TITE OJIA7IA BAI1T BEEs TTTESDAT, MAT Sfl, 1003. TRIUMPHANT OVER PAifJ E'S CELERY Home Treatment with the Famous Prescrip tion Has Brought Happiness and Health to Hosts of Suffering Women: Intelligent and thoughtful women are now lining the beat and mdst reliable of all prlng medicines, Palne's Celery Compound, and are getting back nervous vigor, pura blood, bodily atrength and a ruddy and clear complexion. The women of our land who silently suffer from female Ir regularities and dangerous Ills, and who spend fully half their time la misery. Win find In Palne's Celery Compound all the virtue and elements that lead to health and true happiness. Palne's Celery Com pound possesses peculiar powers for the atrengthenlng of the female organism. It braces the nervous system, make strong tha weak muscles f every Important or gan. Victims of suppressed, profuse or UNDER ARREST FOR BRIBERY Assistant is Attorney General'i Offios Taoet a fieriom Chargs. OFFICERS SEEK ILLEGAL ACCOMPLICE Officials Attran Miller Receive Mealy fer Favorable Decision Preaa Rep resentatives ( Jeha J. Ryan ... , A Ca., tha Tart Mam. WASHINGTON, May 25. Postmaster General Payne today summarily dismissed Daniel V. Miller, assistant attorney In the office of tha assistant attorney general for the Postofflce department roc accepting a bribe in connection with tha case of John J. Kyan CO., charged with fraudulent Hie of the malls. A warrant has been Issued for Mlltefg arrest. Another warrant haa been Issued for the arrest of a man who Is charged with being a partner or a go-between in tha transac tion. A postofflce inspector has gone west from Cincinnati ta affect tha arrest which will occur tonight or tomorrow. Tha bribe is .alleged to have been accepted at Cincin nati last December. Miller came here from Terra Haute, Ind., about two years ago. Ha was appointed by former Assistant Attorney James N. Tyner. The charge against Miller has been under Inveatlgatkm for threa years. Tha Ryan company was a turf Investment concern which operated at St. Louis and Coving ton, Ky. Its methods and working opera tions are said to be similar to those of tha Arnold company, which haa figured con spicuously In tha Postofflce department. The postofflce Inspector In charge at Cin cinnati, W. F. Wlckery, and Postofflce In spector R. M. Fullton at Bt. Louis recently were given full charge of tha case. Com plaint was made by Inspector Fulton before a commissioner In Cincinnati Saturday and then a warrant was Issued for Miller and the other party. Inspector Fulton Imme diately came to Washington, while another Inspector went west from Cincinnati to make the other arrest. Inspector Fulton today exhibited the capers In the case to United Btatea Dis trict Attorney Beach. Tonight Miller la In the custody of a postofflce Inspector and his formal arrest will follow tomorrow morn ing.' Miller Traces Aeenaers, Miller was at his desk all day today. Ha was called Into the office or Assistant At torney General Robb shortly after t o'clock this afternoon and notified or his dismissal and of the steps that had been taken. I Hi was allowed to draw his salary and then return to the private office of the assistant attorney general, where Inspectors were in waiting. The Ryan company was the benl flclary under a decision of the assistant attorney general for tha Postofflce de partment made several days ago subse quent to the decision In the Arnold ease and couched In partlcally the same terms as that decision. Those, decisions de clared the concerns failed to be free to use tha malls. Tha Arnold company de cision waa signed by Assistant Attorney General Tyner and the Ryan decision by George A. Chrtstlancy. the law clerk of tha department who was then acting assistant attorney general on account of Mr. Tyner's protracted Illness. Mr. Chrtstlancy waa at the Poatofflce department on a summons from the department and waa closely ex amined regarding tha case. It Is stated that tha amount offered Miller as a bribe aggregated several thousand dollars and was In tha form ot a cash payment, followed by a check. Thla pay ment Is alleged to hare taken place In Cincinnati so the case will be tried there, probably In tha October term ot the court Mr. Miller probably will glva ball for his appearance at that time. Penalty tar tha Offense. Tha penalty for offense charged Is a fine -of not more than three tlmee tha brlan asked or accepted and Imprisonment of not more than three years. Mr. Payne said that this statement was all that couM be said at thla hour. In view of tha fact that the easa Is now before the judicial authorities. He said that the case haa been under consideration ever since the general Investigation began, and added that there would