Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 28, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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Davis (alia drugs.
Btockert aIla carpets.
Crayon enlarging. 308 Broadway.
Expert watch repairing. Ltffert, 409 B'y
Celebrated Met beer on tap. Neumayer.
Fine line berry aeta, Wo and up. A. B.
Howe. 'JlO Broadway.
Special aale en Etchings. C. E. Alexan
der A Co., 333 Broadway.
Born, to Mr. and Mra. J. M. Oursler, 183
Turley avenue, laat evening, a aon.
Plcturea and art novelties for graduation
gift. Alexander & Co., 333 Broadway.
Real estate In all parts of the city for
ale. Thomaa E. Caaady, 235 Pearl street.
Fred 8. Paraon haa been called to De
troit by the acrloiw Illness ol hi father,
Dr. V. H. Paraons.
W. J. Brooks, 1007 South Eleventh
atreet, was quarantined yeaterday at his
home, with smallpox.
Mrs. George E. Hill of Jamestown, X.
T.. la. the guest of Mr. and Mra. W. W.
Far rand of Avenue E.
Mart, the J-y?ar-old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Chrla Ixmrth. 2112 S"uth Tenth
atreet, died Tuesday evening.
Before papering your rooms we want to
show you our elegant 1M3 doalgns. C. b.
Paint, Oil and Glass company.
Council Bluffs district Court of Honor
will nwet this evining In regular aesslon
In Woodman of the World hall. v
Constable Lee Albcrtl. who has been
uffering from erysipelas, teported to
be somewhat Improved yesterduy.
Miss Maude Tate has returned from an
extended visit at Alberta, Can., and la at
the home of Mra. Robertson of Fifth ave
nue. The Ladle' Aid society of St. John'a
English Lutheran church will meet this
afternoon at the residence of Mra. A.
Etsensperger, 4 Madison avenue.
The Dodge Light guards will meet at
1 p. m. Saturday at Farmers' hall In the
county court house to take part in the
Memorial day parade and exercise.
We contract to keep public or private
houses free from roaches by the year. In
sect Exterminator Manufacturing com
pany. Council Bluffs. J a. Telephone
Dr. Murt Sullivan of Bpaulding, Neb.,
has been appointed Interne at the Mercy
hospital of thin city. He wan a recent
Itraduete of the Crelghton Medical col
ege. Henry Keller, aged 71 years, died yes
terday morning at St. Bernard's hospital,
where he had been an Insane patient for
nearly six years. He was a lesldent ot
thla country. , .
Albert B. Smith has been called to Meta,
Mo., by the Illness of his son. Wade
Smith, who la with a construction com
pany building a new line for the Rock
Island railroad.
Tho concert to have been given Tuesday
night by the Schwarser Zither orchestra
for the- benefit of the Associated Charities
waa postponed on account ot the baa
weather to June 8.
James . Bherard, living at Seventeenth
avenue and High atreela, waa arrested
last night, charged with disturbing the
peace of his neighbors. It Is alleged he
used unparliamentary language to some ot
the neighbor women.
The members of the Woman's Relief
corpa have established headq jartera In the
building formerly by the Harle-Haas Drug
company oh South Main atreet, where they
will be prepared to receive all donations
of flowers for Memorial day.
James W. Perkins and Rosalie H. Sml'h.
both ofi Omaha, tere married In this city
yeaterday afternoon. Justice Ouren officiat
ing. Justice Ouren aiao performed the
marriage ceremony lor Clarence Sullivan
and Lid ' Corcoran, both of Crescent
City, Ia. . , .
Plumbing and beating. Blxby ft Son.
s Thieves Get Valuable Watch.
Former Sheriff James O'Neill is mourn
ing the loerof his gdld hunting case' w&tih,
valued a,t:iJ00,'" whlch waa atolen together
with hla pocketbook containing IIS, from his
residence at 812 Fifth avenue yesterday
morning. Mr. O'Neill left hla watch urd
pocketbook in hi vest hanging on a chair
In an upstairs bedroom while eating break
fast. The thief Is supposed to have en
tered by the front 'door, which was open,
and succeeded In making his way to the
bedroorm unnoticed while the family were
eating breakfast. The police suspect that
the theft was committed by a memhnr of
the gang of crooks said to have been In
the city- with the Luella Forepaugh-Flsh
Wild West show.
