Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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High School Turni Oat More Graduate.
Thh Tear Than Ever.
There Will Be Six Oration by Mem
ber of tbe rian, Wkt Win Thl
Distinction In Opt Ce
The largest graduating class In tha
history of tha Omaha High achool will
receive diploma at the Orpheum theater
on the evening of Friday, June 1. Ther
ara 1W) student In the senior claaa, 101
of them being girls and flfty-nln boya.
The largest class before the present waa
graduated last year, when 14 finished tha
work. The old ratio of one boy to three
girls who graduated from the Omaha High
school Is maintained, but It Is probable
that In the competition for the honor of
representing the class at the commence
ment, the boys will rank stronger than
they should from a mere numerical point
of view.
For the 180 students who will leave tha
high school, approximately 500 pupil will
enter from the lower grades, according
to Superintendent Pearae. Thle number
Is little, If any, In excess of the high
school matriculations for the past few
years. During the achool year Just draw
Ing to a close the attendance In the
schools has ndl been marked by any
considerable Increase. Last month there
was an Increase of "60, over a correspond
ing time last year, but earlier In the sea
son the number had fallen below the
previous year's record.
The school authorities say that many
families have moved away because of
the Union Pacific strike, while on the
other hand the truant officer, who Is being
used In Omaha for the first time, has
kept from 200 to 300 children In school
who otherwise would be absent.
Six Class Orators.
This year the commencement of the
graduates from the high school Is to
follow along the same lines as that .of
last year. There will be six orations from
members of the class, the presentation
of diplomas and certificates to cadets who
have drilled four years, and possibly a
short address to the class. Aside from
the Incidental music and accessories this
will be all there Is to the commencement.
The orators should be the best fitted for
the office of any In the class, as they
will win the privilege by open competi
tion. Early In the year Principal Waterhouse
began two classes of oratory, open to all
the seniors. Entrance was equivalent to
entering Into competition for commence'
ment day honors. Only forty-four, how
ever, took advantage, but this waa nearly
twice the number that did last year. Some
time ago the members of the oratory classes
prepared essays or orations which were sent
to the Instructors in the English depart
ment at the State university, Inspected an
graded. .
The eleven highest will deliver their pro
ductions some time within two weeks' and
the same. judges will. then further reduce
' the number of contestants to six, who
will speak from the platform commence
mont night. It Is a fact perhaps notewor
thy that the majority of tha eleven who
submitted successful manuscripts are not
students who have achieved any remark
able distinction in scholastic standing.
Eleven la the Contest.
The 'names of the eleven 'are: August
Swenson, Claire McDermott, Sidney Singer,
Erla Coral, Byron Eaton, Alice Wright,
Josle Frailer, Ellen True, Jessie Waugh.
Roy Sunderland . and Madeline Killis. It
will be observed that four out of tho
eleven are boys and It Is said that least
two of them will survive the delivery test.
The officer of the 1903 class are: President,
Hugh Wallace; vice president, Laura
Rhoadei; secretary, Rita Clark; treasurer,
Joy Btftphen. While the program for the
final exercises Is iAt complete it has been
decided to dispense with the elaborate,
costly and time-consuming class day ex
ercises of former years and as aubstltut
to hold a class banquet at the Millard hotel
on the night following commencement, at
which most of the best class day features
will be preserved. The class history, proph
ecy songs, poems, etc., will be Inter
mingled with the toasts and a committee
of which Miss Jennie Besserman la the
Something for Mothers
to Think About
Lives of Suffering and
Sorrow Averted
And Happiness and Prosperity
Assured by
Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Pills
When All Else Fails.
Every child bora Into tha world with
an Inherited or early developed ten
dency to distressing, disfiguring hu
mour of Uie akin, scalp and blooJ,
become an object of the most tender
solicitude, not only because of Its suffer
ing, but because of tho dreadful fuar
that tbe disfiguration U to be lifelong
and mar It futuro happiness and pros
perity, nonce, It bceomea the dnty ot
mother of such afflicted children to tyo
.lunrint themselves with tho best, tho
purest and moat effective treatment
available, I., The Catlcar Treatment.
Warm baths wltu Cutlcnra Soap, tv
c'.cane the k!a and scalp of cm sin ana
twalrs, gentle appl'.cuiions of Cuticurv
Oiutment, to allay ilchlug, irritation
and luflainra itlon, and soothe aud best.
cd mild. loses of. Cutlcura Ko.olvent, U
c-ioi thu bioud In the severer casus, a
all Unit can bo desired for tha speed
cllef and permanent care of skin tor
tured Infants aud children, and the com
lurt of wool -out parents.
