Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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MJ. M. Mil.
Mnrlil to Mis. White'.
M iitary aid Civil Farads ta EaDscom I At comeniu. school tber n a special
Park ill Afternoon. memorial as a trlbut. to M M .uen M
wnite, me lorraer pnncipii, who aim m
rrtr sso. Th. entire second ixirt of the
APPROPRIATE EXERCISES AT THE PARK program waa devoted to Mlsa White, and
- ' I nmimm mm Hvin In rrat ftpnfudnn that
will be placed or. her grave at Springfield,
Neb. Superintendent Pears, apoke appreci
atively of Mlaa While aa a principal, Mra.
Fred Brunlng gars the tribute ot a mother
and Mlaa Msrgsret Scott read a aketch of
the teacher's life.
T.;Oasahds of School Children Hear
Patrtotle Addressee hy Veterans
ad Brian Flower, far
Decoration of Graves
Deeerattaa Day Eveats.
Mornlna " "
Decoration f aoldlera' and sailors'
(nVft at all cemeteries.
rmng: national aaluta at rarest Lawn
Army and elvtc parade, 1:19.
exercises at fr itiKrom Dark.
Y.?."""l ."V" c'r 'Z?T.Zi haa obtained judgment for $10 on hla claim
Beacn and Lake Manawa resorts. I against Archibald Gordon for aervleea of
- field erta at Country club and Field the alleged value of $126. Justice Foater
r- k.ii ,n opinion he haa prepared for the
Vinton Btreet nark. ' Northwest Reporter aaya
Lwversity of Neorasna va. ureignton I i ne eviaence in inia case inowi tne
I Jest Ice Foster Dell vera a Learned
Opinion aa Valae at Sight
Clerk's Service.
James Casey, politician and raconteur,
t'nlverelty, ball gn.-ne, t'retghton field,
The Vvesther
Obaerver Welsh of tha weather bureau
aald yeaterday: "The coniilttona am
for cloudlneaa tomorrow morning-, but
plaintiff to have entered the employ of
the defendant laat December aa might
clerk' at the Cambridge hotel, 202 North
Thirteenth afreet, with no more precise
there la a probability of fair weather .tlpulstlon aa to remuneration than a ver
tn tha afternoon. Of course .the clouds I . . . . . ., ,. 0,
may oreas wy curing- ma iuiiwu. I V
but from nreeent Indlcatlona there la ever his service were reasonably worth. It
a atronc probability that tha afternoon dhow, further that occasional vacations
weather will be of such a character I f.fc- h ,K. ... ,..
that will permit the proposed Decoration u'n b the Plaintiff reduced the time of
flay parade. I vjw to eignteen wwii, ana mti
plaintiff haa been paid a total of $26 In
Mayor Moorea yesterday Issued hie casn. competent witnessea nave, testmed
Memorial day proclamation, calling public that when they served aa night clerk at the
attention to the genuine meaning of the m hostelry they received $2 per week
occasion Ha savs- n1 " tne comfort, of a home. Tha plaln-
Complylng With the request of the Me- case received the aame comfort,
mortal day committee of the Grand Army and, allowing him the same salary, the
of the Republic, J would call the attention totaj caah consideration should be PKI, but
I b. USX aaturdav """" having already received H8. this court ren
Memorial day la in many respects our i tiers juagmeni lor only tne remainder due
most Important national aay. -i ne noise nm. or $10.
.. li . - . 1. t" V. Till.. .aiiaM I
Uf nrirt. ifirl nro our ambition, but usually cour' " unmindful that plain
they do not Inspire the deepest sentiments tiff la a man of some prestige socially and
of patriotism. Memorial day, however, I some prominence politically, nor have we
calls forth the noblest aenttmenta wnicn tne . .. ,,. .v, 1 ,v..
t.n -n hr inwird the atate. ini -.v an
story of the heroic dead who gave their all I Inborn, atrenuoua energy prompted him to
to their country, na wno rest (iouj on excee(i the minimum limitation of hla posl-
hi.".?; r:.iw"w..h i Wotc fervor and In- tlon nd u additional responsi-
splres the youth of the present so that they I bllitiea aa are Involved In the application
win ne reany to serve tneir country in uw or cleansing agenclea to sustenance re
Tl 'Wri. tha agitation of soporific up
of Memorial day and Joifc In paying tender I holstery and Its subsequent restoration to
tribute to our fallen neroes. ti in " I a condition of lateral preclseness, and
tlonal eolora be displayed on every dwell- -. , m.n)DU-tion of thM. ImnlemenU
,1.1' atnr. anil' lortnrv W II n tne nu ftl I ' ---
half mast. I y means of which the corridors were
Mil rlnra nf himlneaB are redUeSted lO In ni,lt. n hvrl.nli nnn.
