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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1903)
10 TITE OMAITA PATLT BEEt FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1903. nig of flerTa 5traw Hats I Saturday I JO I .Mi U I,-All i trJ Si".irt ju -05,2c eC4a Saturdy Big Kale of Ladles' Low Shoes BABGA Tremendous Sale of Remnants of Spring & Summer Goods Remnants of Popular Dresss Goods Many hundreds of pieces of voiles, etamlnes, eolletincs, silk melanges many of them matching up enough to allow for skirts, waiata and "4 "X children' dresses goods valued up to j Vy $2.50 a yard today at, each piece Dress Goods Remnants at 25c Yard 10,000 yards of dress goods remnants taken out of regular stock regardless of former price. There are all styles and all colors, the most fashionable dress goods, r) C lengths from 3 to 7 yards, today, per yard aawt-Jw Finest Wash Goods at 25c Beautiful summer fabrics that are now at their height of telling pongees, silk mulls, silk mousselines, embroi dered Swisses and waistings, regular 76o wash goods, at, yard Remnant of Danifh Cloth, at, yard ...... 25c RrmnanU of MiiBelin6 d Sou, at, yard Jiemnanti of Silk Mull, at, yard 10c Black and Colored Silk Remnants Season's accumulation of short end of silks, 3 to 10 and 15 yard lengths pongees, white and cream colored silks, flna black and colored lining taffetas, all at half thnlr original price. Remnants of $1.00 Chiffons at 39c Remnants of $1.00 Taffetas at 49c Remnants of 75c FcJulards at 39c Rem'ta black & white Wash Silk 39c Remnants $1.50 black Orenadlne75c Remnants $1.23 Crepe de Chine 63c Mixed Silks in Basement Silk Dept. A great variety, have been selling as high as 69o a yard - In basement today luw Basement Bargains for Friday 50o Pin Dot Dress Swisses at !5o yard. 40 inch wide Drapery Swisses, at. yard, lOe 25c Jlercerlzed Qingham, at 10c yd lSc Dress Olngham, at, yard, 8ic I2tc Chambray, at, yard, 6ic 15c Drapery Denim, at, yard, 5c 25c Fancy Jladras Drapery Swisses, Plain Scrims, yard. 64c 5c Ught Shirting Prints at 2ic Hundreds of other Bargains on sale today In the basement Fancy Wash Laces Remnants and sample stripe 4 r EE Ol in galoons and inser tings, at 1 vCj tJCj awaC Embroideries Beautiful embroideries in bands and Inserting!, rem nant and sample strips worth up to 25 cents 4 f 1 4 f O a yard IC'lUC'OC Great Basement Bargains in Millinery 75c and 50c Big Bunches of Flowers 1A in the basement, at IvL- 75C Rough Braid Sailors in the basement, at Jf. pitnbti & $on& Igl. Pznnbti & pons 15c 598 - GREAT BARGAIN This week we wish to close oat a lot of scuffed up and second hand sewing ma chines. Bom of them practically as food aa new aa far as their work concerns. Will sell any of them this week for abou t half their real value. Refer to this ad. P. E. FLODMAN & CO. 'Phone 1574. 1514 Capitol Ave KEEP TOUR "BUTINQ ETET ON OUR BTORD when you want a trunk, (Tip or suit case. W will ' sell you the best for about the same you would have to pay for Inferior trades elsewhere.' Repairing; done. Telephone 1068. OMAHA TlUJIJK-IACTOItll- iios FARXAM3T. THIS BESSETT COMPACT. Grocery Specials. Some of these prices are like riving away. Baked beans. 1-lb. can. So. Table syrup, can, 8c Raisins, 4 crown, pound. Sc. Corn starch. 1-lb. pkg.. So. Roasted coffee, good, pound, 9c. Tea sittings, pound. lo. Doughnuts, fresh made, dozen, 8c Blackberries, can, 8c. Spaghetti, Mb. package, 7c Royal Luncheon cheese. Jar, 8c Salmon, 1-lb. can, 10c Olives, bottle, Ac Pickles, assorted, bottle, 9c. California canned fruit, can, 12c Baking chocolate. H-lb. oaks, 16c. Oil sardines, can, Sc Mustard sardines, can. Be ' Gelatine, package, 10c. Jelly, assorted, glass, to. Salted peanuts, special, 10c pound. Don't fall to get 'some of these, they are delicious and the price should Interest everyone. THE BENNETT COMPANY. A Glaaatle Sale of Peanuts. Yesterday's sale was a success, tomorrow's will be a sensation "FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS for 8o a quart ALL YOU WANT 8c quart. 