Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 31, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 14, Image 14
14 TI1E OMAITA DAILY BEEi SUNDAY, MAY 31. 1003. Tiie Qmaiia Sunday Per K. ROSEWATER. EDITOR. PUBLISHED EVERT MORX1NO. TERMS OP SUHScrliPTlON. Pally lite (without Sjnday). one Year...!!.'.' Luy lit and ar Illustrated Ur.c Year Bunday bee. en lear (Saturday kit. one tear 1 M.ntlafh f'anftirv r.irmftP I Mm Vf ef Sf.JU i. l. DELIVKKED BY CAURlEu. Dully Bre tw.thout Sunday), pcrsiopy -c Lnhy Heetwuh,ut bunday), .r ve a... .we Dally Hi e tlne.uulnx jnuaj), per we. a. .lie eui.dey H a, i er .opy J Lvenlng Bee (without Sunday), P.r e ec Evening lleo il.ic.uding Sunday), pr week ...UK! wmplalit at .rregulatil.eJ In d I very should La addressed to Ci.y circulation De partment OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Bui. ding. Pouth Omsha-Uty Ua.l Building. Twen-ty-rtnh and M Str.eta. Council Bluffs-10 learl Street. Chicago 164 I'nlty Bull. mm New York 23rt park How B it dlr.g. Washington fr 1 Fourtoentn Htree... CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating .o and edl torlai mutter should he aduressed: man bet. Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by drad, express or pcstil order, payable to The Dee Fuolir hing Company. Only 2-cent stamps accepted t.. puyment or mall accounts. 1'ereonai checka. except o.i Omahn or eastern rxchHnges. nut acctpted. THE iiEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. State of Nebraska. Douglas County, aa.: George II. Tzschuck recretary of Ine Bes Publishing Company, telng duly sworn, a s that the actual number of full ana complete copies of The Dally. Morning Evening and Bunday Bea printed during tut month iif ALtll. 1SHJ1L waa oa follows: ..Sl.TTO 1J ai.nw K 31,040 u at.oao 1 SW.IBO 20 t....81.&0 21 si,m zi ai.Tio 23 ai,ao 4 H1.040 :tl,530 U U7.170 ... SI.UTO zs.,.7. ai.uio 28 31,500 10 31.13U ...axnoo ... 32,000 ...2t),ro at. mo 7 81,500 1 3i,ur,o I , 3i,r:u 10 JU.UTO U u 13 14 81.5SO Is ...31,000 ToUl ; 950,H Lata unaold and returned copies.... 10,42a Net total aales U3,l37 Net average sales ai,331 OEOUOE B. TZSCHUClv.. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before ma this let. day t May, A. D. 10. M. B. MUNUAlE, (Seal.) Notary fubilc. It la never too lato to arbitrate. , Luckily no one has yet dared perpe trate that lost summer's Joke, "It's cool la Colorado." riease note that the Hon. Reed Smoot occupied a front seat In the Salt Lake demonstration. For some peculiar reason King Ak Bar-Ben evinces no disposition as yet to change his name to King Midas. Some bright syndicate promoters might make a stake In getting exclusive flatboat privileges in these flooded .western towns. It appears that the courts entertain no compunctions about recognizing the labor unions in restraining orders and Injunction writs. Having two members in President Roosevelt's cabinet, Iowa comes in for two visits of the presidential party, catching it comiug and going. Now if we only had a spring music festival, made up of a series of out door band concerts, how bandy this vile brand of weather .would hare come in. The substantial foundation on which the nation rests Is proved again by the fact that for the last year the output of cement In the United States aggre gated 20,437.820 barrels. When Russia starts in to expel the foreign newspaper correspondents we may assume that conditions there are so bad that the Russian government can not afford to have them advertised to the world. According to William Jennings Bryan, the Kansas City platform will survive the democratic party. According to ' Orover Cleveland, the Kansas City plat form sounded the death knell of the democratic party. For once Bryan and Cleveland are agreed. The railroad traffic agents keep on turning the screws tighter and tighter on the small shippers. The latest change in classification which is to go into effect tomorrow makes 24,000 pounds the minimum carload of any ecainiodlty instead of 20,000 pounds, which has been the standard for ship tv.t'A.t at carload rates. Lots of men are out of work, but the Mk mechanics of these days present a decidedly different appearance from iaose who were aeeking employment In rain In the dark era before the Mc Klnley regime. There Is a distinction between enforced Idleness because there is no work to do and voluntary idleness because the wages and term offered do not suit. Among other things embraced In th new amendment to the Colorado state constitution Is a provision by which five school districts previously main talned within the boundaries of the city of Denver are to be consolidated into one district. .There la no good reason why the public schools of Omaha am South Omaha "could not be administered under one superintendent and a single management. In the course of an editorial disquisi tion the SL Louis Globe-Democrat asUs, What is a franchise worth? That de pends. If it Is beir.g capitalized to un load upon the stock markec it is worth all the water It will float. If It Is being weighed as a nw grant, it la wortli whatever the promoters have to put up to get it legally issued to them by the proper authorities, if It is being as sessed for U.'