' Millions of women une Catlcurf. Soap,
assisted by Cutlcura Ointment, for pro
nerving, purifying aud beautifying the
fckln, aca'.p, hair and hauda, for auuoj
Ing lrra.ious aud 'weaknesses, and
for many sanailre, antlseptlo purpose
which readily auggeat themselves.
Sets ItimMtka varM- Ctrlillillil '
farm oi Ch-HWM 1 Hid Fimk -. par wt mt . Ovaa
aaau ITau, --. aW. Ifaaai ST Onilnann
a i l'a. Km 4 la Kat Snata. Iff CalaaaSwa Ata.
tt-ttar lira a 1 aaaa Ciwv. Pfavwaa-a.
a7 Saa V " ataw U bin Seat Hmmmut.'
chairman Is arranging the program for tbs
Another cloalna ritveralnn will be a lawn
party at the home of Mlsa Louise Parmelee.
on or the class members, at Twentieth and
Corby streets. This will be Informal, al-
tnougn some aort of a program may be
On the evenln of June 21 tha arrariuatlnv
Class Will b hannueted tw the ATtimnl aa.
soclatlon. The detail of this affair, as of
the others, are yet to be arranged.
riaaa Being Rapidly Metered for the te Ce Gives la
Plana are rapidly being matured for the
banquet of the Omaha High School Alumni
to be given on June 23. Heretofore the
alumni in reunion haa always been com
bined with a dance. Last year, owing to
an unfortunate condition of affairs the
usual reunion waa omitted much to tha
disappointment of the alumni. Something
unique In the way of banquets Is prom
ised this year If the committee's plan Is
auceessful. It Is felt that the large and
growing band of alumni I not a potent
aa It ahould be In affair looking toward
the welfare of the high school and It is
hoped that this banquet will have the ef
fect of bringing out large numbers of the
aona and daughters of the Omaha High
achool. At a meeting last night at the
home of Miss Bertha Phllllpl, It was de
cided that owing to the slse ot the ban
queting hall, the number of tickets sold
should be limited to too. Further that no
tickets ahould be sold after June 1. There
fore It will be necessary that those de
siring to attend should secure their tickets
before that date. On and after May it
tickets msy be had of Allan Hamilton at
the Midland Olasa and Paint company, or
of Arthur Jorgensen at the Toung Men's
Christian association.' The reception to be
held before the banquet will give all op
portunity for class reunions, as well aa
for meeting and greeting old school mates.
More specific announcements will be mad
Most Hair Preparatloa Are Merely
Scalp Irrltaat ot So Valae.
Most hair preparations are merely scalp
Irritants, miscalled hair tonics. When hair
Is brittle, lusterless and begins to fall out,
the dandruff germ Is getting In Its deadly
work at the root, sapping the vitality.
Since science discovered that dandruff Is a
germ disease there hss been only one
preparation put on the market that will
actually destroy the dandruff germ, and
that Is Newbro's Herplclde. It allays Itch
ing Instantly, destroys the germ, and then
falling hair stops, and hair grows luxu
riantly. Ask your druggist for Herplclde.
It allays Itching instantly; makes hair
grow. Send 10 cents In stamps for free
sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit, Mich.
Aether of Novel of Omaha Society
Talks Bnek at Destructive
Crltlea of Hla Work.
sln the Indianapolis Journal Meredith
Nicholson gets back at tha attack on his
book, "The Main Chance," as a roast
upon Omaha, expressing his opinion of the
World-Herald man and his comment in
the following faahlon:
"It Is curious," he said, "that he should
take this view, for a number of eastern
newspapers, In reviewing my story, have
expressed pleasure that at last a novel
of western life has been written in which
-all the characters were ladles and gen
tlemen, who, aa. the Boston Herald says,
no. longer eat sugsr and vinegar on their
lettuce. I had an Inquiry from a gentleman
the other day as to where my town of
Clarkson Is, aa he thought It sounded
like an Ideal place, and he wanted to
move there. I fear the World-Herald man
was looking for trouble. The loyslty of
the Clarkson people toward their own
city Is one thing that I hoped to get Into
the story, and nobody but this one editor
seems to have missed It. My story is
dated back to the early nineties, and
Omaha had changed much In the past
decade. I don't care to have my book
advertised In this yellow wsy, at the ex
pense of Omaha, which I meant only to
"But there are certain incidents that
seem to have given especial offense, a
ball, for instance. What about that?"
Mr. Nicholson laughed. "My descrip
tion of the Knights of Midas ball does
seem to have wounded the Omaha editor."
he replied, "but here again be has quoted
from the Joking references to It of one
of my characters, and not my own com
ments. He calls my description of the
Clarkson club 'sarcastic but there Isn't
a word of sarcasm In th whole book.
