Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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The Omaha Daily Bee.
Dally Bee (without Sunday), one Year. -WW
i'ally Hee an, I S inday, Una ar
Illustrated Bee, On" Year
Sunday isrc, unc Year
Saturday He, One Year
Twentieth Century Farmer. One Yfar.
Dally Bre (without Sunday), per copy..
Daliy Hee (without Hunrtay), per
1 ml
lany e (inciumn nonuay). per w. v.
Hee (Inciuillnit Monday). per wetk.17c
v Ri itmr t-nnv 03
unday B-e. per copy 00 I
Lining l,&WiiMZn&'.mSS
week i"C
Jcmplalits of irregularities in oeiivery
thoul.l be addressed to City Circulation De
partment. OFFICES. -Omaha
The Bee Building.
South Omaha City ilail Building, Twen-ty-lifth
and M Streets. ,
Council Bluffs 10 IJearl Street
Chicago 164 1 Unity Building.
New York 23.'S Park Row Building.
Washington 60I Fourteenth Btreeu
Communlcatlona relating 1o news and edi
torial matter should be addressed: Omaha
Bee, Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, express or postal order.
payable to The Bee ruDiisninaj .i
Onlv Lrant iiimm acremed li. payment ol
payment of
Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted,
Brat or jseDrasaa, uouim .'J.."
Oorre B. Tsschuck, aecretaJT of Tna Be
Chihllkln r'nnmknv tttn OU1 Y iWOfH.
m.y that the actual number of full and
EvTSng and SuTtdiJ prtntJ'duHng th.
month of April, iua, tii u follows:
" I
I 8-J.600
.... aaMo
t aHO
IT fl....jirMO
' 91.4JMI
.- stto
a.. ltTiO
- . i .
SltM I
0 31,130
Less unsold and returned, coplaa.... 10,423
Net total sale..... 93B.83T
Net average sales 81,331
8ub!rtbel in my presence and sworn to
before me this 1st day of May, A. D. 103.
at. B. HUNUAl BJ,
(Seal.) Notary FubUo.
Remember the dead and extend a
helping hand to the living.
The Protestant Episcopal ctturch evi
dently believes there la something In a
name after all.
Memorial day la a thoroughly Ameri
can institution that yet commands re
spectful admiration all the world over,
i. - nM
rtnh. Bnain r.n.. rmrr,Kr
the American Memorial day as well u
we, I
It looks as It the Presbyteruna oar-
rowiy eacapea a wreaue witn tne ques-1
tkm whether the color line la drawn ln
Wnen President Roosevelt reaches
Cheyenne he will be acclaimed by the
Eagles and decorated with the order of
th royal bird.
Ia Ms triennial distribution of mu-
DldseJ appointments Mayor Moores has
discovered that there are a good many
more pegs than there are holes.
If the animal picnic of the Jacksonl-1
ans Is an Insurance policy for good
weather it should by all means be pulled
off at the earliest possible date.
Just wait till the honor men of our I
mllltarv academies are slanted ln the I
Philippine constabulary and thon the j
bad Filipinos will have to be good. I
Now If the police relief fund could
only suction off a few of the worn out
and disreputable members of the force
the whole police department would be
relieved. I
Havlng celebrated his two. hundred I
and fiftieth anniversary Father Knltfk-1
erhooker has a riarht to lnaulre of the
late Miss Brooklyn whether marriage
Is a failure.
lows prohibitionists hsve again gone
through the form of nominating candi-
dates for all the state offices to be filled
bued with almost as much self-sacri-
flclng courage as are Iowa democrats.
7AVn paJ.Vf ma Ka Hi.nln ln Vi.
John Bright must be turning In bis
rave at the SUggesUon Of Joseph
a protective tarm
may oecome necessary to safeguard
jtsnaan manuracrures againsi aestruc -
rive foreign competition ln their own
home markets.
When the governor of North Carolina
met the governor of South Carolina
they both exclaimed in one breath, "Let
us take a drink." When ex-Governor
Parage met Governor Mickey they ex
changed dry compliments and ordered
cigars and coffee for two at the capltol
pie stand.
When the democratic soothsayers ad
mlt that nothing short of a political
revolution will land them even Vithln
sight of s successful national campaicn
next vear the encouragement thv hold
r,i, fiiA i
......... . '
enougn to nil tne wencnes ror a accent
Tha countv at lust is derlvinir a rove -
nue from the office of clerk of the dia-
trict court. The Bee takes credit to
Itself for the. enactment of the law Hm-
iting the amount of fees subject to ab-
sorption by the clerk. The other re-
malnlng fee otTlcea ought also to be put
on a salary basis.
President Loubet will go to London in
July" to ' return the visit of King Ed
ward. Perhaps it is well the crowned
rulers of Kut ! not (nii to the
United (States often if a prompt return
visit is .equlred by royaj etlijuette or
President' Roisvelt would have time
for nothing else but leaving his cards
at lle ivalucca of tha kings.
