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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1903)
TIIE OMAHA DAILY TIED: SUNDAY, MAY 31, 1003. MOIST DAY FOR MEMORIAL Open Air ExeroiMl Wsrs Abandoned m Aooouni of Weather. SERVICES ARE HELD IN KOUNTZE CHURCH Veteran Fir tb national Saint ul Doeerato Gravo of Dpod Heroe Dm pit Bala, ul Cola Brsea. At I yeatarday afternoon ther mem bled In Kounta Memorial church Ytran of th civil war, raterana of th later wart and member of the preoent military or ganisation In Omaha, The exercise which they listened to and participated In const!- tuted the only Memorial service, except the national salute fired at Forest Lawn oerae- tery, at 10 a, m., and th deoorating of the graves of the departed soldiers and sailors at an earlier hour. Booaua of the weather th parade and the rituallstio program at Hanacom park wer abandoned. It was th moat complete demoralisation of Decoration day plana that aver ha been experienced by th members of Grant, Crook and Custer posts. Grand Army of the Republic and of their relief corps, who had the program In chare. At noon th weather cleared some, but they could taka no hop from this because the ground had become already so saturated that It would Jeopardise th health of women and chil dren and th old soldiers, to have exercises In th open. 4 Aneembl Without Organisation. It Is hard for th men who marched through a hell of bullet and shells years ago to forego the pleasure of marching again now under th flag they preserved, and so a few of them went In squads to the church, and th fife and drum oorpe rolled out a dash of th old-time musio, but be yond this there was no parade and th attendanoa at th church bore practically no semblane of organisation. Such mem bers of the Thurston and Millard Rifles and Omaha Guards a attended went aa indi viduals. Had the weather been what everyone had hoped it would be, .this would hare been one of the most impressive and Imposing Memorial exercises in th history of Omaha, the veterans believe, aa three companies from Fort Crook would hav com and there would hav bean other unusual fea tures. The salute was fired at the specified time by Comrades Allison and Doherty, how aver, as that feature never Is neglected, no matter what the weather be, and the various committees commissioned to gar land the sleeping places of the heros were equally defiant of the elements, driving to the various cemeteries in carriages shortly after S o'clock and performing their solemn duty while the heavens wept The city's observance of the day was general to the extent of half-masting Its Hags, closing municipal, county and fed eral offices, the banks and soma business establishments. Practically all out-door events wer postponed or cancelled. SERVICES AT KOl'NTZH CHCRCH. Impressive Ceremonies in Honor of the Departed Heroes. Touching simplicity marked the memorial services for the soldier dead at Kountxe church yesterday afternoon. The chill, driving rain which had prevented the im posing procession and the open-air exer cises at Hanscom park failed to deter the veterans and their wives, with many from the present military organisations, from attending. The old guard was silent save when feel ings were deeply wrought upon by tender references to the flag. Then wer bursts of applause so hearty and so spontaneous that those of the younger generations who observed wondered if they really knew what devotion and patriotism mean. In the pews the whitened heads and blue coats' dignified the assembly, venerable symbols of faith and courage that perse vered. The dimmed eyes looked upon a tabla upon which rested a cross of immortelles, and a few vases and wreaths of flower. To the left snd th right of the pulpit rostrum and behind It was the flag, and at each side were the post Inslgntas, with gold letters on fields of blua. The arrange ments had been made with little artifice, but the very absence of elaboration helped to raise a choking emotion in the veterans as they sat with bowed heads and clasped hands and listened to the singing and the sp-en words. The familiar lines of the "Vacant Chair," as Intoned by a quartet of young men, caused a furtive tear here and there, and It seemed a very solemn period while Rev. D. K. Tlndall made prayer. The quartet sang the memorial hymn. Comrade R. M. Eton declaimed the immortal words by President Lincoln on th battlefield at Get tysburg, and his voice seemed a large sound in the pall of silence. In a voice that quavered suspiciously at times Comrade T. A. Crelgh, president ot the burial corps, read the names of the veterans who died since the preceding Memorial day. There wer twenty-one ot them enrolled upon the roster: George A. Custer Post No. 7 Comrade William