1 Mr, Kennedy lx-ares Again. Mr. William Kennedy, Dennett's ca pable advertising man, will deliver his highly entertaining lecture, "Ireland In Bong and 8tory," in Washington hall, Fri day evening. This is the same lecture with which Mr. Kennedy packed the City hail In South Omaha on May 6, and which was so enthusiastically received at that time. Mr. Kennedy Is a most pleasing, humorous speaker, sings well and treats In detail of Ireland's most charming points of Interest. Will J. Stevens will have charge of the lantern and Gladys Chandler, Omaha's musical prodigy, will sing two Irish songs. The proceeds will be used ror the building purchase fund of Rev. Charles W. Savldge of the People's church. The ad mission Is S cents; children 10 cents. Cramer's Kidny sod Liver Cure Cures backachs Is highly endorsed by Omaha people. Comes In two size. Our price, 40o sod 75c. Bchaefer's Cut Price Drug 8lor. lth and Chicago streets. Lake Shore Tonri Is the titls of a very convenient summer tour book Issued by the Lake Shore & wflchlgan Southern railway, showing routes and rates to the eastern resorts. It will be sent on application. M. B. Giles, T. P. A., Chicago, 111. C. F. Daly. Chief A. a. P. A., Chicago, 111. Telephone Pay Checks As well aa all other pay checks are cashed at our bank. Ws pay 4 per cent Interest and accounts may be opened for 81 or more. J. L. BRANDEIS St SONS, Bankers. Telephone Xamner Chang. Please observe the change made by H. K. Burkett, funeral director and embalmer, 413 N. 16th st. of his home telephone to No. 7. Nichols ft Broadfield. printers. Til. 1941 I5c llanderchiofs 5c On sale Friday and Saturday. They con sist of white and fancy border fine cambric, as well as Japanese. There are some real fancy oner among them. Sale price, &o each, not more than 6 to any one customer. We also have shirts on sale at 48c that will compare with what you pay a dollar for In most stores. Special values In men's suits at 85.00. 17.50 and $10.00. From $12.60 up we can fit you in the Alfred Benjamin make of fine clothes. There may be others as good, but there sre positively none any better. The Ouarantee Clothing Co., 1519-1521 Doua laa st. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. LOST st 'ST. roll containing 100 revenue claar "Tfl Jnder "f "me WU Please k?" .r.. uiul-b or uene A Co Srl Leavenworth. Tele. 7S"2. Reward ' Lost M5 x MRS. J. BENSON. Shirt Waists The newest styles in Shirt Waists com ing in every day. All linen, with beautiful hand embroid ery, drawn work or tailor made, plain stitched. New weaves in basket, damask, eta mine, mercerized, India linen, lawns and silk mulls. All-over Lace Waists la Cluny and Antique. India and China Silks, handsouioly trim mod with lace, 13. ,V) up. Pongee Waists lu Monte Carlo and other styles. Pretty India Linen Waists 11.00 up. ' BEE THE SPECIAL. NIUUT DRESSES WE ABtt SELLING FOR 75C. si SGISMOLLER MUELLER 1313 FARNAM STREET. A PIANO VENTURE VUdEN you venture to buy a piano ' you want to feel sure It Is going to be handsome strong with a sweet lasting tone An Instrument that will add much to your pleasure and happiness and increase the beauty of your home. We will gladly refer you to hundreds of per fectly satisfied patrons who know our guarantee is absolute. Our stock contains anything you need the best new Instruments and rare bargains in slightly used pianos and organs thoroughly renovated In our own factory. Bargains in Uprights 350 Boston riano Go's, piano walnut case largo size. ... $137 $300 Singer piano fancy oak cane beautiful design, large size .