"L-XJLvHMon approximating the immaculate.
day services. I ut 11 we nave not permitted ineaa
a I tninga to tie overiooaeo, neitner nava wa
rroram iof saiauraay. been h-ed,BB of th crcum,tanee that
Tha program of exerolsea prepared by tha the Cambridge Is not the Waldorf-Astoria
committee of the Grand Army of the Re- I by several stories and many Jugfulls, and
puolle follows the customary order in which I that the plaintiff, having been a frequent
they have been carried out In Omaha lor I guest of both, must have recognised the
) ears. Provided the aay la lair ins prin- i difference before entering upon his term
wiiial services will be In the open air at of employment Moreover, hla own testl
Ilnnscom park, but - If It should rain I mony la a concession that be shared In
Kountse Memorial church, downtown, will the culinary delicacies of the Cambridge
be used. In the morning tha aoldlera' and I fare and had hla own boudoir wherein
aallors' graves will be adorned with flow- Morpheus lulled hfm undisturbed through
era given by the school children by details I the hours of bis freedom. ' Natatorial and
from various Grand Army posts and the I ablutlonary facilities and appurtenances
Women's Relief Corps, which will set out I were also at Ms command, but mention
for the cemeteries at $ o'clock. The salute of these may, perhaps, be Immaterial In
In honor of the soldier dead will be fired this case.
at Forest Lawn cemetery at 10 o'clock by I "in finding for the plaintiff In only par-
Comrades Allison and Doherty. I tlal amount, let ua therefore state In sum
At 1:3) o'clock the parade will be formed I mary, wa tiave meant to give such dec!
t Sixteenth street and Capitol avenue slon aa shall do violence to neither the con'
Under tha direction of J. B. Drlesbach, tha stttutlon of the United State nor the' con-
marshal of the day. The ensemble will be stltution of Casey himself, bsrt, an the
as In past years of the veterans, regulars, contrary, make clearer the intent of the
milttlav fraternal' organisations, bands of former and temporarily brighter even ra-
music, polIcnd--crrtags containing the I seats, perhaps the futufe of the latter."
civil, military and religious officers. From
Coll iron ei Hancora Park Line Hear
Twenty-H nth aai Hickorj.
X Fatal lajarlea. However, Despite
Treaaeadaaa Farce af Calllalea,
Walch nemalUbee Both Oaea
' aad Closed tars.
A street car collision In which a conductor
and . passengers were injured and the
cars badly damaged occurred last even
ing about 7 o'clock on the Hanscom
park line on Twenty-ninth Btreet between
Hickory street and Shirley avenue. At
that point the tracks converge to a single 1
line to the end of the track at Walnut '
A summer car. No. 41S. C. Janaen, motor-
man, and Harry Strelght, conductor, with
about twenty-five paaaengers aboard, waa
going south snd a closed car. No. 89, Rd
Herman, conductor, and A. L. Small, mo
torola n. with but one paasenger, was com
ing north. It waa raining hard at the time
and the two cars came together Just at
the switch. The closed car had cleared
the switch snd Just at that moment the
brakes of the summer car proved refrac
tory and the cars collided with tremendous
force. The Impact nearly tore the entire
bed and top from the summer car and
crushed In all the windows of the closed
car. The summer .car waa derailed and
tumbled partly over and the passengers
were practically Imprisoned by the wreck.
Conductor Hsrry Steight wss at the far
end of the car and was badly hurt by the
force of the collision In the back, about the
head and one leg badly bruised. Miss
Bertha Bellsteln of Thirty-second and
Baulevard avenue was bsdly bruised, but
not seriously hurt. She was taken to the
home of Dr. Sherraden, 1738 South Twenty
ninth street, and cared for, and later taken
to her home by Dr. Powell. Truman Sa
bine of 2813 Shirley avenue was also badly
bruised and shaken up, as was Mike Oven
and George Swltala, young men living In
that vicinity on Twenty-ninth street. One
or two other passengers were slightly cut
by flying glass from the closed car. No
one was hurt on the closed car.
Cnsdstor Badly Hart.
Conductor Strelght was the most seriously
Injured of any. He was taken to his home
at Twenty-first and Manderson avenue. Dr.
Paul H. Ellis l attending him and gives
out the Information that his principal In
Jury Is a partial fracture of the pelvic
bone and the severe straining of some of
the ligaments. His Injuries are not neces
sarily dangerous, but he will be laid up
for several weeks, the doctor says.
The wrecked cars cauaed a blockade of
the tracks for an hour or more and were
flrally taken to the street car barn at
Twenty-fourth street and Ames avenue.
Mr. N. C. Goodwin and company In a
four-act comedy-drama by Madr-lelne
Lucette Ryley, "The Alter of Friendship."
