Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 03, 1903, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
Fcrmer First Assistant Postmaster General
Aoswen Tnlloch Cha.'gea,
Explains ' Situation in l.'ie Cae of
Impouibls for Heath to Attend Personally
to Minor Details.
Trouble with Tnlloch la that He Lost
Hla Position I Washington Post
ofDee aad Blames Heath
and Others.
WASHINGTON, Juno . The Investiga
tion of affair at the rostofflce department
la proceeding aa fast as possible und the
Investigating officials hope to close their
Inquiries by August 1. Postmaster General
Payne said today that all the salient points
of the Investigation would probably be dls
posed of this week, but the rest of th
work will probably continue for some time.
The development announced at the de
partmeut today was the promulgation of
the letter of former First Assistant l'ost
master General Heath, who enters a denial
of tho Tulloch charges.
The go-betweens, who, It Is alleged,
figured In transaction! which led to the
arrest of August W. Machen. the former
general superintendent of the free delivery
system, are understood to be members of a
firm In Toledo, the., former home of Mr,
Machen. Although It Is known authorita
tively that there are several parties whose
arrest may be decided on at any time.
Postmaster General Payne said tonight that
o far as he Is advised no Immediate arrests
are in contemplation.
Tho preliminary hearing of Mr. Machen
before a United States commissioner, which
Is scheduled for next Friday, may be rend
ered unnecessary In case the grand Jury
should report an Indictment before then
Tho case will be presented to that body to
morrow. An Indictment would relieve the
government from the necessity of disclosing
Its evidence prior to the trial of the case
In court, and would require the arreHt of
Machen on a bench warrant and the fur
nishing of fresh bonds.
Report to President.
Postmaster General Payne some weeks
ago hoped that he would be able to make
at least a preliminary report to President
Roosevelt on his return to Washington, but
the Investigation has extended so much
more widely than was originally contem
plated and the end Is yet so far oft th:it
no formal statement at this time Is likely,
though soon after the president's return
Mr. Payne will report te him informally.
. Perry B. Keath'a letter follows:
- SALT. LAKK CITY. Utah. May , 1903
- To Hon. H. C. Payne, Washington, D. C:
My Dear Mr. Payne I thank you for your
courteous letters of the 19th and 20th in
stant, calling my attention to certain as
sertions of one 8. W. Tnlloch, ex-cashler
of the Washington post o like, and also the
statement of a Mrs. Wlnans, formerly of
Ohio, who is quoted aa saying thut she was
carried upon the roll of wie postofllce with
the understanding that she was not to
render service to the government.
If Mrs. Wlnans did nwt render services
equivalent to the compensation she received
her superior officers were deceived. 1 did
not know the woman when she was ap
pointed and had no personal Interest In
her. Her name was among a large number
always ou my desk and I recall that she
was well recommended for a position. I did
not. and could not, attempt to personally
ascertain whether persona appointed to po
sitions In pontottlces rendered satisfactory
service. I do remember that this woman
became a nuisance about the Postofllce de
partment and that I refused to see her.
She was reported to me by tny chief clerk
as being persistent In her demands for pro
nnilon or mora desirable work. She at
leaat pretended to my chief clerk, so he
reported to me. to perform services war
ranting promotion or better compensation.
Compelled to Trnat Others.
By the same token, upon the same line
of argument employed by Tulloch, nearly
V not quite an oi me transactions ui mo
executive departments In Washington could
be called into question and Improper mo
tives could be assigned. Necessarily 1
oould not follow the details of the work of
postofnce clerks; I was compelled to trust
my subordinates and to rely upon post
masters. We had a change of administra
tion, a war, the Americanizing of an im
mense foreign service and the taking over
of vast expanses of new territory. Hut I
r altered as many details aa possible and
proudly hold myself responsible for all
that 1 did and for the humble part 1 took
In the work of the department.
1 never appointed any person to any posi
tion or retained anyone in any position at
any time with any sort of notion or idea
that he or ahe wis not to render full and
honest service to the government for the
pay received. The intimation that there
was an "honorary roll" upon which per
gons were placed for political or personal
or other purposes than good service la a
pure Invention. It is a llo out of whole
cloth, aa are most of the Imputations of
Tulloch. It any persons were so appointed
or retained it was through their own dis
honest designs.
Many Men Required.
There was a period extending over many
nonihi whan many more men were de
manded for service in Cuba, Porto Rico
. r,H mi mllitnrv camm In our country than
we could supply. Ve lrew through the
lareer Dostoinces for men for claasltled
service, receiving many, but when re
sponses from poatofTlces ceased to be suf
twint we drew names from applicants out
side the classified service and conscientiously
elected those whose capability and charac-
.r w. riivmml beat. In this hurried work
of appointments, hurried dispatch of men
and materials for the scenes of action, some
mistakes were, of course, made, but these
ttitnaa occur and will so long as men live,
I made a visit to Porto Hico when the
Spanish form of postal service was taken
over and placed under our system. 1 did
not seek the trip, and never inude a more
rilsasrerable one. or one where 1 rendered
better service or made mure sacrifice. For
every dollar expended vouchers were
rendered and accounting made. I made
a trip to the Pacific slope, I believe In
the spring of lti, In connection with con
ditions existing in postoltice at Portland,
Tacoma and Seattle, incident to the han
dling of the Alaskan malis and local con
gestions, for wliick a strict accounting
umAe. Posaibly Tulloch did not deem
these trips necessary, but 1 doubt if he had
the slightest conception for what they were
made or what was dune Lpou them.
