Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 31, 1903, PART I, Page 3, Image 3

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Bine and Kemabn Biters Higher Than
Known for Years.
Mtir People Driven from Tbelr
Homes and Loss of Crop
ad Property Will De
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. May 30 (Special.) The west
bottoms of Lincoln are under water. Bait
creek rose two feet last night and In one
hour thli afternoon It rose one Inch. It
has reached the high water mark of last
year and is stilt rising.
From the report of Government Observer
Lovsland, since the first of the month 10.61
Inches of ruin has fallen In this city. This
Is the heaviest reported rainfall since lsso.
Mr. Loveland made this report of rainfall
for the month:
May 1 w May 17...
May 2 3May IX...
May II 1 May l'.l...
May 4 01 May 20
May & 14 May 21....
.May 6 u,M.iy 11....
.. .07
... T
,.. .24
... .U
... .W
,.. .7S
... .2
... .W
... .43
... .15
being swept away. The river at this point
Is a rafting sea and Is a mile wide In
places. The west and south parts of the
city are submerged and hundreds of fam
ilies have been driven from their homes
during the past twenty-four hours.
At 11 o'clock the flood situation was more
favorable, as the water began to slowly re
cede Just before noon. Hradt'e large Ice
housa and several cottages near the Chau
tauqua grounds were swept away and It Is
feared that the Court street bridge will go
out. -No mails have been received here for
twenty-four hours and rural delivery routes
have been abandon.
Twelve Inches of rain hss fallen during
May, the heaviest fall of any month In the
history of the county. About two-thirds of
the corn Is planted, but some of this Is
drowned out and will have to be replanted.
Small grain, meadows and pastures never
looked better at this season of the year.
Several bridges throughout the county are
washed out, end the public roads are In a
horrible condition. All trains are from one
to twelve hours late, owing to washouts
and the softness of the roadbed.
ELWOOD, Neb.. May 30. (Special.) For
thirty-six hours there has been a steady
downpour of rain, deluging everything. The
Veteran! in Many Kebiaaka Towdi Be-
member tbe Heroic Dead
The flood extends four blocks west of the ! entire country Is afloat. During the month
Court street bridge In the heart of the
business and residence portion of West
May 7 00 .May i
May 8 '1 'May 24...
iway ou May 2b...
May 10 64,Muy 1'6...
Muy U 1.0UMay, 27...
May 12 46,May 28...
Mm? 1.1 TiMav ...
May 14 ol; May 30 to n a. m.i.i
May 15 tW -
May 16.. CW,Total 10.61
He stated that from the reports received
from other districts tomorrow would be
fair and that the rain was over.
All the residents of the flooded district
Beatrice to the Chautauqua grounds on the
south side.
The damage In this section of the city
will be very heavy. As far as known no
fatclities have occurred.
The flood conditions here this evening
are not materially Improved since noon
today. The Blue valley from De Witt to
Holmesvllle Is "k vast sea, and the same
discouraging condition exists along Indian
Creek valley from Fickrell to this city.
The Union Pacific railway line Is under
water from here to Plckrell, as are the
Burlington tracks from De Witt to this
point. The same conditions prevail from
this city to Holmesvllle, along the line ot
the Union Pacific ten miles south, and it
Is feared that the roadbed Is permanently
injured. Bear creek, Cub creek and all
streams contributory to the Blue river In
this vicinity are out of their banks and
bridges are washed away In all sections
of the county. The Little Nemaha, In the
north part of the county, Is also on the
rampage and the Atchison & Northern
railway roadbed Is under water between
Adams and Firth, and the railway brldgea
ot May eleven Inches of water has fallen.
i High School Commencement Exercises
Many Towns
In Plattsmonth I'rnuoace Prevails and
the Pilgrimage to the Grave Is
Postponed Hnslness Is Gf
erally Suspended.
HASTINGS, Neb., May 30. (Special.) A
class of twenty-eight was graduated from
the high school here tonight. Hon. E. J.
Halner of Aurora delivered an address on
"The Opportunities and Obligations of the
Graduate." Certificates were presented by
Jacob Bally, president of the Board of Ed
ucation. Those graduated were: Madge
Bailey, Ruth Bates, Blanche M. Cantwell,
Neoma Chapman. Bessie L. Duer, Nellie
Edith French. Abbie Mabel Hallock, Hale
M. Hunt, Mary Alice Jordan, Thomas B.
Kerr, Helen Meston, Henry R. Sewell,
Bcrnlce Aldrich, Bessie Aldrich, Edwin C.
Boyd, Eugene Star Cole, Mildred Dunn,
Pearl Edna Farney, Lulu E. Funk, Cora
A. Hutchinson, Ira 8. Mansfield, Lauren O.
Mllllkln. Lydla A. Woodbury, Thomas A.
Atkinson. Mary Amelia, Fawthrop, Harvey
Howard Jones, H. Grace Lamoreoux, Kath
ryne Stlchter.
