THE OMAHA DAILY UEEt SATURDAY, MAY 30, 1903. 0 ;ES. SHERMAN IN BRONZE Lleroio Btatns of the Famous Commander to Be UnTeiled in New York City. CH1EK tVENT OF MEMORIAL DAY Characteristics of khrrmtn la Camp and Field a Observed and H , latcd by a Cora Com-maader. The feature of the Memorial day observ "anre In New York City will be the un 'Fall In.' He demurred and laughingly aid that he wasn't In flt condition to so with the guard. The sergeant said: Them's not the orders. Fall In:' "So he fell In betwetn the rank and wai marched over to the station. He had been there some little time when Corae came up to him and ald: 'Were you ringing that bell?' "He answered 'Tea.' " 'Why?' asked Corae. " 'Because It Is Sunday and time for serv ice,' said Smith. Corse then led him near to Bherman, and when he looked up Corae aald: 'Here's Mr. Smith. It la Sunday and he was ringing the bell for service." Didn't know It "Was Bandar- Sherman scarcely stopped the swlftmove- Dupont of Battery Q A Decoration Day Short Story It la the th day of April In the year of grace. 1857. On a, wooden causeway cross- Ing the North Fork of Bayou Pierre and leaning over the adjacent swamp, thre3 figures are grouped near the low railing. One Is a peculiarly deferential old negro who Is busily engaged winding the lines upon two fishing rods, and at the same time listening attentively, with an occa sional duck of the head, almost comic In its air of submission, to the speech of his handsome young master, who leans easily against the nam net of the bridge. One mint of his uen. but said: 'Sunday, Sun veiling of the General Bherman statue at day. aiia t kn0W u was Sunday. Let him brown hand of the youth wno is speaking tne i-iaza, finn avenue ana f iuy-ninm street. The exercises attending the un veiling Will' be made a part uf the annual parade, composed of Grand Army and Spanish warrveterans, soldiers of the regu lar army and the national guirJ. com manded by Major General Adna ft. Chaff;.. . la , -r,on h. wa, near my headquar This statue la said to be one of the be.t ,ers Jn tne vlclnity 0f Jonesboro. Ga. He was too restless to aleep. About midnight he heard from the north 'sounds of shells exploding and other sounds like that if musketry. He walked over to a farm house and called the farmer out 'to listen to the reverberations which came from At lanta. The distance was twenty miles. Sherman asked the farmer If he had lived there for any length of time. He answerod that he had and that these sounds were Ilk. Ihnu nf a. buttle. After these rever- I Xrr Arthur" on1 h r.1,1 man touches under Bherman, has written for the New I K.r.tin. there was oulet till about dawn. ,hB r)m of hi. !-... hot n,l shuffles his xors. me u.ow...k .u. wnen Sherman heard again a renewal 01 hoes on the dusty planks. 01a cmei. 1 ... .i.inni Ka could not determine in I tv, i nt v, Cnn tinv.rinir In Qeneral.Sherman and myself each com- ... m . or not there was a real .,. t h. ti trftAi that ri bia ct tit manded , a brigade In, the first battle of Bull th9 yellow water and th(J cool alr of tn. Bun. I had heard much about Captain I f . ft , .unriBe rumors camo In ., vnino- i. the vnnnc canes Sherman, formerly of th. artillery In the .... .,on.Q his position and .,, frMhttntnir tViA tnn nirnnt rrf or plains' regular service, but I had with him only a . At 1... . the day wore frnm th ,Mr,v omt f 111 nail .nread passlnf acguftlntanee while we were in the n a dlf)patch Mffi( from General Slocura ,lk4 a ,reen bianket cm the aurface of the east. W hen he first came to Washington stat,nB that Hood had Bon, and that the 8Wamp. The dust of the road is taking on from Louisiana he could not understand Twent,eth corp. nad marched into the city. a darkPr ihada wltn th. flt faUlng of the ever executed by Mr. St. Gaudens, and, standing as It does at one of the principal approaches to Central park, it will be a valuable addition to the art objects of New YorX.' 4 - '' The actual unveiling of the statue will be performed by the -year-old son of Dr. Paul Thorndike of Boston, a grandson of General Sherman. Many aduresses will be made, including one by Secretary Root. Major General O. O. Howard, who served go. 1 so earnestly is extenaea upon tne railing, 'So Mr. 8mlth was immediately released while the other, hanging at his side, holds and fixed himself up the best he could to the hand of a child of 9, whose upturned I lead a service of praise and worshlp in the face the elder brother la regarding as he chapeL continues: "The night before Sherman entered At- "Arthur will be your little master when t am gone, 'Wash." "Yes. Mars. Tom." I rely upon you, Wash, as you have stood by me ever since I can remember, to get Arthur out of trouble and keep him out of danger. Tou are his keeper and his servant his schoolmaster on the river and tn the stables and his playmate every where." 