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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1903)
TITE OMAHA DATTjT BEE: FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1003. TIME TCHW CITIES' SYLVAN RETREA1 nJlAJ MAMA'S FAVORITE OUTING RESORT fPfUl lb ? 0 JV. o) o) ju UUM OPEN FOR THE SEASON 7 LAKE AC1AUA a OAQBATTiU CAR TICKETS AT ALL DOWN-TOWN DRUG STORES Balloon Ascensions DAILY. Dare-Davit Aerial Feats and Sensational Parachute Drop ROUND TRIP FARE FROM OMAHA 0 MUSIC at HCERSAAL MANHATTAN BEACH Afternoon and Night Coolest Place in the West. MERRY-GO-ROIKID BOWLING ALLEYS SHOOTING GALLERY. Cool anil Shady Picnic Grounds. Tennis Court and Base Ball Fields- CQVALT' CELEBRATED 35 Pieces CONCERTS Bathing, Boating, Fishing. "ZlS Aquatic Snorts of all Kinds. Afternoon and Evening 3. Electric and Steam Launches and all kinds of boats. BALL GAME Between Council Bluffs and Omaha Eagles. NO ADMISSION TO GROUNDS 1 REFRESHMENTS of all kinds served by H. KEYNER & SONS The Celebrated Park Caterers of Cleieiand, 0. ANYTHING FROM A SANDWICH TO A COURSE DINNER. lever before seen In the west. TRIPLE BALLOON ASCENSION: RACE BY PROF. SAM MURPHY AND ASSISTANTS ) y SATURDAY, MAY 30TH COURTLAWD BEACH Sherman Avenue Gars Direct to Park Without Ghange x Fare 5c. Greatest In their line FRIES BROS. AND LADY Barrel Jumpers, Trick Trapese and Acrobats Merry-Go-Rounds Bowling Alleys, etc. Only Switchback Riding Devico in the West. Prof. Nordin's Famous Orchestra Sixtoen Pieces Afternoon and Evening Sothing looting Fishing AU kinds of boats for rent. I PICNIC GROUNDS TENNIS COURTS BASE BALL FIELD Private Picnic Grounds for Lodges and Families SBflS Admission to Grounds :nSi Accommodations for Horses and Vehicles REFRESHMENTS IN CAFE AND PAVILION Meals of all kinds served by Noted Caterer, Fpr information regarding use of grounds at either resort for picnics, etc., address J. A. Griffiths, 1st National Bank Building, Rooms 217-218. KANSAS CITY TAKES RUBBER Visitors Win Two Out of Three Game with Bourse lamilj. OMAHA MAKES ERRORS, BUT NOT HITS Muff by Preston Lets I Three Kama, Gaotik to CWf RoirkrKci Go to Dea ' Moines Now. Kansas City made It two -out of thro by taking the game from Omaha, yesterday afternoon by a acore of 4 to 2. Omaha lost through errora and sheer Inability to hit the ball at any stage of the game. Milton and Heas both pitched good ball, letting down the two teams with a total of ten hits. When the game began it looked as If It might be a repetition of Wednesday con test. wUH the exception of Omaha' tally In the first Not until tlvs third Inning did either team get a hit, and then Kansas City made a safe one out In left field, but It did not rosult In a run. The visitors took: another hit In the fourth, but It waa coined Into a run along with two others because of an unfortunate muff of Pres ton's In left. The muff was excusable, but costly. Miller had rt ached third on a bad throw ot Milton's to first and Strelb flew out to Carter, Jacobs drew a pass and then Kahl knocked a hard one out Preston's way and he failed to close on It and two runs csme In. Vlrlch brought