Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1903, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
S 11AY0C
At Least One Hundred or Mora Fenona
Art Eeported Killed.
Oreat Cotton Hill with Fire Hundred Em
plojei in Ctorm'i Path.
One Hundred Lirea Loit in One and Fifty
in Seoond MilL
Catostropb Adda Another Horror to
Hmr Which Floods Throogh.
out h West and Booth Aft
GAINESVILLE, Oa.. June l.-Just after
the noon hour the city wa struck by a
terrlllo cyclone, killing probably 100 per
sons, unroofing the City hotel, other large
buildings and destroying the Gainesville
cotton mills.
The greatest loss of life Is reported In
the destruction of the cotton mills, where
about eighty persons are reported killed
and scores Injured.
Eighteen persons were killed In the city
between the center of the town and the
railroad station, where four large stores
were blown down. The storm had driven
many persons at work Into the cotton
mill when the cyclone struck. The mill
was a three-story building. The first story
was left Standing, but was badly wrecked.
The second and third floors were com
pletely demolished and the employes were
eaught under the wreckage and mangled.
It Is estimated that there are at least
seventy-five bodies under the wreckage of
the third floor, and It Is not known how
many persons on the second floor of the
building were killed.
The roof of the electrlo barn was lifted
and the building badly damaged. The I all
road depot suffered also.
Among the dead are:
JACK MURPHY, aged 12, son of Widow
The wife and daughter of W. B. Sloan
were fatally Injured.
Among others Injured are:
Mrs. Talley and daughter, badly hurt.
Mrs. Jones, wife of Mr. Jones, who keeps
a grocery store near Southern depot, badly
J. R. Logan, badly Injured.
James Simpson.
Mauds Gordon.
John Simpson.
Ansa Schubert.
Ota Miller.
Edward Skinner.
Basal Skinner.
Mrs. Don. Clark.
Mrs. J. H. Sumerrllle.
Alonso Ford. .
Doa Morall
Jo Shubert.
Milledg Hilt
Willi Boon.
Perry Connor.
Nearly every employ la the Galnsrllle
cotton mills was killed. Including a large
number of children.
Tot Hundred Building? Dews,
The Southern depot was blown down.
The Gainesville Iron works were demol
ished and several people perished In the
The Galnsvill cotton oil mills were
blown down.
The old Piedmont hotel, now used as a
school and apartment house, was rased
and half a dozen or more people were
killed In It.
The Richmond hotel was wrecked and
several perished along with IL On hun
dred and twenty-five cottages, a school
house and a church were blown away In
the negro section of the town.
Five brick stores on the main street of
Oainesvlll were swept away. In all, 200
buildings are demolished here.
The tornado went from Gainesville to
New Holland and It Is believed many peo
ple are killed there.
The death list Is expected to be of much
greater magnitude by morning, as nearly
thirty are believed to be hurt beyond hope
of recovery.
At a meeting tonight of physicians,
newspaper men and cltlsens of Gainesville
a relief committee was formed with James
R. Gray of Atlanta as chairman. Sup
piles will be rushed Into the stricken city
as rapidly as possible.
Fourteen Oat of Eighteen Candidates
la Cook Counts- art Carried
t the Beach.
CHICAGO, June 1. Out of the eighteen
candidates voted for In the Judicial elec
tlon In Cook county today the democrat
elected fourteen and the republicans four,
A light vote was cast, awing to the wet
weather, and straight tickets were few and
far between. Among the defeated repub
llcans was Judge Elbrldge Hanecy, a close
friend of Congressman Lorlmer, the re
publican leader In Cook county.
One superior court Judge, fourteen clr
cult Judges and three provisional circuit
Judges, were voted for. Judge Theodore
Brentano, republican, was re-elected Judge
of the superior court.
Richard Tuthlll, John Gibbons and Fred
rick K. Smith, republicans, were elected
to the circuit court.
The successful democrats were: Circuit
court Judges Murray F. Tuley, Edward
Dunne, Frsncls "Adams, Frank Baker
Richard W. Clifford, Thomas O. Windes,
Charles M. Walker, Lockwood Honore,
Edward O. Brown. George Kersten, Julian
W. Mack.
For the provisional circuit court Judges,
three democrats were elected as follows
Thomas M. Jloyne. Joseph A. O Donnell
and George Mills Rogers.
Accompany Mai Members of I'olon
Drive Oat Employes, bat Try
It Again Vainly.
CHICAGO. June 1 Several hundred
striking laundry workers. Including man
girls, raided the Derby laundry, ltl On
turto street, today and drove out all th
employts at work there. Before enterln
tne piace tny overturned a wngon and
scattered its contents in the street. Th-
strikers then started for another laundry
In the vicinity, but were met by a wagon
load of police and dispersed.
