V5 0 The Omaha Daily Bee. 'l ESTAHL1S1IED JUNE 19, 1871. 03IAIIA, MONDAY MOllNINO, JUNE 1, 1903. single Copy three cents. fi A w ill .v A SMITH MAKES REPLY Coea Into Detail in Answer to the Chargei of Ei-Caihier Tulloch. INVESTIGATED AT TIME FIRST MADE Evidence Justified the Tnnsactiom that lie Complained Of. LACKEO KNOWLEDGE OF CONDITIONS Oonrae Taken Keoewary to Meet the Situa tion During War. OTHER DOCUMENTS TO BE MADE PUBLIC Replies of Ferry Heath and Aealataat Poatmaater General Brlatow Are Among Them. WASHINGTON, May II. Postmaster Osneral Payne today made public the reply of former Postmaster General Smith, to the charges of 8. W. Tulloch, former cash ier of the Washington city postofnee, re garding the postal administration. Mr. Smith says that ha Investigated the al legation of Irregularities when they were made and the evidence adduced in most cases wis believed to be a Justification of the transactions complained of, adding; that the criticisms betrayed a lack of knowledge of conditions Incident to the Spanish war and the measures necessary to meet tte re quirements, Mr. Payne said today that Mr? Smith's lettor practically closes the Tulloch Inci dent, although other documents on the sub Joct will be made public later. These In clude the replies of Former First Assistant Postmaster General Heath and of Fourth Assistant Poatmaster General Brlatow, tho report on the former Investigation of the Tulloch charges to which Mr. Smith refers, and the reports of the poatoflice inspectors who Investigated the Washington postofflce. owing to the great volume of the docu- ment, Mr. Payne said that all of the docu ments except Mr. Heath's reply will be briefed, although the documents themsolves will be open to public Inspection If wanted. The first answer of Mr. Smith to the Tulloch charges will not be mado public. Mr. Payne explained today that Mr. Smith had forgotten about Mr. Tulloch's charges and the investigation he ordered and that until the papeis were actually found by Mr. Francis W. Whitney, secretary to Mr. Payne, It was not known that the charges had been Investigated at the time. These papers showed that Mr. Smith divided the charges Into groups, noting directions for Investigation as to each group and pubee fluently recording against each group the results of tbe Investigation. Those r.Mu:i constitute "the exhibit" to which Mr. Smith refers In his letter. Mr. Payne said that Mr. Smith In his prior letter, had entirely forgotten the Tul loch charges and did not recall the namo or the fact that he had Investigated the charges. Mr. Smith,' socond letter, Jn full, ollows: ; . . ...., , Text of "Smith Letter. ; 'Philadelphia, May 27, 1903-Henry C. Payne, 1'ust master Genernl, Washington. t. C. Sir: 1 am In receipt of your letter of the 20th Inst., inclosing copy of a letter addressed to you by Mr. S. W. Tulloch, respecting the conduct of the Postofnce de partment and the Washington oitv post ofllce during the years IbDH and ixa8. in reply, I bog to say that the sugges tions ot Irregularities made by Mr. Tulloch on his retirement from his position of cashier of the city postottice were duly acknowledged at the time and the facts In the cane were ascertained. The result of that examination was embodied In a lull exhibit of the alleged Irregularities and of the explanations In each Instance, which Is on tile in the department. To this exhibit 1 refer as embracing a particular and de tailed answer to Mr. Tulloch's statements. Without undertaking to repeat here Its specific and minute evidences, let me aav In general terms that In most cases It pre sents what was said to be a Justification of tne transactions oompiainea or. ine trans actions mostly grew out of the conditions Incidental to the operation of the Spanish war and the criticisms betrayed a want of knowledge both of the conditions and of the methods adopted to meet their require ments, ine war was declared on April ll, reads Available. Within a few weeks an army of 250.000 men was raised ana organised In rimm It became necesaary to provide at once for the prompt handling of the malls of tnis large body of .soldiers and their mil lion frlenda at home. Any failure to do so would justly nave excited universal co.i dsmnat mon. At the outset no aite.-rlal ap propriation waa available and the means had to be provided from the general postal appropriations. Afterwards congress made a special appropriation for the militnrv fostal service, to be expended entirely at lie discretion of the postmaster general. In meeting the demands of the service and In making good out of one fund what had been temporarily and unavoidably drawn from the other, rhanses and Irani. fera and special employments were made which might not be understood bv thnu who had only an Incomplete knowledge of mi lacin. Machinists oa Payroll. It wss round expedient as a matter of . practical sdniinletruilou to treat tne camps and afterwards lor u time the oltloea of i orto Kico as branches of the Washington oQice, as those of Cuba were treated as blanches of the New Vork office. This In volved the enrollment of the men employed for Porto Kico on the Washington roll fur a time and soma of the ex ti n ti u in the department was provided for in the . same way. out ot these tacts Ignorantly araw some ef the allegation of irreuuUr. uy. Compared wlta ms magmluje ot the military aerwee, not many new appoint ments were muae. It was the policy or the Ooparimein to seiuct trained and expur leuied men alieauy In tiu service nd detail tnem to tne military and island work louring two yuars congress 'ipp.