Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1903, PART I, Page 8, Image 8

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TIIE OMAIIA DAILY TJEEt suisiA, max l4, nu;.
if1" '1 ' 'SSSS
Creditor of Colonel Beed Lay Claim to
Land on Lake Front.
Arswaient Made as Drmrrcr to
Answer of Portland Gold Min
ing; Coayar T
Suit was begun In the district oourt yes
terday by the Exchange National bank ot
Lltfle Rock, Ark., and Charles F. Pensel,
One, of the officer of the bank, questioning
the title of the motor company to eighty
acre of land at Lake Manawa. Judgment
wit secured by the IJttle Rock bank and
Pensel yesterday In the district court
against Colonel F. C. Reed, the former
owner of the Lake Manawa Railroad com
pany and the resort at the lake on notes
given several years ago, the amount ot
the Judgment being close upon $6,000. The
bank and Pemel ask that the Judgment be
declared a lien on the eighty acres which
adjoin Regatta Place at Lake Manawa and
which formerly were part of the property
of the Lake Manawa' Ice company.
The Lake Manawa Ice company was In
corporated In March, 1900, and Colonel F.
C Reed was the owner of all or the greater
part of the stock of the company and It la
now claimed by the plaintiffs In the suit
brought yesterday against the motor com
pany that the Lake Manawa Ice company
failed to make any settlement of Its af
fairs or to wind up Its business or divide
the assets among; the stockholders and con
sequently the company still holds the fee
title to the eighty acres, which are said to
be of the value of $10,000, In trust for Its
stockholders and creditors.
In addition to asking that their judg
ment be declared a Hen on the eighty acres
the plaintiffs ask that the motor company
be required to make an aicountlng of the
rents, profits and uses of the property and
pay same Into court for the use and bene
fit of the plaintiffs.
The demurrer to the answer of the de
fendant In the suit of William Arnd, treas
urer of Pottawattamie county, against the
Portland Oold Mining company of Colo
rado, was argued and submitted before
Judge Wheeler In the district court yes
terday. The court took the case under
advisement. This Is the case In which
Pottawattamie county seeks to compel the
mining company, which Is Incorporated
under the laws of Iowa and has Its prin
cipal place of business In Council Bluffs,
to furnish Ha books and names of stock
holders so that It can be assessed for tax
ation here. The Portland company was
represented by Former Governor Thomas
of Colotado and Dillon Ross, Its local at
torney, while County Attorney Klllpack
and Hon. A. 8. Haselton appeared for the
county treasurer.
Mrs. Elfle Helton filed a petition for
divorce from Willis Helton to whom she
was married In Mills county November SO,
1896. She makes statutory charges against
her husband.
- C. A. Morgan secured a temporary In
junction restraining the Dewey Furniture
A Sbtxt Am Good Am Itt Name.'
The) Beat $2.50 Shoo on Earth.
For sale by
Sargent the Shoe Alan
Correct Styles
Council Bluffs, la.
Samples Free
Feathers Renovated
W are prepared to do this work to per
feetloa, la connection with our eyeing bust
laci Curtains Cleaned and
Fcriisrs CUanad and Cjsl
Out method Is to give complete aatlsfao
tioa. Come la and Inspect our work It you
want to see what we can do la the way of
fine work.
Ogden Steam Dye Works
301 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la.
W ark causa tor aad climea. ' 7l.
BC. Council Bluffs. Tfeoae 8t.
company and Sheriff Cousins from sell
ing the stock of Morgan Sc Klein, attached
to satisfy a Judgment secured against R.
Morgan A Bona, In 1891
Electric Pass.
All sizes at New Tork Plumbing company.
Elect OflScers mm Decide Meet 1
Davenport at Their Next
The biennial meeting of the Iowa grand
lodge. Sons of Hermann, was brought to a
close yesterday morning with the election
of the following officers:
Grand president. A. C. Lutse. Bloux City;
first vice president, Wllhelm Wlese, Dan
bury; second vice president, Tony Oundram,
Council Bluffs; grand treasurer, Frank
Haaren, Ploux City; grand secretary. Carl
Meyer, Sioux City. Board of trustees:
Theodore Harmon, William Muller, both of
Davenport, and George Hnltkemper, Alvord;
grand lodge physician. Dr. R. R. Ressler,
Anton. .
