Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 04, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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Davie Mil druga.
Sfockert will carpete.
Crayon enlarging, SO. Broadway.
Expert watch repairing. Leftert, 40 B'y
Celebrated Mets Imr on tap. Neumayer.
Fine lamp, worth $7, free. Ask liowa. 310
Broadway. ,
A daughter haa been born to Mr. and
Mrs. K. L.. Ulllct.
Pictures and art novelties for graduation
gifts. Alexander & Co., 133 Broadway.
Real estate In all parti of the city for
ale. Thomaa R Casady. IX, Pearl street.
The will of John J. Paulson was ad
mitted to probata In -tlia district court yes
terday. Fred Bertram and Nellie Black, both of
Omaha, were married by Justice Ouren
Mr. and Mrs. Denny and family are pre-
paring to go to the
clllo coaat to spend
the summer.
T. O. Turner of the First National bank
haa returned from a trip to Chicago and
gulncy, Mich.
Camp John L. Moore, Society of the
Army of the Philippines, will meet a week
from tonight.
Mr. and Mrs. John Schontgen and Miss
Carolyn Schontgen have returned Irom a
visit at Colfax,
Mrs. 8. J. Ulllts and Mrs. U. B. Thompson
of Lead. H. D., are guests of Mrs. M. A.
ltlue of Willow avenue.
The Ideal Dancing club will give Its reg
ular Thursday evening assembly a. Hughe'
hall. Whaiey'a orchestra.
John Crowe's horses, recently reported
to the pullcu Hi stolen, have been found.
They had simply strayed.
Before papering your rooms we want to
Show you our eiegant 1VU3 d. signs. C iv
paint. Oil and Ulaaa company. '
John Beno. who recently underwent a
aorlous surgical operation In Chicago, la
reported to be steadily Improving.
Dan Rhodes, colored, has been arrested,
charged with being a dipaomanlao, and will
aUorlly be arraigned before Judge Wheeler
in the dlsulot ouurt.
A man giving the name of Mathlaa re
ported to the police yesterday that he had
been confldenved out of $13 by a man giv
ing the name of ilirsch.
It la announced that the repairs now
being made on the Congregational church
will likely not be completed In time to per
mit of services there next Sunday.
We contract to keep public or private
houses free from roaches by the year. In
sect Kxtermlnator Manufacturing com
pany, Council Bluffa. la, Telephone F&H,
Friday will be the cloning day for filing
cases in the superior court for the June
term. The Indications are that the bust
nuns of the court for this term will be
even lighter than usual, If possible.
During the summer the Elks hold but
one meeting a month. The meeting for
June will be held this evening. A num
ber of candldatea will be initiated and a
general good time la In atore for the herd.
Burglara entered the home of Den Cooley,
lilt Urahara avenue, between 1 and S o'clock
jrniciunj iiiui lung., uu i luvuimii ui Ilia
household were wakened and the Intruders
were scared away without securing any
Hi. Albans' lodge No. 17. Knlghta of
rytniaa, lias selected w. M. Frederick,
Charles Atwood. J. J. Keith and 8. H.
Connors aa dolegatea to the grand lodge
vi i ne oruer, wiuon meets in tnia city in
Bhaduklam temple No. 84, Dramatlo Or
der Knlghta of Khorassan, will meet in
regular Reunion tula evening for Installa
tlon of officers. Acrangements will be
made at this meeting for the ceremonial
to Ham Durg, June 13.
County Superintendent O. J. MoManua
goes to Wright township today to be pres
ent tonight and make the address at the
graduating exercises of the Wright town
ship schools to be held In the Whipple
church. The graduating claaa numbers
A number of property ownera In the
souwweaiern part oi me city nave mad
claims with the city for damages from
me nooa. ine amounts asxea are; c H
Day, 11.000; T. J. Forester, D0O: E. E
Bayers, tbuo; John Olgen, to00; John Dev
eney, 1300; Andrew OUen, UM.
Complaint has been made to the police
by residents of the road leading out to
Mynster Springs that the floods have led
to a new nuisance in that vicinity. Boya
are availing themselves of the multiplicity
oi swimming noies aiong ine roaa and neg
lect the formality of bathing suits.
All Knights of Pythias and their ladles
who have signed the charter list of the
Kathbone Bisters, and all knights and their
ladles wishing to join, are requested to be
present on r rlday evening, June 6, at Bt
Albans' hall. Mra. Carrlet O. Hunter.
grand chief, will be present to arrange to i
institute a temple.