The residence of George W. Turner at
733 East Pierce street, was entered by a
thief or thieves yesterday morning during
the absence of the. family. Every room in
the house waa ransacked, but as fnr as
the family could ascertain yesterday noth
ing of value was missing. It is supposed
that the thief or thieves were only after
money r jewelry and falling te find ei.y
did not take anything else.
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tet 15$. Night, F667.
People's Union Jnbtlee.
The People's Union Sunday school will
have a rally and jubilee day next Sunday,
May 31, at 2 p. m.. to celebrate the erection
of the new building on Thirty-fifth street
and Avenue B. A comfortable and sub
stantial building has been erected in a
lot donated by E. E. Hart. This work
was started nine years ago by Rev. Charlei
Savldge of the People's church, Omaha,
but almost from the beginning ha been
self supporting and Independent of Any
other organisation. It is, as its namo
suggests, a union Sunday school, having
several denominations represented and
all working harmoniously together. Its
workers, have been Indefatigable In their
effort to better the condition of the neigh
borhood and hi the Instruction of the chil
dren In their care.,' Clyde C. Copeland is
la superintendent of the school.
Eleetrle Faaa.
All sites at New Tork Plumbing company.
Real Estate Transfers.
These transfers were filed yesterday In
the abstract, title and loan office of J. W.
Squire, 101 Pearl street:
Heirs of John H and Margaret Mur
phy to Agnes T. Murphy, undlvs-T
nw se4 23. wto W4 34 and nwv.
nwli J6-T6-4J, w. d t 9. 065
Bame to Anna O. Murphy, undlv-7
lot T. block 12. Bayllaa' 2d add..
except weet six feet, w. d l.OTI
nenry neper ana wire to Charles ri.
Hannan, s2S feet lot t, block 10,
Mlnden, except west fifty-eight feet,
w. d..
Three transfers, total..
Feathers Renovated
We are prepared to do this work to per
fectlem, la someetloa with ear eyeing basl
ess, Um Curtains Cleans, and
' Poitiers Cleaned and Dyid.
2n net hod Is to give complete satlsfae
Uoa. Come la and Inspect our work If yo
vast te see what we eaa de la the way of
tae work.
Ogden Steam Dye Works
301 Broa4wy, Council Bluffs, la.
WerkuneeferasJdcllTtrft )!.
Pearl St. Council Bin Be. 'Phone 17
Mn. Ttcrdsen ii Indicted for Breaking Into
the Thome Premises.
Mrs. dnatter Tells of Allege Stream
is Life oat York Township
Farm and Asks Pay for
Three Years of It.
The district court grand Jury, which has
held three sessions this term, completed its
deliberations yesterday afternoon and
Judge Wheeler discharged it for the term.
Six Indlctmente were returned, two of
which only were made public, aa the de
fendants named In the others are not under
arrest. The Indictments made public are
against LUsle Thordien and John C. Clem
ents. Mrs. Thordsen. who was recently ac
quitted by a Jury In the district court on
the charge of being Implicated with her
husband in the theft of a large number ot
chickens and harness from the premises of
Mrs. Susan Thome in Garner township, la
indicted on a charge of breaking and en
tering the premises of Mrs. Thome on the
night of January , the time her chickens
and harness were stolen, and for which
theft John Thordaen pleaded guilty and
was sentenced to two years In the peni
tentiary at Fort Madison.
John C. Clements, who claimed to be a
machinist and a strike breaker In the em
ploy of the Union Pacific in Omaha, is in
dicted for the theft of a grip belonging to
Mrs. J. H. Shores of Pocatello, Idaho. The
theft was committed at the Union Paclflo
transfer depot on May 13 while Mrs. Shores
was watting for a train to Stanberry, Mo.
Clementa waa captured with the stolen grip
in hla possession within a few minutes of
the robbery.