.nii'jn by a sulacrvUnit assessment board, it is not worth a dollar, or at most, a mere nominal fUurs I PEAVtFCL SOLCTluy VT LABVR THUVBLtS. Four weeks ago Omaha was on the verge of a deadly conflict between the contending hosts of organised wage workers and organized employers. Dotb of the forces bsd made preparations for a protracted struggle and the extremists in both camps were clamoring for a war of extermination. Had these radi cals had their way Omaha would have witnessed bloody riots followed by mar tial law and Interminable strife, coupled with losses on both sides aggregating hundreds of thousands. If not millions, of dollars. Fortunately for Omaha and Nebraska, paclflc councils prevailed and the hot heads who wanted to meet force with force' were compelled to give way to the men who advocated a peaceful adjust ment of the labor troubles. While the firm and prudent course pursued by the civil authorities the mayor, chief of police and sheriff have been highly commended, the dally press, which from the outset opposed a resort to force and counseled moderation and conciliation, lias Incurred the displeasure of not only the men who were thirsting for gore, but of business men who under ordi nary conditions are level-headed and clear-sighted. These people could not comprehend why the advertising patrons of the Omaha dallies should not be able to en list the support of the press for their side of the controversy. These good people seem to be oblivious of the fact that the Omaha dallies had just as much at stake in the prosperity and growth of Omaha as any other interest In Omaha and vere Just as deeply con cerned in the outcome as any other commercial Interest. But a great many people In Omaha, as In every other community, know better how to con duct a newspaper than the men who have brought a lifetime training to the task. For the benefit of this class of the disaffected The Bee ventures to re rrint editorials that have appeared In the St. Louis, Chicago and Kansas City papers during the recent labor troubles in those cities. TaHing, for example, Kansas City, where more than 7.000 men were on a strike and the class of the wage work- rs engaged in the conflict was very much the same as in Omaha, we find the K.'insas City Journal of Commerce, the organ of the retailers and Jobbers of that city, in Its Issue of May 23 mak ing the following appeal: A fearful condition confronts the busi ness Interests of Kanaas City. Every day he clouds are growing blacker. The storm Is gathering strength and the most pitiful circumstances may bring on a period of Industrial war. An industrial war mean hell. The closing down of factories, the boycott, the lockout all mean fearful loaaes to the merchants. When wagos atop the buying power of the 'vorxman cruses. The retail merchant thus becomes the un willing victim to the man who Is slaugh tered tn the contest His labor of years may be destroyed al most in the twinkling of art eye. The, re ward of his brain and savings are scattered to the winds. Shall Kansas Cky follow In line with Denver, Omaiia, St. I oula, Chicago and other cities? Shall retailors stand Idly by and see their business par alysed and crushed and raise no hand to end this carnage? There Is time yet to avert this quick action Is necessary. Both sides have lights and both sides have reasonable conservative men who will wet coma the power that averts the threatened storm. Let the Retail Merchants'' associa tion act at once. Let the Real Estate ex change and Manufacturers' exchange join with It. Act together and provide a plan by which you will not have your business slaughtered to gratify the vengeance of two warring elements. Let not an Insane desire to rule by either aide be allowed to parilyn our buslnesa Interests. When the first cloud appeared in the sky above St. Louis the Globe-Demo crat made an earnest appeal for a pa clfic solution of the threatening conflict, which closed as follows: There is room for employers' associations, and they are capable of great usefulness If wisely planned and conservatively man' a gel. Tt would in every Instance be a mis take, however, to model them on trades union lines or to launch them with procla mations open to criticism on the score of Insincerity. That some Initial mistakes will be made in these respects Is probable. In deed, some have been made already, Dlp;o macy will serve the purposes of employers much better than fighting; to do what Is right and lust and generous Is a much more usaful reputation than that of desiring to conquer peace by fighting for It The Chicago dallies bare pursued the same pacific conrse regardless of all pressure from advertising patrons. Only three days ago the Inter Ocean, which has never been accused of partiality to strikers or organised labor generally. had this to say: When one side to a labor controversy re- fuses thai petition of the other side for arbi tration the natural Inference Is that the side refusing doubts the justice of Its con tention. It Is the side which feels that Its demands are Just that naturally seeks ar bitration, for arbitration means an appeal from force to Justice. When one side re fuses to arbitrate the public thinks, natu rally enough, that Justice Is with the other side. Labor unlona cannot succeed greatly without public opinion. They have sue ceeded as well aa they have because they have so fur generally