Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 28, 1903, Page 8, Image 8
8 TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TIIUKST)AY, MAY 2S. 1903. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Bally of Armoar'i Broken Pashei Up Wheat Pricei CORN IS FIRM AND CLOSES UNCHANGED Dad Crop Kewa and Higher Oot Markets Are Factor Cum Ins a General Rnlllsh Tendency. CHICAGO, May 27. Wheat opened strong nl ruled fairly firm throughout the ses sion, the close showing a gain of Vc for Julv. Corn was Arm and the close was un cha'rired. Oata held slfsdy. with July tm iihaiiK"'. while provisions showed a better vune after an easy opening at 2Vc lower at W' higher. There whs little change In wheat value. 4 good general rlenianil and light offering gave a strong tone at the opening and July wag up a ahade to He at 73S,rg73)n,c to 73c, and aoon ad vanned to 737'ij74c. Helling by pit traders nt the advance brought about an eaaler feeling and the a 1 vance waa loat. Armour's brokers came to the rescue, however, and July reacted lo the high point of the day, 74t,c. The clone was etf-MCjy at a gain of UiSc f"r July at 73c. Statistics were bullish a a rule. Hrad street's visible showed a decrease of 3.8u.o0 bushels. Had crop news continued to come In and outside markets were higher. Clear ances of wheat and flour were equal to 733. f4 bushels. I'rlmary receipts were 254,d24 bushels, against 2M.441 ft year ago. Minne apolis and Duluth reported receipts of lo cars, which with local recelpta of 28 cars. 2 of contract grade, made a total for the tnree points of 15 cars, against 122 a week ego, and J4H Inst year. Shorts bought corn freely at the opening on bullish crop advices, and were forced to bid the market up. Helling on the bulge by longs caused a reaction, but offerings were freely taken by local traders and commis sion housea and the feeling remained firm, the cluse showing July unchanged at 46' 4fic. Local recelpta were Z74 cars, with 19 of contract grade. The firmness In oats was due largely to the crop situation In the east. Trade waa light and featureless, with traders and com mission houses the best buyers. The rtrmglh tn other grains helped this market and me close was steady and unchanged at iU'aC for July after a range of from S4c to Slh-.c. r'aekers were thought to be on the buying aide on provisions and pit traders following this lead cauaed some firmness after an easier opening on the hog situation. At the i lose prices were a little better, July pork and lard showing a gain of 2'jc at $16.77 and pt.hi. while ribs were off 2'4c at J3.20. Kstlmated for tomorrow: Wheat, 30 cars; corn. 20 cars; oats, Do cars; hogs, 28,000 head. The leading futures ranged us follows: Articles ! Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Ycs'y. Wheat I I May 7tmi 77 7 7 75si July 73Vq,74 73V7S,fi74 73 Kept. 71 (Shi 71V 70'A 71 70 Corn May 46fm 47 4H 46 July 4Mlj'Vi 45 4f45S45V- Sept. 44V6H V 7J Oats Ma V 3 3" 3 3 85 July 34 CiVi 84 34 34i 83 Bept. 81;31Vi4(H 31H all. Torn Mav 19 00 19 10 19 00 19 05 lj 9S July 17 20 17 42 17 20 17 40 17 40 Sept. 16 70 16 77Vj 16 70 16 77H 16 75 77H g 75 Julv I 8 P0 8 87H 8 SO 8 85 8 82'4 Pent. I 80 8 87 8 77 82 8 80 9 82 9 87 9 82 9 82 9 35 Julv 9 37 9 45 9 85 9 42 9 40 Sept. 8 20 9 22 17 9 20 9 22 follows: No. S No. 2. Cnsh quotations were FI017R Hteady. WHEAT No. 2 spring. 7f7!c. spring. 73fl79c; No. 2 red, 76W77C. CORN No. 2. 4So; No. 2 yellow. 4S'4e. OATS No. 2. 33ig33c; No. 8 white, 86a RYR No. 2, 60c. BARLEY Good feeding, 8843c; fair to choice malting. 4MKe. BEKD No. 1 flax, $1.12; No. 1 north western, 81.16: prime timothy. I3.404f3.50; clover, contract grade, t11.5ofni.75. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per Mil., 817.25 J17.50. IatA. per 100 lb.. 8.75.77. Short ribs sides (loose), 9 20W9 35. Pry salted shoulders fboxed), IS no?fU2. Short clear Sides (boxed). $9.75-Sfl.77. Following are the receipts and shipments of flour and grain yesterday: - Keceipts. Bnipment. 87.SO0 15,400 6!t.v 85.700 SS2.9O0 fln.AOn 471. S0O 168.700 9.500 67.200 1.800 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries, 15tt21c.; dairies. lfWJlSc. Eggs, steady, eat mark, cei Included, 14$14c. Cheese, weak, new, llllc. Flour, hhls... Wheat, hu.... Corn, bu Outs, bu.... Pve. bu Barley, bu.. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. 3fie; Julv. 83c; September, S0c; No. 2 white, SSUfcc. FLOlH Wulet; red winter patents, U l.fri; extra lancv and straights, 13 iotil.oo. SEK1 Timothy, nominal. 82.153i.26. I OKN'MKAL Steady, J.60. BHAN Strong, sacked, east track, 74 76c. HAT Steady; timothy, 83.0Olt.5O; prairie, r.i"iii.oo. IRON COTTON TIES IL06 H A ( i ti I N 1 fi 'a V HEMP TWINE 5c. Provisions Pork, steady; Jobbing, standard mess, 111.80. METALS Lead, dull, $415. Spelter, easy, 15.50. POULTRY Easier; checkens, 10c; spring, livgcic; turkeys, luc; ducks, 11c; geese, lit 5c. EI'TTER Slow; creamery, 16922c; dairy, 13 g 17c. GCJS Lower at llc. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls ll.floo W heat, bu 2i,000 32.0u0 Corn, bu 46.0I") 52,0K) Oats, bu , A 27,000 30.0UO OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Conditio of Trade and laotatloaa Staple aad Fancy Prodaoe. EQOS Fresh stock, loss off, 13c. LIVE POL'LTRY Hens, 10c; spring chickens, per lb., 26c; roosters, according to age, 4((ic; turkeys, 13igl6c; ducks, lOyilc; geese, lifj 10c. II b'TTER Packing stock. 14c; choice dairy, In tubs, 15&17c; separator, 22g23c. FRESH FISH Fresh caught trout, 9c; pickerel, 9c; pike, 11c; perch, be; buffalo, 7c; bluefish, 11c; whitensh, 11c; salmon. 18c; haddock, 11c; codfish, 12c; redsnapper, 10c; lobsters, boiled, per lb.. 27c; lobsters, green, per lb., 2oc; bullheads, 10c; catfish, 14c; black bass, 17c; halibut, 11c; shad roe, 86o eacn; roe snaa, toe each. MHAN Per ton, 115. HAY Prices Quoted br OrAaha Wholesale Healers' association: Choice No. 1 UDland. 8!); No. 2. $860; medium. $8; coarse. $7.60. Rye straw, W.50. These prices are for hav of good color and quality. Demand fair and receipts nfc'nt. CORN 4c. OATS 34o. RYE No. 2, 45e. VEGETABLES. OLD POTATOES Per bu., 4550c NEW POTATOES Southern, per lb., $c LETTI CE Per dox. bunches, 30c, PARSLEY Per dot. bunohes, 80c. PARSNIPS Per bu.. 30d40c. CI '('I'M HERS Hothouse, per dos., $1. GREEN ONIONS Per dos. bunches, home rown, 12(&15c. , RADISH Els Per dos. bunches, 1820o, SPINACH Home grown. Der bu. basket. 40c. MEANS Wax. per bu. box. $3: string, per bu. box, $3. CAHlJAGE New California, per lb., $o. TOMATOES New Florida, per (-basket crate, $3.50.l.75. RHUBARB Per lb., lo. ASPARAGUS Per dos. bunches, 40a NAVY BEANS Per bu.. $2.60. FRUITS. STRAWBERRIES Missouri, per 24-quart case. $3. CHERRIES California, white and black. per 10-lb. box, $1.75g2. TROPICAL FRUITS. FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartons. 75c; Turkish, per 18-lb. box, 18c. ORANGES California navels, fancy, for 76 and smaller sizes. $3.76: for 150 and larger sizes, $3.25: Mediterranean, all sizes. $3i?.'3.26: Jaffa, $3; fancy blood, per half box. $2.00. lemons California fancy, all sizes, zs.&o: Limonerlns, $4; Meclnlas, $4. DATES Persian. In 70-lb. boxes, per lb.. 6c; per case of 80-lb. pkgs, $3.25. PIN EAPPL.KB Cuban, MISCELLANEOUS. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb.. 10, POPCORN Per lb., 2c; shelled. 