Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 31, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 15, Image 15

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Penniyhaa't nd Wabub Interests In
volved in a Desperate Straggle.
Iftfilllranre of the Detraction (
Wftfm t'nlon Teleftraph Llnrs
Coald anal Rockefeller Asalaat
Caaaatt and Vanderbilt.
New York-London Police
Comparison of
the Two Forces.
The comparison of New York and London
police force made by Comnitesloner A. R.
riper aa a result of bin Mult to London for
the purpose of studying the police of that
city brings out many points of superiority
of one over the other. In Handling large
gives a policeman .1 cirlnk he receives a
black mark and a renewal of hla license Is
Commissioner Piper was much Impressed
with the way the London police handle the
The recent destruction of the Western
Union Telegraph lines along the right-of-way
of the Pennsylvania railroad lias a
significance much deeper than aptnra on
the surface. The origin and progress of the
destructive war. the meaning of it and the
ant Interests Involved are detailed by s
staff correspondent of the Chicago Tribune
In part as follows:
The 'Western Union was not driven oft
the Pennsylvania right-of-way merely be
cause the railroad company preferred to
do business with the Postal Telegraph
company. The chopping down of poles and
the destruction of the wires were retali
atory acta pure and simple. The trouble
dates back to the determination of George
Gould to own his own railroad system be
tween the Atlantic and Pacific slopes. The
minute he succeeded In securing an en
trance Into Pittsburg which city hitherto
had been controlled exclusively by the
Pennsylvania railroad he antagonised that
great corporation, and thereupon began
the battle between the giants.
George Gould Is the controlling factor In
the Western Union Telegraph company,
and although that company had been In
peaceable possession of the Pennsylvania
right-of-way for fifty years or so, the rail
road company ordered It removed, as It
had a right to do under Its contract. This
was nothing more nor less than an at
tempt to punish Gould for seeking to
divide the enormous business passing
through and originating In the Smoky
City at the Junction of the Allegheny and
Monogahela rivers.
Fight Centers In lMttatrg.
Many Chicago people will be surprised to
learn that Pittsburg claims to be, and pos
sibly Is, the greatest freight center in the
world, counting shipments In both direc
tions. The'Pennsylvanla railroad for years
owned the Pittsburg city council, body
and breeches. It prevented any other rail
road from reaching that city, and at the
same time enjoyed extraordinary privt
leges. For many years the Pennsylvania rail
road has been unable to furnish facilities
enough io handle the enormous freight
traffic which passes through the city of
Pittsburg. The Pennsylvania interests
bought out the Baltimore & Ohio railroad,
largely, If not entirely, to prevent Gould
from having any share In this enormously
profitable Pittsburg business. There has
been one congestion after another in the
Pittsburg freight yards, and the Pennsyl
vania railroad, believing Itself master of
the situation, recently decided to spend the
extraordinary sum of 126.000,000 In Increas
ing Its facilities In the Pittsburg district.
Gould Starts the flattie.
George Gould owns and absolutely con
trols the Immense system Involving the net
work of railroads reaching from the Ohio
valley to the raciflc slope. Within that
territory he could dictate price, but hla
Wabash railroad system ended nowhere In
particular to the eastward, and It was ab
solutely essential to his position that he
should reach the Atlantic seaboard by an
independent line of his own. This he pro.
ceeded to do by securing control of the
Wheeling & Lake Erie railroad, which gave
him an outlet for the Wabash to Mingo
Junction, which Is only a Short distance
from Pittsburg.
The sympathies of the people of Pitts
burg were with the Gould interests. They
realized that It waa not healthy for their
city In the long run to be under the abso
lute control of a single railroad corpora.
tlon, no matter how great, how liberal,
and how progressive. - Pittsburg has re
cently rescued Itself, temporarily at least,
from a life of civic debauchery, and ona
of the first results of this reform was an
ordinance granting entrance and rlght-of
way to the Gould road. By next August,
If all goes well, the Wabash system will
be In Pittsburg for Its freight traffic, and
not lesa than six months later will be run
ning passenger trains from the southwest
to Pittsburg Itself.
Gets Line to Baltimore.