'Dat's what I is, Marse Tom and leetle Marse Arthur. To' kin . don rely on old Washln'ton. Nothln' gwlne t hap'n f the apparent apathy of the War depart ment. He knew that secession waa a reality and that a terrible war was upon ua. "The expression he used at the calling out of only 75,000 three months' men was circulated among us in McDowell's pro- As soon aa this news was In his hand dew -nd . old Washington, basket in Sherman mounted hla horse and rode back I hand, shuffles along at a respectful distance to Atlanta. I behind his young masters his shoes leave a Then he sent that memorable telegram, white track in the sand. Atlanta Is ours and fairly won. The negros 0id heart swells with pride "T h administration at Washington and I v.. v.t na..r. niirins visional force: 'Why. he cried 'you might I larg6 Bherman had really hand , , tho ,oft ,lBht IaIllng I I I? k V ,.k , ,7 Z .. bun,t from clouds: AUama .won; through the tangled branches, and he mut f a burning building with a squirt gun as . nf nromls set In the . w.i. ...,., . . , ' to put aown mis reoeiuon wun inree outhern sky-a bow of promise to America hKlnt gQt no book learnln", bos, and my months troop. e impulse 01 oner- tQ th(j worM that right 'and JusUce hear(n.B mighty pore, but I got a heap o' .v.. .V . I would soon prevail, ana mat m. Benge T ,g pu x know dem chnun? Why( vci.iiii;a "a I unlnn would be restored. ' I ..hi h11n I. Msr...rninni't hllun In the west my first meeting with Sher- ..., ncember 23. 1M. Sherman, who , . .. . , man was at " had bein away in th. harbor visiting the Tom. h hi W . . v-...- I . rw tnlnAft ( inOTR I HloCUin iiij- I . . w t ' - I if whn naa enterea wwnimu "" them Thomas, maimer, uoraon. granger , and myself.- We were talking In a social avamlatlon of the clty. way when Sherman, who had come up ..aherman was delighted that we were not from Bridgeport, Aia.. a distance of twenty elthef tQ make a .,eg9 or attempt miles from his head of column, to report to Bavannah by assault. A siege progress to Grant, burst In upon us. . e tak(m much tlmBt and an as- "Hls tall, sinewy figure, never lor a mo- a oyfng to th fBW approachea. would ment sUll..Ws high head and handsome . v . one to our troops. brow, wun a lew wrinaiw .1 1.1 H na4 bardly Bpoken to me before he of his eyes ana across nis '""". turned away to prepare a dispatch for t keen, bright, searching look and his deep -dent Here 1. the message he sent: loneu, mciuutvuB -.c...v. ,, t(J re8ent to you aa a jnnsi- once seen never to be forgotten, teneraj ma- g,ft tn, clty o( savannah, with 150 Grant and' he met like brothers who loved heavy sun and pienty of ammunition, and eacn otner. inwr iirei -uww .l..u . about 2 ,600 bales of cotton.' consisted or tne mcercnange 01 uumwou. .rmle. under Sherman had a very Trim 1 nva lrt I a rrtk It k A Vi A wiLM A. PTl Baa before, the next morning after Hardee's hQW cloge dey wall h0e Q, hanB up d(J bridge. De ole man can't help It, Bah! but he done lub dem chllun heself like dey was two gals. Reckon It gwlne t' mighty nigh bus' Marse Tom's heart f leave the leetle possum. Old marse says Ise free nlgah, Bah! all de free de old man wants Is f stick by dem chllun." ... . ... v,,. hl hla ' - . . unconscious 01 tne water japping againsi J. 'J'' "'J' L lu 'din turned away to prepare a dispatch for the Umber. of th brldge uncon9Clous of the hoarse chorus of the frogs filling the air, the brothers think only of the happi ness of tonight and parting of tomorrow. The tears stood in the brave little Arthur's eyes aa he looked carelessly at the swaying festoons of gray moss, and he even withdrew his little fist from his expressions. , v "After Grant went east to command the armies of the United States, .Sherman, hav ing the three armies of the west called the refreshing rest for a few days. On Janu ary 1. 1S65. when I was paying my re spects br6ther., and both han. ,to to General Frank Blair at Blair , head- emphasis, bis independence ..