Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1903, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Bee. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, TUESDAY MORNING, MAY . 26, 1003 TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. ( DEATHS STOP RACE Six art Killed, Two Fatally and Tet Others Badly Injured, AUTOMOBILE CONTEST BROUGHT. TO END French Gorernment Becomes Aroused at Frequent Casualties. SPAIN ALSO DEMANDS ITS CESSATION Beports During Day Placed Loam of Lift at Seventeen. ALL ACCIDENTS OCCUR IN FIRST STAGE gAaaalaary Results af Speed Trial Pari ana Government' Aatlaa la Approved ay All taa Popalne. PARIS, May . It Is now possible to aa esmbl from tho many reptui along the rout of the first stage of in Paris-Madrid automobile rac a complete Hat of casual ties. This shows six persons killed, two o dangerously Injured that they may die and ten seriously Injured. During the day It was asserted her that seventeen persons had been killed and that seventeen were Injured, but tnls was not warranted. A carefully revised list of th casualties follows: Dead: PIERRE RODERIZ, Mr. Barrow's ma chinist; collision with a tree near Ubourno. NIXON, Mr. Porter's machinist; burnd under automobile. NORDMAND, M. Touranda machinist, at Angeulem. DUPUY, soldier, at Angouleme. CAILLON, cyclist, at Angouleme. UNKNOWN PEASANT WOMAN, at Ablls. Injured: Mr; Barrow, pelvl and thigh broken; am putation of leg expected. M. Marcel Renault, injured about body and head. Mr T Porter, cut and braised. Mr. Stead, overturned; badly injured. " Mr. Stead's machinist, head cut open. I-ean. champion cycllat; broken kneecap. Richard, chest crushed, ribs broken. 1 Henry Jeannot. Richard' machinist, ihoulder fractured. E. Chard, head cut open. Taurand. severely brulseft. Gaston Raffet. boy i ' fractured skull; leg and arm hroken. Mantel Renault'! machinist, severely bruised. Som mlraoulous escapes war re- VMirtad. M. . Terry machine ' was burned at Coignleree, , but ha and his machinist were uninjured. M. Rodolpha P Arsons and his ma chinist wr thrown out near Bordeaux and war practically unhurt, though the mr wa destroyed. - tmiIb Renault telegraphed . follow " hmlght: "Marcel ta better. Bringing him to Paris tonight Deny report of his death officially." Bordeaux ' reports that many of the competitors Including M. M. Charlon. Thelller and Passy desired to abandon th rao. but other Insisted that their honor required them to resum It at th Spanish frontier If possible, but the Spanish government later forbad th race arid thus compelled Its complete abandon ment The manufacturer hav agreed that aa a road race la Imposslbl th meeting will be resumed within a closed course. The correspondent of th Associated presa Interviewed a number of the lead- tng American ana ri.n .Uwu.wU...-v. and they an expressed horror at th - series of accident and added that In their opinion It would end speed races In Franc and at other point on the con- tlnent ' Another Horrible Aeeldnt. a atanateh from Bordeaux adds an other terrtbl acdd.nt to th long list of casualties. Mm. Chayasa. accompanied by ber huaband, both rldln bicycles, were ' watching th pessag of automobiles at Bt Andre d Cubsec, twelve miles from ) Bordeaux, when a bora, frightened by ( the role. . bolted and overturned the Vwomu, who fell under a racing automo bile. Her legs wer cut off. Th hope of saving her life I slight According to th latest reports, Mr, Stead , I so much Improved that he will be able, to leave the hospital this week, Mr.; Barrow I better and tha doctor ex- pact to reduce th dislocation of his thigh and amputate hla foot tomorrow. Marcel Renault' condition Is less satisfactory. There I more excitement In automobile circles In Bordeaux over th interdiction of th continuance of the race by th French and Spanish governments. A com taittea of tha local Automobile club and delegmtea from th Paris Automobile club met In Bordeaux this afternoon, but the decision arrived at has not been published. . Blew to Automoalllna-. Fexhall Keene aald: Th killing or maiming of so many per sona la a terrible blow both to Individuals and to automoblllnx. Marcel Renault mA Barrow were both of the highest class of drivers and good sportsmen. Harrow was frequently taken for an American, but 1 believe he le an Englishman. Tha effect will be a serious. If not an lrrenaml.1. blow to fast automoblllng. I had hoped to drive my sixty horsepower. It was a won derful machine, showing 111 kilometres witnout eirori. dui at ins laat moment we were unaui to complete in necessary re calrs. There Is not the slightest ground for the suagostioq mat rtenri rournier, w. K Vandnrbllt Jr.. and Haron De Forest with. drew from the rac on account of th dan gers. Each had a damaged cylinder and could not proceed. J. B. Worden, who ar rived fifth at Bordeaux, la the only Amer ican remaining In the contest. Ha hu nniv a touring car, but nevertheless made a line nre. The speed limitations which have now .wen Axed by the French ana Spanish gov ernments will put an end to any chance of jst time being made between Bordeaux wid Madrid, and the balance of the race will be run under tourist conditions, i'ht