8 THE OMAITA DAILY JEE: FRIDAY, MAY 29. 1003 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Dollnen Marks Day in Grain and Provision Pita. ONLY SLIGHT RALLY OCCURS AT CLOSE Fears f RallreaA Strike aad Coase fittl Iaterfcreace wit Bnalaess Ceatrlbate Wrtkarii la Barlasr at Chicago. CHICAGO, May 2. Dullness pervaded the train and provision pita today, Hnd after a decline early In the session wheat closed teady, with July He lower. July corn was unchanged. July onts were oft H". while September provisions closed unchanged to J'je lower. wheat opened firm on steady cables, with July unchanged to a shade higher at W'w 74c to. 75e, but the strength was of short duration, the absence of trade and the lark of bull news soon bringing about a decline, July selling down to 73HU73V after touch ing 74Hc soon after the opening. Outside markets were also easier, while St. Ixnila nd the northwest had conslderabale wheat for sale, which contributed to the declining tendency. Prices held steady at the decline Until late In the day, when a scattered de mand caused a slight rally and the close was steady, with July He lower. Clear ances of wheat and Hour were equal to 427.'. O0 bushels. Primary receipts were 277.801 bushels, compared with 314.500 bushels a year sko. Minneapolis and Duluth reported receipts of 14 cars, which with local re ceipts of 33 cars, none of contract grade, made total receipts for the three points of 1A1 cars, against 13a last week and 224 cars a year ago. Corn was dull throughout the day, the pit being almost deserted. The market had a firm undertone, however, the rumors of a strike among the freight hand lers being a featuro early In the day. Com mission houses bought moderately and the offerings were light. Receipts were smaller nd country acceptances not as large, the fears of a railroad strike being a restriction on business. After selling between 46Hc and 6Hc July closed unchanged at tfitafttoV-'. Local receipts were 246 cars, with 22 of con tract grade. There was a fairly good trade In oats the first hour of the day, but later the market became dull and featureless. Reports of rain In the east caused easier feeling at the tart, but prices quickly responded to a small nattered demand and a firmer tone developed. Late In the session the market eased oft strain and July closed Ho lower after selling between 33Vc and 34Hc. Local receipts were 96 cars. Firmness In the hog market caused a little show of strength In provisions at the opening and there was a fair demand from local shorts, but later on selling of pork the market became somewhat easier. Trad ing on the whole was light. September pork closed 2Hc lower at $16.75, September lard off 2Hc at 8.80 and ribs unchanged at $9.20. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 40 cars; corn, 430 cars; oata, 226 cars; hogs, 16,0("iu head. The leading futures ranged as follows: 1 northern. TP'ac; No. I t northern. 'i-vTtc. Artlcles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.l Yesy. Wheat May 77 H T7H 76H 77 76 July 73W 74HT3H&H 73 73WJ4 Sept. 71 itt 71H W 71 Corn May 46 tfH 5 H July 46Hf H B4'tfsii1is Sept. 444 46 44 H 44i45 45 Oats May 8 h sw M July 834 84H 33 83T 34H Sept. 81 81 31 31 31 Pork May 1 05 1 06 IS 97 19 00 19 05 July 17 47 17 47 17 35 17 S5 17 40 Sept. IS 75 16 32 16 75 16 75 16 77 Lard May 82 77 July 3 90 97 8 87 8 90 885 Sept. 8 8280 880 880 8 82 RMa7 35 36 3J 32 9 82 July 9 46 9 52 9 42 9 42 9 42 Sept 920 9 27 20 9 20 9 20 northern, 7He; No. paten's, $4.004 lV first' clears, 't3.lfJ4j8.8M; second clears, 82. .Inf 2.4ft. Markets will be closed Saturday and Monday. , OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Condition of Trade and Qaotatloas on aple and Fancy Prodaee. EGOS Freeh stock, loss off, Wo. LIVE POULTRY Hens, 10c; spring ihlckens, per lb., 25c; roosters, according to age, Vuc; turkeys, li-Uc; ducks, Italic; geese, jfl lrtc. BL'TTtB Packing stock. He; choice dairy, In tubs, Italic; separator, 22923c. KllKSH FlSH Fresh caught trout, 9c; pickerel, 9c; pike, 11c; perch, tic; buffalo, 7c; Mucnsh, 11c; whlterish, 11c; salmon, ISc; haddock, 11c; codfish, 12c; redsnnpper, 10c; lobHtcrs, boiled, per lb., 27c; lobsters, green, per lb., 25c; bullheads, Kic; cattlxh, 14c; ilnek tmss, 17c; halibut, 11c; shad roe, 35c each; roe chad, 75c each. HKAN Per ton, 815. HAY Prices Quoted hv Omaha Wholeulo Dealers' asroclatlon: Choice No. 1 unlnnri. 1st, No. 2, 850; medium, 88; coarse, 17.50. Rye straw. 16.50. These Drlcea are for ha v of gofd color and quality. . lemand fair and receipts ngni. CO KN 4.1c. OATS 34c. RYE No. 2, 45e. ' VEGETABLES. OLD POTATOES Per bu., 4o50c NEW POTATOES Southern, per lb., 3c LETTUCE Per do, bunches, 30c. PARSLEY Per dos. bunches, 0c. PARSNIPS Per bu., 3u4j40c. Cl'l'l'MBERS Hothouse, per dos., $1. GREEN ONIONS Per dos. bunches, home grown, 12inic. kalusmes per dos. bunches, 1&320C, SPINACH Home grown. Der bu. banket. 40c. BEANS Wax. per bu. box. 33: string. Der bu. box, $.'!. CABBAGE New California, per lb., 3c, TOM ATOES New Florida. Der 6-basket crate, I3.50fa3.75. KMUMAKB per lb., lc. ASPARAGUS Per dos. bunches, 40c. NAVY BEANS Per bu., 82.60. FRUITS. STRAWBERRIES Missouri. Der 24-auart cane (3. CHERRIES California, white and black. per 10-lb. box, I1.75rg2. MISCELLANEOUS. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., 10c. FOI'CORN-Per lb., 2c; shelled, 4c HIDES No. 1. green. 6'kc: No. 2. rreen. 8c; No. 1, salted, 7c; No. 2, salted, 6c; io. i, veai cair, to u ids., ec; no. 2, veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs.. 6Hc: drv salted hides, Mii2c; sheep pelts, 20&75c: horsehldes, 31.60(62.60. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1. soft shell. rer lb.. 16c; hard shell per lb., 14c; No. 2, soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c; rains, per lb.. 12c: filberts, ner lb.. 12c: almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb., 15c; pecans, large, per lb., 12 Ho; small, per lb., 11c; cocoanuts, per dos., 61c; chestnuts, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 6c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black chestnuts, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 6c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black walnuts, per bu., 31; hickory nuts, per bu., 11.60. OLD METAL. ETC. A. B. AID rn Quotes the following prices: Iron, country mixed, per ton, 310; Iron, stove plate, per ton, 38; copper, per lb., 8c; brass, heavy, per lb., bc; brass, light, per lb., 6c; lead, per lb., 3c; sine, per lb., 2c. TROPICAL FRUITS. FIGS California. Der 10-lb. cartons. 75c: Turkish, per 18-lb. box, 18o. ORANGES California navels, fancy, for 176 and smaller sixes, 33.75; for 150 and larger sixes, 83.26: Mediterranean, all sizes. Va3.26; Jaffa. 