Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 31, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 16, Image 16

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will be lakes entll IS tn. for Itae
frralig edition and nnlll H.iW p. in.
tor Moraloc and Snaday edition.
Ratea, 1 I-'Jp a word flrat Inaertten.
Is a word thereafter. Nothlnai takfn
for leaa than Site for the flrat lseer
tloa. Three advertisements moat be
raa roaaerat 1 1 elr.
Advertisers, by reqneatlna; a nem
Itered check, ran have anairera ad.
dreaaed to numbered letter In care)
af The nee. Aaawera ao addreaaed will
be delivered on presentation of the
cheek oaly.
A liifch iuuu acliuoi or iiuatner, auui uimuu,
loucu t)ptwiiiiig aim .ij.iu traticues.
DAY AiU H't-.w.NU.
Call, write or puunt; lor prospectus.
Ji. B. kOjULL-a, i'reiueiil,
N '. L.HS, uinaiia, Neb.
B lu6
FIRST-CLASS messengers wanted; good
alary. A. i. 1. Co., .U Bj. IStu si.
TWENTY-FIVE school teachers for Bum
mer work at good salaries, bat) DiulloKer,
uu Waia biK. li-.Ki.i
WANTED Boy with wheel. Good
toi.ri'iiiuu &. .Siuuiiuttn jrvg V.O . v,vlt.
loth uiid Dodgo. 11 M2U
WAN i ED, lor U. B. army, able-boaltd un
murtleu men between ages of 3i auiU to
citixeiw oi United maies, of gomt char
acter ana temperate ha Dim, wno isiil
peak, read ana writ English. For iniur
luaiiun apply 10 luicruiiaiig Olucr.r, leih
ana Douga hit., Omaha, aim Montgomery
buuauig, Lincoln, No. B
WANTED, boy with wheel to work at
benaeter urug store, iotn ana Cmcago.
B in u
WANTED Men everywhere, good pay, to
Ulstrloute circulars, auv. mallei, taca
signs, etc.; no tauvassing. National Auv.
Bureau, Chicago. bMMl J4x
WANTED At once, several good iitock
saudie nanus. Appiy to Ktnams saddlery
Co., St. Paul, Minn. B Moo 41
WANTED, two good Industrial Insurance
a He n la. New territory: fcplmidia oppor
tunity for advancement, stpply lo J. It.
Mcuonaiu, Ui W. Ml el., Gi'and Isiand.
Neo. 11-6, i aix
LEARN proofreading: situations secured,
lis to t weealy, iiome Cuireapouuenu
bcliool, P hilautiphla. B
GOVERNMENT positions; 14,3 appoint
ments lust yenr; excellent opportunities
lor young people; our civil service cata
logue gives full Information free. Colum
bian correspondence College, Wasiiing
ton, D. C. B
WANTED Competent man to represent
our line In the stale of Nebraska, fetaie
reference and experience. Adureas,
Soumern Furniture Co.. Atlanta, G.i.
B "6 SI
WANTED Men to learn barter trade.
The only way to save years ot appren
ticeship la by our method ,f free prac
tice and condensed Instructions. We
guarantee positions, grunt diplomas and
pay Saturday wages. Call or write
Moler Barber College, 13v2 Douglas St.
B M..-6x
WANTED We have a vacant territory for
a reliable man or woman to travel and
appoint agents. We pay all expenses.
Audess D. B. Zlmmer & Co., Omaha,
Neb. . B 744-31
WANTED, energetic vouno- man to travel
In Nebraska, advertise and collect; $80
monthly to start and ail expenses; steady
position; references required. Address
Koad Manager, 368 Dearborn St.. Chicago.
B 707 Six
CANVASSERS, sell automatic screen door
catches; make big money; exclusive ter
ritory, sample postpaid, 26c Automatic
Catch Co., Chicago. B 717 Six
$6 TO $8 A WEEK easily earned; nothing
-to sell, no canvassing; send stamped en
- valope with your name and address, for
full particulars. Enterprise Trading Co.,
287 Pearl St., New York. B 720 81X
WE WILL pay any man 186 per month
and all traveling expenses, such as horse
hire, railroad fare, hotel bills, etc., to
take orders for the greatest portrait house
In the world. Your salary will be guir-
. anteed and paid to you weekly It pre
ferred. Address. R. D. Curry, Dept. 876,
Chicago, 111. B 710 Six
A WELL KNOWN manufacturer require
the services of an energetic man or
woman to open an office and represent
him. Salary, $1,200 per annum and com
mission. Write for particulars at once
to S. Lubln, Philadelphia, Pa.
B 744 31x
TOUNO man, SIS weekly: permanent, ar
tistic employment at home; no experience
needed; material furnished; Inclose
stamped addressed envelope. Ticket Co..
131 West 23d St.. New York. B 733 Six
ACTIVE man who can furnish good refer
ences to represent manufacturing com
pany In Nebraska; salary. $16; expenses
advanced and salary paid weekly; Inclose
addressed envelope. Mgr. 702 Star Bldg.,
Chicago. B 780 Six
YOUNO man to travel; $0 month and ex
penses; experience unnecessary; send ref
erences. Williams Co., Chamber Com.,
Detroit. Mich. B 728 Six
MANAGER wanted In every large fount y,
"Oame o'. Skill" nickel alot machine for
drinks, cigars or money; takes place of
forbidden slot machines; strictly lawful
everywhere; rented or sold on easy pay
menta; 60,000 now In use. Cunningham
Furniture Co., Department 86. Chicago,
III. B-748 31 x
MAN with references for commercial trav
eler to call on merchants and agents;
experience not required; salary, $24 per
week, with expanses advanced. National,
SS0 Dearborn St., Chicago. B 660 Six
WANTED, boys and girls to sell Allen's
Button Fasteners; new plan, large profits
and premiums: no capital required. Write
today. Allen Mf. Co., St. Louis, Mo.
