Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Telephones nt-fM.
TVe close Saturdays it I P. At.
Decoration Day,
Saturday, May 30,
WE WILL NOT c!osj our store at noon,
as has been our custom on Memorial day, but
will hi open until six o'clock.
During; the months of July and August we
will close Saturdays at o e o'clock.
Li !': tfi
Y.'M. C. A. Building. Corner
H:oeteen in Nebraska Have a Hundred
Dol.ari Added to Their Salary.
Estimate' Is that It Will Amount to
Four Million MoM at the Close
f tb Fiscal; t ear,
Jane SO.
(From a Staff. Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON . May . 8peclal Tele
gram.) The change In aalarlea of presi
dential postmanters were announced today
for Nebraska : Increase Loup, Lyons. New
man Grove, Norfolk, North Bend, North
Platte, Oaklnnd, O'Neill, Ord. Orleani.
l'luttsmouth, Rivenna. Ruahvllle, St. Ed
wards, Schuyler, 'Serlbner, Seward, South
Auburn, lli. Decrease Nelson, Niobrara,
Oxford, Ponca.' $100. ' " .
The postufnee at Burl.. la., will be de
creased from $1,000 to that of a fourth-clas
Postmasters appointed: Nebraska Guy
R. Stewart, Nlrkerson, Dodge county,' vice
P. J. Hunter, ar., resigned. Iowa H.! J.
Schulte. Bt. Marya. Warren county, vice J.
Schulte, removed: W. C. Ouhl was today
appointed regular and Albert Guhl substl
tute rural letter carrier at Relnbeck, la.
The postofflce' at -Max, O'Brien county,
la., har been discontinued.
Reserve -agent approved: National Shoe
and leather bank of New Xorlti 'or lr8t
National of Storm Lake, la.; Hamilton Na
tional of Chlcauo, for Flrat National of
Council Bluffs, la.
Dra. E. T. Anderson and H. M. Marks
were today appointed pension examining
surgeons at Geddes.S. t.
, Treasury Surplus.
The excess In the treasury receipts over
It expenditures for the first eleven months
Of the fiscal year amounts to $33,941,681, and
treasury experts eatlmate that for the year
the surplus will be about $44,000,000. The
total receipts for the year to date are
$61033,471, and the total expenditures $471,.
(4,866. The surplus for the present month
M $3,S2$.K.
Giles Tries Again.
' Jackson W. Otles, the colored man of
Montgomery,- Ala., whose putt in equity to
test the validity of the suffrage provision
Of 'the constitution of that state, was
decided' against him by'-the Vnited States
supreme, court, will have two more oppor
tunities to make the .test in that court
as th result of writs of error allowed to
day by Justice White, presiding justice of
the Fifth circuit- One of the suits wis
brought to compel the board of registers
of Montgomery county by a writ of man
damus to enter his name os a voter on the
registration list and the other waa for
damages because of the failure of the
board to make this entry. Both proceed
ings came up. from the Alabama supreme
court, whose findings were against Giles.
W)ien tha Olles equity case was decided by
the I'nlted States - supreme court an In
timation was given that his only channel
of relief, If any, was a suit for damages.
Miss Roosevelt Has Exciting Ride.
Miss Alice Roosevelt, who left here for
Albany today to become a bridesmaid at
tha wedding of Miss Ruth Bruyn, a college
friend, had a somewhat exciting ride to the
railroad station. She occupied the seat of
the chauffeur in a new automobile of the
"red devil" tpye, which she had Just pur
chased,' and while proceeding down Penn
sylvania avenue waa overtaken by a num
ber of fire engines and hook and ladder
trucks on their way to a fire. None of them
struck tha new vehicle, but there were
several cloae rubs. Miss Roosevelt saved
herself by bringing the vehicle to a halt
while the fire wagons rushed on past her.
Cement Production.
Tha United States Geological Survey
today gave out a preliminary atatement of
the production of cement In the United
State tor 1901. It shows that the produc
tion of Portland cement' for that period
amounted to 1,871. 506 barrels; natural rock
cement, f.r4.753 barrels; slag or poiuolana
cement. 47. 155 barrels; a total of 36,437,830
Are often only hungry babies. They cry
and fret because they are- ill-fed. " The
healthy mother ia sure to have good
babies ; babies that coo and sleep and
grow. ai owners
who me Doctor
Pierce's Favorite
Prescription, are
generally healthy
and happy, and
have healthy,
happy children.
"Favorite Pre
scription" pre
vents . nauaea,
soothe the nerves,
promotes the ap
petite and caiucs
sleep to be sound
and refreshing. Jt
give a great phys
ical vigor and mus
cular elasticity so
that the baby's ad
vent If practically
rainless. It is the
' best tonic for nursing mothers, restoring
strength and promoting an abuudaut
flow of nutritive secretions.
I caa cheerfully recommend Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription one of the best medi
cine, for women. writes Mrs. Mary Murduck.
alurdock, of lots WooUsrd Ave. .Topeka, Kan. "I
aider it th best medu.-iue msde. J know it has
ma equal. I in the mother of ten children sad
aly oa living the tenth one. She is one year
eld sad is ss well and beany sa can be. Sae is a
. beauty. Of mr other habiea. one lived to be one
year old. but she waa always feeble. I tried dif
ferent doctors, but none of them could tell me
' what my trouble was. They said I was well
and strong. 1 was cxmruiaed be aurgeous but
they foun
ud notbiug wrong, sua tney were
aotcuug wrong, snd
puasled la kw
w what my trcuuie
hat my ireutue was. I aid
Sot know what to do, sa I thought this time 1
would try Dr. Pierce's Favorite
reacnptioa. 1
took, it the
entire nine months snd now have a
fine baby sir I. snd I cannot praise your medi
cine cuuugk for lb good it did me.
