Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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i i
Davis nelli drug.
Btoekert sells carpets.
Crsyon enlarging, V Broadway.
Expert watch repairing. Leffert. B'y
Celebrated Met beer on tap. Neumayer.
Fine line berry sets, SOc and up. A. B.
Howe. 310 Broadway.
Special sale tn Etchings. C. B. Alexan
der A Co., 231 Broadway.
Real estata In all parts of the city for
ale. Thomas E. Casady, 2 Pearl street.
Ivanhoe commsndery, Knights Templar,
will meet In regular conclave this evening.
Frank I.. Brown of Chicago Is visiting his
brother, Harry M. brown, deputy city
Thomas Moody and Eva Neely, both of
this city, were married yesterday afternoon
by Justice Ourrn.
Before papering your rooms we want to
show you our eiesant 1M designs. U. fa.
Paint, Oil and Glass company.
Btate Manager Johnson wilt be present
at the regular meeting this evening of the
ben Hur lodge In Marcus' hall.
H. V. Uoellner of Omaha and Katherlne
C'rahle of Broken Bow, Neb., were married
In this city yesterday by Justice Carson.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Evans, who have
been visiting Mrs. Evans mother, Mrs.
Finney, have returned to their home in
A special meeting of John L. Moore camp.
Society of the Army of the Philippine,
will be held Thursday evening in the office
of Dr. I). Macrae, Jr.
The district court grand Jury reconvened
yesterday and Is expected to complete Its
deliberations today, when It will be finally
discharged for this term.
We contract to keep public or private
houses free from roachea by the year. In
sect Exterminator Manufacturing com
pany, Council Bluffs, J a. Teleuhone FH34.
Deputy Sheriff Baker Is dally Improving
and there seems now little tear out he
will entirely recover from the wound In
flicted by young George Matheaon of Wes
ton. John, the Infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
Taylor Braysun of Garfield avenue, died last
evening, aged 13 months. The funersl will
be held Wednesday afternoon at 2:M o'clock
from the residence and burial will be In
walnut JlIU cemetery.
Commencing this morning the motor com
pany will maintain a twenty-minute serv
ice between the Hock Island depot and
Lake Manawa. The last car will leave the
lake at 7 p. m. This service will be con
tinued until the formal opening of the
The Schwarxer Zither orchestra, under
the direction of Alfred O. Mueller ana as
sisted by Miss Zelma Carlson, soprano;
Miss Blanche Wilcox, contralto; Mr. Albln
Huster, violinist; Mr. Ehrhardt Frana,
'cellolst, and Miss Olga Ucodman, accom
panist, will give a concert tonight In
Koyal Arcanum hall, for the benefit of
the Associated Charities.
Augustus M. Compton, aged 83 years, died
at a late hour Sunday night at the home
of his son, Frank M. Compton, on Madison
avenue. He had been a resident of Coun
cil Bluffs for thirty years. Besides his
son he leaves a wire and two daughters,
Mrs M. H. Beara, and Mrs. J. H. Westcott,
both of this city. The funeral, which will
be private, will be this afternoon at 2:30
0 clock from the residence, 518 South First
street, and Interment will be In fair-view
Plumbing and heating. Blxby Boa.
Bids on Ditches.
County Auditor Innea received but two
bids yesterday tor the construction of the
proposed drainage ditch in Rockford town
ship, to be known the Fensler ditch, the
bidders being C. F. Pratt and James F.
Knuth. both of Council Bluffs.
Pratt's bid is 11 cents per cubic yard with
1 cent additional for. all overhauls per 10b
' feet. Knuth's bid la 14 cent per cubic
yard with 1 cent additional for all over
hauls per 100 feet.
The board of county supervisors will
meet Monday next when It will take tip .
the matter of the three proposed drainage j
ditch schemes, namely the Pigeon creek ,
ditch, in Fensler ditch and the.; Joint j
s ditches for Harrison and Fottawattaml
Commence Work on fc'ew Road.
NEWTON. Ia., May .-(8peclal.)-Th
Newton A Northwestern railway com
menced work this morning between this
place and Mets. It was undecided for some
time whether the road would be built to
Newton or not, the Intention being to fol
low the Skunk river to Oskaloosa where
connection would be made with the Chi
cago, Burlington Qulney. Fourteen car
loads of horses and as many cars of grad
ers arrived over the Iowa Central Satur
day. The Des Molnea Interurban will also
be built from Colfax to this place during
tha summer, the right-of-way having been
purchased. Engineers are at work changing
grades for the Rock Island and It Is rum
ored the line will be straightened and
Echoes Electa Editor
Elmer Fisher was elected editor-in-chief
of the high school Echoes" for the en
suing year yesterday afternoon by lit votes
to 18 for Antrim Crawford, who headed the
opposition ticket. Donaldlne Bell, whose
nam appeared on both tickets, was con
sequently the unanimous choice for local
dltor. The contest for business manager
proved the most exciting. "Dolly," alias
Frank Btnder, securing the plum of TO
votes against 59 for his opponent, Olen
N. T. Plumbing Co. lef. :ii. Night, MsT.
Real Estate Traaafers,
These transfers were filed yesterday in
the abstract title and loan office of J. W.
