Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 28, 1903, Page 10, Image 10
10 TIIE OMAnA DA1LT HEEi THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1003. Over 200 Styles Ladies' Oxfords at Hnikr- irrra n TTT chleM Today t 10c and Sc. lLQ) Decoration Day illinory Grand Showing of Trimmed Hats at $2.45. $3.50. $J.9S For Decoration Day tale we have prepared a mst imptsin? as sortment of white, black and burnt Trimmed Hats the best assortment in America $5, $7 and $10 $3.50 White Chiffon and Ribbon Hats at $1.39 10 down handsome white all silk, box platted rlbtxm and f f r tucked chiffon hats, the very bopt Idea for the balance of J the season theae hats are being sold In Chicago at f 3'50. . . Trimmed White Pique Hats 9Sc Ladles' and misses' white Pique Hats splendidly stitched on brim and trimmed with mull and mili tary brush pompom large num- . per bound on eles g With black Tflrcl-t WnC regular $2 value at..... 75c ROUGH BRAID SAILORS !- 15c 75c and $1.00 Klmonas at 29c Pretty new Kimonos and Dressina Sacques, made in all the beautiful colored new combinations, with colored border, made of fine lawns V-sf CT and dimities, worth as high as $1 at.. .. 25c Embroideries, beautiful needlework, at 2c. All-Over Embroideries, worth up to $1.50, at 69c and 39c. Shirt Waist Suits at $2.98 and $1.25 Shirt Waist Suits made of tho pretty new wash materialsall the grace ful form-fitting qualities of the tailor all the fashionable features go at $10 Tailored Suits' at $3.98 Jaunty Tailor-Made Suits In latest spring atylen made of popular fabric and colors sTi Q wonderful values J,yjJ Wash Skirts, cotton crash, ducks, etc., at 49c Linen Crash Skirts, denims, ducks, etc., separate flounces, at l.OO S8.50 Dress Skirts at $4.90 cheviot, eta, with ana witnout drop lining all the very late atyles worth a high aa $8.60 remarkable value for Thursday at- $2.00 Photo Frames at 39c An extra lot of fine gold plated Cabinet Photograph Frames worth up to two dollars at WILL PAY .CEDAR COUNTY Treasurer T. F. ZlegleVs Bondsmen Agree on Their Apportionment FRIENDS ARE TO MAKE GOOD $10,003 Fidelity Bonding Company Will Stud the Remaining 15,000 of the hortaaje aa Make Over Soma of Bla Oil Stock. . The result of a conference at the Millard hotel yesterday, was an agreement that the treaaury cf Cedar county, Nebraska, ahall be reimbursed with $r,000 by the frlenda who were sureties 5r T. F. Zlegles during one of hla tenets aa county treas urer and by the Fidelity Bonding company f New Jersey, which was hla aurety during hla other term. The formal transaction la to be at Hartlngton, the county aeat, next Saturday morning at a special meeting of the county commissioners, and will end, so far aa the county la concerned, a case that has been a general topic there for many months and amounted to an official scandal. Those at yesterday's conference were a representative of the bonding company. County Attorney R. J. Millard of Cedar county and Frans Nelson, president of the First National bank of Hartlngton. Who Have to Pay. Mr. Nelson la one of and represents the personal bondsmen, of whom there were eighteen. Including such prominent Cedar county cltlzena as Z. Boughn, John Lord, W. T. Llnkhart, J. W. Llnkhart, Paul Buel, I-oks Mallett. J. C. Zlegler, tr. McKenxle, Warner Marx and 8. O. Reese. It la conceded that the greater portion of Ziegler's alleged irregularities were during the term when the company was bonding htm, but It ha been difficult to make an exact apportionment. Finally the company proposed that if the personal bondsmen would advance, in round numbers, $10,000 cash or Ita equlvalont the company would advance the remaining $15,000 and make over to the peraonal bondsmen some of Ziegler's oil stock and other holdlnga the company had become possessed of, ao that Individual loss will not be so severe. Why He Doeaa't Provocate. "We have been criticised some for not proaecuUng Zlegler." said County Attorney Millard, "but that was betuso people did not underatand the application of the statute of llmltatlona under which murder, arson, forgery and treason are the only crime for which we can prosecute after the expiration of three yeara, provided the offender ha been resident In the state dur ing that period, as Zlegler was. "When N. E. Butterfleld, republican, wna elected county treasurer and took office in January. 