Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1903, PART I, Page 6, Image 6

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Tlum for Bummer Loafing Are Being Fat
in Operation.
riaaV ini" "
(hi Maidens Take Maea
' rieaaare la Isaltatlas the
' Mea Feists.
Society hes taken down Its busy day lgn
which by the way has been covered with
dust lor mora than a fortnight, and sub
stituted for It 1t summer address. For
tha most part, th(a la tha Country or Field
club but there are many who are going a
len way from home, to the aea shore,
east and West, and aome acroaa the water.
Tha June weddings are the only affaire of
real consequence at present and theae, by
tha way, are growing more promising,
three successive Wedneadaya next month
having been selected for weddings of mora
than ordinary Interest owing to the prom
inence of the fair-llle and the aoclal pop
ularity of the young people.
I? By far th moat Interesting announce
B nts of laat week were those of the
i engagement of . Miss Helen Hoagland.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Hoag
land. and Captain David Btone of the
Twenty-second Infantry and of Mlsa Mona
J Martin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Euclid
Martin, and Mr. Charles Montgomery. Tha
i AAin nnniinmiiti have not yet been
made but gossip mta it that they ara not
to occur until fall.
On Tuesday Miss Tatea will be hoetees
of the meeting of the Euchre club when
f. a reorganisation la to be. effected and the
?. meetings held In the morning for she sum
's iner. Miss Blanche Rosewater will en
$ tartaln the N. I T. Whist club. '
On Wednesday Mra. George Eddy en
' tertains at cards in the afternoon, Mrs.
j Colin C. Joslyn of Mlnneapolia to be, the
, shiest of honor.
! On Thursday Miss Brady entertains the
Debutantes' luncheon: Mrs. George Eddy
C' gives a card party in the afternoon; Mrs.
Hitchcock will ba hostess of the South
Bide. Whist club and Miss Jean Campbell
gives a card party in compliment to Mlsa
f, Edith Bnell and Mlsa Anne Taylor; Mrs.
Thomas McShane will entertain at card
(j In tha afternoon for Miss Helen McShane.
t' On Friday Mrs. J. M. ' Mawhlnney will
J entertain at cards.
K On Saturday Mrs. .Mawhlnney will give
$a Kensington afternoon"; The Manawi
Boat club opening and tha tournament at
A tha Country club.
There's no use talking about It, the
woman who does not play euchre nowadays
f- la behind the times and that is ail there la
of It. It has been the popular game ail
winter except among the whist devotees,
af course, and it blda fair to superceed
golf this summer for a half dosen clubs
have been formed within the last few
weeks announcing their intention of play
ing all summer, some to meet every week
and others fortnightly, but aa many of
tha girls and women belong to at least
two clubs it will ba equivalent to two or
three meetings a week. Tha Tuesday Eu
era which has held weekly meetings since
early in tha winter, closed Ita season on
Tuesday at the. home of Mra. 'Charles T.
Kountse and on next Tuesday all mem
bers who expect to be in . the city this
summer will meet ' at the home ' of Mlsa
Yates and there to reorganise, meeting In
the morning. ' Half .a doaen clubs over
on the south side have reorganised for the
summer and as many more little groups of
older women are planning on spending a
morning each week In this way.
Among the affairs of the week that did
Bot get Into the society columns by the
way, or to the ears of very many, waa
gathering held one morning last week at
lr the home of a young woman who haa a
V reputation for original ideas. Each woman
1? waa bidden, to come equipped with a dress
suit that would fit, and when all had ar
; s rived and . donned their, masculine attire
(for that waa the hostess' Intention) they
11 were taken down stairs to the smoking
, room where .each was given a pencil and
A piece or paper and then instructed to
1 mentally select some man well ; known in
ft society and to all present and to act fust
aa much like him as tKisalble. The papers
were to be, used to register the. namea of
the various women, the names of the men
they were supposed to be Imitating and
the various peculiarities off manner or
speech that had lead to the supposed rec
ognition. Even mustaches and beard were
supplied by the thoughtful hostess, these
being passed about next, and then cigars,
cigarettes and a generous variety of nines.
