TIIE ftMXTTA DAILY BET?; RAT UUP AT, MAY 30, 1003. RIVERS FLOOD LOWLANDS De-trio Light riant at Beatrice ii Forced to Close Down. TRAINS ON MANY LINES UNABLE TO MOVE torn Live Stork Drowned and Larae Amount of I)nii Done to Uroirliig Crop aad Farm I'roperty. BEATRICE, Neb., May 2.-(Speclal Tel egram.) Many families In Ihe lowland were driven Uom th;lr home today by the llnoUs. The river has ritieu three feel dur ing the last ten hours and shortly alter 1 p. m. water broke over Court street, flooding the west side of llie city for sev eral blocks west of the Court street brUt;. At 2 p. m. the electric .light plant was forced to close down, but the water works plant Is still safe and It will require a four-foot rise to reach the tiro boxes. The llurllngton track Is under wuter In the north part of town, but trains on this line ran as usual today. The Union Pad he has abandoned the running of trains to tills city on Us line. Reports from outlying districts are to the effect that everything Is flooded. Sev eral head of fat cattle were carried down the river today and the loss to stock and property, It Is feared, will be immense. It Is raining here tonight and the river is rising at the rate of four Inches per hour. So far no fatalities have occurred. The situation Is appalling. The people In the towns of Ilolmesvllle and Burneston have not had any mull since last Monday. Notwithstanding the river Is now from a half mile to three miles wide. It rose ten inches this evening in an hour and a quarter. The property loss will be enormous In this county alone. I'eople living In the .submerged sections In many Instances have lost everything. Abandon the Lowlands. HEBTtON. Neb., May a. (Special.) Rain began falling yesterday noon and continued all night, causing the creeks in this vicinity to be out of their banks. All dungei' of flood Is pant and the people In south and west sides have moved In. Tr.e llock Island had no trains running through here since Monday. The total rainfall for the month has been twelve Inches. FAIRBL'RY. Neb.,' May 29.-(8pecial.) The rainfall during the last eighteen hours has amounted to 2.25 Inches, making a total ; of over 9 Inches this month. The river is again overflowing the bottom lands The St. Joseph & Grand Island track west will be repaired so that train service will be resumed tonight. All county bridges over the river are reported badly damaged except one of the Falrbury bridges. FAF1LLION, Neb., May 29. (Special.) The floods of last week have about receded and as one looks over the fields and pas tures in the lowlands he sees a pitiable sight. Pastures covered with mud nearly a foot deep and acres of farm land stand' lug ' under water ' which cannot be used again this summer. The farmers are be kind in their corn planting and some al ready planted will have to be gone over again. Oats are looking line. It has rained here every night since week ago last' Wednesday and Papillion has beeu flooded three times. A heavy shower fell last night. Many People Homeless. LINCOLN, May 28. (Special Telegram.) The heavy rain ' today has started Salt creek on another rampage and as a conse quence thirty families, numbering over 100 perspnya A-H -SaaepJeg. Ja the Courthouse to nUht. These were driven out of the bot toms this afternoon and tonight, several having ten brought out In boats by the police. - Their homes are completely . sur rounded by wter and many of the houses are threatened with destruction. The families belong to a Russian settlement liv ing east of Btxth street and south of J. The water from Salt and Oak creeks began to rise several days ago, and many families were driven out at the district then. Today It became worse and many more were driven out. The police made a trip over the flooded district In boats, but found that the remaining fnmllles are in little danger. The flooded district comprises several hundred acres and in Some places the water Is five feet deep. Early tonight It was still rising, Nemaha Is Getting High. FALLS CITY, Neb., May 29. The No maha river Is about twelve Inches from the high water mark of 1883. It Is over the Burlington tracks and has reached the Missouri Pacific tracks south of. the Bur llngton station. The water rose six Inches utter the rain today and Is still rising. TECUMSEH. Neb., May 29. It has con tlnued to rain today and the Nemaha river hj out of its banks. Five hundred feet of the Burlington