33: fancy blood. Der half box. 12.00. LEMONS California fancy, all sizes. 83.50: Limonerlas, 84; Meclnlas, 84. DATES Persian. In 70-lb. boxes. Der lb.. 6c; per case of 3-lb. pkgs, 33.26. flNJSAPPUEB Cuban, 13.25. No. 1 Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR-Steady. WHEAT No. t spring, 78ffr79e: No. t spring, 73!79c; No. 1 red, 76&77e. CORN No. 2, 4646c; No. 2 yellow, 446C. .... . OATS No. . 85c; No. I white, 8536c. RYE No. 2, 49c. BARLEY Good feeding, 883430 ; fair to Choice malting, 4SXfft4c SEEDS No. 1 flax, 31.10; No. 1 north western, 3110; prime timothy, 33.453.60; clover, contract grade, 311.6011.75. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bhl., 317.80 C17.2. Lard, per 100 lbs., 88.82tr8.85. Short ribs sides (loose), S9.2ofr9.36. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). 3 00fl.12. Short clear aides . (boxed). 89.76(89.87. Following are the receipts and shipments of flour and grain yesterday: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 26.000 34.400 Wheat, bu 33.500 . 15,100 Corn, bu 239.300 161.100 Oata. bu 184.200 162.9O0 Rye. bu 4 R00 10.100 Barley, bu 27.500 1.300 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries, 16021o; dairies, l&i&'lkc. Eggs, steady, at mark, cases Included, 14&14c Cheese, weak, new, luUc HEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. taotatlons 1 tha Day m Varlons Commodities. NEW TORK. May 28. FLOUR Receipts. 35,446 bbls.: exports, 10,113 bbls.; market dull but steady; Minnesota, patents, 14.10(0 i.40; Minnesota bakers, 33. 2&&a. 45; winter r items, 33.7OtH.O0; winter straights, 83.500 65; winter extras, 82. 80)33.10; winter low grades, 83.6002.80. Rye flour, dull; fair to good, 82 80$)2 .90. CORN MEAL Steady; yellow western, $160; city. 51.04; Brandy wine, 33.403.55. RYE Dull; No. 3 western. 59c, f. o. b afloat; state, 6t59c. c. I. f.. New York. BARLEY Steady ; feeding, 61c, c. 1,, f. Buffalo; malting, bS5Sc, c. L f., Buffalo. WHEAT Receiuts. 131.S60 bu.: exports. 166.003 bu.. Spot, dull; No. 3 red. 87c. ele vator; No. 3 red, 83V.-, t. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 87c, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, 87c, f. o. b. afloat. Op tions were steady at first on cables, but weakened on small clearances, clearing weather in the southwest and realising. The exception waa steady, with shorts bid up to a high figure In the afternoon. It closed 3c higher, against He decline In other months; May. &44)88e; closed at 87c; July. 7SV379Hc; closed at 7Sc: September. 7 ll-lfttfrtic. closed at 75c; December, 76 76c; cloned at 76c. CORN Receipts, 17.855 bu.; exports, 94.203 bu. Spot, quiet; No. 2, 56c, elevator, and 54c, i. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 65c; No. 2 white. 5Ro. Option market opened firm on rains and light country offerings, but later eased off with wheat and closed uiUc net lower; May, 56c; closed at 66c; July, 62 9-14 BU'c; ciosea ai kss-iac; September, 61c; December closed at 4Xc. OATS Receipts, 87,5i bu.; exports, 4.665 bu. Spot, dull; No. i, 39c; standard white 41Ho; No. 3, 38c; No. 2 white. 42c; No. 8 white, 4lc; track, white, 3&U4&C. options quiet and bare'.y steady. HAY Quiet: shipping, 7075c; good to Choice. Oixqi.10. HOPS Quiet: state common to choice, 1J crop, ,aHc; 1901 crop, 1j4i1So; olds, f Irto. Pacific coast, 1303 crop, l'tfl9e: 1901 crop, iMiise; olds, fainc. Hints-steady ; Ualveston, 18c; Callfor nla, 19c: Texas dry, 14c. LEATHER Firm; add. 34ff2oc. RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, 49 TAI.U)W-Easy; city, 6c; country, &5c. rnuv iniursB Beer, easier: beef hams, 310.964J21 ou: packet. 89.5nuilO.UO: cltv. India mens, 316 O0j 18.00. Cut meats, dull. Lard. dull; western steamed. 39.20; refined, steady; uoniiiiciii, , oouin American, 8.ao; com pouml, 87. 7548.00. Pork, easier; short clear, 818 (irl9.50. METALS Tin was again very weak In London, spot there closing at 127.7s 6d, a loaa of 2 7s 6d, while futures were Anally Quoted at 126. or at a decline nr f i !.m The local market waa unsettled -and nomi nal, with spot quoted at t a 26. Copper was a'ao lower in London, closing about 3 6a lower at 57 5s. Lot-ally copper was quiet and nominal at tl4.75uH 87 tor lake, elec- troiyiio ana casting. ieaa, declining lo xndon, waa unchanged here at 84.37. roller declined 5s In London, closing at 420 7s 6d. and remained aulet here at LV7& 'Ton closed at 5Js d In niami b n,l -, Am In Mlddleaborough. Locally Iron was -a ana weaker, no. i northern foundry Is quoted at Ul; No. 3 northern foundry. W.x8JU.uu; No. 1 southern foundry and No, l son soutnern lounary, .uuwg 30. w, Mllwankea Ural a Market. MILWAUKEE, My 28 WHEAT Dieanv; jo. i nonnern, sjc; NO. 3 north ern. (f:'a!3c; July. 73c. 1 RYE Steady; No. 1. 53c, TlARl.EY Steady: No. 2. 6B56c. CORN-July. 4&ne46Ho. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, May M.-SEED-Clover, dull, easy; uctoiwr, o.u. Mlaaeapolla Wheat, rinar and Bran MINNEAPOLIS. May -Close: WHEAT ssn. 7ho; July. 77Ha77c; September, 8oto; m trtwk. No- I bard, aftci Mo. reported; quotations range from itc to 7c or all graues. Apricots are turn, wun a tile mure afint.ua trom some uuiirr, choice are quoie.i at 7hc and lam) at K'VyK'Hc 1'eaches remain quiet and rather easy a to tone, Willi choice heid at itusu nu fancy at sHdlic. WEAHE GRAIX COMPAHT. Omaha Branch 110-111 Board of Trad BnlldlnaT. CHICAGO. May 28. WHEAT There has not been much of Interest to reoort In wheat today. Fluctuations narrow and tho general interest of a sort of a holiday na ture. The tendency has been lower. There has been no particular significance to anv business, most of it being of an evening up nature, more was an improvement re ported In the weather In the southwest. Cables we.-e a little stronger. Argentine shipments, estimated, 1,200,000 bu., about half the week previous. Local receipts, 88 cars, with none contract. New York re ports 15 loads for export and 40 cars axe ea umatea ror tomorrow. CORN The trade In corn, too, has been quiet, but the undertone somewhat firmer than wheat. The railroad strike having been declared at many points and the 1ml nence of a walkout here has been the strengthening Influence. Country offerings were s'.lghtly Increased, although still light compared with last week. New York re ported 18 loads taken for export and there were 100,000 bu. sold here; receipts were 246 cars, with 22 contract; 430 cars estimated for tomorrow. OATS Market has been steady in spite of the dullness and the Improvement In the weather In the east. The only bullish news waa the Price Current, which put the pros pects considerably under the average, but which reported an Improvement the last few days. Cash market waa steady. Oata were innuencea some Dy the strike situa tion. There were 60.000 bu. sold from here and 75,000 from New York. Local receipts, 96 cars, with none contract; 225 cars esti mated tomorrow. PROVISIONS There has been a firm nrn. vision market. In spite of large hog re ceipts west and a decline of lo In hogs here. There has been good buying of July lard, forcing shorts to cover. There was n increase In the week s Dacklna-. 