Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1903, PART I, Page 9, Image 9
TlllS OMAIIA DAILT "REE: fiUNDAT, MAY 24, 1003. PA FINALLY - WINS A GAME Zkft of Series with the Ftinti Fails to tb Bourke Family. MAHER SERIOUSLY HURT IN THE PLAY trains His Bark While Patting; Oat Dolaai at Seeoad MeBrlde Ala Forced Oat of Gam by Injery. Omaha look tha laat of th aeries from the Saint yesterday through superior hit ting and clean fielding. It was a pretty gam and fast played and the score atood I to 0 when the duet rolled away. Companion pitched a Bleed, beady game and had clearly the bent of It all the time. while Chlni), who took the place of Oladc In the fourth, waa hit almost at will and quite hard, too. Olade was a pussle to the Rourkeltee while he was In and his Rooee veltlan stare grew broader and more gen erous as things went on. Metier was badly hurt In tbe first Inning while making the pretty play of the game. With two men out and Bhugart on second and Doinn on first, Wright banged out a hot f one in the direction of second 'and Maher scooped It up and fell on his face with It, but half roee and threw himself on the second bag, putting out Dolan. In the effort he strained his back and was taken to the hospital, where his Injuries were attended to. MeBrlde Gets Spiked. In the first of the fourth Inning, with two men out, MeBrlde on third and HcConnel en first, they ' caught McConnel between first and second and Bhugart forced him part way back and then' threw to Patter son, who touched MeBrlde a couple of feet oft the base and Incidentally spike htm In the forearm, necessitating his stopping piny." Olade was put at first and Chlnn went Into the box and the stufl was all off so far as the Balnts were conoerned. The injuries to the Saints necessitated a general change In the makeup of the team and they were greatly handicapped by the disarrangement. Irf the fourth Omaha gathered two runs .on a fielders' eholoa, Patterson's double to left and a single by Thomaa. In the fifth they added two more on an error of Olade on "Tirst and a swiped ball by Bhugart which went through Hartman and Oarrln and didn't stop until they both had swung round the four corners. The last run came two innings later, when Bhugart Started out by getting a clean double and went . to third on Dolan'e out.' Wright then let one ripple off of his bat and It waa good for single and more than enough to seore' Bhugart. : saints Beach Third Only. Several times the Balnts got men on third. hut the v never could tret any closer and it ... i'B.1." m. .11 nr th. iim Ia. vM Wknl. ... v,t. Kn,h of ball . - i lossers win romp aroung ini iivuuua the enjoyment of the multitude and Kid Nichols will do the twisting himself. Ecore: i : OMAHA AB. R. IB. PO. A. B. Carter, rf....'. Genlna, rf 4 ShuKtrt, 2b 4 Dolan. ss. .... I Wrlfc-St. lb -4 Prneton, It 4 Pa Hereon, Sb 4 Thomaa, c 4 Companion, p S 0 1 14 0 o i o 1 1 0 & 1-0 I 14 0 0 .1 10 II 2 I 0 a t 0 0.0 4 1 t XI ' 17 Totals.. S4 ST. JOSEPH. AB. R. IB. PO. A. t 0 E. powmari,' rf..... 0 . Maher, np, ........ 1 ; 0 Kohe, Ib 4 0 Howey, If 0 HartmuO. of-ss.. ...... 4 0 Kemmer. lb-2b 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 A Chlnn. p. . 0- . 0 - 0 0 MoUHde, 2b. ......,.. 2 "0 1 AioConnel, c.'.." 10 0 Garvin, rf-ct t 4 ,0 Glade, p-lb S 0 0 1 Totals.... ...SI 0 14 10 Omaha 00011010 St. Joseph 00000000 0-0 Earned runs; Omaha. 1. Two-base 'hits Preston, Patterson, Shugart, Rone. Three- base hit: Kohe. Sacrifice hits: Carter, Howey.' , Stolen -bases-: Wright, Hartman. Bases on Off Companion. 1: off Qlade. 1; off Chlnn, 1. Struck out: By Compan ion, 4; by Olade. I; by Chlnn, 1. Hit by pitcher: By Glade. I; by Chlnn, L Passed ball: MoConneL Left on bases: Omaha, t; SL Joeeph. 7. , Umpire: Meaamer. Time; l.s. Attenuance, i.ftou. . Brewers Ge . to . Defeat. COLORADO SPRINOS. Colo.. May 23.- X batting rally In the sixth when four, a eaerltlce and a horns run netted ove runs and won the last game of the - I series far in loruua loflav. Hnora: . . R.H. US, Colo. Springs.. .0 S000I10 80 4 Milwaukee 0 01000000-174 Batteries: For Milwaukee. Sea and Lucia: for Colorado Springs, JNswmeyer and Star- nagia. Fearteea Innings at Dea Moines. ' DBS MOINES. May tt.-0'Leary's error In tbe first half of tbe fourteenth inning this afternoon lost the same tor Pes Moines. Up to that time both teams played wonaerrui oau. it wae a piicner s hiui tbouahout. Attendance. l-0u. Score: R.H.E. Xsneas City.O 0000000000001-1 14 1 bee Moines .0 0000000000000-0 4 4 Batteries: Dee Moines, Barry and Mar- eaalli Kansas cuty, Mesa ana Meesut. Means Baa Wins tha Game, DENVER, May tS. Hartsal's home sun In the third Inning won aie game tor Denver. The soore: R.H.B Denver 004000001-01! Peoria 100000001111 Batteries! Denver, Barber and Latimer; Peoria, Ailoway and Wilson. Standing ef the Tensas. . Played. Won. Lost. P.C. Colorado Springs. Denver Milwaukee Kansas City ' 18 4 .118 .600 .660 .474 ...20 ...) ...21 12 U 10 I T 0 I U 11 12 12 14 feorla ,. St. Joseph;. .20 1 .20 .460 .400 1 .3i8 Dea Moines. ....20 .SuO (lame- tarfavt Kansas City at Omaha, St. Joeeph at Des Moines, Peoria at Colo rado Springs, Milwaukee at Denver. GAMES IN NATIONAL LEAGUE Doaovaa'a flayer e Show Marked ." Im provement la Work la Ganae with Kew -Yek'e Teauav. wrur vnnif Utr 2X Donovan's SL IauIi nlavera ahowed a wonderful Improve- ment In their work here today and won out In the tenth Inning. The visitors looked Ilka aura winners until Mike O'Nell wa vered Hi the ninth, when two runs were made off him. which tied tbe score. A base on balla, 'Wagner's bad throw and Browne's muff of Braoot s py gave di. .uouie tne winning run in tne extra inning, uonovan was put out of the game In tha seventh for klokinat. John O'Nell waa hit on the head with a Ditched ball In the fourth inning and knocked out. After several mluutea. he-revived and played aa Cleverly as though nothing had happened. Attend ance, 14, bra Score: it. Locie. RHOAg xrw tork K H O.A g rarralL &... 