be another arrest Immediately. The party, he said. Is out side of the department. He declined to say what explanatory statement had been made by Miller. Miller was taken to the city hall tonight and placed under arrest by a deputy mar shal. He waived examination and waa re leased on 11.800 bonds for appearanoe In court at Cincinnati next autumn. The war rant. It waa learned late tonight, charges saninlruf Instead of bribery as first re ported. A warrant on the same chargeas been Issued for the arrest or Joseph M Johns, lawyer, of Roekvllls, Ind. T. W. Gilmer, the former expert of the oflloe of the comptroller of the treasury, whose examination of the accounts of the Washington postofflce and whose subse quent transfer to another bureau of the Established 1023. 17IIS0.J 17UISKEY. Thai'. Ml! FEMALE DISEASES COMPOUND painful menstruation, leucorrhea, chloro sis, uterine Inflammation and other ail ments common with females, are quickly cured of these troubles and annoyanoes, are made vigorous and active and rejoice In permanent health. Mrs. M. A. Morris, Tllton, Ark., writes for women as follows; "I was afflicted with the whites and Irreg ular menstruation, and tried several doc tors, but found no relief. A lady friend of mine advised me to try Palns's Celery Compound. I used two bottles ot your great medicine, and I am now a sound woman, and I give your wonderful remedy all the credit I will forever praise Palne's Celery Compound, it did me so much good." treasury waa referred to In Comptroller Tracewell's report to the postmaster gen eral regarding the Tulloch case, refuses to talk about the subject. Comptroller Trace- well alleged that Mr. Gilmer himself, at his own suggestion, wrote the letter which Mr. Tracewell signed, exempting the Washing ton and New Tork postofflces from his ex amination of accounts. Mr. Qllmer admits that he did so, but said his reason whs to have some written authority on record for the action he took under the verbal orders to that effect Mar Ask Congress Pay. WASHINGTON, May X. Although the State department haa not yet received the answer of the governor of Colorado to Its reqneet for reparation for the destruction of the property of tha Englishman, Rad cllffe, the officials have taken note of the newspaper report of the governor's declina tion to entertain the claim. Nothing can be done by the department, therefore, ex cept appeal to congress for an application to pay the cjatm, and this Will probably be done. Orders have been given at the Navy de partment for the preliminary accepting of the submarine torpedo boats Grampus and Pike, built by the Union iron works and recently delivered at the Mara Island navy yard. liver far Philippines. Mr. Roberts, director of the mint, today purchased for the Philippine colnsge 375,000 ounces of silver at an average of B4.846 cents per ounce, all except T5.000 ounces to be delivered at San Francisco. The total purchased to date Is i,l3,070 ounces at a cost of !.7,RTS, or an average of S3.M5 cents an ounce. Today's statement of tha treasury bal ances of the general fund, exclusive of the SISO.OW.OOO gold In the division of redemp tion, shows: Available cash balance, 1223, 089.279; gold, flOCKlOSO. Brasll Haa Meaty Crisis. Brasll la now passing through a season of serious financial depression, but United Statea Vice Counsel Irvine at Rio de Janeiro reports that American trade will have aa excellent opening a soon as condi tions improve. Warning fortune seekers against coming to Brasll, he says: "Many letter come describing persons who are supposed to have died, leaving fabulous fortunes which tha Braslllan gov ernment la holding pending the appearance of the heirs. Brasll la not a custodian for any such fortunes. , Tha claims against the Charleston Expo sition company for labor and materials was paid today by treasury warrants ag grsgatlng 368.743. The last congress ap propriated 1160.000 tor that purpose. The War department was Informed soma time ago that the native Indians and Ka- klmos In Alaska were In a starving condi tion and haa instructed General Funaton to report on the conditions In the islands. The reports of suffering came particularly from Nome. General Funston has submit'; ted a preliminary report In which he says steps will be taken Immediately to ascer tain through army officers In Alaska tho extent of destitution. The general con templates visiting Alaska, when he will make further Inquiry. He says that he haa spent considerable time In Alaska and as sorts that before there waa a mining camp In tha Tukon country there were canes of destitution and starvation among the na tives. Some twenty years ago, on St Law rence Island the entire population, some 1,400 people, starved to