Answers Two Personal References.
There are two personal references to me
In the Tulloch assertions tiiat 1 desir,e to
mention briefly, and the others 1 will pass
over as unworthy of mention or for reply
from those who have hud later access to
tho official records, for these Incidents
occurred four or nve years ago.
Complaints were made to lue by clerks
In the 1'ostoffice department or to tlie orttce
nf the auditor for the treasury that an
employe of the Utter, named Gilmer, fre
quently entered their rooms and in a surly,
oflenMve and jxremptory manner demanded
records and carried them away without
leaving aay receipt, or simply helped him
self, and when receipt was requested
snubbed the clerk making the request.
1 was asked by our clerks to request,
and did request, of treasury officials that
Gilmer be Instructed to act like a gentle
nian, and to protect clerks in the Post
ottlce ei-'Partment by leaving receipts for
ail records taaeti by him 'mm the depart
ment. A displaced document would nat
urally subject the responsible clerk to
censure If not Indeed a charge of
Invites 6,000 of Ills Constituents to
Cvdti Party to Hear Another
, Tariff Speech.
"X .
LONDOi ' 2 -Mr. Chamberlain has
Invited 000 o. ft -stituents to a garden
party at lila lilrn- residence on June
13, when It Is expo . will speak on
the Imperial lollvereln , Jn. Although
there la unceasing dlacusslo. on Mr. Cham
berlain's proposal as to how the party lead
ers will range themselves.
According to the Dally News Sir Michael
Hicks-lScach will uncompromisingly oppose
the colonial secretary's proposals. If so
the leadership of the former chancellor of
the exchequer will give great strength to
the unionist opposition of the xollvereln
In reply to a correspondent, Mr. Cham
berlain has stated that he relies upon
colonial co-operation as necessary to the
success of his movement.
The conservative leaders anxiously pro
test that there In no Idea of appealing to
the country yet; but they rather studiously
avoid pronouncing an opinion on the co
lonial secretary's scheme.
Sir William Ealrond, chancellor of the
Duchy of Lancaster, speaking at Tiver
ton last night, said he did not anticipate
a general election before 1905. He consld
ered that Mr. Chamberlain's scheme was
one of the gravest and most momentous
problems that this generation had to solve,
No change, he continued, should be made
In Great Britain's fiscal policy without the
utmost caution. They should not by alter
atlon of the tariffs benefit the few by the
Colombians Are Awakening; to Fact
that Canal's Enemies Are in
Way of Winning,
Half the Mayor i Appointees Confirmed and
Half Bejeoted.
Connrllmen Decline to Acre to Ei-
ecntlre'e Selections for Six of
the Offices to Be Filled by
Mayor's Appointees Confirmed.
Health Commissioner
Plumbing Inspector JOHN L. LYNCH
Boner inspector jUHUflt bhf.ili
City Electrician PAUL- H. PATToN
City Prosecutor THOMAS F. LEE
Mayor's Appointees Rejected.
Gas Inspector JOHN C. LYNCH
Cleric Police Court ti. liriict
superintendent Markets
Inspector Weights and Measures
TMUAIAa P. M All AM M 1 1 I
Custodian City Hall ALFRED Hl'OH
PANAMA, June 2. Jose Augustln Arqgo,
the senior senator for Panama; Manuel
Amador Guerrerro, Manuel E.splnosa, Ba
tista Frederloo Boyd and other prominent
men, representatives of all the Interests
of the Isthmus, have sent the following
cablegram to President Marroquln at Bo
Colombians, resident and born In the
Isthmus, without distinction of political
party, consider of vital Importance the
approval of the Hay-Herran treaty, which
consults present and future interests and
aspirations. The nonapproval of the treaty
wun enaeavors being made to adopt the
Nlcaraguan route Is equal to a degree of
definitive revolution In the isthmus, caus
ing Irreparable evil and giving origin to
antl-patrlotic sentiments.
The people of the Isthmus apparently at
the last have awakened to the fact that
unless proper Influences are exerted the
enemies of the canal will win the battle.
Rlcardo Arias, a leading cltlsen, has
started the movement with a forcible ar
ticle, In which he points out that the Hay
Herran treaty Is the only solution to the
must arduous problem that has ever pre
sented Itself to Colombian diplomacy. The
honorable character of the contracting par
ties, he says, leaves no other supposition
but that Colombian sovereignty will not be
Forecast for Nebraska Partly Cloudy on
Wednesday, Warmer In West Portion;
Thursday Fair, , Warmer in East Portion.