No indictment was returned against Jon
Desmond on the charge of robbing his
former wife, Mrs. Emma Metcalfe, at her
roadhouae in the northwest part of the
city, although it Is known that the grand
Jury investigated the case. Desmond la
still in the county Jail and wl'l have a
hearing before Justice Ouren on the chargt
ot assaulting Mrs. Metcalfe.
Rati for Wages,
Miss Bertha Quatter, according to the
petition filed yesterday in a suit in the
district court In which she seeks to recover
$1,932 from August Gelse and wife, must
have led a more than usual strenuous life
on the farm of the defendants In York
township. In the first place Miss Quattet
alleges that Mr. and Mrs. Gelse are In'
debted to her In the sum of $932 for wages
from March 30, 1897, to June 15, 1902. For
the first year the plaintiff claims her serv
ices were worth 12 a week, the second yeas.
S3 a week and the remainder of the time
$4 a week. She alleges that, not only did
she sweep floors, wash dishes, make beds
and do al! other klnda of housework, but
when not so employed she husked corn,
pulled 'weeds, milked the" cows.' fed th
horses and other stock,. and did . various
other chores about the farm.
The second count of the petition allegei
that Mr. and Mrs. Gelse assaulted and beat
me piainunr on September 1, 1901. with 9
broom handle, causing her not only severe
physical suffering, but also a great deal of
mental anguish and humiliation. For the
alleged assault Miss Quatter demanda 11.000
half of this amount representing actual
antj the other half exemplary damages.
Mrs. Nora B. Folk began suit for di
vorce from Charles E. Folk, to whom she
was married in this city In November.
1898. She alleges that her hushand f.illmvrl
bis mother to South Dakota and has since
refused to return and live with the pt-ln-tlff.
Mrs. Folk asks the court to . alno
award her the custody of their 8-year-otd
Propose to Declare Him Dead.
Unless John Merriam. who left the cltv
In 1881, makes an appearance in court mi
September 1. he will be declared leliy
dead and his estate divided tmurr h!s
relatives. John Merriam Is the on of
John F. Merriam, who died August IT last.
leaving a considerable estate to be divided
among hla four children. ; He left Council
Bluffs In 1831 and when laat heard ol In
1393 was In California, since then his fam
ily have been unable to secure any trace
of him. On the application nf his sinter,
Mrs. Adah Peterson, Judge Wheeler yes
terday appointed E. W. Peteraon admin-
latrator of his estate and set the final
hearing for September 1,
The hearing on the application of the
City of Council , Bluffs for an Injunc
tion restraining Mrs. Halnea, guardian of
Harry Dye, from fencing' In what the
city clalma is an alley at the rear of
the patrol houae, which had been set for
yesterdsy, was continued until next Wid
nesday. D. W. Smith was taken Into custody last
night, an Indictment having been returned
against him on the charge of stealing a
quantity of old rubber from a Junk dealer
named Kremenschul. In default of ball,
be was committed to the county Jail.
Committee Announces Fnll Program
Will Be Beady Rest
The several eommitteee In charge of ar
rangements for the entertainment of the
Iowa State Pharmaceutic society will
hold its annual meeting la this city July 14
to 11 reported last night at the session of
the Retail Druggists' association the pro
gram would be ready to announce in about
a week.
The buaineSi sessions will be held In the
ballroom of the Orand hotel, which will
also be the headquarters of the society. The
sports will be pulled off at Lake Manawa
and the committee Is also planning to enter'
tain the visiting delegates and their wives
at a dance which will probably be held at
the lake- While the bualneaa sessions are
In progTcea the wives of the visiting dele
gatea will be entertained by trolley rides
about the city and to Omaha.
The state pharmacy board has notified
Mayor Morgan that it will meet In Council
Bluffs one day during the seaalon of the
society for the purpose of holding an ex
amination of candidates for eertlftcatea.