Kawltser, private. Company A, Forty-first Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry. U. 8. Grant Post No. 110 Comrades Cal vin H. Fredurlck, lieutenant colonel, Ninth Missouri Infantry; Robert Major, first lieu tenant. Fifth Ohio cavalry; J. M. Blmeral, first lieutenant, First Iowa cavalry; Wil liam H. Gardner, first lieutenant. Thirtieth Massachusetts infantry; William Lewis, private, Second Michigan Infantry. George Crook Post No. 2U Comrades Eugene O'Nell, private, Company C. Fourth United States infantry; Ed Schoonover; John H. Uames, musician, Eighteenth I'nlted States Infantry; D. L. Carpenter, rrlvate. Sixth Wisconsin battery; Mllo 11. Fouthworth, private. Company I. Fiftieth Wisconsin infantry; Anderson Bell, pri vate. Company B. Fifty-seventh United States cavalry; Mead Kail, private. Com pany A, Eighty-third I'nlted States cav alry: John Kohn. private, Company A, Eighteenth Illinois Infantry; Guy C. Bon ner, private. Company 11. Seventh cavalry. Not Members of Any Post Comrade Thomas J. Scott, private. Company D, Elghty-flrst Ohio Infantry: John Barry, firlvate. Company K. Second Kbnde Island nfantry; William Sebrlng, private, Com pany K, Eleventh Illinois cavalry; Joseph Froman. private, Company C. One Hundred and Korty-second New York Infantry -.John B. Chambers, private, Company K. Fifty fourth Indiana Infantry; Michael G. King, private. Company I, First Vermont cav alry. Th address was delivered by Rev. T. J. .CURES WEAK MEN FREE. Insures Lav Happy Hosa for All. How sny man msy quickly cur himself after years of suffering from sexual weak ness, loot vitality, night Ions, varicocele tc and enlarge small, weak organ to full ise ano vigor, eimpiy sena your name an I ndress tj lr Knapp Medical Co., tt6 Hull Building, Detroit, Mich., and they Mil! gladly send free receipt with full direction so that any nun may cure hlinseU at home. This la certainly a generous offer and the following extracts taken fio:n their dally mall show what men think of their generosity: Dear Sirs Please accept my sincere thanks for yours of recent date. I have iriven your treatment a thorough test ami the benefit has ben extraordinary. It ha completely braced me up. I mm Just as vigorous a when a boy and you cannot realise how happy I am." Dear Sir Your method worked beauti fully. Results were exsctly what I needed. Strength and vigor hav ocmpltttly re turned and enlargemaut i entirely satis factory." "Dear Sirs Your was received and I had no trouble In making use of the receipt a directed and can truthfully say It Is a boon to weak men. 1 am greatly Improved In lse, strength and vigor." AH corrpondnc la strictly confidential, mulled In piuln. sealed envelope. 1 tie re eu.'yt U Ire foe th asking and tbey want A Mackay. At th soloist's request th audi no roe and aaalsted Jules Lumbard In singing "America." Then Rev. K. 11. Jenka ak4 benediction and th service ended, th congregation filing slowly and with few words from the edifice Into the rain. John Ij. Hobba, chairman of the Memor ial committee, who presided, announced that th Women's Relief Corps will per form services for th sailor dead on th river front near th smelting works Bun day afternoon at I o'clock. COITTRT CIAB IS TUB WITHER, Wrcota Oelflsg noser f Omaha from th Field Clab. Yesterday th Country club wrested th golfing honors of Omaha away from th Field club by a final score of U up. Th promised exhibition of prowess of Nat Goodwin as a golf expert failed, as It was Impossible for him to compel because of th matinee for th afternoon. Th day was exceedingly disagreeable and the links were heavy and th grass long, so that the scores, all of the way through, seldom had an acquaintance with Colonel Bogey. With th exception of the drive, little of the play was Indicative of the playing qualities ot any of th par ticipant. Friday when Goodwin wa going over th coura ha conceived an adequate Idea of It fitness and told it in several facetious remark, which summed up the situation. due to th rain, quite adequately. After having made th course In 10, or there about, he first expressed a desire to burn hi club and than remonstrated with Gibson for trying to sow mora grass seed on th course, Th grass was quite long enough,- he thought, and ao It waa, th pl.iyer fcund out Many balls wero lost and altogether th meet wa anything but satisfactory, as th rain mad it diffi cult to mak any clean shots anywhere. Th acor for th morning play was: Country Club. Up. R. R. Kimball i J. R. Lehmlst 4 T. R. Kimball 14 It T. Lehmlst 1 Judge Vlnsonhaler 8 W. D. Bancker 0 A V. Klnsler.. 