death in 6ne winter. Oeaeral Weston Sertoasly 111. General John F. Weston, chief commie sary of the army, la seriously 111 at Johns Hopkins hospital, Baltimore, where he went for special treatment for an affection of the lungs. WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Three Nebraska Pastsaaaters Get Raise aa Two are De. creased. (From a Staff Correspondent) WASHINGTON. May 3&-8peclal Tele gram.) These Iowa rural carriers were ap pointed today: Coin, regular, Fred Mc Camlmond; substitute, Lulu McCamlmond, Linn Grove, regular, Slvert Hegland; sub stitute, Oeorge Hegland. Theae changes In salaries of presidential postmasters become effective July 1: Ne braska, Increase, Butte, Crawford, Exeter, 1100 each; decrease, David City, Edgar, 1100. South Dakota, Increase, Platte, 1300 Uellefourche, 1200. A postofflce haa been established at Sher man, Hardin county, la., and William A. Dillon commissioned postmaster. Civil service examinations are to be held July IS for attendant, male and female cook, assistant room girl, laborer, laun dress, matron, night watchman and seam stress for Indian Insane asylum at Canton, S. D. Fienger Co. have been awarded the contract for furnishing fuel for the Da buque, la., publlo building for the next fiscal year at their bid ot 31.ML Nebraska postmasters appointed: Oeorge H. Cunningham, Dlx, Kimball county, vice James Cunningham, resigned; Lee W Wassey, Mlneola. Holt county, vice W. H Newman, resigned. GARVIN DOES FINE TWIRLING Allows Fittibirgari to - Oti OdIj Three Scattered Hit, NOT A BASE WAS GIVEN THEM ON BALLS Bleeklyaltes Obtain Fear gacceeslve Hits la Seventh laalnaj Attar Twe His Were Oat sal Thas Wla Ik Game. BROOKLYN. May S Garvin pitched a fine game today, shutting out Pittsburg. He allowed but three scattered hits and gave no bases on balls. The home team hit Leever consecutively for four runs In the seventh Inning, after two men had been put out. Attendance 2,100. Score: BROOKLYN. I PlTTIBtBO. R H O A ! B H O A B. checker, If.. 1 lilt Beeament. of I 1 I I Dohhe, ct ill 0,Clerke. II Ill HrCreedle, rt 1 1 0 I Sabrlne;, rt... fill Wagner, aa... t 1 4 nne. ib a t i a r.M.n, aa.... 0 1)1 Hr.natt.ld. lb a 1 a rutier. e e Flood. Ib I 1 I 1 Leech, Ib lit! 1 1 4 11 e e rrr. lb.... e 1 I 1 'bips, c t I .eater, f I I I 1 ordan. lb a Carvm. a Total! I 14 It 11 I Totala ..I I 14 ft I Brooklyn n n'n a a i a a a Pittsburg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Left on baaea: THttokurk. 1 Ttrnnklvn 1 Two-base hits: Dcvle, Flood. Three-base nn; oenumom. narrince nit: ciarse. Stolen beae: Beaumont, Sheckard, Dobbs, Pahlen. Hitter. Double plays: Leever and Bransneld. First on balls: Off Leever 4. Hret base on errors: Brooklyn 1. Hit by Pitched ball: By Garvin 1. Struck Out: By Oarvln 5, by Leever 7. Wild pitch: Leever. time: umpire: u Day. rieae and Exciting Contest. BOSTON. Mnv 2R l:ir.nl for Ma Ave bases on balls P'latt pitched well enough te win today's aame with Cincinnati. He struck out nine men and allowed but seven hits, in the eighth, singles by Seymour, Stelrtfeld and Corcoran, with Donlln's sacri fice, gave the visitors two runs. Attend ance, 2,210. Bcore: CINCINNATI. BOSTOK. R.H.o.A.aVi nun. a. a. tMrmour, c(.. 1 ill O'tftitar, aa.... I 0411 Donlln. rt.... 4 110 0 Bonnar, 0 1111 t.lnf.ldt. Ib. 1 1 e I Tanna. lh .1 111! Corcoran, aa.. 0 1 I 4 0 Ab'ttrcklO. lb 1 4 4 I Mafoon. 2D... 114 I Coolar. It. ... 0 110 4 "'. i 1 ill 1 rarnaj, rt.... t live Morrlnay. II. a I a a l at . a a a a a Brsa, a till Oromlnaar, Ib 1 1 0 I Haaa, , 11 iKIuradi. .. I 1 t I I ' iPlatt, p t v 0 1 V Tota f IT 14 )!Moraa ...... I I I I Total. I "l 17 It 1 x Batted for Piatt In ninth. Cincinnati o 1 0 0 0 0 1 0-S Boston 0 0000011 0-1 Two-baaa hits: Ahhatllrohliv aramlnaar. Stolen base: Bergen. Double plays: Bon- nor 10 icnney, riann to Corcoran to nets, First base on balls: 6ft Piatt Bl off Hahn, 2. Struck out: By Piatt, ; by Hahn, 3. Time: 1:63. Umpire: Emails. (leakers Pall ta Slese Chance. PHILADELPHIA. Wlv X Ta Inst, la had several chances to win today, but limy were unaoie to nit at till proper time. Attendance 1,09L Score: CHICAGO. PHILADELPHIA. B.M.O.A.e I H.H.O.A.K. Hartlar. rt.. Ilaai. It.... ChaaM. lb... 111 ViTtiomaa. at... lllll 1 4 1 I ! Barry, It 1 14 4 4 Wolvartaa, III I I I I Jvoaa, ef Tinkar, aa... Caaojr. lb.... KMatar, rt... 9 I t 0 I bouflaaa, lb.. 14 4 10 Halawiu. aa.. 1114 1 Evcra, lb.,.. Glaaaon, Ib... 11110 Lowe, lb 0 I nmmir. .... l I 1 Kllog, .. I I 10 0 McratrlOfe, 4 0 0 4 4 Lundgraa, .. I I 0 I 0 Totala .4 "l 17 11 "l Totala 1 11 It 11 I Chicago 0 Philadelphia 0 30010110-4) 11100000-4 TWO-base hits: HarUv Kllna-. Aanrlrlro hits: Casey, Lowe, BarryT Stolen bases: HarlSV. Blaa-la. I'hunr. Thnmu. Tlarrw