MtmittlAL DAT,
The recurrence of Memorial day,
sacred to the memory of the defenders I
of the union. Invokes the gratitude and I
appeals to the love of country of all
loial Americans. Time has not lin-
... . . - ... I 1
palriMl the Significance O1 tniS Oay nor I
weakened the sentiment which It In-
spires. We think as affectionately and
as gratefully now as ever of the patrl-1
otic men who gave their lives for the
preservation of the government and we
" f
kn.i,,. e trlno- nn
noiu in nonor ana esteem uie Ttirruui
survived that mighty struggle and
are yet among us. The sacrifices they
made and the hardships and suffering
they endured are not forgotten and it is
sorrowfully realized that they are rap
idly passing away and not many, years
hence all will have gone to. the eternal
camping ground.
There was a time when the great
hPrt of the nation was Borrow -stirred
with a feeling of intense bereavement
with each recurrent day on which the
beautiful custom was exhibited that has
given to the anniversary the other and
scarcely less popular name Of Decora
tlon day. But that time has passed and
Memorial day is no longer an occasion
for the manifestation of Dublic erief.
Perhaps this is a source of sadness to
PTjT-bearded veterans who follow
thelr torn and battered flags through
,,fn 1Mr
and who feel more keenly with each
pagBlng ear that the rt, rovelHe l9
bP.Hna - for them. Tint with the irreat
,a it. i. t i I
, . ... , ..
, ..... ., .
the very splendor of the achievements
of the men they recall, the quality of
the manhood they exhibited, becomes
mora v npnr m mnrA ah tn i v nprrpivpn. i
... . . .. .,
mnrA thftmnirhlT nnnrpMiitPfl whon m
ho- iMMU vidiiti A r..r. Alof
--w " ' I
sorrow born of present grief and loss.
Therefore Memorial day is no longer
an occasion of sorrow, but rather one Ierior turning nuias ana otner ex
of joy in the recognition of the victory Ple aome section of the country,
0f those whose memory we cherish and
v- 1
Memorial rl.r ahonld he an tnsnlra-
Memorial aay anould De an lnsplra-
tlon to the best sentiments, particularly
such as tend to strengthen loyalty to
the government, natrlotism and a aense
of our duty as citizens of the greatest
of rerrabllcfl. I
The most important anestion before
the DeoDle of the state of New York,
wwh i. Hfir, -r
election, la that of canal imorovement
" 1 I
It la the nromlnent lasne in the earn-
Daiim and both aides to the controversy
manifesting great earnestness and I
I . M. . . .
eai. xne aavocaies ox canai improve
ment urge that It la absolutely neces-
gary to the maintenance of the com
merclal gtrpremacy of New York
flltv and th anrnmmti thpv nrpaent
are certainly forceful. On the other
v. ,Tt v. , k- J
hand It Is nrged that It would be a
waste of money to Improve the canala
o as to merely allow the passage
through them of 1,000-ton barges and
that the proper policy Is to construct a
ship canal between the great lakes and
tidewater. Opposition to the improve-
ment proposed by the last legislature
appears to be pretty general ln the rural
communities and It Is very likely being
encouraged by the railroads, which of
00 ur89 do not want canal competition
Thtm Is unquestionably a great deal
at stake, so far as New York City is
concerned, ln this question, but the op-
position to the projected improvement
developing such strength as to render
doubtful the success of the scheme. It
Is a matter of some Interest to the pro-
ducers snd shippers of the west
According to the New York Times,
which has apparently become an organ
of the combinations, one cause of dls-
satisfaction with the president grows
out of the merger suit and kindred pro-
ceedlnes. That naDer aava that the
president and the attorney general "In
attempting to enforce s very defective
statute, which by the Interpretations of
the courts has been made utterly un-
reasonable, have set themselves the
task of reversing a modern business
""-ipoucy ana custom universally practiced
and observed in all countries .of rreat
. . . . .
business sctivity and interests." In the
onlnlon of this chamnion of mononolv
I ' ' '
execuUve pollcy( .'logically carried
Lnt to the end. would dtmv an,., nf
out to the end. would destroy some of
sreatest business interests of the
lj and brlng 0n panic and disss
I er
This voices the view which the com
blnatlon magnates take of the act Jon of
the president in enforcing the laws, but
every fairly Intelligent person must see
tnat tnere is no suostantiai ground ior
It Th. ,wi.n l , .f
... ......
rrauueu. iu oo .ujury to iuobb concerneu
ana us ararmauon oy tne supreme court
or tne mitea etates win wors narm to
no one having a legitimate interest in
the corporations embraced ln the mer-
ger. inose great properties nave not
been lessetml in value to the slightest
del8.l0a d to the
ul"rr' "rlr Irr uas noi
been dlml"'8bed and in no respect hns
their worth been impaired. They are
servlnar the nubile aa thev did hafnro
I " . ... . . .
the merger ,nd wlI! nue to do so
it in uet isiuii is eustBineu. i ne vnai
1 Pmt la tnat tne decision put an end, so
,onK " lt mains in force, of a railroad
monopoly which could not In the nature
of tnlu to the Public Interest. The
8"me ' true of tbe lon against the
Bwr Comtne. tor wh tDt h not
nad tbe effe't ,n 1,1 respects hoped for,
J there is very good reason to believe
that it has prevented higher prices for
I meats, since it was undoubtedly the pur-
- 1 pose of the combine to still further ad-
I vance prices.
