Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 31, 1903, PART I, Image 1

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee.
PAGES 1 TO 10.
Marriage of W. K. Vanderbilt Curtails
Prospects of Marlboroughs.
Eumor Hai it that Papa if Not Shelling
Oat the Money.
Prinoess Hatgfeldt Propose! to Gut a Wide
Ewath in 800'etj.
Mrs. Maekey Glvee a Farewell
Dinner to Captain and Mti.
Richard Clorer, It aval
(Copyright. 1903. by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, May JO. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) An exquls
ito statuette of the duchess of Marlborough
has Just been carved In marble by Artist
Fuchs. who painted a successful portrait
of King Edward and designed the new
postage stamps. The duchess Is repre
sented In a reclining pcsltlon on a wide
Roman couch, wearing an empire dress of
thin material that falls Into many folds.
The marquis of Blandford, her elder son.
has also been carved In marble by the
same sculptor. The boy Is lying on his
back, his chubby upturned face wearing an
Interested look, as If watching a butterny,
Ills fat limbs are finely modeled.
Although the gossips say many things
about how the fortunes of the duke and
duchess will be affected by the, marriage
of the duchess' father, W. K. Vanderbllt,
the work of building Blandford house Is
not stopped altogether, as It has been as
sertod. There has been considerable delay
In the arrival of materials, carvings and
marble from the continent, and It Is said
that the architect's certificates, for payment
have not met the customary response. Cer
tain matters being In dispute the builder
has under the contract the option of stop
ping work until the money Is paid.
Although the greatest reticence la ob
served by all concerned In the delay, a
torjr Is going the rounds that the new
Mrs. W. K. Vanderbllt Is anxious for the
statement showing how the money given
to the duchess by her father two years go
for the express purpose of building a Lon
don home has been spent.
Princess Hatsfeldt Entertains.
Princess Hatsfeldt Is now settled In her
house on Berkeley square, and has sent
out oards for a huge party on June IS. She
will have a big dinner beforehand and
afterward some 200 guests will be aBked to
an evening party, at which Jeanne Oranler
will give a performance and some excellent
tnuslo will be heard.
Mr. Avery, who has taken Lady Sarah
Wilson's house on Orosvenor square, la one
of the most admired women In 1 An don, and
also evidently at court. Whan aha waa
presented on her last carriage she wore
her Worth wedding frock, made of prlce
Isss lace, with matchless jewels on her held
and neck.
Lady Newborough, too, was presented on
her marriage by Lady Blgge. the wife of
the prince of Wales' private secretary, and
wore a dress of old family brussels point.
The huge emerald drop given her by her
husband last year Is the largest emerald
now In England.
Miss Blgelow, who was presented at
court by Mrs. White, la another pretty
American, tall and fair. She returned to
Paris on Saturday.
Farewell to Mrs. Clover.
Mrs. F. J. Mackey gave a big farewell
dinner Tueaday night to Captain and Mrs.
Clover at the magnificent house on
Orosvenor square, which she has rented
from the duchess of Somerset. With real
American extravagance the house was lit
erally choked with big sheafs of American
Beauty rosea, sent from America packed
In lea, Many Americana .In London are
having these roaea shipped here.
At the Mackey dinner the room and the
table were highly decorated with Iceland
popplea In white, yellow and orane col
ors. Everything waa done with a com
pleteness distinctly American and Amerl
can dishes were the feature of the night
Mrs. Clover, only Just back from Paris,
has taken leave of her intimate friends of
diplomacy and of the American colony,
She has laid In a atore of French dresses.
Immediately after reporting at Washing-
ton Captain Clover will leave for a term
of sea duty. Then Mrs. Clover and her two
girls will go to California to spend the
summer at her mother's home.
Mme. Vagllano had Princess Christian at
lunch at her house on Friday, The princess
chose most of the guests from the Ameri
can coterie In London. Lord and Lady
Cheylsmore (formerly Miss French), Ixird
and Iady Dufferln (formerly Miss Davis)
were among the others, with Lord Howe
and Lord Kllmorey. All through the lunch
eon the princess chatted unreservedly with
the Americana and said before she left that
ahe had very thoroughly enjoyed herself.
Mrs. Arthur Paget Is getting up a
quadrille for the great London hospital
ba'.l In Albert ball. Every nation will be
represented, but the American quadrille
seema to arouse the most interest. Among
the dancers In tt will be Lady Dufferln,
Lady Craven, Lady . Naylor-Leyland and
Mra Chauncey. A drawing by Helleu of
Mra Chauncey for "The American Book
of Beauty" la one of the prettiest things
In It. Mrs. Chauncey wears a large black
hat, with feathers. The expresnlon of the
face la somewhat pensive and the eyes and
mouth are perfectly drawn. She had a
luncheon on Friday for Lord and Lady
Seville. Arnold Morley, a very eligible
bachelor, waa Invited to meet them. Mrs.