B-6&S Six
AN Income of $28 week can be earned In
whole or spare time by nny person able
to write and willing to work; proof sont
free anywhere. Addresa envelope. Em
pire, 18 Montague St., Brooklyn. N. Y.
a a six
TEACHERS wanted. Teachers and stu
dents from 20 to 60 years old ran learn
how to make $600 during vacation by ad
dressing M. E. Getter, Lincoln, Neb.
WANTED, two salesmen, salary or com
mission. C. F. Adams Co., 1610 Howard tL
SALESMEN for Lambert Twpewrlters. tlO.
None better. Monroe t Co., all N. lth.
SALESMEN, traveling or local. Bide lines:
Jb per cent commission; goods new, sell
to every business, city or village; sample
cave free. Address L. N. Co.. j3 E. LUlb
St., New York.
TRAVEI.lNti man. choice territory: extra
side line or big money for you as regu
lar line; inveaugaia. v. u. w. tuag.
SALESMEN WANTED, wagea weekly, ex
Derleuce unnecessary; permanent. Man
ager Western Nursery Co., Lawrence,
SALESMEN Automatic copying book, new
needed by every buslneks man; bunmna
for agents. Pershing Utg. Co., South
Bend, lnd.
WANTED At onee, experienced traveling
salesman for Nebraska. We want a tale
man, no has-beens need apply. Address
Drawer B. Chicago. liu-nx
WANTED Capable traveling salesman
for Neb. lo start at once. If open for
engagement aoureaa box , hi ixuim,
Mo. 7W-J1X
TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska to
sell retail trail. Attractive saiame una.
Established, hlgh-raltd house. Hox 17
Detroit, Mich. 736-31X
CIGAR salesmen wanted everywhere; ex
perience unnecessary! $rio a month and
exDenaea: aacure lour own territory; an-
close etamp for particulars. Ths Pioneer
Cigar Co., Toieao. u. in
SALESMAN wanted, small towns through
out Nebraska. Colorado, to sell lacee In
connection with uresent line; llberul com
missions; applications omitting references
and rond experience not conaiaereu.
Lace. 1 Herald, powota. New York.
The 18th
Omaha Commercial College
POINTER NO. 1: Summer School for public school children from the 4th grade
up; also for others, will be conducted from June 22nd to August 24th. Experienced
grade teachers will be in charge. Reduced rates of tuition, $1.00 per week, will be
charged as in former years. Circulars giving full particulars now ready. Call, write
or phone Rohrbough Bros. Phone 1289.
POINTER NO. 2: All the departments of the college will be open during the
summer months. Reduced rates of tuition will be given to those taking studies In any
department beginning June 1st for twelve weeks. Classes in all departments will be
organized Monday morning to occommodate new students. Make arrangements to
begin with many others who have already enrolled. ,
POINTER NO. 3: A list (1903) of more than 600 ex-students in positions is
ready for the printer; copv of which together with a beautiful hanger of College Views
showing familliar faces of students in school or in positions will be sent free to any
The list is growing daily as other students finish their courses of study and ac
cept positions.
POINTER NO. 4: Special attention wjll
bookkeeping, telegraphy, shorthand and touch
SALESMEN John Sexton ft Co., Import
ers of teas and conees and wholesale gro
ceries, 16 to 22 State at., Chicago, want
experienced, honest, energetic high-grade
men to sell farmers and other largo buy
ers. We art the largest grocery house
In America engaged In this business and
the originators of honest and modern
methods of conducting 11. We handle the
finest goods and guarantee quality and
quantity of every article. No capital ic
quired. Exclusive territory given. In
which an established trade Insures fine
income. We are farmers' headquarters
In Chicago. 699-31X
SALESMEN wanted for line horse, scrub,
shoe, stove, hair, cloth, floor und window
brushes, push brooms, feather and wool
dusters; enclose stamp for particulars.
Hawkeye Brush Works, Iowa City, la.
705 81 x
WANTED, a good salesman, one who Is
acquainted with the manufacturing trade
preferred. Address Sero Specialty Co.,
Cleveland, O. "08 Six
SALESMEN wanted. Two traveling sales
men of experience for high class specialty
line. Responsible, well known house.
Staple, attractive and fast selling line,
positions permanent. Men worth f'JOft per
month and expenses who can furnish
gild-edge references, write. Address, E
67 Bee. 696 31 x
TRAVELER wnntpd to work country traie.
J1.0U0 per year and expenses. Los Anseiei
Cider Co., St. Louis, Mo. 6j4 Jlx
WANTED, two salesmen; direct from fac
tnrv to retailers; best, honest line In
United States. Address F 6, Bee.
729 31 x
SALESMEN, S50 per week and expenses,
selling chemical refrigerating machines to
hotels, restnursnts, butchers and mer
chants; cool all kinds of refrigerators
cheaper than Ice: the beet selling nrticle
on the market. Chemical Refrigerator &
Freeier Co., Dept. 47, Chicago, 111.
727 Six
SALESMEN wanted everywhere to handle
"Novelty 8lgn Cards;" every merchant
buys from 10 to 100 on sight; 800 varieties;
catalogue free. Sullivan Co., 1139 Maple
wood avenue, Chicago, 111. IZi Ux
TRAVELING salesman for mill line of
blankets, outing flannels, etc.; retail
trade. F. O. Roliman & Co., manufactur
ers. Philadelphia. Pa. -6 Six
CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska
with staple line; nign commissions, wun
advance of 1100 monthly; permanent posi
tion to right man. Jess H. Smith Co.. De
troit, Mich. -686 x
SALESMEN, three, to sell two ringing spe
cialty propositions; extraordinary inuuce
ments. straight and liberal terms. Ad
dress F 10, Bee. 3 31x
100 Girls Call Canadian oflice, 16th & Dodge
V. Ail
WANTED, girl for general housework. 1050
Georgia Ava. v iu
WANTED, girl for general housework In a
family ot tnree; gooa wages 10 compe
tent girl. 3U27 Chicago Bu C 16
WANTED Girl for general housework.
