Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 20, Image 20
CO THE OMAHA DATLY BEE: SUNDAY, MAY 24. 1903. NOT COMPLETE SETTLEMENT Union Pacific Machinist Not In on tin New Ycrk Agreement WILL HAVE A CONFERENCE IN OMAHA Boiler Makers and Bl.clnmllbi the Oaly Parlies te Return to Work lader the Term of Preaeat Compact. HAYDEVS URASD BA1KR1 tT BALE. "The Union Pacific strike may be settled ao far aa the boiler makers are concerned, but It In not Battled, nor la there any pro posed basis ot settlement so far as the ma chinists are concerned." This statement is given out by the local machinists' committee, which Is in receipt f this telegram from First Vice President P. J. Conlon. who is in Washington: "Do not be guided by any reports of set tlement sent out. We have arranged for conference with officials In Omaha." A later dispatch says the date for the conference In Omaha is June 1. The press dispatches confirm those of sev eral days ago that the boiler makers had settled their differences with the Union Pa cific, to it is probable no further confer ences will be held with reference to the boiler makers' affairs. Local Uiller maker are In receipt of telegrams from their rep resentatives at New York confirming the press dispatches of the settlement and spy ing the representatives left for Omaha Fri day night. While there Is no disposition to doubt a future settlement all around, yet since the machinists constitute the overwhelming ma jority of the strikers, it is pointed out that the strike will not be settled until an agree ment Is reached between the company and the machinists, which cannot be until after the conference that has been decided on for Omaha. Representatives for Conference. At this conference the strikers will be represented by the executive committee of the International Association of Machinists, consisting of M. J. Ford, New York; H. F. Gerrett, Atlanta; Hugh Uoran, Chicago; Edward Tucker, Washington; James Rey nolds, Cleveland. This committee will ar rive In Omaha May 31. James O'Connell, president of the association, of Washington, Is an cx-offlclo member of this committee, but as he Is sick he may not be at the Omaha conference. Mr. O'Connell or any other representative of the machinists did not attend the conference In New York, as waa reported. President John McNeil of the boiler makers and President John Slo cum of the blacksmiths and representatives from Omaha were there. The blacksmiths having been represented. It Is understood they are In on the settlement with the boiler makers. At Union Pacific headquarters yester day It waa said that no word had been re .ivd from President Burt as to the progress of negotiations with the strikers. Tho local machinists, who are In constant communication with their International headquarters at Washington, are giving out very little Information. Vice President Wilson declines to talk on the details or terms of any proposed or rumored settle ment, saying he prefers to let matters take their course and have an amicable and satisfactory adjustment made as soon as possible. Associated Press Report. Thla report comes through the Associated Press and Is confirmed by private advices from Omaha boiler makers In New York to the local committee here: NEW YORK. May 23.-John McNeil, grand president and organiser of the Brotherhood of Boiler Makers and Iron Ship Builders ot America, In a statement today, says that the strike of the boiler makers on the Union Pacific, inaugurated June 19, 1903, has been settled, the men being granted a substantial Increase und other questions arranged satisfactorily to both parties. All the men now out are to return to work. The men struck for an Increase In wages and the establishment of shop rules. A sympathetic strike was or dered on the Southern Pacific, when, through the Influence of E. H. Harrlman, a conference was arranged and conducted In this city during the last few days. Mr. McNeil has gone to Pittsburg to hold a conference with the employers of boiler makers in that city, looking to the settle ment of the difficulties existing; there. Raaaell !, Plan Co.'a ttocst ale Monday Morulas;. The closing out of the Russell & Lane Piano company last fall waa one of the big events In piano circles. Their entire stock was taken