DAVID CITY, Neb.. May 30. (Speclal.)-
In this city the conditions are the worst
have moved or have been moved out and 1" th hiatory of Beatrice. It Is now thirty- The commencement exercises of the David
have been given shelter In the court house ' hours since any mall has been received City High school were held at the opera
. -,,,. ,j,.M Ahout 1 OuO Deonle and from present Indications It will be sev house last night. The address to the class
n. i ih. .ii.trw mnnt nf whom are Rus- eral days perore me man service win re- was aeuvereo. Dy james ea:ey oi iee-
rr h thirtv fmlllea were taken me Its normal condition. land, O., whose subject was "The Sunny
from their homes last night and given shel- The river has fallen 'about seven Side of Life." Lewis Skinner was awarded
ter In the court house. Several families re- Inches since noon. The west school build- first honors and Miss Marie Reasoner sec-
fused to leave their homes last night and mgs have been tnrown open tor me accom- ona, Dotn or mese receiving a xour-year
. conn, nupnea all dav today the police modatlon oi me nooo. sunerers ana every- scnoiarsnip.
h.v. K..n tnklna- these out In boats. It thing possible is being done tor tneir com- klbhvillis, iveD., May ). (special.)
was onlv nosalhla for the unfortunate Deo- fort. Several head of horses and cattle
pie to take with them from their homes were carried down stream this afternoon, opera house last night created more than
blankets and bed clothing and much loss The horses were saved, but tne came were usual mieresi owing 10 me prominence oi
will be occasioned In the deserted houses, drowned. It has been misting rain all day the five young women graduates t elma
and this evening it Is cold, which only Wood. Helen Dale, Mary Wilson, fctnei
iidrlB to the horror of the situation. Patterson and Maggie Wohlford. The ex-
Early this morning a number of residents Twenty gpeciai policemen will patrol the erclses were well received and the scene
streets tonight as a protection for the was arranged with rare taste. Red and
cltv in case of fire. Mayor Shults has or- white were the class colors. W. W. Wood
dered proprietors of stores to keep lights presented the diplomas In a brief and ap
burning In their places of business all proprlate address
night. SPRINGFIELD, Neb.. May 30. (Speclsl.)
FREMONT, Neb., May SO. (Special.) The eighth annual commencement of the
The weather observer here reports . the BpMngnelfl High school was held .ast nignt
total rainfall for the month thus far at
nearly eleven Inches, which Is the heaviest
ever recorded here. More water is stand
ing in the fields now than at any time
since the ditches were dug through the
Platte bettoms. The ground Is so sat
urated that In some places In the north'
east part of the city and south of tha
tracks cellars are filled with water.
NEBRASKA CITT, Neb.. May 30. (Spe
clal Telegram.) Another rain visited this
section today and practically tied up all
railway traffic. Tha temperature fell to 60
degrees and business Is almost at a stand
still. Landslides are reported on tha B. &
M. line running along the river south of
this city, completely blocking the tracks.
of tha districts who had been driven from
their homes broke open the doors of the
Longfellow school house and took posses
sion of the building. They claimed they
pay taxes and have a right to take charge
of the school house. They remained there
Most of the livestock In the flooded dls
trict has been driven to tha city park
where It la Quartered. Many calves and
young stock were driven Into the upper
stories of the houses and their owners take
food and drink to them In boats. In sev
eral Instances owners carried their young
stock through the water to safe retreats.
One man did not wait for the boats of the
rescuers, but built himself a raft of aide-
walk and pieces of timber and floated Into
shore with a family of six and most of his
possessions. Many pathetic Incidents oc
curred during the rescue of those in danger,
One poor woman, bent with age, pleaded
with the sightseers to get her small be
longings from her submerged houae. Ona
old man who was brought forth left all
hi. in hi. honu which wo. No ''" coma In over the Q road alnce
faat filling with water. He had not a cent carriers wno are an-
to buy food and waa too proud to tell It. A rouU to vthe convention In this city are
bystander discovered the man's plight and uo pum.o
took him to tha court house where he will
be well cared for. Many of those taken
from the water were sick and this made
the work of the rescuers tedious and slow.
Great difficulty was experienced in re
moving horses from the Lincoln park sta
bles. These were being trained and there
were about forty of them. They had to be
taken through the mud and water and on
ceptlon has been abandoned. Tha busi
ness session of the convention will b held
tonight and a banquet will follow at the
Masonic hall. The Decoration day exer
cises planned for today were abandoned on
account of the rain.
Farmer Is Drowned.
AUBURN, Neb., May 30. (Special Tele
gram.) August Heltilg, a prominent
one occasion a bunch of them broke loose farmer of this county, was drowned In the
irom tne men in cnarge ana rushed back Longs branch, a mile west of this city.
last night. He had been In town late Prl-
Into tha atablea.