2ltt Caluoriila street, can auer t p. m.
C ilW
WANTED Experienced crockery sales
lady. Address jl u, iee, v uurui
WANTED, girls for laundry work. Purl-
tan Laundry to., ma ana cuieimr.
C 601
WANTED, girl tor general housework. 2002
California St. w oi six
WANTED Girl for general housework;
small family, aw pierce st. c-wi j
$30.00 PER 1,000 paid weekly for copying
letters at noine. io names to auppiy or
envelopes to addresa. Nothing to buy.
Addressed envelope for copy. Practical
Mfg. Co., 20B Broadway, N. Y. C7S3 Six
YOUNG girl, about 16, to assist In care ot
baby. 3067 Howard. c tii u
LADY solicitor for city and vicinity; no
books or insurance, nui gooa seuer; Dig
pay. 206 W. O. W. Bldg. C 762 31x
LEARN proofreading; situations secured.
$16 to sje weaaiy. noma orreapuaunc
School, Philadelphia. C
WANTED Ladles to learn hair dressing.
manicuring or laciai massage. uur
method Is free clinic, condensed Instruc
tions, etc. Years saved, small Wdgus;
call today. Moler College, lJui Doului
8L C M7ao ox
WANTED A lady agent for rapid selling
article; sens at sigiit; nig pro:iui. ror
free sample and particulars addrexs.
Marietta Stanley Co., 41 Fourth St , Grand
Kaplds, Mich. C ii 31x
PLAIN writers; home employment; fllllnp
small bianut; rate . per l.uuu; au
dressed, stamped envelope. Ladles' lu
dustrtal League, Mgr. C. J. Chicago.
C 7ai-31x
$5 PER hundred for addressing enveloes
aend dime ana stamu ror rill instructions
Steady work. C. K. Miller Co., Ely
bldg., Chicago. C o six
i TO $$ a week easily earned; nothing
to sell; no canvassing; sena siampuu
envelope, with your name and address,
for full "particulars. Enterprise Trading
Co., tfl- Pearl St., New York. C 697-31X
$30 PER 1.000 paid weekly copying letters
at nome; no names ii upuiy or en
velopes to addresa, and nothing to pur
chase. Address, Apollo Co., Bpingitrn
Bldg., Newark. N. J. C- 8-31x
$20 PER paid weekly for copying let
ters at nome; no namea iu supply or en
velopes to sddress; nothing to buy. Ad
dressed envelope for copy. Practical Mfg.
Co.. Newark. N. J. C-734 Six
$30 A HUNDRED writing letters home; ad
drvaaed envelope for particulars. Electrlo
Remedy Co., Dept. lu. 124 So. Michigan,
South Bend, lnd. C 731 Six
LADY wanted, $1$ weekly: permanent, ar
tistic employment at home: no experience
needed: material furnished: Inclose
stamped addressed envelope. Ticket Co.,
131 West 23d St., New York. C-7S3 Six
COPY letters at home; $13 weekly; send
stamped envelope sample letter. Verltsan
Co., S4 Park Row. New York. C-T24 Six
COPYING letters at home; $23 per l,0u0 paid
weekly; nothing to buy or Sell; no can
vassing; steady employment. Handv Co.,
141 Nassau St., New York. C 677 31x
TWO young women, common school edu
cation, to take course in nursing and
massage in Omaha-Florence sanatorium.
For terms write to Sanatorium, Florence,
Nab. C-711-31X
WANTED. girl for general hiu'ewuk.
but . All, st. C 611 31 x
WANTED-Stenogpapher and typewriter
for sprnlal work Will take only portion
or day or van lit dooa eveutngs Address
If L Sea. C-S-3 tlx
HP given to classes in plain penmanship,
typewriting. Send for catalogue.
DEPUTIES, men or women; splendid con
tract. The Gardners, to7 Beo building.
DEWEY European hotel. UtU and Farnam,
E 123
AETNA HOUSE, European, 13th & Dotlve.
ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th & Chlcutso.
It. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone iH0. '
E 126
609 8. 25TH AVE.; private family. F-M72S
11.00 TO $2.00 per week. 4L'2 8. ISth St., one
block south of court house. E 127
ROOMS. J1.50 to $3 per week; board, ii
Thurston hotel, 10th and JackJon sts.
it MijJ Jl
S20 N. 17th St., neat, des.-rablo room.
E M744 JolO
S ROOMS, light housekeeping. 1112 8. 11th.
ROOMS, 1906 Capitol ave. E M5P2 31x
FOR RENT, elegantly furnished rooms,
single or ensuite, modem. 17W Dodge st.
E M527
216 NORTH 17th St.
ROOM3, modern, 20S0 Harney St.
NICELY furnished rooms; house modern,
with telephone. 2C11 Harney St.
E-800 Six
LARGE front room, suitable for two. fill
N. ISth. 13 M827 2
LARGE front room with alcove; also sin
gle rooms; all modern, nice shade trees,
private lamuy, no cnnaren. bin jv. i7tn
E-826 31x
TWO nicely furnished front rooms, strictly
modern and central location, ror gentle
men. 7U9 S. 16th st. H 825 31x
ELEGANTLY modern, furnished and tin
furnished rooms In nice new brick build'
Ing. close to business center. 1616 Web'
ster St. E 829-81
NICE rooms, aieam heat, with or without
boara ; low rates. Aiiuianc Hotel, 16th and
Chicago. y 430
181 DODGE, front parlor asd other rooms.
jyeiepnone A-iui. tr M933
NICE rooms, good board. 415 N. 26th St.
F 131
ROOM and board; first-class. 212 H. 25th
street. it
NICELY furnished rooms, with or without
board: day board or m'al tickets rea
sonable. Midland hotel. 16tn and Chicago
Sts. F M420
THE FARNAM. 19th and Farnam. F-941
SUITE oft unfurnished rooms with board;
all modern conveniences: also 1 furnished
room. 'Phono F2739. Mrs. G. L. Dennis,
1502 8. 29th St. F M156
ROOM and board, reasonable; all modern.
witn pnone a-djj. ztot cass st.
