TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1903. awaited with anxiety by the three eon ernd. Mr. Mummi remained oMurt to their persusslnns until the morning of what was destined to be their last upon arth. Miss Oertrude had bn a favorite with her father and upon that morning th ' wish" her heart prevailed. Word n tent to Rajr qulgg that no further op position would e offered to tha apeedy consummation ' of their marriage. Ha could not be found utUU Sunday noon, but by I o'clock h was at thr home of Ma Sane. Tha -eating f the rip per under the roof of Mr. Mumma, accordingly, was tha formal recognition by him of his ac ceptance af Ray Qulgg as bis son-in-law and It was upon this scene of happiness that the storm fiend pounced with his heartless ferocity. " Tare' Killed at Campbell. News reached Hastings this afternoon of a tornado which killed three peopMg rear Campbell and damaged' ten or fifteen houses in that. Halnlty. '. Tits dead as re ported are: DAtilfJL, M'CURDT. MRS. MAUD BACON, McCurdy'B' daugh ter. MRS. MOHLEVER. . OEOROe M'CURDT. '- Badly Injured; Miss Kimball... . The tornado also struck near Ayr, whera It demolished tha Roeder school htPuse and scattered Its timber along. thaI.it tie Blue river, for miles, four . largo .farm houses were treated In the same manner as also wera bams anh -granaries.' ' A' cow ' was found dead In a poster with a fane post driven deep into jta side.. . ... , . A party of young folks who wera spend ing the day 'on 'tha river barely escaped with their lives. As tha weather had bean threatening they bacame adventurous and would have been caught In' the tornado's path had they remained but a, few minutes longer on tha river. "The storm was sudden. "All the'etler noon Intermittent showers and hall had oc curred until t o'clock when the cloud separated and through the rlfla the sun shone, with unusual vigor. This continued until. about 3:15. Then the clouds merged again and towards the east assumed an litlrjr blackness. Intense quiet prevailed, which seemed to suggest something of the Impending d'saster. for the people came out 6f doors as If expecting some treachery of the elements. At t o'clock the villagers of Campbell heard a distant rumbling as of long continued thunder. ' Louder and louder It grew until It had become an amlnous roar. Horses and cows as well as the men and women were terrlfled, and many of the animals In their fear broke through' tile fences and stampeded. High In. the air the observers at Campbell aaw the. dreaded funnel-shaped cloud approach ing with frightful velocity. With a din ct swoop It ' shot to earth. Instantly debris was whirled upward, sucks of Vraw.hay and forage, trees and fences '.were. Whirled up and carried away like .so many shavings. Soon it was ap parent 'that the house of Daniel McCurdy was doomed. Here was' a social gathering, la a, few' moments the house was struck and scattered as an egg would be If struck by A hammer. The barn was bfown over against the house and the ruins of the structures were found in a common heap of debris. Beneath this mass was found tha remains of Its victims. Mangled, distorted, mutilated beyond recognition they were picked " up and dressed ; for burial. The earth' was torn up In several places where the tornado struck and then bounded Into the air. These spots resembled a strip of burned prairie with the exception that the earth was completely skinned. '' Two Killed at Chare.. CAMPBEU Neb., May .-(Speoial Tel egrath.)Th worst tornado ever known In thli .paf t of Nebraska occurred yesterday MUrnoon about 4 o'clock.. A funnel-shaped qlflvd formed about fifteen miles southwest -of 'tnlb city and the first damage done -was atth Ostarburg school house, where JRer. Johnson was holding preaching services; Tut nfnaot' house was entirely-demolished, Jfr'sir- Johnson and Mrs. '.Job Toters and 'Injuring' sixteen- people. . At-the. arm homes' of "-Wels Osterburg: William Fepo; aVc..' Imhof, J. W. Buoger. Henry Ber trend,' William Hubert, . Oeorge Casper, Oscar 'CJray, George Nltsel, Louis Webber, Yerbar Harmane, T. Turrux, Robert Mer ear, Pted Beta, Daniel McCurdy and W: H-- atttfson, where fine farm houses, barns' and other substantial outbuildings stood, ' everything was completely demol ished.' At the home of Daniel McCurdy a birthday party was 1 sssembled and all buildings were blown to pieces, killing Out right Daniel McCurdy, Hart McCurdy, Mrs. '' Earl Bacon and Mrs. Joseph Woolever,' while Mrs. William Klmpls and ills Icy McCurdy are badly Injured.' ilt Is 'expected they will die from their In juries. Mrs. McCurdy,' Oeorge Knehr, wife aru4 baby, and Effle McCurdy ' were se riously. Injured. ' Arthe'W. Patterson home Mrs. Patterson and; 'four .children were seriously though not fatally Injured. Mrs. Patterson was In the -cellar- and escaped. It waa a miracle how this family escaped being killed, as the -house was completely demolished -and they' Vers scattered over the field several hundred yards from where the house stood. ...In' this city the entire population watched th ' storm for two long ' hours while It Swung back and forth, north and south, but' gradually paasing In a northeasterly direction' until It came near the village, when .moat of the Inhabitants sought refuge In cellars and storm .caves until the storm passed pver, but fortunately Jt seemed to raise, and while considerable damage was done here in town, no buildings were com pletely .destroyed. But fsw houses es- caped having chimneys and shingles blown off. while the German Presbyterian church and several barns were moved from their foundations. In the country many smaller buildings ' were blown to pieces and at y-ist 10 head of cattle and horses were filled, making the loss to property more than rinp.oon, while many fine orchards and ornamental trees were twisted out by their roots. . Tne storm swept everything clean In Its, path and It Is impossible to make an accurate estimate oi me oamage done. '. '- Twf Killed ta Schoal Haas. ' FRANKLIN. Neb.. May .