1 4 4 0 IfcuiovaA, rf. 1 I 0 I a Burke, rt.... 1114 0 Breva, it.. 4 111 ST... S I i 7 .rma, rx.... a v a w w Ml, Ct.. I I I -mm. Ik.... 1 11, lk. 4 I 11 I Irhala. if... 4 1 1 r-l"' ' Imvot. Bral MH.rav. aa.. 4 4 4 1 Klrhola. Babk, Ik..... 1 I I 1 I WllUama. aa. 4 I I I i -a. e I I I at. O-haiL,. e 1 I I 1 on bert, lk... e 4 I I Werner, a.... I 1 I I 1 atcjinnUr, a 1 I I 1 aitevermaa .110 0 1 ToUle 4 11 M 11 1 Totala I 11 M 11 4 xBatted for Dunn tn ninth. St. Louis 100 0 10000 14 Ksw York ..0 1 I I M M 1 M Earned runs: New York, 1. Flret base on errors: New York, 1; Hi. Louie, L Left on bases: New York. I; 8t. Louis, 0. First baae on balls: Oil McOinnlty. I; off M O Nell, 1 birurk out: By McOinnlty. I; riy M. O Nell. 4. Two-raee bits: Mertes, Mowennan, Babb, McOinnlty. Donovan. Sarrltloe hits: Gilbert, Smoot I), J. O'Nell. Kl.'l.. i. m - Vj Xt V..h.ll Donovaa. Doabis plays; Dana to U Libert to MrOann. Fsrrell to Hackett! Bit by tltcher: By McOlnrrity, 1; by M. UNeU, Umpire: Johnstone. Time: 110. Plenty UlU, Plenty BCrrers. PHIL.ADEI.rnT A. Mar . -Chicago's fif teen hits and Phlladeiphln's eight errors, added to the local's Inability to hit, re sulted in an easy victory for the Motors. Attendance, 1,667. Score: CHICAOO. 1 rHtLACBLPHtA. R.H.O.A.B1. 1 R.H. O.A.I. HirW, rf... It slThomu.. cf.. 1 t eitri u..., a tie rn. ir Chance, lk... I 4 II 1 WoItTb, Ik. 1 jnnea, if 1 Kaleter. rt.. t Tinker, ... 1 t t 4 I Dluxs, lb.. VT. b.... I I I R'aaheer, lb. 1 M rare, Ib,... I III Holewltt, ta. f Kilns. ...... title tVmin. ! ! WelBMr, ... I 1 1 1 Mttrhell, p.. e I I 1 BerehalL .. e e 1 Tetats ...14 II IT II 0 Totals .-1 4 IT IT I Chicago I T i M I I I C-14 1'hiiadoiptiia e eoeoeiee i Karned run: Philadelphia. L Two-base hit-.: Single, Chance, kllng. Three-baa hits: Hlagle, Chance. Stolen baeea: Hart- lAu DI..U t 1 . 1 Chicago, ; Philadelphia. I. First bases on bulls: Oft Welmer, 2; off Mitchell. 1: off . u, u-i, . pii ulu , u . . J,, , " j Mitchell. 1; ty tiurcheu, 1. Time: 1:1x1. urn- 1 plre: Moran. Win In the Hlath Inning, BROOKLYN. Mar 13. The home team by good hatting in the ninth Inning won from the Plttsbure- champions today. Brooklyn made costly errors In the fifth and seventh innings. Attendance, e.uuv. core: BROOKLYN. PITT8BUR0. R.H. OAK. K M O A S. Sharker. If. Debha. ef,... I I Baanmoat, ill I I M 1 t 1 t e 10 1 Clarka. It... 1 I o.hrlna. rf.. S I I 1 kleOraeale, rf e boria, is.... e Wacner. aa . 4 1 bahleo, aa. Ahearn, .. riooa, lb.. Jordan, lb. Ktana, .. Iijaokll'oh auRltter . BranaAald. lk 4 1 II 1 Laatb, lb.... 4 4 4 14 Kruaar. lb. .eat 4 4 11 Rlteker, Ik.. 4 1114 Pbelpe. 4.... 1 1 4 11 Phllllpni. .. I 1 1 ( I ToUla 4 llM) 14 1 ToUla 8 11 IT 11 I xOne out when winning run was scored. xxHattea lor Jordan in nintn. xxxBatted for Kvana In ninth. Brooklyn 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 t-i Pittsburg 0 0 0 0 X 0 1 0 Earned runs: Brooklyn. : Pittsburg, 1. v -1 v . 1 1 1. 1 a. biti.t..,,. a Two-bnse hits: Flood, Jacklltsch. Three baae hits: Ritrhey, Dahlan. Stolen bases: Brahsfleld. Iahlen. Ahearn. Double Plays: Sheckard to Ahearn, Philllppl to Wagner to Uransneld. Hacrwice nils: K'aumoni, Kruger. First base on balls: Off Evans, 8; oCf Philllppl, 1. First base on errors: Fltts- nurar. a. mie nv n tcnea oeji: - by crani, x Struck out: By Kvana. 6: by Philllppl, 4. Wild pitch: Evans. Time: 1:66. Umpire O Day. Thez Ooaldat Hit Willis. BOBTOK. May B. The Inability of Cin cinnati to hit Willis gave Boeton an easy victory today. Poole was not only wild, but waa bit freely. Attendance, 1,1a. ecore: BOSTON. CINCINNATI. HMD I B . R.H.O.A B Dexter, at-ct 1111 4 Sarnoiir, ef. 4 4 I 4 1 Tanner, lb... I 1 I I I Doolie, rt... 14 1 Ak'tleble, Ik I 1 I 4 f Biamiaun, aa 1 1 a Coolar, II.... 114 1 1 Coraoraa, as. 4 I 1 Carnar, rr... 4 t a aison. a -a Sianlar. ef.. 4 4 4 4 0 Morrlaaar. 11. 4 1 1 Aubrar. aa... 4 4 4 4 4 Plata, lb.... 4 4 t Orem'cer, Ib 1 4 4 1 a Barxaa. a.... 4 4 I Klttreoa. a. 4 1 4 4 4iPoola. 4 4 4 Wlllla. p 1 14 14 ---- 1 iota la a inn ToUla ... l I ll Ro.tnn I 1040000- Cinclnnatl 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 Earned runs: Boston, 6. Two-base, hits: Willis, Dexter. Home runs: Cooley, Btoln- feldt. Stolen bases: Donlln, KJttredge, Double play: Corcoran to Magoon to Pelts, irirat haaa nn halla: Off Willie. 1: off Poole, 14. Hit bv DltcWM ball: Tenney. Struck out: By Willis, ,- by Poole, . Time: .1:50, umpire: Email. Btandlna- ef the Teai . Played Won. Lost. P.C. Chlcaro .. 31 a .719 Mew torn .2 20 .24 . 20 14 14 1 17 n 24 .690 .600 Plttaburg ... Boston Brooklyn ... Cincinnati . Philadelphia 8t. Louis ... ...28 14 ...II 15 ...12 -U ...10 ...a .44 .4H .300 .271 No games today. GAMES IN AMERICAN LEAGUE Gofhanaltea suad Hlseaariaas Show tha Bleachers Bow. the Casta Is Really Flayed. V Of, T ATTTB m - . 99 Til, TCAW Y ft T ITS beat the St. Louisiana In a hotly contested same today, uri rain pitcnea irau uan, i- Iojvingv the locals only two . hlta Wallace and . Iira arava a brilliant exhibition lor their respective teams- in tne rounn in ning Dong made a sensational one-handed stop of Anderson's hot grounder, retiring the side with a man on second. Attendance, ,4UU. score: NEW YORK. bt. Lome. R.H.O A B R.U.O.A.K na4a. U S 1 1 S 0 Barkatt. It... lilt) Keeler. rf... S lis Haianca, . rulta, ef e O H.mphlll. rt. f t 1 t a WlllUaw. ISO 1 1 t 1 WaJlare. B..I t I I 1 nanul Ih... 1 1 11 1 ol Anderson- lb t I 11 i I Conrar. lb... e 1 S 4 0 MrCor-k. lb. 1 Loaa. aa e I B a a PTiei, ao w a a a O'Connor, a. 1 1 1 l Suaian, a.... 4 t Ortatb. ....! 1 1 Diwohae. .. t 1 e I t Totala ... 1 I 17 11 ll ToUla ... 1 I IT IT 1 New York 0 02001000-4 Bt. Louis 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 Tvn-biia hits: Burkett. Davis. Griffith. Double plays: Anderson to Wallace to An derson. Passed ball: O'Connor, 1. Stolen bases: Fula, -Long. Bases on balls: Off Donohue, 1; off Oritnth, l. BtrucK out: cr Donohue, 4. Left on 'bases: St. Louis, 1; New York. 7. Time; 1:22. Umpire: Sheri dan. ... tsaakers la warm rmtsa. fT.UTVTCTAND. Mar . With the score I to 1 In the eighth inning In favor of Cleve land, the Philadelphia made three singles and a double off Joss, giving them three runs and the game. - Owing to the Illness of Umpire Connolly Pitcher Bernard of the Clevelands rendered the base d eel "Iocs, giv ing satisfaction. Attendance, boots; FHllADBLPHIA. B.H.O.A.B. CLBVXLAMD. K.U-O.A. Hartaal. if.. I 1 Bar. at e e i e e ftckai-liig, ef. I I 4 McCarthy. Ill I 1 t I Parla. lk.... s t u L Croaa, Ik. 1 1.1 earkold. rf... 1 1 I riiok. rf e l i e e Hickniaa. is. e e ie e Lajote, Ik... 1 I I I Bradler, 16.. 