THE OMATIA T)A ILV 1VKK: TIUTTiSll A Y, JITNT: 4, inon. SPECIAL NOTICES Will lakra nntll IS aa. for the edition and nnin n an p. m. for naeratna and Saad'ar edition. It a tea, I l-2c a rr first Insertion, la a ward thereafter. Nothing tahen far leaa thai 2re for the first latrr- ton. These advertisements mail be ran raairratlfrlf. Advertisers, by reonoatlna- mai hered rhfrk, raa have anewers ad- dreaard to a no tube red letter la rart it Ta Fee. Answers aa aitlrMr4 will hi. delivered a. presentation at th Sheak only. WASTKB I 41. K HELP. BOYLES COLLEGE. A high grade school of business, shorthand, touch typewriting and English branches. Day and kvkmsu. Call, write or 'phone tor prospectus. H. B BOiLES. President. N. V. Kite Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 550 FIRST-CLASS alary. A. 1. messengers wanted; good T. Co.. 211 Bo. 13ta at. B-661 TWENTV-FJ VE school teachers for sum mer work at aood salaries. Bee Man- sger. itu Ware hlk. B MU WANTKl) Boy with wheel. Good wattes Sherman MoConnell Drug Co., tor. Pith and Dodge. B M244 WANTED, for 1J. 8 armj able-bodied un married men between ages of iil and 35; rn liens of Cnlted Slates, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can peak, rend and write Kngllsh. For In formation apply to Recruiting Officer, Kth and Dodge sts , Omaha, and Mont gomery build una, Lincoln; Neb. B WANTED Wen everywhere, good pay, to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack !ina. etc.: no canvassing. National Adv. Bureau. Chicago. B U J4X WANTED Men to learn barber trade. The only ..way. to save yeara of appren ticeship Is bv our method of free prac tice and condensed Instructions. We runniai muittinna. nam dlDlomas and ' nav Saturday wages. Call or write Vl,.l.r llMiber College. 1302 Douglas HI. - B M77-x ALKSME WANTED. - a vrrn To.., itiiMmrti aaiarv or com mission. T. V. Adams Co.. W10 Howard . v. 11 .rgurV tnr 1 jtnNrt tnaWTlter!. 3'JOl None btter. Monroe & Co.. Ml N. lbth. WAITED FEMALW HE LIN 100 Olrls. Call Canadian office, lBtb. aV Dodge. ta WANTED, girl for general h",e,wori family of three; good wages compe- tent girl, wci mcHgo oi. C rtrum'i I -1 tnr vnnpral housework. r- ta'.'ft i'aiifornla street. Call axter 3 p. m. r 3 p. m C M246 WiNTim. exnerlenced crockery sales- ' ladv. , Address K 40. Bee. C M242 .WANTED, girls for laundry work. Purl- tan L.aunary vo oLrji WANTED, girl for general small family. 2603 Tlerc St. housework; C-iO. J4 wivTiin taiaa tn leiarn hair dressing. a' manicuring or facial rnassafe. Our i method la free clinic, condensed lnstruo l . . ..ia aawd. small wages; call today. Molor Collec, 13u3 Douglas gu C M780-6X WANTED, goo4 girl for general house work: also girl for second work. Apply at fill 8 28th AVS. . C-MSJI onnic wanted: good, wages. 5C0 8. 28th sk . C M .MM OIHL for general housework; 4 In family; wages u; no ciuiunii. aivt '""J g A COMPETENT cook for general Jhouse- work In small family;. no wasnin. ou. aOth St. C-MS75 9 FOR RKNT-HOtSEB, to MOVH right get Omaha Van Storage CO., OmCe lUlltS Iiroam, w Auw-mv D too unilCCQ J1 parts of ths city. R. HUUbtb c. Peters Co, Bee Bldg. u ooo FOR RENT, -room house, all modern ex- cent furnace. o4 N. ou St., c. M. Bachman. 4M-37 Baxton Blk. DSs FOR RENT, near High school. t-auitol Ave., lit-room modern. 140. Tel. 673. B. H. Roblson, 2M8 Capitol Ave. 1IOU8F.S, $5 upward. Bemls. Paxton Blk. UODi CENTRAL modern, 5-room flat, 320 N. 2Sd street. . umjo linilCCC In all parts of the city. The O. UUU OLO r. Davis Ces Ml Bee Bldg. . . V (MS HOUSES, Insuranc. RIngwalt, Barker Blk. .v . L 6o PAYNM-BOSTWICK A CO.-Chotoa houses. tul-603 New York Lift Bldg. 'Phone lill. , D-t0 WB MOVE planoa. Maggard Van A Stor age Co. Teb 1411. Oflice, 1713 Webster St. FOR RENT, eight room detaohed house and barn; mige lawn and strtolly modern. v.. Apply Dodge Bu Can be seen today. 1 U 1UJ 1- . ONE of those fine, all modern, T-rootn brick houses. 29th-snd I sard Sta., 320.00. O. E. Tut klngton, Be. D M224 FOR RENT, 8-room house. 3839 Farnam St.; modern except furnace. In complete repair; newly painted and papered throughout, inquire at w n. x, Line. rung. D 464 FOR RENT, a month, 7-room torn . nletelv miulern bouse, nickel plated vnen plumbing, bouse newly painted, papered and vainisneu tnrougnoui; gooa uase- ment altli shite laundry tuba Beautiful location; . lttio So. l)th Ave., near two llanscnin uirk car llnea The Byron Reed Co., 212 Ho. 14th Bt. D 293x I ROOMS, I" Ho. !d; cistern and city water; Rood condition, 30.00. Welter j Bren. S9 So 13th St. D 8 FOR RENT Completely furnished 8-room house; nne location, i.yman waterman. 5X6 N. Y. Life building. ' D M M6 4X EIOHT-ROOM modern house, 29th Ave. and Farnsm. Call Dodge. D M73 fx FOR RKNT Ft RUSHED BOOMS. DEWEY European hotel. 13th and Farnam. EM3 AETNA HOUSE, European. Uth Dodge. E M ROYAL HOTEL. European. 16th Chicago. L oui U M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 780. E-666 1 (W to 12.00 per week. CI Bo. block south of rourt house. istn St., one E 66 609 8. 25TH AVE.; private famfly. F M726 tit NORTH 17TH 8t E-M CO N. 17TH St.. neat, desirable room. E M744 10 I ROOMS, light housekeeping. ioOMS. 1908 Capitol Ave. 1113 8. 11th. E M4i E 841 5x BOOMS, modern, 2680 Harney St. E-MS14 riRMSIIKD BOOMS AND BOARD. NICE rooms, good board. 