The ossf
Rlchsrd Arbnthnot N. C. Gocdwln
Arnold Wlnnlfrlth Fred Tlden
Colonel Rartorls Nell O'Krlen
Joseph Plrner J. R, Crawford
Lord Algernon Flexmore
J. Csrrlngton Tats
Mr. Spender Fred Ty'er
Kdward Beech orton Frank O. Bavly
Bishop of Wereford George 8. Stevens
Bally Sartnrla
Florence Arbuthnot..
ltdy Chalmers
Mary Pinner ..,
Mrs. Beech Horton..
. L. E. Wondthorn!
Roy Clements
..... Zefrle Tlllbury
Julia I Van
, Alice Ingram
May Martyn
,....Suzannle Perry
the atartlng point the procession will move
on Sixteenth ta1 Douglas, east to Four
teenth, south to Farnam, weat to Twenty
eighth, south to Leavenworth, west to
Twenty-ninth, south to Woolworth avenue.
Pretty Sylvaa Retreat ta Be' Throws
Oaea ta the Pahlle Teday.
Today Lake Manawa will be opened for
where the posts and visiting comrades and tne .ummer ,e,BOn. As last season. J. A.
women's organisations will Join.' thence to
Hanscom park. ,
At Hanscom Park. I
The program at the unknown grave will
be In charge of the marshal of the day and
is as follows:
Griffiths Is managerial head. Considerable
change has been wrought at both Lake
Manawa and Manhattan Beach for the
better. Some new Improvementa In the
way of additions and conveniences havs
been made to soms of the park and beach
1 huilrilna-a. Evervthlnar haa received a trior. u ov.rhaullhg and much fresh paint has
. 1-resident Burial Corpa, T. A. Crelgh. been uaed, so that the parks preaent 4
Bong Vacan; Chair T. K. Quartet brand new appearance. The landacapa
Lincoln s Address at Gettysburg.......... ..,hi, ,.. hn mii,li in,nm.i
K. M. stone - -- ----- '
Muilc Band, 32d Reg., U. S. A. and with tne splendid grass-grown lawns
Kitual Woman's Relief Corps and fully leafed trees make a very pretty
K?t'uarBerv& The boat dock, and waterfront
firing 8a lute Millard Klflos nave peen improvea. in. nsei oi Doats
Tais John F, Benin has been materially increased and repaired.
At the speaker's stand the exerolses will Fast electrlo and steam launches have been
be In charge of John L. Hobbs, chalrm.ui added to the flotilla. Tennis courts, a base
ot the Memorial committee, as ioiiows:
Hong Strew the Fair Garlands....
Miss Jtrnoia ana noir.
bona America ........
Address A
Music ....:......
bong Memorial Day,
.Rev. D. K. Ttndall
Julea Lumbard
..Rev. T. J. Uackay
School Children
ball field and athletic grounda have been
laid out. .
On the cool, wide verandahed pavilion
meals and refreshments will be served this
season under the direction of H. Kayner
of Cleveland, O., who haa quite a reputa
tion as a park caterer. All the uaual park
Rev. E. H. J.nks adjuncts, such as merry-gp-rounds, bowl-
la Osaaha Cehaels. ,n shooting gallerfes, swings and
' t w . . . tha like have been put In and will doubt
Yesterday the children In the public furn,h dlvartlih.m,nt t0T botn young
and parochial schools were commemorating w r)a bfclloon aTCen.,on, wiu
th. defender, of. the , rapub lo who hav. daiW aeronautjIi wno w, afUr
. - - "" performing difficult .tunU in midair, mak.
were gathered In general meeting and
listened to programs of music, recitation.
and addresses by speakers from the Grand
Army of the Republic. They brought huge
cluster, of blossoms that decorated tha
room, and which will be used Saturday as
syrabato that the dead are not forgotten
The old soldier, who talked to tha younger
sensational and daring parachute drops to
earth. The free feature of tha resort will
doubtless prove, as it did laat year, the
greatest drawing card of tham all, Covalta
celebrated band of thirty-five aelected mu
Thl band, as all will admit who heard It
last season, is the best musical organisation
Deellaes to Tie I'p City Work tor
Persoaal Political Par
Building Inspector Withnell, who ex.
officio I. one of the three members of the
Board of Public Works, announced yes
terday that he would make no effort to
Interfere with the .appointment of employes
made by the late board and confirmed by
the council While Comptroller Lobeck, the
second democratic member of the board,
refused to talk,, It is understood that he hag
receded . from the reported plan either to
block public work or control tha patronage.
' Inspector Withnell said: "I am not dis
posed to complicate matters by insisting
upon a new list of employes, and I am not
willing to tie up the work of the depart
ment In the effort to have them confirmed
by the council. So far as the legal phase,
of the question are concerned, I know noth
ing about them. I have looked over the
list of employe, appointed and eon firmed
and find that the men are capable and
efficient, and that a number of them are
"Further than this, I wish It understood
that I desire to work In harmony with
Mayor Moore, and the whole administra
tion, and to act In such a way as to best
serve the city. As to the assistant building
Inspector, 1 would, like to have a man of
my own selection, as I will be held respon
sible for his performance."