3 0 A. L. Reed Total Field Club. J. B. Rahm C. R. Bone Dr. Sherraden. F. J. Hoel 27 Up. 0 0 , 0 0 0 W. C. Sunderland.... H. B. Morrell 2 J. W. Robb 0 St. Clair 1 Total 1 Hole up for th Country club, 24. Owing to the Inclemency of the weather th ball games to be played at the Field club in the afternoon wer postponed. RESORTS HAVE CHILLY OPENING. Programs Ar Somewhat Revised ea Account of Weather. Thanksgiving-day weather on May 30 did not Inspire Joy In the breast of the amuse ment resort manager. What had promised to be auspicious openings for the three chief recreation spots of the city Manawa, Krug Park and Courtland Beach, each with a new card of attractions for the crowds seeking diversion, did not materialize. Everything had been promised for yester day afternoon, but the most sanguine of th manager pathetically admitted that the beat he could hope for wa a sprinkling of idle ones whose marrow Is Impervious to chill winds and who do not mind the cold wet. At all of the resorts the band concert and an nounced program were carried out, how ever, and none who braved th trip wa disappointed. Th tret car company' officer announced that they would keep on eye on the cloud and the other on the people and provide transportation service adequate to th demands. The out door sports and amusement, of necessity, had to be crossed out ' of the afternoon' schedules, but everything In order under roof waa put through aa promised in th press notice. RURAL CARRIERS ORGANIZE Form avn Association te Deal with Matter that Affect Their Calling. Th rural letter carrier of Douglas county hav organized an association, meet ing for that purpose at Benson yesterday. The organization was effected by the elec tion of the following officers: Frank H. Cunningham of South Omaha, president; John L. Yeager of Valley, vice president; Charles W. Child of Benson, secretary, and A. N. Totman of Benson, treasurer. A speolal meeting of the organization I called for June 20 at Benson. The purpose of the organization 1 that the rural letter carriers may get in closer touch with each other and with the general postofflce de partment for the better development of the rural letter carrier service. The question of better compensation will also be taken up, as the compensation now paid. $600 per an num, la not sufficient to maintain the car riers and from two to four horses that they must necessarily have to serve their routes with any degree of efficiency. The association will also take up the ques tion of good roads and try to persuade property owners over the lines which they traverse to drain and grade the road so that they may become at least passable In weather like that at present prevailing. Another purpose Is to enlist public senti ment in the furtherance of more efficient rural carrier service, and to convince the public of the present Inadequacy of com pensation for the carrier. Th carrier of Lancaster county were to meet at Lincoln last evening for organiza tion, a wer the carrier of Gage county for a similar purpose. The intention is to enlist th Interest of the rural carrier all over the state in these matter. For th KlshlneS Sufferers. A ball wa given last night at th new Metropolitan hall. Twenty-third and Har ney streets, under the auspices of Hebrew camp No. 4944. Modern Woodmen of Amer ica, of Omaha for the benefit of the riot sufferers at Klshtneff, Russia. Over 100 persons wer in attendance and the affair throughout was a most enjoyable and de lightful one. L. Harris acted as master of ceremonies The committee of arrangements comprised J. Levlne, H. Feldman, A. gpogle, B. Ha kan. J. D. Nathanson. Reception commit tee: O. Bchwartz J. Stein. J. D. Nathan son. Floor committee: M. L. Wolfonson. C. Horwich. M. R. 8chlank. The program consisted exclusively of dancing. The total proceeds will exceed tlCrt. Prisoner Returned te Denver. Under Sheriff Phillip O'Neill of Denver waa In the city last night In quest of George Phillips, alia Adams, who is wanted there for burglary, and Irving Perkins, a runawsy incorrigible. Both have been apprehended by the Omaha detectives and held In waiting for several days for the Colorado officer. Phillips was arrested In front of the postofflce a few daya ago from descriptions sent from Denver. Young Perkins is a mulatto boy 11 years of age snd is one of the smartest young criminals of the mountain city. II professes to have some reverence fhr his mother, and was de'lghted wnen Sheriff O'Neill told him that his father had left Denver and is now In California. Sheriff O'Neill and his pris oner left for Denver at 11 o'clock last night. Jsektoalas flan Meets. At a meeting of t'.ie Jacksonlan club last night a committee was appointed consist ing of Messis. Smythe, Ware and Williams, to draft resolutions on the death of Con greneman Robertson in time for the next meeting. The club decided to hold it an nual picnic not later than August 15 and Chairman Dunn was Instructed to name a committee of fifteen to select th place ot meeting and fix th data. RAILROADS GET A SOARING Trains Bun Slowly and Irregularly on Account of Heavy Rains. ROCK ISLAND THE GREATEST SUFFERER Forced to Abandon Its Service In K braskav and Ran Only Stab Train la Iowa Trouble ea Other Road. 