Temperatare at Omaha Yesterdayi
Honr. Dear.. Honr. Hear.
5 aw m S3 1 p. m AW
An. m BU 8 p. m ..... . 5"
T a. m 3 p. m ..... . BU
A a. m 114 4 p. m BO
0 a. m B5 B p. m BO
10 a. .m BB 6 p. nt 61
11 a. m Be T p. m J
111 m 08 p. m 61
p. m 60
reople of Gainesville Now Realise
How Sorely They Are
Explorers Send Brief Message front
Newly Discovered Land, saying
All la Well.
BERLIN, June I. The government haa
received a telegram from Lorenxo Mar
ques, Portuguese East Africa, saying that
the captain of the Norwegian bark Garcia
haa delivered to the German consul there
a letter from the German Antarctic steamer
Gauss, dated In the Indian ocean. May -6,
as follows:
We wintered well off newly discovered
land In 6 degrees. 77 minutes south latl
tude and &9 degrees, 48 minutes west longi
tude, we are now en route to uuruan.
All well.
A message from Prof. Drygalskt at Dur
ban, says the ship behaved splendidly. He
adds that he is forwarding reports.
Takes Great Britain at Its Word and
Seeks Trade la Its
BERLIN, June .-The semi-official Nora
Deutsche Zettung publishes today an ex
haustlve article on the history of Ger
man-Canadian trade relations. It declares
that Germany has never had any idea of
interfering with the Internal relations of
Great Britain and Canada, but, since
Great Britain has repeatedly laid stress on
the fact that the self-governing colonies
are Independent In the matter of commer
cial treaties, Germany has a perfect right
to treat Canada as a separate country.
The National Zeltung approves of Ger
many not adopting retaliatory measures
against Canada.
Father Goes to Meet His Daughter for
First Time Since Her
VIENNA, June 1 According to a dls
patch from Salsburg, the grand duke of
Tuscany will go to Llndau on June 12 to
meet his daughter, the former crown
princess of Saxony, for the first time since
her flight with the French tutor, M. Glron
The princess will then go to France to
take up hor permanent residence at Castle
Ronno. Department of the Rhone, which Is
the property of Countess St. Vlctolre, the
widow of former Count Chombord.
Heat Tires the Pope.
ROME, June 2. The pope is fatigued r
account of the heat. Though he Is not ill,
his doctor has suspended all not strictly
necessary audiences. The probable post
ponement of the consistory for a few days
is not connected with the pope's health, but
is due to the situation in France.
The secret consistory has been postponed
until June 22. The public consistory wl
take place June 25. At the latter Cardlna
Satolll will b appointed bishop of Frascatl,
All Oalet in Macedonia.
SOFIA. June 1 The arrival of refugees
from Macedonia haa largely ceased during
the last few days and the frontier Is quiet.
Provided there Is no further dynamiting In
Macedonia by the Insurgents, the danger
of complications between Turkey and Bul
garia may be. regarded as aver for this year.
The city council last night confirmed Just
one-half of twelve appointments for city
positions made by Mayor Moores. Those
that found favor Included only the charter
offices. With two exceptions, In the cases
of Electrician Patton and Prosecutor Lee,
Councllmen Dyball, O'Brien and Nicholson
stood by the mayor, while Huntington also
opposed the confirmation of Lee. The ma
jority that forced the rejection of all the
appointees not confirmed was composed of
President Zlmman. Back, Evans, flchroeder
and Hoye. Nothing was said for or against
any of the men selected by the mayor.
Many Interested Spectators.
The council chamber was filled in expec
tation of the appointments, even the gallery
containing a few score, for the first time
in months. When the rejections began
there were low murmurs, but no demon
strations, although every man In the big
room had personal choices for each place
to be filled. Of the successful appointees,
Andrew Rosewater, Dr. Ralph and John L.
Lynch have been renamed. Scheldt, the
new boiler inspector, is a labor lender, and
figured prominently In the Union Pacific
bollermakers' strike. Paul H. Patton, the
new electrician, has been In the employ of
the Nebraska Telephone company for many
years, while Thomas F. Lee is a lawyer
who has not held political office heretofore.
The men rejected were all reappointments
with the exception of John C. Lynch, who
was chosen by the mayor to succeed R. 8.
Berlin as gas Inspector.
Desire to secure recognition from the
mayor la the reason ascribed for the action
of the five councllmen last night, and not
because of delinquencies in duty or unfit
ness of the candidates turned down. Mayor
Moores may, under the law, submit the
same names once more.
Dlsonss Asphalt Repairs.
A resolution Introduced by Councilman
Nicholson, directing the Board of Public
Works to secure competitive bids for re
pairs for all asphalt pavements upon which
the guarantee contract haa expired, pre
ei pita, ted a lengthy -discussion of the poor
condition of many streets. Nicholson, ex
plaining his resolution, said the surface of
much asphalt paving is In deplorable condi
tion and averred that there "are holes big
enough to bury an ox." He specified North
Sixteenth street In particular, and said
many property owners had told htm they
would resist in the courts any attempt to
repave. Councilman Hoye warmly opposed
spending further money on repairs on Six
teenth street, and said he favored repavlng
at the general expense and not of the
abutting property owners. Councilman
O'Brien put in a word to pass a com
mentary on what he called the "shameful"
condition of Sixteenth and other streets.
