Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1903, PART I, Page 5, Image 5

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other individual they have the right to
Fire-Fighter's Story
rhooae freely their wife, for It U an al
liance for Ufa. and their personal happiness
la mora pracloua than a Momentary phase
Bum an' Mioii-er of Interior Holds LItm of ot craft-"
Thinki Comb? Obto Convention Ought Hot
to Endorse Roosevelt
People in H i Hands.
Of Finnish f.slraetlon Ha Una Dona
Mora to 0prc aad Rob Cnan
trrmta of l.lbertlee Than
All Hla Predecessors.
(Copyright, Itn, uy Press Publishing Co.)
ST. PETERSBURG, May 2s (New Tor It
World Cablegram Special Telegram.) In
terior Minister W. K. Von Plehwe. whoaa
dlapatcb to General Von Ruben, the gov
amor of Bessarabia, made the way clear
for tha KlachlneftT maaaacra, probably la
the moat powerful man In tha cull do
nalna. lie certainly la mora powerful than
tha cult hlmaelf. Von Plehwe la mora than
as yean old and haa (pent forty roars In
tha eervice of tha state. Before tha csar
ailed him to succeed tha murdered mln
leter, Spyagtn, ha waa a aanator of tha
Russian counsel of tha empire and secre
tary of atate In tha Orand Duchy of Fin
land. Ma waa a man of no mark then and
Waa generally retarded aa hidebound
bureaucrat. '
Von Plehwa la not a man of learning like
Pobedonosteff, nor haa ha tha fanatlc'a
excuse of conviction for carry In on ax
treme measures. From hla youth ha haa
been brought up In official circles, among
men who regard tha oonunon people aa
either dangerous crlmlnala to be repreaaed
or lnnocenta to be Ignored. Early In life
he frequently waa employed on mlaalona
aent to outlying provincea to Inquire Into
'caaea of peculation of public property and
he. obtained a certain notoriety for the
draatio ehangea he advocated. Hla own
handa are clean, and In a country Ilka
Ruaala that la the supreme reoommenda
Uon for tha Important poat cf mlnlatar of
tha Interior.,
The educated youth of Ruaala pursue Von
Plehwa with bitter animosity. They can
not tolerate a man whom they say turns
upon hla own people. . ,
' lie la largely of Finnish blood, yet ac
man In Ruaala has so signalised hlmaelf
for barbarity toward tha Tins. Ha pre
' pared the way tor tha downfall cf Finland.
Aa the aupretne head of tha police. Yon
Plehwa la In hla element. Net only Is the
Ordinary police under his control, but the
famoua "third section" as wail. Ha la the
supreme master of tha army of aples and
Informers. He la the power behind the
throne. With a word he can ruin anyone
and no questions will be asked. Ha con
trols the preaa of tha country. The cen
sors are his creatures.
He la a man of no accomplishments, la
laborious, but without a trace of brilliancy
He Is an indifferent conversationalist, la
fond of mualo and reads numerous French
novels during his hours cf ease, but there
Is little else to relieve the shadow hla
somber figure throws across the empire of
the csar. .
Chancellor Bays He Wae Obliged to
Issae the Vaaderbtlt-Rather-ford
LONDON. May . In a letter to the
Times, oocupylng three colums. Dr. Tris
tram, chancellor of the London diocese, to
day defenda hla action In granting the
Vanderbllt-Rutherfurd marriage license by
law and custom. Dr. Tristram contenda
that be waa obliged to grant Mr. Vander
bilt'a application.
The chancellor's answer to the bishop of
London's severe criticism forms the text
for a lengthy, editorial In the Tlmea which
aaya Dr. Tristram's argument opena up an
Important controversy between church and
state. The paper maintains that Rev.
Haddom's action In marrying Vanderbllt
and Mrs. Rutherfurd was due simply to an
error of Judgment, which It hopes will not
be copied by other of the English clergy,
and deprecates the "heavy moral sense
which aeema to be implied by the bishop
of London's language."
The Tlmea upholda Dr. Tristram's con
tention that he had no right to interfere
In a matter so dubious that the Houee cf
Commons had legislated in direct contra
diction cf each other and In "the general
moral sense of the publlo."
