Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 29, 1903, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily
Two Thousand Humans Are Drawn Into
Yawning Maw.
Town in Valley of the Euphrates Chosen
for Destruction.
Eut that is Sufficient for Devastating
Subterranean Power.
Amen the Population Thus Suddenly
Stricken Ictm Hundred Arme
alaaa Resided and Not On
la Known to Be Alive.
which reached here today from Asiatic
Turkey show that a terrible earthquake
occurred April 29 at Melazgherd, In the val
ley of Krxeroum, on the Kuphrates.
The town was totally destroyed, with Its
entire population, numbering 2,0u0 souls. In
cluding "00 Armenians, as well as the troops
forming the garrison of Melazgherd. In
addition, over 400 houaea In the neighbor
ing villages collapsed.
A somewhat severe earthquake shock was
felt here this morning, but no damage was
The Foreign offloe here today received
some details from the British consul at
Erseroum regarding the recent earthquake
at Melasgherd, according to which a strong
shock, lasting thirty seconds, was felt on
the morning of April 29. throughout the en
tire district between Lake Van and the
Russian frontier, and as far west as Khar
put. The town of Melasgherd, consisting of 500
houses, was destroyed and much havoo
was wrought In the surrounding villages.
Colonel Khalll Bey, commanding the garri
son of Melasgherd, with his whole family,
three other officers and eighty soldiers per
ished In the ruins. Lieutenant Colonel
Taylb Bey, whose family perished, became
The telegraph operator who sent the news
of the catastrophe said he himself was
badly Injured and that his wife and sister
had been killed.
The Foreign offloe has appealed for sub
aciiptlons for the relief of the destitute
of the Molasgherd district.
WASHINGTON, May 2S.-Vice Consul
OJalvo at Erseroum, Turkey, reports to the
State department that an earthquake In the
canton of Melasgherd, district of Fltlls,
on the Kth ult., caused the death of
$00 persons and left the city In ruins.
The shock was strongly felt In Erseroum,
a Journey of thirty hours, and threw the
people Into a panic. Many of them turned
their stables, which are built level with the
ground, Into sleeping apartments for
greater security.
Coroner Finds No nenson to Connect
Hint with New York's Latest
Murder Mystery.
NEW YORK, May 28. The Inquest Into
the death of John Heffernan, who was shot
near the Ardsley club at Tarrytown Bun
day night, was held today by Coroner
Russell at Irvlngton, and resulted in a
verdict of murder by some person unknown.
RulJS L. Bewail being exonerated.
Sarah Campbell. Heffernan's companion.
said she thought he declared his assailant
to be Rufus L Bewail of Boston, the pros
pective son-in-law of Robert Hewitt. The
statement waa corroborated by Frank A.
Healy, night watchman at the Ardsley
Testimony waa given by George Gould,
George F. Shrady, Edwin Jaffray and
others, who declared they heard no such
statements on the part of Heffernan, and
by John Finn, hallboy at the Ardsley club,
who testified that when he asked Heffernan
who ahot him Heffernan replied:
Mr. Hewitt's Intended son-ln-law. I had
him down, but he was too strong and got
away from me.
Mr. Bewail, who had been a guest at
Mr. Hewitt's house on Sunday night, volun
. teered to make a statement and to waive
counsel. As he understood it, HerTernan
told Mr. Jaffray a man In the bushes shot
him from behind. He did hot leave Mr,
Hewitt's houae from the time they sat
down to dinner until the telephone bell
rang, and then went with Mr. Hewitt and
Mr. Jaffray. Mr. Hewitt corroborated, the
younger man's testimony.
Mr. Bewail and Miss Campbell were called
upon the stand and the question was put
to the young woman point hlunk: "Is that
the young man who shot John."
Without the least hesitation the girl re
plied. "No, It la not. The man wus taller
and stouter than this one."
The coroner's verdict was as follows:
I announce that John Heffernan came to
his death from a wound received at the
hands ot a person or persons unknown.
find no evidence to support the accusation
made against ttulua bewail.
Sec are Arms nnd Ammunition
Terrorise People of Lower
BAN FRANCISCO, May 2B.-Captaln S.
J. Wiggins, formerly of the Forty-fourth
volunteer Infantry, has arrived here on
the Cosmos liner Menes from Patagonia,
where he has been gold mining for a year
He says that the Argentine Republic had
a penal colony made up of life termers
from the military and civil courts located
on Btaten Island. A short time ago, while
moving the prison to Ushuaah, fifty of the
prisoners escaped, secured arms and am
munition and have since been terrorising
the residents.
Murders have been of daily occurrence
and the situation became so serious that
the government Issued orders that the
desperadoes were to be shot on sight. The
day before he took the steamer at Punta
Arenas the chief of police was killed.
The goverment has also offered a reward
of 1 for every head of an Onaha, a savage
tribe In the interior, that remains un
subdued. J. K. Rlfta, a sheep rancher from Terra
del Fuego, another arrival on the same
steamer, says that the average Is about
a wreck a week on the Terra del Fuego
shore and just before he left fur California
a British bark was broken up In that
Klevea Children Drowned.