Park City lodge No. 606, Independent Or
der of Odd Fellows, haa elected the fol
lowing officers for the ensuing term of six
months: Noble grand, William Gall; vice
grand, Ovlde Vlen; secretary, William Mul
len; treasurer, I. N. Parsons. The other
three lodges of the order In the city will
elect offlcera this week.
William Slssler, who haa been living In
Council Bluffs the last four or Ave months,
rooming over the Senate saloon at Broad
way and Bryant etreet, has been removed
to Mercy hospital suffering from a severely
sprained back. He haa been In the western
mining regions for several years and claims
to own valuable mining stock worth
In response to a complaint made to Gen
eral Manager Lane of the Nebraska Tele
phone company by Commissioner Loomls
of the Commercial club, the telephone at
the Union Pacific TransTer station In this
city has been ordered placed in connec
tion with the local exchange. Heretofore
Council Bluffs people, to reach the ticket
office at the transfer by telephone, had to
call up central in Omaha and pay tolls.
John Muss castle of Royal Highlanders
haa elected the following officers for the
ensuing term: Illustrious protector, W. A.
Prlndle; chief counselor, Allah Drake;
worthy evangel. Fannie L. Collins; war
den, Ernest Evers; sentry, Dexter Pierce;
managers, Messrs. Parker, Shepard and
Otis. The first four of these officers were
accorded re-electlnns from the preceding
term. The Installation will occur at the
first meeting In July and will probably be
Bluffs After Headquarters.
Regarding the location of the headquar
ters of the western division of the rural
free delivery service of the Fostofflce de
partment. Commissioner Loomls of the
Commercial club Is in receipt of the follow
ing letter from Senator Dolllver:
My Dear Mr. Loomls: I have your let
ter, and in reply will say that when I
wrote you in relation to the rural free de
livery headquarters I supposed the matter
had been settled, for the reason that I was
in receipt of a telegram from the post
master general stating that It was the opin
ion of the department that Omaha was
beat suited for the place. I am afraid that
It will be Impossible to get them to change
this opinion, but I have taken occasion to
write a strong Viler setting forth the
claims of Council Bluffs for the office.
Toura very truly, J. P. DOLLIYEK.
Feathers Renovated
We are prepared to do this work to per
fection, la connection with our dyeing busl
eaa. Laca Curtains CtaansJ anl
Poitiers Cleaned and Dyed.
Our metboa U to give complete satlsrao
tloa. Come la and Inspect our work If yon
waat to see what wo cea do la the way ot
too work.
Ogden Steam Dye Works
301 Broadway, Council Binffs, la.
Work called for adelivcrcl 'PkoaeTaU
a Pearl Bt. Council BUffa, 'phone tt
Ten Dollari Per Aore Tacked on to Value of
Land in Many Instances.
Males aad Cows Are Also Raised,
While Other Klade of Lire Stock
Aro Either Reduced or Left
as Ther "Were.
The County Board of Supervisors spent
yesterday working on the equalisation of
the assessment on agricultural landa and
live stock. In nearly every township In the
county the values were raised on lands
above the figures reported by the assessors
and Also above the figures fixed by the
board under the assessment of two years
ago. In many of the townships the in
crease In value aa now fixed by the board
amounts to approximately $10 an acre.
The following; table shows the values, a a
reported by the assessors, the equalized
averages for 1903 and the equalised aver
ages for 1901:
Assessors' Equalised Equalised
values, values, values,
1S03. 1903. 1901.
Pelknap $ 62.86 $ 67.60 I 47.00
Boomer 44 41 46.00 So 80
Carson 68 64 67.60 46. iO
Center 46.00 68.00 . 44. J6
Crescent 28.22 36.00 81.40
Oarner 60.42 66.00 68.92
Orove 47.8S 66.00 42.28
Hardin 66.37 66.00 44 60
Hasel Dell 41.26 60.00 39.66
James 60.18 66.00 44.04
Keg Creek 44.68 66.00 44.00
Knox 47.32 60.00 44.60
Layton 67.71 67.71 44. SO
Lewis 62.88 65 00 42.64
Lincoln 42. 8 65.00 43.88
Macedonia 48.03 67.60 45. ()0
Mlnden 42.23 66.00 41. M
Keola 46.62 60.00 41.80
Norwalk 48.21 60.00 41.00
Pleasant 47.71 66.00 44.44
Rockford 41.06 41.06 83.28
Silver Creek .. 46.34 66.00 44.00
Valley 48.00 67.60 43.21
Washington ... 60.30 66.00 44.48
Waveland 62.62 66.00 42.48
Wright 69.00 66.00 44.16
York 47.28 60.00 42.G8
Kane (outside) 126.20 126.20 142.80
The equalized value of live stock, com
pared with the equalized values ot last
year, are aa follows:
1903. 1902.