Ther may be a little gentl irony here
and there, but not enough to wound any
normal human belng'a feelings. Tha
World-Herald aeema to have forced me
Into the position of defending Omaha,
which Is not a wise thing for a news
paper of good Intentions to do."
"Do you admit the charge that you
drew your characters from life?"
"It makes me tired, this effort to find
the originals of my characters in certain
Missouri valley cities," said Mr. Nichol
son with much earnestness. "I have had
lettera from Kanaaa City, St. Joseph and
Omaha asking aa to th Identity of cer
tain characters," he want on. "Ther are
no originals of any of my people. They
are pencil ketches and not kodak pic
tures. William Porter Is a composite of
two or three men that I have known In
western cities. Evelyn Porter Is, I think,
a type of the present-day college-bred
girl, who goes home from school to find
that life Isn't all chocolate creams and
matinee tickets. Mabel Margrave Is her
antithesis. I have known about seven
Mabels In different parts of the world.
and It has seemed to me that they added
a good deal to tha gayety of nation.
."I have no Intention of quarreling with
the literary crltlea, but the World-Herald
man ia not of that clasa. He went through
The Main Chance' merely to find some-
thing that would maka a sensational ar
ticle. He ha digged hi own pit, for I
never told anybody that Clarkson waa
Omaha. H doesn't owe me any apoloa-y.
but as an admirer of the snap and vigor
and charm of Omaha I think he owes' an
apology to his fellow-citlsens."
So Tlnse to fool Away.
Coushs. colds and lung trsubu .
prompt treatment with Dr. King's New
uiscovery. no curs, do pay. 60c, 1.00.
For sale by Kubn tt Co.
Csn deliver today Sheridan coal. Victor
White Co.. la Farnam. Tel. 137.
Lou Valla of 417 North Thirteenth street
and Mvrtl Shepherd of 423 on th sam
thoroughfare, were arrested last night on a
char of disturbing th peace by fighting.
Th prisoners ar colored women. In th
patrol wagon they new at each other In a
fury and almost annihilated Patrol Conduc
tor Vanous.
Chief Donahue is In receipt of a telegram
from th chief of polio in Meiaphla. Tenn.,
saying that Henry or Hank I. Owena died
ther suddenly in a hotel and asking that
the local authorities And th dead man'
relative. Th telegram suggested that W.
A. Watson, a blacksmith In thrs city, could
tell of the location of the people, but
when seen last nl-ht h could not do ao
Owen la uM to 'have been a atabl man
ana ie save psea wall connected her.
Boar! of Edneat'cn Elects Teachers for tbe
Ensuing Tear.
Starts at orth Llae of City and Goes
la Direct Llae to Fremeat,
Thas Saving; Several
At last night's meeting of the Board ot
Education 109 teachers were elected for th
coming school year.
N. M. Graham was chosen prlncipsl of th
high school In plsce of Frank Seykora. Tho
other high school teachers are: Mary Ross,
Eva O'Sulllvan, Henry Bock, Mary Ken
nedy, Anna Fowler, Susie Horan, Mary
Bchlbeby, Msry Hubble, Henry Clausen. U.
C. Flnley and Amber Amsier. Mrs. H. C.
Richmond was chosen as supertsor of
The principals of the various schools are:
Central, Arm Borst; Hawthorne, Ruth
Turner; Jungmann, Margaret O Toole;
Brown Ftrk, Elisabeth Hayes; Mn1lson,
Mlsa Herman; Highland, Jessie Stltt: West
Bide, Agnes Ayere; Corrlgan, Ida Possner;
Lowell, Fadle Oliver; Lincoln, Cora Lav
erty. Teachers Mattle Csmpbell, Msry Bey
kora, Lucy Penny, Mary Kl tiger a Id. Mary
Olffen, Bertha Clark. Theresa Desmond,
Margaret Conrey.a Bessie Fisher, Carrie
Clark, Cecil Lyons. Enisle Montgomery,
Edith Carpenter, Florence 8mlth, Anna Sul
livan, Agnes Olson, Mary Dietrich, Nellie
Walsh, June Slocumb, Fannie Brown,
Laura Delpsch, Minnie Harder, Emma
Smith, Olive Drown, Anna Levy, Pauline
Winter, Bertha Johnson, Susan BeeUle,
Julia Carney, SAloma Brandt, Mary Held.
Agnea Walsh, Mary Orelst, Jennie Smith,
Llbble McCarron, Josephine Haipln, Ruth
Ferguson. Emma Novak, Grace Davis.
Vera Darling, Bertha Novak, Julia Wlllard.
Mary Barrett, Laura Rudersdorf, Margaret
Hogan, Lillian Rudersdorf. Effle Hyer,
Anna Weeth, Elisabeth Maxwell, Jeen
nette Hoggin, Moggie Coffee, Maud O'Nell.
