Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1903, PART I, Page 7, Image 7

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Form Protectee Auoclatioa Said to Bs
Friendly to Union.
Chairman of Arbitration Committee
Challenges Assertloa that talons
Art Responsible for the
trlkc'a Contlnnatlon.
'Retailers' Protective association" la the
newest thing In tha realm of local labor
and Industrial organisations. Consisting
of retail business man of Omaha, It sprang
Into cxlatenca Friday night with a mam.
bershlp of fifty aa a aort of rival to tha
Business Men'a asaoclatlon. It haa a
friendly attltudo toward organlied' labor.
Soma of Ita members are members of tha
Business Men'a association. A defined by
the association, .It cardinal principles are:
Self-protection to the retail dealer and
quality to organized labor.
Tha Inception- of thta new organisation
may be traced to a letter written by a
retail dealer of the city to I V. Ouya,
chairman of tha Central Labor union arbi
tration committee, soma daya ago.. Thla
business man outlined a scheme for start
ing this sort of an association, saying:
"Many of us retailers are In tha Business
Men's association agalnat our will. . Wa
have found that- its Interests and oura are
not altogether identical. Where the big
wholesaler, who la mora Interested In out
side trade and the employment of labor
than we where he la benefited by tha
Business Men's association, we may not
be. We are naLyally allied with organised
labor. Its Interests and oura must of
necessity be common and ao we feel that
aa membera of tha Bualneas Men's associa
tion, which wa do not seek to condemn, we
are between an upper and nether grind
stone and lending our assistance to the
Injury of our own interesta.
Suggests Organisation Flan.
"My plan la for the membera of the as
sociation to co-operate In the presentation
of a statement to wholesalers that they
will deal with no firm that la not 'fair
with organised labor. I feel that such a
step on our part Is necessary for the
preservation of our own business Inter
ests, aside from Its being In line with our
sentiments. I think that we could count
on getting at leaat some wholesalers In
vsry line of trade by this method."
"I promptly Informed the gentleman that
we would not aaaume any responsibility
whatevet In the organisation of this aso
clatlon," said Mr. Guye, "although person
ally 1 thought the plan a good one."
Coal Dealers New Schedule.
This statement has been issued by the
Coal Dealers' association:
The coal dealers of the city nave adopted
a new cartage schedule for the delivery of
fuel, to take effect Monday, May 26. This
schedule Is an advance of about IS per cent
over the schedule heretotore In effect. Last
year the Team Drivers' union made tha
schedule and all condltiona of employment.
and coal consumers were subjected to great
annoyanoe on account ot the arbitrary po
sttlon taken by drivers with reference to
these rules. The coal dealers hereafter pro
pose to make their own rules, which will
enable team drivers to earn not only full
standard wages, but a large premium la
excess, provided they are Industrious and
work full time. The schedule will be made
the baala ot employment with each driver
as an individual, and after the present
airikea have been declared off there will be
no discrimination between union and non
union men. The schedule provides that
drivers shall deliver as directed all orders
entrusted to them without regard to any
contrary dlrectiona of any outalde party,
and shall not be parttea to any boycott or
sympathetic striKe. lue coai aeaiers oe
lieve that the schedule Is generous to em
ployes and will result In much more har
monious relatione between coal dealers,
their employes ana tneir customers.
) Gay Answers Saaderlaad.
L. V. Ouya, chairman of the Central
Labor union arbitration committee, makes
1 this statement in reply to the published
statement of J. A. Sunderland, chairman
of the press committee of the Business
Men's association:
"Mr. Sunderland says organised labor
must be held responsible for a continuation
of the strike, as it Insists on two propoal
tlona which cannot be acceptable to tha
Business Men's association, namely, the
boycott and sympathetic strike.
"We do not Insist on these, but. en tha
other hand, at our; conference with tha
business men and the governor, and In our
statement to the business men since, offered
to strike out these two provisions from our
proposed contract. At the conference with
the governor I asked Mr. Mahoney, attor
ney for tha Business Men'a asaoclatlon, this
question: .'If aectlona 5 and It providing for
the boycott and aympathetto strikes ara
eliminated, will tha amployera then agree
to our proposition?" Hla answer was:
cannot say exactly, but I think not.' Later
In the conference I repeated tha question
and Mr, Mahoney replied that tha amploy
era would not thus agree. '
Second Offer Decline.
"Now In our statement to tha Bualneas
Men'a association tha other day, proposing
another conference, wa again offered to
eliminate these clauses and concede theae
polnta, but the association refused to again
meet us in conference or join In any propo
sition for a settlement of the strike. With
raw Fel Know Mew Toafal ft la la
Prwacrvlaa- Health and Beaaty.
Neatly everybody knows that charcoal ta
the eafeat and moat efficient disinfectant
and partner in nature, but few realise ita
value when taken lata tha human system
for the eama eleaesing purpose.
Charcoal la a remedy that the more yon
take ot It tha better; It la not drag at all,
but eimply absorbs the gaeea and imparl'
ts always present la the stomach and In
testines and carries then out of the system.