DavenportAras, as had been anticipated,
selected as the meeting place for the next
Action on the question of Incorporating
an Insurance feature In addition to the
present funeral and sick benefits was de
ferred until the next meeting.
The visiting delegates, who expressed
themselves as much pleased with the en
tertainment furnished them by the local
members, left for their homes during the
N. T. Plumbing Co, Tet 250. Night, FM7.
With the Chirctti.
Rev. H. P. B. Bell. D. D., rector of the
Church of the Good Shepherd of Omaha,
will preach this morning at St. Paul's
Episcopal church. The rector. Rev. George
Edward Walk, will" preach at the vesper
service at 4:40 p. m. Holy communion will
be administered at t a. tn.
. Morning prayer will be conducted at
Grace Episcopal church at 11 o'clock by
Edwin J. Abbott, lay reader. Sunday
school will be held at 9:45 a. m.
These services will be held at the Fifth
Avenue Methodist church today: Preaching
at 10:30 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday school
at 9:90 a. m.; class meeting at noon; Junior
league meeting at 8 p. m.; Ep worth league
meeting at T p. m. The pastor. Rev. J. W.
Abel, will preach In the morning on "How
Progress Msy be Made In the Divine Life."
In the evening his subject will be "Secret
of Spiritual Strength."
"Christ's Remedy for Trouble" will be
the toplo of Rev. A. E. Burlff's sermon this
morning at Trinity Methodist church. In
the evening the Union Veteran legion will
hold Its annual memorial services in this
Rev. Harvey . Hostetler will preach this
morning at the Second Presbyterian church
on "The Transfiguration." There will be
no service In the evening;.
Rev. F. A. Case of Chicago Heights, III.,
will occupy the pulpit at both services to
day in the First Baptist church. Preaching
will be at 10:80 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday
school at noon and meeting of the Young
People's onion at 7 p. m.
The First Church of Christ (Scientist)
will hold services in the Sapp building at
11 a. m., when the subject of the lesson
will be "Ancient and Modern Necromancy.
Sunday school will be held at the eloee of
the service. The regular midweek testi
mony meeting will be held Wednesday
evening at 8 o'clock.
The Second Church of Christ (Scientist)
will hold services In Modern Woodmen of
America hair In the Merlram block at 10:45
a. m. Subject, "Ancient and Modern Nec
romancy; or. Mesmerism and Hypnotism."
Sunday school Immediately sfter the ser
vice. Wednesday evening testimonial meet
ing at 7:45.
The annual memorial services of Abe Lin
coln post. Grand Army of the Republic, and
the Woman's Relief corpj will be held this
evening at the First Presbyterian church,
conducted by Rev. James Thomson, pastor
of the First Congregational church. This
Changs was made necessary by ths re
pairs now being made at the Congrega
tional church.
The morning services at the First Con
gregational church today will be held In
the basement, owing to the repairs being
carried out on the main auditorium.
Rev. W. B. Crewdson, pastor of the First
Christian church will preach In the aft
ernoon at the mission at Thirty-second
street and Broadway.
Plumbing and heating. Blxby A Boa.
Local Sporting- Notes,
Coach Miller and the high school track
team arrived home yesterday from Orln
nell, where they participated In the field
meet of the State High School association.
Henntnger succeeded In carrying off the
high Jump and Cooper got third place In
the mile run. These were the only two
events In which the Bluffs boys scored.
The high school base ball team and the
Alt Stars, the latter being; a picked nine
from the Eagles, Suburbans and Joe Smiths,
played at Lake Manawa yesterday after
noon for the edification of the school teach
ers, who were enjoying their annual plcnle
at the lake. The All Stars defeated the
high schoolers by a score of 8 to 8.
The Joe Smith team will go to Under
wood today to try conclusions with Doc
Wyland'a Indians.
The Eagles of Council Bluffs and the
Crescents of Omaha will plky an exhibition
game at Lake Manawa thta afternoon. Both
teams belong to the Trl-Clty league.