Llko n Big Lake.
west or the o street viaduct Is all a
bioad expanse of water, making one vast
lake. Here and there a house Is visible
almost submerged. Only the roofs and
portion of the sides beneath the roofs can
be seen of tha smaller houses. On many
of tha two-story houses the water reaches
almost to the second story. Sidewalks
many feet In length float along on the
waves with other debris. The large plant
of tha Lincoln gaa works Is surrounded
by water, which tosses against the brick
structure. Many of the sheds In the rail
road yards are standing in water two. or
three feet deep. Several wagons belong-
at the opera house. Rain was falling In
sheets, but the house was crowded and
the program waa an excellent one. Two
girls and seven boys constituted the class.
as fol'ows: George D. Clement, "A Review
of Labor;" Thomas F. Hamilton, "The
Great Men of Today;" Lewis C. Johnson,
"Our Rank Among Nations;" wra E. Smith,
'One Unwavering Aim:" Chester Q. Keyes,
America's Need of a Larger Navy;" Llna
S. Calhoun, "The American Fault;" Ross
W. Bates, "The Negro as a National Fac
tor;" John R. Qulnley, "The Toung Man
and His Road to Success;" Gus W. Peters,
"Modern Knighthood." Presentation of dl
plomas by I. L. Freeman.
SCHUTLER, Neb., May 80. (Special.)
The graduating exercises ' of the
Schuyler High school occurred last
night, a clasa of sixteen striving
to solve the serious and perplexing
problems of tha day, and receiving dlplo
mas. The program Included a debate on
the question, "Should the Monroe Doctrine
be Upheld?" the question being answered
as follows: "Yes. for tha Safety of tha
UnlUd States," Anna McPherson; "Yes, for
the Protection of South America," John W,
Kohout; "No, In tha Interest of Our Na
tion." Harry W. White: "No. In the Inter
est of Mankind," Ethel C. Dane.
The names of the other graduates are
Lydlan B. Shulti, Josephine Trachta,
u .vjmng ana n is was started Woods, Fannie B. Davis, Nellie M. Wells.
oy in. omcers aDoui n o'clock. This Marda Louise Webber. Nona E. Zentmeyor,
...urmug icara was lounc at a rarm Clara B. Ouldlnger, Irene May Coles. Win!
hnilM 1ut li.rnH ....1. . V. M - Li. 1 I -
i 1. """ ' rrea Tooner, Bert K. cnllcoat. The exsr-
of lumber waa on this side. It Is supposed clsea were Interesting In spite of the great
that when he came to the swollen stream length. Mr. F. J. Everltt, vice president
he decided that he could not take his load of the school board, presented tha dlplo-
uu uuiuiiTiiea, inienaing to g3 I mas.
numo win me team aione, and was wr.tiT totvt K.h m m-t.i,i t-
u'""'' w"" "owing, oearcn was kept The program for the fifteenth annual com
u" lor Distance or two miles mencement exercises of the West Point
down the stream for the body and It was High school was rendered at Krause'a hall
iouna aooui o ciock tnis evening within last night. In spite of the continual rain
m lc" Dl ln" crossing. . auditorium was well filled with school
Farmers Are Mich Dlscoaraared. patrons. Following the program Rev. A.
SCHUTLER. Neb.. M.v an .i.ti u- earner or me Anglian lutneran churcn
Ing to the Lincoln Storage company stand- Thirteen Inches of rain have fallen at av" a Bhort cla" addre8S-
.lng betide tha building south of the viaduct Schuyler during the month of May and il hlhly PPreclate1
are covered with water almost to the top lr.che. durin the last ,,. Learner's popularity as a
inches during the last two days. Many
cellars are filled level with h n-n..
reacnea me central unon which h hnu. mt.nt ..
. - .-... u .... .uiiiaws
of the wheels.
The water has
Granaries company and has surrounded the
in manv of t hm ar n Imnat smMraiu
building. Over 1500 feet of the Union Pacific merged. The high school heating plant
main llna Is covered to the depth of sev- ,i.m - k. i .,. .k. ,...-...-. ..
- ..w. w .-uu seu uiu A1CU1UU1BL M.UU
eral feet. It has reached the coal yards Preabvteri.n rhumb fm.. ... ...,
of Huchtns & Hyatt and Is almost to the m two to three feet of water. Cement "Ch001 board' m a very happy manner pre
vumpany un- walka are covered with standing or run-
.11.. . A. rV nlng water and awlftly flowing streams
the audience. Mr.
speaker and pul
pit orator Is growing and the demand for
his services on public occasions la con
stantly Increasing throughout northern Ne
braska. Superintendent R. H. Graham
made the class presentation speech, after
which Mr. P. M. Moodle, president of the
south side Of Seventh street, the lumber
course down many of the streets, Jn some
' "" or Which there Is two to three f.r r
Smith are overflowed. There Is no water ani ln many places bIock
" th ?"Tn y"d;- bUt bloclt between curb overed with'
.. ....... ..... .... ovuuuwm water. There has not been In a long time
such feelings of discouragement as now
short time.
f Lincoln.