Yletorlan Minister i.r' '
ad Rlch-
ard McBrld Will 1 w
VICTORIA. B. C, June 1.' Colonel .
was dismissed by Lieutenant Governor
Henry Joly today and later Richard Mc
Bride, member for Delta and leader of the
opposition, was called upon to form a min
istry. This dismissal of the premier was due
to his connection with the contract for the
supply of cable for Chimney Creek bridge,
which was supplied by his firm.
The opposition alleged wrongdoing In the
manner In which the contract was secured.
An Investigation was held at which Colonel
Prior told of having seen the tenders and
asked why his firm had not been given a
chance to tender. They afterward tendered
and secured the contract, but Colonel Prior
said the firm had not received knowledge
of the tenders already In and no evidence
was adduced otherwise.
The evidence was placed In the governor's
hands on Saturday and today he wrote to
Colonel Prior dismissing the first minister
nd his government, of which but one, J.
Prentice, finance minister, remained.
The governor's letter says the late prem
ier's conception of the Independence of
parliament act is such that he no longer
can give him his confidence. Richard Mc-
Brlde was called upon to form a govern
ment this afternoon and the legislature ad
journed until tomorrow, when he will an
nounce his government.
It Is rumored that McBrlde's cabinet will
be composed of two liberals and three
conservatives, a .fact which Is exciting
much comment, as McBride stated In the
house a few days ago that he was In favor
of an Immediate election on party lines.
Efforts are being made to patch up A gov
ernment by the opposition leader that will
have sufficient following to carry on the
session, but It is not thought the govern
ment thus formed will be very strong.
Mece of Mrs. John W. Mackay
Marries Prominent
ROME, June 1. Edna Telfener, daughter
of Countess Telfener, and niece of Mrs.
John W. Mackay, was married today to
Slgnor Glno de Martlno, son of the former
under-secretary for foreign affairs.
The civil ceremony was performed at
the Capllo by the mayor. The bride's wit
nesses were Lewis Mllddlngs, secretary of
the United States embassy, and Count
Pacchl. The bridegroom's witnesses were
the duke of Lerrano and the duke of
The religious ceremony took place In the
private chapel of the Oabrtelll palace, were
the Telfeners live. Mgr. Stoner, canon of
Bt, John Lateran, officiated. The bride's
witnesses at this ceremony were former
Premier Marquis dl Rudlni and Prince
Colon na. The bridegroom's witnesses were
the duka of Grailoll and Count von Quadt,
former secretary of the German embassy
at Washington.
The palace was magnificently deeorated
with flowers. The- presents -wer --numer
ous and of great value. Many members of,
both the clerical and liberal aristocracy
of Rom were present.
Dlspatehea Prom Macedonia Tell of
Dlseo-Terr ef Dynamite and
VIENNA. June L The Neue Frele
Press correspondent at Uskub says the
authorities at Koeprueleu, province of 8a
ion lea, have captured nine kilograms of
dynamite and quantities of other explo
sives in the houses of two men named
Alexo Minora and G. Orgevntsciew, both
of whom have been arrested on suspicion
of complicity In the recent dynamite out
rages at Salonlca.
LONDON, June 2. Th correspondents t
Sofia of the Horning Post and the Times
both declare their belief that the revolu
tionary movement In Macedonia Is spread
lng and that the peasants are Joining It
In Increasing numbers. They believe that
the Bulgarian government Is sincere in
desiring to stop the Incursions of Insur
rectionary bands Into Macedonia, but that
Pa task Is difficult.
Turk Hopes Thereby to
Order la Albanian
LONDON, June 1. Dispatches from Con
stantlnople to the Times show that the
porte claims that the exile of 103 Albanian
chiefs has restored tranquility, but the
Uskub correspondent of the paper says he
expects further fighting in Albania. The
Turkish authorities propose to exile with
cut trial 103 leading Bulgarians from the
whole of Macedonia. These exiles ' are
mostly schoolmasters and merchants of
high standing and have been selected, as
the moat dangerous of the 900 persons long
suspected of being ringleaders, who were
recently arrested there. There Is a dl
tlnct recrudescence of hostilities on the
part of the lebel bands and six conflicts
are reported from various directions. Large
quantities of dynamite bombs are said to
have been brought from Bulgaria.
That Many Killed or Woaaded la
Their Attack ea Alcerlan
Governor, General.
SAIDA, Algeria, June 1. It is officially
stated that the Moorish tribesmen hnd
fifty-six killed and twenty wounded In their
attack o M. Jonnart, governor general of
Algeria, near Flgulg, Saturday. The con
dition of the seventeen French sharpahoot
ers who were wounded In the fighting is
A detachment of French cavalry has left
Aln-Hefra for Benonouf. Governor General
Jonnart has arrived here. He received
assurances of loyalty and devotion to
France from numerous calds and native
chiefs during the Journey.