110 11 Oouhaa'er. aa I 1 e 1 9 Hiuvar, a.. ai M. Croaa, aa. Shreck, a.... ell wa4eii, .. e e e Banua. a..... 0 1114 joae. s e e e e e UAkkott e e e e e TrW-la 4 10 17 11 Tola la ... I III 11 a x Batted for Joss In ninth; Philadelphia 0 0 0-1 0 0 0 1 Cleveland 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 02 Rarnad runs: PhlladelDhla. I: C leveland. 1. Two-baae hlta: Lajole, Seybold. Stolen Kaa? Hreaiev. MCLTinny. ncKerina. Baaea on balls: -on waoaeu, s. juert on bases: Philadelphia, I; Cleveland. 7. BtrucK .,t- Rv Joan. 7: bv Waddell. 8. Wild Ditch Joss. Time; !: umpires; vonnouy ana Bernard. Bostoaesa Gather la Oaa. rmoAOO. Mar 22. Errors by the locals at er ideal stages, followed by timely hlt- iinB- save Boeton today s game. vvnite pitched In good form, only one eingle being Ltd. off hfm i:!toM gather. Aitenaance, i.auw. eoure. BOSTON. . ttUUAOU. R.U.O.A S I R If.O A Deuahertr. Ill I I I 4 Halloas. U., I I I I Col I liia, Ib... Ill O Brian, at.. 0 I Freaoiaa, rf. 1 I I Parent, aa... I I I 1 jooaa. A v a a Uraaa. rt I I I Callabaa. Ik I 1 I 4 laball, lk.... 4 1 11 1 1 lallf, lb 0 I 1 1 TaaDehlll. at I I 4 4 Lei hajwa. nils Farrla. Ik.... Ill Crigar, a..... Ill Buiiwea. e. e e i e Duaan. a.... see White, .. Dolaa uMcfarre e i e i e o e e , e e e e I ' Totaie 4 e IT IT 1 Totala ... 1 I IT 11 4 x Batted tor Tannehlll In the ninth, xa Batted tor White In tbe ninth. Rnatnn 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 I Chicago O V V V V V V 1 V 1 i Left on bases: Boston. I: Chicago. 7. Three-base hit: Crlger. Saorlnce hit: Cal- laban. Stolen bases: Hallman, Iabell, Col- Una Double play: Tannenui to uaiy to Iabell. Bases on balls: Off White, I; off tiinaan. a. Hit with ba n: Uournerty. Time: IM. Umpires: Carrulhars and Haasett. Look aad Bad Fielding. , DETROIT. May tl The luck of tbe game and Washington s bad fielding gave Detroit 1 another victory tooay. LKinovan pitcnea ; W P1' 'or ' .. .. !?. . ?orrUS.puUn. rd'ecUloT Attendant VK 1 Bcore: urn. i evii. .aaoinuivi,. H.U O.A I R U O.A Banett, at... Ill ' Holme, rt.. 1 1 t Leak, n 1 Salheok. If... t I Iiu. el.... iCwishlla. lk. I I'Carar, lk.... RoMaeea. aa. Onh, aa ,Manla. Ik... e Clarka, a.... iUe, 1 freefora. It. 4 1 I I 1 1 Blbartal4. aa 1 I Carr, lk lit f 1 1 1 t 1 4 Bailia, Ik.... Ill taaiar, ak... 4 1 Bualow. a.... eei alcOnlre. e... e e I boseaaa, .. Total ,..4 I IT 11 tl Total ... I I M I Detroit . 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 Waahlngton ...0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 Two-base bit: Yeager. Three-base hits: Holmes, Coughlln. Earned runs: Detroit, 1: Washington. 1. Flrat base on balla: By Uoaovtn, I: by Lee. l.' klrat base row Detroit, t, Washington, 1. Lett bases: Detroit, 7; Washington. 1 Sacrifice Mis: Lush. Carr. Stolen bases: Crawford, Holmes. Struck ont: Br lonovan, I; by Ln, 1. lime: 1:40. Umpire: O'LaaghUn. Played. Won. Lost. P.O. .6i .6 .62 .630 Chicago Iwtruit 1 i 11 11 , 27 , M , X 28 27 J4 Philadelphia .. le it 14s It 10 Cleveland Boston New Tork .MO .41 .417 St. Louts Washington 17 I 1 we Games today: Washington at Detroit. New York at fit. Louis, Boston at Chicago. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION GAMES Gtbsava Doe sea Bpee-tnewlar Werk tha Box for the '(Caw Men Against the Hooelers. i KANSAS CITT. May 23-After the sec ond Inning Gibson did not allow an Indian apolis player to reach first base until the ninth, when two doubles and a single gave ill. v the visitors the game. Attendance, 1,600. Bccre INDIANAPOLIS. KAMSAI CTTT. a. ho. As R.M.O.A.C. Hnsrlevar, It I 4 1 4 nanler, ef. 4 Maleaari 4. 4 Nance, lb.. 4 lb.. 4 I e t 1 t ro, lb..... Jones, rf... Rlhm. lb.., 1 14 1 14 Coulter, at., 4lRnthtdaa, rf O' Rrleo. aa 4 e e , e Oear, rt Tanartt, lk Knoll, it... naraoa, a.. waT i Kallun, s. McAna" Olksoa, p.... e ToUla . I t IT 14 4 .0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 J-t Indlananolia Kansas city s e I e v v v v Two-base hits: Grady. Gear. Jones (1) Coulter. Three-base hit: Coulter. Sacrifice hit: ftlbann: Run on balls: Off KeMum. I Struck out: Rv d I harm 4: bv Kellum. 4. Hit by Ditched ball: By Kellum, 1. Left on bases: Kansas City, 4; Indianapolis, I. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Foreman. Brewers Find Cooas Kavsy MILWAIIKCn. Mar 13. A two-bagger and four scratches were all that Louisville could get from McOlll today, while every man on- the Milwaukee team secured a bit. Attendance, 2,000. Score: MtLWAVKKB. I LOTJI8VILT.B. R.H. OA. I R.H.O.A.B. rmnleavr. It 4 1 4 4 4'Kanria. rt... 1114 4 Donahue. Ik. 4 Olrmer, If.. 1 1 Phrle, aa.... 1 Woo4, lb.... 1 Harapklll, ef. I Dungas, rt... 1 Sehaflar. lb.. 4 near, a 1 SMlllraa, lk. Bhrtrrer, a.. Oawell, M... n e e Schaab, Ib. Cauda, lb.... 4 Vlox. aa 4 Coona, p..... 4 x Walker .... 4 McOlll, p.... 4 ToUla ... t 11 17 It Total 1 1 m it 1 1 xBatted for Coons In ninth. Milwaukee 11040100 7 Louisville 10000000 01 Enrned runs: Milwaukee, t. Two-base hits: HemphllL Chllds. Home runs: Wood. Phyle. Stolen bases: Sullivan (2), Bchrie- ver. Bases on balls: Off McOlll, 1; on coons. L Hit by Ditched ball: Hempnui. Struck out: Bv MoGUL I: by Coons. L Double plays: Coons to Schaub to Sulli van, Phyle to Schafley to Donahue, Schaub to ChUda. Sacrifice hits: Sullivan. Schafley (Z). Left on bases: Milwaukee, 4; Louis- vllle, I. Umpire: HaskelL Time: 1:3. Hot One at Minneapolis. urvwitmr TB aa A .ll- h Bridwell, a sacrifice by Raymer, followed or a wim .piion oy vaaoinaer ana an error in the eighth gave Columbus one run and tne game nere today. Attendance, 4,sio. score: OOUIMBUB. atrNNKAPOLIB. R.H.O.A.B R.H.O.A.B. Baonoa, rf.., Olaaaon, aa., Thenar, If.., Turner, lb.., : 1 1 1 4 MrCreerr. at 4 I I 4 4 1 Hart, lb 4 4 11 4 1 4 Lallr. If 4 4 1 4 4 4 Smith, rf.... 4 14 4 4 C Yeaer, a.... 4 4 4 4 4 t Kclotrre. Ik 4 I 4 4 4 Mallor, lk.., Brldwall. at, Rarnftar, lb., Boaah. 4...., Will lama, p, e e ii rlr, aa 4 4 4 1 4 Urtla, lb... 4 e 0 4 1 'uMeaw. p. 4 0 1 14 ToUla ... 1 4 It H 1 ToUla . 4 I IT IT 1 Columbus 00000001 01 Minneapolis 00000000 00 Two-base hits: Molntrre. Gleaaon. Three- base hit: Mclntyre. Bases on balls: Off Williams. 