At Waverly, a short distance from here,
the condition la bad. The creek near the
town has overflowed Its banks and the
streets are running wgter a foot and a half
deep. Just this side of Sterling the train
ran through water two feet deep.
I exist, mainly because of the Inability of
farmers to do their work. Corn planting
was not more than half done and there Is
now no prospect of that work being fin
ished ln time to permit of a corn crop's
properly maturing. Of the corn that was
planted a great deal of It rotted, or was
At Ashland, Superintendent Blgnell of wa,hed ut. and wnat came "P cannot be
the Burlington reports Salt creek higher
than It has been for twenty years. At
the Swift Icehouse there a portion of the
Schuyler track Is washed out. To St, Jo
seph the Burlington sent its train via Pa
cific. Junction and Creston, la. From Lin
coln to Wymore and from Wymore to Ox
ford much track la covered. The Atchison
A Northern waa open for traffic today.
Passenger train No. 41, wnich should have
arrived here at 1:06 this morning, did not
arrive until 3 o dock this afternoon. The
local passenger that should have arrived
here at 10 this morning got ln at 3 this aft
ernoon. Tha tracks of the Union Pacific p'r cnt of the farn ,and r Tork county
out of Lincoln to the north are under I ,M w"h 1 Hht roll and was never
water for over a mile. The Stromsburg "nown lo nav "tending water until this
train Is hung up a mile and a half out of year Ma"y farmers telleve they will
town, the company fearln to trust th have t0 replant hundreds of acres of corn.
tracks. The train from Beatrice to Omaha Wheat and oats are still looking well. Ai
ls laid up here.
FALLS CITT. Neb., May 30 (Special. )
The Nemaha river at Jhis point la still
on the rise. Many say It Is higher now
than In 1S83. when It reached its highest
mark. The Missouri river to the north Is
out of Its banks and Falls City Is rut off
from the south, west and north. The
growing crops on the bottoms are ruined.
The business men feel the effects of the
sented tha diplomas to the twelve gradu
ates, who are aa follows: Lena Yunck,
Kathryn Meier, Blanche Shearer, Mary
Chambers, Flora Melcher, Emma Acker
man, Alvln P. Jaeger. Malachl O'Sulllvan,
Edmund C. Jaeger, Glen Losch, William
Thelsen and Noah Thlele
ARLINGTON. Neb., May 30.-(Speclal.)
Tha graduating exercises of the Arlington
High school were held ln Masonic hall on
Thursday night. The graduates were: Don
C. Williams. Clarence R. Miller, Oscar E.
Claycomb, Frank 8. Reynolds, Keokee V.
Hagenbuck and Raymond F. Roberts,
splendid program was well arranged by
Prof. R. V. Garrett and successfully carried
out. Superintendent Carroll G. Pearse of
the Omaha public schools delivered an ad
HEBRON. Neb., May 30.-(Spedal.)-The
annual graduating exercises of the Hebron
High school were hold at the Methodist
church last evening. An address was given
by Rev. A. K. Myattway and Rev. R. A
Schell presented the diplomas. - There were
fifteen In the graduating class, ten boys and
five girls.
FAIRBURT. Neb., May 80-(Speclal.)
Commencement exercises of the Falrbury
High school were held last evening, the
graduating class numbering twenty-one. A
address was delivered by Judge Paul Jfs
sen and Hon. C. H. Denney, president of
the Board of Education, presented the
EDGAR. Neb.. May 80 (Special.) Tha
falfi on gently rolling land Is making a alumni of the Edgar High school held It
cultivated, the weeds getting such head
way that it will be very difficult to con.
quer them. Oats and wheat, which had
such a fine start, are not making he id way
much of each being drowned out or suffer
ing otherwise from the effects of the ex
cessive moisture. Rye Is said to be about
the only thing above water and that is
beginning to show weariness of the condi
tions. Grass Is not doing well because of
the lack of warmth.
YORK. Neb.. May 30 (Special. )-The
continued excessive fall of rain Is becom
ing serious ln York county. Ninety-five
great growth and hundreds of acres will
be cut next week If there Is a let up In the
rainfall. Grasses never looked better.
All Farm Work impended.
EDGAR, Neb., May 30. (Special.) The
excessive rains for the last twenty days
has put a complete stop to all farm work.
Only about half of the corn la planted and
that which Is ln Is mostly covered with
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb., May 40 (Special.)
Memorial services were held in Lincoln
today, but the usual ceremonies were not
carried out. Owing to the heavy rain and
the muddy condition of the roads, It waa
Impossible for the old soldiers to go to
Wyuka cemetery as they proposed. This,
however, will be done at 2 o'clock tomorrow
afternoon If the weather changes for the
This afternoon the old soldiers met at
the auditorium where an appropriate pro
gram waa carried out. The principal ad
dress was by Rev. N. 8. Haynes, pastor
of the First Christian church, who spoke
on "Not by Oold but by Blood." Com
mander Trimble presided and the Invo
cation was by Rev. E. H. Wllllsford of
the First Baptist church. Adjutant Howe
read the Memorial day order and J. D.
