8 TIIE OMAITA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, MAY 20. 1903. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Grain Markets it Chicago Show Consider able Firmness. ARMOUR'S SALES HAVE SLIGHT EFFECT Pit Traders Forced to Did Market Vp. HavlDK Sold Short on Jaly HJ September, and St. Loals Bayers Help Them. CHICAGO. Way 25-Wheat with the ex ception of May. showed firmness, July iio.ung with a gain of Vc. Corn was firm witn Higher pints all around, final tin u.es showing July up ijc. Oats were aii-i early, but strengthened witn wheat anil closed firm and unchanged. Provis ions were weak and closed uCgiVc lower. Armour sold May wheat caused weakness In that delivery, which soon was reflected In the later options July having opened a 1 Ittle easier .on ha cables, uncnanged to V; lower n i3Hai8v followed with a decline to iic. Un i at tempting to DUy at inn in". p tr.'ers having sold short July and September, they were forced ? bd " market up and July advanced to .44,o Buy ing of tit. IajuIs houses also helped the late strength. Toward the close senti ment became divided and the market eased off final figures for July showing an ad vance of c. at V3',c. The visible sup ply showed a decrease of 8.463.000 compared with a yesr ago. Clearances of wheat ind flour were equal to 32.0no bu. Primary receipts were 43S.O0O bu . against 392.0no bu. last year. Minneapolis snd Duluth re ported receipts of 275 cars, which, with local receipts of 3S cars, none of contract grade, made a total for the three points of 313 cars against 203 cars last week and 252- cars a year ago Good buying by commission houses on cables and adverse crop reports caused i" i .,- The selling was scat tered and there was not much on the mar- f OMAHA WHOLLIALB MARKET. Coartltloa of Trade and Qaotatloaa en Staple and Finer Prodaee. V.i'b Tresh stock, lic. LIVE 1'OLLTHY Hens. 10c; spring chickens, per lb., 25c: roosters, according to age. 4 'i6c, turkeys, loloc; ducks, ltjllc; g?ese. PfilOc. HI n'fc.H Packing stock, LlSfiltc: choice dairy. In tubs. 15417c; separa'cr. 2V?3c. KUKSH FISH Fres,. cauht trout, c; pickerel, 9c; pike ;,e; perch, tic; buffalo, "c; rlu-tih, 11c, whltefish, 11c; salmon, lXc; haddock, 11c; codfish. 12c; redsnspper. 10c; lobsters, boiled, per ll., 27c: lobsters, green, per lb., 25c; bullheads. 10c; catfish, 14c; black bass, ITc; hall nut, 11c; shad roe, 35c each; r-e shad, 7nc each. IlRAN Per ton. flu. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland, ; No. 2. fa.fio; medium, (a; coarse, 87. oo. Rye straw, 4650. These price are foe hay of good color and quality. Demand fair and receipts light. CORN 43c. OATS -34c. RYE-No. 2, 4Cc. VEGETABLES. OLD POTATuEH Per bu., 45350c. iEW POT ATOc boutiieiii, per lb., 4V4 6.c; j)iT bbl., 8ti.6o. L.KT 1 ICE Per dos. bunches, 30o. J'AKBLKY Per aos. bunches. 30c PAltSMPS Per bu., 3Wt40c. CLCL'AiUERS Hothouse, per doi., $116. trtt.t..N ONIONS Per dos. bunches, home grown. UVfllic. RADISHES Per doz. bunches, 15520a. bPlNACH Home grown, per bu. basket, UEAN8 Wax, per bu. box. $4; string. per bu. box, fi. 004)3.60. CABUAOE Holland seed, per lb., 2Hc; new California, pec lb., 3c, TOMATOES-New Florida, per (-basket crate, JK a.'.'L RHUMAhB-Per lb., lo. ASPAHAOUS-Per dos. bunchea, 40a NAVY BEANS Per bu.. 82.60. FRUITS 6TRAWBERRIE8 Arkansas, per 34 quart case. 32.26U2.6t. CHERRIES California, whlta and black, per lo-io. box, 31. 60. TROPICAL FRTTITB. FIGS California, per lo-lb. carina, 80c; track. No. 1 hard, S1V; No. 1 northern, 7'Ci No. t northern, 7i4ji7c. t w)UK- irsi. patent nrm, f l.l'tffj 1.1.; secmd patents, f i wjt .in; nrm clears, -i H4 l, second clears, $2.4; J.50. BKAN-I.N bulk. U.. k?l Jul" closed c higher at 45V.C after Turkish, per 18-lb, box. 18c. ranging between nc. near u and 4&V There was some local selling due to Increased country offerings, but the volume of business was small. Local receipt, were 479 cars with 61 contract. Osts were affected by wheat and an easier feeling prevailed. .Offerings were well taken. Tiowever, and prices ruled steady, the close having rw between I..... re .n,a ia Aentlment la still somewhat bullish on crop conditions. Local receipts were 20 cars. Large receipts and low prices for hogs at the yards gave a weak tone to the provision market. There was some early i . , i. UKANOEd California navels, fancy, for 176 and smaller slses, 13.75; for 160 and larger slzea, 83.25; Mediterranean, all alses, 13; Jaffa, $3; fancy blood, per half box, 12.00. LEMONS-Callfornia fancy, all slses, 83.60; Llmonerlas. 14; Mecinlas, 84. DATES Persian, In io-lb. boxes, per lb.. 6c; per case of 30-lb pkgs, 12.25. PINEAPPLES-Cuban. U.Jk. MISCELLANEOUS. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, .per lb., 10e, POPCORN Per lb., 2c; snelied, ia. HIDES No. 1. trHn Ur- Nn t rruii run-ins bv brokers thought to be acting dc; No. 1, salted, 7Vc; No. 3, salted, Wc; for packers and prices early held steady. No. 1, veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs., Ko. 2. but scattered selling later caused declines veal calf, 12 to 16 lbs., tHc; dry salted in everything. July pork closed Re lower hldoa, 512c; sheep pelts, 265gi.se; borse hides, at 814 , with lard down 7V4c. at f8.9., and ti.bO-Bt2.60. nuiB-namuii, no. 1, aort shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb.. 14c: No. 2. soft shell. per lb., 13c; No. 2, hard shell, per lb., 12c; braslls, per lb., 12c; filberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, pei lb., 16c; pecans, large, per lb., 12Vic; small, per lb., lie; cocoanuts, per dos., 61c; chestnuts, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 6ti-. rosstvu peanuts, per lb.. 7c: black walnuts, per bu.. 11: hickory nuts. Dr bu.. J1.60. OLD METAL. ETC.-A. B. AlDlm ouotes the following prices: iron, country mlxen, per ion, siu; iron, stove plate, per ton fS; Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, to cars: corn. 446 cars; oats. 275 cars; hogs, ID.IViO head. . The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles ! Open. I Hlgh. Low. Close. Safy. Wheat I I May I7wn July Sept. Corn May July Sept. Oats May July Sept. F''! May July Sept. July Sept. rtio: May July Sept. 70H-&H 444CT4! 44'il'Rl' 44VflH; 3 33if: I 30) 77 76H 74H 73 71 70H 4S4 trSfVt 444 443, 44 36H 85Vt 84 Shiff si 30: I f so 8 97m f 00 I f 65 36 I 18 62W 1 2V4 11 41) 17 62 17 40 16 75 16 H2 16 tv I 8 87H 8 87 t 87H 8 97! 00 45' 9 65 87Vs I 87H' 47H . 27W n 73H 70Vi!'8'i 44, 444iir,T copper, per id., Vio; brass. Heavy, per I ' Bc; ora 8 83 31 17 60 16 85 . lmil'AUU, May 25. W ok helped after a soft opening 1 J level by tha big decrease Tn 05 t.463,000. The early weakness Visible Bapa-lr of Urals. NEW YORK. May 25,-The visible sup ply of grain Saturday, May 21, as com plied by the New York produce exchange is as lolluws: V heat 2u3,OM bu.; decrease, t,453.000 bu. Corn 4.336.000 bu.; decrease, 316,000 bu. Oats l.i-iK.uuo bu. ; decrease, bu. Rye 1, 1i.im bu. ; lucre. ib-. 