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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1903)
TTTE OMAHA DAITjY TIEE: FKIDAY, MAY 20, 1003. r SPECIAL NOTICES Alrrllirmrii(a far thro rolimni will b likfi BBtll 12 m. far the ffli edition Bad natll ):.'! p. in. far mgrnlai aad Saadar edition. Hates, 1 l-a- a ward flrat Insertion, la a ward thereafter. Nothing taken for lees than Jir,t for thr flrat Inser tlon. Thru drrrlUrarali laaat be ran riniMFnlltrlf. Advertisers, lir reqaeallna; a n n m fcered eherk, ran hat answer ad dressed to a nirabrtfd Irttrr In rare of The Ilee. Antntri so addressed will be delivered on presentation of taa check only. WANTED MALB3 HELP. BOYLES COLLEGE. A high grauo school o business, shorthand, touen typewriting ana iingiish brauuue. DAY AND UVLMiNO. Call, writ or 'pnone lor prospectus. H. U. kHJYLdkjS, President, N If. Lit Unit.. Umaua, Neb. II lwi FIRST-CLASS messengers wanted; good salary. A. u. X. Co., ZU bo. 14th at. H M444 TWENTY-FIVE achool teachers for sum mer work at goou salaries. Be Manuger, a-jo Ware blk. UMuui WANTED Boy with wheel. Good wagea. thermaii Auoi.neii Drug K.Q., cui'. liith and Dodge. B M244 WANTED, men to learn barber trade; . systematizeu count of practice and in structions that aavea years; established In jnyj; spienaiu season to begin; loom, aiuiomua and positions given. Call or vrlte. Moler Baruer College, IM2 Douglaa street. - - ii-ms -tut WANTED, for U. B. army, able-bodied un married men between ages of ZX and &; citizens ul uniieu stales, ot guou char acter ana leuipuraia nablut. wno can peak, read auu write Kugilah. t or lnior- luuiiun aypiy to Kecrutiing otuccr, lain auu DougB sis., omana, auu Montgomery building, Lincoln, is to. - WANTED, boy with wheel to work at bciiaeier a mug store, loin ana inicugo. WANTED An experienced young man wult roierrnces to take care ot horse, cow anu lawn, jyilllou Rogers & Bona Co., lAii amain su a JHoa-4i SALESMEN WANTED. WANTED, two salesmen, salary or com mission. C. 1'. Auau.a Co., ioiu Howard OU iua SALESMEN for Lambert Twpewritera, -U. Auu better, laonrua at Co., nil i. Will. SALESMAN To aell to the trade only, specialty, something new and staple, Addrets box io4 iuil, Mont. -Mo-u WANTED FEMALE HELP. 109 Girls Call Canadian offlc, lth & Dodga WANTED, girl for general housework. lOW ueorgiu a. " WANTED, girl for general housework In a family of mree; good wages to compe- tent kiii. ev.i v.iuvy mm wiNi'BD-fllrl for general housework. ' at4 California street. Call alter ji. m. C M.At6 WANTED Experienced crockery aalea- lady. Address E 40, Bee. C-M2U- wiNTltD. ladles to loam halrdresslng. manicuring or facial massage; thoroughly systematized course that saves yeara; fr cilnlu. expert Instructions, etc.; tools. diplomas ana positions given. Bee our . oner and catalogue. Moier College, 1303 Douglas Bt. c Mut aix GOOD girl tor general housework, 1024 Park avenue, c-mtu-aii WANTED. JCiri tor laundry work, puri tan jUaundry CO., wta anu vasieiiarj WANTED A oompentent cook In a family of two. Mrs. Byrou Smith, 3536 Harney mt (J M508 29 COMPETENT cook tn family of two; no washing. 4o6 S, 40th. . C-614 29 COMPETENT girl for housework. 608 N. 23rd. C M5.H-30 SECOND GIRI for Wyoming, 125; fara furnished. Canadian Employment Office, 16th and Dodge. C M52 29 WANTED, a girl for general housework Apply 1137 Georgia ava. C M540 30 WANTED, girl for general housework. 2O02 California st. C M539 Six .WANTED Girl for general housework; j small family. 2603 Pierce at C 631 J4 FOR RENT HOUSES. TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage CO., omc iaii iimia, or xeis. lioa-BoJ. D Li 'HfilKF'11 u Pr th city. R. nyUOCO c. peters & Co., Bee Biug V . ' D lis FOR RENT, 9-room house, all modern ex cept furnace. 704 N. 30th St., $ao.ou. c'.' hi Bachman, 436-37 Paxton Blk. D 348 ' vvn 's( '-uwi. 2543 Capitol Ave., lu-rooin modern S40 Tel. 67. Jtl. ll Robison, Jm Capitol Ave. i ; D 295 HOUSES 15 upward. Bern la, Paxton' Blk ; tU6 ' CENTRAL, modern, 6-room flat. 220 N 23d street. D M2W HOUSES V.UDavis" WiSj D-115 HOUSES, Insurance. Ringwalt, Barker Blk D 120 ' PAYNE-BOSTWICIC A CO.-Cholce houaea! 601-603 New York Lif BldgT. ' Phone loii . D La WE MOVE planoa. Maggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. 141. Office, 1713 Webater St u UUl FOR RENT, 12-room brick residence. 131 South 25th atreet. ln iond nn.i. k...i. gas, steam ' heat. Apply to K. (jarrett 141 N. 33d St. . D-M381 29 ' FOR RENT, eight room detached house biiu uurii, mint iuwu una sirictly modern Apply 2S06 Dodge SU Cun be soin today! o iia ONE of those fine, all modern, 7-rooru brick nouses, ..un ana izara Bis., ju.ui. u. E. TurkliiKton, 6u6 Bee. D M224 FOR RENT Large modern residence. No. 1046 Georgia av. : newlv naJntMri und r,uJ pered; all In good repair; 66 feet east i rou i iox ana plenty oi snaae. John W. Itobbins, lixj3 Farnam St . D-M276 1 FOUR- room flat, layenWorth and Park avenua. E. i. jonnson. u Ma20-Slx FOR RENT. May I 8-room brick, modern. inquire p n. i ei ... . u&&jb& t nirxin avAn St.; modern except furnace, In complete repair. newly papered and painted 1. . K , . 