. " Favorite Prescription " makes weak
women strong, sick women well. Accept
bo substitute for th medicine which
works wonders for weak women.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are easy
snd pleasant to take. A most elective
UmUvsj. i
. Bee. Msy a, m.
Sixteenth and Douglas Sts
barrels, against a total of 20.KS,7t7 barrels
for IW1. . . ', ' : '
Surrendered to Mexico.
The State department today issued a' war
rant for the surrender to the Mexican gov
ernment of Leslie E. Hurbert, alias C. T.
Richardson, raid Willis Meredith, aline
Meson. ' These men are wanted on the
charge of murder committed in Chfmtahna,
Mexico. They ar now held under arreat t
Pecos, Tex. The third of the alleged mur
derers. Dr. Harle, waa surrendered to
Mexico several weeks ago. The jneh are
chared with insuring lives and committing
murder for the insurance money. '
Navy Yard Finishes Work. .
Acting Secretary Darling 'has decldeM
that the work of completing the cruiser
Oalveston shall be done at the Norfolk
navy vnrd and orders have. been issued ac
cordingly. Galveston was about Jwo-thlrds
f l'tnl-ed when Its builders, Trigg & Co. of
Richmond, failed.
Takes t'p Iowa Case.
' Justice Brewer, as the presiding Judge of
the court for the Eighth Judicial circuit,
today allowed a writ of error to the su
preme court in the case of the American
Express Company against the State of
Iowa.' The case grows out of the selsure
for destruction of liquor shipped into Iowa
and held by the company's agent at Tama
in that state. The atate supreme court held
that the express company was responsible
for violation of the law, even though its
representatives were Ignorant ft the con
tents of the packages containing the llcnior
Will Doable Track onthern.
President Samuel d. . Spencer of the
Southern Railway company, who is in
Washington, said today, that the road will
be . double-tracked between Washington
and Atlanta and $25,000,000 spent ob better
ments, including double . trackage. The
Washington division will be the first sec
tion of the road to get two tracks.
(Continued from , First page.)
few remarks. At a pavilion on the publlo
square the president was welcomed by
Mayor Glassman In a few words. Senator
Reed Smoot then Introduced the president,
who spoke briefly.
OGDEN, Utah. May 29.-A. Corn' has
been under arrest here since yesterday,
under Instruction of the secret service men,
He Is said o be an anarchist and haa been
distributing literature among laboring man.
When arrested he had a murderous look
ing dagger.., It has been learned by the
police that .he came from Butte and It is
surmised that he Is connected with the
gang supposed to be implicated In the
Umbtia dynamite affair.
As soon as the president leaves Corn will
be discharged and ordered to leave town.
EVANSTON. Wyo:, "May 29.-Presldent
Roosevelt ' arrived in Evanston at 7:10
o'clock tonight and was. given an ovation
by the 6,000 people gathered at the station.
The president was introduced by Senator
Clark of Wyoming and after, a short ad
dress departed for Rawlins.
Messenger to 'Whom The- Wra v..
trusted ia Now Under
NEW YORK, May 29.-Jamea M.,.
23 yeara of age, a driver for the Manhat
tan Delivery company, was arrested today
In connection with the disappearance of a
pacKage or jewels valued at $10,000, which
had been intrusted to him to Aiiv.. -
the Adams Express company. The man
was arraigned in the Tombs and all de
tails were kept secret.
The Jewels were the nronerrv -t vr
Charles Hernsheln of Chicago, who had
been a guest of Mrs. David Strauss of 771
maaison avenue. On May 17 Mrs. Hern
sheln left for Chicago, leaving the Jewels
to be shipped to her along with several
trunks. She summoned an expressman
from the Manhattan Delivery company. The
trunks arrived at Chlcas-o. hut h
of Jewels did not. Mrs. Hernsheln then
leiegrapnea to Mrs. Strauss, who In turn
notified the Adam's Express company.
Mrs. Strauss naya she. has the receipt,
which Is signed J. M.. and llrPua v... v
Identified as the man who received the
Colorado Planing Mill.
TRINIDAD. Colo.. Mav 9 nr.
destroyed a clanlns- mill, four m i-
with lumber and a lot of lumber at C. B.
v ooa s sawmill In Carlcllla canon west of
nore. ixss, $50,000.
Lumber Dealers Lose lajnaetloa.
JACKSON. MlH Vfav -HI T7. . ...
Henry Nlles has dlKSolved the temporary
vf' graniea ine lumber dealers of
70";iti m nays ago, restraining
railroads doing business In this state from
I nc-r engine ru ii nt, j mh., a . ,
Judge Nilea holds that the court has no
juMnuniion in ine mailer or fixing and
r iiuniiiii a w-'iirauie or. rreight rates.
Hold Negroes la Bondage.
MONTGOMERY, Ala., May 29.-One o
the negroes who was recently in bondag
t m n-tiit. rft(..n . . I , I. . j , .
w.u ma iiniiu jury wna;
he knew of involuntary servitude of negroes
-....v.. ." "wij i.unu ine arresi
two prominent planters. The negro aa
urci" wii'ihjb iur more man a
year for a debt of $. He told of a negro
whipped to death.