4c HIDES No. 1. green. 64c: No. 2. green. 6c; No. 1, salted. 74c; No. 2, salted, (o; No. l, veal can. 8 to 12 lbs., 8c; no. z. veal calf. 12 to 16 lha.. 6c; dry salted hides, X(hr12c; sheep pelts, 25&j6c; horsehldes, $1.604f2.60. NITS Walnuts, no. l. soft shell, per lt.. 16c; hard shell per lb.. 14c; No. 2. soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c; Brazils, per lb.. 12c; Alberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb., 16c; pecans, large, per lb.,'12c; small, per lb., 11c; cocoanuts, per dos., 61c; chestnuts, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb.. 6c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black chestnuts, per id., luc; peanuts, per id., 6c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black walnuts, per bu., $1; hickory nuts, per bu., $1.60. OLD metal, etc. a. . Aipirn quotes the following prices: Iron, country mixed, per ton, $10; Iron, stove plate, per ton, $8; copper, per lb., 8c; brass, heavy, per lb., 8c; brass, light, per lb., 6c; lead, per lb., 2c; sine, per lb., 2o. Quotations of the Day on Varlons v ommodltles. NEW YORK. May 27. FLOUR Re ceipts, 31.443 bbls.; exports, 14,464 bbls ; dull but ttrmlv held. CORNMEAI Quiet; yellow western, 81.K0: cltv. $1.04; Brandywlne, $3.40)3.65. RYE Quiet; No. 2 western, 69c, f. o. b., afloat: state. 6G'l59c, c. I. f.. New York. BARLEY Dull; feeding. 61c, c. I. f., Buf falo: malting, 62j58c, c. I. f.. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts. 60.125 bu.; exports, 106.964 bu.; spot Irregular; No. 2 red, 84 3 elevator and 83c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 87c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, 8)te f. o. b. afloat. Re ports of too much rain In the southwest, complaints of rust In Kansas and strength nt 8t. Louis, wheat had an early advance; later It waa more active and firm on big clearances and further covering; the close was 51c higher; May, 83iMc. close.l at 84o; July. 7S(ff79'c. closed at 79c; September. 75 13-164j76c, closed at 76c; De cember, 7i(rf76c, closed at 76c. CORN Recelpta, 6uK) bu. ; exporta. 191, 138 bu.: spot quiet: No. 2. 6Sc elevator and b.yc t. o. to. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 66c; No. 2 white, 65c. Starting out firm and higher on complaints of excessive rains In Iowa and ' Nebraska, corn held strong all day, closing c net higher except May, which was la net lower; May. 66'u"b7c, closed at 66c; July, 62 -lWtn2 13-lbc, closed at 62 13-ltk-; September, bWm'ol 6-16c, closed at siVtc; j'ecenioer. oic. OATS Reeei rts. 121.400 bu. : snot dull No. 2, 39c; No. 3, 38c; No. $ white, 41c; track white. Xtij46c; standard white, 41o; jno. z wime, i.e. option market was stronger on rains west, delaying farmers MAX Steady; shipping, 7U'Uic; good to cnoice. HOPS Quiet; state common to choice. 19 2 crop, life24o; 1S01 erop, 16 18c; olds, 6'tf juc. racinc coast, iiz crop, l'tflc; 1901 crop, iD'yiftc; ouis, niw. HIDES Steady: Galveston, 18c; Caltfor rila, ISc; Texas dry, 14c. LEATHER Steady ; acid. 24fl25c. RICE Firm; domeatic, fair to extra, 41 IC Japan, miminaj. PROVISIONS Beef, easier; famllv. 810.0wol2.0o; mess, 9.COa?.50; packet, $;6H9 10. ou; city, extra India mess. U6.I Oj li.o i. Cut meats, easy, lird, steady; western steamed, B; renned, quint; continent. it.oS; uoutn American, i9Ha; compound. rtirn, quii; anon clear, iln.ixa 19.50. 1 auow. weaa; city, oc; country, 65j. Hi, 11 r-it Receipts, .tnt pkgs.; creamery, extra. 22c; creamery, common to choice. CHEESE Receipts. 5,E!6 rkgs. : unsettled atnte, full cream, fancy, small, colored and white, llo; large colored, Uc; large wiuif, 111;. EGGS Receipts. 17,t37 pkgs.; state and Pennsylvania. l(c; western storage pacKa nrsis, uc; wesiem seconas, ItwltjWc POL LTKI- Alive, steady; we urn spring ciiiiM. ivM-, luHiB, itc, lurseys, Italic dressed, steady; western, 2tya3uc; fowls J2lic; turkeys, iive. MET A 1. 8 The sharp break In I-ondon tin prlcea yesterday was followed by an almost equally snarn reaction todav advance of 1 l's being reported, with spot closing at 1J9 ami futures at i.l.'7 lax; locally tin auto ruiea nnner and a.l- vancea 10 -.wi.'8.K). orix-r alco re gained part or Its recent losses In the Engusn market, closing 4.1 higher at tr 7s 6d for sivot and 12a 6d higher at 41) 2s 3. for futures; locally tne market remains dull and more or less nominal at $14.76 for lake, electrolytic and casting. Lead was uncnanged in i.onuon at ill i s fid ant a $137' In tbe local market Fpelter decline, 2s 6d In London, closing at i.2 Jli e.l. bu remained quiet ana um-nanged litre $6.73. Iron closed at 6a 6d In Glasgow and at 45s M In MMdlesborough ; locally Iron waa quiet ana uncuangeo; .-so. 1 foundry norrnern, is quoieo ai iJimvy.'i.tu o. foundry, northern. $19 50i'J0.15: No. 1 foun dry, southern, and No. 1 foundry, southern oil, Ju.i)j.M. .a. warrants are nominal. St. Lals Crala and Provisions. ST. LOUIS. May 27.-WHE AT-Hlgfcer .No. I red, cash .elevator, nomlna'; track 76V. July, 7lc; September, tKnjoac, No I hard. lii:c. . . I VT L 1 , .. U . . XJA V. I 1 track. 4Vfl-t7c; July, 42U42Tvc; September, 42 V o. VAT8-Uady; No. I cash. Kc; track. No. 1 northern, 80c; No. 2 northern, 7le. rLUiK-rint patents, hiw:i; ond patents. 84.0014 1: first clears. $.20; second clears, J:' ,V.'i2.45. 5 RAN in bulk. $13.00. 7g sec- $3.P0' NRW YORK STOCKS AO BO?ID. Market Is Inactive and Speculative Sentiment Confused. NEW YORK. May 27. -The only signifi cance In today's market movements cen tered In a handful of stocks and In the prices moving contrariwise, with the result that speculative sentiment was wholly con fused and almost paralyzed. The whole market was Inert to the degree of lethargy ana In very few cases was there a move ment exceeding a small fraction. Some comfort was secured from the evidence of support In St. Paul, Pennsylvania, United States Steel preferred and for a short time after the opening In a few other prominent speculative stocks. But, on the other hand, there was obvious continued realizing in Rock Island snd the coalers and Pacifies mere Inclined to heaviness. A brief upward movement In Reading seemed to have no other purpose than to correct this Impres sion aa to the coalers and It was quickly abandoned. The occasional rallies In the market, which were Invariably led by St. Paul, were made In the Intervals between the execution of selling orders and were not pursued with any aggressiveness. The ap pearance of the market suggested that those who had constituted themselves Its protectors were satisfied to acquiesce In a downward movement of prices, while the selling pressure lasted, but sought to Im prove the price level by bidding up when no aerloua obstacle was encountered. It was evident that suspicion waa rife as to the condition of the market, and there was no deep grounded conviction that the liquida tion recently In evidence has fully been completed. If there has been any extended bear account left over as the result of the prolonged decline there was only the slight est evidence today of any nervousness on the part of bears over the check to the de cline, and the apparent cessation of heavy liquidation and the demand from the shorts waa very light. Some slight buying for London account helped the firm undertone