Chauncey will give a ball next month. All
"smart" London will be there.
Sociological Effort Held to
Responsible for the
(Copyright. 1903, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, May SO. (New Tork World Cable
gramSpecial Telegram ) Sociological effort
In France Is believed to be resDonslMe for
the decrease In crime In the last twenty
years. During this time many attempts
have been made to raise the moral level
of criminals, such as protection of culpable
or abandoned children, patronage of
liberated criminals, amelioration of penalty,
etc. And these various endeavors have had
an appreciable effect.
Official reports Just Issued show that In
IM1 there were 3.36S crimes; In 1400 only
3.363. In the correctional police court
against 173. m cases for 111 there were In
law. .171,
Goes Outside of Parish Chnrch on
Account of Misunder
standing. (Copyright, 1903, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS. May 30 (New York World ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) Because of
the action of the French government In
banishing the nuns and monks the recent
first communion of President Loubet's
youngest son, Eml'.e, has caused a dis
cussion which promises to last as long as
the agitation over the expulsion continues.
The main facts of this notable, not to
say historic, flrst communion were cabled
to the World at the time.
The ceremony should have been In the
famous Madeleine, as the Elysee palace
In which the president lives Is In that
parish, but Mr. Loubet had a misunder
standing with the cure of the Madeleine,
Abbe Herzog, over the latter's remark at
the marriage of Prince John of Orleans In
London, and decided that his son should
complete his catechism at St. Philippe du
Roule. In which church the "little presi
dent," as his companions call him, first
partook of the communion. The father was
not present, but the mother witnessed the
ceremony. She wore a white satin dress
with black velvet trimmings.
Before the ceremony little Emlle passed
around the "Blessed Bread" to the con
gregation, being delegated to that office
because he was the monitor In his cate
chism class. The priest praised him warmly,
calling him the most conscientious of the
first communicants this year.
Maantflcenre of Pierre Lodl's Enter
tainment the Tnlk of
(Copyright. 1903, by Press Publishing CO.)
PARIS, May 30. (New Tork World Cable
gramSpecial Telegram.) "All Paris" is
still talking of the magnificence of Pierre
Lodl's Chinese fete at his castle In Roche
fort The distinguished naval officer and
writer Is wedded to the beauties of the
Orient. Every woman fortunate enough to
have an Invitation to the fete appeared, as
has already been cabled, as a little porce
lain lady In wide trousers and tunio, In a
Japanese klmona.
The guests were "commanded" to arrive
at o'clock sharp to pay their respects
to Empress Ou Tse .Tien. The most
gorgeous Celestials were the attaches of
the Chinese embassy, who lent great bril
liancy to the aoene with their splendid
costumes. The empress was personated by
young French girl and the reception
took place In Lodl's Chinese drawing room,
which abounds In Buddhaa and other
Oriental souvenirs. There Ou Tse Tien sat
upon a throne Improvised for the occasion,
and a procession of mandarins and ladles
passed before her In splendid costumes,
bearing lanterns and dragon banners.
Musicians played an air on flutes and.
hautboia that Lodl learned during hla last
sojourn in China. The guests were highly
delighted and continue to dwell upon the
charms of Lodl'a China.
Wile and Mother ' Have Legal Battle
Over Mam Alleged to
Bo Insnne.
(Copyright. 1908, by Presa Publishing Co.)
PARIS, May 30. (New Tork World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) The discovery
that John . Cabell Breckinridge, a very
wealthy young Callfomlan, will soon be
brought up in a legal proceeding to have
him declared Insane, reveals a most re
markable story of family disagreement.
One action In the caae will come Into court
tomorrow, when President Pitta of the
Seine tribunal will be aaked to restore
Breckinridge to the care of hla wife. The
young man's mother la seeking to have
him declared Insane. The greatest mystery
surrounds her motive.
Breckinridge Is 34 years old and waa mar
ried last year in San Francisco. The fam
ily relations continued moat happy until
'Mrs. Breckenrldge made the announce
ment that aha waa soon to present Mrs.