475.000 hogs, compared with 415.000 last year; hogs In the west today. 70,000, against 55,000 Jast year; estimates for tomorrow, 16.000. WfeAKH UKA1N COMPANY. t. Lonla Grain and Provisions. ST. LOUIS, May 28. WHEAT Lower; No. 2 red, cash, elevator, nominal; track. 76HS76c; . September. 6c: No. 2 hard. 7a 75c. corn Firm; No. 2 cash, nominal; track, 46'347c; July, 4-Tic; September, 42Hc. OATS Weak; No. 2 cash, 85c, nominal; track. 36c; July. S3-833c; September, 30c; rio. 3 wnue, c. RYE Steady at 49c, PROVISIONS-Pork. steady: lobbtn. standard mess, 817.75. Lard. flrmeV at 88.50. Mt iALD-waa, aun, X4.lbtt4 17. Spelter, steady. 85.4o4j6.C0. POULTRY Steady: chickens. 10c: sortnas. 16tf22c; turkeys, 10c for hens; ducks, 9c; geese, 39 4o. BUTTER Slow; creamery. :622c: dairy. U'fl i ic. EGGS Steady. 12o for fresh, nearbr. loss off. FLOUR Quiet: red winter patents. 13 50 r.vo; extra fancy and straights, 83.20 3.CM1. SEED Timothy, nominal. 32.16fl'2.26. CORNMEAL Steady, 8160. BRAN Strong and higher; sacked, east tracK. iWiM. HAY Steady; timothy. 39.00iffl6.50: oralrle. Jl.""'! II. W. IRON COTTON TIES 11.05. RAOGTN G 5 6c. TWINE Hemp, 6c. PROVISIONS Bacon, steady; boxed ex trs shorts. 810.37; clear ribs, 310.62; short clears, iiu.ia. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 6,000 4.ono Wheat, bu S8.nn0 66,000 Corn, bu sS.OOO 31.000 Oats, bu 36.000 51,000 Kanaas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Mav 28-WHEAT-Mav 7c; July, R4Hfi64c; September, 62'ff,;?1c; casn, no. 3 hard. itirnc: no. 3. 6it9o; No. 4, 6J4M5c; rejected. 62fiS4c; No. 3 red, 71c: No. 3. 70e: receipts. 31 cars. CORN Ms v. 45Ho: July. 40c: September, 39,c: cash. No. 2 mixed. 44c; No. 2 wrrlti, 4.V0 MiV.c; No. 3. 4Jd?44o. , OATS No. 2 white. 36c; No. S mixed. S9 Mc. RYE No. I. 47c. HAY Choice timothy. 3130O13 .60; choice prairie. w burp lo w. PUTTER Creamery, 16Sl9c; dairy, fancy, 16c. EGGS Weak; fresh Missouri and Kansas stock. 12c dos., rases returned: new No. 2, whitewood cases Included. 12c. Receipts. Shipments Wheat, bu 24, xs.no Corn, bu S4.4O0 6S.S00 Oats, bu 12.000 8,0u0 Pfcllnrielnfcla Prodaee Market. PHILADELPHIA. May 28 BUTTFR fair demand; western creamery, 22c weMerv creamerv. nearby prints. 24c. EGGS Firm: c hlaher: fresh nearhv If c loss off; fresh nearby western. ltit i,c loss ort; rresn nearpv soutnwestern 16c loss off; southern, nominal. CHEERE Dull and easier; New York run creams, goon to choice; choice old. 14V,rl5r; New York full creams, new choice HH'llVc: New York full creams, fair to gooa, new, iw4ri ll-c Evaporated Apples and Dried Prnlts, NEW YORK. May 28 -EVAPORATED rn,r..v Msruet is quiet under light de mand. but prlce are ateadllv held; common are nuoiert at ! nrlme. SHfliHc; choice, 6.i6c: fancv. 6Uift7We CAI.mjRNIA DRIED rRUITS-Prnnes are nrmiy neia and soma export Inquiry la Dalnth Grain Market. DL'LL'TII. Mar 28. WHEAT To arrive. No. 1 hard, soc; No. 1 northern, 78c; July, TKViC. OATS May, 34c. Peoria Market. PEORIA. Ill . Mav 28. CORN Firm: No. 2, c; No. 4, 4J-c. uaib-vuiet; io. 8 white, 84c; No. 4 white. 33Hc. J MMi&lv 181.30 ror finished goods. JEW YORK STOCKS AMD HODS. Weakness Aaaln Developes Doe to Talk of Strikes. NEW YORK. Mav 28 The stock market developed conulderable weakness again to day. This was not a surprise, In view of the doubtful movements wnlch greeted yes- v-Tuay s attempt 10 put up prices. There was this evidence tnls meriting also of pressure to sell stocks, which encouraged me proiessionai Dears 10 make a Dold at tack on the market. Presuming on the urgent necessities of sundry holders of securities, the bears offered down prices briskly and succeeded in wiping out mar gins on and dislodging stop-loss orders, which had been freauently placed through out the day below the existing price level. The stream of offerings on Una account gained notably In volume when prices broke inrougn the previous low level on the movement, as they did at many points. This served to reveal the fact that many doubtful holders of securities had Indulged the hope that the previous low level would not be exceeded again. They were appar ently willing to risk holding their slocks above that price, but hnd insured the prompt sale of their holdings if the mar ket snould decline again below that point. The large selling which spread pretty gen erally through the list was as little ac counted for by any news department as that last week. It was evident that the fall In prices was Itself the motive for a large part of the selling, and the maneu vers of the bears contributed materially to the fall In price. This was shown by the decline in the last three-quarters of tin hour, when the shorts, taking profits, caused recoveries from 1 to 2 points in the principal active stocks. A notable center of disturbance for the whole market was Amalgamated Copper. Its decline was shBred in by copper securities all over the world and a violent slump in the price of the metal In London gave color to the suspicion which has recently found expres sion that the metal market was under ma nipulation for a rise to assist In a specula tion in copper securities. Rio tlntos were sold in Paris and London on an enormous scale. The extreme decline in Amalga mated reached 4 and its recovery on short covering left It still 3 on the day. It was believed that a long standing pool In the stock was fori?ed to unlond. When the concentrated selling waa detected the bears Joined freely and attacked the stock fiercely. Rock Island was under severe pressure nil day and the professional hears were confident In the supposition that large accounts In the stock were In a vulnerable position. The heavy selling of Union Pa cific and Its lack of support caused a bad impression. The same waa true of the abandonment of St. Paul and Pennsylvania to the vicissitudes of the market. National Railroad of Mexico, preferred, was among the market features on realizing following the announcement of concessions granted by the Mexican government. Rumors of a freight handlers strike on western roads was given as a reason for some of thu afternoon session. Other depressing factors were authoritative de nials of reported conferences looking to adjustment of the Pennsylvania railroad and Gould dispute obstacles In the way of organization of the anthracite coal con ciliation board, the reduction In the amount of Ressemer pig Iron said to have been purchased by the United States Steel cor poration from yesterday's report, and the effect produced by the United States ship building reorganization. The price of London exchange gave fur ther belief that further exports are likely. The banks are apparently gaining on the Interior movement to offset the export of e-old: nut rates for time money were ap preciably firmer today. Rather favorable reports of net earnings were entirely ig nored. St. .PauVs April statement showed about one-quarter of the Interest of gross saved for net. Ttflllrnnri bonds were heavily sold. The bond market otherwise was Irregular. To tal sales, oar value. 