Underwood read Lincoln's address at Get
tysburg. The offices of the state house were closed
and a general holiday waa observed all
over the city.
FREMONT, Neb., May 30. (Special.)
ecoration day services were held at the
opera house today on account of the rain
Instead of at the park. Only a few people
besides the members of the Grand Army
nd the signal corps were present. Mayor
Woli presided and Congressman Hitchcock
delivered the address. At the close of the
xercises the Grand Army took carryalls
for Ridge cemetery and the Catholic cem
etery, where the graves were decorated and
the usual ritualistic exercises performed.
Taps were sounded and a salute fired by a
detachment from the signal corps. On ac
count of the rain there were no races or
ball game at the racetrack as had bee.
rranged. In spite of the deep mud a good
many people drove to the cemeteries today
nd the floral decorations were as extensive
as usual. Business was suspended this aft
Graves Not Decorated.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb , May 30. (Special.)
The Grand Army post and the Woman's
Relief co-ps met In their hall this fore
noon, but owing to the rain did not go to
the cemetery to decorate the graves of the
deceased veterans and members. There are
only about forty members of the post now,
while there are nearly twice that number
of veteran graves ln the cemetery. Me
morial set vices were held ln the Parmele
theater this afternoon. Hon. George M.
Spurlock paid a glowing tribute to the old
soldiers and presented to McConhle post
the large Bilk flag that was used In repre
sentative hall during the last session of
the state legislature. The Burlington shops.
the banks, the county and city offices and
the postofflce were closed during the day.
The Stars and Stripes floated from the
flagstaff on tha courthouse, the high school
building and many residences.
FALIJ5 CITY, Neb., May 30. (Special.)
Decoration day waa duly observed ln this
city ln aplte of the floods and bad weather.
In the morning the old soldiers met at
their hall and marched to the cemetery,
where the graves of deceased veterans
were decorated. In the afternoon a patri
otic program was rendered at the Meth
odist Episcopal church. Including addresses
by Dr. J. C. Yutsy and Mrs. C. H. Rush.
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., May -(Spe
cial Telegram.) The Decoration day exer
cises planned for today were abandoned
on account of the rain.
WAYNE. Neb., May 30. (Special Tele
gram.) Decoration day was duly observed
here today under the auspices of Casey
post No. 6, Grand Army of the Republic.
At t o'clock the old soldiers formed and
marched to the cemetery, accompanied by
citizens, and the graves of departed com
rsdes were strewn with flowers. After the
ritualistic exercises at the cemetery the
procession again formed and marched to
the opera house, where Governor Mickey
delivered the address of the day to an un
urually large and appreciative audience. The
governor, who la the guest of Prof. Bnod
grass, will deliver the baccalaureate ad
dress at the Methodist Episcopal church
tomorrow evening before tha graduating
class of the Wayne High school.
Elaborate Program ait Sehnyler.
SCHUYLER, Neb., May 30. (Special.
The local post. Grand Army of the Repub
lic, and the Woman's Relief corps prepared
for today one of the most elaborate Dec
oration day programs that haa ever been
arranged, but the rain last night and the
threatening weather of today prevented Its
being carried out ln full. The march to
the cemetery had to be abandoned. Dr. F.
H. Sanderson of Fremont delivered an ad
dress at tha Presbyterian church at :
o'clock, a selected choir singing two an
thems, "Remember Now Thy Creator""and
'Peaceful Sleep."
HASTINGS, Neb., May 30.-(8peclal Tele
gram.) Memorial exercises were held here
today regardless of the Inclement weather.
IF NOT, call and examine it It is all band work made in our own factory right
bere in Omaha and stands the test of comparison with the best eastern makes.
It' the Schmoller & Mueller piano it bears the stamp of Schmoller & Mueller. Correct
ness attained by patient striving after the best in even the smallest detail It is another
proof of our supremacy In the tvoat another demonstration of our ability to do the l.'Kt work n:iothrr cxnmi!e
of our determination to grtve piano buyers our best attention further evldencon that anyone lonkirvs for n hlvU or
medium priced new piano or organ or a bargain in renovated Instruments will get the boat poods tin1 best
prices the best terms here. l?elow we give a few suggestive bargains.
The Varieties
Marshall & Wendell, .
Ivers & Pond,
Martin Bros.
fc?teinway & Sons,
Bteger & Sons,
Boston Piano Co.,
The Styles
These pianos present a variety of
styles nnd finishes. A casual glance
t the list will assure you that they
are from the most renowned manufac
turers ln the world. Their names are
proof of their high grade our guaran
tee is proof of their tone power
durability. We have all of them
among our slightly used perfectly
renovated bargains and most of them
may be fonnd among our new instru
ments. It Is indeed a great showing.