4. Struck out: By Vasblnder. ; by Williams, 2. Hit by pitcher: Moln tyre. Sacrifice hits: Gleaaon, Thoney, Kay. mer. Stolen baeea: McCreery, Turner. Wild pitch; Vasblnder. Left on bases; Minneapolis, 11; Columbus, 2. Umpires: Moran and Cunningham. Time; 1:40. Ten Innings at St. Pant. ST. PAUL. May 21 The focal team took the first game of the series with Toledo after ten Innings of Interesting play. At- I tendance, 1,421. Score: rr. Paul. , TOIJODO. ' " R.H.O.A B.l K H O A O. ghaaaea. af.. 1 Bernare, cf...e 4 e e IRalallnf, aa..l till B'aenanlp, K.t 1 1 t eOwaaa. lk 114 jackapa, it.. A 1 1 oeier, u 1 I 1 Marcaa, aa.... 1 I Wheeler, la,. t Connera, lh...e 1 14 4 t Muifina, t..t I t Kaltajr. lk....S 0 11 Plaroe. a f 1 Bmllb, rt 1 1 I lilter, tilt a Butler, a I Ills Check, e 0 I ICarMck, .... Mil Tetala I 1 H it l' Teuis .1 ha it i zTwo out when winning run wae made. St. Paul o oiooooio ll Toledo ..1 10000000 0-1 Two-base hit: Oeler. Three-base hlta: Riesling. Jackson. Bases stolen: Hucsina Connors, Smith, Butler, Carrick. Double plays: Marcan to Kelley, Marcan te Wheeler to Hueains. Kellev to Huaaina. Chech to Kelley, Altlser to Connors, liases on balls: on cueoh, 2; off Carrick, i. Struck out: By Chech, 6; by Carrick. 2. Wild pitch: Carrick. Sacrifice hit: Bernard. Lett on base: Bt. Paul. 8: Toledo. 7. Time: ljtf. Umpire: Mullane. Standing of tha Teams, Played. Won. I-rmt PC Milwaukee A 17 8 .60 Indianapolis 24 ' 1 10 .614 St. Paul 26 14 11 .6ti0 K ansae City 2tf IS 18 .600 Louisville 27 U 14 .481 Columbus 29 -1! 1 .441 Toledo 2 U 17 .414 Minneapolis 27 0 . U .331 Oamea today: Toledo at SL Paul. Co. lumbua at Minneapolis, Indianapolis at Ikaneaa city, Louisville at Milwaukee. KANSAS CITY COMES SUNDAY Kid Itlchele 'Will Be the Seat ta Give Itenrkettes sVeaaethlng ta Gaesa At. Sunday afternoon the band of wanderina minstrels that Kid Nichols has aathered together will lead the chorus of the tans at Vinton street park. Kid Nichols, him self, win supply tns curved balls lor the visitors ana tne ttoumeitee are remember- ins the dava of a few weeks asro when they landed on him often and with aood results just Detore tne league season began. oams cauea tl i:u. ine une-up: Omaha. Position. . Kaasas City. Wright...., Bhugart.... Dolan Patterson, First base .....Strelb ... Second base ' .. Shortstop .... ... Third base ... ... Left field ... . Center field .. Kia-ht field .. ..Webster ....Jacobs Kahl Miller .Ketchem ,. Waldron ...Meaaltl Preston.... Genius..... Carter... Thomaa. 0"nd' catcher pi;'. Catcher .'.'.'Nichols Cable Henderson. Pitcher Milton Bruner Pitcher , . Pitcher . Pitcher Smith Halla , liess Companion.. Cotner Wins from Donne, CRETE. Neb.. Mar 23. (Special Tele gram.) In a pretty and exciting game of base ball here today Cotner 'vanity won from uoane by a score ot 4 to i. Excellent pitching end good fielding caused both (, , n ,lr-ttw anAM u n 1 1 1 Ih. Wa,, I . when by getting two singles, a walk and a two-bagger Cotner sent four men around the bases, in tns last half or tha seventh Price of Doane lined out a three-bagger and came In on a sacrifice, but the umpire called him out. In tbe eighth and ninth Cotner again failed to connect with Wend' land s curves, whlls in the ninth, with two men gone, Doane braced up. and as a re sult of two singles and two errors got two men in. me ecore: R.E. Cotner 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0-4 4 Doane 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 1 Struck out: By Shuman. 14: bv Wend' land, . . BlnaTe Dree Another One. njouX CITY. ta.. May 23.-(Speclal Tele mm l-Iloui City defeated Council Bluffs fei. I lnil ,n(j allowed Council Bluffs to run In i ,yen ot Its scores, two In the nrst and nve X. I the aMinnil Innlne. Than nU a.rle down to good hard work. The next six Innings netted a series ot six goose eggs lor Council Uluna. Tne crowd was small. Score: Sioux City 1 1 40010001 Council Bluffs IfOOOOOOV I Batteries: Council Bluffs, Mats and Frees; Bloux Cliy, rvrfr, uale anu Kruggeman. Baso Ball at Randolph. RANDOLPH. Neb., May 21 (Special Telegram. The baae ball season opened nere looay w a game wun tne wayne jormai college, aoore. U It I III favor Randolph. Batteries: Randolph. McNally. Kineel and Knn: Warne. O'Keefe and Bait as. . . CREICQTON DEFEATS KNOX Omaht Collegians Take) Close Game from the Illinois Scotchmen. HARRY WELCH STAR Of THE CONTEST la the Bos He Is Invincible ta the Visiters and at the Bnt a . Jonah Seore Twt ta . One. Knox college went down In defeat yes terday before Crelghton In a pitchers' battle In which the advantage lay with Harry Welch of the locals. The score of t to 1 Is Indicative of the hard-fought contest. Knox college held the honors in base ball In Illi nois and beat Nebraska university Friday, but could not wrest victory., from Crelghton. Harry - Welch presided on the rubber for Crelghton and ten of the stalwart collegians from Illinois had the experience of striking out; the genial captain of the Crefghtons also1 held the visitors down to four hits. But Harry's hitting was a feature of the game, too; he made three hits, a single, a double and a four-sock er,-, which came In the ninth, with the arnfa I tit I ttvHmM Kr,rlc ,rom WM pltte4 sgnin8t tveicn, anoweo out six .nits, ana, tnouga they were well scattered, they won the game for Crelghton. . Both twlrlers had substantial support, but the Knox men were the more trusty In the field. Grogan, Montgomery, Zalusky and Slattery were chief among the strongest Knox players; while Welch, O'Keefe, Calla han, Crelghton and Prendergaat starred for Crelghton. Battle Begins la Earseil, - Montgomery waa the first Knox man up and the doughty shortstop struck vehe mently three times, but could not touch the ball. Then, after Grogan had gone out at first, French flew to right and Knox changed places with Crelghton. Callahan want out at first, Cassldy got that base on an error by Montgomery; Lanigan and Welou were disposed of hurriedly. Knox failed again to make the circuit, but E. Archie Crelghton came to bat and made a single, reached second on a sacrifice by Kehoe, stole third and scampered across the. plate on a hit by O'Keefe. This ended the run getting until the eighth Inning. But In the third Knox grew hopeful when, base on balls and a double were secured. and Just then two men bunted and Llght- . . n.,v " norse Harry sent Zalusky. the third man. to tne oencn on tnree striKes. in tne eighth Lambert jumped upon one of Harry's slants land planted It over the rlghtfleld fence for Iwa aAnlte UAntrninarv sitlrwl Hhwih fanned, but Funck got hie base on a fumble k 4h. .a t, by the shortstop, and tn the meanwhile Lambert