The opening game In this city of the
Iowa-South Dakota league will be Tuesday,
when Kelth'o Buckerinoa will line up
against ths Lemars team.
The Joe Smith Junloro defeated the
Boosters yesterday afternoon by a score of
14 to 12. The game was played on the dia
mond at Ninth avenue and Seventh street.
The batteries were: Joe Smith Juniors,
Peterson and Dudley; Boosters, Scanlan,
Houston snd Solomon.
The White Owls took the scalps of the
South Avenue Hustlers yesterday after
noon by a score of 8 to 1. The game was
played on the South avenu ball grounds.
Kelly and Baldwin were the batteries for
the White Owls and Snethen and Thompson
for the Hustlers.
Paaalo Easily solved.
Many people are puxiled about where to
send thelk- laundry In order to have satis
factory work done. This Is easily solved.
Ask your neighbor how he likes the work of
the Evans" laundry. Ws lay especial claim
e tn n I n ar nut the finest work on collars.
cuffs and family washing of any similar
concern In this locality. Our plant nas own
put In the best possible shape for doing this
work by the addition of the most modern
machinery made. When you want anything
call up 290 by 'phone and our wagon will
Evens' Laundry company, 623 Pearl street.
Motor Company Chnee.
Charles Barnett, an old time motormea
In the employ of the Omaha Council
Bluffs Railway and Bridge company. ea
train illanlJir to SUOCOed
j F. B. Hudson, promoted to be assistant to
the superintendent. The motor company
will maintain an eleven-minute service to
day to Lake Manawa from the Rock
Island depot. Ths Isst car will leave the
lake at 7 p. m.
The dining room of the Ogden house will
be opened to the public Monday, May 2S,
for dinner. The firm of Clark It Moore hav
ing dissolved partnership Mr. Moore is to
retain possession.
Real Estate Transfer.
These transfers were filed yesterday In
the abstract, title and loan office of J. W.
Squire, 101 Pearl street:
Mary A. Allen, guardian, to George W.
B. WesterdahT. undVi n5J feet lot I
of lot 4fl, original plat; lot 9, block 11;
lot 1, block 15, and lot 16, block 28,
Beers' sub g d 400
Charles E. Langmade and wife to A.
P. Langmade, lot 11, block 7, Myn
ster's add, w ff 1.100
A. P. Langmade to Charles E. Lang
made, lot 1, Judd's Bluff sub, w d.... 1,100
E. I. Woodbury and wife to Hugh
Brown, part lots 9 and 10, block 7,
Baylies' 1st add, w d 8,850
George W. Hewitt and wife to George
W. Llpe. lots 18 to 22, block 6L Rail
road add, d 78
George W. Llpe and wife to John M.
Madden, same, s w d 142
Six transfers, aggregating..
Carriage Licensee.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday
to the following:
Name and Residence. Age
Fred Shamblln, South Omaha 22
Amanda Welch, Ashland, Neb 19
W. F. Fay, Council Bluffs 2t
Clara, M. Hoyt, Council Bluffs 18
Silver Wedding; of Mr. and Mrs. E. TL.
Cook Occasion of Pleasant
Miss Ora Bradley has returned home
from an eastern trip.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Shugart are so
journing at Colfax Springs.
Mrs. Spencer Smith of Washington ave
nue Is visiting at Neola, la.
Mrs. Frank Bell will leave today for
Denver to spend the summer.
Mrs. I.M. Treynor will entertain Inform
ally at whist Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. 8. J. 8wanson of Park avenue en
tertained Informally Friday afternoon.
Mrs. L. E. Reynolds of Parrell, Met., Is
tn the city, the guest of Mrs. E. Q. Bart
lett. Mrs. Horace Everett entertained a few
friends at a whist luncheon Saturday after
noon. Miss Bowman has returned home from
Europe, where she has been for the last
Mrs. Windsor of Mt Auburn, 111., Is the
guest of her parents. Dr. and Mrs. A. H.
Mrs. Robert Mullls of Third street enter
tained a few friends Informally Thursday
The members of the Tuesday Euchre club
met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. E. H.