track Is washed out near Bracken. The train from Nebraska City was unable to get through to this place on Account of this washout. BANKERS MEET AT CRAWFORD Pass Resolution la Opposition to Branch Banks aad Asset , . Currency. CRAWFORD. Neb..NMay . (Special.) Group NO. 8 of the Nebraska Bankers' as aociatlon met in annual session here jester day and was largely attended. The follow ing bankers from other groups were inter csled visitors: W. E. Rhodes. C. F. Mo Grow, C. T. Kountse and II. R. Gould o Omaha, H. 3. Freeman of Lincoln, F. M MctJlvern and Julius Beckman of Fremont and Senator Charles Anderson of Crete. Officers were elected as follows: Presl dent, J. W. Welpton of Ogalalla: vice presl dent. C. A. Mlnnlck of Crawford; secretary V, B. McQueen of Hay Springs; member of state executive committee, D. II. Griswold committee for next meeting. F. M. Knight, H. M Hampton and W. 11 Corbln. The following program was followed: In vocation, Rev. O. K. Hooson; address of welcome, C. A. Mlnnlck; response, W. B. McQueon; president's address, J. W. Wolp ton; "Branch Banking and Asset Cur rency." C. F. McQrew; "Future Cattl I'e.per, R. M. Hampton; followed by a gen crM discussion of matters of Interest to tankers. The following was unanimously passed: lie it resolv.d hy the bankers of svnn No. S. Nebraska Bankers' svaoclatlon. Ihn we are opposed to the imss.ige of anv lawi Icnklng toward the establishment of a sys tem of brancn osr.Ks or the Ixmiarice e currency secured In any mnnner other tha bv anv rnment bond. That the secretnr forward copy of this resolution to Hon M. 1' Klnkuiri, congressman, and to Sena turn !:etru and AUliuru. The visitors were royally entertained by Messrs. C. A. Mlnnlck and O. K. Eastma rcpresuina the two banks or Crawford Drive were taken out Into the country and In the evening the visitiirs were conducted to the benouot hall, where a sumptuou dinner wns partaken of. followed by wines, clEirs and toasts. The next meeting will be held at Alliance f'oniniencemrnt at Beatrice. BEATRICE, Neb.. May 19 (Special.) The commencement exercises of the Ilea trice High school will be held at the Pad d vk opera house next Thursday and Fi dj evenings, Juno 4 and 6. The class-da exerrlres will locur on Thursday even In anjhe graduating exercises on the even Ing following. The baccalaureate address to the graduating class will be delivered Sunday morning In the First Presbyterian the illustrated BEE HISTORY IN PICTURES is one of the strung: points of The Illustrated Bee. Never since It wns established ha" The Ilea fulled to chronicle early and ne mrntely the information coneorn iiif nny event of public moment In Its territory, and since its illus trated mitfrnzine section was made a pnrt of its Sunday Issue, it lins nimle the matter of chronicling in pictures the irrent events as much a matter of course as its news trentment was before. Conteni IMirailcs may boast of their enter prise iu hurrying special reporters and artists to the scene, no matter where it is, but they always Bnd The Bee men there or Just leavlnR as the competitors arrive. No competitor has ever yet pat near enough to The Bee in pictures or news to be able to claim rivalry. And The Bee's plctnres are like its news, always accurate and reli able. The Bee does not fake news und doesn't need to fake pictures. It caa tind the truth easier and better every time. STOKM-SWEPt SOUTHERN NEBRASKA presen led during the early days of the week a most forcible Illus tration of the devastating power of a tornudo. Several counties und many localities were Involved in the wreck incident to the vagari ous flight of several of those terri ble manifestations of nature un controlled, and it is manifestly impossible that The Bee or any other paper should undertake to print in one Issue pictures of all the damage that was done. The Mumma farm, south of Hastings, was selected as a place that would afford typical evidence of a tor nado's work, and there The Bee's staff artist secured a series of pic tures of the sort that has made his work famous among good Judges of newspaper photography. A double page ot these will be printed in the. next number, and will afford an excellent idea of the ruin wrought In a few seconds of time by the tornado. that tore through Southern Nebraska last Sunday evening. This feature alone is worth more than the entire cost of the paper. OTHER ARTICLES AND ILLUSTRATIONS are many and