also gloves, eyeglaases and canes, that
nothing might be lacking and then the fun
commenced in. earnest Many a valuable
hint was dropped In the acceptance or re
fusal of these various masculine attributes.
one girl giving away her secret at the very
atart wnen in an attempt to light a cigar
ette over an alcohol blase she singed her
hair. Instead of screaming ehe elaculated
something so familiar to all that shrieks of
laughter -went up Instead of those of fright
that might have been expected. It would
be superfluous to add that the whole af
fair was Immensely funny though not al
ways complimentary to the fellows sua
pected. Peal after peal of laughter filled
the house ss the masqueradera lounged or
strutted about In imitation of .some luckless
man, but the climax was reached when
the papers wn read. Four different girls
were accused of counterfeiting' one man
because each kept a pipe constantly be
tween her lips and said "Sure" to almost
every question asked her. When all had
been read a vote was taken. as to which one
had t played her psrt and .a prise
awarded. .
Mr. J. C. Hutesnn Is visiting Mercur,
Park City and other mining points in Utah
and Idaho. . . . .
Mr. Otla Howard, son of Mrs. Guy How
ard, haa successfully passed his mental
examination foi admlsxlon to the naval
academy end will leave shortly for An
napolis. '
Word has been received that Mra. Clifford
Smith and small son, who are now in Italy,
will sail for New Tork on June 27. From
there they will gn to Rockland, Me., where
they will spend the summer with Mr. and
Mr..B. F. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas KMpatrick.' Mrs.
Guy Howard. Miss Helen Howard and
Jurtge V'oolworth wjll sail for Antwerp on
July 4. to spend tha summer at Carlsbad.
Mr and Mrs. J. If, McDonald expect to go
abroad' the early pert of June. '
Mr. W. K. lJixon expects to 'sail fpr Eu
rope on July 4, going to Gibraltar and then
through Spain to Biarrlta. from where a
tour to Normandle and Bretagne will be
made la eu automobile.
Mra, Cory E. Vaow entertained Wednes
day efltrnoon In honor of Mrs. N. B. Price
of Portland. Or.v and Mrs. J. O. Redmond
of Salt Ike City. She was assisted by
Mrs. W. Q. Drake ' and Mrs. I. O'Ftyng.
The guerta were: Meedames N. Ej. Price,
J. O. rtedmoiKi. R B, Carter. W. A.
HoMtettvr. J. ,E. Schaffer, W. W. Dutcher
I Kllogg, H. Steepy. J. Willy. James Ud-
J dell, I. O'Flyng. W. Q. Drake. Anna Drif
korn. R V. IJddell, Madeline Drake, Edith
' Carter, ' Helen Carter, Florence Price,
Marguerite Hostetter and Master Welling
ton Hostetter.
Miss Madeline Lucille Spotta entertained
a party of her friends at her home, 4011
Hamilton street, Saturday afternoon, the
occasion being her twelfth birthday. Mrs.
Charles Buck assisted Mrs. Eugene L.
Spot In Jn serving a dainty luncheon. Those
present were: Mary Sheets, Francis Damon,
Marguerite Hea ton. Marguerite Prentls,
Beulah Besslre, Elvira and Claudle Mathls,
Fay Swain, Ruth Llndley, Marcle Perkins,
Adrian Cone, Katherlne Becker, Ethel
Green, Bertha Cunningham, Constance
Brown, Adelaide Funkhouser, Avllda Moore
and Nena Ryerson.