Charcoal sweetens the breath after smok
ing and drinking or after eating onions and
ether odorous vegetables.
Charcoal effectually clears and Improves,
the complexion. It whitens the teeth and
further acta aa a natural and eminently j
safe cathartic.
It absorbs the tnjurtoue gasea which col
lect in tha stomach sad bowels; it lsla
feets the mouth and throat from tha noiaon
of catarrh. -
All druggists sell charcoal In ana farm at
another, but probably tha beet charcoal and
the most for the money la Stuart's Ab
sorbent Loseagea; they are eampoeed of the
Dneat powdered willow charcoal and ether
hamtleaa aatlaepttce in tablet form. or.
rather. In the form ot large, pleasant tast
ing loseagea, tha charcoal being mixed with
The dally waa of these loseagea will aoem
tell In a much Improved condition ot the
general health, better complexion, sweeter
breath aad purer bload, aad the beaaty at It
Is. that aa possible harm can result from
their continued use, but, aa tha contrary,
great benefit.
A Buffalo physician, la apeaklag at the
benefits of charcoal, aaya: "I advise
Stuart's Absorbent Loseagea ta all patients
suffering from gas In the stomach aad bow
sis, aad to clear the complexion aad purify
tba breath, mouth and throat; I also be
ll era tha liver Is greatly beaeflted by tha
dally nsa ef them; they east but tweoty-tva
ceata a box at drug stores, aad although la
some sense a patent preparation, yet I he
llers I get more aad better charcoal ta
tuatt'a Absorbed Loseogea than la say 4
Ua frUer chawei tablets,", - w
these facta before ua I cannot but deny
that organised labor Is responsible for a
further continuation of the atrlkes, but am
forced to ascribe that odious responsibility
to none other than the Business Men s
"Mr. Sunderland claims the association
Is purely defensive and that It la aggressive
because It refuses to sell material and auch
things to firms or Individuals who patron
ise or co-operate with unions. Thla waa
brought out In the testimony of W. 8. Jar
dine In the Injunction Inquiry. We Insist
against tha charge that we are arbitrarily
interfering with a settlement of these
strikes and say that the other side Is the
guilty one.
"Our position on the employment of non
union labor Is misconstrued. Our position
Is that we reserve the right to work for
whom we please and accord every employer
the right to hire whom he pleases, but we
also hold that the business men are trying
to carry water on both shoulders In press-
lng their theory of recognition of unions I
to the front They want to refrain from
offending, outright, organised labor and at
tha same time reserve the right to hire
nonunion labor which, being cheaper, we
cannot compete with In wagea In an open
Widespread Interest In Strike.
That interest In strike developments In
Omaha la most widespread finds evidence
In the request received by The Bee from
Secretary John R. Commons of the con
ciliation committee of the New Terk Civic
Federation for copies of all the Injunction
decreea Issued for and against the different
parties to the controversy.
W. D. Mahone, International president
of the street railway's men's organisation.
Is expected In Omaha Monday to address
tha local street railway employea Monday
night In Walters' union hall at 1416 Far
nam street.
The Laundry Workers' union will hold a
special meeting at 2 p. m. Sunday In Wood
men of the World hall. Sixteenth and Cap
itol avenue.
Secretary at Easiness Men's Associa
tion Seenree Release by Haktat
Corpna Proceedings.
After being In tha charge of tha sheriff
for an hour, E. B. Branch, secretary of the
Business Men's asaoclatlon, ' waa released
upon writ of habeas corpus by Judge Lee
Eatelle Saturday afternoon. Branch waa
committed to jail by Calvin C. Valentine,
notary publlo before whom depositions
were being taken In the injunction case
agalnat tha Walters' union.
Secretary Branch had been summoned
to appear before tha notary and produce
tha membership roll, tha bylawa and con
stitution ' of the Business Men's associa
tion, and while appearing himself had
failed to bring the documents. The ques
tion of tha power of the notary to Im
prison for contempt because of a witness
refusing to produce books and papera waa
involved In the application for a writ of
hapeaa corpus, although the petition on
behalf of the secretary set. out that these
books and papers would be produced in
court at the time of hearing before the
judges having tha equity dockets.
Aa soon aa the order of commitment waa
issued Mr. Gaines, on behalf of Mr. Branch
made application for the writ, an arrange
ment having been made with Judge Estelle
previous to that time. It waa 2:30 when
tha case waa preaented to the Judge and the
court desired to pass the hearing over
until Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Yelser, on
behalf of tha union, asked for an Im
mediate hearing, which waa granted. The
Judge held that the notary' had no power
to compel the production of j books and
papera, and therefore could not punish for
tha refusal ot persona to produce them.
Cnred Hla Mother af Haisnatlin.
"My mother has been a sufferer for many
years with rheumatism," saya W. H. How
ard of Husband, Pa. "At times she waa
unable to move at all, while at all times
walking waa painful. I presented her with
a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and
after a few applications aha decided It waa
the moat wonderful pain reliever aha had
ever tried, in fact, aha ia never without
It now, and la at all times able to walk.