-op.-tated t&uu.uuv tor me military postal service to be expended at the discretion ot tne poai master general. Of tnla amount -Hio4.a5 waa apeia und the remainder, J,:i.J. kt " covered back into tbe treasury borne ren rei.Lo ha been made to the fac tliKt a lew mucluitiats appealed to bo en rolled on the clerical roll. This may have grown out of one uf niy acts. .After exam ining the suPJucl 1 determined to cut down tha annual rental uf cancelling machines used In the postottioes of the country to an extent which effected a saving of about Jimi.uotl a year In the aticregate to the gov ernment. In consideration uf (his lurge re duction the department agred to take care of the machines. This required three or four machinists, who should travel from oitioe to office for the purpone, and direction was given that the inaclilniata already familiar with the work should be employed I am frank to say that 1 do not now recall lust how they were enrolled, but it waa 1 thouylit that It could be lawfully done In exempted places and tio more red tape or form was allowed to stund In tne way of what waa believed to be for tha good of the service. The examination of the alleged Irregu larities In the connection of the department with the Washington oltlce as already atated Justified most of them, I should not be altogether candid If I did not say that In some caaee I was not thoroughly con vinced of the propriety of the transactions. These questionable transactions coiu.ii.ied for the moat part of placing on the roll a few persons, the need of whose services wss not clearly shown. When theae developed the proper officers were Instructed that every proceeding which could not be Justified should be remedied and stopped. Subject vf Investigation. It Is proper for me to add that Mr. Tulloch's allegations were the subject of ' an independent and searching tnvealig, OouUbm4 4 JTUUt Paiaq MISSISSIPPI IS OVERFLOWED Doea Great Damage to Crepe aad Balldlnars la Vtclelty ef ' Hannibal. I v., "'tL, Mo.. May II. The rise In the"". river has brought heavy damage' '" -lands and bottom land In this section , ' snds of acres of corn snd other croit srged and every thing ruined, Incluuv, Srra property1, as well as dwellings," hv ore than half the live stock. The residents escaped tJ the Missouri shore. In Hannibal the water Is far up on the levee and residents of the "squatters" section have been com pelled to vacate their homes for higher places. The gauge at the Hannibal bridge registers fourteen feet and eight Inches above low water mark, which places the water one foot and eight Inches above the danger line of thirteen feet. Observer Cover of the weather station predicts that the water will reach a stage of eighteen feet, which will make the flood one of the worst known In years. Predic tions of Observer Cover are based upon tele graphic reports received showing that the Mississippi river is rising at all points north of Hannibal, up to St. Paul, Minn. Bl'RUNQTON, la., May II. The river here Is ton feet five inches above low water mark and is rapidly rising. The water Is nearly on a level with the Diamond Joe freight house. The lowlands of Illinois are flooded for miles and many acres of crops are ruined. A heavy, cold rain has been falling all day. LA CROSSE, Wis., May Sl.-Whlle mov ing furniture In a boat from his home. Iso lator hy floods, .pSuil Jlcker was drowned today. Water has passed the government danger line and Is rising rapidly. On the norm side many small houses are afloat and two feet of water stands In many houses. La Crosse Is surrounded by water and a rloo of another foot will Inundate the wholesale quarter. Railroads at Grants Crossing are under water. Many people narrowly escaped drowning, today. KEOKUK, la.. May 31. Both the Missis slppl and the Des Moines rivers have reached and passed the danger line here and are flowing over the Missouri bottoms. Several thousand acres of crops have been destroyed. The Egyptian levee, guarding additional thousands of acres may be over topped tonight. Alexandria Is flooded. All trains south and west of Keokuk have been abandoned. QUINCY. III.. May Sl.-The Mississippi river at this point tonight reached a stage of fifteen feet eight inches, a rise of seven Inches since morning. The lowlands here. abouts are under water and as a Btill higher stage Is sure to follow, the damage will be great PACKING PLANTS IN DANGER South St. Joseph Gets a Taste of Hlsh Water la the Missouri. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., May U, President J. C. Letts of the Commercial club has called mass meeting for 8 o'clock tomorrow morning to tender men, money and boats to all points needing assistance. The six big packing plants In South St Joseph are In danger. The Missouri rlvjw nss xi sen ir.ree ieet since noon, submerg ing all bottom lands. ', Mayor Borden left tonight on a special Hock Island train for Topeka, with 900 men and twenty boats. All possible assistance will be afforded that stricken city. About twenty-five acres of lowlands near the packing houses In South 8t. Joseph are flooded. Numerous small truck farms are ruined. The loss In this vlolnlty will amount to about 1600,000. HUGE IRISH DEMONSTRATION Thirty Thoasaad Participate la Cloa- tnsr Rveat of Rational Lessi Coaventloa. 