Mrs. Charles Keller gave a luncheon at
the Omaha club on Saturday, Mrs. Edward
Crain of Springfield, 111., being the guest of
Mrs. Albert Edholm gave a luncheon for
six on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mra. Samuel Hawver entertained
at dinner on Friday In compliment to Miss
Butterfleld of Independence, la. Rev. and
Mrs. Jennings, Rev., and Mrs. Smith and
Rev. and Mrs. Tlndall and Rev. and Mrs.
Head were the other guests present.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dodge announce the
engagement of their daughter. Miss Harriet
Viola Dodge, and Mr. inland B. Noyes.
The wedding Is to occur early In June.
The marriage of Miss Lulu Rudlo,
daughter of the late Mr. and Mra. George
Rudlo, to Mr. William Marshall occurred
on last Saturday in San Francisco.
One of the pretty home weddings of the
week waa that of Miss Madalene Crawford
and Mr. Floyd Stryker, which was solemn
ised at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs.
E. T. Nickles, on Wednesday evening. Car-
Hons, smllax and ferns trimmed the
rooms, while an arch Of wedding bells was
suspended above one corner and under
which the marriage service was read, Rev.
Leonard Sane of the Christian church of
ficiating. The bride was gowned in white
chiffon over white silk and was attended
by Miss Borgll Hanson and Miss Florsnce
Wheeler. Mr. Charles Crawford and Mr.
Fred Melchlora acted as groomsmen. Mr.
and Mrs. Stryker will' be at home after
June 1 at 2962 South Seventeenth street.
The marriage of Miss Hermle Augusta
Graves and Mr. Asher Foster Palmer, aa
attorney of Bar Harbor, Me., was solemn
ised at the home of the bride' slater, Mrs.
Mary Moran, 2204 Webster street, on Tues
day afternoon at I o'clock. Mendelssohn'
march waa played by Mr. De Rldon Stem
baugh, the bridal party entering the parlor
where the ceremony was performed by Dr.
R. Kerr Ecclea, during which Maacagnl's
intermesso was effectively rendered. The
parlor and dining room were prettily deco
rated with pink and white carnations, while
the table was tastefully trimmed with fern
and pearl rosea. Only the relatives and Im
mediate friends of the family were present.
Mr. and Mrs. Palmer are stopping at the
Millard for a few days, but expect to leave
shortly for Bar Harbor, Me., their future
home. ;
Lieutenant William Cowln ha gone to
hi station at Yellowstone park.
Major Krauthoff waathe guest last week
of Major and Mra. Beah.
Mr. Howard, and Mr. Otl Howard will
leave for the east soon. Mr. Howard will
go to Annapolis and Mrs. Howard to Farm
lngton. Later Mrs. Howard will go to Bur
lington, Vt.. where she will visit until her
departure for Europe In July. -
Mr. and Mr. George Strang have gone
to Saranae Lake, Adirondack mountains,
for the summer.
Mrs. Colin C. Joslyn of Minneapolis,
Minn., accompanied by her two children, 1
the guest of Mr. and Mra. C. N. Rich, 2110
Lake street '
Mis Floyd Moulton of Nebraska City and
Mia Fern Wintersteen ' of Fremont are
spending a few day with friend In the
city. .
Mr. Frank M. Bristol of Washington,
D. C, arrived -on Friday to be the guest of
Mr. and Mr. Samuel Hawver of 1614 Em
mett atreet.
Mr. Waldo II. Robert ha gone to Ash
vllle. N. C, where she will spend the sum
mer with Colonel and Mrs. W. H. Phelpa of
St. Louis. '
Mr. and Mr.: J. U. C. McDanlel left yea
terday for Chicago, where they may locate
Mis Paulene Bchenck will entertain In
formally on Tuesday afternoon In honor of
Mlsa Lulu Edward.
Mrs. William Malloy. who haa been
pending the winter with her sister, Mr.
Robert MacNell. leaves for' Seattle, where i
she will embark for Nome. Alaska, to Join !
Mr. Malloy, who wintered In the north. i
Mrs. J. M. Edwards left on Wednesday
for Kansas City, where she will Join Mr.