Squire, 101 Pearl street: .
Jsne Pilling to David Nixon. swU.
nw 2S-7S-41. w. d 13,000
Margaret I.. Mctlee and husband to
Rnea Marcus, lots 11 and 12, block t,
Cassady's addition, w. d 209
Two transfers, total 8J.J00
M-trrlaav l.leeascs.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday
to the following:
Name and residence. Age.
VT. y. aoellner. Omaha 2?
Katherlne Crable. Broken Bow. Neb It
Thomas Moody. Council Bluffs 27
Eva Neely. Council Bluffs 23
O. F. 8mlth. St. Joseph. Mo n
Ethel I. Church, Omaha , 20
Feathers Renovated
We are prepared to do this work to per
fect! oa. in coaoeetloa with our dyeing ul
Uct Curtains Clean.- and
Portlcrs Clianel and Djid,
Our method Is t glv complete satufse
tloa. Com t an Inspect our wrk It yo
want to tee what w can 4 la th way ol
fia work,
Ogden Steam Dye Works
301 Broadway, Council Bluffs, U.
' Wsrs called ff ass UUvtttL 'fktU.
IS Pearl at.. Council BUSs. 'Phene M l
Hid Not Been flsea Alive Sines Late on
Saturday Right.
Indications are That Deceased Took
Morphine with laleldal Intent
Railroad Pass Only Idcatl.
tying Mark.
A young man whose Identity has not yet
been completely established was found
dead In his bed at the Creston house on
South Main street yesterday afternoon. He j
registered as George McDonald of Omaha
but the return check of a pass on the
Pennsylvania railroad found In his pockets
gives the nam of Hugh Culmer. Cir
cumstance Indicate that the young man
committed suicide by swallowing morphine.
He arrived late Saturday night at the
Creston house and after signing the reg
ister a Oeorge McDonald of Omaha, was
assigned to a room for the night, for
which he paid. He had no luggage but
was fairly well dressed. The fact that he
did not leave his room Sunday although
he had only paid for one night's lodging,
doe not appear to have excited any com
ment at the hotel. The door of hi room
was not locked and the chambermaid
stated that she did not disturb him Sun
day as when she went to his room he was
snoring and she supposed he did not wish
to be awakened. When found yesterday
afternoon at 8 o'clock the body was cold
and stiff and Coroner Treynor expressed
the opinion that the young man had been
dead since Saturday night. Tha appear
ance of the body showed that mortifica
tion had set in.
He was lying on the bed clad only In his
undervest and drawers with his hands
folded upon hi breast. On the floor at
the aide of the bed was a pipe and tobacco
ashes were visible on the dead man's
breast and the side of the bed Indicating
that the pipe had dropped from his mouth
a he had fallen asleep or succumbed to
the drug, which It Is believed he had taken
with suicidal Intent
On the washstand near the bed was a
loaded revolver, but this had not been dis
charged. In the room Itself there was
nothing to Indicate the manner In which
he had come by his death and at first It
was supposed . he had died from natural
causes. The finding, however, of a small
cardboard box such are used by drug
gists, labelled "morphine" In the area way
beneath the open window of the room led
to tha suspicion that he had taken his own
life. The box was empty and ther was
nothing on it to indicate where it came
from. A alight emission from the mouth
when the body waa moved indicated the
presence of some 'Such drug a morphine.
Besides the revolver 83(1 in change wa
found on the washstand and a first search
of the clothe failed to reveal any paper
which lead to the Identification of the dead
man. Th only mark on the clothing
wa a nam on th collar written In In
delible pencil and evidently over some
other name. A far a It could be made
out the nam on th collar was M. R.
Geadlee. After th body had been re
moved to Lunkley's undertaking rooms,
the return check of a pass on the Penn
sylvania railroad from Chicago to Spencer,
Ind., good from Anrii 24 tn Mv 71 lva I
and made out In th nam of Hugh Culmer,
account of agent, wa found tucked away
In the corner of the pocket of the vest.
This would Indicate that the pass had been
Issued at Spencer, Ind.
The handwriting of the dead man on
the hotel register appears to be that of a
telegraph operator or railroad clerk. Th
fact that one of the sleeves of his shirt
wa spotted with Ink Is taken to Indicate
that he occupied some clerical position.
City Attorney Finds Ko Precedent to
Gald Him la Library
t Case.