An occasional application ef Pain Balm
keeps away the pain that aha waa formerly
troubled with."
Oldest Military Organisation la Ohio
- Spends a Day la the
Onto City.
The Cleveland (O.) Oraya, tha oldest mili
tary organisation of the Buckeye state,
visited Omaha yesterday and waa enter
tained by Mayor Moorea, who la a native
of Ohio. The famoua organisation arrived
from the wcat at 1:30 and left In the even
lng. An extended tour of the wcetern states
has been made and the Oraya are on the
way home. During the morning they visited
the South Omaha packing houses and
also paid a Visit to K. Rosewater and The
Bee establishment.
Captain H. P. Shoupe, First Lieutenant
H. W. Stoer and Second Lieutenant A. W.
Neale ot the Oraya. were entertained at tha
Omaha club Saturday forenoon by Captain
Q. W. Suea of the Millard Rides.
The Cleveland Grays was one of the first
companies to volunteer when President
Lincoln called for 78,000 soldiers In April.
Uta. It then became Company E, First
Ohio Volunteer Infantry, in the first three
months' service and participated in the
first battle of Bull Run. July 21, 181. Three
of the membera of tha original company
were with the Oraya aa they appeared In
Omaha Saturday. After the first three
months tha Oraya re-enlisted and served
during the entire civil war.
One of the rulee Is that no noncommis
sioned officer shall be appointed unless he
has aerved at leaat five years. George B
Scrambling, a veteran member of the
Thurston Rifles, . however, waa paid the
compliment of being 'appointed a corporal
after having served a little over three
years, Captain Shoupe explaining that Cor
poral Scrambling waa a worthy and com
potent soldier. .
There will be a civil service examination
In Omaha June ana 0 for the position
or leacner in me rmuppine service.
The women of Monmouth Park Methodist
Episcopal church will serve dinner and
supper every day this week at lilt Harney
Attention. Garfield circle. Ladles of the
Orand Army of the Republic! Carryalls
win o at int nan at s o ciock sharp on
Memorial day, to take membera to the
John Smith and Ed Cull Iran of New
Tork. John Traynor of San Francisco and
Roy Oreen. living at Hit Isard atreet, are
on the police blotter as suspicious charac
ters. There ia nothing particular agalnat
Rev. Walter Thomas Mills. Washington
hall. Eighteenth and Harney streets, to
night, subject. "The Christian Religion
and tha Labor Problem." The meetlnc will
begin at once after tha hour of closing the
evening services in xnc cuy enurencs.
Frank Smith, rooming at tha Central
botl. Is a ausnlcloua character In tha va
of the police because he wss found to have
seven yarns or sua in nis possession. Frank
Edwards of Orand Junction was arrested
on suspicion of having some connection
wltn bmitn in possible tranaactiona.
AI McDonald, the man who waa slabbed
early Saturday morning by his wife during
a family atlair in tne TreitsKC block on
South Thirteenth street, waa reported las
night, from tne (.ospitai wnere he wa
taken, aa being In no Immediate danger. II
Is expected to recover, but la weak from
lose bl biooo.
Fnpili of Pnblio Rchoola Hare Their Inning
This Week.
Eaerclses ef Retiring Senior Class Are
to Be In Methodist t'hnreh Tnes
najr Evening "The Rivals"
Will Be Glvea.
Thla will be a busy week with the pupils
of the public schools. Aside from the ex
amlnationa, eventa of Interest will transpire
every evening. The first affair waa Friday
night last, when the Juniors gave a recep
tion to the seniors at the residence of Dr.
,n1 Mr"- T- - Knsor. Although the threat-
ening weather kept some away tha spacious
residence was well filled with pupils and an
enjoyable evening waa spent. This evening
the annual baccalaureate sermon will be
delivered to the graduating class by Dr.
Wheeler at the First Preabyterlan church.
Tuesday evening the senior class will pro
duce "The Rivals" at the new Workman
temple. Twenty-fifth and M streets. For
this production the stage has been enlarged
and the hall will be nicely decorated with
bunting and class colors Those who have
been given places In the caat are: Ralph
Cressey, Charles Miller, Paul Blrge, Joseph
Cox, Jesse Clark, Antone Lott, Frank Vosa-
cek, Harold Bergqulst, Ralph Gramiich,
Miss Delia Clark, Miss Hilda Condron, Miss
Pearl Fltrgerald, Miss Bertha Freltag and
Miss Ethel Breen.
Wednesday evening the alumni will ten
der a banquet to the graduates at Masonic
hall. Preparatory and eighth grade com
mencement exercisea will be held at the
Flrat Methodist church Thursday evening.
Friday evening, at the Methodist church.
graduating exercises of the high school
class will be held. The diplomas will be
presented then. Rev. George McAdams re
cently elected president of Fort Worth
(Tex.) university, will deliver an addresa to
the graduating clasa. Programs for the
week wilt be Issued Monday.