74.tmu bu. Barley l,o80,Ou bu.; decrease, 66.UUU bu. Philadelphia I rodace Market. PHILADELPHIA, May 25. BUTTER Steady, fair ilemand; extra western creamery, M4c; extra nearby prints, 24c. EOU8 Firm; He higher; fresh nearhy, 16c lots oil. v.esitin, lb'c loss oif; southwestern, lbHc loss oil; southern nominal. CUbLflG- Unchanged. Milwaukee tiraln Market. MILWAUKEE, May 25. WHEAT Close: No. l northern, &3V,c; No. 1 north ern, S2c; July, 73c. RYE Lower; No. 1, 63c. BARLEY Lower; No. 2, b3c; sample, tJiJlOd'tC. other sections were featureless. Toledo Seed Market. ' TOLEDO, O.. May. 25.-CLOVER SEED Dull, unchanged; October, 15.46 bid. HEW YORK STOCKS AXD BODS. will be considerable pressure in connec tion with the settlement and month-end requirements. lAHld, May 2."). Business on the Pvurse tixiay opened unwettled, but closed firm. BukIikss was slack. PARIS, May 25. Three per cent rentes, 9Sl, &c for the account. Discounts were him. Business on the stock exchange was cheerfully quiet and attention was mostly centered In the mining carry over. Consols were mostly firm and neglected. Americans were de pressed on New Y'ork advices. Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul was prominently weak. Prices closed firmer. IajNDOS, May 25. The amount of bul lion tsken Into the Bank of England on balance today was 131,000. The sum of lu,ooo was withdrawn for shipment to South America. LONDON, May 25, The stock ex change will be closed on Saturday, May 3, and Monday, June 1, in honor of the Whitsunday holldu-y. BERLIN, May 25. Exchange on Lon don. 20m, 43pfgs for checks. Discount rates: Short and three-months' bills, JVi per cent. BERLIN. May 25. Unfavorable reports regarding tho American Iron market weak ened Industries at the opening of the bourse today, but later a better tone pre vailed. Money on call was quoted at 3"4 per cent. London Stock Market. LONDON. May 26. Closing quotations: 60 60 40 ss. light, per lb.. 6ltc: lead. per lb., Sc; lno, per lb., 2a. WEARS GRAIX COMPANY, Omaha Branch llO-lll Board of Trade Bnlldlng CHICAGO. May 26. WHEAT Waa to a higher the visible. rlv weakness was caused by liquidation of May by Armour breaking the market to lic from which figure there waa a recovery of about a cent. After the visible was posted there waa a rush to cover, and a big Im provement In the volume of business, mostly on the bull side, and the market ruled firm for the rest of tho session. A noticeable feature was the strength at St. Louis and the buying from that source. wnicn waa instigated Dy aamage claims in the southwest. Clearances, 2(3,000; world's shipments, 12,213,000. Local stocks 4,638,000, and a decrease of 673,000 from last week's. No. 1 Cash quotation were aa forlowa: FLOUR-Oulet. WHEAT No. i spring, 7778e; No. OATS No. J, 33533140; No. I white, 6e; No. 8 white, 4aa-c. BARLEY Good feeding, 88iJ48c; fair to Weather was favorable. Seaboard reoortea Choice malting. 49ff54c, 26 loads for export. There were no local SEED No. 1 flax, tl.12; No. 1 north- sales. It Is generally understood that there western, tl.lTH; prima timothy, fS.46. are to be liberal deliveries of wheat on May PROVISIONS Mesa pork. P",, gS1,- contracta this afternoon. This morning's wn.iTMr j. ; ara per 1., .o.ouho.oiti, i receipts m care wun none contract; estl short rib aides (loose). t9 3.W9.40; dry salted mated for tomorrow. 80 cars. boulders (boxed), f8 0008.12 H: abort clear CORN There was an unexpectedly large idea (boxed), t9 3&9.87H; whiskey, basis of decrease In the corn visible, numerous re- hlgh wlne, tl.30; clover, contract grade, ports of too much moisture through west- fll 6011.75. ern Iowa and eastern Nebraska, which Following are tha receipts and shipments more than offset the big estimates for to- it flour and train Saturday: . morrow. The range In corn haa not been Receipts. Shipments V""". "" , .T. , im em I and a steady advance In the face of heavy ii'SS .ii'SJ I liauldation of a scattered lot of orders ""2,4 -w) tni '400 through commission houses. The heaviest ""a7f0 155 7110 1 buying was done by a few well posted 9o0 61 60S I nouses wnicn SDsorDea an tne orre rings Flepur. bbla. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu.... Oata, bu.... live, bu Barley, bu Draatle Liquidation Aaaln Marks the Day on Change. NEW YORK, May 25,-The stock market was subjected to further drastic liquida tion today carrying prices to a new low level for the year. The tide of selling was at one time pretty effectually checked and prices established at a- substantial recovery from the low point by the determined sup port of Important banking Intrresls and their persistent bidding up of prices. But the pressure became more severe than ever after the buying demand was seen to have oeen witncirawn at the higher level and prices plunged from the Highest to the lowest point of the day. There were some feverish rallies due to the buying to take quick profits by the room shorts, but the closing was unsettled and unsteady and not much above the low point on the aver age. There was do new development to explain the heavy selling and it was evi dently due to general causes and the dis couraging effect of last week's prices. There was a large accumulation of selling orders to be worked off in the opening deal ings. Houses with out of town wire con nections were very large sellers and much liquidation was attributed to Pittsburg and Chicago sources. This gave rise to re ports during the morning that the condi tion of the cotton market and damage to the wheat crop were responsible for the weakness of stocks. It was this accumu lated selling that the supporting Interests In the market had to contend with In the task they had set themselves and which seemed to be achieved before noon. The Interests which have underwritten the New Pennsylvania stock Issue and those con nected with the United States Steel syndi cate were supposed to have a share in the support of the market. Buying for London account also helped to absorb the ac cumulation of selling orders. Later In the day London turned to the selling side and sold heavily. The second period of weak ness seemed to grow out of the conspicu ous selling of Rock Islands. The seemingly unending stream of St. Paul stock coming upon the market also had a sinister effect. The origin and the motive of this selling which seemed to be concentrated In char acter was the subject of much animated gossip all through the financial district. There was talk of dissension In tho ranks of the controlling Interest of the Rock Island project. Assertions were freely made of the recall of loans on an enorm ous scale with the Implied deduction of disciplinary purpose against undue indul gence and speculative excess both In cotton and In stocks. The support of this morn- ng, which waa clearly by large banking nterests seems to conflict with the view that the later liquidations was forced by peremptory recall of banking credits. The engagement of f300.000 in gold for export to Germany waa a disagreeable supplement to the day's heavy outgo to South America. But the best nrlces of the day for stocks were made after the gold engagement waa announced. The dlaturbea: labor situation and the progress of the fued between the Pennsylvania ana tne wester onion were rilsturhlnz factors. The former tone of discussion, which took the form of surmise as to what the possibility or industrial re action was Impairing the value of securi ties seems to have changed to a question whether the persistent decline in securities Is not a symptom 01 some unreveaica un health in the Industrial situation. a war. weak In vmnnthv with stocks. Total sales par value ff.670,000. United bonds were an uncnangea on ma last call. . Following are tne quotations on me w York Stock exchange: TJSt Tu t Psetee. 