida M. Wren, to Be Mistress of
the Exeentlve Mansion at
Coaeert at Blind Asylam.
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb.. June 8-(Spe-
TOPEKA. Ksn., June 8. Governor W. J.
Bailey of Kansas and Mrs. Ida M. Wee:
Monterey, this county, yesterday. He was a large number of people are In attendance I ' Kansaa City will be married In Kansas
from sutstde of the state
assisted by Rev. Joseph Rueslng of this
place and a number of neighboring clergy,
men. The church and grounds were beau
tifully decorated for the occasion. Monterey
Is the second largest Catholic parish in the
county and the occasion was the ansana of
I drawing a targe arewd of people.
City tomorrow evening. This statement
was given out today by Governor Bailey1
private secretary
Mrs. Week Is a widow and Is employed
So Tim to Fool Away.
Coughs, colds and lung troubles demand
prompt treatment with Dr. King' New I y Kansaa city cloak company. G ire mor
Discovery. No cur, no pay. toe, 81.00. I Bailey 1 expected to arrive la kansaa City
For sale ar Kuaa oa. I lava wi s-iieroeoa,
World's W. C. T. V. Conveatloa.
barely owned I140.000.CMJ of the S3o0,000,0u0
stock of the merger company and, there
fore, he said, by the arguments of the
counsel of the state were not "in the
None of the arguments of the state, citing
grievances Imposed on citizens of the state
by reason pf the forming of the merger.
Water Spout Rushing from the Ba StrikM
Trolley Train.
Pereoas oa the Platforms t'nakle to
Get late tke Cars Save Them-
elves by Holding to
tke Railings.
NEW YORK. June 8. Rushing In from
the sea, a water spout, traveling at great
speed, struck a train on the Brooklyn Elo
vated road, bound cityward from Rockaway
The motorman saw the spout just as the
train reached a trestle over Broad channel.
Jamaica bay. He threw on full power in
an effort to get past, but the flood ot water
struck him between the third and fourth
The platforms were crowded with per
sons unable to get inside the cars. These
were almost swept off Into the bar bul
managed to hold fast to the railings.
The flood rushed down the aisles and
caused a wild ' scramble. Hundreds of
pleasure seekers were drenched to the skin.
No one was seriously Injured, however, and
despite the ffcet that tons of water struck
the cars, they did not leave the rails.
slons will be Interspersed with public meet
ings at which a number of speakers known
widely In connection with the temperance
movement win appear.
the Northern Securities company has or
ever can have any voice In the control of
the Northern Pacific or Great Northern
Mr. Mel.en's testimony was quoted to
show that neither Hill nor the Northern
Fair ia Nebraska aad Iowa, with Securities company had any voice in the
, . , I management oi me ionnern i-acinc sys
''art s. I turned his Northern Pacific stock into tha
Northern Securities corporation.
WASHINGTON. June 8. -Forecast: I This testimony went to show that the
For Nebraska Fair Tuesday; cooler in I managements of the two companies were
south' portion; Wednesday, fair. I more independent of each other since the
For Iowa Partly cloudy Tuesday ; cooler I organisation of the Securitiea company
In aoutheast portion; Wednesday, fair end I than they had been before.
warmer in northwest portion.
For Missouri Partly cloudy and prob
ably showers; cooler In east and south por
tions; Wednesday, fair.
For Colorado and Wyoming Fair In
west, showera In eaat portion Tuesday;
cooler In west porton; Wednesday, fair;
warmer In east portion. "
For Montana Fair Tuesday and Wednes-
day; warmer In east and south portion.
For South Dakota Fair Tuesday;
Wednesday, fair and warmer.
For Kansas Showera Tuesday; cooler In
east portion; Wednesday, fair.
Loeal Reoora.
Thlrteea Children Are Passeaajers
aad several of Tkem Are
Badly Hart. i
EVANSVILLE, Ind.. June 8. A merry-
go-round In a park near the city ran away
with Itself last night. There were thirteen
children on the swing at the time.
The conductor grabbed up th children.
one by one, and threw them from the
swing. One child, the 6-year-old daughter
of John Caney, was thrown against a post
Anhle -1'ren.
BEATRICE, Neb., June 8 (Special.)
The announcement of the marriage of Mr.
Clifford Ashley and Miss Minnie Uren,
which occurred at Kingfisher, Okl., has
been received by tbelr Beatrice friends.
The young couple resided In this city for
many years before going to Oklahoma.
They expect to make their home at Hertng
ton, Kan., where the groom has secured a
position with the Rock Island railroad.