The following pupils will be graduated
May 29: Freda J. Baumgarten, Charles C.
Beavers, Paul R. Blrge, Mabel B. Cheek,
Jesse M. Clark. Joseph M. Cox, Minnie H.
Crosby, Lena A. Dlckman, Mary P. Fits
gerald, Annabelle C. Graham, ' Maud K.
Henry, Lillian O. Kadavy. Mildred T. Levy.
Rose E. Malone, Grace E. Miller, Court R.
Stanley, Mamie Beal, Harold B. Bergqulst.
Ethel M. Breen, Delia E. Clark. Hilda K.
Condron. Ralph E. Cressey, Edith L. Den
nis, Bertie M. Ferguson, Bertha E. Freltag,
Ralph C. Gramiich, Elsie V. Hoagland.
Elisabeth J. Kennelly, Antone L. Lott,
Charlea C. Miller, May R. Shelany. Frank
R. Vosacek.
oath Omaha Hoapital Affaire.
Mrs. C. L. Talbot, president of the South
Omaha Hospital association cent the fol
lowing statement to The Bee yesterday
afternoon for publication:
The South Omaha Hospital association
desires to Inform the public that Miss Nel
lie Stevens, a graduate of the Lucy Webb
Hayes National Training school and of tha
Sibley Memorial hospital, Washington, haa
been secured as superintendent. Miss Mary
Coyne, by reason of her excellent and effi
cient work, haa been retained aa assistant
superintendent. Tne association can as
sure Ita patrona that all patients will be
In tha Immediate charge of an, efficient
trained nurse at all hours ot the day and
night, We have at this time two capable
atudent nurses and desire several more ta
enter the training achool. Those who have
had aome experience are preferred. None
will be admitted aa students without first
class recommendations. The physicians ot
the hospital staff have given us assurance
of their most hearty co-operation. Miss
Maggie Pollard haa been engaged aa ma
tron, to assume her duties at once, inn
piacea the management of all departments
of the hospital in tha hands of thoroughly
competent, reliable and responsible per
sona." Grand Army Memorial Services.
Phil Kearney post No. t, Orand Army of
the Republic, will hold Ita annual memorial
services at the First Methodist Episcopal
church, Twenty-third and N streets, at t
o'clock this afternoon. Members of the
post will meet at their hall at J:80 o'clock
and march to tha church. Rev. Leandcr
Lane, paator of the Chriatlan church, will
deliver the aermon. The Woman'e Relief
corpa and tha South Omaha cavalry troop
have been Invited to attend thla service, aa
ara alao friends of tha veterana ana visit
lng soldiers and sailors. The choir of the
Methodist church will sing at tms service.
Social aad Dance.
Made City lodge. Modern Brotherhood
of America, will celebrate Its first anni
versary next Friday evening at Odd Fel
Iowa' hall, Twenty-fourth and M streete,
The following supreme officers have ac
cepted Invltationa to attend and will as
sist in making the occasion a success: non.
T. B. Hanley, Tipton. Ia., auprema presi
dent; E. L. Bala, Mason City. Ia., aupreme
secretary; T. H. Scott. Standard, Neb., di
rector; 8. S. Hayman. Grand Ialand, stage
manager. All arrangements for the affair
have been completed and the celebration
promisee to be quite an event for the mem
bera of the brothernooa in eoum umana.
Lockwood Reception Monday Night
Secretary Marah of the South Omaha
Toung Men'a Christian association has
sent cut Invitations to friends for the re
ception to be tendered to W. W. Lockwood
at the association parlors Monday evening
tmm a to 10 o'clock. Mr. Lockwood haa
been assistant secretary of tha assocla
tion In Omaha, but haa resigned to take
un missionary work at Shanghai. China.
While In China Mr. Lockwood will act aa
representative of the South Omaha asso
elation in tha foreign field. There will be
addresses, a social hour ana rerresnments.
Fifteenth Anniversary.
On Tuesday evening Ancient Order ot
United Workmen lodge No. 66 will cele
brate Ita fifteenth anniversary at Hunt's
hall. Twenty-alxth and N streets. Ar
rangements have been made for entertain
lng the membera of the lodge and any vis
iting members of the oraer. Excellent
music haa been engaged for tha occasion
and an abundance ot refreshments haa
been ordered.
Examinations This Week,
J. A. McLean, superintendent of public
instruction, waa busy yesterday preparing
the questions to be used at the examina
tion thla week. All grades will take the
examinations, which will occupy nearly the
entire week. The schools will eloee May 19
and not reopen until Tuesday, September L
Baeealaareato Sermon.
Rev. Robert L. Wheeler will deliver the
annual addresa to tha graduatee of tha
South Omaha High achool at the First
Presbyterian church thla evening at
o'clock. Parents and frlenda of the achool,
with all teacher and members of the Board
of Education, ara moat cordially invited.
Rev. Leandcr Lane of the Christian church
will aaslat In tha exercises.
Magto City Gossip
Now Is the time to get tornado insurance.