Douglass. Double play: Hulswttt to Doug lass. Left on bases: Chicago, 4; Phila delphia, 10. First base on balls: Off Lund- gren, 4; on McFetrldge. a. Hit by pitched ball: Kelater. Struck 41111 R v I.urMtrran t; by McFetrldge, 3. Time: 3:00. Umpire: Moras. New Yark Haa m Claeh. vrvtir vrtotr c vt. v . u . . iviMk, ainy A"flsw J. urn won easily from St. Louis today. The fielding of the St. Louis men was wretched and tliav nly Jilt .Taylor with any effect In the inira inning. Miner pitched the last two innings for New Tork and Lovett relieved Brown for St. Louis In the eighth. At tendance, 1,683. Score: nw Tork. . rr. Louts. a H OA I a u n 1 a Browae, rt.. 1 I 0 0 Farrall, lb.... 1 1111 Vaahalt'a, ct 1 1 I 01 usaaraa, rr.. a 1 e 1 ncuian, is.. I 1 11 1 0 8 moot, el.... 0 101 Bralo, Ib 1 1 1 1 Haekatt, lb.. 0 11 1 1 Mann. 11.,.. 1 Duaa. aa..... I 114 114 Babb, lb. t I I I 0 Nlchola. If... 0 110 0 oil Bart, Ib... 1 111 1 wtiuama, ee.. I I I I I Waarar. a.... 1 1 T I I Brown, 0 I 0 I 1 Bowomaa, 0. 1 I a I Tarlor, ...... 0 0 4 1 a mar. p Stl 1 Lorett, p. ,0100 Totala II II 17 II 1 Totala 1 11 u 11 1 New York 1 1 1 1 0 4 0 3 13 St Louis 0 0300000 14 f inr nam rn rmr mi,, -vm.1, a a Louis 3. Left on hual! Na Tnrlr T .' Lou I a t. First bAaa nn Kalla- Cff T.'.u. I off Brown 8, off Lovett 1. Struck out by Taylor 4. by Miller 1, by Brown 4, by ""w . ima-omMu niis: urowna, nmoot, Williams. Brown. 8acrlflca hits- nnht Williams. Stolen bases: Vanhaltren, Mo Oann 3, Mertea 1 Baaea on balls: Gtl- Dert z, Brain. Double plays: Dunn and McGann, Babb and McOann, Babb and Gilbert Hackett and Farrell. Hit by Alienor: ay arown a. who pi ten: Drown. umpire: jonnstone. jime: two hours. Standing of the Tessas. Plaved. Won. Lost l rv Chicago 33 24 S .727 New xork so Zl .700 Pittsburg 36 20 15 , .371 Brooklyn 33 16 14 .600 Cincinnati ,..33 14 17 .46 Boston 29 14 16 .41 Philadelphia II I 22 .291 St. Louis 34 t 26 .366 Games today: Pittsburg at Boston, Chi' on ro at New York, Cincinnati at Fhiladel phla. Si. Louis at Brooklyn. GAMES IN AMERICAN LEAGUE enaters Take Life Easy Becaese at Poor Work by Mnllla at Crltl ieal Moaaeats. DETROIT. May 26. Washington won handily today owing to Mullln's poor pitch ing at critical, stsges. Patten waa hit hard in one inning. Attendance, .ti. Bcore WASHINGTON. I DCTROIT. H.H O.A.E I R.H.O.A.. noinaa. rt... 1 1 1 Mrnu, ... sill Rcibaca. u... tea v uua, rt Oil kran, ct. I 1 1 4 0 Crawford, If.. 0 11 CaufbliB, lb.. 4 3 1 I lClbartal4, aa. 1 4 Carar, lb..., Orth, aa ktartla, lb., Clarka. a..., Pattas, ... , 0 0 10 0 0 Carr, lb 1 II ,01111 Smith, lb ... a I 1 ,041 ,011 4 Taagar, lb... 0 0 1 4 0 MoAlllatar, a. 0 0 1 xallla. 110 .110 1 l ToUla I 1 17 14 II ToUla 1 I r II 1 Washington 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 04' Detroit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 01 Earned runs: Washington, 1; Detroit, 1. Two-base hit: Mullln. First base on r1l' Off Mullln. I; off Patten, 2. First base on arrora: Waanlnarton. 3: Detroit. 1 I ,tt n bases: Washington, I: Detroit T. Sacrifice nits: Hoimes j. nyan. neiDacb, Patten. Stolen baaea: Holmes, Bel bach, Coughlln. Smith. Struck out: By Mullln, 1; by Pat ten, 1. Double plays: Orth to Carey; Orth to Martin to Carey; Coughlln to urin 10 mariin 10 uarey. Time 2:13. Umpire: Loughlln. . Wild Threw gawes Shateat. CLEVELAND, O., May 25. Moore had Philadelphia at his mercy today and would have scored a shut out but for Gochnaur'a wna inrow in iue ninm inning. Attendance 1,000. score; CLKVBLAND. 1 rttlLADELPHl A. R HO AS I B.M.ft.A z Bar. ct. ...... 9 0 10 0 Hartaal. U... 0 0 0 0 0 McCartbr. It. 0 0 I 0 0 rirkartns. tt. 0 0 1 0 0 nick, rt 0 1 I 0 0 Davte. lb a 1 a 1 a Htakmaa. Ib. 0 0 0 4 LCroaa, lb... 4 10 10 Lalola, 10....1 111 0Sarbol4. rt... 0 1100 Bra4lar. Ib .l 3 0 0 0 Murphr. ta.. 111 Owbnau aa. 0 0 I I I'M. Croaa. aa. . 1 0 I I 0 Abbott, e 0 0 I 3 I Powara, a..... 0 0 110 Maura, f 0 0 0 Plaak. ....... 0(41 Tottla 3 in I J Totala..,..."! "4 14 "i " Cleveland 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 roiiaaeipnia o 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 11 Two-base hit: Murohv. Three-baa hlia Lalola. Bradley. Sacrifice hit: Oorhnauar Stolen baaea: Be) bold. Davis. First on balls: By Moore, 1. Left on basee: Cleve land. 3: Philadelphia, 4. Struck out: By Moore, , oy rituia. a. lima: t.v. umpires tennouy aea nassetu St. Leals Wlas Final. ST. LOUIS. Mar 26 St. Louis trimmed New York In the final game of the series here today. Willie Sudlioff waa again In the box for St. Lou la and he twirled a Iflne game. He waa well supported In the aid, and aa a result New fork waa all but shut euu Chesbro did live pitching (or New Tork and St Louis pounded him freely. Attendance, l.ino. Score: T. LOt'lS. I MW YORK. a h 0 a 1 a ho At 1110 nTla. it 00100 Sara.it. If . H.tdrlrk. tt. 110 0 Kaalar. rt.... 01000 Hempklll, rt. Will, as.. t l l 0'PMIli. ef 1 I I 0 1 liWllllama, Ib. I I t I Andersen, lb. I I 14 M'l-a'rk. Ik. 1 1 1 rn.i. ib. nanral, Ib.. Cearav, lb.. 0 0 1 I I ''"cturtnay, aa. . 