Kahl In with a single and that made tnree runs and the game. In the sixth Omaha got busy, or rathei fiolan did, for he smashed the ball over the left field fence and came In, but unfortu nately there was no one on bases when the good work was done. That was the lsst run Omaha made. Jaat for Good Measare. In the eighth Kansas City added another run for good measure. With one out Btrelb drew a three-bagger and came In on Car ter's catch of a long fly off of Jacob's bat. The team will play Dee Moines for four games st Des Moines, beginning tomorrow, and will meet Colorado Springs here again right after that. KANSAS . C1TT. . AB. R. IB. O. A. E. Ketcham. cf...;. t 0 1 0 0 0 Waldron. rf 4 0 1 0.0 0 Miller, If 4 1110 0 Htrelb, lb 4 1 1 IS 0 0 Jacobs, ss S 1 0 S 4 0 Webster, 2b 4 0 0 I S Kahl, 8b 4 10 0 10 l liich. lb S 0 1 I 1 0 htstUf v5e the 1 Forty Btaea, loo to Sua Kech. A. SANTAELLA A CO.. MAKERS TAMPA. FLA. MaUAKDftOH JJKUQ CO, Distributor, Totals .. Carter, rf Oenlns, ef Shugart, 2b.... Dolan. ss Wright, lb Preston, If Patterson, Sb.. Thomas, o Milton, p 36 4 27 U OMAHA. AB. R. IB. O. A. 0 10 8 E. 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 26 21 6 . 24 14 10 .63 24 IS 11 .642 24 12 12 .& 24 10 14 .417 23 14 .391 23 8 14 .34 23 15 .348 Totals 27 2 4 27 I S Kansas City 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1. 04 Omaha 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-2 Karned run: Omaha. Three-base hit: Btrelb. Home run: Dolan. Sacrifice hit: Oenlns. Stolen bases: Carter (2), Dolan. Bases on balls: On Hess, 6; off Milton, 2. Struck out: By Hess, : by Milton, 8. Hit by pitched ball: By Hess. 2. Left on bases: Omaha. ; Kansas City, 6. Time: 1:30. Umpire: Messmer. Standing of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost P. C. Colorado Springs Denver Milwaukee Kansas City ..... Peoria St. Joseph Omaha Des Moines Games today: Omaha at Des Moines, Kansas City at Be Joseph, Colorado Springs at Denver. Milwaukee at Peoria. GAMES IN NATIONAL LEAGUE Windy City Combination Acquires Priority la Com teat with Got ban's Cleats. CHICAGO, May 38. Chicago won today, T to 2. The visitors bunched their hits off Luther Taylor and fielded perfectly. J. Taylor held the local players safely, except In the eighth inning, which was wound up with a fast double play. The features were Kling's batting and Tinker's fine all around work. Attendance, 8,000. Score: CHICAGO. KSW YORK. R.H O A H I R.H.O AC Hirley. rf... 4 114 Brown, rf.. 0 S i 0 0 Hula, It ... 4 4 IVmK'n. ef.. 0 4 0 4 Chinee, lb.. 4 t 14 0 MrOann, lb. 0 It 1 1 Jones, ef.... 0 1 4 0 0 tlmn, It... 0 11,0 1S10 Dunn, is.... 00110 1114 0 Babh. lb ... 0 0 110 111 Ottllbart, lb.. 00141 I I I 0 0 Warner, c... 1114 0 , Taylor, p. 0 14 1 tL Taylor, p. 0 1 1 ! 0 'Miller, p O 0 0 0 4 Totali ... 1 11 M II OiBo-rermia .01000 Ttaker, aa Caeer. lb., Bvere, lb. Kilns I Tola la ... 1 0 M 14 1 xBatted for I Taylor In the eighth. - Chicago 0 4 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 T New York 000000010 l Earned runs: Chicago 4. First base on errors: Chicago, 1 Left on bases: New York, I: Chicago, 4. First base on balls: Off L. Taylor, 2: off J. Taylor, 2. Struck out: By L. Taylor, 4; by Miller, 1; by J. Taylor. 