City Engineer Rosewater, upon request.
explained that Sixteenth street can be put
In good repair for the year for $3,000, while
It will cost about 110,000 to repair properly
the remaining asphalt paving. About $16.
000 Is now available In the fund set aside
for the purpose. Repavlng cannot be done
without a majority petition from property
owners something Impossible to obtain.
He advocated securing bids for repairs at
so much per square yard for a period of
from five to ten years. This course, he de
clared, will result In the resurfacing of
many streets, because It will be found
cheaper to handle them In this way. The
resolution was adopted, Hoye alone voting
against it.
Shortly afterward Councilman O'Brien's
resolution directing the public works de
partment to prepare an estimate on the
cost of a municipal asphalt repair plant
met with a burst of applause from the
crowd. This innovation is something that
the engineeortng department has favored
for a long time. This resolution went
through unanimously.
Declares Pay Rolls Illegal.
As in the case of the May, pay rolls for
the public works department employee.
City Attorney Wright declared that liquida
tion of the April rolls from this depart
ment would. In his opinion, be Illegal, and
he recommended a test case in court. He
submitted the opinion handed down Mon
day. The council referred the matter to
the committee on finance and claims.
In the personal Injury claim of former
Mayor George P. Bemls, City Attorney
Wright announced that he could effect no
settlement that he deemed equitable and
recommended against settlement on the
grounds that It -might result In freeing
the sign-board and property owners from
liability. Mr. Bemls was badly hurt more
than a year ago by the blowing down of
a huge blllhjoard on Farnam street.
The council made no objection to con
firming George H. Benxenberg of Mil
waukee as the Omaha Water company's
appraiser In the waterworks acquisition.
The water company In a communication
asked what steps the council would take
toward defraying the expenses of the ap
praisers. The document was referred.
Two slight innovations were instituted by
resolutions passed. One makes bids neces
sary for all city hall repairing costing more
than f5, while the second makes It In
cumbent upon heads of departments to
notify the council whenever salaries of
subordinates are Increased.
The bill for deputy sheriffs employed
during the strike was rejected, for the
reason that the city had made no ar
rangement with the county to pay these
men, no funds are available and if the
Board of Fire and Police Commissioners
promised to stand half the expense it
had no authority to bind the city to such
an agreement.
GAINESVILLE, Ga., June 2,-The ,000
Inhabitants of this city have tonight Just
begun to realize the extent of the appalling
disaster of yesterday. It now seems cer
tain that the death list will not be much
short of 100; perhaps somewhat more than
100, considering the number of dangerously
wounded whose chances for recovery can
not be calculated But through all the
gloom and desolation that surrounds the
town like a pall of darkness, there radiated
a beam of hope and encouragement hope
that the death list may not be so numer
ous ss reported, 'and encouragement to
those who are so bravely and devotedly
assisting In the Work of relief.
Figuring from all available sources and
giving credence only to those reports which
are believed to be trustworthy, the follow
ing Is a summary of the effects of the
tornado in Gainesville, and Its environs:
Killed, 100; Injured, 160, of whom probably
twenty will die.
There are many homeless with a prop
erty loss of about 1500.000. none of which
was epvered by storm insurance.
A concise and accurate statement of the
casualties cannot be rendered for several
days, but the physicians In attendance be
lieve that It will no go very far above
100, although twenty -five or thirty are des
perately Injured and may die within the
next two or three days.
The death list eo far compiled Includes
thirty-two at the Pacolet cotton mills at
New Holland, all of whom were killed in
the demolition of the company's cottages;
ana thirty-six at the Gainesville cotton
mills near the Southern railway station,
where the tornado- first struck.
The tornado visited the towns of Gaines
ville, New Holland and White Sulphur,
Two hundred houses, besides the Gaines
ville Cotton mills, were destroyed by the
storm. Last night brought lnoreased mis
ery to the tornado sufferers, for a steady
rain set In late In the afternoon attended
by bitter cold weather. .
All night long physicians and volunteers
pushed their way through the wreckage,
guided to the suffering victims by their
groans. Here and there a fallen tree would
be In the way or a wrecked bouse would
stop the progress. ; , ,
To the city hall, armory and court house
the homeless were taken for shelter. A
mass meeting was behj. today, at which
$6.00 was Bubs-rftto o, .relief fund. -A
message, has been sei't to the secretary of
war asking for .tents to shelter the home
less and an appeal for aid is made to the
The dead in Gatnesv!le alone will reach
100, according to reports submitted at a
mass meeting this afternoon. A committee
was appointed by the meeting to bury the
victims. Thirty days' rations for 1,000 per
sons were also requested from Secretary
Dr. Smith, the city physician, reports fif
teen deaths since last night, when the cas
ualty list was placed at eighty-five. Of the
200 or o Injured It Is believed twenty-five
more will die.