Miss Daisy Plumer of Silver City is the
guest of Mrs. George H. Richmond of
Avenue F.
The teachers of the city schools held
their annual plcnio yesterday afternoon at
Lake Manawa.
The members of the Euchre club will
meet with Miss Bullard of First avenue
Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. W. A. Maurer la visiting friends at
Cedar Rapids. She will also visit In Chi
cago before returning home.
TiMrf- S' Colv, Lescher of Galesburg,
I' 'nViJ g?eSi,? her 8l8ter' Mr- Victor
r,. Bender of Fifth avenue.
Miss Amelia Rudlo has gone for a two
months visit with relatives and friends in
Chicago, Detroit and Buffalo.
Mrs. O. W. Butts entertained at a ken.
slngton givn at her home Thursday aft
ernoon. Fifty guests were present.
Rev. A. E. Buriff, pastor of Trinity Meth
odist church, is home from a two weeks'
..on. u ma iormer noma in Ohio.
Mrs. W. A. Lonrtlalrr f llu,n DK...
Ia., is in the city visiting her parent. Mr!
and Mrs. W. 8. Mayne of Park avenue.
Sirs. H. 8. Burroughs ' and children of
Chicago are vtsltina at the home nr Mr
and Mrs. George Brown of Third avenue.
Mies Florence Canning entertained about
forty of her Dlavmata .t her hnm, KViv
evening in honor of her birthday annl-
.LWJ." pastor and sons of Manning, la.,
Mra- ! v - V'101, nd Mr- W. R. camp
f Ne.ola.V l- ,,ra uests of Mr. and
Mra. 1). t . Maxneld.
Rev. F. Newhall White of the First Con
gregational church of Bloux City was the
guest Fnaay ot Mr. ana Mrs. F. W. Week
man of Uraham avenue.
The women of the Second Presbyterian
church gave a largely attended musical
and kensington Thursday afternoon at the
home ot Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Bell of tttuta
man street.
The members of the Tuesday History
club will hold the annual election of olli
cers for the coming year Tuesday after
noon at the home of' Mrs. L. A. Gray of
Lincoln avenue.
Mis. A. F. Hollls entertained Miss Pln
ney, the superintendent, and six of the
nurses of the Woman s Christian Associa
tion Hospital at dinner Thursday evening.
1'he decorations were carnations and Dot
ted ferns.
Rev. George Edward Walk, rector of St,
Paul's .plscopa4 churcn, will leave to
morrow tor uavenport to attend the annual
diocesan convention of tiie Episcopal church
to ie held tnere Tuesday, Wednesday and
, UUi MM,
The marriage of Miss Laura May Allls
and Mr. Arthur O. Maxfleld of Neola, la.,
was solemnised Wednesday evening at
o'clock at the home of the bride on Harri
son street, Kev. w. J. Caiiee of the Broad
way Methodist church ottlclatlng.
Mrs. Cbarlea Sayles entertained the mem
bers ot the a,ucnre club at her home Tues
day afternoon. Arises at cards were won
by Miss Hicks of Omaha ana Miss Urone
weg. The cluo will hold its next meeting
wltn Mrs. Francis of Eleventh street.
W. Earl Flynn will give an Illustrated lec
ture on physical culture Monday afternoon
at the residence of Mrs. P. J. Montgomery
on Fourth street. Demonstrations will be
by Mrs. Louise Mclntyre. Mrs. Montgom
ery haa lssusd a large number of Invita
tions to the club women of the city to at
tend the lecture.
The members of the Woman's Relief corps
were entertained Friday afternoon by Mrs.
Aten at ner home on Glen avenue. Mra
Aten was assisted by Mesdaines Ward,
Cousins and Kendall. The tables were
prettily decorated with American Beauty
rosea and at each guest's plate was a bou
quet of carnatlona.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Cook of Oakland ave
nue entertained at their home Friday even
ing in nonor oi tneir silver wedding anni
versary. The rooms were lavlably deco
rated tor the occasion In American beauty
rosea and palms. A 7 o'clock supper was
served, after which six-handed eucure was
played. Prises at cards were won by Mrs.