Document Is Read and Then Referred
t Commltte n Foreign
HAVANA. Juns 1. Th permanent
treaty between Cuba and the I'nlted States
accompanied by a message of transmission
from President Pairaa, was read In the
senate today and then referred to th com
mlttee on foreign relations.
The government organ, I .a Discussion,
announces that the Cuban minister at Lon
dun has been Instructed to ascertain the
attitude of London financiers regarding the
prospective Cuban loan for tU.000,00.
Wont of the Flood in That State ia How on
the Lower Hirer.
Ralmay Traffle la the Entire East
era and Southern Portion of
the Stat Is Demoralised.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, June 1. (Special.) The
flood situation has steadily Improved. The
Des Moines river has been lowering at the
rate of about two feet a day, and the Coon
river is about, stationary. The bridges
leading to East Des Moines were reopened
this morning and the water had so far
receded that traffic could be resumed with
comfort on Grand avenue leading eastward.
AH the bridges are Intact and the abut
ments have held well, though it Is evident
that some of them have been partially
undermined. The railroad bridges cannot
be used for a day or two, as the embank
ments leading to them have been washed
away. In the flooded districts of East Des
Moines the water has receded so that only
a few business houses are surrounded. None
of the residences have as yet become ap
proachable. There Is nothing to do but
wait for the water to get out of the way
so that cleaning may be commenced. On
the great embankment of the Chicago Great
Western road running diagonally through
the southeast part of the city there Is a
Treat sight, the houses and fences being
piled up promiscuously along the grade In
confusion and the carcasses of domestic
animals freely Intermingled. The Des
Moines packing house is located on an
Island far to the southeast and all around
this island similar conditions prevail. Noth
ing has been done today looking to the
removal of furniture and household goods
in any part of the city. The relief work Is
being handled splendidly, and all the com
mittees are thoroughly organized. The city
and county officials are furnishing all that
they can and private funds are being
Health Precaution.
Extreme cold continues and the flood
victims are still without sufficient clothing.
Pitiful appeals are made for dry garments
for women and children. The most alarm
ing reports were received this morning
concerning the epidemic of pneumonia and
kindred disorders. Doctors are unable to
get sleep, so numerous are the calls, and
scores of fatalities resulting from exposure
seem Inevitable.
The smallpox hospital was surrounded
by water and the coal and food supply
was cut off for two days, but the anxious
Inmates have been reassured by the d-
lining of the water. The food and fuel
famine that was threatened yesterday Is
now believed to have been averted, as
teams and boat have succeeded In reaching
freight cars that were stranded at th
outskirts when they arrived.
The street car system managed to get a
temporary engine. Installed and a dynamo
at work and was able to start a few of Its
ears again on the west side, much to the
ellef of persons living In the suburbs,
The railroads running through Des Moines
are still paralysed. The Northwestern
alone was able to keep Its trains going.
but the Rock Island Is doing business west
and north. The Rock Island suffered a
heavy loss near Harvey, twenty miles down
the river, where a fine bridge was washed
out. The Wabash has had a passenger
train on a siding east of the city for three
days, unable to go on or come back. Much
of the trackage of all the roads In East
Des Moines Is gone.
Ko Deaths In Des Moines,
The reports of death by drowning have
proved erroneous or at least none of them
have been verified.
A steam fire engine arrived In th city
today with a crew from Chicago, to be
used In case of a fire and in anticipation
of the shutting down of the waterworks
station. But happily the waterworks were
saved and good water In abundance has
been furnished the people. The water,
although drawn from beneath the Coon
river, Is not even discolored.
The Musgrave Fence company sustained
serious loss at Its large warehouse on
Second street Just below Court avenue.
The basement had filled with water and
this weakened the foundation. Sometime
during last night, the middle wall under
the building crumbled and fell and the
floors of the building went down, while the
outside walls were left standing. The en-
Ire stock of the company's goods was
precipitated into the basement and lies In
the mud and water a mass of ruins.
The ladies' tailoring store of S. Wolf on
Seventh street was broken into and robbed
last night. The discovery was made this
morning and the proprietors went to work
t once to determine how much was lost.
Many ladles' skirts and other goods were
The Northwestern, Minneapolis & St,
Louis and Rock Island are operating trains
Irregularly, boats and hacks being em
ployed to transport passengers to and from
the train beyond the flood district. Other
railways are still tied up. The river has
begun to decline at Ottumwa and Eddy
vllle, below here, leaving a terrible trail
of ruin. Conditions at these places are
exactly as they were here thirty-six hours
The flood cltuatlon In Iowa Is Improving
and the Des Moines river has been falling
rapidly, eight feet being reported at Boone
In twelve hours. In Des Moines $.000 are
homeless and are being cared for by the
local committees. Provisions and clothing
have been contributed In large quantities
and it Is believed by all here that the worst
has passed and that no further trouble
will be experienced. From ten miles up
the river the bottoms are covered and
frequently homes are under water. No
lives have been lost and no fires reported.