Colta (1 year old) t 28.00 fca.OO
Colts i2-year-old) 40.00 40.00
Horses 62.00 62.00
Mules 1 69.00 62.00
Heifers (1 year old) 16.00 20.00
Heifers (2-year-old) 24.00 24.00
Cows ; 28.00 24.00
Steers (1 year old) 20.00 24.00
Steers (2-year-old) 28.00 32.00
Bteera (3-year-old) 28.00 28.00
Cattle In feeding 40.00 40.00
Bulls, added 10 per cent In assessment.
The board will meet again today aa an
equalisation board and take up .the work
of equalising the values ot agricultural
landa within the Incorporated towna.
Plumbing and heating. Blxby ft 80a.
Water - Supply Derived ., from Wells
le Held tp Be,
At tho meeting of the directors of the
Commercial club laat evening Dr. Donald
Maorae, Jr., made the prediction that t
Council Bluffa . would eventually do aa
great a aufferer In loss of life from the
recent high water as Topeka, Kan., where
there were so many fatalities from drown
ing. The doctor made this forecast from
his observations In tho bottoms, where he
says the surface water has run into the
wella and Is euro to bring on typhoid fever.
Dr. Treynor expressed himself aa of the
same opinion and both urged that the
matter la worthy of aerloua attention.
Many of the people In the weatern and
aouthern parta of the city uae well water,
and these are the sections of the city that
have been troubled by the floods. The
doctors auggaated that aa a preventive
the water be boiled before using. To fur
ther this plan the directors of the club
expressed the wish that the matter be
agitated through the newspapers and that
tho city physician prepare a circular for
distribution among the people, giving
warning and detailing dlrectlone for treat
ing the water.
The condition ot the atreete In general
was discussed and particular attontion was
called to the almost Impassable condition
of West Broadway by a letter from W. T.
Seaman, who Uvea In that vicinity. Some
years ago a good many thousand dollars
waa spent In laying a atrip of alag ma
cadam sixteen feet wide on this striet
fromf Fourteenth to the river, but the con
dition of the thoroughfare Is now worse,
if anything, aa the result ot what was
then thought an Improvement.
F. J. Day of the committee to whom
waa referred the matter of a cold storage
plant reported that the committee had
held a meeting and that the prospect for
the establishment of such a plant In the
city was good. The committee Is at pres
ent looking for a man with experience In
this line. Mr. Day said a Rockwell City
mun had written that If a plant waa put
In here he would divert his business of
twelve cars annually for storage from
Omaha to Council Bluffa.
There waa some discussion of the propo
sition to get the headquarters of the weat
ern division of the rural free delivery
service of the Fostofflce department lo
cated here, but no action was taken.
The question ot the probable abolition
of the bridge differential that now favors
Council Bluffs aa against Omaha in freight
rates received some attention.
The monthly report of Commissioner
Loomls showed the total receipts to dstc
to be 13.754 and the membership 338. About
twenty of the fifty members ot the board
of director were present last evening.
CosaBaeaeesnent Program.
The graduating exercise of the high
school will take place this evening in the
auditorium of the high school building
The program aa now arranged, will be aa
Processional 'Pilgrim's Chorus"
Vnral solo Miss Phoebe Judson
Invocation Rev. Oeoree Kdward Walk
Varal aolo alias Lucile Porterfleld
Lecture "The Limitations of Learn
ing." Dr. Edwin Bparka ot Chicago
"Welts Bong" (from "Faust")
Graduating Class
Presentation of Diplomas
Mr. J. P Hess, president of the
Board ot Education.
Claaa song Graduating Clssa
Benediction Rev. W. J. Calfee
The Junior claaa of the school gave a re
ception to the graduates In the ball room
ot the Orend hotel laat evening. This
proved to be one of the moat enjoyable of
the commencement week events.
Mra, Ceskraa Gets IMvareo.
The divorce eutt of William T. Cochran
agalast Oretehea Cochran waa tried In the
district court yeaterday and resulted la a
decree of eivoroe being granted to the de
fendant. Of the three minor children the
custody of the son, Donald, waa given to
the father, and that of the two daughters.