F M206
PRIVATE family, near JIanscom park.
ixs3 a. rrtn. t yin ssox
SUMMER resort.
Merrlam. Mrs.
Riley, Manager.
TWO large, modern, furnished rooms.
finest location, beautiful lawn and shade;
first-class board, home cooking. 1919 Burt.
F M52H
FOR RENT, unfurnished rooms, single
and ensuite Wlthnell bldg., and
Harney. N. P. Deeg.i & Co., 1614 Farnam.
FOUR basement rooms; take washing for
rent. 711 So. 19th. - G MT75
i GOOD unfurnished rooms upstairs. 22o
Lake st J aiooo i
LARGE, cool room, two east windows,
prominent business block, lor rent until
fall, cheap. Address, F 1. Bee.
G 773 31x
LARGE alcove room; also basement; clean,
bright, modern; llpht housekeeping. It
desired or board 2024 Burt. G 30-81
rnR RENT, the building formerly occu
pied by Tha Bee at 916 Farnam St. It has
Tour siories auu a uaaeiueui which Bl
fnrtnorlv lined aa The iiee tireaa room
This will be rented very reasonably. If
Interested apply at omce or c c Rnse'
water, secretary, room 100, Bee building,
FOR RENT, building suitable for whole
sale purposes at 916 Farnam, 22x90, four
slorlea and first-class cemented busemant.
elevator, tire and burglar proof vault,
oflice countor and fixtures. For pries and
nav.liOura lnnu(i. I ' I' llnii.iLulup u
rtary the Br Building Co., room lou. Bee
building. i MOT
OFFICES In The Bee building. $10.00 par
monin up: rental price memoes neat,
light and janitor service. R. C. Peters A
Co., ground floor, Hee Bldg. 12(4
WANTED, canvassing agents In every
county to solicit subscriptions to THE
Steady emuloyment with assured cood In.
come. Agents In the country with horse
and buggy especially deelred. Canvassers
maae vusny too to iou per month. Ad
dress, Certury Farmer Solicitors' Bureau,
dcb ouiiuing, uiqhuil j .u
LADY canvassers for something good.
Monroe , Co., u m. ibin. J M290
LAMP that makes Its own gas; no oil,
wicks or chimneys: sells for one dollar;
lamp free to t lions wishing to work for us.
Eastern Gas Co., 130 Fulton St., New
j or a. j
BU RANCH CO., Elkhart, lnd.. Insures
persons from su to 64. Seventeen years In
busiuesa uucrai contracts to agents.
BIG WAGES te agents everywhere to'show
Rector cream separators to rarmeie,
Harrls-Goar Mfg. Co., Dept. F, Kansas
City. Mo. J
WIDE-AWAKE agenta newly patented
atahle drvlca. ?0 other apeclaltlea. Soudan
Specialty U'fl Co., 969 Alexander St.,
Milwaukee, Win. J
AGENTS our men are making $3 to 1) h
liny fitting glaws; our free eye buck
tells all about it; write today. Jacksonlan
Optlc4 College, 1PW Jackson Mien
J7i7 Six
BEGIN business for yourself; stop working
for others. We start you In proritanla
mail order business at your home. Pleas
ant work; Immense proiits; unlimited
possibilities. Full Information for stamp.
Franklin-Howard Co., Denver, Colo.
YOU CAN clear unusual profits selling
Annuel skirt t waist Holders; every wo
man buys Invariably reorders; particu
lars and sample on approval. Wheeler 4
Baldwin, u& Garden City Bldg., Chicago.
J-;l x
SALESMEN wanted, all sections United
States, covering retail trade, regular
route; carry as side line; patent trick
smoking pipe; ten dollars a day easily;
only those that can give exceptional ref-
ciences considered; state exactly ex
clusive territory covered. Albert Spclrs,
833 Broadway, New York. J 790 Six
IMPROVED Combination Dipper, nine use
ful househulu articles in one, -oc. tmar
antee Supply Co., Mil N. th St., Phila
delphia, Pa. J Thy Six
UNIVERSAL Fountain Pen, genuine hard
rubber noiuer, goiu-piatea pen, 4oe. J. Al.
Ernst A Co., Box 443, Marietta, O.
J-768 31x
GENTS' Drawer Supporters, latest and
best; nne for agents; sample pair, im.
Western Supply Co., i4o Virginia St.,
Reno, Nevada. J 787 81 X
AGENTS, write for our up-to-date cata
logue; It s tun of last sellers; tree, uuar
antee Supply Co., 2K N. 7th St., Phila
delphia, Pa. J 7S6 Six
MEXICAN Devil's Jumping Beans, resem
ble larpe coffee berries; drummers, agents
und street men mske big profits; l for
luu; Illustrated catalogue included. Charles
Ko., Laredo, Texas. ilub 3ix
GREATEST Pan-American success, 8 tar &
Crescent Puzzle, aith century wonder, 10c.
Crescent Specialty Co., 614 Avery St., Al
legheny, Pa. J 784 31x
LARGE manufacturing concern wants a
local representative in Omaha; only gen
tlemen of unquestioned Integrity and
ability need apply, slating reference.
Address, 1.1 buy ot Co., 611 Cable Bldg.,
Chicago, III. J 76 31x
$30 A WEEK and expenses to men with
rigs to Introduce our poultry remedies.
Urwoii Rem. Co., Dept. 0, Parsons, Kan,
AGENTS $39 paid weekly writing forms
at home. Sei.d stamp for bank relerences,
contract and outfit. Seaside Co., Dept A,
187 Broadway, N. Y. J 787-3U
PORTRAIT agents, write for new prices,
flue work cheap, guaranteed; prompt
shipments; express prepaid. Hettinger
Art Co., Chicago. J 70S 31 X
STOP runaways; hitch horses solid In
stantly; carry In pocket; sight seller;
agenta wanted. Pocket Hltchingpost Co.,
Richmond, lnd. J 709 31x
WANTED, either sex to represent us In
every town, the best proposition ever
placed before the public; good hustlers
an make $10 per day; send for free outfit.