1 ...... t t. .7 TkY V T I i . II 1 . FOR RENT, modern dwelllnn anartment. and a suite of twrv nice office rooms, both In the DavldRe building, opposite city hall. JUUN W. ULlil.S, 13U3 FAR NAM ST D M297 i i-iioom cottage, ni Moutn Zd Bt., newly painted, rent $5 Walter Breen, 3u9 South 13th Bt. D 616 Ji DKSIRABI.E larg 6-room houa. all mod ern, IJI. !3 8. Uat. D M535 l-'l iU t K' T. . .. W .. - iiii. i . m uiuiiwi, i-iuuui com pletely modern houne, nickel plated own I'lumblntt, house newly pulnted, papered mm varniBiitMi inrotiKnuui ; goa oase Inent with slate litundry tuba. Beautiful location; 1U35 South 3ith ave., near two Hanscom park car lines. The Byron Reed Co., 213 a 14th St. D 2Mx EIGHT-ROOM cottage. 711 So. 19th St. T" MTTS HELP WANTED. rEPUTIF.S. men or women: splendid contract-.. Tb Carduera, 4v7 B building t I'OR RE JIT-FlIUIISIIED ROOMS. DEWET European hotel, 13th and Farnsra, Hi m AETNA HOUSE. European, 13th Dod. E ui IIOTAL HOTEL. European, 16lh at Ch'.rngo. E Uo L. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 7M. E li"B 609 8. 25TH AVE.; private family. F-M726 tl 00 TO J2.00 per week. 4."2 3. IBih Pt., cna uiock south of court bouse. L l.f ROOMS, 11.60 to IS per week; board, U inuraion notai, utQ and jaesson ais. E bUSi Jl 1709 DODGE, flrss-claaa board, 14 per week. noma cooking; single meal 2c. E m728 J. I 220 N. 17th at, neat, desirable room. jeiu TWO lartte front rooms, modorn. 714 Bo. a i l 1 1 ate, a-..n.oi a ROOMS, light housekeeping. 1112 S. Hth. E M1M ROOMS, 1906 Capitol are. E M502 31. FOR RENT, elegantly furnished rooms, single or ensulte, modern. liW Dndfte st. E M527 FURNISHED cottnere at 3551 Farnam St. for the summer; references iariulred. For full Information telephone F-l!671. E-632 23x FllliMSHED ROOMS AND BOARD. NICE rooms, steam heat, with or without board; low ratea. Mlulan Hotel, 16th and Chicago. F 430 ll16 DODGE, front parlor and other rooms. Telephone A-2407. F MS3S NICE rooms, good board. 416 N. 25th St. , F 131 ROOM and board; first-class. 212 8. 25th atreet F 232 NICELY furnished rooms, with or without board; day board or m'al tickets rea sonable. Midland hotel, i&th and Chicago Els. F MliiO THE FARNAM, 19th and Farnam. F 841 SUITE of 8 unfurnished rooms with board: all modern conveniences; also 1 furnished room. 'Phone Vi'J. Mrs. G. L. Dennis, 1502 8. 29th st. F M16S ROOM and board, reasonable; all modern, with 'phone A25W1. 24M Cass St. F-M206 PRIVATE family, near Hanscom nark. 1323 S. 27th. F M299 30x SUMMER resort, Tha Merrlam. Mrs. Riley, Manager. F M4o9 TWO large, modern, furnished rooms, finest location, beautiful lawn and shade; first-class board, home cooking. 1919 Burt. F M526 FOR RENT LNFIRSI8HED ROOMS. FOR RENT, unfurnished rooms, single and ensulte. Wlthnell bldg., lfith and Harney. N. P. Dasga & Co., 1614 Farnam. G M765 FOUR basement rooms; take washing for rent. 711 6o. lth. G MT76 FOR RENT, 8 or 4 unfurnished rooms. 1808 Wehster St. Q-M512 29x FOR RENT STORKS AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, the building rormerly occu pied by The Bee at 916 Farnam St. It has four stories and a basement whioh was formerly used as The Be press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at office of C. C. Hose water, secretary, room 100, Be building. 1 2U1 FOR RENT, building suitable for whole sale purposes at 916 Farnam, 22x90, four stories and flrat-class cemented basement, elevator, nre and burglar proof vault, ottlce counter and fixtures. For pries and particulars Inquire C. C. Rose-water, sec retary the Be Building Co., room lot). Be building. . 1 M567 OFFICES In Th Be building, 810.00 per montn up; rental price memoes neat, light and janitor service. ' R. C. Peters St Co., ground floor,. Bee Bldg. 1266 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED, canvassing - agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to the TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment with assured good In come. Agenta in th country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily 860 to $100 per month. Ad dress; Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Be building, Omaha. J 213 LADY canvassers for something ' good. Monroe ft Co., mi jn. itn. J mjho WANTED TO RENT. MAN, wife and 9-months-old baby want room in private nouse; nc otner roomers. Address E 62, Bee. K M530 29x WANTED TO BUY.. M. GOODMAN, 2716 or 1321 Douglas street. pays casn tor an ainas or. mercnanais. . N M401-J-23X A DELIVERY horse, 800 to 1,000 pounds. Call at 2a) Leavenwortn pt w 613 2NDHAND Edison records for cash; state how many. Address tn 63, xiee. N-634 Jlx FOR SALE FURNITURE. CHICAGO Furnltur Co., 1410 Dodge. TeL 2020. New and second-hand bought, sold, exchanged. O 132 FOR SALE HOUSES, ' WA(.u.u, ETC, WAGONS repaired and all kinds of new work. H Frost, 14th and Leavenworth. P-134 FIRST-CLASS painting, trimming, repair ing, rubber tires put on; also carriages for aale. Win. Pfelffer, 2620 Leavenworth. P 470 FOR RENT stable room for six horses. 60 No. I7tn. mvau i FOR SALE MISCKLLANEOIS. New and 2dhand typewriters. 1119 Farnam. Vi 136 BUSINESS college scholarship for sale at a bargain In on of Omaha's leading com mercial coll es; life scholarship. Address fc 47, Be office. 