trotted home. ' This tied the score and things began to look rather ominous for the locals, but Zalusky went' out at' first. Again Crelghton could not make tbe coveted score and Esstck of Knox ambled down to first on art error; Slattery drew a single. but was soon caught by Prendergaat Just far enough from first. Edgerton did not connect with Harry's pitching. Krlck failed to make first and Knox ' lost Its "main chance." Last af Klath. In the last ot the ninth, with the score 1 to 1, excitement grew intense. Lanigan of Crelghton wae retired by Krlck and Slat tery. But. now all eyes turned to Harry Welch, the next man, and he fully came up to all expectations. He hit the sphere very high and very hard and tha bait went so far over center that all thought ot Its recovery had been abandoned. Thia won the game and the enthused students raited Harry, the hero of the liour and the winner of the game, to their shoulders and bore b!m aloft, while the crowd went wild. ' " The game was the finest ever played on Crelghton field. Though Krlck made a good record as pitcher for Knox he was Inferior to his opponent, Harry Welch. Next Satur day 'Crelghton "plays the University of Ne braska on the Crelghton field. The score: CREIGHTON. AB. R. H. P.O. 4 .001 A. E. 4 1 0 0 0 - 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 I 1 0 0 II 1 A. E. 1 1 6 0 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 "l Callahan, ss ... Casaidy, cf Inlran, rf Welch, n Crelghton, Sb .... Kehoe. If O'Keefe, c ....... 1 1 0 0 0 10 1 11 Lynch, zt Prendergaat, lb 4...S Totals 18 KNOX o rt A B. R. H. P.O. Montgomery, ss.. 10 0 0 Oroaran. 2b 1 0 0 runcK, ID 4 Zalusky, c S Esslck, If 4 Slattery, lb 4 Kdgerton m 4 Krlck. d 4 Lambert, rf f Totala S3 Ons man out when 1 4 25 winning run was made. Crelghton ......0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-2 Knox , o e e e e o o o l i Earned rune: creignton J. Two-base hits: Funck. Lambert, Veloh. Home run: Welch. Bases on balls: Off Krlck t off Welch t. Struok outt By Krlck I. by weicn 10. Baennce nit: ivenoe, moien base: Crelghton. Left on bases: Crelgh ton I, Knox 4. Time of game: 1:16. Um pire: Butler. Attendance 1.600. EASY FOR YARDS JUNIORS They Loaf and Still Find Time to Defeat Molsa Team, 14 to 5. The Walter Moiee Company team went down Into the duat before the Union Stock Yards Juniors, 14 to 6, in a slow game yes terday afternoon. Though their regular In field ,was absent, the Juniors felt sure of their colors and loafed throuarh tha arame. not trying to play fast ball. Caughey kept the nine nits made off of him well scat tered. Barret pitched a fine game for the Dlatlllers, but had miserable support in tha field. The batting of Flnley and Metcalt was tne feature oi tne game. I ne soore UNION STOCK YARDS JUNIORS. AB. R. H. O. A. Miller, e 7 l 1 Talbot, 2b I 1 Adams, lb I 1 0 1 I 0 0 a I 4 It A. 0 8 0 t a T 0 0 0 Ackerman, Ib..,. 0 I Lott. rfTT. e t Flnley, If , i 1 Bonner, ss e 0 Qulnn-Ferguson, ef... 4 - I Caughey, p. ..:.,...... 1 . Totals 47 14 11 27 WALTER MOI8E COMPANY. AB. R. H. O. ...... 4 1 1-0 4 1 0.0 " f " , 2b... S 0 14 .'".".' X 1 16 .j.... 4 - 0 0 4 Carlson, If...;. Barrett, p Olscn. c Da y-Tunnemari, uriscoL ss..... Goodrich, lb... Talbot, rf. ...... MetceJf, rf Bartos, "lb Totals ....T, , i 100 ...1 1 0 0 17 I 1 0 0 16 Stock Yards .. Walter Moiae 0 414 I 1 Earned runs: Yards, 1; Moiae, 1. Two base hits: rinley (1). Three-base hits - I Tui.neman. Stolen baeea: Yards, I; Moli I Double play: Caughey to Adams to on balla: Off Cauxhey. Hit by Ditcher: Barrett. Struck out: By Caughey. 4: by Barrett. Paaaed balla: Miller, 1; Olson, 1. Time l:te. umpire Rowley. Games la Three-1 Lea go e. At Bloomlnsl on Davenport. I: Bloominx ton, i. At Rock laland-Rock Island, 7; Dubu At Jouet Jooet, e; ceoai Kapids. e. Omaha Toaaa Loses at Atlaatlo ATLANTIC. Ia., May .-Specla! Tele- I gram. The Atlantlo league team defeated I tne Oman Originals in a Ons exhlblUo of I same here today by a soore of 8 to I Blrcher and boles were the Atlantic bat I tear and nafTelder and Williams tar Omaha. I Surnck oat; By Blrcher. I; by Beffelder. L I Do Kot Treat All Diseases but Cure All I Treat. There Is seldom a day that I am not consulted by an unfortunate sufferer who. If he had consulted me In regard to hie condition In Its early stages, 1 would have cured him and saved hint much suffering, annoyance and ex- Iienee. This I conelder due to lack of now, ledge on the part of the one who baa previously treated the rase; there fore, 1 say to you. If you are suffering from any disease or condition peculiar to men, or If you have been a victim and have peen disappointed In not get ting s permsnent cure elsewhere. I would aak you to come to our offloe and 1 will explain to you OUR 618 TEM OF TREATMENT, whloh I originated after my whole life's ex perience. I will give you a thorough VARICOCELE Is the enlargement of tbe reins of the scrotum and a condition that mankind, suffers from more than all ether con-. dltlons combined, and Is the direst cause ef aerveua prostration and tbe . early loss of. mental, physical aad vital powers, which fn turn cause business failures and nnhapplnass. My treatment for this condition Is perfectly painless. I accomplish a per manent cure without cutting or tying operation or any detention from busi ness. The beet reference I can gtva as to my ability In curing this condi tion Is the names of thousands who have given me the permission of using their names after permanently curing ' them when others had failed. SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON Is the moat loathsome ef venereal diseases, and It Is one that may be' hereditary or acquired. The first symptom rs an ulcer, then pains In the bones and ' joints, ulceration of the mouth, tnroat and tongue, falling out of the hair and eyebrows and a copper-colored raah coming oat over the entire body. 1 care not who has treated you and failed, I will ours yen just as sure as you will come to me lor treatment. I use no menmry. or iodide, thereby aaurlng you when cured that your bones and tissues are not destroyed. STATE ELECTRO-MEDICAL INSTITUTE, 1308 FARMAM STREET, BETWEEN I3lh and I4lti STREETS, OMAHA, NEB. References best banks and leading business men of the city. Bases on balls: Off Blrcher, 1: oft Battel der, 2. Hits: Off Blrcher, 3; off Saffelder, I. Atlantic