At th meeting of the library board last
night City Solicitor Snyder submitted th
following report regarding th question of
commencing condemnation proceedings to
secure a title to th Shugart property se
lected as th sit for the Carnegie library
Under th will of Mrs. Shugart, E. L.
Shugart holds a life estate In tills property
and upon his death It belongs to his two
sons and th heir of their body, share and
share alike, but if either of the aons die
without issue his share is to belong to the
children of the other son. While both of
the sons are living, it Is impossible to tell
in whom the title to the property will
eventually veat. The statutes of this state
provide that In order to condemn lands
notice of such proceedings must be served
on the owner. Ther Is no provision cov
ering cases where It Is Impossible to make
such service. It Is possible that service
on a trustee of the property may be con
strued to be service on the owner, but we
have no precedent in this slat confirming
this view of the matter.
The only case I have been able to find
In which th fact are similar to those
presented In this matter la Charleston
Railway Company against Hughes. (Amer
ican Stat Report, vol. Ixx, page 18.)
In that case the testator left his property
to his three daughtera for life, with th
remainder over to auch child or children
of them as may be living at their re
spective deaths. The railway company
condemned a part of th property of on
of the daughters and In doing so made the
daughter a party tn the proceedings. The
owner of th remainder afterward brought
action to recover the property, and In the
decision In that esse tha court hss this to
say: "If the condition of the title to the
property, at the time of the condemnation
prooeedlnga, is such that notice cannot be
made upon all Interested, notlre to such ss
sre definitely known to be Interested would
not be held to be sufficient to deprive of
their rights others whose Identity waa un
known, hut who. interest In th prop,
erty waa ascertainable.
"Condemnation proceedings pass title to
whatever Interests tit parties who took
part In the proceedings have In the prop
erty, and a party who could not be notified
h nm c-ouna ny in award or Judgment,
in auch cases the railway company would
foil to acquire a perfect title to the prop
erty, and this Imposes no greater hardship
upon the railroad company than It does
upon any other person who desires to pur
ehase property In which ther Is a contin
gent Interest In someone whnae Identity
cannot be determined at the time of the
purchase. Condemnation proceedings are
no more than a mmpulsnrv sale of all the
owners' Inter In th property, and no
on can thus he compelled to sell who Is
Tu .",r,T lo. ,h Judgment rendered hv
J" tribunal which Is erected for that pur-
,". nt th. c", r,tM- '""
fact that our statute requires notice to be
served on the owner, and In the absence
of any precedent wherein su"h service has
been, made on a trustee. I have grave
rtouhts whether this property ran he con-rt-mned
an as to place a tter'ect title to
th Mm n your hoard or In the city
Our supreme court may hold thst ' rood
title) rn he made thmuah condemnation
proceed! Pas. where the feet, are ss In this
rase, hut until It has done so. the title
yv.n the hppeninr of cert.ln eoMlngen
a!" e7n.pT,Wh,,, """""Mo and
No action was taken by th board be
yond accepting th report and ordering
the secretary to notify Mr. Bhugart of the
city solicitor's opinion In the matter. It
was stated that Mr. Shugart had referred
the question of the title of his propsrty to
a firm of attorneys who hsd ss yet not
had time to look Into the mstter so the
board decided to defer further action until
next Monday night to which time It adjourned.
Eleetrla Fans.
All sties at New Tork Plumbing company.
Sew Iowa Corporation.
A company was Incorporated with th
secretary of state today which Indicates
ther Is to be a milk trust in Dubuque. Th
company has $25,Ono capital and Is tha
Dubuque Butter and Milk company, by H.
H. Hoptens and F. W. Wooding.
Th Farmers' State bank of Jesup In
corporated; capital, 825,000; James Dalton
and others.
Churdan Mutual Telephone exchange;
capital, 81,600; W. H. Dudley and others.
Ireton Rural Telephone company; capital
8S.0OO; by F. F. Farenger and others.
Mapleton Oas company; capital, 810.000;
W. H. Leather, president; J. E. Scott, sec
retary. Great Western Lumber company of
Somers, Calhoun county; capital, 810,000;
H. E. Brand, president; C. B. Gray, secre
tary. Weatern Harness and Supply company of
Waterloo; capital, 850,000; C. W. Brown,
president; R. M. Knox, secretary.
Merchants' Carnival company, Daven
port; capital, 81.000; J. B. Richardson, presi
dent; E. P. Adler, secretary.
The Fltzpatrick Lead Mining company
of Aberdeen, 8. D., filed Its articles In
Iowa today; capital, 8500,000.
Opening- Game of Lcaajoe Roll.
Keith's "Buckerlnos" will open th sea
son In Council Bluffs of the Iowa-South
Dakota league this afternoon at Lake
Manawa when they will line up against
Lemars. Despite the fsct that the Council
Bluffs team has so far failed to land a
game Keith Is confident that today will
see a change and his team make good.