Marguerite aad Artel, to the mother. The
decree provides that ahould tho children
not be properly cared for In either case the
other parent may come Into court and pe
tition for the custody of the child or chil
dren. The parties to the suit settled the
matter of alimony outside of court.
Getting Ready for Methodists.
The Methodists of Council Bluffa are pre
paring for the coming meeting of the Coun
cil Bluffa district conference and Epworth
league convention, both to be heM In this
city at the same time, June 20 to 26. There
are about forty charges In the Council
Bluffs district, and It Is expected that all
of them will have delegations at the two
meetings, and while here the visitors will
be entertained at the homos of the local
members of the denomination and their
The district conference will open Monday
evening, June 22, with a Service In the
Broadway church, when the opening ad
dress will be delivered by Rev. J. M. Wil
liams of Missouri Va'.ley. During the con
ference Dr. Emory Miller of Denlson will,
on special request, deliver an address on
"The Relation of Childhood to the Church."
The arrangements for the program for the
Epworth league convention are In the
hands of District President IT. O. Johnson
and Rev. A. E. Griffith, presiding elder of
the district. Among the noted speakers
will be Dr. M. C. B. Mason of Atlanta, Oa.,
who la classed with Booker T. Washington
aa a colored educator. National Becretary
Dlffendorfer will be here from Chicago,
and Mrs. J. It. Woodcock of Lincoln, Neb.,
a we!l known worker In the league, will
also be present.
No Proposal from Cunningham.
F. M. Cunningham, the tax ferret, haa
not as yet submitted any proposition to the
Board of Supervisors for the settlement ot
his claims against the county, but It la
understopd he will do so soon. Cunningham
was about the courthouse a good deal yes
terday and held a number of Informal con
ferences with members of the board.
During the time the case brought by
Frank Bhlnn to cancel the contract with
Cunningham was pending the latter'a at
torneys. Btone tt Tinley and Saunders tt
Suart, brought actions against him In his
absence to make aure of their tees. These
suits were settled by Ou'inlnghajn and the
lawyers yesterday.
In addition to the sum already paid Into
the county treasury as a result of the fer
reting, a little over 123,000, there Is nearly
that much more that Is almost sure to be
paid In. This additional amount la In
volved In appeal cases which have been de
layed for various reasons, but In which It
la thought the property ownera are almost
sure to lose and have to pay the taxea In
the end.
Cadets to Go Into Camp.
The High School Cadets held their annual
meeting at he high school building yes
terday afternoon and elected the following
officers: Captain, Charles Taylor; first lieu
tenant, Harry Baldwin; second lieutenant,
Roy Wilcox.
The cadeta decided to go camping "nert
week, probably at Lake Manawa. A com
mlttee comprised of Captain Taylor, Lieu
tenants Baldwin and Wilcox and Cadeta
Blanchard and Con Mulligan was appointed
on arrangements for the camp.
John J. Fralney will give a Shakespear
ean recital under the auspices of the cadets
In the auditorium of the high school June 17.
Motor Company Mortgage Filed.
A first consolidated mortgage for 8650,000
given by the Omaha & Council Bluffs Rail
way and Bridge company to the Central
Trust company of New York, trustee, was
filed for record In the office of the county
recorder yesterday. The Instrument ia
dated December 1, 1902, and is Incidental to
the stralghenlng out of the affairs of the
street railway companies In connection
with the recent consolidation.
N. T. Plumbing Co. Zlu. Night, F66T.
Real Estate Transfers.
The following real estate transfers were
filed yesterday at the real estate office of J.
W. Squire, 101 Pearl street:
John F. Dow and wife and Maggie B.
Uow to J. li. Btuhr. iota 14 and is
and IS lot 13, block 1, and lots 3, 4,
6 and S, block 17 Mlnden. w. d t 1.000
A. C. Thompson and wife to P. J. Par
ish, lots ma 10, block 3, juason s
first add.. Neola. w. d 1
Andrew Petersen and wife to Clara
Petersen, southerly lot of part west
erly H lot 8, In Original Plat, lot
27. w. d t.000
Heirs of John Patterson to Elisabeth
M. Patterson, undivided 10-21 of s 45
feet of lots 6 and 6. block Q. Curtis
& Ramsey's add., a. c. d 260
John Patterson and wife to same.
or aame, q. c. a so
Fve transfers, aggregating 83,301
Marriage Licenses.
The following marriage licenaes were Is
sued yesterday:
Name and Residence. Age.
Fred Bertram, Omaha 36
Nellie Black, Omaha 25
William Wright. Council Bluffs 26
Esma Wells, Council Bluffs 21
Drowned In Slonx Overflow.