Sharon with a grandchild. Apparently the
prospect of getting Into the grandmother
class waa displeasing to Mra Sharon, for
from the day of the announcement her
manner toward her daughter-in-law
Walka but Mttle, bat 81111 Able to
Managro Basinoss of Her
(Copyright. 1903, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON. May 30 (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Viscountess
(ilenworth. the only centenarian In the
British peerage, celebrated her 100th birth-
day this week at her residence, Marham
house, Norfolk. She saw the Guards leave
for Waterloo from a doorway on Pall Mall
and retains the liveliest recollection of the
excitement here over the victory. Though
she never walka, except In her own apart
mpnts Alwnva lislnv a .k.l.
the open air, she has perfect command of
all her faculties, managing every detail of
her estate. She attributes her long life
simply to a good constitution and regular
Enraa-ed Man, Clothed la His Trunks,
Tnkes Poachers to Police
(Copyright. 113. by Press Publishing Co )
PARIS. May 31. (New York World Cable
gramSpecial Telegram.) Two men fishing
In the River Marne with nets last night
which is contrary to the law got a heavy
haul. At flrst they thought they had
netted a corpse, but it proved to be a live
swimmer and a veritable hercules, who
broke loose from the meshes, and, thor
oughly enraged, threw one of the poachers
Into the water and carried the other to a
police station. There the swimmer an
nounced himself as a Paris actor engage!
at a leading theater, who was In the habit
of taking a nightly swim. After the ad
venture he walked home In the trunks he
wore as a bathing suit.
To Visit Chamber of Depatles In Be
half of Rellarlous
(Copyright. 1S0S. by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, May 80. (New Tork World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) A committee
of Parisian women is going next Tuesday
to the Chamber of Deputies to protest
against the religious laws. They refuse to
have any man associated with the move
ment. Great results are expected from the
Austrian Professor Writes a Critical Eeriew
of the Millionaire.
Does Not Draw a Flattering Picture of the
Makeup of the Man.
Educated Person Not Greedy Enough to
Aoqu're So Much.
Does Not Find Him a Model of
Humanity After the Mil
lions Have Been Ac
quired. (Copyright, 1S0S, by Press Publishing Co.)
VIENNA, May 30. (New Tork World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Prof. Lom
broso contributes a critical study of Ameri
can millionaires In tomorrow's special issue
of the Neue Frele Presse. In It he writes:
"Though It might seem as If millionaires
must form a particular race by themselves,
with some wonderful gifts which all the
rest of humanity lacks, on closer Investiga
tion It appears that the only peculiarity
they have In common Is the country in
which they were either born or have emi
grated to.
"The physical qualities of the Amerioan
millionaire Include none of the peculiar
ities of genius, not even degeneration. The
true sons of the millionaire generally are
weak in mind and body, but the cause of
this is that the millionaire is In a chronic
state of physical exhaustion and his chil
dren are brought up under a system of
'From a psychological standpoint the
gifts and the peculiarities of millionaires
resemble those of the average man In his
exaggerations, of the large-minded man.
but not of the genius. All the qualities
Carnegie demands for a millionaire are
those owned by a man of ready mind. In
rare cases when millionaires are geniuses,
like Vanderbllt and Gould, they are of the
military kind, never literary or artistic;
they are clever In getting Information
which they can utilize and In choosing the
right persona for the realisation of their
Precoclousness Is one of the qualities
the millionaire has In common with the
genius. With him the making of his career
begins In childhood and that gives him so
many chances over the average man that
attach the utmost Importance to that
Quotes Andrew Carnegie.
'Carnegie himself says that the man who
wants to become a millionaire must be
without education and culture, and that It
la very rare that a man who haa a reputa
tion for Utters or science is successful In
Trils.fact Is easily explained. -Knowledge
and culture are a sort of counter-balance
to action and the scientist whose brain Is
loaded with the wisdom and the experience
Of ages Is continually a prey to Irresolu
tion at the moment when he should decide
for action. The highly educated man Is
overwhelmed with thoughts of coincidences,
facts that fill the brain, and these retard
his will, making htm Incapable of making
swift resolution.' While he Is wavering
and trying to decide the man who has no
superfluous knowledge and Is well up on
one subject only decides and acta without
Extreme poverty Is mother most lm
portent stimulant to the man who Is going
to be a millionaire.
"It Is absolutely necessary to have no
salary If one wishes to get the power of
using one's faculties in business. Besides,
the poor child which has to get the neces
saries of life for Itself Is much better able
to disentangle the skein of life than is
one born wealthy.
Greed Beeoaaes Habit.
"Avarice and greed are unavoidable ac
companlmenta to the good qualities of the
millionaire. At flrst exercised from neces
sity, they become habits which are
extirpated only very rarely.
"The millionaire's honesty la only rela
tive, not absolute. Of course, he must
resist temptations, but he is not honest
In the way that he will avoid all that
might damage others. On the contrary,
while he will carefully avoid breaking the
laws of the state, he will take every ad
vantage of other people's misfortunes and
weaknesses and will not even scruple to
call forth such misfortunes If he can profit
by them.
"This proves that the millionaire lacks
neither the good nor the bad qualities of
the average man
"I think that the use millionaires make
of their money, the sumptuousness to which
they are addicted, their aping of the cere
monials of European courts, the foolish
ways In which they bring up their chil
dren, the vanity and love of display In
the,I n2anlnd. a "'"I1 "P
henslble. The cause of all this Is their In
sufficient culture, which closes their minds
to the Immense benefits they could confer
oa humanity if they did but know how to
set about It.