Preceding the game, which will be called
at 3:30, there will be a street parade, j
neaaea Dy Mayor Morgan ana tne city of
ficials. The parade will start from the
Commercial club at I p. m. This will be
the line up for this afternoon:
Crelghton catcher Wood
Raymond pitcher ....Helmsdoerfer
Baer first base Metcalf
Oreen second base Alberts
Butler shortstop Johnson
Wallrr third bane Kruger
Byers left field Black, Jr.
Graves center field Black, sr.
Friese right field Kraua
Gaards Make Good Showing;.
Company L, Fifty-fifth regiment, Iowa
National guard, under command of Cap
tain J. E. Mather and First Lieutenant
Paul Van Order, received a marking of 89
per cent at the Inspection last night by
Major Butler of the Twenty-fifth Infantry,
U. 8. A. This rating places the Dodge
Light Guards second In the brigade, con
sisting of the Fifty-fifth and Fifty-sixth
regiments. All the companies of both
regiments,' with th exception of Company
C at Olenwood, have been Inspected by
Major Butler. Th Olenwood company
will be Inspected today.
The company turned out forty-seven men
at the Inspection which was held tn
Hughes' hall as It Is temporarily without
an armory. Major Butler expressed him
self a well pleased with the condition of
the company equipment, which he ' in
spected during th afternoon.
Llghtnlnar Strike Residence.
During the storm last night lightning
truck the one-story frame cottage at 17M
Second avenue, occupied by John Tabor
and family and set fire to the roof. The
prompt arrival of the fire department pre
vented the flames spreading to the msln
part or tne house. The damage Is es
timated at 8400. The lla-htnlns- arnmV ik-
chimney badly shattering It and th flames
Bianco Detween in roof and the rafters.
Imogteae and Vicinity Have a Costly
Experience with a
SHENANDOAH, la., May 28. (Special.)
An Idea can b gained of the sudden
ness and volume, of rain which fell In this
section last week best by reviewing th
experience of the people of Imogen, ten
mile northwest of here. There a small
creek runs through the town and' In a
very short time, not more than half an
hour after th storm had reached Its
height, the creek was a river half a mil
wide. It swept down through the town
carrying fences, haystacks, chicken coops,
any and all kinds of things that would
float, chickens, geese, horses, cattle,
trees, and when it reached th town It
picked up and carried away nearly 85,000
worth of lumber belonging to William
Crone. The lumber yard waa on the west
side of the railroad and of town, and
th water was three feet - deep In the
office. It washed out th scales In front
of th office. Mr. Crone says that his
lumber stock invoiced 88,000 a short time
sgo and more than half of It la scattered
down th creek for a mile or two. That
not carried off la badly damaged, so that
Ms loss will easily reach 83.000, after as
much of It as possible is recovered.
Th section house occupied by Mr. Rye
berg was also located on low ground and
Just after supper Mrs. Ryeburg remarked
to her husband that the water had come
up round the cow, tied In the yard. He
went out and led the cow to safety and
when he returned the water had sur
rounded the house. Th children were
first carried to the railroad track and
then Mr. Ryeberg waded, water nearly
waist deep, to rescue his wlfs. A mo
ment later the house went sailing down
the stream, with smoke pouring from the
chlntney as peacefully as ever. Some
of th household goods were recovered,
but when th house went to pieces nearly
everything was lost.
A big house belonging to Tom Clark,
half a mile further down the stream,
was damaged by the wind and when the
water came up It tore off a big ell of the
hous and carried that off. Mr. Clark's
barn waa wrecked by the wind, smashed
flat, and when a company of his neigh
bors went over to lend asslstanc It wa
said that a horse had been In the barn
when It was crushed. Four tons of ha
and tha wrecked building were dug from
over the animal, which wa cliushed flat
to the ground, but when rescued was
calmly eating hay and when released
wnlked off apparently unhurt.
Every bridge on th small stream for
tour miles In each direction from
Imogen wa washed out and trsde from
west of town waa entirely cut off. The
supervisors of Fremont county estimate
that It wilt cost 83.000 to replace them.
By. Drowned in gloax Hirer.
SIOUX CITT. la.. May .--8peclal Tele
gram.) Warren Clark, a 1-year-old son of
Walter Clark, was taken out of Perry
creek. In th heart of the city, drowned.
The boy had said be was going out wading.
His parents had refuaed him ii cent to gu
to a ball (am.
One Deserted in England Bring Suit to
BocoTsr Ebars of Property.