timely. For the ' front page is a handsome picture of Harry B. Zimman, the new president of the Omaha city council; a group of the new council . taken on the day of its first Bitting; a "group of the Black Hills Traveling Men'a association and another of the officers elected at the Hot Springs convention; a group of the Kpworth League con vention at Gretna, Neb.; a group of the delegates elected fo the Washington convention of the I. T.U.; and similar topics form the independent illustrations. Then there in an illustrated article on the work of the American' Mound Builders; Frank O. Carpenter's letter deals with the German preparations for war, and is illus trated from photographs made by Mr. Carpenter in Germany; the Woman's Department is illustrated from photographs; a -new story by Robert T. Barr, "Over the Border," dealing with events near the end of the reign of Charles I of Eng land, is started in this number; "The Kiddle of the Icthyosaurus" is another of the popular scicntltio articles by Tror. William Boelsche; "How Advertising Jlelps Business" is a paper by Waldo U. Warren, advertising manager for Marshall Field Sc. Co. of Chicago, of deep importance to all business men; "Essence of Good City Govern ment" by Charles J. Bonaparte, president of the American Munici pal League; and an authorized interview with James J. Hill on Asia as a market for western farm products. In addition to these special articles the regular features of the paper have all been carefully looked after, so that nothing will be found slighted and nothing missed. If you are not now a subscriber, you should leave your order today with your news i dealer. THE ILLUSTRATED BEE church by Rev. G. W. Crofts and the an nual address to the class will be given by W. J. Bryan on Friday evening. The graduating class numbers thirty-three and consists of the following: Krma Margaret Wheelock, Louise Marie Pemberton, How ard E. Hauscr, Marian Eleanor Farbnr, Nlchol Case, Mary D. Gibbs. Gladys Ball. Mary Mabel Flroved. Emma Kuehl, Ger trude Carlock Sabln, Lulu May Scroggs. Roy F. Sheldon, Calvin A. Emery, Francis F.llia Alsworth, Florena , Naomi Nowling. Gertrude Grace Miller. Gertrude A. Miller, Mayme B. Awtry, Herbert R. Baker. Ralph Weaverllng, Imogene Brewster, Winona Younkln, Katherlne Webb. Abigail B. Hem ler, Mary Ellsubeth Reed, Edna Ramonl Bqulera, Herbert Eldon Graham, Ullie Limine Aupperle. Harold S. Frledsam, Anna Charlotte Pagels. Lena Esther Lawsnn. Anna Marie Stevenson and Ida May Har den. DECORATE F0R PRESIDENT Sidney Proposes to show Him What a Live Western Towa . Cnn Do. SIDNEY. Neb.. May 29 8peclal.) Active preparations ore being made for the reception to President Roosevelt on Monday next. The presidential train will nrrlve at 3 p. m. Mayor Binders Issued a proclamation today calling upon all the citizens to make the day a holiday and decorate the town generally. A committee of twenty leading citizens has been ap pointed on reception. The town wtll be filled with country people and large dele gations are expected from surrounding towns. The president has signified his in tention to speak about fifteen minutes, v Don't fall to hear Covalt'a famous band at Lake Macawa today. CLOSING OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS of the Tears of Stady aad Labor. PAPILLION. Neb.. May . (pecIL The commencement exercises of the Papil lion High school wilt be held at the opera house next Thursday evening. There are six girl graduates this year. OSCEOLA. Neb , May !9. (Special.) Os ceola's school trustees have Just held their annual meeting for the election of teach ers and came very near turning down all the teachers, who had taught here from six to fifteen years. One of the teachers had not asked for the position again, but all the rest had filed applications, besides all the new teachers had made applica tions except Miss Eugenia West, daughter of Colonel and Mrs. George W. West. On the election of one of the teachers, Mrs. R. K. Baum, the board stood t to t, and after voting seventeen times failed to break the te and It was given up for the present. The teachers and principal elected are: Prof. J. H. Slothower, principal; Miss Janle Marguerite Pulver, Miss Eugenia West, Mrs. Jessie Marquis, Miss Gertrude Anderson of Lincoln, Miss Grace Leal Cro sier. These teach rs are all graduates of Osceola's high school with the exception of two. MEAD, Neb., May 29. (Speclal.)