3. Three-base hit: Kllng. Two base hit: Kllng. Stolen bases: Hurley, Kllng. Double plays: Dunn to Gilbert to McGinn, Tinker to Evers to Chance. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Emulle. Urooklynltea Wis Ont. BROOKLYN. May 28. The third game of the series between Brooklyn and St. Louis was stubbornly contested and ended in a victory for the locals, 6 to 4. Doyle's bat ting was the feature, as he made two triples, a double and a single in four times at bat. Attendance, 1,800. Score: BROOIV.TN. ST. LOUIS H HO A CI R 11 O A.E Irani, lb... 0 0 0 1 I'Farrall. !b . 1110 0 Jartan, lb... 4 4 I 4 Iiosotaa. rf. 1 1 0 0 0 hackard, it. t 1 1 4 0 tjiuoot, rf. ... 0 10 0 0 Dobba. rf.... 1 110 Brain, lb.... I 1110 M.t reedle, if 1 1 1 0 Ha. kett. lb. 1 0 10 1 0 141 Nl sola. If . 0 0 I 0 0 0 I 0 I 0 Willi. ma, aa. 1 0 I 1 0 0 0 110 Weaver, c... 0 1 4 I 0 0 I I I 1 Hurke 0 0 0 0 14 11 Bandera, p... 4 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 1 0 axbarclay .. 0 0 0 0 0 1 IS 17 14 1 ToUla ...4 II4 110 xBatted for Weaver In the ninth. xxBatted for Sanders in the ninth. Brooklyn 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 1 i St. Louis 0121000004 Earned runs: St. I-ouls, 1; Brooklyn, 4. Ieft on bases: St. Louis, t; Brooklyn 7. Three-base hits: Doyle .'- Sacrince hits: Smoot, Nichols, Barclay, Sheckard. Stolen bases: Brain. Williams, Weaver, Jordan. Dahlen, Hitter. Double plays: Farrell to Brain, Brain to Hsckett to Wllllama. Far rell to llackett Flrjt base on tulls: Off Evans, i; off Sanders 4. First base on errors: St. Louis, 2 lilt by pitched ball: By Svaaa, 1 fiiruok eutl Evaaa, J; Itojrle. lb tahln, aa Ahearn, e. Rltur, e.. riooe. lb. Btana, p.. Toula P?.B,n.aera- "vV'l,d Pitch: Evans. Time: umpires: Moran and Halllday. Soakers Defeat Ohloaae. PHILADELPHIA. May 28-The home team bunched hits today and won from ClncinnaU. In the eighth Inning Hulswltt collided with Phillips at the plate and the latter wrenched his knee. He was forced to retire. Attendance, 70S. Score: PHIUADLPHIA. CINCINNATI. K.H.O.A.B. . R.H.O.A E Thomas, ef. 0 111 parry. If.... 0 14 0 Woiyfn, lb. t II Kalater, rf.. 1 0 0 0 Douflaaa, lb 1 1 11 0 Hnlavlt, aa.. I I I 10 Gleaaon, lb.. 1111 ZLramer, 1 8 0 1 Duulebr. p. 4 1 0 I Kal ar. if ... A 1 A A Seymour, at 0 I o Dnnllm 1 . . a a --- .. . a V v Btainialot, lb 0 1 1 . ifivrao, as. V V 1 Macoeo, lb.. 0 0 1 Plata, lh a a a 0!Reren, o.... 0 0 1 Totali ... I 11 17 II 1 Fbllllpa, p.. 0 1 0 Poole, b a a a xBeckley ... 1 , 0 0 4 0 Trvtala mA if xBatted for Pool In the ninth. Philadelphia 08000003 ClncinnaU 3000100008 Earned runs: Clnrinnatl. 1; Philadelphia. 5- ,JTwoAb?9e hl?: Seymour, Donlln, Steln feldt, Pelts, Thomas, Douglass. Gleaaon Zlmmer. Three-base hit: Hulswltt. Sacri fice hit: Gleason. Stolen base: Kellev Double play: Hulswltt to Gleason to Doug lass, ieii on oases: Cincinnati, 7; Phlla-'PyV- on balk,: Off Phillips. lips, 6; by Poole. 1. wild pitch: PhlUipi. Time: 1:40. Umpire: O'Day. Excites the Bess Eaters. BOSTON, May 28.