of the early .market. The very fact that the demand for stocks could be so languid and Indifferent after a decline of such violence as has occurred during the last week served to deter buyers from committing themselves whether for speculative or Investment ac count. There was very little news of Im portance bearing on values and little atten tion was paid to what there was. The rise of a point In United States Steel preferred was attributed to reported purchase of 100, 000 tons or upward of pig Iron by the cor poration for delivery during the late sum mer months. The gain was lost before the close. St. Paul got as much ns 1 over last night and was near the high level several times during the day, but It closed a shade unoer last nignt. ine weakness of Rock Island was unexplained beyond the general argument that the sum of the market prices of the securities exchanged for old Rock Island stock made a valuation for that stock considerably above that prevailing for other similarly situated stocks. Southern Pacific, Union Pacific and Baltimore & Ohio lost nearly a point. The selling of the United States Leather stocks was con nected with the reported project for a bond issue by the company. The market closed steady. No gold was taken for export, but this waa said to be due to Inadequate ship, ping facilities. Bonds were dull. Total sales, par value. $2,206,000. United States bonds were all unchanged on the last call. Following ace the quotations on. the New Tork Stock exchange: Atchison T4H 80. Railway p(4. do pf4 Btl. Ohio 4s pli Canadian Paclflo.... Canada So ChM. a Ohio Chicago Alton... do pfd Chicago O. W... do 1st pfd do Id pfd Chicago A N. W... Chicago Tor. at Tr., do pfd C. C. C. Bt. L... Colorado 80 do 1st pfd do Id pfd Del. A Hudson Dsl. L. A W benror A R. O do pfd Erlo do 1st pfd do Id pld. WEARE GRAIN COMPANY, a ' Omaha Branch llO-lll Board f Trad ' Building. CHICAGO. May 27. WHEAT The south west haa been the strengthening Influence In wheat again throughout a nervous and it regular market. Sharp action owing to congestion In the May contributed to the nervousness. There was still an abundance of crop damage reports from St. Louis backed up by the liberal buying which lends color, which would otherwise be lack ing to this sort of news, bnow a estimate of winter wheat conditions showing a de cline of little over 4 points about met ex pectations. Clearances were 733,000 bu. ; world's visible decreased S.800,000 bu. ; there were 10 loads taken at the seaboard for export; local recelpta. 28 cars, with 2 coo- ract. Outside Interest was somewhat cur tailed owing to bad condition of wires. CORN corn has vacillated Between tne bullish news of floods throughout Iowa, smaller country offerings, the probability of a tie-up In freight and on the other hand relief from tne oroutn Dy rains tnrougnout New York and Pennsylvania and a general disposition to liquidate at the best figures. The action has not been wide, owing to the restriction of outside Interest and toward he close the local bears forced things to a fractional decline. There waa a decreased visible of 874.0UO bu. : weekly croo report bulletin reports material delays In planting operations west of Mississippi liver, but good progress In the eaat; receipts, 274 cars. witn i contract: tne snarp demand tor cash corn lanre, resulting In sales of over l.Ouo.000 bu. In last two days, certainly war rants an increased movement, which ex plains why larger acceptances of last ten days had not a more depressing effect on the market; there waa 250,000 bu. sold here again today; clearances, 196,000 bu.; esti mates for tomorrow, 220 cars. OATS Rains In the east had a weaken ing effect on oats and caused some liquida tion early, but there was a good healthy demand and all offerings were readily ab sorbed on the decline. The floods In Iowa iust snout onset improvement In the east, lecelpts were 139 cars, with 4 standard; cash market firm: 100.000 bu. sold from New York; visible supply decreased, SG3.OU0 bu.; country offerings were light; estimates ror tomorrow, su cars. PROVISIONS Provisions have been strong, although the hog market has been iiyiOc lower. Strength has been apparently on Influential buying of lard and ribs and on covering by shorts In pork. There were 84,000 hogs received here: receipts In the west, 85,0u0, compared with 77.000 last year; rauHiam lor tomorrow, 4A.UUU. WEARE GRAIN COM PA NT. NEW YORK. May 27. Special cable and telegraphic communications received nv Bradstreefs show the following changes In available supplies as compared with last account: wheat. In the United States and Canada east of the Rockies, decreased 4.734. 000 hu. afloat for and In Europe Increased SOO.ooO nu ana tne total supply decreased 3,634,000 bu. Corn. In the United States and Canada. eai 01 ine iiocKiea. aerreased 74.M tu. Oats. In the I n ted States and Canada. east of the Rockies, decreased 363.000 bu. Among the more Important decreases, re ported this week are those of 600.000 bd. In Manitoba. 275.(J bu. at Kewatln. 236.000 du. at Fort orth. Kio.OOO bu. at north western Interior elevators. 60.000 bu. at Chicago private elevators. 100.000 bu. Nashville. 171.000 bu. at Port Huron and M.i'O bu. at Bt. Joseph. ine leading Increases are those of 125.000 nu. at Portland, Me., 75 ono bu. at Coteau and 70,000 bu. at Evansvllle. Illinois Central Iowa Central .... do pfd Laka Erlo A W. do pfd L a- N Manhattan L.... Mt. St. Rr Max. Contral Mrs. National . Minn. A St. L... Mo. Pacific M.. K. A T do pfd , N. 1. Contral .., N. Y. Central .. Norfolk A W... do pfd Ontario A W.... Pennsylvania .... Reading do 1st pfd..... do Id pfd , Bt. L. A 8. P.. do 1st pfd do Id pfd St. L. 8. W do pfd St. Psol do pfd 80. Pari lie 80. Railway .... Philadelphia I'rodact Market. PHILADELPHIA. May 27. BUTTER bteady and tn fair demand: extra western creamery. Z2c; nearby prints. lie. EGOS Firm and good Inquiry; freah nesroy. lho, loss orr; fresh western. 16c. - nthsiv-stead v and f r demand: New York creams, choice, 14'&'15c: fair to gool fall. 14Cal4c: choice new, 1212ic; fair to souu new, utU'lc. . Mllwaake Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. May 27. WHEAT Firm. Close: No. 1 noithern. 83S4c; No. a norinern, nur; julv. 73',aC. RYE Steady; No. 1. 73c. BARLEY Dull; No. 2. 60c; sample. 46fl CORN July. 45'4c bid. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. O., May 27. SEED-CHovsr, easy, o. .:,. Minneapolis Wheat, floar aad Bras MINNEAPOLIS. May 27.-WHFAT- iaii. irfcc; juiy, Tic; September, 70i870ic . M . u . to .12' . is , 40 . 10V, . 9 . 50 . 71 . .174 . 15 . 2R4 . (It'll . 10 . 2H . 10 .17H4 .841 12 Vt 81 '4 Teiaa A Pacific Toledo. 8t. L. A W do pfd Union Paclflo do pfd Wabash do pfd Wbetllng A L. E... do 2d pfd Wla. Central do pfd Adams Ex... American Ex t'nlted uv, 11W ... fci'i ... US' ... 4b4 ... 2i!, ... Jo ... 21 ... 42 too Wslls-Fsrgo Ex Amai. copper .... Amor. Car A P... do pfd Amor. Lin. Oil... do pfd American 8. A R. do pfd Anae. Mining Co 24 7' I Brooklyn R. T lt M .Colo. Fuel A Iron... 7V Oreat Nor. pfd 180 tCona. Qua 200 Horning val. pia.... MH'lont. Tobacco pfd. ..Ill Stales Ex... .111 .200 . 1H . . 104 . 16 481, .lttVloen. Eloctrle ... M 1 Hocking Coal . ... ( Inter. Paper .... ... M do pfd ...lot Inter. Power ... ...Ill Laclede Oaa ... ... lilH National Hlscult ...128 National Lead . ... 