See B. E. Wilcox
Mrs. A. L. Williams is now a patient at
tno noutn umana nospiiai.
Mrs. Mona Shattell la reported to be
rspldly improving in neaitn
. Frank Kennedy and wife have returned
from a month a tour or the raclnc coast.
A daughter has been born to Mr. and Mrs,
Fred Webbera. Twenty-third and N streets
Mlse Ann King and Miss Jennie lrwln
sre making a week's visit at Oreenwood,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred McMillan have move
Into their new home at Twenty-third and E
It pays to see a stock of footwear ao com
plete In every line. High or low cut at
Dr. J. E. Crothers has returned from
Greenfield, O . whither he was called by
the serious Illness of a brother.
The Presbyterian King's Daughters will
meet Friday afternoon with Mrs. Sarah O.
Fowler, Nineteenth and M streets.
The New Commercial hotel will serve
clam chowder and Ice cream with today s
chicken dinner, 26 cents. Nice large front
room for rent.
Thursday afternoon Mrs. J. C. Carley of
Twenty-second and K streets will enter
tain the Woman's Missionary society of the
Presbyterian church.
Physical Director Baker of the Youn
Men e Christian association will leave on
Tuesday for a few days' vacation at his
home In Glasgow, Mo.
Mrs. Margaret Mitchell. 129 North Nine
teenth street, leaves Monday forenoon for
Kansas City to act aa a delegate at the
Court of Honor convention.
Fine assortment of strap and colonial
style slippers lor the young ladies at
The Christian Endeavor societies of the
Christian and the Presbyterian churches
will hold a Joint session at the Presbyterian
church at 1 o'clock this evening.
The many pleasing stylos of low shoes
suitable for all occasions, especially tor
school closing time, are winning the ad
miration or uu at cressey s, is street.
The Ladies' Aid society of the First
Methodist church will meet with Mrs.
Frank Clark, 'i'wenty-nfth and 11 streets,
ihursiiay aiiernoon. Ketresnments will be
Rev. M. A. Head will preach this evening
at the Methodist church on the topic.
Flowers Pluckea from the Garden ot bor-
town, or Lessons to Be Learned from Me
morial Day."
Official Announcement of the Forma
tion and Movement of
the Procession.
Following Is the official announcement of
the Memorial day parade, Saturday, May
The pat ad,) will be formed and conducted
under the direction ot J. B. Drleabach,
marshal of the day, and Comrades Oeorgn
Elliott, Charles W. Allen, George R. Rath
bun. Captain W. H. Waasell and C. H. T.
Rlepen, aides. The parade will be formed
at 1:30 p. m. on Capitol avenue, right rest
ing on Sixteenth street. The veterana of
the civil, Spanish and Philippine wars and
military companies will assemble on Capi
tol avenue between Sixteenth) and Seven
teenth streets. The civic organisations will
assemble on Capitol avenue betweon Fif
teenth and Sixteenth streets, right resting
on Sixteenth street. Carriage will form
on Fifteenth street, right resting on Capitol
avenue. The paradi will move at 2 p. ro
The line of march will be from Sixteenth'
atreet and Capitol avenue to Douglas, east
to Fourteenth street, south to Farnam
atreet, weat to Twenty-eighth atreet, south
to Leavenworth, west to Twenty-ninth,
south to Woolworth avenue, where' tha
Grand Army posts and visiting comrades,
Women's Relief corpa and Ladles of the
Grand Army of the Republic will join the
procession; thence to Hansoom park, to
the grave of the unknown dead, where the
several bodies will take position for the
The formation of tha parade will be:
Marshal of the Day and Staff.
Two Platoons of Police.
Veteran Drum Cory.
Membera ef the G. A. R.
Dahigren Poet, Papllllon.
Phil Kearnev Post. South Omaha.
Custer Post. Grant . Post. Crook Post.
(Comrades not takina- onrt In the Darade
at the start will assemDle on Twenty-ninth
atreet and Woolworth avenue, where they
will Join the procession.)
Twenty-second U. 8. Infantry Band.
Third Bettallon Twenty-second U. 8. In-
laniry, captain w. h. waasell,
Commanding. -
Thurston Rifles, Captain Charlea W. Rich
ards, commanding.
Millard Rides, Captain G. 1 W. Suea, Com
mandinr. Omaha Guards, Captain William Dreflng,
H'tfh School Cadets Rand.
First and second Battalion of High School
Alrha Cimn No. 1. W. n w
Omaha ekymour Camp No. 18, W. O. W.
umana (.imp ino, lau, M. w. A.
Maple Camp No. 945, M. W. A.
Magnolia Camp No. 18S3, M. W. A.
Beech Camp No. 1464. M. W. A.
B. A M. Camp No. XTU, M. W. A.
Hickory Camp No. 6128, M. W. A.
President of Memorial Day Committee,
juun u. raoDoa.
Rev. T. J. Mackav. Orator of tha T.v
Revs. Edwin H. Jenks and D. K Tinrtait
Brigadier General J. C. Bates, U. B. A.,
mm Diait.