The militia were called out this morning
to stop pillaging and to preserve order
Raw River at Kentas City is Steadily
Situation Now Shows Decided Improvement
in Eerj Respect
Flooded City Ami ihat Iti Prosperity ii
hoi Affected.
Pnhllo Vtlllties Are Ready to Resume
Operation and All Easiness Af
fected Will Be Reopened as
Soon as Waters Recede.
Masons of Nebraska Go Into Session
at tho Temple This After-
The following members of the Masonic
grand lodge are already In the city to
attend the meeting of the grand lodge
which convenes at Masonic Temple at
o'clock this afternoon: Grand Master Na
thanlel M. Ayres of Beaver City, Deputy
Grand Master F. E. Bullard of ' North
Platte, Grand Junior Warden C. E. Burn
ham of TUden, Grand Treasurer J. B.
Dinsmore of Sutton, Grand Secretary F.
E. White of Plattsmouth, Grand Senior
Deacon M. A. Pettlgrove of Oxford, Grand
Junior Deacon' Z. M. Balrd of Hartlngton,
Grand Tyler Jacob King of Omaha, Grand
Custodian Robert French of Kearney.
In addition to the grand officers about
150 members of the order are present from
out of the city as delegates to the grand
lodge. It Is expected that fully 600 mem
bers of the fraternity will be present from
abroad during the meeting. The sessions
will not conclude before Friday evening.
Oao Passenger is Fatally and Several
Others Are Serloasly
PEORIA, 111.. June I Rock Island train
No. (, due In Peoria from Rock Island at
10:45. was WTeckod near Alta, a small town
fifteen miles from here at 10:30 last night.
John Snyder, a passenger of Henry, 111.,
was fatally Injured while several other
people, whose names cannot be learned at
present, were seriously Injured. The front
axle on one of the engine trucks broke and
the entire train, consisting of the engine
nd two coaches, was derailed.
(.Continued on Third Page-A
Cnba Imposes Stamp .Tax.
HAVANA, June t Governor Nuneg has
ordered the enforcement of a stamp tax
of I cents per bottle on mineral and med
icinal waters as required by the provincial
tax ordinance. The owners of the cafes
declare they will not pay the tax.
Peruvian Congress Called.
LIMA. Peru, June L The government has
convoked cocg rees te meet oa Jul H.
Million and Quarter Acres Will
Throwa Open ns Resalt of
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah. June 2-MaJnr
James McLaughlin, representing the gov
ernment, has closed a treaty with tho
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
KAN HAS CITY. June 2. Special Tele
gram.) With the worst passed and the two
rivers stationary It not slightly residing
the stricken city Is beginning to resume lis
wonted spirits. Attention Is diverted tor
the moment from disasters already wrought
and centered on a united effort to mini
mlse those yet to come. Already the cold
and the wet, tho suffering by lack of water.
the exhaustion of both rescued and res
cuers, Is telling on the public, health and
every doctor In town Is kept more busily
employed than ever before. Most of the
hospitals are full, if not overcrowded,
,1s a free hospital In Convention hall and
scattered wards In many of the churches
There are also scores and scores of pa
tients distributed among the private houses
of the resident districts. All these must be
cared for and guarded against the 111 ef
fects of unflushed drains and lack of proper
sanitation. Then, too, with the absence of
gas and electric light comes an added dan
ger of fire, which, with a crippled brigade
to fight It, might cause Incalculable dam
age. To meet this the mayor has issued an
order sternly prohibiting the use of gaso
line In any form and cautioning the people
against the careless use of matches. In
this way the two chief causes of fire as
shown by Insurance records are provided
for, and by extra vigilance It Is hoped that
any emergency that may arise will be et
fectlvely met.
. Supplying; Pressing- Needs.
At the same time, while preparing for the
dangers to come the city Is slowly but
surely overcoming the evils it already con
tends with. Today three lines of cable
car have been running and tonight two
trolley routes are In operation. A some
what erratic gas suoply Is being furnished
and hordes of transfer wagons are meet
Ing the ' local transportation needs In
very effective manner. As for water, Kan
as City has been too recently a village
not to remember Its-prlmatlve supplies. In
the' downtown tMstrlct' carts" are drawing
loads to keep the elevators and light ma
chlnery running while in the suburbs plen
tiful springs blunt the edge- of the suffer
ing. Still, though actual needs may thus
be met, much yet remains to be done.
Laundries are closed, drains unflushed.
barber chops either Idle or partially so,
restaurants hard put to supply their cus
tomers, while horses often travel the
streets in the endurance of torture.