POSEN. May 28 A ferryman and eleven
children were drowned as the result of the
capkislng of a ferry boat on the rtrer
Wants, near Pembro.
Chamberlain Leads KsslsiS Into
New Paths and Reeks Tariff
War with Germany.
LONDON, May 28. Mr. Chamberlain has
again proved himself the strong man of
the cabinet In a debate, which may prove
the most momentous of the present Par
liament, he has In a frank and bold speech
further developed the policy which will
be universally regarded as an entire re
versal of Great Britain's fiscal position and
at the same time he proved that he has
managed to carry the government with
him against their convictions.
The impression left on the minds -f the
crowded chamber was that the country Is
on the eve of a dissolution and that ns In
1900 Mr. Chamberlain carried the sodt.try
with him on the Bouth African war policy
as he has now converted his colleagues to
the belief that he will be able to carry !t
attain on the policy of preferential trade
within the empire.
In addition to asking for a mandate to
ax food, he asks for power to engage
In a tariff war with Germany on Canada's
account and to fight the American trusts.
It Is safe to say that no such sudden
revolution has been experienced in the
political situation for very many years,
nor anything so sensational.
The debate practically ended with Mr.
Chamberlain's speech and the house
emptied Into the lobbies. What little en
thusiasm was displayed was on the lib
eral side of the house. The conservatives
listened to the speech In chilling silence.
Indicative of alarm and uncertainty
as to the outcome of the unexpected
publication. Nearly a hundred eon
servatlve members Immediately In
tlmated to the government whip
and to Mr. Chamberlain their Intention to
take the opinion of their constituents on
the new policy during the Whitsuntide re
At present Great Britain was the only
free trading country In the world. If the
prevailing tendency continued the time
must come when the only neutral markets
where she could dispose of her exports
would be her own protectorates, her own
crown colonies and India, leaving this
country helpless In the hands of other na
With reRpect to the tarff negotiations.
continued the premier. If foreign countries
were to be allowed to treat the British
colonies as foreign nations Great Britain
would be forced by patriotic interests and
regard for her colonies to retaliate. Canada,
Australia, India and New Zealand were
parts of the empire, and It waa absurd
that they should be treated as separate
aggregations because they had been given
The premier added that If preference were
given to Imports from the colonies they
would In exchange mitigate the severity
of their hostile tariffs against the mother
land. .
Mr. Balfour concluded with saying he
did not think it would be wise to tax raw
materials and he did not know whether a
tax on food would be accepted or that
the colonies would accept the proposed
tariff modifications. He knew the tra
ditional objection of the working classes
to a food tax, and he was aware of the
objection the colonies have. to. abandoning
protection. If these could not be overcome
the plan collapsed. It was not true that
the Idea was started by Mr. Chamberlain
as a policy of his own and without consul
tation with his colleagues.
After a question put by David Lloyd
George, Welsh nationalist. In reply to
whom Mr. Balfour intimated that the gov
ernment did not propose to deal with the
question before the dissolution of Parlia
ment, Mr. Chamberlain expressed surprise
at the fact that his speech at Birmingham
May 15, had aroused such attention. It
waa, the colonial secretary said, absolutely
the same in this Instance, as the speeches
delivered by Lord Salisbury and Mr. Bal
four. There was absolutely no difference
of opinion between himself and Mr. Bal
All the critics of his suggestions had
fallen Into error In supposing that an ab
solute reversal of Great Britain's flsea
policy was involved. Nothing of the kind
had been proposed. Everything depended
on the definition of "free trade," and If
Cobden's definition, to "bring about a free
Interchange of commodities at their natural
prices," was accepted, then neither he nor
nny member of the government sought to
depart therefrom.
"We should not enter on a war of tariffs
but I would say to Germany, 'I am afraid
If you cannot meet us In this matter,
may be compelled to put a duty on that.'
Passes Resolution Censuring;
ods of the Oppo
sition. Meth
PARIS. May 28. In the Chamber of Dep
utles today Premier Combes had an angry
altercation with M. Flangln, republican.
on the suhjta-t of certain charges brought
by the latter against M. Combes' son.
These charges came up again later In the
form of an Interpellation by M. Rabler, a
radical socialist, who read several articles
from newspapers. In which Edgar Combes
was accused of accepting a bribe In order
to obtain a gambling license for the Circle
Natlonale, a club founded by Gambetta.
The premier replied that he despised this
campaign, which was directed against him
self. The facts in the Circle Natlonale
case were that when the club building
was enlarged the prefect of police thought
that a new license waa necessary. The
members applied to the ministry of the
Interior, which decided that the old license
was still good. It has been Insinuated,
continued M. Combes, that Edgar Combes,
who was a secretary at the ministry, was
compromised In the matter through gam
bling debts and notes which It was alleged
he had given for money he had borrowed,
but he defied the men who had made the
charges to produce any such note given or
proof of any such debt contracted by his
The house, by a vote of 338 to IS, adopted
a resolution censuring "the Vampalgn of
calumny which was being directed against
the members of the government with the
object of turning them from the task of
the defense of the republic,"
The Chamber then adjourned.