A. W. Casady. Mrs. U. A. Qulnn, Mr. E. H.
Lou gee and Mr. lieorge Llpe. Mr. and Mrs.
Coos, received many beautiful tokens in
stiver in remembrance of the occasion.
About titty guests were In attendance.
' Davis sells drugs.
Stockert sella carpets.
Crayon enlarging, 808 Broadway.
Expert watch repairing. Leffert, 409 B"y
Celebrated Meta beer on tap. Neumayec
Police Sergeant Gardiner Is on the alck
vs'snted. girl for general housework. j8
Third street
Flse line berry sets, tOc and up. A. B.
Howe. Hit Broadway.
Special sale cn Etchings. C E. Alexan
der A Co.. 138 Broadway.
Real estate In all parts of the city for
sals. Thomas E. Casady. 236 Pearl street
The regular meeting of the Knights and
Ladies of Becurlty will be held i'uesday
evening In Marcus' hall.
Strayed, a small light bay mare. Finder
please notiry u. a., nnuousu, &v wumicv
street, and receive reward.
We sell on ths easy payment plan. Come
in and see our new line of refrigerators.
D. W. Keller, Vfl Broadway.
Before papering- yeur rooms we want to
Ihow you our cieaaui iw wioub. v
p.lnL OH and Okas company.
Ed Ferguson has gone to Panora. Ia., to
attend the funeral of his brother, who
was killed by lightning laat Wednesday.
The meeting of the Grape Growers' Bhip
uinm aaooelaDwt was announced for yester
day U error. wUi be held next Datura;
Mrs. Myrtle M. Carr, wife of Ruoaell
Cmrr, Uls tightsi aveano, who haa boon a
private patient at St, Bernard's hospital,
was adjudged Insane yesterday by the
cnmmlRRlnners on Insanity.
We have the finest line of go-carts snd
baby carriages In the city. Before you
buy come and see them. D. W. Keller, H7
Broadway. y
Tim Mlnehan, a former well known tall
road man of this city, now located at Mc
Allister. I. T., and son, are visiting Council
Bluffs friends.
Even Fegley, committed for two years
as a dipsomaniac, was taken to the state
hospital at Mount Pleasant yesterday by
Sheriff Cousins.
We contract to keep public or private
houses free from roaches by the year. In
sect Exterminator Manufacturing com
pany. Council Bluffs, la. Telephone F63.
Mrs. Robert Beasley was operated upon
for appendicitis yesterday at the Woman's
Christian association hospital and the op
eration Is reported to have been success
Rollln Brown, the 15-year-old boy brought
here from Dunlap on a charge of Incorrigi
bility, was yesterday ordered committed to
the reform school at Eldora by Judge
Wheeler of the district court.
Our carpets, rugs, linoleums, oil cloths,
window shades, portieres and general line
of houne furnishing goods are unequaled by
any other concern In town. We sell on
the easy payment plan. D. W. Keller, 407
That business Is picking up In Council
luffs Is evident from ludalnr
the people
that crowded the different departments of
the Novelty Bargain store, 17 snd 19 South
Main street, yesterday from morning till
late In the evening.
F. L. Reed, clerk of the district court,
received word from Warden Jones yester
day that A. M. Hlnes, committed from here
to the penitentiary at Fort Madlaon for
eighteen months for larceny, had served
his time and been discharged.
The graduating exercises of the eighth
grade of the schools of Garner township
will be held Thursday evening at Grange
hall. County Superintendent McManus and
Prof. W. H. demons of the Nebraska Nor
mal school will make addresses.
Members of Abe Lincoln post. Grand
Army of the Republic and Woman's Re
lief corps will meet at post headquarters
this evenlna- at 7:15 o'clock and proceed In
a body to the First Presbyterian church
where the annual memorial services will
be held.