$168 $300 sample piano elegant mahog any case new design $198 $300 Star piano splendid instru mentlarge size $160 $275 piano beautiful oak case mandolin attornment $155 A fine Emerson Flemish oak csbc at a rare bargain. A Stelnway ebonlzed case a very popular piano at low price. A flardmnn a well known high grade Instrument at a surpris ingly low figure. Three Ivers & Pond pianos a very reliable make at a great reduc tion. Other used uprights at $05, $92, $115, $128. Some Nice Squares Stelnway & Sons Hardman Fisher Vose & Sons Matthushek Hale Goblin and others at $1" $.'10 $48 up to $90 Terms $2.00 to $8.00 per month. Good Organs Several used organs of well known makes In a pleasing va riety of styles with varying num ber of stops will be sold very cheaply Prices $12 to $45. Used Pianola a bargain on easy payments. Pianola recitals 3 to 4 p. m. every Friday Excellent Pro grants Free tickets at office. We do the beat repairing and finest tuning The coat Is comparatively low. - Only honse In the west selling new and used planes at aa to as per month. TELEPHONES: Omaha I62S. Council Bluffs i2 IOWA BRANCH: 502 Broadway, Council Bluffs. All Buncombe! The manufacturers of the DR. MILFS' remedies are claiming; in their big; ads that their goods are NEVER BOLD AT CUT PRICK! The fact of this matter is Just this: Those people adopted a plan, the PURPOSK OF WHICH was to prevent their goods from being sold at cut price; each and every bottle is numbered and by this number an attempt to keep tab on cutters is made; then they have a contract which they require every druggist (who will) to 8itn before they will allow any Job ber to sell him their goods. A great many druggists (? have signed this contract, thereby agreeing not to cut the price, and then they turn right around and cut tha price, thus repudiating themselves. There is a fine for this offense Incorporated In the contract, but the repudlators say "LET'S SEE YOU COLLECT IT." and there vou are. Now we wlnh it distinctly understood that we DID NOT SIGN that contract, and that we do have DR. MILES' REMEDIES, even if Jobbers won't sell them to us, and we do sell them at CUT PRICE IF ANY BODY WANTS THEM. WK SELL WHAT BELONGS TO I'S FOR PRICES WHICH PLEASE OUR CUSTOMERS AND OUR SELVESNOT DRUG COMBINES. OPEN ALL NIGHT. CUT PRICB DRUG ST02B Tw Phones T4T and TUT. W. Corner lttth ana Chicago Sta. SCIIAEFER'S CALL US UP if you have a dress that has water spots in It that you can't remove and we will get it and fix It for you. We clean or dye anything that requires skill and care in haniUng. We give you first class work and prompt ser vice. Ask for a price list. THE PAUTORIUM 407 So. loth St Tel. 003 2r T.T.i . I ...i TT At LADIES, Dc you want to save money, time and trouble? Then, why not visit the SQUARE INCH TAILOR COLLEGE and learn the complete art In the most perfect manner. 0 , -o COLLEGE 627 PAXTON BLOCK. Class hours to 11 a. m. and 1 to I p. m. EVENING SESSION at 2019 Farnam 8t , from 7 to p. m. HfJAaTSoHALlJANl f M. M. (W AVmb .W )SiA Saw rat mftul SMS.Me Sanriu fnd I1M.M. UMITBD STA TBS DBHX)ITUHY. Pius Mar iHia. S Wa4. ttm imUNI lira.. wUw r T HamllMMi. For Menstrual Suppression k. PEN-TAN-GOT II box; I boms It. Role In Omaha Sharmas a McCeoaall Drug Co. Mall erdan Alia. Tra4 tfcssllaS ICUUUU. Lake Forest (Furuarljr La.aa Fonar Aea4aaa)r. Tk or oi b loaiructloa la all kraMkaa. Stllag far aal leaa or imlitnlif lCuipeaa( aonplata. Ckralaal trmlaluf ; aaipla plar groaa4: alluallsa kaalCMul aaa eauahiful. Tba ksuaa mjitm uadm which tka Wri llva ana tha karga umbar of Maaiara aaaura lu.a'lvia. aal atlaotlon. Catalogua a apallualloa. AAdraaa Juaapk. Curtia Siaaaa, Haas Baa as, La WO THK RKLIABLK STORK. !n TI.P RRFAT 0iS SKIRT SALE H.00, 00 and $6.00 Skirts on sale till QQ Friday, as announced, at az U THIS EXTRAORDINART SKIRT PURCHASE OF 8,000 RAINT DAT AND DRESS SKIRTS, WORTH $4 00, 15.00 AND 16.00. PLACED ON SALE FRIDAY, BE GINNING AT I A. M., FOR ONLY ft. (8. DURING THIS BIG SKIRT SALE WE WILL ALSO PUT ON SALE 100 DOZEN WHITE AND COLORED WASH WAISTS, MADE OF LAWNS, DIMITIES AND LINENS, WORTH UP TO 12.50. FOR 95C. MEN'S $1.50 SHIRTS AT G0C 100 doien men's fine sample shirts in all the new colors and styles, worth 1.50 and 12.00, on sale at 60o. Men's fl.50 and $2.00 silk and lisle under wear, in plain and fancy colors, at 75c. Men's $1.00 balbrlggan underwear, In plain and tancy colors, all sixes, on sale at 60c Men's 75c underwear, all colors and slies, at 85c. Men's 