This positive statement haa cleared away
tha clouds that were threatening to spill
a storm over the public works department,
as Withnell with City Engineer Rosewater
will constitute a majority of the board,
thereby defeating any disturbing po'.lcy
which Comptroller Lobeck might Inaugu
The Board of Public Work, had a quiet
and brief session yesterday. Comptrol
ler 'Lobeck 'suggested that the May pay
roll, amounting to $3,358, be referred to the
city attorney for an opinion as to whether
payment should be made, as the man had
worked without councllmanlo confirmation
An adjourned meeting will be held at I
o'clock Monday afternoon to receive the
opinion and take action. Comptroller Ia
beck had a resolution adopted which re
quire, th. aeoretary to notify each member
In writing of every regular and special
meeting of the board.
generation, of event, that to It are merely tnat v)r t.,, thl, ,ectlon of countrVi
historical were a. follows:
Souaa and but on. or two others possibly
High school. Dr. A. J. Cooke. Maior J. .... u.-v.....
A. Watroua. V. 8. A.; eBala, joaeph "" ..... un oni
Hfn. Darning oeacn in uie weat witn tne nnest
complement of bsth houses. Music will be
furnished In the Kursall both afternoon
and evening. It is unnecessary to say, In
view of the weather of the last week, that
the lake la brimful of pur. cryatal water.
son. Jonn J. Willis: . asa. w. w. Kaatman-
Castcllar, Dr. J. 11. Ralph: Central. H. K.
Palmar; Central Park. Dr. R. M. Stone;
t niton mil, i. L. nun; ioiumoian, J. w.
Kller; Comenlua, John H. Butler; Dundee,
J. D. Bell: Druid Hill. W. O. Mori.: n.
pont, D. M. Haverly; Farnam, Judge Lee 8.
Estelle; Forest, J. W. Day; Franklin, J. B.
Drlesbach: Oibaon, J B. Stsrr; Kellom.
Hlmeon li loom; iaae. J. H. Miller; Leaven
worth, w. J. nroatcn; Lincoln, w. B. 8 hoe-
maker; ixng. u. u. rtatnoun; 1-othrop, Dr.
8. K. Buauldlng; Mason. F. W. Hlmnaon'
Monmoutn 'rn. nr. n. M. Btone: Omihi celvea wnue in ins employ or tne stork
View. IC T. Pratt; PaclAc, Jamea H. Kv- yards company. In hla petition he nllest-a
nar; Park. J. H. Brooka; Saratoga, Jona- that while employed as a switchman ho
than Edwards; Saunders. E. W. Mcintosh; was ordered with others to take a train of
Sherman, J. W. Day; Train, J. H. Win- cara to the packing house of Swift and
spear; Vinton. -H 8. Gllllsple: Walnut Hill, Company; that the track over wnlch the
cars were required to- pass waa ao rough
alt far Tweaty-Flve ThoasaaiaV
Henry F. Snyder has sued the Omaha
Stork Yards company and Swift and Com
panv for Iffl.WO for personal Injuries re-
J. A. GUllDpte: Windsor. B. R. Ball; Holy
r amuy, rrancia uarruy; bi. (.atnerine i
academy, o. M. retere; rara rtace academv.
J. R. Bruner: 81. Berchmon'a academv. ir.
V. H. Coflman; Mount 8t. Mary's seminary.
and the incidental discomforts are
unnoticed by users oi ,
Acid Phosphafo
A refreshing, cooling and whole
scinc tOiiic luMspcnMu's in f c
lieving lassitude and debility.
A teaspoon in a glass of water
satisfies thirst and invigorates and
strengthens the entire system.
HnMl l
i la a ewr Oman Mkac
that the cars oscillated and struck against
posts near the track. Aa a result of this
the roof of a shed, under which the cars
were passing, fell upon him. Inflicting per
manent Injury.
Charged with EaBbeasleaaeBf.
William Bovsen of 1R2& Ontario, street waa
arrested yesterday afternoon on a war
rant charging him with embesslement, the
complainant oeing tne nonpareil laundry.
The prisoner haa been a driver for this
laundry, but haa been In Platlamouth atnee
the atrlke began. He waa arrested at the
office of the strikers' laundry on hla re
turn yesterday. The amount which he la
said to have appropriated Is aald to sp
proximate $100.
Ahaase's Daaelaa; Party.
Tne ansmo. woman s auxiuarv ta Tvr,n-
granhlcal union No. I90l save a danclnar
party at Gei mania hall laat night in prepa-
ra-uon tor ins senaing or Airs. MStthAS,
delegate, to tns meeting of the- nationa
organisation in Waahtn.lon In August.
Marriage l.lceases.