Wedding Cards lasnea.
EDGAR. Neb.. June 8. (Special.) Cards
announcing the marriage of Miss Mania
Merrill of Edgar and Mr. Vilas P. Sheldon
of Nehawka, Neb., are out. The event will
take place In St Andrew's Episcopal church
on Wednesday evening, June 17. A recep
tion after the ceremony will be held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Merrill, parents
of the bride.
pViwan pretoUo Spared wlTh her 'kul1 WM "" " t
tne corresponding uajr oi uie last three I expected to survive.
118. 108. l0l. 1900.
Maximum temperature.... S3 71 70
Minimum temperature.... 62 bl So 5s
Mean temperature 7! 2 eo 70
Precipitation 08 .00 .7 .00
Record of temperature and precinltatlon
at umana ior una uay mm since Alurcu 1,
Normal tempersture
One child had its Jaw broken, another
had an arm broken and several were badly
F.irrai for the day 4
Total excess since Marcn 1 171
Normal precipitation 18 Inch
Deficiency for the day lOlnch
PreclDltallon since Marcn 1 11. Inches
Excess since March 1 l.lftlnrties
Deficiency for cor. period, ltt.... 8 lu Inches
Denciency for cor. period. 19ul.... Ms Inches
Reports from statleas at T P. M
Parige fqaadron fiolaa Sooth.
SAN FRANCISCO, June 8.-The Pacific
I squadron, under command oi Admiral
... 88 I Glass, will leave some time this month for
a cruise along the coast of South and Ceil-
Are Simply Perfect.
Dr. King's New Lit Pllla ar prompt,
safe, gentle aad alwaya satisfy or no pay.
Best for stomach and liver, tie. For sal
by Kubn A Co.
Deputy Sheriff Dies of Wounds.
GLASGOW. Mont.. Juno 8 Jack Wil
liams, the deputy sheriff shot by George
Pierce, one of the escaped prisoners, on
Saturday nlnht. Is dead. The poase has
not found any of the four men. They
stole two horses ahen they crossed th
river and at least two of the men sre mak
ing for the Dud Lands. All available men
In the vicinity sre well armed arid Sheriff
Gosner expects to have a large posse out
today with the determination of capturing
the escaped prisoners.
Dances to Be Inlforin.
PITTSBURG. June 8. The tenth annual
convention of the Normal School Associa
tion of Masters of Dancing of the United
States and Canada opened here today with
318 delegates present. The convention will
be In session all week. The object of the
association is to have all dances taught
uniformly throughout the United 6tates nnd
Lyachlaar is feared.
MARION. Ind.. June 8-In Fouth Mrlon
this morning a negro, suppo-wri to be Toby
tral America. This la the news given out I Jonea, assaulted and seriously miurei Mrs.
todsy trom the nagahlp and unless the amnn. 1 ne nn iu ann a posae
plans arc altered tne vessels Will get awav Bianrn uui 111 w.ini ui mm. 11 ninurra
for the South Pacific before the end of and his guilt Is proved the negro may be
two weeks. lyncnea.
in mm
. 3
: .
: t
Omaha, clear
Valentine, clear ,
North Platte, part cloudy
Cheyenne, cloudy
Salt Lake City, part cloudy
Rapid City, clear
Huron, cloudy
Willtston, cloudy.
Chicago, clear
St. Louis, cloudy
St. Paul, dear
Davenport, cloudy
Kansas City, raining
Havre, clear
Helena, clear .
Biamarrk, cloudy
Galveston, cloudy
i S31 ."t
70) .10
7') 71 .04
s2l O T
hi. U,
4 .00
e' 74 .1
! 71 .UI
2, M .1
" 4 .10
7' M. .if)
o .it
, 64 .00
M: .'
7 12 .M
T Indicates trace of precipitation
I A. WEI w
Local rerecAM Official.
And many otlicr painful and serious
ailments from which most mothers
suffer, can be avoided by the use of
"Mottiri FflM.. This great remedy
is a God-send to women, carrying
them through their most critical
ordeal with safety and no pain.
No woman who uses ''Mother's Frleni" need fear the suffering
and danger incident to birth; for it robs the ordeal of its horror
and insures safety to life of mother and child, and leaves her in
.a condition more favorable to speedy recovery. The child is
also healthy, strong and
good natured. Our book
"Motherhood," is worth
its weicht in gold to every
woman, and will be sent free in plain
envelope Dy addressing application
Cr adfield Regulator Co. Atlanta