Mary Rowley. Bertha Clark, Martha Wid
dls, Nellie Fitzgerald. Mary Millar, Kate
Hill. Eva Oillan. Nellie Lavelle, Florence
Moore, Lucy Lynch, Kate Broderlck,
Augusta Ilurke, Kate Donahue, Cora
Holmes, Maud McDowell, Stella Toft, Sara
Taylor. Nlm McClure, Tessie O'Toole, Mar
garet Galbrnlth, Iloso Harris. Lillian Jlald.
Ethel McMillan, Jessie Robeson, Hannah
Cuslck, Miss Roycc, Miss Rush, Miss Rob
erts. The meeting was not called until late, so
that it was after 8.30 o'clock before the roll
was called.. A large number of .applications
for teachers was read by in secretary.
Kubat made a motion that a sepsrate list
of applications from South Omaha women
be compiled by the secretary. This was car
ried. Attorney Lambert handed In an opinion
as to the right of the board to allow H. J.
Bock salary for the time he was suspended.
The opinion was . against Bock, but tha
board went ahead and elected Boek for an
other term Just the same as if he had a cer
tificate which entitled him to teach.
Estella Grey resigned and her resignation
was accepted.
Hester Benn was granted a. leave of ab
sence for one year in which to finish her
university course.
The board signed a petition to grade the
alley in the rear of the. Jungmann school.
Some repatra were ordered made at the
Madlaon school. No janitors, were elected.
Adjourned for one week.
I'nlon Paellle Surveyor.
About a dosen surveyors In the employ
of the Union Pacific ar camped at Sey
mour lake and will remain In this neigh
borhood for some days yet. 'This party
la surveying an air line from C street and
the boulevard to Fremont. The work
started several days ago from the point
where the Burlington bridge crosses the
Union 'Pacific tracks mt C streefand Is be
Ing run In as .'straight a line as possible.
When completed the line" will leavethe city
limits at about FOrty-elghth and Q streets
and thence to Fremont.
By building thla air line from ' South
Omaha limit on the north direct to Fre
mont the distance will' be shortened be
tween "nine and ten miles. The report her
1 that only fast tralna over the Union
Pacific will us this cut oft. '
For m eemple of years It was supposed
here that the Union Pacific would use tha
new line being contsructed by the North
western. This line started at nearly the
same point the new line ha been started
and for two years nearly work has been
kept up. Rumor has it that some differ
ences of opinion exist between the Union
Pacific and the Northwestern people, hence
the new Union Paclflo survey. The en
gineer In chsrg of the party decline to
talk about their business and especially for
Few Repairs Needed.
Mayor Koutsky and City Engineer Beal
made a tour of Inspection yesterday to
ascertain what damage had been done ,by
the heavy rain of Sunday night. To th
surprise of both officials very few wash
outs were found. "The street are hold
ing much better thl spring than ever be
fore," said th mayor. "I attribute this
to the thorough going over the engineer
gave all of th street last fall before cold
weather set In.' What work wa needed
was well done. The thorough repairs made
in the fall have saved the city several
hundred dollars this spring. It will take
but a little work to fill th few washouts
nd th entire cost will hardly exceed $100."
Police Board Meeting.
Considerable Interest Is being manifest In
the meeting tonight of the Fire and Police
board. Rumors of all kinds were rife yes
terday, but no one appeared to have any
authority for atatementa made. Some said
that th fire department wa to have a
general overhauling, while others asserted
with equal confidence that an order was
to be Issued closing the saloons on Sunday.
At any rate thoae In the employ of the
board are kept on th ragged edge watting
to see what will develop next.
Wast th C'lnh Revived.
There seema to be a general desire for
the calling of a meeting for the purpose
of reviving th South Omaha Commercial
club. It 1 about two year lnce thl or
ganisation held a meeting of any Import
ance. F. J. Freltag. th last president ot
th organisation, la reported aa aaylng that
h would Issuer a call for a meeting soon,
with the request that all of ths former
members and all those Interested In the
welfare ot th city attend and assist In
the reorganisation.
Raiaa Damage Excavation.
The recent heavy rains have done con
siderable damage to' the excavation mad
some time ago for the Carnegie library.
Th walls ar rapidly being wsshed away
and the holes dug for th ston pier sup
ports ar filled with mud and water. Quit
a sum will have to he expended to repair
the damage when the work of construction
commences. Officers of th library board
stated, yesterday that they had no Idea
when work would commence. There la
money on hand to proceed, but for som
reason the contractor haa been holding
back for ever two month.
Last Might' Storms.
Th heavy rain last night appeared to
be wore than any ot the preceding storms.