14 T., It. L A W Convols, money do scceunt ....... Atrhlson , do pfd lUittmore A Ohio. Canadian Pacific .. Chea. & Ohio Chicago tit. W C. M. A St. P.... D-Ileers rjtnrer A R. O.... do ptd ' Erla do Lit 1M do id pfd Illinois ('antral ... Louts. A Naah.... M , K Ac T .. 114 N. Y. Cenirtl.. .. 1 I Nor. A Wcat.... .. Tu do pfd .. MW'Onlarlo A W... . . to Fnnt7lTant ... ..UlSlRand Mine ... .. 41' Rxading .. Ill do lit pfd... . .1M do 2d pfd... .. HSI80. Rail war .. ao pin . . 17 .a .!! J4- T0 1 H 4 10V, Jt 4.H , 2 MS 4) '4 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Roooipti Moderate and Fiicea a Little Stronger. HOGS SOLD FIFTEEN CENTS LOWER keep aad Lambs of Decent Quality ia Good Demaad at Steady Prices aad as Reeetpta Were Llaht Everythlac Sold Early. SOUTH OMAHA, May 15. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday X,b9 .4l0 i.J.4 Same day last week l.ui 4.im4 ...Hot Same week before 2.48i 6.372 3 1.x bamt three weeks ago.. 4.619 tol8 3.&3 Same four weeks ago.... 3.iU o..J i. 8 i Same day last year 1,j6 o.Jla .ihj KtXKlPlS t'OH 1'Hl; 1-.AR TO DATE, The follow In k table shows the receipts ot cattle, hogs and unwp at South Omana tor tne yar to uatv ana comparisons who ii ear: 1903. istttt. inc. uec. Cattle 34.jS 30i.i 7.,w6 Hogs A,oi I.iMj,? iw,6 Blieep oOi.sW 4.i Ls.cJo Average price pata lor uua i south Omana lor in lail aeveial Uaa with comparisons: So. Pacific .... Union Pacific , do pfd V. t. steel 31 '4 do pfd 12 Wabarh 3 do pfd 46,300 .570 On the Produce exchsnge today the but ter market was steady: creameries, 15d21VtO: dairies. lilRc; eggs, weak, at mark, cases Included, 144j1414c; cheese, new, easy, llfcifc 120. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Quotations of tho Day oa Tarloas Commodities. NEW TORK. May 25. FLOUR Receipt 1A.K50 bhls.: exports. 17.06S bbls : Quiet, but u . 1 1 .... .. ....- li Kun 4.4b: MinneVoti bakersT iX'; wnte? rttorr In the east badly In need of rain. The and then bid the market up to tha high point or tne aay, wnere it cioaea. Ke celpts 479 cars with 61 contract and there were 40 cars contract corn Inspected out of private houses. The visible decreased 81. 000. There were about 35 loads taken at New York for export and 160,000 sold from here. Country offerings were considerably lighter. Estimates for tomorrow 446. OATS There has been little of Interest In the oats, small trade and narrow range. with the tendency somewhat lower. Re ceipts were 260 cars with standard. Esti mates for tomorrow 275 cars. The favorable weather mao was the main bearish consid eratlon, although there Is still a large ter patents. f3.70KH.00; winter straights, W-fcOcft 4.65; winter extras, t2.80fr3.10; winter low grades, t:! Wcr2.90. Rye flour, dull; fair to good. f!.ft2 90. CORNMEAL Quiet; yellow western tl SO: city, fl.04: Brandywlne, t3.4o93.65. RYE Quiet; No. t western, 69V4c. f. o. b., afloat: state, 66fr&8c, c. 1. f.. New York. BARLEY Dull: feeding. Sic, e. I. f.. Buf falo; malting, bamac. c. 1. 1., Hurralo WHEAT Receipts, 349.060 bu.; exports, 31.918 bu. Spot, Arm; No. 3 red, elevator, 83V40, f. o. b., afloat; Mo. 1 uulutn, K'Hc. f. o. b.. afloat: No. 1 hard Manitoba. RSXic f. o. b afloat. Options sold off on big world's shipments, favorable weather ana easier Liverpool cables. It was rallied at noon by the heavy visible supply decrease visible decreased 136,000 and local Stock In creased 91.000. PROVISIONS Opened weak. Influenced by liberal hog receipts and a 1016c lower hog market. There was some good buying of July ribs early, probably for Armour. later tne support was witnarawn ana tne market weakened on selling of July lard, but recovered part of loss In sympathy with grain nrmness. exporters report lm nrovement In cash trade. Hog receipts to day 60,000; estimated for tomorrow 19,000. Hogs In the west today 77,000, against (7, 700 last year. . WbAna uiuun LUJurAii 1 . St. I.oala Grata aad Provisloas. HT. LOT7IB. Mav 26. FLOUR Steady: red nu merearier ruieo stronger on a Dig aa- 1 winter patents, w.tttt3 tto; extra fancy ana vance anoui ni. xouis ana crop complaints; 1 stralgnt, 93.aKCM.ou. closed Sc net higher; July, 7CViWT9 8-ltc, WHEAT Higher; No. t red cash, leva- closing 11 ftftc; riosea ii Bvtc. aceintmr. ivbvqw:. ciosea tl 1 temner. 76kc CORN Higher; cash, nominal; May, CORN receipts, ZM.MO mi. j exports. 102.- 143'c; July, 42V4c; September, 421,c. OATB-nrm; iso. z casn. 30c nominal; track, 35ii35c: July, 33c; September, i2o; SEED Timothy, nominal, t2.00ffl.26. Ct )H N M E A lo teaa y at Ki bo. BRAN Strong; sacked, east track, 739 'hay-: exports. 160 t7.lKa 11.00. WHISKI Hteaay, fl.OT. Thill; timothy, f9.00916.00; prairie. 610. Spot, firm: No. 2. 67c, elevator, and 64Wc. f. o. b., afloat: No. 3 yellow. 66c: No. 3 white, 65c. OpUons were generally firm No. 2 white. 38 tie til day on covering, due to smaller country RYE Stead v. 49e. acceptances, me wneai airenrtn ana crop aamage compiainis, closing nianer: Mav 67anc. closed at 67c: Julv. 52(fr62 5-lSc. closed at 6Z -ikc; eeptember, 60ta0 15-16c, ciosen mi nu 10-100. OATS Receipts. 85.600 bu V,. BiMt t b A v XI, M. a white, 41V4c; No. 3. 37c; No. 2 white. 41c; IRON COTTON TIES L05. No. I white, 4ic; track wnite. 39450. Op- BAOOINO 64,(S-ic tiona lairiy active ana nrraer on adverse I HEMP twine dc crop news. PROVISIONS Bacon (boxed), steady may nteaay; snipping, iw76c: good to extra shorts. 10 37: clear rlba. 110.62 choice, tl Ooul lO. short clears. flO.75. Pork, higher; Jobbing, HOPS Quiet ; state, common to choice, standard mess. 117 96. Lard, lower. tR Si 1903 crop, 174r24c; 1901 crop. 15jj"l8c; olds, 6'rj METALS Lead, quiet, 34.16. Spelter, spot. luc. i-acinc couei, jw enjp, losiV73C; 19V1 I to.lu. crop. 16jlc; olds, SihlOc. POULTRY 81ow; chlckena. 16He; springs, rtiifc. nteaay; uaiveston, lsc; Call for- HWi'.-Oc: turkeys. 100 for hens: ducks. Uc; tila. 19c: Texas dry, 14c. geese, 3Wtc. LEATHER Steady; acid. S4fl26e. HI'TTER Slow; creamery, 16dJ23c; dairy, nn. r. nrm aomeauc, lair to extra. vTb 1 13ii 1 ,c. 7c; Japan, nominal. I EUGS Steady, 13c fresh. "PROVISIONS Meef. dull: family, tll.orws 1200; mess, ja.Wfgiauo; peer nanis, fjo.otVd) :iw; city extra inaia mess, tn.ntifg 19.00. cut meats, easy; piemen Denies, ki.i&w 10.40; Pickled shoulders, ffv.6uiat.76; pickled hama fll.2S47ll 60. Lard, steady; western steamed. f.10; refined, steady; continent. ts 40; South America. t!0; compound. f7.7ft'a' 0o. Pork, teady; family, tit; short clear, tlO.&ij JO.jO; mews, ia .-so in. 10. Flour, bbls.. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu.... Oats, bu.... Receipts. Shipments .... lO.ono 60.000 .... 70.0K) 62. POO ....133.000 66.000 .... 