Itnbber Company Incorporates.
TRENTON. N. J.. May JS.-Ths Franklin
Rubber Manufacturing company, capital
$l,0ou,(X, was Incorporated hero today to
manufacture rubber goods. The lncorpor-
btnM . . . - V1IIIum a a I . .
Austin w imam r. nusion ot Philadelphia
John E. Clancey and John A. Sloan o
Trenton. .
Mlssonrl Stat Senator Indicted.
8T. LOUIS. May 28 An Indictment
charging State Senator Frank 11. Karris
with bribery waa returned by the St. louts
grand Jury this afternoon. Ten other In
dlrtmenta returned were pot mads public,
but It Is said that no unexpected indict-
menu oi importance are in tne number.
Tne Deaths oa Steamer.
SAN FRANCI3PO. May .-There were
iwn uuuiin on tne steamer I Ity or Para
lilch hus arrived here from Panama. P
Waaner. a nHAhenwir from Nw Virlx
dropped dead from sunstroke at Panama
( hu ' la 1' l.i ... r .,,11 r. i I K a r K.'.b V..i 1. .. .
senger. Jumped overboard and waa drowned
wucu on tne uuaieraaiaa ooasu -
Bicentear-ial Afjairertarj Marked by
Official UrjeaiiiiMR.
Bat Day Passes WMhont Any taase
tor Alarm Becoming? Apparent, as
Loner Classes Shove So
Desire for 1 nrholence.
, ST. PETERSBURG, May 2.-The Celebra
tions of the blcentennlsl anniversary of
the founding of St. Petersburg were begun
The celebrations were marked by dis
quieting rumors which created considera
ble impression In high 'society, but for
which there was apparently not the slight
est Justification. People, with official con
nections advised their friends to remain in
doors, and there waa a vague apprehension
of disturbances directed against the edu
cated classes. There were,-even rumors
afloat that mines had been laid under the
Nevsky prospect.
As a matter of fact, the worklngmen
and radicals were uncommonly -quiet and
no leaflets or manifestoa were circulated.
Strict precautions were taken by the au
thorities to prevent any possible' disorder
Snd all the decorations .were removed by
order directly the celebrations were ended.
During the entire ceremonies, none of the
guests were allowed to approach the quay
from the summer garden to the Nicholas
bridge, a distance of nearly two miles, or
any street near the Peter the Great monu
ment. Many street cara and boats did not run
today and popular amusements, were ar
ranged In the suburbs with a view of at
tracting and keeping the working classes
Authorities Show Anxiety.
LONDON, May 0.-The Dally 'Mall's cor
respondent at St. Petersburg says the au
thorities displayed much anxiety during
yesterday. Many arrests were made the
previous night. Arrests Include Important
political suspects and agitators.
The Illuminations which were to be held
at night were suddenly forbidden in conse
quence of instructions from high quarters
that directly the celebrations were ended
all traces of them should be, removed.
A dispatch from 8t. Petersburg to the
Daily .Telegraph . says the fact that the
csar and the imperial family did not enter
the cathedral at St. Isaao caused keen dis
appointment. All the working population
kept Indoors aa the factories were kept
open by government orders.
(Continued from First Page.)
the flood on the north side of the river.
The condition there is alarming. Rain Is
still falling. ,
Roads in Bad Condition.
Our system Is In a derjlorabla condition.
The Colorado line Is tied up at this point,
four trains at McFarland and one at Wich
ita. Another train is tied somewhere on
the Herrington branch. The wires are
nearly all down. Only the St. Joseph line
to Topeka Is working. At Durham the Cot
tonwood river flooded the depot and ran
the agent out. At Keats a cloudburst at
mlinlght put the town under three feet of
water. Our I ridge at Falrbury, Neb., Is
out of line, as Is the bridge at Manhattan.
The Union Pacific system is in. little bet
ter condition. At Calhoun Bluffs, east ot
Topeka, the tracks are Covered. The' water
Is ovr the fit st floors of the business
house's at PV Mary's. The floor of the Kaw
river bridge at. Rosavtlle is covered.,' The
tracks of the Union Paciflo west of Topeka
are under two feet of water In many places
between, here and Waldo. The Santa Fs Is
unable to pass Lakeview on the main line.
The Union Paciflo railroad embankment
Is all that Is keeping the Kaw river from
aweeping North Topeka, but despite tha use
of sacks of sand, the dyke is weakening.
The river threatens to enter the old chan
nel north of Topeka and make an island
of that part of tha city. The river has not
used this channel for forty years and It Is
crowded with residences. The people llvinjj
there have been warned and are preparing
to move.
The water already is flowing down many
streets near the river In North Topeka.
.Many Killed ta Oklahoma.
GUTHRIE, Ok!., May 29. Reports of de
structive storms throughout the territory
continue to arrive. At Harrison the flood
killed five people, Mrs. Bryles and child.
a child of John Alexander and two per
sons whose bodies have not yet been re
covered. The drowning ot several Indians
is reported from Anadarko.
In Gay county a tornado killed Mrs.
Isaao Jones, wrecked four postoffloea and
near Little Robe completely demolished a
farm residence. .
At Wellston the storm is reported to
have fatally Injured one woman and de
stroyed several buildings. Near Hobart
all but three of a herd of. fifty-two cattle
belonging to Charles Smith, a dairyman.
were drowned in the flood. ,
Thirteen Inches la Twelve oars.