'Th soaking that won t com off Is th way a railroad man describe the effect ot the heavy rains that have softenei all roadbeds and made it necessary for trains to observe precautionary rules for severul days. No railroad is entirely free from the effect of the continuous rains and some are severely handicapped, yet all the Omaha lines are steering clear of acci dents In a way that is nothing short ot remarkable. The Rock Island probably Is the greitest sufferer. It has been forced to abandon Its service In Nebraska and to run only stub trains in parts of Iowa, ao heavy have been the rains along lta routes. The worst floods on the Rock Island in thla state seem to be In the vicinity of Fair bury. Parts of the trackage might be safe for use, but the Rock Island desires to take no chances and In the Interest of Its patrona has abandoned Its trains tem porarily. Between Omaha and Denver. Meanwhile all trains west from Omaha to Denver are being sent out over the Union Pacific main line, aa are also all of the Union Pacific trains between Kansas City and Denver. These trains are all going from Omaha to Kansas City over the Wabash, which is practically the only road running through Kansas and Missouri which is not tied up greatly by washouts and soft tracks. The Missouri Pacific is having great difficulty, but has met with no accidents. Its train due out of Omaha Friday night at 10 o'clock was held aa a precautionary measure until 4 yesterday morning. It then left the city over the regular route, but got no further than Union, when it wa compelled to return and go down by way of South Omaha over the old route. This route has been badly flooded In places, particularly near Springfield, and slow time will have to be made In order to avoid danger. All trains over the Missouri Pacific on the divisions between Omaha and Kansas City are being held over night and run only in the daytime, aa the danger from new washouts and soft track is growing greater with the Increased rains of yester day afternoon and last evening. Overflow of the Missouri. Passenger train No. 3 on the B. & M., due here from Kansas City, was nine hours' late as a result of the tremendous overflow of the Missouri river below St. Joseph and In the vicinity of Forest City, where the flood has been bad from the first, It finally came in with all passengers safe. No. 27, duo from St. Louis at 11:05 a. m., was annulled altogether, as the high waters In places, chiefly between Hamburg, la., and Blgelow, Mo., made It extremely haz ardous to undertake to run that train through. While the B. St M. had a deal of trouble in and about Nebraska City the tracks have all been repaired so that trains ar running everywhere to the west, althougn the soft track and points where repair has been made on bridges causes aome delay In the running time. A very unuaual thing occurred on the Union Pacific. The train from Denver to Kanaaa City yesterday came In through Omaha and from here went down on the Wabash to Kansas City. As is known, the Union Pacific and other lines skirting the Kaw, Missouri and Blue river swamps are having a hard time to cope with conditions. Yet they ar doing th job in good shape, no accidents having been reported up to this time. On the Iowa Lines. The Illinois Central reports its trains on time or nearly so and no grave difficulty with it tracks. Th Milwaukee. North weatern and Wabash also are pulling through In good ahape, having been spared th hardship that haa befallen aoma of their competitors. Speaking of the general conditions. Tom Hughes, traveling passenger agent for the Missouri Pacific, who has Just returned from a trip over th country, says: This Is a wetting that won't pasa off In a day or two. The ground all over the Mis souri valley la ao thoroughly aoaked that It will take much time to put the tracka and roadbeda In safe condition. There Is nowhere for the water to go. There ia ao much In the ground that no quick seepage process ia. posalble. It will be quite re markable ir aome of the roada In this part of the country don't experience even more trouble than they have, If this weather keeps up. Certainly the roada have thus far met the emergency In heroic fashion." FRIARS REMAIN DETERMINED Will Hold Land la Philippine In Op position to Will of , the Pope. ROME, May 30. Cardinal Ramnolla fn. received in private audience Rev. Edward J. Vattmann, chaplain of the Twenty-ninth United States Infantry, who presented his report of the situation