At the same time, when road building was
begun from Mingo Junction to Pittsburg,
Mr. Gould set about securing an independ
ent line to - the southeast so aa to reach
. tidewater at Baltimore. The old - Western
Maryland railroad waa practically owned by
the city of Baltimore. It had been built
aa a check upon the Baltimore & Ohio, and
when the latter road paaaed under control
of the Pennsylvania crowd the people of
: Baltimore naturally desired that their
western Maryland road should not go Into
the same combination and thus tie the city
hand and foot, a Pittsburg had been tied
under the domination of the Pennsylvania
railroad. .
Oeorge Gould happened along Just In time
to take advantage of thl publto sentiment
In Baltimore, JuBt aa he had become the
beneficiary of a similar public sentiment In
Pittsburg. Baltimore sold the Western
Maryland road to Gould and thus he ac-
their clothing. The police of London are
on duty for eight hours per day. The day
tours are divided Intj four hours on duty,
four hours eft and four hours on. The night
tour Is onp stretch of eight hours, which i
relieved by an hour off for supper between
crowd and In personal courage the New 1:30 and J:30. The post Is doubled then and street traffic. They are obeyed Implicitly
Yotk police have no equal according to the the men can go to the stations, where a hot when an order la given and will allow no
commissioner. On the other hand, the Lon- meal I erved them. The unmarried men "back talk irom arivers. if man gets on
don police are far ahead of their fellows in Uva In barracks, where they have Individual
New tork In handling street traffle. Coin- rooms. They have their meal In the sta-
mltsloner riper claims thai the ordinances tlon at their own expense and each station
ate more easily carried out In London be- has a canteen where food and light drinks
cause of the larger number of police, 17,000 car oe purchased at small cost.
men being on the London force as against
T.OnO In New York. London, however, ha
twice the population of New York :ind over
twice the area to police. The London police
are much better officered than those on this
aide, there being one noncommissioned offi
cer to every seven or eight men, while In
New York there is but one 10 nearlv ten
In London 60 per cent of the force is ued
at night snd 40 per cent Outing the day,
while New York uses 60 per cent all the
time. Another point whereby the London
Politics, which play such a part In the
police force of New York, are absent al
most entirely from the portce of London.
The commissioner 1 appointed practically
for life, which, in Clmminslnner Piper's
opinion, allows of the working out of re
forms n a slow, but systematic manner
without thought of a nearoy election that
would cause matters to be hurried.
The London police are very courteous,
younger than those In New York, well In
formed and Intelligent. They are appointed
after civil service examinations, but the
patrolmen are kept up to therr work lies In commissioner can select whomsoever he
the fact that they are visited about five
times during their tour by their superiors.
On visit Is all the New York police le
celve. Afler ihout twelve years of work the
London police receive ft salary of 1720 a
year. The New York men start at $800. A
wishes of those that pass and can also drop
without ceremony those whose records do
not crme up to tho standard. At the nge of
55, after twenty years of service, the police
man Is pensioned on half-pay. The London
police do not drink aa much as those In
New York and so are kept In better condl-
sllght difference I made on account of the tlon and then, too, no free drinks are nl
fact that the London patrolmen receive lowed them. If a saloon keeper sells or
the wrong side or disobey the rules he
must get right at once. If he be on the
wrong side he cannot cross over, but must
go around the block. Ills number is taken
and he will have to pay for bis act. tie is
told to appear In court and he appears.
Each driver Is examined as to his ability.
The merchants are not permitted to block
the sidewalks with goods as is the case In
New York, and the man on post must see to
this under penalty of being dropped from
the force. Heavy trucking, too, is not al
lowed between 10 o'clock and 4.
There is an esprit de corps among the
police of London that prevents any wide
spread corruption. If there is any bribe
taking or rascality among the officers their
fellow officers rind it out and report to the
commissioner. The offenders are quickly
gotten rid of without ceremony.
The London method of handling the traffic
Is now being tried at congested centers In
New York nnd thus far the results have
been most satisfactory. When the drivers
become used to the method there Is nu rea
son why there should be more confusion in
New York than In London. Municipal
Journal and Engineer.