On N street tha water ran curb high clear
across the atreet. While the sewer stood
th strain well, It was feared that soma
repairs to th storm water sewer will hav
to be made, a th volume, of watar wa
too great for th sewer to carry it all off.
Fortunately all of th catch basins In th
downtown portion of th street had been
cleaned yesterday In order to prevent
clogging In case of a heavy rain. At th
railroad tracks, from L trt south of Q
street, the water .stood a foot deep in
places over the trscks, snd for a time
during the height of th storm no effort
wss made to switch stock or freight In
the ysrds. Many cellars were flooded, espe
cially In the business portion of the city.
Major Kreppa laapeeta Troop.
Last night, at the Troop armory. Major
Kreppa, U. S. A., Inspected th South
Omaha Cavalry troop. Officers and men
appeared In their best and made a de
cidedly creditable showing. The equipment
waa also Inspected and found to be In first
class condition. Drill for an hour followed
the Inspection of equipment. The storm
prevented the troop from maneuvering on
the streets, as had been planned, so the
Inspection had to be held In the armory.
Major Krepps complimented both officers
and men on their soldierly besting and th
msnner In which commands were executed.
Magic City Goastn.
John Koskoloski Is In Jail for stealing
130 from Mike Zedalls.
A eon hss been born to Mr. snd Mrs.
Charles Knott. 613 North Twenty-second
Oradlng operations all over the city are
at a standstill on account ot the wet
weather. ,
Ou Wordeman has returned from Ger
many, where he spent three month visit
ing hi parents.
Mrs. L. B. Walmer and children are vis
iting relatives this week In the country
at Portsmouth, la.
Juanlta council, Degree of Pocahontas,
will hold Its regulsr meeting tonight In
stead of giving a box social.
Mrs. A. D. Chamberlain returned to
Douglas, Wyo., last evening after a few
days' visit with relatives here.
Allle McReynold left yesterday after
noon for Douglas, Wyo., where he will
spend the summer with relatives.
The senior class- will present "The Ri
vals" at . Workman hall this evening. It Is
expected that every seat in the hall will
be taken .
At the Omaha cooperage plant. Thirty
fifth and I streets, a cement loading plat
form, 100 feet long and sixteen feet wide.
Is being constructed.
Coroner Bralley visited Bouth Omeha yes
terday and Investigated the death of J. H.
vviese. The coroner decided that an In
quest wss not needed, ss it would only
put th county to unnecessary expense.
Oar Sopply of Gold and Silver.
There Is now more gold and silver taken
out of our mines yearly than was known to
be in the entire world a century ago. Last
year we were credited with one-third of
the output of the whole world. Besides
being so rich in these metals, wa in . i.n
the possessor of the best medicine for
siomacn ins, namely, Hostetter's Stomach
Bitters. Try it for Indlrestion. dvanenaia
constipation, liver troubles, nervousness or
maiaria, rever and ague. It cannot help
but do you good.
General Henry B. Freeman Relate In.
(creating: Experience of In
dian Skirmishes.
General Henry B. Freeman. TI A
retired, spent yesterday In Omaha. He Is
en route to nis ranch on the La Bonta. In
central Wyoming. General Freeman was
not only a veteran of the civil war, but of
numerous inaian campaigns following th
war and served also a a -enmi nmm
In the Spanish-American and Philippine
wars. He was retired in 1901. His remi
niscences Of the Sioux Indian war nf IftxK.t
are of intense interest "as he was an active
participant in those stirring event. H
aid: x
"One of the strangest events 'occurring
In my experience in those day wa dur
ing the winter of 1867. We had left Fort
Reno, on the Powder river for Fort Lar
amie and had expected to meet the mall
pa,rty from Fort Laramie at the camp on
Dry Cheyenne. -There were but three of
u in th party . and . were led to be
lieve that the Indian were "pretty " quiet
on that road. We failed to meet the ex
pected mall party at Dry Cheyenne and
pushed on to the Piatt and on th eeond
day went into emmp em Brown Island
In the North' Ptatt near Fort Casper, aa
m matter of aafety agalnat any prowling
bands of Indiana that might show up
there. The weather waa Intensely cold
and there was considerable snow ' falling
a we .went Into camp. It waa not yet
dark and we saw on the outh aide of the
river bottom a couple of mile from our
camp a party of four or five horsemen
escorting what appeared to ua to toe a
government wagon. We at once divined
It to be the mall and escort and watched
It for quit a while with our glasses.