4 LIVERPOOL May II. The convention ot the Irish National league, which opened yesterday, closed today with a demonstra tion by 90,000 Irishmen. T. P. O'Connor, M. P., who presided, referring to the fact that Irish votes saved the government from defeat over the London education bill, said: 'The English people must reallin that Balfour Is premier by virtue of the Irish vote. If they are fit to rule Rngland, they are also fit to rule Ireland." RICS IS SENTENCED TO DEATH Filipino Insnrgent Leader aad His Followers Coavleted of Harder. MANILA. May II. Ruperto Rlos, the fanatical "Filipino leader In, the province of Tayabas, who waa captured about a month ago, has been convicted of murder and sentenced to death. Twenty-seven of his followers also were convicted and sentenced to various terms of Imprisonment. A detachment of scouts has defeated and scattered the Oanlguf Island Insurgents, killing eighteen of them. This, It Is be lieved, will end the opposition to the gov ernment In that place. ALMOST A THOUSAND KILLED Coasal Reports oa Fatalities Earthquake la A'alatle Terkey. la IXNDON. May ll.-The British consul at Eraoroum reports that an official estimate places the number of persons killed In the earthquake In the Van district of Astatic Turkey at 860, while the loss of rattle waa Incalculable, as owing to the lateness of the spring s large majority of the animals were indoors. Nearly a score of village were destroyed and many more were par tially demolished. The center of the seismic disturbance was In the neighborhood of Mt. Glpan. WILL SIGN COALING TREATIES Conea Representatives Will Cloeo I'p tho Matter Daring; the Preaent Week. HAVANA. May II. President Palma has informed the representative of the Asso ciated Press that the coaling station leases will be signed next week. He says the matter will not be delayed because of the absence from Cuba of the secretary ot state, as Secretary of the Treasury Montee wilt act In Benor Zoldo's place. Object to Oplnm Franchise. MANILA, May SI. Opposition Is develop ing to the plan providing for the sale by the government of an exclusive opium corporation The Evangelical unton Is urging that opium be entirely excluded from the Islands, asserting that Its use Is spreading and working great Injury to SOME RAILROADS TIED DP Rcok Island Abandoni Service in Iowa, Sebraaka and Kansas. BURLINGTON LOSES OTTUMWA. BRIDGE Inlon Pnclfle Main Line iat Good Shape sad President's Trala Probably Will Cosae to Omaha Safely. With President Roosevelt and his party speeding toward Omaha In their special train anxiety over the continued rains and floods which have subjected railroads to a supreme test Increases. While the Union Paoiflc. over which the president Is now traveling, has thus far been Bpared ser ious hardship, apprehension cannot alto gether be allayed In view of the threaten ing situation that continues and the grave results that already have befallen some of the roads. Only yesterday reports reached Omaha that the big Burlington bridge over the Des Moines river at Otturawa had gone out and that the Missouri Paclflo bridge spanning the Platte river at La Platte had shared the same fate. None of the Omaha roads has thus far had to report any loss of life, but the property loss Is already significant. The most vigilant efforts are being exerted by all the local railroad men to avert more serious disaster. It Is un fortunately not a question, however, of what the railroads can do, but of what the raging waters may do. The Burlington, Missouri Pacific and Rock Island are the greatest sufferers up to this time. The Rock Island for two days has been so completely at the mercy of the floods as to have practically aband oned Its service. It Is still running trains between Omaha and Des Moines, but Is not attempting It east beyond Des Moines, nor west beyond Omaha. Its Chicago-Denver business Is being handled by the North western and Union Paclflo and the B. A M. Is still hauling its trains from this city to Lincoln. The Rock Island tracks at Falrbury and other places are under water. In the state of Iowa It is submerged also. Bis; Bridge Goes Oot'. The B. & M., while crippled somewhat by high water at Plattsmouth and in that vicinity. Is managing to run its trains' be tween hare and Lincoln without serious difficulty and Is maintaining Its service west to Denver. In fact the B. & M. Is not among the worst sufferers, but the Chicago, Burlington Qulncy Is. It Is practically at the mercy of the raging Des Moines river In Iowa, and therefore unable to pull Its trains through from Chi cago, except by roundabout route. Yes terday afternoon the turbulent Des Moines, which has been on the rampage for several days. Is reported to have swept away . the big bridge which spans It at Ottumwa. The train for Omaha had evidently Just passed over the bridge when It went out. : A passenger who ar rived at the local JBurllngton station said he saw the big structure gradually yielding to the tremendous forces that were press ing It on all sides. ' J "I saw timbers and spikes fall from the bridge and knew t It was deve4..l-lld not see It go Out entirely, but saw enough to convince me that It was going and to make me feel glad that I waa over It. There was some talk of running a heavy freight train out on the bridge to hold It In place, but this Idea was