Pioneer Music Club, F, Baltimore Bldg.,
Chicago. J 712 Six
WANTED, state superintendent to manage
branch oflice, Chicago house, $18 salary,
with commission: also all expenses:
steady position; f-M security required.
Address T. Langdon, Sec, 211 Pontlao
Bldg., Chicago. J 711 Six
AGENTS' chance; make big money Intro
ducing Prof. Long's Twentieth Century
Bar Utensils and lemonade shakers; no
brass, no rust, no copper, no scouring;
always clean, healthful and sanitary.
Endorsed by State Board of Health. Just
out. great snap. Write for terms. Ad
dress Horace Cook. Pekln, 111.
J-718 Six
FREE trip to the world's fair, St. Louis,
194. Particulars for stamp. Address,
World's Fair Visitors' Association, Flem
ing Bldg., St. Louis. J 695 Six
AGENTS Automatic Washers sell them
selves. One agent writes: "Exhibited
sample to 10 women; took 10 orders."
Time required, 45 minutes: profit, over $50.
Guaranteed to do a washing in 30 min
utes; furnishes its own power; requires
neither labor nor atttention; costs less
than any other machine; free sample;
exclusive territory furnished; $50 week
guaranteed: write for testimonials. Auto
matic Washer Co., Station U,
WANTED, manager In every city county.
to handle beat naying Dusiness known;
legitimate; new; exclusive control. Phoe
nix Co., 15 W. 28th St., New York.
J-721 Six
WE PAY $6 per week and expenses to men
with rigs to introouce .poultry compound.
Interstate Mfg. Co., Lawrence, Kan.
J 738 Six
WANTED, magaxlne subscription agents,
autnorlzea illustrated tnatory or at. iouis
Exposition, published in consecutive Is
sues of Campbell's Illustrated Journal,
similar to that made of Chicago World's
Fair; exceptional opportunity : large com
mission; steady work until January, 1905;
send loc postage for Exposition Dedica
tion Number, colored view book of exposi
tion buildings, full particulars and terri
tory. Address Exposition Dept., Camp
bell's Journal, St, Louis, Mo. J 679 Six
LAMP FREE to agents: makes Its own
gas; posts lc daily; quick seller; cneap.
Perfect Light Co.. 140 Nassau St.. New
York. J-78 31x
DON'T work Operate a "R. T. Digest."
Eetaousn an income ior mo oi uu
weekly. Business your own, nothing to
sell; requires no capital or Investment.
Why toll for others, when a "R. T. Digest"
makes you Independent? Be "your own
liosa." Mv folder starts you. Its rlvea
free. Enclose stamp, Benjamin Burdlck. .
Chicago Lawn, III. J-662-Slx
WANTED Local managers. A permanent
Income to the right men. we are now
r.fTurinir tn the eeneral Dub'.lc an Interest
In one of the largest tropical agricultural
companies now on the market. An in-
veatment surrounded by every P")';
safeguard. Officered by men of wide
business experience ana aoiiuy. our
object Is to place representatives In dif
ferent parts of the country. To those who
can give good references as to char
acter and ability to get business an offer
of a good income will be made. Prompt
application should be made to assure
yourself of this exceptional offer. Write
at once for full Information concerning
our proposition. Chacamas Plantation
company, 10c9 Trude bul'.dlng, Chicago.
J 2 Six
M- GOODMAN, 271 or 1321 Douglas street,
pays cash for all klnda ot merchandise.
v N-M.01-J-23x
A DELIVERY horse, 800 to 1.000 rounds.
Call at 29J0 Leavenworth St. N 613
2NDHAND Edison records for cash; state
how muny. Address E 63, Bee.
N 634 Jlx
WANTED, to buy, Interest In established
real estate or abstract business In good
county seat. Address E 65, Bee
WANTED, National Cash Register, 92
model. F. P. Sheldon, Nehawku. Neb.
N M747 6x
WANTED, to buy a place of 6, 10 or 40
aerea. In or around Omaha preferred, but
would consider a place In southwestern
Iowa. Want a place with plenty of frlut,
good, fair Improvements end nice rolling
land; do not want a place that Is run
down. Give full and complete descrip
tion, best price and terms and location
of place; will not consider an answer
that does not give full particulars. Want
possession at once. Address F 5. care
Omaha Bee. N-798 31 x
CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge. Tel.
tu20. New and aacond-haod bought, sold,
exchanged. O-ISJ
FURNITURE for 6-room house, new. Call
after t p. m., 1341 8. 27lh. O M758J1
FOR BALE, one Majestic ateel range, but
llttla used: one oak dining table, one bil
liard table. J. W. Sargent. 11th and
Mason. O 759 Six
.1 &.l.fc HOUSES. Wit,.
WAGONS repaired and all kinds of nea
work. U tri-el, 14U and lav.u worthy
FIRST-CLASS pslnttng. trimming, repair
ing, rubber tires put on; also carriages
for sale. Wm. Pfelffer, 2620 Leavenworth,
FOR P.ENT stable room for six horses. 601
No. 17th. P-m730 !
For Rockaway; cost owner $900 00.
Also open carriage, will sell for $50.00.
Cost $460.00. These sr snaps. Bee owner
al once. Gannett, til Brown Block.
P-760 31
FOR SALE Two driving horses; cheap
for cash. 3426 Ursklne St. P 770 Six
FOR SALE One C spring, light line, rub
ber tired. Brewster Princess Victoria.
Used but little and practically good as new.
Costs $2,200. Address F. C. Austin, Man
hattan Building, Chicago. P J3-31x
J0O-FOUND horse, rubber-tired runabout,
for $135 If sold Monday or Tuesday.