Moves a SoBtheast.
The crest of Iowa floods is rapidly mov
ing southeast. Two weeks ago extreme
northwest Iowa was visited by the greatest
flood In its history. Today southeastern
Iowa is experiencing similar conditions.
-i ne ueaur river at Cedar Rapids was the
highest in history this morning, but Is declin
ing. The Iowa, Skunk and tributary rivers
emptying into the Mississippi, In the
vicinity of Keokuk, ar spread out over a
vast territory. Railways In that section
cf the state are badly tied up. The Burl -
lngton has lost nearly a mile of double
track on Its main line west of Ottumwa
and is unable to move a train. The fast
mall trains on the Burlington and Rock
Island, as well as their limited trains, are
tied up. A washout east of Des Moines
has held Rock Island westbound trains at
Newton, forty miles east of here, for three
days. Westbound trains have been operated
spasmodically out of this city.
It Is expected to have the main line of the
Rock Island open by tomorrow morning,
although schedules will be disregarded. The
Northwestern's main line, which passes
(Continued on Eights Pag-Jt
Forecast for Nebraska--Partly Cloudy and
Warmer Tuesday; Wednesday air In
East, Showers and Cooler in West Por
tion. Tern pern tore at Omaha yesterdnyi
Hour. Urs, Hear. Deer.
ft a. m 4H 1 p. m 01
6 a. in 4M p. m oil
T a. tn ..... . 4tt ft p. m 61
M a. m 4H 4 p. m 5'J
f a. m 4f S p. sn 53
10 a. m 49 tt p. m. ...... B;l
11 a. m BO T p. m AS
12 n BO H p. m 5.1
p. m ..... . B3
Transacts Routine Baalneas la Prep
aration for Regular Weekly
Meeting; Tonight.
At the meeting of the city council com
mittee of the whole yesterday It was de
cided to take no action In the matter of
paying the special deputy sheriffs who
were appointed th first week of May to
preserve order during th strike. An agree
ment had been tacitly entered Into be
tween the Board of Fir and Police Com
missioners and the county commissioners
by which the expense was to be met half
by the county and half, by the city. Th
majority of th members of the city coun
cil held that this expense should be paid
from the fire and police fund by the com
missioners. It was decided to confer with th mem
bers of th tax committee of the Real
Estate exchange anent th selection of a
successor to J. H. Mcintosh as special at
torney for the . city In the litigation be
tween the city and the railroads as to the
Judge Eller was on hand to make the
acquaintance of the present members of
thu council, and brought with him the
statement that his client. Judge Gordon,
would draw salary as police Judge of the
city until after the next meeting of the
leslslature. In spite of this It was de
cided to have the nam of Police Judge
Berka on the salary ordinance, and the
comptroller was so Instructed.
It was decided to permit the Junior mem
ber of the firm of Wright 8tout to oc
cupy desk room at the city tiall upon the
payment of 115 per montfeSntal. To the
city attorney was -referred the claims of
Mrs. Belle Gish and Mrs. Mary Stevens
for personal Injuries. The bill of the
Welsbabch Gas Lighting company, $1,098.
was not allowed, and a committee was ap
pointed to ask the street car company to
extend Its Famam street line further west.
Question for Executive Commltte f
National Editorial Associa
tion to Decide.
Th question as to whether Omaha Is to
be the meeting place of the National Edi
torial association this year la now squarely
before President Wlllard, Secretary Page
and the executive committee. After a full
discussion of the demands -made by the
officers of the association, President Med
lar of the Trt-Clty Prjjes club, and Sec
retary Utt of the ., Commercial : club have
sent a Joint letter to the officers of the
national association, defining - precisely
what Omaha will do In the way of enter
tainment. A whole-souled, hospitable re
ception is promised, together with' a free
excursion to Tellowatone park, limited to
the number that can find accommodation
In two Pullman cara It . Is pointed out
that when It was assured there would be
several side excursions to Colorado, the
Black Hills, etc., the railroads had given
grounds for such expectations. The enact
ment of the Elklns law, however, has
caused the roads to draw tighter reins so
far as free transportation Is concerned
snd the definition of the term "usual cour
tesies" has been changed since that time.