Eastern manufacturers and Jobbers have
donated a number of handsome prizes to be
awarded for the sporting events. Prises
will also be awarded for the best essays on
the following subjects:
"What Are the Moat Profitable Side Lines
for a Retail Druggist?" "Time Savers t the
Prescription ounter. B Mould the Phar
msclst Pe Relieved of the Financial Burden
of Sustaining the Pharmacy Laws?" "Whet
the Prunltl Fhould Know In Emergency
cases. rue (truestars Know window as a
Salesman." "Selected Formulas fnr Anti
septic Solutions." "What Seould We De
mand of Our Apprentice?" "The Origin of
Some of the Peculiar Synonyms I lied in
Phsrmarv." 'Whet la the Beet Way to Ad
vertise tne pnarmaev in a nmall Town?"
"What the Druggist Should Do to Stop the
Cocelne Evil." "Conventions," "Successful
Lady Pharmacists."
The essays have to be In tbe nands of the
committee before noon of the opening day
of the meeting. Advlcea received by Mayor
Morgan from all parts of the state Indicate
that there will be a large attendance at the
meeting. ,
Man's Wins at Home.
Keith's "Buekerlnos" made good yester
day afternoon at Lake Manawa by winning
the opening game of the Iowa-South Da
kota league season In this city from Le
mars by a score of S to 4. Both teams put
up a very good exhibition of base ball, but
the crowd was small. The small crowd
was probably due to the fact that it was
doubtful in the morning whether the dlai
mond was in a fit condition after the heavy
rain of Tuesday.
The proposed parade was dispensed with,
but Mayor Morgan was on hand and opened
the game by pitching the first ball, which
Umpire Banther called a strike. The fea
ture of the game undoubtedly was the
pitching of Raymond for the Bluffltes. The
R H E.
Co. Bluffs... OS0100000 1-6 10 J
Lemars 000030100 04 9 4
Batteries: Council Bluffs, Raymond and
Franklin; Lemars, Helmsdoefer, Klaus and
Today and Friday Council Bluffs and
Sioux City play here. Friday will be ladles'
day and every member of the fair sex will
be admitted free.
Marriage Licenses.
Licenses to wed were issue yesterday to
the following:
Name and Residence. Age
Clarence Sullivan, Crescent City, la.... 22
Llda Corcoran, Crescent City, la 20
Albert Jackson. Omahn 32
Florence Woolpy, Omaha 30
James W. Perkins, Omaha ; 27
Rosalie M. Smith, Omaha 23
State Convention of the Iowa Pro
hlbltlonlata Meets at Mar.
MARSHALLTCWN. Ia., May 27.-The
state convention of the prohibitionist
party of Iowa met here this morning. -Rev.
J. G. Van Ness, D. D. of Mount Vernon,
presiding elder of the Cedar Rapids dis
trict, temporary chairman, delivered an ad
dress on "iarty Prohibition," advocating
the abolishment of the saloon In Iowa.
Rev. John A. Earl of Blackhawk county,
one of the most prominently mentioned
candidates for governor, today positively
prohibited the use of his name. Rev. S. 8.
Scull of Marshall county, and Rev. J. C.
Wllletts of Mahaska county are spoken of
as 'possible candidates. The platform,
which will be adopted at tomorrow's ses-
slons. Is likely to demand annihilation of
the liquor traffic, placing the responsibility
for enforcement of the law with the party
in power. No discrimination In franchise
on account ot sex will be In the plank.
Heavy Rain Forres the Floyd River
Ont of Its Banks at Sloox
SIOUX CITY. Ia., May..27.-(Speclal Tele
gramsOver 100 persons have been com
pelled to leave their homes In the' Floyd
valley in Sioux City today because of the
. Another downpour in the hills outside of
Sioux City early this morning sent another
torrent of water pouring through the beau
tiful little valley. In a few hours the river
was nearly a mile wide. The principal
manufacturing industries of Leeds were
surrounded and homes at Springdale and
at the foot of Seventh street were entirely
surrounded. The damage will amount high
into the thousands.
The river appears to be subsiding tonight.
Vote Against w Xante.
DAVENPORT. Ia., May 27.-The aeventy-
flrst annual convention of the Episcopal
diocese of Iowa today voted egainst the
change In the name of the church to the
American Catholic church.'
A Thoughtful Husband.
Cured his wife of fainting and dizzy spells,
weakness, headacho and backache with
Electric Bitters Try them. 50c. For sale
by Kuhu ft Co.