over by the Prlce-Teeple Piano company of Chicago. Hayden Bros, secured from this latter firm all the Rus sell and Lane unfinished planoa. All these pianos have now been completed and re ceived by us here, and go on sale begin ning tomorrow, Monday, May 26. This astounding spot cash purchase, of high grade pianos enables us to sell you a piano at retail at less than other dealers buy their Instruments. Bankrupt prices on the best pianos. Every piano Is fully guaranteed as if you paid the full regular price of from 1150 to $260 more than we offer these fine pianos In this sale for. The Russel A. Lane company sold only the very best pianos. We give you an un qualified guarantee with every piano. The prices will be found sensationally low. Never In the history of piano selling have such high grade pianos been offered at the prices we are now able to make. There Is a surpassing variety of woods, styles of cases and makes to select from, and you can secure a piano that will please you In every respect and at a most astonishing saving In price during this grand bankrupt sale of absolutely new and perfect high grade pianos. Owing to the demands on our time dur ing this sale dealers desiring to purchase more than one Instrument must make ar rangements to meet us after retail hours. 1 Upright golden oak case, regular price 1225. going In this sale at $90. 1 Upright burl walnut case, regular price $235, going In this sale at $95. 1 Upright mottled walnut case, regular price ISO, going In thla sale at $125. 1 Upright San Domingo mahogany case. regular price $365, going In this sale at $140. 1 Upright quarter-sawed oak case, regu lar price $275, going In thla sale at $150. 1 Upright English walnut case, regular price $285, going in this sale at $160. 1 Upright fancy mahogany case, regular price $296, going In this sale at $175. 1 Upright dark mahogany case, regular price $300. going In this aale at $186. HAYDEN BROS. Have Root print It. For an Ideal Vacation. Near every settlement of Importance In the mountain regions of the west are deep canons wherein the people at home, aa well as those from abroad, seek, In the summer season, the coolness and pleasure of camp life. High up the mountain side, on the shores of mountain lakes or on the banks of mountain streams, sum mer hotels are conducted for the conven ience of those who prefer to have all of the recieatlon and none of the labor In cident to summering In the mountains. It may be said that wherever there is a mountain In Colorado or Utah there is also an interesting canon, and the searcher for a spot in which to summer will find no difficulty In suiting his taste, no matter how critical It may be. To enable persons to reach these famous pleasure resorts, the Union Pacific has put In effect Summer Excursion rates lower than ever made before. Full Information cheerfully furnished on application to city ticket office, 1324 Far nam street. Phone 316. Can deliver today Sheridan coal. White Co.. 1606 Farnam. Tel. 127. Victor flO.OO From Chicago to Boston Return f 10. OO, via Nickel Plate road, account meeting of Christian Scientists June 28 July 1. Tickets on sale June 25, 20 and 27, with open re turn limit of June 28. ,By depositing tickets with Joint agent In Boston on July 1, 2. 3 or 4. and payment of fee of 60 cents, ex HANS ARRESTED FORMDRDER Northwestern Detective Mast Atswer for Killing of D. 0. Lnoe, STORY OF SELF-DEFENSE IS DOUBTED Grand Jary In Brown Connty Indicts the Railroad Detective and Sheriff Comes to Omaha After the Accnsed. Sneriff Curry of Brown county arrived In Omaha Friday afternoon and arrested Fred M. Hans, a detective in the employ of the Northwestern railroad, on the charge of murdering D. O. Luce In Brown county April 9. 