-No game in Boston for several seasons has been so full of exclUna sltuatlons as that In which Mrtsburr de feated Boston. 7 to 6, today. The inneldera of the home team did superb work, other wise Boston would have been swamped, as Piatt was continually pounded. Attendance 361. Score: ' PITT8BURO. i BOSTON. . -H-O.A.. R.H.O.A.M. ommni, ei o l s ei Darter, ef... 0 110 0 ienney, lb.. I 1 1 OAb'tlchle, Ik 1 1 8 0. Cooler. If.... 1 I 1 V Qrem'fer, lb I 0 I 0 Carney, rf... Ill o uonner. as... 1 1 1 Sehrlng, rf.. 110 Wasaar, aa . 0 1 0 Branaril, lb I 4 IT Rttehey, lb.. 1 1 0 Krucer, lb.. 1 I 0 Orar. If 110 Phelps, a ... 0 11 Dobany, p... 0 1 4 OKitt radge, 1 Pint. p. a 1 l io ...4 0 0 1 1 ioiia ... i u n ii Totala ... t o rf i Pittsburg 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 8 0 T Boston 3002000 11 e Earned runs: Pittsburg. 7; Boston 3 Two-base hits: Phelps, Cooley. Stolen base Cooley. Double plays: Wagner to Brans field. Tenney to Bonner to Tenney, Abbat ticcfilo to Tenney, Carney to Klttredtre Bonner to Abbstticchlo to Tenney. First base on balls: Off Piatt, 8; off Doheny 4 Hit by pitched ball: By Doheny, 2. Struck out: By Doheny, 4; by Piatt. 7. Passed ball: Phelps. Wild pitch: Piatt. Time: 1:51. Umpire: Johnstone. Uteadin of the Teases. Plaved. Won. T-nat is r. f w j ora i Chicago 88 Pittsburg 38 Brooklyn 85 Cincinnati 35 Boston 32 Philadelphia 3a St. Louis 87 Games today: Boston at New York. Phil adelphia at Brooklyn. 10 .WT 25 It 22 1 .63 1 17 .5'8 17 1 .4W 15 17 10 23 .3Ti3 10 27 .270 GAMES IN AMERICAN LEAGUE Detroit Loses Game with St. Loals la First laalsg fcr Foolish Errors la Fleldlogr. DETROIT, Mich.. May 2S.-Detrolt lost the game In the first Inning by some of the most headless fielding ever seen on a local diamond. Eason pitched effectively until the last Inning. Donahue held De troit safe for six innings, then the lead was too great to overcome. Attendance. 3,bi6. Score: ST. LOUIS. R H O A K If.. o I Haidrtrk, ef. 1 1 I Hesmblll. rf. 1 1 1 Wallaca. as. . 0 0 Aoderaoa. lb I I 11 Kd'orl, lb. 0 I 1 Paddea, lb . 0 0 1 fiugdan, c ... I 1 0 pvnlhua, p.. 0 0 0 DSTROIT. R.H O A E. 1 1 Barrett, cf.. Ill 1 OlLuab, rf 0 I 0 O.t'rav'ord, It. 1 I 0 l'Klberfeld. aa 0 0 I 0 l arr. lb 0 0 14 Smith, lb.... Oil t acAl l'l, a uualo Totala ... T 8 17 11 1 Kaeol. p., iialallla 4 11 4 14 .444 .410 Toula .. 1 0x21 II xDonshue out, hit by batted ball. xx Batted for Easou In ninth. St. Louis 20060118 87 Detroit 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0-S Karned runs: Detroit. 1: St. Louis, L First baa on balls Off Eason, 4: off Dorui aus, t. Hit by pitched ball; By Eautoa, L First bese on errors: Detroit. 1: St. Louis, 1. Left on bases: Detroit, 8; St. Louis, 8 oaennce ,nns: tieldrlck (2), Hemphill, Crawford. Struck out: By Eason, 4; by Donahue, t. Double plays: McCormick to Padden to Anderson, Elberfeld to Carr. Time: 1:40. Umpires: Hassett and Car ru there. Chesbro Wins the Day. PHILADELPHIA, May 28The cham pions were defeated by New York today, principally through good pitching bv Ches bro. The home team played a ragged game and Plank, who was rather uns.eady, was retired to