of Catholicism In me rnmppine islands. It appears that the idea of havina- r. course to arbitration of the purchase of the friar lands, which was again favored after Archbishop Guldl's arrival at Manila, Is now looked upon coldly by the Interested parties. Governor Taft and his colleaanea r.r ,. Philippine commission are In doubt of th feasibility of again proposing arbitration, fearing the friar and cromotori of h. companies Interested In the sal of th ianas in question may reject th proposi tion. ArchbtshoD Guldl la falthfutlv out th Instruction which he received In Home, but the friars openly disregard them, denying the right of Interference on th part of th pop in a question which they consider to be entirely under the jur isdiction of th order Interested. However, th hoDes entertained e.t th. acceptance of arbitration hav not entirely peen aoanaonea. BOTH FAMINE AND PLAGUE Aggravated Condition la th Orient . Increase Hostilities to Foreigner. HON'O KONO. My IB CVla Victoria. B. C, May U.) Consul General McWad of th I'nlted (states writes that the famine situation In Kwan 81 1 appalling. Hun dred are dying Th people ar uttering many anti-foreign threat and much alarm la felt In th district. Plague has recurred at Yokohama. A stoker ot a Bombay steamer wa quaran tined with plsgu on May 4, and on May 11 two fatalities occurred. The area in which the plague victim lived ha been quarantined. The Russian troop hav not been with drawn from Manchuria and the Japanese press show deep indignation at th delay. Russia, it Is said, will not take any de cided action until after th arrival at Peking of former Minister Lessar. Mean time Russia is making various mysterious movements of troop and war ship which ar considered demonstration to Intimidate China Into granting lta demand. Th majority of th Russian ship which have been staying In the various waters of the far east ar now assembled In the Gulf of Pe Chi LI. At Port Arthur alon there ar over thirty ahlpa of various classes. Th latest rumor of Russian movements la that 1.000 Chtneae are engaged In timber cutting for Russian concessionaire on the Yalu and that Russian troop hav been sent to protect them. Russia Is reported to be shipping enor mous quantities of coal from Port Arthur to the Yalu. L0UBET VISITS ART EXHIBIT Admire Picture of Rooaevelt, but Lingers Longer Over One of Ilia Mother. (Copyright. 1908. by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, May 80.-(New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) As President Loubet was absent In Atgerla on "varnish ing day," aa the private view Is called, he did not visit the Paris anion, or art exhibi tion, until thla week. He paused long be fore Chartran's portrait of President Roosevelt, as has already been cabled, and he congratulated Thaddee Styka. a boy of i4, who painted a portrait of Count Tolstoi, but he paid the most attention to a portrait or his mother by Layraud. President Loubet haa Juat bought the Chateru de Mazen from the Baroness de Vlsaac. This chateau la a charming rest dence, very beautifully situated at Labe gude de Masene, In the valley of the Jablon. It la not far from Montellemar, where Mr. Loubet'a mother Uvea. HUESSNER TAKES AN APPEAL Other Think HI Sentence Too Light, but He Cannot See It. (Copyright. 1903. by Preaa Publishing Co.) BERLIN, May 30.-(New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram. Naval Cadet Hueasner has appealed from the sentence of four years' imprisonment ImDoaed hv the court-martial at Kiel for murdering a ma rine. A military critic argues that such cases of false ideaa of honor never occurred until officers began to be nnnolnted from those classes of society which have no military tradition. The democratic Dress recreta that the laws permit such a terrible crlmn tn h punished so lightly. They lay the crime to the charge of militarism. The National Zoltunar av th trial throws anything but an advantageous llsrht upon the training of young officers, which. instead of restraining their vanity, gives It a free hand. APACHES TERRORIZE PARIS Desperate Criminals Who Take the Name of the Border Terrors. (Copyright. 1903, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS. May 30. (New York World r. blegram Special Telegram.) The particular specie of thug who call themselves "Apaches" continue to spread terror in the Paria streets. Mayn Reld's work hav been much translated nnd widely read in France. Hence certain bands of dangerous characters call themselves "Apaches," and individual malefactors are known bv auch sobriquets aa "The Slayer," "Rol d'Enfer" 01 naaes), -ueorge the Brute," etc. They attack policemen and rob unoffending pedestrians. Drunken men esDeclallv are their victims. They think nothing of kill ing those whom they attack. The ruffian are always In association with women aa degraded as they are themselves. All Paris la calling on the police for protection. GATES AMUSED BY STORIES Saya Bookies Did Not Get Rich Off Rim In the Derby. (Copyright. 