These are the actual signs of distress
which all may read, but It needs a closer
view to measure at all accurately the full
disaster. Though the food problem has
been met by the few railroads still running,
concentrating their efforts, practically no
freight of any kind Is moving. What thl
means can hardly be imagined, but perhaps
an Illustration may assist. There are four
dally papers published. They are produc
ing sheets half the usual else to save paper
and Ink. One of them haa halved its staff
and two are turning away advertisements
to save space. The net result Is that, al
though all are normally big money
makers, all are today selling phenomenally
and yet losing hand over fist. What Is
true of the papers is true also to a greater
or less extent of any other business.
Fifty Thousand Idle.
It has been estimated that 60,000 men are
out of employment as the direct result of
the floods and to these must be added 1,000
street car men and hosts of others In
directly affected. The big department
stores are spending large sums on water
and so forth to keep their business run
ning but purchasers are scanty and sales
of small amounts. Those who supply the
business might almost as well close as
the theaters have already done, while even
such necessities aa clothing are being dealt
In only to the smallest possible extent. It
Is not alone that so many have nothing
now but that even those fairly well off
today realise that tomorrow, next week, in
a month hence they may come to their
last dollar without where to turn for more.
With the cessation of the flood rise men are
talking less of points to the west. The
horrors at Topeka are almost eclipsed
at this time by those nearer home, and
today, with the first detailed news from
Kansas City. Kan., since Sunday, there
Is much remark on conditions there but
generally the home disaster Is now 'ab
sorbing all attention.
The various authorities have taokled the
task of caring for the sufferers and pro
tecting the city with commendable prompti
tude and great skill, and It is entirely due
to their efforts that things are moving as
smoothly as they are. It must not be for
gotten that these men have taken upon
themselves this problem without compensa
tion and have turned aside all poignant suf
fering. An example of the spirit actuating
individual citizens came to light this morn
ing. L. F. Fetter, the leading underwriter
of the city, visited Convention hall yester
day, and found the chief need of the mo
ment was clothing for the rescued. He
promptly borrowed a wagon, and In two
hours had personally collected a full load
of garments for distribution among the
homeless. It Is this spirit which Is turning
disaster Into triumph. It is this spirit, too,
which, turned Into other channels, can
At Kansas City the Kaw river
linn fallon Rovrrul indies ti ml Is
Htentlily Kninif down. As It Is also
falling at nirlver points a oon
tlniniJ fall Is nntltiinitcil nt Knn
mis City. Tlio Missouri, liowover.
Is Htntlonnry, but Indications from
points furtlior tip tbe strotini are?
that this river will also coinuionoe
to fall within thf noxt twelve
hours. As It Is tho Kansas river
wlilcli lias done most of the dain
nKo, the fall hi that stream has
rnnblod the street ear companies
to resume operations, the jtas
works to resume enough to sup
ply most pressing needs and the
water company expects to resume ;
today. In the meantime n Urn-
ited supply of water Is belns se- j
cured from u temporary pumping (
station. i
The railroads have manafred to
(fet In a supply of provisions surtl- ,
clent for Immediate needs and the
imcklnjj houses have leen reached '
oy means of boats and the meat ,
supply Is now assured.
The larjre warehouse buildings
In both Kansas City. Kan., and
Kansas City, Mo., are beplnnlnp
to show the effects of the flood
nnd many of them are settling,
but it is too early yet to tell what
the extent of the damage In this
direction will be.
Only two atlditlonal deaths were
reported, and these were two men
who lost their lives in the attempt
to rescue others.
At Topeka there is no lotiRer any
danger from flood, the principal
difficulty now being to care for
the homeless land guard against
aa epidemic among those who
have been weakened by exposure.
In Iowa the floods are subsiding
the entire length of the rivers and
unother lay will, witness the be
ginning of the restoration of nor
mal conditions. As the flood
have receded the condition of the
homes of the people Is Indeed piti
ful. Many have lost everything
except their lives and are In need
of assistance.
and the next day the water will be turned
Into the pipes. The food supply Is ample
on both side of the river, the vast ouan
titles of meat In the packing houses be
Ing reached by expeditions sent out by the
Condition it Del Moinei Disheartening,
bnt Water Tailing.
first Effort Will Be to Tlnd Dry
Houses for People.
Citnation at Ottnmwa and Keokuk Now
Attract! Attention.
Governor Cummins Decides to Borrow
Money to Aid Refugees aad De
pend Vpoa Next Legisla
ture to Legalise Act.
DKS MOINES, June l It has been prac
tically determined that there will be no
extra eisslon of the legislature. Governor
Cummins Is natlsfled that he can supply the
needs of the Hood sufferers and tornado
victims In an Irregular maimer by borrow
ing money and the next session to approve
his course.
The flood In Dcs Moines Is still disheart
ening, but the water Is falling rapidly.
The wide territory that was flooded pre
sents a sad picture. Men and women who
have anxiously watched for the water to
go down wandered over the muddy streets
to the houses which had been homes. As
each one looked through the door of his
home an expression of misery passed over
his countenance.
There, within the ruins, furniture was
scattered about the rooms, mud covered the
carpets and the walls were coated with a
dirty slime.