$000,000 m PRIZES 2,
$5.00 each to bo given to :
the School Children ol America
School Children's Competitive Advertising Contest No. 224
Women Strongly,
to Tate Doctor
Pteree'i FiTorit
This advice come
from a woman who had
suffered all the miseries
women can sunet from
y I 1...J
ousrasc, iiw mu
perfectly and perma
nently cured by the use.
of Vt. Pierce's Favorite
This great medicine
for women establishes
regularity, dries weak
ening drains, heal in
flammation and ulcera
tion and curea female
Read Mrs. Kern peon's
letter snd, If you are
sick, follow her advice,
"Although it has been quite a Urn since
h.. Bos ST.
lill your name u a blwelagliioui Oouaa,
oo4 health,
I wrote you." uva Mrs. Fred atiapaou.
, HUlauai to., piiim.. an
.n.l I thiuk It niv dittr to 1 yoa know
. . . . 1 an. atill rn .Tiff .
. .-a .io favorite rre-
cr lotion ' when t think now 1 waa
years ago, and then t how I am new, I
r iir itrrvea work, an
tuv he live looj to bl poo "Ofcriiig
women. I have ovr had any rMura ol
my weakness ana " wii
77- -4 .11 t work without any
twin. Yon la.ed me Irout the grn.e when
ill other, failed. 1 advlne .uttering women
atrouglv. to Uke Dr. Memr rntuf rre
aenpuou. u I know it will cure ia all
cue if iuV-d tner te a cm -
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are
an excellent laxative, suited to the
use of delicate women.
quired the tidewater link In his great trans
continental chain. It needed only the West
ern Vlrglnls road and the connection of
that line with the Western Maryland by a
new line easily constructed across the Poto
mac valley.
Galveston to Baltimore.
Almost before the Pennsylvania Interests
knew what was being done they found
Oeorge Gould in possession of practically a
complete line, which, with the Missouri Pa
cific and Wabash as Its main trunk, was In
a position to ship freight from Galveston
to Baltimore, and at the same time, by con
trol of the Penver & Rio Grande, to dic
tate transcontinental freight ratea to the
Pennsylvania people, to the Vanderbllta, to
Hill, to Harrlman and to any other person
who chose to mix In the game.
George Gould has bought his railroads al
most outright that Is to say, he own
controlling Interest In each line, and Is not
dependent upon the whims or upon the good
nature of some Intangible and easily broken
syndicate. In this way he Is practically
Impregnable to direct assaults. He cannot
be bought out. and the more the stock of
his different railroads Is depressed the bet
ter It suits him. because he Is then enabled
to Increase his holding at reduced cost.
Attack ti Western I'nlon.
When Gould persuaded the people of
Pittsburg to permit him to dig hi way
through the smoke Into that city, and when
he began hla building preparations from
Mingo Junction, the Pennsylvania railroad
began to show Its teeth. George Gould Is
tho heaviest stockholder In the Western
Union Telegraph company, which ran ita
wires over the Pennsylvania railroad right-
Curiously enough, the contract between
the telegraph company and the railroad
practically was the only one of Its kind
which the Western Union company knows
of.. It waa an old contract, and required
the Western Union company to remove Its
poles and wires upon six months' notice
after the expiration of Its contract. The re
lations between the two great corporations
have been so cordial that the existence of
this clause in the contract actually had
been forgotten. In all other contracta be
tween the telegraph company and the rail
roads there are naturally provisions for the
termination of the contract under certain
conditions, but In no case Is the telegraph
company actually required to remove Ha
property Within a certain specified time.
It was a rrfhtter of surprise to the tele
graph offlctals. therefore, when a year ago
they were notified that their contract with
the Pennsylvania company would expire on
a Specified day. They took It as a matter of
course, and wrote the usual letter propos
ing a renewal of the contract on the same
old aatlsfactory term. Much to their sur
prise an answer was received from the
railroad company that It did not propose to
rtnew the contract with the Western Union
on any terms, and requiring the telegraph
eompanV to remove all It property from
the railroad right-of-way within six
Gonld Is Not Frightened.
It was a distinct threat from A. J. Cas
satt to George Gould. It waa intended and
was received as such. Gould declined to be
frightened out of hla railroad projects,
however, and went on building links and
buying link. His operations were naturally
hostile to the Pennsylvania, which had at
enormous expense purchased control of the
Baltimore 4 Ohio and tke Chesapeake &
In this extensive purchase the Vander-
bllts were important factors. They were
given a large block of stock in the Penn
sylvanla road on favorable terms snd be
came Joint purchasers with the Pennsyl
vanla of the Baltimore & Ohio and Chesa,
peake & .Ohio systems. The object was, of
course, to secure a community of Interests
between the eastern trunk lines, so aa to
concentrate all eastern traffic In the United
States in the hands of the Vanderbilt and
Pennsylvania combination.
