Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1903, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
Ke One but Rooeefeh Mentioned to Eead
the Republican Ticket.
Indiana u Usual Hai a Largs Crop of Vioe
Presidential Timber.
Democracy ia Still F.ounderng in the
l(.re of Dieoord.
As a Compromise David R. Fraacls of
Ml. toaii Looked I coo Likely
Candidate to Lead the
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, May 21. (Special.) Al
though the great political conventions are
till a year off, already the leader of the
republican and democratic parties are dis
cussing candidates and platforms with as
much enthusiasm as If the conventions haa
been called. With the republicans but on
candidate Is under consideration for presi
dent, thiftT of Theodore Roosevelt. It Is
true that Mr. Roosevelthus made enemies
among the railroadn and a portion of the
money power of the country In his ag
gressive action In curtailing trusts and
mergers, but the people of the country are
standing back of Mr. Roosevelt and they
will do the nominating In the national re
publican convention of 1904. While the pres
ident may now and then have been a little
quick on tho trigger," as sentenllously ex
pressed by Senator Foraker, it Is the
"quickness" that meets the hearty endorse
ment of the "plain people." They like an
enthusiastic president; they even like a
strenuous president, and when voting time
comes around it is confidently believed
that President Roosevelt will have the
biggest majority ever given a republican
candidate for that exalted office.
While there is only one candidate
amongst the republicans mentioned for the
presidency, there are a host of eminent
republicans suggested for Roosevelt's run
ning mate. Myron T. Herrick of Ohio,
who in all human probability will be the
next governor of the Buckeye state, is the
last named for vice presidential honors.
Indiana Is looked upon as a state crowded
with vice presidential timber, both Sena
tor Fairbanks and Beverldge having been
mentioned for the second place on the na
tional republican ticket. Senator Fair
banks, however, having the presidential
bee busring about his head, haa quietly
Intimated to his friends that his boom for
rice president must be stopped. Senator
Fairbanks, however, would like to see his
colleague at the tall of the ticket, for
through his nomination as vice president
Senator everldge's Influence In Indiana
politico would. It la reasoned, be consider
ably lessened, a "consummation devoutly
to be wished for on the part of Senator
'"Fairbanks." Ia addition to these-republican
leaders Governor Cummins of Iowa, Sen
ator Long of Kansas, ex-Senator Thomas
H. Carter of Montana and Governor Crane
of Massachusetts have been mentioned as
rice presidential possibilities, fit associates
for the strenuous New Torker. Who the
running mate of Mr. Roosevelt will be will
largely rest with the nominee for presi
dent, his wishes In the matter being gen
erally considered by the convention, al
though there have been one or two occa
sions In our history when the head and
tail of the ticket were by no means In
v...r-rv accord. President Roosevelt's trip
through the west has greatly strengthened
him In the eyes of the empire lying west of
the Mississippi. His democratic manners and
th. ease with which he has adapted him
self to conditions have almost made him a
hero, and thousands upon thousands of
votes that were cast for Bryan In 1896 and
1900 will be cast for Roosevelt in 1904.
Democrats Aro Flonaderln.
While everything Is peaceful In the re
publican party, even the discussion of the
tariff having been abandoned through con
sideration of the trust question, the dem
ocrat soem to be floundering hopelessly
over men and measures. The Cleveland
Idea, which la the antithesis of the "Iowa
Idea," Is meeting with only moderate pro
gress.. Southern democrats ao not laae
kindly to ths Cleveland boom. They look
upon It aa a menace to their party which
If carried to a successful conclusion would
bring about complete annihilation, and
yet the conservative element within the
democratic party see In the Cleveland
movement a hope for better things. Un
questionably the agitation now going on
over the financial plank In the platform
of. 1904 will have the effect of clearing the
atmosphere considerably by the time the
democratic convention comes around. While
the conservative wing of the democratic!
party, represented by such men aa Cleve
land. Gorman, Hill and Olney, are op
posed to the reaffirmation of the financial
plank of the IBM and 1900 platforms. It is
believed that they would not seriously an
tagonise a "reaffirmation of silver" plank,
which, in view of the growing output of
gold. Is within the probabilities.
The democrats are hopelessly divided at
the present upon their candidates for the
presidency. Mr. Cleveland is wholly out
of the running. Mr. Hill is looked upon as
a dangerous candidate In view of his so
cialistic! i tendencies. There is less pro
nounced opposition to Mr. Gorman than
to any other of the-names suggested for
the head of the democratic ticket, but It is
doubtful whether the Bryan wing of the
party could be Induced to look upon Mr.