I Th" rUsRatiitsetinn with Prccldect
I Roosevelt is felt only by the promoters
I of monopoly and those who sympathize
1 with them. The railroad and other cor
I poraticn " magnalea, ' whose unlawful
Iscbemeg against - the Interests of
the public the president and the I
attorney general nave inienerea i
with, are very naturally dissatisfied. I
Not so, however, the people In whose I
behalf Mr. Roosevelt has acted- They
are very well satisfied with what has
I Ml . 1 lt.,t
own uuue iuu iduuucuuj KAycr-i, iuoi
the president will adhere to the policy I
or requiring an corporations engagea in
interstate commerce to comply with the I
laws. There is not the least danger
that this policy will destroy any Iegltt-
"" .....v. . .
panic and disaster.
The controversy over the appointment
of the chief state oil inspector, the
charge that Governor Mickey's choice
was influenced by the Standard Oil
trust, the counter charge that money I
had bi,ea offered as an inducement to
"puinuiiuui i
InePector Hyes, and the explosive In-
lerview uciweea iormer ooveiuur ouv-
Bge ana Pacn. uovernor Micney em-
I 1 t . 1
P"' imperative necessity ior u
more emcient inspection 01 liiuminaung
0118 ,nd "Plosives generally.
Whether Mr. Hayes sought to secure
nls reappointment Dy improper means
or not he ,a entnied to great credit for
nJs "ucceseful effort to secure a higher
petroleum test by an amendment of the
oil inspecUon law. Every effort to get
....t 1 ... A. A. 1 V. A 1
BULU "u aluellumful mrougu Buucuiuis
legislatures -wlUiln the past ten or
twelve years nag Deen tnwanea i.y xne
concerns interested in dumping low
grade oils unon the Deople of Nebraska. I
If by raisins the standard the life of I
11 f raising tne stanuara tne ure or
u Vl umu u..
Baveu or one awemng nouse
or HtnrA nna onranan nMrrnri nn v nro. i
- - '
euuueu w iue gruAiiuuc-
all right thinking people. A day
i . . ... . - ' I
f!8W8" e press uoea no,
ronlcle frightful accidents from in-
and most nstances deadly accidents
are jusxiy cnargeame to criminal negn-1
ence on toe Par of Stete and municipal
"ues in me inspecnon oi wese
Mplol!l or ln Permitting them to be
Blorea aangerousiy large quanuues
witbont the essentiai precauUona.
Wbtever gins of omission or com
mission are to do charged against tne
late legislature, the raising of the stand
rd of oU lnspertin is greatly to its
r311 - am lawB ao not execute inern-
selves, their wholesomeness and effl-
" npon the offl-
cer? cuargeu wiin weir eniorcemenu
UnIeM too state oil inspectors rigidly
enfo h Provlsionsof the law the
people of Nebraska, will have no better
protection than they bad nnder the old
law that wag virtually a dead letter by
reason of the low standard which It
established and the low grade tests
M" ouerea n ""guaras
Strnctive accidents.
The Colorado State Board of Equali
sation has been bard at work for the
past two weeks on the appraisement of
the tangible property of the railroads
and will , not complete its arduous task
until the. middle of June.
Unlike the
0,' board, which is content with
copying the assessment of last year and
trimming me ugures up ana aown tne
scale so as not 'to hurt the feelings .of
the railroad managers, the Colorado
board delves into the particulars re-
garuing uie vaiue oi uie ngnt oi way,
roadbed, , depot buildings, depot grounds I
and Improvements st each atatiov as
well as the rolling stock and other con
stituents that go to make up the equip
ment of a railroad. Whether the Colo
rado board will Include ln Its final as
sessment the full Value Of the railroad
franchises has not yet transpired. It la
Interesting to note, however, that the
railroad tax agents ln Colorado are
pointing backward to Nebraska as an
y tn nrmA mnA th v
example for Colorado, and the Ne-
Drasita preceaent may anora an excuse
for the Colorado boards, if its members
ar BuWeCt corPoratlon wndiBl
With the passing of the Omaha labor
trouble the power canal promoters are defending forms of procedure at the ex
again pressing to the front with "sure pause of substantial Justice. , It really seems
tnlnlf.. Drolects that are already financed
., .,i . ki BnHv nnomtinni
" .?! . J! 5"L!? . " -
proviuiug ujb iruuiuitrre inu bcvuio a
guaranty of 6.000-horse . power
I j u
at flled rates for a number of years But
XWI ! W? ! . I . "
a large number of people in Omaha hail
from Missouri. They have been con-
fidenced many times and have naturally
K..m ln,.r,,lr.. .nri will tk nn
, ,, , ,
stock in any more rushlight promises
whether they emanate from Columbus,
irten)ont or the New Omaha Thomson-
u.,,..n lH.w,trlf T.VhHnir mmmnv If
I Omaha la to have a choke between
0maba 18 t0 taVe .Ch0,C.e betWeen
nva! power canal projects It Will ex-
erclge business sense in giving
preference to the concern that will fur
iah -honnoat fnm th nnlnt
nearegt Omaha rather than the most
dl8tant and most expeneive,
John Burroughs, the famous natural -
tat who awoanled Roose -
veil aunng nis jaum mio xeuowaione
park, has given bis impression of the
man ln the following words: "Mr.