4 M716x FOR SALE, Remington typewriter No, 6, new, 6o; . first oiler accepted. Address C 34. Bee. Q M6U6 80 FOR SALE, Crane hydraulic elevator, can be used either passenger or freight, com plete. Iron guide posts, cage and wlr encloaurea. J. L, Brandels t Sous. Q-688 WIRE fence for hoga, poultry, lawn and farms. Wire Works, 611 S. ltith. Tel. 16MI. Q 137 Jyl3 FOR SALE, phonographs, superior to any other musical lustiumenta, . 85 up. Th CoUroblan Phonograph Co.. loJl Farnam. Q 140 FOR SALE First mortgage note bearing ( per cent interest, payaoie every six months; lias about 2V Year to run: aood security and endorsed by reponailli party; amount, i,atu. inquire c. M. Buchinan, Room 4J1, Paxtou block. 4 6i FOR SALE, complete railroad grading out fit, consisting of 2 graders, 31 dump wag ons. 60 dump cars, rail, 10 scrapers and miscellaneous tools. Address Butler Uroa., ot. raw, juinn. uu s FOR SALE, twelve-syrup wall soda foun tain. ill take piano in exchange. Ad' dress D 64, Be. Q U4 Jel4 FOR BALK, clectrlo automooile. nerfect order, used short time; cost I'Axj, will tak exo. j. j, Derignt dc Co., U19 f arnam. W-Jli-i PHOTOGRAPH Car for sale. Apply INDIAN geods and relics. 1119 Farnam. VI-136 21)11 AND safe cheap. Deright. 1119 Farnam. 1 J'' IKON AND WIRE fences, tree guards, trellises. Western Anchor Fence Co., ?d xno inn si. w M.4 T. D'JKKIN, slscUic light wiring. Tel 8446 Western Farms Have Steadily Increased. Wise Investors Are Putting Their Money Into Land. FOR SALR MI.WC ELLASKOIH. TELEPHONE poles. Long Fir timbers. Chicken fence. Oak piling, tul Douglas. W 4-'7 CATALOGUE cut drug prices free. Sher man & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q 42S FOR SALE, secondhand IxcomoTiIle; In first-class shape, at one-half price. Call or address, 1621 Farnam St. Q M545 Four-chair wall case, nearly new, and mod ern four chairs, bootblack stand, etc. P. H. Phllbin. Q M537 SI FOR SALE, ehow cases, shelve and counters at a great sacrifice; must be sold at once. Schmelxer Sporting Goods Co., 1521 Farnam st. Q M52S SO MISCELLAXF.OtS. FOR RENT House and 10 acrea, with strawberries, cherries, etc., and several vacant lota and acres In different parts of the city. F. D. Wead, 15:'4 Douglas. R M506 29 CLAIRVOYANTS. MR8. CARRIE SMITH, SOVEREIGN LADY yUKEN ot clairvoyants. Every thing told; past, present and future. Sat isfaction or no pay. M N. 18th. S Ma6 MADAME LUCRETIA, medium, 1709 Cali fornia st. S-M4 1 J4 ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d floor, r. S. T-612 J6x GRACE O'BRYAN, Baths, 720 S. 13th. T-Mt6 MISS DUVAL, manicuring. 619 8. ICtli st, flat 1. T M53li JSx MRS. DAVIS. 1621 Howard St., baths; first class assistant. T M542 J -fcx GOLDIE POWERS, 720 So. 13th. Tel. 1952. m A to EMOL1NE SHEPARD, massage, vapor and alcohol baths, 2d floor, 6u6 North ltith st. T M227 J3x MISS HOWARD, elegant massage and vapor baths; alcohol rubbing. 317 N. 15th, flat E. T-M503 J2 FANNIE TEMPLE, massage, alcohol bath; assistant. 3d floor, boo N. 16th. T M538 J28 MISS LA BAN. mansage baths, Egyptian treatment. 1817 Leavenworth St.. flat 8. T M504 J26 PERSONAL. PH. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. R. 2 and 3, 15U6 Farnam St. U 16 TRY one of "Kip's Guarantees" if you want a good smoke, oc, ail aeaiers. U JBVV tflV TELEPHONE 780 for L. M. E. messengers. HOME during confinement; flrat-class. Dr. T. I. Miller, ilV DIUUUUi UWMW A- -ilM' U 153 viAVI a wholesome nerve and tissue food and nome uiiuoi w ,.out. v women. Free booklet. Vlavl Co., 348 Be Bldg. U-147 PRIVATE hospital before and during con- linemen i , imuicn . . . V ; Mrs. Gardels. 2234 Lake. Tel. Red-I8M WHITE Russian Soap Wrapper Premium Btor Will oe ciosea dune a. auct mai time mail wrappers to Jas. S. Kirk & Co.. S26 N. Water St., Chicago. U 240-31 MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT 'CURES. At druggists, ii. , j ELITE PARLORS, 615 8. 16th St., 2d floor. MRS. JACOBSON, Z206 N. 20th St. . . u ai-ii SURGEON-CHIROPODIST, 812 Bee Bldg. U 00.649 YES, I smoke the "Uncle Oscar" because It s tne best oc cigar. or saie Livery un. U M205 J19 PRIVATE home during confinement; bable adoptea. ine uoou omaiii painmi'uni. 728 Lit av.. Council Bluffs, la. . U Mls9 RUPTURE CURED without pain. Empire Rupture CO., x, t,ne biuj.,.wu; ... U 150 THERE are some men who know a good cigar and some wno oont, " you among those who do you are alread smoking the Stoecker cigars. If you art among those who don't you should smokt the Stoecker In order to be on the safe "dV. F. STOECKER CIGAR CO U M'Uo 30 PRIVATE cwnltarlum for ladles before and during connnemeni. ir. aim 8626 California .St Terms reasonable. C. EDERER, Bristol St. florist. Tel- 1795. BOSTON umbrella factory. H 16t- umnrenas recovered, reimu to order. U-M517-J27 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. MONEY to loan on residence property. W. H. lnomas, rirsi na.i. oiog. W M543 SI WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith at Co., isu f arnam street. W 157 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants, k. c. reiers at uo., iai Farnam St., Bee Bldg. W 166 4Vj PER CENT on business property. 6 per cent on residence property. Options to pay whole or part any time. W. B. MEIKLK, 401 8. 16TH ST. W-tM MONEY to loan on business property. W. H. Thomas, First Nat. Dank omg. W ME44 31 FARM and city loans, low rates. W. II Thomas, irt in at iiana uiag. ii. 134, W 158 PRIVATE money. Bherwood. 