had an Inning coming and had It not been for costly errors the Originals wxuld have been shut out. Blrcher pitched a winning game from start to finish and waa the favorite all through. NEBRASKA MUTES WINNERS They Vanejnleh the Team from Iowa School with Sear mt 13 to 0. the The Nebraska School for the Deaf took a game from the Iowa School for the Deaf yesterday afternoon on ' the ' former's grounds by a score of 11 to (. The Ne braska boys won through heavier batting and consistent playing, taking long chances In running bases. Curtis, wno pitcnea tor tne lowans, tnrew an excellent game and struck out seven men. In the eighth Elder was substituted, but could not hold them any better. Blank. enshlp twirled for Nebraska and did excel lent worn, noiaing nis opponents aown to four hits and striking out eight men. Myers, Wlttwer,. Seely and Blankenship played the star game for .. the Nebraska team both at the bat and tn the field, while Curtis, Jackson and Elder did the star work for the Iowa men. On June 0 the Nebraska team will play a return game on the Iowa grounds. The ecore: Nebrsska 0 1 0 0 4 1 1 1 11 8 8 Iowa ....0 0 4 0 0 10 1 08 4 7 Earned runs: Nebraska. T; Iowa, 1. Bases on balls: Off Blankenship, 1; off Curtla, 7; Two-base hits: Myers, Schat. Struck out: By Blankenship, 8; by Curtis, 7. fasaed balls: Jackson (3). Myers. Hit by pitched ball: By Blankenship. 1: by Curtis, 1. Er rors: jseDrasKa, e; lowa, . i. Time; Umpire: Eldrldge. . College Gamea. CAMBRIDGE. Mass.. May H Harvard met defeat at the handa of Princeton on Soldiers field this afternoon, 8 to 6. Until the eighth Inning Harvard could not score, although getting men to second and third pases, tfineeion outpiayea tne crimson in every respect and got runs on repeated errors by the Harvard men. In the flrat half ot the eighth inning tne granaatanq back of tha catcher waa seen to take fire and there was a scramble of spectators from t he seats to the ground. This Inci dent, which did not prove serious, caused a fifteen-minute Interruption In the game. With no one out, Harvard then began to play fast ball and with two on bases, to gether with two singles, and then a home run by BUiiman, nve runs were scorea. Harvard lost its chance to win In this In ning by stupid base running just before the uu r a man wae out. ine score; K.H.J. Princeton ..... 101-101000 084 Harvard 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 01 8 Batteries: Princeton, Stevens and Reid; Harvard, Clarkaon and R. Kernan. FROVIDBNUB, it. 1., iay a erown won the "rubber" from Yale today by a score of T to 0. Lynch of Brown pitched wonderful ball and had the zaie batsmen completely at his mercy. He soored four teen strike outs and allowed but two single to the New Haven men. The soore: It. tl. rj, Rrnwn ........ 10000040 781 Yale 000000000 Oil Batteries: Brown. Lynch and Clark: Yale. Weatcott. Patton and Wlnslow. - At Terre Haute uutier college, s; intuana Normal. I. At Columbus, o.oryo, i; west Virginia, At Lafsvette. Ind. Purdue. 4; Depauw. I At South Bend. Ind. Notre Dame. I; Be- lolt. 2. At Crawfordsvllle, Ind. wbasn, I; indi At Ithaoa, N. Y. Michigan : Cornell. 8. At west ioint coiumDia, ii; west roint, At Chicago Illinois, ; Chicago, t. ' Iaeals-Jettere Llaeon. The Ideals and the B. Jetters will meet on tha latter a a-rounds at Twenty-elahtn and W streets this afternoon in a game oi bane ball for 160 a side. Both teams are playing fast, clean ball and the game prom isee lo De very guou inunau, - i ne unaupi Ideals. Poaltlon. B. Jetters. Cutting.... .. Flrat .... . Second . Shortetop .. Third .. Left ., ... Center .. ... Rlgbt .. Catcher ., .. Catcher .. Pitcher , ,. Pitcher , .. Pitcher ., 8ub.tltute F. Clark ...Ackerman Fletcher Cahlll ...Tanneman E. Clsrk Rawley Fin ley Lynrh Collier McKabe Sullivan Driacoll... Lynch Mlnlkus.,. Dunn...... Luhus Hoffman.. Bowler.... Ulhaon.... Sullivan.., Neff Campbell. Miner Dandee Discounts Colnmblas. The Dundee base ball team noa from the Columbus by bunching hits In the ninth Inning and bringing In five rum The hits came In bunches and the final score stood 11 to 11. The five runs tn the ninth were made on a base on balls to Hlnsla snd hits by C. Benson, B. Benson, Wright, Drummy and Caughlan. Score: Dundee 1 0 10 0 110 1-11 Columbias 0 3 0 1 8 0 0 1 0-11 Batteries: Dundes, Hlnsls and Drummy; Columbia, Mullin and Rice. Bedford ghats Oot Cvestoa. CRE8TON. Ia May 21 Bpedl Tele. Sam. Bedford shut out Creaton here to y by a score of 6 to 0. Creaton waa handi capped by Catcher Corbett having a split finger. Steams taking his place, while Archer pitched hla first same. Attendance, luO. Umpire: Golden- Batteries: Creaton, Archer and Bteama; Bedford, Bridges and Everhart. The same team will play again Sunday. - .. . , Fort Dodge 'Win. FORT DODOB, la.. Ifay' H fSpeclal Telegram.) Fort Dodge defeated Webster City this afternoon ta a well played game 3C BISEflSES for)) fVV; I CURE MEN RHEUMATISM In all its forma BT MT SYSTEM OF TREATMENT Is permanently cured. Irrespective of how. many treatments you have tried and failed. NOCTURNAL -LOSSES that sap the very life from you and later lead to complete loas of all pow ers, stopped forever In from to 10 days. DISCHARGES f On unnatural order stopped forever In to I days. BLADDER 1 and kidney troubles, the symptoms of which are pain In the back and loins, frequent and scalding urination and thousands of other symptoms that yuu can appreciate better than I can de scribe. BY MY SYSTEM OF TREAT MENT you are permanently cured. RUPTURE of men. I care hot how long standing, cured tn 10 to 10 days without any cut ting operation or pain or loss of time, STRICTURE Is tbe perttai or complete closure of the oanal, and BT MY SYSTEM OF TREATMENT all obstructions are permanently removed without cutting or dilating. CONSULTATION FREE AND CONFIDENTIAL. by a soore ef 1 to 1- Murphy, the Notre Dame twlrler. In the box for Fort Dodge, I was vary effective. Fort Dodge won by timely hitting and on errors by the opposi tion. Fort Dodge showed up well. Bat teries: Fort Dodge, Murphy and Brueh; Webster City, Messier and White. Pacifies Win at Paplllloa. ' The Pacifies defeated Pa pill I on at Papll lloa Saturday, 14 to it The visitors looked like midgets alongside of their adversaries. Stephen played a brilliant third base. Coad fielded finely. Durkee made a sensational running catch, which prevented further coring by papllllon. Other features were the catching of Burnett and the batting of the Pacific. The two teams play at Omaha In tvio weeks. The score; Pacifies ...i... 01181111 19 12 i Papllllon a 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 a-u 8 a Batteries: Pacifies, Henderson, Oendsay and Burnett; Papllllon, Johnson and Bliss, . - Red Racers Ara Too Slow. The Emblem Juniors, 'formerly known ee the Clark Street Juniors, won a game yes terday afternoon . from the. Red Racers by a score of IS to 6. A. Flothow and Donaugh were at the points for the Emblems and Harpeter -and, -Washburn for the Racers.