SIOUX CITY, la., June 8 (Special Tele-
gram.) While fishing from a boat on the
high water surrounding his home from the
overflow ot the Little Sioux, Robert Liver
more, living near Oto, capsized the boat.
which contained himself and little boy. The
boy was drowned. The father was rescued
and may live. The water had come up near
the house and the two were within hailing
distance of the homo. The father attempted
to rescue his boy, but waa seized with
rwitt!s Liver Pills.
Muil Bear Signature of
e Pao-BlasUa Wrapper astern,
Vary swell ea4 as ease
ts taka ae sagaa,
lArUtKo roiDizziNus.
lilvrtl nil Toxns Livu.
1 1 bllCA mi C0MITIPATI0I.
f jfi reitAuowtui.
Hopri t3 Hare it Completed Before Labor
Becomes Scarce at Fair,
Na Extra Session of Legislature to
Bo Called, as Desired Result
Coald Not Be Thus
(From a Staff Correspondent)
DES MOINES, June l-(Speclal.)-Work
on the Iowa building on the grounds of the
Louisiana Purchase exposition Is being
rushed as rapidly aa posslblo because ot
fear of labor troublea and complications
that will make the completion of the build
ing more dlfflclt or expensive. This was re
ported to the state commission In session
this morning by W. T. Shepherd of Har
lan, superintendent of construction. "Help
is plentiful now," he reported, "but I look
for complications later. My hope Is that
we may be able to progresa so rapidly that
we may get through each stage of the con
struction Just ahead of the Jam that will
make the probable 'holdup' in each Impos
sible." As yet there has been no holdup ot
the commission or contractora because the
work Is being done before the fact becomes
generally known at St. Louis. In fact, Iowa
had the building well under way before
some of the officials, as for Instance the In
surance department, knew anything was
being done. Superintendent Shepherd re
ported that the building la up to the second
story. He haa employed J. O. Wlckeraham
of Harlan as actual superintendent of con
struction at 1100 a month. One car of
lumber waa rejected. He recommended the
purchase of the motor for the organ- and
the electrical fixtures at once.
The members of the commission present
today were Messrs. Larrabee, Wltmer, Har
rtman, Trewln, Shepherd. Curtis and Bailey.
The chief work was auditing bills In re
gard to the construction work at St. Louis.
It waa found that the contractor waa not
presenting receipted bills In all cases as re
quired. A report was presented from
Superintendent F. J. Sessions on the work
done In the educational department. He
has opened headquarters at Cedar Rapids,
la preparing the first general circular, la In
correspondence with college faculties and
the library commission and will take up the
matter with heads of state institutions.
There will be no living exhibit from the
state institution schools.
Fifty Inebriates Wallc Away.
More than fifty of those sentenced to the
state Inebriate hospitals walked out of the
hospitals at Cherokee and Mount Tleasanl
during the month of May. The report from
Mount Pleasant shows that June 1 there
were fifty-six Inebriates In the hospital, that
there were seventy-three a month before,
that thirty-seven eacaped and forty-one
j were discharged, and there Is out on parole
I now a total of sIxAy-slx. At the Cherokee
! Inebriate hospital there are thtrty-nlne In
mates, as against fifty-three May 1, that
fourteen escaped during the month and
forty-two are now out on parole. The num
ber of Insane at Mount Pleasant, June I.
was S7S, a decrease of eight; and at Chero
kee there were 614, an Increase of two. The
number of Inmatea at the Boys' Industrial
school at Eldora,.June 1, was 514, and at
the Olrla' Industrial school at Mitchell
vllle, 211. The penitentiary at Anamosa re
ports a total of 424! an Increase of six for
the month. Of the nineteen received, six
were for second terma.
No Extra Session.
There will be no extra session of the
state legislature on acoount of the great
losses from floods In the state of Iowa. The
city council of Des Moines paased a resolu
tion asking for a special session that some
law might be pasaed under which, the city
might make a special levy for dikes, and
thus give employment to a large number ot
men. The matter was looked up today and
It waa found that this process would be
very unsatisfactory, that any measure the
legislature might pass could not be got
Into force until after the next aeaslon ot
the 1 glslature, and no tax levied could be
collected and made use of this year. It
would, therefore, be Just aa well to wait
for the regular session of the legislature.
The city council committee has not yet
called on the governor to make formal re
quest for a special session and the gov
ernor will not take It up until the
tee presents Its plan.
Sandlland Haa Appealed.