Alumni Association of Aaae Callage
Endorse Prof. Stanton for Va
cant Presidency of th
(From a Start Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, May .-(Speclal.)-An In
tcrestlng life romance covering two con
tinent and a long span of life waa aired In
th supreme court today, when oral argu
ments wet heard In the case of Susanna
Casliy against B. F. Mitchell, from Calhoun
county. Involving the disposition of the es
tate of the late John Wallace of Rockwell
City. When Wallace dlea and the estate
had been settled up Susanna Casley of
Cornwall, England, set up a claim to
third Interest In certain lands sold to
Mitchell. She claimed she was th lawful
wife of Wallace and that hi nam was in
fact Casley, and that after their marriage
In the little town of St. Just, Cornwall,
about thirty years sgo, Casley left and
came to th United State. He waa a coal
miner and worked In Pennsylvania, then tn
Colorado In the silver mines and later In
southern Iowa and then near Des Moines.
Wallace and Ms wife, to whom he was
married in Pennsylvania, finally removed to
a Calhoun county farm and later retired
and moved Into Rockwell City. They wer
prominent In buafness and In the church.
The discovery that Wallace's real nam
waa .Casley and that he had a wife still
ltvins in Cornwall came as a great shock
to the people who had known him In his
later day, but she proved her cae to th
satisfaction of the lower court and r.n ap
peal was ttken. Mrs. Cosley had lived In
poverty since her desertion many year
ago, and she now stands a show to get
some small portion of the estata.
The supreme court divided today on an
Important matter, that of evidence regard
ing due diligence and car In accident. In
th ease of Ames against Waterloo & Cedar
Falls Railway company, the question of
recovery for a fatal accident turned on
whether the -person killed wa exercising
due care at the time he stepped In front of
a street car. The court In an opinion pre
pared by McClaln declared that there wa
evidence In th cos on this point, but not
to show that he was exercising care, and
the lower court properly directed a verdict
for the defendant. Two members of the
court. Weaver and Deemer, took the view
that because the street car was moving at
an Illegal rat of speed th rase should
have gone jto the Jury, and there should
have been a presumption that the man wa
using due car.
The following wer th decision of the
supreme court rendered today:
A. J. Col, appellant, against John John
son: Hancock county. Judge Clyde: af
firmed by the court.
Martin Rllev aaalnat J. E. Bell, appel
lant; Adam county, Judge Townor; af
firmed by Bishop.
Mallorv Commission Company, appellnnt,
against R. M. Elwood: Jones county. Judge
Remley: affirmed, by Deemer.
George W. Borden against T. O. Inher
wood, sppellant: Linn county. Judge
Thompson; sfflrmed, by Sherwln.
W. A. Campbell, appellant, against Mary
E. Shaw: Wright county, Judge Weaver;
reversed, by Ladd. '
Marlon Ames, administrator, appellant,
against Waterloo & Cedar Fall Rapid
Transit Company; Blackhawk county,
Judge Plntt: affirmed, by McClaln; dissent
by Weaver and Deemer.
Flaw tn Oleo Indictment.
Judge Given In the district court hsa
postponed sentence In the case of the con
viction of the Armour Packing company
for Illegal sale of oleomargarine, because
of the discovery that the Indictment was
defective In that the name of the person
to whom the oleomargarine' wa sold was
not Included In the Indictment. This will
necessitate reference back to the grand
Jury for correction and a second trial. In
all other respects the district court has
sustained the position of the county at
torney and the state dairy cdmmlssloner
who brought the prosecution. The final
settlement of the matter will therefore
be delayed until fall. There are twenty
seven licensees engaged In selling oleo
margarine In Des Moines and over 2M In
the state. The Armour company Is said
to be doing most of the business and to
have backed up the dealers In a fight to
test th lw. Sample hav been sub
mitted to the state dairy commissioner for
him to declare whether the samples ars
forbidden by law but he ha declined to
Issue any certificate and some of those
who hav been selling ar going out of
th business for fear of extensile prose
cutions which ar threatened.
Favor Stanton for rrsldat.
The alumni association of th Iowa Ag
ricultural college at a meeting Saturday
elected G. W. Catt of New York president;
Miss Fleming of Ames, secretary; Herman
Knapp of Amea, treaaurer and Mr. Stan
ton, historian. Th aaaocfatlon passed res
olution eulogistic of the late President
Beardshear. The resolution also declare
that "we believe the original and true
conception of the college and It purpose
was broad and liberal, and we vigorously
oppose any disposition to make th agri
cultural department the only department
retiring other departments to minor places,
or favoring any department to the detri
ment of any other; but that to maintain
th acknowledged pre-eminence of the ag
ricultural education In the college, neces
sitating th co-ordinate advancement of the
scientific, engineering, veterinary and
other departments." Ths resolution also
strongly Indorse th candidac of Prof.
Stanton, acting president, for president of
th college.
For Mnrder of Voncker.