Prince Henry and Coast Ton Bnelow
Will Entertain American
Naval Officers.
BERLIN, May 28. The German foreign
office has officially been informed that the
United States European squadron will ar
rive at Kiel June 25.
Chancellor von Buelow was much grati
fied and said Emperor William would be
much pleased.
It Is Intended to make Its reception im
pressive. The emperor. Prince Henry and
Count von Buelow will take part in ths
entertainment of the merioaa offloara.
fit. Louis (Strike is Not Authorised bj
Hatiocal Board,
Hot It Pro . -'I . ' to Have Been So
Serloaa ns s. ed, as Only
ed, as
One Tbontk Five
Thousand a.
ST. LOUI8, May 28. The teamsters of
the National and International unions who
at a upeclal meeting last night decided to
strike In sympathy with the freight hand
lers, did so, despite the councils and pro
tests of their officials. The strike, however,
was not as unanimous as expected. There
were 6,000 teamsters in St. Louis, but leas
than 1,000 obeyed the strike order.
During the afternoon J. B. Fltxpatrlck,
organizer of the National Teamsters' union,
arrived from Denver and took steps to
check the strike. He Issued an order, di
recting all striking members of the union
to return to work by Saturday under pen
alty of expulsion from the union. He de
clared the strike was unauthorised and waa
without official sanction.
This order hud the effect of causing many
strikers to resume work Immediately. But
before Mr. Fltzpatrick's arrival the situa
tion was not so serious as to more than
Inconvenience the wholesale houses and
railroads In handling freight.
About railroad freight handlers In
East St. Louis went out yesterday and
today upon learning of the teamsters'
strike about 100 more walked out. The
strikes delayed freight handling on both
sides of the river, but nonunion men wero
employed and the wholesale houses re
ported that they were handling freight
with comparatively little delay before the
day was half gone.
Organizer Fltxpatrlck stated tonight that
he will make every effort to accomplish a
speedy settlement of the present difficulties.
The teamsters have made no demands, but
went out to enforce the demands for in
creased wages made by the freight hand
lers. The settlement of the metal workers'
strike, which some days ago put 4.000 men
out of work, was today altected, after
lengthy negotiations. The men will receive
an increase of ' per cent.
During tho different strikes no violence
has been attempted.
At a meeting of the Joint executive coun
cil, composed of officers of the sixteen
locals of the Teamsters' National union.
held tonight, the action of the Individual
teamsters in declaring a strike was unani
mously denounced, and all members were
ordered to return to work tomorrow. After
the result of this meeting was announced
the teamsters held an Independent meet
ing. The majority of them declared they
would disregard the order to resume work,
and in case of expulsion from the union
will join the international union.
The Cupples station strike, which was
thought to have been settled twice within
the week, broke out again today and the
freight handlers quit work. Some freight
was moved, but with difficulty,
L htenaro, WaUerso Strike.' ' s
CHICAGO, May 28. The breach between
the restaurant employes and the Owners'
association opened wide today. The Joint
board of the eight unions making demands
have opened strike headquarters and ap
pointed committees to arrange for the
handling of pickets. The unions declare a
general walkout will occur Monday In all
places where the union scale nas not been
CHICAGO, May 28. Indications today are
that there will be no immediate strike of
freight handlers here. According to an
Interview given by the president of the
union, no official action will e taken until
the employes of the Individual railroads
have been notified of the action of their
respective general managers with regard to
the demands made upon tnem and have
reported to the executive committee of the
union. The earliest date which he believed
trouble might occur was June l.
Textile Workers to Strike.
PHILADELPHIA, May 28. One of the
greatest strikes in the history of the textile
Industries of the country will be inaugu
rated In this city and vicinity at quitting
time tomorrow night unless the textile
manufacturers grant the demand of the
workers, who ask that their working time
be reduced from sixty to fifty-five hours a
. It Is expected that by Monday 80,000 per
sons will have voluntarily laid down their
work In the hope of forcing the manufac
turers to give them shorter hours.
Miners Hear a Socialist.
DENVER, May 28. The annual report of
President Charles Moyer t tne convention
of tho Western Federation of Miners, now
in session here, was made publlo today.
President Moyer recommends a renewal of
the declarations of the convention of last
year In favor ot socialism and independent
political action.
Mr. Mover urged the convention to specify
date for establishing a universal eight-
hour day throughout Its entire Jurisdiction.
Tired Holders Unload Their Sernrltlea
and Depress the Prices
Still Further.
NEW YORK. May 28. The stock market
waa very weak today on the execution of
heavy selling ordera Amalgamated Cop
per, on heavy liquidation, declined more
than I points. The bulk of this selling was
reported to come from a prominent pool
and was due presumably to Lindon's offer
ings of Rto Tlntos for Paris account. Metal
In London was lower also.
Stocks that showed the greatest weakness
were Rock Island, which declined over 2
points: Union raclflc, Missouri Pacific,
St. Louis & San Francisco, Atchison, New
York Central, Reading and a number of
other standard issues.