67,000 62, 0U0 Kaasas City Grata aad Prorlalaas. KANSAS CITY. May 25. -Close: WHEAT aiay. motmSic; July. Wc: Hentember TALLOW-Dull; city. 6Hc; country, 6U -&2Hc Cash. No. 3 hsrd, 7067mc; No 6H HITTER- weak: extra creamery, 22c; extra factory. 13sl5Hc; creamery, common to choice, 1Mj21V"; Imitation creamerv. 15'iji lax-; siate oauy ntn.ic; renovaien, utjjiNo. . ite.i-.SE. irreruiar; state, run creams, rancy small coioren, new. ltc: small white, ll'o; large colored, new, 11 He; large wnue, new, uhoii'iC. KtBIS Steady ; slate and Pennsylvania 17-&I7V-; southern firsts. 13M14c: Kentucky. 16ijlorrc; we.-tern storage packed, 17c; west ern nrms. iti-uiic. METALS The feature In the metal mar keta today was the sham break In tin London cabled a decline of 4 &s In spot and 01 J. - i. on tutures. tne former closing at i-U- las ana tne latter at 13t, ls. In New York there was also a sharp break and the market closed weak at ff?2.5o. Copper declined 6s In 1-ondoii, spot closing at 02 It 6d nnd futures at T 10a. Locally copper iv-i6Vc; No. 4. 44-g46c; retected, 62 ; No. 2 red, 706r72c; No. 3. 69'a70c. 13 63c CORN May 6d'c: July. VkiJc: Sen tember. 38Sc Cash. No. 3 mixed. 41xo iso. z wnite, tig 43c; no. 3. 4lB4lHc OATS No. 3 white, 8oV4836c; No. mixed, 34(i344c. RYE No. 2. 45Mc. HAY-Cholce timothy. 81100: choice prairie. IS 50i 10.00. BUTTER Creamery, ltQltc; dairy, fancy. 16c. EOQS Weak; Missouri and Kansas stock. 12c doxen. cases returned: new No. 2. whltewood cases Included. 12Vc Receipts, enlpments Wheat, bu 7S.6O0 23..VW Corn. bu... Outs, bu. ...128.UO ... 27,000 411 1.0U0 Dalatk Grata Market Pl'LVTH. May 26. WHEAT Close: To remained dull and more or loss nominal ; I arrive. No. 1. hard, sic: No. 1, northern, "c; May. No. 1. northern, 7c; July, OATS May, 34c. 7Sc. lake, electrolytic and casting sre quoted at 314 75. Iad was steady at t4.37U In New York, while London reported an advance of :ui, closing at 111UW. HM-lter was un cbunged at 20 1iSod In London snd at ti '.i In New York. Iron closed at 62s 6d In tilssgow and at tomiM In MtddlrstorouaTh Locally Iron was quiet and more or less nominal. Nn. 1 foundry northern Is ouoted il96tn:0 2a. No. 1 foundry southern snd No. I Mlaaeapalls wheat, Floar aad Braa 1 foundry southern soft at IJu.in j) Ti. W.r. 1 VIXXF.APOI.IS Mv -rinu, h i..., tenia are nominal. l7!,ci July, T77c, Scpteuber, 9";$70a, on Peoria Market. PEORIA. 111.. May 26-CORN-Flrm; No 2, 41V; No. 4. 43c. OA lo-Steauy; io. I white, S4Hc; No. white. 32V8 33& BAR SILVER Quiet, 2od per ounce. MONEY 33H per cent; the rate of-din-ct unt In the open market for short bills Is 3 per cent; for three months' bills, 3t per cent. New York Mlalas; Qaotatloaa. NEW YORK. May 26. -The following are the quotations on the New York Stock exchange: Adams Cod 34 Alice M Dreere 2S rirunawlck V9 4 1 ometork Tunnal 8 Con. cai. a Va i:t Horn Sllw 110 Iron Sllvar 12i lxadvllle Con t xAsked. Little Chltf .. Ontario Ophlr Fhoenlx Potoal Savac Heira Nerada Small Hosei . t'Undaxd ... 4 ...IM ...1U ... I ... ... II ... 40 ... 6 ...2S Atchlaon do pfd . Baltlmora A Ohle. .. de pfd Canadian Paclfio ... Canada Southern ... Cha. A Ohio Chicago A Alton do ptd Chicago A CM. W... do lat pro do M ptd..-.. ! at l . , J, Hi 7V. 10 71 11 Chicago A 14. W 1714. Chicago T. A T. do pre C. C. C. A St. L.. Colo. Southern ... do lat pfd do Id pfd Del.. A Hudson.., Del.. U A W Deliver 4. R. O.... do pfd Erie do lat pfd do 14 ptd Ot. Nor. pfd Hocking Valler ... do pfd Bl Illlnola Central ... Iowa Central .... do fd L. B. A W do pfd ........ Louie. A Naah.... Manhattan L .... Met. 8t. Rr Max. Central .... Mei. National .. Mlna. A St. L... Mleaoari Peel So . M.. K. A T do pfd N. I. Central. 14 ... 46V. ... 1S ... llVi ... i ...171 VI ...250 ... II ... 44V. ... U ... IT ... 64 ...m ... M ... J ...un ... tt ... to ... 14 ...too .. .11114 ...131. ...l:- ... JS4 ... 11 ... T4 ...1044 ... 13 ... i .1 N Y. Central 124-4 Nor. A Weat. do pfd Ontario A West. Pennaylvanla .... Keadlni do lat ptd do Id pfd... It L 4 8. F... do 1st pfd.... do Id pfd.... I. I 8. W do ptd St. Paul do pfd So. Paclfla So. Railway .... do pfd ... 47 ... tSVi ... 4S ...IMV, ... W ... nv. ... f. do pfd Union raelflo do pfd Wabash do pfd W. A U B do id pfd Wla. Central do pfd Adams Express .... Amer. Expreee .... U. 8. Eipress Wella-P.rao Ex.... Amal. Copper Amer. C. a F do pfd Amer. Lin. Oil do pfd Amer. 8. A R do pfd Ana. Mln. Co Brk. Rap. Tr Colo. F. A I Con. Oaa Tob. pfd , General Blactrto Hocking Coal Int'n'l Papar , do pfd Int'n'l Power Laclede O.e National Blarutt . National Lead .... No. American Pacific Coaet Pacldc Mall People a Gaa Pressed Steel Car. do pfd Pullman Pal. Car. Republic Steal .... do pfd Sugar Tenn. C. at 1 U. B. A P. Co.... do pfd V. S. Leather do pfd V. U. Rubber do pfd 71V, U. S. Steal. 74 .... 5W .... 90V. .... 46S, ....14t ....114 .... 44 .. It .. a. do pfd Western Union ... Am. Locomotlre .. do pfd K. C. Southern.... do pfd Rock Ielan4 do ptd .. .. 90 .. 3a V. .. US .. nv. .. 35 .. 44V, .. 324 .. U .. 20 Vi .. 41 ..JU ..too ..111 ..too .. 0'4 .. atv, .. .. n .. 3. .. 4744 .. 94 V. .. a .. 0 ... 47V1 ..too ,.io ..in ... 14 .. II .. 74 .. tt ... 17 .. 40 .. 7Vi ... II .. kl ... .7'4 ... n ... bi' ... K ...J0v, ... 16 ... 76 ...121 ... i ... I ,.. I ... lHi ... 4 ... 1444 ... 4Vi ... 10 ... KH, ... 41 ... U ,.. 0 ... ni ... 4KV. ... 17 ... 71 Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL, May 26. COTTON-Spot, moderate business done; prices unchanged; American middling. 6.28d. The sales of the day were 8,000 bales, of which 500 were for speculation and export and Included 7,100 American. Receipts, 9.000 bales, Including 6,7(1) American. Futures opened nrm and closed steady; American middling, g. o. c. May, 6.0i"lrt.l0d; May and June. 6.073.08d; June and July. 6.04d6.06d; July and August. 6.01'n6.02d; August and September, b.l& 6. hid; September and October, 6.43d: Oc tober and November, S.ll'So.d; November and December, 606.01; December and Jan uary, 6.4.; January and February, 4.47d. ST. LOUIS, May 25. COTTON Firm, unchanged; middling llvc; sales, 69 bales; receipts, 6S0 bales; shipments, 690 bales; stock, 12,52 bales. NEW ORLEANS, May 2R.-COTTON Fu tures, quiet Hiid steady; May, 11. dv, nom inal; June, 12.02c, nominal; July, 12.39fgl2.40c; August. ll.7iitfill.S0c; September. 10.13-(i 10.14c; October. g.SS'af.tflc; November, 9.20fff9.22c; December. 9.2tVfi9.21c. Spot, quiet; sales, 4,5ti0 bales; ordinary. 9 9-16c; good ordinary 10 1-16c; low middling, 1013-lc; middling, 119-lBc; good middling. 