It waa an amaslng prospect, and the one
thing which stood In the way was George
Gould. He was much In the way, how
ever, and he had aome good men back of
him, too. John D. Rockefeller has made
more money in the Standard Oil company
than he could possibly spend on the Chi
cago university and similar educational
enterprises. He found an outlet for hi
surplus funds In railroad Investments. He
Is head over heels Into the Gould system
In the southwest. The result waa that
when the Pennsylvania railroad attacked
Gould It necessarily attacked Rockefeller,
nd there has been witnessed recently i
gigantic battle to death between the Penn
sylvanla and the Vanderbilts on one side
and George Gould and the powerful Rocke
feller on the other.
War on the Stock Market
It was only natural that the Gould Inter
eat should hit back at the Pennsylvania
when that road took the extraordinary step
not' only of ousting the Western Union
from Us right-of-way, but of actually de.
stroylng In a ruthless manner the property
of the telegraph company. Tho Pennsyl
vanla recently voted an additional 175.000,
000 worth of stock. That waa to be offered
to other stockholder at an agreed rate of
120, although at the time thl figure waa
proposed the market value of the stock
was much greater. This sum of ITS, 000, 900
was Intended to provide tor the work of
digging the tunnel under the Hudson liver
and building an enormously expensive un
derground terminal in the vicinity of
Herald square In New York. The Gould
Interests saw their chance and hammered
the life out of Pennsylvania's securities
until there was a drop from the neighbor
hood of ISO down to 130. the price fixed for
the subscription to the new issue. It waa
a critical time for the Pennsylvania road
because it needed the money and would
have suffered great loss of prestige if it
had failed to tost Ita new loan at the
designated time. The road1, great as it Is,
was forced to secure the service of an
underwriting syndicate.
Trace In Wall Street.
This Is the situation up to date in one of
the greatest railroad ware ever conducted
by the mere power of money. There has
been no rate cutting, but the loss of mil
lions upon millions In the value of securi
ties, and this loss was still going on until
yesterday afternoon. An agreement has
been reached, however, that there shall be
no more fighting on the atock market.
The Rockefellers are. In fact. Interested
in the new Pennsylvania loan to some ex
tent, and as Gould has secured his entrance
Into Pittsburg and Baltimore there is noth
ing much left for the Pennsylvania rond
to do but to spend ita money on Improve
ments and seek to get as much Pittsburg
business and general transcontinental
traffic as Its facilities will permit it to
handle. The clash of the financial groups
has been averted to a large extent, but the
fight haa been transferred Into the open,
and George Gould and A. J. Cassatt aca
now engaged In a battle to secure control
of the freight traffic from Chicago, St.
Louis, Kansas City and Cincinnati to the
Atlantic seaboard. It Is a clash of power
ful railroad interests, such as this country
has not seen for many a long day.
Co far as the Western Union Telegraph
company Is concerned, Its fight haa largely
been transferred to the courts. If the
Pennsylvania Railroad company was not
justified In destroying the telegraph com
pany's property It will have to pay for It.
That Is a mere matter -f money and
readily can be adjusted when the courts
make a final decision. The Pennsylvania's
action waa dictated by a desire to retaliate
upon Gould, and to that extent it was a
success, because in spite of the disclaimers
of the telegraph officials It Is evident their
service was seriously crippled by the sum
mary ejectment from tho Pennsylvania
right of way. The telegraph company has
a. fifty-year contract with the Baltimore &
Ohio and "that contract is renewable for
another period of fifty years, so there is
not likely to be any repetition of the attack
of the railroad company on the Western
Union. '
Greater Battle to Come.
The next development will come when
Mr. Gould' new line goes into actual op
eration. He will not be Inclined to treat
the Pennsylvania any too tenderly. He
starts out with a tremendous advantage
anyway, because he built Into Pittsburg at
the urgent request of Andrew Carnegie,
and the Gould line to the seaboard, as
well as to the west. Is to be given every
pound of freight Carnegie's steel companies
can control.