254a No. American .. ... 22 Pacific Coast ... ... il Pacific Msll .... ...106H People's Oas ... ... M4 Pressed 8. Car.. ... MS,, do pfd ...1 Pullman P. Car. ...12ft Republic gteel . ... ' do pfd ... sugar ... 1 Teun. Coal A Iron ...ln't, V. 8. Leather ... 49 do pfd ... tl U. 8. Rubber ... (4 do pfd ... 73 V. 8. Steel ... 76 do pfd ... 44 Western Union .... ...21 Amer. Locomotive. ... 4H do pfd ...10 iK. C. Southern.... ...174 do pfd ... tOVRock Island ... 171 do pfd 182 .. 17 .. 17 .. 70 .. 40 .. 17 .. 40 .. V .. 1 .. M .. 28 ..lii"H .. u .. 8Vi ..:io .. i .. 7Hi 1!24 .-.6 10s 4i lil w 14 M'i 23 V, 3V, !Vi 49 24 72V, New Tork Money Market. NEW YORK. May 17. MONEY On call. easy at Vttiy per cent; close offered at 2 per cent; time money, steady; sixty and ninety days, Wtii per cent; six months. 4'4fr414i per cent; prime mercantile paper, 44'ftl4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Strong- at 84.S8 4.8816 for demand and $4.8610 for sixty days; posted rates, ja.oo' ana I4.BS484.83; commercial bills, $4.84. SILVER Bar, 63o; Mexican dollars, 42Hc. bonus-uovernment, steady; railroad. Irregular. The closing; quotations on bonds ara as follows: U. A rsf. la. reg....l04 u A N. nnl. 4a IOOV do coupon do la, rag , do coupon do saw 4a. res do coupon . . . . . do old 4a, rag.., do coupon ...... do la. nu do coupon Atrhlaon gan. 4a.. ado ad). 4s , Dal. Ohio 4a.... do IHs do oonv. 4a Canada 80. 2s.... Outral of Oa. t do la Inc.. IvM'xMex. Central 4a.... 7U ...I0JW1 do la Inc li ...lo;' union. A St. L sa iinw ..-IttVM., K. A T. 4a 100 ...llfcVal do 2s tl ...lltiVxN. T. C. gen. Hs..l03 ...lHls lN. 1. C. gen. ts....l3J ...1U2V, No. Paclflo 4a .102 ...lull',, do la 73 ... ,, N. A W. eon. 4a.... t ... Reading gen. 4a 7Va ...102 St. L. A I. M. a. ( ... M St. L. A 8. F. 4a.... V, ...100H xSt. L. . W. la....i 24 ...1(4 do 2s 22 ...105MixS. A. A A P. 4a... T 80. Pacific 4e sou Chaa. A Ohio 4laa...l044, So. Railway 6a lltv, inicago ac a. ib... i xiexaa oc tr, la lis C . B. Q. n. 4S... VxT.. St. L. A W. 4a. 74 xc, at a Bt r a. a..ios anion Pacific 4a lo'H xC. A N. W. . Ta..l2Vl do oonv. 4a 271, C, R. 1. P. 4a. ...lrtiV, .Wabash la 116V, C C C A St L g. 4a.. 100 1 xdo 2a losv, Chicago Ter. aa UV) do deb. B K xt'olorado So. 4a M xWest Shorn 4s 1091k Denver A R. O. 4a.. MVWheel. A L. E. 4a.. t Erie prior lien 4a.... M .Wla. Central 4a i do gansral 4a tt'Alxl'on. Tobacco 4a 4o IP. W. A D. C. la..l0s,Colo. Fuel 6s Kt Hocking Val. 4Hs...l0i xilld. xxOffered. Boston Stock tlaotatljnna. BOSTON, May 27. Call loans, 3Vi4 per cent; time loans, iWaii per cent, official closing; prices on stocks and bonds Atchison 4a Uaa. Central 4a.... Atchison do pfd Boston a Albany. Boston Etovatsd . N Y. N. H A H. ritchburg pfd Union Paclflo Mx. Central ..... American Buga) . do pfd American T. A T. lomlnlnn I. A 8 tlen. Electric .... Mass. Elsctrla ... do pld United Fruit V. I. Bual do pfd Wsstlngh. Adventuro Allousa .. 92 Amalgamated .. T4 rllligbam .. 7IV(alumot A Hacla... .. Ma (Centennial ..JM'jCopper Range ..16 Dominion Coll ..191 Kranklln ..Us Isle Hoyale .. slVMohaaa .. If. V, Old Dominion ..1!J VOM-eota ..12U IParrot . .165 juutncjr . . 19,; Santa Fa Copper ... ..13 l Tamarack . . 2V Triuiouutaln .. 6 Trinity ..106 t'nlted States .. 21W t'tah . . al Victoria Common.. 24 Iwinona VWolTerlno : 'Daly Weat . 4i'i SV4 .114 ' ?' . lt, . 91 . ' . 74 . 47 '4 . i . 3 . 2'"Vt .106 . 1 .115 M . 7t, . 31 . 4 . 10 . 10 . 44 cheerful thoiiRh the transactions were small. There is no expectation of an In trcMne In trading until th holidays are over. Consols were harder. Americans generally had a better tone. In response to over nlarht New York advlcea and had an advancing; tendency. Cnion l'aclfic was the feature. Trices closed sfeadv. Orand Trunk was In demand. Foreigners were dull. Rio Tintos were steady. I'ARIS. May 27. Trices on the bourse today opened stronger, and with the ex ception of French rentes closed firm. The private rate of discount waa 2 11-16 per cent. MERLIN, May 27. On the bourse today mining; shares were hlfrher. The move ments In other departments were Insignifi cant. Money on call waa quoted at 34 per cent. LONDON, May 27 The amount of bullion taken Into the Mank of England on bal ance today was 119.000. Netv York Mlnlna annotations. NEW YORK, May 27 The following; are the quotations on the New York Stock exchange: London Stock Market. LONDON. May 27. Closing- quotations: Adams Con Alice Hreeco , Brunswick Con.... Cometock Tunnel.. Con. Cel. A Va... Horn Silver Iron Silver LfadTlllo Con zAsked. .. .. 20 ..US Utile Chief ... Ontario , xPhoentx Pot. nl , 74 Savage ISO 'Sierra Nevada Small Hopes . Standard ..1!0 ..126 .. 8 . .560 . I . 25 . 17 . (7 . 26 .274 Consols for money do account Anaconda Atrhlaon do pfd Baltimore t Ohio... Csnadlan Factnc.... Cheaaprako Ohio.. Chicago Q. W C . M. A It. P Do Bits Denver R. O , do pfd Erie do let pfd do 2d pfd Illinois Central Loulavlllo Nash., tiiaaourl. K aV T.. .1304 . J" 4 VI 27S ef.H Id 254 , 424 4 . 1134 . as . 94 134 M'a . iav, . 444 Cotton Market. ST. LOUIS. Mav 27 COTTON-Steadv. middling. l!c: sales, 27 bales; receipts. 529 bales; shipments, 1,080 bales; stocks, 11,712 balea. LIVERPOOL. May 27 COTTON-Pnot In limited demand; prices 4 points higher; American middling fair, 6.80d; good mid dling, o.o&d; middling, 6.42d; low middling, 6 27d; good ordinary, B.96d; ordinary, 6.78d. The sales of the day were M.U00 bales, of which WO were for speculation and export and Included 4.CO0 American. Receipts, 1.000 bales, nil American. Futures opened firm and closed barely steadv, American mid dling g. o. c: May, C.1M; May and June, 6.09'u6.1ud; June and July. 6.05ff6.06d; July and August, 601(&ti02d; August and Sep tember, 5.874j'5.8sd; September and October, 5.52d; October and November, B.22d; Novem ber and December. 6. lid; December and January, E.0S'i5.xl; January and February, 5.071 S osd. NEW YORK. May 27. COTTON The market opened steady at an advance of 2 points to a decline of 6 points on the near montns, wnue tne late months were un changed to 4 points higher. The Irreg ularity was lnreelv due to the showing made by the Liverpool cables, which, at the time or the locnl opening, were about as ex pected on the near months, while the new crop was higher than considered due on the local closing of yesterday. Other influences were more or less conflicting. Port receipts or tne nay were estimated to show heavily as compared with last year, but on the other hand estimates for the week showed decreasing tendency and the weather was not entirely favorable In some sections. Trading was much less active after the call and after the first demands for the new crop had been filled the market turned easier, declining to a level 20 points lower. At this time July sold at ll'ic August at 10.68c, September at 9.96c find December at 9 ic. At this level there was considerable covering owing to the still further losses at Liverpool, and the market was slowly ral lied. All through the session Mav waa comparatively neglected and the course of that option led to the opinion, more or less generally expressed on the floor, that the short Interests In that option had pretty generally covered and sensational develop ments in tnat connection, therefore, were considered unlikely. The New England clique leader reiterated his Intention of lenvlngr for Europe on the Sd, but on the afternoon large buying orders for the late positions were credited to this Interest and New Orleans also sent buying orders. On the evidence of this support room shorts turned for cover and the market became more active, touching a new high level for the day lust before the close. The market closed steady at within 2 or 3 points of the best, or net z points lower to net 10 points higher. Total sales futures were estimated at 2o(),ono bales. NEW ORLEANS, May 27. COTTON Futures steady; May, 12.04c bid; June. 12.24c hid; July. JZ.44ii:!.4nc; August, 11.35'b12c; September, 10.3Wlo.3Dcj October, 9.B7'S9.BRc; November, S.3S'fr9.40c; December, 9.384r9.39c. The market was firm; sales, 730 bales; good ordinary, 101-16c; low middling, 10 1316c; middling. 