They come in walnut mahogany
oak and rosewood cases in very
handsome effects.
The Prices
To assure you that you aie
receiving a great deal for ymir
money, we invite you to ex
amine these pianos (est their
tone note their condition
compare them with other new
or renovated instruments you
may have in mind. If you T
can't call write or have a f
friend call for you. Our mail
ppu o eni ppio.vv oav .Cipip
Snj.wojS bi Ksouisnq .upao
you to the list.
Prices: S92- SI22-SI35-SI55-SI95-S223 up to S300
Terms: 53 to $5 per month Easiest in the West
Fine Btelnway square piano latest and best a great bargain.
Pianolas and Orchestrelles
Piano and organ players for Concert Halls hotel and places of public arausum'snt nickel in slot attach-
ment. Great money makers.
Pianola recitals given every Friday from 3 to 7 p. m.
Splendid programs. Complimentary tickets at office.
Most satisfactory tuning and .repairing. We have
the lioost 0( workmen and do the work very cheaply.
Iowa Branch
502 Broadway, Council Bluffs.
Omaha 1525. Council Bluffs 362.
Those participating- were members , of the
Grand Army of the Republic, Woman's
Relief corps. Ladles of the Grand Army of
the Republic, Daughters and Sons of Vet
erans and members of Company A who
went to the Philippines. Services In the
afternoon were held In the Methodist
Three Other Cases Also Plsposed of
Before Floods, Cans an Ad
journment of Conrt.
FALLS CITT. Neb., May 30. (Specials
District court was held only two days this
week and then adjourned until June 8, on
account of the high water, as many jury,
men and witnesses could not set here. Tha
following cases were disposed of:
Marry Mosena was sentenced to thirty
days ln the county jail for petit larceny.
In the case of Stanton (.gainst Gist the
court found for the plaintiff ln the sum of
f!h and costs. This was a suit brought by
Stanton , against Gist for a board bill In
Kahsas City.
Lemp Brewing company against E. K.
Kertner. Suit on note. Judgment for plain
tiff ln the sum of $1,718.28.
Nellie Alexander against Charles Alex
ander. Decree of divorce granted.
Amanda Miller against Charles Miller.
Divorce granted.
Samuel Deffenbaugh against May Deffen
baugh. Divorce granted and property set
tled by agreement, name of defendant,
Mary McCann, restored, and plaintiff to
pay costs.
Petition of Remonstrance Only Re.
eel-res n Half Dosen
FALLS CITY. Neb.. May .-(Speclal.)
At the beginning of the week a petition
remonstrating against the Collins Carnival
company being permitted to give Its show
at the street fair which Is to be held from
June 16 to 25, Inclusive, was signed by only
about half a dosen persons. Another paper
was circulated later asking the city council
to grant the carnival company the use of
Stone street on the dates mentioned, under
the supervision of the police and a com
mittee of cltlsens. This paper was signed
by nearly every business man In town. The
matter will be brought before the council
Monday evening.
annual meeting and banquet ln the opera
house last evening. Sixty members of th
alumni were present out of a membership
of 160. An excellent program was rendered,
after which the graduates of 1903 were duly
Army'Tan 'to ? house.1 where a BOUNTEOUS RAINS AID CROPS
splendid program was rendered, Hon. John
M. Ragan presided. The address was de
livered by W. F. Gurley of Omaha, who
gave a tribute of patriotism to the soldier
dead. He emphasized the Inspiration which
the Spanish-American soldiers derived from
the veterans of '61. The peroration was an
eloquent recounting of the Illustrious men
who were reared west of the Mississippi.
Hold Exerelses Indoors.
SUTTON, Neb., May S0.-(Speclal Tele
gramsMemorial exercises were held at
the Methodist Episcopal church here today,
the weather preventing outdoor exercises
or a march to the cemetery. A grave was
erected on the rostrum and was decorated,
symbolizing the spirit of the day. Edward
Rosewater of Omaha was the speaker ot
the occasion, and delivered an address of
much Interest to the veterans and the
younger people as well. The exercises were
under the auspices of Mead post, Grand
Army of the Republic, of which Dr. M. V.
Clark Is commander, and the program waa:
Anthem "Hushed O'er These Sacred
Field of Mounds" M. E. Choir
Prayer.... Charles Newman, Post Chaplain
Reading of orders
R. H. Stewart, Post Adjutant
Reading "Mr. Lincoln's Address at Get
high water. Occasionally a farmer living I water, and will require extensive ronUm.
beyond the river comes to toevn by means Ing as soon as the ground can be worked
of a boat. I Nearly fifteen Inches of ar hi. r.n. a
the last twenty days and for the last week
the fall has averaged over an Inch a day.