416 N. 35th 8L F-W NICELY furnished rooms, with or without board; day board or meal tickets re . Jsonsbla. Midland Hotel, lolL and Chicago ta. F-M IHE FARNAM, lth A Farnam. F-671 ROOM and board, reasonable; all modern, with 'phone A-i&M. 24u Case Ml. F-M208 BUMMER resort. Tse MtrrWm. Mra F-Mttf FOR RKn-CiriRIIIHCD BOOMS. FOR RKNT, unfurnished room, sing's snd cnsuite. Wlthncll Bldg. lutn snn Harney- N. P. Dodge at Co., 114 rarnam. W M W FOI'n large, unfurnished rooms and store room, conveniently srrangeii; ncwiy pa pered, sas. orcelaln bath, hot water heati desirable location, 1M North 1Mb St.: reasonable price. O Mrt8 3x ... ! 11? FOB HEN T STO B K AND OFFI1 K. FOR RKNT. the building formerly occu pied by The Hee st Sil'i Karmitn St. It has four stories and a basement which Was formcrlv used as The Hoe. press room. 1 hla mill be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at ofttce of O. C. Rose- water, secretary, room luO. Bee building. 1 Jbi FOR RKNT, building suitable for whole sale purposes at 9I rarnam. iix!. four stories and tirst-cliiss cemented basement. elevator, fire and burglar proof vault. ottli-e counter snd llxtures. For price and particulars Inquire O. C. Rosewater, sec retary the Bee Building Co., room KM, Bee building. 1 M, OFFICES In The Ree building, 110.00 per month iid: rental price Includes heat. llsht and Janitor service. R. C. Peters A Co., ground floor, Bee Bldg. 1 266 AGENTS WAUEO. WANTED, ranvasslng ssents In every county to solicit subscription! to THr. TWKNT1KTH CE.VllkV FA KM Kit. Steady employment with saaured good In come. Agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvasser! make easily iM to $1A1 per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitor!' Bureau, Bee building, Omaha. j.u LADY canvasser! for something good. Monroe A Co., 811 N. 16th. J YOU CAN clear unusual profits selling Minuet Skirt Waist Holders; every wo man buys invariably reorders; particu lar! and sample on approval. Wheeler A Baldwin, 6U6 uaraen city dug., t-nienno. J (VAX WAKTED-TO BUT. M. GOODMAN, 3716 or 133 Douglas street. pays cash lor aa kinds or merchandise. WANTED, National Cash Register, 92 model. F. P. Sheldon, INehawka, Neb. XM Mill t)X TEAM for coal hauling. Coal Hill Coal Co., H S. Kith BU N M849 4 FOB SALE FIRXITTRE. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. a)J0. New and second-hand bought, sola. exchanged. O bit HOUSEHOLD furniture. Address F 17, Bee. O M873 Jyax FOR BALK HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. WAGONS repaired and all kinds of Hew work. It. Frost. 14th and Leavenworth. F-73 FIRST-CLASS painting, trimming, repair ing, rubber tires put on; also carriages for sale. Wm. Bfeiffer, MM Leavenworth. fOi FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. NEW and td-hand typewriters. Ill Farnam. 4 oio BUSINESS college scholarship for sale at a bargain In one or omana s leading com mercial colleges; Ufa scholarship. Address B 47, Bee otnee, y Miibx FOR SALE Crane hydraulic elevator, can be used ettner passenger or ireiant: com plete, Iron guide posts, cage and wire en closures. J. ij. orauueu oc ouiis. Q 69S WIRE fence for hogs, poultry, lawn and farms. Wire works, eii B. uiu. Tel. l.w. Jyli BXDR BAliE Phonographs, superior to any other musical instruments, v up. The Columbian Phonograph Co., ltd Farnam. W 071 FOR SALE First mortgage note bearing 6 per cent, interest, payable every six months; has about 2H years to run; good security and . endorsed by responsible party; amount, inquire c jo. Bachman, Room 41 paxton block. 4 o FOR BALE Electrlo automobile, perfect order, used short time; cost isou, will take 3a0. J. J. uengnt Co., uis r arnam. W M128 PHOTOGRAPH CAR for sale. Apply Rose s Art store. W XU INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnam. Q-67I 3DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. 4 679 IRON and wire fences, tree guards, trel lises, western Anchor Fence Co., 206 no. 17th st. , V Mii TELEPHONE poles, long fir timbers; chicken fence; oak piling, nut uougias. VI 681 T. DURKIN, electric light wiring. Tel. 2448. Q 50 FOR BALE New and second-hand soda fountains on monthly payments. H. a. Richmond, 43S Bo. 24th St. Q 834 J14x CATALOGUE cut drug prices free, Bher- 1 A 4 .11 !- il. n.ah. nialll (K XYltJtUllUei. AVi UK V. W(llCs,I3CkV. g-5S3 FOR SALE Second-hand Locomobile: In first-class shape, at one-half price, call or address. 1621 Farnam st. Q, 683 FOR BALE Book case, gas stove, heater (hard or soft coay, refrigerator. zzi a. 29th St. y-57 3x FOR SALE Empty Ink barrels, 36 cents each, large, well made barrels, make first class garbage receptacles. Fred Youngs, foreman Bee press room, rear entrance Bee Bldg. Q M 863 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. CARRIB SMITH, SOVEREIGN ,ADY UUEKN or clairvoyants: every thing told; past, present and luture. Sat isfaction or no pay 807 N. 18th. B M96s MADAME LUCRETIA, medium. 1709 Cali fornia at. S M4j3 J 4 MME. QYLMER, genuine palmist, 315 8. 15. ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths. 118 N. 16. 2d floor, r. L i Oli ju UKAl'K O'BRYAN. BathA T20 8. Uth. I MOW MISS DUVAL, msnlcurlug. 19 S. ltit'i sU lat L T-rM53 JBX MRS. DAVIS. 1671 Howard at., baths; first- class anal slant. 1 Mj4J j-ax GOLD1E POWERS. 