8 KIDDY, Kan., May 29. Thirteen inches
of water haa fallen in Clark's Creek valley
In the last twelve hours. The whole valley
is desolated. Many houses In Sklddy were
washed away and cropa have been ruined.
Two thousand feet of railway tracks in this
vicinity were washed out. As far as known
no Uvea were lost.
8klddy is a town of 200 persons in Morris
county, central Kansas, in a rich farming
district. .
ABILENE, Kan., May 2$. The flood
waters from Mud creek, swollen by a
twelve hours rain, swept through this city
last night, doing damage estimated at
fioe.000. Chapman. Solomon, Talmage,
nearby towns, fared equally aa bad as Abi
lene and the loss to the county is tremena
ous. Abiletie has no water, llghta, post
office service or newspapers. No lives have
been lost as far as known.
The water In the principal streets of Abi
lene was four feet deep. A three-story
brick building containing the stores of
Mlnlck & Taylor. Lloyd's. Mrs. Clark's.
the Allen Commercial college and several
offices, collapsed in a heap. It had been
weakened by the high water, and several
other buildings are In a dangerous condi
tion. .-
The press rooms of the three newspapers
and the basement of Case a department
store are under water. The Union Pacific,
Santa Fe and Rock Island tracks entering
the city have been washed away, and 200
houses are submerged, scores of families
having fled to higher ground.
Rice, Johnston, Nlcolay's lumber yard
caught fire from lime and was destroyed.
Loss, $12,000. On the Smoky Hill bottoms
10,000 acres are under water and persons
are being rescued in boats.
'Predicts Highest la Years.
KANSAS CITY. May tt.-The Kansas and
Missouri rivers are rising here at an alarm
ing rate and tonight the Indications are
that all previous high water records at
this point will be broken during the next
forty-eight hours. Much damage has al
ready been done to property In the low
lands along the two rivers and much ap
prehension Is felt for the aafety of property
in the west bottoms district of this city.
The Kansas river la rising at the rate of an
Inch an hour and the heavy and almost
onntinual rain of today and tonight haa
added to the gravity of the local situation.
Superintendent Censor - of the Kansas
City weather bureau predicts that the rise
of the Mlrourl river during the next three
days will be unprecedented. He says that
the volume of water from the Kansas river
and other streams for which th Missouri
river Is the outlet, sided to the usual
June rise, will carry the Missouri to a
higher stage thsn It reached in 1MI and
192, when it broke all previous records.
The Missouri gauge read OT feet above
low water mark at 3 o'clock this afternoon
and Superintendent Connor predicts a rise
of three feet during the next twenty-four
hours. At the Mule town f Harlem, across
from this city, the residents on the flooded
district were resrued tonight from house
tops In boats after losing most of their per
sonal effects.
The embankment of the Burlington roo
Is holding the flood from the rest of the
town, but a rise of a few more inches will
csrry the water over the embsnkment.
The Kansas river has forced hundreds of
families to leave, their homes In Argentina
and various parts of Kansas City, Kan.
The .basements of the packing houses are
flooded and many other large business con
cerns along the .Kansas river are forced
out of their basements.
Tha river has forced the Missouri Pacific
to abandon Its bridge between Kansas City,
Kan., and Kansas .City, Mo., and heavily
weighted cars are upon If to hold It in
place. The water Is within ten Inches of
the Belt Line bridge In Armourdale. snd
the water la almost on a level with all the
bridges which crfy the Kansas river here.
Thousands. of acres of choice garden land
Justf west of this dty are overflowed and
ine namage to crops will amount to thou
sands of dollars. A thousand Shack dwel
lers have been driven before the flood to
places of safety.
Near Parkvllle, Mo., the Missouri river Is
cutting a new channel 'and hundreds of
acres of the mst fertile farming land will
be washed away.
At midnight one-third of the Armourdale
district of Kansas City,' Kan., was sub
merged and the police were busy rescuing
women And children from their flooded
homes. A large number of extra men are
assisting the police in the relief work. No
loss of life has been reported, but many
narrow escapes occurred.
Most of the cottaa-es In the flooded dis
trict are the homes of well-to-do working-
men, and the loss on this property Is enor
mous. A large force of men Is st work con
stantly saving movable property by means
of boats.
Cannot Locate Tralaa.
Traffic on the Union Pacific, Missouri Pa
cific and Rock Island railroads haa been
suspended west of this city on account of
the floods, which makes the attempt to run
trains unsafe. The Santa Fe has almost
abandoned its western traffic, but It is
getting trains through to Emporia with
fair regularity by using the 'Frisco tracks
to Olathe, Kan., where the Santa Fe tracks
are reached again. The' Rock Island Is
sending passengers on Santa Fe trains over
this route. The Missouri Pacific Is not
sending any trains west and. no trains on
that line from the west are arriving.
The telegraph facilities along the road
are so badly .crippled that the officials
hers cannot locate stranded trains. Two
coaches of returning delegates from the
plumbers' convention at Ban Francisco are
stranded somewhere along the line, but it
is Impossible to locate them.. Many west
bound passengers are-here anxiously wait
ing for traffic to be resumed. All trains
eastbound and from the east are running
on' schedule time. - i ,
The serious washouts .on- the Union Pa
ct fte, Santa Fe and Roek Island are be
tween here and , Topeka,., The trouble on
the Missouri Paciflo. la west ot Sallna.