It is held that It is not fair to Omaha
for local men to contribute 11,000 to 12,000
for an excursion that will provide material
for newspaper mention from observations
In sections far removed from this city and
having nothing In common with it.
t'nlon Pacific Officials Hold First Ses
sion with Machinists' Rep
resentatives. The first of the conferences between
Union Pacific officials and the machinists
was held at headquarters yesterday. Presi
dent Burt and Superintendent McKeen met
the International executive board, but noth
ing definite or final was accomplished. The
blacksmiths were not represented at the
conference. Their International head, Pres
ident John Slocum, did not arrive In the
city until late in the day.' The conferences
will da continued today.
Neltiier side to the controversy Is giving
out any Information. Chairman Hugh
Doran of New Tork of the machinists'
executive board, who Is to make what
statements are given to the press, said last
night that there was nothing for the public
as yet, that only preliminary ground was
approached In yesterday's conference and
that he could not tell how long the confer
ences would continue.
The blacksmiths probably will not meet
the officials of the company until after the
machinists have shaped matters. However
this course Is not definitely determined, on.
The two crarts may meet the officials
Jointly after the meetings have progressed
A representative of President Burt said
late yesterday that there was nothing from
the company's standpoint to be given out
at this time.
Movements of Ocean Vessels Jane 1.
At Philadelphia Arrived: Haverford, from
At New Tork Arrived: Kroonland. from
Antwerp: Noordam, from Rotterdam:
Moltke, from Hamburg.
At Havre Arrived: Tyi OhamDene. from
New York. Passed: Sicilian Prince, from
in ew mm, ior rapies ana Palermo.
At Gibraltar Arrived: Princess Irene
from New York. Passed: Koenig Albert,
from Genoa and Naples, for New York.
At Yokohama Arrived: Doric, from Hun
Francisco via Honolulu, for Hugo, Na-
gastKl, Etnansnai ana jiung rong.
At The Lisa rd Passed: Finland, from
New York, for Antwerp: Kaiser Wllholm
II. from New York, for Plymouth, Cher
bourg and Bremen
At Cherbourg Arrived : Augusts Victoria,
from New York via Plymouth, for Ham
burg. At Plymouth Hailed: Pretoria, from
Hambure and Boulogne, for New York. A--
i rived: Kaiser Wilhelm n. from New York
for Cherbourg and Bremen, snd proceeded
At Llvernnol Arrived: C'edrlo. front New
York via Queenstnwn: Manchester Trader,
from Montreal; Holiemlan, from Boston;
Manman. from Montreal; Tunisian, from
At Brow head Passed: Nomadic, from
Portland, for Liverpool.
At Greenock Sailed: Corinthian, for Mon
treal. At London Sailed: Menominee, for New
At Beachv Head Passed: Rotterdam,
from Rotterdam, for New York.
At Copenhagen Arrived: Nicola I II. from
New York.
At Rotterdam Arrived: Potsdam, from
N""v YTk,
At Bremer. Arrived : Frleiiertch der
OroMf from Nw York vl Plymouth and
Some Belief is Afforded to Topeka Suf
Believed How Number of Deathi Will Be
Around Forty,
Extreme Precaution! Are Being Taken to
Prevent Epidemic
Work ef Aiding th Homeless Is Be-
mlna- Systematise, but Pro
visions ar Rapidly Becom
ing Short.
TOPEKA, Kan., June 1. At I o'clock to
night the water In the Kansas river had
gone down fourteen Inches and was falling
at the rate of half an inch an hour. From
Manhattan up the river comes the re
port that the water there Is slowly fall
ing. At Wamego the same condition pre
vails, and It is now reasonably certain
that the waters here will oteadtly re
cede. At this time there ar thirty-four known
dead. The list of dead follows:
JORDAN, HENRY, colored.
WARD, , old soialer.
GARKKTT, , 6-year-old son of
Fireman O. H. Garrett.
HL'TZ, FOREST, teacher.
STORV, . Infant of George M.
JACKSON, MRS. widow, probably dead.
MRS IDA. probably
Unidentified dead:
by Rescuer Smith In West Side house.
drowned while crossing to Oakland.
FOUR, seen to fall fiom trees by watch
ers at Sardou Bridge, east approach.
JACKSON, Mrs., a widow wno lived at
Thirteenth and Van Buren, was caught In
her home without means of leaving and is
thought to have been drowned.
Henry Ludlngton, who Uvea In Oakland,
was last seen hanging to the branches of
a tree in the eastern portion of North
Topeka Saturday morning. It Is thought
that he has been drowned.
John L. Adams," who lived on Madison
street near the woolen mill. Is thought to
have perished. With his family he had
taken refuge on the roof of his home. Res
cuers took the family out early, but th
boat was not large enough to accommodate
blm. When the party returned for him
he had vanished.
Others Who are Missing;.
Mrs. Ida Montgomery, who lived back
of the Cltlsens bank oh Kansas avenue.