the bench in the third inning. Attendance, 3.672. Score: NEW YORK. I PHILADELPHIA. R.H.O. A.E. R.H. O.A.I. DstIl If.... 10 14 1 Hoffman. If. 1 1 1 0 0 Keoler, rf... 1 4 4 1 4; Pickering, If. 0 0 I 0 0 ruita. ci a a 1 v o Wllllama. lb 4 1 4 8 0 Oamai. lb... 0 1 II 1 0 Conroy, lb... 0 1110 Courtney, ss. 0 1 4 4 0 O'Connor, e. 4 4 T 4 0 Cheabre. p. 0 0 I 0 0 Totals I 11 17 11 1 II. Da. la. lb 1 I 10 I 1 L. Croaa, lb. 4 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 BeyboiO. rf.. 0 1 4 ..048 Murcbr. lb. M. Croaa. aa 4 0 I I 1 Powers, .... 0 4 8 4 0 Bhreck, .... 4 0 14 0 Plank, p.... 4 0 8 4 4 Henley, p... 0 1 1 Totala ... 3 I 17 11 I New York 108100000-8 Philadelphia 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-2 Earned runs: New York. 1: Philadelphia, 2. Two-base hit: H. Davis. Three-base hit: Williams. Sacrifice bits: Conroy, Courtney. Stolen bases: Fulti. Williams, Conroy (2). Left on bases: New York. 11: Philadelphia, 4. First base on balls: Off Chesbro. 2: off Plank, 3; off Henley, 2. Hit by pitched ball: Henley. Struck out: By Chesbro. 7; by Henley, L Time: 1:46. Um pire: Sheridan. Bostonlans Defeat Seaators. BOSTON, May 2S. Freeman's three-bagger and LaChance's fly to Ryan gave Bos ton the winning run In today's game with Washington. Wilson tried hard to win his own game, getting two triples. Attend- 4sa. noore: BOSTON. I WASHINGTON. R.H.O. A.E. I R.H.O. A.E. Dough'ty, If. 1 1 I 0 0 Hnlmea. lb.. 14 0 10 110 1 SISalbarb, If... 1110 0 1 0 Ryan, rf 0 I I 0 0 4 0 Martin, rf... 0 110 1 Parent, aa ... 0 0 1 I l( ouahlln. at I I I I LaChinea. lb 1 8 10 1 llCarey. lb 4 1 t 0 1 rerria, lb... 0 114 0 Robinson, lb 0 0 1 10 0 10 0 OiClark. c 0 0 4 1 1 4 8 8 O.WlUon, p... 11084 ance, Collins, lb O'Brien, cf.. I I 1 Preaman. rf. 1 I I Crlgar, Winter, p... Totals ... I U 17 11 11 Toula ... 4 I 14 t I Boston 01003101 x 6 Washington 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 04 Earned runs: Boston, 4; Washington, 4. Two-base hits: Chance, Dougherty. Three base lilts: Wilson (2), Freeman. Stolen bases: Holmes, Crlger, Coughlln, La Chance. Double play: Carrlck (unassisted). First base on bails: Oft Winter, 1. Struck out: By Winter, 3; by Wilson. 3. Passed ball: Clark. Time: 1:87. Umpire: O'Laugh Un. Postpoaed Games. At Cleveland Chicago-Cleveland game postponed until tomorrow to avoid conflict of date with athletic meet. Staadiac at the Team. Played. Won. Lout. p.C. 10 31 82 31 28 80 Chicago .... Detroit Philadelphia Boston Cleveland .. New York . St. Louis ... Washington Games today ..30 18 12 .SiiO 18 13 .BSl 17 15 .531 m is 14 14 .V 15 15 .?") 13 14 .iJ3 21 .Sou Chicago at Cleveland. St. Ixiuls at Detroit. Washington at Boston, New York at Philadelphia. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION GAMES rolambaa Wakes ip After Five la. slaga aad Smites the Kawltes for Victory. KANSAS CITY. May 28 After being shut out for five Innings. Columbus struck a batting streak in the sixth and won out In the ninth. Attendance. KM. Score: COLUMBl'S. I KANSAS CITY. R.H. O A S R H O A B. 8 4 1 0 0 Rothfuae. rf. I 10 0 0 13 11 0 flan lay, ef... I 1 I 0 0 4 1110 1-a.wa! aa.'