837 N. Y. Life. W 159 4 TO IPC. money. Bemls, Paxton Block. W tS3 FIVE PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros.. 1904 Farnam. W 165 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1624 Douglas. Y lOO MONEY to loan on improved property in Omaha, south umaha and council Bluffs. W. H. Thomas, First Nat. bank bldg. W M&45 31 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIAN08, LIVK STOCK. SALARIES. ETC. Low rates and easy terms. Business Confidential. Try us If you want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., (38 Paxton Block. 16th and Farnam Bts. X-163 EASY TO PAY Best explains our methods. We loan on furniture, pianos, warehouse receipt, etc Or If you have a permanent position wb can make you a SALARY LOAN Without security, except your own agree ment to repay. Our service Is quick and confidential and we always try to please. All that we ask Is that you glv us a call before you borrow elsewhere. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 118 Board of Trade lildg Tel. 2295. (Established 182.) 3u6 Bo. 16th St. X-M798 8AI.ARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTE, ANY AMOUNT; LOW RATES, EASY PAY-Mfc-NTi); CONFIDENTIAL. THE STAR LOAN CO., ROOM 644. PAXTON BLOCK, A U4 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without curlty; eulesl terms, 40 offices In prln- , rlial ciU, Telmau, 44 board of Trad MONEY TO LOAM CHATTELS. DO YOU NEED MONEY? MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE AND 8ALARIE8. $10 to $3(iO loaned on FURNITURE. PI ANOS. etc., and to SALARIED PEOPLE at very low rates and for any length of time, without publicity or removing the property. Payments can be made to suit your convenience. Call and get our terra before going elsewhere. REL1AMLE CREDIT CO., Room 308. Paxton Block, Room 908, X-i61 MONEY loaned on rla'n note to salaried people; business confidential, lowest rates. 514 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X-lt MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows. eto. C. F. Reed, 319 8. 13. X-166 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., sue to D. Green, R. 8, Barker bk X-167 SALARY LOANS UPON PLAIN NOTiS. American Loan Co., Paxton block, 3d floor. X 168 BUSINESS CHANCES. WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange any property or buslnesa quick, see J. H, Johnson. 843 N. Y. Life. Y-169 MINING In Wyoming. For reliable infor mation regarding mines and other indus tries address F. A. Carpenter, 264 3rd street Laramie, Wyo. Y 795-Jel3 FOR SALE, a good furniture, hardware and undertaking business, store building and residence aiso. Address Box 168, Ply mouth, Neb. Y M198 FINE office business, only $300. Investigate. Address E 46, Bee. Y M.167 FRUIT, confectionery and stationery store, with soda fountain, for sule in live gold mining town of 8,000 population; clears $300 per month. Will sell at invoice about $2,800; must have all cash. C. W. Barker, Lead, S. D. Y 358 M31x 960-ACRE stock ranch, all fenced; stabling 150 cattle, 60 acres In rye; best opening In this, cream of stock countries, $3,000; short time only. Box 73, Chadron, Neb. Y-M154 30 FOR SALE, big blacksmith shop, stock and tools; or will sell stock and tools and rent shop; big town and country; fine trade; no opposition; reason for selling, eyes failed; will pay to Investigate. M. C. French, Bridgeport, Neb. Y M541 J2x FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. $750 BUYS small cottage on Boulevard ave nue, half block South Omaha car line; house newly painted and papered; very easy terms. Waited Breen, 309 So. 13th st. . RE M273 29 FOR SALE A church property at 27th and Sprague, also a church property at 26th and Marcy. Inq. at 814 So. 26th. RE M270 29x I GET CASH QUICK for your real estate or business. If yoa wish to sell, send description .and price. Booklet free. No commission. Emerson DePuy, Specialist, Des Moines, la. RE N502 June6 WlLLIAMSONrsfreet' 1203 RE 460 SIX -ROOM, ALL MODERN. Six-room house, with furnace, porcelain bath, gas, sewerage, oak finish down . stairs, full east front, lot on Boulevard no special taxes; owner compelled to make a change and offers the property for quick sale at $2,600; most complete small home on our list; act quick)? Jf Interested. HARRISON "-. V 1 MORTON, 912-18 N. Y. Life. . mm t. TeL $11 .., ' RE M28S HOUSES and lota In all parts of city; alao acre properly ana-iarm lands. Tne O. r , Davis Co., Room 508 Be Bldg. RE 174 10-ROOM modern house, 11 blocks from Sostomce, lor sale cheap. 108 N. 16th. enewa & Co. . RE 173 NEW 5 ROOM COTTAGE, MODERN Sightly location, south front, one block from car, lot 40x132, with alley In rear, email barn, 6 large rooms In house besides bath and good cellar; big bargain at $1,600.00. HARRISON & MORTON. . 