The following marriage license, hav. been
loaned :
Name and Residence. Am
Paul Mlhelirh. Omaha , a
Francee Podanova, Omaha is
Jacob Calpkea. Omaha U4
Mary Burke. Omaha 11
Adolph G. Carlson. Omaha H
Sarah J. Dougherty, Omaha is
Isador Tsnmoorleghaa. Omaha St
I Ida fetaraoo, Omaha A
Right at the outset let there be regis
tered a protest agalnat the taste of the
authoress In choosing London as the. seen,
of her very successful play. Incident, such
a. the one on which It. action are based
are not uncommon In any clime; people
quite a. .mart a. any she presents might
be found on this side; men as wesk as
Arnold Wlnnlfrlth have been found by
other authors In New Tork (note the In
stance of Nick Van Alstyne and hi. singu
larly suggestive prototype, both In name
and Character. Dick Van Buren); and more
potent than any other reason, Mr. Good
win would not have been forced to parade
his unquestionable Americanism, aa the
utterance, of an Englishman. Otherwise
the play well merits the attention thst ha.
been given it. It is an old theme, but Is
handled with much tact and In a manner
decidedly original. Other authors have
found It ronvenlegt to remove by death or
some other means equally as effective the
main offender before relieving his scape
goat of the charge, but Mis. Ryley boldly
sends the offended wife and the offending
husband out to face their wrecked honey
moon and to mak an endeavor by patience
to patch up their love again. This might
not have been possible If the disclosures
had come after a few years of wedded
bliss. In other ways the theme Is handled
with equal daring and with an adroitness
that Is quite an acceptable substitute for
the efforts commonly made to excuse or
Justify the conduct of one or the other of
the guilty ones. In this Instance the man
simply admits that h. is tired of his play
thing and the girl accepts the condition
as a matter of course and goes out Into
the world to look up a situation. The
dialogue sparkles In spots, with no ap
pearance of an effort at epigrams and no
approach to homilies on any topic. It Is
mildly satirical at times, but not enough
to give any flavor of acerbity to Its smooth
flow of all but unrestrained humor. In a
word. It Is quite what might happen In
real life.
Mr. Goodwin takes the part of a brother
who temporarily allows himself to become
the victim of a mistake to shield his sis
ter's hspplness, snd who promptly rebels
when his own happiness comes Into the
play. His main departure from the Good
win we have known In other plays Is In the
fact that he Is quieter, mora subdued. In
his methods. He doesn't make any noise.
Isn't boisterous at any time, and still gives
to the quiet ending of the acts a strength
that Is really Impressive. And he absolutely
refuse, to be serious, even when the action
of the play would not suffer by an exhibi
tion of sobriety of conduct.
Miss Tlllbury. who Is supporting Mr.
Goodwin on hi. present tour. Is decidedly
clever. Her part Is a small one, but out
of It she makes a good deal and show.
evidence of ability that would easily take
care of a much more exacting role than
her present one. Miss Dean Is a charming
Ingenue, and acquits herself with credit. If
anything Is to be said of Miss Irwin's pres
entation of the part of ' the girl who Is
toyed with and cast aside, it must be that
she accept, the fate with a stolidity that
seem, hardly natural. Fred Tlden gives
to the part of a ead a degree too much ot
caddlshness. A little show of spirit at
time, would relieve the situation, and prob
ably mora nearly realise what the authoress
had In mind. Other members of the cast
have been selected with care, and the com
pany as a whole Is well qualified to sup
port the star. The staging Is adequate,
artistic And beautiful In ensemble and de
tail, too.
The Boyd theater wss very well filled
last night with a fashionable audience and
one that generously expressed Its apprecia
tion of the play and the players. "The
Altar of Friendship" will be gltien at a mat
inee and evening performance today.
Oae Case Ceatlaned aad the Other
Two Seat te District
Three men charged with burglary were
brought before ' Judge Berka yesterday.
J. W. Smith la charged with stealing MO
worth of goods from the residence of C. L.
Nelson. It Is thought he Is a'so responsible
for several daylight burglaries In Council
Bluffs and 8outh Omaha. Trial wss set for
Juno 2. John Sobltskl and John Qulncy
who were arrested Thursday for breaking
Into the saloon of Casper Stassek and .teal
Ing a box of cigars, three quarts of whisky.
a gold watch and two rasors, were bound
over to the district court under $700 bonds
after they had decided to change their plea
from guilty to not guilty.
Sew Order to Pellee Resalt. la Ar
rest of Two Wsars
An edict has gone forth to the police that
all persons distributing cards or handbills
of any kind on the streets must be ar
rested sn tried under a city ordinance
which prohibits such distribution. The first
persons to suffer from this new order of
things were Grace Flanigsn and Marls
Still, restaursnt workers, who were dis
trlbutlng cards telling of the fairness of
some places. Officer Ring arrested them
yesterday and Judge Berka set their
hearing for June 1, whereupon they were
released until thst tiape.