-The commencement exercises of the Mead High school were held in the opera house last evening. The graduates were: Ella John son, Jesse Thompson, Edna Thomas, Eland Johnson, Grace Ostenberg. Fred Parrlsh, Mary Holden, Charles Swanson, Mayble Loder, Louts Kllng. Ida Sward. BRAINARD. Neb., May 29. (Speclal.) The commencement exercises of the Brain ard High school were held at the opera house last night. The house was beauti fully decorated In the class colors, pink and green. A splendid program was well carried out. Deputy State Superintendent J. L. McBrlen was present and delivered a very appropriate address. HOOPER, Neb.. May 29. (Special.) The commencement exercises of the Hooper High school were held at the opera house last evening and Chancellor Andrews of the State university delivered the address to the class, composed of six young men and one lady. Vocal and Instrumental music formed a conspicuous part of the program, On Wednesday afternoon the class-day exercises were held and an appropriate program was given. Including orations by the members of the class. The school closes today for the summer vacation. NEBRASKA CITY, May 29. (Special Tel egram.) The graduating exercises of the Nebraska City High school were held In the Overland theater this evening, eighteen young women and three young men com posing the class to receive diplomas. EXETER. Neb., May 29. (Special.) The eighth grade of the grammar room gave an entertainment consisting of recitations and music yesterday afternoon In the high school room, after vhlch they received diplomas promoting them to the ninth grade. EDGAR. Neb., May 29. (Special.) The high school commencement exercises were held In the opera house last evening. There was a good attendance, although the even ing was rather damp. The graduating class consisted of thirteen members. The stage decorations consisted of a green back ground of vines and green foliage plants, interspersed with flowers; the class motto, "Doye ye nexto thynge," designed in the class colors, valkyrle and nickel, on green silk, was hung above front and about the stage. WILBER, Neb., May 29. (Special.) The seventeenth annual commencement exer clses of the Wllber High school were held at the opera house last tilght with a large attendance in spite of inclement weather. Hon. E. R. Hlnshaw, congressman from this district, delivered the principal ad dress, which was greatly enjoyed and ap predated by the audience. His subject was, "What of the FutureT" and the cen tral idea of his remarks was that the old notion that the only purpose of a liberal education was aiding In making a living and acquiring wealth had been superceded and that the chief object of a liberal ed ucatton Is now the broadening of char acter and acquiring the utmost enjoyment from the marvelous things by which we have been surrounded by an all-wise Cre ator. He set forth the Importance of a liberal education, no matter what pursuit the student may engage in. 'The gradu ating class comprises ten. girls and four boys. Lewis Horsky, having the highest standing, was awarded the college scholar ship. Shlprtlnsj in Cattle. STURGIS, S. D.. May 29. (Special.) Harry Ash has returned from his Texas trip. While there he purchase! 2.00J he-id of t and S-year-old cattle and has shipped them to his Moreau river ranch north of here. Prof. Nordln's celebrated orchestra at Courtland Beach today. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Rain Satarday, with Fair Warmer Sunday, ts Promised. and WASHINGTON, May 29. The forecast: For Nebraska, Kansas and South Da kotaRain Saturday; Sunday, fair and warmer. For Illinois Showers Saturday and Sun day; fresh to brisk southeast wlnds,along the lake. For North Dakota. Montana, Wyoming and Colorado Fah Saturday and Sunday; warmer Sunday. For Iowa and Missouri Rain Saturday and In east portion Sunday. . I.oee.l Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU, OMAHA, May Z9 Otticial record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the lust three years: . . 19u3. 19)2. 1901. 1900. Maximum temperature... 68 76 7 87 Minimum temperature.... (1 II M H Mean temperature 64 67 61 76 Precipitation 53 Go M T Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for this day since March 1, V.toj. iNormul temperature & Pendency for the day 4 Total excess since March 1 232 Normal precipitation Kln.-h Excess for the day Si' Inch I'reciplt itlon since Mnrch 1 10. Inches Exct-sj since March 1 1.72 Inches Deficiency for cor. period. 