Gorman's candidacy at all favorably. For
a time the name of Judge Parker of New
York was seriously considered, sections
of the south looking upon him as the
Mooes to lead the party out of the wilder
ness, but his boom was shortlived, and the
leaders again began to caat about for a
man In whose personality all the prin
ciples of democracy are embodied. In a
quiet way the friends of David K. Francis
of Missouri are at work, an effort being
already stsrted to secure the next demo
cratic national convention for Bt. Louis,
Governor Francis' home city. Those who
have attended political conventions know
full well the influences which surround
the person of the candidate when such
convention is held In his home town. It
is thought that Mr. Bryan would not an
tagonise the nomination of Mr. Francis,
and that a modified platform, particularly
upon the financial question, would not be
fought by the former standard bearer of
ths democracy. One thing Is certain,
however, that the democrats to have a
show to win must be absolutely united,
otherwise the party will go into the cam
paign with certain defeat staring It In
the face. Therefore, while everything
looks serene fur the republicans, doubt
(Continued on Third Pag-)
Mere or Derail Is the Slogan ef
the Aatl-Scraltes at
BT. PETERSBURG. Msy M.-Whlls it la
not intended to imply that the govern
merits Jewish policy aims at stimulating
Jewish immigration observers expect that
this will be tne result of It,
It is noteworthy, however, that M. Kron-
he van, the editor of Besaaraytx, the anti
Semitic paper of KischlnelT, writing after
the massacre, oratoriually addressed the
Jews in an article in this way;
"Become Christians and our brothers and
enjoy ail the privileges of Russian clllsen-
shlp. If not you have one year to go whare
you please. After that term has expired
there must not remain a single Jew In
Russia unless he is Christianised, and
thereafter entrance- to Russia will be for
bidden to the Jews forever."
M. Kronshevan's defenders Include, beside
the Novoe Vremya and other nationalist
papers, the director of the department of
police, M. Loupokhen, who upon returning
from Kischlncff, told a lending liberal jour
nalist that Kronahevan was "the only man
in Russia who had not been bought by the
News has reached here privately, from
Warsaw that on May 6 the worklnemen
there unfurled red flags, shouted "Down
with the autocracy" and sang revolutionary
songs. A thousand men participated ac
tively and many more passively In this
demonstration. The affair was suppressed
by the Cossacks and police.
Encounter with the Turkish Troops
Is One of Eiterailsa.
8ALONICA, May 2. The revolutionary
band of nineteen men, headed by the Mace
donian leader, Svetkoff. against which the
Turkish troops were fighting all day Thurs
day In the Bulgsrlnn village of Mogll, six
miles north of Monastlr, was flnslly sur
rounded and destroyed. The fight was a
prolonged one and Svetkoff, twelve of his
men and twelve villagers were killed. The
Turkish loss was trifling. After the. fight
ing the Bashl-Basouks pillaged and burned
eighteen houses In Mogll. Terror prevails
In Monastlr and the consuls propose to ask
for foreign guards. Another sixteen battal
ions of Turkish troops are coming from
Asia Minor to complete the occupation of
the villages.
LONDON. May 24.-The Sofia corre
spondent of the Morning Leader telegraphs
that the Macedonian committee reports
that the Turk have burned the village of
Banital, near Seres. Only forty-eight of
the 600 Inhabitants escaped, and many
women and girls were assaulted and mur
dered and their bodies cast Into the water.
Authoritative Denial Mad of
ports that Enalnadw Kiag?
Was Ilk
I.ONTH"X, May J4.-Lord Knollys. King
Edward's private secretary, authorises the
AMtocftited Press correepondofU to VKf that
there la absolutely no foundation for the re
pott published In America that the king ia
In poor health. From many other sources
closely associated with the court It Is
learned that the king continues In the same
good health which has enabled him to re
cently fulfill more public duties than he
had ever before undertake.-!.
Help Oat the Ministry.
YOKOHAMA, May 24.-Marquls Ito, ad
dressing a meeting of the opposition party
today, urged the adoption of an entente
with the ministry on the naval question. He
said that he agreed with the cabinet that
the funds to Increase the navy should be
raised by a losn Instead of a land tax. He
did not desire to make foreign politics a
pretext for an entente, but the state of af
fairs In the far east was not good, and It
was necessary that the opposition party
should preserve its solidity. The meeting
adapted the entente.
Socialists Make Plla-rimaare.
PARI8, May 24. The Annual pilgrimage
of socialists and revolutionaries to the wall
In the cemetery of Pere La Chaise, against
which the communards were executed In
1871, took place this afternoon, and passed
oft without any disturbance. Three thou.
sand persons marched in the procession to
the cemetery. Some shouta of "Long live
anarchy" were raised and the "Carmag
nole" was sung In aplte of police orders
forbidding It. The survivors of the com
mune were much applauded as they
marched past the fatal wall. There were
no other noteworthy Incidents.
In Memory of American Visit.
PARIS, May 24. General Brugere, Ad
miral Kornler and the other members of
the French mission whlrh was sent to
Washington to participate in the unveiling
of the Rochambeau monument last May,
commemorated the event by supper at the
Military club tonight. General Brugere
presided and congratulatory cablegrams
were exchanged with Pierre De Margery
and Jules Bouvefve, respectively secretary
and chancellor of the French embassy in
Washington, who held a similar aupper In
Great Sendofl for Llpten.
GLASGOW, May 24. The preparations
completed promise an enthusiastic sendoff
for Sir Thomas Llpton's fleet, which will
leave for New York next Thursday. A
Aottlla of turbine and other steamers, tugs
snd yachts have been engaged to escort the
fleet down the Clyde. Many prominent
men have accepted Invitation's to be pres
ent at the banquet which will be given to
Sir Thomas Llpton by the corporation of
Greenock next Tuesday. Sir Thomas ex
pects that the yachts will make the passage
under three weeks.