irricnn 01 ruiu neyuna noraeaux are more oimcuit man tne route covered yes terday from Versailles, owing to tha many nuis ana anarp turnings. Terrlte Speed Attala. Clareno lloort of Washington k . ,,. returned from an Inspection of th track for which unusual privilege were granted him by tha Judges of yesterday's races. He gives a graphic description or tha terrific speed of th racers. He timed Louis Re nault's car a It passed him and he found It was making seventy-four and a half miles aa hour. The automobile of M. Ga briel, yesterday's winner, he says, gave forth a roar aa It leaped the steep Incline Bear Chartre Ilka a hug rabbit bound- ' JOoaUauad a Senacd l"-) DOCTOR TAKESJj IS OWN LIFE Dr. E. Canrles Wendt Kllla Hlaiaalf . with Platal la Pari Apartments. PARIS, May 26. Dr. E. Charles Wendt of New York, shot and killed himself with a, pistol In hla apartments here today. Tem porary abberatlon of the mind la supposed to be the cause. NEW YORK, May 28. Dr. Wendt prao- tlced medicine In New Tom until five years ago, when he married. He was an author ity on sanitation, and after his marriage h devoted nearly all hla time to studying the methods of sanitation In Europe, mora es pecially In Southern Italy. On this subject he wrote many papers. Ha was associated with Dr. George F. Shrady aa an editor of the Medical Review. After going to Europe Dr. Wendt con fined to contribute valuable papere to th medical papers In this country. Ten years aao he wrote a book on cholera that was accepted as an authority at the time of tha scar In New Tork. He was 46 years old. MANY INSURGENTS ARE DEAD Bodies of Oae Handrea ana Fitly Foand After Battle with Tories. VIENNA, May 25 About 1B0 Macedonian Insurgents were killed at the vlllag of Smurdesh, south of the Lake of Presba. May , according to a dispatch to th Neue Frel Presne, from Salonlca. The Insurgents, who had possession of quantities of dynamite, sought refug In the village and war attacked by Turkish troops. The fighting lasted thirty hours and ultimately all the house were burned or blown up by the Turks. One hundred and fifty bodies were found In th ruins. A dispatch from Constantinople, May 23, said fighting had occurred all day on May 21 near the Bulgarian village of Mogll, six mile north of Monaatlr. PROSECUTIONS FOR MASSACRE Trial of TkM Responsible ta Be Held Before Military Trlbaaal. (Copyright MM. or Press Publishing Co.) ODEBSA, May 24. via Vienna. May 26. (New York World Cablegram-Special Tel egram.) The chief officials of the dlatrlct military court of this city proceeded today to Klschlneff, Indicating the IntenUon of the government to try those who partici pated In the recent massacre before a mili tary tribunal, which alone has power to Inflict capital punishment. This unusual proceeding Is a : direct consequence of American Indignation expressed by the papers of that country, which Is making th deepest possible Impression on both official and society circles her. NEITHER ONE HAD A SCRATCH Prlaea Rndslwlll aad Coant Slsso Hav a Da el with ristols, bat Both are Pa or Marksmen. . ' PARIS. May 26.-A dual, with pistol was fought this morning at Villebon, near Perls, between Prince RadxtwJH, an attach of th Russian embassy In London; and Count Edward Slxns-ef Norla. an Austrian noble man and. a Well- known London clubman, The duel was the outcome of a quarrel over cards and Count fiiiso was th chal longer. Shot were three time exchanged at fifteen paces, but neither of the duellists was Injured. The-principal wer reoon ciled on th ground. . , , Besides the four seconds, who all came from London, a doctor wai th only person to witness the duel.' STONE PALACE - OF PRINCE Tnrfanlent Mob Speads Blight la th ' streets - of " Lalbaeh, Austria. LAIBACH, Austria, May 26. A turbulent mob rioted In the streets last night, yelling down wtth . the ban" and cheering for Croatia. A crowd In front or tne uerman club sang the Slav anthem and hooted the ban. Several shots were fired. The rioter also stoned Princ von Aurspergs palace. Troops finally routed th rioters. Bowen Knthaslaatleally Received. rinirAR. May 16. Minister Bowen ar I.. at La Ouayra today on th Red D, ti -Philadelphia. He was cheered en thusiastically by the populace and local authorities. Learning mat a demonstra tion would take plc on his arrival at Caracas Minister Bowen signified his de- .i to be reserved quietly, un nis ar ,il . Caracas he was met at the station by President Castro, the members of the cabinet and all tne ipreign rnraemi. W. C. Balnbrldge. tfa United State rep resentative and Senor Durel. M. Ruhl Senor Ryanose and Senor Ologol. reapee tively the Mexican. Dutch. Spanish and Italian representatives of the mixed tri bunal which is to adjust the claims of foreigner against Venexuela arrived here today. Recommends a Hew Dloaese. ROME. May 26. Th congregation of th nroooaaada today finally decided to recom- ment the archdiocese of Oregon and th appointment of Rev. Charles .O'Reilly, pas tor of the Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary of Portland. Ore., to be bishop of the new diocese. The whole matter I ub- Ject to th approval of th pop. Koreans Ordered Arrested. YOKAHAMA. May 26.