82,250.000. United States bonds were steady and unchanged on tho Inst call. Following are the quotations on the New York Stock exchange: Atchison do pfd Btl. A Obla do ptd Canadlsn Pclflo . Canada Bo Ctaes. As Ohio Chleaxo A Altos. do pfd Chicago A O. W.. do lit ptd do Id pfd........ Chlraao A N. W. Chicago Tor. A Tr do pra C. 0. C. A St. L. Colorado 80 do 1M pfd do Id pfd Dl. A Hudinn.... Del. L. A W Donrar A R. 0... do Pfd Erla . .. do 1st pfd do Id pfd.... T4tt I7 . SO .124 So. Kallwar pfd 90 Texas A Pacific 901 Toledo, St. L ft W. 20 do pfd.... . it1 . 28 . 20 . 72 . 14 .176 . t4 . IT 1 Union Paclna do pfd.. 1 Wabash do pfd Whwlins A L. E... do M pfd 1WI. Central do pfd Adama Ex lAmerlran Ex jt'nltcd States Ex... Wolla-Farso Ex A mat. Copper !4,Anier. Car A P . 2SI do pfd .170V Amer. Lin. Oil .14? I do pfd M . 12 American 8. A R.... 474 sil ao pia at 3334, Anac. Mining Co M 3 3t 41 22 13 221 200 110 M0 Great Nor. ptd ISO Horklng Vallar do Dfd Illlnola Central Iowa Central ... do pfd Lake Erla A W. do pfd L A N Manhattan L.... Mat. St. Rt Mex. Central ... Mex. National . Minn. A St. L.. Ho, Pacific M.. K. A T N. J. Central .. N. Y. Central . Norfolk A TT... do pfd... , (7,1 Brooklyn R. T f M 11 010. Fuel ft Iron... s Cons. Oaa IM r Cont. Tobacco pfd. ..111(4 .... 946 lien. Klectrio ... ....1S6H Hw-klni Coal .., .... I .Inter. Paper .... .... 50 do pfd .... 8.1 llnter. Power .... ,...ln Laclede Oaa .... ....Ill National Biscuit ....1371 'National Lead .. ....12bH,No. American .. .... :4V Pacific Coast .... 23H PclAc Mall .... .... 80 People's Oaa ....10SH Pressed 8. Car . .... 23V do pfd ...,11 Pullman P. Car. Ontario St Western.. 24 Pennerlvanta .. Reading do lat pra.... do 1J pfd St L. AS P.. do 1st pfd.... do td DM St. L. S. W.... do pfd St Paul do pfd So Pacific .... Bo. Railway .. ...12"4 Republic Steel . .... M do pfd 88 V Sugar Tenn. Coal A I ..127 V S. Leather ., .. i do pfd .. 82 V. S. Rubber .. .. 6S I do pfd .. Tl TJ. . Steel .. 74 I do pfd .. MHWeatern Union .... .. 10 'Amer. Locomotive. .. 4V do pfd ,.14Va K. C. Southern ..175 1 do ptd .. 50 Rock Uland ... 6V do pfd 181 .. 15 .. 1 .. 70 .. 40 .. 7 .. 18 .. 17 .. 80 .. a .. 17 ..lno .. M .. 88 ..1U8 .. 1T .. 'li'i ..122'4 .. 55 .. 10 .. 84 .. 14'k .. 4V 21S SH M 23 -4 20 S7 4i 85 49 New York Money Market. NEW YORK.' May 28. MONEY On call. cent; time money, firm; sixty days easy at Va1 per cent; closing. 2(?f-i, per 4 per cent: ninety days, 4 per cent; six month 4Vrj'4 per cent; prime mercantile paper, tHifiS1-" per cent. sTi.HLI.NU EXl'HANHB-very steady. with actual business In hankers' hills at $4,883 for demand and II.SIS for S'xtv davs; posted rates. H.'i'iil tii and $4.K 4.89; commercial bills, M MI.Sl'i. HII.VKK riar. Kic; Mexican dollars. 42e. GOVERNMENT BONDS Firm. The closing quotations on bond are as follows: V. A ret. ta, reg....lot L. A N. unl. 4a'. 101 do coupon lu) Mex. Central 4a ?RH do la. reg Ul-A: do la Inc t, S . do coupon 107 xxMlnn. A St. u. 4a.luof ao sew ta, reg u i m . k. a t. 4a l' ...i.fcV do la to. ...lioVxS. Y. C. gen. lHa..l3 ...I11VN. J, C. sen. 5a . .. loj 4 ; No. PariBc 4a im ...KUV do St 71- ... VN. A W. con. 4a.... ... Sfry Reading gen 4a 1 ...i 81. L. A I. M. e. la. Ill ... 83Vi!t. L. A B. F. 4a.... IWVSt. L. 8. W. la HVi xdo la 81 do coupon do old 4a. reg.. ' do coupon do 4a. reg do coupon Atrblaon gen. 4s do ad. 4a Hal. A Ohio 4a... do 8ta xdo conv. 4a... xCanada so. 2a lo Central of Oa. aa 105 xdo la Inc los Chra. A Oblo 4e...ll4 xChlcago A A. V,a.. 751 C . B. A Q. n. 4a... xC, M A St P g. 4a.. 108 C. A N. W. a. 7i ...132 xic, n. i. A P. 4e. .100S, C C C A St L g. 4a.. 100 xChlcago Ter. Colorado So. 4a Denver A R. O. 4a Erie prior lien 4a.. ao general 4a 88 3. A. A A. P. 4a.... 78 So. Pacific 4a M So. Railway 5a llt;4 rexaa A Pacific la..llfcH 74 102 a MV ...Ui 1.,S .... 74, lW'i 4a.. ao4 .... z T , St. L. A W. 4a Union Pacific 4a do conv. 4a.... Wabaah la xdo 2a do drb. B Weet Shore 4a... 8H Wheel. A L. B. WVWIe. Central 4a. a5V Con. Tobacco 4a au. P. W. A D. C. la. ...Ill Colo. Fuel la few Hocking Val. 4W...lo7 xbid. xxOffered. fered for Paris account. Americans were In sympathy with New York and owing to the ahscnte of the local support. There w-r some realizing and prices closed weak. Kaffirs were weak. Copper suffered heavily today and there were no attempts to check the decline. The metal opened at A4e and closed at &.Vjc. About tons wer sold. UEK1.IN. May 2S Exchange on lrfmdon. Jom 4Spff?s for checks. Discount rate for short hills. J per cent: for three month' hill, 3'- per cent. Ilupnes on the bouree today was extremely quiet, owing to the approach of the Whitsuntide holldnvs. The private rate of discount was SHi per cent. Money on call was quoted at 1 per cent. PARIS, May 2S. Prices on the bourse today opened irregular and closed Arm. Three per cent rentes, Kf 20e for the ac count. The weekly statement of the Hank of France shows these changes: Notes in circulation Increased J.R75,ooof. treasury nc counts current Increased 46.17S.OoOf. go"ld In hand Increased 4.475,0Of, hills discounted Increased i.'fi.ono.ooof and silver in hand In creased 2 3l5.O0Of. London stork Market. LONDON, May Closing quotations: Coneoln for monAy. 83 1-18 New Tork Central. do acount 81 13-18 Norfolk A weetern. Anacnnrla Aachlpnn do pfd Paltlmore A Ohio. Canadian Pacific... Chemipeake A Ohio Chlcano O. W C. M. A St. P Pehcera Penver A R. O.... do pfd Erie do lat pfd do 2d pfd Illlnola Central Tou'.avtlle A Naah. MIMMirl. K. T 4Sl do pfd. . 88 ,Ontarlo A Western. . 87 Pennsylvania . Rand Mines .12C -t Reading . 4nl do lat pfd . 51 I do Id pfd .lr3VS.r.athem Rallwar.. . do pfd . l" Southern Pacific.... Union Pacific... do pfd United States Steel. do pfd Wabaah do pfd 1M'4 8t 81 17 ftVl 1H !, 34 rs 84 52 8414 81 32 '4 838. 28 V, 4 87 34 . 