Kx-Premler Blackballed.
PARIS. May 24.-M. Waldeck-Rosseau.
late French premier, haa been blackballed
at the yacht club here on political grounds.
M. Gaston Menler and M. Fernand Crouan,
his proposers, snd several other members
of the committee have resigned, the rules
of the club forbidding that political con
siderations should Influence the election of
Rasslaa Troops la Korea,
YOKOHAMA. May 24 All reports re
ceived here agree as to the presence of
300 Russian troops at Yongampho on the
Korean side of the Yalu river, and against
the occupation of which by the Russians
the Korean government energetically pro
tested. Motor Runs Into Crowd.
BRISTOL. Eng.. Msy 24. -A serious motor
pyele accident occurred here yesterday. The
motor swerved Into a crowd of snectatorr)
two of whom were killed and several others
severely injured.
Exciting Goenei in Paris-Madrid Automo
bile Long-Distance Race,
One of Contestants Killed and Sev
eral Others Berloosly Injured
and as a Resnlt Race Is
Called Off.
PARIS, May 24.-The first stage In the
Paris-Madrid automobile race from Ver
sailles to Bordeaux, 343 miles, finished at
noon today, when Louis Renault dashed at
a furious pace into Bordeaux, having made
a record run of eight hours and twenty
seven minutes. An hour later M. Gabriel
arrived with a still better record of eight
hours and seven minutes. It Is estimated
from the time made that these automobiles
covered sixty-two miles an hour on the
road outside the cities. These victories,
however, were clouded by a series ot acci
dents, having In one case at least a fatal
result. At least two cars were wrecked
and Marcel Renault, the winner of the
Paris-Vienna race last year; Lorraine Bar
rows, a very well known automobillst, and
Renault's chauffeur, were seriously, and.
It Is believed, fatally Injured, while Bar
row's chauffeur was killed. Moreover, an
unconfirmed report says that a serious
accident occurred near Angoulemene, In
which the two occupants of an automobile,
the owner of which Is not yet known, were
seriously Injured and two spectators were
This number Of accidents has not caused
any great surprise here, In view of the
number of contestants In the race and the
great speed and power of their machines.
The name of W. K. Vanderbllt, Jr., dis
appeared from the reports along the route
after Ramboulllett, where he passed twenty-eighth
In order at 4:45 this morning,
going In fine form. The omission of his
name from the dispatches from Chartres,
the next town on the road, caused some
anxiety and brought forth a number of
Inquiries. It was learned that he, Henri
Fournler and Baron De Forest withdrew
from the race together before reaching
Chartres, ' All of them suffered break
downs and having lost three hours, they
decided that It was useless to continue.
Mr. Vanderbllt and Baron De Forest re
turned to the Hotel De Rita at 11 o'clock
this morning. They laughed and made
light of their withdrawal. Foxhall Keene,
Tod Sloane and W. J. Dannat, the Ameri
can artist, did not appear at the starting
line this morning when their turn was
reached and consequently did not take
part In the race, C. Gray Dlnsmore is thus
the only American left In.
Versailles paased a night of wild excite
ment It is estimated that 100,000 persons
crowded into the little town to witness
the start of the race. Soldiers with fixed
bayonets lined the track for some distance
from Versailles.
A bomb was exploded at 1:38 a. m. aa a
signal to get ready and Immediately
Charles Jarrot'a car drew Into place. Another-
bomb was fired at 3:46 o'clock for
the start, and then the enormous machine
shot forward- amtd the shouts of the thou
sanauif'Bpectators.U,'' The - other cars followed in quick suc
cession. . Mme. DeOast, the sole female
competitor In last year's Paris-Berlin race,
was again the only woman to participate
In the present contest. Her machine was
decked with flowers and her departure waa
the signal for a great ovation. She made a
splendid run, paaslng five of her com
petitors before reaching Chartres. The
crowd around Mr. Vanderbllt'a machine
prevented him from reaching the starting
line In time and he was further delayed
by a controversy with the Judges, finally
starting two '.minutes late. The last de
parture was 6:4a this morning.
The reporta along the route soon showed
that Louis Renault was making a great
race, and before reaching Chartres he had
overtaken and passed Charles Jarrot, M.
Rena de Knyff and gained a lead which
he never lost afterward. Dispatches from
Vendome, Tours and Polctlors told of his
pssslng through ahead, and Bordeaux, sent
the announcement of his arrival first, at
12:14.' He had beaten Henri Fournler's rec
ord of 8 hours and 44 minutes. Charles
Jarrot finished second at 12:30, having cov
ered the course In t hours and 44 minutes
M. Gabriel arrived third at 1 :30:O8, his time
being 8 hours and 20 minutes.
Others who made fast time were: J
Salleron. 8 hour nnd 40 minutes; Baron de
irawner, s nours nnd 60 minutes; J p
Warden. I hours and 60 minutes, snd M
Volght, 8 hours and 55 minutes.