The appeal papers In the case of the
State against Andy Sandlland were filed
with the clerk of the eupreme court today.
Sandlland waa convicted of breaking and
entering a car In the night time and taking
therefrom some beer. This happened at
Avoca. where he got a sentence of a year
in the penitentiary.
New Iowa Corporationa.
The reincorporation of the Sanborn State
bank was accomplished today. The bank
haa a capital of 125,000; C. D. Ellis, presi
dent; O. M. Blocum, cashier. The Oska
loosa Bindery company has organized,
capital 110.000, by T. M. Shockley and Phil
Hoffman. The East Carroll Land company
of Cedar Rapids has Incorporated with
150,000 capital, by J. H. Trewln. J. M.
Grimm, O. T. Hedges and J. M. Rlstlne.
The Waukon Consolidated Milk company
waa organized, with 160.000 capital, by W. C.
Earle, president, and W. H. Nethaua, treas
urer. State Farms Are Backward.
Judge Robinson of the State Board of
Control returned today from Cherokee,
where he had visited the State Insane hos
pital and the state farm. He reports that
the crops on the big state farm in Cherokee
county are good and that despite the act
weather the farm will yield well. It is lo
cated on high and rolling ground. But this
ia the only one of the farms at various
state institutions concerning which such
a favorable report could be made, aa In
every other Instance the farm work has
been greatly delayed by the bad weather.
These stats farms are scattered well over
the state and are representative of the
conditions aa they are found.
Briaaam to Laaissl.
Johnson Brlgham. atat librarian, went to
Lamont, la., today, where he la to apeak at
the commencement exercises ot the college
of the Latter Day Salnta He will discuss
the educational value of Christianity.
Oovernor Cummins was to have gone to
Charles City today to speak before a
school commencement, but he waited in
the Union depot tor several hours laat night
and the train was so late that connections
I could not be made through and he waa
compelled to remain at home.
Good Roads Meetlag.
The officers and executive committee of
the Iowa Good Roads association will meet
In Dea Moines Thursday. The executive
; committee, which waa not complete when
the aasoclaclaa was formed. Is now an
nounced to consist of the o31oers and four
gentlemen a follows: President. Merrltt
Greene of Marshalltown; aeoretary, D. B.
Lyona of Dea Moines; treasurer. Homer A.
Miller of Des Moines; T. O. Harper, Bur
Ungton; J. B. Morgan. Dubuque; J. O.
BerryhlU, Dea Moines; E. E. Hart, Council
Raymond's Appointees.
Colonel Raymond ot Hampton, depart
ment commander of the Grand Army of the
Republic, haa announced hla appointments.
The appointment of Dr. Newman aa assist
ant adjutant general was announced at
Cedar Rapids. The others are: Inspector,
C. H. Talmadge of West Union: Judge ad
vocate, Charlea A. Clark of Cedar Rapids;
mustering officer, F. L. Davis of Missouri
Valley; chief of staff, C. W. Boutin of
Lives of Woman and Daughter Ouly
BaTed by Prompt Med.
Icr.l Aid.
SIOUX CITY. Ia., June 1 (Special Tele
gram.) Sioux City Is terrified by a "Jack
the Well Poisoner." Last night the well of
Mrs. Nicholas Sanem was poisoned, large
quantities of a cheap grade of strychnine
being thrown In. The mother and little
9-year-old daughter drank sparingly of the
water and a-ere made deathly sick. Only
prompt work saved the life of the little
girl. The motive for the deed is unknown. I
The police fear some fiend may be at work 1
poisoning wells Indiscriminately. The peo
pie of the neighborhood are thoroughly ter
Prises for School Children.
CRESTON, Ia., June S.-(Speclal.)-The
winners of the Gibson prize essays by the
school children have been announced.
Emma Wilson, senior, won flrat prize of
113 for the beat essay by a girl on "Home,"
and Nora Welch, senior, second prize of
$10 on the fcame subject. Frank Kechler,
senior, won first prize of 115 for the best
essay by a boy on "Buccess," and Chester
Bunsondahl, D class, won second prize of
$10. These were the prizes offered by Hon.
John Gibson, who annually does something
of the kind for the school children.
Sick Headache.
Watch for the first Indication of an at- I
tack and as soon as you feel it coming on
take three of Chamberlain's Stomach and '
Liver Tableta and the attack may be
warded off. Mr. George E, Wright of New '
London, New York, aaya: "For aeveral ,
years my wife wis troubled with what j
physicians called sick headache of a very
severe character. She doctored with sev- '
ral eminent physicians and at a great ex- ,
penae, only to grow worse until she was ,
unable to do any kind of work. About a
year ago she began taking Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tableta and today
weighs more than ahe ever did before and
la real well."