19n his predecessor. II. B. Suing, had soma difficulty In getting his books o rM t'T' ilixuvn 7rVSx ew ' jr ''vv vr mi in, nit- rtf rizeu, inuia nnen, lawns ana vaf silk mulls. All-over Lare Waists in Cluuy ami Antique. India and China Silks, handsomely trimmed with lace. !3.5rt up. Pongee Waists in Monte Carlo aud other styles. Pretty India Linen Waists. 1 1.00 up. SEE TUE SPECIAL NIG LIT DRESSES WE ARE SELLING FOR 73C. $1.59. $ .98, $2.50, $J.OO and $5.00. fTn"nCT5 Sale of Ladles' J a-CTsTOgrr Summer 4.95-3.50-2.45 $2 Soft Braid Untrlmmed Turbans About 30 dosen fine quality white and blaok combination soft Italian Flatlron Turbana the moat fash ionable hnts of the aeaaon In several different A f shapes gua ranted i- - LJ to be the $2 quality - made - 2 98 125 JBL $25 Tailored Suits at $ 1 1.90 The moat atyllah light Spring Suits every attribute ol smart atyle worth 125.00 4 4 f t. 11.90 Dress Skirts made of homespuns, 4.90 39c balance and we had them examined by an expert, with the result that Mr. Suing (not because of any manipulation, I believe, but because of clerical errors), had to pay the county $6,600. Goea Into Zlcgsler's Terms. Bulng'i predecessor for two terms had been Zlegler, and though Zlegler Is a demo crat and I a populist, I advised the county board that since work on the books had been begun It might as wall proceed back Into Ziegler's terms. The result was the discovery of the $26,000 discrepancy which we are Just now arranging to clear up. Mr, Zlegler remained In Cedar county during all of Suing'! two terms and until Just be fore the Investigation started, or more than the three years specified by the statute of limitation applying In suoh cases. Then he moved to La Harpe, Kan., and Is visiting In Omaha today, but Immune from any ac tion by me. He did not attend this confer ence, but his explanation of the discrepancy In his books is that he didn't do any manip ulating himself nor make any money by the errors. Oddly, his book had been exam ined and O. K.'d by both aa examiner for the state and an examiner for the bonding company." . Aanenncements of tho Theater. The story of "The Altar of Friendship" which Mr. N. C. Goodwin win present at the Boyd tomorrow and Saturday nights Is one of self-sacrifices. The sacrifloe an elder brother is willing to make to protect th beloved sister from humiliation, and in making this aacrlflce he nearly loses the woman of his choice. The piaywlll have most sumptuous mountings, the environ ments being on a scale of magnificence that has been seldom seen, even in this era of lavish expenditure In stage effect. The pro duction used is the same that made the run of this comedy In New Tork and Chicago so notable. The costuming will be magnificent A matinee will be given Baturday. A novelty of any description Is thoroughly appreciated, but more especially so In the amusement line, of which there are so few. The one that enjoys the distinction of pos sessing more novelty and Interesting fea tures is the Gentry Bros.' famous shows. Their trained animals have long been one of the leading attractions of the country, and nothing can be aald In their praise that Is not merited. Their performance la clean, entertaining and moral, and 1 patronized and Indorsed everywhere It exhibits by the elite of the land. It will exhibit here, after noon and night, for three days, commencing Thursday, June 4. Tents located at Doug la and Eighteenth streets. Cramer's Kldny sod Liver Cure Cures backache ii highly endorsed by Omaha people. Com os In two size. Our price, 40c . snd 75c. Bchaefer's Cut Pries Drug Store, 16th snd Chicago streets. , DIED. BRANDON-Willlam F- aged 67 years, of 68 Park avenue, at 1:30 o'clock Wednes day afternoon. Funeral Friday. MRS. J. BENSON. Shirt Waists The newest styles in Shirt Waists com ing in every day. All linen, with beautiful hand embroid- .... 