I T.0if i. .. -t, mr,A
-- -
me ln everything he does as anyone can
be. Those M ho Delleve He IS posing are
mistaken. lie likes to bunt big game.
h nAun't mivh fnr K.hlmr r
,, " .
shooting small game with a shotgun.
and that is thoroughly characteristic of
the man. It is the great problems, the
work of th nrealdpncv. thnt ha n.
, . , , .1
joys, and not the fame and applause be
rei-eives. ai a ciose-up pen picture
this should be Interesting to those who I of a Jury, the verdict shall not be Invall
can .look at the president only from a te& because of any Informality In the
long distance perspective.
According to Lawyer Erccn, Omaha
has had a niowt miraculous escape. If
his version of the tinkered charter is
correct this city has been more than one
month without a government, and there
Is no telling what might hsve happened
if that profound set-ret had been dl-
vuigea Deore siayor .noores assumea
his third term functions and the new
council made Itself comfortable In its
aldernianlc seats. Hut what of the late
lamented delegation from Douglas
Mnntw W . I . .
ivuuy, mm jmk uunun iu uvu nniui
danger Dy Ill-advised and bnngling legis
lauonr ioes u not prove conclusively
that the antl-macblnlsts are totally unfit
to be machinists?
E. Gerry Brown, one of the populist
national committeemen from Massachu
setts, has followed the example of
Elmer E. Thomas of Omaha with a
glowing prospectus of the impending
populist uprising In New England and
especially in the Old Bay state. If the
Massachusetts upheaval Is a reflex of
the spontaneous , populist outburst in
Omaha so vividly portrayed by Apostle
iuomus, we nave a scienune expiana
tlon of the earthquakes in Minor Asia
tnat nave swallowed up towns, villages
and people promiscuously without prevl
ous announcement.
The establishment of a permanent
teachers list has relieved the pressure
on the school board for the annual elec
tlon of teachers. The board must see to
it that no incompetent, teacher be per-
mitted to load down the permanent list
The weeding-out ' process must take
1.1 M . . . .... . .
pmce Deiore a ciaim is esiamisnea to
a perpetual job.
Giving- Keishbora Skow.
St Louis aiobe-Democrat.
can afforo- to endorse the admlnlstra-
rf Roo8eveIt It hM 1U
ahar of th, offlce, Hght alonf
in. ww AAt
rvrau aavrwasa
ueiroit Free Tres.
Many ft poHUcian couia learn a useful
leaaon from TTnnl. Morlr lon... In . V .
- - - - --------
One Specialty Retired.
Indianapolis News.
The withdrawal of Senator Hanna's op-
con m enaorsement or President
""" " ne umo convention of
one of its moat pictureaaue featurea. hut
no ,joubt ,omethlns wll, b- .uppHed ,u
place. The Ohio republicans are always
Not aa New aa It Looks.
New Tork World.
When the New York City government
was founded, 250 yeara ago, there waa no
united Kingdom, no German empire, no
Kingaom or iTTiasie, no Austrian empire.
no wngdom of iuiy, no French republic
Tet the " "7
inn Tift Rllaalun ManUal . Oi. Ti i
Pamtshmeat Fits the Crime.
Portland Oregbnlan.
One of the fruits of the error made at
Chicago in 1896 Is to close the door now
against the democratic ' party ln Its ambi
tion to gain the support of the business
world against RoosevellBm. , But for that
supreme act of folly the,' country's wealth
lu tZu-at S 'T'
" lh aUerBtlv?. o.t ntl-trust warfare
under Roosevelt. , But JLhat act stands and
Its bearing is concuslvv' And the punish-.
mem nta tne crime.
Crowding; th Da.ogr Liae.
Philadelphia Record."
Because of tha high prices of living the
worklngmen of the country Insist with force
that wagea ahouid be advanced. If the
;h by ie of output
equivalent to increased pay a general ben
ant may result, but if the added wage
mu8t be added to the price of the product
Jn"' .Z T n , . V.X"
norta will cabjia ind imnorti 1 nrra na Than
the danger Una will have been reached
Prices, wages, production and prosperity
win K down together, and the alow
processes of repair and recuperation will
begin again.
Sticklers for Techaleal Acenraey Play
iato tho Hssii of criminals,
et Paul Pioneer Press.
The recent action of the supreme court
of MlMOUrt nullifying, on a slender tech-
nlcaUty, the sentences of two of the Bt.