-(Speclal Tel egram.) The moat severe rain for years fen-' during last night The- creeks were eut'of their banks and the bottoms covered witn water. Tne section men on the rail, read Vers out sll night guarding the track The tornado that paaaed north ef Macon yesterday afternoon could be seen plainly from' here. James Demmick Is a heavy Do you seek Alcldes' equal? Those who seek the equal of Gorham Silver' fin4 it only in produc . tians of the Gorham Co, Though costing u much none other possesses the same distinguished .qual ities. - rrx responsible Jswalsre keeptt a loser, his bouse, barn and all utbulld Ings being a total loes. The family es caped with their Ave by going lnts the cellar. He also lost his horses, cattle and all stock. It also destroyed the homes of David Mccracken, William Davis and oth ers farther northeast. : Rev. Oeorge J as sen of Macon, who has been over near Upland holding service, was caught In the storm and his horses killed. A woman a eased Peters and a small child who lives south ef rplend. were killed. . Th heavy rain washed out a great deal of the corn, which will have to be replanted. Twa Tornadoes Near Falrld. FAIRFIELD. Neb., May 26.-(Speclai Tel egram.) At ( o'clock last evening what was apparently mild thunderstorm collected and. rapidly grew. In Intensity until It be came a deluge, with a high wind from the north, and a few-hailstones ef great slse, sdn measuring nine Inches In circum ference.' roar to Ave Inches of rain fell In as many hours, Cltisens of Fairfield sup posed this was the worst of it, 'but soon after midnight a mjessengtr came from four mllea east of ..town; saying there had .been a tornado at ,' p. m., that people were In jured and needed help. He was aulckly followed by another messenger from four miles southwest of town, saying there had been a tornado at T p. ra., which had done a great amount; of damage and Injured soma people. An Investigation proves, that the two tornadoes were ; separate and distinct, the one east bf town coming from the southeast. . The regular funnel-shaped oloud which flrt struck the earth.' at Mr. Anderson's turned from there, took an east erly exursefor about one anil and a' halt.' As far as known.lt did no damage farther on. Its path was about one-eighth of a mile wide. No one was dangerously In jured, - all having taken to their cellars. All houses, ..barns, .outbuildings, . farm machinery, trees In fact everything above ground was totally ground to pieces. - Th owners are; Mr. Anderson. . total loss; P. Hacklnson, total loss, Including forty head 'of cattle and horses; Linden Brothers, . total; Frank - Westering, total; D. J. Jaynes-and Oust Alderaon, loss of barns and 'outbuildings. The more severely Injured are: P. Hacklnson, scalp wound from rock blown from foundation of house. Mrs. Hacklnson, shock and exposure . to . storm. Joseph Taylor, hired man, Internal In juries, struck by flying tl sabers. Mrs. Linden, eyes Injured from falling plaster. The story of the tornado which occurred on hour later southeast of town Is prac tically a repetition of th above. It cam from the southeast, took a regular eourss, sweeping clean of all buildings and other property the farms of A. E. Broderlck, John MoReynolds, L. J. Cornish, O. W. Gray and Charles Taylor. Ths family of A. E. Brod erlck failed to , get Into th cellar, but miraculously escaped Injury. Each tor nado also destroyed a school house. The damage at the Broderlck farm was about $3,000; at th McReynolds' home the binder and th cistern pump were carried away by the storm and all the buildings were wrecked. A loss of 121,000 was in flicted at the . stock farm belonging to Charles Taylor. . All his atok. Including several head of fine horses, were killed. The storm carried 'one horse half a mils and the body was broken Into pieces by the fall. A' chimney fell on Charles Taylor and seriously hurt him. ' Two ' section houses were destroyed. Rain raits la Tnrremts. Rain fell In torrents before and after th wind storm. The rain continued to the eastward and at York, Malmo and MoCeol Junction, on the Burlington,' the tracks were reported ' washed - out and several bridges and culverts- ovr the :-smaller streams washed ' away.- Th storm, after leaving York,' took' a northeastern course and passed through Waheo. ' i At Wahoo the heavy rains washed away k-' greater -portion --of the Union Paolflo track- between- that town and . Weston. Two Union Faciflo -trains are tied up by th Hoods. Th -passenger train from Lin coln, due at Wahoo about 11 o'clock last night,-Is Isolated on a piece of sate track on mils west.