Death la Heroism" Reward. '
COUNCIL GRO YE, Kan. May 'sa.-Vhe
loss by, flood in Morrts county Is esti
mated at $1,000,000.' r Foar persons Were
drowned here last Tright. Edward Clements
perished while endeavoring to ' aave his
daughter. Rulph Phillips, while trying to
rescue a little girl named Woods, was
drowned with her. A baby was found dead
In the Missouri Pacific;, yards.
Slacking lime set fire to the M. R. Smith
lumber yard, which was burned, together
with the Farmers' and Drovers' bank, the
Indicator store and Bobbins' drug store.
the total loss being $60,000. The big Main
street bridge over the Neosho river went
down. All the business houses ' were
Miles of Missouri Paciflo and "Katy"
tracks were washed out. More than 100
houses are under water and twenty have
floated away.
degress' Prophesy- IVsfalgUed.
ST. LOUIS. May 29.-A special to the
Republic from Pine Bluff, Ark., says:
The tornado, which, according to the
prediction of Ellen Jefferson, a n egress,
would wipe. Pin Bluff off the map at 6
o'clock this afternoon, failed to arrive, al
though the heavy black clouds that lined
the horlaon during the afternoon caused
much uncertainty to even those -who had
scoffed at the prophesy. Showers fell dur
ing the afternoon, but there was no wind.
- As the fateful hour approached refugees
in other towns besieged the telegraph and
telephone operators here- to tell ' them if
the tornado was at hand.
. Notwithstanding the - tornado failed to
come, the fears of the people will not sub
side until daylight.
DENVER. Colo., May M. All traffic be
tween Denver and Kansas City was at a
standstill this morning on all railroads, and
In many Instances no attempt was made to
get trains out. -
All trains between these two cities on the
Kansas Paciflo division of the Union Pa
ciflo snd the Rock Island have been an
nulled. Three Union Pacific trains losded
with passengers which were sent out Bun
day, Monday and Tuesday were returned to
this city this morning after repeated fail
ures to get through.
The passengers had been well eared for
by the railroad company and the citlsens
ot Ellsworth, Kan., the easternmost point
Pats Fltsgerald to gleea la Tenth
Round of Boot Held at Saa
8AN FRANCISCO, May 29-The Gans
Fltxgerald flght at Mechanics Pavilion was
an easy victory for the Baltimore wonder.
It ended suddenly In the tenth when the
negro put In a terriflo left to the Jaw, dat
ing Fltsgerald.
The New Yorker tried to flght back, but
was too far gone and a right cross to the
jaw put mm out lor good.
It was Gana' flght throughout. In only
one round, the ninth, did fltsgerald have
even a ahade the better of It. In thla
round he put his left to the nerro s stom
ach and body frequently and Gana .was
guessing (or the time being. Tha tenth
round was all Gans' ud to the -time of the
knockout. The New Yorker was ready and
willing to mix It at every stage of th
game, and really did aome good work
against th Baltimore mar., but the negro
outclassed him in cleverness and landed
upon him almost at will.
Weatera Collegiate Tennis.
CHICAGO, May 29-Both championships
in the western Intercollegiate Unnls tour
nament go to Michigan university this
year. Alter a nara ana nriiiisni ooniesi
In the final round In doublea today 8t.
John and Lee of Michigan defeated Morley
and Garneit of Wisconsin by a score of
4-1. -7, s-4. s-l, s-j.
Bt. John and Danforth, both of Michigan,
euallfled yesterday for th final round tn
einglea. The aingle championship goes to
uanionn, as Bt. jonn rorreitea loaay.
Puglllat Feeley I Dead.
SAVANNAH. Oh.. Mav S0.-Oeors Fee
ley, the pugilist who was Injured In a con
test wltlt Jim Jeffords Thursday night, died
at St.- Joseph hospital st 1 this morn
Ing. -
Fottmuter General Consider! Oond tions
Ehown Flattering.
These Hate Been Promptly Carrerted
and It is Believed All Wrngfnl
Matters In Pontofflre Depart
ment Are Discovered.
WASHINGTON, May Postmsster
General Tayne today made public the rep'.y
of Postmaster Merrltt of this city to the
lulloch charges. The Merrltt response
makes accusations sgnlnst former Cashier
S. W. Tulioclt of the Washington postofflce
saying that a transaction In which Mr.
Tulloch was concerned in 1W "arrears to
comprehend the presentation of a false
voucher, which Is made a crime by the
statutes." '
Mr. Merrltt's reply further alleges that
receipts were signed In blank on the pay
rolls during Mr. Tulloch's regime as cash
ier and that the files do not indicate any
complaint of irregularities against the
Washington postofflce Died by Mr. Tulloch
while he was in office.
Mr. Merrltt says the general practice of
giving employes duties seemingly Incom
patible With their positions Is no abuse
and that the practice of paying certain
expenses of the Postofflce department out
of the Washington city postofflce funds al
ways haa existed and Is proper.
The postmaster general today announced
the completion of the Investigation of the
salary rolls of all the first and second
class postofflces In the country. The only
Irregularities reported, all of which have
been ordered to be corrected Immediately,
were the payment to fourteen assistant
postmasters of a larger salary than they
should receive under the department's pol
icy; payments to a few clerks of more than
the law allows, and the existence of desig
nations unknown to the law of the positions
In seventeen postofflces.