1011-16c; good middling, 3 3-lftc; fair, 12V:; receipts, 4,916 bales; stock, 78,861 bales. l New York Central (I 1-14 Norfolk A Western. .. 4-4 1 do pfd .. 1!4 Ontario A Western.. .. 9744 Prnnaylvanla .. 91 iKand Mlnea ..1314'Rradlng .414 do 1st pfd .214 do Id ptd .1M , 'Southern Railway... . 2141 .do pfd . 34 4 Southern Paclflo . ti luloa Pacific . ii 1 do pld . '.u , United States Steal. . 141 do pfd .1394,Waheah .ll4 do pfd . l4l BAR SILVER Quiet at J4,d per ounce. MONEY H per cent, ine rate of d count lit the open market for both short and three-tnonlns bills is a 4 per cent. Evaporated Apples nnd Dried Prnlts. NEW YORK. May; 27. EVAPORATED APPLES Continue quiet, but prices are steadily held at about recent figures. Common are quoted, at 4(g)5c, prime at 6'4 bftc, choice at 6a(?ic and fancy at 6H7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Spot prunes attract a fair Jobbing demand and rule firm, particularly on the larger sizes, with quotations ranging from 3c to 7c for all grades. Apricots are firm at 7H'5&c tar choice and 9'p914c for fancy. Peaches are quiet and rather easy as to tone, with prices unchanged, however, at 78c for choice and SVi'&lO.o for fancy. Foreign Financial. LONDON. May 27. Supplies of money were stringent demsnd today and the burrowing from the Rank of England for settlement requirement a were inrga. num neaa oa the itock acuag was fairly Sugar and Molasses. NEW YORK, May 27. SUGAR Raw quiet. Fair refining, 8Mc; centrifugal, 96 test. Sc. Molasses sugar, 2 1o-16c. Re fined, unsettler. NEW ORLEANS, May 27. SUGAR Dull; oren kettle, c; open kettle, centrif ugal, 3''nsa4iCL centrifugal, whites, 4c; yellows, SSl'c MUiAif,s upen Kettle, nominal at uw 26c; centrifugal, dlo. Coffee Market. NEW TORK. May 27. COFFEE The market for coffee futures opened steady and ruled more than ordinarily active after June 1, this being the first notice day for that option. ine close was quiet, un changed to S points lower. Sales were re ported of about 19,750 bags, Including: May, S.70c; June, 3.70(g3.75e; July, 3.86c; Septem ber. 4.05ft4.10c: December. 4.55c: January. 4 bDc; March, 4.70c. Wool Market. ST. LOUIS. May 27. WOOL Firm and active; medium grades and combing, 16 'I 20Vxc; light fine, 15ail7Hc; heavy fine. 11 (3 ll'sc; tub washed, lixUio'c Oil Market. NEW YORK. May 27. OIL Cottonseed. dull and easy; prima yellow. 4owq41to. Petroleum, ateady. Wholesale Llqnor Stock Seised. ST. LOUIS, May 27. United States Col lector of Internal Revenue Westhus ordered the stock of the Gold Springs Distilling company, a wholesale firm, seized today on the charge of "doctoring" whisky after the government mark had been placed on the package. Revenue agents were sent to the store to take account of the stock and It will be turned over to the United States marshal. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle EeceipU Liberal and Tendency of Prices Downward. HOGS FIFTEEN TO TWENTY LOWER Good Demand for Better Grades of Sheen and Lambs at Steady Prices Some Colorado Lambs Sold at Ulhest Price la Soma Time. SOUTH OMAHA. May 27. Receipts were: Cattlo. iiogs. oneep. Otncial Monday z,bM a.a.4 Isialt. ul 'l ucUy 4, lu,v w.wOw Otncial vteuneaday s.hai xj.-av I.mi Three days this week..U,ouo 40.W4 Same uayu lasi wee.... b.oii M.vil fc.nvt otune woes, uetore Ia,u44 i.,tK4 lo.ooi tomiiti tnreo weeaa ago. .14,04 'ov,ooa lu,.i4 bums lour week u". .. o.oo 1 11,111 banie uays last year,,... tsbftf ai.twl 0,010 avu.v.ii.lx'ia I'vjji mu n.nK iu DA11. lug auuuWllifc iaii aolow nu receipts 01 CUltlu, uua ! t.l9cl a, OUUlll UlUAud tut Litis iai w uata auil cvuiiuaa lvii iw .Mb t cai lttv'J. inc. Luc. cattle Jew.-o a., o,um ..1,4a lV.rV. 0,I01 Clavp wav.via . a,.No iirf,vl literate plaits a.,aU iwa .fca ovutai lmaaa 4Uf 4Uj i44 MVBil u,a toaaaa cwti fill .SOUS. Town of Jackson 4nlet. JACKSON, Ky., May 27. The hearing of the cases of Curtis Jett and Tom White, under Indictment for murdering Lawyer J. B. Marcum. has been postponed until to morrow. Their cases may be again reset for the next term of court, which begins next week. The delay la the result of the nonarrlval of witnesses. The town Is quiet. - THE REALTY MARKET. INSTRUMENTS, placed on file Wednesday, May 27. 1903: Warranty Deeds. John Branch and wife to Frank Tordy. lot 16. block 2. Potter & C.'a ad t 1.060 Anna C. Larson to S. L. Dllle. lot 9, block 2. Clifton Hill 400 Man' M. Beck to K. D. Branch, w V lot 2. Mock 2. Isaacs & B.'s ad... 1,350 Jane A. Mattlce and husband to R. Wllllama. n lot 3. block 75, South Omaha 600 Ray Nye and wife to Theresa Ilaue len and husband, n 08 feet lot 1, Rogers' sub 1,000 F. W. Carmlchael and wife to B. R. Morton, lots 17 and 18, block 12. Halycon Heights 175 South Omaha Land company to J. E. . Lush et al. lot 10. block 25. South Omaha 450 J. A. Howard snd wife to Lena M. Singer. lots 10 and 11. block 15. Halycon Heights 1,000 Mutual Loin and Building association to John Panuska, e XL of s 1 feet of e 1 foot of w H lot 16. Oak Hill No. 2. 600 4alt Claim Deeds. Katie Rancka and husband to Frank Tordy. lot 16. block 2. Potter & C.'a ad 1,650 W. E. Heeler and wife to W. A. Saunders, lots 1 to (. I to 60, 6.1 to M. 19. 60, 64 to C8, 70 to 78. North Side sd. 710 A. 1 Schnurr to sme lots 3. 4. 8, 70. to 13. 4?. 43. 48. 49. M. 66. 77, 7. RO, North Side ad 170 A. J. Proner and. wife tn Mary B. Wallace, lot 26. block I. Mo. Ave. pk. 1 Western Realty and Investment coro na nv to Oeorge Todd lot 6. block 1 lot 4. block 8. C. E. Mayne's 1st ad to Valley 87 Deeds. Sherlf to Woodruff Jones. lot 8. block 2.'Kountre 4th ad 1,700 Sheriff to C onsoiidated S. snd L. assn. part lot T. Maloney's sd 875 Sheriff to same, thb taxlot St, In 10- 15-13 2,300 Total amount of transfers 815. HI Date. J MUa. !IM2.jlWl.liH.llw.,!,. ... ... V... I... ... ... II. 11. U.. May 1... lit at... ttiay ... -ilia. aUat aalay May May auay Maty 14 I. 014 44.. May Id.. May 16.. 1U11 li.. uiaty la.. Aia 1J.. ud Ml.. May 'il.. ititiy id.. May ii.. May i.4.. May 'to.. May in.. iviay ii.. . oS I i 11 1 1 ; 1 1 0 10H1 I 1 1 00 1 l i I orsi I bi I I I 54V,, 1 n . 44Vai I o"m . 