Do Canses Wreck.
During the afternoon word of the acci
dents began to arrive and cast a ei.,,.
over the event A dispatch from iw.
deaux announced that Lorraine Barrows
hsd 'met with a shocklne- acrlrfont
Llbourne, seventeen miles from Bordeaux
at 1:45 this afternoon. It appears that
Mr. Barrows -had tried to avoid a dog
which waa crossing the track and his
monster car. No. 6 in the race, struck a
tree with terrific forp. ui.
- vimuueur
was killed outright. Barrows himself was
picnea up unconscious but still breathing
and was taken to a hospital, where his
condition was declared to be critical. His
car was dashed to pieces. Shortly after
wards news came that Marcel Renault
had been overturned In a Amr hh.i. .
the road near Coupe, twenty-one miles
irum ruicuura ana mat ne was dangerously
The Automobile club of Bordeaux re
ceived aispatcn at 4 o'clock saying that
Renault was unconscious and It was feared
dying. Louis Renault, Marcel's brother
was deeply affected by the news and at
once started back to hi. k..i
slstance. Orders were given to withdraw
an mo lunuuii cars rrom the race
Many lesser breakdowns and casualties
reponeu. An early report that one
me two brothers Farnam had been
jioeu is unconnrmeo.
Late In the afternoon an .
-"vHiinnflq re
port came from Bordeaux that a serious
"r"' ma -rea near Angoulemene
two occupants oi an iiii..ii. . .
ui i c Denier
thrown out and Injured and two aoecta
..... name or aetalls waa eivrn
The result of the first stage of the Vac,
appears to be a draw between the merit,
of ths light and heavy machines. Louis
.u.i ruv a ngni mschlne, weighlna
CE0 pounds and of thirty horse power, whll"
Heavy machine of seventy
horse power, weighing l.ono pounds Tha
time and position of ths winners of the
first stsge. deducting time allowance fo
slowing down Inside the cities, are as fol
lows: Gabriel. i:0; Louis Renault, 5 r- Sal
leron. 1.46; Jarrot. t tl; Wlrden. IBaron
de Crawher. :01; Volght. 1:02; Bsrraa t -
Rougler. :!. and Mouter. 6:17. "
Pats Stun to Race.
In view of the number of accidents, some
of them fstal. In the first stags of the
(Continued on Second FaaJ
Fear of Assassination Likely to Pre
vent Convlrtlen of
LEXINGTON. Kr.. Mar 34 Lexington
waa the mobilising place for state troops
that today took charge of the peace regu
lations of Breathitt county.
Comnanv C of Frankfort. Cantaln Gor
don; Company K ot Shelbyvllle, Captain
Burton and Matter A of I inlaville. Can
taln Griffiths, with a gatllng gun, arrived
at noon and Joined Company C of Lexing
ton at the armory. The battalion left
over the Lexington St Eastern railroad
for Jackson on a special train of six cars.
A hospital corps accompanied the troops.
Colonel Wilson of the second reeiment Is
commanding the expedition and Major F.m-
bery Allen of Lexington Is the battalion
commander. The officers and men number
bout 150. The Quartermaster snd a corns
of cooks had gone Friday to pitch tents
and prepare the tamp.
No ons here anticipates any trouble dur
ing the Investigation of tha sbsssslnatlon
of Jim Cockrell and , B. Msrcum, for
hlch the Special term of court Is called
tomorrow. Curtis Jett, accused of the as
sassination of Marcum, remains In Jail
Winchester where ha waa arreatsri
Habeas cornua nroceerilnn Instituted for
him will keep hlny-nder the Jurisdiction
or tne court they ui June 4. It Is
understood, hows' . ihat if any Indict
ment Is return , Jackson ths Clark
county court wl' -?er.dcr Jett to Breath
itt authorities immediate trial. The
press of the akes a Desslmlstle view
of the resulf be achieved at Jackson,
the belief b that fear of assassination
fter the i are withdrawn will re
strain Ja ": people from testifying to
what thf ow and what la common
knowle r the three murders SDeclfled
nd ofw e than twenty others which
have occurred for which there have been
no convictions.
JACKSON. Ky.. Mar 24. A battalion nf
troops numbering 130 men arrived here
this afternoon to preserve order In the
town ana about the court house during
the Investigation of the assassination of
James B. Marcum, the last victim of the
Hargls-Cockrell feud. A battalion made
up of one Infantry company from Sherry
vllie, and two batteries of artillery from
Louisville and Lexington, arrived today
and camped near tha center of town.