7T0 Bo. 13th. Tel. 19Gi T M1'14 19 MISS HOWARD, elegant massage and vapor baths; alcohol rubbing. ;u,i N. Uth. flat E. 1 MjU3 J28 FANNIE TEMPLE, massage, alcohol bath; assistant. a noor. u xs. lhtn. T-M538 J3 MISS LA BAN. massage baths. Egyptian treatment, isii Lieavenworin st.. rat h. T-MVH J2 BATH 8, masaage, 1718 Nicholas. F. 6. 2d fir. l ihs.s jyi rmuoiiL DR. ROT. chiropodist: corns and superflu ous nair reiuovcu vy vicciriciijr. c. a ana 3. 1606 Farnam bt. u i TRY one of "Kip's Guarantees" If you want a good smoke, oc, an aeaiers. U-M304 J19 TELEPHONE 790 for L..M. E. messengers- U 101 HOME during confinement; first-class. Dr. L L. Miller. 26U4 Blundo. 'Phone F-1183. VI-163 MAGNET PILE At druggists. 31. KILLER. IT CURES. U 148 VIA VI, a wholesome nerve and liaaua food and home treatment for disorders of .women. Fre booklet. Vlavl Co., 348 Bee Bldg. U 141 ELITE PARLORS, 615 8. 16th St.. 2d floor. U-M.t9 MRS. JACOBSON. LAS N. 3"th St. U-sLUl-JU DO YOU WANT AN UMBRELLA Once upon a time a man saying that the person was known and would be prosecuted if the umbrella was not returned. The next morning his front yard was full of umbrellas. PRIVATK hospital before and during con finement; babies boarded and adopted, M'S. Oardels. 234 Lake. Tel. Red-lSM. U-149 SURGEON-CHIROPODIST, 511 Bee Bldg. YF.8, I smoke the "I'nrle Oscar" because it's the best 5c cigar. For sale everywhere. U MJU6 J 19 PRtVATE home during conflnement; babies aaopieu. me unod Samaritan ban tar urn. ta ill ave., council mutts, ta. u-mii RUrTtTRB CURED without pain. Empire Rupture Co., N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. U I3W PRIVATE sanitarium for ladles before snd during conflnement. Dr. and Mrs. Oeriscn, J;25 California St. Terms reasonnblc. U m-J23 C EDERER. Bristol St. florist. Tel. 17. U-U2 THERE are several reasons why you should smoke the Stoecker cigars. First, they are made of the best stock that can be put Into a clgnr for the money. Second, they are lust what they are representee) to be. Third, they are an Omaha product. W. F. Stoecker Cigar Co. U-Msa 0 BOSTON 1TMRRKLLA FACTORY. fioR S. lsth. I mbrellas re-covered, repnired or made. Tel. 1617. U-M517-J-27 MOXKY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. rarnam Bmun & to., ism rarnam street. w lt7 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants, it. (J. reiers t Co.. itui Farnam St., Bee Bldg. W 1M FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H, Thomas, First Mat. Bank uidg. Tel. IMS. w IN PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. Life. W-1&9 4 TO IPC. money. Bemls, Pazton Block. W-fi3 FIVK PER CENT loans. Qarvln Bros., 1WM Farnam. W-1M PRIVATE money. P. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. w 180 IS00 PRIVATR money. L. D. Holme. 713 N. X. Life building. W-M S64 HONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY I)ANED OW rURNlTURE, PIANOS, LIVE STOCK. DAliAKlLS, Lit. Low rates and easy terms. Business Confidential. Try us If you want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. (33 Paxton Block. 18th and Farnam Sta, A. 183 c a c v to get CAji to pay Best explains our methods. We loan on furniture, pianos, warehouse receipt- etc Or If you have a permanent position we can maae. you a Without security, except your own agree ment to repay. Our service Is quick and confidential and we always try to please, AH that we ask Is that you give us a call before you borrow elsewhere. OMAHA MURTUAUB CO.. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 3296. (Established 193.) 90t So. 16th St. X-M798 DO YOU NEED MONEY t . MONEY TO LOAN ON lrmtNITCRE AND SALARIES. 110 to 3300 loaned on FURNITURE. PI- ani h. etc.. anu to DAUAmci xcur i-trj at very low rates ana tor any lengtn ot time, without publicity or removing the property. Payments can be made to suit your convenience. Call and get our terms before going eisewnere. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Room 30S. Paxton Block. Room 80S. MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, norses, cows, eio. -. c . xieeu, ji a. is. A 1DQ BALART LOANS ON PLAIN NOTE, ANT AMULMj 1AJW KAII,3, ,AI r-Ai- MEN'1'8: CONFIDENTIAL. THE STAR LOAN CO.. ROOM Hi. PAXTON BLOCK. A 1M LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED fJiOfLiK, mercnants, team stars, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiest terms, 40 offices In prin cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. X-IO MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business confidential, lowest rates. 614 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X-166 CHATTEL, salary and jewelry loans. Foley LiOan CO., sue to XJ. ureen, rl. a, earner os X U7 SALARY LOANS UPON PLAIN NOTES. American Loan Co., Paxton block, aa noor. X 16 BISINESS CHANCES. WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange any property or i)u:nee quica, see j. n. Johnson, 843 N. Y. Life. Y-189 MINING In Wyoming. For reliable Infor mation regaraing mines ana uiner uiuua trles address r. A. Carpenter, 2A 3rd street. Laramie, Wyo. Y 796-JelS FOR BALE, a good furniture. N hardware and unneriaKing Dusinesa. siora miliums and residence also. Address Box 108. Ply mouth, Neb. Y-M198 BAIX1N for sale, centrally located, In Council BlufTs, la. Address B 4. nee office. Council Bluffs. Y Mo5 8x LAWYER with large established practice wants partner, young man prererrea. References. 635 Century bldg, St. Iiouls, Mo. Y-814-7 HOSPITAL snd prsetlce for sale In Iowa town of 4.500. Address - iz. nee. Y-M 853 4x FOR EXCHANGE. LEMON OROVE. 