1903. by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, May 30 (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) John W. Gatea waa hugely amused when the World correspondent asked him about the story that he had plunged heavily on the out alder, Aceful, for the Derby, greatly en riching the bookmakers. "It's Just newspaper talk," he said. "They ought to know that when a horse atanda 100 to 1 In th betting It take very little money to bring him to S3 to 1, a they ay I did with Aceful. Two or three thou sand dollars would do it any day. The bookies won't retire from business on what they won from ma on that race. I have not done any big betting and have no reason to grumble." SEGREGATED TWIN ALL RIGHT Recovers from Operation Which Lib erated Her from Dead Brother. (Copyright 1903. by Pre Publishing Co.) PARIS, May 80 (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) Radlca, th living half of th Hindoo twins, formerly with Barnum's clrtu and separated by the celebrated Dr. Doyen when the other twin. Doodlca, fell mortally ill, haa juat returned here from the Riviera, fully re covered from th operation and the threat ened conaumptlon. Bhe ha been adopted by aome nuna, who have placed her In an orphanage In the Latin quarter. She 1 now quit accustomed to Individual life. FINDS NO BUYER FOR HOUSE Dak of Orleus Offer London Reel dene for lale, bat Cannot Sell. (Copyright, lJOi, by Pree Publiahlng Co.) LONDON, May .-New York World Cablegram- peclal Telegram. ) York houee, at Twickenham, the property of th duk of Orleans. 1 for sal to th highest bid der, but no buyer haa yet presented hlm elf. The chateau originally received the nam of York house because It was oc cupied by James II when h wa duk of York. Lord Clarendon also lived there. Quean Ann wa born there, and Louis Philippe of Franc one lived thr. applies Babies for Fraads. BERLIN, May SO.-The Vorwaerta print a dispatch from Hamburg announcing that th pollc there hav arrested th woman, named Elisabeth Wets who I ccued of having supplied babies from a private In stitution which she kept, to person who desired them for fraudulent reasons. Frau Welse is suppnaed in some quarters to hav provided Mr. Dunning 8. Bedford with the child which he registered In London. It I not clear upon what the police base this view. Mor Trouble In China. TEKINn. Msy SO.-The report tht fur ther trouble has occurred along th line of the Canton-Han-Kow railroad la confirmed. The United States consul at Canton is Bending the American gunboat Callao to protect the American and Japanese en gineera. who were deserted by their Chine acort after they had returned to th cn of th former troubl along th Una, o WORSE EVERY DAY That's the trouble you think it's only a little backache but it gets worse every day. o o o o o o o o o o o o o O o fa o o o o o 0 o o 0 o O 0 0 0 0 0 mm Here is one instance; Mr. P. Mach of 1221 South lBth atreet. aaya: "I first felt sharp twlngea acrosa the small of my bsck I paid little attention to them, thinking they would pass away in a short time, but instead I grew worse and finally got so bad I cotild rot do my work. My husband bought many kinds of medicine for me, but nothing helped me until he procured Doan's Kidney Pills at Kuhn A Co's drug store, comer 16th and Douglns streets. They benefited me right along, and In a short time I wss all right. There has been no return of the trouble, and I am glad to let othera know what Doan'a Kidney Pllla did for me." Doan's Kidney Pills are for sale at all drug stores 50c a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. 0 0 0 0000000000000000 oboooooooeoo RIVER BELOW DANGER POINT Old Missouri Still Safe at Omaha, but Dan geroua Ee where. BRIDGES GOING OUT M MANY PLACES Contractor Saya There 1 Great Boom In Ills Line In Nebraska Weather Bureau Predict Store Rain. About th only solace Omaha ha In lta present weather affliction is the thought that things are even worse in other places. During the twenty-four hours preceding 7 yesterday morning ,CS ot an Inch of rain fell here and tha mulatto face ot the old Missouri bobbed up to a point 12.3 feet above low water mark, or .9 of a foot higher than at the same hour Friday morning. But thla ia atlll 5.7 feet below danger point, whereas In SL Joacph the same ctream, at 7 yesterday morning, was 11.1 above low water mark and 1.1 feet above the danger point. Kansas City was not heard lrom yesterday, but Its condition must be even more uncomfort able, for Friday th river there stood at 1.3 above th danger Una. Yesterday morning at Plattsmouth the Platte stood at 8.9 above the low water mark, which was a' gain of .6 foot for th twenty-four hours, but left the stream still 8 feet below danger' line. At Oloux City tha measure ment waa 12.3, a gain of .8. but atlll nearly aeven feet below danger line. Yeaterday being a legal holiday the local weather bureau Issued no forecast and did not distribute the usual table, but to th press the statement was made that tele graphic advicea reteived ahowed the pre cipitation at various polnta for the twen-ty-fou.