4n.'1.. -,!-! WPave8 in basket, damask, eta- 1MB eiMlUlORE SUITS lLlliS 'IMF. HEI.IABI.K I1UHG. THREE MANUFACTURERS" STOCKS BALK. OVER 1.000 SflTS WORTH $10.00, BALE AT LESS THAN HALF PRICE. 76 women's suits. In blouses and Nor folks, worth $10 and $16, on sale at M.M. 2M women's suits, worth $1$ and $20, on sale at $8.76. 400 women's man-tailored suits, made In all the new mixtures, voiles, etamlnea and chevlote, worth $26 and $30, on sale at $16. Over aw sample suits, In high class nov elties. In all new mixtures, some worth up to $50, silk lined, on sale Thursday at $24.60. IN THE MAMMOTH SKIRT DEPT 60 sample silk and voile skirts, some silk lined, worth up to $30, on sale at $14 96. 200 voile, etamlne, cheviot and other new material skirts, worth $16 and $16, on sale at $8.90. Thursday in tho THE SEASON FOR WASH MATERIA PREPARED THAN ANT OTHER HOUSE OF THE FINEST PATTERNS FOR TUB LESS THAN ONE-HALF ITS VALUE. FOR THURSDAY. 5o WASH GOODS FOR 16c. Mercerised oxford walstlnga, white grounda with dark stripes and figures, mercerized ginghams, light and dark color ings, Scotch madras and soft finished print ed percales, all the newest designs, tor 15c c WASH GOODS FOR Wo Printed Penangs, light and dark grounds with floral designs and stripes, printed piques, batistes and dimities, light and dark colorings, for 10c. 20o WASH GOODS FOR 70. French batistes and lawns, light and dark colorings, black sateens, and the choicest dress ginghams, In stripes and plaids, full pieces, very desirable for ladle and chil dren's spring gowns, for 7V4c 60o FURNISHING GOODS FOR t&o - Gent's balbrlggan undershirts and draw ers. In the natural and fancy colors, full assortment of sizes, for' 25 o. GREAT SPECIAL SALE OF HAMMOCKS AND CROQUET SETS A large assortment of hammocks and croquet sets, selling from $6 to 39c. IN THE BIG DOMESTIC ROOM 86o WHITE GOODS, 12ViC One big table meroerised walstlngs, dim- HAYDEW BROS. $17.50 Colorado and Return SiinS IMib j .- - m NEW LINE TO DES MOINES ssssssjsmj Rumor that Etiokney Ha Bought De Moinee and Southern Bights. MEANS ANOTHER GREAT WESTERN BRANCH Landslide at West End of Vnloa Pa. ! Bridge Results in Another Northwestern Engine Going Off Traok. Much Interest 1 taken, locally. In the re port that the Chicago Great Western has bought the right of way and charter of tho Dea Moines & Southern railway. If this proves true. President fctlckney will even tually be enabled to coiix.eot Omaha and Des Moines by a direct short line which, it Is generally recognized, would be a most valuable acquisition to both cities. Presi dent Stlckney has not denied the report of this purchase and this serves to stimulate th Interest. The report goes so far as to say that the Great Western will let very little time elapse before starting on the new line, which It hopes to complete before the expiration of the present year. Trouble at tho Bridge. The collapse of the railroad embankment at the Nebraska entrance to the Missouri river bridge is still causing serious Incon venience. Northwestern train No. 1 was stalled and consequently other trains fol lowing this one yesterday, because the Northwestern's engine jumped the track again, as It did Tuesday morning. The curve in the temporary track. Improvised as soon as the landslide occurred, 1 so short that It is difficult for tralna to get around It. Every effort will be made to repair the damaged trackage a soon a possible. It Is now said that an under current from the river plows through the embankment and adds to the Insecurity of the roadbed. Some extensive work. It Is said, will be required before this trackage will be safe and substantial. Movements of OHIeiala, John Francis, general passenger