In this way It will be seen all sorts of
gigantic interests have become Involved In
this spectacular fight. George Gould, the
largest Individual railroad owner today;
John D. Rockefeller, the Standard Oil
magnate, who once hung the Pennsyl
vania scalp to his belt, years ago; Andrew
Carnegie, the great Ironmaster and library
builder, and 11,000 stockholders of the West
ern Union company, are combined together
to resist the claims of the Pennsylvania
railroad, backed up by the Vanderbilt,
that the territory from Ohio to the At
lantic is sacred and not to be entered at
any cost by competing railroads.
The public gets out of all this a new line
of railroad, and If In the fullness of time a
great rate war breaks out between the two
contending parties, as Is entirely probable.
It will be the public who will be the gainer.
Teacher Now, Johnny, can you tell me
what causes darkness?
Johnny The gas companies.
Teacher Why do you think they cause ItT
Johnny 'Cause they need the money.
"Oh, lock what a pretty kitten, mamma!"
exclaimed small Harry.
"Yes," replied his mother, "and. Just
think, it never cries."
"Well, no wonder," rejoined the young
ster. "It doesn't have Its neck washed.'
"Little boy," said tho minister to a small
urchin who was industriously digging by
the roadside one Sunday morning, "don't
you know it Is wrong to labor on the Bab-
bata excopt in a case of absolute neces
'That's the kind of a case this Is," re
plied the youthful philosopher. "A feller
can't catch no fish without bait."
The wife of Diatrict Attorney Jerome ml
her little daughter were standing at a win
dow of their country house looking out over
a meadow where there were cows, relates
the New York Times.
"I want to go out there," said the child,
"But you mustn't," said her mother.
"What do you suppose those cows would
do with their horns now if you went out
there?" queried the mother.
The child thought awhile, and then an
swered :
"Maybe they would blow them as you say
papa blows his. '
This sketch was made by Jennie S. Corbin,
age 11, Ilitchoock School, Galeshurg, 111.
We give a cash prize of 5.00 for any
drawing of this character which we accept
and use. All school children can compete. Full
Instructions will be found on Inside of each
package of Egg-0-Seo telling what to do to get
the prize and how to make the drawings.
Made by the
Mloh. Qulnoy. IS
There are no perms in
Battto Creek,
If you believe in food purity it will interest' you to know that
no food in the world is manufactured with such great sanitary
precaution as Egg-O-See, not only as carefully cleaned, selected
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Egg-O-See. A crisp, delicious, digestive, strengthening flake food.
Note The Price of Egg-O-See is 10 cents for a full size package euch as is
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machinery enables us to make the best flaked wheat food at this lower price.
If your grocer does not keep It, send us his name and 10 cents and we will send you a package, prepaid.
- Address all communications to Battle Creek Breakfast Food Co., Qulncy, 111.
Pod I-eo XIII. It is reported, Is to give
lttings for his port th u to a painter com
missioned by King Edward VII.
'Governor" John Robinson, the veteran
circus man. has offered to build a church In
Cincinnati in memory 01 nis aaugnier
Mrs. C. H. Bourgeon, widow of the great
preacher, haa for many years conducted a
book fund, by which she has collected and
bought books for distribution among needy
pastors and others.
A brome statue of Martin Luther was
unveiled at the Concordia seminary, the
theological seat of learning in the l ulled
States for the Evangelical Lutheran
church, located at St. Louis.
The Episcopal diocese of Georgia voted
the other day to place in Christ church.
Savannah, a tablet in memory of Rev. John
Wesley, the founder of American Metho
dism and of English Wesleyanlsm.
R. A. Torrey. who .last year started
around the world upon an evangelistic
tour, met with remarkable success, espe
cially in Australia, where there was never
before so great a popular interest In re
ligious affairs.
It has been decided by Methodist mis
sionary managers to bold every four years
a grand missionary rally similar to that
held by them last year in Cleveland. Meth
odist general conferences are held every
lour years, ana tne new plan la to nave
the mission rally on the alternate years.