Is reported drowned. She was In ner room
Saturday nwrntng. but the parties were
unable to rescue her. There Is no otae
there now.
Andrew Pretxel. a market gardener, liv
ing east of Oakland. Is among the miss
ing and his friends think he was drowned.
A man named Smith, who manned one
of the rescue boats on the north side last
night, reported seeing seven dead bodies
floating In the water on the second floor
of a house In North Topeka. He did not
know who had lived In the house.
The Munsey family, which was caugni on
the roof of their bouse auirny iwn. im
port thot they saw two bodies float by
this morning. '
rri fioff. 1r.. son of the enter or ponce,
saw a woman and a baby fnll from a house
roof Just west of the Gabriel lumber yards
while that structure was burning. The
current swept them directly Into the flames.
A reporter for the Associated Press saw
two men plunge from a house Just south
of the burning yards about the same time
n.tnrrtav afternoon. They were swept out
Into the current and disappeared under the
muddy water.
Some Hirrawlsg Blsrbts.
An unknown man was taking a womnn
nA h.hv serosa the river to Oakland In a
skiff, when It. capMzed. The woman and
the child were drowned. 1 ne man
his life by hanging to theboat.
Watchers on the east nrpmneh of the
old Sardou avenue bridge yesterday morn
ing, who were using field glasses, reportea
seeing four persons fall from the trees on
the other side and drop Into the water.
An unknown girl was taken from a house
nea- Kansas avenue and Gordon street late
Saturday night. She was chilled and
numbed from exposure, and died shortly
after being taken Into the Union Pacific
Milton Holt of the Continental Creamery
company saw a woman swept down the
river and drowned Saturday morning.
Another woman, who was about to be
rescued, slipped from the roof before the
boat could get to her and drowned.
The distress of the sufferers Is being
relieved. Those who are still in North
Toneka are being supplied with food, and
they are In practically no danger, unless It
be from sickness.
Disease I Threatening.
One of the most distressing features of
the situation now Is the possibility that
there will be a spread of contagious dis
eases. People of all classes ore huddled
together In houses not large enough for
them, and on all sides they are surrounded
by water. Doctors and medical relief can
not reach sufferers to any great extent.
Tbls afternoon a case of diphtheria was
reported from the woolen mill In North
Toueka. where there are many children, In
addition to the adults. It is easy to soe
what may result from this. There Is also
a case or two of scarlet fever among the
refugees on the north side. Hundreds of
cases of measles are prevalent among the
children and on account of the exposed
condition of the patients the disease will
result fatally In many rases.
The possibility of an epidemic Is the
most serious thing the city must contend
with. The physicians of the city, under
the direction of the city health board, are
making heroic efforts to check the threat
ened calamity. Ir. this work they are be
lng well aided by the health boards of the
state and county.
An emergency board of health has been
appointed by the mayor to co-operate with
the city physician. Tbls afternoon the
new board met with the county commis
sioners and arranged that the county was
to bear one-half of th expense that the
doctors will have to Incur In carrying for
ward their work
Provisions Grow Srarre.
Dr. Grubba says that the sanltar con
d it ion of North Topeka, when the water
shall go down, will be such that the place
will not be fit to be Inhabited for some
months to come. He says he thinks the
best plan would l get tenia from ths
The worst of the flootl ulttiiitlon
now Is at Kansas City, Mo., Kan
sas City, Kan., Aruiourdale nnd
Asontliii'. Wlille the flootl is sub
siding at Topeka nnd other up
river points, its crest Is now at
tliette points.
Conservative estimates place the
number of denu In these places
nt fifty, though, the means of oom
lnunlintion between the places Is
so limited that this Is lurgely
The only communication with
Kansas City, Kan., Is through
Leavenworth and It is from till
point relief Is being sent. Soldiers
from the fort have been sent to
stop looting und assist iu rescue
The financial loss at these places
depends largely upon the condition
of the large factories and packing
;lants when the flood subsides,
though it ia sure to run Into the
In Kansas City, Mo the street
cars have stopped, the water
works have shut down, as has also
the electric light plant.
The latest estimates of the num
ber of dead at Topeka put them
at forty.
Iu Iowa th.e worst of the flood
is over at Ucs Moines, where the
river is falling. At points lower
down the river conditions now are
practically as they were in Pes
Moines Saturday nnd Sunday.
Railroad traffle is nt a standstill
in that section of the state.
state and establish a tent city on some
plot of high ground.