-A dispatch from Seoul say the government of Korea ha ordered the official at WIJu to arrest the Koreans who were concerned In th esale of land and buildings to Russians or Chinese. Mra. Palmer Denies Eanaa-emont. PARIS, May K Mra Potter Palmer pro nounce th story of her engagement to th princ of Monaco as absurd. FIRE DESTROYS ICE PLANT Namerona Explosions ( Ammonia Tanks Oeenr, bat No On Is Hart. PHILADELPHIA. May JS.The 1c man ufacturing plant of tha American Ice com pany at Eighth and Catharine street was destroyed by lire of unxnown origin today The building waa valued at 160.000 and the machinery la ssld to be worth 160,000, but th greater portion of th machinery was saved. During th fire there wer numerous explosions of ammonia tank but no one waa Injured. The children In the Thomas B. Florence public school opposite, and the House o Industry and Day Nursery, adjoining th burn! bull ding, were gotten cut safely. PRESIDENT STATES POSITION Baji He Eaa Not Asked Any Man for Hit 8unport HE DID NOT RAISE THE ISSUE IN OHIO Those Wkt rarer Hie Admtnletratlaa aad Nomlnntlon Will Endorse Them, aa Taos Who Did Rat Will Offer Opposition. WALLA WALLA, Wash., May Secre tary to the President Loeb this afternoon gave out the following statement: "In speaking of the sudden political de velopments In Ohio the president this after noon said: "I have not aaked any man for his sup port. I have had nothing whatever to do with raining the Issue as to my endorse ment. Sooner or later it was bound to arise, and Inasmuch as it has now arisen, ut course those who favor mv administration and my nomination will endorse them and hose who do not will oppose them." 'The president also said he was deeply touched by the action o President Mc- Klnley'a home county, -', 'ten, Canton is situated. In Instructip vN .leartlly In his favor. Nothing co ?vS ve pleased him more." V The president'' .-ess before ,000 people frsm sou then- t Washington from the teps of th .itman Memorial building this after . was voted by men acoom panylnr president one of th finest he hi ., ,de since crossing th Rocky mountak. s. He used fine rhetoric and was more enthused than In most of his west ern speeches. There were about 11,000 people here from outside points to see tha president The president was Introduced by Mayor Hunt. On the' platform were Senators Ankeny and Foster. The president was particularly well pleased with the presence of Whitman col leg students who sat In front of the speakers' platform. The student gave th Harvard yell and the president asked for Its repetition. Tonight President Roosevelt was enter tained by 8enator Ankeny at his home. select party of about two dosen were present The president left at 10 o'clock for Wal lace, Ida, , Journey Dnrlnc the Day. PACO, Wash.. May 25. The president' train glided down the charming Yakima valley today. HI tlrst speech we at te Elum, In the Cascade mountains. One thousand coal miners had come down from Rosslyn. At North Yakima the president spoke on Irrigation to an enthusiastic audi ence of 11000 people. He dwelt on th Im portance of Irrigation and of the approval of th act of the last session of congress. A feature of th crowd her was the pres ence of hundred of Indian from th Ya kima reservation. At Ellensburg the president spoke fifteen minute on good cltlsenshtp to 6,000 peo ple. First of all he said: 'Let me greet those whom I know other will not grudge my specially greeting, men of the grand army and th representative of tho who did even more than th men of the civil war, the women. ' Far while th men went to battle to th women fell tha harder task of swelng husband or lovor. father "or-brother "going to th war. sh herself having to stay behind with the load of doubt, anxiety and uncertainty and often . had 'th "difficulty of making both end meet In the household while th bread winner was away." The president asked that Captain Stein' man of th First regiment be preaented to htm at th close of th speech.' While speaking h referred to Btelnman' com pany' having been th heaviest sufferer among the volunteer in the Philippine campaign. While Btelnman was being In troduced the ' president grasped hi hand and said .warmly: "Captain. I know all about you and your company; your company was a crack-a jack and I am mighty glad to meet you and to know you. MILITIA GUARDS THE WITNESS Grand Jury at Jackson, Ky Indicts Jet aad Whit for Marder of Attorney Mare am. JACKSON. Ky., May S.