Edwards, and they will make their home in
future. .
Miss Paulene Schenck returned on Satur
day from Lincoln, where she attended the
university hop.
Mlsa Edith Thomas haa returned front, a
visit at tha ranch of Mr. and Mra. J. E.
Cochran, near Fort Niobrara.
Miss Marguerite Elmore I visiting In Al
liance, "Neb.
The N. H. T. club met Thursday after
noon with Mrs. Faur, 4203 Farnam street.
The flrt prise waa won by Mrs. Newell, a
handsome china plate, Mrs. Moore receiv
ing the booby, a dosen carnation pink a A
dainty lunch was served. Those present
were Mrs. Bacon, Mrs. Miner. Mrs. Powell,
Mrs. Sprlngmeyer, Mra Newell, Mrs. Brad
ley, Mrs. Moore. Mrs. Whltmarsh. Mra.
Baxter. Mrs. Strawn and Mra. Drummond.
Mrs. Caro'tne Nelson gave a very enjoy
able farewell party and musical at her
residence, 11J South Tenth street. Wednes
day evening. May SO. in honor of Mlsa Mary
Nordln. who leavea shortly for Europe.
Mtss-Nordln wa presented with a very
handsome token of regard, after which
refreshments . were served. Among the
guest were Misses Marguerite Bonder eon.
Agnes Nelson. Etta Oranbeck. Gussle Peter
son. Olga Nelson. Tonla Peterson.' Anna
Oranbeck and Jessie Peterson; Messrs. Max
Crane. Ambrose MoDonourh. John John
son, Fred Jahn. Orover Peterson. Valde-
mar Hamsnn. Harry Rasmitssen. Paul
Galla, Tom Rudhec and Carl Swan.
Miss Irene Templar left last week for a
visit with relative at Loe Angeles and
Palo Alto. Cal.
Mrs. E. F. Riley is visiting with friends
In Pennsylvania and Kew Tork.
Decides laaiatr Wallace gait.
In the case of Sumner Wallace against
the American National bank, now defunct,
to determine who were the stockholders In
the Institution and how much they owe
the plaintiff and the Union National bank,
Juris Munser haa announced his decision,
giving a list of the stockholders snd nam
ing a total of t-i6.624.83 aa due Wallace and sa due th I'nlon National bank.
This Is at a rate of $77.23 due on each share
of stock. Gurdon W. Wattles la appointed
receiver, to commence suit against stork
holders not secured by summons In this
slnte sgainst -whom Judgment In this
case therefore haa not been secured. An
appeal was taken.
Cesaplalaaat Loses His Place.
LAS VEGAS. N. M., May S The board
which haa bear. Investigating th chargee
of mismanagement and cruelty to patients
or tne territorial insane asylum, mad by
Ir. U. A. loata. assistant medical director,
.Htn.1 R,ir,ar(nlmrfnt W wA Mti.
cat IMreclor Dr. Tipton and others, haa re
turned a report vindicating the latter and
ordering tb discharge of Dr.. Costa.
Jfot DaraarcsOTskt'e Sea.
Former Policeman Dargarcswakl wishes it
stated that he has no 12-year-old son who Is
charged with highway robbery. H has no
children answering to th specifications of
the boy .locked up on a char of holding up
lads of his own age and relieving inem of
small vaiuaoiaa.
Th Omaha Woman' club will hold Its
annual meeting on Monday afternoon and
then adjourn for the summer. The esslon
will be devoted entirely to business the
first matter to come before the house be
ing the complementary membership list
and whether or not It shall be continued.