Members of encampment No. 8, Union
Veteran Legion, will assemble at Woodmen,
of the World hall this evening at 7 o'clock,
and from there march In a body to Trinity
Methodist church, where the annual me
morial services of the encampment will be
There will be a meeting of the High
School Alumni association Monday even
lng at 8 o'clock In the high school build
ing when all committees in charge of ar- i
rangements for entertaining the graduat-
lng class are expected to make their re- ;
ports. I
Charles H. Smith Is home from the Philip- j
pines, where he has been for the last three
years In the medical department of the I
United States army. He was formerly a j
member of the Dodge Light Guards, and
enlisted In the hospital corps of the regular
army at the time the Fifty-first Iowa volun- ,
teers went to the Philippines. He carries a
bullet wound tn his cheek as a memento
of his service In the islands. '
An information charging Ben Qulggle
with forgery has been filed In' the court of I
Justice Ouren and a warrant Issued for his
arrest, iuiggie panned a cneca lor au on i
C. E. Covert, a clerk In C. A. Moore's
cigar store.
which was subsequently pi
nounced a forgery.
-aery. Qulggle lives at Wt
Cheer, Ia., and Is said to be In the employ
of the Northwestern railroad. The check
purported to be signed by Michael Elmore,
an Omaha contractor.
Interesting? Snkjects Dlsenssod Before
Monona Connty Instltnte la
. Session mt Onawn.
ONAWA. I a.. May 88. (Special Tele
gram.) The second day of the Monona
county farmers' Institute opened with an
Increased attendance. George D. Forest,
secretary of the State Corn Growers' as
sociation, delivered an address, on agri
culture In connection with the St. Louis
exposition. O. J. Easton of Whiting spoke
on "Poultry Raising for Profit" and F. R.
Hackett on "Dairying on the Farm." He
was followed by Prof. Holden of Ames,
who made the principal address of the day
on "Corn and Farm Culture," Illustrating
the lecture by charts showing; corn of all
kinds In the various stages of develop
ment Many farmers are present from
the counties, of Woodbury and Ida. The
Institute Is a decider! success. Will C.
Whiting was elected permanent president
and W. L. Wiley treasurer. The election
of secretary was deferred. The next In
stitute will be held In February at Cas
ta na.
Small Grain Greatly Injnred
Anxiety Over Corn Proe
poets. nd
8IOUX CITY, Ia,, May 23. (Special Tele
gram.) Woodbury county Is almost en
tirely under water. The small grain is
greatly Injured, If not ruined, and the corn
crop Is threatened. Tho Little Sioux, the
Whisky and Wolf creeks are on a ram
page and overflowing their banks. A meet
ing of farmers was held at Luton last
night to take measures tn open a new
ditch to drain the lowlands. The big
Woodbury-Monona county ditch Is filled
and Instead of draining the lands Is now
"Keep Your Mouth Wet
and your feet dry," says "Poor Richard"
In his almanac. Good advice in change
able weather especially If you keep your
oral orifice moistened with the please-all-people
kind of soda water we dispense
all flavors not one which is not alto
gether "to the good."
Prescription Druggists,
108 Broadway . COUNCIL BLUFFS.
DAY 6c HESS, Council Bluffs
Mensy to loan on Real Estate;
lowest rates; funds oa band.
Mortgage Investments for sale.
Call oa or write uc If you have
money to Invest, eltbsr la mortgages,
Voods or real estate. Real property
cared for.
DAY & HESS. Council Bluffs
and Lota tn Council Bluffs For Bale Cheap.
$2, $2.50, $3, $3.50, $4, $4.50 to $7
And not a "Dead One" in the entire assortment.
"? re
al. (
Better Than a Savings Bank
When you do your buying at' our store. Why? Because we save you the Interest on
your money several times over on everything you purchase of us by our perpetual custom
of selling the best goods lower than all our competitors.
Another Object in Our Favor
In asking for your trade is that of a larger assortment In our mammoth 'stock of FUR
NITURE AND HOUSE FURNISIIIXQ GOODS than any other house in the city can
show you. We can supply your wants in anything you need at the lowest figure prevail
ing. We Invite you to come in and look around, whether or not you buy from us. We
have plenty of courteous help to show yon through the different' departments of our store.
The Petersen-Schoening Co.