The trial of Ed Puckett for the murder
of Alex Youcker I in progress In th dis
trict court. Th skull of Toucker, or a
portion of It, la in evidence In the case,
and It show that th skull was broken
and a triangular piece of th bona broken
out. Th claim wa mad by Puckett that
he atrurk Youcker a blow on the head with
his fist and did not use any other weapon,
but the condition of the skull makes this
defense weak and there Is a certainty that
Puckett will be convicted. Youcker wa
an Itinerant horse trader who got Into a
quarrel with Puckett over a horss and
a flzht followed.
Doc Attacks Child.
EXETER. Nso.. May 26.-(3pclal.)-Great
excitement prevails among the people
of IUuevale, a small country aettlement
atiout ten mile north of her. A black
smith named Bovey, hearing th screams
of his child, rsn to see what caused them.
Ha found a hug dog with hi teeth fast
ened securely In the child's cheek, shaking
It to death. None wer able to Identify
the brute and It la not known where It
came from. It turned and fled Immediately
upon seeing the father, and though the
man was naturally anxious about his child,
he left It In esre of others and gave chap
to the dog. He pursued It some distance,
and with the help of a neighbor caught
4nd killed It.
Tk BaaftrfceSerra
makes good health
an heirloom.
SwMt, crisp Hales ef wfcttt asc smalu
A Pypprlo Ha
"A gentleman living In this villas, I. A. TVataon, was a great
sufferer from Indigestion. He purchased from m a packag of
' Force' two or three months ago and ha continued using ' Force'
ever slnoe, and ha not had th slightest srs.ptora et the disease
sine. Joaara Hood."
Negro Delegates to Presbyterian Assembly
Mate Their Pies,
And Affirm Their Only Hon is In
HaTtnar Enlightenment Given to
Their People Throngh Heln
From Whit Brethren.
LOS ANGELES. Cal.. May 25. Th re
port of tho standing committee on Freed-
men, the special committee on education,
young people' societies and Presbyterian
building at Occidental college, made up the
additional program of the Presbyterian
general assembly today.
Discussion of tho report submitted by
th special committees brought a wider
rang of debate than any of those thu far
submitted to the general assembly. The
Freedman's committee report gave oppor
tunity for all the colored commissioners to
be heard and there were ringing speeches
from these representatives of the south.
Prospects of a debate in the assembly
this morning brought out a large attend
ance In th galleries of Immanuel church.
The commissioner were all In attendance
and lost no time In coming to the business
before them. Th report of the Freedmen'a
committee waa read by Dr. C. P. Cheese
man, chairman.
Dr. Cheeseman, In commenting upon th
report said:
There has come before this assembly this
year a problem demanding our interest and
requiring our beat thought, the present
condition of th freedmen. Who old the
black man Into slavery but the whites?
This Is history, and as a result we hav a
moral responsibility to meet. This race Is
her to stay. They have a right to stay.
We gave them their freedom. We must
give them education. Now I want to say
that we must resolve to put 13(10,000 to this
end. We ought to have a million, but what
is the use of resolving If we do not set?
It Is our duty. Something Is wrong when
the richest churches In the land give a
mere pittance to this work, when they give
large sums to other objects.
says Kea-roea are Increasing;.
Dr. E. P. Cowan, secretary of the board
of freedmen, said In brief:
There ar In this land of ours more than
S.000,000 freedmen. A noted Englishman
wrote a book some time ago in which he
demonstrated to his own satisfaction that
the negro American was bound to dlaap-
fear. On the contrary, the negroes have
ncreased from 18 to iS per cent. They
re thus here to stay, and they will stay
In the states where they were born. They
will not emigrate largely, and they have
not only doubled In numbers In the last
forty years, but thsy have quadrupled In
Influence. So manv have become educated
that they have added to the social status
of the msss of uneducated. These will
learn something. Is it not better that they
should learn the finer things of life In
stead of slaking their thirst for education
In the muddy streams of superstition and
Halt a doxen or more colored commis
sioners were given five minute each In
which to urge th church to lend Its aid
to th colored people of th south, arguing
that education was th only solution of
th rac problem that now confront this
"In ISM," said on colored brother, "ther
were 4,000,000 of us, now there ar 10,000,000.
You hav got to educate u as a matter of
self protection."
The report of th committee wa finally
Rev. C. Bank Nelson of Rochester. N.
Y., Introduced a resolution, which was re
ferred to th committee on bill and over
tures, having for Its object th appointment
of a committee of nine commissioners t
act In arbitration of dispute between labor
and capital.
The report on the Presbyterian building
In New York, which makes a strong plea
for funds to lift th mortgage of some
1200.000 within the next year, waa adopted.
Dr. James Yereance of New York City
from the committee on Sababth observ
ance, offered a resolution on th subject
of Sunday travel by commissioners and
precipitated a lively debate from those
commissioners who had been obliged to
travel on Sunday to this asaambly. because,
s they deolared. the railroads had failed
to keep thetr contracts. Commissioner
Yereance also Introduced a resolution ex
pressing th &jembly' profound regret
that th manager of the St. Louis expo
sition hd seen fit to permit Sunday work
on th exposition buildings.