15 acres. San Diego, Cal. Will exchange ror Nebraska rami or pro ductive city property. W. N. Nason. 448 Bee building, Omaha, Neb. Z 672 JS FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. XX1I I I A MCON CHARLES E . 1203 n ii.i.iniuwii Farnam street BE 480 ROOM. ALL MODERN. -room house, with furnace, porcelain bath, gaa. sewerage, oak finish down stairs, full east front lot on boulevard; no special taxes; owner compelled to make a change and offers ths property for quick sale at (2,500; most complete small home on our Hat; act quickly If In terested. HARRISON aV MORTON. 912-13 N. Y. Life. Tel. 31 1 RE M283. CHOICE building lot near 33d and Farnam; finest residence locality In Omaha; all pav ing, curbing, sewer and other taxes paid; only 32,750. Hicks, 439 Bd. Trade. Tel 1169. RE-M874 4 RANCH and farm lands fur sale by the Union J'aclnc Kallroad company. B. A. McAlleater, land commissioner, L'ulou Pa cilia Headquarters, oiualia. Neb. RE-17I HOD8E8 and lots In all parts of city; also acre property and farm lands. I be o. . Davis Co . Boom sue Bee Bldg. RE 174 I GET CASH QUICK for your real estate or bu'lneas. If yJ wlun to sell, send description and pries. Booklet free. No commit. lon. Ejueraon DiPuy, Specialist. Dea Moines, la. UE-N5u2 June FOR SALE In Benson new house with one- half sere ground or will exchange for good vacant lots In suburb of Omaha. In quire at t33 Hamilton at M B M-841 ta lost his umbrella. He put a "Lost" ad in The Bee, FOB DUIl-REAL KSTATK. RIX-R(K)M, ALL MODERN. Six-room house, with ftirnace, porcelain bath, gas. sewerage, oak finish down stairs, full east front lot on Boulevard; no special taxes; owner compelled to make a change and offers the property for quick sale at f.'.roo; most complete small home on our list; act quickly If Interested. HARRISON & MORTON, 912-13 N. Y. Life. Tel. 314. RE M24 10-ROOM modern house, U blocks from postoiike, for sale cheap, lug N. 16th. lienewa & Co. RE 17J OWNER of a double house, one part of whlrh he (Mcuxles hlmscit, will give u sieelal bargain before leaving Juno la. Ka.y terms. F. D. cad, 1d24 DourIms St. RK fci'l 10 BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co.. 811 North inn. tr bicycles; B1CYCI.ES and repairs. Fresh tires, $1.U) to 4.o0; Hartford tires, o.b per pair. Ail the popular brands for cash or credit. Louis IMescher, 1612 Capitol Ave. Tel. 814. -M2il WE BUY and sell second-hand wheels; re pairing a specialty; lawn mowers sharp ened and repaired. E. K. Lawrence. 2nC Leavenworth st. Tel. L1678. M543 J8 BRICK WORK. J. P. 1IEALT, 1S22 Clark St. 'Phone A-2S7L 100 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. ocnutree, nun and Lake Sts. S70 CONTRACTORS AND BULDERS. A. J. PIERSON, 20th and Burt. Tel. L-2331 183 CARPET CLEANERS. SEND your carpet and ruga to Chrlstsn- son's Carpet Cleaning Works. 3221 N. 2tnh St, Tel. 1669. HQ DRESSMAKING. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, 524 N. 20th St. M248 Jx DENTISTS C. H. PAUIv removed Burt TelJF 2753. to residence, 2J M 7S4 F. C. CLARK, dentist, formerly of Council Bluffs, now located at Z7Ut Cuming st. M48.2 J2S DETECTIVES. CAPT. CORMACK, 617 Karbach. Tel. A-3832. EXPERT. ACCOINTANT. O. R. Rathburn Room 14. Com'l Nat Bank. IBS 3. H. Tel. BOONSTRA.' effloe 1514 Howard St 947. on jenx FLORTSTS. HESS 4fc 8WOBODA. Mil; Farnam. IS L. HENDERSON, florist. 1&1 Farnam St., Omahar'send for priollst. GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA P LATINO CO., Bee Bldg. Tel. 2635. i ' 1M GARBAQB. ANTI-MONOrOLT Garbage Co. cleans cesspools , and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced prices. 621 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. -187 HAT CLEANING. LADIES S. 13th. and gents', 50c. Schwarti's, 114 189 LAI NOR Y. OMAHA Steam Laundry and City Towel supply. JVU) ieavenwortn. Tel. A-l.83. 190 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. STILLMAN & PRICE, 23 U. S. N'l B k. bid. 181 NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. Y. Life Bldg., attorneys and collector! every where. . 193 MACFARLAND & MAY. New York Life Bldg.. Room 304. 'Phone 1552. 193 LAWNMOWMHS. SHARPENED. P. Melcbotr, 13lh , ; Howard. 349 LA WN MOWERS sharpened, saw! filed, um brellas repaired, keys, etc., 3u9 N. l"h. Tel. 2'J74 756 LOST. LOST, a small green chatelaine watch, en route between 26.13 Decatur and Western Newspaper I'nlon. Return to cither of the above addresses and receive reward. Lost W S MUSICAL. TH08 J. KELLY, voice. Davldge Block. 369 FOR RENT, piano players, or piano and p ayer together, t'la Player Co., TeL .1460. 198 Letoveky's orchestra. T. L-2684. Terms easy. 156J16 MISS ELEANOR HARDY Voice and Piano Studio 319 RAMGE BliOCK. Special Terms to Summer Students. JdO OMAHA COLLEGE OF MUSIC, 818 Ramge blk ; summer term. Apply F. H. Wright, L. L. C. M., Director, mono inn. MS" J29 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing, all bush. eta confidential. 1301 Douglas. -203 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES treats successfully sill diseases and lriegu)arltles of women, from any cause; experienced, reliable. 1513 Dodge, Arlington block. Omaha, Nab. TeL 2233. 198 LADIK8' Chichester English Pennyroyal Mils are tha bust; safe; reliable. Take no other. Send 4c, stamps, for particulars. "Belief for Ladles" In letter by return mall Ask yo"r druaalst. Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. OSTEOPATHY. Q1D. E. A ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suite 615. New Yok Life Bids'. Tel. 1644. 199 The hunt Infirmary. McCague Bldg. Tel. 2353 300 ATZEM A FAR WELL Infirmary. Paxton block. -1. Tel. 13Cv MKN PATENTS. II. J. COWGILL No fee unless suocaasfuL 318 8. 15th St., Omaha. TeL 17INL 201 PATENTS Sues A Co., Omaha. Neb. Il lustrated patent book Ire. Tel 1U. -AL3 JLytS ? ritlNTIXl. HRIK.FS, ETC. WATERS Priming Co. Linotype comport. -joj tlon. Tel. riiH). CALL up Gardner Printing Co , Tel. ASrt; V S Uth xt. M J for all kinjs of Job printing . BI O MASt FACT t' RING. OMAHA Rug Factory, 1521 Leaven. Tel. STO. 2tfJ SEEDS AM) 1'OILTKV St PPLIKS. ULLERY A CO., 1CU Howard St. Tel. SW. 207 fllOlt THAN D AND T1TKW BITING. MOSHER S.H.. Touch T.W., Bus. Branches, icicg. Cat. free. Urn. Com. Col., li Doug. A. C. VAN SANT'8 school. 717 N. Y. Life, -209 NER. Business & Shorthand College, Ford i i neater. a STAMMKBING AND STITTEBING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. 2tl STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co.. 1511 Farn. Tela 1559-863. Hi EXPRESSMAN 8 DeL Co. Tela. 1195-1144. 213 TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. H. Phil bin, 1506 Farnam. 'Phone 784 211 TRl'NKS AND BAGGAGE. TUB DEPOT on time. L. M. E. Tel. 780. 218 I'PHOLSTERIMG. PETERSON & Lundberg, U5 S. 17th. Tel. L-2358. 20 GATE CITY Upholstering Co.. woven wire springs lightened. leL u-ZUTb. 1705 St. Mary s ave. M1S8 POSTOFFICB NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, aa cuniiges may occur at any time;. Foreign mall for the week ending June 8. 19(13. will close (PROMPTLY In all cases! at the general postolllce as follows: Parcels- rioat malla close one hour earlier than clos ng time shown below. Parcels-post malls tor uermany close at 6 p. m, Wednesday Regular and supplementary malls close at Foreign Station half hour later than closing time shown below (except that supplement ary malls for Europe and Central America via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign Diaiiun;, , Transatlantic Mall THURSDAY At 1 a. m. for FRANCE. D VV 11 LjAIN U, IIAIjI, Bt'AlJN. t'OKT UGAU Tt'RKHY. EGYPT. GREECE. BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAR UUKZ, per s. s. 1a Bavoie, via Havre (mall for other carts of Europe must be directed "per a. s. I Bavoie"); at 9:30 a. m, (supplementary li a. m.) ror EU ROPE, per s. a. Deutschland, via Ply. mouth, Cherbourg and Hamburg. FRIDAY At 11 a. m. (supplementary 13:80 p. m.) ror kukui-k, per s. s. Cymric, via Uueenstown (mall must be directed ''per s. s. Cymrlo"); at : p. m. for AZORES ISLANDS, per a. s. Vancouver, from Boston. SATURDAY At 8 a. m. for RELGIIJM direct, per s. a, Kroonland (mall must be directed "per s. s. Kroonland"); at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 11 a. m.) for KLT ROPR, per s. s. Umbrln, via Quoenstown; at 8:30 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. s, Astoria (mall mnt be directed "per s. s. Astoria"); at 11:30 a. m, for ITALY direct, per s. s. Hohenxollern (mall must be directed "per s. s. Hohenxollern ) PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-Thls steamer takes printed matter, commercial papers and Samples for Germany only. The same class of mnil matter for other parts of Europe will not he sent by this ship unless specially uirecteu ty it. After tha closing of the supplementary transatlantic mans naineq above sdd tlonnl supplementary mulls are opened on inn tilers or tne American, ingnsn French and German steamers, and remain open until within ten minutes of the hour of sailing ot steamer. Malls for Soath and Central Amer ica, West Indies, Etc. THURSDAY At 8 a. m. for YUCATAN, CAMPECHE, TABASCO and CHIAPAS, per s. s. Havana (mail for oilier parts o Mexico mUHt be directed - per s, s. Da vana"); at 12 m. (supplementary 12:30 p in.) for BAHAMAS, per s. s. Antllla (mall must be directed "per s. s. An tllla"): at 12 m. (supplementary 12:30 p m.) for BAHAMAS, Ul ANTANAMO and HANTIAUO. per s. 8. Santiago. FRIDAY At 7 a. m. for BRAZIL, per s. s. Tennyson, vln Pernatnbuco, Bahla, Rio Janeiro and Santos (mall for Northern Brazil, Argentine, Uruguay and Paraguay must be directed "per s. 8. Tennyson'); at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) . for INAGUA and HAITI, per s. s. Bolivia at 10 a. m. for HAITI, per s. s. I'rlns Maurlts (mall for Curacao, Venesuela Trinidad. British and Dutch Guiana mus be directed "per s. 8. Prlns Maurlts"); at 12 m. for MEXICO. Per s. s. City of Wash ington (mail must be directed "per s. s. Cltv of Washington"); at 1 p. in. for PORTO PLATA, per s. s. Captain Ben nett, from Boston (mull for other part of the Dominican Republic must be directed "per s. a. Captain Bennett"); at 11:30 p. in. for NEWFOUNDLAND, per s. s. City of Bombay, from Philadelphia. SATURDAY At 8 a. m. for BERMCDA. per s. s. Trinidad; at 8:80 a. in. (supple mentary 9:30 a. m.) for CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per a. s. Zulla (mall for Havanllla and Carthagena must bo di rected "per s. s. Zulla ); at 9 a. m. for POKTO RICO, per s. s. Coamo; at 9:30 s. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FOR TUNE IHI.ANI), JAMAICA, 8A VANILLA CARTHAGENA snd GHEYTOWN. per s s. Alene (mail for Cosla Rica must be directed "per s. s Alene"); at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for LEE WARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS, BRITISH. DUTCH and FRENCH GUI ANA, per a s. Bratsberg (msll for Gre nada and Trinidad must be directed "per s. s. Bratsberg"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s s. Mexico, via Havana. Malls Forwarded Overland, Etc., Ex cept Traaauaclnc. CUBA By rail to Fort Tampa, Flu., and thence liy steamer, closes ut this ottlee dully, except Thursday, at .' 30 a. m. (the connecting mails close here on Munduya vveuueauavs and Saluruu.vsi. MEXICO CITY overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, closes at tills office dally, exeept Sunday, at 1:30 p. tn. and 11. 3D p. in. Sundays ul 1.00 p. m. and 11 :'M p. m. NEWFOUNDLAND By rail to North Syd ney, and thence by sunnier, closes at ihls office daiiy at 6:30 p. ni. (connecting malls close here every Munday, Wcdnuadiiy and Saturday). JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, closes at this pfllce at 41:30 p. m. every Tuesday and Thursday. M 1QUELON By rail to Boston uml thence by steamer, closes at this utiles dally at 6 30 D. m. BELIZE, PUERTO CORTEZ and GUATE MALA By rail to New Orleans. and thence by stemner, closes at this olllre daily, except Sunday, at II JO p. m. and U.3) p. m ., Sundays at 1:U0 p. in. and jll .W p. m. (connecting mull cloaca here Mondays at ll :3u p. in COSTA IHCA By mall to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, closes at this olllre daily, except Sunday, al l:.J p. in. and 11:30 p. in., Sundays at l.uu p m. and 111:30 p. rn- (connecting mull closes hers 1 uen uesdays at U 30 p. m.) REGISTERED previuus day. MAIL closes at 6:00 m. Traasparlfia Malla. HAWAII. JAPAN, CHINA, and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. in. up to June -th, Inclusive, for despatch per s. 8. America Maru. CHINA snd JAPAN, via Seattle, close here daily at :30 p. m. up to June ;th. In clusive, fur despatch per s. s. Itlojun Maru. HAWAII, via Ssn Fre.nrlseo. close here dally at W p. m. up to June Jain, in- POTOFFIt K JOTIt E, elusive, for deepmrh per S. s. Alameda. CHINA and JAi'AN, via Vancouver and let oils. It (, close here daily at p. m. up lo June f'Mh. Inclusive, for des patch per s s. Empress of Japan. Sler chaiidise fi I'. 8. 1'ostal Agency at Shanghai cannot bo forwarded via Can ada. HAWAII. CHINA. JAPAN and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close here daily at , p. m. up ta June 14th, Inclusive, for despatch per s. V Korea. VlAll"tSTOK. via Seattle, close here daily at ., p. m. up to June llMh. lu elusive, for despatch per S. s. Pleiades. CHINA snd JAi'AN, via Taconia, close here dally at 6.l p. m. up to June .vtli, Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Victoria. NEW ZEALAND, Al.'Kl'KALlA (except West), NEW CALKlHtNIA, FIJI. SAMOA and HAvvAII, via Ssn Francisco, close here daily st 6 :0 p. m. after May .l(h and up to June l.uin. Inclusive, for o patch per s. s. Sierra, tit the Cunard steamer carrying the British mail for New Zealand does not arrive In time to con nect with this despatch, extra mails closing at 6.30 a. m., 9. 30 a. m. and t:30 p. m.; Sundays at 4.:W iu m., 9 a. m. and l;30 p. m. will be made up and forwarded until the arrival c ma l unard steamer) AUSTRALIA (except West), FIJI IS LANDS and NEW CALEDONIA, (ape- dally addressed only! via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, close here dally at tt:30 p. in. up to June J'th, Inclusive, for des patch tier s. s. Moana. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Frnn Cisco, close here daily at .M p. m. up to June inclusive, tor acspaicn per t 8. Transport. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, vis nan r ranciaco, cioss nere oaiiy at p. m. up to July 1Mb, Inclusive, for des patch per s. s. Mariposa. Note I'nless otherwise addressed. West Australia Is forwarded via Europe; and New Zealand and Philippines via San Fran cisco the quickest routes. Philippines soc ially addressed "via Cansda or -via Eu rope must bu fully prepaid at the forelKU rates. Hawaii is forwarded via San Fran cisco exclusively. Transpacific malls are forwarded to port of sailing dally and the schedule of closing s arrannen on me presumption or their uninterrupted overland transit. I Registered mail closes at t p. m. previous nay. (.UKntiUltn VAN OOTT, Postmaster. Postofflce, New York, N. Y., May 28, lynS I GOVERNMENT NOTICES. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFF1CE- Omaha, Neb., May 28, 1903. Sealed pro posals, lit triplicate, win he received here and by QUAiU-rmasters at the posts named herein, until 10 a. m., central time, June 29, 19oj, for furnishing oats, bran, hay and straw, during nscai year commencing juiv 1, 1903, at Forts Crook, Niobrara and Rob inson. Neb.. Omaha Q. M. denot. Neb.. Jefferson Burracks, Mo., Forts Iavenworth and Blley, Kan., l.ogan u. itoots. Ark., Bono and Sill. Okl. 1'roposals for delivery at other points will be entertained. V. s. reserves right to reject or accept Bny or all proposals, or any part thereof. Infor mation furnished on application here, or to Quartermaster at stations named. En velopes containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for Forage," addressed to undersigned or to Ousrtermasters at poets above named. JNO. W. PULLMAN, (J. Q. M. Jld4t&26-27M OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER. MASTER, FORT