Another matter that it Is hoped to bring
up Is some plan whereby the club as a
whole, or by departmenta, may arrange to
present next winter some art sociological,
musical or other features of high standard
that will be of general educational ad
vantage. It is generally conceded that the
club has been lacking in this respect for
several year and the cordial support and
commendation received for Mrs. William
Spencer Crosby's Wagner recitals has
stimulated the women to an effort to give
the member and the people of Omaha
more of such advantages. There is also
a suggestion that the general meetings be
cut down to an hour and a half Instead of
two hours, dismissing at 4:30 o'clock in
stead of t a formerly, and that a part
of the time saved be taken from the busi
ness hour a there ha been more than
enough time, as a rule, for the transaction
of business. The present hour were orig
inally arranged that the school teachers
might attend but it haa been proven that
but very few of the teachers can attend
the meeting even at the present hour and
many are in favor of opening at 2:30 out
of consideration for the housekeeper who
have to get home earlier.
Among the local women's organization
that have been quietly working for good,
1 the Woman' Auxiliary of the Typo
graphical union, No. 190. Organized four
year ago, the auxiliary now ha forty
member and an effort 1 being made to
Interest all printer' wives, the dues being
tl a year and 50 cents Initiation fee. Mra
H. O. Matthes' of 2212 Capitol avenue, 1
president of the auxiliary, and the local
society ha th,e advantage of the mem
bership of the president of the International
auxiliary which was organized a year ago,
Mr. F. A. Kennedy. While the oclety
wa organised largely to promote socia
bility In the Typographical union. Its func
tion ha become much broader and the
women have become a really valuable ad
junct. Among other things they are agi
tating and so creating a demand for union
made goods, and ao doing their share to
ward the abolition of some of the labor
condition being so generally opposed by
women's organization ail over the country.
They also give some social affair each
month. In August Mr. Matthes and Mrs.
Charles Matthews will represent the local
organisation at the international conven
tion to be held In Washington.
. The much-talked-of and widely-watched
New York City Federation of Women's
Club held It first convention last week,
the tendency of Its program indicating a
practical line of effort -that promises to
make the federation a - factor In any local
reformatory and educational work to which
It may turn its attention. Mrs. Dore Lyons
presided and waa presented a hand
somely carved gavel, upon which the names
of the various presidents are to be carved
air. Bene de Rivera, president of the
New York Equal Suffrage- elub ' and vice
president of the new federation, making
the presentation speech: . Among the im
portent business wa the decision that the
federation should be Incorporated.
The seventeenth annual meeting of the
Woman's Auxiliary to the Episcopal Board
of Mission of Nebraska brought several
score or prominent church women to
Omaha last week and among them many
who are active worker In various other
women's organization of the state. One
frequently hear the statement that or
"on in .omer lines among
women distracts them from church work,
leaving that work to suffer accordingly
1 ne meeting last week waa the largest
ana most enthusiastic that has ever been
held by the auxiliary, 127 delegates being
present, ana it was evident to the observ
ing ones that the so-called "club women'
nave had no small part in it. In speaking
or ne work of the year an officer of the
auxiliary said: "My experience In .club
work has been invaluable to me and I find
that experienced cluh women are the beet
miKBionary worker that we have. . They
are Infinitely more businesslike and ac
complish the best results wherever thev
work. Look at our president, Mrs. Albert
woe. ana our second vice president, Mrs.
S. 0. Fales of Ashland; they are both ex
perlenced club women, and see what they
nave aone ror the auxiliary."
TTTTAN, Neb.. May 23. (Special.) A
wedding took p'ace yesterday which was
postponed last month because of the sud
den Illness of the father of the bride. He
ha now recovered and the happy event
took place amidst the rejoicing of manv
guests. The groom. George Schtils. son of
Mr. and Mrs. James Schulx of Yutan. Is a
young business man and farmer, while the
bride. Miss Mary Augusta Passow, la the
daughter of one of the thriving farmers of
tnis county. Rev. Dr. Neeff of the German
Lutheran church of Yutan officiated. Over
a nunared guests were present.
. Daggett-Moore.
HUMBOLDT, Neb., May 23.-StecIal.