The list steadied some hat fn the early
afternoon, but the undertone continued
BOSTON, May 28. A pronounced weak
ness In copper shares was a feature of the
Boston Stock exchange today. The weak
spot was Amalgamated, some 7,000 shares
of which were sold here up to noon.
Ten Dollars Is Annul Flsed by
Evangelical Woman's Mis.
sloaary Society.
PITTSBURG. May 28-The third day's
session of the Woman's Home and Foreign
Missionary society of the Evangelical
Lutheran church waa devoid of any great
interest except the question as to what
constitutes a life member of the society
precipitated an exciting debate. It was
Anally decided that all members who pay
lit are Ufa members.
Cowboys and Indians Meet the Train
POCATELLO, Idaho, May 28. President
Roosevelt re-entered Idaho this morning
and received a warm welcome here. He
was met several miles outside the town by
a band of Indians from the Mack foot reser
vation, who raced alongside the train Into
The president was met at the depot by
a large crowd and escorted by cowboys
and Indians. He was driven to a stand,
from which he delivered an address.
This being a railroad town President
Roosevelt took occasion to pay the men
present a high compliment for their vig
ilance and skill. Referring to the pres
ence of men on horseback from the Indian
reservation, the president said:
I was glad to learn that many of the
Indians under your care are traveling j
along the white man's road and beginning
not only to send their children to school,
but to own cattle and to own property.
The only outcome of the Indian question
of this country Is to gradually develop the
Indian Into a property owning, law abid
ing, hard working educated citizen. In
other words, to train him to travel the
Jiath that we are all trying to travel, and
congratulate you upon the progress that
you have made.
When he Is traveling that path and
when he is doing his duty, he Is entitled
to and he shall receive exuctiy as square
deal as any one else.
After all that Is the fundamental prln
clple of our government. In the last
analysis what American stands for more
than for aught else is for treating each
man on his worth as a man.
At o'c.ock the presluem left for Boise
City. Thcrtj were many thousands to meet
the train. The president was greeted by
Governor Morrison. The escort to and from
the Pocatello depot and the stand from
which he spoke was composed of Kimball
lodge of the Brotherhood of Locomotive
Firemen, of which brotherhood the presi
dent Is . an honorary- member; the Grand
Army of the Republic, Philippine veterans
and a squad of cavalrymen.
BOISE, Idaho, May 28. President Roose
velt mnde a number of short stops in Idaho
today after leaving Pocatello, at each one
of which he was greeted by cheering and
enthusiastic crowds. In his speeches he
confined himself mostly to the benefits that
have been and are to be derived from Irri
gation and to the qualities that go to make
up good citizenship. During the day he
spoko at Shoshone, Klmal, Glenns Ferry,
Mountain Home and Nampa.
President Roosevelt's train reached
Boise at 2:50 this afternoon, on time, and
left again at 6:60 for the trip to Salt Lake
City. The program arranged for his re
ception In this city was carried out with
out a hitch.
President Roosevelt and party marched
through a lane of children as they ap
proached the grand stand erected at the
Jefferson street , front of the japi'ol
grounds. Little ones numbering about
2,000 cheered him' lustily and waved a for
est of flags. This feature of the reception
proved highly interesting to the vljltors.
The city was thronged with people to see
the president and when the latter took
his place on the grandstand there were
many thousands packed In the streets1.
He waa Introduced by Governor Morrison,
and spoke for forty fnlnutes.
After the speaking .the president ad
dressed -ji few werOn to the- Grind Army
post drawn up at -the rear of the stand
and to the Spanish veterans. A tree was
then planted in the state house grounds,
near the one planted by President Harrison
In 1891. The president and party were
then taken for a drive about the city. All
the principal points of interest were
In his address the president opened with
a tribute to the city and Its people. He
spoke principally on Irrigation, good cit
izenship and the strengthening of the
After Toarlng Iowa with President
Will Attend Cornell Com.
WASHINGTON. May 28. Secretary Shaw
left Washington today for Chicago. On
June 2 he will Join the president at Coun
cil Bluffs, la., and accompany him to
Denlson, the secretary's home town, and
probably remain with the party during the
trip through the state. On June 17 the sec
retary will attend the commencement ex
ercises of the Cornell college at Mount
Vernon, la., his alma mater. His daugh
ter Enldia Is a member of the graduation
class. Two days later the secretary will
deliver an address to the graduating class
In the Armour Institute of Technology at
Accepts Invitation of Choyenne Lodge
to Become a Member of
CHEYENNE. Wyo.. May.-The Invita
tion of the local lodge of Eagles to Presi
dent Roosevelt, asking him to be Initiated
Into the order on his visit to this city on
May 30, was accepted by the president to
day, and preparations for the event are
now under way. A solid silver case
mounted with gold letters, to contain his
initiation card, has been made.
Action Is Takea as Part of Campaign
Against the Revolu
tionists. CARACAS, Venezuela, May 28. The Offi
cial Gazette today published a presidential
decree temporarily suppressing the customs
house at La Vela, Quanta, Puerto Scere.