Darkness soon settled down and we anx
iously awaited the morning. Leaving our
camp we rode over to where we had seen
the escort and wagon last, but could not
find the slightest . trace of It, nor even a
wagon track. This could be accounted for
through tha snow drifting badly during
the night, notwithstanding we mad a de
tour of several mile to find th wagon
track. But w never did find them and
tar thl day I do not know what became
of that party. Reachlnr Brld a-er'a
w found the station abandoned and partly
uurneu. we crossed th river below the
ferry and had to swim our horse and
then made for Horse Shoe station. Near
Ing there, when Just in sight of It we
discerned the burning ruins of tw ....
tlon. and leaving It far to the south, w
maae nig springs ranch, which wa also
In ruin having been burned hv ih.
dlan the day previous. We met the mail
party at Bitter Cottonwood, their first
day's march out from Fort Laramt. Tk...
knew nothing of th party we had Been
irom frown a island. It has always been
a mystery to me as to who and what .k-.
party waa. It waa aa completely lost from
.... . or me eartn as If it had dropped
Into a bottomless pit."
Are Simply Perfect.
Dr. King's New Life Pills ar prompt
safe, gentle and always satisfy or no psy
Best for stomach and liver. 25e. For sal
by Kuan A Co.
Charmed with Horse Steal lam.
Clty ji'l. on a charge of ffn?
drunkenness. The arrest was made it t hi
In.tanre of I. J. Hancock, who teleohoni
from Bett barn to ay thit h had a h,ti
th ef thr. TI,- ...m! J..V."? hore
. .. unu Jel out a ria trt
two frnm.n whn I-..- . . 1 'S lO
"J Davenport streets. Gle.aon cam. .'SnS
las. headed, he asya. for the bridge The
prisoner savs thst he had ordered T rig and
h. th.'.n.Ce "w theAorM h thought
him n h had b,n "or
Klgln Batter Market.
ELGIN 111. May 28 -No offering and no
sales in the butter market today. Official
market firm at a cents. mciai
A Strong Mind
in tne scnooi cnilaren prepare
themselves for the cares and duties
of after life. Physical endurance
and mental strength largely deter
mine their success or failure. With
. O aiaiaaia.
Pelt Molhini
furnishes brawn and
a strong mind and a
all grocers.
Of th two hour allowed tor the business
ot the annuil meeting of the Woman's club
held yesterday afternoon, forty minutes
were very much occupied witn a motion to
continue the complimentary list; amend
ments to the motion, numerous and varied
amendments to the various amendmenta
and a spirited discussion of each and all,
individually and collectively, in order and
out of order, to th end that th list waa
continued for the coming year; was limited
to ten women, who shall be of benefit to the
club and be benefited by It; that no woman
shall ba allowed the privilege for tha sec
ond time, and that all applications for such
membership shall be referred to and passed
upon by the membership committee a
others are.
Th matter came up a month ago and wa
referred to the annual meeting aa th first
order of business. Considerable miaunder
standing has existed regarding thla compli
mentary list, a waa -evinced by th dlcu
slon and the varloue amendmenta. Thla
waa but natural, aa the big majority ot th
women learned of the existence ot th Hat
for the first time when It was Introduced
for discussion a month ago. Since th
esrly year of th club there ha existed a
fnA tnr nnvine tha membership of deserv
ing women who ar unable to afford the
dues and who would be benefited by th
nrlvlleares. Thl fund wa formed by th
surplus expense allowance turned back to
the treasurer by the departments, anu ....
been continued, only a fw women knowing
anything of It. Thla list has been known
by these few a th "free Ilt." A year ago
It wa proposed In th directory mat a
nmntimntnrv list" be established for tne
r.nraa.ntatlvea of the various philanthropic
organlsatinne whose duties would not admit
of a sufficiently rrequeni auenuani
their mi vine the regular member-
ahlp fee. a a courtesy of these organisa
tions. It wa regarding tn continuance oi
.ki. .mr,llmentsrv list that the original
discussion arose, but befor It cloeed the
--r- much confused. Trie Discussion
brought out thst th majority, while they
approved of extending the benefits of the
-...K r aa nnaalble. did not approv of
the secrecy thst had been maintained re
garding It or that the privilege do monopo
i a u ..i.nt that It had been, the
chairman of the membership commltje an
nouncing that h naa neen imorra .....
recommendation for this privilege had
come entirely from two women.
.... i ..anrt of officers was next
111! 1 f - -
taken up, the recording secretary reporting
that the membership at present. Including
the few honorary member. I T0. Th
treasurer reported a cash balanc ot $161.77
for th year and I960.1S a a reserve fund
a Th chairman of the member-
Ull JfVni- - -
ship committee reported seventy new mem
bers this year, one honorsry member, three
on the compllmentsry list and one on the
free list. One-third ot tnese new momocr.
v..a in nnrtar th special dispensation
rule of the year and thirteen membere
hsd been admitted to th musical depart-;
ment upon the payment of 12. Th reports
of department leader nd ehirmen of
standing committees followed. Miss Joy
Hlgglns. secretory of the Audubon society,
presented a resolution, which ws unsnl-
mously adopted ny tne ciuo. aiscoumsma
the use of birds for millinery purposes.