- . . ' . . Ivsnhoe Win. At Twentv-elshth street' and St Mary's avenue the Ivanhoes defeated the Reefers by a score of 17 to 4. Batteries: Ivanhoes, Lyons and Hall; Reefers, Chase and All wine. EVENTS ON RUNNING TRACKS Major , Pelhnm , Castares tbo Kinder sTartoa Stake for Two-Yoar-Olds at St. Lonls Fair Granada. BT. LOUIS. Mar 21. The weather was warm and track fast at the fair grounds today. The favorite. Major Pelham, won the Kindergarten stake for two-year-olds at Ave furlongs with ease. He led the field to the head of the stretch by six lengths and Increased that distance to twelve before the wire waa reacnea. uia Stone came second one length In front of Walnut Hill. Summary: First race, seven furlonrs. selling: Icicle. 106 IWatsou), It to I. won; Detest 87 (Hlg glna). 10 to ! second: Sir Christopher 108 tl.. Bpenceri, I to z, tnira. Mime: i b. Second race, five furlona. nurse: Mafalda 101 (D. Austin). 11 to 6, won: St. Agnes II ill (uale), o to I, second: t. w. u weui ius (Rutter), 11 to 1. third. Time: 1:01. Third race, Ave and one-halt furlongs, selling: Flash of Night 100 (C. Bonner), 12 to 1. won; Deer Hunter 102 (Calvert), I to 1, second; Mrs. Wlggs 104 (L. Austin), 10 to 1, third. Time: 1:00. Fourth race, five furlongs, Kindergarten stake: Malor Pelham US (D. Hall), 1 to 6, won; Old Stone 118 (Troxler), 4 to 1, sec ond: Wslnut Hill 1S8 (W. Watson), 13 to 6, third. Time: 1:02. Fifth race, six furlongs, purse: Scorpio 116 (Troxler), 7 to 2, won; Louis Wagner 104 (D. Hell), f to 1 second; Father Went ker 104 (L. Spencer), 7 to 1, third. Time: 1:14. Sixth rasa, one mile and seventy yards. selling: Lunar 111 (Troxler), 7 to 6, won; Pathos Vi (Blrdwell),' 16 to 1, second: 6a rlan 4 (M. Lowe). 20 to 1, third. Time: 1:4414. Seventh race, one and one-sixteenth miles. eelllnn- Joe Leaser' 110 (Dale), even, won; Orris 10R (L. Spencer), 8 to 6, second: Eda Riley lot (Wolff), 1 to S, third. T'me: 1 -AHY. f NEW YORK, May . Before a crowd of tt,(J persons August Belmont's Magistrals won the sixth national stallion race at Morris park today. The big son of Hint Inge Lady Margaret, was an outxlder in the bettlnc. cloaing at 16 to 1. Right on the heels of the Magistrate came the sec ond choice, FoTtiall Keene a raimoearer, with' the favorite. Leonldas. a neck away. The National Stallion stakes ts worth tin?J7 In the winner. The start was good' and the raoe was 1 free . from ' interference, 'ine contest brought out ten hlgh-claas 8-yeer-olds, with the Whitney entry. Stalwart, Leonl das and Mlnoaa, always a favorite, closing bt 2 to 6. The Keene staoie, eirepnon ana Palmbearer, waa second choice, cloaing st 7 to I, with the Morris stable, Prerljin Stons and Rapid Water, next In dero!y Stalwart was first to show, with Phn bearer second snd Magistrate third. ' Tills order was maintained to ths dip, where Bullman sent Magistrate 'to tha front Leonldas closed very strong, when he struck tha flat and managed to get third money. Rapid Water waa fourth and tha other two Whitney entries fifth and sixth. The Grand National steeplechase, one pi the features of ths day, was won in a driv ing finish by Plohn, held at 10 to 1 In the betting. Land of Clover, another outsider, finished second, with the favorite. Lavltor, third. The Orand National steeplechase ts run over two and one-half miles, and thir teen good timber toppers faced the starter to battle for one of the richest ateeple chaae events run In Amerios. Levator on his recent good performances through the field wsa always a oonslstent favorite, with Fred Ackerman aeoond choice. Herculean was neat in demand. The race was a pretty one for about one and three-quarter miles, all the horses fencing in beautiful style. Land of Clover cut out the running for a mile and when, with Plohn aeoond and Levator and Fred Ackerman alternating In third place, com. Ing to the water jump the laat time around Grand Pa and Fulminate fell, but their riders escaped unhurt. Rounding the far turn on the hill, Ray sent Plohn to the front snd, taking tha last two jumps In splendid style, won driving by two lengths. The ladles' stakes for filly 1-year-olds wss won by the Whitney entry, Girdle, with Stolen Moments second and Oravlna third. Judith Campbell made the pace to tho stretch, where Girdle and Stolen Mo ments closed and In a rousing finish Girdle won, driving by three-quarters of a length. Results: First raoe, last seven ' furlongs of the Wither mile, aelllng: Ella Snyder, 9 (Fuller), U to 10, won; Tioga. 14 (Uaack), OF ran I Treat Men Only and Cure . Them to Stay Cured examination, together wltrl an honeet and scientific opinion of your esse, if I find you are Incurable, 1 will hon eatlr tell you so. if 1 nnd your cae curable, we will give you a legal guar antee cure you. V e make no misleading state anente or nnhnalnessllke nroan- eeeare their palraaait. The many years ef ear aneeeasfnl pr net lee nreve that ear sneclal treatment Is safe and certain. We will make you no false promisee ss to curing yo-ir cae in a short time, knowing It wilt take longer, as we prnmiee nothing but what we can do, and always do as we promise. ULCERS I care not how long standing of ot what nature, ee MT SYSTEM OF TREATMENT curea them at once. HYDROCELE er any swelling, tenderness or Impedi ments reduced to their normel else' without the aid of a knife. ECZEMA pimples, eryslpelss or any eruptive dls eaee of the kln BT MY SYSTEM OF TREATMENT are permanently re moved, never te return. IMP0TENCY la a condition caused by exeesses ef esrly or late life. I care not bow long you have been o, or how old you are, ' as MY SYSTEM OF TREATMENT le especially adapted for the permanent cure of all such cases as yours. Thou sands have been cured of this condi tion and a cure awaits you. Suffer, nu longer. - ORGANS that have shrunken or are undeveloped or that have wasted through dleeaae. BY MY SYSTEM OF TREATMENT ere permanently restored to their nor mal slse. WRITE If you cannot call. All correapondenoe strict confidential and all replies sent In plain envelopes. Enclose so stamp to Insure reply. Offloe Hours a. m ts t r. m. Sundays: 10 a. m. to p. m. 18 to 6, second: Damon, 105 (O'Nell), 4 to 1. third. Time: 1:28. Second race, last four half furlongs of the Eclipse course, selling: . Mlnon, 9B . (Fuller), 7 to 10. won; Anydav, 108 (O Nll). 