P-832 81
New and Sdbaod typewriter. 1119 Farnam.
Q 135
BUSINESS college f.cholarshlp for sale at
a bargain in one of Omaha's leading com
mercial colleges; life scholarship. Address
S 47, Bee office. j-M716x
FOR SALE, Remington typewriter No. 6,
new, $60, first offer accepted. Address
C 84, Bee. y-MGtfo SO
FOR SALE, Crane hydraulic elevator, can
be used either passenger or freight, com
plete, iron guide posts, cage and wire
enclosures. J. 1 Brandels Sous.
WIRE fence for hogs, poultry, lawn and
farms. Wire Works, 611 8. 16th. Tel. 1690.
Q-137 Jyl3
FOR SALE, phonographs, superior to any
other musical Instruments, $5 up. The
Columbian Phonograph Co., lb.1 Farnam.
FOR BALE-First mortgage note bearing
per cent Interest, payable every six
months; has about SVa years to run; good
security and endorsed by reoponaibla
Sarty; amount, $l,t0o. Inquire C. M.
uchman. Room 421, Paxton block.
FOR BALE, electric automonlle, perfect
order, used short time; cost $900, will take
$600. J. J. Deright & Co., 1119 Farnam.
Rosa's Art Store.
sale. Apply
Q 290
INDIAN gcods and rejlcs. 1119 Farnam.
2DHAND safe cheap. Deright, 1119 Farnam.
y 43j
IRON AND WIRE fences, tree guards,
trellises. Western Anchor Fence Co.,
:6 No 17th et. Q-M213
TELEPHONE poles. Lr.g Fir timbers.
Chicken fenoe. Oak piling;. S01 Douglas.
Q 4-7
Four-chair wall case, nearly new, and mod
ern four chairs, bootblack stand, etc. P.
H. Phllbln. Q-M537 31
OR 8ALE New and second-hand soda
fountains on monthly payments. S. B
Richmond, 43C So. 24th St.
Q-34 J14x
T. DURKIN, electric light wiring. Tel 2 MS
Q M550
CATALOGUE cut drug prices free. Sher
man 4fc MoConnell Drug Co., Omaha.
Q 423
FOR SALE, secondhand Locomobile; In
first-class shape, at one-half price. Call
or address, 1621 Farnam St, . Q M545
FOR SALE, show cases, shelves and
counters at a great sacrifice: must be
sold at once. Bcfimelxer Sporting Goods
Co., 1521 Farnam st. Q M528 SO
EMBROIDERY silk for fancy work, 15
skeins, assorted colors, best silks, 12c.
Northwestern Supply Co., 451 E Ynrnhlll
St., Portland, Ore. Q 782 Six
FOR BALE Life scholarship in best busi
ness college In Omaha. A bargain.
Choice of course and all privileges gur
teed. Address, F 3, Bee. Q 771 31x
ON ACCOUNT of owner leaving city one
almost new Pteger Sons patent grand
piano; cost $500; will sell for $300. Ad
dress E 66, Bee. Q 719 Six
WANTED Inventors, patentees and me
chanics and everyone interested in pat
ents and inventions to send fou our In
ventors guide. This 60-page book Is sent
free. Contains full Information about
patents. How to obtain a patent. What
to invent tor prom ana now to sen a
? latent. This elegantly printed book sent
ree to any address. O'Mera & Brock,
patent attorneys, 620 11th st. N. W. Wash
ington. D. C. R 820-31X
LADY QUEEN of clairvoyants. Every
thing told; past, present and future. Sat
isfaction or no pay. W, N. ISth. S M960
MADAME LUCRETIA. medium. 1709 Cali
fornia st, S-M40S J4
MME. GYLMER will leave Omaha on June
15 for her annual vacation. She will be
away for an indefinite period, and those
wno are nesirous ot consulting ner win
have to avail themselves of the oppor
tunity before the above mentioned date.
Parlors 315 S. 15th St., in Oranlte block,
second floor. 8 S33 31
MMJS. BMiTH. baths, US N. 16. 2d floor, r. t,
. T 612 J6x
720 8. 13th.
MISS DUVAL, manicuring.
Flat 1.
819 8. lHt'i St.
T-M636 J8x
MRS. DAVIS. 1(21 Howard St., baths; first
class assistant. T M642 J-8X
GOLD1E POWERS, 720 So. 13th. Tel. 1952.
T-M214 19
E MO LINE SHEPARD, massage, vapor and
alcohol baths, 2d floor, 606 North 16th st.
T-M227 J3X
MISS HOWARD, elegant massage and
vanur baths; alcohol rubbing. 317S4 N.
15th. flat E. T-M503 J26
FANNIE TEMPLE, massage, alcohol bath;
assistant. Id floor. 606 N. 16th.
T-M538 J28
MIS8 LA BAN, maosage bsths, Egyptian
treatment. H17 Leavenworth at., flat 8
T MS04 J2S
PP.. P.OY, chiropodist! corns and superflu
ous hair removed by electricity. K. S and
S, 15U6 s'arnam Ut. U U
TRY on of "Kip's Guarantees" If you want
a good smoke. 6c, all dealers.
U-M204 J19
TELEPHONE 7S0 for L. M. E. messengers.
U 151
HOME during confinement; flrst-olnss. Dr.
L. L, Miliar, 25u4 Blundo. 'phone F-1183
VIA VI, a wholesome nerve and tissue food
and home treatment for disorders of
woman. Free hooklat. Vlavt Co., 346 Be
Bldg. U-147
PRIVATE hospital before and during con
finement; beblte boarded and adopted.
M's. GardsU. JLiH Lak. Tel. Rad-las4.
WHITE Russian Poap Wrapper Premium
Store will b closed June 1. After that
time mail wrappers tu Jaa. 8. Kirk
Co., 336 N. Water St., Chicago.
At druggist. $1.
ELITE PARLORS, 615 8 16th St.. 2d floor.