carried the public wl'h them. They have generally done so bocaue they have usually been willing and anxious to give their case publicity by ar bitrating It. Their employers, on the other hand, have more frequently been reluctant to do so. They have said arbitration meant compromise, and compromise an advance In wages. Aa they were unwilling tn pa higher wages, or felt they could not effort to do e they have said frequently. "There Is nothing to arbitrate." When unions are unwilling to arbitrate they ire making a grave mistake. When employers refuse to arbitrate they are mak tng the sime mistake, and tt Is equally as grave. When they point the finger of trl umph and acorn at the unions which refuse to arbitrate, let them take extra heed lest they commit the same fault, and let them regret the times they have committed It la the past In Chicago, as in Omaha, there are valiant men who are alwaya willing to sai-ritice their wives' relations in the war and patriots who fire missiles from the ambush over the name of "Justice,1 "Llbrrty." "Cltixen," "Taxpayer," etc. but who insist that their contribution shall be treated as strictly confidential One ot these Irrepressible warriors di rected bUuselX to th Chicago Tribune with a fierce diatribe over an anony mous signature, finding fault with the press for its refusal to get superheated in the discussion of labor troubles. To this the Tribune makes the following characteristic response, which will also fit the Omalip grievance committees on both sides of the fence: The columns of the Tribune are open to the representative of any labor union er employers' association who chooses to ex press himself over his own name with reasonable moderation and fairness. We say "moderation and fairness" because we have received one or two communications which are really Inflammatory In their character and calculated to do mischief. The Tribune wishes to be regarded as an organ Of conciliation and compromise, arbi tration, good will and peace- It believes that both sides to a labor controversy should make reasonable concessions to avoid a conflict, And It especially bellevs In arbitration. It believes also that when arbitration has been resorted to It should be with the distinct agreement that the award of the arbitrators shall be loyally observed during a definite period to be agreed upen at the time by both sides. Then there will be some certainty to the award, and the community and the em ployers and employes In the Industry af fected will at least they should have an assurance of peace and stability during the lifetime of the contract. If they do not s;et It they will know where to put the blame. Had the Tribune been published in Omaha Instead of Chicago we doubt not that the men with blood in their eyes and the hysterical Miss Nancys would hare been very much worked up and put out by Its calm and paclflc at titude in times of war. iNTKHbATlOXAL ARBITRATION. The progress that baa been made in recent years in international arbitra tion, in which the United States has taken a conspicuous part, is one of the conspicuous facts of the time that is worthy of more than ordinary consid eration. It is a question whether we place at the popular value the progress that is being made from time to time In the work of international peace. We may realize In a general way that some thing is being done, but we do not un derstand Just how far the forces of peace are making for the accomplish ment of a general policy of world wide good will and all which that means. In an address before the conference of international arbitration at Lake Mohonk the past week Mr. John W. Foster, formerly secretary of state and one of the ablest of our diplomatists, said that the nations had made most wonderful progress in recent years In the matter of international arbitration and he expressed the hope that the progress which had been made would not stop -with what had been accom plished, but would go on to the attain ment of still greater results. Referring to what had already been accomplished in the way of international arbitration, to the benefit of all the countries con cerned, Mr. Foster made the prediction that in time the policy of the United States In this respect would be univer sally accepted and that sooner or later the policy of international arbitration, as to all matters which can be settled by arbitration, would be recognized and adopted throughout the civilized world. The tendency in this direction Is man ifestly growing stronger from year to year. The governments are growing more and more to feel that their contro versies must be settled by peaceable means and that there Is a way to adjust them without going to war. There Is a departure from the old order, which not very long ago contemplated war as the only way of determining interna tlonal disputes. For this change in the view of nations the United States is entitled to a large amount of the credit, Thla country has been working con stantly in the Interest of international arbitration and Its labor in this direc tion has been productive of roost satis factory results. It has exerted a mot enlightening and salutary influence and It Is todsy exercising an effect In the interest-of peace among the nations that Is more potent than that of any other power on