-. Rhrmnn In in his usual . . . . military division of th. Mississippi, which rtok rtjle. and. sitting down beside me " ,b8 B,aa y0a"" oln ! embraced all th. troop, from Cincinnati to th .om. memoranda In hi. hand. h. said college, Tom. I know you will learn to be Mobile, waa alwav. moving forward with ' " r .0., to tr.n.nnrt " f' ayer and go to congres. from actlvitr. - - - - ' . y'':r"r"ZZr:' Grand Oalf. If th. captain of River QuMn "Our soring campaign of ISM. by these a n . Mrt)l..H ro ' t"8 ,n the P'anIt tn minute you go movements, under th. untiring. lndefaU- tp maln land Ma b, at Pocataligo by " b?"AJ'n r'd m;.Pony on ak; gable general, waa oonunuoo. or tha ,Bth of thts month. Can you do ltT I " ' ' during wnicn,.w. were, unaer arm vi arui- ... ... t ,.Ve time to make mora than a lery or musketry .very day wcept three. pougft cgjouuon. but said: The time is Lieutenant Brown of Battery O. then ineso urea wn mxwinnu ur rather short, but we will be there if it " uax um Jo. Johnston, th. confederate commander, ean done.' classmate and roommate of Tom Dupont passing suddenly and unexpectedly below ,.e added that Slocum would march up at college, and there 1. where th. remote the Etowah, river. It was. during these days tn6 aaTannah, cross at Sisters' Ferry and connection come, in with Battery Q. In of rest that I recall two Instance, of which b6 at R0bertsvlUe about th. same time 018 old brick dormitorle. at Tale Brown I alway. think wnen tnesa oaya are men- that j ihouid reach Pocataligo. I may re- haa Decome ramuiar wun Tom', family tloned. m.rv that six divisions of the Army of history; how Tom', father had been reared Sherman's Kindly Favor. th. Tennessee were at Pocataligo at the re- 'n a New Hampshire village, and how he I A. oti 1 lu 1 mnrrlarl Tom'a vr-rr mrA a AAttnM le..ta The first wa. when some on. Invited Shw- Quirea ume. xn. o.n u.v.o.u.. " . ' " "Z V .. hi. 1. . i, General Slocum. who waa very much de- tlon and a colony of slave, at one happy dining tent for luncheon with drinking Uyed by th. high water at Sisters' Ferry, ceremony. He knew the family circum- freshmenta. For som. reason I asked to o that w. had to wait several days for the s antes which had prevented Tom's seeing be excused. J0n. of th. generals, alway. left wing to get into position. Thus began Ms mother and brother during his whole n nnmni- tumod tn m. .nri .m- the memorable march through the Caro- college career circumstances not necessary TinMM. h a man and .0 .in llnaa. After that difficult march, with all to relate in evolution of th. facts of thi. L...w ... . - .v... 1 it. kirTniahlnv. accidents and battles, story. Brown had read stacks of the elder t.-wiin ua, nvjui mvmw -wmv ..-.wwim vi I - I ..... ... . . I ou- ... - .A.w.tniatnpv nni.. DuDOnt i letters to his nnn U hM.thi.. aisapprovai 01 my ways. 1 cuv Vw,.. , - - """ "Bherman auddenly turned upon him, and. which covered the wnoie neia or operations. i union, ana omer stacK. of calling him by name, said: 'Let Howard It seems now a little boastful, but It ex- momer-ieiiers, running over with love and alone; I want one offloer that doesn't I presses the simple truth: tn years to come. He 4ndrlnk.' I was touched by his gentle pro- I .'So oomplete a success In military opera- naa snown u. at tn. camp on Pebble. fX. . a .n1 if It I tlona. extendinc over half a continent. 1. an I farm, when Tom had Just left the rtfnnr' w aibla. mv loyalty to him was deepened bv I achievement that entitle. 11 to a piace in quarters iun 01 laugnter and high spirits. this favor. I th. military history of. th. worw.' ... a pnotograpn or Arthur at U, which he told 'Th. other instance waa this: The next "My estimate of General Bherman is high. u. wa. a counterpart of one Tom tlwaya day being Sunday, Bherman waa at King- IDs Intellect furnished a mine rich in carried in his Inner Jacket pocket and said .ton, In a room at the railroad station, pearls, .parkllng with diamonds, yet com- his prayers to before going Into battle. It very busily engaged In v"Ung order, and Pleted after nature, own oraer. e was was a nanasome child-, face, with blue disuatchea. General Corse waa at that time ever at home In science or commerce or eyes and brown curls, and that Is all I r. t his chief Of .taff and near at hand. Gen- art. and never failed to Interest a votary member of it now, except that I read the V oral Bherman heard the bell ringing from In his own field of research. His percep- name of the photographer and the words the belfry of a little chapel opposite the tlon