U M269
MRS. JACOBSON, S2u5 N. St'lh St. .
U M226
YES, I smoke the "Uncle Oscar" because
It a the best 5c cigar. For sale everywhere.
U-M206 J19
PRIVATE home during confinement ; babies
adopted. The Good tUmurltHn han tar urn,
733 Ut ave., Council Bluffs, la. U-M4n
RUPTURE CURED without pain. Empire
Rupture Co., N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha.
U 150
PRIVATE sanitarium for Indies before and
during confinement. Dr. and Mrs. Gerlsch,
Sti California St. Terms rensonaMe.
U I61-J23
C. EDERER. Bristol St. florist.
Tel. 17.
BOSTON umbrella factory. 64 8. 16th.
Umbrellas recovered, repaired rr made
to order. U-M517-J2T
CORRESPONDENTS' Agency for Indies
and gentlemen; fee 25 cents silver; con
fidential and reliable. Address Coon
Co., Memphis, Tenn. U TBI Six
NOTICE ladles matrimonially Inclined
between DO find 38 years of age, who would
like to murry a respectable end Indus
trious, sober man of 3S years, with some
cash. Please write In German or English
und learn more. A prompt and courteous
reply to all who answer. No objection to
widow. Please addresa Mr. J. W. L., Val
ley, Neb., Douglas county. U 751 Six
DO YOU wish to correspond or marry? If
so, address confidentially National Alli
ance, Grand Rapids, Mich'.' Describe your
self. U-
SUPERFLUOU8 hair, warts and moles
permanently removed by electricity; con
sultation free nnd confidential, nil work
guaranteed. Miss Allender, 42J N. Y. L.
LADIES nnd gntlemen desiring to corre
spond with view to matrimony or pleas
ure write us. AH correspondence strictly
confidential. P. O. Box 164, Toledo, O.
HYPNOTISM explained. Our hook tenches
It thoroughly. You can learn It. l'lc.
Milne Supply Co., 66 Elgin St., Olenvllle,
Ohio. U 7S3 31 X
FOR MEN Rare list books, photos, rubber
Soods, etc. Inclose stamp and address
i. Stanton Co., Carbondale, Pa.
LADIES, my remedy relieves; convince
yourself; trial package, 10c; complete line
ladles' goods. Mrs. F. Beard, Dayton, O.
U-728 31 X
blrthdato with 4 cents for postage and I
vill send your life reading free. Matters
of love, health and speculation m.tdo
clear. All questions answered. Addrejs
Prof. Aeolls, 1815 N. 16th St.. Philadelphia,
pa. U-749 Six
I SEEK husband for lady 22, worth $10,000
and beautiful farm: widow 36, $30,000 and
stock farm: lady 26. $40,0no; lady 22. $8,000
and beautiful home. Address Mrs. Le
land, 19 South Broadway, St. Louis, Mo.
U 64S Six
THERE are several reasons why you
should smoke the Ptoecker cigars. First,
they are made of the best stock that can
he put Into a cigar for the money. Second,
they are Just what they are represented
to be. Third, thev are an Omaha product,
W. F. Stoecker Cigar Co. U M822 6
AGNES V. SWEATLAND. M. D.. removed
from 17th and Dodge to 18th and Douglas;
specialist In women's diseases. U 828-31
- im
MONEY to loan on residence property. W.
11. Thomas, First Nat. bank bldg.
W-M64S 31
WANTED, city loans and warrants. W.
Farnam Smith Co., 1320 Farnam street
W 167
WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds
and warrants. R. C. Peters 4- Co., 170S
Farnam St., Bee Bldg. W1M
4U PER CENT on business property.
5 per cent on residence property.
Options to pay whole or part any time.
W. B. MEIKLE, 401 8. 15TH ST.
. W-tM
MONI5Y to loan on business property. W.
H. Thomas, First Nat. bank bldg.
W-M644 31
FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H
Thomas, First Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. 1S48.
PRIVATE money. Sherwood, S37 N. Y. Llf,
4 TO S P C. money.
Be oils. Paxton Block,
FIVE PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros., 1001
Farnam. W-1&5
PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas.
MONEY to loan on Improved property In
Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs.
W. H. Thomas, First Nat. bank bldg.
W M545 31
Low rates and easy terms.
Business conndentlai.
Try us if you want to save money.
rnuciMA lu,,
(S3 Paxton Block.
16th and Farnam SU.
Best explains our methods.
We loan on furniture, pianos, warehouse
receipt, etc. Or If you have a permanent
position we can make you a
Without security, except your own agree
ment to repay. Our service Is quick and
confidential and we always try to please.
All that we ask Is that you give us a call
before you borrow elsewhere.
US Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2296.
(Established lbi2.) 306 So. 16th St.
110 to $3u0 loaned on FURNITURE. PI
at very low rates and lor any length ot
time, without publicity or removing tha
property. Payments can be made to suit
our convenience. au kou gei our icrma
before going elsewhere.
Room SOD. Paxton Block.
Room 301
MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew-
elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed,
319 11
SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team
sters, boarding houses, eto., without se
curity; easiest terms, 40 offlcee In prin
cipal cities, 'i'olman, 440 Board of Trade
81dg. X-10S
MONEY loaned on rlain note to salaried
feople; busineas corndential lowest rates.
14 paxton block. Tha J. A. Hutton Co.
CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley
Loan Cu., suu to V. Green, R. S, Barker bit
American Luan Co.. Paxton block, Sd floor,
Room 644 Paxton Block. Telephone F-229S.
It you have a permanent salaried position
you tun borrow from us on your plain
note, without mortgage, security or In
dorar. Srml-
Weekly. Monthly. Monthly.
1S GO Repay u Sl.uO or $2. Oil ur $4 00
I. .on Repay us 1 3i or 2 65 or 5 30
$i5u Repay ua 1 66 or 8 33 or (.67 Repay ua t J or 4.00 or 00
too.uu Itt-pay us S 35 or 6 65 or 13 33
Our buslnesa la strictly confidential. No
dlagreable questlona asked "' your em
ployers. When yuu ncad a, little money
call and see u.