LEAVENWORTH, Kan., May 7, isiu. Mcaiea proposals, in triplicate will be received here until 11 a. m.. Central time. June 6 l'.03. and then opened, for an Electric lighting System at Fort Leaven worth, Kansas. Full Information and blank forms or proposal turiiisneci on application to this ofllec. United States reserves the right to accept or reject any or all pro posals or any part thereof. Envelopes should be endorsed, "Proposals for Electric lighting System, sddressea to Major D. E. McCarthy, vjuartermasier. DAILWAT TIME CARD. UNION STATION lOTH AND MABCY. I'nloa Pacific. Ieavo. ..a 9:40 am Arrive. Overland Limited a 7:Ko pm a 8:25 pm The Fast Mall California impress a 4:jj pm t'eltlr Kxnress all:30 pm Eastern Express a 6:80 pm The Atlantic Express... a 7:30 am The Colorsdo Special... 7:10 am a 3:40 am Chicago epeoial a 3:'.0 am Lincoln, jieainoe ana Stromsburg Express. .b 4:00 pm bl8:fO pm North Platte Local a 8.00 am a 6:15 pm Grand Island Local b 6;30 pm b 8:26 am W abaaa. ; ' . sr. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express v.a6:55pra a 8:30 am St. - Louis Local, coun cil Bluffs. ......v a 9:15 am a!0:30 pm Chleaao, Milwaukee A St. Pan! Chicago Daylight ..a 7:46 am all:16 pm Chicago Fast Express.. a 6:46 pm a 8:40 pm Chicago Limited a 8:05 pm a 7:50 am Des Moines Express.,.. a 7:45 am a 8:40 pm Chicago, Back Island A Pacific EAST. Chios ko Daylight L't'd.a 6:00 am a :4S am Chicago Daylight Local. a 7: am a 9:35 pm Chicago Express bll:15 am a 6;. '16 pm Des Moines .xpress....a a:oo pm u:cmj am Chicago Fast Express.. a 6:36 pm a 1:26 pm Rocky Mountain L t d. .a 8:50 pm a 4:56 am Ijincoin, v-oiu. DifiioB. Denver. Pueblo and West a 1:30 pm a 6:00 pm Colo., Texas, Cal. and Oklahoma Flyer a 6:40 pm all; 40 pm Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 7:35 am a 6:10 pm Chicago, Aiinneapuus oz St. Paul Limited a 7:50 pm a 3:06 am Minneapolis & St. Paul Express b 10:35 pm Chicago I-ocal 10:30 am Chicago Express a!0:35 am Cklcaao Jt North westera. "The Northwestern Line." Fast Chicago a 3:4u am a 7:00 am Mall a a:w vm a s ail am Local Sioux City a 6:10 am a 8:80 pm Daylight St. Paul a 7:35 am al0:26 pm Daylight Chicago a 8:00 am all: 10 pm Local Chicago all :3V am a 6:10 pm Local t.euar riupius.... o;iv pm Limited Chicago a 8:lo pm a 9:15 am Local ("nrroll a 4:00 pm Fast Chicago a 6:50 pm Fast St. Paul a8:10pm a 9:50 am a a:4u pm a 8:16 am a 2:40 Pm Fast Alan Local Sioux City bt:00pm b 9:iK) am at0:35 am blo:36 am Norfolk Bonesteel...a T:lo am Lincoln A Long Plne...b 7:16 am Mlsauurl 1'aelflp. St. Louis Express 810:90 am K. C. & St. L. Ex al0:50 pra a (:2f pm a 6:16 am WEBSTER DEPOT lfJTH ft WEBSTER. Chlcaao A Korlknaatera, Nebraska sad Wyomlnsr Division. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills. Deadwood. l.ead. Hot Springs. .. .a 8:00 pra a 1:00 pm Wyoming Cuxper and Douglas d 3:00 pm 6:00 pm tlssiinga, ion, uavia City. Superior, Geneva. Kxeter and Seward. ..b 3:00 pm b 6:00 pm ( blcaao, St. Paal, Minneapolis A Omaha. Twin City Passenger. ,,a 8:30 am Sioux City Passenger. .a 2:00 pm Oakland Loca. b 6:45 pm Missouri I'aelfic. Nebraska Loenl, Via a 9:10 pm all:20 am b 8:45 am Weeping Water b 4:10 pm al0:26 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally except Binuruuy. e uauy except monuay. BUBLINUTON STATION IOTH at MASON Bnrllncton A Mlasonrl Blver. Leave. Arrive. Wymore, Beatrice ana Lincoln a 8:50 am Nebraska, Express a 8:50 am Denver Limited a 4:10 pm bl2:05 pm a 7:45 pm a 6.45 am Black 1 ill m ana 1'ugei Sound Express.. all:10 pm a 3:10 pm C l o r a u o vesiuiuiea Flyer Lincoln Fast Mall b 2:52 pm Fort Crook and Platts- mouth b 8:20 pm Bellevui A Pacific Jet.. a 7:50 pm Bellevue A PaclHo Jet. .a 3:50 am a 3:10 pm a 9.08 am b10:W am a 8:27 am Chicago, Burlington A qaiarr 1eave Arrive. Chicago Speelul a 7 on am Chicago Vesdbuled Ex. .a 4 pm Chicago Local a 9:18 am Chicago Limited a 8:0J pm Fast Mall a 3:55 pm a 7 :4'i am alLiu pm a 7 4) am a 2.40 pin Kansas City, Bt. Joseph Connrll III a (Ta. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 1:15 am a tJ6 pm St. Louis Flyer a 6:10 pin all am Kansas City Night Ex .a!0:30 piu a 4.15 am STEAMSHIPS. cHo UK8 v. a xau gTgaiituirs KBW YORX LONDONbgHRT AND GLASGOW, NSW YORK. OIBKALTAK AND KAPLKS. Superior aoeaaamoAaiioa. Kieallent Culalna, Tba toutlwt 9i raMrigra crluUy iwoatdorea Slocie r houi4 Tfp llckala iMtitd Uivmi Svw Tork aa Scaica, gLg.tak. ifiaa au4 all iiliclil coj.Liuqi1 boiula at aLractlva ralaa. Sud fur buoa Ttfura. Tor tuku of a""! Itifurwatiua aylf ft aaf Ivcal te:.t of th At.citor bins or la stM8uM luiua., (.M l AaauUfc Gkli MANY JUDICIAL CANDlDAThS AJlofth Frent Ditr ct Court Judge Out for Keooniing'.ioc. SOME Of THEM WILL HAVE CONTtSTS J. W. rarr, A. C. Troap, W. A. Beddlek, A. I., gattaa, W, U, gears, I D. Holmes aad Hermaa Kye Amona the Caadldates. - The arena from which will emerge the successful aspirants for republican nomina tions for the district bench Is already dotted with the forms of those who would wear the title of Judge. Now that It Is prac-' ttcally decided that the convention for the Fourth district will be held June 37, activity haa been redoubled and the contest Is under vigorous way. Every one of the seven republican Judges now In office Is anxious to continue tn pos session of the Judicial robes. . Three of them. Judges