192...". 4. a inches Deficiency for cor. period, 19J1... 3. 2o Incites Iteiiorts from Stations at T I'. si. His o 2 1 -i ? 33 iS i 3i 3 . A ! 2 CONDITION Or THE WEATHER, Omaha. cloudy Valeiitl-.e. ralnlnrf North Platte, raining Cheyenne, clear Salt LakeOty, clear Kapid City, iart y cloudy.... Huron, cloudy Wtlltston, clear Chicago, cloudy .. St. Louis, cloudy...... St. Paul, cloudy Davenport, raining Kansas City, cloudy Havre, clear Helena, dear lMsmurck, cloudy Galveston, partly cloudy CI ba, 70 CV .34 to, .Is Mi .24 Mi 6 7o 00 01 00 621 58 74 66 2 s, 70 ttx: 64' 6N uu 74 .32 7! .02 7j 00 70j "J j nil so! oo T Indicate trace of precipitation. L A. WtLBH, Local Forecast Official OPPOSES SYMPATHY STRIKES Brothsrhood of Bailway Trainmen Takes a Vrj Decided Bund. CONTRACTS MlhT NOT BE BROKEN Grand Master Is laeered When He Says that Inlon Men Most Be Rdaeated Alone These Lines. DENVER, May 29. The first positive declaration of a large labor body against the sympathetic strike has been made by the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, now In national convention in this city. It was made In the form of a resolution, which received unanimous approval by the delegates, based upon sentiments expressed In the annual address of Grand Master Morrlssey, The portion ' of the address which Inspired the resolution and whlsh, when uttered by the grand master, aroused ringing cheers of approval from those pres ent, was as followe: The question of Its ability to nrotect its working agreement is now a prominent factor In determining the responsibility of a labor organization In the business and employing world. The oraanlzntlon that represents employes in making an arrange ment that Is acceptable to them and shrinks from responsibility when individuals' or rivals disturb the peaceful relations be tween employes and employers Is not of the type that will command confidence In our progressive civilization and the trend of relations between capital and labor. While the Question m' the. tirntectinn of the labor contract Is in Its Infancy and education of the great mass of the union ists along these lines Is necessarily Flow, still we predict that we shall see the time when we will regard the contract breaker, whether member or nonmember, with as rnun contempt as we now do tho scan. In the beneficial or Insurance department the losses for death and disability that were paid amounted to $1,670,790.42. Of these claims 1,078 were fir deaths and 478 for disability, a total of 1.556. Reports of other grand officers have been received and accepted by the convention. Grand Master Morrlssey and all other grand officers of tho Brotherhood of Rail way Trainmen wera re-elected today. Grand Officers He-Elected. All the grand officers of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen were re-elected today as follows: Grand master, P. H. Morrlssey, Gales burg, 111.; first vice grand master, W. G. Lee, Lawrence, Kan.; second vice grand master, T. R. Dodge, Chicago; third vice grand master, Val Fitzpatrlck, Columbus, O.; fourth vice grand master, W. T. New man, Denver; grand secretary, A. E. King, Cleveland. These grand trustees were chosen: James Hurlburt, CornellsvlUe, N. Y.; H. T. Pekan, Mattoon, 111.; E. T. Hed rlck, London, Ont. A new ritual was adopted. The vote was taken this afternoon on the location of the convention. The result will not be announced until tomorrow, but it Is said by persons who claim to be in formed that Chattanooga is the winner. Will Not Demand Higher Wattes. SAN FRANCISCO, May 29. The building trades of this city have taken Important action - regarding ' demands of affiliated unions for Increase of wages. By a resolu tion adopted at ' the meeting the council took the stand that henceforth it will not sanction requests for increased pay until such time as the further prosperity of the city warrants such action. ' The effect of this action upon the build ing trades will be very marked. Secretary Tveitmoe, who introduced the resolution, stated to tho members that continued agi tation for higher, wages- except where war ranted are likely -o -Influence property own ers against maklt.g contemplated improve ments and for that reason some assurance should be given that no further demands for advancement of wages would be made until further prosperity should warrant the demand. Chicago Freight