wa. like a flash of light. , stand mm Grand Gulf on th. back of the card while station, and waa annoyed by It, and said to upon a hilltop and instantly he took in tne it waa in the hand of the captain. uarse: , duiiu a. uua ovr mere ana ar- I topograpny 01 ins cuuim . u uma uvtr our corcee mat night, as we sat rest the' man who la ringing that bell.' and valleys and roads of Georgia demon- around a smudge fire to keen the mos- "My special friend. Rev. K. P. Smith, then strated, where in youth he had once men- qultoes at bay. Lieutenant Brown told n of. U. Christian-oosamission, was .taking tally grasped the situation, . the map al- or the railway Journey of himself and Tom advantage of the rest Interval for the army I ways remained photographed upon the tab- I In the summer of 1801 from New Haven tn and was calling tne soldiers to the church, let his memory- at- Louis; how they sped on night and day He himself wa. ringing the bell, when sud- "His memory waa phenomenal; he had ao- across the continent, the strange hurrying denly the long rope caught the bottom of quired knowledge with Intense rapidity of troops, the music of the camps and the hla trousers near hi. foot and. taking a from observation and from books, from wonderful new homage paid to the wnnrir. sudden leap toward the second story of the childhood to age. and surely, by a thousand ful old flag, which seemed hourly to develop oeury, nppou bw ituwi irum Miiora 10 tests, he snowea mat ne naa xorgoiten new pnases or symnollo meaning; how their top, putting him In a most unpresentable nothing' that he had once learned. He led patriotism was fanned to a white heat by predicament. Just then the sergeant, with hi. quartermasters In their .plans and estl- the time they arrived at St. Louis. four men. orrnrea ana saia to my friend, mate, for his army. H. wa. quicker than Tom swore if the great river had been his chief commissary- in figuring the ra- r to go and come on as the air above tlona for a month's supply." to flight of the birds he would not take I fin aao. trak naa - a . . ,ru waters. He saw Gentle Woman and Her Ways. clearly the danger of being detained In th. A house without a closet Is conceivable. lnur'e'it states and forced to bear arms but a house without a mirror, never! -sunst me cause ne had already espoused It Is difficult to Imagine what some men I " would do with the large sums of money memorable night memorable In the 'By the work we know tho workman " . D. La Fontain TV old French fabulist's aph orism applies with peculiar force to the productions of the GORHAM Co. Silver jmtths One has only to glance at them to know that the workmen respon sible for their graceful - lines and refined or namentation must be something more than mere human machines. The-spirit of the, old artist-craftsmen informs everything that is pro duced iivthe Gornanr workshops, and yet the cost is in every case ex ceedingly moderate Att responsible jawelve keep Oorham Bilverwar. trtmJNa the myriad fireflies sparkling, without. The moon silvering the broad river beyond the lawn, and the tall moss-draped tree, and the boats moored In the rushes. Some times It was night and sometimes It was day, but alwsys a subtly touched and mnr velously touching domestic word etching, for Tom was more than half a wizard when he chose to he. He managed to conjure Into our hearts tho tall, tender, dignified, devout invalid, his mother, and his handsome stripling brother, the prince of the household and the king of the quarters, wltn cotton-wooled old Washington fcf his. prime minister. and all the pickaninnies on the place for his grinning, screeching escort. Then there was Tom's father with his books and his cares, hla horses and hla cotton, his cattle and hla clover, and above all his unswerving loyalty and alas I the blank that had separated them for years. Then Tom scintillated from grave to gay, and with Brown to egg him on sailed Into the choppy sea of their college pranks empurpling the boys' eyea and reddening the girls' cheecks and tinting the sleepy old town with the vermilion hues that materialise midway between sunset and sunrise. Th. fir. went out and the moon climbed high above the trees and Tom's talk flowed on like a certain brook and nobody thought of his blanketa until Tom went oft in the shadows, shouting back his laughter and laughter-provoking squibs until the wind among the trees and the aevll among the horses swallowed him up. On the day