Large Number of Cases Paased Vpon,
Among Them One Involving;
Liquor Law.
PIERRE, 8. D., June S. (Special Tele
gram.) In the supreme court today opin
ions were handed down in the following
cases: By Haney: P. H. Brannon, ap
pellant, against Whltelake Township, Au
rora, reversed; Agnes Burgess against My
ron E. Burgesa. appellant, Brule, affirmed.
By Corson: V. C. Sweatman et al, ap
pellants, against Daniel D. Bathwlck, Law
rence, reversed; Otto P. Grants, appellant,
against Deadwood Terramlng . Company,
Lawrence, affirmed; State of South Dakota,
defendant In error, against Rich Hayes,
plaintiff in error, Moody, affirmed; Board
of Education of the City of Deadwood et
al against John Mansfield et al, appel
lants, Lawrence, affirmed: Donald McPher
aon et al against James Julius et al, Law
rence, affirmed; John H. Larue against
St. Anthony and Dakota Elevator Com
pany, appellant, Marshall, affirmed; State
of South Dakota, defendant In error.
agalnat Matthias Kleffer, plaintiff In error,
Meade, reversed; Beth P. Saxton agalnat
John MusBellman et al, appellants, Law
rence, affirmed; Mary Gurrlgan agalnkt
John T. Thompson et al, appellants, Min
nehaha, reversed.
This is a case where Mra. Garrigan sued
a saloon keeper at Dell Rapids for dam
ages on account of the death of her hus
band, said death' occurring while the hus
band was intoxicated, the liquor having
been secured at the saloon of Thompson.
The lower court awsrded a Judgment, but
it Is reversed by the supreme court.
By Fuller: Robert Scobell against New
Blrdsall Company, appellants, Codington,
affirmed; John Angus MacGregor et al, ap
pellants, against Orr McCausland, Yankton,
The court admitted Charles J. Kalahn of
Armour on a certificate from the supreme
court of Iowa.
Good Prlrea for Horses.
PIERRE, 8. D., June J. (Special Tele
gram.) At the first horse sale of the sea
son hero a number of good horses were In
the yards and buyers were fairly repre
sented. The highest price for carlots of
range horses was $74 per head, bringing
about aa much as single horses. Other
bunches sold at 58 and $63. A number of
Hereford bu'ls were placed in the riles
pens and disposed of.
Pay for Building Site.
PIERRE, S. D., June (.(Special Tele
gram ) Payment was made today on the
sale for the government building at this
city, and na soon as plana ran be prepared
the work of construction will begin.
Frank Jones,
HUMBOLDT. Neb., June S. (Special.)
Frank Jones, a bachelor about 40 years of
age, died quite suddenly yesterday after
noon at his home, a few miles northeast
of the city, after an Illness lasting less
than a week. Acute bowel trouble was the
cause of his death. He made his home
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Jones.
who left only last week for an extended
visit at their old home in the state of New
York. They were at once notified and the
funeral will not be held until they reach
home, when it will be conducted by Rev.
Bert Wilson of the Christian church.
Mrs. Leopold Snider.
OSCEOLA. Neb.. June . (Special.) An.
other of Osceola's cltlzena, Mrs. Leopold
pure. The critical ordeal through which the expectant mother must
pass, however, is so fraught with dread, pain, suffering and danger,
that the very thought of it fills her with apprehension and horror.
There is no necessity for the reproduction of life to be either painful
or dangerous. The use of Mother' Friend so prepares the system for
the coming event that it is safely passed without any danger. This
great and wonderful
remedy is always
has carried thousands
of women through
the trying crisis without suffering.
bVnA for free book containing iofornsttoa
ef prl-lr islu luall expectant bother.
Tht Braiflstd Regulator Co, Atiasta. C&.
A few vacant
Flow-ever, among tbese are one very
choice room and some small, but
very desirable rooms.
All these offices have the advantage, without extra
charge, of splendid janitor service all night and Sunday
elevator service, electric lights, hardwood finish, and the
best of office neighbors.