Handlers Aarree. CHICAGO. May 29. The trouble between the freight handlers and the railroads en tering Chicago was virtually settled to night. The management of the Lake Shore road took the Initiative and made a propo sition to their men which was accepted. The men had demanded a wage Increase of 26 per cent. At a meeting tonight the officials offered to con. promise with an In crease that averages a little more than 4 per cent. After considering the matter for several hours the men agreed to the prop osition and each side signed the contract. The new scale goes into effect June 1 and is to be In effect for one year. The men agree to give thirty days' notice before going on strike during the ex istence of the contract. The other twenty three roads Involved In the 'difficulty, it Is said, will endeavor to reach a settlement with their employes on the same basis as the Lake Shore agreement. Textile Workers Go Oof. PHILADELPHIA. May 29.-Although the strike of the textile workers ot this city for a flfty-flve-hour week was set for Mon day, the suspension was practically inau gurated at quitting time tonight. During the day the employes of eight additional mills stopped work before the closing hour, making twelve mills already on strike. The hands at one mill were locked out. Reports received at the headquarters of the textile workers up to midnight show that thirty seven Arms out of nearly 500 in the city had agreed to reduce the hours of the workers from sixty to fifty-five a week. Members of the textile workers executive commit tee claim that the strike wtll be more gen eral than the manufacturers believe. They claim that fully 60,000 persons will refuse to go to work on Monday unless their de mands are granted. Charles Harding, Thomas Bromley, Jr., and Frank Leake, representing the manu facturers' association, In an Interview to night said that It was a financial impossi bility for the employers to grant the re quest of the employes. Wsvge scale Is Sla-aod. DETROIT. May 29 -The wage scale that will prevail in the iron manufacturing In dustry for the year Beginning June 1 was signed here toniht after a conference of several days between officers of tho Amal gamated Association of Iron, Tin and Iron Workers and the committee representing the manufacturers. Colonel V. G. Watson French, vice president of tho Republic Iron end Stinl company, was Chairman of the committee of manufacturers. No radical .chan sen were made In the scale that has been In effect for a year past, though some slight Increases were granted in the ton nage rates. American Labor I'nlon Meetlna. DENVER, May 29. A resolution was adopted today by tht American Labor union convention to appoint a committee to revise the constitution, with a view of remodeling the system of organization on lines similar to those of the evil government. .It is pro posed to centralize unions by cities, states and nation, and divisions or departments governing various classes of trades and all under a separate head. P, J. Devault, who originated the plan, explained it fully to the convention. Complete Tlean at at. Loots. ST. IriS, May 29.-The tieup In freight handling was general today. The efforts of the union off4ls to force the teamsters to return to w-fik proved unavailing and prac tically all the teamsters are out. More railroad freight handlers went oat today. The real cause of the strike seems to have been lost sight of. The teamsters struck In GRATEFUL, HAPPY Thank Pe-ru-na for Their Beauty. fi'" !'-'. i'i iii..siiiii.i.p 'i '..s If 4 Yfc i V5 I -! r - : V I vVvl V f2rV HSIU 1 il.Mr1l.nH.. mutt a iidiiuauuic Detroit Belle Regained Health and Beauty. Facial Blemishes-How to Remove Them Permanently. MISS L F. AKER, J088econd Avenue, Detroit, Mich., writes: "Perunb is a decided beautifler, bet ter than any paint or powder, for It gives you that clear, smooth complexion and the glow of health which no cosmetic can ever Imitate. I was troubled for several years with humor of the blood, which inflamed the skin and at times covered my face with pimples and blotches. 