Notice of a constitutional amendment wa
given, to be acted upon at the first meeting
In the fall, providing that the club meetings
open at I:an o cioca ana nose si nu n
wss decided that th annual expense al-
. . . - . . - v
lowsnce or tne varioua a-parimrnia
made by the club Instead of by th di
rectory, a formerly, nd that th depart
ments keep any urplus to devot to their
needs. Notice wa given that a reconsid
eration of this action wouia oe men in
the fall.
An Invitation hss been extended th
members of ths department of household
economic to hold It annual picnic on
Thursday, June 4. at th home or Mr.
Marv Moodv Push, at Bellevue. The party
will leave the Burlington station at 10
o'clock Thursday morning, returning at
:0 o'clock.
Th first annual convention of th Iowa
Stat Federation of Afro-American Women
opened In Davenport yeaterday and will
contlnu In session today and Wdneday.
Mainly through the effort of th Ida B.
Wells club of Ottumwa, th federation was
organised a year ago with seven clubs.
representing 160 women, and within th
year tha membership haa increased to
fifteen club with a membership of ff).
Though th federation doea not yet In
clude all of the colored cluba of the state
It Is expected that mny will Join at thla
meeting, which la one ef the most notable
gatherings of colored women that has ever
W love our tachern:- Tk Petti-JoKnnyS.
sound, well-nourished bodies and
strong minds, they study harder
and remember better. That's just
what you want your children to
do. Then feed them right
brain. The child who eats PETTIJOHN will develop
sound body. Children love it. Easily home-cooked,
A Cereta coupon in every package.
been held In Iowa. Mrs. Helena Downey
ot Ottumwa la president of the organisa
tion. The great aim of the colored club
I th betterment of th race, morally and
Intellectually, the following being a partial
record of the work during the last year:
Literature Is studied In nine clubs; one
studies domestic science, three art and
needle work, two mothers' clubs. There
are four standing committees:
Household Economics Mrs. Ruth Rich
ardson, Davenport, chairman.
Educational Mrs. Oeorgla Alexander, Ot
tumwa, chairman.
Social Purity Mrs. Emma Jackson, Des
Moines, chairman.
Reciprocity Bureau Mrs. F. Oroomes,
Muscatine, chairman.
The aim and object Is truthfullv shown
In the motto. "Lifting as We Climb," and
It Is cot.stantly kept In mind the Impor
tance of tha same.
trelmhtoa Stmdent Vie for Eloca.
tloaary Honors Half Obscured
for Want of Light.
In darkness which more than half ob
scured th features of the participants th
annual elocutionary contest of the student
of Crelghton college opened at the college
auditorium laat night.' Th electric, light
company had found It necessary to cut oft
the current because of tha, storm. . Th
lights were restored after the program was
half completed. Y
The first number On the program was n
piano solo by Elmer Umsted, which elicited
an encore.
The first part of the program was devoted
to the Junior division, which waa partici
pated In by the pupils of tne academic de
partment, aa follow: "The Countersign,"
Hubert P. Suing of the clsae of 'OS; "The
Brave Fireman," William J. Toung, 'OS;
"WhlapeHn" Bill." Loula, M. Kane. '07; "In
Memoriom." Joaeph P. Condon, '07;
"Martha Virginia's Hand," Atphonse Der
mody, 'OS.
Then came a mixed chorus, 'There'
Moonlight on tha Lake."
Th ocond port of the program wa filled
by the students of th college. The program
was: "The Leper," Charles 8. Burke, '04;
To a Skull," William P. O'Keef. '08; "The
Rac for Life." Arthur L. Coad. '06; "The
Magnificat," C. Joaeph McCaffeTy, '04;
"Marc Antony," James O'Neill, '0. The
university quartet sank "Po' Little Lamb"
and the Judge announced their decision,
awarding the academic gold medal to Wil
liam J. Toung and th collegiate gold medal
to James O'Neill. The Judges of the con,
test were Rev. 't. J. Mscksy, C. J. Oreene,
J. H. Mcintosh and Dr, C. F. Crowley.
Heal a by Mamie.
t - nam. sore, wound, burn. araM .,.
or pile distress you, Bucklen's Arnica
Eslv will cure It, or no pay. 25c. For
sal by Kubn A Co.
Penile Works Department and Coaatr
Board Have Several Washout
to Deal With. '
Reports that reached th public works
department yesterday showed that th
downpour Sunday night caused considerable
damage throughout th city by washouts.
At Sixth and Castellsr streets, where there
Is a big fill, W0 'ysrds of earth slid down
the embankment, 100 yards were dislodged
on Nineteenth street, south of th boule
vard, and at Twelfth and Bancroft ther
i)1 ' "11
I " 1 a
Cor. 19th and Leavenworth Streets.