agent of the B. A M., la In Chicago, and hi pres ence there Is said to have some connection with his reported promotion soon to the position of general paaeenger agent of th Chicago, Burlington & Quincy system. Oeneral Passenger Agent E. L. Lomax ol the Union Paelnc Is due to arrive Friday from the west. Mr. Lomax has been ab sent for some time snd has made a very extensive and thorough tour of the Union Pacific, also other western lines, skirting the Pacific coast and attending the recent convention of passenger officials In Port land, Or. Prof. Nesbltt reads tonight at Unity church. Admission, 26 cents. Nichols Broadneld. prtoters. TL 1141 Sam'! Burns, cemetery vases. AND SKIRTS JfBT RECEIVED AND PLACED ON $16.00, $30.00. $30.0, $00.00 AND VP, ON 75 sunburst and accordeon pleated skirts, made with yoke, trimmed with taffeta bands, worth $10, sale price $t.60. 1 table ladles' rainy-day skirts and dress skirts, worth $10, for $4.76. . Bilk Monte Carlo costs on sale at $20, $16. $12, $10, $7.60 and $6.00. LADIES' WASH WAIST DEFT 1 table women's white lawn waists, worth $1 00, on sale for 6oc. 60 dozen white waists, worth $2.00, for 96c each. WATCH FOR OUR BIG SKIRT BALE FRIDAY 1,000 skirts worth up to $6.00, for $1.93. On sale Friday at 9 a. m. Domestic Room LS IS NOW ON AND WE ARE BETTER IN THE WEST. OVER $75,000 WORTH BUMMER OF 1903. WILL BE BOLD AT HERB ARE THE PRICES WE MAKE lUes, oxford cheviots, madras and Lcno stripes, not a yard worth less than a&v, full pieces, at 12 Vic a yard. 400 TURKEY RED DAMASK, 26c 40a turkey red table damask, 60 inches wide, guaranteed fast colors, at 26c yard. (LOO LUNCH CLOTHS. 35c $1.00 mercerised damask lunch cloths, sizes 36x36, at E5c. lOo PERSIAN LAWN, 15o 60o sheer black Persian lawn, will not crock, at 16c a yard. . 12fto CAMBRIC, 6c Utto quality Old Glory cambrlo. In long mill ends, at 6c a yard. 12 He ENGLISH LONG CLOTH. 6Hc 12V43 quality English long cloth, extra fine quality for ladies' undergarments, $4 Inches wide, at 6Ho a yard. $8.00 TABLE DAMASK, $1.98. $8.00 quality extra heavy double satin damask table linen, with plain center and wide open border, 73 Inches wide st $1.98 yd. Beautiful patterns of drapery cretonne, worth 16c per yard, at 6Hc Extra fine stripes and checks, cheviot shirtings, worth 12Hc per yard, at 6 Vic 39 1 The Burlington sells excur sion 'tickets all summer alter June 1st to Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo at 17.50 for the round trip, with return limit' to October 31st. July 1st to 10th, 15 for the round trip; return limit August 31st You can live very nicely In Colorado at hotels, boarding houses and ranches for 7 to 10 per week and upward. Colorado lsJ coof, offers mag nificent scenic attractions, splendid flshing-veryth i n g that goes to make summer life worth lirlngv Send for Colorado Hand-Book that tells all about It. It's free. The Burlington Route Is the shortest line te Colorado. , J. B. REYNOLDS, City Passenger Agent, 1502 Farnam St.. Omaha, Neb. THE BEKKETT CO. Save Hoaey and Get the Best Goods Notice These Items and Prleee. Can table syrup,- 8c, worth 12e per can. Four-crown raisins. 8c lb.; these are now selling for J2Ho lb. Corn starch. 1-lb. pkg., to. Roasted Coffee, special, 9c lb. Tea sittings, special, 16c lb. Fresh made doughnuts, special, 8c dozen. Preserved blackberries, c can. Spaghetti. 1-lb. pkg., 7c. Royal Luncheon cheese, per Jar, 8c. Our grocery department Is overflowing with thousands of bargains; ) every thins strictly reliable and guaranteed. Letter of Credit. The tourist abroad, not familiar with for eign tongues, should carry one of our let ters of credit. Aside from supplying him with needful funds, this letter also serves to Introduce him tc our banker, who will cheerfully render him valuable assistance. J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS, Bankers. Regarding a trip made over, the New Tork Central Charles BK'.tell Loomis writes: "Allow me to tell you what a pleasant