Rev. C. M. Sheldon Is at the head of a
movement to establish at Topeka, Kan., a
life insurance company that will only Issue
policies on the lives of Christian and total
abstainers. All the churches of the United
Btatea are to be asked to aaauit the organ
isation. Ratea will be from 10 to 20 pet
cent lower than in other companies.
Leaders In religious bodies In America
holding the Presuyterlan system of gov
ernment believe a thing of the near future
Is a federal assembly. In which will sit
representatives from all churches, and
which will have conatltuent assemblies for
geographical divisions of the country. This
Is l'ren.j turlan federation, and will, if car
rled out, take in both branches of the He-
rormed church and near.y all of the small
bodies now holding aloof on minor doctrinal
points. Tht proposed federal assembly will
not It ia promised, deal with theology, but
with missions, with church extension, with
Hunday schools, with evangelization, with
summer schools and with all of the larger
questions upon which all can meet on com
mon ground. The proposition is to divide
the country Into five districts, with assem
blies for each, the latter to meet annually
and the federal assembly trlennlally. It is
held that such divisions will enable the
reformation churches better to handle sec
tional questions and all questions. Tne dl
vlaions proMsed sre tbe east, the middle
est, the south, tbe Rocky mountains and
the Pacinc roast. If -brought about.
many believe It will be, the plan will mean
a I'resD lerlan churib lla U,vju,uug ad
trect at last ,
Bnlloonlsts who ascended about 10.000 feet
In i.urope the other day found a tempera'
lure or a aegrees below sero.
The city of Chicago has appropriated for
next year's expenses J2.100.000 for Its fire
department and $l,W,O0O for the department
oi electricity.
The Adirondack government reserve con
tains 1.35S.851 acres, and private parks ae
gregHte 7UO.O00 acres. The Catsklll reserve
Is 82,330 acres.
The honor of possessing the largest mem
bershlp of any automobile club In the world
rests with tne Automobile Club of Great
Britain and Ireland, which baa-now no less
tnan z,iw members.
Tho story comes from Montclalr. N. J
that the crude oil which the Board of
Health has been using on the ponds an
stagnant pools does not kill the larvae, but
causes tne mosqultos to grow fat and big.
A man In Cincinnati applied to the courts
for an injunction to restrain the tongues of
the gossips of the neighborhood. He learned
from Judicial sources that there are some
things beyond the control of the highest
human power.
There ia one physician to each 600 Inhabi
tants In the United States In cities It Is one
to 600. Death and Increase of population
make room for about 3,000 new doctors a
year, but the 156 medical schools are turn
ing out 6,000 a year, making a surplus of
Chinese firemen seem to be Immune to th
fierce heat of the flreroom on ocean steam
er, and can stand up to temperatures that
would speedily prostrate white men. There
are over sixty lines of European steamer
trading with the far east; out of tbl large
number only three of them have, European
firemen, and these have te have coolies to
assist them.
Among the many presents received by th
csar last Easter the offering of a Siberian
convict attracted special attention and the
csar Is said to have derived extraordinary
pleaaure from it. It consisted of a hazel
nut, the hollow of which contained a, chess
board with all the men artistically carved
In bone. The convict had worked on it for
many months.
Captain Richard Pearson Hobson of oscu
.latory fame has been plnk-teacd and dined
lavishly by society In San Francisco. At
one dinner, described by a local paper at
length, "exquisite bridesmaid rosea formed
the centerpiece and pink-shaded candelabra,
with quantities of pink and white tulle,
combined to make a particularly pretty and
pleasing ensemble."
A Boston entomologist has estimated
lately that bugs, under which name he In
cludes all sorts of creatures from the de
structive grasshopper down to the Innocu
ous ladybug, are annually destroying prop
erty In this country to the value of about
$250,000,000, and he mih'ht add that the ner
vous energy expended about thl time of
year in suburban places In futile slapping
of mosquitoes would, if applied to produc
tive labor, create fully as much more
Seems as if I can't stand
it another minute
After a hard day's work he goes home and tries to brace up
at the dinner table, so as to convince his wife and family that he
is sound and well, but he is breaking down, nevertheless. He
won't acknowledge it even to himself. He just knows that he is
tired, that his head aches, thai he must be getting old because
he sometimes forgets what he went after or what he was going
to do. lie sits at the head of the dinner table all stooped over,
serves the rest of the family in a sort of a listless , manner, but
when it comes to filling his own plate, really, he hasn't tho
ambition to do it. lie doesn't care to eat, anyway. If it wasn't
for having his wife ask questions he wouldn't eat at all. He'd
rather go to bed not to sleep, because he cannot sleep, but just
to lie down and rest. He is tired out. through and through.