Two Room at $10 Per nonth A 5ult of Two Rooms-On
These rooms are rather email. the fifth floor. These rooms are
but so Is the rental price. They . both falr-sleed rooms and have
are well located 1 nnd are decid- bwn newIy decorated, so that
edly attractive little rooms. The they are pnrtlcularly attractive,
rental price Inc udes heat. light. The prlce per month - p-
water and Janitor service and for tUe two rooms.6
all the advantages of C- "v . aa KJ
being In The Bee 1 1 1
Bldg. Price per month v
A good Sized Room With Vaul An Office on the around Floor
This room, besides having a This office faces Seventeenth
large burglar-proof vault. Is lo- street. It Is large, light and has
cated next to the elevator on tho been newly decorated. The
fourth floor. It is the only room rental price Includes light,
of this character In the build- water and Janitor service. It has
lug that Is vacant and one of a very Urge burglar-proof vault,
the few rooms at this price with Tart of this room Is
a vault It is pleas- C-f r partitioned off ( HfiA
ant, good-slxed room 74 private office. Price rll
Price per month. per month
R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents
Ground Floor, Bee Building.
ms.v imsie -w ms.1 i i a. i.jju jjsnasj'sgswswwsrwsaas aim ','-,'1'a'-l"l'l'f
Snider, passed to the great beyond laat
Saturday morning and her funeral was held
from the family residence, with Rev. J.
W. Embree, the pastor of the First Meth
odist Episcopal church, preaching the ser
mon. Mrs. Snider had been a widow for
a number of yeara. She .was born in Baden,
Germany, in 1835, came to America in 186S
and was married to Mr. Leopold Snider In
1SG7 in the state of Pennsylvania. The
family had lived In Osceola for the past
eighteen years. There were nine children
In the family, but with the husband there
were four ot them that preceded Mrs.
Explosion In a Wholesale Drsg
Bona May Cans Death
of Two.
PITTSBURG, Pa., June J. The premature
explosion of a large amount of Iodine In
the wholesale drug house of W. J. Gil
more & Co. today caused much excitement
and the burning of seven persona.
One young woman, Minnie Prim, aged SO,
was perhaps fatally hurt by Jumping from
a third story window. G. Hutchins, the
chemist, was dangerously burned and may
die. The others will recover.
The fire was quickly extinguished and the
loss was small.
Livery Darn and Laundry.
CRESTON, Ia. June J. (Special.) A dis
astrous fire visited the business section of
this city Monday night about 11:30. The
Moftltt livery barn and the Creston steam
laundry were completely destroyed. The
loss will be about 110.000, covered by insur
ance. At one time the entire west end was
threatened with destruction, but the rain
aided the firemen in their work. The ori
gin la unknown. It is the worst fire elnce
the old Summltt house burned several years
a 20.
Lumber Yards Darned.
SUPERIOR. Neb.. June 3. (Special Tele
gram.) The Guide Rock (Neb.) Lumber
company'a yards were burned this morning
at 3 o'clock. Nothing waa saved excepting
the coal sheds. Great difficulty was experi
enced In keeping the fire from spreading to
neighboring buildings. The origin of the
fire Is unknown. The loss Is estimated at
$10,000, partially covered by Insurance.
No woman' happi.
ness can be complete
without children ; it
is her nature '.o love
and wan ' them
i T? FJ&ffi as much go at
I T it i to love the
beautiful an
IF irSoDdaU
'Iff 'Vrf 'T Tk'f " "il Phi
and only a few
The Umpire
Where taste U the last, flavor
Is the umpire, hence it la that
Old, Rich, Mellow Flavor
Baltimore Rye
baa made U
The Most Popular
Whiskey in America
old t all Ant) ttm ! by Jofchort. f
Every Woman
eVitoat ii wobdsjrfn
MitVtL ttttVlifta 6ory
lsM sMsf eVtAftta.
-MoU Coo rami suit,
t h ranr,,! ai.n..!s ir
Mitr, hut M'i4 mmv for If
lulrti hook njaal 1. srita
full MftrtlruLanan4 irt-u nttn-
:bi lo tallies. M4III.I tf'A
Koom Time Bldg., N. T,
For Bale by
Corisr 16ib 4VA4 ChicAga, St., Om&h.
am ml ti .
i e a a s e nurh 1
paia aua dls-
evsslert, and 1
tasi dtasbUlty. 1
J i Thsre may U
I rtnid, 4vnd Unwlartd, uiomiaa, boutn-
iMmnt reJtoi. Cnrm la imrrj d? ,
w - - Bj.W
Sherman & McConneU, Omaha, Neb.
Wl in vnilsf at for a. u.
Miar His Co.. Lwuiu, o
1' . j5
aa U ( I fa I fcj,
rrnn rPiTia
II II 111 f X