812-14 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 314. ' ' RE 860 RANCH and farm lands for sale by th. Union Pacific Railroad company. B A. McAllester, land commissioner. Union Pal cifio Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. ' RE-17J 6-ROOM, ALL MODERN. -room house, with furnace porcelain bath, gas, sewerage, oak finish down stairs, full east front lot on boulevard; no special taxes; owner compelled to make a change and offers th property for quick sale at $2,600; most complete small home on ur list; act quickly If in terested. HARRISON A MORTON, 913-18 N. Y. Life. Xe,. RE M283. FARMS FOR SALE. SARPY COUNTY FARM FOR SALE. $10,0uo for 220 acrea about 6 miles south ot Paplllon, about 150 acres under culu vanon, balance pasture and hay-laud; iair improvements; rent for 1303 goes to purchaser $4,0u0 cash, fy.uoo long timH at f. .Anr GEORGE S CO., 1601 Farnam at, Omaha, vi i ii. aia su, Doutn umaha. M460 31 AUTOMOBILES. ELEC. automobiles. Deright, 1119 Farnam. 178 BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bal Tie Co., 811 North 16th. ' 179 BICYCLES. BICYCLES and repairs. Fresh tires, $1.50 to $4.50; Hartford tires, $5.50 per pair. AU th popular brands tor cash or credit. Louis Fleschur, l&ii Capitol Ave. Tel. 614. M251 WE BUY and sell scon4-hand wheels; re pairing a specialty; lawn mowers sharp ened and repaired. E. E. Lawrence, 27u3 Leavenworth st. Tel. L1676. M543 J8 UtttCK WORK. J. P. HEALY. 1822 Clark St 'Phone A-2871. 180 CAHPKNTEHS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, zotli and Lake Sts. 370 CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. A. J. PIERSON, 20th and Burt Tel. L-283& CARPET CLEANERS. SEND your carpet and ruga to Christen sou's Carpet Cleaning Works, 2221 N. 2uth St. Tel. 1659. l&l TEL. 655 Carpet cleaning, rug weaving. -181 DRESSMAKING. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, (24 N. 20th st M248 J-'lx GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. OJdAiiA fLAllNO CO., U Bldg- TL 253a, . W Duvrivra. C. H. PAUL, removed tn residence, 8''.J Burt. Tel F 2753. M 766 F. C. CLARK, dentist, formerly nf Council Uluns, now located at 2706 Cuming st. M4S2 J25 DETECTIVES. CAPT. CORMACK, 617 Karbtich. TeL A-2832. EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. G. R. Rathburn Room 15, Com 1 Nat. Bsnk. 185 J. II. ROONSTRA, office 1516 Howard St Tel. P47. 664 JcRx FLORISTS. HESS & 8WOUODA, 1415 Farnam. 188 L. HENDERSON, florist. 1619 Farnam St., Omnha: send for price list. 686 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbag Co. cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced prices. 621 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. 187 HAT CLEANING. LADIES and gents', 60c. Schwarts's, 114 S. 13th. 189 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. ST1LLMAN & PRICE, 23 U. S. N'l B k. bid. 191 NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. Y. Life Bldg., attorneys and collectors every where. 192 MACFARLAND & MAY, New York Lift Bldg., Room 804. 'phone 1562. 198 LAWNMOWKRS. SHARPENED. P. Melcholr, 13th ft Howard. 3i9 LAWNMOWERS sharpened, saws filed, um brellas repaired, keys, etc., 3o9 N. Tel. 2374. 756 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry and City Towel Supply. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. A-1783. 190 LOST. LOST Between 40th and Farnam and 49th and Dodire streets, buckskin pouch con taining between $80 and $100. Return to 3o6 Karbacn block. Liberal reward. Lost 616 28x $100.00 REWARD Lost between the Dodge hotel and 905 Dodge St., chamois skin hag, containing 6 ladles' rings and 1 swallow brooch. Inform the Bee office. No questions asked. - Lost M536 31 X MEDICAL. Piles Cured without pain no cutting, tying or burning. All blood, kidney and blauder disease cured; a guarantee given in e"ry case treated by W. C. Maxwell, M. D., 524 Bee Bldg. Omaha. Neb., graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York City" DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and irregularities of women, from any cause; experienced, reliable. 1513 Dodge, Arlington block, Omaha, Neb., Tel. 3233. 196 MUSICAL. THOS. J. KELLY, voice. Davidge Block. -369 FOR RENT, piano players, or piano and p'ayer together. Piano Player Co., Tel. 1450. -198 Letovsky's orchestra. T. L-2684. Terms easy. 155 J 16 OSTEOPATHY. GID. E. & ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suite 616, New York Life Bid-. Tel. 1664. 199 The Hunt Infirmary, McCague Bldg. Tel. 2362 200 ATZEN A FAR WELL Infirmary, Paxton block, 604-7. Tel. 1365. M890 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing, all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. 202 PATENTS. H. J. COWGILL No fee unless successful. 318 S. 15th St., Omaha. Tel. 1798. 201 PATENTS Sues & Co., Omaha, Neb. Il lustrated patent book free. Tel. 1623. M593 Jly2x PRINTING, BRIEFS, ETC. WATERS Printing Co. Linotype composi tion. Tel. 2190. 203 .'ALL up Gardner Printing Co., Tel. A326:, lor all kinds of Job printing. 517 S. 13th st. M548 J 8 RUG MANUFACTURING. OMAHA Rug Factory, 1521 Leaven. Tel. 2068. 206 SEEDS AND POULTRV M I'i'LlES. ULLERY & CO., 1611 Howrd St Tel. 3327. -2u7 SHORTHAND AM) TYPEWRITING. MOSHER S.H., Touch T.W., Bus. Branches, 'leleg. cat free. Om. com. Col.. 17 k Doug. 208 A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Lire. -209 NEB. Business ft Shorthand College, Boyd's uneater. zi STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Ramge Bldg. 211 STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co., 1511 Vi Farn. Tela. 1559-863. -213 EXPRESSMAN'S DeL Co. Tels. 1195-1145. 