- Ths 'train can-. proceed neither forward nor backward, as the track Is -gone. A freight train stands 'In the yard awaiting the repair ef the traek to the east. '' The continued heavy rains have-swollen the Wahoo, Cottonwood and Band' creeks until the town of Wahoo Is threatened with floods.- Ths water. works stands on an Island by - Itaslf this morning. The Burlington trains cannot enter the town, th 'bridge half a rail east being washed out. . Three Killed mt serais. NORMAN, Neb.,' May tt. A tornado struck this plae at an early hour today, killing three persons. Injuring a doscn others and blowing a dosea buildings to pieces. The dead: MRS. EARL BACON. MRS. WELLIVER. - JOHN M'CURDT. Mr.' Welllver had a hip broken and Is seriously injured. Cyclone at Valaad. MINDEN. Neb-. May St. 8peelal Tale- gram. A destructive tornado paaaed over a strip of oougtry south of Mlnden yester day afternoon about 4:10, In which a num ber of people were killed, a larger number Injured, more er leas, and houses and stock destroyed-. It started two mile south of Upland,- a little town in .th north edge of Franklin county, and demolished a school bouse in which German Lutheran services were be ing held. Th minister, whose heme was at Macon, name not learned, and Mrs. John Peters wer killed. Chris Lamers' wife and mother are reported dying. Th others Injured are: Will and Minnie Sohuits, Fred Pop and mother, Mrs. Isaae Casper, Chris Lamers and his two chil dren. . The - storm passed northeast, destroying everything In Its path, until Is reached the farm of Peter Votght, called "Old Sports- vllle," where a number of neighbors and friends were gathered. Here five were killed:- D. M'CURPT. ; MAUD BACON. '. ,' MRS. WOOLEVER. ' f MRS. KIMPLE. ROBERT M'CURDT. The Injured are: Mr. Woolever, Earl Bacon and Mr. Klnear and wife. Robert Chambers was driving along th road and saw th storm eoming. He left his team and Jump Into ,a cistern, saving himself, but has not yet. found this team. Rain and hall accompanied th twister. EDOAR, Neb., May 26. (Special Tele gram -Reports show that the tornado last night near Edgar was sever. Frank Wee wring's bouse and buildings were destroyed, also his orchards, and the loas, uninsured. Is S4.0QO. Peter Hakason had all his build ings blown away and 'fourteen horses and all his cows killed. Loss, uninsured. SS.tOt. Fred Westering had all his buildings de stroyed. Loss about St, MO. A. O. Lindoa lost his hpuae and barn. Loss. fS.000; no In surance. A number of other losses by ths storm make the tetal loss of property near Edgar more than IM.000. Severe Wlad at Beatrlew . BEATRICE. Neb., May S.-Speoial Telegram-) A severe rain and windstorm passed over this section early this morning. A large barn belonging to James Clay pool, who resides one mile south of town, was picked up and dashed to pieces and fences and small outbuildings were leveled to the ground. The Blue river Is higher than It , has been any time this spring and Is rising rapidly his evening. Much damage will re sult to crops. Teraade) Near Llaeola. (From a Stall Correspondent) LINCOLN, May 2S.-Special Telegram.) A storm of tornado proportions struck In west of Havelock this evening and de stroyed many buildings, but so far as could be learned no lives were lost. The storm covered a path a quarter of a mile wide and five miles long and within that territory not a single building escaped de struction or serious damage. Tho house of Oeorge Herr was badly wrecked and his barn destroyed. There were two horses and sixty hogs In the barn and these were killed. Oeorge Cooper, a neighbor, was milking In his barn when the storm struck. The barn was wrecked and Cooper severely injured by being struck by a flying board. A half-mile west of here the house of Jacob Bingham Was partially wrecked One- af his horses was wrapped In barbed, wire by the storm, and. killed and a cow was killed by having a board driven through It A heavy rain and hall : storm followed after th wind, and telephone wires are all down and roads so badly washed that It Is almost Impossible to get through the section covered by th storm. From ths best Information obtainable It appears that no people have been killed, but that the loss to buildings Is heavy and that all crops In the path of the'storm, wer ruined either by. the wind, or the hall, which followed. Iowa Tor a Badly Wrecked- DE8 MOINBS,. May S5.rOn Mf lost, a child perhaps fatally Injured and property damaged to th. value of several thousand dollars are the results of the worst storm that has ever visited this locality. The fatality Is reported from Rolfe, sev enty miles northwest Of here. Sing Lee, a Chinese laundry m in. being . killed at Jits place of business on Main street. The nam of the little ehild was not learned. Wires are down, so-that.it is impossible to -get full particulars from th storm-stricken town. According to an eye witness of th destruc tion ths tornado struck ths town at the Rock Island depot about S:15 yesterday afternoon. The building was turned com pletely around and blown through . a ma chinery house Into a livery barn. The lat ter waa wrecked. ' Th following losses are reported: Btate bank. Garloch eV McCune, badly demol ished: general store, Mike Crayon, almost ruined; Jones' livery,- heavy loss; Hotel de Main, completely rutned; Rock Island de pot blown from foundation. ' These are general Items of damage. Dwelling houses In every part of the city were Injured, as were also nearly all the business blocks. Fong Foo was struck on the head with timber near his shop and In stantly killed. .Storm ta Furious. WEBSTER CITT. Ia., May 3S.