1901. At the time of the killing of Luce there waa considerable doubt as to the necessity of the act ot Hans, who waa acting as a special deputy sheriff of the county, and for two years there have been rumors that the detective was to be brought to account for the act. The story current In Brown county is that Luce, who was a cattle raiser, had Incurred the enmity of a num ber of his neighbors by his uncompro mising attitude toward Irregularities in the matter of range and brands, which has existed since the cattlemen first went Into the country, and that he Insisted upon a more strict observance of the laws of priv ate property than had been observed. He had considerable trouble with a number of these neighbors, and it was understood at the time that some of the more radical of his enemies were planning to get him out of the country. It was charged that certain of them had raised $300 which was to be paid to the person who would rid the country of Luce. Beginning; o? the Trouble. a re w days before the killing of Luce a horse owned by one of his enemies was found dead and he was accused of killing It. A warrant waa issued for his arrest. j which was placed In the hands of the sheriff oi me couniy tor service, rrior xo me killing of the horse William Duquette, who Is said to be a brother-in-law of Hans, went to the Luce ranch and obtained em ployment. Between Duquette and Hans a report was given currency to the effect that Luce was at the head ot a conspiracy to rob an Elkhorn train near Alnsworth, where the road crosses Blum creek. Hans made complaint before the county judge of Brown county and secured a war rant for the arrest of Luce, at the same time telling of his alleged connection with the train robbers. The warrant was placed In the hands of the sheriff, who upon the request of Hans, turned It over to the de tective for service. Hans and Duquette went to the home of Luce, but Hans en tered alone. It Is said by the friends of Luce that his daughter, a child of tender years, was present, and that she has since said Luce had no time to say a word be fore he waa shot by the detective. On the othei hand, it is claimed by Hans that when he went to make the arrest Luce reached for a gun and he shot him in self defense. Detective Gets Notoriety. Hana and his brother-in-law returned to Alnsworth, whore they told the story of the killing In self-defense, and the press correspondents spread It over the country. Hans then gave the public for the first time the alleged plot to rob the Elkhorn train, but the story was never confirmed and was always doubted. No action was taken In the matter until a grand Jury was called In Brown county, which In vestigated the matter for three days with the result that an indictment was found. be obtained. Stopover at Niagara Falls In either direction without extra charge. ino excess rare cnargea on any or our trains. Three trains dally. Through ves tlbuled sleeping cars. American club meals rved In dining cars on Nickel Plate road; lso meals a la carte. Address John Y. Calahan. General Agent, 113 Adams St., room 298, Chicago, for reservation of sleep ing car apace and other information. To Boston and Return at One Fare For the round trip from Chicago via Nickel Plate road, for Christian Scientists' meet ing In June. Tickets on sale June 25, 26 and 27, with extended return limit of Aug ust 1. Stopover at Niagara Falls, In either tended limit returning until August 1 mayJ direction, without extra charge, and at BEAITIFIL DARING WESTERN GIRLS With tha Luella Porepaagh-Flsb. His. torlcnl Wild West Shows. In no part ot the habitable globe are there better lady rldsrs than can be found In tho west. A girl must be able to ride It she wants to visit her neighbor often. How some of these young creatures can manage a horse! What pictures ot beauty, dating and the perfection of health they are aa they come dashing along at full speed, playing games, chasing each other or racing Just for the fun of the thing, as the young misses of a city or town roll their hoops I Indeed, horseback riding Is as common and easy a pastime to a "wild western girl" as are hoop rolling to the eastern girl. Tho western girl goes everywhere on horseback. She can Join a set of equine quadrilles or Virginia reel and gallop twenty miles on an errand without feeling me slignest fatigue. She keeps "company oa horseback, and many a piquant retort and pert speech gain point and pungency from the accelerated gait or sudden deml volte of her beast, respondent to Inpatient or emphatlo pressure of her dainty heel or out oi ber whip. In a vexatious conversa tion or spat with her swain. Yes, the western girl can rlda a hnria as you will readily perceive when you wit- nese me perrormance or the bevv of ore! dental beauties with the Luella Forepaugh. Mima