HUMBOLDT. Neb.. May JO.-(Speclal )
The flood has reached the acute stage here
and If the rise continues all residents of the
lower part of the city will be compelled to
move out, most of them having done so
already. The Nemaha river Is out, covering
the entire valley, in places being a mile or
more wide.
Twelve Inches of Rain In .May.
DAVID CITT. Neb.. May M.-ifipeclaL)-
Blno River n Hsilsg Sea.
BEATRICE, Neb., May SO. (Special Tele
gram.) Beatrice Is in the grip of the worst
flood known In the history of the city and
the Elus river at this point Is two feet
higher than last year and still rising.
Tha electrlo light plant was shut dawn
yesterday and this morning the water
works waa forced to suspend business.
The city is now without fire protection.
Trains on all railroads have been aban
doned and the bridges ar 1a danger of
Widow F.iopri In Wind Storm.
HUMBOLDT. Neb., May 30 (Special.)
Mrs. John Mehlln, a widow of this place,
arrived this forenoon from Upland, where
she went a month ago to spend the sum
mer with relatives. She was right In the
path of the tornado which did so much
damage there. None of her relatives lost
their lives, but their property wss swept
away, and Mrs. Mehlln lost a'l of her
clothing except what she had on. She was
thankful to escape with her life and tells
a grsrhlc story ot the horrors of the storm.
J. M. Johnscn, another resident of this city.
representing a machinery company at
Campbell, writes home that he was In that
city when the wind passed over and had a
i narrow escape by crawling into a culvert
Mrs.. E. 8. Kendall. President W. R. C.
Music "Tenting on the Old Cmo
Ground" M. E. Choir
Music "Brave Heart 8'eep On" Quartet
Misses nana uray, iveny Hcnroeder,
Messrs. C. B. Gray. Chet McMillan.
Oration. . Hon. Edward Rosewater, Omaha
Music t he uoys w no wore the Blue
Are Turning Gray"
Solo, Mli Ruth Clark.
Chorus, Mlsse Maude Grav, Hattle Ben
edict, NVlly Shroeder: Messrs. C. B.
Grsy, Chet McMillan.
Benediction Rev. M. C. Brooks
YORK, Neb., May 80. (Special.)-Rain
and the muddy condition of roads pre
vented the great preparations and part of
the program of the Grand Army of the
Republic ln observance of Decoration day.
Large numbers gathered at Grand Army
hall this morning, where carriages were
waiting, and a procession was formed
which started at 10 o'clock for Greenwood
cemetery. Large bouquets, wreaths and
hundreds of flowers were carefully laid
upon the graves of old soldiers and graves
of the brave young Tork soldiers who were
killed and died in service U the Philippines,
Sheridan Connty tends TJp n thont of
Joy Crops AH In nnd Are
Dolna Finely.
RUSHVILLE, Neb., May . (Speclal.)-
Sherldan county never looked finer than It
does today. The bounteous rain supply has
stimulated all growth. Coming after the
crop Is nearly all ln It Is making the hearts
of our farmers jubilant. The present Indi
cations are that Sheridan county is perhaps
the most favored county In the state this
York Drnfgliti Get Licenses.
TORK, Neb., May JO. (Special.) The city
council has granted druggist permits to all
ot the druggists of York and Imposed on
them conditions and rules under which
they can dispose of Intoxicating liquors
which makes it nearly Impossible for any
one to buy liquor unless for purely medic
inal purposes. The prohibitionists are still
active and today are soliciting funds to
carry on the campaign against the issuing
of permits. They claim to have evidence
to convict druggists of selling contrary to
the Blocumb law.
A good sized room with ault
next to the elevator on the
4th floor a pleasant, good sized
room lor 18.oo a month.
Every office in the Bcc Building
has good light plenty of air nnd
is attractive a complete office
building in every Rente of the
word. Open day and night and
Sunday. Elevators run nil the
time. Electric light water and
janitor service free.
R. C Peters & Co.. Rental Agents.
around Floor, Bee Bulldlnt.
P o a.. "
! J I
bers broke out of the county jail, the
county board will consider the advisabil
ity of bulidlng a new jail building on a lot
owned by the county on Nebraska avenue
between Fifth and Sixth streets. The sher
iff has over $300 in cash bellonglng to the
bank robbers. It will cost the county over
S500 to repslr the jail.
Sonthorn Presbyterians Appoint Com.
mittee to Meet In Conference
with Reformed Chnrch.
LEXINGTON, Va.. May SO. At today s
session of the general assembly of the
Southern Presbyterian church the foreign
correspondence committee reported rela
tive to a communication from the synod
of the Reformed Presbyterian church, ask
ing that a committee be appointed to con
sider, with like committees, closer union
with the Reformed churches.
The report recommended that tha ap
pointment or such a committee be not
made, as there was no evidence In sight
that justified the assembly in hoping that
the object proposed might be gained In
this way. It was adopted.
In accordance with the recommendation
of the committee on Sabbath schools. Dr.