Dickinson, Slsbsugh and Fawcett. are serving second terms, while Judges Baxter and EsteJIs are closing first terms and Judges Read and Day com pleting unexpired terms which they were called upon to flit. Some time ago Judge Fawfett Indicated that he would not be a candidal. Intima ting that he might even resign to care for some mining Interests. However, he has since reconsidered Ihls decision and Is an nounced as out for tho olTlce again. Dickinson Now aa Omahaa. Judge Dickinson waa elected originally from Burt county, but last rail voted In the Eighth ward, showing that be had given up his residence In Burt county and become a cltlsen of Omaba. He will not have things altogether his own way In tha Eighth, as an old-tline resident there, L. D. Holmes. Is an avowed candidate, relying a great deal upon his thorough acquaint ance and long residence. Judge Estelle Is said to count on his Grand Army of tha Republic comrades to rally to his support, additional prestige having been given by hla recent election as department commander of the organ isation. He Is also a hlgh-un member of the Elks and Is looking for considerable backing from that order. , It will be re membered that shortly after his election four years ago Judge Estelle moved from the First ward to the Ninth. This means that he will have a contest on this time for control of the ward delegation, Judge Slabaugh residing within the boundaries of ths Ninth and . having had Its support before. i Judge Irving F. Baxter, although he ones had an eye on the supreme court, has decided that he prefers the more certsln honors on the district bench and la an avowed candidate before tha convention. He lives In the Fourth ward snd so far no opponent to him has developed there- Two la Seventh 'Ward. Judges Day and Read who are eervlnj. out fag-end terms both have homes In the Seventh ward which means they muat battle for the exclusive control of the delegation unless they agree to divide It. Aside from the present Judges a number of others have manifested a disposition towards an exceedingly receptive mood. They Include James W. Carr, who has tried to break Into tha ring before and who previously lived In ths Fourth ward, but has moved Into the First to get a clearer field. A. C. Troup Is canvassing for support In the Second ward and haa no opposition there. Judge L. D. Holmes haa already been mentioned In connection . with ths Eight ward." Jn tha Sixth ward , there Is some talk of W. A. Roddick as a candidate, although It lias' not been posi tively announced. South Omaha will have an aspirant tn the person of A L Sutton, who served a term In the legislature and who wss a county commissioner for a" little while. He counts on bringing In the South Omaha delegation. Prom Other Coaatlea. It has always been ths practice to give the counties of Burt,. Wsshlngton and Sarpy, which with Douglas, constitute ths Fourth district, one .nomine out of the seven, two canuiates navs aireaay ap peared, one of them being W. O. Sears of Burt county, former speaker of the house of representatives and 'who has many local friends, the other Is Herman Eye of Blair, who haa bsen county attorney for Washington county. There has been considerable talk con cerning the probable apportionment of delegates. If tha same basis Is used ss that taken for the stats convention, which gives Douglas county nlnty-two delegates, the apportionment will have to be reduced to precincts and wards and there wltl be play for soma nice mathematics. This question Is on that will com before th commute meetings this week. IT CI BED THE DOCTOR. New "eleatlfio Daadrafl Treatment , Beeommended fcy Physician. Mrs., Mary C, Crawford,' Oakesdala Wash.: "Herplcld cured m perfectly ot dandruff and fulling hair." Dr. E. J. Beardsley, Champaign, III: "I used Herplclde for dandruff and falling hair and I am well satisfied . with, the result." Alf It. Kelly, 3195 Deeudero street, San Francisco: "Herplclde put a Dew growth of hair on my head. Herplcld does more than Is claimed." Herplclde kills the dandruff germ. "De stroy th cause, you remove Ui effect" dandruff, falling hair and finally baldness. At all druggists. Send 10 cents In stamp for free sample to Th Herplclde Co , Detroit, Mich. NO MISS BINGHAM FOR OMAHA Plump Amelia and Her Star Aggrra ration Will Not Play ,r Hero. Omaha's season of touring theatrical companies Is surety at. an end, as th Amelia Bingham company, which was to have been the flnsl tngsgemant at th Boyd next week, has canceled. Manager Burgess tried to have this data called off some time ago bet a us It Interfered with the run of the stock company now on th boards, but Miss Bingham's representative couldn't see It that way. Th closing down of the theaters at Kansas City and Bt. Joseph, however, which wer to share th week with Omaha, forced tha Chang of program, and the whole tour has been abandoned. STEAMSHIPS. EUROPE. THIRTY TOl'RS will Uata arlsg tha spaauu, turning la a Miasm? and M abia Biauuar all parts af gurap baa Ik. Mediterranean to th AMI see wiring tram I la U vsaka at tans rani" (rem 32& to ft.oOO, All Casanaae locludad. Alao IndlTlitaal Trarsl Tlkta food at any tlua, a' lavaal rata enlltlln Bald era ta esrrleae of Ceok'tejlatarsretars at All Porta and Railway Statioaa. rroaramoM'S aad Partlealara tron TKOS. COOK & SON, Ml sad i,m kroadvar. We KatsbllalMd kMA.