maioncai vma weet. Watch them In the hippodrome races: note their akin and feurlesanesa; observe their impatience and recklosaneas; be enchanted by their beauty, spellbound by their achievements and awakened to the pleasures and enjoy. win u ua competition Dy their silvery ringing laughter. There are many things worth seeing In the Luella Forepaugh-Fleh Historical Wild West, but not one ore t tier or mnr to be a gratifying afterthought In your , ...... ,u. tuveiy wua western girl aparanng eye. anU ro.y cheeks who Sl yU th" back ot PIuning Will exhibit at Omaha, 30th and Paul ata Tuaadav. UBV m Christian Scientists Meeting In Boston, June 28 July 1. It will be to your advantage to obtain rates ap plying over the Nickel Plate road before purchasing elsewhere. No excess fare charged on any of our trains. Tickets on sale June 25, 26 and 27. Final return limit August 1. Call on or address John Y. Calahan. General Agent. 113 Adams St., room 298. Chicago, for particulars as to stopovers, train service, etc. New Firm. i n noepara-opangier company la the title ot a new 'ncorporatlon which will begin business at I'reston. Ia.. on the flrat e June. The company will enter the field as jobbers and also retailers of cigars. lonareoe ana smokers' sundries. The In rorpvraiors are c. B. Bhepard. George Spangler and R. L. Sheoard all of rw. k- They will occupy a fine store room In the rrf center of Creston, which will, nt course, be headquarters for every Omaha loan who travels that way. Mr. Bpangler has been credit man for the MeCord-llrady rompany for many years and Is wldelv qualnted with the business men of Ne braska and Iowa. Mr. R. L. Bhepard has in umui ior twelve years and for aome time past fiae held a position with tne umana Hews company. Sam'l Burns, lawn and cemetery vases. . sw (Hiica mis wees.. To Beajla Mark oa Gronnda. PORTLAND, Ore . May 23,-Work will be reaiiraca ai once on ine t.ewla and Clarl eipoaltlon grounda. the time for Invoklni the refrrendum on tha rtnrnnWaii..N hti faaaVd by the last legislature having now DRIVING CLUB'S MATINEE It Will Be nt Spraame Street Track Afternoon of Decoration Day. The first meeting of the Trl-Clty Ama teur Driving club will be held on Decora tion day, Saturday, May 80, at the track at the corner of Sprague and Twentieth atieets. This track has been much Im proved by extensive grading, leveling, etc. The club'a membership is much Increased over last year and now numbers 110 and includes all the owners of speedy and fine driving horses of Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluffs, of which there are seven teen already entered to participate In the matinee next Saturday. Beside the differ ent driving events there will ba a contest between the fastest racing autos In Omaha. There will be no charge of admission New York returning on payment of fee of $1. No excess fare charged on any of our trains. Write John Y. Calahan, General Agent, 113 Adams St.. room 298, Chicago, for detailed Information. Nichols ft Broadneld. printers. Tel. 1943. SAYS ASSISTANT IS NECESSARY Bnlldlnc Inspector Carter Comments on the Work of His Office. "If the people of Omaha want the build ing ordinances enforced they will have to retain the assistant building Inspector,' said Building Inspector Carter. "This office has a Jurisdiction extending over twenty- five square miles, handled by the chief In spector, an assistant, and the clerk, who stays In the office and looks after the busi ness of the boiler and plumbing inspectors aa well. . "As a matter of fact the force would be too small If the amount of building waa being done that should be done. Every new structure has to be carefully gone over and Investigated to aee that It comes up to the regulations, the fire limits have to be guarded, old buildings have to be In spected and condemned and the matter of fire escapes comes under the department. as does the matter of signs and billboards. "There has always been an assistant In this department except during the years of 1895 and 1896, when there was a fight among the candidates for appointment that resulted In the temporary abolishment of the office. At times there have been three and four Inspectors when building opera tions were especially heavy." MILLER WANTS TEN THOUSAND Says