891, . f7 .138 .118 . "4 BAR SILVER-Dull at 24 7-18d per ounce. MONEY 3Vifi3ty per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills is 3 per cent and for three-months' bills is 3 per cent. Boston Stock Quotations. BOSTON, May 28. Call loans, Z6W P" cent; time loans, 4Vi6 per cent. Official closing prices on stocks and Donas: Atrhlnon 4a 88 (Amalgamated Atchlaon 74 1 Bingham do pfd 84'calumet A Heel. Boston A Albany. ...21,1 (Centennial Boaton Elevated 14&VCorper Range ... N. Y . N. H A H..180VPnmlnlon Coal ... Fltchburg pfd 137 IPranklln Union Pacific 83't lale Royal Mex. Centrsl 24'ilMohawk American Sugar 131H Old Dominion .... do pfd 120 Oaceola American T. A T 13! Parrot Dominion I. A 8 ISViQulncjr Oen. Eleotrle 180 Santa P Copper.. Mane. Electric is' Tamarack do pfd 85 iTrtmountalo United Knilt lnVTrlnlty U. B. Hteel HV United States .... do pfd Slyl'tah Weatfngh. Common.. 84 Victoria Adventure 8H Winona Allouea 5Wolver1n . I1t . 17 .515 . o-4 . 67 . 81 8 . . 77 . 45 . i . 0 . UH .lul . I'A .101 . 874 . " . .. to' . 4 . 8t . 70 New York Mining; tgnotatlona. NEW YORK, May 28 The following are the quotations on the New York Stock ex change: Adama Cos .......... 88 Alice M Freec 80 Brunswick Con 4 Comatock Tunnel... 7f Potoal Con. Cal. A V ISO Horn Silver 100 Iron Silver 150 Lcadvtlla Con I zAsked. Little Chief Ontario Ophlr xKhoentx 8 558 141 I 80 Savag 18 Sierra Nevada 85 Small Hopes 80 Standard .171 Cotton Market. ST. IjOVIH, May 28.-COTTON-Qulet; middling, ll-c; sales, none; receipts, 347 bales; shipments, 346 bales; stock, 11,714 bales. lul v ERPOOL, May 28. COTTON Spot In limited demand; prices, 2&4 points lower; American middling fair, .76J; good mid dling, 6.6od; middling, .40d; low middling, 6.20d; good ordinary, s.6d; ordinary, 6.76d. The sales of the day were 6,000 bales, of which 600 were for speculation and export and Included 4,4(8) American. Receipts, 17, 400 bales, all American. Futures opened firm and closed quiet; American middling, g. o. c. May, 6.14d; May and June, S.12d; June and July, 6.0?'u6.0yd; July and Au gust, 6.04tl.05d; August and September, 6.01d; September and October, &.&0a5.61d; October and November, 6.20d; November and December, 6.08(&5.0&d; December and January, 6.06d; January and February, H.OSd. NEW ORLEANS, May 28. COTTON Steady; June. 12.19c bid; July, 12.4012.42c; August, 11.88e bid; September, 10.2bv&10.27c; October, 9. 4MJN9.4c; November, 8.27&9.28c; December, 9.27(89.28. Cotton steady, sales, 1,625 bales; ordinary, 9 9-16c; good ordinary. 101-16c; low mid dling. 10 13-lSc; middling, llll-16c; good middling. 12 3-16c. Receipts, 3,160 bales; stock, 80,743 bales. NEW YORK, May 28. The cotton mar ket opened at unchanged prices to a de cline of 6 points, following a call display ing further weakness and closed weak to 7 points lower. At the lower level the bulls again came to the support of values, buying orders came from New Orleans, and this in connection with rather unfavorable private crop accounts partly from Texas and Oklahoma brought about further cov ering by shorts, which forced values slowly upward until prices were net two points lower to five points higher. July reaching 11.34c, was within two points of Its previous high level for the season and August sold up to 10.84c. Then came a considerable period of Ir regularity with quotations showing little tendency and trade remained quiet, but in the last hour this gave way to more active realizing In Texas. Notwithstand ing the light estimates for tomorrow re ceipts at southern points the market reached a new level, being finally easy at a decline of 6 ST12 points, with prices steady at the bottom. Total sales futures es timates at 175.000 bales. Port receipts to day were 4,945 bales against 3,619 bales yesterday. The Liverpool market this morning was due to renort an advance of from 9 to I points. At the time of the local opening It was lhi points lower to S points and spot cotton was two points lower In light de mand. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, May 28. The market for coffee futures opened steady at unchanged prices to a decline of 5 points under lower cables and expectation of Increased re ceipts to result from an early movement of the new crop. Trading was only mod erately active, but the market ruled easier and closed quiet net unchanged to 10 points lower. Sales were 13,750 bags. Including July at 8.85c: September, 4.05c; October, 4.10c; November, 4.15f4.20c; December. 4.50c; January, 4.45c; February, 4.65c; March, 4.70c OH and Rosin. NEW YORK, May 28 COTTONSEED OIL Easy; prime yellow, 4041c PETROLEUM Steady. ROSIN Steady. Strained common to good. 2.0oi2.05. TURPENTINE Quiet, 62(fW2e. OIL CITY, Pa., May 28 Credit balances. 81.50; certificates, no bid; shipment, 59.592 bbls.; average, 87.145 bbls.; runs. 112.577 bbls.; average. Tl.iM bhls. Shipments, Lima, 76.225 bbls.; average, 69.417 bbls.; runs, Lima, 69,402 bbls.; average, 64.932 bbls. Foreign Financial. LONl'ON. May 2S. The amount of bullion taken Into the Bank of England today was ....(. i. The weekly statement of the Bank of England shows these changes: Total reserve decreased 34a.0u0. circulation In creaiied nH.O0O, bullion Increased 202.2ii, other securities Increased &313.0UO. other de posits decreased 51.0uo, public deposits ln creaiaed u4,ij0, notes reserve decreased JC3l7,0iO and government securities were un changed. Tne proportion of the bank's rettrrve to liability this week Is 60.74 per cent, as compared with 631 last week. The rate of discount was unchanged today at 3V, per cent. I,nN DON. May 28. Money was In in creased demand today, the market relying upon the Hank of England. Business on the stork rxchange waa un decided. oieratore helne f-lnv occupied with ths completion of the settlement. Coutvols were idy. lug Twlos wers of- Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. May 28. Few developments have occurred In the dry goods market during the day. A few additional advances have occurred and sellers are holding very tlrmly for the new figures, which are being paid in the rnalority of Instances without much demur. The curtailment proposition, according to all advices, is likely to ex tend materially, many manufacturers being very short of cotton. Sajgar Market. NEW YORK. May 28. 8TTAR-Raw, quiet; refined, unsettled. Mole, firm. NEW ORLEANS. May 28. SUOAR-Dull, open kettle. 24j,iff.T4ic; open kettle, cen trifugal, S'ufie; centrifugal whites, 4',c; yellows. S'Wi.".c; seconds, 2ff2c. MOLA8SK8 Open kettle, nominal, 23ff 26c; centrifugal, l&tfl8c; syrup nominal, 12 (&14c. Wblaky Market. ST. IXUIS, May 28. WHISKY-Steady. tl.so. CINCINNATI. May 28 WHIflKY-Dis-tillers' finished goods firm on basis of 81.30. TToal Market. BT. IOT'IS. May 28 WOOL Firm: me- dium grades and combing. ItTi'r; light fine. IVnUV: heivy tine, ll'QHVic; tub washed, llKgVjC. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Eeceipta Liberal and. Prioes Ruled Steady to Shade Lower. HOG MARKET SLOW AND MUCH LOWER Very Few Sheep and Laaaba Arrived nd Those that Were on Sale of Common Quality Bo that a Test of the Market Was Not Made. SOUTH OMAHA, May 28. Receipts were: Cattle. Hugs. Sheep. Official Monday JL688 2,3i4 Omcial '1 uesaay ,u lo,ou a.NMl umciai Wednesday 4,502 14,317 . i.vjo Official Thursday 8,5u0 U.60U 1.7U0 Four days this. week. ..14.910 Same days last week.... 11,087 61,851 2J,fco7 8i,b)9 87,978 81,697 3i,9oS 9.890 12,283 15,384 12,829 13,940 8,245 Same week before 18.846 Same three weeks ago... 17,631 Sume four weeks ago. ...17,251 Same days last year 8,569 KKCKlf i'S IXJH THtC A EAR TO DATE. The following labia shows the receipts ot cattle, hugs and wneep at oouth uiiwol fur tne year 10 uate and cuinpariauns wun uaai year; St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. May 28 CATTLE Receipts. 2.980 head; active and steady: na tives. 84.10ii5.10; cows and heifers. 82.0CJ 4.S0; stockers and feeders. 8 2Wi4.76. HOOS Receipts, 8.150 head; weHk to Re lower; light and lifrht mixed. 86 T&ftB 9": medium and heavy. 85. 82', a6 05; bulk. 85.80 5 ps. 85.ftVa8.50. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 12M head; steady to 10c higher. 1903. Cattle 3mi,ou0 Hogs .o,u.U Sheep 51o,jM Average pnu ia 1902. Inc. Dec. 313, M2 o2,tMi 1,U6U,91 82,'ioo 3ao,18 169,068 I01 iiugt ml Suuth Oinaua lor tn iam awveial uaa with com parisons: Pate, j 1903. 102.101. 11900. 18sr9.;l.s.l'yl. May 1... May i... May ... May 4..., May 6... May 6... May 7... May ... May 9... May 10.. May il.. May 13... May U... MU li.. May Is.., May 16... May XI... May Is... May In.., May 20... May 21.. May It.. May 23.. May i4... May ... May Ji... May 'a.. May 28.. . 6 83 I I ' I h! I '3 I I I I Wfe, I wyi I t:ti I I (&4 I toigi 'I 4l-j I W .1 i. ri 1 27H I M-M, 1 6 24 I lsl 191 I 6 04HI 6 83HI a ini 6 72 6 90 1 ul, I w, I 7 0, 6 ll 6 91 7 uu 7 ti 7 us 1 1 99j !, 7 U 7 . I lit 12! i U 7 Ut ; 03i 7 0 7 on 1 I 6 9o 6 Ui 7 U2 t 64 t 21 hi e ii a 1 -I li DUl S U I I 6 61 I a iu, i 2i 0 fcij e iu 5 001 6 U a bl a iu I 151 6 68 1 0 U, S 1m a o 6 21 I b, u -0 6 li, 6 -i a U, a U 1 0 AIM 6 73 I e 6i S 03 tl 6 B VS 6 61 t 01 1 6 6, I s 04 6 oil e 1 4! I 4 99, 6 60 i 6 63 4 85j 81 4 tw i W 3 M lit! . I 3 69 IM 3 6-1 it bO 8 t i bo ..-' 8 6 63 3 OJ, 3 u9, 3 62 3 65 3 6-i 3 . 8 5x 3 bui I 3 i 8W . 3 71 M 4 'li a on a Vj 3 t4 3 1SJ1 3 iU 1 3 71 3 89l 3 ., 3 j 1 1! I w 4 19 8 4 ux, a im 4 U 3 U I 3 OX 4 251 4 a 8 i 4 3j 3 2 4 ) ai I 8 .vi 4 3b 8 bJ 1 3 62 4 83, 4 25 3 Ai 4 li 3 4u 4 1 3 S 4 2 3 34 4 08! 3 34 Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: came, tiogs. oneep.n r s. C, M. at BL P 10 Wabash Missouri Paclflo 1 Union Paclflo system 68 CAN. W 1 F.. E. & M. V 86 C, bt. P., M. & O.... 26 B. ft M 40 C, B. & Q 4 K. C. St. J 6 C. R. I. & P., east... 5 Illinois Central 1 11 6 1 87 17 69 28 28 6 'f 1 210 1 763 1.953 968 3.518 784 4,208 651 767 3,681 878 239 68 628 117 16 24 67 83 13 65 8 53 197 691 214 .... 81 Total receipts 187 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing tne num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company Armour & Co Cudahy Packing Co Cudahy, from K. C Swift, from country Armour, from K. C Armour, from Sioux City Lobman & Co Huston & Co Livingstone & Shaller... L. F, Huss Wolf & Murnan Dennis Co H. F. Hamilton Lee Rothschild S. Werthelmer Morton & Uregson Other buyers Totals 4.078 14,168 8.012 CAi l There was another noeral run of came here tnls morning, and ailhougn trading was rather slow there waa not inucn change in the prices paid. As a gen eral thing the commoner trades were the hardest to sell. The beef steer market was very slow in opening and the market could best be de scribed by calling it steady to a shade lower. Buyers uid not take hold with a great deal of life, and while they bought up the more desirable grades at Just about steady prices they were Inclined to be bear ish on Hie commoner kinds. The big bulk ot the receipts consisted of steers, and as trading was rather slow from start to finish it was lute before a clearance was made, .... The cow market was also a little slow with prices ranging steady to a little lower. There was considerable unevenness In the prices paid, but as a general thing the medium kinds suffered more than the choice grades, while canners sold without much trouble at Just about steady prices. There was not a very large run of cows on hand, so the bulk of the arrivals was disposed of at a reasonably early hour. Bulls, veal calves and stags all sold In Just about the same notches they did yes terday. ... ,. . The stocker and feeder market waa not very well supplied this morning, and In fact there were scarcely enough thin cattle to make a test of the situation. It was evi dent, though, that speculators were all anxious for thin cattle of good quality, and In the absence of any number answering to that description they bought the warmed-up cattle at good steady prices. Representative sales: Av. Pr. No. .. 180 8 00 10 ..1106 t TS 4 .. 8M 8 78 17 I 88 18 710 4 00 1 II tl , 14 , 16 4 30 18 11 8 4 II 86 10 1! 84 6 18 SO 4 IS tl .1141 4 86 81 81 18 16 40 16 ..1011 4 38 1" i SS 86 ..111 4 86 18.... 11 4 60 . 10110 4 86 I" a 1 ir York 1.1 ve Stork Market. NEW YORK. May 28. PEEVES Re ceipts, 18 head; none on sile. Cables steady. Fxno-ts todav. 48 rattle and 118 sheep. Calves receipts, S head, steady. Veals, S5.nn7 00. H WIS Receipts, 1.917 head. Market "sHEEP AND LAMBS Recelnts. l.tm head: active and steady. Bhr 83.0084. 7; yearlings, 8 t"tt; lambs, x7.5039.uo. No. 1 I 1 14 1 1 1 , IT 16 4 40 8 16 to , 1 , 8 8 14 1 II 8 6 6 1 16 6 18 19 1 JO 1 6 6 8 1 18 is!!!! 88 88 17..-. 4 in 18 16 11 It IK 88 14 7 10 8 It 6 a 4 8 16 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 I 1 1 I 8 1 ...... 1 1 1 I I 1 I ... I 1 I il ... 1 4.... 1.... 1 10...., 610 4 00 .... 810 4 10 ....101 4 16 .... 84 4 10 1040 4 10 .... 81 4 10 .... 846 4 15 .... 418 4 ....1M8 4 80 ....1040 4 80 ...)040 4 16 ....1113 4 86 ....1218 4 86 .... 861 4 26 ....1168 4 15 ....1110 4 26 ....1148 4 86 ..11J0 4 80 ..loot 4 80 . . T4 4 80 .. S1 4 SO ..1121 4 80 ..111 4 80 At. Pr. ..12 4 46 ..1081 4 45 ..1184 4 60 ..1166 4 60 ..1828 4 60 ..11(8 4 60 ..1110 4 (0 ..1180 4 60 ..1034 4 60 ..1215 4 60 ..1210 4 60 ..11S2 4 60 ..1200 4 50 ..1118 4 60 ..1187 4 60 ..1116 4 60 ..1347 4 60 . .lftKl 4 60 ..1036 4 60 ..1341 4 66 ..12S8 4 65 ..1228 4 66 . .1! 4 (5 ..1413 4 SS ..1034 4 66 . .l;jT2 4 40 ..12'i8 4 60 ..12V6 4 40 ..1113 4 60 ..121 4 40 ..1264 4 60 .1234 4 60 10 n I 50 8 111 4 II COWS AND HEIFERS 8 6"6 J 60 2? alio I 81 HEIFERS. 1 180 I 16 II si In 1 T0 3 10 1 8O0 t 65 1 661 I 10 II IM ! 1 610 8 15 1 610 t 15 8 4J 8 15 3 I 80 1 46 I 16 I Ill 4 00 t 325 8 26 I 1 674 4 10 BULLS. 1 41T I 46 1 1540 I 66 1 If 10 I 86 1 1410 I 10 !"" 8 40 I I4M 16 1 7"0 8 40 1 1M I 16 1 IMA 3 60 1 1484 I T6 8 1020 t 6 ' CALVES. 