12c: middling fair. 1211-lSc; receipts, 1,407 bales; stock, 84,997 bales. NEW YORK. May 25 COTTON The market opened firm, 2 points lower to t points higher, and ruled comnaratlvel v quiet. The Initial losses were confined to the old crop positions and were In sympathy with the early Liverpool cables, which were rather below expectations on these positions, while the new crop waa firmer than was considered probable, due to the local closing of Saturday. Right after the can, nowever, tne wnoie market waa ral lied sharply, partially by the strength In New Orleans and partly bv the southern buying orders. July sold up from 11.06c, the lowest price on the call, to 11.2Kc. August, opening at 10.67c, advanced to 10.85c, while September, opening at 9.64c, advanced to 9.98c. The firmness at New York waa at tributed to the presence of the bull leader In that market, and It waa also thought that the rush or southern buying orders re celved here probably originated from that source. The Increased activity waa of but short duration, however, and this market became comparatively quiet, with prices ahowlng a reactionary movement tonight under selling for both accounts. Thla was encouraged by favorable weather. Port re ceipts for the day were 4.217 bales, aaralnst 1.961 bales last year. Still there aeemed to be more or less uneasiness as to the show Ing to be expected from the weekly crop report due at noon tomorrow, and shortly after mid -day, when a loss of 3t points rrom tne nest ot tne morning nan Deen re corded, the market again turned firm. though without showing any appreciable Increase In activity, and advanced to a new nign level ror tne day, July reaching 11 30c and the general list a level 10 30 points higher, with the late months still exhibiting especial firmness. From this there was a partial reaction under realizing, but the market was finally steady, net 2f(Tl3 points higher. Total sales of futures estimated at 3UU,uuu bales. The closing quotations on bonds are at follows: U. 8. rec. Is, reg....l04,t,. n. anl. 4s 101 do coupon lOoVllMei. Central 4s.... 71 4o la, reg 101 VI do 1st Inc do coupon lul Minn. A St. L. Is 13; do sew 4s, res....lJ6'a lM.. K. A T. 4s 9U do coupoa lieVt: do Is IP da old as. reg UOVsN. Y. C. g. IV,a,...102i do coupoa inViN. J. C. gen. ....112i v ma .".TB.no. racmo as 101 do coupon 1- o I do Is 71 Atchlaon gea. 4s I N. a W. a. 4s ao hj. a ru iKe.dlng sen. es 7- B. A O. 4a 10. St. L 4 1. M. e. 4e..lUV " i si. i.. at a. r. s ido conr. s lovv, gt. L. a. w. u. xCeaada So. Is 10t ido la C. of O. la 1U6V. S. A. A A. P. 4a. Ido lat Ine 74 iSo Pactte 4a Chee. a Ohio 4V,e...l04 So. Railway 6s... c a a. tsta Tsvi iTuu a p. i... C , B. a (1. a. 4s... MV.lT.. St. L. a W. ,C. M a St P g. 4... lut .In loo Pacific Is.. C. a N. W. e. Is. ..131 do cour. is itC, R. I. a P. 4a... 106V. Wabash la iCfC. St. L. g. la. M I ido im iCklcsgo Tsr, 4a aJV do deb. B Colorado so. la 'J ft Shore 4s now Denver A R. O. Is... MV. W. A L. E. It 1V do general la. a6'Coa. Tob. la. IP. W. a D. C. Is.. 110 iLolo. Fuel 6s. xHorklng Val. 4Vts..l07Va xBld. axOffered. ... JVa ... .1 ... T ... ...114 ...111 a. ii ...102L. ... H ...HIS. ....lUd 71 0 4SV. Dostoa Stock Qaotatloaa, BOSTON, May 25. Call loans, 2jj44 per cent; time loans, 4mi5 per cent Official closing prices on stocks and bonds: Atchlaon 4a Mel. Central 4s.... Atchlaon do pfd Boaiou a; Albanr.. bo.too Ulevated . N. T . N. H A H. Pltchburg ptd Union Pa.lfic Amer. Suger do pfd Amer. T. A T Dom. 1. A 8 General Elactrls .. Maes. Electrto .... do ptd United rrult U. S. Steel do pfd Adveature Alloue. Amalgamated . .. P4 iBIngham ... 71 Cel. A Heel. ... 71 V( nteunll ... Ms. Copper Range .... ...266 jlKmlnloa Lual .. ...las lisle. Rorala ...ia Mohawk ... M old Dominion .... ...U2 Oereola ...HO Parrot ...164 igulniy ... 14 Santa Fe Copper.. ...1M il.aiarack ... ;i,Tnraoiai.la ... 6s Trlnltir ...HH I'nllad States .... ... 10 Utah ... koi., victoria . .. 7'Wlaona ... I IWolvsrlne ... 40i.lD.lr Weat ... tl ...111 ... 21 ... tV, ... MV. ... ... 7V, ... 4. ...144 V, ... ai ... 34 ...1U6 ... 1 ...11. ... wv, ... 1 ... M ... v ... 4 V, ... uv. ... ... 45 Forelaa rtaaaelal. IjONDON. May S -Rates for had a hardening tendency In the market today, owing ut Indication that thai money Evaporated Apples aad Dried Frwlts NEW YORK. May 25. EVAPORATED APPLES The market for evaporated applea Is quiet and the tone ratner easy, tnougn prices are still un- prime at b'iogovfcc; choice at 6rstv.c, and fancy 6v4ff7c. CALIFORNIA FRUITS Anrlcota remain Arm, with some holders showing a disposi tion to hold for still higher prices. At the moment demand Is moderate, however, and prices are unchanged. Choice are held at 7MSc and tancy at 919V4c. Prunes are steady to nrm at prices ranging rrom sc to 7c for all grades. Peaches are In quiet demand and ruled fairly steady at 78c for choice and 8Vkal0c for fancy. Oil aad Koala. NEW YORK, May 25. OIL Cotton seed steady. Petroleum, steady. Turpentine, steady: 64Vystwc asked. ROSIN steady. LONDON OIL Calcutta linseed, spot, 40s 3d; linseed, 23s 3d. Petroleum spirits, 7Url. Turrjcntlne sDirlta. 42s 6d. OIL CITY, Pa.. May 25. OIL Credit balances, 11.60; certificates, no bid; ship ments. 102.498 bbls.: average, 82,208 bbls. runs. L468 bois.: average. 77.869 bbla. Ship ments, Lima, 113.777 bbls.; average, 69,246 bbls.; runs, Lima, 77,164 bbls.; average. D6.433 bbls. SAVANNAH. May 25. OIL Turpentine, firm. 6lc. Roiln. firm; A. B. o, D, ll.TO; E, si.iu; r, si.fo; u, si.rj; n, w. i, a.vo. ,v, 13 10; M, S.a; N, 3.26; WO, $3 36; WW, 83.65. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. May 25. The market for coffee futures opened steady at unchanged prices and ruled quiet. Foreign markets were unchanged, but the primary re ceipts were full and this brought about some selling which gathered force with the progressing position snd closed the market steady .at a partial decline or points. Sales were 14.760 bags. Including May, 1.76c; June, .7Mg3.76c; July, 4.90c August. 195c: September. 4 06414 10c: Oc totier, 4.15c; November. 4.10c; December, .6oa4.oUc; January, 4 u34.6tc. Isgsr aad Molasses. NEW YORK. May 26 SUGAR Raw, steady; refined, firm. MOLAHHE8 Quiet. NEW ORLEANS, May 26 SUGAR Dull open kettle. ZStWT-loc; open kettle cen trlfugal. 3f3Sc: centrifugal whites, 4c yellows. 3-nSc. Molasses, open kettle, nom Inal. 13'(ic: centrifugal, 6gl8c. Syrup, nominal, iyjZ4c. Dry Goads Market. NEW YORK, May 26.-DRY GOODS-The market is advancing witn uuying or onl moderate proportions. The continued lilg prices of raw cotton Is making the namln of material advances a necessity. Curtail mint has been adopted aa the policy of a good many mills and Is expected to spread. Local Jobbers are having an Indifferent business. Wool Market. ST. LOUIS. May 26-WOOL-Strong 1 demand. Medium grades and combing. 16i 2uVfcc; light fine. l.Viil7Vc; heavy fine, ll'pltc tuo wasnea, lratViC. Wklsky Market. CINCINNATI. May 25-WHI8KY-Dis tillers' finished goods, stesdy on basis o ii. u. Evldesr of Wholesale Hrlbery. BOSTON, May 25 J. B. Moran. a lawyer announces that he haa In his possession ol a wholesale bribery echeme mapped out by Marsachusctts men. which involves seven prominent legislators who are In the com bine. The confession was made by a Bos ton merchant, a member of the leglslatur of 1KS1. who dlsanncared after placing th confession1 in Mr. Moran a hands. Mr. Moran will at once lay his evidence before the (rand Jury. Date, i 1903. 1993.im.jl9fM16l.;l!iM.l7. May l.... 6 83 90 6 4 26 8 (1 I 8 71 May i 76 I 7 UL ill 6 II! i 66i 8 90, May ( J U2 k 73 6 1 4 o i i I .1 May 4....I ibgi I s ooi u oo s s n May 6.... 4 72 I 7 03 I 6 22 8 J, i tKt i he May .... b 6 90, 5 48, 8 44 1 8 93, 8 64 May 7.... 