213 STOVE REPAIRS. STOVES stored and gasoline stoves cleaned, Omaha Stove Repair Works. Tel. 960. M 214 TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. i'. ji. t-eiiuin, lav, t arnam. Phon 784 j -?15 TORNADO INSURANCE. FOR Tornado AND Wind Storm Insurance SEE HOWARD KENNEDY & SON 208 FIRST NAT. BANK. -11485 Jl TRUNKS AMI BiGnM-'K. THE DEPOT on time U M. K. Tel. 780. ?lt i riioi.sTEni.u. PETERSON & Lundberg, 115 8. 17th. Tel. L-2X. - . 20 GATE CITY Upholstering Co., woven wire springs tightened. Tel. B-2075. 1705 St. Mm y s nve. - Mir A1LW A Y TIME U AKD. UNION STATION loTIt AND MARCY. Union Pacific. Leave, .a 9:40 am Arrive. a 7:60 pm a 8:26 pm a t:30 pm a 7:30 am a 3:40 am a 3:40 ant Overlnnil Limited. ine rust .Man California Express a 4:20 pm Pacific Express all. 80 pm r.iisturn r.xpiess The Atlantic Express... The Colorado Special. ..a 7:10 am Chicago SpeclHl i .. if....,..i.. ...a . 8tromsburg Express, .b 4 :00 pm bl2:60 pin North Platte Local a 8:lR) am a 6:15 pm Grand Island Local. ...b 6:30 pm b 9:35 am Wnbatll, St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 6:56 pm a 8:20 am St. Lnuin Local, Coun cil UlufU a 9:15 am al0:30 pm Chicago, Milwaukee A St. l'anl. Chicago Daylight a 7:45 am all 15 pm Chicago Fast Express. .a 6:46 pm a 3:40 pm Chicago Limited... a 3:o6 pm a 7:60 am Des Moines Express. ...a 7:4a am a 8:40 pin Clilcauo, Rock. Inland t Pacific. . EAST. Chicago Daylight L t d. a 6:00 am alf.45 am Chicago Dnylignt Local. a 7:00 am a 9:36 pm Chicago Express bll:16 ain a 6:35 pm Des Moines Express a 4.3U pm bll:5u am Chicago Fust Express.. a 6:36 pm a 1;25 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain L i u.a 6:60 pm a 4.66 am Lincoln, Colo. Springs, Denver, Pueblo and West a 1:30 pm a 6.00 pm Colo., Texas, Cnl. and Oklahoma Flyer a 6:40 pm al2:40 pm Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 7:35 am a 6:10 pm Chicago, Minneapolis & St Paul Limited a 7 50 pm a 8:05 am Minneapolis & St. Paul Express ...b 7:35 am bl0;35 pm Chicago Locel 10:35 am Chicago Express al0:36 am Chicago & Northwestern. "The Northwestern Line." Fast Chicago a 3:40 am a 7:00 am Mall :W Pm a 8:30 am Local Sioux City. a 6:10 am a 8:30 pm tiMvltirht St. Paul a 7:35 am al0:25 nm Daylight Chicago ... Local Chicago ....... Local Cedar Rapids Limited Chicago Local Carroll ......... Fast Chicago ....... Fast St. Paul ....... T " Mull ... .v.w fill a :oo am all:10 pm ,all:30 am a 6:10 nm ... 6:10 pm ,..a 8:15 pm a 8:18 am ,..a 4:00 pm a 9:50 am ...a 6:60 pm a 8:45 pm .i 8:10 pra K 8:16 am "V . , ? 2:40 P' Local Sioux City Local moo. vi.j ........ j. u v.ov am Norfolk and BonesteeL.a 7:16 am al0:35 am Lincoln. & Long nne..o can am D10:35 am Missouri Pacific. St. Louis Express al0:00 am a 6:25 pm K. C. and St. L.. Ex....al0:50 pm a 6:15 am WEBSTER DEPOT 18TII A WEBSTER, Chicago A Northwestern, Nebraska ana Wyoming; Division.. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills, Dendwood, Lead, Hot Springs... a 3:00 pm a 6:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas .........d 8:00 pm 6:00 pm Hastings, York, David City, Superior, Geneva, Exeter and Seward. ..b 8:00 pm b 6:00 pm Cli lean o, St. Paul, Minneapolis A Omaha. Twin City Passenger... a 6:30 am a 9:10 pm Sioux City Passenger.. a 2:00 pm all:20 am Oakland Local b t:rt pm b 8:46 am Missouri Pacific. Nebraska Local. Via Weeping Water., b 4J0 pm al0:25 am a Daily, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally except Saturday, e Dally i.xcept Monday. BURLINGTON STATION OTH A MASON Chicago, Bnrllng-ton A Q.nlncy. . Leave. Arrive. Chicago Special.. a 7:00 am a 8:65 pm Chicago Vestibuled Ex.. a 4:00 pm a 7:45 am Chicago Local....; a 9:18 am gll:00 pm Chicago Limited a 8:05 pm a 7:45 am Fast Mail , a 2:40 pm Hurllng-ton A Mrasouri River. ' Leave. . Arrive. Wymore, Beatrice ana Lincoln a 8:50 am bl2:06 pm Nebraska Express.. ..... .a 8:50 m a ':45 pm Denver Limited a 4:10 pm a 6:45 am Black Hills and l uget Sound Express all:10 pm a 8:10 pm Colorado Vestlculefl. r Flyer a 8:10 pm Lincoln Fast Mall b 2:58 pm a 9:08 am Fort Crook and Platta- mouth b 8:20 pm bl0:35 am Bellevue & Pacific Jet. .a 7:50 pm a 8:27 am Bellevue ft Paclfio Jet.. a 8:50 am Kansas City, St. Joseph A Council Bluffs. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 9:15 am a 6:05 pm St. Louis- Flyer.... a 6:10 pm all:05 am Kansas city iMigni n.x..aiu:ou pm a s:id am STEAMSHIPS. ANCKOB UNI V. S. MAlC sTSAMgHlrS NKW YORK. LONDONDERRY AND GLASGOW, NEW YORK, GIBRALTAR AND NAPLES. Superior, accommodation, Excellent Culiins, Tb Comfort of FaiMngeri Carefully Considered. Single or Round Trip Tlckrte leaued between New York and Scotch. English, lriih aud all principal continental points at attractiTO rates. Send for Book of Tours. For tickets or general inturmaiion appir to- any local agent of the Anchor tin or to HENDERSON BKOS.. Oea 1 Axents. wnioago. ill. COMPAGNie QfNtlRALETRANSATUNTIQUE V - "V ieaame t lx-!.v,r i"in jutiiT L&LXPRLSS UIR1EDINS iTlAMtBS CoiHiiiHiided by -NtTl O (Dears, strict tuui- of-wur dincipllne. Every Krth Crntury device fur comfort, spsed and safety. Celebrated cui sine. Company's Bpecta 1 Four Hour Parlor and Dlnini Car Train awaits pifwnjrn at Dock in Havre tor full the beautiful, whera convenient connections are made (or all con tinental points. Marconi Wlreleas Telegra phy. EnitliRh-BpeaklnK attendants. For Illus trated booklets and special Information apply to Harry E- Moores, Famam St., J. U. Reynoldi. 