1 had pains in my head, back and limbs and was con stipated. I took Peruna and In a short time all was changed. All the Impurities of the blood were cleansed, the pains re lieved and 1 was restored to perfect health. My complexion is fine and clear and I do not need any powder to cover up the im perfections." Miss L. F. Aker. People generally think that pimples are a sign that the blood is out of order. sympathy with' the freight handlers, who In turn went out in sympathy with the porters and warehouse men at Cupples Sta tion, the wholesale shipping district. This difference has been settled twice within a week, hut the porters and warehousemen are out again. Just why Is not known. Many wholesale houses have been put to large expense in hiring nonunion employes and moving their freight, and the loss to trade generally foots up a large figure. The outcome of the situation is problematical. Showing- that Bteaarald Is Insane. SIOUX FALLS. 8. D., May 29 -(Special Telegram.) The attorneys for Henry A. Steagald, former agent of the Illinois Cen tral railway at Benclalre, now being tried here for the murder of Frank Bowen, a grain buyer at that place, have offered a great deal of testimony tending to show that the accused was mentally Irresponsible for his actions. Dr. L C. Mead, superin tendent of the Btate Hospital for the In sane at Yankton, today testified that he had made two examinations of Steagald and that In his opinion the acoused was mentally unbalanced. A striking feature of the trial Is that Mrs. Steagald. and her two 'children occupy seats with the ac cused on one side of the table while Mrs. ftowen, widow of the man who was killed, with her two little daughters, sits on the opposite side Sentenced for One Year, PLATTSMOL'TH, Neb., May 29.-(8pe-clal.) William Jones, who stole a team, harness and buggy from a farmer In this county, and was arrested In Nebraska City and brought to this city by Sheriff J. D. Mc Bride, pleuded guilty to the charge and was sentenced to serve one year In the state penitentiary by Judge Paul Jessen. At the time of his arrest he was wanted in Lincoln, Neb., and In Missouri. Tho officers from Missouri arrived In Nebrask.i City for him soon sfter Sheriff McBride had gained possession of him by paying the Ml reward. Jones admitted that he was guilty of stealing the horses charged up against him and even gave a descrip tion ot his associates In the crime. Two Have Korrow fcraie. STL'RGlS, 8. D., May 29 -(Special ) Fred Lang of Bixby, while enroute to this city last Sunday, accompanied by his 11-year-old son, met with an accident w'lllo crossing the Bellefourche river. The strong current upet the wagon and Mr. I.ang and son weie thrown into the stiea:n. Both had a na row escape from drowning, particularly t .e iltlle fellow, who had a hard struggle' to reach the bank. Tha team was artled down the stream fur soma distance, but was gotten out. There Is a sense In which the blood Is out of order when pimples appear. That Is to say, the blood contains too much nutritive material. Blood Is the prod uct of digestion. Di gestion may be de ranged or it may be in excess of .the . needs of the body. Deranged digestion will lead to pimples, skin affections and Excesslvs digestion leads to hinrui. coated . tongue and the the like. tMMrenefl Ilka. Thera can be no doubt of It that a cleansing of the system Is necessary. ' The question arises. "What is the remedy that will best accomplish this purpose?" Something that will cleanse and stimulate the mucous membranes of the body. Pe runa ts exactly such a remedy, as hun dreds of women can truthfully testify. Catching Cld the Bane of Women During the Flrat Warm Weather. The Change from Warm Flannels to the Thin Muslin Underwear ot Sum mer Is the Cause of Many Unjerlng Colds. Miss Rose Fowler, Bussey, Iowa, writes; "As I owe my health and strength en tirely to Peruna, It Is only Just that 1 should write you this letter. About six months ago I contracted a severe cold, which I neglected and which went from bad to worse. My head was stopped up, my throat and lunga sora and I waa In a pretty bad way. II "I then consulted a doctor, but after SLEEPS FOR TWENTY YEARS Death Ends a' MoJt Eemarkablo Caw in Trench Village. LETHARGY IS CAUSED BY FRIGHT Day Before She Dlea Woman Recovers Consciousness and Replies to tnestlons ot Physicians hy "Yea" aad Se." PARIS, May . -Marguerite Boyvenal of Thelles, near Ban Quentln, who had been In a cataleptic state since May 21, 18&3. awak ened Wednesday. For some time past she had been suffer ing from phthisis and It Is believed that the effect of this malady on her system conduced to her reawakening. She moved her hand on Saturday for the first time and groaned slightly. When Dr. Chartier took hold of her atm she said, "You