6 UV,, 3 ,U, t 21 1 I 3 90 3 70 May 8. May 4 ... May 10.. May 11. .1 May 13... May 13... May 14... May 16... May 16... May 17... May 14... May Is... May 20... May 21... May 2t:.. May 23... May 24... May 2j... UM 1 00 6 64 6 1 8 69 i 171 C 641 7 l 6 b6 6 12 8 W 8 89 7 08 6 61 6 16 3 H 3 9o 3 54V.I I 6 ft 6 16 I So 4 Wi J b 6 44 t M 6 161 3 66 4 II, 3 47 II 41-i US, t 68 3 a 4 Jt 3 6b bVi 7 13 6 711 t 17j I 4 231 8 61 82V, 7 12 6 66 I Zl 8 67 8 61 3o-4, 7 0. 4 9 6 - 63 4 26 7 13i 6 73, 6 J0 3 6U 4 4o) 1 o ( rS 1 6 73, U 8 o 4 2j 3 6J 6 31-, 7 12 6 lui 8 en i 4 34 ; 3 ol 6 27hi 7 11 6 73 8 661 4 26 3 53 C 24 7 08 6 67 I 03 4 3 62 lsSl 7 Vi, 6 63 6 0S 3 62 3 62 ( 19-Sl 7 0S 6 61 6 01 3 66, 4 33 7 06 5 6, 6 04 3 6i, 4 25 8 45 0441 6 61 o 14, 8 i 4 lil 8 40 Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: 1 toads. uatlie. riogs. en p n ses. C, M. c St. F. Ry.. 1 Wabash 4 .. Mo. Pac. Ry 2 U. P. System 16 C. 4 N. W. Ry 10 V., E. A M. V. R. R. 35 C, St, P., M AO.. 20 B. ft. M. Ry 33 C, B. A- Q. Ry .... 1 K. c. & el. j R. I ft P. Ry.. E. 3 Illinois Central 2 30 1 8 10 27 7 19 3 10 3 118 Total receipts ..125 The disposition of the day's receipts was aa follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber or head indicates.: Buyer. cattle, nogs, eneep. Omaha Packing Co. ... bwlft and co Armour ft Co Cudahy Packing Co Swift and CO. (country) Armour ft Co. from K. C. Lobman ft Co Huston ft Co Hamilton F. Hues Wolf ft Murnan Sheridan Meat Co Dennis A Co Rothschild Other Buyers 636 cAH 2bl 464 1.546 17S 49 1.813 49 620 1.79S 931 176 1,963 1 10 52 19 41 84 8 6 211 ... 151 Totals CATTLE There ...3,663 not an 8,042 1,560 excessive run ot cattle in sight this morning at any of the market points and as a result 1.10 teeung was a lime oeuer. i railing inn was lalrly active, wun prices a liuie stronger oil all desirable grades. Kenr steer buyers started tut in good season ana tho general market could sa.ely be quoted a iltue stronger, lie Mine as waa the case at the close ot last week, tue market was rather uneven, so that while some sales looked iKaiwc Higher than tne same kind 01 cultle urouiit last riiday otner sales old not look any more man steady. The prices paid, though, averageu a little stronger tnan tnose paiu last Jt'ri uay. Tradliiat was falny active, so tie moat ot the early arrivals Were disposed 6. In good season. Tne cow market was also active ana stronger. There was even more uneven ness to tne cow maiaet man mere waa iu the steer market, ao that salea were made all tue way irom steauy to lue or even loo higher tnan tne late rriuay maraei. inj general market could' best oe uvscrioed oy .11 llinar it mruna to a dime lilKher. Tue greatest advance today was on tue better trades. It will oe rememuereu tint 11 waa tnaf, class mat suiieteu tne gn-Mieai uq inline lust week. Bulls, veal calves and stags ail sold freely at steady prices. There were very few stockers and lecoers In the yards tins morning and as speculatois ull wanted a tew Ilesn supplies ait uesiraoie giauva were In good aeinana at iuuy steauy prices. The common stuff was more or less ne glected, but there was no quotable change in tne prices paiu. rtepiew!ui.ue wum BT12EIIS. No. A. l-r. I 700 4 00 I...., 760 I 60 I I.U 1 60 1 713 3 60 1 140 I 76 1 60 I 00 1 700 4 00 1 IM 4 11 I tWO 4 10 loul 4 20 XI .47 4 26 400 4 34 24 4 24 II 1044 4 40 11 Ml 4 40 It Ill 4 14 I U IX e 1001 4 to I en tit II (34 4 14 It lOil I 16 1 1140 4 16 14..... 12t 4 46 1 1117 4 60 II 1140 4 60 It 1111 4 60 11 1000 4 60 17 1101 4 40 II 110 4 60 It 1104 4 64 It 1171 4 61 II 1217 4 66 STEERS . U Kl I 70 t 177 4 10 U 14 4 16 IS 471 4 J6 4 447 4 41 No. il i4.... 4 II t U II...., 21...., 2C...., :i 41 10...., Zl 9 to...., 76.... 4 i 11...., to.... 60.... 40.... J7.. 17 1.... 14 it.... 4.... 11.. Av. Pr. ....136 4 64 ....1046 4 64 ....Ua2 4 66 ,...11.14 4 66 ....lilt 4 66 4 66 ....12 4 66 ....1221 4 6 ....ll 4 66 ....llau 4 40 ....1221 4 40 ....1111 4 U ....1126 4 Ml ....12.4 4 60 ....llij.4 Ml ....1201 4 ID .,..1411 4 4 ....1260 4 46 ....1116 4 6 ....1240 4 6 ....not 4 6 ....1171 I 70 ....1271 4 76 ....12MI 4 76 ....1116 4 76 ....1710 4 76 ....1460 4 76 ....! 4 10 ....1426 4 66 ....14.7 4 I 1 IkOO 4 U 1 i 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 4 I 4 I 4 1 1 I 4 I 1 I I 4 4 1 4 4 4 1. ....... 1 I 1 t 1 4 I I 1 II 1 t 4 1 10 1 If 4 1 4 1 17 i 4 1 I 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 4 44 9 00 M0 1 26 II.... AND HI 1 74.... 14.... 17 14.... COWS. 1.... 4.... II , 41 U.'.'.'.'. 47!'.!" 11.'.'.'.'. It.','.'.'. 11.'.'.'.'. 144 t 46 ... 70 t 60 ... 400 I 60 ,.. 720 I 60 ... lit IM ... MO I 40 ... M4 I 44 ...1010 I 76 ,..1140 I 71 ,.. M0 i 76 ... 761 I 10 ...line 1 M ... 00 I M ... 700 t M ... Ill I M ... M0 I OS ...1111 I 00 ... IM I 40 ...M0 I 00 ... 414 I 40 ...1014 4 00 ... 74 4 40 ... Ill 9 01 ... 711 t 04 ...100 I 10 ...1010 4 10 ... 610 4 10 ...1011 I II ...1106 4 10 ...KM 20 ... M0 4 tt ... M6 I K ... M0 I ... 711 I 26 ...400 4 6 ...1010 4 26 ...1060 4 46 ...110 I n ...1000 I 24 ...1010 t 16 ...1171 I 16 ...1074 I 40 ...1014 I 40 ...1114 160 ...101 I 60 1A4A I LO COW'S AND HEIFERS. ... 604 3 26 HEIFERS. ... 40 3 76 1 444 4 64 ... auu I 46 24 141 I 70 ... 41! I 00 14 t-4 I 70 ... 410 I M 46 716 I to ... 147 4 10 I -' I 60 ... 720 I 16 1 720 I 60 ... IM I 24 12 140 I t6 ... 640 8 26 II 1 I 46 ...164 4 24 4 (10 4 46 ... 620 I 26 1 170 4 26 ... 740 4 40 I INKI 4 M HULLS. ...into I 14 ...1000 I M ... 440 4 26 ...M0 4 24 ... 120 I 2 ...14:0 1 26 ...100 I 26 ...1420 1 26 ...10.D a tt ... tTI I 20 ... "0 26 ...Ull 4 14 11... II... I... 1... 1... I... 14..., 1..., 4... 1... 1... 4... 1... 11..., 11... 1... 4... I. .. 14... II. .. 1... .1411 4 tt ..106 4 60 .1222 4 40 ..1201 4 1 ....UM 8 14 .... 461 4 40 .... M0 4 60 .... 464 8 40 .... M7 I 40 .... 116 t 40 .... 120 I M .... 461 I 10 ....low I 10 .... M ID M0 I M ....116 I 16 .... 177 I 16 .... IM I . 100 I 16 ....1021 170 ....1046 71 .... 110 4 71 ....1200 I 74 ....toil 71 ....1070 4 74 ....1110 I W 1000 I M .... 17 I M ....101.4 4 40 ....looo 1 It ....101 1 is .... M 111 ....1014 3 66 ....1021 I 60 ....11M I 0 .... (77 4 M ....1266 I M ....1170 4 0 .... M0 i 0 ....1100 4 40 ....1214 4 to ....1071 I 10 ....100 t M ....100 4 06 .... MO I 06 .... 70 4 04 ....104 4 10 ....1011 4 10 ....1007 4 14 ....llol 4 10 ....1164) 4 20 1 1660 4 44 1 1214 4 44 1 170 I t 1 12M I J 4.'.'.'.'. 440 I II .1140 I 76 .1U0 I 71 . too 9 76 .16o0 I 76 . 1X I M .ltfi I 611 .Hi 1 aa 1.... 1..., I..., 6.... 1.... I.... I..., I .. 1.... 1. . 1.... t... I.... I.... 1... 1..., 1... 1.... I.... I..., 4. 14W 40 1 1J40 I M 1640 I 16 STAGS. 1072 I 60 1 110 I 60 !M IM I. IM I 60 140 4 16 I IM 4 70 CALVES. 14 4 00 1 120 ft it 134 6 75 1 100 4 20 120 17! 1 10 4 26 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. M0 I 60 4 IM I 00 3?' i I M.'. I in 7 Jo 2 00 1 too a 16 8TOC KEHH AND FEEDERS. 40 70 . ion . 410 , 40 . is; . 110 , 470 . iss 741 I 64 a 60 i 60 I 76 I II I 00 4 10 4 20 4 24 1. 14. 740 470 , r.M . 770 . 6M . 470 . 4:4 . Ml . 