-Aftr an all day's session of th special grand jury. Into and from which the principal witness wa escorted under protection of a guard of sol diers, Curtis Jett and Tom Whit wer tonight Indicted for the assassination of James B. Marcum. Th action taken by the grand jury waa prompt and decisive, and tonight there Is a growing Impression that justice. will at laat be administered In the Harrls-Oockrell fued, of wnlch Attorney Marcum wa the latest victim. Captain Ewen, the principal witness, has been a nrlsoner In his own home since It became known ' that he would testify. A squad of soldier escorted him from his home to the courthouse and back ngaln. The streets were crowded, but no demon stration waa made. Curtl Jett 1 already under arrest. Tom White lives In the mountain some distance from Jackson. Tonight a deputy sheriff. with a sqund of soldier, started for White' home In tha mountain to arrest him. The party carried provision for two day., An other squad of soldier, with a deputy sheriff, will bring Curtl Jett from Win chester to Jackson tomorrow. LIES BLEEDING BY TRACK Man Badly Wonnded Spends Nla-ht with Heirless Blind Wife and Child. PUEBLO. Colo.. May 26. Shot through the groin, bleeding and lying by the rail road track for twelve hours without med ical attention, with hi blind wtfe and 4 y ear-old son unable to asalst him, was the nlght'a experience of James Richardson at a water station on the Missouri Pacific, sixteen miles east of Pueblo, near Avondale. The bullet waa fired by F. L. Stevenson, who 1 now In jail on the charge of assault to kill.- Stevenson says he mistook Rich ardson for a robber. Richardson la not ex pected to recover. Both men are farmers. MRS. PATTERSON BRINGS SUIT Wants flO.OOO Damna-es From Mra. - rll Blas Depot. CHICAGO. May! 28. tSpeclal Telegram.) A damage suit of $10,000, aa a sequel to th sensational attack' of Mrs. Elisabeth V. Cronk of. Omaha, on Mrs. Cora Lath rop Patterson on an Illinois Central train at Council Bluffs, la., a week ago last Saturday, ha bean filed In the superior court. A deputy sheriff served the notice late Saturday evening as Mrs. Cronk waa going through Chicago with her huaband on their way home Iron Waablagtoa. JOHN S. ROBINSON IS DEAD Former Congressman Passes Away at His Horn ta Madlsoa af AppendleltU. , gram.) Ex-Congressman John .Robinson died this morning at 4 o'clock. He wa stricken Thursday night shortly after re tiring. Medical aid was Immediately sum moned and the trouble pronounced to be ap pendicitis, from which he had suffered three iacKs tne lost year, althougn in wasn gton and New York doctor laat winter ated that hla Irnuhla waa ea.ll atonea. This attack from the start waa more se vere than before, but he seemed to Improve " " mvull vui VI yuiti wit', urday evening, when tha abcess broke and 11(1 mrmm t),...kl ..... A - U,l. complete conapse followed. gomery, called Into consultation- Dr. Mc Klnney of Humphrey, Mackay of Norfolk and Lonv nt tkil .lt., VBft n a AM an aw. amlnatlon and agreed that th trouble waa as above stated. What Is known as the rest treatment of ODendlcltls waa .Ivan Ih.l I. tha ntal abstinence from food and drink and the b uomen was packed In Ice. This relieved th Sufferer for a tlm. Vt, aa lh.M waa na change for the better Dr. Jonas of Omaha teiepnoned for. For Mt reason he COUld not laava V. Mt. tJ gardlng Mr. Robinson allmot and th prescribed, and when .tpuj th Symptoms and what hart hun ilnna ha stated that the doctor, he thought, were .U. ,-. .... ... " ngni, mat n could do no more if here. ...-... Later Dr. Alllann Af ha 4tW waa lata. graphed for and arrived with a Burse at noon on a Union Pacific special He ex amined th patient pronounced th trouble appendicitis, approved of th treatment given and atated that while there waa Buroiy m cnance for th sick mart t pull through there Walfl txtl'l Pinna i Km War A ii ) A not favor an operation, aa some of th doc- mougnt pest, for In th extremely weak condition an operation must result fatally. - Mr. Robinson hWah.anal th afternoon and felt much better until u o ciock last night, when he sank rapidly1. At 2 O'clock this morn In a- Taa 4 .. the end wa fast approaching and asked to hova lalrn a . .... i.miiy ana near mends sum moned. At 4:04 he breathed hla n. wa. .... -clous, cheerful and talked freely until the met aeath bravely. . About thirty minute before the end, when the !ast of his near friends, Judge M. B. Nosier of this city, . entered th death chamber to bid him good-bye. he asked to have the If. ram.u. .v.. could rest easier. He then called for a wr. wnicn he smoked and seemed to enjoy. Mr. Robinson na. . v M.uiain . irum Wheeling. W. V. "w n formed a law partnership with W. V ... w,"rn w" dissolved at th time Mr. Allen waa ala... .v. . . . Previous to hla election a dlrtrict Judge "ervea two term aa county at torney and Was a.n . . and re-eleoted In 1W. He wa defeated for " "" fail by McCarthy. A wlf and two ihiM. - . . . . .ru rtmpncriveiy and 1 .urvlv. Th funeral wl Up Thur- nv.T ; a WM mwiher of th nTi": ' "nder., Ben Hurs rnd.Knlgh pfPythlaa, .t .,., -' '" R-'Loaafellow. '" WAHOO, Neb,, May 26.-Spclal.)-Word wa received her Saturday of th death of P. R. Longfellow at Mountain Home, Ida., that occurred Friday night at 8 o'clock. The deceased wa born in ni. Iowa. July 7. 1866, and cam to Wahoo nineteen year ago. He waa a printer by trad and waa ona of tha fm,ni.a . .v. Wahoo Now Era, HI . health wa quite poor and on th advice of hi doctor ' he went to Idaho two year ago. He pur chased th Mountain Home n.mihii..n which he wa running up to the time of his aeatn. H waa a member of the Ancient, Free anri AMvnt.,1 Ma..n. i K ... . ... .w.ia tin ifi c an u jaai- em BUr and the Modern Woodmen of America. He leave a wife and two chil dren, also two sisters at this place, Paul Blonet (Max O'Rell.) NEW TORK, May 26.