Major J. J; Crittenden. Commanding Fort
Crook, and Staff.
Mayor and City Council.
Board of Education. .
County Officials.
Banner Lodge No. 11, F. V. of A.
Mondamln Lodaa Nn lit lr V A
Royal Oak Lodge No. 200, Royal Achates.
Stato Eqcallsers' Aetloa Necessitates
Cnttlng Down Estimated Slse
ot Vartons roads.
Considerable discussion haa followed the
publication of the announcement of the
ireetlng of the Beard ot County Commis
sioners aa a board -of equalisation, which
will be June 9. In the announcement la
printed a statement of the estimated slse
of the various county funds for next year,
the figures being;
General fund 1400,000
Road .fund 65,000
Bridge fund 7O,00U
Bond alnklng fund inn.ort)
Soldlera' relief fund 10,000
Total 9646,000
Last year tha amounts produced by the
levies for the various funds were estimated
aa follows:
General fund, 9 ml '.Is
Road fund, 2tt mills
Bridge fund, mills
Bond sinking fund, l.S mills.....
Soldiers' relief fund, 0.1 mill....
Total 9380,624.24
Taxpayers who saw In the eetlmatcd levy
of next year an Increase In the county taxes
of 1256,000 In round numbers became alarmed
and asked why the Increase should be made
at thla time and why there ahould be any
auch increase. In explanation of the mat
ter Commissioner O'Keeffe said:
' "We made this estimate in January while
the etate legla'.atura waa In session. There
were a number of bills pending for an
equalisation of the taxea between the in
dividual taxpayers of the atata and 'rail
roads. We also had hope that tha State
Board of Equalisation would take action In
tha matter, and at that time we felt almost
sure that the assessed valuation of Doug
las county would be greatly Increased by
the action of or.e or the other or both of
the bodlea which have power over the rail
road assessment. . Douglas county la In
debt, and It la the desire of all good offi
ciate of the county to so that debt wiped
out. We believed that with thla Increase
In tha aaeeased valuation, which would be
secured by adding to tha tax rolls a lot of
property which has escaped taxation In the
past, ws could pay the debta of the county
without Increasing the rate of levy much
above that which had prevailed for several
years. . Now that wa have secured no re
lief from either of the aourcea from which
we expected It, the estimates will have to
be greatly modified and the figures reduced
to something near those of last year."
Mortality Statistics.
The fol'owlng births have been reported
to tne Koara oi neaun:
Births Robert Hoham, 1101 North Eight
eenth. rl: Patrick F. Connolly. 2230 Cum
ing. boy; W. C. Novea, Twenty-seventh and
Plnkney. gin; m. reieraon, mm Pratt, girl
H. A. Tool. 1&3 Ontario, boy.
May Furniture Bargains. Show a big Saving
Half the advantage of bargain lies In getting It when you most need Itl We give you these
Special Hay Sale bargains In Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, etc., now because you need them at thl
time to rearrange and beautify your home. t .
Imil Ttcri Handsomely brass trimmed, latest
ai . s,u wiy, best of workmanahlp. cannot be
duplicated elsewhere for lees than 15 00
tomorrow ,
CJHp f- ft i r c z. Oolden Irtish,
lUt-LFUctl rlKt, mirror,
and restored, worth t!2 50 special
at, only
Oolden oak, French
heavy trlmlngs, castored g g
worth $13.00 tomorrow, at, only ..
Great reduction on all ladies' suits
Any $15 ladies' Buit, strictly up-to-date, very latest
style, everything new, no old stock, all colors, all sizes,
w ill be put on sale Monday Q 7
for one day only at m
This is a great suit snap and will pay you to investigate.
Extraordinary purchase of 100 dozen shirt waists at
our own price. They include madras, gingham, white
lawns and percales, some embroidery trimmed, some
tucked, some hemstitched, patterns run in stripes or Bolid
colors, all sizes. These waists worth up to $2.00 each
will be put on sale Monday
Special sale on pret
ty Street or Dress
Hats this week, trim
med with flowers, foli
age, quilla or pom-poms-a
$2.50 value
during this sale
Then Oommisiioners 0Keeffa and Oontlolly
Get Into 8ome Trouble,
Consequently Connolly Wants !
Ksew What He Knows Atomi
the oallr and Prteee of
Lobsters, Anyway.
It is an unusual session of the Board of
County Commissioners wnicn
hrlng out more or less acrtmontoua debate
tetween Commissioner Connolly and com
missioner O Kceffe, but the arugment yes
terday passed the usual bounds and for a
moment threatened to resuiv u -
encounter. .
It waa all over a consignment of canned
lobsters which had been delivered a month
or more ago to the county poor farm, the
illl for which had been referred to the
conunlttee of which O'Keeffe la chairman,
virfr mm that the bill be taken from
the committee and disallowed. Then he
made a apeech In which he aaia tne po
sters were spoiled.