The editorial continues:
It would seem a great hardship If by the
sole fault of the guilty party an Innocent
person should be placed during the lifetime
of that partner under one of the greatest
and most trying disabilities that can be
-Inflioted, a disability which may Involve
the greatest temptation, and where Chris
tian opinion haa been and la clearly
divided. Even clergymen owe some defer
ence to the lawn of their country and atlll
more to the moral sense of Justice In the
aye He Opposes Assenting Province
of Convention of 1B04 Whlea Haa
Dnty of Aanenaclng Btata'a
Choice of Caadldatea.
CLEVELAND, O., May S3. Senator
Hanna, In an Interview thla afternoon con
cerning widely circulated reports aa to hla
position In connection with a proposed reso
lution to be Introduced at the coming state
republican convention endorsing President
Roosevelt for a aecond term, made the fol
lowing statement to the representative of
the Associated Press:
I have seen tha reported Interview with
Senator Foraker with reference to the pro
posed endorsement of the nomination of
President Roosevelt by the next Ohio re
publican state convention. At the outset
I want to deny that Mr. Dover, my private
secretary, or, so far aa I know, any of my
friends, had anything to do with raising
this Question.
The first I knew of It waa when I read
In the papera a prevloua Interview with
Senator Foraker which 1 construed aa an
expression of his own personal views. Thla
waa followed by an interview with Oeneral
Oroavenor along the name lines. This made
rt apparent trial mere was a aisposiuon
on the part of aome people to auggeat action
by the convention.
I certainly have no criticism to make of
any Individual aa to hla rlghta to entertain
or express such views, but I certainly do
criticise the propriety of action along that
line by the delegates to the atate conven
tion, who are chosen for the purpose of
nominating a atate ticket. It doea not ap
pear to me to be entirely proper for thla
convention to assume the prerogatives of
the one to be chosen In 1U04, and'upon which
one will rest the responsibility of represent
ing ana expressing the sentiment in our
state for any candidate.
It would seem unnecessary for ma to aav
dons of mv own.
Report Morgan Will Beaaeath Hla I I have often stated, both privately and
puonciy, tnat i am not and win not be
candidate for the Dresidentlal nomination,
On account of my position as chairman
of the republican national committee, and
the further fact that thla year I am sud-
poaed to have a vital Interest In the re
sults In Ohio aa bearing upon my re-election
to the United States senate, It would
be preaumed that I might have aome In
fluence aa to the policy or action of the
tate convention this year In national affairs.
In that connection It would seem apparent
Morgan Will Beaaeath
Collection to the
Two American Helr
Titloa by Matrix
(Copyright, 1901, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON. May 23. (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) The World
correspondent learned from the blgheat au
thority that under J. Pierpont Morgan's
will all his collection of art treasures will
pass to the American nation and not to his
son. i
, This, It Is. said, may form the basts of an
arrangement under which the collection
may be admitted Into the United States
free. '
Henry J. Duveen, a famoua art expert of
New York and the art adviser cf Mr.
Morgan, was sees by the World eorre
spendent at Clarldge'a hotel and asked If
It waa true, as waa reported, that Mr.
Morgan's art treasures were about to be
taken to the United States. (
"I don't believe there Is any foundation
tor the report," Mr. Duveen answered. "It
seems to be baaed upon the falae assump
tion that at the extra seslon of congress
a bill was to be paaaed relieving Mr. Mor
gan of tariff on his works of art. No such
proposal was on paper and there la no
reason to suppose that these works of art
will bo removed at present to New York."
that If such a resolution were adopted that
whatever that Influence might be had been
exerted In a direction which would cause
Just criticism on the Dart of aiiv other Mr-
son who might aspire to be a candidate for
tne republican nomination for president In
jjut. ror mese reasons
the adoption of such a
I am opposed
(Continued from First Page.)
(Copyright, MOt, by Preaa Publlahlnf Co.)
ROME, May 21 (New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) Cornelius
Vanderbllt and his family have arrived at
Maaalna In his steam yacht North Star.
They are on the way- to Taormlnato to
visit the ruins of the famoua amphitheater.