we heard of Tom'a fate Brown was th. most stricken man I, ever saw. It was Bugler Smith brought the news when the column returned Worn the watering. It must have been close to 9 o'clock, for I had Just completed the figures of the morning report and turned to hand It to the captain for his signature. The bugler came up to our circle sitting on the logs and saluted Lieutenant Brown. Tom Dupont is dead, sir, since yesterday morning." We were all shocked to hear It, but Brown waa a. white as a sheet. "They don't know In his own regiment, sir, what it all means. They say he had been out with the picket, since daylight and not coming back with the others they believed he wa. killed or captured. About 10 o'clock, lr, Just when the Sixtieth waa wavering in tho face of a withering fire. Tom Dupont dashed up from the rear with the look of a madman. He epoae no wora to -any one and heeded no word that was spoken to him, but snatching the colors from the sergeant without an lnstanfa delay he ruahed upon the enemy, waving the Stars and Stripes above his head. Be fore he had gone a hundred yarda ne leu pierced by a acore of bullets." Poop Tom! He haa not oiea in vain alone, for the regiment had rallied and carried the bill with a mighty cheer, plant ing the flag Tom had thrown back aa h. fell 6n th. enemy s works ana noiaing n there in the smoke until reinforcements cam. to Its relief. Brown, who had been leaning against the mess wagon for support since the depart ure of Bugler Smith, : spoke first: 'Some terrible news from , his family 1. at the bottom of thla. You know, gentlemen, that for three days Dupont haa. been almost within sight of his home, yet unable to reach or communicate with his family, from whom I know .that before our arrival here he had not heard -a., word since the national mail servicer as withdrawn from th. south." Th. statement which follows, affording a terrible explanation' f the motives which led to the sacrifice of th. young hero's Ufa, embodies all the facta -which came to our knowledge the day fojlowlng the tidings of hi. dramatic death. 'If the elmple facta are embellished by some passages of sup posititious sentiment which may or may not have passed through the mind of a man who aought death with sealed lips, it is because I choose to close the sad story with the exact words written in the tents of Battery "Q," white the' double tragedy waa fresh In my mind. 1 will only add that the paper waa Written In June, 1S53, at the reserve camp, outaid. the trenches at Vlcksburg. When the army crossed the Mississippi at Bruensburg prior to the dashing cam paign preceding the investment of this place, Tom Dupont marcnea wun ins regi ment ihrouih Port Gibson and across both branches of Bayou Pierre, passing almost within sight of his home. As he nearei the crossing of the South Fork every field and almost every tree and rock recalled some event of his boyhood. Here was a road along which he had often ridden with his father. On a certain grassy slope his eyes sought the rabbit traps of old Wash and he felt himself a prisoner as he had never felt before. He remembered nia mouicr aiignung from her carriage by yonder girdled tree. In the early morning, and how he, small, happy Tom, ran to and fro In the wet grass to pluck the sprays of swamp sassa fras. He saw her again as sna smilingly took the flowers from his hand and drew the sterna through the belt at her slender waist saw her In her white dress saw her brown hair and dark handsome face. With a child's tenacity of memory he re called the scarlet geraniums that adorned bar straw hat and nodded in the yellow light that fell on both of them through the great sun umnreua as iney Dowiea along over the soft road. With other eyes he saw tne steaay swing of the forest of rifle barrels beforo him Suddenly there la a cry of agony from the player., and one of their number fall, life less over the log. Every man secures his gun and such cover as he can reach. Tom Dupont'. quick eye detects a puff of smoke hanging In the top of a tree Just outside the skirt of the opposite wood. In a moment there Is another puff and another ball splin ters the top rail of the fence. Half a doien men run forward, rifle in hand, and take cover behind separate stumps which are conveniently scattered over the field. With each discharge from the treetop the sharp shooter, advance, but Tom Dupont Is far In the lead of the others; and now he de tects a gray form among