1 to oival I , I I I 6 i-75,1 I i',ai .1 k I I I lo-! I l-i I I , 6 04V .1 6 W I 1al 1 ui, I tU 7 Ual la DO, b U I Uti I ll I U5 ' I VO I 1m I 14 i U. 10 i 111 7 l I U 1 0S I oc, , I 6 9 to 5 o4 ii u a I4 to 4d i to 1., to tM 0 4W I I 41 . I to W to ii 0 t4 0 4W to tou, to 1 to til) a ito O tW I II ll I 5 lto 6 bi 1 a i, to I11 o ou to il U Uil to Ml, to ii, 6 tU to 4 0 ll! I Avl 6 7i 1 to i 5 0i to OOj to tlO 0 bl 6 Ul a ti. 1 b IH a bij a 1 4, I 4 W 5 6u, 1 it toil I 1 i a aw, it Wi - V IM 4 1 tl tfC llO to l O W4l "I i bill to M tt- tl i liul to IM 8 till u too, to thl a mi to tKi( to W 1 3 o-: a boi to 6-, O t.O it (M w IM, toi til to W to ivl " I 4 il tkl ' to i to 61 4 1.4 4 li 1 til 4 W 1.U 1 to 01 4 to 4 4, 8 OJ ii to 11J 4 wtf w bl 4 -ti to iu 4 iuj 4 04 I to 6J 4 801 4 i.o 3 4j 4 lil to j 4 10 to OA 4 wu to to! Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Road. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C, M. A Bt. f W'abaah Missouri Pacific Union Pacific C. & N. W F., E. & M. V C, St. P., M. & O B. & M C. H. A Q K. C. A 81. J C, K. I. & P.. east C, R. 1. & P., west Total receipts The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber ot head indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 6 2 .. 1 2 .. 1 38 45 I 6 1:8 63 59 8 6 ,, 61 ii 2 10 2 16 10 14.. 213 199 6 770 2,438 387 .O'-T 3,1M J2 boo 4,otK l J ,601 6,240 "00 iiO 23 2.2.3 2 147 14 26 68 20 15 32 83 12 39 249 "." '798 hwitt and Company Armour A Co Cutlahy Packing Co Swift, from Kansas City. Armour, frpm bloux City. Yansant & Co Lobman & Co Huston & Co Livingstone & Shaller... Hamilton L. F. Huss Wolf & Murnan . Dennis & Co F. P. Lewis Lee Rothschild Wertheimer Other buyers Total 4.777 17,974 3.169 CATTLE There was a liberal run of cat tle here this morning and also at all other points, and as a result prices suffered to a greater or less extent. Buyers took hold quite freely, and although they started In bidding lower they seemed to 1 want the cattle, and the bulk waa disposed of in good season. Beef meets could be quoted tVlOc lower than yesterday. The big end of the re ceipts here 'was made up of tat steers and the quality was gAod. 'ine market was not very active owing to the fact that sales men tried to prevent a break In prlcea, but as Chicago was quoted a dime lower they finally had to take off SlOc here. A good many trains were late in arriving owing to the heavy storms and that helped to delay the market, but still the bulk of the receipts sold at a reasonably early hour. The cow market waa uneven again this morning and could be quoted all the way from steady to a dime lower In extreme cases. The medium kinds In most cases suffered the worst, as the demand for the choice kinds was sufficient to hold prices nearly steady In the majority of cases. Bulls, veal calves and stags sold without much trouble at right around the same prices that were paid yesterday. The supply of mockers and feeders was verv moderate thia morning and anvthlnz at all decent was picked up In a hurry at good, steady prices. n.ven tne commoner grades sold without any trouble at good, steady prlcea, as supplies have been very light all this week. Representative sales: STEERS. No. 1 1 14 1 It 14 4 10 It...... I I 14 ft 1 1C 1 t to II 11 1 10 It 14 47 17 II 14 11 14 4 ft 11 I 11 4 M II 17 il 4 10 14 If 80 7 n 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 7 1 1 1 i 4 1 t ft t 1 1 t 1 1 i 17 li M 1 1 V , 1 4 14 1 11 I 1.... I.... !.... I I.... 1.... 1 1 8.... L... 1040 0 6I ICO 7 10M So0 1001 1011 114 1010 141 1041 Ill ISO 170 1100 I't torn , 1141 , 11 , 174 1044 104 1011 11S4 1114 HUte IU lltl , 1041 , 1007 , 105 , lias , 1041 1044 1142 110 141 1117 , 1191 , 1077 1321 1231 . .llinl BEEF At. Pr. ft to 4 00 4 10 4 li 4 It 4 M 4 20 4 26 4 it 4 2t 4 Si 4 2t 4 ti 4 t 4 JS 4 4 26 4 ti 4 SO 4 10 4 80 4 10 4 35 4 Si 4 Si 4 St 4 35 4 U 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 4t 4 4t 4 46 4 45 4 46 4 46 No. tl II 41 1 11 II II 24 to II II 11 ft 10 7 ft 14 JO 6 24 IS.. 20.... II.... .... 19.... I.... 10.... S6.... .... 24.... IS.... II.... IS.... 17 II.... II.... IS.... tl.... St.... 16.... i... 10. 11. A. ...1216 ...12r,l ...1307 ...1171 ...1074 ...1101 ...1151 ...1330 . ..)(! ...1S3I ...1141 ...HU ...142S ...127S . ..12J4 ...1157 ...12& ... aiil ...1340 ....1174 ....1243 ....I1M ....1101. ....1296 ....1.1HJ ....11.0 ....1343 ....1244 ....1211 ....1245 ....12iH ....1241 ....1244 ....1354 ....H ....1224 ....1210 ....1271 133 ....1271 ....1310 ....1226 ....1376 1471 STEERS AND HEIFERS. ... 142 ...1000 ... 133 ... 1 ... 171 ... Til ... 640 ... 611 ... 450 ...1140 ... 730 ... SW ... 140 ... 610 ... 656 ... IM ... IIS ... nt ... 100 ...10. ... no ...1010 ...1115 ...1040 ...1040 ... Ml ...lliM ... rM ... 110 ...1140 ...1110 ...1120 ...1130 ... 791 ...1042 ...1034 ... 110 ...100U ... Ml .... 14 ... 43 ... 6-1 ... 770 .1140 . 14511 .1570 .15110 .1741) . .'6 4 Ot 4 16 4 It 4 U 4 W ( t ti I 26 t 25 I 21 I ii t 46 I 76 t 7i 1 76 t 10 t 45 2 W I 90 I DO ft 00 ft 00 I 00 I tin I li S 26 S 26 ft 36 S 35 ft 16 I 40 ft 40 I 40 t 45 I 46 I 60 i 60 t 60 ft 60 1 an HEIFERS. I w 1 I 10 11 I 40 11 ft il 1 ft 40 BULLS. 14. 26... M... II... COWS. 7... 17.... 1... I. .. ft... 1... ft... I... 1... II. .. I. .. f... T... I... II. .. I... ... 1... 1... 4... 14... 4... X". 10... I... 1... I... f ... I... ft... 29... 1... n ..1142 .. us ..1217 ..111! .... n ....1042 ....1010 1070 ....10)0 ....H10 ....1140 ....1155 ....1250 .... C7 ....1011 ....1021 ....12ul .... 1095 .... lit ....1041 ....1195 ....u:.o llluO ....1153 ....11 J 457 .... 1095 ....1420 .... Ihl .... 156 .... 90 ....1240 .... (73 .... I'M) ....14,4 ..... 6' 1340 Ikft 430 721 720 750 Pr. 4 41 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 50 4 64 4 60 4 60 4 50 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 66 4 66 4 St 4 66 4 65 4 66 4 66 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 10 4 40 4 60 4 40 4 40 4 45 4 56 4 46 4 46 4 46 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 76 4 76 4 85 4 10 4 60 4 56 4 40 4 (0 I 40 I 46 I 6f ft 45 I 45 I 15 ft 75 ft 75 3 75 ft 75 ft 54 ft SS ft 46 ft 66 ft IS ft 90 ft 10 3 -) S 90 ft 90 I an I 90 S 96 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 15 4 16 4 20 4 26 4 00 ft M 4 00 4 10 4 20 ft 25 ft 35 ft 40 ft 60 ft 75 I 76 I 76 .. .17511 ...KM ...14,0 ...1415 ...1470 ...1140 ft 10 I 50 I 94 I 4 4 00 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 430 1 76 1 460 I 2ft 490 ft U CALVES. 40 I 44 ft 114 ft H 14 a i m im 1 310 4 S3 1 - ! 4 2.4 1 210 I 51 ft 114 4 23 1 3"6 4 4-i 1 ISO I 25 1 .ml 6 00 STOCK kKt AND FEEDERS. 1 i;m I .10 t 7411 4 JO 1 61" 111 li 451 4 20 1 710 3 w 2 7 .15 4 In 1 744 3 6 4S4 4 45 1 1 M I 5.1 23 431 4 85 1 740 3 50 31 414 4 40 1 JVM ft 75 3 150 4 60 1 730 4 m 10 570 4 50 1 520 4 00 1 7"0 4 1.0 ft 643 4 00 4 120 4 66 20 M.J 4 15 5' 5 4 40 IIOOS There were 211 cars of hogs re- rorted this morning, which, laken with the w0 carried over from yesterday, made the largeat number of hogs offered here any riuv so far this year, other points also re ported large receipts, with prices lower, and as a result the market here broke l.vti ?"c. Trading waa quite active, so that by the middle o' the forenoon at least 2v)0 cars had changed hands. At one time the mar ket strengthened a little and the decline aid nut amount to over 15c at that time, but the close was again slow and weaker, so that the general market could best be described by calling It lift'JOc lower. The bulk of the hogs sold from 86.75 to Ksn, with choice loails selling largely from $6.80 to 86.90. Representative sales: Mo. Av. ton. I'r. No. av. 8h. Pr. M) 10 oO 6 65 Bt 28 40 6 77H bo 207 ... 