1 10 I 86 4 128 4 28 1 110 8 00 1 170 8 16 STOCK COW'S AND HEIFERS. 16 6M I 15 4 866 8 88 4 673 8 20 STOCK CALVES. 1 120 8 25 8TOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 4 T61 I 16 a 801 4 M 1 600 4 UO 86 833 4 80 18 Mi4 4 IM 6 10.11 4 80 16 8u 4 10 4 6o4 4 36 0 lutl 4 II 10 818 4 44 6 818 4 16 60 8V8 4 46 HUGS There was another very heavy run of hogs here today, which makes the sup ply for the four days this week 61,8ol, against 27,807 tot the same days of last week and 37,938 for the same days of last year, other markets hae also had very liberal runs, so the rapid break In prices Is not to be wondered at. Another bear element on the market today was the fact that it is expected that there will be no killing done on Saturday at the different packing houses, aa Decoration day will be observed as a holiday. That being the case a large proportion of the hogs that are bought by packers the remainder of this wecK will have to be carried over until next week. Several of the commission men were wiring their shippers today not to ship their hogs for this week's market. The murket today was extremely dull and lower. At the start a few loads sold steady to a shade lower, but there were not enough loads sold that way to make a market. After the first round packers were bidding 6(y.luc lower and wanted to buy their droves at 16.70 and 85.72ft. Sellers were not willing to take off that much, so very Utile business was transacted until a late hour. Representative saiea: The situation did not Improve any aa the morning advanced and tho bulk of the me dium weight hogs sold at 85.70 and 35.72V4. with the choicer loads soiling from 85.75 to 3..86. 'ihe light and commoner hogs sold irom 8o.io down. At noon there were still a good many hogs in first hands, but the bu.k of the arrivals was disposed of. Rep- No. 31 47 Id 94 60...., 36 79 79.. Av. Sh .116 810 .4 36 .1121 4 3S ...1CJ2 ...18 ...11ST 4 3S 4 36 4 36 670 4 35 8i8 4 35 ...1221 4 40 ...1151 4 40 ...1U64 4 40 ...1HS 4 40 .1041 .1115 .1016 4 46 4 46 4 46 .10 4 46 846 4 46 ..1247 ..1300 .1101 4 46 4 46 4 45 88.... 16.... 10.... !.... 3.... 1.... 41.... 31.... ft.... 22.... 14 ... 38.... II.... 68.... to.... 16.... II... f... .140 4 60 .13:0 4 60 ..1364 ..1373 ..1436 ..13U4 ..1320 ..1341 ..1221 4 66 4 66 4 66 4 6 4 46 4 65 4 46 .123 4 70 .1316 4 10 .12S1 .1311 4 TO 4 10 . .14M) 4 10 ..1336 4 10 ..1183 4 70 ..1218 4 15 STEERS AND HEIFER8. ... 88 4 10 ... 860 4 16 ... 808 4 16 . . . 864 4 26 ...1064 4 26 ...1110 4 26 ...1045 4 25 ...80 4 2 ...1247 4 80 820 I tl ,870 t 60 ... 610 I 80 ...1010 I 80 ... 1 I 80 ... 6M 8 00 ...120 I 00 ... 610 4 00 ...1020 8 00 ... 660 I 10 ... 826 8 It ... 8 16 ... 8V6 8 86 ...115 8 26 ...113 I 16 ...6a 8 86 ...18H6 8 16 ... 11 a t ...1180 8 26 ...106 8 8 .... 6i a 61 .... 676 I 40 ...100 a 40 . 126 .ll'W .1001 8 40 I 4 a 4 .iomi a 4 .. .lino a 6 ...urn 114 1. ti 18 18 14 34 14 46 COW'S. 1 81 I 1 I 4 1 a 1 1 11 1 1 1 13 , 4 a i , a 1.!!!! 11 11 1 108.,.. a it T 11 3 .11 ..1110 . .107 ..104 4 15 4 36 4 85 4 35 843 4 40 .1121 4 60 .1316 4 40 .1116 4 78 ..1220 8 65 ..661 3 66 ..1044 I 60 ..1110 a 40 ..lcno a 40 .1116 ...1110 ...110 ...1210 ...1230 a 5 a 46 a 46 a as a 66 .146 8 65 ...i"o a i ...1014 a 74 . ..nor a 10 ...1038 8 16 ... tu a 16 ...iim a 74 ...iuo a 16 ...1038 8 16 ...110 a ti ...1036 8 16 ... 876 8 16 ...108 a 80 ... 830 8 80 ...li. a 80 ... 611 a 80 .1213 8 86 ..1.176 ..1131 7 I 86 I 80 a 86 ..1CH 4 00 ..111 4 0 .2t7 .13 .19 .216 .2o0 .217 .212 63 219 62 201 62 227 78 228 81 227 66., 77. 69. 64. 83. 246 ...256 ..219 ...258 ...246 . . .250 38 243 65 250 73 226 68 220 76 219 62 232 68 226 68 239 67 257 ....244 ....253 ....236 .26 77 71.. 65.. 69.. 66.. 48.. 84.. 18.. 6S.. 67.. 69.. 74.. ..2b9 ..237 ..214 ..225 ..252 ..247 ..237 ..257 36 256 64 260 69 20 55 258 22 255 66 272 81 253 59 265 36 259 74 237 64 243 73 230 72 206 71 210 67 247 61 272 80 80 120 320 iio 40 40 40 ' 120 im 80 80 120 80 120 240 80 80 '80 120 40 80 160 40 120 240 0 120 40 120 200 80 Pr. 4 50 6 60 5 60 6 65 6 66 6 65 5 67H 6 674j 6 67 6 67ft 6 67ft 6 70 6 "0 6 70 6 70 6 "0 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 S 70 5 72ft 6 72ft 6 72ft b 72ft 6 72ft 6 72ft 6 72ft 6 72ft 5 72ft 6 72ft 6 72ft 5 72ft 5 72ft 6 72ft 6 72ft 6 72ft 6 72ft 6 72ft No. 43.... 64.... 62... 59... .260 .256 ...268 ...274 ....271 ....261 227 68. 77.. Av. Sh. Pr. 8 72ft i 72ft 8 72ft 6 72ft 6 72ft 6 72ft 0 lift 820 40 64. 60. 60. 64. 28. 64. 26. 64... 68... 68... 74... 66, , 77... 63... 62... 45... 66... 66..., 61. 62.. 73.. 62. . 63.. 60.. 46.. 67.. 63.. M.. 64... 63.. X.. ti... 81... 30.. 72.. 13.. ?0, ...289 ...282 ...258 ...264 ...260 ...277 ...275 266 251 2A4 347 260 ....244 ....274 ....300 ....310 ....272 ....254 ....276 ....270 ....287 ....243 ....228 ....206 ....285 ....256 ,...246 ,...259 ,...36 ...272 ....253 ,...205 ...257 ...212 ....2S0 ...264 ...237 ...237 64 247 60 274 69.. 60. 67.. 26.. 62.. 24.. 61.. ..291 ...274 ...280 ...814 ...900 ...816 ...822 80 120 120 240 120 80 80 80 120 '46 820 80 80 80 120 160 80 160 "so 80 80 160 40 6 72ft 72ft t 72ft 6 72ft 6 72ft 6 72ft 6 72ft 6 72ft 8 72ft 6 72ft 6 72ft 6 72ft 6 72ft 6 76 6 75 6 75 6 75 5 75 6 75 6 75 6 75 6 76 6 75 6 76 6 75 6 75 6 75 6 75 6 75 6 75 6 75 6 75 6 75 6 76 6 75 6 75 6 75 6 75 5 77ft 6 77ft 6 77ft 6 T7ft 6 77ft 6 80 K 80 6 86 6 85 te.dv; pigs and lights, ftrj5.R0; packers, 85 .:r.'T.i 9-v butchers. .' 'ivi.ln. SHEEP AND LAMHS-lterelpts. ?V hraii; market slesrtv; native muttons, 8) 4 44.6t".; I nibs. 85."4i7.oi; culls and bucks, $-'..i''(r4.75; stockers, 32.2,"iii2.50; Texans, 83. Sn 454 25. Moog rity Live Stork Market. SIOIX CITY. May 2S-(Rrecisl Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, ,6l hcul: steady; beeves. 34.inff4.9H; cows, bulls end tnlVAil t ' jVr4 in- ....., r n .4 f rl . 4 '., I 454 SO; calves snd ye;trllngs. '.i'i4 iV. rn rtoceipTs, i.imi nesn; r''T ii- lower, tiling at lo W'tio.,5; bulk, 85.tVijj.V7t. Stork In sight. Following are vesterdav'a recelnts at the six iriiuing maraeis: Cattle. Omaha Chicago , Kansas City Pt. Joseph ., St. Louis Bloux City . Total 3.5"0 7,o,0 4.710 2.9 8.5HO H"gs. '.,00 20.0 X) 9.ho0 8.1.0 4.6'H 7.000 lieep. 1.7 i 6 10 i 10 3 0 2.229 2,0 n 21,990 61.6.W 2.,.8.'y 18111 Account tor Discrepancy. NEW YORK. May 28.