Merriam Block, Council Bluffs
flooding them. A ' rain Friday night ac
companied by a severe windstorm, devel
oped Into a small tornado at Hornlck and
destroyed small outbuildings and removed
large buildings from their foundations;
The weather station here announces the
rainfall for the month within .06 of an
Inch of excelling the record for that month.
The conditions threatening the crops of
Woodbury county are serious in the ex
treme. Looks Bad for Woman.
- CRESCO, Ia., May 23. (Special ) Unless
the defense can put up a stronger story
than already sprung Mrs. Sofia Kruger
will be convicted of murder of her husband,
Gustav on the night of April 19, in the
opinion of the county attorney. Mrs.
Kruger's stories of her husband's disap
pearance have differed. She said he had
probably drowned himself, tnen that he had
gone visiting and a third tale was that he
had visited a relative, and she left the
impression that he might have been killed
by caving in of a well. Mrs. Kruger has
kept qUIet since her arrest, and her coun
sel appear confident of clearing her. Kru
ger's body was found In the river. One
story Is that he had gone fishing and was
drowned, but the officers found blood on
the floor, stove and furniture. Kruger's
skull showed several holes and fractures,
and It ia surmised by the state that his
wife killed him with a pick, hauled his
body to the river and tied rocks to It, as
weights were found on it by the men who
dragged the river. Preliminary examina
tion resulted In binding over Mrs. Kruger
to the grand Jury, which meets June 8.
The Unseen Part
of plumbing work, ths heart and lungs of
the work, should be of the best quality and
proper else aa they are buried in the walls
and partitions, and altho' you may have
modern fixtures, the unseen part may be
defective. We give as much attention to
' this psrt as to Its finished appearance. If
we do It, lt'r done right.
J. C. Bixby & Son
tfll Main 101 Pesrl Bis.. Council Bluffs, Ia.
Telepbons 19L
Small farm near city at a bargsln.
It's our special mission to educate the boys to
come here when they want' the "strictly right" thing.
AVe pay as much attention to our boys' department
as we do to our men's, to keep it just a little ahead of
the procession.
All the new cuts, weaves and patterns constantly
on hand from 3 years up at'
Metcalf &
Main St. Through to Pearl St,
101 Pearl St., Co. Bluffs, Telephone 96. .
Why pay rent all your life Be your own
landlord. Here are some bargains which
must be closed out during the next week
$1,100-330 Platner street, IVi story frame
house of I rooms; corner property;
two paved streets; deslrsble location.
11,400 1 Platner street, modern cottage
of I rooms; gas, bath, barn; very de
sirable location on paved street.
$2,500 Mornlngside, modern two-story res.
idence of ( rooms; furnace, gaa, bath;
knomn as Oualer house; the house
alore cost $5,000.
$2,500 lH-story frame house; I rooms; bath,
city water, gas, etc.; centrally located;
623 Sixth avenue.
$2,500 406 Park avenue, up-to-date two
story residence; well built; with gas,
bath; 8 rooms; choice residence loca
tion. $3,600 Mornlngside residence, large rooms;
modern; bath, gaa; circular porches;
Investigate these offers and buy a home
on the easiest terms ever made.
& CO.
Blue or black, which will
you have? , You will be
pleased with either, for they
are cool as a cucumber,
primp and proper. No other
fabric so fully combines all
the virtues of summer com
fort for a neat and particular
man. But you must have
good serge. ' You've seen the
kind that fades and wrinkles
and pulls out of shape
awful! We handle none but"
tried and proven fabrics and
we guarantee every suit we
Co. Bluffs, Iowa.
nearly a block of land; known aa the
McGee house; the house alone cost
$1-000 Northeast corner Eighth street and
Fifth avenue; two-story modern resi
dence of s rooms, with large lot; 65
feet front on Eighth street and 132
feet front on Fifth avenue; choice In
side residence property.
$3,00041 N. Main street; a two-story brick
business block extra well located In
the heart of the city; a bargain; nets
10 per cent.
$9.00O-O2-4--$ Pearl street; one-story build
ing. 90x113 ft., fronting on Pearl street
and Fifth avenue, just across street
from court house; one of the best
business corners In the city. Nets I
per cent.