Mortality Statistics.
The following births and deaths have
iwn reported to tne Board of Health:
Births P. B Myers. 13t0 South Nln
teenth. boy: Alexander Tlllery. 320fi Km
met. gin; insx rtnsxi, rK south Twen
tlelh, girl; II Fls.her. 10;4 North Thirty
third, boy; Oustsf. Vi North Twenty-first
gtrl; Sam Bergman, H37 Twenty-fifth sve
nue. girl.
Deaths-Wllllsm T. Brandon. $ Park
avenue, si; jona cart, Aa south Twsaty
biui, as, .
Vets piezvsarNtly.
Acts BerveficiaJlvi
tsitrvily aasa.Laxativce.
Svrup of Figs appeals to the cultured snd tha
well-informed and to the healthy, because its com
ponent parts are simple and wholesome and be
cause it acts without disturbing the natural func
tions, as it Is wholly free from every objectionable
quality or substance. I
manufacturing figs are used, as they are
pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal
virtues of Syrup of Figs are obtained
from an excellent combination of plants
known to be medicinally laxative and to
act most beneficially.
To get its beneficial effects buy the
genuine manufactured by the
Louisville, Kv
for eJc by oil drui'ta
2&r Fremcieo. Cl.
new York.N.Y.
Price, fifty cert per bottle.
J. H. Evans Is Re-Elected President
and All Old Committees
Are Reappointed.
The Board of Tark Commissioners or
gsnlsed for the year at the regular meeting
Thursday afternoon. The following officers
were elected; President, J. II. Evans;
vice president. G. W. Llnlnger; superin
tendent, W. R. Adams; secretary, Mary C.
Peake. The old committees were renamed.
Considerable business of minor Impor
tance was transacted. Signs were ordered
painted and posted warning autoraobtllats
to keep out of Hanscom park and to re
strict their speed to eight mile, an hour or
less on the boulevards. The question of
buying sheep tc crop the rank vegetation
In, Ftlverview park was considered and Su
perintendent Adams Instructed to Investi
gate the matter and mak. a report.
It 1. probable that band concert, will be
given in Hanscom park this summer for the
first' time In several years. Arrangements
were made to lease the refreshment pa
vilion to Balduff for $300, with the under
standing that the money be expended on
A resolution was passed by the bosrd
authorizing Superintendent Adams and
such commissioners ss cared to go to at- j
tend the annual convention of the Ameri
can Park and Outdoor Art association at
Buffalo, July 7 and 9.
The board discussed and plsnned work on
the Central boulevard, which will be done
as soon as the labor troubles are settled,
the action of the council In making the
special assessment levy to pay for the
ground appropriated being the last legal ob
stacle that stood In the way of immediate
consummation of the scheme.
Policy of West Omaha Imprnvemeat
Oak aad Its Plaa'of
The West Omaha Improvement club, at
a well attended meeting Thursday night,
decided to make the completion of the
Saddle creek sewer its chief concern and
to drop all other public matters until this
Improvement is accomplished. With this
end in view It was decided to Invite City
Engineer Rosewater, Councilman Hunting
ton of the Ninth ward and the council
paving and sewerage committee to attend
the next club meeting at Forty-first and"
Dodge streets Thursdsy night. The pre
liminaries for th. sewer are in such shape
that proceedings to let the contract can
be started, but the city officer, deem It
wise to wait until the city has an official
newspaper and legal publication of the ad
vertisement csn be made.
la "Herplelde" the New Seleattde aad
Sweessfal DaadraaT Treataseat.
Have you dandruff? Then you have
contagious parasite disease, unpleasant, un
healthy and one that will eventually lead
to baldness. To cure It you- must destroy
the parasite that eats at the root of the
hair. The only preparation for destroying
these germs Is Newbro's Herplclde. Charles
Klein of Laramie, Wyo., says: "Herplclde
allayed the Itching, cured the dandruff
and atopped my hair's falling out; and It
I. bringing a new crop of hair." Herplclde
I. free from grease or dangeroua druga,
and makes hair gloasy and soft ss silk.
One bottle will convince you of Its merits.
Send 10 cents in stamps for fres sample to
The Herplclde Co.. Detroit. Mich.
Bo Says Seaator Issstead of the Coaa
try la tbe Vlelalty of
"The rains have given corn a serious set
back, but have helped amall grain," aald
Senator Umatead of Fullerton, who Is In
the city on business. "Som. corn will hav.
to be replanted, but unles. the rains con
tinue ss bad as they have been .1 don't
look for much replanting. A great deal of
corn that otherwise would have been planted
ta not yet in the ground because of thla un
usual wet season snd that already In Is, of
course, retarded. However, the old saying
Is that a late spring brings a late fall, ao
we are not worrying yet over the con
ditions. Small grain looks well and if we
start In to worrying over the corn we
might juat as well rejoice over the small
Packers and Labor Leaders Hold Two Con
ference! Without Definite Eesu'ts
Details of Scale Not Given Oat, bat
They Are to Be Referred to
Council of talon Mea
Magic City Goaalp.