Officials in Washing-ton See Chance
for Day of Fair Weather
la Nebraska.
WASHINGTON, May 27. The forecast:
For Nebraska Fair Thursday, cooler In
west portion; Friday fair In west and
showers In east portion.
For Illinois Fair Thursday, except
showers in south portion; Friday showers;
fresh west winds.
For Colorado Fair Thursday, warmer In
north portion.
For Wyoming Fair and warmer Thurs
day; Friday fair.
For Missouri Fair In east, showers In
west portion Thursdsy; Friday showers.
For Iowa Fair Thursday, warmer In
northeast portion; Friday showers.
For South Dakota Fair and cooler Thurs
day; Friday fair, except showera in east
For Kansas Showers Thursday and In
east portion Friday. j
Loral Record.
OMAHA, May 27. Omaha record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the laat three
1903. 1902. 1901. 1930.
Maximum temperature . ?! fis m H
Minimum temperature .. T-8 45 rt '5
Mean temperature ;7 M f.i- 74
Precipitation -5 .10 M .CO
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for thla day alnce March 1, 19CU.
Normal temperature B
Hxcesa for the day I
Total excess since March 1 tZi
Normal precipitation IK Inch
Excess for . the day 40 inch
Total rainfall since March 1 ts7lnchea
Excess alnce March 1 1.MInrh
Deficiency for cor. period, inn? 1 M Inches
Deficiency for cor. perloi, 1S01.... 2.93 inches
Reports from Stations at T P.
3. i 2 1
WEATHER. : p : - 5
: 3 :
i - i :
; i: 3 ;
C oiaha. clear 751 "61 .00
alentlne, clear 7S 80 1 .00
North Platte, partly cloudy 7m to .00
Cheyenne, cloudy iri Mi .00
Salt Ike City, cloudy Hi
Rapid City, clear '0 '.t' .no
Huron, clear 0 76 CO
Wllllaton, clear fc .00
Chicago, clear 70 74 .08
St. Louis, elrar 7t to .uu
St. Paul, clear i .0
Da' en port, clear 70 71! ,2u
Ka.iaas City, clear 78 .00
Helena, partly cloudy M fin! T
Havre, cloudy 6l ti2i .04
Iilemirrk. clear 64l .00
Galv ton. cloudy 7, so .00
T Indicates trace ot precipitation.
Local forecast uffiual.
PtopoteJ Line from Des Moines to Omaha
Likely to Be Built
General Electric Company Preparing
Estimates on Equipment on Des
Molpes-Conncll Bluffs
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES. May 17. -(Special.) F. Vf.
Cherry, the promoter for the Des Moines
ft Southern railroad from Des Moines to
Wlnterset and Greenfield this morning
stated that he had made a definite offer of
the entire road to President Btlckney ot
the Great Weatern and that it was under
stood the Gieat Western would take It
over at an early date and build the line.
The aurveys have been completed from
Llda on the Great Western through to
Greenfield and right-of-way secured. There
has been some trouble in Greenfield over
the right-of-way through the city and a
place for the depot, but thla will be ad
Justed. President Btlckney looked over the
line a few days ago and Is said to have
been pieaaed with It, but Cherry haa in
sisted all along that the line would be
built independently.'
Plan for !evr Buildings.
Messrs. Cownie and Robinson and Archi
tect Llebbe of the state board of control
went to Glenwood today from Vinton,
where thjy will look after the immediate
needs of the state institution there and
see that due care of the Injured la given.
It is anticipated that the board will have
some difficulty In providing for the repair
work at the Institution, made necessary by
the storm. A new cottage is in process of
construction and several other buildings
are In the hands cf the contractors and it
Is probable that contractors will suffer
some losses. Nothing additional has been
received at the office of the board today
as to the losses to state property.
McCabe la Released.
A case that attracted a great deal of
attention was disposed of In district court
today, being an indictment against H. H.
McCabe, a furrier of this lty, for re
ceiving stolen property. He vas indicted
for having In his possession furs said to
have been stolen from a store in Clinton.
Afterwards a lawyer in Chicago named
Wade was convicted for being concerned in
the robbery and It Is claimed that all of the
furs went to Chicago In fact, but the case
had been allowed to remain on the docket
here until today.