.! 1 1 11 4 1 Knoll, if... 1 1 4 0 0 Maloney, a Bannon, ef Gleaaon. aa Thoney, If. Turner, lb. aiellor. lb. Arndt, ft . 18 14 4 0 3 1 1 4 8 0 0 0 Ilia Rarmer. lb.. 4 14 0 1 Orady, lb.... 4 0 11 I 1 Roach. 1 3 1 0 MrAneVa, lb. 1 I 4 0 WUUaaw. p. 1 1 I'llurbaas. p.. 0 0 1 4 0 Toula .. I 1UM 11 4I Totals ... 1171 8 xDurhara out on bunt. Columbus 00000410 27 Kansas City 3 0 S 0 0 0 1 0 0-4 Earned runs: Kansas City, 2; Columbus. 8 Two-base hits: Nance, Oleason, Thoney. fcacrlnoe hits: Lee we, 8. Stolen basse: kruill tAl, AlsAaOrewa Basnoo. Double plays: Durham to Grady to McAndrews, leewe to tirady. Base on balls: Off Dur ham, 4; off Williams, 2. Struck out: By Durham, 3; by Williams, 2. Left on base: Kansas City, 6; Columbus, S. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Foreman. Is a Pitchers' Battle. ST. PAUL, May 28.-The home team won a pitchers' battle from Louisville today. Attendance, 614. Score: ST. Oelr. If. Shannon, Jarkaon, Schaefer, Wheeler. Hugglna, Kelley PAUL. R.H.O. A.E 1 ef. 1 rf.. 0 aa. 0 lb. 0 lb. 0 lb... 0 J. lul'Taa, 0 0 rerguaoB, p. s 1 I 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 10 0 I 4 0 LOIIBVILI.K. R.H.O. A.E. Kerwltt. rf.. A Clymer, If... 0 Odwell, cf. .. 0 Sullivan, lb. 1 Srhriever, c. 0 White, lb... 0 Ufhllda, Sb.. Vlo. AA Egan, p... 0 0 4 14 Totals ... 1 17 10 21 ToUla .. 1 1x24 10 1 xOne out when winning run was scored. St Paul 00010100 2 Louisville 0001 000001 Two-base hit: Jackson. Stolen bases: Shannon, Jackson. Sacrifice hit: Hannon. Double play: Huggins to Schaefer to Kel ley. First base on balls: Off Egan, 2; off Ferguson, 1. Struck out: By Egan, 2; bv Ferguson, 3. Left on bases: St. Pnul, 5; Louisville. 6. Time: 1:80. Umpire: Moran. Milwaukee's Fielding Perfect. MILWAUKEE, May 28. Milwaukee played a perfect fielding game and by bunching hits defeated Toledo. Attend ance, &00. Score: MILWAUKEE. I TOLEDO. R.H.O. A.E. R.H. OAK bases: Milwaukee. 7; Toledo, 0. Tim: 1:46. Umpire: Howell. Millers Pound Ont Conqaest. lINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. May 28. Indian apolls was unable to lilt Btlmmell today, while Kellura was easy for the local bat ters, Minneapolis winning by a score of 8 to 1. MoCreery dropped a long fly In the eighth, saving Indianapolis a snutout. At tendanca, 1,600. Score: MINNEAPOLIS. McCreery, cf 1 Hart, lb 8 Lally, If 1 Smith, rf... 1 Yeager, c. ... 1 Melntyre, lb 0 Spooner, lb. 0 Oyler. as.... 0 Btlmmell, p. 0 R.H.O. A.E. INDIANAPOLIS. R.H.O. A.E. Hogrlerar, rf 1 0 0 1 0 Pox, tb 0 0 I 1 0 Jonaa, It 0 3 8 1 0 Klhm, 1b.... 0 18 0 0 Woodruff, ef. 0 4 0 4 0 O'Brien, aa. . 0 0 I I 0 Tamaett, tb. 0 0 111 Herdon, c... 0 0 4 0 1 Kellum. p... I 4 I 0 Dun lea ry. If. I 1 0 Donahue, lb. I 1 II Wood a. aa... 1 1 1 Hemphill, ill I 1 Vnglaub. lb. 0 I 0 Diingan. rf.. 1 0 1 SchaflFy, lb. 0 0 I Spaer, c 0 0 4 Meredith, p. I 1 1 0 Bl'k'ah'p. cf. 0 0 Owen. tb.... 0 0 Flournoy, If. 0 0 Marfan, aa. . 1 0 Altlier. tb... 0 0 Connors, lb. 1 0 Smith, rf.... 1 0 Klelnow. c. 8 1 0,Carrlck. p... 0 I Totala ...11117 11 l' Totala ... I 114 10 1 Milwaukee 0 1 3 0 0 4 0 2 9 Toledo 0 3 0 1 1 0 0 0 0-6 Eamod runs: Milwaukee! 