are pinching me," and sub sequently replied to questions by "Yes" and "No." She was, however. In a state of great weakness and gradually sank, dying the day after awakening. Marguerite Boyvenal's lethargy waa caused by fright. She had had a child, which died shortly after ita birth under circumstances which led to the opening of an investigation One day In May, 1883, while Marguerite was ironing, a neigh bor said to her: "The gendarmes are com ing to arrest you." Marguerite had a stroke of fits and grad ually fell Into her long slumber. In X&ni the girl was described as being white as a statue and corpselike as a mummy, her body wasted away to almost a skeleton and her bones seeming to be covered with parchment Instead of skin. The body waa rigid and only the pulse beats showed thalhe was alive. Life was sustained by washing her body In milk every day and pouring a few drops of milk or spirits into the sleeper's mouth through s reed. Many prominent physi cians visited tha patient during her twenty year sleep. Fine t'rop Trospeet. STL'RGlS, 8. D., May 2S.-(8peclal.) Reports from various sections are to tho effect that the small grain crops In Meada Muniv nvr ihnwit tutter Indications of fa bountiful yield than at present. The en tire range section Is affording splendid grailng and the outlook for the owners of live stock Is very gratifying. The cool weather Is keeping corn back, but a few warm days will work wonders In bringing It forward. WOMEN Health and taking his medicines for over a week and deriving no benefit from them, I deter mined to tty Peruna, although I do not take patent medicines often,' However, Peruna cured me In a short time and I bless the day when I first started to use It. ' 1 did not have to wait long before I noticed an Improvement, and In two weeks I was well." Rose Fowler. To catch cold In May is often more dan gerous than to catch cold in Jnu.r The first warm days of May are depress ing ana tena to exaggerate the enervating Influences of the cold. If a pel son catches cold in January he Is braced up by the Invigorating weather, but to catch cold In May Is unfortunate, as the weather lends to depress rather than Invigorate. In this way It frequently hap pens that to take cold In May Is far worse than a winter cold. The May cold hangs on week after week. The usual remedies aeem to do no good. It produces a com plete lassitude of the whole body. Rea. puffy eyes, sneezing tnd fullness of the nose. raw. red, sore throat, hoarseness, want of appetite these are a few of tha symptoms of a May cold. But shouK a cold make its appearance in spite of precautions, don't wait for it to get settled. Begin to take Peruna at the appearance of the first symptoms. A few, doses of Peruna In the beginning will do wonders. Don't take any quinine. It win only make you more liable to take coM again. Peruna cures a cold without dam age to the system. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case, and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Send for a free copy of Health and Beauty,, For women only. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. Severe cases of RHEUMATISM are being cured every day by MEDICAL LAKE TABLETS the greatest remedy for all dis eases of the blood ever known. Tbey Regulate Strenf then Purify. Are Nature's own remedy. Not a physic. Se. a Bottle, at Drns; Stores. Indian Read Brand, the Only Oenulne. MEDICAL LAKH SALTS MFG. CO., 150 Nassau St., New Yerk.and ftnnknivo. w.h SHERMAN & MqCONNELL DRUO CO, ICtb and Dodge ets.. Omaha. Neb. H AN D SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH It makes the toilet something to be an joyed. It removes all stain and toughness, prevent prickly heat and (.bating, and leaves the ikin white, soft, healthy. In the bath it brings a glow and exhilaration which no common soap ran equal, imparting the vigor and life aensatlon of a mild Turkish bath. Au. Gsocsas and Dsvooisti. -L PREMATURE ORAVNESS (LpuJJ h eh. f Hif a mm sua. rtfs Imperial Hair Regenerator which luaUtntVy raatarea hair to any eoior or atiada. formula. UaUas aai lUVU (k. k.l. ..... jl "ILAPriJOAiidN will Vast MONTHS hajnpU a hair eoJurJfras, pmamiua. j-rmar aaaarwL Imperial C'Iiiiri Cu.. lii W. uu au., r. I. Paid by bhiuian hlcconaell lru4 Ces, Omaha, Ken. fit Pill ffl lura year old books Into money. Telephone B !U7 aad aur represea tatfva will call. 1 01D BOOKS "Ye Old Book Shop," . UU VA-RNAnt ST,