0 114 0 Satan, a.... til Miri'MMi, a.. 0 1 I 0 0 ludbos:. .... e i Chaabra, p.... 0 1 0 0 0 Totala I lllll ll Totala 1 1 it II 1 St. Louis 1 lOOtlOt New York 000100 0-1 Earned runs: St. Iaii!s. t: New Tork. L Three-bBee hit: Heldrtck. Sacrifice hit: Mccormick. Double plays: William to Courtney to Oanael; Courtney to Williams to Oansel. Stolen bases: MeCormlck, Sug den, Fultx, Wllllame. Base on balla: Off BunnorT, l; off Cheehro, 2. Strike outs: By Sudhoff, i; by Chesbro, t. Left en bases: ft. I.oul, 3; New Tork, 0. Time: 1:1. Umpire: Sheridan. standing ef the Teaass. Played. Won. Twiat ff . Detroit a 17 it fM Chicago 28 10 11 BT1 Cleveland 'M 14 12 .63$ rnnnielpnla m IS 14 .bSl Boston is is 14 M7 New Tork , 14 IB .43 St. Louis .' 1 11 H .423 lasmngton .28 I 20 .(10 Gamea tndav: Phliadnlnhl. at r'laval a r. St Louis at Detroit AMERICAN ASSOCIATION GAMES a a Meat Prom the Kiw Pall to See the Ball When Oeed Eyee Weald KANSAS CITT. May M.-Kansaa City was unable to hit the ball when there were men on bases, while the hits of the In dianapolis players were timely. Attend ance, 500. Score: INDIANAPOLIS. kANIAS CJTT. K.H.O A t a.H o.A.a HotriOTOT, If. 0 4 I 0 I 1 0 notbfoaa. rf.. 1 1 4 4 Poi, lb.. 1 1 t Maioney, a... 0 1 11 Jonao. rf Klhra. lb Nano. Ib. Oil 11 Orady, lb. Oanlar. ct. rouitar, rf. ... 0 0 .til .4 1 i Oil 1 4 o Brian, aa... Tamaett, lb.. Hay4on, a,... Dunbao). p... I 1 I Knell, It... Oitewo. aa. 14 0 O'MeAaO'wa. 0 11 0 McDonald, p.. 0 4 4 riAa.. a. a a a TOtaia 1 I 7 17 I II I ToUla I 11 17 I 1 Indianapolis 1 3 3 0 2 0 0 0 10 Kansas City 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 03 Earned runs: Indlananolls 3. Two-haaa hits: Heydon 2, Coulter 2. Home run: Jones. Sacrifice hits: O'Brien. Timi.tt Coulter 2. Stolen bases: Maioney, Ho- rriever, Heydon, O Brlen. Base on balls: Off McDonald 1, off Gear 1, off Dunham 3. Struck out: By McDonald 3, by Gear 4, by Dunham 8. Hit by pitched ball. By Mc Donald 1. by Gear 1. by Dunham 3. Wild Bitch: Dunham. Innings pitched: By Mo ona1d 2V. by Gear S. Hits off Mo Donald 4. oft Gear 3. Passed ball: Ma ioney. Left en bases: Kansas City 16. In dianapolis C Time; 1:11 Umpire: Fore man. Millers Defeat Colaeahaa. MINNEAPOLIS. Mar 18. Minneapolis took the third game of the srls from toiuraoui loaay. in tne rourtn inning Salisbury's hand was hurt bv a ball and Columbus obtained four singles. Thomaa wno suosmuteo in tne nttn allowed but four scratch hits. Attendance, 900. Soore: MINNEAPOLIS. COLUMBUS. B. HO. A.M. k.H.O.A.B MoOraarr. at. 1 10 0 0 Bannoa, ct... 1 1 Bart. Ib 114 4 14 1 1114 4 nr. if oo Tkoaey,. IL.. Smith, rt II Taaaar, a I I I 1 Turner, lb.. 1 10 Mailer, lb.... 0 1 4 I 0 Melntne. Ib. 1 11 Amai. rt I 1 0 0 tpoonar, lb... 0 1 10 4 4 Itarmw, lb... hoacb. e. oner, aa S 4 1 0 1110 4 114 1 Sallabvrr. a.. 1 0 Crabllt, p Taomaa P.... 1140 Totala., .. 3 14 4 If 1 Totali 11 11x34 II 1 Minneapolis .1 .1 1 a 1 a 1 1 wii Columbus 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 Raymer hit by batted ball. Two-base hilar Amllll Uitnlvn . XTn. Greery Yaeger. Arndt Roach. Three-base hits: Hart Bases on balls: Off Crablll 6, Off Salisbury 1. RfrimW mil. TBIv Aall.Kii-v 1. by Thomas X by Crablll 1. Double play: wiur-anu cpsoner. ntoien oases: mc Greery. Mellor. Saerlfloe hit: Gleason. Left on bases: Minneapolis I, Columbus T. Time: 1:40. Umpires: Moran and Cunning ham. , Poatpeaed Games. Xf TT .W A TTWTTW VT. ,, ec XTM . .. t... Loulsvllle game postponed rain. Toledo la Shat Oat. ST. PAUL. Maw Hr Tai,l t,,,t . Toledo in the last game ot the present -riaw. voia pucning an rxceuenr. game. Attendance 432. Score: 8T. PAUL. I TOLEDO. . R.H.O A.B.I 1 ttln 1 Oeler. If 4 0 3 0 o'BarnanJ, ct... I Marean. aa ... 1 IRaiilin, a . a i 1 1 1 Jaekaoa, rt... 3 4 0 Blaakea'p. ef 1 1 SfaaOer. ef... 3 4 1 0 Owena. lb.... 4 Wheeler, lb.. Ill !Connera. lb.. 11 ni, ia.. 1 1 a 1 oismitn. rt I Keller, lb.... 10 OiAHUer, b..vl 1000 alllraa, ... 1 111 Duller, a 0 0100 9 e a e u'laiaii, p.... 0 011 Totala....- 4 14 tt t l ToUla I I "l "l St. Paul : 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0- Toledo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 00 Two-baaa hits: Kellev. Vnla fliiliiuar. Three-base hits: Wheeler. Double plays: Vols and Kellev. Hnararlna anil Vall.v Owens and Connors. Stolen bases: Wheeler. Base on balls: Oft CrlstaU 7, off Vols 1 Struck out: By Vols 8, by Crlstall 1. Left on bases: St Paul 13, To ledo 4. Time: J:60. Umpire: Mullane. Staadl el the Teaaaa. Played. Won. Lost P.C. Milwaukee . Indianapolis St Paul. Kansas City 2 18 17 U 14 13 13 8 38 31 28 11 13 14 IS 18 13 .607 .664 .600 .464 .411 .413 Louisville ... Columbus ... 