- r-xceptions prove mo ruie, and one
might reverse the prediction for Sodom
and say that If there were but ten mil
llonalres in the world like Carnegie human
progress might be profoundly modified.
Has a Promising Entry In
Grand Steeplechase at
(Copyright, lflOS, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS. May M -(New York World Cable- j f orc.n Vessel. May Sr..
gram Special Telegram.) His highness the .. , . . . , ,
Maharajah of Patlala's entry. Record Belgn : poA0 J0". Vondon'. VZZ
II. will be the most Interesting h&rse con- j sylvan. T'!vmouth. Cherbourg and Ham
testing the Grand Steeplechase at Auteull i I'iirg. Campania. Liverpool; .Vaderland. Ant
.mnrmw The hnr. m a. h-n.h , werp. Columbia. Glasgow ; Nepolitan Prince,
tomorrow. The horae waa brought from Nlimvr. j.RiPrmo. etc Arrived: Philadelphia
mm mow ww .no u races ne was
entered In. He Is the most carefully
watched horse In Franca Whtte-turbaned
Sikhs g-ufrd him constantly, two sleep
ing In his stall. The race Is worth 130,000.
The Maharajah Is a native Indian prince
of the third rank the sort entitled to a
salute of seventeen guns, while the dozen
or so above them get nineteen or twenty
one. He only came to the throne of his
little principality two years and a half ago
and evidently has set about enjoying' hlm
tcir lifter the fashion of Curoprmu princes.
He rules over a million and a half of sub
jects in a state but little bigger than
Connecticut, and he haa a revenue of a year.
All the horses belonging to H. Delamarre
are going under the hammer next month.
This means the disappearance of one of the
oldest stable U Franca.
Forecast for Nebraska Fair Sunday, ex
cept rain In southeast portion; warmer;
Monday fair.
1 Change In Marlborough Fortunes.
Professor's View of Millionaires.
Iowa Sufferlnst from Floods.
Situation la Topeka la Alarming.
1 Deeorntloa Day Observances.
8 News from Nebraska Towns.
Floods Visit Nebraska Towns.
Honor Nebraska Soldier Dead.
4 Moist Day for Memorials.
Railroads Get a Soaking.
River Below the Danger Lino.
Road from Omaha to Gulf.
Affaire at South Omaha.
Paat Week in Omaha Society.
Woman la Club and Charity.
Hamphrlea Ready for New Place.
Lease Investlsratlone Come Next.
President Rides Over Old Trull.
Kentucky Grand Jury Finishes Vp.
Council Bluffs Newa.
Sporting; Events of the Day.
lO Omaha Girl nnd Her Souks.
County Roads Are Impassable.
Packers Agree with Their Men.
11 Nebraska T'-n In Ecuador.
How to U 'Ithout Work.
2 Amusemr i ad Mnsle.
IS Weekly Inn; Review.
The Kt f il Figures.
14 Editor
15 Rallr J at War.
New . Bond London Police.
19 Con nl and Financial.
Ten- are nt Omaha Yesterdayi
Hour Dev. Hour. Dei.
Br . . . . 58 1 p. m oil
..... 4 a p. TO BO
T a. BO 3 p. m...... BO
8 a. m...... Bl 4 p. m 4
au m BO 5 p. as 48
10 a. m..... Bl 6 p. m...... 4tt
11 a. m Bl T p. m 4
13 in sa
Twenty-Two Tbonsnnd People Attend
Closing; Session of Gathering
at Pittsburg. (
PITTSBURG, May 30. When the aceount-
ng waa made tonight It waa found that at
least 22.000 persons attended the three ses
sions of the Eisteddfod today.
John Gray of New Castle. Pa., waa ad
judged the "successful bard" for hie assay
on electricity.
David Wllllama of Wllkesbarre, Pa., won
flrst prize for the Welsh recitation.
The competitions In musla began In the
afternoon, when Mayor Samuel Jones of
Toledo presided. Ohio carried off the honors
at the afternoon session. The European
woman's chorus of Columbus won the flrst
prize of $300 and a gold medal for the rendi
tion of "The Bells of Aberdovey" and "In
May." The first prise for piano solo was
won by Mlsa Lydla Kingdom of Rome, O.
First for alto solo v as won by Miss Alice
Stephens. Bass solo flrst prise was given
to John T. Thomaa of New Castle, Pa, The
male chorus competition had five contest
ants. The first prise of tfiOO went to Pitts
burg. At the night session -the first prize for
soprano solo waa av-arded to Ethel Skiles
of Pittsburg; tenor solo. Evan H. Roberts
of Blatington. pa. ; mixed quartet, Stephens'
quartet of Pittsburg; baritone solo, Wil
liam Harvard of New Castle.