Traveling on the special train with the
soldiers were County Judge James Hargls
and his brother. State Senator Alex Har
gls, and two most prominent members of
tne Tlargls family. Another nassenaer
was Judge Bach, who is regarded as the
most important of the witnesses summoned
to testify before the snectol
aa to the assassination of Marcunv Judge
tsacn, returned from Los Angeles, Cal.,
to give evidence. During the course, of an
Interview he expressed ths belief that tin
disorder would occur as long as the troops
remained, judge Bach said he did not fear
a personal attack and declared that he
would remain at hia home, not tsklna- nv
special measures for self-protection.
rubllc opinion Is divided aa to h. r.K.
ablllty of Indictment or conviction of Mar.
cum'a assassin aa a result of the work of
ne special gran..jury which will be Im-paneMedM-iMndiivow"
with' Jadge ' Riklwltie
sitting on the bench. Curtis Jett, who Is
under arrest at Winchester charged with
tne crime, win not ask for a change of
venue if indicted and returned t .Tak.nn
Prosecuting Attorney Byrd stated that It
is poasioie mat such a motion might be
made by those interested In the prosecu
tion. Doubt la expressed bv
possibility of witnesses mustering up cour
age io ten ine jury all they know. Com
mon belief Is that fear of assassination
after the troops are withdrawn may seal
me tips, or those who may know about
the killing of Marcum. -
Notable Rella-loas Ceremony on Ma
rine Barracks Parade Ground
In Brooklyn.
NEW YORK, May 24.-A field military
mass in memory of the American sailors
and soldiers who were killed In the Spanish
war was celebrated today on the marine
barracks parade grounds at the navy yard
in Brooklyn. It was the first service of the
kind that has been held since the close of
the civil war. More than 6,000 persons at
tended the services. At the western end
of the field, In front of a large American
flag, stood a temporary chancel and an
altar, surmounted by two burning lamps.
There officiated the celebrant, Father W.
H. I. Reamey, U. S. N., chaplain of the rel
celvlng ship Columbia, and chaplain-ln-chief
of the National Army and Navy
Spanish War Veterans. He waa assisted
by Rev. Father John Nash of the Church
of the Sacred Heart, Brooklyn, and Father
Arthur Purcell of the Chur?h of Our Lady
of Lourdes, Brooklyn.
Coart Annonnees New Baling; In Lav
to Oklahoma Cattle
GUTHRIE, Okl.. May 24.-Frank Speer. a
prominent cattleman, on trial at Taloga,
OkL, charged with shooting at homestead
ers with intent to kill, has been con
victed. The shooting was the culmination
of a feud of long standing between the
cattlemen and farmers of western Okla
homa. Frank, Jim and Mart Speer, broth
ers; George Ivy, William Murphy and
Daniel Holcomb have also been Indicted
under the federal laws for alleged con
spiracy to prevent homesteaders from tak
ing peaceful possession of their claims.
After Frank Speer waa convicted the other
cases were continued until next. term. A
homesteader, James McKlnsey, charged
with shooting at cattlemen, was acquitted.
The prominence of the cattlemen has made
the case very Important.
One Maa Killed, Poor Inared and
Portloa of Train Is
ERIE, Pa., May 24 While passing May's
Siding on a hill west ot Kane today the
j boiler on one of the locomotives pushing a
Philadelphia Erie rrelght train exploded,
killing ons man and Injuring four others,
three perhaps fatally. The train was run
ning at the time and the crown sheet of the
exploded boiler was blown through ths
caboose, splitting It In two snd wrecking
It so that it waa set on fire as the quickest
way to clear the trucks. The dead-
JOHN CRAINE. brakeman.
The injured:
Charles Owens, conductor.
Henry Gardner, flagman.
W. J. Swartsfager, engineer.
Peter Crosson, flremaa.
Hoted Hew York Dirine Derotei Sermon to
Wrongs of the Kaoe,
Hero la Oar Owa Land the Spirit of
Perseratloa Which Has Held
way for Ceatnrles Is
BALTIMORE, Md.. May 24. Dr. Madson
C. Peters, for thirteen years pastor In New
York, but now preaching In the Baptist
tabernacle, here and well known as the
author of "Justice to the Jew," "The Jew
aa a Patriot," and other volumes, again
lifted his voice against the persecution of
and prejudice against the Jew In his ser
mon today. Dr. Peters not only denounced
the unspeakable atrocities, but vigorously
defended the Russian Jew. He said: "The
4,600,000 Jews In Russia are scattered among
Ignorant, fanatical and demoralised peas
ants, who rob and plunder them at their
will. The schools are closed sgalnst the
Jews, lucrative professions are forbidden
them, they are huddled together In the
least productive provinces of the csar's
realm, and their only means of subsistence
Is trading with Ignorant masses; yet there
Is only one Jewish criminal to every 2,170
Individuals, whereas among non-Jews ths
proportion is one to every 716,
"This massacre will undoubtedly lead to
an Immigration from Russia hitherto un
equalled. We need have less fear from
Russian Jews than many other immi
grants, especially If we scatter them
throughout the country. If you will reud
the names annually of the public school
children who have passed the entrance ex
amination to the sub-freshman classes of
the colleges of the city of New York, Phil
adelphia, Chicago, Boston, Baltimore and
other large centers, you will find the
Costnskys, Besmorskys, Caarcowskis, and
other names of unmistakable Jewish fam
ilies from Russia and Poland. The children
of the Russian Immigrants are crowding
our schools, colleges and universities, they
are busy qualifying themselves for suc
cess and while even many of tho German
Jews are often reviling their -Russian co
religionists, they are broadening . their
minds. The libraries of the great cities
will tell you that their best patrons nrj
the young Rusilan and Polish Jews. They
read and devour American history and
biography, philosophy and science. In the
Spanish-American war the Russian Jews
furnished more than double their share
of volunteers.