-(8pecial Telegram.) A-furious tornado struck KoUe, a small town north of this city, .at :18 o'clock last evening, fling Lee, a Chinaman, was killed and the greater part of the busi ness section of the town was carried away. The storm cams from the south. It lasted but a fsw moments, but In that time did an Inestimable amount of damago Practically all ths business blocks on th west side of the street were unroofed and many of them totally destroyed. Wires are down and. full particulars can not be learned. The Rock Island depot was turned squarely around and the Hotel Tre malne was totally destroyed, as was also the Stat bank, the Standard 0(1 repository, th city electric light plant and water works.- Many houses were also unroofed. Sing Lee was killed while fleeing from his laundryl The roof from an adjoining .build ing waa hurled upon him. It Is also said that a German farmer residing near the city waa killed, but no particulars can be had.' Tlia tornado was accompanied' fey 'k hailstorm. ... .-. . v.-w Waiter- Beglaa to Reeede. OKLAHOMA CITY. Okl, Max aS-r-Xhe waters that covered tfie southern end of Oklahoma City and part of Enid from the cloudburst near her ' Saturday midnight are receding today and no further damage is expected. The homeless are being cared for, and it Is believed no serious' suffering will result Toraad ta Mlssoarl. MARYVILLE, Mo.. May 2i.-A tornado struck- the town of Elmo, near here, early today, unroofing Joy's store and Uttering the town wtth the - debris of outhouses, earns and trees. No lives were lost Elmo Is adtuated In the northwestern cor ner of Missouri, near the Nebraska line, and th storm probably Is a continuation of that which struck near Norman, Neb. BUTTON, Neb.. May 26. (Special.) The severe rain and thunderstorm set In at dark last evening and poured down all night This morning School creek is a. flood. It being the highest It has been for ten years. YUTAN, Neb., May SB. iHpeclal.)-Last night another terrlfio rain and windstorm visited these parts. Some hail also fell. It is estimated that fully six Inches of. rain have fallen during the last week. Pastures hava . not been so covered with water for sixteen years, according to old residents. Th corn has been planted, but a large quantity of th land has been washed out so much that replanting is necessary. ST. JOSEPH IS STORM STRUCK Twenty Balldlacs Daaaasjed by Heavy ' Wind and Tranaeadaas Down- -poar at Rata. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. May .-Twenty buildings were damaged here tonight by a heavy windstorm, accompanied by a rain which amounted praotlcally to a clouaourst The greatest damage was in South St Joseph, where a dosen frame buildings were blown to pieces. v The storm began at 10:st o'clock- and street oars wire stopped for an hour, owing to a demoralisation of th wires. The full extent ef ths damage cannot be ascertained in the darkness tonight but It will prob ably amount to -from 160,000 to 1100,000..' No fatalities have been reported. TOPEKA. Kan., May tit The railroads are having trouble with heavy rains and swollen streams. Santa F trains are now running Into all stations In southern Kan sas, with the one exception of ColTervllle. - Th Rock Island Is having much trouble. It waa reported at the division offices ef that road today that very heavy rains have fallen on the Oklahoma division In the vicinity of Chlckasha. One official said that tha streams have left their banks and reports have been received from about two dosen washouts. LIGHTNING STRIKES COLLEGE Believe laetltatlea Twice Visited Is One Evealaa; aad Oae Man lajared. Bellovue college was twto struck by lightning during the storm of last evening. The first bolt did some damsw to th chim ney of one of the large boarding halls and seriously shocked Frank Byldes, the cook. Dr. C. W. Buell pt South Omaha, was called to attend him, but It Is not Known here how serious his Injuries are. , Later In ths svenlng lightning struck ths telephone wtre leading ta the hall and run ntng Into the building burned out the tele phone instrument and set fir to the cur tains. The blase was .extinguished, but how much damage waa done to the building could not be ascertained, as the telegraph fflce at that point was closed and the only TO mm WITH MACHINISTS Union Pselfif Official! and Employes 'Ar . . yangt Msstisg,, , IT WILL OCCUR IN 0XAHA ON JUNE t asBsaBaasasasB tie Preside.! Cealaa lays th Oat. leak ta F-aral far Settlement . ' af Balsttag; DlaTerraees with , . the Railroad. WASHINGTON, May SS.-A conference between the. representative ot th Interna tional Machinists and officials of th Union Pacific railway has been arranged to take place at Omaha June 1 to consider the dif ferences between the eompiy and Its ma cntnlsta'who are on strike. Vice President Conlan of .the Interna tional Association- ot Machinists today said ths general ontlbok was favorable to reach ing an agreement. . . ,Ta Ta,saad May Strike.' CHICAGO, May 2S.