A pretty wedding occurred at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Moore of Salem, when
their daughter, Gertrude Mabel, waa mar
ried to Guy Daggett who holds the posi
tion of agent for the Burlington road at
that station. The ceremony waa performed
by Rev. W. L. Porter of Salem. The nealv
wedded pair will make their home In Salem.
where the bride ha been raised from child
hood. Herat IclcThompaon.
WEST POINT. Neb., May 23.-(SDeclal.l
William Harstick, deputy county clerk of
Cuming county, and Miss Mary A. Thomp
son were married at the Roman Catholic
church yesterday, Rev. Joseph Rueaina-
offlclatlng. The bride is the daughter of W.
H. Thompson, a prominent farmer living
eaat ot the city.
. An exhibition waa held In the gymnasium
hall on Friday, all members of the gym
nasium clasMes taking part In it. The
doors were thrown open to the parents nt
the pupils and the physical culture exer
cises that have been practiced during the
last year under (he leadership of Miss Ma
comber were displayed. All the morning
classes assembled In: the gymnasium at
10:30, and at 10:16 the exercixoa began. Tha
hall was crowded with spectators euger to
see the work done by high school gymna
sium students. The Ewedixh movemen's
and dumbbell drill wns performed by all
the morning pupils. Then the claaaes were
divided Into three parts, some to Jump the
horse, others to perform on the puralll
bars and th remaining to do the hlich
Jumping. Following this, all who wiKhed
took part In the Bwedixh dance. The exer
cises closed with a ball gum between the
third and fourth hour claases. The fourth
hour class waa victorious. At 12 o'clock
th classes were excused. A similar pro
gram was given by the afternuou clasaes
between 13:46 end 2 o'clock.
Mlas Valentine will entertain the P. G. S
girls and a number of s-nlor boys at her
h'r next Friday evening.
MIm Helen 8adileck entctxined tha Or
nhcus club vry delightfully Saturday even
ing. The senior class held an Important busi
ness meeting Friday afternoon. It wa
decided that the third and laat of the senior
socials would be given June k. Thia one
promises to be the most enjoyable of any
that bave a yet been given and will oe
held ea the high school campus, it is
known sa the "moonllrht social." The
acralaureate service mill he held June 7.
and on June JO the lanauet and class pluv
exercise will be given. The high school
Hltimnl will entertain the class of 1902 Tues
day evening June 23.
Mr. and Mr. Htich Buttle ware hualness
visitors In Omaha Tuesday.
Carl Tavlor of Council ninfra nenft Stun
day here visiting his parents.
o. w. Mayfleld of the Omaha World-Herald
wa a vialtor In Florence Saturday.
Jaepejr Smith ha purchased a new soda
fountain and placed It In his drug store.
Mlsa Mattle and Blanche Tucker visited
with the family of C. S. Huntineion of
Omaha Sunday.
Mrs. Wulf of Blair snent a count e of davs
this week visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Wllllsm Banks.
Miss Flora Araenslna-er of Omaha spent
Saturday and Sunday here the guest of Mr.
aim mra. jasper emun.
Mr. and Mrs. Weber. Jr., spent Bundav at
Omaha visiting Mra. Weber a parent, Mr.
and Mrs. John Bondesson.
Mrs. Foster, who hna heen anendlna- th
Ipst three months In Chlcnro vtsltinar her
son. returned home Monday.
Mrs. A. J. Smith and son Lloyd left for
Kimball, Neb.. Monday, where they will
pend the summer with Mr. Smith.
Memorial service was held at the Presby
terian church Sunday, Rev. Cardy, the reg
ular minister, conducting the services.
Mr. Ferdinand Johansen and Mrs. E.
Bolin of Hay Pnrlnars. Neb., have been the
guest of Mr. L. A. Taylor for the past
Mrs. Charles Tieta and dauchter of
Omaha spent a couple of days this week
vlaltlng her parents, Mr. and Mra. Frank
The member ot the Christian church
fave an ice cream social at the city hall
aturday night. The proceeds went to the
maintenance of the church.