1602 Farnam St., Fix at National Bank, Qeorge B. Abbott, 1324 Faraam lit., Agent. SAILINGS EVINY DAYS TO 11 AV II EL PARIS THURSDAY tarn ' POSTOFFICia NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all interested. as changes may occur ai any time.) Foreign mails for the week endlna" May 30. 1SW3. will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at the Uencrnl fostoiric as follows: PAR CKLS-POST MAlLd clos one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Purcels- tioat mulls for Ueruiany close at 6 p. m. Monday. Regular and supplementary malls clone at Foreign Station half hour later than clos Inx time shown below (except that tiunple inenlary Malls for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign Station). Transatlantic Malls. SATURDAY At 6:30 a. m. for EUROPR per s. s. Campania, via Uueenstown; at S a. m. for R-KLU1UM direct, per a. s. Vaderland (nuill must be directed "per m m. , Hurnniiu , b f .iw a. in. 401 0V.0 l LAND direct, per s. s. Columbia (mall must be directed per s. s. Columbia PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-Thls steamer takes Printed Matter, Commercial Papers and Samples for Uermuny only. The sum class of mull matter for other parts of feurope win not oe sent Dy mis ship un less snecially directed by her. After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantic Malls named above, addi tional Bupplementary Mulls are opened on the piers of the American, English, French and German steamers, and remain open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of salllns of steamer. Mails for South and Central America, West. Indies. Etc. FRIDAV At 10 a. ni. for GRENADA, TRINIDAD and CIUDAD BOLIVAR, per s. s. Maraval; at 12 m. for MEXICO, per s. s. Nlairara, via Tampico (mail must be directed "per s. s. Nlanara"; at 1 p m. for PORTO PLATA, per s. s. Foxhall, from Boston (mail for other parts of the Dominican Republic must b directed per h s. Foxhull"): at 3 o. m. for AR GENTINE, I RIGUAY and PA RAUL' A Y, per s. a. 'oronda. SATURDAY At :30 s. m (sniinlement-ov J J .30 a. to.) for PORTO RICO, CURACAO r?3 n l I'O i TUFFIt E OTM I. and KNKZI KI .A. r or s r fsr.T)-.T8 (mail for Havntillhi and Cailnxni r.i.. 1 be directed "per s. s. Caracas 'i; at i .11 a. m (supplementary 10:.'.0 a. m ) for KOU TI NK ISLAND JAMAICA. SAVANILI and CARTAUENA. per s. s. Altai (mm, for Costa Rica must be directed "per m. s Altai"); nt :30 a m. (supplcmsritary lo b. m.) for HAITI and, SAN I A MARTA. per s. s. Athos; nt 10 a. m. for CCRA, per B. a Morro Castle, via Havana; at it m: for RAUHAI OS end NORTHERN HR.V .1L. per s. s. Sobralenso; at 12:30 p. m. for CL HA, per s. s. Olitula, via Havana. Mails rornsrHed OTf-rlanil, ' Kti Kept TranapaclBc. CURA Pr rsll to Port Tampa, Fla., and mmice uy stenmer, riosos ut tnis om' dully, except Thursday, at 5:30 A. m. (tim connprtlnp tnulH vr hern on Mon diiyn. Wednesdays and Saturdays. MKXH'O t'lTY Ovcrlnnd, unless opefHsliy BOiirpsnen tor aisimtcn uy steamer, ciiwei at tills olllce dnily, except Sunday at 1:30 p. m. and 11. 3D p. m. Sundays Bt 1 p. ni. and 11 :,10 n m. NF.VFOLM)I.ANl)-Uv rail to North Sydney, and t nonce ty steamer, cloaee. st this olllce daily at 6:30 p. m. t connect -Ing mails close here every Moinlsy, edncsday and Saturday). JAMAK A-Hy rail to hustoti and tbenoe by stennuT, closes st tm ornc at 8:30' p. in. every Tuesdnv rind Thursday, . . MltJUKLOiN lly rail to Itoeton and thrm e ii y steamer, closes at tins ounce at b: o p. m. BELIZE. Ft'EUTCJ CORTEX and OUATK- MALA-lty rail to New Orleans and thence by Rtenmer, closes at this oftlcn ' dally except Sunday, at t:J0 p. m. end 11:30 p. in., Sundays ut 1 p. m and ;l:3t) p m. (coiinectintj mall clones nerj londays at 811. 3i p. m ) COSTA UICA Hy rail to New Orleans nnl thence by ptenmer. closes nt this oft! o dally, except tsunday, at 1:30 p. in. un l (11:30 p. in., tfiundays at SI p. m. and 511:30 p. m. (coi.nectlim mnll, closer her nt 811:111 n 111 I IKKtJISTEHED MA lL. closes at 6 p. m. previous duy. . Transpacific Malls. CHINA AND JAFAN, via Seattle, rlo here daily at :. p. m. up to May. JJUh, IncltisHe, for despatch per s. s. Kngi Muru. PHILltTlNB ISLANDS, via San Fran- Cisco, close here dully tit 6:U0 p. m. up to May !-7th. inclusive, for tloBpatch per U. B. Transport. HAWAII CHINA. JAPAN AND PHILIP. PINK ISLANDS, via. Ban Francisco, clos here daily at 6:30 p. m. up to May 129th, Inclusive, for dcsyutcfi per s. s. Coptic. TAHITI and MAKUl'KSAM ISLANDS, via ban runciar. etos nern anliy st S:30 p. in. up to May 93th, Inclusive, for des. nnteh Per s. s. MarlpoSa. NKW ZKALAND, Al'STRALlA (exoept esij, i r,v I'AiiUiuNin, I' I.II, SA MOA and HAWAII, via Han Francisco, close here oaity at !:3o p. m. after May 5?3d and up to May S30th, inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Ventura. (If th Cunard steamer carrying: the Hrltlsh mall for New Zealand does not arrlv in tUn to connect with this despatch, extra malls closing nt S:30 a. m., 9:30 a. m, and 6:30 p. m.; Sunday nt 4:30 a. m., a. m. and 6:30 p. m. will he made up and forwarded . until the arrival of the C?unard steamer.) AWAII. JAPAN, CHINA, and PHILIP. PINK