The wedding of Prinoe Glambatlsa Roa
plglloal and Ethel Bronson, a rich American
girl, which was. first set for June 4, was
solemnised May M, aa the bridegroom
feared opposition to tt at the last moment
from his relatlvea. The couple are now on
their way to the United States. Battle ta
will become the head of the princely Roa
plgllosl family If hla uncle. Prince
Oulaeppe Roe plgllosl, who married Mrs.
Farkhurst of Washington, dlea without a
male heir. '
The marriage of Count Oulaeppe Delia
Oherardesca, honorary attache to the Ital
' Ian embassy at Washington, and Mlsa Tay
lor, the only daughter of an American
"steel king," waa celebrated In Florence
Thursday. It waa a very "smart affair."
Ambassador Meyer haa returned . here
after a short atay in Florence.
Count Telfner, the brother-in-law of Mrs.
Mackay, met with a aerloua motor accident
near Parma thla week. While traveling
In the direction of Rome at a apeed of forty
ml'an an hour, he ran Into a wagon loaded
with timber. The auto was smashed and
Count Telfner waa taken to a hospital In
Olno dl Martlno, whose betrothal to Miss
Telfner the World announced recently, was
alao In the car, but he eacaped with se
vere shaking up.
Major McBrlde, Husband, of
Oonno, Servos Wotleo on
Detract era.
LONDON, Mar Major McBrlde. or
ganiser of the Irish Transvaal brigade, la
an open letter from Paris has challenged
John Redmond, Timothy C. Harrington and
their friends to fight ens or more duels la
consequence of their attitude toward Mrs.
McBrlde (formerly Maude Oonne) at the
meeting of cltisens held In Dublin rotunda
on Monday night last In support of the
Irish parliamentary fund, and which re-
from Paris. Wa heard nothing from him
until a ear later, when a friend at Naples
Informed ua that the count was there with
his yacht and expecting to marry tha
daughter of the Russian ambassador In
Italy. The next day I was on my way to
Russia with my mother and my brother.
Csar to the Roeeao.
"Governor Seymour was the American
minister then In - St. Petersburg, and
through him the csar heard my story. Hs
was greatly excited at the recital of my
wrongs and vowed to settle with the man
who had so disgraced hla emperor and the
whole Russian nobility. Immediately he
Issued an imperial ukase ordering Count
Puerbel to return to Ruaala and marry me
or take tha alternative of going to Siberia
for Ufa
The count was not In Ruaala, but If ha
had disregarded the ukase " his estates
would have been forfeited and he would
never have been allowed to return to his
native land. Bo be oamo to St. Peters
burg. '
"The count's family begged mo not to
insist upon the marriage because he was
such a bad man. They were afraid ho
mira in scene, oi extreme a i soraer, owing would kill me. But the csar gave me my
to the presence of members of the Oaello pas port hlmaelf before the marriage, so
league, who are opposed to giving King when the count threatened to keep roa In
Edward a friendly welcome on hla coming Russia by withholding my passport, as
visit to Ireland. Major McBrlde saya: Ruaslan husbands can do under ordtnarv
I ?!5M:.?nIVttl!f fac! thV. my w,f circumstance. I showed him this passport.
la a lady prevented Redmond and Harrtnar- I ..Tt . , , , . , ; ,
km and the followere from dealing sum- il bti never d,aU w1th an American
ion and the followere from dealing aum
mamy wun ner. Tney evidently regret
that It waa not her husband who waa pres
ent. Unfortunately I cannot ma tn
at present, but In the meantime if any of
them feel aggrieved at my wife's action I
shall be most happy to give them satisfac
tion in in is non accommodating country.
I Aaaerleaa Ambassador to Aaatrla r
ablo to Find What Ho
(Copyright. 1903, by Press Publishing Co.)
VIENNA. May 23. (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) Tha Amert-
they conalder suitable lodging or house
How the Strongest Man in the Philadelphia Fire DepartmentOnce
the Weakest Gained His Strength and Health, by Using
Swamp-Root, the Great Kidney and Bladder Remedy.
HERE'S the story of a man who was near death's door and
wan Rftvinl hv linintr Kwamn-Itoot.