-A private dlspatoh from Paris savs that Panl ninuat ivit O'Rell) .died of cancerous formation follow ing an operation for appendicitis. He wa notified some dava irn that thara waa n hope, but aald he would continue his light against death as bravely aa ever. He waa engaged In writlna a atorv nf hla lira aa well as an Ensllsh hlatorv of rtuia., vi. died at his home In Rue Freyqinet at 6:16 p. m. yesterday. He wa conscious to the last. Fred D. LehnhosT. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. Mav K Una clal.) Fred' D. Lehnhoff. TI veara alii, dle at his home In this city lsst evening with pneumonia. Mr. Lehnhoff was born In Honover, Germany, and has resided .here for forty-five years. Rev. Barkman, pastor of the German Lutheran church, will con duct the funeral service at the residence Tuesday afternoon. Deceased, l.av.a wife and three children, Fred, George and Matilda. Rev. Frederick O. McCartney. ROCKLAND. Mass., May 26. Rev. Fred erick O. McCartney, socialist member of the state legislature, and who once de clined the socialist nomination for presi dent died here tonight of pneumonia. ' He was a graduate of Iowa college ' and for meriy lived at Storm Lake. He waa an ordained Unitarian minister. 1 Rev. Dr. McCllatoek. SIOUX CITT, la.. May 26.-Special Tele gram.) The death of Dr. J. C. McCUntock. ror years pastor of the First Presbyterian church, occurred her today from cerebral hemorrhage. Dr. McCUntock was a boy hood friend of Governor Cummlna In Penn aylvanla. Mra. M. A. Beeeher. KEARNEY, Neb.. May 26. (Special Tele gram.) Mrs. M. A. Beecker, mother of Rev George A. Beecher, died In this city Sunday after a long Illness. The funeral wa held today. Rev. H." C. Furst delivering the dls course. IMMENSE IRRIGATION DAM Geological Survey Complete Plans for That to Be Constructed Near Phoenix, Arls. WASHINGTON, May 25.-Tha Geological aurvey has had prepared a model of th extensive dam to be constructed on Salt river, sixty-five miles above Phoenix. Aria. Thla dam will be among the first and also among the Isrgest Irrigation enterprises to be undertaken by the government undor the new law. The model shows the exact proportions of the dam, which Is to be 18a feet thick at the baa. 830 feet long at th top, and 2G0 feet high. It will contain ll.COO.OOO cubic feet of masonry. The reservoir to be constructed will drain over 8,000 square miles of territory and add 300,000 acres to the tillable area la the vi cinity ef Phoenix. . FLOODS SWEEP SPRINGFIELD Hoary Baiai Hake Turtl Creek a Hirer and Sweep Building Away. MANY HOUSES FLOODED, THREE WRECKED Paatlllea Is Also' Lnder Water aad , Mack Damage I Don to Prep. Country. SPRINGFIELD, Neb., May 26. (Special Telegram.) Springfield suffered the worst flood this evening In the' history of, the town, rain began falling at o'clock ana In less than two hours the west half of th town was completely under water. At a o'clock Turtl creek valley waa a quarter Of a mile wide and from three to thirty feet deep. The residences of T. J. Wright, Louis Nlchels and Stephen Glasco were washed from their foundations and went whirling toward the Gulf of Mexico, while water stood from three to four feet deep In the residence of E. J. Smith, D. V. Mln turn, I. L. Crawford, John Liming, George Klrfraan, Dr. A. J. Blodgett, George Rob erts, John Tyo and Mrs. Frank Ball. All th families were removed to place of safety, but the damage to household furniture and outbuilding will be con siderable. One half mile south the Sarpy county fair grounds are completely de stroyed, the Judges' stands, the grand stand, speed barn, hog and sheep houses have all gone toward the Father of Waters. W. J. Duve lost his slaughter house and Ice house with upward of 300 tona of Ice. W. H. Davidson had several hundred head of hogs In the fair grounds buildings and they are also gone, together with several head of cattle. Th exact amount of damage cannot be ascertained tonight a roads and bridges are obliterated In all direc tions. Th Home Telephone company farm lines ar all In working shape and report from the outside country Indicate corn badly washed out and a great amount of It will hav to be replanted. On th main street, where the several new brick building wer In course of con struction, the wind blew down th west ill of W. J. Duve' saloon building, leav ing it a total wreck. A telephone report from Louisville re ports the little station of Meadow, four miles couth of here, blown away. This report cannot be verified tonight, aa tele phone and telegraph line are down. J. A. Bailey wa out in his barn when the flood came. He succeeded in cutting hi horse loose ' and then climbed Into a tree with alx little pigs and remained there for almost two hours with a ten foot flood raging between him and mother earth. He wa rescued by neighbors after the flood receded. The heaviest loss will fall upon W. J. Duve In the loss of his- new build ing, slaughter house,, live stock and Ice house and contents, which leaves Spring field without loo.t Papllllon Again Flooded. . PAPTLLION. Neb.. Mav 26. Sncll Tel- evratn l At n'Hnrlr tfinlrht ! Vanllllnn waa again visited by a flood. Rain and hall fell tot tnirty minute. .Th water in tha creek ha raised until It covers th sntlr busi ness part of towei.