trip I had over your lines. With a good book and with the country that lies outside the wlndowpane to look at ana me characters that alt alongside- the same panes to study and the thought of the dlnlr.g oar, traveling Is such a pleasant thing that I wonder the whole world does not travel all th time." Silks! Bilks' Silks! The special sale of black silks put on sale today (Wednesday) will be continued Thursday morning. These silks are worth up to $2.50 a yard and are on aale at, per yard, C9c. It la a remarkable offer. THE BENNETT CO. Mortality Statistics. The following births snd deaths have been reported to the Board of Health: Blrtha Elmer P Trussed. 2214 Boulevard avenue, boy: Charles H. Fischer. 6"J North Thirtieth, boy; John Hellstrom. 132s South Twenty-sixth, boy; Jay Ryder. Dnia Ohio, boy; Guy Drill hart, 26A3 St. Mary's avenue, girl. Deaths John Schmidt. 2419 South Seven teenth, 67; Albert L. Nellds, Mason, 4fi; Mrs. Martha A. Brown, died In imminuel hospital, home st Hastings, la., 83. LITTLE TRIPS for LITTLE PURSES and picture and human nature stories that throb with outdoor life. See JUNE OUTING Order' now. May edition sold out within a week. Everyone With Red Blood uys OUTING. v Get Our Prices n on II TRUNIN I IIW II IIU1 A Chapter on FflJMMLMffRJ There's lively selling on the programme for to morrow in the men's and women's furnishing dept. You'll be well repaid by a prompt visit. Read the day's specials Thursday's Specials for Women Muslin Skirts. A Cp 'Women's muslin skirts, good qual ity white mualin with deep flounce and dust' ruflle, regular 75c value at 4oc. QfcTp. CAMBRIC SKIKT Fine qunl ity cambric, full length and width, with 12-inch flounce, with three rows of lace insertion, trimmed with deep flounce of lace, positively a $1.50 quality, special l)5o. $1.90 CAMBHIC SKIKT With deep lawn flounce, trimmed with clusters of tucks and lace insertion with lawn dust ruflle, many beautiful designs in em broidery and lace effects, a regular $3 value, at $1.00 each. Ladies' Summer Knit 10c 120 dozen ladies' fine quality Jer sey ribbed, lisle finished vests, full silk taped, would be good value at 19c, special price 10c. E LADIES' KNIT UNDERWEAR, 120 dozen fine lisle thread and. mercerized ribbed vests, with hand-finished silk trimmed neck and arms, full silk taped, regular 50c value, at 25c each. R- LADIES' GLOVES A beautiful 4&J line of lace lisle and silk mitts, and gloves in black, mode, gray and white, 25c a pair. j Cp Ladies' fine quality double finger KJK tipped, silk and lisle gloves, new- shades, a regular 75c quality, 45c pair. Always Ahead As usual, we lead all our competitors with a new line of women's Oxfords. So new and so many different styles that they have never been shown In Omaha before. The best we can do Is to ask you to come to the store and see them It's Imposslblo for us or any one else to give an adequate descrip tion. -There are, however, the shiny leather Oxfords with th. Louis XV and common sense heel. Our $2.50 line Is creating a great deal of favorable comment from the woman who have seen them. DREXEL SHOE CO., Omaha's Up-to-Dnte Shoo Hour 1419 Farnam Street. ANOTHER COUPON AD . Our last one waa so well received and cppreclated we've dw.lded to give our patrons the 'nenetlt of another. Any one presenting this coupon and 75o can have o;ie bottle, dollar hlro, of Parisian Hair Tonic ana Dandruff Cure and one twenty live cent size Graham's fl 1am poo. PARIS IAN HAIK TONIC IS GUARANTEED BY US to stop falling hair and cure dandruff; GK AH AM 8 SHAMPOO Is one of the best made. Jl.OO OsomnlKlon .' 7V $1.0) Cranl-Tonlc 16; VI. (JO t Tonic 1 $1.00 Temptation Tonic 2oe M.0 Peruna tno limit) sic- J1.00 Iter's Malt Whiskey etc 1 IW Pure Canadian Malt Whiskey 2 Genuine Cheater's Pennyroyal Pills.. .$1.0) 2(i Surcus Alterans $1.6, $1.00 Miles' Heart Cure 75o &"c Hire's Root Beer 14o 50c Murine .'