60c necK-wcar, all colors and styles, at 26c, ( GREAT. SALE OF LADIES' CORSETS AND FURNISHINGS The Nemo Self-Reducing Corsets for stoat figures. It is the only corset that positively reduces the abdomen and relieves those who are physically weak. Price $2.50. The Curvmold Corset, with winding lines to reduce large figures and build out slen der figures. Dr. Warner's rust proof cor sets with new habit hip hose supporters at tached in front and on the hip; price $1.50. A large assortment of Kabo, G. D., Just rite, R. & Q. and W. C. C. corsets, In all the latest styles, at $1.00 and up. A large assortment of girdles and corsets In all sites and colors, on sale at 49c, Ws will place on sale ladles' fine oorset ftnvA rat in nil tha newest effects. We will place them on sale in four lots: Lot No, 1 One lot of ladles' corset covers, riraavpril ana short skirts, embroidery and fine lace trimmed, worth 50c, at 26c. Lot No. 2 One lot of ladles' fine corset onvera and drawers, lace insertion and edges and embroldepr trimmed, worth 75o, at 39c Lot No. 8 Ladles' night gowns, in high neck and long sleeve and low neck and short sleeves, corset covers, skirts snd night gowns, handsomely trimmed with fins Valenciennes and torchon laces ana nne env broidery, worth $1.00, at 60c. Lot No. 4 ladles' fins corset covers, night Kowns. chemise, skirts and drawers, made of fine cambric, trimmed with fine lawn ruffles of lace Insertion and embroidery, worth $1.26 to $1.50, at 75c. Ladles' fine silk parasols, In plain colors and fancy, made of best quality of taffeta, worth $2.50 to $3.60, at $1.98. EXTRA SPECIAL SHOE SALE FRIDAY IN OUR TWO BIG SHOE DEPARTMENTS THOUSANDS OF PAIRS OF SHOES FROM THE TWO BIG BANKRUPT SHOE STOCKS ' AT LYNN AND BROCKTON, MASS. ALL ON SALE AT ABOUT ONE-THIRD OF THE 'REGU LAR PRICES. , Women's dongola button shoes, worth $2.60, at $1.49. Women's dongola lace shoes, worth $2.60, at $1.49. Youth's satin calf shoes, worth $1.50 and $1.76, at 9So. Women's fine strap slippers, worth $1.75 and $2.00, at 98c. Women's fine vlci kid hand turned ox- Women's fine vicl kid lacs shoes, worth up to $3.00, at $196. Men's fine vicl kid lace shoes, worth up to $3.00, at $1.96. Men's fine patent colt lacs shoes, worth up to $3.50, at $1.96. Misses', child's and Infants' strap sllppsrs at $1.48, 98c, 76c. 69c and 4Dc. Bole agents in Omaha for the Stetson and Crossett shoes for men and the Ultra, Brooks Bros, and Grover shoes for women. fords, worth up to $3.50, at 9So. FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS ON SAL E FRIDAY AT, PER QUART 2C 'HAYDEN-BROS.' Protect Yourself by Tornado Insurance in the Capital jrrNA'.VSk N0W and WWmW IS Asset, Y'nEvS E $14,949,520 ''V'VjT'' TIME Apply to Our Agents in All the Principal Cities and Villages in the West Agents in Omaha and Vicinity: JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1802 Farnam, Omaha. T. J. O'NEIL, South Omah.v JOHN X. LUTZ. Council Bluffs OHIO KNOX, Council Bluffs. The'horse senseof a Just watch him when he's put 'the strain when every stitch in his harness Is brought Into play. You notice how willingly, if he's a horse of horse sense, he pulls or backs the load, it bis harness fits him. Made in Omaha. Why should you demand a harness that Is not made in Omaha when that made in Omaha is not only better, but Just ss low in price and more to the point, is guaran teed by' a man in Omaha whom you can easily reach If any Imperfections are found. Your custom will bring other customers Suit Cases. Traveling- Basra and Valiaca lAlfredComishJZlOFarnam-f, "' '"-"" """"'" " ' -H t rrrir-s Ju Tight V-jar a Horse. itsr Painless Extraction of Teeth Our success is due to the high grade work dons by Old, Reliable, ' Expert Dentists. No students. Reliable Dentistry. Save Pain and Money. Protective guarantee for ten years with our high class Dentistry. No students, but Graduate Dentists, who come to learn our Painless Methods. Misfit, LtHira and Broken Plates re paired and made to fit. Bs sure you get in the right place. SPECIAL, TILL JtPtB 15 Full Sot of Teeth from. $3.00 Gold Crowns from ..