2 31 31. 23 Toledo 13 11 MlnneapoII IS .373 Games today: Toledo at St Paul. Pnlum bus at Minneapolis. Indianapolis at Kansas City, Louisville at Milwaukee. GAMES IN WESTERN LEAGUE Mlaaeart Saints Barely Eaeape Preaa Shateat by the Des Metaes AssTresratlea. DEB MOINES. Ia.. May 75. Des Moines won today's aame by oDDortune hlttlna-. St Joseph played an errorless game, though in badly crippled condition. Attendance 300. Score: R.H.E. Dee Moines ....0 H 11 I t I M I 1 St. Joseph 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 01 I 0 Batteries: Dea Moines. Cushman end Fohl; St Joseph, Olada and Oarvln. Denver Bests Mllweakee. DENVER, May 36. The hitting was the feature of today's game. Duffy has ten hits to his credit In the gamea yesterday and today. Soore: R.H.E. Denver 14444 0441 0 1 T 17 1 Milwaukee 4 003-0341144-4U 3 Batteries: Denver, Lerake and Latimer; Milwaukee, Swormstedt, McPherson and Lucia. Thla Waa a Slaglagr Match. COLORADO SPRINGS. May A slug. fins match by the locals in the seventh nnlng pulled today's game out of the fire after the visitors had it won. Score: R BT E Colo. Springs.. 13001070 13 16 4 Peoria 0 t 0 1 4 0 1 1 4 3 10 ( Batteries: Colorado Springs, Curt la, VII leman and Star nagle; Peoria, Olmateed. Wolf and Wilson. Standing ef the Teams. Played. Won. Lost P. C. Colorado Springs.... 34 Denver 23 Milwaukee 22 Kansas City 23 Peoria 22 Omaha 20 St. Joaeph 22 Dea Moines 32 4 .8J3 n .wi 12 10 ,XS io 13 .a 13 .4u4 t 12 .400 I 14 .364 14 .364 iuf . ainiH uiiy at umaha, St. Joaeph at Des Moines, Peoria at Colo, rado Springs, Milwaukee at Denver. leasers Ave Defeated. In an exciting game the Prohibition Hill eiuiiari were ueieaiea Dy me W. J Osborn team. Bcore by Innings: RMS! Osborns 4 4 4 4 3 0 t 3 10 4 oiusaara i a v u v s 1 I 0 I 7 Batteries: Sluggers, Peanuts and Donkey: U.HVIUB) k.VIUOI W1U Due). Bralear the Wlaaer. BRAINARD. Neb.. May 26. (Special.) The Bralnard base ball nine went to Uer mantown yeaterday to olav a aame with their nine, which resulted In a score of 3 to 1 in favor of Bralnard. The gams waa hotly contested from stsrt to finish. Gr mentown had an Imported battery, while sramara naa ueir name nine. tenth Dakota Aarelast Cretghten. The University of South Dakota Baaa Ball team will arrive here thla morning from Vermilion. 8. D. It will play the local college nine at 3 44 p. m. on Crelgh ton university field. Ths Use-up of Ut THE WORLD'S RENOWNED in '"tClllrinaaMata fiaS BECAUSE OF ITS mimr 1 f CINCINNATI, OHIO. HILLER LIQUOR CO., Wholesale Dealers and Slate Ajeatt, home team will be: Callahan, short stop; Crelnhton, third base; Lynch, second base; Prendergaat first base; Kehoe, left Held; Casaldy, center field; Lanlcan, right field; Welch, pitcher; O'Keefe, catcher. SERGEANT BEARS OFF LAURELS Wlai Van Caartlaadt Bead leap at Morris Park, HavtavaT Two Lemvths to Spare. NEW, TORK, May 26. Sergeant won the Van Courtlandt handicap at Morris Park today. After trailing his field to the stretch he moved out and taking command at the eighth pole, won galloping by two lengths, with Lux Casta second and New Tork third. Rosetlnt was favorite for this race. Her saddle slipped and Bums, her rider, I pulled her up. The time, :26H. breaks the record for the race half a second. Results: First race, four and one-half furlongs ot Eclipse course, selling: B. C. Runte, 106, (C. Jenkins), 0 to L won; Sir Walt 103, (R. Johnson), 3 to 1. second; Oananogue, 107 (Collins), 20 to 1. third: Time: 9M. Bally Castle and Lady Badge ran. , Second race, the Eclipse course, selling: Roue, 101 (Michaels), 10 to 1, won; Judge Fulton, 84 (T. Brennan), 30 to 1, second; Plttacus, 100 (Fuller), 3 to 1, third. Time: ley Forge, Reckless. The Laurel, Mowlch ana rrinco thing also ran. Third race, about two miles, steeplechase: Carrier Pigeon, 136 (C. Smith), 2 to 1, won; May Harrison, 132 (H. S. Wilson), 3 to 6. second: Tankard. 168 (C. Green), 8 to 1, thirds Time: 3:62V. The Abbe ran; Draughtsman refused; Tireless fell. Fourth race, last seven furlongs of With ers mile, the Van Courtlandt handicap: Sergeant S3 (Henderson), 18 to 6, won; Lux Caata, 126 (Gannon), 6 to 1, second; New Tork, 111 (Bullman), 13 to 6, third. Time: XJKVi, Lady Uncaa, Himself and Rosetlnt ran. Highlander and Bon Mot left P9t- Fifth race, last seven ana one-nair lur longs of Withers mile: Agnes D, 100 (Haack), 4 to L won: Torchlight 114 (Burns), 12 to 6, second; Ella Snyder, M (Martin), 7 to 1 third. Tims: 1:36. Mary Worth Cranesvills and Rene also ran. sixth race, mile ana a sixteentn, over the hill: Zoroaster. 