Many are planning to move out of these
places. The walla are damp and every ef
fort will be put forth by the committees
In the Held to see that they are dried as
rapidly as possible, for sickness, it is
feared, may come it people are allowed to
enter them in their present condition.
Train Service .Nearly Normal.
Train service heri on the main lines Is
once more nearly normal. At Cttumwa
the water has begun to decline, but It Is
still rising between and Keokuk.
Water flows through the main streets of
Ottumwa, four miles of the main line of
packers; the predicted Increase of sickness I the Burlington tracks are under water,
has not appeared, the Kansas river Is fall
ing half an Inch an hour and the Missouri
river is expected to begin to fall before
Eight persons are positively known to
have been drowned In the two Kansas Cltys
since last Friday. They are:
, - KOHLE. '
'. PHILIP. WABB, negro boy.
WILLIAM HEI6LER, truck driver.
. WILLIAM HERBERT, txpressman.
JaMES dekrman.
JOHN RAY. negro.
Following Is a list of some of the large
structures that have either been damaged
or swept away:
Property Destroyed.
Chicago Oreat Western freight depot.
Old Southern bridge.
Union Terminal railway bridge.
Twelfth street steel bridge.
Fifth street steel bridge.
Kansas City Belt line railway bridge.
Kansas avenue steel bridge.
Metropolitan Street railway bridge.
Rock Island railway bridge.
Stock yards bridge.
Union Pacific steel bridge.
Elevated railway bridge at Central ave
nue. Union Terminal railway bridge.
James street wjigon bridge.
Metropolitan's Ann avenue bridge.
Kansas City, Mo., water works flow line.
Chicago Oreat Western railway bridge.
Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul bridge.
Building occupied by Seavey & Flarshelm,
merchandise brokers, 1317 St. Louis avenue.
T. L. Cassell's refrigerator factory, S10
12 Santa - Fe street.
N. W. Blender's saloon, 1700 West Ninth
George Enger'a saloon. Park avenue 4n?
Missouri river front.
Hundreds of Buildings.
Severe 1 piers of the "L" road viaduct.
One thousand buildings in Armourdale.
Five hundred buildings In Argentine.
Four hundred buildings In the east bot
toms. Two hundred buildings In Sheffield
One hundred buildings In the west bot
toms. The Burlington and Milwaukee bridges
across thn Missouri and the Missouri Pa
cific bridge across the Kansas are Intact,
but the approaches are wrecked.
Cessation of Rnlns and Falling Rivers
Give Hope to Kansas
City People.
.inn. wurri off the danirer of a terrlhle
Uintah Indians as a result of which 1,250,. . nolocauist durlnE the next few days.
000 acres of reservation land will be thrown I
open for settlement In October, 1904.
Denver Has Charter Election.
DENVER. June 1 The election of dele
gates to the convention which is to frame
a charter for the new cily and county of
IVnver ws held today. About SO per cent
of tbe regular vote was polled. The contest
was between the straight republican ticket
and a nonpartisan ticket elected by a
convention called by tbe business organisa
tions of the city. This was indorsed by the
democrat. Tbe two tickets polled about
the same number of votes and a count of
the scratched ballots Will be Beueasaxy
te decide Us alecUoa.
Movements of Ocean Vessels June S.
At New York Arrived: Minneapolis, from
London; Gallia, from Naples; Bremen from
Bremen; Kron Prlns Wilhelm. from Bre
men. 6,'iiled: Georgic for Liverpool; Li
guria, for Genoa and Naples.
At Liverpool Arrived: Nomadic from
Portland. Sailed: Overhia. for boston via
(jueenstown; Sylvania, for New York via
At London Arrived: Nlng Chau, from
At Glasgow Arrived: Furnesala. from
New York.
At Antwerp Arrived: Finland, from
New Y'ork.
At Melbourne Arrived, previously: Tel
lus. from Tacoma via Newi-astle. N, 8. W.
At Native tHildi Cambruiuaj Irom
, Oeuoa.
Br Id sea Swept Away, Buildings
Wrecked and Otner Property
KANSAS CITY Mo., June 1.-10:30 p. m.
The flood situation is very much Improved
tonight. The gas supply is ample, two elec
tric street car lines have resumed service
and others will follow tomorrow. The elec
tric light plant is ready to begin service,
but dites not do so because of the possibil
ity of fires from crossed wires; the water
works will begin to pump Kansas river
water laM tbe ratenrolrg tomorrow night.
KANSAS CITY, June 2. Blue sky was
visible above Kansas City this afternoon
at 4 o'clock. The rains have ended. The
sun was visible for the first time In a
week and tor this and other reasons ll
is thought that the great Gangers of the
flood are past.
The waters of the Kaw river have fallen
eight Inches today and tonight are steadily
declining at the rate of about one-half Inch
an hour. In the Missouri the high stage
of thirty-five feet is still maintained, but
this is due to the rise which has been
coming down the Missouri proper and
which has offset the rise In the Kaw. It
Is the water of the latter stream, however,
that has caused all the damage In this
city and In Kansas City, Kan., and with It
at a normal stage business In Kansas City
will shortly resume usual conditions.