The grand choral competition (125 to 150
voices), the big event of the festival, had
six contestants, Pittsburg, Toungstown,
Johnstown, New Castle, Columbus and
Lima qualifying. The first prize of $1,000
was won by Pittsburg Choral union; sec
ond, 3500, Toungstown Choral union; third,
$160, Johnstown Philharmonic society.
The exercises closed with the rendition of
the Welsh national anthem.
Postal Telegraph Company Pnta Into
Operation Plan Desired by
John W. Mackay.
NEW TORK, May 80. Carrying out the
wlshea of John W. Mackay, late president
of the Postal Telegraph-Cable company,
the company announced today that any em
ploye who had been continuously In Its ser
vice for fifteen years ana who through no
fault of hla own haa become Incapacitated,
may apply for relief.
Upon the recommendation of the district
auperlntendent and with the approval of
the general superintendent or the division
and of the executive committee, such em
ploye may be allowed. In monthly pay
ments, not exceeding 20 per cent of hla
regular salary.
The amount Increases t per cent for each
additional year of service up to twenty-five
years, the maximum pension being 60 per
Scheme to Blow Fn Adventlat Sani
tarium ia Kipped In
the Bud.
BATTLE CREEK, Mich., May 80. Tt 18
common talk In this city that a plan to
blow up the Adventlst sanitarium with
dynamite during the Sundny dedicatory
exercised, at the time when Governor Rllss.
his staff and several thousnnd visitors
would be present, has bepn discovered.
Everybody concerned with the Institution
denies the truth of the rumor. It Is snlrt
that after the receipt of an anonymous
letter of warning by a sanitarium official
a thorough search was made of the hulH-
Ing. with tho result that oil-saturated
cotton was found In large quantities In
the dormitory and east hall and that two
sticks of dynamite were found In the pipe
that supplies the building with gas.
General Weston's Condition.
BALTIMORR, May 30 T'.e phvslelani
at Jolins Hopkins h-.epital tndav rip rt"-1
the condition of Oeneral John F. Velon,
commissary general of the army. Bi seri
ous. ; from iouinnmTM"n
At Brow Head Passed: Etrurla, Liver
At Plvmouth Arrived: Frlederlrh Der
Grosse. New York for Cherbourg and Tire
men, and proceeded.
At Havre Sailed: IRretagne, New York.
At Southampton Sailed : St. Paul, New
York, via Cherbourg and passed Hurst
Castle 138 p. m.
At Liverpool Arrived: Kensington. Mon
treal. Englishman. Portland. Sailed: Si
berian, from Glasgow. Philsdelphia.
At Avonmouth Arrived: Turcoman, Mon
treal, via Liverpool.
At Queenstown Arrived: Mayflower. Roa
tou for LI ei pool, Cidrlc. Nrw York for
Liverpool and both proceeded: Etruria, New
York for IJverpool and proceeded.
At London Arrived: Philadelphia, Bos-
t0At Bremen Sailed: Koenigen Lulse. New
York, vl Southampton, Sailed: Lucanla.
New York. Neokar. Baltimore.
At Antwerp Sailed! Zeeland, New York.
At Boston Sailed: Mlnnehsha, New York.
At Chereourr Sailed: SL Paul from
jlouthaiDBiea, New York,
Fire and Water Seise Topeka' Eomei and
Crush Ont Lives.
Fire Hundred Persons Are Beyond Beach of
the Aid of Han.
Ohanoe Offered for Escape Friday Night
Do;i Hot Again Appear.
Assail Weeping Capital of Kansas and
Impotent Efforts of Would-Be Res
oners Only Add Agony to
Frightful Scenes.
TOPEKA. Kan., May 80. People who did
not leave North Topeka last night when
they had a chance are now in the greatest
danger of losing their lives.
As far as can be estimated at this time
over 500 people are beyond reach of rescue.
The Kansas river Is rising at the rate of
three Inches an hour.
Hundreds are mlBsIng.
People are drowning and others are burn
ing to death.
Four hundred houses are burned and the
whole of North Topeka will go.
As near as can be learned about ISO per
sons are dead. Most of these were burned
to death.
Burning houses are floating about, set
ting Are to others. The lower story of the
burning buildings contain ten feet of
water. The current Is so strong that no
boat can approach any of the burning
People are gathered on the tops of houses
and will meet death either by Are or
drowning. The cries for help can be dis
tinctly heard a mile away. The whole
city Is wildly excited because of the fact
that no aid can be extended to the suf
ferers. The river at North Topeka Is Ave miles
wide. No possible estimate of the Anancial
loss Is obtainable, but It can be stated that
it will reach Into the millions.
North Topeka was the manufacturing
district of the city. Large flour mills, three
woolen mills and other manufacturing en
terprises are entirely destroyed.
Water Supply Is Cot Off.