Rnssla Hot Alone.
"In a measure at least Americans are
guilty of the same crime we denounce on
Russia and the Russians. In America
the Jew has a double claim to recognition
the claim of the man under the wide tol
erance of the twentieth century, ond the
claim of the American cltlxen under the
broad spirit of the American constitution.
Has he received the treatment he merits
as a man and the rights he deserves as a
cltlienT He la caricatured in the comic
papers and our atage; In our social, pro
fessional, and even , political clubs ho Is
UlackbaUad, Xb wealthy Jew looking tor
a summer resort will be handed a circular
bearing the foot note: "No Jews taken..
The Jew la excluded from society. Hosts
apologise for the stranger by assuring you
that 'he is a good fellow. If he Is a Jew."
"Mass meetings have been held In sev
eral cities for the purpose of protesting
against the continual Ill-treatment and
persecution to which the poor Jews in gen
eral and Jewish peddlers In particular, are
subjected, not only by the hoodlums, but
by the school children. In Detroit, the
mayor had to make a special appeal to the
police to prevent violence and Injustice. In
Chicago, the mayor sent a request to the
president of the Board of Education, the
result of which was that the superin
tendent ot schools Issued Instructions to
the principals of all schools to warn their
puplU against calling offensive names,
throwing stones or otherwise injuring poor
Jews. These instructions were carried out
by means of the principals. The arch
bishop waa also approached on the sub
ject. "I have seen Jewish children go home from
pur public schools In tears because of the
offensive names with which they were
taunted. Outrhges are frequently perpe
trated upon the Jews In our cities under
the very noses of the police outrages
which are a disgrace to our republic.
"Russian and Roumanian Immigrants who
are striving with might and main to earn
a livelihood meet with a reception from
the denixens of the streets not at all cred
itable to American cltlsenshlp. Have you
forgotten the outrage -committed on the
Jews In New York, a few months since,
when they reverently paid homage to their
dead chief rabbi T
"Anti-Semites may be divided Into two
claaies, the rich Jews and the poon Chris
tians. It Is no' to the credit of the rich
and influential Jews of our cities that they
do not seek to rlKht these wronxs heaoed
upon their poorer brethren. These toiling
co-rellgionists are worthy of the influence
and assistance of their more fortunate
brethren. The non-Jewish world has only
contempt for the Jew who does not seek
to make the name of Jew respected
throughout every nook and corner of tha
Pablie Meeting- at St. Louis Attended
by Maay Nationalities and
' Creeds.
! 8T. LOUIS. May 24. At a meeting held
I today under the auspices of the Young
I Men's Hebrew association and mended by
2,000 persons, a resolution was adopted that
an appeal be made to the cxar of Ruasla
to prohibit further slaughter and outrages
on the Russian Jews.
Speakers representing many different re
ligious creeds and the St. Louis bar unan
imously condemned the atrocities com
mitted In the province of Bessarabia, Rua
sla April 18, It and 20. At the conclusion
of the speeches denouncing the Russian
outrages, the following resolution wss
unanimously adopted:
Resolved. That ws appeal to the Rus
sian government to initiate and enforce
such messures as will prevent the occur
rence of these outrages and will give to
Its people of every religious belief equal
rights and equal responsibilities.
Head Off Amerlean Deal.
LONDON, Ma 24-The Dally Mails
correspondent at Singapore states that the
government of the Malay states has Im
posed a prohibitive duty on the export of
tin ore unless it Is smelted within the
colony. This step Is designed to check an
attempt to create a combination In the tin
trade by the Standard Oil. the United
States Steel corporation and the American
Tlnplate company, who propose to im
port the ore Into ths United States free
of duty and reimport tha smelted article.
Temporatnre at Omaha Yesterday"
Honr. Dei. Honr. Vm.
B a. at X 1 p. as (K)
8 a. m ui g p. as Ml
7 a. m At a p. a M
A a. m tM 4 p. ne...... Il
a. m Tl Bp. sa T
10 a. m T3 p. aa TM
11 a. m T T p. sa TT
ia m .ret m p. a ts
Mast Keep Real Object la View l(
They Wish to Aceempuea
Thel Alma.
CHICAGO, May 24. Clarence S. Darrow,
who was chief counsel for the minors la
the recent arbitration growing out of the
strike in the anthracite coal fields, deliv
ered an address before the Henry George
association here today on "The Perils ot
Trade Unionism." The general tone of his
talk was that labor unions do not under
stand the principles upon which they are
founded and along which they must work
It they are to continue In existence. Ha
said In part:
Trade unionism la really In Its last anal
ysis the effort to monopolise the labor
market. In the same Hue as the trust la
the effort to monopolise production. Tht
great growth of trade unionism in the last
tew years has taken into Its body large
numbers of men who were not familiar
with Its principles or Its value, whose one
denlre haa been to better thilr. condition,
wno have not the understanding of affalra
to recognize the relation that trade union
nm haa to a general progress and who
therefore have narrow views as to its man
agement and use.