5 70 70 265 80 liiti 71 10 ) 6 70 62 2,3 M 6 77V, lo 2ij DO 6 70 01 261 40 6 77 V 60 211 ... 6 70 72 21 4 6 77t, '.it 19o 120 5 70 6 261 , 6 77V, 18 2o6 0 6 70 bo 251 240 6 77V, In 213 Ml 6 724 44 2.7 IipO 6'iiv, 64 230 12") 6 72, 4ti 244 ISO 6 77V, 6 217 SO 6 72', 72 247 SO 6 77V till 219 ... 6 72, 74 246 ... 6 77V, 6!i Z20 ... 5 724 6S 240 ... 6 77V, 67 2"o ... 6 72', S2 264 40 6 77V, 02 215 80 6 71', 6S 247 40 6 77V, 72 2t7 ... 6 72', VI 226 40 6 77V, 44 224 130 6 72V, 72 228 120 6 77V, 43 222 ... 6 72V, 70 234 ... 6 77V, 62 216 60 6 7it 67 268 80 6 77V l2 215 80 6 72H 60 267 80 6 77', 77 Hit 40 6 75 44 239 ... 6 77Vj T3 23S 160 6 70 67 261 ... 6 77V, 60 Z22 00 6 75 68 241 200 6 77V, 60 244 ... 6 73 66 303 ... 6 77 V, 64 232 80 6 75 79 270 ... 5 7"v, 79 230 SO 5 75 67 2f.4 ... 6 77, 78 222 ... to 10 66 27i) 160 6 77Vj 81 232 ... 6 75 64 247 fO 6 77V4j 61 212 120 5 73 06 232 SO 6 77V, 7i' 231 160 5 75 32 2H9 ... 6 77 73 226 160 6 75 65 239 80 6 77H 76 2.12 ... 6 75 72 260 1 6 77Vj 44 225 ... 5 75 69 262 40 6 80 75 229 ... 5 75 66 247 ... 6 SO 75 240 SO 6 75 26 2H ... 6 80 64 232 40 6 75 62 281 80 6 80 66 228 ... 5 75 62 309 80 6 80 61 231 ... 5 75 64 2S8 80 6 M) 67 234 80 6 75 62 21 ... 6 80 71 216 ... 5 75 43 294 80 6 SO 70 235 ... 6 75 70 249 ... 6 Mi f.9 242 200 6 75 66 251 40 6 80 29 2i5 ... 6 75 M 279 40 5 8) 81 238 40 5 75 71 25S 80 i 80T 64 247 ... 6 75 62 2 ... 5 80 65 250 80 6 75 64 310 80 5 W 70 220 160 6 75 41 291 ... 6 80 65 249 160 5 75 65 260 ... 6 80 64 226 40 6 75 67 270 ... 6 80 70 223 ... 5 75 68 263 ... 6 80 69 237 ... 5 75 39 22 80 6 80 63 273 80 5 75 66 269 80 6 80 74 219 80 6 75 77 264 ... 6 80 46 243 280 5 75 70 267 ... 5 80 20 220 ... B 75 . 79 262 80 5 80 68 244 ... 6 75 27 246 ... 6 80 64 232 80 6 75 72 279 80 5 80 79 230 80 6 75 73 262 ... 5 80 78 222 ... 5 75 71 258 80 5 80 31 234 ... 6 75 80 240 100 5 80 65 244 40 5 75 67 292 ... 6 80 61 201 SO 6 75 61 281 ... 6 80 70 223 ... 5 75 68 298 1 60 5 80 73 225 240 6 75 26 306 ... 6 80 63 240 ... 6 75 29 273 80 6 80 75 241 320 6 75 43 294 80 6 80 59 231 80 5 75 62 2M ... 6 80 64 235 40 6 75 62 309 80 5 80 68 235 120 5 75 64 2S8 80 6 80 50 249 40 6 75 65 311 80 6 80 62 256 40 6 75 40 260 ... 6 80 73 245 120 6 75 90 268 ... 6 80 75 2ia 80 6 75 69 269 5 80 72 246 ... 6 75 70 261 ... 6 80 60 265 240 6 75 62 236 120 6 80 28 270 80 6 77H 60 254 40 6 80 69 226 ... 5 77Vj 62 275 80 5 80 70 259 120 6 77Vfc 70 266 81 6 80 G2 264 80 5 77V, : 291 80 6 80 64 247 SO 6 77V, 66 258 80 5 SO 15 252 ... 6 77V4 71 298 40 6 80 72 255 40 6 77V4 67 249 160 6 80 41 247 ... 5 77V, S2 261 ... 6 80 69 232 1 60 6 77V4 65 267 120 B SO 60 244 160 6 77',, 67 249 200 6 80 40 252 40 5 77V4 44 275 ... B 80 30 2m 80 6 77V4 25 271 ... 6 80 26 216 ... 5 77V, 67 320 ... B82V4 67 258 80 6 77 62 296 80 6 8TV4 56 257 ... 6 77V, 61 277 ... 6 82V4 47 242 ... 6T7',, 29 271 ... 6 82VJ 67 249 ... 6 77V, 66 319 ... 6 82V, 63 249 120 B 77V4 140 23 80 5 86 61 248 80 6 77V4 51 326 ... 6 85 71 244 80 6 77Vi 60 328 ... 5 85 77 262 160 5 77 '4 60 828 ... 6 85 68 263 SO 5 77V, 40 333 ... 6 87V, 8HEEP There were several cars of sheep and lambs here this morning and all the more desirable grades sold freely at fully Bteadv prices. A shipment of 835 Colorado Mexican clipped lambs arrived that were exceptionally choice and In fact several sheep men pronounced them as being the best bunch received here so far this year. They brought 86 80. Practically everything else that was offered was only of'falr quality, but still good, steady prices were paid as compared with yesterday: Wuotations for cupped biock: ciiolee western lambs, $6.25'(i6.76; fair to good Iambs, $5.5016.25; choice western wooled lambs, $6.76"7.00; fair to good wooled lambs, $6.ooffT6.50;; choice lightweight year lings, 85.505JJ.76; fair to good yearlings. 84 7536. 25; choice wethers. I5.0O13-5.25; fair to good wethers, $l.25ig4.65; choice ewes, $4.501715.00: fair to good ewes, $3.50W4.2S; feeder lambs, $3.504.00; feeder yearlings. $3.50if!4.00; feeder wethers. $3.5Ofii4.0O; feeder ewes, $22533.60. Representative sales: Av. Pr. 117 cull lambs 48 S 00 162 western ewes 72 8 10 29 western ewes 73 8 V) 3 spring lambs 30 4 00 1 spring lamb 40 4 00 2 western lambs 70 4 00 53 western lambs 60 4 00 235 western Iambs 66 I M 835 clipped Colorado Mex. lambs. 74 6 80 4 cull ewes 65 2 50 5 cull lambs 46 2 to 118 cull lambs 65 S 65 24 western ewes 83 4 00 73 western ewes 93 4 25 158 feeder lambs 68 4 60 western lambs 69 5 25 231 western lambs 68 6 60 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle Prices Drop SHahtly Launbs Are Steady. CHICAOO, May 27. CATTLE Receipts. 23,000 head; 10 to 15c lower; good to prime steers, $4.80(&5.40; poor to medium, ROixa) 4 80; stockers and feeders. $3.tr4.75; cows, tl.6ii94.60; heifers. $2.25iff4.80; canners, $1.50 ri2.75; bulls, t2.25 4.80: calves, $2.266.6U-, Texas fed steers, t4.0fivJ4.60. HlKJS Receipts today, 33.000 head: to morrow. 28.000 head; left over. 4.000 head. Close 10 to 15c lower than Tuesday. Mixed and butcher's. $5.70(66 01; good to choice heavy, t6.Ont7i4t.3C; rough heavy, ta.TfcifcS.OO; light, $5.45(06.80; bulk of sales. $4.8oy.06. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 13.000 head; lambs steady to 18c lower; good to choice wethers, t4.tA3S.00; fair to choice mixed; $3.50&-4.25: western sheep, $4.&0t)5.O0: native lambs. $4.0O((f7.00; western lambs, $4.50(u7 00; spring lambs. $5.0017.15. Recelpta. Shipments. Cattle 6.29 1.620 Hogs 17.23 t,028 Sheep 12,257 Kansas City Lire Stork Market. KANSAS CITT. May 27. CATTLE-Re- celpts. 6.1O0 natives, 4W Texans, 100 calves. moativ natives: peeves steany to nrm; Texas feeders dull; stockers steady to firm; bulls steady; calves strong; choice export and dressed beef steers, t4.504j6.10; fair to aood. $3.2.V(4.60: stockers and feeders, $3.00 fi4.70; western-fed steers. t2.7fii4.50; Texas snd Indian steers, t3.10'tJ4.10; Texas cows, 2.6.Vn3.2S; native cows. 1.8.-,3'; native heifers, $3. 8(ii4. 70; canners, $1.00012. 40; bulls. $2. (Ml 3. 85; calves, $2.5(K'i(6.50. HOOS Receipts. 2.3'J head; market low 15c lower; top, $6.05; bulk of sales. $5.7:4 6 95; heavy, $5.77V,6.05; mixed packers, $5 bo f(i5.95; light. Vi.totjiiia.ou; yorkers, tj.70i.o0; pigs. $V25tj5.50. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 10.000 head; market steady to 10c lower; native li.mbs. $4 4"Tj4.75; western lambs. $4 0f84.25; native wethers. $3.70(175.45; Texas clipped sheep, $3.50'(j3.20; stockers and feeders, $3 ta 4.uo. St. Loula Live Stork Market. ST. LOUIS. May 17. CATTLE Receipts, 2.&0 head, including 1,600 head Texans; mar ket steady; native shipping and export steers, $4 U0i!r5.50; dressed beef and butcher steers, $3.dW5.25; steers under 1.000 lbs.. $3 .65 Ih4 .611; stockers snd feeders, $3.25ft4 35; cows and heifers, $!.2Mj4.50: canners, $2.(Xri2.75; bulla, $2.5ufe3 76; calves. $3 0"i&0; Texas snd Indian steers, $2.u5.a4 25; cows and heifers, $2 60ft 3 35. HOtiS Receipts. 7.500 head: market 6c lower; pigs and lights. l'i't)5 80, packers. $5 70''i5 95: butchers. $6 Of"! 20. SHEEP AND .LAMBS Receipts. 1.500 had; market steaiTv; native muttons. II (""if 4 60; lambs, $5.("'i7 25; culls and bucks, $3 0U4J 15o; stockers, $2 03.00; Texans, $3.60'o4 .25. Xevr York l.le mock MarWet. NEW YORK, May 27.