107 (Fuller). 11 to 10. won; The Carmelite, SO (Larson), f to 1. second; City Bank. 104 (Connell). 8 to 1. third. Time: 1:47. Dr. Baylor, Circus and Mexican ran. Young Henry and Zoroaster CINCINNATI, May 26. The handicap of a mils at Latonla today brought out the best field ot horses that haa been to the post this meeting. The event waa won by Miss Mae Day at T to L She beat rr. H-Y.. 11'- AI.m Tt . 1 . 1VIH WWVWBII fim J . juu, a ..,. Monarka very handily by two lengtns. in. winner acted as her own pacemaker and was well ridden by Jockey O'Connor. The track was fast ana the mils waa run in 1:40. The steeplechase was won by Mlks Rice, but he waa disqualified for running out of the course and the race waa given to Sauber. Pat My Boy and Mra. Grannan fell at the seventh lump, but no injury re sulted to either horses or riders. Results: First race, seven furlongs: Klngford, 112 (Landry), 4 to 1, won; Manaard, 104 (Davis), t to L second; Moyls. 107 (J. O'Con nor), t to 2. third. Time: 1:294. George Glbbs, D. L. Moore, Kentucky Cardinal. Flora Hopper, Class Leader, Beaucaire, Baron Knight Mint Leaf, Grace Bon tan. McLaughlin, Airs and Graces also ran. Second race, one mile: Golden Knight, 104 (Bonner), 4 to 2, won; Mandamus, 103 (Beauchamp, 4 to 1, second; Frivol, 107 (Mcguade), 20 to 1, third. Time: 1:424. Malais, Invlctus, Flaneur, Colonel Ander son, Chickadee, St Bluff also ran. Third race, five furlongs: Ogawai, 101 (Davis), 7 to 1. won; Circular Joe, M (Dleterle), 7 to 2, second; Dr. Cartledge, 103 (Henderson). I to 1, third. Time: 1:02V Sliver Thistle, Two Penny, Probable, Blae lus, H. Lutherman, Jr., Twlae Kraft Leeto, lole also ran. Fourth race, short course steeplechase: Sauber, 146 (J. Carter), 3 to 1, won; Isllp. VH (Gaylor), 3 to 1. second; Lesdstone. 126 (Until), 4 to 1. third. Time: 3:08. Mike Rice finished first, but was disqualified for running out of course. Pat My Boy feu, The ueeser ran out. Fifth race, handicap, one mile: Miss Mae Day, M (J. O'Connor), 7 to L won; Alan a Dale, 118 (Crowhurst), 14 to 6, second; Monarka, 117 (Landry), 4 to 6, third. Time: 1:40. Boaster, Belles Commoner, Golden Bell. Postmaster Wright, Tancred, Bummer II, Sir Gallant also ran. Sixth race, six furlongs: Khaki, 106 (B. Davis), 4 to 1, won; John J. Regan. 104 (C. Kelly). 14 to 6. second; The Boer, 1W (J. O Connor), 6 to 1. thrd. Time: 1:16. Prince Light, Grand Mary, Lela May, Har old Keeling. Jake Greenberg, Hot, Quli II, Enfala and Allyar also ran. CHICAGO. May 26-Worse track and weather conditions than those existing at Hawthorne today could hardly be Imag ined. Rain fell In torrents and made the track heavier even than on the opening day. Only two favorites won. Results: Ftrat race, four furlongs: Tryon, ilO (Wlnkfield), 12 to 1, won; Sol Smith, 110 (Helgersoo). 18 to i, second: Falkland, lib (Coburn). 16 to 1. third. Time: 0:61 3-6. Touchstone, Owasea, Preakness, Handsome Florrle, AnnoraJ, Pat Harnmon, Alice Mar' an, Hlndllene, George R. Harrison and Ralph Young alao ran. Second race, seven furlongs: Lord Mel bourne (Hanry). 7 to 1, won; Blue Miracle, I'll (C. Gray). 30 to 1. second; Mr. Dlnglo, 101 (Adklna), 3 to 1. third. Tims: I M. Chief Aloha, Lampoon. Banana Cream, Prodigal Son, Safeguard and Fullback also ran. Third race, one mile: Moroni. 106 (Rob bine), 4 to 1. won; Merops. tfj (Blrkenruth), it to 1, second, HrUk, Ufl G. Uray, I to f t rrm 4Se-a S! HIGHEST AWARDS'AT CINCINNATI INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITIONS 1880.1881.1882.1883.1684,1888. AUGUSTA Ga. EXPOSmONt1888. WORLD'S FAIR, CHICAGO, 1895. COTTON STATES EXPOSITION. ATLANTA. 189& TENNESSEE CNTENNIALNASILLE.J807. For its National porf &bpja .Bottled J3eer PURITY, FLAVOR n4 HEALTH GIVING QUALITIES 1, third. Time: 1:63 3-6. Leo Newell. Bad Embry, Nellie Forest, I. Samelson also ran. Fourth race, one mile: Bard Bums, 106 (Adklns), 3 to L won; Dodle 8, 34 (J. Booker), 8 to 3, second; Gotdaga. 101 (Treanor), lo to 1, third. Time: 1:62". Mechanua, Filiform also ran. Fake tell. Fifth race, seven furlongs: Sweetie, 104 (J. Relff), 3 to 20, won; Firbone, 107 (Wlnkfield) I to 1, second; General Stewart, 104 (Knapp), to to L third. Time: 1:07 3-6. Capital and Play Ball also ran. Sixth race, six furlongs: Sardine, 111 (J. Relff), 7 to e. won: B harp less, 114 (Co burn). 80 to L second; Bronse Wing, 124 (Adklns), 6 to L third Time: 1:81. Red Tip, Theory and Trinity Bell also ran. ST. LOUIS, May 26. Joe Lesser with L. Wilson up gave the talent a shock today when he beat the four to five favorite. Lady Strathmore, In the fourth race, the feature of todav'a card at the fair nrounda. Joe Lesser got Into the lead at the three quarter pole and won very easily from Lingo, who beat Lady Strathmore for sec ond place. Ben Adklns won the 3-year-old race very easily. Track fast Results: First race, six furlongs, selling: Fu- r tha, 37 (Gullet), 7 to 1, won; Creaslda, (Shea), i to 1, second; Dr. Clark., 104 (Morse). 