dropped when It waa seen with what force the river was beating against the, bridge.' - This was a double track, steel bridge, half a mile long and a very valuable struc ture. . Telegraph dispatches from Ottumwa, how ever, make no mention of the loss of the bridge. Haa to Change Its Ronte. The Burlington has had to change Us route to St. Louis and Kansas City. Omaba St. Louis trains now have to go by way of Charlton and Creston and down through Keokuk, while those running from here to Kansas City must travel east over the "Q" as far as Charlton and then drop down by way of Leon, striking the regular route again at St. Joseph. The chief obstacles on this line are In the vicinity of Hamburg and Blgelow and near Forest City high waters obstruct the Kansas City trains. The B. A M. reports freedom from serious' condition at Plattsmouth, althourh the water waa sold to have been gradually rising there last night. The Missouri Pacific had a train Into umana yesterday, but waa compelled to abandon Its night train out because of the destruction of the bridge crossing the Platte river at La Platte. The Platte Is reported to be steadily rising and the situation is oeing watcnea witn considerable appre henslon. The Wabash trains yesterday were nearly on time, arriving and departing, but at night a report stated that the same ni which submerged the Burlington tracks at Harlem. Mo., had put the Wabash under water and It waa thought tlvat trains would urn unoun in gel past mat point. Fonr Fortnnate Roads. The Milwaukee, Illlnola Central. Nik weatern and Elkhom have thus far been .o.iu.uiio. tne two former report na an noyance except the necessity In some cases w a.ow up sngnuy because of threaten Ina eonnltlnna Kit. i . w , u h re running on good time. The Northwestern h.. countered some high waters near Sioux City that made It necessary vaat.nt.. ru.. w.. 1Win ny, train on the west side of the river Instead ot the east side as uui. ine cianorn has had a Unri.iM. somewhere on the Bonesteel route, hut M serious results are reported at local quar- ters. As for the L'plon Paclflo, It la practically i rum irouoie except on Its Kansas i-acino Drancn, which Is of coura In undated in many places by the floods that are raging In Kansas. It Is abandoned and the traffic Is being sent through Omaha on the main line. As to Its ability to get the president and party safely through from the west to Omaha, officials ot tha company express no doubt so far as they can speak from conditions now. The presi dential train, which does not stop at Omaha any length of time. Is due here Tuesday morning at I o'clock. Offlclala ot the company last night said their reports of It were all right and that it would get Into Omaha surely unless some very un expected misfortune arose in the mean time. ' Yesterday waa a trying time for depot offlclala. At the three stations these men had their woes. People seemed to have lost sight of the fact that the . distorted rivers and raging floods had got clear beyond the control of even depot officials. Appeal to ClTle Federatlea. BT. LOL'ia. May It.-At an executive meeting of the Civic Federation, which was held st the Mercantile club, at whtrh Ralph M. Easley, secretary of the National Civic! Federation, wrta present, a committee from the KreiKM Handlers' union requiwted that their differences be adjusted. The matter was placed in the haade ef the conciliation commutes. ' CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Fair Monday and T. . ) I) i i a . . , . " " -1 ' i' in, Duuineesi or- tlon; Warmer Tiiceday. Trmperatere at Omaha Yesterday i Hoar. Desr. , Hoar. Des. 0 a. m t , 1 (, n, 4 tfa. la 41 a p. m no T a. ni 47 a p. m...... 4H 8 a. m. . . . . 4T 4 p. na ...... 47 a. m 4 s p. m 4 10 a. nt 41 p. m ...... 48 11 a. an IM 7 p. nt...... 44 1 m 411 H p. m 48 P. sa 47 TWENTY-SEVEN ARE DROWNED Are on I'nloa Paelae Bridge Kansas River When It Collapses. Over KANSAS CITY, June 1. A message to the Times from Kansas City, Kan., by way of Leavenworth, at o'clock this morning, says that twenty-aeven men were on the Union Paclflo bridge which spanned the Kansas river when It went down, and all of the men were drowned. It Is said that many persona saw the men drown. CARS TUMBLE INTO OCEAN Large Nans her of People Injnred In Wreck on Bonthern Partac. SANTA BARBARA Cel.. May U. Nearly forty persons were Injured, according to re ports recolved today, by the falling of four coaches of the Southern Pacific south bound overland limited passenger train down a forty-foot embankment Into the Pacific ocean last night. The derailment occurred near Rlncon, where the tracks run along a high cliff overhanging the ocean. Word was sent to Santa Barbara and Los Angeles and spe cial trains went to Rlncon. The more se verely Injured were taken to Los Angeles. Many persons were wedged under the cars, but the coaches were partly floated by the sea, so hat the prisoners were not crushed fatally. The severely injured: ' Mrs. Nelson Johnson, Fort Madlsoni Zi, bruised and cut about had. Mrs. J. C. Smith, Los Angeles; both arms crushed, must be amputated at shoulder. O. W. Grady, Law ton, Okl.; cut and bruised. J. E. Carr, Creston. la.; cut and bruised. - - Mrs. J. E: Carr, Creston, la.; bruised. Mrs. Alice Stebbens, Ithaca, N. Y.; head, face, arms and hands cut and brulsod. . Mrs. J. M. Cnsey, Fort Madison, la.; cut and bruised about head, internally injured, Robert Casey, bruised and cut. Five-year-old son of Mrs. Casey, slightly cut. .