In the great growth of trade unionism
the men seem to have lost sight of the
fundamental principles which In the end
must control. Men catch trade unionism
and speculation as they catch the meusles
or the mumps. Capital has caught the
fever of commerce until it has gone mad
over corporations and trusts. Likewise
labor caught the fever of trade unionism,
and without knowing what It means or
realizing how It may be of real service to
the world has turned Its power and energy
In the direction of building up organisa
tions. Unless this force is turned to polit
ical power or turned to substantial methods
for bettering induatrlal conditions, then
this great movement must be for naught.
NEWCASTLE. Pa., May 24. Charles
Grannls, son of John Graunls of this city,
shot Mrs. Delia May Ryhal at Cascade
park, near here, this evening, and then
shot himself. Both are at the hospital
here, and It Is said neither can live. Mrs.
Ryhal is the wife of John N. Ryhal of this
city, but they have not lived together for
three years. Grannls has been paying at
tention to Mrs. Ryhal for some time and
today he took her and her mother, Mrs.
Stewart, for an outing. On the way back
they stopped at Cascade park and about
7:30 Mrs. Stewart said she waa going home.
Then her daughter said that she was going
also. Grannls told her not to go yet. as
he wanted to tell her something. She anked
him to tell her then, but he objected.
Suddenly Grannls put his hand on Mrs.
Ryhal'a shoulder and said he would shoot
her to death. Ha drew her toward him and
Tired- tw rom a i-evolvey whlehjis
had In his pocket. One of the shots struck
Mrs. Ryhal In the left breast near the
heart and the other In the right breast.
Grannls then turned the gun on himself
and fired twice. One bull hit him in the
forehead, making a scalp wound, and the
other in the chest, going entirely through
the lung.
Stand In Way of Hesamptlon of
Work In Chicago Laun
dries. CHICAGO, May 24 Refusal of the laun
Hr Hriv-BT-. to submit their wage scale to
arbitration prevented a settlement of the
laundry strike toduy. At a meeting De
tween representatives of the Drivers' union,
the Laundry Workers' union and the ex
ecutive committee of the Laundry Own
ara1 fi at not A tlon. all aorts of arguments
were brought to bear on the drivers to
recede from their position, but tne latter
f.ut in vleld from the stand they have
taken and when the meeting adjourned
tonight the settlement of tne strixe seemed
as far off as ever. The owners and the
Laundry Workers' union have settled their
differences, but the owners refuse to open
for business until the trouble with the
drivers has been adjusted. The strike has
lasted more than three weeks.
Boiler Makers' Conference Committee,
men Are Also KmpeeteU to
The delegation of boiler makera from
the Union Pacific and the Southern Pacific
that went to New York to participate in
the final conference with Presidents Har
rlman and Burt is expected In Omaha this
morning, when President Burt Is also
scheduled to arrive. No further details as
to the settlement with the boiler makers
have been officially received. It la not
known yet when the boiler makers will
return to work, as the machinists and
blacksmiths have to adjust matters with
the company, their conference having been
arranged for June 1. T. M. Orr, secretary
to President Burt, yesterday said the
president had wired confirmation of the
report of a conclusive settlement with the
boiler makera
nearer Line to Bore Big- Tnnnel
Through the Rocky Moan
, tains.
DENVER. May 24. The construction
company that Is building the Denver, North
western Ik Pacific railroad has approprt
ated 35,300,000 for additional construction.
' Including a tunnel two miles and a quarter
I long through the main range and a tem
i porsty line over the range for use during
tho two years that will be consumed In
building tho tunnel. Contracts will have
been awarded, It la expected, by June 3a
Movements of Ocean Vessels May 24.
At Beachy Head I'aaaed: Bremen, from
Bremen, for New York.
At The Llsard Passed: Koln, from Bal
timore, for Bremen; Zealand, from New
York, for Antwerp.
At Isle of Wight Paaaed: Noordam, from
Rotterdam, for New York.
At Plymouth Arrived: Minnehaha, from
New York, for London.
t (jueenatown Arrived: Ivernla, from
New York, for Liverpool, and proceeded.
Sailed: I'mbrla, for New York.
At Southampton-Balled: Moltke, for
New York, via t'lierlKiurg.
At New York Arrived: Bluecher. from
Hamburg: I -a (iaacogne, from Havre;
Dresden, from Bremen; Columbia, from
Glasgow. ,
No Apparent Motive for Crime of
a Pennsylvnnla Yoong
Cornea Upon the People While They Are
Bleeping in Their Eomea.
Thota More rortnnatelj BItuated Corr-
menoe Seaone Work.
Olad to Eaoape AJire While Their Be
longing Are Lost
Rata Maa Fallen for Twenty-Four
Coaaeentlvo Days at Oathrle
Md Rivera All Oat
f Banks.