6 to 1, third. Time: 1:16. Second race, four and one-half furlongs, purse: Ben Adklns, 106 ftilggins), 4 to 6, won; Rhyme and Reason loa (Domlnlok), 11 to 6, second; Ascot 106 (Sheehan), 4 to 1, third. Time: :6S. Third race, five and one-halt furlongs, purse: Bas D'Or, 102 (W. Watson), 1 to 2, won; Poseur, 106 (C. Thompson), 4 to 1, second; Howling Dervish, lot (C. Bonner), 12 to 1. third. Time: 1KK. Fourth race, one mile and seventy yards, purse: Joe Lesser, 100 (L. Wilson), 4 to 1, won; Lingo, (8 (Hlgjrlns), I to L second; Lady Strathmore, 107 (D. Austin), 4 to 6, third. Time: 1:46. Fifth race, six and one-half furlongs, purse: Icicle, 111 (F. Watson), 4 to 6, won; Jake Weber. 110 (Domtnlck), 6 to 2, second; Orleans. 109 (L. Wilson), to 1, third. Time: 1:21 Sixth race, one and one-sixteenth miles, selling: Charles Rsmsey, 101 (D. Austin), 6 to 1, won: Jessie T. 104 (Sheehan), 12 to 1. second; Cherished. 88 (Brldwell), I to 1, third. Time: 1:48V.. RAIN PREVENTS GAME OF BALL Iteerkeltes svad Kavaaaa City Will Play Teday avn4 Postponed Game Coasea Tharaday. Jupiter Pluvtus and Ms band of rain makers spoiled "Pa" Bill's hopes for a game with the boys from the Kaw yes terday afternoon and many of the pleas ant faced women who were Just dying to see the fair and the athletio Mr. Hen derson play with ths boys went home sorrowful and aaddened. But today will be women's day anyhow, and the game will go one. Ths game that was post poned will be played Thursday afternoon at Vinton street park, as both teams, have an open date than. Pole Flayer Bart. LONDON. May 3S. Walter Buckmaster. the noted polo player, was seriously hurt at Hurllngham today. In the course of a brilliant run he collided with Patterson Nlckalls and Buckmaster's pony fell and rolled over his rider, who was carried off the grounds In a stretcher. College Baae Ball. At New Haven Tale, 8; Georgetown, 0, At Jollet Oedar Rapids game post poned, rain. Rock Island-Dubuque game postponed, rain. gmedge la Megeath'a Store. Firemen wore called early yeaterday evening to Megeath's stationery shop, 1308 Farnam street where a considerable amount of smoke was ooslng through door and window casings. The fire was found to have originated and to be confined In some boxes In the center of the basement floor end was extinguished with practically no damare to building or contents. The boxes contained excelsior and other waste ma terial and some bottles of Ink and mucilage. It la Doeslble that a small amount of dam age waa caused to atored goods by the smoke. The cause or the fire is unknown. Forty Si sea, loo te tuo Each. A. SANTAELLA h CO- MAKERS TAMPA, FLA. IUCHARPSON DMUa CO. DtfLrlbutors. BREWERY &a idao r".r eay HmttiIp 1i i OMAHA, NEB. KEEP YOUR HAIR. G0KE DANDRUFF DURE and Hair Tonic . . ... Us&es tha Hair Oron, Kitps tha Seslp Hctllhy, 0UI Bm'whtft la $1.09 BB4 80 Cnt Botttos. A. It. Bremtr Ct,, Chlctgo. DR. SEARLES So well and favor ably known as the leading, most reliable and sueoessful SPECIALIST in all DISEASES OF MEN. They have bean many years In estab lishing their reputa. Uon IN OMAHA fet kanalt . inA honorable Rrgraor rvTCI JSt inr mm. Ta.lr lira work h ota. aa Speciaiiaia. ia txeaUog BB CERTAIN OP A CURB by CON ULTINO the BEST FIRST. DR. SEARLES graduated at two el 'the past Bedlcal college and is anowledged Se beet EXPERIENCES and SKILLED PECIALISI r. a;, diseases he treat. Wit btAkUia Lomuitainn ana Tia are FREE, . person or by letter, and ear redly confidential In all dtseaaea. Written Contracts given In all curable leasees of men or refund money paid. Many cum treated 3!n per month. CU.t IUL.TATION fHEB. TBEATMElfT BT HAIU all ev addreae. Car. 14th Deealaa. DR. SEARLES & SEARLES UMAHA. hfcCH, Rheumatism ' QOUT Indigestion AND ALL BLOOD DISEASES quickly an ptrmgnratlr cur4 MEDICAL LAKE TABLETS Dropped la cold wtter ttatM ttklsts araduca g dallaleug, parkllnc, ((rvsioeat drink, Immsdlatclr thlrst-quencbln j and pemansatlf tlmulttln(. Ktttsr tkaa Llthla. Natapbyglc e. Bottle, mt Drwgr Steves, ladiaa Kead Braaa. the Oaty taalse. MBD1CAL LIKE SALTS Hr.CO. 13 Kaaaaa St., New Tark. sad gtwkaae. Wash. HERMAN A McCONNELL DRUO CO UUi and Dodge aU., Omaha, Neb. Every Vcnan Is kWeaestQ aad aVal4 kaew WAJtvii. wbb llaa Snray Iietrie4 heoa BioeY, mi aeaa ruu earn eerUculareaoS 4ira caiUreaoS airacunu hv Ct le U4laa. tsl7. Jk Time BUg., M. X, Itoom XJk For Sale by SCHAEFER'S CUT RATE DRUO STORE. Career. KU axvd Cblcago, Sta., Ouaaa. -,