A. L. Phillips of Richmond was retained
as general superintendent of Sabbath
schools and young people's societies. The
report on systematic beneficence was
adopted. It showed that a grand total of
S4G6.7B3 had been given for specific causes
during the year ending March 31, which
compared with last year's report showed
a net gain of tlS.VTS.
served In this city by the decoration and
closing of business houses. The address
of the day was made at the state house
by Hon. C. H. Burke.
Fair annday Except Rnln In South
east Portion of Kebrnskn
WASHINGTON, May SO. The forecast:
For Nebraska Fair Sunday except rain .
I In the southeast portion; warmer; Mon
day fair.
For Indiana and Illinois Clearing Sun
day; Monday fair and warmer; fresh to
brisk north winds along the lake.
For North and South Dakota Fair and
warmer Sunday; Monday fair.
For Missouri Clearing Sunday; cooler In
east portion; Monday fair and warmer.
For Colorado and Wyomlng-rFalr Sun
day and Monday.
For Kansas Fair, warmer Sunday and
For Iowa Fair ln north, clearing In
outh portions Sunday; Monday fair and
For Montana Fair Sunday and Monday.
Loral Record.
OMAHA. May 30. Omclal record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponulng day of the lnL three
iva. lira. i9oi. i
Maximum temperature... 61 67 72 V2
Minimum temperature.... 41 M (o M
Mean temperature 60 CI 61 74
Precipitation 41 .00 .00 .02
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this day since March 1, laoj.
Bit for Falrbary Postofflce.
FAIRBURT, Neb.. May 0.-(8peclat.)-The
postofflce will be located ln the new
building which the Harblne bank will erect
on the corner of E and Fourth streets on
the site of the burned postofflce building.
The new building will be 143 feet in depth,
one-half to be used for a banking house
and the balance for postofflce.
D. J. St. C'alr of the Postofflce depart
ment Is ln the city msklng examinations
with the view of establishing free delivery.
Cass Connty lnndny Schools.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., May 80. (Spe
cial.) The annual conventiot, of the Cass
County Sunday School association will be
held ln Louisville on Monday and Tuesday,
June U and 1C. Every Sunday school in tha
county is expected to be represented.
Mar Bnlld n How Jail.
TORK, Neb.. May . (Speclal.)-Owlng
to tbe easy manner in which tha bank rob-
1'aldentia.ed Woman Jnmps tram
plro of Chareh nt
Roaea. ,
(Copyright, 19t3. by Press Publishing Co.)
nui-tn, rTance, May 3D. (New York
World Cablegram Special Telegram.) The
iuwu ui ivjurn Doasis or one or ine most
terrible tragedies In France's recent his
tory. About 7 o'clock one evening when
the streets were alive with people a dark
obect was observed hurtling through the
air from the great spire of the Gothic
Almost before the terrified onlookers had
realised that it was a human body and
that of a young woman it had reached the
earth and was literally broken to pieces.
Who the suicide was is still a mystery.
, lt
... .11 inch
... .26 Inch
...11 84 inch
... 1 7 Inch
... 4 41 Inch
... I 41 Inch
Slstr Dollars an Acre.
TTNDALL. B. D.( May 30.-(SicUI.)-Jamea
Benesh has sold bis farm for t0 per
acre and bought a MO-acre farm of C.
Trowbridge for $40 per acre.
Decoration Day at Pierre.
PIERRE, S. D., May 10. (Special Tele
gram.) Memorial day waa generally et-
Normal temperature
Deficiency for the day
Total excess since March 1.....
Normal precipitation
Excess for the day
Precipitation since March 1..
Excess since March 1
Deficiency for cor. period. 1L02. .
Deficiency for cor. period, IKol..
June Averages.
The following data for the month of June
covering a period of thirty-two years, has
been compiled Irom the weather bureau
records at Omaha:
Temperature Mean or normal, 72 degrees.
The warmest month was that of 1871, with
an average of 7 degrees. The coldest month
was that of 1SV6, with an average of W de-
SreoK. The highest temperature was
egrees, on June 2t, l!'l; lite lowest was 42
dt-grees, on June , In". Average date on
which first "killing" frost occurred ln au
tumn, tM-tober 7. Average date on which
last "killing'' frost occurred In spring,
April 16.
Precipitation Average for the month, .36
Inches. Average number of days with .il
of an Inch or more, 11. The greatest monthly
precipitation was 12.70 inches In l&M. The
least monthly precipitation was 1.43 Inches
ln 1897. The greatest amount of precipita
tion recorded In any twenty-four consecu
tive hours was I 02 inches on June 17, lv5
Clouds snd Weather Average number of
clear days (; partly cloudy, 13; cloudy, t.
Wind The prevailing winds have txen
from the southeast. The highest velocity of
the wind waa sixty miles, from the south,
on June It, 176 and June t. MX
Local Forecast Official.
V .