-Regarding the statement published In New York that there Is 83.0irtKi discrepancy between the reports of General Leonard Wood and hU secretary of finance of the tottil disburse ments of the American military governor In Cuba, it is stated on Ihe lilphest au thority, says the Tribune's Havana renre-' sentatlve, that the discrepancy will be ac counted for In the final settlement between the War department nnd Sennr Quesad.i. Cuban minister at Washington. Thousand Miles a Day ON The Co.ora.do Specie.!" Leave Chicago 6:30 a. m. Tedsy a n L n.Aft 1 f Tomorrow I Arrive Denver a :ss p. m. Splendid Train Service and Very Low Rates TO DENVER. VIA Union Pacific CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FARNAM ST. V SHEEP There were very few sheen and lambs on sale this morning, as a good share of the. arrivals waa consigned direct to packers. The few that did arrive were of very inferior quality, so that a test of the market was not made. It Is safe, however, to quote desirable grades In good demand at steady prices, with the common kinds slow but about steady. f eeders are still in light receipt. ;-ut there has been no particular change in prices. ountAriona ror ennnen arocic! cooir western lambs. 36.26ci6.76; fair to good I lambs, 85.5016.26; choice western wooled lambs. 36.767.00; fair to good wooled lambs, 3.00ft6.60;; choice lightweight year lings. 8.b0(a6.75; fair to good yearlings. 84.75(56.25; choice wethers, 85O05.26; fair to good wethers, t4.264.6S; choice ewes, 34. 50(65.00: fair to good ewes, 83.oATr4.25; feeder lambs, 31.604.00; feeder yearlings, 83.5OS4.00; feeder wethers. 83.5vri'4.00: feeder ewes, 12.263.60. Representative sales: Av. Pr. DR. SEARLES 16 western ewes 71 1 western lajnb 551 western lambs 223 western lambs 41 cull ewes 36 cull yearlings 36 western yearlings.. 68 spring lambs 44 western ewes 90 66 52 91 63 70 46 98 84 00 6 00 6 25 6 30 2 00 8 00 4 50 4 50 8 50 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle Hogs Market Is Slow, bat Remain Steady. CHICAGO. May 28 CATTLE Receipts. 7,000 head; slow and steady; good to prime steers. 84.85)6.40; poor to medium. 84.AVd 4 80; stockers and feeders. 8S.OOig.75; cows. 31.603r4.60: heifers. $2.2504.80; canners. $1 50 2.75; bulls, $2.254.3; calvjs. 82.25S6.6i; Texas fed steers, 34.O0fW.6O. HOG B Receipts today. 30.000 head: esti mated tomorrow, 20.000 head; left over, no head: stendy to strong; mixed and butch ers. 35.7fTf6.uo; good to choice heavy, ifi.iors 630; rough heavy, 35.75fi.05; light, 85.45$ 6 50; hulk of ssles. $5 8MM.10. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 8.000 head; sheep 1525c lower; lambs steidy; good to cnoiee wetners. it.Di'tfci.O; fair to choice mixed. 81. 50ft 4. 26: western sheen. $4 506.00; native lambs. 34.0O'u,,7.a'j western lamhs, 4.bOfa'.oi; spring lamhs, o.OCp7.50. Ofnclal yesterday: Recelnts. Shipments. Csttle 24.599 7,133 Hogs 82.677 8.7h4 Sheep 13.611 141 Kansas City Live Stock Btarket. KANSAS CITY. May 28. CATTLE Re celnts. 3.300 natives. 1.200 Texans. 135 native calves, 75 native calves; light beeves steady; heavy, lowest of season: Texans steady; cows and heifers weak to lower; stockers and feeders steady to weak: bulls very quiet; choice export and dressed beef steers. 4.5""iii.i; lajr to goon, w.n'in.wi: stocxers snd feeders. $3.UKf!4.nO: western-fed steers. 8)ft4.90: Texas and Indian steers, 83. 25: Texas cows, 32.3fn3.26; native cows. $1.90Ci4 25; native heifers. $2 6".. 85; can ners. i .7'ir7j.2o: calves, iz.uwe.wi. HOGS Receipts, S.5n0 head: market opened weak, closed strong to 6c higher; top. 16.10; bulk of sales, $5.75(3 95; heavy, 85.8.Vfi6.in: mixed packers. $5.56SS.9S; light Ci 5.Vrj5.75; yorkers, 85.70i5.75; pigs, 84-7SJ?! 5.50. SHEEP AND LA M R8 Receipts, 10,300 head: market steady to 15c !ower; grassers, 25ri3To lower: native lamhs, $4.407.30: west ern lamhs. $4.000715; fed ewes, $3.60(36.30: native wethers. 83.vnejft.45; Texas clipped sheep, $3.5t5.20; stockers and feeders, 33.25 4.05. St. Lonla Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. May 28. CATTLE Receipts, 3,wi head. Including 2.000 Texans; market steady; native shipping and export steers, $i. 251.25; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.3i"ii5.O0; steers under l.ono !bs.. 84 2"(j4.7o; stockers and feeders. 32 0(f 4 .in: cows and heifers. 2.2&J4.80: canners. 32.J2.75; bulls. $2.(&3.75; calves. $3.5iva7.0O; Texas and In dian steers, $2 854 4. 05; cows and heifers, $2.offis an. IKMiM rieceipts. 4,yiu neaa; marget So well and favor ably known as in leading, most tellable and successful SPECIALIST In -1 DISEASES OF MEN. rri.-., i.aua hsn f" "-Mi&i many years in estab- Vt..irl,a-J'' H.hinar their reputa tion IN OMAHA foS i..o ani4 hnnarlbla DEALING, sad ly, "f i'.ffit-" . lers ' h nVwi tbem for the CUKts per f?ed sndne great good -hey "'D lor mu. Tnelr . Hie work has been de ote . a Specialists. - in treating ail 4U aees of mer.. . . ,.., . BE CERTAIN OF A CLUE by CON ULTING the REST FIRST. tR. SEARLES graduated at two of IB $Mt medical college and. Is cknow cJLd the best EXPERIENCE and SKILLED tPECIALIBI ir. c. ;:lsasee 8e treats. DK. SEA5Lm;8' Consultation and Advice are FREE, ..i person or by letter, and sacred 'y confidential In all diseases. Written Contracts given In ah cursbU 'Iseasea of men or refund money paid. Many cases treated $5 on per month. COASULTATION FREE. TREATMENT BT MAIL. tall air address. Cor. 14th Donsrlas. DR. SEARLES & SEARLES OMAHA A alt. OR. McCREW SPECIALIST Treats all forms of DISEASES AMD DISORDEIS OP NaVT MEN ONLY na. Vvt.TS- 27 Years Experience, 1! Years In Omaha. J His remarkable sue- aai ul r cess has neve,, h... equaled and every day brings many flatter in Miuirti , V. . , , . reflat baa ityen. " OT Hot Springs Treatment for Syphilis tAPA-11 B1.k01 .,"ona' NO "BREAKING - " ic ana an external signs of tne disease disappear at once BLOOD DISEASe VX'uxYt ir.2 fcTXXrjr-. " o DAYS. OVER dOaDGll c'l of nerv- WWUUU oua debility, loaa of tA'Jtyir"",,UrV rW6ree'8tV" " iroceis. oiaaoer uiseases. liy. isiL. . k REf-2w CHARGE8 - r. v. box 766. Office X"-" i sireei, Deiween Earnam a&il MClaa streets. OMAHA. NEB. f "DRUNKARDS VHITe DO VP". CURE never :ailt luilr.iruT crnr li g fur trong drink, the anpatlte fur wnlrh cannot exlat arter ualas ihla renit-nr. (tires In anr liqulr' wild or without kuuwieag of puienti uaunra'i a' - Sherman McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. VEARE GRAIN COMPANY, Mem bet a Principal Exchanges Private Wires. BRANCH OFFICE-OMAHA. NS& 110-11 1 Board of Trade. W. E. WAKD, Mgr. Telephone le'.i IF YOU TRADE place your orders with CTO. A. ADAMS CHAIN CO., Members Principal Exchange. GRAIN. PROVISIONS AND STOCKS Write for our dally letter. fH Board Trade Building. Omaha. Teone ItM and 14U7. PRIVATE WIRES. DABNEY OIL STOCK Have You dot Any? II Not WHY Not? Xowr Selllngr at Per share. Monthly dividends of one and one-quarter cent a share, or 15 per cent an nually on par of one dollar. Stork will positively advance to 82 a share June 8 next. Wells at MrKlttrKk, California. Head olhca !tf Broad St., N. T. Im portant ucii luriiiaucu uu aiii.iLaiiuii. A M. J. CftEEVY, 414 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Tel. L2330. j