earth. It la not by su perior military or naval atrength that thla republic is at this time the greatest conservator of the world's peace, but through its moral influence and as the one nation that represents the very highest standard of al) that pertains to the elevation of mankind and the ad vancement of civilization. A 8TROKO PROTCHT Nothing that has been publicly said in the way of protest against the brutal massacre of the Jewish people at Klsh- ineff la more forceful, or will have greater Influence, than the address of ex-Fresldent Cleveland at the mass meeting in New York City a few nights ago. The very calmness and conserva tism of Mr. Cleveland's remonstrance give it a peculiar force and strength. It was the declaration of a man con spicuous among his countrymen who manifestly felt most earnestly and deeply the great outrage which he con demned and who would not hesitate. had he the authority, to exert whatever Influence he properly could to avert the recurrence of so terrible a horror as that which has shocked the civilized world. While unreservedly denouncing the persecution of the Jewish people in Russia, Mr. Cleveland pointed out that it is a matter as to which our govern ment cannot properly take any extreme action. Public expressions of Indigna tion those In authority ahould give at tention to, but they are not called upon to make these a subject of govern mental protest against an Internal wrong under a foreign government which doea not directly affect us. Pop ular protest Mr. Cleveland approves of, but it is not the duty of the national authorities to act. "Let the people of the United States," said the ex-presi dent, "fearlessly speak to the civilized world, protesting against every pretense of civilization that permita inedieral persecution, against every bigoted creed that forbids rellgloua toleration and freedom of conscience," but it Is not for the government to Join In such pro test It is not to be doubted thst all who can consider the matter without prejudice will concur with Mr. Cleve land, remembering that in this free and enlightened land there have been most grievous sins against humanity and civilisation. A MATTKR VF a AVAL COURTESY. The order of the president that our European fleet shall attend the regatta at Kiel, Germany, next month, Is a cour tesy that will be most cordially appre ciated by the German government and will be heartily approved by all Ameri cans who desire the cultivation of friendship between the United States and Germany. There has been mani fested in some quarters, notably among our naval officers, An altogether unjustifiable disposition to regard Ger many as an enemy of this country. We have noted and deprecated utterances by some men prominent in public life that were unfriendly to Germany, Inti mating that sooner or later we were certain to be Involved in serious trouble with that nation. Some of the less dis creet among our naval officers have not hesitated to Say that our next war would be with Germany. There Is, so far as appears, abso lutely no ground for such talk; on the contrary there Is every reason to be lieve that the United States has no more sincere friend among European nations than Germany, which during the last few years has taken every op portunity, so far as the government is concerned, to show an earnest desire to maintain friendly relations with this country. It must be admitted that in a commercial way Germany has not been altogether friendly, but in this re spect we are bound to recognize the fact that she has pursued a policy which many of her people believed to be es sential to their Interests and welfare. From our point of view It Is a mistaken policy, but we cannot on this account fairly question the friendship of that nation. At all events it is evident that Presi dent Roosevelt regards Germany as a friend of the United States whose good will It is desirable to cultivate and the fact that he has ordered our European fleet to be present at the naval regatta at Kiel next month will be approved by Americans generally as an appropriate recognition of the friendly relations be tween tlie two countries. JCIFJSH IMMIGRATION. The fact that renewed persecution of the Jews in Russia and other countries of eastern Europe is pretty certain to be followed by an exodus of Jewish emigrants to the United States, bringing the refugees to this country in large numbers, has already prompted expres sions of fear lest such an influx of poverty-stricken people overtax the ma chinery we have at hand to tide them over tho transition period until they be come self-supporting. It is a striking yet well established truth that the Jewish immigrants to this country have furnished by far the smallest percent age of dependency of any of the foreign ers who came here under similar con ditions of helplessness. As bearlhg on the present situation with reference to prospective Jewish immigration, some of the facts brought together in an In teresting review of Jewish charity work contributed by the secretary of the United Hebrew Charities to the current number of the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science are suggestive aa well as instructive. The number of Jewish people in the United States is placed in round figures at 1,000,000, of which 600,000 are to be