Another resolution approved the organi
sation of a California Sabbath Observsnce
association to hav for It object the pro
curing of legislation In connection with
proper Sunday observance. All of these
resolutions were adopted.
Report on Assembly Herald.
Th special committee on th Assembly
Herald, the official organ of the Presbyte
rian church, then submitted its report. Th-
report showed a circulation of ii.TU copies,
a alight decrease from the previous re
port. The committee urged against the
proposition to change the Assembly Herald
from a monthly to a weekly publication.
Th report commended the removal of the
business offlc from Nw Tork to Phila
delphia. Th report wa adopted and the
assembly took a recess.
According to the commissioners from th
Buffalo synod, that city has already prac
tically won the fight for the next year's
,anr -
selected by th committee on plac of meet
ing Ol lUw t..
Th committee will not mae Us report
until near the close of the assembly.
Ponder Boy BssestS.
SIOCX CITY, la . May S.-l8pclaJ Tele
gram.) Willi Qultsch, a yuuin from Pen-
Jim Dumps provided for his heirs
That H Force" might be forever theirs.
"I cant do better with my wealth," 1
He said, "than to Insure tnem health.
Clear brain, good muscle, nerve and vim !
And 'Force gives these," quoth "Sunny Jim."
DAY & HESS, Council Bluffs
Money to loan on Real Estate;
lowest rates; funds on band.
Mortgage Investments for sale.
Call on or writ us If you hav
money to Invest, either In mortgages,
bonds or real estate. Real property
cared for.
House and Lots In Council Bluffs For Sale Cheap.
der. Neb., arrived her this morning to see
the sights of the city. He carried $40 In his
pocket. He fell In with an obliging stranger
who had tl.000 tn a trunk at the depot and
who wanted to show him around. Qultsch
was taken to the city hall, where the
stranger borrowed ,$40 and went In through
the building, coming out of the opposlta
door. Qultsch was still there when Mayor
Caldwell ran across him.
Lowland Overflowed and Many
Farmers Compelled to
ONAWA. Ia., May (Special Tola
gram.) Water continue very high In th
Little Sioux river and tributaries and from
two to four feet deep east of Onawa. Th
Illinois Central agent at Anthon report
a seven foot riae ther and Cherokee re
port five feet Illinois Central train ar
from two to four hour late in arriving
her today, and report the water almost
up to th bridge on th Little Sioux. A
freight train waa obliged to carry ties and
repair track before crossing. A number of
settlers on th West Fork and Little Sioux
have moved out. Th big water from
above cannot reach east of here before to
morrow and much anxiety Is felt among
settlers In the lowlands east of Onawa.
Ames Stadent Drowned.
AMES, la.. May 26. (Special Telegram.)
Th second drowning in three days oc
curred her today.' A. E. Melghen of
Newell, Ia., an academic student at the
college, was drowned at 6 o'clock this
afternoon In the swimming pond near the
college. Melghen with two companions
wss In swimming. None were good
swimmers. When trying to cross, sup
posing he hsd reached shallow water,
being not over ten feet from the bank,
he let down. The water proved to b
fourteen feet deep. He probably took a
wallow, for he gave up without a strug
gle. Th alarm wa given, but rescuers
wer unable to get out the body until
help cam with grappling hooks, fully
half an hour after tha accident. Strenuous
effort were made to resuscitate him, but
wer fruitless. The body will be taken
horn for burial.
Raid for Lienor.
YORK, Neb., May 26. (Special.) On
complaint of Mayor Post the "fish" house
of Charley Green waa raided laat night
at about I o'clock. Th officer were dis
appointed in not finding more Intoxicating
liquor. After a thorough search of the
premise they only found seven bottles of
beer and six pint bottles of whisky. They
arrested Charley Green, charging him with
selling Intoxicating liquors. J. A. Kell
bert went his ball.
Mack Bnlldlngr at Exeter.
EXETER, Nab., May 15. iBpeelal.)
Among the many new buildings, business
and dwelling, that ar going up In Exeter
at present ar th new Exeter State bank
and a new undertaking establishment.
Among the many houaes, Mrs. H. O.
Smith's has reached completion and Phil
Coatello's Is nesrly finished.
Per ftrrlMa, Gleet, LesoerrtKM. Spersistsrrhcia,
Plku, as All Usheshin teiual Discharge.
A lire rtetsatlT mt EHee. K
Sent to ny address for $1.00.
BHERMAff A MrfOKLL, Omaha.
Mtlrlor Mts Co . LsncsMar, O
Imperial Hair Regenerator
I Trywhar reeegrised U
tot Ore er BleaebM rlilr Its appM.
csilos 1 set affected b? bsthti permit
ettrhnsits sbsolotely eeraal, aut in
valuable fr Heard sail Moaurke. OK 8
niple ysor.aalr oolgr4 tn.