-,- . Nelson Johnson, Fort Madison, la.; badly hurt about head and shoulders. ' Train Agent O. M. Wells, light shoulder and bark injured. It is not known uf what caused tha wreck, ae no lhaoetlKin. eould Sa made In the darkness. It la, biiuye d, however, that ther-taTls spread as 1 u roevhtotive " waey passing over them. .' 1 Several other cars left the. track, but did not go down the batik. i PRESIDENT HAS BUSY SUNDAY Atteads Cnarefc In Mornlnaj and Visits Seaator Warren's Ranch Later. CHEYENNE, Wyo., May IL President Roosevelt waa on the go moat of the day. This morning he was driven to the First Methodist church, where special services for the president were held. At the close of the service., carriages were taken to the home of Former Senator Carey, where luncheon waa served. In the afternoon a long procession of carriages, headed by the president and party, started for Senator Warren'a ranches, fourteen miles south Of Cheyenne. Here the routine work on one of Wyoming's largest ranches was shown ty party. At 6 o'clock supper was servel, after which the start for Cheyenne waa made. When the president reached his hotel at 1 o'clock tonight he was In Jubi lant spirits and remarked that he waa look ing forward with great pleasure to the frontier exhibition to be held tomorrow morning. Previously to starting for the Warren ranches, the Eagle's Lodge of Cheyenne presented to President Roosevelt a mem bership In the order. Secretary Moody, who has been with the presidential party since it entered the state, left today for Washington. SEVERAL FEET BELOW DANGER Mlasoart River Does Hot Promise to Make Any Troable at Omaha. The Missouri river at Omaha la the twenty-four hours ending Suniay morning at I o'clock had risen 1.1 of a foot, but the water Is still nearly Ave feet below the danger point. The Sunday reports received at Omaha do not Include river readings from polpts south, and the only report received from a Missouri river point was from Sioux City, where the. water was twelve feet above low water and five feet below the danger point Reports from points north show little rainfall, and therefore tbe local weather bureau predicts that the river will .not go much higher at Omaha. MASONS TO MEET WEDNESDAY Hebraska Grand Lodge to nnal Session In Oa Thla Week. II avo Aa. laba The annual meeting of the Maaonlc grand lodge of Nebraska will be held at Masonlo hall, this city, Wednesday, June I. Grand Master Nathaniel M. Ayrea of Beaver City Is expected to arrive thla morning. The grand lodge will assemble at 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon and continue for three or four days. A number of prominent Masons are already In the city to attend the meeting. Movements of Oeeaa Veeaels May SI At New York Arrived: Astoria, from Glasgow and Movllle; Bolivia, from Pal ermo and Naples; Cyrmlc from Liverpool and Queenstown; Oportia, from Lisbon and Aaorea; Manltou, from London and South ampton; L'mbrta, from Liverpool and ueenstown. At The Llsard Passed: La Champagne, for Havre. At IJverpool Arrived: Cevlc, from New lra; aiaynower, irora o onion via Queens- iu n. At ilovllle Sailed: Tunisian, from Mon treal, for IJverpool. At gueennlown-Sailed: Lucanla, from Liverpool for New York. At Southampton Sailed: vtnlgin Iilllss. Crosa feramas. for York, FLOODS CONTINUE WOltii Of Death List at Topeka Now ConserTatiTel Put at lully Two Hundred. SMALL BOATS FOUND USELESS FOR RESCUE Large Number Arrive, but Little Oould Be Done with Them. STEAM LAUNCHES FINALLY REACH SCENE i These Ire Able to Face the Current and Work Proceeds Rapidly. GREAT DANGER AT KANSAS CITY, KANSAS Stock. Yards and Parkin- Plants lader Water aad Mea Work All Meat Hesealnsj the Llvo Stock. ( TOPEKA, Kan., May ai.-There Is ground for hope that tha worst Is passed. So treacherous has the Kansas river proved itself tonight in the rise of the water, so slowly as to be Imperceptible the flve-mllo stream Is settling Into Its rightful chan nel. Up and down the official gauge has fluttered all day, tonight, however. City Engineer McCable issued a bulletin giving out the cheering Intelligence that the wat ers had subsided to the extent of exactly TVs Inches. It may be a few hours before another drop may be noticed. With 170 to 200 lives lost, millions of dollars of prop erty destroyed, hundreds of pistol shots as algnals of distress, blended with the agonising cries of unwilling Inhabitants of tree tops and roofs of houses and the wat ers creeping upward and then slowly sub siding and alternately changing hope to despair, the capital city haa passed the most memorable sabbath day of its exist ence. To all thla discomforting condition of affairs was added the presence of a cold, dismal rain. The ardor of the rescue work of the herolo .rescuers was not abated In the least by the conditions which confronted them for long dreary hours, knee deep In water and sometimes In water up to their necks, they worked with might and main. TOnight they can proudly point to 100 or more rescued ones who otherwise might have been swept away In the cur rent. Briefly stated, the present condition of the flood is this: summary ot Conditions, . One hundred and seventy to two hundred people drowned. Eight thousand people without homes. Four-mllllon-dollar loss of property de stroyed. Identified dead, five; floating