the leaves. Thrusting his loaded rifle through a hole In the dry earth clinging to the roots of an overturned pine, he covers his enemy, coolly adjust, the distance sights and fires. There Is a commotion In the treetop, a gun comes plunging to the ground, followed by a few fluttering leaves, but the desperate soldier, hsvlng fallen a few feet, remains swinging from a shivering limb, clinging desperately for life. The attention of the others is directed to the gray-coated soldier, who are swarming out of the wood, but- before his rifle Is loaded again a regiment bursts from the left, charging under the tree and sweeping the enemy back Into the woods. The wounded soldier is still ollnglng to the limb. Impetuous Tom springs forward, too merciful to Are again. Just before he reaches the tree the exhausted confederate relaxes hi. desperate hold and come crashing to the ground. With the sympathy which even a soldier feel, in the presence of death, our hero looks sadly down upon the maimed body, still but for the occasional twitching of the muscles, and hopes In his heart the gallant youth Is not dead. It. 1. a slender form; one helpless brown hand broken at the wrist, with taper fingers a. delicate aa a girl'., Ilea out upon the wet grass the other has clutched the thorny stalk of a dry thistle aa If it held again to the swaying limb. The coarse gray uniform is clean but Ill-fitting; between the torn col lar and the cropped hair a crimson stain shows against the fair neck. Tom kneels by the motionless figure and turns It gently up to the morning light. It Is a handsome, beardless face, A blade of grass lies diagonally across the half -parted lips, held by a few crumbling grains of yel low earth under a clotted flake of crimson With deft fingers the living soldier plucks away the disfiguring stalks. The lips move feebly to shape the one word "Mother." Then the closed eyes open, eyes a. blue as tne heaven above them. A gleam of recognition lights the dying face, the poor arms struggle to rise the quivering lips speax again: 'Oh, Tom!" w. H. SHELTON. A NOVEL BRITISH PROJECT .unniclpal Insurance Launched to Escape Exertions of Private Companies. they make were It not for some gentle. shadow of what followed-Tom Dupont loving, faithful little woman who earnestly 10 ror although he waa but a helps them to spend the coin. ''1,h Private." he was always welcome at A bird in a milliner', show window Is ln" "mcers mess, as his genial self and worth about J.000 ln the bush. rea Brown s classmate should be and There la a Justifiable inference that the wnv rot It was a bivouac, not a man who vlllflea womankind must have I Th. horses were tied to a rope stretched been unfortunate In the .election of a through the caisson wheels, and Tom earn mother. darting under Jhelr nose, with a rh- The church without women is situated I "all right" to the guard and In a twinkling on the bank of the lake without water. I was shaking hands all around In mn Nothing Is more beautiful than a maid- I military fashion. I have no rrniitin en s prusn ana everyDoay admits, too, tnat I Ju wnai ne said or how he said It but it Is cheap at 26 cents a box. the vivid picture of a happy south. h Tell a blind man how high madam lifts was somehow burned Into my memnrv her skirts on the street and he can form remains to this day with something of the "' nas on "vr .01 some cnilflhood's favorite book her prettiest hose or one of the other pairs. No one seemed to hsve taken mi.. ..... ! To be sure. Eve did give Adam a bite the conversation except Tom and although of the apple, but who dares to doubt that he talked on and on of Ms home and fara- "- " .uu.i.s win- iij- no one or us as we listened to hi. fnllv at It? TVur Vrk Tlm I - . -- - " ""l iiory. sweetenprt hv n ..-j . - Miiuenone or ow ougie noies sounding taps In dl tant enmna mnA -.1. , , . " i'iiiinsimo, naq sny i .wvn w. mere was egotism In the Remedy for the Drink Habit. A novel remedy for the "drink huhit " or. rather, for enabling those who have IT0""1' Evn th Ttaln. who had turned "sworn on" to remain "on the water cart." " ln" nre and was comfortably consists of Ice water drunk through a raw c",t,n ,h 'reah leaves of the last Atlantic potato. Take a bowl of Ice water and a &'on,hlv h( Tom came, had soon dropped iotato. Peel the potato end cut down one unread ho between his knees with end cf it until It can be easily Inserted in the mouth. Dip the potato In the Ice water and suck