Mr. Payne said that none of these Items
Indicated any wrongdoing and be' regarded
this net rtsult of the overhauling of the
rolls of upward of l.Sno presidential post
offices as gratifying. Mr. Merrltt says:
Before I became postmaster one of the
employes of the postofflce was puwpemled
from duty from May 5 to June S, m. with
out pay, without any reason of record, so
far as I have learned and without any de
partmental authority. Mr. Tulloch. the
cashier, retained this man's pay; for the
time stated, amounting to $140, against his
firotest, I am told, obtaining his signature
o the customary form of payroll, however
and then sent the account to the auditor
for the Postofflce department as though
payment had actually been made. The
cashier probably had the postmaster's or
ders to do this and It seems he did not
make personal use of the money. But the
transaction appears, nevertheless, to com
prehend the presentation of a false voucher
which Is made a crime by section 5438 of
the revised statute. The money thus un
lawfully taken was divided by the cash
ier, by his direction mong a number of
persons, upon orders signed in the nsme of
the postmaster by his assistant (though In
one ease no order has been found) until all
of It wss used up except $7.M, which Is
now In the nfflelsl possession of one of the
bursaus of .the Postofflce department.
Cause for Removing Tulloch.
'Postmaster Merrltt, then speaking' of his
removal of Cashier Tulloch almost at once
aftor he became postmaster, declares the
removal was no mistake and for reason
therefor sa.J's: f
,Tke this incident related to me by Mr.
James P. Wlllett. my predecessor, a few
days after I assumed the postmastershlp,
and fully confirmed by the statements of
others. He, said that his accounts for the
last quarter of his term were In a rather
tangled condition; that he' was very much
worried about them, that-his cashier should
not have left them In this condition; that
ne regarded It as the cashier's dutv tn
properly arrange and close thorn, but thrtt
after appealing to him. for his assistance
he, Tulloch, absolutely refused to give It
unless he was paid $50rt therefor. Upon
my sdvlce Mr. Wlllett Indignantly rejected
the offer and Mr. Tulloch never gave him
any aid whatever. The work was entirely
and satisfactorily done by my own official
Upon lookinc into the nrartw nt the
cashier's office prior to Mr. Tulloch's sep
sratlon from it, I found that he had been
in the habit for many years of making
up th quarterly payrolls of the office in
blank, getting the signatures of the em
ployes thereto and filling in afterwards the
dates and amounts paid. I do not charge
mi inose amounts were ever improperly
filled In, but I need not say to anv busi
ness man at least that such a practice pre
sented an open door to fraud. In o-olmr
over in April. 1899, the accounts prepared
oy mr. luuocn iur me period rrom Julv I
to September 30, 189$, the comptroller of the
treasury discovered this grav Irregularity
and thus commented on It:
Receipts Signed In Blank.
"It appears that receipts are sls-ned in
blank on your payrolls. By what legal au
thority Is this done? No person should be
required to sign vouchers In blank, leaving
amounts and dates to be filled In over their
signatures. The existence of such a prac
tice manes receipts ot nine value.
Mr. Merrltt denlea that th Washington
ppstofflce Is tending to become a bureau of
the department and says he has disbursed
no money except on written authority.
Mr. Merrltt says he had discretionary
authority to remov Tulloch, whom he
charged with being arbitrary in manner,
occupied much of the time with important
private business and a "venturesome man
In the field of speculation."
Mr. Merrltt denies that either the post
master general or First Assistant Post
master General ' Heath directly or Indi
rectly Influenced Mr. Tulloch's removal.
Mr. Merrltt says his office is now regu
larly paying the employes of the third divi
sion of the railway mall service, the em
ployes of the departmental mall bag and
mall lock repair snops. ana masing sucn
other disbursements outside of Its' own
needs as the department from time to time
orders. Many other large disbursing post-
offices, he says, are doing the same thing
and there Is no Impropriety in this prac
tlce. Mr. Merrltt says the practice of giving
employes duties Incompatible with their
positions was In exlstanc when he became
postmaster snd extends probably to svery
i.e.. noatofflce and constitutes no real
abuse. He says he has repeatedly called
attention to the preaent absurd and lm
practicable classification of postofflce em
ployes. Concerning alleged Porto Rlcan
abuses, Mr. Merrltt says the reason there
for was settled with th auditor without
Were Sat Disallowance.
' Mr. Merrltt says that what Mr. Tulloch
says was disallowance by the comptroller
of the currency in the Washington account
mm fmn
Majestic Opening of the Third Season
With an avalanche of entertaining
Features too numerous to describe.
for the quarter ended September SO, IWd,
amounting to some $JO.0n0 or $40,foo, were
not such In reality. They were demand
made by him tor explanation as to certain
Itemi In th account which his expert ex
aminer had aotiM doubt about, amounting
to a very considerable sum, and the ob
jections were Anally withdrawn.
The reply of Postmaster General Charles
Emory Smith will be given out Sunday.
Fourth Assistant Postmaster General
Brlstow's reply, which will be made public,
according to Postmaster General Tayns,
denies that he ever asked for investiga
tion of th office of the first assistant post
master general. It Is probable that some
temporary arrangement will be trade with
the canceling machine contractors In case
the Investigation continues beyond July 1.
The contracts have been held up and the
manufacturers are making Inquiries on the
subject. '
Salaries -to Be Reduced.
As a result of the thorough overhauling
ot the rosters of the postofflces throughout
the country, Postmaster General Payne
today announced his approval of instruc
tions reducing the salaries ot assistant
postmasters at fourteen second class post
offices to &0 per cent of the salaries., of
the respective postmasters.