Estimates on the Internrbnn.
The General Electric company of New
Tork City Is engaged In preparing esti
mates on the equipment of the Des Molnes
Councll Bluffs electric line for the Western
Iowa Interurban company. The prelimin
ary estimates are to be ready for the
meeting July 1 at Atlantic. It Is now stated
that the Western .Iowa will form a con
necting line between the Sellgman. system
now running out of Omaha In ait directions
and the Polk system in Des Moines and
vicinity. ... ; A Y
Supreme Court Decisions.
The following were' the supreme court de
cisions filed today i"' '.' i
Druella Dunning against E. A. Bailey;
Jones county. Judge Remley; affirmed,' by
Cedar Rapids Canning Companv. appel
lant, against Burlington. Cedar Rapids ft
Northern Railway (Company; Linn cout ',
Judge Prelphler; reversed, by Ladd.
C. L. Nourse, appellant, against Charles
Weltr.; Polk county. Judge McVey; re
versed, by Deemer.
West Side Mutual Fire Insurance Com
pany against Chicago ft Northwestern Rail
way Company, appellant; Linn county,
Judpe W. F. Thompson; affirmed, by the
Ellen Slattery against Lizzie Slatterv. ap
pellant; Lee county. Judge Bank; affirmed,
by Bishop.
M. O. Proper, appellant, against Lambert
Bros.; Keokuk county. Judge Dewey; af
firmed, by the court.
Phoebe Lucas against James White, appellant-
MuscMlne county. Judgea BolllnRer
and Wolfe; affirmed, by Weaver.
Examination for Commissions.
A military examining board was ordered
by Adjutant General Byers this morning to
convene here June 4, consisting of Colonels
Lincoln and Prime, Major D. W. Turner,
Captain Fred Holsteln and Dr. Conkllng,
and the following will be examined:
Clyde H. DeAcres, Vinton; George M.
Teed, Webster City; J. F. Kerfoot, Ot
tumwa; Ben Baker, Vllllscai u. W. Kulp.
Davenport; Oscar Relnhardt, ., Sioux City;
W. C. Pabst, Albla; F. A. Moore, Oska
loosa: H. K. Spencer, Oakaionsa; 11 F.
Speck, Oskaloosa; A. B. Fair, Cedar
Rapids; W. H. Bailey, Sheldon; C. A.
Smith, Sheldon; M. L. Opdycke, New
Hampton; Patrick Murphy, New Hampton;
Victor Huatlngs, New Harmpton; F. E.
Norwood, Muscatine. Kerfoot has been ap
pointed battalion adjutant of the Fifty
fourth, and Moore and Opdycke were
elected captains, the others all being lieu
The next day the following will report
for examination; Thomas F. Cooke and
L. D. Ross, Inspectors small arms practice;
Charles H. Pierce, captain Signal enrpr,
Des Moines, snd Harry Kern, captain, Mus
Field Meet to Be Held.
Following the storm of last evening offi
cials of the Iowa Intercollegiate Athletic
association announced a postponement of
the state field meet. Announcement waa
made today that the state field meet would
be held tomorrow. The officials have been
assured that the weather conditions are
favorable. They have visited the track ind
pronounce It to be in good condition.
j President Wyoming Division Boiler
Makers Says Company Failed
to Keep Agreement.
CHEYENNC, Wyo., May 17. Dick Tot
tenhoff, president ot the bollermakcrs'
union on the Wyoirmg division of the
Union Psclflc, says that no iol4rmakers
on ths system returned to 'oi'k today. The
company had poated notices in all s:np
that nonunion men would he retulntd. Mr.
Tottenhoft ys this is a ors&ch of the
srreement entered Into at tho New Yortt
conference, rhich he attended. Totttnhoff
says that the bollermakcrs hava agreed now
to atay out until a settlement is reached
with the blacksmiths anl the machinists.
Bitten by Mad Dog.
MITCHELL. S. D.. May 27.-(Speclal.)-Adolph
Haut, a laboring man, waa bitten
by a mad dog last night and badly Injured
over the eye, the dog's teeth going into
the bone. He was bitten sgaln on the arm.