I0U corruptlonlsUi and remanolnE
cases for . retrial although at the same
time the Indictments were , sustained and
a decision rendered, concerning the adrais
slbillty of certain evidence, which will be
of great value ln other cases invites re-
whJcn Xmerlc4Il h.bltualy ,in
aa if the courts had come, by general eon-
", " iuumuii " im important
calderatlon is. not that the verdict should
be a Just one, but that It shall be reached
I only by a certain predetermined path. And
I thi na t h la tut nflrrnvtvl hv nil a nnA rrmrAm-
dent and B0 beclude b' the ' lu
clml analyses, that the earneat prose-
cutor eaKer tor the enforcement of the law
according to its spirit, and the conscientious
trial judge, anxious to perform his duty
f tn community, find It almost impose!
ble to walk therein. Tempted every now
and then t0 pUnt thelr feet on th, broa(1
around of common sense outside the lines.
they continually find their work undone, as
such steps are condemned by obstruction
I " ........ u,
the hundred go free, counties are burdened
by repeated trials, and Justice Is made
laughing stock.
It la not to 4e thought, of course, that
these sticklers for technical accuracy In
Judicial procedures are intentionally the
enemies of Justice. On the contrary they
no doubt lament as sincerely as do their
nonlegal fellow citizens the failure of the
1 law to et l TriP on very evil-doer.
1 pj,a, higher than the spirit
I U. V. . Amm f wmm-mrA "(h. am.
ne, th, tempie." in not a few Instances,
too, they are hampered, or imagine them
selves hampered. In any tendency toward
the exaiuuon of common sense over teen
nicaiities. by the provisions of codes of
procedure. .ither statutory or the creation
of the courts themselves.
Inasmuch as the plain purposes of all
cnminu law are sei m uus.n-.u irr
quently as to favor the popular belief that
tnU ,n a mkJrity ot ces-by this
excessive regard for legal technicalities,
I might It not be well for state legislatures
to add one more to the list ef rules pro-
vlded for the government of courts of ap-
ruU w "lcn ,niUJ provld, that wher.
substantial Justice is done in the verdict
inoicuueiii ur pimtuiueo, v, ' uinidwum
of any evidence which, however Improper,
would not materially affect the decision, or
by any error of the Judge ln Instructing the
Jury. Such a rule would be a long step
toward a restoration of the true dignity of
lawa dignity which lorn when' defended
by aa a battle of technicalities, but which
J exalted by simplicity of procedure and
I certainty of application,
rteec of Tolltlcal Sharp Practice tkat
Dial Not Pan Oo.
Chicago Tribune.
There has been a complete understanding
between Senator Hanna and President
Roosevelt for alx months and perhaps for
a longer time as rrgards the nomination of
the president in 1904. Senator Hanna has
said positively over and over again that he
would not be a candidate and that he
should be glad to give hla support to the
president. Under the circumstances. It was
little like sharp practice for some Ohio
politicians to attempt to force the senator's
hand and compel a demand for the nomina
tion of the president by the next atate con
vention. There is no reason why his nom
ination should not be recommended by the
convention, and on the other hand there
waa no particular reason why an attempt
should be made to put Senator Hanna In a
corner and cast an Imputation upon hla
good faith. The failure to agree to a reso
lution favoring the president's renomlna
tlon after It waa once proposed would be
taken by aome to signify that Senator
Hanna might withdraw his support from
the president at the last moment.
The discussion has theoretical rather than
practical value. It is evident the people of
Ohio themselves want Mr. Roosevelt to be
nominated and are heartily in favor of the
resolution to that effect which la to be
adopted. In view of the faot that a num
ber of auch resolutions have already been
passed and that others will go through
state conventions aa fast aa they assemble,
here la no reason why Ohio at this time
should fall to join ln the hallelujah chorus.
One thing may now definitely be pre
dicted. It la that the republican conven
tion of 1904 will be, so far aa the presiden
tial nomination Is concerned, as tame and
spiritless aa that of Philadelphia in 1S00.
President Roosevelt will be nominated by
acclamation. He has no enemies ln the re
publican party outside of Wall street. There
may be a little ripple of excitement In con
nection with the vice presidential nomina
tion, but even In that respect there will be
nothing like the tumult occasioned by the
enforced candidacy of Mr. Roosevelt and
his nomination In spite of himself by some
or mose who thought they were doing him
an HI turn when they put him on the ticket
next to McKlnley. However, the vice presl-
oency win not thla time be pressed upon
any unwilling or reluctant candidate. In
all probability the nominee will be aareed
on montha ln advance of the meeting of the
The platform, too, will occasion no dia
senslon nor serious debate, either on the
iarin or any other question. It will h.
framed In committee and passed under the
previous question without debate. There
is suDStanual harmony between tha advo
cates or the "Iowa idea" and those of th.
Pennsylvania idea," and nobodv win dt..
turo it.
There will be no malcontenta In th mn.
vention from any quarter, ao far aa it la
possible to 'Judge at the present time. The
convention will be almost equal in point of
harmony to the one which nominated Grant
ior xne second time In 1872. Rino. ,.
mere naa Deen no republican national
. OM
muon quite ao uneventful until tw .
Senator Quay announces one mnr h.
una is nis rareweil engagement
A . . . m
mucess oi renovatlmr mnmmu. ,
chemical process Is Interesting ta
If the democraUo party managers will get
tbe recipe they need not despair at finding
An alderman In a Colorado tn,n ...
noon ostraciaea Dy his fellows for barter.
ing ma vote for $30 and a railroad pass.