It every time a craving for strong drink comes on. It Is claimed that this treatment will effect an absolute cure. The why and the wherefore are not stated, but th process Is such a simple one that there can be no harm In trying It If t-nyone Is afflicted with a thirst which they really and truly dclr. to lose. New York Preaa. . ...,:JCU ceiwcen the word, he "'u "na- percnance, another treasured ra leagues to tne north. As I said, onlv the picture remains of Tom's fairyland Interwoven with the scene or tne recital. There stands the pretty dinner table laid mlth covers for four, m-lth velvet nasturtiums banked In the center (he was particular about nasturtiums) and th. tall i candle, gloaming within, and The subject of municipal insurance haa been under consideration In the cities of England for som. time, but only recently were steps taken to definitely extend the scheme to a sufficient number of cities to form a wide basis for the successful carry ing out of the project Representatives from twenty-seven boroughs and the city and metropolitan district of London formed what waa known as the Shoredltch confer ence on municipal Insurance and agreed to Join as the "Municipal Insurance Board, Ltd.," and regularly enter on the business of insuring their own property against loss. Tho large rates exacted by the private in surance companies have been the cause of this undertaking, which was first attempted in 1900. The private companies defeated any attempt to pas. a bill through Parlia ment granting permission to the London County Council to Insure local authorities In London, paying any losses out of the taxes, and so th. matter wa. diopped. Nottingham and Glasgow in 1888 had formed Are Insurance funds and the Lon don School Board also formed such a fund In 1878, and this fund. In the spring of 1900, amounted to $180,866. while the charges on losses were only 113,300. In 189J, as the fund had reached the sum of $160,000, which, with the interest, was able to meet all normal risks, no further payments were paid Into the fund except the Interest. Inasmuch as the property of a local authority would not afford a aufflclentlv wide base for an Insurance fund. It waa aeterminea to form a combination of other municipal corporations and so make the field a broad one. Those Joining the scheme must continue ln it for five years and anv losses beyond the yearly premluma are to be met by Increasing the premium, for subsequent years and this will fall upon the taxpayers ln proportion to amount of property represented by the parties In -the scheme. Some of the Bwlss cantons compel can tonal insurance against Are. In Zurich In leas the rate for Insurance was about 10 centa on the $100, and, on account of the large surplus accumulated, the! next year tne rates were reduced to cents on the $100. It Is stated that the London munici pal authorities pay an average (1900) of $73,3 yearly on $56,050,575, the average loss being $12,006, less than one-sixth of the premiums. In Germany municipal insur ance Is general, each year the rate being fixed according to the needs. In 189C the figures are given as, sum Insured, $906, 000,000; premiums. $364,540; losses paid, $158, 940; expenses, $38,530; contribution to fire department, $164,815. In England ln 1S99, $77 municipalities paid $136,745 premiums on $116,758,790 of Insurance. The average losses paid for twenty years were $25,203, Includ ing a loss in one fire of $132,706, and the premiums paid during that period averaged surance companies contribute but from t to 4 per cent of their premiums toward the fire department Municipal Journal. $111,448 yearly, leaving an average exrexa through a mist not born of the swamps and I of premiums of $86,247. The London Are In- the bitter choking at his tnroat was not tne choking of the dust. Ten thousand furies overtake the causa that has substituted so much that la bitter for ao much that was sweet. The regiment is not marching fast enough. The mounted orderly trotting past with official envelopes ln his belt and the vizor of his cap turned saucily up does not throw dust enough, although he Is a mov ing silhouette of gray In a cloud of his own raising. see That night Tom', company la on picket. FYora tho ahelter of a .preadlng tree he looka out on the silent stretch of pasture and woodland, the outline, of the tree, lost ln the yellow fog, and at long intervals comes to bis listening ear the dull report of a musket. It is nearly