If he came to you and said: "My friend, do you suffer with
kidney, trouble? Does your
back ache? Do you feel
bad all over and can't tell exact-
y what's the matter? Hare you
tried medicines or doctors with
out benefit? Are you about
discouraged? Then do as I did,
and get well Use Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root! I know it will
cure you."
If he did this, would you be
lieve him?
Wouldn't you, if you were a
sufferer, follow his advice, know
ing that he bore liring, sentient,
vital testimony to the wonderful
virtues of this great natural
WELL, that is just what
Hugo Ilutt, strongest
man in the Philadelphia Fire
Department, hero of a hundred
battles with the flames, is do
ing now through the medium of
this newspaper.
Ilugo Uutt has been connect
ed with the Philadelphia Fire
Department for the past four
years. tie is stationed at the
engine house at Nineteenth and
Callowhill street. Mr. Hutt
is known as the strongest man in the Fire Department and has
taken many prizes at athletic tournaments for his prowess in the
field of sports.
He Is also an ex-sergeant of the United States Infantry, hav
ing for several years been stationed at Fort Niobrara, Neb. Mr.
Hutt also served with .the Sixth Pennsylvania Regiment during
the Spanish-American war.
, YV -W' . M' -V"' w
ir ' ' . . ... ' '; " -
IV.' V. iiSftftfjTffl
'ft ' W . '
ERR Is tb story as ho gave It to a apodal reprasentstiv of Philadelphia
treat newspaper, 'The North American:"
"Tou will hardly believe It when I tell you there was a ttmo vttea my body waa
In such a diseased condition that my relatlvea and friends would hava, at o time,
beeo surprtoed to leara of my death. It
was all duo to kidney trouble, for which I
could secure no relief. I was under the
care of ray family physician for a number
of years, but ho was unable to do no any
good. I alao consulted two noted special
ists oa kidney diseases, but they were un
able to give mo more than temporary roller
X had already made application to Jola thr
army, but was tarned flows oa eooount ol
my bad physical eaAHloa.
f was adrlead to try that greatest of all
"I wrwte U Dr. Klljaer A Oa. at Bingham
ton. M. fwr a sample bottle, sad Its ef
fect cpea see was oe aotleeablo that I went
Immediately and bought a supply from my
ereggist, with the result that la a ecmpara
trrelr abort time I bad entirely recovers'
sad beoame the maa you ceo mo bow.
1 served a a umber of years la the array
aad tor the past tour years I bate beet
ooaaeetoa with the Philadelphia Sire D
partment. My work, both la the arm
and fighting Bros la Philadelphia, baa bee
et the moot arduous, sad work that
eeald sot do did I aot have a strong pari
1 do net know what the wordo "Kldnr
Trouble mean now, and do not expect t
I eaaaot speak toe highly of Swamp-Roo.
A tow bottles of this great remedy did mo
tor mo than a dosea physicians could."
(Signed) HUGO HUTT.
ttai'Vtao St., Philadelphia, Pt.
ND this is only one man'
story if the average
reader of a newspaper could be persuaded to read the thousands
of such testimonials which come to Dr. Kilmer's' Swamp-Root,
the kidney troubles which now afflict humanity would be cut
down fifty per cent.
For these testimonials all prove beyond a doubt that the great
est cure for kidney, liver and bladder troubles Is
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp -Root
EDITORIAL NOTICE Swamp-Roo t is so remarkably successful that a Hpeelal urrangemeat bas beeu made by which all of our readers who hare not aV
ready tried It, may bare a aample bottle sent absolutely free by mall, also a book that tells all about It and lta wonderful curea. Addreao Dr. Kilmer Co..
Blnghamton, N. Y. In writing, be sure to mention that you read thla generous offer In The Omaha Sunday Bee. The regular fifty-cent and one-dollar alae
bottles are sold by all druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root Dr. Kilmer'a Swamp-Root, and the address, Blnghamton,
N. Y., on every bottle. . . ... "
Emperor William Saya Thay Are Rat
Wanted la the Iatperlal
fCopyrljcht, ltOI, by Vreas Publishing Co)
- BERLIN. May 21-(New Tor World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) "My aons
will only marry women they love," Em
peror William la reported to have aald
lately. They will not marry to please the
dlplomata nor to aatlefy the exigencies of
politics I believe firmly that Ilka ovary
and have taken the houae In which Minis
ter McCormlck lived for several yeara.