found in New York City, and of course the greater part of these are of coin paratlvely recent coming. Since the year 18S1 fully 600,000 Jewish lmml grants have arrived at the port of New Y'ork alone. Of these the bulk comprise refugees from Russian and Roumanian persecution, Austrlans and Gallclans countries in which many of them lived in appalling poverty. The records of the immigration bureau, we are further told, show that from the standpoint of material wealth these immigrants are below the average of Immigrants from other European countries. The herculean task of caring for these persecuted people, however, has been met almost entirely by people of their own raoe the Jews everywhere having voluntarily assumed to themselves the duty of relieving the distress of unfor tunate Jews without calling upon out side assistance. In the year from Octo ber, 1801, to September, 1802, in which 52,134 Jewish Immigrants arrived at the Barge office, the treasurer of the United Hebrew Charities paid out the sum of 1321,311.05 "figures telling a tale of devotion of altruistic effort, of sacrifice, of noble charitable Impulse uuparalleled In the history of American Judaism." What noteworthy results are achieved by the philanthropic work undertaken by these . organizations Is emphasized by the writer's report of a study mado in 1800 of 1,000 families who had ap plied for assistance in 1804. Of these 1,000 applicants it was found that 602 had not applied for assistance after De cember, 1804, while of the balance only sixty-seven were still dependent on the society to a greater or lesser degree In January. 1S00. More detailed Investi gation showed that nearly all of those sixty-seven applicants were made np of families where the wage earner had died, leaving a widow with small chil dren, or of respectable aged and Infirm couples unable to be self-supporting, or of families in which the wage earner had become Incapacitated tbrongh Ill ness. "In other words," to quote the conclusion, "after five years over 03 per cent of the cases studied were Inde pendent of charitable interference." This Information cannot fall to be re assuring to our people, who have al ways been quite willing to welcome the oppressed of other nations provided they give promise of becoming law- abiding and self-supporting cltisens ap preciative of the liberty and the free Institutions thus opened up to them. To hsve those who are in position to observe most carefully tell us that "the Immigrant Jew needs only be given the opportunity and the proper surround ings to become an addition to the body politic and not a menore" means that apprehensions of special danger from the "overflow of Jewish exiles to this country are entirely unwarranted and without foundation. In view of the law recently passed by the New York state legislature, it Is safe to say that the automobile disas ters chronicled from France will not find repetition on this side of the water. This law provides stringent penalties for violation of its speed limits, which allow a maximum rate of twenty miles an hour in the open country on unim peded roadways, slowing down to ten, eight and four miles an hour, according as the possibility of danger to pedes trians or to other vehicles Is increased. This will effectually put a stop to death-Inviting road races in New York state and probably in all of our states because the New York law, with vary ing modifications, is sure to be taken aa a model for further legislation. The possession of an automobile entails responsibilities which msy as well be recognized now as later. A compilation of defalcations and em bezzlements in the United States, as tabulated in one of the publications Is sued in the interest of the guaranty bond companies, shows that the total amount of money misappropriated dur ing the month of March footed up some thing over half a million dollars, or to be more exact, $534,003. Nearly half of this huge sum was taken from banks and less than fSO.OOO from funds be longing to federal, state and municipal governments. The disproportion Is probably really greater, because the embezzlements of public officers and public employes are practically all re ported, while the peculations In private Institutions are frequently covered up, even If not compounded. This would indicate that the men who go wrong In a fiduciary way ore not all recorded among the politicians. According to the New York police, rat Crowe's patent money-raising de vice is being Infringed upon In what is known as "Little Italy" in that city by a band of men who are kidnaping little girls and holding them for ransom. It is not stated whether they are paying the Honorable Pat the usual royalty, but if not, the kidnapers may as well be prepared to be kidnaped them selves. The railroads of Nebraska can well afford to pay out large sums to main tain expensive tax bureaus and promote a paid publicity bureau if for every dollar it spends in this way it savos ten in evaded taxes put upon the shoul ders of the other property owners! : Sorrows of the Rich. Chicago Record-Herald. Toung Willie K. Vanderbllt wept when his automobile broke down the other day and he had to drop out of a race. Tat soma people think being rich is Just fun. A Lomt-Felt Want. St. Louis Globe-Democrat The attorney general of