-BEEVE8 Re ceipts, 2.640 head; steers, $1 66136 60; tons. $6 50: stags and oxen $2 u5 ti6, bulls, i 00 Mi, cows, II 7b o lob Cables were weuk. with live cattle quoted at HU12c per lb . sheep at VialJ1. dreased weight, and refrigerator lt t ro. Today a export were 150 beee and 6 300 quarters of beef; tomorrow, 43 beeves and 1'S gheep. CALVES Receipts. o.wi no. m. active, veals llrtn tn 26c higher; buttermilk stiKim. veiUs. $6 (UKuii 75; buttermilks. $4 'i5ov25. cltv dret-fieii veals llrtn nt mm lc'c per In. lit MIS Receipts, 475 head; maikot 2ik higher, state hogs. $6 yi 6 60 ; top, $6.65. SHEEP A Nl'. LAM US-Receipts. 4.57') head; good sheep firm to loc higher, others steady, yearling and lambs strong; sheep. ti.otXi.i4. 76; yearlings, t4.7il6.72V,. t. Joseph I.I to Stock Market. SOI'TH ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Mav 27. CATTLE Receipts, l.sJ head: stronger, natives.; cows and heifers, $2.00 il4 65; stockers nnd feeders, $3.2.Vij4.75. IRiC.S Receipts, J. SOW: loijt l&c lower; light snd light mixed, $j.80ii5 90; medium and heavy, iVS.Vii6.o6; bulk, $5.S5(u.0O; pigs, t5.25fn ta. SHEEP Receipts, 4.2O0 head; 1O.015O lower; top Texan sheep, t4.60. lonr -ty Live Stock Market. PIOCX CITY. Mav 27 (Special Tele gram ) CATTLE Receipts. 200 head; steady; beeves. $4 rtrvrj 4 90; cows, bulls and mixed. $20ifi4flO. stockers and feeders, $3.u 4 60: calves snd yearlings, $3.00ff 4.50. HOOS Receipts. 3.500 head; 16o lower, selling at to.6n&5.90: bulk, $5.705.80. o Concessions Will lie Made. CHICAGO, May 27 No concessions will be made by the 12.000 rooks, waiters, waitresses and kitchen helpers, according to a statement Issued by the union todiv. If the wage scale Is not accepted by M m day. It Is declared, a strike will be called. The workers are asking for a ten-hour day and about the same wages that are paid for twelve nnd fourteen hours now In the better class of establishments. Th Restaurant Keepers' association of i an iounce that a strike In one restaurant will be the signal for a general lockout. Nearly every restaurant In the downtown district Is a member of the association nnd It Is said that In the event of a strike th dors of all will close simultaneously. WEARE GRAIN COMPANY. alembere Principal Exchange, Private Wires. BRANCH OFF1CIS OMAHA. NKB. 110-1 11 Board ot Trade. V. E. WARD. Mgr. Tatepbone ISle IF YOU TRADE place your orders with CEO. A. ADAMS GRAIN CO., Members Principal Exchanges. GRAIN. PROVISIONS AND STOCKS Wrlta for our dally letter. C4 Board Trade Building. Omaha. 'Phones 1UX and 1017. PRIVATE WIRES. R AILWAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION 10TH AND MARCY. Union FaclOe. Leave. ...a 8.40 am ..a 4:20 pm ..all .30 pm .a 7:10 am Arrive, a 7:60 pm a 3:26 pm a 8:30 pm a 7:30 am a 3:40 am a 3:40 am b!2:60 om a 6:16 pm d v:too am Overland Limited..., The Fast Mall , California Express. Pacific. Express .... Eastern Express . . The Atlantic Express. The Colorado Special. Chicago bpeclal Lincoln, lieati'ice and Btromsburg Express. .b 4:00 pm North Platte Locul a 6:00 am Grand Island Local. ...b 6:30 pm Wabash. Bt Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 5:66 pm a 8:20 am St. Louis Local, Coun cil Bluffs a f 16 am al0:30 pm Chicago. Milwaukee A St. Paul. Chicago Daylight a 7:46 am all:15 pm Chicago Fast Express, .a 6:46 pm a 3:40 pm Chicago Limited a &:uo pm a7:b0am Des Moines impress.... a 7; 4o am a 3:40 pm Chicago. Hocai Island alt Pacific. -EAST. Chicago Daylight L iil.i 6:00 am Chicago Daylignt Local. a V:00 am Chicago Express 011:10 am li tiiolnea Express. ...a 4:30 cm Chicago D'ast A,xpress..a 6:3a pm WEST. Rocky Mountain L i u. a 0.50 pm a 4:55 am Lincoln. Colo. Springe, Denver, Pueblo and West - a 1:30 pm a 6:00 pm Colo., Texaa, Cal. and Oklahoma Flyer a 6:40 pm al2:40 pm Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 7:36 am 1 'hi,.un. Minneapolis A St. Paul Limited a 7 60 pm MlnnataLOOllS A BU X'SUl v.Tnresa b 7:35 am Chicago Local 10.36 ara Chicago Express Cklcasti A Kortnvvrstern. "The Northwestern Line.' Fast Chicago a 3:M am Mall a 8 00 pm Local Sioux City a 6:10 am Daylight St. Paul a 7.35 am a 6:46 am a 8 36 pm a 6.30 pm bll:so am a 1:26 pm a 5:10 pm a 8:06 am b!0:35 pm al0:36 am a 6:00 am ..all:30 am ... 6:10 pm ..a 8:16 pm ..a 4:00 pm ..a 6.60 pm ..a 8:10 pm ,.b 4:00 pm a 7:16 am P!na..b 7:16 am .alO.OO am .alO:ix pm Daylight Chicago ... Local Chicago ....... Local Cedar Raplda Limited Chicago ... Ixcal Carroll Fast Chicago Fast St. Paul Fast Mall t M.i nioux City ... Norfolk and Bonesteol L.incoin oa - Missouri Pa c Inc. St. Louis Express.... K. C. and Bt. L. Ex. WEBSTER DEPOT-1STH St WEftSTER. Chicago tt Northwestern, Nebraska and Wyoming Division. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills. Desdwood, Lead. Hot Springs... a t;00 pm a S:O0 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas .d 1:00 pm e 6:10 pm Hastings. York, David City, .superior, ueuvva. ;xeter and Seward. .. t 1:00 St. Paul, a 7:00 am a 8:3o am 11 3:30 pm pm a: 1:10 pm a 6-10 pm a 15 am u 8:50 am a 3:4o pm a 8:16 am a 2:10 pm b 9:60 am ol0:35 am 110:25 am a 6:25 pm a la am pm b 5.00 pm Minneapolis tot .a 2:00 pm .b 6:4 pro all:0 am b f ;46 am Exeter Chicago, Omaha. Twin City Passenger... a 6 80 am a 9:10 pm Eloux City i-assenger Oakland Local. Missouri I'uclfle. Nebraska Local. Via Weeping Waver a Dally, b Dally exx-ept Sunday, d Dally except Saturday. l-alif except Monday. BURLINQTOJtJTATION aOTII A MASON Darling-ten tft Mrssonrl River. ..b 4:10 pm aJ0:23 am Leave. Wymore, Beatrice and Lincoln a 8:60 am Nebraska Express a 8:60 im Denver Llmllea a 4:19 pm Black mil ana i-ugei Hound Express atll:10 pm Colorado Vestloule, Flyer Lincoln Fast Mall b 2:52 pm Fort Crook and Platts- mouth b 1:20 pm Bellevue & Paclflo Jet.. a 7:tKi pm liellevue A Paclflo Jet. .a 8:50 am Chicago, Burlington A- Italni'r, Chicago Special a 7:00 am a 3:5 Chicago Vextlbuled Ex.. a 4:00 pm Chicago I-ocal a :18 am Chicago i.imiiea a :uo pm Fast Mall Kansas C'ltyt St. Joseph aft niulTa. Kansas City Day Ex.... a 8:15 am a 6:05 pm St. l.ouln Flyer a 6:10 pm all:o5 am Kansas City Night Ex. 8.10:30 pm a (.15 am Arrive. bl2:06 pm ' a :46 p:n a 6.4j am a t.-lO pm a S:10 pm a am t.iv 35 am a 8:2; am pm a 1 : to an all :M) p,n u 7:4J am a 2:40 pm C'onn4'l STKAMSUIPt. ANCHOR LIg V. a AAit aTTgAAiaifS NgW YOB, LCNDONUKgST 4.VD OLASGOW, MW YORK. OIBRALTAA AND XAFLBt. fcaparlor aocoaatnottatloe. Baaallant Culalna, Taa L'otuiort tof Faaaeosara fAralalli foaaldarao. 8tngia or Houao Trip Tlckala laauato batwaao Naw Tork aat gooacto. Kasllah. lrua aoto all prluclpal cculiuaaial aiuLa ai auratl4a rata, gaud for huok of Ttaiara. yor tlcau or genaral iDloriaailoa applf to aaf local afol of th Anchor Ltooa or ta HgNliKRSON PHOU . Qau'l At.bta. Chloa. III. EUROPE. THIRTY TOIKI will lv Surtn tfaa ftvAioD, vutting la touural n4 tgr ftblw Vevancr U rta al Eur4 ttvm tu Medlterraaeaa ta thm Arlle occupying from t to 14 mk t Ur raicg from f.r3 to f l.OOO, All KltrrnMt lD-u14. A1m Individual Travel Ticfcota good at njr tlmv, at low nt ntitltug bold er to Mi-vice of Cuoli lDtrprt4ra t All Porvj and Itallwftv Stations. ptnirammai aad Particulars from THOS. C00X&S0N, Kl aa 1.14ft uroaaar. Nov aautoll4tM4 1441. VaraV