Gualrla, Cano, Colotado and Cludad Bolivar
and allowing steamers coming from Europe
thirty days and sailing vessels sixty days
to reach Venezuelan ports. Steamers from
the, United States are allowed fifteen days
and sailing vessels thirty days. The al
lowances count from June 1.
WASHINGTON. May 28.-At the Vene
zuelan legation the closing of the ports In
President Castro's decree is regarded aa an
Incident In his campaign against the revo
lutionists. All of the ports mentioned,
except Bolivar and La Vela, are said to be
unimportant. The majority of them are
now In the l.nnda pt the revolutionists.
Rev. Dr. Abbott Points Out Some
Things to Which It Does
Not Apply,
LAKE MOHONK. N. Y.. May 28.-Today's
session of the conference on International
arbitration was opened with an address by
Dr. Lyman Abbott of New York, who de
clared that arbitration was not the solvent
of all difficulties. The right of the freeman
to labor was one of the things that could
not be arbitrated, he asserted, and the
Monroe doctrine was another.
Irish Lad, at 12 to 1, Captures Brooklyn
Handicap, Worth $15,000.
Great Crowd Gathers nt Track Side
to Witness the Contest on Which
All Sportsmen's Interest
Is Centered.
NEW YORK, May 28. -Harry Payne
Whitney and II. B. Duryea'a a-year-old
colt, Irish Lad, won the seventeenth Brook
lyn handicap at Gravesend today In 2:06Vi,
lowering the record of 2:W4 for tho race
made by Banastar In 1SD8. W. C. Whit
ney's Gunfire, winner of the Metropolitan
handicap and favorite" for today's race.
was second, beaten by not more than three
inches. '
Eight lengths behind these two came W.
C. Fanshawe's Hero, and close on Hero's
flanks were Foxhall P. Keene s Injunction,
Jacob Worth's Oom Paul, second favorito
In the betting, and Alex Shield s Hunter
Ralne. Herbert was last, with Bonnibert,
Igniter and the much-thought-of Yardarm
In front of him as named. Only once be
fore has a 3-year-old won the Brooklyn
handicap. This was In 1891, when James
R. Keene's Conroy won the classic In a
sea of mud, In 2:09.
John E. Madden owned and sold the
first, second and third horses In today's
Brooklyn handicap. Irish Lad he sold to
H. P. Whitney and H. B. Duryea last
year, when they branched out as turfmen.
Gunfire he had previously sold to former
Secretary of the Navy Whitney. Clarence
Mackey bought Hero as a 2-year-old from
Madden, hoping to win the Futurity of
1901 with the colt, which was practically
left at the post In that event.
,'rlsh Lad was bred by Eugene Leigh in
New Jersey, at Appleby's Silver Brook
farm. His sire. Candlemas, was the prop
erty of J. B. Huggln. His dam, Arrow-
grass, waa raced at the winter meetings
at Guttenberg and Clifton. Mr. Madden
bought Irish Lad as a yearling for $1,500.
The price Messrs. Whitney and Duryea
paid for him has never been authoritatively
Parse Worth SlB.OtM),
Worth In gross (18,150, the winner's share
of the Brooklyn handicap of 1903 waa
115,150, the second horse taking $2,000 and
the third $1,000.
No more evenly Judged race was ever
run, as the fractional time shows.
Quarter, 25 seconds; half, 60: five-eighths,
1:04: three-fourths, 1:14; seven-eighths,
1:2?H; mile, 1:40ft; one and one-quarter
mile, 2:06.
Irish Lad led practically from post to
finish, successively stalled pft the challenges
of Oom Paul and won after a oltter strug
gle from his stable companion. Both trained
by J. W. Rogers, the Whitney horses were
the only real contenders for first honors
after the field turned i.ito the stretch.
When odds were posted in the handicap
contestants scratched had reduced the orig
inal eighteen entries to twelve, Blues, Fran
cesco, Royal, Waswlft, Himself and 8amba
being drawn. ; r
Gunfire 'was ai' first favorite. Although
opening at 2 to 1 her price rose to 11 to I at
post time. Oom Paul, well backed, stood at
7 to 1. Yardarm'a price rose rrom 6 to 7 and
Hunter Ralne's fell from 12 to 8. Irish Lad
opened at 10 and went up at one time aa
high ns 13 to 1.
When after fifteen minutes' delay at the
post the start was made Irish Lad, getting
away well, drew over close to the inside
fence. He led aa they passed the stand,
running easily under restraint.
Oom Paul was second, Gunfire third and
Igniter fourth. Swinging around to the
back stretch Hero and Injunction tried to
JAln the leaders, but both were crowdoA
back several lengths. Irish Lad was
length in front when the run down the
backstretch began, but Oom Paul chal
loiiced at once and the two raced side by
side for three furlongs.
Gunrire appeared for the moment to be In
trouble. Igniter raced up to and passed her
nnd Colonel Bill was making a sturdy bid.