Mr. Haut grappled with the vicious animal
and for twenty minutes he he'.d him on the
ground until help arrived. The dog was
dispatched Immediately by having Its throat
cut. Ths dog waa running loose Saturday
and bit a dosen other animals In the city,
and there la considerable alarm felt that
other persons are liable to now come In
contact with a rabid animal. Today Mayor
SUsby Issued an order requiring all dogs In
the city to be securely musiled or they will
be shot on sight. Mr. Haut is a poor man
and had no meam of securing the proper
medical aid. Hla friends took up a sub.
scrlptlon st once and this evening he left
for Chicago to take treatment In the Pas
teur Institute. It was reported that the
seme dng bit two children at Mt. Vernon
yesterday, but the report could not be verified.
Good Rains tn Snath Dakota.
HURON, 8. D.. May 27.-(Speclal.)-RaJns
covered all of Beadle county Saturday and
Sunday, In some localities more than an
Inch of water has fallen during the last
week. Crops are greatly benefited and
rapid growth Is being made. Barjey, wheat
and oats look fine and the stand la strong
and even. Some hail felt In the north part
of the county Friday night, but no serious
damage to crops will resu't. Corn planting
Is nearlng completion; some corn Is above
ground and with potatoes Is making good
growth. The temperature the last three
days has been warmer aha no strong wind
for about a week. Grass Is abundant and
stock Is doing well. Garden stuffs and tree
growth, as well as small fruits, have made
marked progress during the week. There
is promise of a good crop of berries and
small fruit, notwithstanding damage by
late frorts. Farmers are pleased with the
favorable outlook for amall grain.
Bids Are AH Too High.
HCRON, S. D., May 27.-Speelal Tele
gramsPresident Ooodner, with all the
members of the State Board of Repents,
together with Secretary Aldrlch, met here
today. A resolution prevailed deferring all
matters pertaining to faculties of state
educational Institutions until June 5, when
the board meets in Spearflsh. Bids for the
construction of the normal school building
at Aberdeen were submitted as follows:
Fransen ft Co., St. Paul, 36.940; J.. O.
Keesler, Sioux Falls, J37.600: Blrdseye &
Edwards, Aberdeen, $40,738: John H. Nlchell.
St. Paul. 136.779; Miller At Co., Lemars, Ia.,
136,000; Clow ft Sterner, Pierre, $39,963. All
bids were in excess of the state appropria
tion of $35,000 and all were rejected. After
visiting Madison and Vermilion the board
goes to Spearflsh.
Marketing of Hoars More Liberal Than
Last Year, hot Mot Ip to Pre
vious Week.
CINCINNATI. May 27.-(SpeclaJ Tele
gram.) The Price Current says: The mar
keting of hogs has not quite equalled the
preceding week, but has considerably ex
ceeded the corresponding period last year.
Total western packing was 475.000 head,
compared with 4K5.000 the preceding week
and 415O0O last year. From March 1 the
total Is 4,55,000 head, against 4.65,000 a year
ago. Prominent places compare as follows:
1903. 190?.
Chlcsgo 1.3W.0O0 1.6.V). nnn
Kansas City 610.000
St. Louis 340.000
St. Joseph 32.000
Indianapolis 180.000
Milwaukee sri.nno
Cincinnati ll.ono
Otttimwa 8 ,000
810 0M
23.000 I
250.000 I
( edar Knplds s. ono
Sioux City 102.0W
Bt. i'aui 170,000
Lake Shore Tonrs
Is the title of a very convenient summer
tour book Issued by the Lake Shore &
Michigan Southern railway, showing routes
and rates to the eastern resorts It will
be sent on application. M. 8. Qlles. T. P.
A.. Chicago, III C. F. Daly. Chief A. O.
V. A. Chicago, 111.
Spanish War Association to Meet In
. Eastern City In Sep- '
WASHINGTON. May 27. Colonel E. M.
Urel. commander-in-chief of the Spanish
War Veterans, announc d today that the
national encampment tl.ia year would be
held in New Haven, Conn.