It Is a charming residence between a
court, with high railings and a garden, and
close to the ducheas of Modenaa' palace.
The name, which atlll adherea to the place.
Is the only drawback, for It once belonged
to the Baroness Vetsua, the mother of the
111 fated young woman whom the Austrian
Crown Prince Rudolph ahot before he com
mitted suicide at Mayertllng. Perhapa that
waa the reason why Mrs. Storer did not
take tha houae at first.
The American ambassador's addreaa la
Saleatanergaaaa, No. 11.
Is a Baby's So. p.
Brewery Coaspaay of Hoaolela Hot
Liable I'ader Coat r act
Labor Statute.
Is a Lady's Soap.
Is a gentleman's soap,
la a aoap for everybody who wants the
beat toil.t aoap ever made.
It Improves the complexion.
It softens the skin.
It cures chapped hands and chapped
Hps. .
It cures pimples.
. It cures sores.
- It cures babies and grown folks of all
' ekia oruptkma.
It curea dandruff.
It stops the hair from falling oat.
It saakes the hair grow.
It is the best shampoo made.
It is ideal for shaving.
It gives the glow of youth to sallow
and dull complexions,
s It ts mors soothing thaa cold cream
mora beautifying thaa any lot loo ar
It ia pure enough to oat,
Sold Everywhere, 15c.
If your blood or liver ia out of order
or If you suffer with indigestion, yon
should take Munyoa's Blood Cure snd
Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure. The Blood
Curs will eradicate all poisons from tha
ayatem, aad the Dyspepsia Cure will give
yon a good appetite aad enable you to
(iigeal everything von cat, thus making
good, rich blood. These remedies Is cea
section with Muavon's Witch-Hasel &eaa
Will Impievs say Tnrrtliltsa,
HONOLULU. May ii-CBy Pacific Cable
to the Associated Preaa) Private parties
have demanded that the government sue
the brewery company for 1 40,000 for an
alleged violation of tha United States con
tract labor law.
It la alleged that the company Induced
1M Koreans to immigrate to the Hawaiian
Islands under contract to work on varioua
plantations The federal officers have
learned that the agent aent to Korea Ut
year to engage laborers waa eupplted with
the treaaury Instructions Issued under an
old law, which has el nee been abrogated.
The government, therefore, haa decided
that the brewery company la not liable for
an Infraction of the law.
woman before and he could not believe
was able to get ao many favors from hla
sovereign. He waa ao astonished he had
not a word to say. I told him I was not
afraid of him and that I would never
see him after the marriage was legalised.
But the rites at Nice were blndlna to ma
PROVES TASK I""1 1 was-determined to make him feel
uie same ponoa.
-ine csar ordered the marriage per
formed at Warsaw, as the court was there
and the scene waa a brilliant one. The
story, too, had got abroad and excited
much interest and the streets were .filled
with people from the town and tha vll
In Moaning, at Altar.
"But I dressed In mourning from head
to foot My mother and brother were with
me In the church and at the dor stood my
father, who had haatened over from Amer
ica. He had a loaded revolver In hia hand
and fully Intended shooting Count Guerbel
dead If he made the least resistance to es
cape the ceremony. However, the thought
of Siberia for life waa enough to Induce
the count to make mo his wife according to
Russian law, as I waa already according
to American law.
"After the ceremony I took off the ring
and flung It in hla face. That la not the
way a woman usually wina a man'a heart,
but, atrangely enough, the count waa des
perately in love from that time afterward.
"Several times afterward when I waa In
Paris ho tried to Induce me to live with
him. But I declined even to see him, and
he had atormy Interviews with my mother.
Once he appeared at our apartment with
two big policemen and demanded ma as his
wife. We were French subjects and wo
laughed at him..
"When he died I would not touch a
penny of his money or take a foot of hla
landJ - .