- hour preceding 7 yesterday morn ing to have been. In inches, a follows: Valentine, .20; Rapid City, none; North Platte, .30; Cheyenne, none; Denver, .02; Pueblo, none; Santt. Fe, none: Dodge, Kan., .01; Grand Junction, none; Salt Lake City,; Lander, Wyo., none; Sioux City, .42; De Moines, 2.18; Davenport, 1.96; Dubuque, .02; Ashland, 1.37; Falrbury, 1.20; Fairmont, .66; Hartlngton, 2; Columbus, 1; Oakdale, I 09; O'Neill, 125; Tecumseh. 1.83; Tekaraah, 2.02; Carroll, Ia., 2.08; Clarlnda, Ia., 1.11; Storm Lake, Ia., .50. Frost at Cheyenne. The report gave the medal for eccen tricity to Cheyenne, which had a light frost during the night. Rapid City, Denver and the polnta farther west reported clear weather. Robert t. Drake of the Standard Bridge company, who has just returned from a tour of Inspection, report that th Elk horn and Nemaha river are out of bank and a high aa they have been In year; that the Blue ha nearly reached the high tags of the flood of last year and that even 8alt creek I on a rampage. "Bridge everywhere are in bad hap," he said, "and more are going out than in any prevlou year since I can remember. This condition hi been coming on prac tically ever since laat July and some of the tructure that are giving away now were undermined months ago. Our contracts for thes flrt five month of 1903 number more than 400. or three-fifth the total for tha whole of laat year. 8uch a boom In the bualneaa almply reflect a lmllar Increase in th necessity." PARIS OFFERS SUGGESTION Lonbet'a Tall Hat to Crown Weloomlnar Arch , ia London. (Copyright, 1903. by Press Publiahlng Co.) PARIS. May 80. (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) When King Edward vlalted Paria an arch, eurmounUd by a crown, wa raised by tradesmen In Ru d la Palx. under which he passed. The French paper now suggest that dur ing President Loubet' visit to London In July th tradesmen there raise an arch In th Strand with Mr. Loubet' tall hat at th apex of the arch, a a delicate return of th attention. The king of Italy alao la expected to com to Paria, but It haa not yet been decided whether thla visit will precede or follow President Loubet'a London trip. NEW DRUG TO PRODUCE SLEEP German Professor Discover m Sure nd Harmless Cnro for Insomnia. (Copyright. 1908. by Press Publishing Co.) BERLIN. May 30.-(New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) Two distin guished Berlin physicians. Profs. Emil Fischer and Von Merlng. hav discovered what they regard a an infallible cure for Insomnia. They call It veronal. It haa been used with remarkable results, It Is said, in a large Berlin hospital, by Prof. Lillenfeld, who expresses th firm conviction that no other medicln to pro duo slp approach veronal la certainty . It doesn't do to neglect it; it isn't snfe. Back ache is really kidney ache To cure it you must cure the kidneys Help them to do the work na ture intended them to do. If you don't, other kid ney ills will follow Urinary troubles, Diabetes, Bright's Disease Doan's Kidney Pills Help the kidneys to do their work make them strong and active The back is cured because the cause is removed. Hundreds of Omaha people will tell you so They have used Doan's Pills and they know. Low Rate ROUND TRIP rif 49 8.13.75 $21.00 !32.26 20.10 .12.10 817.50 $15.00 no 50 $00.00 $46.00 Indianapolis, Ind. nosion, Mass.. Detroit. Mich.. Baltimore. Md , Bellefontalne. Ohio., Atlantic, Oa uenver, coioraoo nprings and Pueblo, Colo June lat to September tOtb. Denver, Colorado Springe and Pueblo July lat to 10th. Salt Lake City and Odgen Ban Francisco and Loa Angeles July 1st to 10th. San Francisco and Los Angeles August lat to 14th. Homeaaeker' ticket to many point Jun 2nd and 16th. ONE WAY RATES. $12.50 Denver, Colorado Spring and $20 .00 Salt Lake City, Odgen, Butt 28 no Portland. Seattle. Tacoma. Seattle. Tacoma. Ban Francisco. $25.00 Los Angelea and Ticket on sal by all OMAHA, and intensity. He administered 450 doaea to alxty patient of both aexea, and after the dose the patient wa fresh and felt as if tha sleep had been wholly natural. In all ef the case th heart and lung performed their function with th utmost exactitude. Cruiser Sail for Hsalla. PORT SAID, Egypt. May 80.