-At a meeting of the general managers of various reilroada upon which the freight handlers hv made a demand- for an Increase averaging 26 per cent It was decided to refuse to grant any in crease or make any compromise whatso sver.. . , . , . Twenty-four roads were represented at the meeting jend ,th decision to refuse was unanimous, Ths managers claim that ths demand Is unreasonable, as 'leas than a year ago the raoft were given an advance In wages of . li jer cent. President Curran of the Freight. .Handlers' union tonight de clared, that unless some concessions are made he will order a etfjte .of the 10,000 freight handlers employed by the different railroads centering In Chicago. - Kansas City Faces Via; Strike. - KANSAS CITY. May 26. A committee ot the local Freight Handlers', union Is call ing bn the railroad employers her today and a striks Is threatened unless the 24 per cent Increase in wages Is (ranted. The railroads that hav freight houses In Kan sas City are preparing for a strike and one) prominent railroad 'mart Is quoted as saying today t "It the men striks their places 'will be filled promptly by mn who are not members of tha unions, and those who do-atrlk will not be taken back." PENVBR, May M.-Tbe Western Federa tion of. Miners and Its powerful ally, the American Labor union, opened annual ses sions in this city today. Questions of great Importance to labor will be taken up during the ten days' session of the two organisations. Only routine . matters were disposed of today. The. Owls, an auxiliary of the Brother hood t Railway Trainmen, which Is now holding Its biennial convention In this city, elooted officers today. , The Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen's convention la revising ths constitution and bylaws ot th order. Insurance classes hav been raised as follows: A, from 1400 to 1600; B, from ttOO to 11.000; C, from H,300 to $1,350. Freiarkt Haadlere Strike Settled. 8T. LOUIS, May 21-The settlement of the strike of porters, packer and freight handlers of the whoieeale grocery firms In the Cupples station district that went Into effect today, carried with It the assurance of the winding up of th strike of the rail road freight handlers snd the prevention of a general strike ot the teamsters of the International organisation who wer bn the point of going, out . -i - .' BAN FRAN.CISCO. May S6.-About 160 employes of the Pacific .coast branch of the American Steer and Wlr company were thrown out of employment on Batur-day-by-tb. atosinaf of th. nimi tn, '. locked .out vre principally members of the ..... nmmri union. The new wage scale was . to have gone into effect today.' A representative of the company arrived here last Thursday.- He investigated the1 situa tion -and. -ordered the dosing of th plant Indefinitely.-. United Bute Immigration Commissioner r. p. Sargent, who has been visiting in Honolulu fo, th purpos of Investigating the labor situation and selecting a site for the local Immigration station; for which the last congress appropriated 130,000. today returned on Ventura. 7 Samltk Wesson Skat Dawn, of Smith Wesson, revolver makers, ndeflnlt period. This step 1. takan it .-'"r?' bCU 0t Ubor ouUes, 'the men having signlfled their Intention ot (hTflrm. Vn'n d"Pl" th MMU o' Last week a number of th employes were question! regarding their connection with the movement to form a union and as rssult .Uvsn of them were discharged. The at mat urns to shut down the works, but the mm..... . . " from their purpos. ' 0", Twa Hnadred Thaasaad Idle. NEW. YORK. Mav 2Si i. . that .there, are close to 200.000 men Idle New Y k a"rernt boroughs of Greater uiuerea Dy different unions and th lockout decided men ana eontractors In their fight against th unions. Work on meet of the big buildings and In the saw- uiiiib ana Dncxyaras is practically at a standstill. ' Th United Board of BulMin - awiB mm today and Issued a statement denouncing the recent action of the mmi forming An organisation-. Leather Workers aa. Strike. . . MILWAUKEE. Wis.. . Mav s v e- WurT of the Amalgamated Leather Workers' Union of America went on a strike in nine of the tanneries In Milwaukee today. It Is estimated that between 1S00 and 1.000 men a affected. The men demand fifty-three ndurs wora- per wee and ths" same pay which they wer receiving for sixty hours. A conference between representatives of the employers and employes will be held Tuesday. - Be saa Ha Care, a Fay. Your druggist will refund" your money li VAT.n OtiVTMWVf t.n. ." - ningwomv Tetter. Old Ulcers and Sores, Pimples and Blackheads' on th face, and all skin dis eases. SO casta. DEATHS STOP RACE (Continued from First Page.) Ing up a hill. He saw Jarrot approaching at lightning speed. A huge black mastiff get right hi the path. Jarrot realised that to try t avoid th dog would throw his car against a tree, aad he steered directly ahead.' Ha struck ths dog squarely and It was pinned in front of the automobile for a moment and then dropped to the ground between the wheels. Every bone In Its body was baoken, soms of them In a dosen place. Concerning the effect of th accident Mr. Moor expressed the opinion that It will stop the excessive speed ef races and that this would really be beneficial to true sport Rae las Steaatatlaa. He says th Paris-Madrid rac Is less a contest of sportsmanship than a eompetl tlon between rival makers, seeking to gain a seputatton,. many makers offering large premiums to unknown 'men to Induce them to break recorda. Fax hall K-eonO has been eheaen by the German Automobile club to trrivw on f the three German machines In tha Coupe International, which will be run In Ire land en July 1 He says his ninety horse power csr Is being tried In the Paris-Madrid rac by M. Janetty, who finished ninth at Bordeaux. TO MEMORY . OF EMERSON Ratable Speeches Mad at Celebration f Ceateaalal Anniversary af ' - - His Birthday. NEW YORK. .May 35.