The water supply of the whole city has
been cut off. The city from the river ex
tends nearly a mile on the south side. The
Rock Island depot has been abandoned and
more than 600 people on this side of the
river are also homeless, but no loss of life
has resulted in South Topeka.
The Kansas avenue bridge Is the only one
across the river for miles and the ap
proaches to that bridge are flooded by
thirty feet of water. - A pontoon, bridge Is
being erected In an effort to reach the suf
ferers. Seven thousand or more people . are on
this side of the river sheltered In public
buildings and In the homes of citizens.
Topeka Is now able to take care of all the
unfortunates. The work of caring for the
refugees Is being pushed with the utmost
Standing on the statehouse dome as many
as eighty flres can be counted In different
parts of North Topeka. The whole cen
tral portion of the city had been burned
out at. 10 o'clock tonight snd It Is safe to
say that by morning not a house In the
main part of North Topeka will be left
Extent of Disaster
When It Is stated that North Topeka
has 10.000 Inhabitants, the extent of the
disaster can be realized.
People are climbing to the roofs of houses
snd the limbs of trees and many are giv
ing up In despair and dropping Into the
waters below to be csrried away by the
swift current.
It Is death by fire or drowning to 409.
unless means can be found for the rescue.
Great efforts are being made to construct
a ateam launch to go to the aid of the suf
ferers, but whatever Is done must be done
promptly or the loss of life will be appall
lnsf. '
A. P. Baldwin, who at great risk of hla
life crossed in a boat to the nortn sine,
returned at 10 o'clock tonight and reports
that nothing possible can be done to save
the citv from burning.
Miss Tola Troutman. sister of ex-Lleuten- J
ant Governor Troutman. wss rescued witn
her aired father late tonight. The two peo
ple had spent the entire day on the roof
of their house and were Just about to drop
Into the water when aid came.
Chief of Police Lost.
- Chief of Police Ooff, Thomaa Page and
M C. Holman. all of prominent famlllea of
the north side, are among the victims.
Mayor Bergundthal was rescued by Dr. L.
I. Powell in a boat after remaining on a
boat all night.
Congressman Charlee Curtla. with hla
family, left the flooded district this morn
ing, but his aged mother refused to go.
savins she had seen much worse Aoods
than this This evening two men nt the
j riKv of their own lives, succeeded In get
i ,nR the old lady away safely. Mra. A. F.
j gnvder, with her four children, all atrloken
: Ith measles, were rescued . Many thrilling
eacaDes are told of.
A company of militia taken charge of
the work of rescue and owing to their ef
forts several hundred people have been
saved who otherwise would have perished.
The sltuntlon of the helesgured people
tonight Is despTate In the extreme. Not
only are they threatened by Are and water,
but through long exposure In the cold, dis
mal atmosphere and without sufficient
I clothing they would have died In any event.
Delicate women and cmioren nave peen
without food or ahelter alnee early last
Several of the peraons rescued told of
witnessing the drowning persons during the
dsy. The names of the drowned csnnot be
given tonight, as It is Impossible to ascer-
tsln the correct number of the victims. Will
Wright, who manned one of the boats, told
of the death of a mother and child which
ha witnessed and which so affected him
that he could not continue his work. His
story la aa followa:
I wss 1it returning with a wmn and
two children from a house near North and
Harrison street". As I was coming bnrk.
In bouse on Vsn Buren street a woman
with a child climbed out on the noroh and
ittemoted o eet Into the boat. The small
host wss filled to Its opacity and It would
hv liet-n li"iM.kM.W for e, to have done
snvthlnr If I hd tried. The woman wss
swept away In the current before my eyes.
Army at Relief Work.
Business In Topeka was practically at a
standstill because of Memorial day and
most of the stores were closed the greater
part of the day. The flood and the con
dition of the sufferers took the attention
TTumnn lives lost 1V
Persons missing 300
Lives threatened 3,000
Homeless So.OOO
Out of employment 8.000
Financial louses $25,000,000
Ktutos affected 4
Details of Homeless:,
North Topeka, Kan 7,000
Emporia, Kan o0
Sallna. Kan 8(s
Inwrence, Kan Jo0
Kansns City, Kan., and vi
cinity 10.000
Harlem and Sheffield, Mo... 700
Pes Moines. Ia 6,000
Ottuiuwa, Ia 2(H)
Lincoln, Neb 200
Beatrice, Neb 200
Financial losses detailed:
Kansas City $5,000,000
North Topeka, Kan.... 1,000,000
Abilene .
Holoroon and vicinity
Des Moines
Railway traffic In all four states
is impeded and at many points
completely abandoned.
Rivers which are yet rising are:
The Missouri.
The Blue.
The Des Moines.
The Kaw.
Tho Republican.
The I'lutte.
The Smoky Hill.