bodies seen, twenty; people missing, 200. Houses burned, result of fire in lumber, from slacking lime,. probably( 100. Banks collapsed, two. Wholesale grocery stores flooded,, two., Big business blocks almost ready to crumble! fifty., - - Wholesale 'con commission ""housea ' deserted, allf, Hock- Island trains containing 150 pea- aengera held here by high water. City water works plant useless. Known drowned: KARL RUPP. ORRVILLE RUPP. TWO RUPP GIRLS. O. H. GARRETT'S l-TEAR-OLD SON. TWTENTT UNIDENTIFIED BODIES. Estimate Loss of Life. La ling men have made a careful ex amination of the flood and all its condi tions and as a result of their Investigation they give 2E0 as the probable number of lives lost. . A more conservative estimate places the number of dead at 175. The higher number is as likely to be correct aa the lower. The number of dead Is merely a matter of estimate. Members of rescuing parties tell how they saw people drop from houses only to be swept away by the flood and others tell of men who, terrified at the approach of the Are, dropped Into the water, where they sank and did not reappear. This estimated number of dead does not Include the large number classed aa missing who cannot otherwise be accounted for, neither doea It Include the number who are supposed to have iost their lives In the Are. In the latter class there is absolutely no means of arriving at even an approximate number of victims. The water Is so high and the current so strong that all that can be done now Is to rescue those In the buildings surrounded by water. It will be at least three days before the correct number of qeaa wui do decided upon. Steam Laaachn Effective. Work of rescuing the victims of the flood Is being pushed forward with vigor. Better results have characterized the ef forts ot the organised forces since 4 o'clock this afternoon than during all the preced ing twenty-four hours. Two little steam launches are now puffing up and down the river picking up survivors. A larger steam boat is expected here by a speoiai train on the Rock Island within twenty-four hours. If possible to run the train the boat will be brought to a point two miles above the city and there launched. A tralnload of email boats were In use today, but they were useless tonight, bat tling against the mighty current. A wire cable Mas been stretched across the Kansas avenue bridge. To this will be attached a sand dip, and refugees wilt be brought across In this manner. If the flood doea not rise further and those not yet reached can keep their places a few hours longer, there need not necessarily be a much larger loss of life Large contributions have already been received for the benefit of the sufferers. The amount given by Topeka cltlsens alone will aaeresate 1100,000. To this Is to be added an Immense quantity of clothing, provisions and general supplies. Outside towns havs generously offered aid, notable among which la Galveston. Tex. Tonight the portion of Topeka not at fected by the flood Is crowded with refugees j . , . .,,.,,,,,, ,.,, and people from the surrounding counrry i- wJl . , -itn. th. flood condi- wuu imw v " tlona. There la great anxiety tonight aa to wMt tomorrow will bring forth. If the river does not receive any more flood water west of here the Improvement In the situation here will be marked. If the water rises at Manhattan and Wamego tomorrow will see a repetition of the worst of the flood scenes and the distress (aill be greatly intensified. Either contingency Is entirely within the range of possibility. Bridges Are Gaae. Yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock the number of drowned people was known to be at least U0 and a large number were yet missing. Several were reported burned to death, but thla could not be substantiated. From all over eastern Kan sas boats are being rushed here for the rescue ( the sufferers, The north aad el Bt'MMARY SITIATIO. Further lejiorts from Toprka sorre to mid lo ratlier tlmn detract from tlio nlniiiiliig utorics of tlio first dnys of the jircat flood. It is now conservatively estimated thut at least people have lost their lives ttt that point und tho property damage has heeu'lni iiieiioe. The river has commenced to fall and there Is a sltrn of relief, hut continued rains tio not lend too much aKsuram-c. The arrival of several steam and Kasoline launches has facilitated the rescue of people Imprisoned In the bulldliiKR of the flooded dis trict, rotvtioiits Imrintf been found incapable of facing the current. At Kansas City, Imth on the Mis souri and Kansas side, the con ditions have Kruwu worse. Fifteen people are known to have been drowned and several fires are now burnlnK In the flooded district. In Iowa the condition shows signs of improvement at les Moines, but on the lower river they are worse. The death list at lies Moines is now placed at seven. the Melan bridge, the only way of reach ing North Topeka. has gone out and an effort will be made to stretch a wire cable across the gnp. All of the pontoon bridges on the north side were washed out early this morning and the only possible chance of reaching the survivors then was by boats. Shortly after daylight nine boats arrived from Ottawa on a special train and they were put Into active service at once. Soon after reports -of drowning began to come in. A boat containing eight men was swept away In trie swift current about 7 o'clock