-A dinner in com memoration of the one hundred anniver sary of the birth of Ralph Waldo Emerson was given by the Society of American Authors at the Waldorf-Astoria tonight. A collection of books, portraits, manuscripts and other papers. Including rar editions ot Emerson's books and a large group ot English reprints, including ths first small Fraier octavo of 1841 . with Carlisle's eulogistic preface, were on exhibition. Former Surrogate Erastus B. Ransom was toaetmaeter. Among those at the guests' table Were Edwin Markham, Colonel Henry Watterson. Chancellor Mao Craoken of the University of New York, President J. O. Schurman of Cornell, Dr. William M. Lelpslnger and Dr. William T. Harris, United States commissioner of edu cation. Mr. Julia Ward Howe, who was ex pected to be present, sent a letter In which she said: tVJfd will hardly express my regret av my Inability to attend your commemora tion Of the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of Ralph Waldo Emerson. The widespread enthusiasm awakened today by the remembrance of this man makes evi dent to all the depth of gratitude and af fection with -which he has been regarded by many people In many places. I am one of the tew still living who are enabled to recall him as a personal frieml: - The following cablegram was read: Edward Arnold offers humble tribute, love and gratitude to Emerson, immortal friend and godfather. A poem of commemoration was. read by Edwin Markham. ' Chancellor MacCracken, In responding to the toast, "The Fame of Emerson," said In part: Th fame of Emerson Is the fame of a pioneer. It remind me of the fame of John Hancock, also a cltlsen of Massschusetts. Hancock's Is the fame of a man who was the first to sign with his big handwriting tho Declaration of our Independence jn politics The fame of Emerson, in like manner. Is the fame of a man who waa the first to publish in his books of sixty years ago the declaration of our independence In lsttera. Indeed, It is three-score and six yearn since in his sddress on the American scholar hs said: "Our day of dependence, our long apprenticeship to the learning of other lands, draws to a close." The earliest published poem of Emerson, written when he was only S8, begins with these two lines, "Right upward on ths road of fame. With sounding steps the poet came." This describes the prorres of Emerson. But when we seek an explanation of this progress ws must attribute It In a verv con siderable demree to the time when tie ap peared. He is a lMerary father of America. Colonel 'Watterson said In part. In re sponse to th toast, "The Ideal in Public Life:" There Is no such thing as the Ideal In pub lic life, construing public life to refer to political transactions. Ths Ideal may exist In art and letters, and sometimes very young men Imagine that It exists in very young women. But here we must draw the lino. As society Is constituted the Ideal haa no place, not even standing room. In ' the arena of civics. ' If we would make a place for It we must begin by realising this. The painter, like the lover. Is a law unto him self with his little picture the poet, also with his little poem his atelier, his uni verse, his barnyard, his field of battle his weapons the utensils of his craft he, him self, his own Providence. It Is not so In the world of action, where the oondltlons are directly reversed where the one player con tenda against many players, seen and un seenwhere eaoh move Is met by some counter move where the finest touches are Often unnoted of mn. or rudely blotted out by a mysterious hand stretched forth from the darkness. "I wish I could be as surs Of anything." said Melbourne, "as .Tom Macauley la of everything." Melbourne was a man of affairs, Macauley a .man. of books; and so throughout tha catalogue, the men pf action have beeafataltsta). front-Caesar to Kapolfton and Bismarck, nothing cettala except the Invisible player behind th screen. - - Peddlers Arrested at, Seward. SEWARD, Neb., May St. (Special Tele-grtm.)-Charles M. Barnett, George W. Menke and John T. Johnson wer ar rested yesterday for peddling without a license and their hearing bad In. county cjurt this morning. Judge -Leavens fining them S60 each. These parties have been selling groceries to farmers around her for some time and th Seward, grocers decided to have them arrested.. - Knock Ont Saloon. Ueease. SEWARD, Neb., May 25. (Special Tele gram.) Judge Good convened district court this afternoon and gava his decision in the Weutrlch and Green liquor cases. The decision reversed - the city council, which granted both Ida Weutrlch and Frank A. Green licenses to run saloon. Insane From t'se of Urn a. Lestsr Rodney was looked up last night and will be examined today by the cltv ohyaiclan with a view to filing charges of Insanity against him. - He Is said to have been for several years addicted t the use of cocaine, and has gradually become un balanced In mind. Last night at Twelfth and Douglas streets the attention of Officer Patulla was attracted to the man standing at the corner with an open knife In his hatid. The policeman attempted to take away the knife and Rodney made two lunges at him, but without striking.