Provisions if all sorts are becoming
scarce In Topeka. No freight trains have
entered the city for several days, and as
large quantities of groceries wore de
stroyed In North Topeka, there will not
be enough for the people to eat If this sit
uation lasts much longer. It' Is charged
that certain of the merchants have formed
a combination for the purpose of controlling
the prices of provisions. A prominent mill
man said this morning:
We do not Intend, and have never In
tended to ralBe the price of flour, no mat
ter what the grocers are thinking of do
ing. The price of our flour will continue
the same. We do not wish to make any
money out of a calamity. Unless the mar
kets go up our Hour will be sold at the
same price It is now.
It Is understood that a local commission
firm bought up all the potatoes In' town
last Saturday and advanced the price 60
oents a bushel.
' It will be at least a week before freight
trains from the east can enter Topeka,
and perhaps longer. An effort will be made
to secure a stock of provisions from the
smaller towns down the road south of
here and this may tend to relieve th sit
uation somewhat.
Jt km learned tonight that a Rock Island
relief train had readied North Topeka last
night in the vicinity of the reform school.
The train brought sixty boats and two
steam launches. Boatmen from Lake Con
trary are In charge and they are doing
splendid work in taking flood victims to
places of safety. The chief of police at St.
Joseph and eight officers accompany the
A long train of Rock Island passenger
coaches was also brought, and In these
coaches the people are being placed. The
cars will be taken to places further up the
track, some to Atchison and others to St.
Joseph, where the refugees will be pro
vided for.
The following Information was secured by
W. O. Neville, chief clerk In the office of
the Rock Island general superintendent.
Mr. Neville went on a boat for several
miles through this side of the flooded dis
trict this afternoon. He hod a good field
glass with him and reports his observations
as follows:
For miles, as far as I could see. looklna
to the north, there was nothlnz but water.
Our relief trains succeeded In getting in
on the north side of the city near the
rerorm school, or their efforts to reach
the neople would have been useless.
Miles of the Rock Island track are
washed out and much of the remaining
track Is up on end.. It will be a week be
fore we can get trolns Into Topeka. Three
train loads of material for rebuilding the
tracks have been sent from Chicago.
Dr. H. A. Keith, accompanied by A. M.
Ralrd, former foreman of the Santa Fe
boiler shop, went over to the north side
this afternoon to attend to some sick
people. Their boat was swamped and word
comes that they are now In a tree. Ef
forts will be made to rescue them tonight
with one of the steam launches received
from 8j. Joseph.'
Santa Fe Officials Working.
The Santa Fe Is laying a floor on Its
bridge across the Kansas liver In the hope
of being able to rescue some sufferers that
way. General Manager H. V. Mudge has
been out there all day, personally super
vising the work.
The Santa Fe is doing a great work In
behalf of the sufferers. The facilities of
their shops here are at the disposal of those
wishing to make a steam launch or other
machinery for rescue. The officers have
caused a pumping apparatus to be con
structed and they are now sending a supply
of water through the mains In the east
portion of the city.
A squad of firemen went to North Topeka
this morning equipped with 1,400 feet of
braided rope, pompier belts and a grim de
termination to stretch a cable from one end
of Kansas avenue to the other, so that
barges could be run to take people out of
the North Topeka tire station. The plan
was for them to hitch their pompier belts
to the trolley wire of th street car line
and thus carry their line down the avenue.
When they reached the end of the Melan
bridge they found that a dozen of the
trolley poles had entirely disappeared, and
the scheme was thus rendered Impossible.
It Is likely that within a short time the
water will be low enough to permit people
to wade from one end of the avenue to the
The people of Topeka have responded
loyally to the calls for supplies. Up to the
present time the relief committee has had
no trouble at all to supply what clothes
are necessary and feed all hungry. Further
than this no steps have been taken. Many
of the people have only been cared for
temporarily, and the biggest demand on
the generosity of the people is yet to come
when the fitting out of thousands of homes
becomes a necessity.
Many Homes Thrown Open.
The people ate not permitted to stay at
the Auditorium any longer than is neces
sary. As noun as they are brought in and
given dry clothing most of them are sent
to the houses of south side residents.
There has been no trouble so far in finding
places for them to stay. People have come
In and given their addresses and agreed to
(Continued on Second Pag.)
Kansas City in Darkness and Lon of Lif
is Unknown.
Armonrdale is Out Off and Property Low
it Conjectural,
Work of Kesoua Rapidly Progresses, bat
Many are Yet Exposed.
Only Hop of o Further Fatalities
Is Cessation of Italns and Rise
of Waters, of Which Ms
Sign Is Apparent.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
KANSAS CITY, Mo.. June l.-(8pec!al
Telegram.) Dark and wet and cheerless,
with street cars, trains, light and water
cut off Kansas City Is beginning to view
Its wreck after the stupendous catastrophe
which has apparently reached Its senlth.