the United States Is about to move againat the anthracite coal trust, and the coke combine should receive Similar attention from the govern ment Igsnornnce and Pessimism. New Tork Tribune. The railroads are paying higher prices for labor and material than they have paid In many a year, but It should be kept con stantly in mind that their gross earnings reach amaslng figures month after month. Men who take gloomy views with regard to the present or future prosperity of this republic are 111 Informed. Thin Out the Hide. New York Press. Let us call a halt on the orange growers. Are they breeding and propagating for rind? Oranges now in the market have rinds three-eights of an Inch thick. On the fruit stands they are beautiful to look at big, fat, solid, luscious. When you get them home and start to eat one you find Instds a miserable little kernel of edble pulp. Tonchla Envy's Tender Spot. Chicago Chronicle. It Is a curious and not encouraging cir cumstance that an otherwise unemotional scientist of the Darwinian school can In stantly be stirred up te vituperative fury by hinting that there Is a possibility of the existence of a God. Lord Klevin Is the latest victim to draw down upon his de voted head the anathemas of these chil dren of cold reason, who probably deny Omnipotence because to admit It would be an admission of thsir own secondary posi tion In the universe. Driving; Ont the Bines. Brooklyn Ea;le. Cheerfulness Is a duty one owes to one's self as well as to one's neighbors, for noth ing so unfits one for the ordinary duties of life, or so quickly brings on premature old age, as a morose temper. There are plenty of artificial alda to cheerfulness within the reach of everyone who has real or Imaginary cauae for 11'. humor or a con genital tendency to surliness. When things don't go right, or your liver Is guilty of neglect of duty, strive systematically to achieve good humor by repeating over and over the best funny stories or bits of hu morous poetry you know. If conscien tiously administered this prescription Is an Infallible remedy for the most acute fit of blue devils. It you doubt. Just try the ex perlment. Eye Strain and H ervonsaess. American Medicine. In some cities tbe nervous child is moving parenta and physicians to appeal for fewer hours In the schools and leas pressure. We do not much believe In the Intellect, the morals or the pedagogics of the colt break ers or the boy breakers. There are better ways to break a horse or a child than to break Its will, and the teacher that enter tain.! such diabolic theories should be broken." The noteworthy fact about the ahole discussion la the utter omission from hundred papers and editorials and dis cussions of the most Important element of the entire matter. There are, it Is true, many other factors; there is really over study and overpressure, but the one cause Of the nervous child which Is Ignored, but which is as proline a source of evil ss per bape all ethers eomblncd. Is eye-strain. PERSONAL AND OTHERWISE. Walter Vrooman, the noted tipMfter of humanity by means of hot air, is not as great a failure as he Is painted, lie man aged to lift $30,000 of his wife's money. When reform began to move In Philadel phia the other day the event was properly marked with spectacular effects. Fifteen hundred slot machines furnished material for the bonfire. The west la long on rain, the east has the short end. Last week a few showers broke a drouth of five weeks' duration and every drop was estimated to be worth Its weight In gold. The usual explosive methods of honoring Independence day have been forbidden by proclamation In Chicago. The orator ot the day, however, will be permitted to as sail the ears of defenseless people. 8lr Michael Herbert, British Ambassador, In a recent speech appealed to "the warm hearted Irish In America" to bury the hatchet forever. Why, of course. The blackthorn serves all needful purposes. An Indiana woman died last week after lying in bed for thirty years. The unfortu nate woman studied law early In life and the etiquette of the profession clung to her to the end. The higher education of women Is pro ceeding by leaps and bounds. One of the "sweet girl graduates" of a Massachusetts school scored a notable Intellectual tri umph by Jumping over a bar four feet two and one-half Inches high. General Joe Wheeler Is said to have cre ated a sensation by appearing at the recent confederals reunion In New Orleans In a general's uniform. Veterans of the gray felt very much as did the Virginia private who expressed himself to General Fits hugh, "I'd give all I have on earth to sen your uniform five minutes after you mot Jubal Early on the other shore." The gravest charge ever hurled at man by woman Is on record In Chicago. Wil liam W. Black, head critic at the Normal school. Is accused ot having a face so cold and auatere that It chills the teachers' federation. Mr. Black's temlnlne associates declare In unison that he cannot smile. Possibly a group photograph of the federa tion would explain Mr. Black's affliction. An overxealous grand Jury tn an Illinois town solemnly reported that "card playing for prizes In various woman's clubs Is an offense against law and pub'.lc morals." As the wives of several Jurymen are mem bers of the offending clubs the members