He reached the filly's throat latch as they
mared the turn. Then In a moment it was
all over but for two horses. Igniter and
Colonel Elll fell back and Oom Paul's green
and white Jacket was hidden by Burns'
blue as he took Gunfire Into second place.
Sets the Crowd Aflame.
Irish I .ad led Into the stretcti by a length.
Gunfire close behind and Oom Paul still
within striking distance, but apparently
beaten. Straightened out for the run home
the Whltneys, father and son, had the race
to themselves. Irish Lad had never fal
tered and O'Nell had rated him carefully.
When Gunfire drew alongside the 8-ycar-old
a sixteenth of a mile rrom homo and
Oom Paul mnde a last effort, the outcry
from the stands and the lawns was terrific.
With every muscle strained and riders
doing their utmost, Irish Iad and Gunfire
raced to the wire. The filly gained on the
colt Inch by Inch Mid twenty feet from the
wire her nose was In from, but with one
splendid burst of courage and speed Irish
Lad leaped forward and In the very last
Jump won by three Inches. One Jump from
the wire the race waa a dead heat.
Jockey O'Nell, an obscure rider In the
west last winter, took his nrst ride In the
floral horseshoe.
Between $0,000 and 40.000 saw the great
Start! liHMF
Irish Lad. 103 fO'Nell) 111111
Gunfire. Ill (Burns! 7 3 4 3 2 2
Hero. 113 (Michaels) 5 5 8 8 4 3
i Injunction, (Wau?h) 4 8 9 7 4
Oom i'aui, I'f inuumnnp n z i z a a
Hunter Ralne, 9S ( Fuller). . ..11 11 12 12 12
Colonel Hill, 121 (Gannon). ...10 12 5 5 6 7
Articulate. 114 (Larson) 9 9 10 10 8 8
Yardnrm. 96 (Knack) 12 10 11 11 11
! Iitniter, 112 (Coohram
... 1 4 8 4 7 10
Bonnibert. 115 (Met'ue) 3 7 7 9 10 11
Herbert, 118 (Odom) S 8 8 12
Start good, won driving. Time: 2:06.
The expectation stakes for 2-year-olds
was won in a gallop by 8. S. Brown's e-ilt
Broomstick. The Ben Brush clt on Mi
good race at Morris park was favorite and
after running Dimple Into submission In a
half, won easily by three lengths. Results:
First race, handicap, about six furlongs:
Northern Star won, Astarita second, In.
vincible third. Time: 1:09 2-5.
8econd rare, about one mile and six fur
longs, hurdltt handicap: Ohnel won. M -Grathlana's
Prince second, Draughtsman
third. Time: 8:15.
Third race, five furlongs. Expectation
stakes: Broomstick won, Tim Sullivan
second, Dimple third. Time: 1 ;'i.
Fifth race, five furlongs, selling: Bath
Beach won, Latherton second, Walterln
third. Time: 1 :(.
Sixth race, mile and seventy yards, sell
Ing: Wild Pirate won, Dulsy Green sec
ond. North Brook third. Time: 1:46.
CHICAGO. May 28. .'. H. Allison's Derby
candidate. Skillful, toduy at Hawthorne In
the second race made a show of the best
Meld the colt has ever made. Skilful won
pulled to a runter with eight lengths to
spare over the California wonder, Beau
(nmonde. Luolen Appleby, after getting
the worst of the start, finished third, in
front of 81 Minor, the favorite.
Tommy Meade, stable jockey for John A.
Drake, the Chicago ml'Unnalre, made su h
a poor showing on the 3-to-6 favorite. High
(Continued on Fourth Psge.)
ForetHSt for Nebraska Fair In West and
Showers In East Portion Friday; eaiuruay
Fair and Warmer.
Temperatnre at Omaha Yesterdayl
Honr. lira. Honr. Ui.
B n. m H 1 p. in TA
H a. m OH il l. m
T a. m ttu 8 p. m. . . . . . T4
H a. in H4 4 p. m 7.1
a, in S 5 p. m V-
lo a. m 72 p. 7 J
It a. m T4 7 p. m T
LH m T3 M p. m UU
0 p. m ..... . US
Chief ponnhne Starts a Sale That
Slakes Money for Relief (
"Now," said Chief Donahue on opening
tl.o police fund auction yesterday afternoon
in tho court room at the city Jail," I want
It understood right here that the only
knocking down will be by tho auctioneer,
and that all these knucks. slingshots, bowle
knives and guns are distinctly not to be
usod on the premises. Now, how much
am I offered"
The hundred or so second-hand and Junk
dealers made an excited surge forward,
endangering the chief on his table and
hurting each other, while hands waved
aloft as on a bull market at the .
stock exchange. The prize was a tin wash
boiler full of the nicest assortment of pur
loined plumbing, brass and copper scraps
and sine, worth fully 82.50; It was bid In
after an acrimonious contest for $10 the
best business of the day.