The member of the Ladles' Aid society
surprised Mrs. Andrew Anderson at her
home Friday afternoon. Those present were
jure. i-. vt. i-anson, Mrs. T. j. Hwanson,
Mrs. Ida and Jennie Kindred, Mrs. John
Smith. Mrs. Bergstresser. Mrs. H. Ander
son. Mrs. T. P. Hersklnds. Mrs. Plerson.
Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. F. F. Gordon.
Mr. Loretz Joraeson. who has been verv
111 for some time, Is now slowly recovering.
Miss Miller of Glonwood. Ia.. snent a few
days' visiting with friends In Benson, re
turning to her home on last Monday.
Services will be held at the Methodist
Episcopal church today at the usual time,
morning and evening. Pastor, Rev. Crews.
Miss Phoebe Jarman of Gretna. Neb..
visited over Sunday last week with friends
In Benson. She returned to her home on
Monday morning.
Mrs. A. Lowe entertained at dinner last
Monday afternoon. Covers were laid for
Rev. and Mrs. John Crew and Rev. and
Mrs. A. M. Totman.
' The Ladles' Aid society held It rea-ular
meeting last Wednesday afternoon at the
home of Mra Childs. The next meetina will
be held at the paraonsge.
All the services of the dav were closed at
the Mothodlst church last Sunday after tha
Sunday school session on account of the
Kpworlh rally day at the First church of
The next regular business and aoclal
meetinpr of the Epworth league will be held
next Monday evening at the home of Miss
Kthel Morgan. All members are requested
to be present.
C. Stelger and Rev. A. M. Totman of thl
place went to Omaha today to Join with the
urana Army or tne Kepumic post in at
tending Memorial services at the First
Presbyterian church.
Mra Harvey J. Grove will leave today for
Missouri,, where she will attend the golden
wedding anniversary celebration of her
Largest Exclusive Retail
. 0
Special Sale Trimmed Hats Monday
Our Prices Are Always Right.
Investigate. It pays. See ours before you buy
Ash any woman who's ths best milling
Beautiful creations of milliner's art the newest
ideas and the latest at reasonable prices come
and be convinced.
1511 Douglas St
S After such an enormous sale as we had Saturday
we can Bhow only, new things.
THAT he ba never see a such varied unique dain.y appropriate
wadding announcement and Invitation or society stationery as that
now displayed hero.
Our embosMd monograms snd addresses are quite the rage.
The Pleasant Lounging Time
IS HERE It's comfort depends on books Our stock contains everything
you oeed paper cover or fine binding at any price. .
iietieteeeiei n steieieieieieisieieieieieieie;
parents. Mr. and Mr. Bellls. She will re
main some time to visit.
Mrs. Childs was called to the Presby
terian hospital of Omaha laat week on ac
count of the serious Illness of her niece,
who ha been In the hospital some time.
The May fair and bazar, under the atia
plcee of the Methodist Episcopal church,
closed last Saturday evening a week wl:h
fine success. About fWO was cleared In all.
Mrs. J. A. Morgan received the rocking
chair which was voted to the moat populnr
woman of this plnce. A musical and
literary program wes given at 8:30 of the
last evening.
RjO Woman
on whose face, neck or arm there are dis
figuring blotches of
Superfluous Hair
There Is only one method of removing
unnecessary hair that Is indorsed by phy
sicians, surgeons, dermatologists and medi
cal Journals, and that Is
a wonderful liquid preparation, which In
stantly removes the hair by dlaaolvlng it,
retarding and destroying Its growth, with
out the slightest Injury to the skin or com-
f lexion. It is sure, safe, quick, painless and
nexpensive. Money refunded If it falls to
do all that Is claimed for It. Sealed book
let, with indorsements of the largest drug
gists and some of the most prominent phy
sicians In the land, mailed free. Corre
spondence strictly confidential. "De Mira
cle" mailed in plain, sealed wrapper on re
ceipt of 1 by De Miracle Chemical Co.,
Park ave. and 130th at, New Tork, or sold by
The beauties of thl wonderful
ready-to-wear shoe for women are
much commented on by discrimina
ting people.