The Nemaha.
of everyone to the exclusion of all else. An
army of men volunteered for relief work
and it would be Idle to place an estimate
on the Immense number rescued by their
Fire Chief Wilmarch was In a boat which
came near being swamped. When his boat
struck the swift current under the Tenth
avenue bridge It was Jerked loose from
the hold the men had on a safety wire that
had been stretched from pier to pier. The
chief succeeded In catching hold of the guy
wire, but was compelled to remain there
several hours until taken off by a skiff.
The Insane asylum Is very near the river
on the south side and on account of the
rapidly rising water It is not Improbable
the whole institution may have to be aban
doned before morning. The asylum Is
composed of ten buildings and Is the larg
est public Institution In the state, with
about 3.000 Inmates. The asylum haa al
ready lost Its Ice and water auppply and
great difficulty la being experienced In con
ducting the Institution. There Is no danger
to the Inmatea and when necessity arises
they can be removed In safety.
All day long the need of boata was felt.
The Kansas river ordinarily Is a very shal
low stream and there are no boata of any
size " obtainable.' The small boats cannot
be rowed against the swift current which
sweeps the streets. If a steam launch
were at hand many people would be saved
who are now facing certain death.
Making- Scows for Refugees.
At the Chicago Lumber company's yards
A. B. Betts, a wealthy citizen and a mem
ber of the legislature, had a gang of men
engaged nearly all day in making scows
that kept communication open on the
bridge that connects the two parts of the
town. The scows are clumsy affairs, but
they played a most Important part In the
work of the day.
Oakland, a suburb Ave miles northeast
of Topeka, Is deserted. The people began
leaving at z o'clock this afternoon after
being warned by the city engineer.
At 4 o'clock In the afternoon the water
backed up over the street car tracks In
East Topeka near the Santa Fe shops.
The way, for the people between Brewer
street and . the river to get out was not
made a moment too soon, as that part of
the city tonight is completely Aooded.
Further out between Ennls and Benton
streets the water rose early In the after
noon. - Ghouls Looting; Houses.
In this section many people are still In a
dangerous position. It Is said the police
have all the boats under their charge and
that the houses In this district are given
this much protection. The houses in this
section are being looted and the police
are-trying to get possession of nil
I ooais ana stop the plundering.
About 1 o'clock a current bea-nn to So.
with grent swiftness through a break In
no nunaings lining the block between
Crane and First streets. This widening
of the current made it still harder work
to pull the boats across to the pontoon
by means of the line. Also a great lot
of driftwood commenced to come down the
new current, pressing with great force
against the pontoon. A number of men
were Btattnned at this point with pike poles
and It was only by hard and continuous
work on their part that the drift waa kept
from piling up and pushing the bridge
One of the men who worked all the
afternoon with pike pole was Dr.. Raster
chief surgeon of the Snnta Fe. The most
rromlnent men In the city worked as com
mon laborers all dav.
In the auditorium tonluht i.onn homeless
people are quartered. The society women
of the city are there attending to the
refugees' needs. Orent wagon loads of
clothing and provisions have been sent and
the Immediate needs of the unfortunates
have been provided for.
May Sprend an F.pldemlc.
In this larire number of refugees are
Russians, Italians and many of the poorer
class of the city's population. A number
of these are afflicted with contagious dls
eases, but it Is Impossible to enforce any
quarantine regulations. The physicians of
the city say that as a result of this ep.
demlc sickness of all kinds may be looked
for. Quarantine regulations were lost sight
of by the rescuers. Children suffering with
scarlet fever are compelled to be near
j those who are well.
The county court house and federal build
ing are crowded tonight with people of all
classes. There Is no lack of help for any
thing that Is to be done, men of all call
Ings and professions, white and black to
gether, work side by side, doing whatever
Ilea in their power.
Aa the water advanced It became neces
sary to drive ambulances and carriages to
the south end of the pontoon In water so
deep that the horses had to swim. Among
those who tonk a hand in this work were
James A. Troutman, Cyrus Inland, politi
cians, pastors of the leading churches.
Father Hayden of the Church of the As
sumption, the county attorney, the sheriff
and his deputier.
Several well known Jointlsls distinguished
(Continued on Becond Page.)
Six Thousand Persona Ars Homeless tt
Des Moines.
Hundreds of Eet;tigei Eit on Hoofs of
Houses Pleading for Aid.
Business. Houses for Blocks Are Inundated
to. Main rioort.