Chief Donahue really left the heavy
work of the sale to Joseph Sonnenberg.
who Is an expert and could sell a pair of
skates to a paralytic. Much of the prop
erty bought was as "sight unseen" as the
bottom of a salted gold mine and the only
contents guaranteed were the bills and
fractional currency. Old Joe Braggadocio
cheerfully paid Sti.50 for a package con
taining a $5 bill and two trouser s but
tons, and Inter drew for $1.50 a fine-looking
bundle which held 100 tailor s samples, and
was about as useful as a hair In an oyster
stew. A young doctor. Just out from n
local college, passed In $2 for a fair-looking
surgical case, which he found to contain
three bottles of Palne's Celery Compound.
Policeman Brown with a glad look of
anticipation hurried out Into the hall to
open a suit case for which he had put up
$1.60. It held a pnuematlc rubber cushion,
a pair of gauntlet gloves, twenty fathoms
of flshline and a piece of clothes mat
Brown couldn't diagnose. Sergeant Cook
and Detective Stryker refused to talk after
tho sale; the former got out of his $2.50
package five assorted pocket knives with
no more blade than a napkin ring; and the
latter drew a hop layout and pipe when he
thought he was getting a tobacco burner.
Bicycles sold from 36 cents to $12; eight
old hats brought 15 cents and three baskets
of dishes 36 cents more. Patrolman Mc
Carthy paid $1.50 for 26 cents, two collar
buttons, a knife and a buttonhook; a
phony $2.60 watch was eagerly taken at
$9.80 and a really good marketable article
worth 8'Ji passed out for less than $4. An
astrackan cape brought 30 cents and a
folding bed with a paat was knocked down
for 40 cents more. When the sale closed
at 6:30 o'clock the benefit fund was $435
nearer wealth.
Slonx City Prise Ring; Man Laid Low
by Jim Jeffords of Cali
fornia. SAVANNAH. Ga., May 28.-Jim Jeffords
of San Francisco and George Feeley ot
Sioux City, heavyweights, met for a
twenty round contest before the Savannah
Athletlo club tonight. In the third round
Feeley went down under a left to the Jaw
and took a count of six. As he came up
groggy Jeffords sent another to the same
spot and Feeley waa counted out.
At 11 p. m., an hour after the conclusion
of the contest Feeley was still uncon
scious, notwithstanding the efforts of his
seconds and two physicians to revive him.
A physician said Feeley's heart was acting
all right, but that he was suffering from
i concussion. At 11 o'clock he was removed
from the club rooms to the Turkish baths,
still Insensible.
2 a. m. At this hour Feeley's condition
Is unchanged. Jeffords is detained at the
police station.
Masterly Way in Which He Handled
Roosevelt Functions Recog
nised by Citizens.
SAN FRANCISCO. May 3.-A pleas
ing sequel to President Roosevelt's
visit to San Francisco was a banquet to
M. H. De Young last night.
He was the honored guest of the executive
committee of the recent Roosevelt reception.
During the evening eclat waa given the
occasion by the presentation to him of a
large silver loving cup.
The motive of the presentation waa told
by the Inscription aa follows:
A souvenir from the citizens' committee
to the Hon. M H. De Young. In acknow
ledgment of hla executive ability and the
masterly and successful manner In which
he handled the functions given In honor
of the visit of President Roosevelt to San
Francisco, May, 1903.
Expelled from Convention nnd
Notes Taken from
DENVER, May 28 E. L. Welant, acting
as a delegate to the convention of the
Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, whose
sessions ore secret, was expelled today,
after he had confessed that he was an
employe of a Chicago detective agency. All
the notes In Welant's possession were se
cured by the officers of the brotherhood.
Welant, It is said, was formerly a brake
man on the Denver & Rio Grande, but for
some time has been employed as a spotter.
MoTcmrnta of Orenn Vcasela, May 2S,
At New York Arrived Deutschland. from
Hamburg, Southampton and Cherbourg.
Sailed Hluchcr, for Hamburg; Iurenllan,
for Gliisgow.
At St. Mii-hselsPassed Sicilian Prince,
from New York, for Naples ond Palermo.
At the 1-lzard Passed Arcadian. from
Montrenl, for London; Auguate Victoria,
from New Yoik, for Plymouth, Cherbourg
and llHmlmrg.
At Hamburg Arrived Graf Wrldersee,
from New York, via Plymouth and Cher
bourg. At Genoa Arrived Lahn, from New
York, via Naples.
At Queenstown Arrived Germanic, from
New York. Balled Noordland, from Liver,
pool, for Philadelphia; Teutonic, from
Liverpool, for New York.
At Havre Arrived I a. Lorraine, from
New York.
At Liverpool Sailed Bavarian, for Mont
real: New Knglund, for Hi.slon, via Queena
town. At Gibraltar Passed Nlng Chow, from
Ta.,oma. Yokohama, Hong Kong, Manila
and Singapore, for Loud
Water in Iowa 8treams Almost as High u
During Last Tear's Bise.
Dcs Moines Suffers Most and Still Greater
Damage is Anticipated.
One Span of Bridge Connecting East and
West Cities Destroyed.