-Th United State cruiser Albany, Raleigh and Cin cinnati have sailed for Manila. Cut In Two by Freight Train. LEMAR3, Ia., May 80. (Special Tele gramsAn unidentified man waa run over by a freight train and cut In two thla after noon. Ha waa apparently about 80 year of age and looked. Ilk a farm band. In his clothes wa found a notebook In which wa written "J. Miller, Juatlc of th Peace, Sibley, Ia.," and a receipt for poll tax made out to John George from John Fay. He wa flv feet 7 inche tall. The man waa sitting on th track and I sup posed to have been drunk. Break Automobile Record. YONKER8. N. Y., May SO. In the pres ence ot more than 5.0U0 spectators at the Empire City race track this afternoon Harney Oldiield of Toledo, O., broke the world's automobile record for a mile during the second heat ot a five-mile match race with Charles U. Rldgeway of New York. HiH time was 1:018-6. The previous record was 1:06, made by J. C. Cannon at Provi dence, H. I., In September last. The first heat waa won by Oldttnld in 7:00 2-5 and tha second heat in 5:31. During the second mile of the final heat Oldtield went ahead with a terrific spurt and made the circuit of the mile tratk in th fastest time on record. Krohn Wins Koad Race. NEWARK, N. J., May 80. Adolph Krohn of the Metropole Cycling club of Brooklyn won the fifteenth annual Irvlngton-Mllburn twenty-tive-mile road race today and also won the time prize, although it wa at first announced by th officials that th time winner waa Charles Bchlee of Newark. Krohn'a time waa 1:10:32, while Bchlee s was only two seconds slower. The winner had a handicap of five and a halt minute. Nearly 104 cycler took part in the gruelling race. Fort Dodge 8, Oelweln 4. FORT DODGE, Ia.. Mav 80. (Special Telegram.) Fort Dodge defeated Oelweln in a well played game thl afternoon by a cor of $ to 4, Bants of Fort Dodge being effective.- Latteries; Fort Dodge, Bants and Brush: Oelweln, Komi and Faulkner. Hits: Fort Dodge, 14; Oelweln, 1 Scor by innings: Fort Dodg 0 0 1 4 1 0 2-8 Oelweln 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 04 Live Bird Shoot Abandon. HELENA, Mont., May 80. Because of the agitation agalnat the alaughter of blrda by the Humane society, th State Sports men' association, which Is having Its an nual tournament, has decided to do away with th live bird shoot, th main event Doaajla I Golf Champion. DEAL, N. J . May 30 -Ftndlay 8. Doug lass of the Nassau County club wnn the Metropolitan golf championship In the final round for that title, beating John Molle.-, ir., of the Country club of Lakewood by 0 up and 9 to play. Slonx Fall 181, Lemurs 4. SlOrX FALLS, 8. D., May S0.-(8pclal Telegram.) A gams' of baa ball on the loeal grounds this afternoon between the toloux Falls and Lemars teams of the Iowa South Dakota league resulted In a victory for Bloux Falls by a scor of 18 to 4. Oiler SI 0,000 Reward for Slayer. NEW YORK. May 80 -Edwin Oould to day offered llO.OijO reward for th rapture of John Heffernan' murderer, and said nine other member of th Ardaley club would offer a similar reward, making th total amount 310,0uw, 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000000000 Excursions FROM OMAHA. ..June 7-9th. ..June 80 to July 4th. ..July 14th-15th. ..July 17th-lth. ..May 2Kth to June 1st July 6th to 7th. Pueblo, Jun 2nd and 18th, and Helena. ) Y Dally to Jun Uth. I Ocean and Lake Steam or. C. A. RUTHERFORD, Division Passenger Agent, 1323 Firoan Street, NEB. LOW ROUND TRIPS NEBRASKA CITY Jun 2nd to (th. H0MESEEKERS Juno 2nd to 18th. BALTIMORE, M0 Juno 3rd to 8th. ST. LOUIS, M0 Jun 9th to 11th. also Jun 16th and 17th. INDIANAPOLIS, IND June 7th to 9th, also Jun 13th and 14th. HOT SPRINGS, ARK Jun ind and 15th. For further infomatlon call on or ad dress. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 8. E. Corner 14th & Douglas Streets THOS. F. GODFREY. Passenger and Ticket Agent. FILES I CURED WHILE YOU SLEEP. IastaaUy atopa Meadlsg sad luhiag, . nam aeraaem. mum, rail bail, jarailM er pain. $2.50 for a cms, Bent by mall with plain di rection for using, securely (sealed, bearing your a 'dtess. Writ today: n- close MAIL ORDER REMEDY CO. (17 Guaranty Bldg.. Minneapolis, Minn. ONIONS Am m Cur (or Insomnia. Onions ar a medicln. a food and a nar cotic. If you are troubled with insomnia at raw onion w ltn a slice of bread every night bfur retiring and you will sleep u sweetly aa a child. The moat obatlnat and long standing case of Rheumatism, a tarrh, Constipation, Kidney and I.lvr Trouble. Nervousness, palpitation of the Heart and Blood Poison can be cured wtMi Dr. Burkhact'a Vegetable Compound, the greatest combination of roots, hsrbs and bars (he world ha aver known. Yuj get a SO day' treatment ot thl wonderful medicln at any drug store tor 26c. iifmj UlWf