-'-Th eurront la very swift and a great deal of damage la being done. Th water la stilt rising and by midnight things will be In a serious condi tion unless It goes down. People ar mov ing from their houses and are trying to ave all their effect possible. The Union Pacific tracks are washed out bet ween hara and Gllmore, and also for half a mile west or hero. The Missouri Pacific Is washed out In bad shape at Portal. Tralna are all being held with no ahow of movement. EXETER, Neb.. May 26.-(Speclal.)-An-ot her severe rainstorm broke over this vicinity Sunday evenlnr. It waa a.... panled by terrific thunder and lightning, dui am no particular damage, except to attll further delay the farm work. Many who have planted their corn consider those fortunate who have not began, a It la being washed from the ground In som place. The railroad embankment la .ha only possible means of egress out of th souinwest portion of the town as th treet ar completely submerged and th sidewalks are partly washed away. YORK, Neb May 26. (8peclaL) The continued rainfall Is making a large num ber of ponds on farm land In this county, where there Is not sufficient drainage. Water la standing In placea that waa never Known to noia water before. The farmer of this county are making efforts to drain their land Into . draw on land adjoining. Hundreds pf acres will be drained. Thou sands of feet of ditch and tiling are con tracted for. ' Land tiled and drained has proven to be the richest and most produc tive. . HUMBOLDT, Neb.. May 2S.-(Special.)-Another downpour of rain came to thla section shortly before midnight last night, accompanied by a terrific wind from the northwest, which for a time had many of the characteristics of a tornado. Fortu nately, however, very little damage waa done by this element. The rainfall caused all the streams to become swollen to the extent that many are hank full. The Ne maha Is out of Its banks In many places and Indications are that It wt flood the entire valley by night. Considerable corn was washed out and several wheat field are now under water, ao much dsmage Is sure to result. FLOOD MAKES A CLEAN SWEEP Brtdaea In' Danger and Crops 1 n th Fertile Valley ar Rnlned. SIOUX CITY. Ia., May 26.-(Bpeclal Tele gram.) Creeping slowly down sixty miles of the Floyd valley th flood which started near Lemars Sunday morning arrived S16ux City today. At Leeds, a suburb the river is now a mile wide. Several houses ar already urrounded and the water Is still rising. The Austin bridge above Leedi has been loosened from Its foundation nnd may go down and the bridge at Leeds is endangered. Peopl living at Sprlngdale and In the Floyd valley district In proxim ity to th river hav moved out. The river haa mad a clean sweep through the val ley, which varies from half a mile to iiiuv aim m. nan m wiuin from a point a short distance west of Lemars to here, Few houses or buildings have been swent away, but crops In the rich and fertlli valley are completely ruined. It la Impos slbl to definitely estimate the damage, but It will be high In the thousands. About Ighty or ninety square miles havs beeti ftoodawept. The water Is rising In the stock yards district and It Is feared It may leave Its banks here. where the damage would be great Th city has a large force of men watching th progress of the flood. , Mora Gold for Knrope. NEW YORK, May 26.-L. Von Hoffman A Co. announce an export ft fv), gold to Europe tomorrow. The Von Hoffman gold goes to Germany. Tha transaction waa made la the regular course of exchange bunions aad ha no thsr alguiaoaaoa. CONDITION 0FTHE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Showera Tuesday and Warmer in West Portion; Showers Wednesday. Temperatar at Omaha yesterdayi Hoar. De. Hear. Dear. ft a. m 61 1 n. m Tl 0 a. nt...... a X p. m T T a. m. na 8 n. m TO n. m ua 4 p. nt TS a. m u.1 5 m. m T8 10 a. nt WO 6 p. m T 11 I, 6ft. T p. m T IS aa TO 8 p. nt TS p. m es OMAHA TRAIN IS DITCHED Baaaaaeman Reported Fatally In jured and Number of Pas sengers Hart. SIOUX CITY. Ia., May 26-The Chicago eV Northwestern passenger train from Omaha, due In this city at 11:06 p. m., was ditched at Onawa, thirty mites south of Sioux City at 10:30 o'clock tonight. It Is reported that the baggageman Is fatully Injured and that a number of pas sengers are hurt. A wrecking train, with surgeons, left Sioux City at midnight for the scene. The telegraph and telephone wires are down on account of the storm, and no particulars can be obtained at thla hour. FIRE AND POLICE BOARD MEETS Several Matters Pertaining; to the , Departments are Given OSiclal Attention. All membera of the Board of Fire and Police commissioner wer present last night at th regular meeting, Mayor Moore presiding. Patrolman G. A. Pease cam before th board on a charge of neglect of duty on the night of May 22, at which time he failed to report at 11:30 and 2:30 o'clock and waa found asleep In a barn at Eleventh and Chicago atreeta. Accused pleaded guilty and In extenuation aald that he had lost two day' sleep because of sick ness In hi family. The board entenced htm to be suspended without pay for eight day. Patrolman