Among them are Cairo, III.; Clarlnda, la.;
East Bt. Louis, 111., and Ponce and San
Juan, Porto Rico He has found thirty-six
officials in the postal service who hold of
fices under designations not authorised by
law and directed that their poeltlona be
changed to conform to th law governing
them. They were in New York, Boston,
Brooklyn. St. Louis, Washington, Los An
geles, Louisville, Chicago and eight other
offices. .
Among those designations not authorised
by law are "superintendents of stations,"
"auditor of stations." "Inspector of sta
tions," etc. Violations ot the law which fix
the maximum salary of clerks In second
class postofflces at $1,000 a year, except in
the raae of assistant postmaster, will be
corrected at Leadvlllc, Colo., and threo
other places.
The Investigation Just closed showed eight
postofflces at which in all thirteen clerks
received more than the salaries to which
their designated positions as "assistants"
entitle them, and in these cases the post
master general has directed that the
salaries be accordingly reduced. Most ot
thoso excerslvo allowances were made dur
ing the administration of George W. Bea
vers, who suddenly resigned as superin
tendent of salaries and allowances imme
diately after the investigation of affairs of
the Postofflce drpartment began.
Samuel A. Groff, who was arrested Wed
nesday for complicity in the Machcn brib
ery case, appeared todsy bofore United
States Commissioner Taylor and renewed
hlr bond of $n,0H) for hia appearance June 9,
when he and his brother will be given a
The rolls of tha third-class postofflces are
now under investigation and the authority
for the compensation of the employee of
every third-class postofflce In'the country
Is being carefully examined.
Postmaster General Payne made the fol
lowing statement regarding th chances
announced today:
In the case of the fourteen offices where,
tho assistant postmaster is paid In excess
of 60 per cent of the salary of the postmas
ter, the fiction was taken to secure uni
formity nnd better administration.
The law provides that In flrst-clsss post
offices the assistant postmaster's salary
shall be not to exceed DO per cent of the
salary ot the postmaster, but this does not
apply to assistant postmasters in offices of
the second-clnss, hence this order.
The total amount saved to the govern
ment by this order will be $2,600 a year. In
seven offices where there appear to be eight
persons who Were receiving more than the
law allows for the positions which they oc
cupy, there may be some explanation of
this fact, but In any event an order has
been Issued reducing the compensation to
the amount authorised by law.
In other offices thnre ' are persons em
ployed under designations not known to the
law. There is no doubt of the activity and
the efficiency of these persons, and they are
properly employed but wrongfully classified
on the payrolls, and the postmasters havs
been Instructed to change their designations
to the proper title.
Smith Gives Information.
Former Postmaster General Charles Em
ory Smith, who Is to make an address at
Arlington tomorrow, arrived in Washing
ton early this evening. He spent a consid
erable portion of the evening In consulta
tion with Postmaster General Payne, dur
ing which features of the pending post-,
office investigation were touched on, al
though Mr. Smith said his visit was largely
ot a social character. Mr. Smith haa pre
pared for presentation to the postmaster
general a letter bearing on the charges
which have been, made against the admin
istration of the office and this will bo made
public .In a day or two.
Iicsema o Cure, No Pay.
Your druggist will refund your money If
PAZO OINTMENT fails to cur Ringworm,
Tatter, Old Ulcer and Sores, Plnlplas snd
Blackheads' on th tac, and all akin dis
eases. 60 cents.
Gnjolns Is of 'Quotation.
MINNEAPOLIS, May 29. Suit to prevent
unauthorized use of its quotation has been
begun by th Minneapolis Chamber of Com
merce against the Co Commission com
pany, the Minneapolis Independent Grain
and Stock exchange and the officers and
leading employes. The complaint allege
that the Independent brokera have been
copying quotations from the board snd
tape of a Chamber of Commerce firm snd
disseminating them among the bucket shops
by private telephone lines.
Mr. Roosevelt at Urotoa.
GROTON, Mass., May 2.-Mr. Thodore
Roosevelt and her sister, Mrs. W. 8.
Cowles, arrived at Oroton school today,
having come from Washington to attend
the annual prise day exercises of the
school and to spend a few days In visiting
Theodore and Kermlt Roosevelt, who are
pupils here. Mrs. Roosevelt and her sister
were received at the house of Principal
Peabody and.aiter a short period thev
Joined the large number of other guests of
the school in the exercises of the day.
Womaa Killed In Court Room.
MATTOON, III., May . Mrs. J. B.
Berry waa shot and fatally Injured by
James Rawlins In the court room of Po
lice Magistrate Soot today. The families
of Berry and Rawlins had engaged In a
free fight and the hearing had Just closed
before the magistrate when Berry and
Rawlins started to quarrel. Rawlins drew
a revolver and Mrs. P.erry rushed between
the men to protect her husband from In
Jury. Rawlins shot her three times.
What Follow OrlnT
Pneumenla often, but never when Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption Is
used. H cures colds and grip. 50c, $1.00.
For sals by Kuhn ft Co.
UflY 30
LJ aGalaaSBan I lllll III I i Hi I
Kot a t harlty bnt a Denlre to Dn Some
thing la the Interest of llnmnnlty
Her Statement. -
Miss Ithetha Hoskcn, the only daughter of
Alderman John Hosken id No. KV4 Cherry
street. Grand Rapids, Mich, with the
worthy .object of helping others, makes thu
following statement:
"I was partially paralysed, bereft if
speech and unable to walk without sup
port. My parents hnd given t:p al! hope of
my ever being well, for the best physlilnna
had treated me without helping my esse.