"And that Is ths story. I would not tell
It ss long aa he waa alive, but now that
he la dead, perhapa it will prevent aome
foolish American girl from throwing herself
away on a titled foreigner. They are all
alike; they want nothing but her money."
fesaed also to shield vines from disease by
various Incantations.
Not far from Potsdam there Is a village
In which several arrests hava been made
by the police of persons professing the
power of bewitching the peasants' cattle
and who were paid by tha peaaants for not
exercising their malign powera.
And. now much virtuous indignation la
spent over the extensive advertising in the
Fatherland by the "New Tork Institute of
Science" of Rochester, N. T., which Institu
tion wishes to establish correspondence
courses in Germany on hypnotism, mes
merism, occultism, magnetism and sugges
tion. The price for a oourse Is 6.25. Sev
eral papers warn their readera to have
nothing to do with It. It Is a grievance
agalnat America.
occurred all day long Thursday near the
Bulgarian village of Mogil. six miles north
of Monastlr. Details of the fight, which
presumably was between the imperial
forcea and Insurgent bands, have not been
received. The Insurgents are active In tha
Malesh mountaina, southwest of DJumbala.
Celebrants of Walpnrgis Night Hava a
Callly Carpet en Dancing
(Copyright, 1K8. by Press Publishing Co.)
BERLIN, May 23. New Tork World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) Seven hun
dred men and women assembled on the
summit of the Brocken to celebrate Wal-
purgis night at midnight. They came from
all parts of the Harts mountains and were
dressed In the traditional coatumea of wis
ards and witches. Tha cars which took
them to the top were decorated with wltchea'
brooms snd other emblems of ths "black
Arrived at a dancing place made memor
able In "Faust" they found ths place cov
erew with snow. A student dressed to
represent the devil ascended the rocky
pulpit from which Mephlsto once held forth
and preached to the company. Then aome
women recited Incantations. The night was
spent In dancing and at dawn the people
deacended the mountain amidst the filter
ing snow streama, chanting music specially
composed lor tne occasion.
of Medians, Hypnotist
Fakirs All Over
Makes aa Offer tar Letessase Batata,
Oao af Meet Extensive In
(Copyright, 190. by Preaa Publlahlng Co.)
WANTAGE, England. May Jk (New
Tork World Cablegram Special Telegram.)
Richard Croker ia said to have offered to
Mr. Silver, the squire of Letoombe, (136.000
for hla extenalve Letcombe eatatea. Includ
ing the principal house In the district,
called Letcombe Bowera.
The Sllvera have been lords of the manor
at Letcombe for generatlona and that
ahadowy title would go with the eatata to
Mr. Croker If the purchase should be com
pleted. He would then be one of the larg
est tandswasro la tha oeuaty.
(Copyright, 1903, by Preaa Publlahlng Co.)
BERLIN. May S.-(New Tork World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) Germany is
carrying on a vlgoroua campaign of prose
cution agalnat faith cure, medluma, clalr
voyanta, hypnotists and the like, who are
denounced aa swindlers. Ths latest la the
caae of a woman In Marne, Saxony, named
Louise Kreasel, who Interested a whole
dtetrlct by her talea of the aplrlt world.
She waa an adept In "spirit writing" and
her charge for a message was some tlmea
aa high as 1100. The police have arrested
her snd have discovered a complicated ap
paratus which aha employed In her calling.
Another Interesting case Is that of
blacksmith named Torg, In - Bavaria, who
cured animals by the "magnetic power of
hla eya" Torg had an enormous clientage
among the farm era and vine-dresaers and
had an income of about. tS.OuO a year until
the polks began making Inquiries. Us pro
Ship Is Badly Damaged and Three
Persons Thenght tn Hava
Lost Lives.
QUEBEC. Manitoba. May 23. Tha steam
ship Coban of tha Black Diamond Una,
from Sydney for Montreal, which paased
Inward oft Matane light yesterday, sig
nalled that an explosion of gas had oc
curred on board which completely de
atroyed the saloon. Three iron beams were
also broken In the lower deck.
A waiter waa killed and two steerage pas
aengera are missing, and it is thought they
were thrown overboard by tha force of the
Honorably Acqnltted.