- The knife was taken away from him and he was locked up. It Is thought that he may do eome harm If left at large. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Showers ' Tuesday aad Wedaasday' ad Warsur la Western Nebraska, WASHINGTON, May S.-The forecast: For Nebraska Showers Tuesday and warmer In west portion. - Wednesday, show ers. For Missouri. Iowa and Kansas Showers Tuesday and Wednesday. For North snd South Dakota Fair and warmer Tuesday. Wednesday, showers. Laeal.'siecerd. mrS-THE OF THE WEATHER BL'Blfitt OMAHA, May '".Official record of tern- perature ana precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three yr,! 1KB. MO. M01. 100 Maximum, temperature v.7 SO r Minimum temperature ... 60 M 42 66 Mean tenfperature ;-. SO 51 -71 Precipitation .H .17 .00 .00 , Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for this day since March 1. 1301. Normal temperature if, Excess for the day t Total excess since March l. ?36 Normal precipitation IS Inch v.xeaas for the day SO Inch Total rainfall since March I t.lti inches Excess since March 1 ?1 inch Deficiency for cor. penoo. uwu 1 ta inches Deficiency for cor. period. 101 t.sl Inches Reports rem Stations at T P. M. . , 1 , .',.. -nf i ; 3 r : : : TS w .01 68 7t .00 M tt .00 M Si .00 S2 ti M SO 6 .On M 72 '.00 ' S4 at .oil it TH .JO 74 M .01 7t 7S .00 74 7 .M m S4 .! . 62 S4 y 60 CO .60 H W .(0 7tl so .00 CONDITION or THS WEATHER. ... Omaha, raining Valentine, cloudy .; North Platte, cloudy Cheyenne, cloudy Salt Lake City, clear RapldCltr. clear H'iron, clear Wllilston, cloudy Chicago,' partly cloudy , lit. Loula, clear Bt. Paul, clear a., Ivenport, clear Kansas City, partly cloudy ..... Havre, partly cloudy Ilolsna, partly cloudy Blamaxck, partly cloudy Galveston. olouly , CHEMICALLY PURE - rtr. J. bunraven Young, One of ths Best Known Chemists In the World, Says DUFFFS PURE MALT WHISKEY Is sn Absolutely Pure Whiskey. mr. Young has been at the head of the chemistry department of thb . armour institute of technology, also chemist to the sanitary commission. Chicago, July , 1901 . Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Gentlemen: I have completed a careful and most exhaus tive chemical analysis of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey, which showed It to be a pure Whiskey uncontamlnated with foreign mat ter. The search for fusel oil demonstrated the remarkable purity of this whiskey, as, 1 otwlthstanding the most delicate teats known were employed in this investigation, the mere traces of this poisonous matter found were such as to be incapable of de termination. This unsual result speaks more eloquently than words the care taken in Its production, while It Is an unfailing Indication of "age" of the whiskey, which Is so essential to an article to be used for medlolnal purposes. The various tests made were the 1 most rigid and exhaustive of any similar exami nation ever made In thle laboratory, and the results obtained were of the most flat tering character. Indicating that the Duffy Malt Whiskey Company's product Is an article of exceptional merit and well de Serves Its name of "Medicinal Whiskey." Yours very truly, J. Dunraven Young, (Formerly Chemistry Department Armour Institute ofTechnology; Chemist Sanitary Commission, etc., etc Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey hae been tested thousands of times during the past 60 years by the most learned chemists and found always to be the same, "absolutely pure" and free from fusel oil. -Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey cures coughs, colds, consumption, grip, bronchitis, pneu monia, catarrh, asthma, malaria and all low fevers. It stimulates and enriches the blood, aids digestion, builds up the nerve tissue, tones ud the heart and fortifies the system aaratnst disease serais. It prolongs lire, keeps the 01a young ana tne young stronsr. It contains no fusel oil and la the only whiskey recognised by the government is a medicine. unis is a guarantee. "Duffy's" Is prescribed by over T.uiW doctors and used exclusively In over 2.000 hospitals. It haa saved the lives of millions ot people during the past fifty years who havs used It as their only medicine. CAUTION When you ask for Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey be sure you get the senulne. unscrupulous aeaiera. mindful of the excellence of this preparation, will try to Sell you cheao imitations ana so- called Malt Whiskey substitutes, which are put on the market for profit only and which, far from relieving the sick, are positively narmiui. uemana -uunry e and be sure you get It It Is th only ab solutely pure malt whiskey which contains medicinal, neaiin-giving quanues. uoon for the trade-mark. "The Old Chemist" on th label. Th genuine Duffy's Pur Malt Whiskey Is sold by all druggists and grocers, or di rect at 11. w a Dome, write tor iree mea ns! honk let containing avmntoms and treatment of each- dleease and convincing testimonials, to the Duffy Malt Whiskey Company, Rochester, N.