We all thought I was doomed to die.
"The. paralysis was over my entire left
side and so affected my organs of speech
that 1 could hardly make my simplest
wants understood. With the assistance of
a chair I could manage to set across the
room, but I wss nearly helpless.
"My trouble began with what the doc
tors called poverty of the blood and I kept
growing weaker' and weaker In spite of
their medicines. Then, when prospects
seemed darkest, my mother decided to have
mo give up all other medicines and take Dr.
Williams' link Pills for Palo People. They
acted like mnglc. In lexs than a week after
I began their use I found I was Improving.
We were all overjoyed. I continued with
Dr. Williams' Pink Tills faithfully and the
dreadful paralysis dlsappenred, my strength
returned and I become the healthy girl I
arW today. Everybody who knew m re
gards my recovery as simply marvelous. I
am always glad in the Interest of humanity
to tell what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
Pale People did for me."
Dr. Williams' rink Pills for Pale Teople
are un'lke other medicines because they act
directly on the blood and nerves. This
makes them Invaluable In such dlsesses as
locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St.
Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheuma
tism, nervous headache, the after effects
of th grip, palpitation of the heart, pale
and sallow complexions and all forms of
weakness either In mnle or female. Dr.
Williams' Pink PI'ls for Pale People are
sold by all dealers, or will be sent postpaid
on receipt of price, fifty cents a box, or six
boxes for two dollars and fifty cents, hy
addressing Dr. Williams Medicine Company,
Schenectady, N. Y.
So well and favor
ably known as the
leading, most reliable
and suooessful
They have been
many years in estab
lishing their reputa
tion IN OMAHA for
1 . - .4 knnnrihU
svnitk " M
. . . . j.ii. many let-
tOm""tSei Tor "th.; CUKEtf per-
-' -7 - V , , -nnA thev ar doing
J ana ine e -' A-
ot men. Tnelr In work ha been de
otsv. a tipectsuisia. u traaltng all die-
I tR. SEARLES grsduated at two of th
et medical college and Is ;jknowldgd
. tPECHMSI If. Ci. disease a treats.
DR. KEaSiLitS' Consultation snd Advle;
ar FR&E, . person or by letter, and
Written Contracts given In all cursbls
disease ot men or refund money paid.
Many cases treated I5W per month.
consultation; free.
treatment by mail.
all or address. Cor. th Douglas.
OUAUA, llt.
Treats ail forms of
27 Tears Experience,
17 Year In Omaha.
L I His remarks'! sue-
afc-VMuw" cess haa never been
equaled and every day brings many flatter
lnft" rPor.u of the good ha Is doing or th
relief h has given.
Hot Springs Treatment for .nilis
A.n.i.?Jl B'ood Poisons. NO "BREAKING
OUT" on th akin or face and all external
lirnn of th dlaAssA Aim -.
DlPfifEl r Cure gi
ft 1 1 LJ M LJ E I r t mrmm . - .
Str.nVV WW'VUU ous debility, loss of
SiA.Uy4rinnB,ur1 lecharges. Strlctute.
Sroois. Bladder Disease, H-
JELtlPFLl? nuU1' p- - Bo ' Office
.skASCE. PERFECT Itftzr.
cases cured of nerv-
IHJ NOT DEMf Aln I lor.iHut
for Lonrerf Th Jovi auid ambition of
lit can t rftord to you. Thai very
un.euMo( Narron ltUltT ar
nL.ttlut)T cured if jPKIC FKcTO
TABLETS. Qirm prompt rW to in.
omnia, filling memory nd tbMO
' sliii uisiu ut ii puwers. Ktruircvi trw
IriOlsyrrctlont or icHHof rir year.
tmissirtTtttor sxnrt iatncT toovarr fun
f'B. Brace op tli nyttetn. flirn Mnnm ti im
cbrt-kttuiJ lutir to tfc yM of -sf7uunorosd.
On too lo rmw vital nrgy flJ6 boirj v
ft. sV a roniDleTt tfuaranigaMl rurr H9 on mr.nmf r
undeMl. Can torn camM In vmr pockat. Bold
Ttriwheru.or maiiod in plain wrtppr on rtctlpt of
rlby pKUrEOTtf CUAU COM FAS Y, VkUmm
Sold In Omaha by Kuhn tic Co., 16th an' Douglaa
tttttraao Mcajiu1 Drug c.. ltth and Do4sv ij
Council Bluff, b C H. ilrowa. K7 Mala U.
Make Most larfnl Present.
nMU trJ Q V Wood ward Burgess
DU I U V f Mnnagers.
Prices: Vat., 26c to Jl.M. Night. 256 to $7.00.
No free lut
Sunday m.itlnee and first half of week,
"TUB OALMCY SLAVIC." Thursday and
balance of week. "A NIGHT OK KKOUtV
Prli-es, in.tlriee, any seat, 10c; night, 10c,
15c, Sc.
Opens June XI. A new house of th
best clasa with every appointment
designed for th comfort and pleasure of
th guest. A beautiful outiook from
very room. Situated upon a high knoll
fronting the open ocean. Surf-Bathing.
Canoeing Oolf, tennis.
For illustrated circular address.
Ulrx .n.- XUlfSt.