MANILA, May 2J. The verdict in the
court-martial of Captain Carl F. Hart
mann of Wis aignal corps, charged with
embesxlement of government property, la a
full and honorable acquittal.
Fight Lasts All Day.
Ha Waives Esamtantton and ta Boaad
Over While Hla Traep Starte
for the Philippines.
STURQIS. S. D.. May M.-(8peclal.)
PhlHp J. Shannon of E troop, Thirteenth
cavalry, waa caught In the act of bur
glarizing the place of business of Fruth A
Co. yeaterdajr morning Just before day
light and waa placed under arrest. The
prisoner waa taken before Judge Madison
and waived examination. He waa placed
under S600 bonda to appear before the next
term of Meade county circuit court.
Shannon aaya two other soldiers Induced
him to commit the crime. This trouble
prevented him from Joining his troop,
which departed for San Francisco yester
day on the way to the Philippines.
Youngster Tries to Climb High CUB
In Dendwond aad Meets Death .
In the Attempt.
DEAD WOOD, S. D., May tS. (Special
Telegram.) Walter, the a-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. William Stevens of this city,
met death today by falling from a high
cliff In the Flrat ward, known as the Pal
isades. The boy had climbed part way to
the top of the cliff when a ledge of rock
on which he was standing gsve way, carry.
Ing htm to the bottom. The lad'e neck
was broken and his body bruised by the
rock, which accompanied him In his fall.
Is carefully guarded by the same com
pany from any chance of contamination,
. from the time the seed Is planted until
years afterward when the tree has begun
bearing and the coffee has been picked,
ireparcd for market and finally sold
o the consumer. It is the cleanest '
coffee in the world. Your grocer sells it
t Air-Tight CuniiUn ffum tmtg tkt .luei.
. W
Five Will Graduate at aturgls.
8TUROI8, S. D., May S3. (Special.) The
Sturgia High school closes lta Iabora next
Thursday. There are five graduates
Mabel B. Gardner. Alta B. Smith, Allyn R.
Cooper, Vernon W. Meeker and Arthur P.
Hough. On Thursday evening the pupils
will present a comedy play entitled "The
School Ma'am." On Friday evening the
regular commencement exerclaea will be
Thirty-Five Take Scottish Rite.
TANKTON. 8. D., May 21-(8peclal Tel
egramsThe ahrlne meeting here last
night, presided over by Henry C. Akin,
imperial potentate of North America, was
the largest In the history of the state.
8eventy-two candldatea closed the week
of Scottish lite work, In which a claas of
thirty-five took the work.
New Ckareh far Stnrgls.
BTURQI3. 8. D., May 23. (8peclal.)
Bturgls Is to have a new Roman Cathollo
church. The Catholic society haa pur
chased aeven lota in the heart of the city
aa a alte. It la the Intention to put up an
edifice to cost in the neighborhood of J30,.
Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year.
I. mi i 1 " an
Low Rate Excursions
m HO Jri:anepol!s, Ind Juno T-th.
j::JJ5 Boston, Miss Juno to to July 4th.
til.fio Detroit. Mich July 14th-15th.
I32.2S Baltimore, Md July nth-lath.
t'JO.10 Bellnfontalna, Ohio May 28th to June 1st.
(42.10 Atlantic Oa July 6th to Tth. Denver, Colorado Springs
and Pueblo, Colo Juno 1st to September aXk.
$15.00 Denver. Colorsdo Springs
and Pueblo July 1st to 10th.
ISO 80 Salt Lake City and Odgen
160.00 San Francisco and Los
Angeles July 1st to 10th. .
ttf.OO San Franciaco and Los
Angeles August 1st to 14th.
Homeseekers' tickets to many points Juno tnd and lth. .
112.60 Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, Juno 2nd aad 16th.
$30 00 Salt Lake City, Odgen, Butte and Helena. )
.too Poland. Seattle. Tacoma.
I2&.00 Los Angeles snd Ban Franciaco. J
Ticketa on aalo by all Ocean and I-eke Steamers.
Division Passenger Agent,
1323 Finn Street,
OMAHA, - - - NEB.