Dickey Bird Gun Clab.
The Dickey Bird Gun club will give a
shoot on its grounds, near Krug's pnrk, on
the afternoon of Decoration day, beginning
at 2 o'clock. There will be four events of
twenty-five targets each, with two prizes
up for each event.
Mr. Joseph Oberfelder snd son arrive.)
yesterdsy from Sidney, Neb., for a brl-f
visit In Omaha, which Is partially a busl-
ness errana.
George Nelson of Twenty-ninth and Du-
pont streets threw a line Into the forbidden
watera or Hanscom park lake yenterdnv
and was arrested by Officer EdgehlU for
fishing there.
Detectives Heltfeld and Donohoe made a
llttl rad yesterday on the home of John
D. Graham, a section foreman In the em
ploy of the Union Pacific, and as a result
the T'nlon Pacific has recovered about out)
pounds of brass which had been stolen from
George Crook post, Grand Army of the
Republic, and Woman's Relief corps No. 81
will give a reception to Department Com
mander Lee 8. Estelle and staff Wednes
day, June I, af8 p. m.. at Germanla hall,
Eighteenth and Harney streeta. All the
poat and corp. member, of the city and
South Omaha, and all old soldiers, Spanish
American veterans and Ladles of the Grand
Army of the Republic are invited to attend.
Briefs from the Coarts.
All of the courts will be closed Saturday
on account of Decoration day.
Cassle M. Payne waa granted divorce
from Guy W. Payne by Judge Day.
Judge Baxter has granted divorce to Bes
sie Peterson from Victor Peterson with
IjOO alimony, to be paid at the rate of 126
per month.
A divorce waa granted yesterday by
Judge Day, dissolving the marriage bond
between Herman Better and Klazina Bet
ter on the grounds of desertion.
Judge Estelle denied the writ of habeas
corpus asked by George Taylor to secure
the custody of his son, Raymond Taylor,
and the child Is to remain In charge of Its
mother, Gertie Tsylor.
The case of the state against A. V. Todd
waa continued until the next term of court,
the attorneys for the defendant having
withdrawn from the case, and counsel
having been appointed by the court for his
'Alice M. Okane sues Arthur Okane for
divorce, alleging desertion. Intoxication and
cruelty. She asks custody of a daughter,
Hasel. the restoration of her maiden name
and Jl.OoO alimony. The parties were mar
ried In Wahoo in 1887.
Two Conferences were held yesterday be
tween representative, of the South Omaha
packers and Second Vice President Vail
and his associates. At the forenoon con
ference, which lasted from 10 a. m. until
noon, little If anything wa. accomplished
toward a settlement of the existing differ
ences. In the afternoon there was a ses
sion lasting two and one-half hours. At
this conference the packers submitted to
Mr. Vail and ths other labor representa
tives a direct proposition on the scale of
wages. Just what this proposition was Is
not known to outsiders, as neither the pack
ers nor the labor representatlvea would
disclose the contents of the document. It
was agreed that the proposition be submit
ted at once to a special meeting of council i
No. 72 of the Amalgamated association.
This special meeting was held at
Koutsky's hall last night and lasted sev
eral hours. The result of the meeting will
be made known to the packers at a meeting
to be held at Armour's offices at 10 o'clock
this forenoon. There was nothing In the
proposition of the packers pertaining to
classification of labor, the point being a
revised wage scale.
Graduation Exercises.
The high school class of thirty-two pupils
graduated last night, the exercises being
held at the First Methodist Episcopal
church. Twenty-third and N streets. The.
inclement weather no doubt kept a great
many away who had secured tickets, but
even as it waa the church wa. well filled.
This year' the class 1. composed of eleven
young men and twenty-one young women.
The exercises opened with a selection
from an orchestra, followed by an Invoca
tion by Rev. George Van Winkle, pastor of
the Baptist church. A vocal Kilo, "The
Merry Brown Thrush." waa nicely ron
der.'d by Miss Grace K. Miller.
The address to the graduate, wa. de
livered by George H. MacAdam, president
of the Fort Worth university. While ths
address was quite lengthy It wa. attentively
listened to by all present and at It. con
clusion the speaker was loudly applauded.
"The Spring Has Come," a vocal solo, ren
dered by Miss Edith L. Dennis, certainly
deserved the applause It received.
Mr. Dana Morrill, president of tha Board
of Education, presented th. diploma, to
the graduates and the exercises cam. to a
closj with a selection by tha orchestra.
Following Is a list Of the graduates: Freda
J. Baumgarten, Charles C. Beavers, Paul
R. Birge, M. be! E. Cheek, Jesse M. Clarn,
Joseph M. fox, Minnie 8. Crosby, Iena A.