Other Streams Reside the Dea Moines
Are Ont of Bnnks and Hack of
the Ilottom Land of Stnte
Is t'nder Water.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DE8 MOINES, May 28. -(Special. )-The
experience of ten months ago In Dea
Moines are being repeated in the low dis
tricts. Ten square miles of the city are
under water, 260 residences are surrounded,
2,0uo people are moving Into tents or tem
porary places of abode, forty factories are
idle, valuable bridges are gone and parts
of the residence district are completely ut
off from the main part of the city. The
Dea Moines river was this morning at 19.50
feet, quickly moved up to twenty feet and
by 4 p. m. was at 20.25. The record of
last year was 21.3 feet. Reports came '
early today that nt Boone the river was
four feet above last year's mark. By S p.
m. the report came from a brickyard a
few miles up the river that the water was
fourteen Inches above the last year's
mark. During the day thousands of men
were at work along the levees In various
parts of the city, chiefly near the Junction
of the Coon tnd Des Moines river, near
the city waterworks and In the north
part of the city near the Sixth avenue
bridge. Before noon the false work In use
In the construction of a new arch bridge at
Sixth avenue, leading to Highland Park
addition north of the city, was carried
out and two spans of the unfinished bridge
went down. The old truss bridge near
was Immediately closed, as also the street
car bridge Just below, and this left the
people of Highland Park cut off from the
city. In South Des Moines and In the
southeast part of the city upwards of
200 residences were surrounded by water,
but there was no swift current and the
families were moved out with ease.
The city council authorized the use of a
thousand tents fo- the families. No fatal
ities occurred in connection with the trans
fer of goods and a large force of special
policemen Is guarding the districts.
In the large factory district south of the
railroad tracks In West Dcs Moines all
business la suspended.. Nearly all the
factories are flooded tnd the machinery
and material, so far as possible, haa been
moved . to upper atorlea lit the buildings.
The damage will, be Immense. .Large
levees that broke through last year are
being strengthened In the hope that they
may be saved.
The Btreet railway service waa abandoned
at S o'clock this afternoon owing to water
submerging the power house.
All night long scores of men patrolled
the river banks strengthening the levees,
while many more were employed In remov
ing Inhabitants and their household goods
from the river bottoms. But two drownings
have thus far been reported In Des Moines.
Owing to similar conditions over the west
half of the state, several otner fatalities
have been reported. In Des Moines, ap
proximately 600 have thus far abandoned
their homes, while twice ae many more
are preparing to move.
Shortly past 8 o'clock the levees on
Maurice street gave way tefore the floods
of the Dea Moines river, swelled by those
of the Raccoon, and 160 houses were flooded
in an Incredibly short time, forcing their
Inmates to run for their lives, leaving their
household effects behind In most cases.
The Raccoon Is keeping pace with tho
Des Moines and has devastated many miles
of territory In the southwest portion of
the city.
At Cedar Falls the Cedar river rose sud
denly during the night, so that a large
number of persons had to be rescued In
boats from upper floors. Middle river, tha
Little Sioux and the Nlshnabotna are the
highest In their history.
News comes from Schaller of the drown
ing of Curtis Seek. Communication was
reopened with Audubon and It was learned
that seven children were seriously hurt In
a tornado Tuesday night and that five
persons were Injured.
Millions of Damage to Crops.
SIOUX CITY, la.. May 28.-(Hpeclal Tel
egram.) The Little Sioux Is on a rampage
In the vicinity of (Dnawa. Between Blencoe
and the river the farmers have taken to
the hills, hbondonlng their homes. It Is
estimated here the damage to crops In
northwestern Iowa will be between 12,000,
000 and 83,000,000. The damage In Woodbury
county alone will be over 8500.000.
CEDAR FALLS. Ia., May 28. (Special
Telegram.) Residents of Cedar City are
escaping from their homes in boats today
on account of high water In the Cedar. It
Is a mile wide.
Wind Sweeps Over Indiana.
INDIANAPOLIS, May 28.-Details of the
work of the storm which swept almost
every part of the state were received today.
At Alexandria the Penn-Amerlcan Plate
Glass company had several large steel
stacks wrecked. William C. Gray, a ma
chinists helper, was killed. A part of the
Republic Steel mill was carried away and
some damage was Inflicted on the south
side window house. The aggregate prop
erty loss Is large.
At Walton Manford Stevenson was In
stantly killed by lightning and four other
men were severely Injured.
At'Hammond the wind wrecked the home
of Policeman William Bunde, and Bunde
was severely Injured by falling timbers.
F.dward Brennan, a railway engineer, died
of shock. Christopher Hodel and his aon.
while working In a field, were struck by
lightning. The boy was killed and the
father fatally Injured.
At Greensburg the county buildings were
unroofed. y
Heavy damase was done at Frsnkfort,
Thorntown, Decatur, Windfall, Camden and
In this city and surrounding towna the
telephone wlree were wrecked. Property
loss in Howard county alone is estimated
at 8100,000.
Is Inundated.
TOPE K A. Kan., May 2S A worse flood
situation prevails in Kansas tonight than
for years. A steady rain is fulling over
the state tonlyht.
The Union Pacific has moved no trains
on its line between this city and Man
hattan since Tuesduy. Between here and