- T. BABY IS NOT AN HEIRESS ... ... '. : ,v -- ...... - - Womsn Fined for Making Falsa Entry -of Its Birth. RETAINS INFANT AS AD0PTE& CHILD Mrs. Gaaaias S. Bedford ArraJaraed 1 London ' Pleads GalHy ' to Charge and Is Given , . Light Penalty. LONDON. May 2S. Mrs. Gunning 8- Bed ford, who was arrested at Queenstowa May IB, on the arrival of the steamer Umbrta, obarged with making a false declaration ot a child's birth, was brought up on remand at th Bow street police court here today and pleaded guilty. She admitted that the child was not her own and said she had adopted It. Bhe was fined SW. Mrs. Bedford, when she appeared In tne dock,' was pale and agitated. A formidable array ot counsel appeared for both sides. The prosecution showed that Mrs. Bedford came to England from Parts In Deoamner, and that she had advertised as "Madams B, desiring to adopt a female child," with th result that the illegitimate baby of a working girl In Isleworth was transferred to Mrs. Bedford's keeping, under th nam of Margaret Carnett. Mrs. Bedford regis tered the child as her own and took It to Parts, and thence to America. Counsel for the prosecution added that as the above facts had been established and the child could no longer be claimed as the heiress ot the Bedford estate, they were not desirous ot severe measures and asked the magistrate to deal with the case as a technical offense and not to send It to the higher courts, where a penalty of several years' , Imprisonment could have been In flicted. . After consultation wtth counsel, Mrs. Bed ford admitted her guilt and the magistrate lnnictea tne iignteat nne tne law allowed. Mrs. Bedford applied for her property held by the police, and everything was re turned except a loaded revolver. This she excitedly demanded, saying: "Certainly I Want It. I have always carried one sines my husband and myself were attacked. "- The lawyers quieted her, but Mra Bed ford said: "It doesn't matter, I'll get an other." . Mrs. Bedford retain the baby as her dopted -daughter. Japanese Professor on a Tear. Blu vpiupiam w-.. c , . . - - , ..,v -v, lib; w, X,. nroioix, professor of geology of the Imperial Unl- Orient on a tour of the United States, dur ing which he will visit the various promi nent institutions of learning and other p.auca niiiuu uvu importance 01 geology CONSTIPATION .Vi" "JV Vtn I ' wlk esrost. eea- ltpi m d 4rUt H. Um I sail to tk a lnJcllo of Wlraa Mr oae rtj H kuira kfrt ri.4 C.ismm. .n4 oJ.r 1 sa t !! parlaa saa alsta yeara .for I a.4 rMC4r.n I suffered aainld nu.rjr with InUrnsl Taanba ra I am '. from all h. ihu stoma.. Yse saa as tula lit basal of tuffarUf hon..Diir " S. IT. rub. koaaoka, 111. Plsaaaet, Palatabla. . Tun Onoe. De . m! !,? w,"" Inpa. Ue, t,U.. MTr SIS la bulk. Tha tannins tkblat iUshI C C 0. aaiaatMU to cure ar four stoa j SMk. Sterling Remedy Ce., Chicago arN.Y. So) AXX'JAL SALE, TEN BULLION BOXES fTpfi) Btst Tor ( as' ThwBOwala J- . "X Candy TruATie (She Best of Evcryihlnfi The Only Double Trach Railway to Chicago US. 40 Indianapolis and re turnJune 7-8-8. HUG-Detroit. Mich , and re turnJuly 14-15. $33.75 Boston, Mass and re turnJune SO to July 4. IS. 85 Baltimore. Mri . and return July 17-18. J10.35 Mankato, Minn., and return all summer. I12.SS St Paul, Minn., and return all summer. Very low rate via the Great Lakes and to m ap points north and cart. s- City Offlcs 14011403 FAR NAM ST. OMAHA TEL. 624-661 QUAKER MAID! RYE Ixlishttul as a Beverage. Healthful sa a- Tonic. . . for sale at the lead lS here, cafes and drug stores. S. HIRSCH i CO. Itnu Cltr, Ms. eoecesesoeeeeeeoi Dr. McCRkW SPECIALIST Treat all forms ol" DISEASES AND ... , DI508DEIS W MEfi ONLV Tears Kxperteasa Teara in nn.k. Is remarkalile aim. knaledand every day brings many flatter- Hot Springs Tuatment for Syphilis - lgn of ths disease dlsaDDear at on.. I 3TICK:. ctmrjn-r.ow charges g-.trt?ta!,aili:M"n"1 re 1 tUtlHEUT PMYSIOIAM throughout the world recommend AS A SPECIFIC IN CASES OF AKAMIA, OOLDM, LA SLOW OOHVALESOCHOE, . ATOMAOM TltOUBLt. . TYPHOID mm MALARIAL C. reaoara A Co., 90 N. WHTIeai St., N. Y. 'mi 1 11 ii 'J A slin if fteovtf Ct Joj tvnmr. L t. FELIX COUIAUD'S ORIENTAL CKEA.n. OX MAGICAL AEAUTIflEl i Samaras Taa, ' Hwstaa, rrslaa. staik raichs. II Sank an Skla Dl. mm, aad every ivy wsi&m t.ll 1 Fl aai Is so harmlMS- Uata HUM aura it Is srrr s4. Aaoaot ss svatarfnk ei simi lar aasM. Of. t A. km aal4 te a Ia4r 1 th haul. lea (a satlast) : "Aa ra laelas will um tham. I racmsMa4 -OOLRAtJDS CRCAM" sa tk We sarmfal vt all tha akin srapsratlaaa" rr aal kr all 4rsisleta aa Stacy t4t Saalan la lk Vslu4 Statas Saiusa. FERO. T. BOPKIRS, lre. St Oraat Jaaas SC. K. T. , rood rnapaotar. R. L. R&UACCIOTTI, D.V.S. CITT YVTBPJKAXLkX. OtBo and liUUxvarSfthnckt Mast Omaha. Neb. Teleoboae 6J. AMtSKMENTS. BOYD'S - FOl'RTH BIG WLfcK FERRIS STOCK CO. Tonight and Until and Including Thursday Night, THB MILITARY DRAMA. " LYNWOOD." MATINfc.K WtUNtolJAY. fnces Mat., any seat, luc; mglit, 10-U-Aa. BP1CCIAL. ENOAOIMENT . Friday Night and Saturday Matinee and Night. Mr. N. C. GOODWIN THE ALTAR OF FRIENDSHIP KL'LI. NEW YORK CO. Prices: Mat., 2to to SI. SO. Nisht. ?0c to S3 00. cleats on sale today. No free Hat. RASE BALL Vinton Street Qrounds. Kansas City vs. Omaha. May 36-27. Games called at S al p. sa. am bam.'' f s yi 1 at "'Ik ejKHpyilC it -at 8 v is J m. mnaaw s a sw av i telephone ther burned u, 4