-"p men aeserve the scorn of hlgh-
uuuuea associates.
President Roosevelt may -claim th. At..
unction or being a genuine stumn nw
xa me state or Washington ha mounted
stump measuring eleven feet in diameter
ana maae a characteristic speech.
The governor of Massachusetts reoentlv
said tho legislature is Ilka a man -whn
puts his bead through a oanvas and permits
any one to tnrow eggs at him for a small
consideration, and now the legislature Is
accusing toe governor of making a foul
New Tork state will Impose a direct tax
this year of 13-100 of a mill, the money to
bo used to meet the Interest and sinking
fund charges of the canal bonds. This
had to be levied under a constitutional
requirement. In 1906 an amendment to the
constitution will permit tho paymeht of this
tax from the general fund, and then there
win be no direct tax for ordinary expenses.
Governor Bailey of Kansas has checked
an unsolicited congressional boom started
in nis behalf by some friends. He said to
them: "I am trying to be a good governor
and If I succeed I shall bo satisfied." He
was reminded that his term would be con
cluded when the legislature came to choose
a suocessor to United Statea Senator Bur
ton. "Oh. well," said he, "of course
shouldn't throw a thing of that kind over
my shoulder."
A new candidate for the democratic nomi
nation for the presidency is presented In
the list of entries edited at Lincoln. He is
James R. Williams of Carml, 111.. He repre
sented one of the Illinois districts In the
last congress and was re-elected to the
present congress despite an unfavorable
apportionment. He waa formerly a county
Judge, has served several terms In congress
and lt Is said that "there Is none of the
aristocrat In his make-up."
Governor Jeff Davis of Arkansas Is throw
ing another fit and snorting defiance to all
mankind. He declares ln the peroration of
some remarks in kind that: "I would want
my children to forget my memory, and my
body buried ln. the rude, rough sands of
the sea" should he ever take water. The
constitutional provision against "cruel and
unusual punishment" should be brought
Into action If any barbarian tries the water
cure on Jeff. Let him take hla liquor
straight, even though lt burns from gullet
to gizzard.
The rural schools of New Tork sverage
twenty-seven pupils each. In each of 1.628
schools there are ten or less. ,
Chancellor N. Bertels of Wllkesbarre has
received sn appointment to a high place In
the government schools of Japan.
Prof. Bullock, professor of political
science at Williams college, has received a
call to become assistant professor of polit
ical economy at Harvard.
Fred W. Atkinson, the former superin
tendent of education In the Philippines,
has Just 'been elected superintendent of
schools at Newton, Mass.
Miss Hannah Clark, dean of women at
Knox college, Illinois, has tendered her
resignation, to take effect at the close of
the college year, and will spend next year
ln European travel and study.
Samuel Ctipples, the Bt. Louis millionaire,
who has Just sailed for Europe, states that
ui-on his return he Intends to enlarge the
WashlngtiQ university and make It the
largest school ot engineering and techno
logy In the world.
The educational test of Immigrants shows
illiteracy among the Scotch, Swedes and
Norwegians to be 1 per cent; among the
English. Klnna and Moravians, 2 per cent;
German, Swiss and French, i oer cent;
Japanese, 5 per cent, and Dutch. S per rent.
The range of Illiteracy among those coming
from southern Europe Is from 12 per cent,
among the Magyars, ts S) per cent among
tat Italians.
The Paris correspondent of tha London
Times directs attention to the tact that
since King Edward a visit to the French
capital, such prominent members of the
French Senate aa Messrs. Waldeck-Rous-
seau, Magntn, DecraJs and Baron oe Cour
ecl have given in their adhesion to the par
liamentary group whose object It la to pro
mote international arbitration. This group,
which has representatives In both cham
bers, is said to be anxious to establish re
lationship with a similar group of British
legislators at Westminster, it would be
difficult to exaggerate the political Import
ance of a cordial co-operation between two,
auch bodies ln any case In which on na
tion felt itself aggrieved by tee other. Tha
Baron do Courcel, one of the French dele
gates at Tho Hague conference, la ono ot
the most earnest and active promoters cf
this scheme. Tho correspondent remarks
that It Is not difficult to understand why
the Foreign offices of the great powers fre
quently exhibit an unwillingness to refer
questions to The Hague tribunal, auch a
reference amounting almost to an admission
of their own useiessness, or at least of tha
superfluity of much of the red tape with
which negotiations are now entangled.
Tho abnormal number of parties and
"groups" destroy alt' very keen Interest In
the coming elections ot members of. tho
Reichstag. In tho last session there were
but 197 members, and only one party, tha
clericals, boasted of a representation of 100.
Tho strength Of the Varloua factions waa
about as follows: Clericals, 106; conserva
tives (Including 20 free conservatives), 72.
social democrats, 68; national liberals, 61;
radical left, 34 (Including 7 South German
representatives); unattached, 26; moderate
radicals,' 14; Polea, 14; anti-Semites, 10, and
representatives of Alsace-Lorraine, 10. The
agrarians kava already begun a house-to-house
canvaas and the social democrats
are prophesying great gains for their group,
which prophecies are likely to be fulfilled.