4Lt wMUX''
waa a ?-yard slide. Many places wer re
ported from other part of the clty that .
will require from ten to forty cubic yards
of earth to fill.
Two bridges In Douglas precinct, south of
South Oinali.i. wero washed out by the
rain of Sunday night, and at on of the
bridges, which Is on the Q street road south
of the Catholic cemetery, an employ of
on of the packing houses fell Into the
water snd rescued himself with difficulty.
About 1,000 ysrds of earth were carried out
at this bridge, and it Is now practically
Works Wonders tor Women.
Electric Bitters invigorate th female
system snd cures nervousness, headache,
backache and constipation or no pay. SOc.
For sale oy Kuhn A Co. .
Another Uaaollne Kxploalon.
Mrs. W. T. Banks, at 3035 Hsrney street,
undertook the dangerous experiment of
doing sorre houss cleaning with gasnllnw
yesterday afternoon, with the usual result.
Her hands wer badly burned by the ex
plosion of the volatile fluid and severs!
i ims, curtains and carpet were ruined. The
fire dopartment was on hand in sufficient
time to prevent any further damage. The
loss will reach too.
INSTRUMENTS .filed In the register Af
deed's snd county clerk's office on May
. J6; - ;., ; ,. - '- .. - .- - . 4
Warranty Deeds. , .
Fannie C. Kvana and husband to
C. A. Carlson, lots U ft 14, Evans
Alice G. Salter and husband to
Charles Green, lot 2, block , A.
8. Patrick's ad
Emma C. Johnston and husband to
F. O. Cockrell, lot , block 4, Spring
Lake pk
Elisabeth Dufrene to Hattle N.
Watson, a tract in se4 nwSi 1-16-
J. M. Norlem and wife to O. A.
Blakley, lot I, block 12, Ambler
Dana Morrill to Emma J. Morrill.
sH lot 11, block K, So. Omaha, lots
7 snd 8, block (. in sub of block
30, Albright's Choice
L. M. Kuhns et al to Delia Davis.
lots 78. block i, Shlnn's ad ... 3,000
C. J. Palmqulst and wife to Eva
D. Hamburg, lot 7. block 1. Don-
ecken's ad to Walnut Hill
Lucy D. Donahoo to James Walsh,
s0 ft lot 10, block 10, Waterloo....
Edwsrd Gurske to E. F. Ourk. lot
4, block t, Low' 2nd sd
W. T. Graham et al to Mary F. O.
Moore, eH lot IH, block 2, Mccor
mick's Snd ad
Jane A. Ruesell and husband to
Lars Nielsen, lot 20, block 11.
Omaha View
Herman Munster and wlf to Joseph
Blessk. lots 14 19, block 2, Cot
tsge pk
Commonwealth Ground Rent Co. to
E. F. Riley, part lot 6, block 121.
Omaha 12,800
H. B. Irey and wife to J. L. Draper,
lot 10. block 6, Hanscom place S.500
Qnlt Claim Deeds.
Western Realty A Inv. Co. to Joaeph
McCleneghan. lot 1. Mock . C.
E. Mayne's 1st sd to Valley
Omaha National Bank to W. K.
Potter, receiver, sw psrt lot 2,
block 221. Omaha
Williams Moses et al, trustees, to
E. F. Riley, psrt lot B. block 121,
Omaha National Bank to W. K. Pot
ter, receiver, nSl ft lot t, block
I4S, Omaha
G. W. Loomls, guardian, to Mary
M. Beck, lot 2, block 2, Isaacs L
8's ad (reflle) Til
W. K. Potter, receiver, to A. N.
Norrls, lot 2 block 221, Omaha.... 1
Same to Kiiatlne Jensen. nH feet lot
1, block :, Omaha 2,000
Sheriff to W, E Keeler, lots 1 to .
to 60, S3 to M. 6ft, 0, 64 to M, 70
to 71, North Side m
will happen I That's why your watch
works should b protect! by a strong cam.
Cold alooc is soft and bends easily. It's
tued lor show only. Th J AS. BOSS
resists far and folU Keeps out th dust.
Reduces ths expense of repair. Adds
many years to th life of your watch.
Every JAS. BOSS CASE is guaranteed
for 25 years by a Iteystonc Trade-mark
stamped inside. You must
look for this trade-mark.
Consult th Irwelrr.
Writ u (or booklet.
watch case company,
The Oldest, Safest and most
Reliable Cur for Alcoholism,
riorphlno or other Drug Ad
dictions. Tobacco and Ciga
rette habit- All communica
tions confidential,
Wm. R. Burns, runagor