Dlckmun, Mary P. Fitzgerald, Annabelle
C. Graham. Maud K. Henry. Lillian O.
Kadavy, Mildred T. Levy, Rose E. Malone.
Grace E. Miller, Court R. Stanley, Mamie
Beal, Harold P. Bergrjulst. Ethel M. Breen.
Delia E. Clark. Hilda E. Condron, Ralph
E. Cressey,. Edith L. Dennis. Bertie M.
Ferguson. Bertha E. Freltag. Ralph C.
Gramlleh,, Elsie V. Hnsgland. Elisabeth J.
Kennelly, Antone L. Iitt, Charles C. Mil
ler, Msy R.'Shelany, Frank R. Voaarek.
First Anniversary.
Last nlht at Odd Fellows hall. Twenty
fourth and M streets. Magic City lodge
Modern Brotherhood of America, celebrated
Its first snnlversary by giving a social and
dance. T. B. Hsnley of Tipton, Is., su
preme president of the order, and a number
of other supreme officers, were present and
delivered brief addresses. Even though the
rain continued the members turned out In
full force snd the first anniversary celebra
tion was a most delightful affair.
School Teachers Paid.
Friday afternoon City Treasurer Howe
psld the public school teachers In cash. It
took Hhnut SC.OOO to go around. As soon as
the schools closed In the sfternoon the
tenchrs flocked to the treasurer's office
with their warrants and soon had the slips
of blue paper converted Into gold coin. Th
teachers are now free to go where thev
please (until September I. when the fnll
term opers.
Abandoned the Idea.
It wa. the Intention of ths Hospital ssao
clatlon to hav. the high school graduating
clahs repeat "The Rivals" at Workmnn
temple on Monday night, but yesterdsy the
Idea was abandoned. Members of the as
sociation say that owing to the miserable
weather and the short notice the hospital ,
would be taking too great a risk, as It re
quires an expenditure of about tinn to put
the plsy on. '
Borglars Waive Examination.
Chief of Police Brlggs returned at noon
yesterday from Talmage, where he went to
bring hack the thieves who broke Into
Hastings' hardwara store. The prisoners,
both about IS yesrs of age, gave the'r
ntmet as C. E. Coyle of Akron. O.. snd
Walter Jessup of Beatrice. When arrested
st Talmage the young men had In their
possession VA knives snd ' twentv-two
razors. The property wa. turned over to
the chief. Yesterday afternoon the prison
ers were arraigned In police court. Both
plcad-d not guilty and waived a prelimi
nary examination.
Magle City Gossip.
The deficit In hog receipt. I. now down to
The cltv office, will be closed all dar
Good boy. are wanted at The Bee offloa.
South Omaha, to carry paper..
Mrs. August Miller. Thlrtv-thlrd and l.
streets, Is reported to be quite sick.
There was another big run of hogs at the
yards yesterday. 10.800 being received.
Dr. L. G. Van Slyke Is quite sick ami la
said to be threatened with appendicitis.
Memorial day exercises will be held at
Laurel Hill cemetery at 10 o'clock thl. for.
noon. C. C. Smith, an evangelist, will speak at
the First Methodist Episcopal church Sun
day evening.
J. A. Mclntyra was at the exchange yes
terday not much the worse for his accident
of Thursday evening.
Members of the local Grand Army post
addressed the children st the various school
house, yesterday afternoon.
A meeting of the directors of the Com
mercial club hss been called for Monday
evening at the parlor, of the South Omaha
Hick Headache.
Watch for the first Indication of an at
tack and a. soon .. you feel It coming on
take three of Chamberlain'. Stomach and
Liver Tablet, and tbe attack may be
warded off. Mr. George E. Wright of New
London, New York, aay.: "For .ev.ral
years ray wife ws. troubled with what
physician, called sick headache of a very
severe character. Sh doctored with sev
eral eminent physicians and at a great ex
pense, only to grow worse until she wss
unable to do any kind of work. About a
year ago aha began taking Chamberlain a
Stomach and Liver Tablet, and today
weigh, more than she ever did before and
Is real well."
BUI. Aadlted and Librarians Given
Leave to Attend1 Niagara Fall.
At Its regular meeting last night, which
had an attendance of the full membership
despite the bad weather, the library bosrd
received the usual report of th. librarian,
audited bill, amounting to about 11. 3') and
gi anted leave of absence to ths librarian.
Mis. Tobltt, and to Miss Baumer, both of
whom will attend the meeting of librarians
st Niagara Falls.
Lake Manawa, tbe Dest of all resorts,
open, to the public today. Don't fall to
attsad tas opening.
sat. -fcans-i w , .. fcPrH-- . 'ssssajjn-'
ItlLLCR LIQUOR CO., KtHelilt Diilen u4 Suit Ajtiii. OMAHA. NED.