The last Reichstag did not greatly dis
tinguish Itself. It passed a new army bill
and the very Important navy bill. The task
of reforming the Imperial finances and ob
viating the recurrence ot serious deficits
was evaded. The worklngmen's insurance
lews were revised, steps were taken toward
controlling child labor, many laws dealing
with hygiene were pasaed and the great
civil code for the empire was sanctioned.
mm r
Should the worst happen In Albania, com
petent experts assert that tha fighting
strength of the Albanians, tho staying
power of the people, has been greatly un
derestimated. Not only are tbey a nation
of born fighters that can pat In tho field
at short notice from 60,000 to 100,000 men.
but slight success would augment this force
easily to 900,000. It la not a fact that they
have no money. According to those that
know tho country, among the Albanians
there are no poor and the nobles are nearly
all of them very rich. Moreover, tho coun
try is self-supporting In the matter of for
age and supplies. Turkey has tho advan
tage of a regular army which is wet or
ganized, but tho country will bo a most
difficult ono . to fight ln. In the military
district of which Albania is a part the
standing army constats of 144 battalions of
Infantry with a total of 116.000 men, together
with a division of cavalry of 6,000 men,
forty-eight batteries of artillery of six guns
each, ten mountain and six howitser. bat
teries, also of six guns each. This Is the
force now at hand for. subduing the Alban
ians, prerervlng order among the Mace
donians aid watching some 100 miles of
Bulgarian frontier.- For opera tlona against
the Albanians alone there are now at hand
seventy-twos battalians of Infantry of- 800
men each, sixteen batteries and about 1,000
cavalry-,,At least thirty of th :ba,tta.lons
and ten of the batteries are neeaea ior
garrison duty, leaving only about 32,000 in
fantry and alx batteries for field service
should occasion for . auch aervlce arise.
However, Turkey of late has been bringing
over a good many troops from Asia and
will doubtlese continue to do so.
This Emperor William has won. golden
opinions from all classes ln Rome by a
simple act of courtesy, which shows that
ho knows his Rome well. Italians, and es
peclally Romans, have a kind of cult for
Queen Marghertta. Her beauty, her mis
fortunes and now her simple life as Queen
dowager have made her sacred to them,
The kaiser, to show his appreciation of her
qualities and his respect for the widow of
his firm friend, Humbert, went personally
ln state, escorted by cuirassiers, and '.eft
his card on all her ladles ln waiting. Many
are known to him, others are not, but the
carda were left without distinction. No
sovereign going to Rome has ever done
such a thing, and lt has produced quite
sensation. Tho ladles are tho Princess Ve-
nosa, a Tuscan, who has made herself
known by her love for flowers, her house
being always a bower; Princess Dorla, who
is a elster of the duke of Newcastle;
Prlnceea Sonnino, who exercises a fasclna
tion on everyone who approaches her, and
the duchess of Sermoneta, who Is also an
Engllxhwoman. nee Wllbraham. Queen
Helena's ladlea are said to be rather Jealous
of tho distinction conferred upon those of
Queen Margherita, aa there is a species of
rivalry between the two groups, which their
mistresses have not been able to disguise.
The arrangements which are being mads
by the French Ministry of Marine at Brest
for the most extraordinary naval test of
modern times are as follows: Early In
June one of the turrets of the battleship
Suffren is to be fired at by a gun of
Massena. The idea is not to see whether
the plates can be penetrated, but whether
the turret will remain In working order
after the impact. -The shot will be sent
at a distance of 400 meters, or 436 yards,
and will be fired from one of the new
twelve-inch guns. During the experiment
the men of Suffren will remain at the
batteries, aa In an actual engagement,
while the officers will take up positions
best calculated to give them observations
on the results of the shot. Suffren 1
a turret barbette ship of 13.052 tona dis
placement and waa launched In 109.
According to the Official Messenger of
St. Petersburg, more than 2,000,000 Russian
peasants have migrated from European
Russia to Siberia In the last ten yeara,
and of this number 00.000 have settled on
land belonsine- to the state. Since January
1 last 80.500 have migrated, and between
April 4 and April 20 the number rose to
13.02a, From Its report of the bureau of
education It Is learned that in all Siberia
there are only 184 elementary schools, and,
from the statistics of tho synod, that there
are only 201 churches In the same territory.
The Official Messenger adds that at least
300 churches and 1.100 schools are needed
for Immediate use.
Trying; to foir Too Much.
Indlanspolls Journal.
It seems that when Prof. E. Benjamin
Andrews became a free sllverlte and a fol
lower of Bryan he was misled by a certain
geologist, who asserted that the world's
supply of gold would soon be exhausted.
Mr. Andrews ought to have learned early
in his professional experience that it takes
more than one scientific man to cover the
earth. This primary bit of Information
would have saved him much embarrass
ment. I'olltlcal Palp.
Washington Post.
Mr. Bryan, in his selection of suitable
presidential candidates, has Introduced us
to a nice collection of respectable gentle
men who have never occasioned offense by
their couvkiiona or expressions.
Fif'y Years tha Standard
(f)'- yl
Awardad Honors World's Fair
Highest titts U.S. Gov't Chomistt
aiiOB sakin eewotM Co, '
FAI.SK alarm.