ENID, Okl.. May 24.-Hundreds of per-
sons were rendered homeless and prop
erty damage estimated at 33UU.000 was done
In the Enid bottoms alone by the cloud
burst that struck west of this city at mid
night last night. The axcreaate damaca
will doubtless be raised much higher by
losses sustained between Enid and the
seat of the storm. At 12 o'clock a bank
of water three feet high and 200 feet wide
swept down through the bottoms, carry
ing houses and everything before It. It
came upon Enid without warning while
most or Its citizens were ssleeD. Within
a few minutes 100 houses were partly or
completely submerged. Rescuers went to
work Immediately and all last night la
bored Industriously savins uersona from
perilous positions and aiding those driven
irom their homes. ' Today It was found
that several hundred were homeless.
Many pitiable scenes were witnessed as
the people stood around waiting for the
water to suhslde. Many had lost every
thing they possessed. The cltiaena are
busily engaged relieving the distress but
me means at hand are Inadequate. The
rainfall the past ten days haa been tha
heaviest In the history of Oklahoma, anri
Indications are that more will follow.
Reports of losses In the country west of
Enid are meagre, but it is believed that
heavy damage waa done.
Tvtenty-Fonr I)as of Rnla.
GUTHRIE. Okl.. May 34.-Early today
this vicinity was visited by another de
luge, making the twenty-fourth consecu
tive day of rain. The Cimarron and Cot
tonwood rivers are now at the danirer
Hits Kansas Railroads.
TOPEKA, Kan.. May 24. HlBh . I.
causing much trouble for Kansas railroads.
ine Banta Fe reporta 180 feet of track
washed out on the Osage City branch near
Quenemo. The Missouri Pacific haa a
washout at Richland and the Rock Island
la having difficulty in moving trains In
northern Kansas. On the central branch
of the Missouri Pacific the tracks are In
bad condition and traffic on tha Union
Paclflo U muuh delayad.., v...-. ,.. , , ,
At Topeka the Kansas river Is thirteen
and a half feot above the low-water mark
and Is rising rapidly, but It Is not thought
damage will result here.
At Emporia, the Cottonwood river is over
flowing its banks and flooding the farming
country. At Lawrence the Cottonwood ts
rising rapidly and when this rise reaches
Emporia the situation there will be much
more serious.
Heavy general rains have fallen 'in Kan
sas for a wsek past and another steady
fall covered the central portion of the
state today.
LAFAYETTE, Ind., May 24. Wind, rain
and hall this evening caused considerable
damage to growing crops.
Bridges Washed Ont.
CHICK ASH A, I. T-, May 24.-A severe
rain and windstorm passed over Chlckasha
and through the Washita valley last night,
causing more or less destruction. The
damage Is confined mostly to the Rock
IslarM and 'Frisco railroads. Two Rock
Island bridges over the Canadian and
Washita rivers were washed out, carrying
over 800 feet of track with them and ef
fectually blocking traffic. The northbound
Rock Island passenger train ran Into a
washout five miles north of Chlckasha last
night and left the track. Several pas
sengers were slightly Injured but there
was no loss of life. No arrangements
have been made as yet for the transfer of
the passengers. Another Rock Island pas
senger train on the Mangum branch ar
rived here last night after passing through
a terrific hailstorm during which almost
every window In the entire train was
broken. Two bridges on the 'Frisco rail
way between Chlckasha and Oklahoma
City were washed out.
Tornado Kills Three.
GUTHRIE, Okl., May 24.-A tornado
struck Fobs, a town on the Choctaw,
Oklahoma eV Gulf railroad at 5 o'clock thla
morning, completely destroyed thirteen
residences and wrecking many outhouses.
Three persons were killed snd a number
Injured, one, R. P. Sail, seriously. The
dead are F. M. Slagel, wife and daughter.
The cloudburst reported last night . at
Yukon, eighteen miles west of Oklahoma
City, completely Inundated the Canadian
valley, causing great damage to crops and
stock, but no lives are reported lost.
ANADARKO. Okl., May 24 A tornado
struck Anadarko late Saturday night, com
pletely demolishing five residences and
several smaller buildings. No one was In
jured. The blow was followed by a hard
rainstorm, and the Washita river Is on
a tear and rising steadily. A large force
of men Is cutting off the sewer outlets to
keep tho water from backing up Into Ana
darko. Late reporta from Fort Cobb and
Latham stato that a six-foot rise Is com
ing this way. No passenger trains have
been able to reach Anadurko In twenty
four hours.
EL PASO, Tex., May 24 -In the White
Bpur district of New Mexico, about ten
miles north of El Paso, the Rio Grande
Is out of Its banks The river at this
point Is three miles wide. On tha ranches
of Zlmpleman Brothers 3.000 acres of graz
ing land are under water. Crops have been
ruined. A number of men are working
continuously to prevent further destruc
tion. Thousands of sacks of sand and dirt
are being used to reinforce the levee. The
river Is reported stationary there.
Mock Daiuaae nt Oklahoma City.
lahoma City was visited Saturday and
Sunday by the heaviest rain ever known In
this locality and damage estimated at
1100.000 waa done. Many feared a tornado
and spent the night In cellars and caves.
All day today and tonight more than half
the city has been under water and In
some places water was three feet deep.
It required boats to transport women and
children to high and dry lands. Basements
under many of tha big wholesale houses