"I don't eee why lobsters should be sent
to the county poor farm, anyway," added
tha South Omahan. "I nave itj.
for everything I have eaten, and never
taated lobster in my life."
it. ..u. who had ordered the lobsters
and ea!d the price paid waa double the
amount It ahould be. He learneu wuw
signed the order In a minute, when Com
missioner Connolly arose and said:
I signed the order for tnose loDswrs,
and I didn't do It to please the palate oi
Mr. O'Keeffe, who can be no Judge of
the merits of tha purchase, aa ha never
, - -1 inhatara. The man who aaid the
price waa twice that of the contractor IS a
O'Keeffe Remarks aa Ages.
For a moment It looked aa though
O'Keeffe would respond with a blow, but
he only aaid: "I think Mr. Connolly la too
young to call a man old enough, to be hla
father auch a name. He falsified hlmaelf,
as the record will enow."
Neither side produced the record. Mr.
Connolly apologised profueely for hla un
guarded remark, and asked that the Inci
dent be auppreased by the reportere. The
ulll la still in the hands of the committee.
with O'Keeffe holding to hla original atate-
mcnt and "Connolly asserting mat tne cans
were more than twice the else of those
specified in the original contract.
. Once (gain the parties to this contest
cams together on the question of work on
a road a mile north of the Military road,
about twelve milea weat of town. O'Keeffe
said that the men ntred to do tha work had
not done it and made a motion that the
No woman who uses 'Mother's Frleol" need fear the suffering
and danger incident to birth; for it robs the ordeal of its horror
and insures safety to life of mother and child, and leaves her in
a condition more favorable to speedy recovery. The child is
also healthy, strong and
good natured. Our book
"Motherhood," is worth
its weight in gold to every
woman, and will be
envelope by address
Bradfield Regulate
g frae-e-cx TnB Celebrated Hcywood Oo-Carte and
VIJ War Baby CarrlHges, patent ad- f f
Justments, rubber tires, enamel gearing and up- fj.nll
lolsterlng, tomorrow we offer a special at
oral wool, the guaranteed kind, a special to- I.VHI
he French bevel
full brass trimmings
a m a a vj
bevel plate mirror.
upwards from.
CrkVACPnnrlfr Gasoline Stoves s:uar
iJlU Vva,nfWi to give perfect satis
faction, upward from
Carpets, Rujs, Draperies
All Wool Ingrains TbU season's
newest designs worth A
ftc-peclat sale a-L yJ C
price a. W
Velvets and Axmlnstcr and other
weaves In handsome
designs worth $1.60
special sale price
nl patterns.
Ingrain Rugs Beautiful patterns.
9x11 colors war
rantedwere $6.60
sate price.. ,.i
People' Furniture) and Carpet Company,
road overseer be instructed to complete the
Job. Then there waa an argument ever
thla, Connolly and McDonald claiming that
the ground was too wet for work, and the
motion of O'Keeffe was loat. -
Tha county surveyor waa empowered to
make a survey and plana for the straight
ening of the Elkhorn river between the
Union Pacific railroad and tha ateel
bridge south of Waterloo. When thta work
Is done the river will be nearly atralght
through Douglaa county. The board ad
journed to meet Friday morning, aa next
Saturday will be Decoration day.
Seat Qncstloa as to When. Old' City
OSaclala Leave Pcblle
- (Scrvte.
Ambiguous wording of the eharter amend
ments Is causing a difference of opinion at
the city hall concerning the expiration of
the terms of elective officers, and the
beginning of the official life ot the officers
recently chosen. The old charter made It
plain by ' stating the new terms "com
menced" on the third Monday after the
election, at which time the new council la
required to meet and organise. Now the
charter reads "from" the third Monday,
atlll requiring the new 'council to meet and
organise on thla day. however.
City Attorney Connell and his elected
successor, C. C. Wright, are of the opinion
that the terma of the old officers do not
end until II o'clock Monday night. Assist
ant Attorney Adama dlasenta, however, and
points out that if this is true there will be
two city councils In existence during part
of Monday. Under the charter before It
waa amended, It waa held generally that
the new terma began Monday, the old terms
expiring at midnight Sunday.
So far as men elected arc concerned the
question concerns them only so far as the
bonds are concerned. Councilman Hascall
has announced that there will be a meeting
of the old council Monday morning "to
wind up matters." Whether any more des
perate attempta to work through the re
districting scheme are contemplated la not
known. It la reported that Haacall and
his followers have originated a theory that
the council alone haa the right to change
the ward lines of the city and that the
mayor's concurrence or veto Is not neces
sary, and that with thla pretended under
atandlng the ordinance will be amended
and read the third time and passed, pro
viding, of course, the required number of
votes are forthcoming.
Mystcrtoas Shooting Affray.
The usually quiet and peaceful neighbor
hood at the crossing of Twelfth street and
Capitol avenue, was disturbed vesterdav
evening by a mysterious shooting affray
wherein two persona, colored men, drew
and fired on sight without effect and then
flew, leaving only a curling wreath of sul-
?hurous smoke and the returning echoes
rom . the buildings across the street. A
crowd in which were several policemen
rainereti, nui no arresis were made. It
waa learned that the principals were carry
ing out an old grudge formed In 8t. Joseph.