W ILL sell Mobile. Pests two or six com
fortably. Most perfect running tnii'-l me
In t'hlcugo. Speedy and reliable; nlmoHt
new; a bargain. J. L. O. D kos. 3.11
Vet Klnsle Ht.. Chicago. ;";! ?A
OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co.. Sll North 16th.
BICYCLES and repairs, Freeh tires. $1.50
to $4 5; Hartford tires, $6.50 per pair. All
the popular brands for cash or credit.
Louis Flescher, 16"2 Capitol Ave. Tel 811.
WE BUY and sell second-hand wheels; re
pairing a rpeclnlty; lawn mowers ah'l
ened and repaired. E. K. Lawrence I'fiJ
Lenvenwoith at. Tel. 1,1676. M&4S JS
BRASS and aluminum casting, nickel plat
ing and finishing, specialty Mfg. CO., i
N. Main St., Council Bluffs.
J. P. HEALY, 1822 Clark St, Phone A-SX7L
ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing
promptly attended to. J. X. Ochlltroe, nn
and Ijike Sts. -370
i ' J J
A. J. P1ERSON, 20th and Burt. Tel. L-2SSS.
BEND your carpet and runs to Chrlsten-
aon s carpet cleaning vt oras. i in. "in
St. Tel. 16..
TEL. 055 Carpet cleuning, rug weaving.
IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy. 624 N. 20th St.
M-'V ,I-IX
DKN'I ivrs.
C. H. PAUL, removed to residence, 12I
Burt. Tel F 2753. M-766
F. C. CLARK, dentist, formerly of Council
Bluffs, now located at 2706 Cumlnf st.
-M r3
J 25
CA1T. t-ORMACK, 617 Karhwon. Tel A-3833.
G. R. Rathburn Room 15, Com'l Nat. Bank.
J. H. BOONSTRA. office 1615 Howard St.
Tel. 947. 64 J''Sx
HESS ft SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. 1S
L. HENDERSON, florist. 1519 Farnam St.,
OmnhH: s-nd for price tNt.
OMAHA PLATING CO., Bee Bldg. Tel. 2535.
I -1SS
ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co. cleans
cesspools and vaults, removes garbage
and dead animals at reduced prices. 631
N. 16th. Tel. 1779. 187
LADIES' and gents', 60c. Schwarts's, 114
S. 13th. 18
ST1LLMAN & PRICS. 23 U. 8. N'l B'k, bid.
NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor I. Y.
Life Bldg., attorneys and collectors every
where. 19
MACFARLAND ft MAY. New York Life
Bldg., Room S04. 'Phone 15R2. 193
SHARPENED. P. Melcholr, ISth ft Howard.
LAWN MOWERS sharpened, saws filed, um
brellas repaired, keys, etc.. 309 N. 16th.
Tel. 2374 7C6
OMAHA Steam Laundry and City Towel
Supply. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. A-17h3
Lost between the Dodge hotel and 906 Dodge
St., chamois skin bug, containing 5 ladles'
rings and 1 swallow brooch. Inform the
Bee office. No questions asked.
Lost-M536 21 x
8TOLEN, Wednesday night, May 27, bay
mare, heavy tall, medium mane, large
star in forehead, with wire cut on heel on
left front foot, 3 years old, broke single
to drive. Also one sorrel horse, age 10
years, clipped, star tn forehead, old wire
cut on breust. One bay horse, 7 years old,
star In forehead, little lump on right
front leg below knee; mane was roached,
but partially grown out. Liberal reward
for return or Information leading to their
recovery. Notify chief of police. Council
Bluffs. Iowa. Ist 709 31
DR. PRIEB treats successfully all diseases
and Inegularllles of women, from any
cause; experienced, reliable. 1513 Dodge,
Arlington block. Omaha, Neb. Tel. 2233..
LADIES, our harmless remedy relieve
without fall delayed or suppreksed men
struation. For free trial address Purls
Chemical Co., Milwaukee. Wis.
LADIES' Chichester English Pennyroyal
Pills are the best; safe; reliable. Take no
other. Send 4c, stamps, for particular.
"Relief for Ijidies" in letter by return
mall. Ask yoT druggist. Chlchesier
Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Pa.
Piles Cured
Without pain no cutting, tying or burning.
All blood, kidney and bladder disease
cured; a guarantee given in every case
treated by W. C. Maxweh, M. D.. 624
Bee Bldg. Omaha Neb., graduate of
Bellevue Hospital Medical Collet. New
York City
DR. W. HUTCHINSON, apeclallat of
women and children; 30 years' practice.
Office, 226 Cuming. Realdenc telephone,
F-2790; omce, B-3b36.
DR. PRIES. German graduate, renowned
for Ida skill nnd experience In confine
ments; currs sterility, long standing dis
eases of uterus and ovaries, cures painful,
profuse, retarded or suppressed menstru
ation, from any cause, recent or of long
standing. Ladles who have suffered for
years, hopeless and dejeclod, can be cured
without operation or the hospital. If a
personal Interview Is Impossible slate your
case fully. Inclone stamp and answer and
advice will promptly be given. Addresa
R. F. Pries, M. D , lal3 Dodga St., Omaha,
6ISTER8 In denpalr; If in need write me
for ramedy which relieved nie of obsti
nate suppression In five hours. Mrs.
Green, 13o Dearborn St., Chicago, III. ,r
til SIC AL. s
THOU. J. KELLY, voice. Uavldga BlolT
r 3u9
FOR RENT, piano plaere, or piano and
payer logcwier. ryiu Player CO., let
118. y' -IM
s orcheefrC
T L-SU64. Terms easy.
155 J 16
EAGLE I.oan Office, raliabia. accommodat
ing, U buiiuM tunllUslUlal 1301 Uuuaiss.