Some Hot Air Released as an Eser
rlso for l.wnga.
Cincinnati Commercial! Tribtm. '
While the honest farmer of the boundless
west is teetotally und absolutely ruined by
reason of the failure of his crops, his cry
for help to harvest the remainder goes up
continuously and persistently. The, one
wail of the western press is the scarcity ot
farm hands, and lt Is not to be charged to
the fascinations of city life for the boys of
the honest farmer who are wearing .out
their lives in the cities and asstnttng in
producing a hot tlmo in the old town not
on any particular night, but lust tonight, "
to be repeated tomorrow night. Not all the
boya of the honest farmer drift to the cities.
AH that is necessary to do In ordr to rjrliig
a crowd to a political meeting, or to the
polls, is to shake tho bushes ,nnd the en
suing crop of farmers and farmers' "boys
may not bo ao large as the farmers' crops,
but It Is sufficiently large and sufficiently
husky to demonstrate that the country still
has Its charms and its inhabitants. But
tho farmer continues to cry for help to aid
him ln gathering in hla golden harvests,
and he la beginning his cry this year some
what earlier for tha reason that his crops
being Immense hla ruin Is all the greater.
Hla yield and hla harvests will bo record
breakers notwithstanding the frosts and
the weevil and the cutworms and the thou
sand ilia to which farmers' crops ars sub
ject. His acreage is greater than any
prevloua year, and nothing so completely
shows the favorable outlook aa tbe western
farmers Incessant cry for help when the
day comes for the reaping and tha binding.
The dwellers In the cities listen to his cries
complacently. They know the farmer has
a habit of lighting on hla feet and ao do
the foreign markets know It, and they are
ready, to aid ln making the . American
farmer the greatest arporter of therp all.
Evidently a blessing has fallen oa tho
fruits of tho earth and if tho Jeremiad of
the honest farmer soothes hla feelings aa
he appreclatea the harvests in store for
him, let him proceed. He is shrewd among
the shrewd and sliok among the slick, but
the public Is onto his tricks and his turns
and takea them at their Irao value and not
a cent ln advance. There Is no other out- -look
at present than tho outlook of pros
perity in thla the most favored of nations.
"Chicago has a strike in her biggest bak
ery." "I'll bet a cookie that means a shortage
In dough on both sides." Cleveland Plain
"The professional llatterar is ail rlrht "
said the ufilce philosopher. "While no one
believes a word lie siiys every one wants
to. " Philadelphia Ledger.
First Lawyer The Judge seems quite
aweet on the widow.
Second Lawyer What you might call '
"legal tender." Princeton Tiger.
"And how waa victory won?" '
"Oh, easily enough. The enemy's lnfan-'
try couldn't Htund Hguluyi tne cOrfis
our automobiles." Chicago Post.
"It always Jars me." aatd I'ncle Eben, ,
"to hyuh de man dat nebber cuts his grass I '
at all oiinplainin' 'bout ue noise or some-
body else's lawn mower." Washington
Star. .A
''Wiggins," said his enmpagnon de voy
age, lapping on his stalerumn door late
In thb morning or the sweond day st sea,
"it's time to turn out."
"That's what I've been doing" replied a
feeble voice inside. Chicago Tribune. . '
"I see there is a strong prospect of a
Shakespeare revival."
"Yea, I noticed there are three brands of
whisky named after him and four kinds of
cheap cigars." Cleveland Plain Dealer.
"Well." said the New Yorker, tauntingly,'
"you dun't see any grass growing In our
streets." J :
"That's so," replied the . Phlladelphlan;
"clever scheme of youis."
What's that?"
"To keep tearing your streets up so the
grass can't grow. Philadelphia Press. .
Tr-r-um. tr-r-um, tr-r-um-a-dum dum,
With a martial band the veterans come;
Tr-r-um-dum teedle-e dum deedle de.
They follow the Hag, the flag of the free.
Their Mood Hows warm and their eyes are
bright, "
Thev think of the camp und the march and
' the light.
Tee-e dum teedle-um teedle tim-a-dum dum.
They step to the sound of the fife and the
( '.
With memory's thrill from the top to tho
They're sniffing the smoke and facing the
Tee-edle ump-dum teedle um-a-dtim,
Teedle-um teedle-um teedle-e teedle-um.
Hush! hush! a comrade lies here,' : ,
Now the funeral song and the prayer Sin
cere; ' -
And on tha green mound of the soldier's
tomb , '
The children lay tribute of fresh leaf and
The bugle breathes soft to the veteran's
And brave hearts are tender, and eyes fill
with tears.
What a flood does memory bring from the '
With the thoughts of the day "this may
be my laat."
tub ramc n tvunwNa
si s pea is
as Ottlits
its cxcellsscs
rssrsstM ef
Jefferso n
No, 1743
blsat pen;
Try it.
varieties of
to suit
is a large,
not stub.
Over 150
other styles
very pur
poses All
have 1 thca. .
Accept no
.Tne esTemooK Srca pen Ca
IWaCassILl MMslas-APLl.
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