And many ottter painful and serious
ailments from which most mothers
suffer, can be avoided by the use of
MlWI F lit Si. This great remedy
Uis a God-send to women, carrying
them through their most critical
ordeal with safety and no pain.
be sent free in plain rp rt fl rp T n r-v
ressing application to 1 A j
atorCo.AttMtatGa. j UUULjUJ Ml)
Cje-hgaeiasahafcamCaatOs., S'Wktf
Kstnte Steel Range
of ateel ranges
Special Sale Bobl- O C Q
net Bed Sets- Kj ZS O
Porch Blinds In all sUe--tom3r-
row ere offer
a 4x8 at
only ,
We carry a full lino a
strong, serviceable
one tomorrow
0 eassaaaaass
EAM, 4 c.
Do you intend to get'
a new Street Hat? '
Why not try one of
our 49o ones worth
$1.50 for ladles, misses
and children. We
We have over 1,000 of
them for you to se
lect from special
To all Men who Write to tbo Heidel
berg; flcdtcal Institute, St. Paul.
lust tens' your nans ana address plainly written anil
they will ten their great "Eleotro-Chemlo Belt"
without ee eent el ct te yea. It It yeurt lor tha
atWng. Not eves necessary te tens sMtaflettaias.
anon ia aw mi cnisiA act v ih tui imabi n
The Heidelberg Medloel Institute), oapitalised '.
rttieo.WO. is the Largest and Rlohesv Mcdioul i
astltutc ia the Northwest and la rlrins lilt
thousands ot their Great Eleotro-Chemlo Delta
to prove and advertise their wonderful curing
power. The Great ''Eleotro-Chemlo" licit m
restore you to health aad happiness, IS.vTS
suing men reoenur reaiorea 10 vim. vigor ana
terteoi manhood. It Quickly cures Rhesmatlim,
emsas, Lame Baok. Nsrvom Exhaustion, Varlco.
tele.'sillnsVltsllty, Kidney Trsublcs, Liter, Stemtch
and Ictuel Dltestst, flsneral Weakness. Lost Nerve
reree and meny ether ailments. It Is worth from
gs) to Sao to soy one. It is given away absolutely ,
free by the master specialist to all those who
aosd the one great ecratlvc agent, electricity.
04SE1TM. BighSMn vssrs ago I flret aoMrsa ayatp
tona ot nsrraua tronbls that afMrwardt cauted nia .
srsai mlKrr and uffrtn. 1 had palnala mi bark,an
ponl nr mtlsaa nlfhw. ) had no control cf bit fa
altlaa, ao that I waa alwara at aslut4antac In vhat
Sar 1 undlrtooa. I hara kon ualng tba Klautro-Cfcsnla
traatmantet tha Hetdlbrw Hadlo: inaututaabsutalx
aoka ana 1 oonaldar mrlt cur;, '.oa mora, and to ba
Walt la worth all iua baa. S T.U.
RFfiFURFB The Bait Uaot seat on trial but
ntHtMBtn s yours to keep forever with
out tne payment of one eent. Bo write tort ay
for the Great Hleotro-Ohamla Balk Vn. Man.
tloa thla paper Address
Heiselberq Heqical Ixstitute
Filth aad Robert eta,. ST. PAUL, MINN.
are serious, i
e s a a e much '
pain and die-1
comfort, and I
sometimes ao- i
tual disability.
vVUDTfllf 0 ?' may be
w i mi Will) I
Itching and atlng-
lng, then acaiu palu, soreneas and
bleeding. Tumors lorn, enlarge,
le, end II neglected, ulcerate, becom
I protrude.
1 ins
ing vera serious and
paluluL Toeurelaem1
I quickly and palnla
uy i
InaUnt relief. Cures la several days.
(tent with syrlnce. for m
Sherman & McConnell, Omaha, Neb.
MalrJor Mrs. Co., Lancaatar. o.
Malar a Stanpleat ana Only
lUllabte VegotaUj OH Hemsdy.
fiuarantseo. abaolatsly hansisaa
.. nawulta quick, laaung, eteanlr .
TIjoo not atalo lbs akin, naah
or rub off on pillow. Jpetaltj
nda fled toe ladle who euii inlr
vnair. lis nieril la unneraa l
ackDowleegwI. aak your drusglat for It. l as no
Imitation. Pries by malli noattmld itrlal staeoUo
lirso irfttle alas ti ll), writ for booklet eon-ial-ini
'Aattroonlalft and Inf'irmaMon. Addreaa
.., - vMKijroi, r.O n.,i.L. kaataiCltv M
For Menstrual SuppressTon E
It a boi; I fcoias It sols In Omaha by Sharmaa A
McCobII Vtut Mall srdara Sued. Trada auBplli
Beet Agrlecltaral Weekly.