This city has by a narrow margin es
caped a serious shortage of food, haa
faced the -erll of fire utterly helpless to
avert Its consequences, has suffered mil
lions of dollars of damage to property and
sustained a loss In life that in all prob
ability never will he accurately nfeasured.
and now it is commencing to believe in the
promise of better things.
Waters Are FalllaaT.
Tonight the situation shows Improvement
on almost every side. The waters are fall
ing, the waterworks will resume opera
tions tomorrow, the gas has been turned
Into the mains once more and, while there
is no super-abundance of food, there Is no
Immediate danger of a serious shortage.
The city has cared for Ha own In royal
fashion and is abundantly able to do so
still, but there Is not sufficient food on
the light and water plants are shut down
and business Is prostrated.
The main southwest line of the Rock
Island has not got a train through Eldon
for three days. Numerous bridges Lave
been washed out between there and Keo
kuk. At Bentonsport, Farmlngion and
Bonaparte great damage haa been wrought .
by the flood and half the towns are under
water. But- It- to nur tbe mouth, of the
river, at Keokuk, that conditions are the
worst today. The situation is appalling.
The river '.a six and eight miles wide in
places and in every direction may be seen
refugees on roofs of houses and l.i trees
shouting for succor that seems Impossible.
Xrore Trouble at Onawa,
ONAWA, la., June t. (Special Telegram.)
The flood situation from the X-lttle Sioux
continues to improve and the Waters are
going down rapidly. The waters west of
Onawa are rising today and the road grade
across Blue lake Is being washod cut rap
Idly. The water is running ever the grade
In several places between Onawa and De
catur, Neb., and the road t:ipftlntendent
ordered the road closed today. The mall
between the two towns now goes north
of Blue lake On the old road. This water
comes down from Skunk and Silver lakes
In an old water course and runs Into Card's
lake, thence Into the Missouri river. Sev
eral narrow escapes from drowning were
made by parties today who failed to note
the rise and got Into holes. This water Is
still rising fast. Through tralna will re
sume over the Sioux City At Pacific to
night, the break at the River Slouz trestle
having been repaired.
Rising; Near Keoknk.
KEOKUK. Ia., June J. Both the Missis
sippi and Des Moines rivers here rose
steadily today. The former now stands
at 18.2 feet, which is three feet above the
danger line. The Des Moines river Is higher
than ever known. An additional area Is
now Inundated, entailing the destruction of
much valuable property.
Des Molaea River Falling.
OTTUMWA. Ia., June S.-The Des Moines
river has fallen a foot bere in eighteen
hours and Is slowly receding this afternoon.
All danger Is t-elleved to be past
Condition nf Mall Service.
WASHINGTON, June 2,-The .Postofflco
department today received the . following
cfflclal dispatch from Acting Superintend
ent Norton of the railway malt service at
St. Louis, representing the flood situation
with regard to the mall service:
bltuatlon at Kansas Cltv and ihm tin..
centering there from the west and from
ire noun ar.u scum are growing worse.
No trains In or out. Atchison find tniira
In bad shape. Larjre quantity of mall north
wi jiiuw, 14, iu connection lor Ilea
Moines. Ordered It to St. Iouls for dls.
(Continued on Second Page.)
paten east or tne river on account of 'ha
laieHi novices. ini Burlington line Is
impassable from Allila to Burlington. Tho
BurlinKton and St. Louis line Is running
over Burlington A (Julncy tetween Bur
lington .ma ijuincy.
1 ins morning e diverted all Kansas mall
over the 1 1 Ihco road via Fpi'lnirneld.
From later Information we will send hoiih.
cm half of Kansas mall via the Wabasli
loud t.nlght and the southern half via
the MMsouri Pacific, to pleasant 11.11 and
Fort Scott. Western Union messages sub
ject to delay.
Superintendent Taft is at Kansas City.
Just received telegram from him stating
inai water in over ine rouna taote noor
which is lKit feet above the depot plat
form and the water Is still rising. Heavy
rain here ut present. .
NORTON, Acting Superintendent.
Cannot lee a Snasr Boat.
General Gillespie, chief of engineers, yes
terday telegraphed Major Casey at St.
Louis, asking If a snag boat could be sent
from St. Louis to Kansas City for the re
lief of the flood sufferers. Major Casey
replied today as follows:
Bridges blocked by debris. Steamboat
navigation is suspended ou the Missouri.
Ctl very difficult to procure. It may be
Impracticable for snag boat to make Kan
sas City within three weeks.
Adjutant General Corbln today tele
graphed the commander of the Department
of the Platte that Secretary Root ap
proved the course of Colonel Miner In Is
suing rations to the sufferers at Kansas
City, Kan., and directing that he ascertain
the condition of the people In the stricken
district and do all In his power to save life
end property. It la exjected that Urge
Issues of rations will not be made unless
the people of the different communities are
actually destitute, and then ouly to cover
Immediate beceaalUea.