day when he la re lieved and creeps back with a strangely heavy heart to the reserves. Crouching beside a log, within the shelter of a fence of rails, a group of hla comrades Is engaged in a game of cards. A bayonet has teen thrust ln the ground, and ln the steel Bhank a sputtering candle throws a glimmering light on the soiled bits of paste board and Into the stolid faces of the playera Gradually the daylight begins to dawn and with it cornea a light breese, before which the fog disappear. Th useless candle has sputtered down. It wick has fallen over In th greas now congealed ln white drops along the blade of th. Inverted bayonet. The players, however, play on. deaf to the Joyous sounds of the morning, deaf to the twittering of th. birds ln the trees. Insensible to the freshness and fragrance of grass and earth and flowers. Just'over the fence lnhe pasture a bobo link, swaying on a spray of elder sparkling with dewdrops, hss tuned hla song and the clear, full-throated notes auem to melt ln UNCLE SAM'S NEW ARMY RIFLE Old Krif Now Obsolete, Betas; Pat Away to Make Room for th. New Bprlngleld. The work of replacing the old black pow der Springfield rifle in the National Guard with the Krag-Jorgensen la only now fairly under way, and already the Krag Is obsolete, and I to be superseded by a new Springfield. This weapon, which la now undergoing its service tests, is officially described In the cuirent number of the Journal of the Military Service Institution. It la a magaxine rifle, centrally lei by clips. It haa a rod bayonet, which may be used also aa a cleaning rod. Its caliber la .80. It Area a 220 grain bullet say half an ounce with 43.1 grains of smokeless pow der. The bullet starts off at a velocity of 2.300 feet per second, and Is still going at the rate of 98 feet per second when It has traveled 1,000 yarda, at which point It has left a striking energy of 447 9-foot pounds. The energy at the musile la 1.581. 1-foot pounds, and the bullet will penetrate over four and a half feet of white pine at a dl tanee of fifty-three feet. The nw rifle la made of eighty-two pice. It Is to be provided with riot cartrldgea. each containing two round balls made of lead and tin in yia proportion of 16 to 1 ominous ratio ana propeusa vy imrty four grains of smokeless powder. These bullet will have an effective range of I JO yards. Always the same Delicate Aroma Always the same Rich, Mellow Taste m ,IVtcV vV-t'v NM5 Hrater aStimore Rye America's Best Whiskey Bold t si I flmt-elsM rf and bT bbers. WM. LaSAHAN a BUN. lloltlnior, ltd. Hour seekers Bates. lilted i to ! On May, 19th the Burlington offers cheap one-way and round trip tickets to many points in the west northwest and south west. If you are contem plating a trip anywhere west better' see or write me. I can prob ably offer that will money. J. B. REYNOLDS, City Pass. Agent, 1502 Farnnm Street, OMAHA. suggestions save you A few vacant rooms and only a few Ilowever, among these are one very choice room and some small, but very desirable rooms. All these offices hare the advantage, without extra charge, of splendid janitor service all night and Sunday elevator service, electric lights, hardwood finish, and the best of office neighbors. THE BEE BUILDING Two Room, at $10 Per rionth A 5ulte of Two Room On These room, are rather small, the fifth floor. These rooms are but so Is th. rental price. They both falr-.lzed rooms and have ar. well located and ar. decld- been newly decorated, .0 that edly attractlT. llttl room.. The tneT are particularly attractive, rental prlc. Include, heat, Ugbt. xhe prlc. per month C f r" water and jaultor service and tor th. two room." 7 all th. advantage, of "V , . being la Th. Be. 1 1 Bldg. Prlee per month A Qood SUed Room With Vaul An Office on the around Floor Thla room, besides h.vlng a This ufllce face. Seventeenth largo burglar-proof vaultv I. lo- street. It 1. large, light and haa cated next to th. elevator on th. been newly decorated. The fourth floor. It I. the only room rental price Include. light, of this character In th. build- water and janitor service. It ha. Ing that 1. vacant and on. of a very largo burglar-proof vault, the few room, at thl. prlc with Part of this room 1. a vault It la pleaa- C q partitioned off a. a jK g y ant. goodslied room ''If private offlc. Price II Prlc pc month-,,,.,, per month. .. R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents Ground Floor, Bee Building. EokJ tbe morning.