Bebout wa notified to appear before the board at it next meeting to how cause why he should not be dis charged from the police force. Bebout Injured htmself by a fall on the night of September 36 and on February 1 was granted ten days sick leave. He ha failed to since report. In view of the necessity of a light unl form coat for summer wear Chief of Fo lic. Donahue laid before the board a prop oaltton from Wanamaker A; Brown who agreed to, make at cost price light blue serge sack coata to which the regulation braaa buttons can be attached. Last year th patrolmen were allowed to buy coata and aa a reault an undesirable difference of quality and cut waa noticeable. The new coat will cost not more than IS. A letter wa read from Chief Donahue calling attention to his action of a few day paet in ordering that saloons ; In which serlou assault or robberies occur be closed until the matter haa been In vestigated, and that , In case the pro prietors be foui.d to have been negligent or guilty in the trouble a report of the same be made to the board. Thla action waa approved by the commissioners. ' Applications coming up for ten-day leaves of absence on the part of John McBrlde of Hook and Ladder company No. S and of William Hartnett of Truck No. 1. the matter of granting these with other al ready on file waa left to the discretion of Chief Salter. Driver Scott 8. Stover of Hose company No. 1 came before the board to answer to a charge of being drunk on duty and using profane and pbscena language on th night of May 11. Stover, Morel. Wilson, Rotchford and Lieutenant Michael Cuff wer examined. Stover was found guilty as charged and suspended for thirty days without pay. Further, the board found ihat there ha been a gross lack of disci pline In the company and Lieutenant Cuff wa reduced to th rank. A communication from "Spud" Farrlsh was received relative to the 1895 pension law and asking that he be given any rights under the same which he might poasess by reaaon of hla long service. Petitioner aet forth that he had been a member of the fire department for nineteen years, serving eight aa a firemen and the re mainder a clerk In the office. Action wa deferred until the following meeting. - A communication wa received from the Board of County Commissioners relating to the expenditures necessary for the pay ment of the deputy sheriffs enrolled during the strike troubles. The half of this amount chsrged to the city Is $1,143.75 and the matter was forwarded to the city council with a recommendation that the amount be paid. C. C. Wright tendered hla resignation as secretary of tho board by reason of his resignation from that body. This waa ac cepted with a vote of thanks for aervlcea and assistance as an attorney. A list of shops where the fir department horsea will In future be ahod waa approved. Dies of Mysterious Wound. TARRYTOWN, N. Y., May 25John Hefferman, who was mysteriously shot last night near the Ardsley club, died today. No arrests have been made and a woman who was with Hefferman was detained at the Ardsley club, but was later allowed to go. Her Identity haa not been learned ana tne man wnom sne said aid the shoot Ing has not been found. Manhattan Celebrates, NEW YORK. May 25.-The 260th anni versary of the granting of the first munic ipal charter to the Dutch settlers of Man hattan island, which commenced yester day, was coniinuea looay witn special ex eruiaca ,u ..... -"''' .u.ui.u Knuuji, Movements of Ocean Vessels, May 2S At New York Arrived Mlnnetonka, from London; riynaam, irom notterdnm; Vaad eimiiu, ....... At Liverpool Arrived Ivernla, from New York. At Hamburg Arrived Fuerst Bismarck from New York, via Plymouth and Cher hnurr. At Rotterdam Arrived Rotterdam, from New York, via Boulogne. At Movine Arrived mongolian, from New York, for Glasgow. At Queenstown Arrived Cur pa thla, from Liverpool, and proceeded. At Plymouth Arrived Kaiser Wllhclm der Grosse. from New York. At Klnsule Head Passed Parthenla, for Boston. At Trawl Point Passnd Pennland, from Philadelphia, for Antwerp. At Bremen Arrived hoenlg. from New Turk, via Plymouth and Cherbourg. At Gibraltar An lvd Lahn. from New York, for Kapiea ana' uenoa, ana pro' reeded. At Cherbourg Arrived Kaiser Wllhelm dcr Grosse. from New York, via Plymouth for Bremen, and proceeded. Sailed Bre, men, from Bremen and Southampton, for New York. At London Arrived Minnehaha, from New York, via Plymouth. At Copnhagn Sailed Kohela, for New TorB. WIND KILLS FIFTEEN oar Different Tornado Pass Over South Central Hebratk. SIX VICTIMS IN ONE HOUSE AT PAULINE One Hone is Only Thing Remaining Alir , About Mamma Place. flVE PEOPLE KILLED NEAR NORMAN Number of Neighbor. Had Gathered at Peter Vaight'i and Eouae is Wrecked. SCHOOL HOUSE WKECKED AT UPLAND Ckarch Servleas Mala) Tk... . th Tim aad Preaeaer and Ona af Congregation Killed and Others Injured. PAULINE, Neb., May 26.