Imperial Chemical Co.. lsi W. 23d St.. N. T.
told by SUe, ma a McConaell Aru Ck,
Oaoaaa. Mao.
niU flUflll Tarn yesr aid
Kfll .HiH onx
I HI UIIUII Tel.Dhaa. Hm
sad our repress-
tstlve will esll.
'Vntrl Hnntn Shnn
iflfYHYG iMc n i cyffJJ
krlilA lotion Al ITtH
Email farm near city at a bargain.
Council Bluffs g
In comfortable Pullman
tourist sleeper, on fast
train with pleasant neigh
bors. Tou savs many dollars, as compared
with highest-class service.
It's "Santa F all th way."
Cheap colonist tickets, daily,
to June IS.
. Paraonally conducted excursion
trl-weekly Chicago and Kansas City to
Ls Angeles and San Francisco. Also
tourist sleeper on dslly trains.
Fre books about California tour and
cheap landa In Southwest.
K. L. Palmer, P. A.,
409 Equltabl Bldg..
Des Moines, la.
Santa Fe
Man must
be vigorous
He must be well full of the
strength and vlor of
uth. He nmst have the
conraare to provecute the work
before him. He moil be able
to concentrate his mind upon
that work. He mnst be able
to sleep and eat. He must take
care of his nervous system.
When he does that, all these
things will take care of them
selves. Gray's
Nerve Food Pills
Thr'r Ri
sre Just whst he needs. One
box, tll.'O), usually cures
three boxes. (12.50). always
cure one pill after each meal
and at bedtime a neat little
box to fit the vent pocket. Be-
frtn today. It's the best stlmu
ant you can take.
Leading druggists in all large
cities sell them.
For sale In Omsha by
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
Hth snd Dodge Streets.
Mali order fills 1.
iru-ce years axu .
took your treatment
and In less than four
months 1 lust pound
In weight snd hava noc
gained an ounco since.''
"The good your treat
ment dUI me is wonder
ful. When I began tak
ing It 1 could not walk
a square; 1 can now
walk to town, which Is
ten miles from my
house. I hsve lost tl
pounds In weight and
am feeling well in every
way. 1 feel like a new
If you are Interested
tn my treatment for ths
remove! of auperflous
fst, send fnr a bottla
today. You will be as
tonished at the prompt-
st.a wua wh..n remits are ccompllsh4.
rrit. full trottmenl. boltln. 16 00; Untie bot
tlra, 11.00. Ak your Irutgiat to luplx rou. ll
h hat nan of Drla' Reduction PllU in ktoci, nnj
refuMn to sH thata tor you, erdar dlract froia n-.b.
Pept. 1 No Brodway. Buffalo. K Y.
fer Long srl The Joys avud ambltioii of
life cava b rtfttorca ta vou. Thai vsnrv
WOrmi i MerTDna IktpTilllt avrss
tfL Iriti op tne yatetn. Give Moon to tn
cheeks and lustre to lb re of -T Atoudi or old.
Onefriao boi renew vital energy f X" J bote 4
1, M) a oomplef guaranteed cure T-ffrT & mine r
fundod. Can be carried la vest efce' pocket, ftold
vorjwber. or matiad in plain wrapper on fer-elpt 01
4-ftHf I'fMFrTO tVlatlv COJIi'AJiy, Chissegw.
Sold in Omaha br Kuhn Co., lUb aod Uoufla.
Sherman AY M :Loonll Drug Co., Ulb and Dodge, la
Louiiiil iiluffb If C H. brown. 12? Mala 4H.
I'm Bis tot oonnurl
irrita.tioba or ulcrftilont
of ma.osa aioB&brnnaa.
la I is
i te Mrleier.
rb (iupn Pamleu, and not salt is
imif CHtMiCatGi. gam or
omeiKMTi.i 1 ! y trctis.
w. c. S.. i at mi li pl,i r,,i.
tr aisreaa. ft-ara,'. .
SI OS or 1 botllra ti ll.
CutuUr Mat ss niiML
Go To-day
a . J . AlSaVr. I S. VS Iff VTODIil 1111 WJ in
1 J 1 omnia., fsvlllnff memory And tbewavvt.
tTWiP Tnddrinof v)U.J powers, incurred b
T?f ii-Jt indiscretion or irfMsof early yeaisj.
vjr'-- IrnDvrt viaror n4 Dotrncv to ever funo
tVHITf. DOVF CURS nrver eU toOtkiruy trer.
Jng for strung drink, the appetUe for witlrh iannjf
i.lst after Italia iht renird. Ohen In anr llqulf
or without nntiait of na'ienit 'al'ts
8bru&a ft aUcConnsU Vrug Co.. Oi&afet.