7 to 1, second; Florisel, 109 (Bullman), 10 , 1, third. Time: 0:63. Third raoe, the Sixth NaUonal Stallion race, last five furlongs of the Ecllpe oourse: Magistrate, ViF (Bullman), 16 to 1, won; palmbearer, 1U (Gannon), 7 to 1... second; Leonldas, 111 (McCue), a to I, third. Time: 0:68. ' Fourth race, the Orand National Steeple chase, about two miles and a half: Plohn, . 141 (Ray), 10 to L won; Land of Clover, 11) ' (W. Heldon), 10 to 1, second; Levator, Mi ' (Mara), 11 to 6, third. Time: 4:2S. Fifth raoe, the Ladles' stakes, the With- , ere mile: Girdle, 121 (Burns), 8 to I, wont Stolen Moments, 121 (Gannon), 11 to 10. second; Oravlna, 121 (Martin), 14 to L third. Time: l:42tt. Sixth race, the Withers mile: Orand Opera, 122 (Bullman), 20 to 1, won; Home stead, lut (Haaok), 10 to ! second ; Hunter . Ralne, 110 (Martin). 7 to 1, third. Time: 1:40. CINCINNATI, May SS. The Merchants' stake for 1-year-olds and upward was the ' attraction at Latonia today and a crowd almost as large as that ou Derby day was out to witness the sport. The ' field wag made up mostly oc selling piatera, witn st. . Hera the choice at even money. In a driving finish between Pourquolpae, Benor and St. Hera the first named won the de cision by half a length. Ralniand, the odds- ' on ravonte, was beaten in the second race easily by Mlxsen Mast, a . 10-to-l shot, Weather hot; track fast. Results: First race, six furlongs: Ethel 'Davis wonJIgereeoondV Governor Bayers third. Second race, five furlongs: Mlssen Mast won, Ralniand second. Copper third. Time,' 1:03. . . Third raoe. mile and ona-alitaanth! Aim. less won, Welch Girl second, BInehllo third. Time: 1:60H. Fourth race, tour and nne-helf furlnnni ' Snow Cap won. May Combs second. Sou-' . frier third. Time: 0:H. Fifth race, tha Merchants stake n.i value to winner $LfJS, on mile; Pour auolDaa won. Benor anuiul. Ht ur, htr Time: 1:42H. . . - em in race, seven furlongs: Luralls-hter IK1! iSrr Lavanna second, Mary Glenn third. Time: 1:28K. CHICAOO. Mav U. Turfc 'trim-. ,i-... Of th Kentuoky Derby and a prominent canaiasia tor tne American Derby, was an eay winner today of the I10.0O0 Hawthorne -handicap, the chief attraction of Haw thorne's opening day. Judge Hlmee went to tho at .W to 1,, after opening at 26 to 1. Favonlus, also quoted at to 1, finished second and the I to 1 favorite. Little Scout, was third. Gregor K, the- American Derby candidate that ha eora sharply to the , front in public estimation on account of ' recent good race,' ran well for a ir.jle of the mile and an eighth Journey, hut was very tired when the final etruggle came and l.iushed a leg-weary fourth. There were fourteen starters, among the absen tees being Luclen Appleby, Au Revolr, St. . Tammany, Harry New, Wain-A-Molnen. Bxnter, Caliban and Hennado. Aboia and Jordan were added starters. To an excel lent start the large field waa sent away; after about ten minutes delay at the po'. They rounded the first turn well bunched, but at the half mile pole Judge Hlmes shot to .th front. He easily maintained hs advantage and raced down the paok stretch two lengths ahead, the other con tenders still well bunched. , Judge Hlmes Increased his lead rounding 'the - fsr turn, and struck the straight away for home about three lengths to the good. He wse running easily while the others were beginning to show the effect of ohnsing him on the heavy and holding track. From the time the stretch, waa readied there was no doubt of the result. Judge Hlmes win ning pulled almost to a walk with Favonlus sorond, three lengths ahead of Little Soout. The others were strung out with Oregor K almost ready to quit, heading the also ran division. It is reported that C. R. Ellison, owner of Judge Hlmes, won $12,000 In tha future book on his colts. Weather cloudy and track heavy. Summary: First race, five furlongs: Skillful, 103 (Booker), 4 to 1. won; High Chanoellor, tt (T. Muldoon), 16 to 1, recond; Joe Martin, 111 (P. Phillips). 6 to 1. third. Time: 1:06. Second race, four and a half furlongs: Sweetie. 10 (J. Kelff). 4 to t won; Pro ceeds, 106 (Helgeson), 0 to 1, second; Peter Paul. 108 (W. Knapp), 84 to a, third. Time: 1:00. Third raoe. steeplechase, short emiree: Creett, 166 (Owen), 4 to 1,. won; Duke of York II, 16 (Murphy), 1 to t second; Kingalong. 166 (Hartley). 11 to t, third. Tim: 1:64. Fourth race, the Hawthorn handicap, on and one-sixteenth miles: Judge Hlmes, 100 Ol. Booker), 20 to 1, won: Favonlus, 1)6 (C. Gray), 10 to 1. second,' Little Scout, Vl (Coburn). 8 to 1, third. Timet 1:03. , Fifth raoe, one mile and a sixteenth; John McMark, 110 (Wlnkfleld), 11 to 6, won;. Prince of Africa, 108 (Webb). 12 to 1, aeo ond; Ed Adack. 101 (V. Phillip), 4 to 1, third. Time: 184. - ' Sixth race, six furlongs? Tom Mayhln, 104 (Henry), 7 to 2, won; Sardine. 100 (J. Relff). 7 to 1. eecond- Optional. Its (H. Phillips). 4 to L third. Tim: l:ltt. Barry Welch Goes tooth. Harry Wslch of tha Crelghton university ball team has signed to play right field for the Birmingham (Ala.) team ay d will leave for there at the close of the school year. Welch Is one of the moot promising ama teure la this section. In addition to being a good fielder and a fair hand with the stick, he can do a turn at twirling which Is decidedly clever. His base ball ex perience comprises three year on th Original of this city and three year with th Crelghton. He should bo amply able to maks good in that company, and with a few years of professional experience bids fair to join fast company. Aatoaneblle Trio Across Continent. SAN FRANCISCO, May .-Dr. N. Nt.1 son Jackson of Vermont and B. Krocker of Seattle will undertake to make th trip from coast to ooeet In a twenty-horee power automobile, leaving here today.