and as far as known all were drowned. A boat containing two men was, capslsed. The boats were too frail to live in the swlrllng waters. More boats arrived from Emporia at 10 o'clock' and hurry mesbages had been sent to other towns for more. The river re mained stationary after having fallen seven Inches. Heavy rains were reported from up the stream, however, and it was feared that another rise would st In. Eighty- seven people are high and dry In the Fage eUvator. If the building holds together ther wU1 06 rf"cued- I" B street col ored uaptist cnurcn nearly iuu people nave been standing since yesterday. Many of them have doubtless fallen from exhaustion btforo this and drowned. The building stands Intact, however, and those who are left alive may be rescued. Small Boats laeless. As aeon from a high place on North Tyler street, near the Rock Island bridge, the stream appeared to be widening. The bridge had not gone out, aa waa reported last night, but It waa getting very shaky. The current was running with an Incred ible swiftness." Small boats have no chance at5 ail,j -a'0TmvriTr'thenT'"-have lrondy swamped. Even If. they could successfully traverse the whirling, eddying stream for a rnile, they would be almost rfure to be overturned by striking against houses and other wreckage. North Topeka la a scene of utmost deso lation. Not a square foot of land can be soon in any direction. There Is but a small chance of any of, the residence be ing left standing at the end of the flood period. Sherry, Oakland and the region about the Reform school north of North Topeka. are all under water, but the sit uation Is favorable In these places com pared with North Topeka. The plan of trying to crosa the river near what remains ot the Kansas avenue bridge has been abandoned. Boats will be taken In wagons to a point near Auburndale, a suburb two and a half miles southwest. They will then be launched and allowed to float with the current to polnu where peo ple are to be rescued. This plan, of course, will Involve much danger to the rescuers, but this is lost sight of In the desire to help the unfortunate ones. It Is Impossible to force boats through the currents. Rains Fnt Oat Fires. Nearly all the Area have been put out by the heavy rain which has been falling nearly all night The sky was overcast and the rain bid fair to continue all day. It was soon recognised that rowboata would be of no use In battling with the currents. Steam launches must be secured at once and to this end rush messages were sent to the superintendent and agent of the Rock Island at St. Joseph and to Mayor Berguntnal and to the secretary of the Commercial club aa follows: Topeka wants three to six steam launch or twelve or eighteen clinker-built row boats, with men to handle, sent here by special train at once, to rescue people in North Topeka. The agent was ordered to load the train at once, secure a clear track and proceed to Topeka. The train waa to feel Its way as far as possible on the submerged tracks and the boats would ba launched. Topeka cltlsens guaranteed all the expenses under taken. It was expected that the launches could reach here about 4 o'clock. In which event many of the people on the north side could yet be saved. Boats were received here on a number of special trains run by the Missouri Pacific and the Santa Fa over circuitous routes, but the current In the river seemed to be growing more powerful every minute and they were powerless to cope with It. Meanwhile the beleaguered ones were being encouraged as far as possible to hold on a little longer in thj hope that rescue would soon be effected. .o Food Since Friday. .The elghty-flve people In the Page ele vator In North Topeka were In desperate straits for food, having had nothing to eat since last Friday. At 10 o'clock two boat loads of provisions were started to them. They bad not yet reached the elevator aftor engaging In a hard battle with the waters for over an hour. Former Policeman E. N. Capron Just re turned from a fruitless attempt to rescue I some personal frlenda. He could make no , ..... . . hadway against the current, though he and his companions put forth the most strenuous efforts with their three-oared boat Mr. Capron said the desolate condi tion of the country on the north side Is worse than anything he ever heard of. The loss of life from drowning alone, he said, will hardly be covered by 150, without con sidering the missing. Chief of Police Goff and his family are among those not yet accounted for. They may be among those on the tops of build Ings, but this Is hardly the case, aa the housi waa directly In the line ot laat night's fire. Isaac Standon succeeded In reaching the B Street Baptist church with 500 pounds of provisions. He was two hours In mak ing the trip uf not much more than a mile Half a dosen persons are In an abandoned (Continued on Second Pag 4 DESTRUCTION rood Shortag-a Adds to tha Flood Troublei of Dei Mointi People. SUPPLY OK MEAT IS ABOUT EXHAUSTED Baker Are Unable to Forniih Enough Bread for the Refugee. COAL FAMINE IS ALSO THREATENED Water Worki Company Likely to Be Forced to Close at Any Time. LEVEE BREAKS AND FLOODS COMMONS About Evening the River Commences to Reeede and Gives tho Stricken Ones a nay ot Hope ot Relief. I ternoon the relief authorltltca announced that they were confronted with a food and fuel famine. Meat marketa all over the city declare