Patent kid lace and button boots
that coat $6 per pair In the large
profit shop are sold here for
Shoe Store
203 South Fifteenth Street.
Millinery House In Jhe West.
1511 Douglas St.
We have received
an immense line
$10 TO $75
Or $5 Down and
Trade the eld sewing machine
off and get your wife one o( ear
& Wilson
We sell for rash or on easy pay
ment. Secoad-hand Itnlsg
Machines from gt te $10. Free
Sewlnar School Every Tharaday.
We rent machines of any make for
75c per week or 2 per month. We sell
parts for and repair ail machines manufactured.
10O Second-hand Typewriters ea bead. All makes Low Prices.
GEO. E. IJICXEL, Uanager.
Phone 16S.
334 Broadway, Conncfl Staffs.
'Phone B-61A.
as 111 'I $2V
White silk Gloves, stitched with white or black Black allH glove, stitched with
whit or black prices 6oc. 75c and $1.00.
Opera Gloves elbow length 60c. 7Sc. $1.00 and $1.15 In white or black. ,
Black or white lace, opera or elbow length glove $1.50 and $1.75.
Lisle gloves. In black, white or gray Wc and 7tc. ,
Lace lisle gloves, black, white, modes or grays price 75c, $1.00 and $1 50.
811k lace mUts, regular and elbow lengths. In white or black 60c, 75c, $1.09, $160
$1.76 and $2.25. '
Gausa Hllk Hand decorated, lace, plain or spangled, bone or enamel sticks pi lues
60c, 76c, $1.00, $1.26, up to $1160 . New ribbon for sashes.
Western Headquarters for
ii Victor Talking Machines
And Phonograph Records. Why not
buy where you can have the largest
20.0U0 Record to select from.
$1.50 Per Week.
Wi sell
Or a cheap wheel for $20.00.
eeoad-hand Wheels from (18 to
f 10.
Cor. 15th and Harney Sta.
811 !. Mth Street, Month Omaha.
Thome 4868.
CaJU attention to .
Attractive Bargains In
Ladies' Suits
Dress Skirts v
Spring Coats
Representing most popular model in ma
terial suited to the season. Also a few
misses' Suits II to IB years. New Waists.
12.00 to $5.00. New Petticoats, $1.00 to M.25.
New Lace Corset Covers, $1.00. New Wash
able Bhlrt Waist Suits. Bave your fur
and olothtng with a Moth-Proof Bag, 60a.
O. K. Scofield
Cloak and Suit Co.
I5IO Doujcla St.
A little care in kcepintr
the . scalp perfectly
clean and healthy will
do much toward pro
ducing or preserving a
good head of hair.
Facial Soap
makes a perfect sham
poo. Possesses peculiar
properties that keep the
scalp healthy. Cleanses
the hair thoroughly.
After shampoo apply
Woodbury's Hair Tonic.
Prevents scurf, scales,
dandruff and hair fall
ing. Stimulates growth
and restores luster.
Your dealer has It.
35 cents a cake.
Special Offer or booklet, trial slse
Facial Cream sent
for 6 enis to pay
postage, or for 10
oania th same, and
samples of Wood-
nurv'a Vu.1.1
der and Ifental Cream
addreaa Ikmi
jow 5nu, unclniutl, 0.
TffTi 'i iVhrmur i 'I i inrii V fithfiiiTT
Gyclo Go.,
Best Silk Gloves Made,
Kpyser Patn,t double finger tips, guaranteed to outwear other
parts of. tha glove.