$2.88 Bridge Work from $2.86 Aluminum Plates from.. $8.00 Fillings from 26c Teeth Extracted FREE UNION DENTAL COLLEGE 1S23 Doaalaa. (Incorporated) Opea dall y till l p. i Saaday t . BLUE RIBBON MII1ING COMPANY'S Grand Excursion to Colorado WILL LEAVE Council Bluffs, 5:15 p. m.; Omaha, 5:30 p. m., Monday, June 1st, Via ROCK ISLAND SYSTEM Rate aiT.aO frook Coaacll BlasTa sat Omaha to Deaver, CaleraS ariags aal Paealo aad rtlars, Flaal retara limit, Ooteeer 1. As tha eompaay'e mines are loeated at Idaho Sprlags, arraasra meats will be made aa the trala tor special rata tlekats fraaa Deaver ta that aaiat. fas farther partlealars reaardlaaj tha esearalea aad valaaale la. fermattaa, address C. P. RINKER, Secretary, Herriasa Black, Coaaell BlasTa, la., ar C. A. RUTHERFORD, D. P. A., Itaak Ialaad fyataaa, Omaha, Hah. Here's ficzvs of vital interest to every wo man. This announcement of a sale of shirt waists and skirts should enthuse the most conservative Friday we name prices on shirt waists and skirts that should appeal to all women of thrift 100 Dozen Women's White Shirt Waists I 95c That have Jut arrived for Fri dsy'r suli-, irn.lp of fine rtver lnwns and white m.idras cloth linndMomi'ly trimmed with lace and embroidery, some with large ivari ouwotis new stock col. lar ana new elrevi PRIDAY 50 Dozen Womcn'a NVhlte Lawn Waists TfTsde of very line nuiillty of while sheer lawns, some with new, lnrgc snilor collais otliers dimmed with cluny laoe and new tucked a r sleeves I yl FRIDAY Xm-XKJ W omen's Swell White Shirt Waists- Made, of medium w!pht fancy llKured mercerized riolh new, e.-ui'jslve patterns, now stock collar and hirsa pun sloevea ref-ular Jl.W r. vh!ii.'- I m I FRIDAY .ZSJ Special Women's Sample White Shirt Waists, About 10 dozen rf tl om go on s.'ile Friday morning (.11 new high clasM waistn, oi.y oi.e and two of a kind In madra. cloths, llnenx and basKct weaves handsomely embroidered all regular $j.00 v. FRIDAY 2.90 Women's Dress and Walking Skirts Women's Walking Skirts Made In this season's newest light weight materials, piain ana iancy mi new trim med nip enrects ideal skirts for shirt waist wear FRIDAY , 4.90 Women's Stylish Dress Skirts Made of a very fine quality of voile. In black and blue trimmed over hips with straps and taffeta bands it Is a regular 110.00 skirt FRIDAY 5.90 Women's Swell Voile and Etamine Skirts Made of the very finest materials hand somely trimmed new and stylish effects cut with the proper hang regular 16.0O Values FRIDAY 9.75 EXTRA SPECIAL Women's $20.00 Silk Dress Skirts for $10.00 Friday we will place on sale 100 women's stylish silk dress skirts made of the finest quality of taffeta and peau de soie silk new, stylish, up-to-date skirts, worth $20.00 FRIDAY. . . .. $10 A si any woman wJu't tfu best mthnet "wV, Davus' "I just hate the old thing- I never did like it I only bought It bectiuse they were bavins' a sale aod I got a 'bargain' but it isn't a hat Next time I'll get my hat at Davies 1511 Douglas St. A hat that has style that suits ms In every way mr hat not a hat like dozens of others but mine we will both look well when ws'ra to getherthe hat snd I." Vo vVH Stylish hats made becoming. Becoming hats made stylwK ra Home- seekers 3 Rates, DjMii (Ml I ----- - .- On May 19th the Burlington offers cheap one-way and round trip tickets to many points in the west northwest and south west. If you are contem plating a trip anywhere west better see or write me. I can prob ably offer suggestions that will' save you money. J. B. REYNOLDS, City Pass. Agent, 1502 Farnam Street, OMAHA. If ii W. W . II Tilt Mir L Carrfully brewed thoroughly ajred absolutely pure dnest quality private brand rik flaror pliyslclaus fftv3 prescribe It best of all tosta 110 more. r-!1 ZallTara4 ta aa part af Omaaa. Couaell Blaffa ar South Oouh. Order a ease from the JETTER "BREWINQ CO. 0n TalapOotie IS4J toOUTM OVtAHA Takaptoone or LEE MICHELL, wholesalw tiealwr, cqjcil aixura it-Til 9 A)