. tOc OPEN ALL NIGHT. SCHAEFER'S CUT PRIC8 DRUQ ST03B Tm rkoaee T4T aad TUT. g. W. Corner lta aaa Cklcage St a. A BEAUTIFUL VOUAN it oca AtatrwMsl br Oar m aWtkckcat His. Imperial Hair Regenerator It ttu nly aasfw aimI tunnlM rwamsxty tV Hfcssf, II t ahatl.teJy MtV.aMtly applied, d Usl th kaiff toft and vWaay. Il U tiarqtiaUH rw ft! ar ts1,atafk ONI A PV I AC A TlOhi LAST MONTHS. ftc4 ( Wir cMw4 , inwi sjsj aajrsjB. ya) warn pmmymim, ImvcrUI ChemlcAl Co. 125 W. 53d St., N. T. PILE! an serleos, i eini moea 1 peia aad die- I evasion, aad 1 soBellaies so- i lu&l diblhir I YMDTnU0trare .y 6. VI I Hi I I umd iickiBsuidniiu. 1 Uinf , then amis pain, soreaeas and I kieed log. Tumor form, talsrrs. ' protrude, sua u neaierwa, alcenue, Meum las very serious aaa palatal. Teourataem qulokJr tea painlessly aaa INJECTION MALYDOR. Inataot relief. Carss la several dsya , mm who syringe, lor 9 l.OO Sberman & McConneU, Omaha, Neb. mairsor Mil ca.. uoouui, O. cte (l 'OJ7. Ms joaViJy.iavis, en Bags SI in in at M)c each, 75c Underwear 35c 50 J0" "'VP and re bast rontrs rs Colorado, Utah and California. ROU SI B .GO to Denver, Colorado Spriugs and Pueblo 17 .AO to Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo (Glen wood Springs $29.50.) $30.S0 Ogden and Salt Lake City. &32.00 Ogden and Salt Laka City. K34.50 Butte and Helena, $44.50 Spokane. $52.00 Portland, Tacoras and Seatd. $45.00 San Francisco and Los Angeles. ONE WAY. $& O.OO to Butte, Anaconda, ana taii j-ane vnv. J 22.BO to Spokane and Wenatchee, Wash. 25.00 to Portland, San Francisco, Los Ange les and many othei CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1334 FAB NAM STREET. Protect Tornado in Capital and Assets $I4,949,5?0 Apply to Our Agents in All the Principal Cities and Villages in the West Agents in Omnha and Vicinity: JOHN W. ROBBINS .IRO; Farnam. Omaha. I . J. ONt-JL. South Omnh.i. June Weddings If you have an Invitation, let us show you the wed ding gift nohliy, tasty ,lH, e in cut glas all prices. A handttome line of sterling silver and platud sliver. W nether you or not, upend a few minute In our xtorc. Look for tbe nan-.e. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 1916 Douglas Street. IS H. m taw fnn mn4 .Strain rla as apttal turriJt '.Ml lluS.MS UHiTRD STATUS fJRl'nsiTOHY. ' M.ialij anwiWat B B Wocrf in prMnM lMt0t I. k. mlH r T H aw: , rt.lM TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Best Agricultural Weekly. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Write tot Sample Copy. Get Our Prlcss and Suit Cases Thursday's Specials for Men MUX'S SHIRTS Men's shirts, plain and fancy striped mad ras aud percales, with low separate collars Mini cuffs, collars and cufTs attached and sep arate cuffs, with bands to wear white collars, regular .c value. Strong line men's shirts, made of good quality percales, cheviots. madras, figured dimities, in solid colors and fancy striped patterns, with separate collars and cuffs or collars and cuffs attached, reg ular dollar value, 75c each. r1 C)C 1,ine ,ino Juen's new style of rpi.VVy iio-ht and dark rolored. madras, Trench percales and Oxford cheviots, many beautiful, dainty patterns to select from, regular $1.50 value, at $1.00 Men's Underwear Good quality plain and ribbed balbriggan underwear, in natural and fancy solid colors, blue, brown and pink, regular 50c quality, 35c each. Shirts or drawers. r Best quality Sea Island cotton ' and balbriggan underwear, well finished with silk front shirts and French ate.en facing on drawers, come in blue, gray, brown and white, positively the best value ever offered at 50c each, shirtB or drawers. MEN'S BELTS Men's fancy leather belts, any width, any style of leather and shape buckle, any size, an excellent line at 25c each. PAC,FIQ OneA'M v to ataar ponrrs m MontanoL, Oregon and Washington ND TRIP. July I U 10. bw. Jiim I te I.e. r tame, SO, Ins. Ian t, I. u$. ItsW.ln. Helena, Ogden Tltkett s tale Dalit to Jus IS, WO Pacific Coast points. J 'fhm lit. Yourself by Insurance the JOHN 1. Lt.'TZ. Council Bluffs. OHIO KNOX, Council Bluffs. I 4