The dates have not been fixed definitely,
but they probably will be September 28-30.
It Is expected that President Roosevelt will
attend the encampment. The cities which
were candldatea for the encampment were
Cleveland. Aehevllle and New Haven.
The councllvof administration voted three
for Cleveland, three for Ashevllle snd
seven for New Haven. Ths council was lm
pelled to select an eastern city this year be
cause of the desire that next year the en
campment be held in St. Louis.
Litt9 Liver Pills.
Must Boar Signature) of
Aee rWSlaalle Wrapper Below.
to takes
for uu. cw tun.
Treats all forms of
V Tesrs Experience.
IT Years In Omaha.
Ills remarkable sue-
Cr.SS has Ikevtr hann
equaled and every day brings many flatter
In reporta of the goo4 he Is doing or the
relief he has given.
Hot Springs Trsatmant for Syphilis
And all Blood Poisons. NO "BREAKING
OUT" on the skin or face and all extsriml
signs of the disease disappear at onoe.
OVER 30.000 .urd.Cb,u,dy.0,loas'roi
XJi"!,yi,.i,nBa,urV dlschargis. Stricture.
OleetKldney and Bladder LHaeaaea. 11
Treatment by mall. P. O. Box 74. Offl v
ver lli 8. 14th street, between Farbasa aJ
eugjaa sussia. CvatA.UA, h-SJi,
L a V
Jl f i
man loses Ills nerve
So be takes to smoklofr or drinking as a stimulant A
stimulant for what? For his nerves? Any sane man
knows that that's the worst thing be can do. His ner
vous system is breaking- down and he, the one
most vitally Interested, Is feeding that nervous system
with poison. Gray's
fsJerve Food Pills
(Th7'r Bd )
do not require the use of any other medicine o stimu
lant to effect a cure, nor do they require the abandoning
of hnbltn to innke tbnt cure effective.
One box, ($1.00), usually cures three boxes, ($2.50).
always cure. One pill after each meal and at bedtime
is all there Is to It. Box fits the vest pocket The best
In the world for a man whose nervous system Is all
Leading druggists In all large cities sell them,
ror ssie ia omah br Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., ma m mp su.
Mall orders filled.
Next to the elevator
IJoom 401 size 13x15 feet with
vault In the Bee Building is
for rent 18.O0.
Elevators run day and
all day Sunday
Janitor service
electric light
all free in
the Bee building.
R. C. Peters & Co.,
Rental Agents,
Ground Floor.
Bee Bldg.
Lou Rate
11140 Indianapolis, Ind
133.76 Boston, Mass
21.00 Detroit, Mich
132.26 Baltimore, Md
120.10 Bellefontalne, Ohio..
112.10 Atlantic. Ua
117.60 Denver. Colorado BDrlnsa
and Pueblo, Colo June 1st to September SOth.
(16.00 Denver, Colorado Springs
snd Pueblo July 1st to 10th.
30.60 Bait Lake City k.nd Odgen
KiO.OO San Francisco and Los
juiy 1st to lotn.
snd Ixs
August 1st to 14th.
46.00 San Francisco
Homeseekers' tickets to many points June 2nd and 16th.
(11.60 Yenver, Colorado Springe and Pueblo, June 2nd and 16th.
(200 Salt Lake City, Odgen, Butte and Helena. )
$25 no Portland. Seattle. Tacoma. ' - th.
(.00 Los Angeles and San Francisco. )
Tickets on sate by all Ocean and Lake Steamers.
DAY & HESS, Council Bluffs
Money to loan on Real Estate;
lowest rates; funds on band.
Mortgage Investments for sale.
Call on or write u If you bare
money to inveit, either In mortgages,
bonds or real estate. Real property
cared foY.
DAY & HESS. Council Bluffs
Houses and Lots In
fk m If ji y. ly
..June 7-0th.
..June 30 to July 4th.
..July 14th-16th.
..July 17th-18th.
..May 28th to June 1st.
..July 6th to 7th.
Mm inl
A) Kgmm:i
Division Passenger Agent,
1323 Farnam Street,
Email farm oecr city at a bargain-
Council Bluffs For Sale Cheap.