appended the saving clause, "In mercy we refer the matter to future grand Juries for action." The gallantry of the Jurymen Is overmatched by their discretion. AGAIK9T THE COMMON ENEMY. Projected I'nlon of Churches to Check tho Divorce Evil. Chicago , Chronicle. Various Protestant churches seek co-operation with the Roman Catholic for a vig orous campaign against divorce. It Is edi fying to find religious agencies combining against a common enemy. Bishop Andrews, Methodist, Is quoted n saying that through such an Interdenomi national plan much can be accomplished. "We cannot expect to attack the evil effec tively through new lawa, either civil or ecclesiastical." All right-minded Americans will wish suc cess to the new campaign, but Its practi cality Is not obvious. Where a church in dividually Is Impotent against divorce, as most of the churches are, It Is not clear that It will acquire potency through' an other church which relentlessly strikes re married divorced persons off Its member ship. , Nor Is Bishop Andrews justified In say ing that there Is no remedy In improved civil law. Tbe root of the divorce evil would be reached had the states a divorce law uniformly forbidding remarriage of the guilty party' to a divorce during the life of the Innocent party. Until this principle shall be Inserted In the American divorce law marriage will not cease to be largely a mockery In the United States. OUR FACTORY OF AMERICANS. Process of Assimilation Progressing; Satisfactorily. Saturday Evening; Post Twenty-one years ago we touched high- water mark In Immigration, with 750.000 arrivals. It looks aa If that tremendous record would be beaten this year. In one day In April more than 10,000 immigrants landed at New Tork the greatest day's work In the history of that port. One steamer brought 1,341 Scandinavians, an other nearly 1,400 Italians, another almost 1.SC0 Greeks, Italians, Arabs, Turks and Persians, a fourth over 2,600 Poles and Other Slavs, a fifth 70 Scotchmen, a sixth 526 Greeks, Turks and Arabs, and a seventh nearly 2.600 Germans. In the first eleven days of April 41,200 Immigrants of all na tionalities Invaded Ellis Island. No wonder some of our kind friends across the Atlantic, looking at this appal- ing mixture, believe that we never can turn Its varied Ingredients Into Americans. No such gigantic amalgamation of diverse races has ever been attempted since Cara calla made Roman citizens of all the in habitants of his empire, and we may say that never In the history of the world has such an undertaking been successfully con summated. But that Aoes not prove that ws shall fall. Indeed, there Is every reason to be lieve that we shall succeed. We have been peculiarly fortunate In our preparation for the mighty work that Is reversing the ca tastrophe cf Babel. We have been a com poalte people from the beginning. The thirteen colonies were settled by English men, Scotchmen, Scotch-Irish, Irish. Dutch men. Swedes, Germans, Frenchmen and negroes. Before the revolution substan tially all theae. except the negroes, had been welded Into one homogenous people, with a common language and common po litical Ideals. For fifty years after that this people Incressed and solldlfled with little admixture from Immigration, so that when new currents bepnn to flow from Europe It was prepared to ar-sorb them. It was a quarter of a century later still be fore the first great flood broke upon us. That deluge whs Irish. In the 'Ws the problem of Immigration wns regarded as an Irish problem. The Know-Nothing pro test was en anti-Irish movement. Irishmen captured our city governments, and our foreign policies were swayed by the preju dices of the "Irish vote." But gradually the Irish freshet subsided, I be succeeded by a Germs n stream. A fli, rter f a million German Immigrants entered the country In a single year. Ger man newspapers, theaters and churches sprai.f up and flourished. Had this con tinued there might have been some reason to fear that the kaiser's dream of a huge alien German colony In the United States would be realised. But It stopped In good time. Meanwhile the earlier Irish Immi grants and their children had become thorough Americans, and were helping the original Americana to assimilate the Ger mans. The work was successfully accom plished, and now the Irish and Germans both are parts of that wonderful solvent that Is Americanizing the newer arrivals. Ws are receiving a good many Italians. Poles, Hungarians and Russian Jews at present, but It will be many years before their numbers compare with those of the Irish an Germans who have been already successfully ssslmllated. And by that time no doubt the stream will slacken, aa the former streams have done. Meanwhile the races that have produced Marconi and Tesla will still further enrich a stock which the mixture of blood has mad al ready the richest In the world. . . t SEt t LAR SHOTS AT THE PI tPIT. Louisville Courier Journal: Rev. Newell Dwlght Illllls loudly proclaims his willing ness to make up Booker Washington's bed. No objection Is heard. Making up Booker Washington's beds Is more commendable employment than stealing Henry Ward Beechcr's writings. Indlnnnpolls News: If the Presbyterian ministers at Los Angeles Indorse the Woman's Christian Temperance union reso lutions