626 14 4 26 4 26 4 3j 4 10 4 10 4 20 4 20 4 SS 4 46 4 60 HOGS There was an exceotlnnallv hoaw run of hogs here today for a Monday and as Chicago was quoted liijl6c lower prices here naturally took a tumble. At the start there were possible a few loads that sold l'Vpl6c lower, but the general market was right artung 6c lower than the close of lust week. After packers had their more urgent orders filled they were very In dlnerent so that the late market waa aln and weak at the decline. The bulk of the hOKS sold at rlalit around If, OK or f mm 6 00 to 16 07V,. Tha prime loads aold mostly irom 06 to 16.10. salesmen were slow to tafle oft as much as puckers wanted them to so the day was well advanced before the bulk waa disposed of. Today s decline carries the market to the lowest point reached since December 19 of last year. Representative aa es: No. 76... 66... 66... 69... Kl... 64... 80... 76... 86... 78... 68 68 Av. Sh ,.Z35 240 65. 72. 64. 68. 66. 04. 68. 78.... 62.... 79.... 66., 74., 6. 72. 67. 39. 109 60.. IT. 6 00 t 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 00 5 00 00 6 00 00 00 6 02". OJVi ( 02V, 02V, 6 02V, 02V. 40 02V SO 6 02V. 214 200 6 MV .2;0 60 6 02V. 60 244 ..230 ..247 ..236 ..2J5 230 24 217 200 230 2I6 263 ....243 ....U30 ....214 ....240 ....2lg .232 13 120 NO 40 80 80 160 160 200 130 2J0 No. 64... 73... 80. . . 79... 60... 64... 66... 67. Av. .273 .227 .245 .274 .274 .-X5 .267 ..263 820 40 65 268 48 244 ....241 ...233 !46 80 60 237 ...212 ...266 ...241 ...241 ...242 ...239 7 61 262 60 238 74. 74... 62... 74..., 65... 79..., 132... 77. 237 ..226 ..246 ..230 ..246 ..233 ..239 227 6 024 02V. 02V, 6 024 6 024 6 02Vi 6 02V, 6 06 6 05 6 06 6 (6 t (6 6 06 6 06 6 05 S riA 1206 06 80 6 06 80 120 80 120 izo 80 80 80 80 SO 80 120 87. 69.. 70... 68... 69... 74... 66... 60... 64... 66... 80... 71... 71... 67... 72... !3. 8h. 160 Ml 120 120 2i 160 80 160 300 40 80 80 120 120 ltW 160 160 160 80 11 06 6 06 6 06 06 6 06 6 06 06 06 6 06 6 (6 6 06 06 6 06 6 06 06 6 06 6 06 6 06 06 06 06 06 6 05 t 05 6 06 6 05 6 06 06 07V, 6 07V, 07V, 6 07V ... 6 0,V, 360 074 160 6 07V4 40 6 07V, 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 80 ' '46 120 160 160 40 100 40 ...2f ...256 ...2 .. 282 ...262 ...275 ...267 ...218 ...267 ...260 ...241 ...249 ...234 ...27 72 231 66 248 60 244 67 260 70 268 60 236 67 2S7 70 254 67 264 58 191 60 319 66 2s5 49 221 SHEEP There was a small ran of sheen and lambs here this morning snd while the bulk of the stuff was rather Inferior there were some of pretty decent quality. Buyers took hold of tne more desirable bunches quite freely and the market could be quoted active and fairly steaov. There was considerable uneveness In tne prices paid, the same as has been the case for some little time past. Some clipped lambs of fair quality brought 46.25 and some clipped ewes 4. 36. The common stuff was, of course, rather slow sale, the same as usual. Quotations for clipped stock: Choice wentorii lambs, $6.2oS6.75; fair to good lambs, $6.606.261 choice western wooled lambs, efi.75j7.00; fair to good wooled Ixmbs, IS.Ofl6i.50;; choice lightweight year lings, I6.60S5.76; fair to good yearlings, S4.7oo75.26; choice wethers. 16.00(35.26; fair to good wethers, 84.2fVfj-4.65; choice ewes. M.S-W3.MJ: fair to good ewes, 3.50oT4.25 iceoer iambs, 33.60Q4.00; feeder 83.5ooj4.00; feeder wethers, fft-der ewes. $2.263.50. 151 cull lambs 8 bucks 172 western ewes western ewes Ill western ewes 49 western ewes 39 western ewes 97 western lambs 23 western yearlings 767 western lambs yearlings, 43. 60 -&4. 00; 63 81 90 93 89 87 92 63 67 73 3 65 3 "i5 4 3. 4 35 4 So 4 85 4 76 6 60 6 60 6 25 CHICAGO LIVE aTortv MARKET, Cattle Trices Show aa laereaae of Tea ta Flfteea Ceats. . CHICAGO. May 25.-CATTLE-Recelr.tsL 9,000 head; 10rgl&c higher. Good to prime iccra ai.wiw.4u; poor to medium, 34.0fa 4.90; stockers and feeders, $3.26; cows, 81.6014 sou neirers, ;.o0j6.00; canners, 31.60ffl2.80: bulls, 2.00W4 .26; calves. $2.&04j.75; Texas fed HOGS Receipts today, 60,000; estimated tomorrow, 16.WW; left over. 10,000; 154i20c lower. Good to choice heavy, 46.1d4i6.4U. rough heavy, 86.9yn.,.l6; light, 86.50Hj6.86; "uirt vi Dtliril) s0. fxtfj O iU. SHEEP AND LAM RS Receipts, 14.000; sheep and lambs steady. Good to choice wath.r, li .f.. -m , - l ... 1 1 , , $3.54.60; western sheep, $4.765.'J6; native in., nun, ei.-i'-w, western lamps, e4.oOCa7.UQ; Receipts. Shlnments. 200 679 11,401 i,.(l 2,703 48S Official Saturday: Cattle Hogs Sheep Kansas Cltr Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. May 26. CATTLE Re ceipts 3,000 natives, 1,300 Texana; calves, 65 natives. 65 Texans. Beeves fV3-lftc hfe-her- Texans, steady: cows, stockers and feeders. nrm; duiis and valves, quiet. Choice ex port and dressed beef steers, $4.55(ij6.25; fair to good. 83.60424.55: stockers and feeders. 2.86B-4.76; western fed steers. $2.806.u0; Texas and Indian steers, $2.60-34.15; Texas cows, $2.00(33.00; native cows, $1.50(34.40; na- ...... v. 1 ... 1? ruvsj , . . , ,4. n . ,. bulls, l.&KiH.OO; calves. i2.txa.S0. HOGS RecelDts. 3.600. Market aOadv. ii"" - "tn. v'i w'- e is is v j a sa i rm , WV. oirji 6 12Vi; heavy, $6.1036 25; mixed packers, $6.0o rU. 4. T1 44B 4 4 4., an. WWlj'v.iV, J Ul IkClB. N.tKnW Kl; pirn. $6.0CrfJ5.60. BHEEP Receipts, 6,800. Market active, steady. Native lambs, 84.805 7.60; western lambs, $4 0IK&7.40: fed ewes, $3.605.3&: na tive wethers, $3.8506.70; Texas clipped sheep. $3.75il6.75; stockers and feeders. $3.40 64.20. New York Live Itork Market. NEW YORK, May 26. BEEVE8 Re ceipts, 8,380 heai; steers, firm to 10c higher; bulls, steady; cows steady to strong. Steers, $4.6o4i60; stags, $3.90oj4.60; bulls, 43.2EX&4.30; cows. $1.80&4 06; cables steady. CALV KB Receipts, 6.667 head; active and 60o?76c higher. Veals, $4.00416.76; but termilks, $; mixed calves, 44 37V 6 60; city dressed veals, higher, 71310c; ex tra, 10V.C HOG fi Receipts, 7.220 head: steady; state and Pennsylvania hogs, 86.uV36.30. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 11.268; sheep slow and steady; lambs steady to firm. Bheep, $2.604.60; choice, 84.76; culls, $2.0(2.30: yearlings, $4.6016.26; one car extra, $7.26: dressed weights, 12V,3T3V,c; lambs, $6.003.76; culls, $5. Shipments tomorrow: 762 cattle, 1,007 sheep and 4,800 quarter ot beef. It. Loals Lira Stoek Market.' ST. LOUIS. May 28 CATTLE Receipts. 2,600 head, Including 2.000 head Texans; mar ket steady to strong and higher; native shipping and export steers, $4.00fi6.26; dressed beef and butcher steers, $3.75436.00; steers under I,0u0 lbs., 44 7Mb. 76; stockers and feeders, $3.0O34.60; cows and heifers, $2.26S4.76; canners. $2.0082.76; bulla, $2.60i 4 00; calves. $4.6tXfl4.26; Texas and Indian steers, $2 904 40; cows and heifers, t2.3t 8.30. HOGS Receipts. 6.000 head; market 10316c lower; pigs and lights, 85.6o56.80; butchers, 85.9656 26. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.000 head; market active, strong; native mut tons, $4iio'(i6.60; lambs, $4.60g700; culls and bucks. $2 6o-n4.60; stockers, .2.0058.00; Tex ans, $J.75.4.7&. t. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. May . CATTLE Receipts. 2.614 head; steady to 10c higher; natives. 85.UXij6.20; cows and heifers, $2.03p 4 60; stockers and feeders, $3 26414 80. HOGS Receipts, 3.000 hrad; MTl&o lower; light and light mixed, $6.02Vt'Q6.10; medium and heavy, $6.07V,l5 2t; bulk, $6.1056.15; pigs, $5.25i5 75. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,810 head: steady. CORN-July, 45V4C. llssr City Live Stoek Market. SIOL'X CITY, Ia., May 25. Bpeclal Tele gram. CATTLE Receipts, 2,000; stockers 10c higher, killers strong; breves, $4 03-1.90; cows, bulls snd mixed, $2.50f(j4 10; stockers and feeders, $3.t05-4.60; calves and yearlings, 63 mj4 oo. HtMJS Receipts, 3.500: market 15c lower at $5.7554 15; bulk, $5.Jj&.06. stork la Sight. Following were the receipts of live stock at the six principal aestern cities yester day; Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. Omaha 2.669 4.410 2.314 Chicago 4.xi tO.Oiu 16000 Kansas Cliy 3 0"0 3.6HO 6.800 St. Ixiuis 2 b"0 6.000 1 (no St. Joseph 2.614 3.nno Jjio Bioux City 500 Total 27.548 78,410 17,424 NARROW ESCAPE FROM DEATH Hlgk Seat Backs Prevent Orcnpenfa froaa Beleaj Creaked fader Aateasoblle. SAN- FRANCISCO. May 26-Florencc Blythe, who Inherited a $4.0 0.001 rM.it from her father after a sensational flfte n year suit In San Francisco courts. hn narrowly escaped death with her hushur.rf A. A. Moore, Jr., and Ma sister. In in automobile accident near Oaklnnd. The tire of one of the rear wheels ll up while the machine was going at u speed of thirty-five miles an hour. M:. Moore threw on the breaks and shut on the power. The heavy machine swerved to the right but righted Itself for an Instnnt and tlif . upset, Mr. Moore and his wife and tt.-i were pinned under the wreck of the auto mobile. The high seat bucks previ nt all three from being crushed. Celebrates Birth of P.nieraon. CONCORD. Mass., May 25. Concord t. day gave Itself up to a genera' celfhrtio of the 100th anniversary of the birth t Ralph Waldo Emerson. A large numt r visitors came to mingle their homage -wlti those residing here. Thrre were two pari to the dsy"s program. The forenoon r : clres were planned exclusively for Ih school children. The principal speaker t the morning was Le Paron Russrll Hrta of Harvard and a feature of tlie crlelm. tlon was the recitation by pupils or r, -l-cted poems of Emerson. In the aftcinoi.i President Charles Eliot of Harvard. I'u'nw Thomas Wentworth Hlgglnson, Prof. W'i. nam James of Harvard and Senator Hon wire among the speakers. VEARE GRAIN COMPANY. Member Prtnetpe! Exchange Private Wires. RANCH OFFICE-OMAHA. NED 110-1 11 Board of Trade W. K. WARD. afgr. Telephone 15,4 IF YOU TRADE plae your orders with CEO. A. ADAMS GRAIN CO., afembers Principal Kxchaages. GRAIN, PROVISIONS AND STOCKS Write for our dally letter. 494 Board Trade Building. Omihn. Tkones MM and 1017. PRIVATE WIRES. IAJLWAY TIME CAKll, lMO STATION lOTH AND MARC V. Uaioa Paelde. Leave, .a 9.40 am Arrive, a 7:60 pm a 3:26 pni Overland Limited. The Fast Mall ... California Express a 4:20 pm r-acinc ,xpreas aU:30 pm Eastern express a 6:30 pm The Atlnntiu Express... a 7:30 am The Colorado' Special. ..a 7:10 am a 3:4U um Chicago special a 3:40 am Lincoln, lieatrioe and Stromsbuig Express. .b 4:00 pm bl2:60 pm North Platte Locul a 6:00 am a 6:16 pm Urand Island Local. ...b 6:J0" pm b 9:35 am Wabash. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 6:56 pm a 8:20 am Bu iouts Local, Coun cil Bluffs a 9:16 am al0:30 pm Chicago. Mtlsvaakee aV St. Paal. Chicago Daylight a 7:46 am all: 16 pm Chicago aai express. .a 6:40 pm a e:iu pm Chicago Limited a s:ue pm a i:ou am Des Moines Express. ...a 7:4o am a 3:w pi.i iliii-aaui Hens lalaad ak tacl4tc. EAST. Chicago Daylight L'i'd.a 6:00 am a 6:45 am Chicago DayliKtu Local. 7:u0 am a pm Chicago Express bll:le am a 6:jo pin Des Moines Express.... a 4:o0 pin oli:! a.u Chicago cast a.xpres8. .a ; pm a 1: pm A EST. Rocky Mountain L i u.a 6:60 pm a 4:55 am Lincoln, Colo. Springs, Denver, i'ueblo and West a 1:30 pm a 6:00 pm Colo., Texas, Cat and Oklahoma Flyer a 6:40 pm al2:40 pm llllaola Central. Chicago Express a 7:36 am a 1:10 pm Chicago, Minneapolla 4V St. 1'aul Limited a 7 60 pm a 8:06 am Minneapolis at St, Paul Express b 7:35 am b!0:3S pm Chicago Local 10:36 am Chicago Express al0.36 am tsicsta ev Kortawestera. -The Northwestern Line." Fast Chicago a 3:40 am a 7:00 am Mall :W P" a :3u am Local Sioux City a 6:10 am a:jo pm Daylight St. Paul a 7:36 am alTi:26 pni Daylight Chicago a 8:U0 am ailau pm Local Chicago all:3U am a 6:10 pm Local Cedar Rapids.... 6:10 pm Limited Chicago a U pm a 4:15 am Local Carroll a J:oo pm a 9:o am Fast Chicago a 6:60 pm a 3:46 pin Fast Bt. Paul a 8:10 pm a 8:16 am Fast Mall t A a 2:40 prn Local Sioux City b 4:00 pm b 9:60 am Norfolk and BonesteoL.a 7:lo am a!0:36 um Lincoln & Long Plne..b 7:1 am bl0:3a am Missouri I'acltte. St Louis Express alO.OO am a 6:25 pm K. C. and SU L. Ex....alO:oO pm a 6:1s a n WKBSTERVDEPOT 18 TH at WBBSTEII. Chicago at Northwe aad WyeaalnK Pit' slera, Nebraska lalou. Leave. Arrive. . 8:00 pm a 6:00 pm I 8:00 pm a 6:0 p n Black Hills. Deadwood, Lead, Hot Springs... I v.. ..mln, Citner and - . riAiialas O Hastings, York. David City, OUperior, uenevsv, Exeter and Seward. ..b 1:00 pm b 6:00 p:n Mlaaosrl Parlfle. Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Water b Chlcaao, at. 4'aul, Oniaha. Twin City Passenger... a 61oux City Pasaenser..a Oakland Local b 4:10 pro al0:25 am liia.r spoils av 6:30 am a 9:10 pm 2:00 pm ull:.0 .un 5:46 pm b .4o a.ii a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Daily except oatuiday. e Daily except Monuay. BURLlSaTOX TATIOX-aOTH etc Jl.llOl Barllaartea A Blraaoarl River Beatrice and Leave. Arrive. V, F . n. nr. Lincoln a 8:60 am Nebraska Express a :j -"n Denver Llmltea i 4;lo pm Black Hills ana 1 ugei Sound Express all: 10 pm u 3:10 pin Colorado vesirouies. Flyer ; Lincoln Fast Mall b 2:o2 pm Fort Crook and Flatta- mouth b 3.20 pm Bellevue A Paclfio Jet.. a 7:iu pm Bellevue A Paclfio Jet. .a 3:50 am Chicago. Barllatttoa A ttulncy. bU.05 s ':46 a G.4 a 3:10 a 9:u4 bli:36 a 4:2 P "i p.. am pni am am a .-n ..a 9:18 am ...a 6:uo pm Joseph A aUAl.l . e.nn . Vlliwsu - Chicago V'estlbuled Ex.. a 4:0u pm l-nicago ajv,... Chicago Limited.... , Faat Mall Kaasas City, Ut, Bleats. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 4:15 am St Louis Flier a 6:10 pm Kansas City Night Ex.. al0:30 pm TEAM SHIPS. 1:1 a 7:4u all:uu a 7:4 a 2:40 tan a 6:05 all:06 a 4:16 pw an p.n am pm K-ll PT1 am am aMCHOA LWB V. A etAlT sTAHI- HIW TOKIC LONDON'bgRgT AND OLA.OOW, MBW TOKK. OIBRALTAa AMD NAPLES. kapertor aocotnmolitl.il, Eicellent Cslelae. Tke Caafort at Pase.ns.ra Carafullr Cotieie.ree. Siu.le ar Ko.Dl Trip Tlcketa leeue4 between Mew Yerk ..I Scatca. Kasllah, irlah aol all srloclpai ceiitli,.ni.l plau at altractlvs rates, fvad for Book af Teure. for tlcketa or seaeral iDforuaallea apply ta sap local asent ot the Anekar Llae er ta HINfiKPON OkOS., ties'l Aa.oia. Cklcaa. 111. EUROPE. THIRTY TOIHI will leaea luring the aeaaaa. elslllnf lo s leisure 1 7 a. I afraa skls siionar all parte of Europe frost las Medlterraaeaa ta the Artie occupying, fraa 6 le It wseas st fans raagiBg from ta fi.ooo. All Ktsenaas llielttae4. Alae Indidawl Trar.l Tuketa gso4 st snp tin... at loweet naa aatltltng hol. era la eerrlcee of Cook a Interpreter, ai All fore enl Kallwap Station. Proar.moMS aaa Particulars Irom THOS. COOK & SON, 441 sal 1,115 Ureal. .r. i.w xlr. 4Vatakllabe4 llei