,What he really, needs is Gray's
PS 1114
(rarru bid.)
His nervous system is a wreck. It needs building up. There is
as much strength in one of these little Nerve Food Pi lis. as there
is in a wine glass of a medicine of similar nature in liquid form.
If you will only take one pill after each meal and at bedtime, it
won't be long until you will notice that you have some relish for
your meals, and you go to sleep before you know it, waking up in
the morning refreshed. In a short time you notice that you really
care to live after alL Your nervous system is getting back into
One box, (f 1.00) fits the vest pocket, and usually cures. Three
boxes (2.50) a complete course, always cures.
Leading druggists in all large cities sell them.
For sal In Omaha by SherlH&tl & McCOUttell DlUg CO., 16th and Dodge Streets.
Mail orders filled.
n pay em
Turn your eld
books Into saoney.
Telethon IU7
and ear tiirmi-
'.alive wUl call.
"Ye 014 Boeke Shop,"
Pennyroyal pills
iri, a..t. r.i.ti. l4la Ml uracfl
i.i rawcHasTKH'S bni.lish
! HUB U4 ttalri "' mm HU4
Ilk ....rlkb... Tab. ,.. Brfaa
laaaraaa aa.tltaliaa. aaS laitla.
tiaaa, S7 .f ir.cjtil, r Mk" -'
waa. r PartJralai. Taaataaaalala
aa 'B.Uaf far La4Jaa, laiur, r ra.
tare Mali. 10.SUO T..uao.uw. Koi4b
Urauiut. Cal.a..tar(aailalCa
au. aaW
A ISafe, Halnleas, Permanent Cure OUABAtfTIIfi.
80 yrars' experience. No money acoepiwl until
Patient Is well. CONSULTATION and val
uable BOOK FSIBS, bj luall or at office.
DR. CM. COE, 915 Walnut St. Karuai City, Mo.
Beat Ag-rlcultora! Weekly.
Chicaoo, III.. Sept, 27, 1902.
I bTe been a srJferer with almost erery kind of female trouble for years, but as lone as
I coald get around and do my work I would not try patent medicines as I had no faith in them.
About eight months ago I had to take to my 1, suffering with prolspsus of the
ourus, with bearinc down pains and intense Bains in tie Lack. Mr aunt. hn a n .,
i, told me of VV iae of Cardui and seat for a bottle. I am indeed clad that she did 1W
that first bottle started me on the road to recovery.
in a tew weeks
I was in better
in yean. I take
of Cardui and am
started me on the road to recovery, t
I was out of bed and in three months A a
health and stronger than I had been lA fl A 1 f
ke a dose now, occasionally, of Wiiw MY f 3A ,m Jl .
m kept in perfect health lllU&L V f
Secretary of Wsecmaa's Circle he, r.
, . . TbJ tke hardest kind of a case to cure, but Wine of Cardui never fails to benefit any case of female
showi lyou thTwtoTeaTth chromc' iss Cook being helped, desires to help others and her letter
, W'f,0' Crdui brin certain relief to a woman suffering any symptom of female weakness and per
fectly regulates the menstrual flow and gives strength and tone to the weakened organs of womanhood. Wine
of Cardui stops bearing down pains bv permanently relieving the irritation which weakens the ligaments hold
ing the womb in place. After taking Win, ot Cardui M ig Cook had no more pains or suffering at the menstrual
'"jv nC IL1 f01 ,uffer ferTl,"ontn t you take this medicine. The periodical discharge will be painless
: . j .: t waacuH " -'" " lu" oi aruui win msse vout neaim right and you mav
treat VOUraaf nriTKttflv In vnnr narn Knina 1 ..II ( L...I t ir , ' J
bottle of Wise of Cardui today.
....... v.vw ..... ivu. ur.iut iivui aim vou may
All druggists sell 11.00 bottles of Wine of Cardui. Secure a $1.00
Secretary Woodman' Circle.
3647 Indiana Avenue, CHICAGO. ILL.