that ministers should not stay at hotels where liquor la sold. It Is supposed that they will hereafter travel with tents prepared to ramp out In the public parks. Buffalo Express: The decisive majorities given by the presliyterles on the amend ments to tho confession of faith show how large was the sentiment In the Presbyterian church In fnvor of the revision. The stated clerk of the General Assembly reports that nil of the eleven amendments have been adopted by an almost unanimous vote. No one amendment received less than 196 votes In favor, or more than againat. Kansas City Star: The rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church In Oshkosh Is about to open a restaurant Just to prove to the public that it Is possible to elevate the standard of such an Institution to a level worthy of the best patronage. Almost any thing Is likely to happen in Oshkosh, though s.s a matter of fact, there are plenty of people who might be benefited by a decent restaurant who could never bo reached through the Influences of the goapel. Chicago Record-Herald: That the Inade quacy of ministers' compensation In the days of vigor and power must Anally Im pose a heavy burden upon the churches was shown by Dr. Agnew of the board of minis terial relief In his report to the Presby terlan assembly at Los Angeles. The re markable statement whs made that only 2,500 Presbyterian clergymen get as much as $1,000 a year salary. The other 8,000 pas tors In this one denomination get an aver age of $W a year. The board of ministerial relief has upon Its roll at this time 903 names, some the names of worn-out minis ters, others of widows and orphans of min isters. For the support of these the church contributed $32,316 last year. It is not rea sonable to suppose that tne conditions In other denominations are very different. The ministry Is a vocation that rails for higher standards of scholarship and greater capa city for leadership and sacrifice than ever before. As the worn-out preachers who have saved nothing must go upon the roll of annuitants and add to the burden of the churches, would It not be better policy to pay them larger salaries In the days of their greatest power and usefulness? DOMESTIC PLEASANTRIES. Miss Passay When I was IS papa gave mj tha ,Mitt lttfla illnmnnjl rlnv v n , i saw, and Miss Spelts Gracious! VA hat a memory you have! Philadelphia Press. "An Oklahoma young man tried to kiss his sweetheart and she hit him with a hot flatlron. Then they quarreled and he hasn't been back since." "That's strange. You'd natutally sup pose the flatlron would have smoothed It over." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Harold June Is the month of weddings, Isn't It? Peggle Oh, Harold, why didn't you spak earlier and rive ion more lima to get ready? New York Tlmns. "What kind of rake ,1. you prefer, Miss Klttlsh?" asked Mr. Fosdlck, as he handed the trny. which held quite a variety. "Wedding cake." ahe replied, demurely. Detroit Free Press, Edith I thought you and Mabel were fast friends. Nellie We used to be. "And you are not now?" "No." "What was his name?" New York Weekly. The Twentieth Century Woman But, really. Dr. Preachly, Is It not dreadful to think that there are to be no marriages In heaven? The Up-to-date Parson Not at all. dear madam, when we remember that there are to be no rich men there. Brooklyn Life. "I cannot marry you," she said. "Why do you say that?" he demanded. "Because because I want you to propose again." There's nothing like getting all of a lux ury that's possible. Chicago Post Ethel Papa sent Paul home at 10 o'clock last night. Maude What a shame! Ethel Yes, and what do you suppose Paul said to me aa he wert out the door? Maude I'm sure I don't know. Ethel He asked If I gave out rain checks. Somervllle Journal. BLESSED ARB THEY THAT MOTRf William Cullen Bryant O. deem not they are blest alone Whose lives a peaceful tenor keep; The Power who pities man has shown A blessing for the eyes that weep. The llg-ht of smiles shall fill again The lids that overflow with tears; And weary hours of woe and pain Are promises of happier years. There Is a day of sunny rest , For every dark and troubled night And grief may bide an evening sruest, But Joy hhall come with en rly light. And thou, who o'er thy friend's low bier Bheddest the bitter drops like rain, Hope that a brighter, happier sphere Will gle lilm to thy arms again. Nor let the good man's trust depart. Though life its common Rifts deny Though with a pierced and bleeding heart And spurned of men, he goes to die. For God hath marked each sorrowing day, And numbered every secret tear, And heaven's long age of bliss shall pay For all his children suffer here. Strongest in the World. Surplus $75,000,000. If I Had Not Opposed Life Assurance I would not now be working at hard labor to support my self and children," Kaid a young widow last week If men were lews careless in providing for the unexpected there would be fewer such sad jnstanees in Omaha Life Assurance not only pro tects the widow and orphan but it provides for old age It lifts a load of worry from a man's shoulders and gives him a confidence, in the future that nothing elae could impart. The Equitable Life Assurance Society H. D. NEtLY, flanager for Nebraska, Merchants Nat'l Bank Bldg Omaha. t