Business of all kinds Is crippled Indefinitely,
Armonrdale and half a dosen of lesser
towns and villages have been swept from
the map and countless thousands rondered
homeless. The loss of life has been appall
ing, probably 150 In the two states and
the loss of property so stupendous that
none dare yet even guess at It in detail.
So far the most conservative estimates
place the damage at $60,000,000 but this Is
mere Juggling with figures for till some
semblance of order Is restored and men
can get at the halt submerged buildings
In the east and west bottoms no one can
measure the disaster. But In addition to
property actually swept away there Is a
vast loss of time and wages to be reckoned
with and the sums spent In relief and pro
tection to be accounted for.
Tonight Kansas City is as the abode of
the dead, men huddle over candles as if to
guard each feeble ray of light, since even
their uncertain glimmer may soon be taken
from them by the exhaustion of ths supply.
They shield, too, each precious drop of
water, which Is selling at 10 cents a pall or
II a barrel. They watch each scrap of
food, fearing a famine before communica
tion, with the world Is reopened. They
tramp the streets, unable to ride, since
nature has conquered man and th Missouri
has retaken the land wrested from It In th
past For years a gradual process of re
clamation has gone on, till the main chan-
nel has been about cut In half. For years
It has been as if man laughed In his pride,
but the prldo which comes before a fall.
Now the elements have combined against
him and humbled him everlastingly. , '
River. Changing Courses.
Indeed Indications are not wanting to
night that the punishment is to be as
lasting as Its first sting was severe, for
with the Kaw and. th Missouri, said by
river men to be changing their courses
Should this come to be true, the Kaw will
flow through the center of what once was
Armourdale and the Missouri will cross th
network of tracks which skirt Its bank
west of the city. Nominally this In itself
would be a great disaster, but now It la
viewed with equanimity, for seventeen of
the eighteen bridges . which span th
streams are down. Armourdale Is no moffO
and it will be as easy to reconstruct on
new ground as on old.
.Toduy the fires which raged last night
burned themselves out and the flood has
been stationary since 4 this afternoon, but
even with these signs of hope th generil
situation could hardly be worse. Standing
on the blulla skirting the town a Scene of
desolation meets the eye. Away In th
distance, through a haze of driving rain.
Is Kansas City, Kan., cut off since yes
terday from all communication with this
city. To the left is the tall tower of the
Armourdale elevator, which alone marks
the site of the submerged suburb. Dotted
about here and there, on gaunt spider-like
pillars of Iron, Is all that remains of sev
enteen bridges; In the foreground sre half
burned houses, the tops of box cars and
passenger coaches and the occasional fun
nel of a hopelessly compressed locomotive.
About It surges the great sea of water,
tearing along in Impatient haste, battering
each surviving lone mast with huge bulks
of timber, masses of united houses, car
casses of stricken beasts and all mannor
of dehrts, as If striving to remove even
the last vestige of man's handiwork.
People are Optimist le.
Still, In spite of It all, and this is perhaps
the most remarkable feature of th whole
traglo situation, the entire city Is ani
mated by an Intense spirit of optimism.
There Is no lack of information. Everyone
fully realizes the disaster and Is prepared
for the worst. Everyone realizes that It
must be weeks. If not years, befor the
wheels of industry grind as before, but no
one Is discouraged. The men one meets on
the streets and these, the refugees, who
crowd the churches and Convention hall,
go about silently, with heads turned away,
It Is true, but proudly, and as If to say,
We are citizens of no mean city, w will i
It Is this spirit of optimism which Is the
ominous light patch in an otherwise
murky sky, which has bred thst brother
hood of affliction to which thousands owe
their comfort. In the churches and con
vention hall are some 700 families, rescued
with their lives alone, who depend often
on charity for the very clothes which
cover their nakedness. They are being
cared for by the citizens at large, guarded
by the militia, fed by rifts prepared by
volunteers from the waiters' union and
nursed and attended by those trained to
these arts, who, like others, give their
services free, and as It Is In these th
greater things, so is It also in the leas.
With the street cars shut down, the man
with the buggy la twice blessed. Blessed
both in Its use and in the aid It lends to
others with short water. Householders
are sharing each drop. With candles at a
premium they sre lending their light to
their neighbors and may com soon to the
dividing of food. So proud are these peo
ple In their affliction that they have cast
aside all thought of outside aid. They
have resolved to stand togvther and re
build alone what the waters have destroyed.
It was for this reaaon that Oovernor
Doekery today withdrew his proclama
tion asking help for the stricken city but
a few hours after its Issuance.
Details of th .Disaster.
KANSAS CITY, Mo.. June l.-Wlth gas
snd electric lights extinguished, th water
works shut down and the city practically
at the mercy of the first fire that shall
breek out; with railroad transportation
feel le and uncertain, Kansas City may, If
th waters do not recwd within th nest