ISLANDS, via San Francisco, clos . her dally at 6:S0 p. m. up to June loth, In clusive, for despatch per . a. America Maru. ' HAWAII, via San Francisco, close her aaiiy at d::mi p. m. up to jun jstn, inclu sive, for desuatch tier s. s. Alameda CHINA AND JAPAN, via Vancouver and Victoria, H. c. closn here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to June !th, Inclusive, for des patch per' s. s. Empress of Japan. Mer chandise for U. 8. Postal Agency nt Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Can- -aria. CHINA AND JAPAN, via Taeoma. clos nere oauy ai b:w p. m. up to June iznth. Inclusive, for despatch per s. a. vletorls. AUSTRALIA (except West), FIJI 18- i XjAnos ana u;w CALKUONIA (spe clally addressed only), via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, close here dally at 6:30. p. m. up to June aoth, Inclusive, for des patch per s. s. Moana. , Note Unless otherwise Addressed. West A ii .t rn H a I via ITiiMn.. New Zealand and Philippines via San Wan cisco the nulckest routes. Philippines specially addressed "via ' Canada" or "via -Kurope"must be fully prepaid at th for eign rates. Hawaii is forwarded vis Ban v i ' ni.iunivriy,. Transpacific malls are forwarded to tiort of sailing dally and the schedule. of oMsIng is twiaiiKea on tne presumption or tneir uninterrupted overland transit. (Registered mail closes at 6:00 p. m previous day. i c.L.1 1 a v a in fjiriT, i-ostmaster. . i Fitofflco, New TorH, N. T.. May 2a, 1903. GOVERNMENT NOTICES. a iivi v.Ji.u i wiv- VOIIOinUL llOrt. ' If . 4AH.iA CI Tk 1tnw ea ,nvi . . . w, i.miT, u, -jinh oesita pro posals In triplicate will be received until 11 a. m., June 15, 1903. for constructing addi tion to Hospital here. Information furnished upon application. Reserves right to accept or reject any or all proposals, or any part ntcwi. unioiutic. uuuiBiiuiiK proposals to be marked "Proposals for hospital ad dition," addressed C. B. Vogdes, Capt. iuujt K-l-j -14-1, PROPOSALS FOR CONSTTtTTrTTnv Fort Meade, 8. D., May 26, 1903 Sealed pro posals in triplicate will be received until II a. m., June 15, 1!W3 for constructing Post Mcnnnise ana wymnasium nere; informa tion furnished upon application. Reserves right to accept or relect any or all Dronos-' als, or any part thereof. Envelopes eon- taming proposals to be marked "Proposals for Post Exchange and Gymnasium and addressed C. B. Vogdes, Capt. .-viay W-41-J -12-13 OFFICE OK CONSTRUCTINfJ OUAR. termaster, 621 Dooly . Building, Bait Lake City, Utah, May 26, 1903.. Seajed pro posals In triplicate wllj be received here until 11 a. r.i., standard time, June 15, 1903, and then opened, for ths construction of a Post Exchange and Gymnasium Bulldlnar. including plumbing, gas piping, heating-and electric wiring, at Fort Douglas,' Utah. Kiauera win stat in tneir bids th time in which they will complete the work. Full information and blank forms of proposals furnished on application to this office. Plans and specifications may b seen here. United States reserves the right to accept or re ject any cr all proposals, or any part ineror. envelopes containing proposals to be endorsed "Proposals for publlQ Build ings," and addressed to Captain Samuel ' V. Ham, Quartermaster. MZi-d4t-JlS-lSM PRIEST LEAVES A FORTUNE Wears Hags Daring His Lifetime and Is Knows a st -' - Miser. . MOUNT VERNON, N. T., May 28.-LAW- yers who have just completed an adjust ment of the estate of Rev. Joseph AN blnger, paster of .the , Roman . Catholic church of Our Lady of Victoria, who died flv years ago, found that Father Alblnger, who was called a miser and want about the streets In rats, left i!7,000. Of this amount $30,000 was In gold and deposited In vaults In . New, York, . Th remainder was Invested In real estate. Anfnl Loss of Life Follows neglect of throat and lung-diseases, hut Dr. King's New- Dlacoyery cures such troubles or no pay. 60c, $1.00. For tale by Kubn & Co. ; . THIS REALTY MAIIK.KT. INSTRUMENTS pldced on record Thurs day, May 28: Warranty Deeds. Harold Glfford and wife to Charles ' Glllen, lot 10, Glfford's add $ 1,500 Charles Glllen and wife to Dan Murphy, part tax lots 27Vi and SO, In 15-15-13 .........! $.500 W. W. Cotton et al to R. E. McKay, lot 18, block 2. Yates cV H.'s add 171 B. R. Hastings and wife to Anton Stnollnskl et al. lot 7, block 22, Wli- ' ' cox's 2d ad , ' ZT6 W. H. Waddell and wife to J. M. ' Francis, Jr., lot 22, block 6, Mayne'S ad ; i-.... 1 Alexander Gardiner and wife to Mons ' Johnson, n 24 feet of s 70 feet lot 2, Gardiner & B.'s ad to Valley BOO H. P. Hansen and wife to P. J. Peter son, lot 9. block 5, Llnwood park..'.... 460 L. W. Hill to Harry Qreenblatt. let ; 5, block 2. Park Forest ad.... ' 276 Niels Andersen and wife to Hans Niel sen, lot 6. block 14. West Lawn ad.... MM Joseph Kli-!Vr and wife to Addle 8. K lever, lot 10. I-uke .T:'s sd ' 4to Union Stock Yards company to Joseph- -, Cenk, lot 8, block 13, 1st, ad to South Omaha V , $56 Uult Claim Deeds. T . O. F. Davis company to D. 8. Prall, lot 7, block 17, Orchard Hill...... 1 Deeds. Sheriff to Northwestern Nations). bank, lot 14. block 2. Jetter's ad T4 Spei'lal master to Wlnnna Savings bank, lots 1 to S, 10, 13, 13, 14. 16, 22 to 2;. Luke & T.'s ad.,v , 1.671' Total amount of transfers $1,W7 '