Street Car Traffic Killed for n Week
nnd City Expects Soon to Be Left
In Darkness by Flood Ing
ot Power Plant.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
DES MOINES. May 30. Speclal.) The
rejoicing of yesterday over the prospective
receding of the Des Moines river Hood was
turned to walling this morning, for after
midnight the river rose rapidly and t 6
o'clock this morning the people were
aroused by warning whistles because of
the fear that many would be lost If thiy
did not remove from their homes. The
situation could not well be worse. The
river nad marked 20.9 feet by the govern
ment gauge at the Walnut atreet bridge,
where ireasurements have been kept for a
half century. This mernlng It was 71.8
and by 4 this afternoon' the gauge marked
22.96. Another slight rise will take It 10
the high water mark of 1861, which waa
twsnty-thrce feet. But the foot and a
half rise since yesterday waa sufficient to
more than double the area of the city that
Is inundated. The reports from up river
Indicated that there was much water yet
to come down. Yesterday at noon the rain
commenced falling. All afternoon and all
night nnd all day today there haa been
a steady downpour of rain. Not for Ave ,
minutes haa there been any cessation In
this downpour. This water was compelled
to Aow directly Into the river, for the
ground was raturated. This added volume
of water Aowed quickly over the city and
piled the water up in the Des Moines river
until the half dozen bridges were nearly
touched by the Aood. The scene all day
today was appalling. Hundreds of resi
dences were surrounded, every ' boat waa
called into use to save the people and take
out their goods, women and children were
shouting from the upper stories and even
the roofs of houses, pumpa were at work
In the business , district draining cellars,
drays and all manner of vehicles were In
use in every part of the city removing the
household goods, for a large part of the
district Inundated could be reached by
teams. Boats were in treat emand and
men almost fought to get them. And all
this was with the rain steadily falling upot
thousands cf people (Jready water soaked'
and nearly 111. ,
Part Heretofore Immnae.
The Arat great change. In the altuatlon
this morning came when the river flowed
over the east embankment of the Des
Moinea river between the city hall and
library on the west side and the capital
on the east. All this district has been
free frcm floods for more than a half cen
tury and It Is well built up. The stream
flowed Into the streets and covered all the
territory to the Northwestern tracks. East
Grand avenue. East Locust and East Wal
nut streets were flooded from two to four
feet deep over the pavement, and on Bast
Court avenue there was such a flood of
water that the vehicles could scarce get
through. All the bridges In the city for
wagons except the Court avenue bridge
were closed early In the day, as there
seemed to be danger of their destruction.
The Rock Island and Des Moinea Union
railroad bridges over the Des Moinea wore
the only ones In use, all other railroad
bridges being abandoned. The Burlington,
Milwaukee and Great Western lines were
all abandoned, and only the main line of
the Rock Island and the line north, with
the Chicago & Northwestern, were being
The flooded districts In Des Moines are
more than twice as large aa yesterday.
All of the levees either broke or were
overflowed. The entire south aide Is flooded.
Including the factory district south of the
Rock Island railroad tracks. All of the
aouth part of East Dea Moinea and that
part lying along the river and back four
and Ave blocks Is flooded. In the north
part of the city hundreds of houses are
flooded. All the Icehouses went out, every
factory of any consequence In the city la
closed, the street car company completely
abandoned its lines and Its plant, the elec
tric llplit works were still operated, . but
the river brnk is washing away and It Is
feared the whole plant will go In the river.
The water works plant is operated witn
difficulty, large portable pumps being usd
to keep out the wster. The plant of the
Dally Capital, evening newspaper, waa
flooded and the paper suspended publica
tion after getting out an early extra. The
Register and Leader press room Is filling
up, nut tne water may be kept out. Tele
phone communication was shut off from
Inrge portions of the city.
Relief for
Relief measures were taken early today
and the state capltol, the public school
buildings and the churches were thrown
open for the homeless people. It was esti
mated that at least 6,000 had been com
pelled to leave their homes. A majority
of these merely abandoned their household
effects and trusted that the houses would
not be swept away. In fact, only a few of
the rcslileiiceii have been swept away, and
these sre in the northern part of the city.
But the homeless people were being gath
ered all day In the public buildings or
taken to the homes of friends, where
thoy could lecelve some care. Arrange
ments were made for the opening of a
coffee house under the auspices of the As
sociated Charities and for the distribution
of free rations to many families.
A pitiable story is that or Mrs. McNealy,
who lived at the comer of East Tenth and
Scott streets. Last night she gave birth
to a child, and thla morning the house waa
surrounded with water, which later flooded
the house. Her husband went by boat to
the nearest telephone and summoned the
ambulance. When It arrived the water had
entered the house and men were compelled
to wade In, removing the mother and babe
from their home. Mrs. McNealy was taken
to the residence of a relative whose home
is in a more favored location.
Mrs. M. C. Trow, wife of a baker, re
siding at lfi"f Ohio street, gave birth Frl
dsy morning to a nine-pound boy. About
2:30 last night It became necessary for the
family to remove to another location, and
Mrs. Trow and the infant, not yet a day
old, were carefully carried out of the house
and sent to the home of Oeorge sfcNutb