-tSpeclal Tele- gram.) At ( o'clock last night a disas trous tornado struck th (arm house of John Mumma, which was located two mllea southeast of Pauline, and killed six peo ple. The dead: JOHN MUMMA, aged 61. MRS. JOHN MUMMA. aged 47. MISS GERTRUDE MUMMA. aged 18. MISS FLORENCE PALMER, aged 18. JOHN PALMER, aged IS. RAY QUIQU. a-ed 21. All the horses and cattle about the prem ises were killed with the excepUon of a hers belonging to young Qulv which escaped, after th buggy had been torn from them and been broken into bits. Misa Florence Palmer and brother, John, daughter and aon of Mr. and Mra. Emma D. Hughea, were visiting at th Mumma house and Ray Qulgg waa spending tha rternoon with Miss Gertrude Mumma, to whom he was engaged to be married. The entir family and visitor were seated around the table partaking of the evening meal when the tornado arrived without a mommt'i warning. Th house wa lifted 150 feet In the air, where It wa quickly shattered and scattered tor miles around. The bodies were terribly mutilated. They were dropped into the canyon on the southwest, on on th east side and one on the west side of th ravine. The head of John Mumma wa mashed to a pulp. Mrs. William Overy, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mumma, la the only close rela tive who survives tho Mumma family, and aha and her husband witnessed the catas trophe from their farm house, which la located within a mil of th seen. Mr. Overy described the tornado aa coming from the aoutheast In a lasy sort of man ner. It had tha appearance of a huge bal loon and was hugging close to the ground without making much noise, which ac counta for lta stealing upon the Mumma home without giving warning. After it struck the Mumma farm it turned and headed northwest direct for Paulina,, after striking the railroad. - Hug . .trees . vwara .uprooted, telegraph pole pulled out and rod and rods of barb wire wer twisted Into one larg balL Th tornado tor ovary piece of clothing from Mrs. Mumma and deposited them In- a heap a mile away. The bodies wer taken to William Overy' home, from wher th funeral waa held thla afternoon. Story of By Witness. HASTINGS, Neb., May ,25. (Special Tele gram.) Clinton McCreery and Frank Sher man were eye-witnesses of tne storm, and giv the following atory: Apparently the tornado originated about four mllea aouth east of the Mumma farm, Just south of Charles Damn' place. Mr. Daum caw It In time to notify hi family, and they all ran Into a storm cellar and had lust secured the door when the tornado arrived. HI house was unroofed, the barn completely domollshetl and several horse and cattle wer killed. The storm took in a path about four rod wide and proceeded In almost a direct line for the Mumma place until It struck the house, which It picked up and carried Into the air. At a distance of about 100 feet from the ground the house appeared to be suspended In the sky Ilka a meteor from a big celling. It waa ent whirling and whining about like a coloasnl top. If suddenly took an upward tendency of. flfteon feet and wa then shattered with . apparently the same esse that a man would crush a cracker In the palm of hla hand. The people and contenta wer hurled with . great force down Into a deep, black ravine, which wa already trewn with wreckage and dead animals. Kothlne- but a stone foundation wa left to Indicate where the house had atood and the large, beautiful orchard was a twisted mnss of broken trees. As there were no windows on the south side of the house It was Impossible for the occupants to Ob serve the - approaching danger. All th trees about ths place were twisted to the ground or uprooted. Carcases of dead horses, cows and hogs wer scattered throughout the entire ravine and th only aim of life about' the place Waa a pig with a broken back and the family dog. The dog was a large shepherd and It lay on ome debris close to th dying pig and refused all effort to console It Farmers Search All Iflarbt. Th new of th disaster spread quickly throughout the country and all night long farmers with lighted lanterns aearched th hllla and valleys and gav their aaslstane. This morning Coroner Perkins with Un dertaker Reed went to the scene and took six coffins. Arriving at the Owen houae, where the dead were, the remains were dressed for burial. Mr. Mumma had Ufa Insurance In the Workman lodge and Mra. Mumma waa a member of tha Degree of Honor. Gertrude Mumma waa the be trothed of Ray Qulgg and the nuptials were to be celebrated In a few weeks. The house In which they were to live was secured and the furnishings wer recently purchased In this city. Yesterday sfternoon Mr. Qulgg had spent with his flsnea, and It was while with Innocent gaiety th fam ily partook of th evening meal that th fatal disaster occurred. Death Closes Romance. A aomewhat romantic feature haa de veloped which had reference to Ray Qulgg and Miss Gertrude Mumma, who died si multaneously In the Pauline cyclone. Not only were they betrothed but thla aupper waa one to celebrate th reconciliation of John Mumma and Ray Qulgg. The two young people had been ' lovera practically from childhood and tha girl's father had been opposed to the match while Mrs. Mumma favored th suit.. Ow ing to this feeling of the father young Qulgg had not visited at the home of hla aweetheart for eighteen months. Rut some, two weeks previous to the fatal last Sun day mother and daughter combined their Influence to change the father's vlewa and th outcome of hla decision had been