3: Toledo. 2. Two-base hits: Klelnow, Blankenshlp, Marcan, Meredith. Three-base hit: Un- glaub. Stolen base: Hemphill. Bases on balls: Oft Carrlck, 4; off Meredith, 4. Struck out: By Carrlck. 6; by Meredith, 3. Sacri fice hits: Dunleavy, Donahue. Left on Touts ... 0 11 17 t : Toula .. 1 IsM 10 I xStlmmell out on bunt strike. Minneapolis 20200200 x 4 Indianapolis 00000001 01 Earned runs: Minneapolis, S. Two-base hits: Smith, Jones. First base on balls: Oft Stlmmnll. 8; oft Kellum, 4. Struck nut! By Btlmmell, fi; by Kellum, 5. Double play: M.-Intyre to Spooner to Yenger. lilt by pitched ball: Heydon. Sacrince hits: Woodruff, Kellum. Stolen bases: Spooner, Hoarriever. Ift nn buMia- Mlnn.orn. ; Indianapolis. . Time: 1:56. Umpires: juuuauie aiiu cunnminam Staadina of the Played Milwaukee 27 Indianapolis 29 St. Paul 29 Kansas City 20 Louisville 29 Toledo 33 Columbus 83 Minneapolis si Games today: Louisville at St. Paul, In dianapolis at Minneapolis, Columbus at Kansas City, Toledo at Milwaukee. ! . Teams. Won. Lost. P.C 19 8 .:h 17 12 . 1 13 .Li2 14 15 .483 13 16 .448 14 19 .424 14 19 .424 13 18 .419 Stndeata Defeat Faculty. CEDAR FALLS, la., May 28-(8reclal Telegram.) The fourth year of the Normal defeated the faculty in the annual ball game. Score, 80 to 15. Win and Lose One. WAYNE, Neb.. May 28 (Special Tele gram.) The Wayne Normal ball team was defeated hera today, score li a . u yesterda.v t),A ..,!' At Pom a boys, score to " ael,ale1 Bom.. rioao Baa Bad Inning. weakened in the seventh and Waterloo fi.J TAW,nnln! 7 to Fort Dodge cauaM afCthr: 11 Jh "th. Sullivan brtni Tr,? ' tha Plate for the last out Bat teries: Fort Dodge, Flene and Brush Waterloo, Swalm and Wharton 1 Eleven Innings Wlthoat Score. tSVaTOA- M"y -8pial rfiavK""" .ak "d Shenandoali in which neither team scored unUI the last when Bhensndoah secured the needed run P,tcner' battle throughout, hon- HI"1 ch ;trlk,n ouf eight men. T.lJ?11? ,nf. ,n, UviZ ot Shenandoah lime: 1:4R. lTmplre, Driver. Batteries- SrCend0.nhd 18 Belleva Colm Team on 1Ip. Th TaII Artlm fAlU -n-ia w vsu x uitrrari mjsj msn TM Tf and will finish its schedule of games it ainrningaine college at Sioux City nlavs t. "n-ep a 1 cm, ua t. ity 30 and South Dakota unlversary June t .oJ ei.i."-"trn how'nS- against Crelgh ton last week, when it was beaten by a score of S to 6 It has high hopes of bring ing home the scalps of all three schools. Three! League. At Decatur Dubuque, 4; Decatur, 1 At Bloomlngton Bloomlngton, l; Cedar Rapids, 0. At Jollet Davenport, 7; Jollet, 0. At Rock Island Rock Island, ; Rock ford, 1. Scoring; la Plenty. CHAPPELL. Neb.. May 28 (Speclat Telegram.) In a ball game between Lodge Pole and Channel! todav the score stood 24 to 12 In fsvor ot Chappell. A high wind prevailed, which caused the score to run up some. The "Smoke of Peac?." The Cream of the Islands The one cigar you can depend upon ht'mg the same in quality whether you smoke one or a thousand, Always 5 cents, And Kit rriwl tVi Am. xv.'t . CTn-J i ... i a1 : ' The Largest Selling Brand of Cigars in the World Th Bind Is ths SmeUr's ProtsctWt, r?,.? -H SVVf (o