they have but two or three days stock on hand. There is no train entering the city and no prospect of get ting a shipment of freight Into Des Moines in less than three or four days. Bakeries are over-taxed as a result of the demand of the 1,000 flood refugeca through the re lief asaoclatlorf. The temperature of the past three days has been such as to cause great suffering and to threaten great loss ot life through exposure. Now it transpires that there Is but a meager coal supply and that tho light and power plant and the waterworka have an Insufficient supply. Roads are Im passable for team hauling and no coal can be shlppud in. At the .water company's office this afternoon It was stated that the situation waa alarming. Notice waa sent to every resident In the city to draw an extra supply of water to provide against the closing of the plant. Owing to the breaking of another levee, the commons on which sixty tents were placed tor flood refugees was flooded, com pletely submerging the tents. The oc cupants escaped. Seven Fatalities. Once more hope hss been Inspired In the breasts of the l.vuO flood refugees by the report that the river had begun slowly to decline. After rising all night, a fall of two Inches was noted between I o'clock and noon. The condition of tha sufferers boa been slightly alleviated by the bettor organisation ot the relief forces. But Isolated instances of extreme need of food have been discovered and those who were .living In tents have nearly all been re moved to places of comfort In publlo build- ' Ings. The need of bod covering is still imperative. Not a wheel is turning in the factory district and no effort to made to open any business houses. Uoats afford tha ' only means of,, nommuntcatlon between1 North, South and East Pea Molnea, and,, tba jri.tln part f 'fia erty? Tfltis a txtremely " perilous. So far as , la known but seven authenticated fatalities have occurred. Re ports ot a score more have been received from that section of the city that is cut off from communication, but cannot ba verified. . . The Northweatern operated one train out of the city limits today, mall being con veyad to it In a boat Tha Rock Island is trying to get tralna through to the west Th) main line east Is tied up. The Mil waukee Is also making spasmodic sttempts to operate trains. The Great Western, Wabash and Burlington roads have com pletely abandoned their lines In this city. The water and electrio light and power plants are still running, but It is only by the employment of several hundred men to man pumps and work on the leveea For oyer two days H has rained con stantly and the mercury has stood close to the freeslng point. Scores of men, women and children have spent hours at a time In, soaking wet garments, sitting on the roofs of their homes awaiting the arrlv.il of jlhe rescuers. The last of these wss removed at 10 o'clock. More fatalities will result from exposure than from drowning. The property loss will mount up Into the millions. The situation at Ottumwa and other points on tha Des Moines river be low here Is little better. Thieves Are Rosy. At t o'clock tonight the water In the Dos Moines river bad declined , fourteen Inches from Its maximum height of twenty four feet, attained early this morning. Notwithstanding the steady rain that has fallen for three dnys, It Is believed danger of further rise Is past, as reports from points above Des Moines are to the effect that the river has been falling for twenty four hours The extent of suffering among the sev. era! thousand flood tefugees hsa been re duced to a n.lnlmum by the better organisa tion of relief work. The few remaining levees will hold. The water plant reports that it will be able to continue la operation and the Edison light and power plant gives a similar report. The river continues to be from a half mile to two miles wide, however, effectually cutting off communication between the main part of Dos Moines from East, North and South Des Moines, and covers thou sands of homes and business houses. The water Is tilled with debris and boating Is perilous. Railway traffic continues to be tied up and It will be several daya before the steam railways will resums schedules or the street railway can be operated. The police report that thieves Jn boats are plundering stocks of merchandise in the business district to an alarming extent and several arrests have been made. One officer had a battle with a robber who escaped. Beats Record at Ottamwa. OTTt'MWA, la., May tl.-AU records for high water were broken today with water In the Des Moines river standing II feet 1 inches. Hundreds of homes in the west and south part of Ottumwa are flooded. The work of rescuing victims occupied the entire day. It is reported that all sufferers have been saved. Nearly 130,000 for relief haa been subscribed by the Inhabitants of Ottumwa. Churches, publlo buildings and many private houses were opened to suf ferers. No deaths are reported. Railroad traffic Is rut off on all roads except On the Chicago, Burlington Qulncy. BALL TEAMS NOT DROWNED Mllwaakeo aad Peoria Fleodboaad la Vicinity of Manhattan, Kansas. KANSAS CITY, May ll.-The Peoria and Milwaukee teams of the Western Base Ball league are flood-bound somewhere between Wamego and Manhattan. Kan., and It la Impossible to communicate with them by wire, but the report that the players aad been drowned, la utterly discredited. I