His Reparation Suffered to that Extent from Falae Ac-enaatlon. Alonso V. Miller follows the example of his associate, Kubat, and seeks satisfac tion and cash through the district court ot Douglas county from Jay Laverty, Dana Morrill and David Anderson, other mem bers of the school board of South Omaha, who are accused of falsely and unwarrant ed! y securing the arrest of the plaintiff. Miller, on the charge of receiving bribes while a member of the school board. Mil ler alleges that hla reputation waa Injured to the extent of $10,000. and that he ex pended In feea for the purpose of defend ing that reputation the sum of $300; where fore he asks Judgment against tne parties named In the sum of $10,800. Cramer's Klday and Liver Cure Cure backache is highly endorsed by Omaha people. Comes In two sli. Our price, tOo and 76c. Schaefer'a Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and Chicago streets. A. O. t. W. Notice. By special Invitation the members ot North Omaha lodge No. 169 are requested to attend the services at Trinity cathedral Sunday evening. May 24. Meet at the tem ple, 110 North Fourteenth street, at 7:30 p. m. and attend In a body. CHARLES E. WOOD, M. W. F. M. McCULLOUGH, Recorder. SKULL OF GIRL IS CRUSHED Ma.n Suspected of the Crime Not Yet Placed Under Arrest. GUILFORD, Ind., May 23. The body of Miss Rosa Kaiser of Manchester was found In Tanner'a creek today. Her skull had been crushed and her face bruised and gashed, showing the terrible struggle she had made In defense. It la supposed she was attacked on Thura day evening when her rather, who was close behind her, returning home, waa knocked down and left unconscious until the next morning. She ia still in a critical condition. The negro suspected of the crime has not yet been found. "Strongest In tne world." the Equitable Ufa AsHurance society, us policies are sight draft at maturity. Bee H. D. Neely, managei. Merchants National Bank Bldg , Oniaba. Neb. Dr. Pinto. 2 Karbach block. TeL 107. Two Women Fatally Hart. EUREKA. Kan., May 23. -A tornkdo struck Eureka at midnight, destroying a score of residences and causing other dam age. Mrs. J. H. German and Mrs. Frank Sample were fatally hurt and half a dosen others were more or leas Injured. The storm struck In the southeastern portion of the residence district and did not touoh the main business streets. It was ot short duration and accompanied by a flood of rain. THE BENNETT COMPANY few 4ka The Leading PIANO HOUSE Of the West In No Art have the changes been so marked as In piano building the standard of yesterday ia obsolete the standard of today Is a new creation. In No Houso In Omaha will you find a finer or more up-to-date stock of pianos than arc now on exhibition in our mammoth piano department. Wo Aro Makingr prices and terms that are marvel- ously easy. Call and Investigate be fore buying and we will Guarantee a positive saving of from $50.0) to $150.00 on any piano bought at I?en- Correspondence is solicited, all Inquiries promptly at tended to. Write today for prices, terms and catalogues. Some Bargains Seven new, high grade, late Colo nial style pianos, former price $4.'i0.oo, our price for 4OCO this week Vs.00 Hve new and up-to-date old reliable makes, in mahnguny, walnut and oak. former price $4im, our AA Jn price for this week W&40 Four samplk pianos, Colonial style, up-to-date in everv wav. former nrte. $.'ii0.00, our price annn this week WCsaO vjuv new manogany upngnt piano, elegant tone and action, former niieA $3uu.00. our price, (MCO for this week WlOc One walnut UDrltrht Dlano. former price $275.00, our price for 014 0 ihis week dl40 une Biigntiy used piano, in nrst-class lenalr. couM not he inlrl from now our price A i n n this week dlOO une small sir.? elegant square piano, former price $S50.00, our rrn price tor this week ) 3 U ORGANS We have nrrans for I1S.01. $22.00. $32.00, $45.C0, $io.U0, $62.00, J6S.0O.. $76.00. All sold on easy payment plan. From S to S2ft cash and from 5 to aiir per month. Our stock of sheet music and musi cal merchandise Is complete. 1'ianos tuneo. niovei ana repaired. All work guaranteed. rite today for prices and terms. jO4 205 South Fifteenth Street. JHE Shoe of Form. A UAH'S SHOE SHOULD protect not irritate the foot. That's why onmoD "PHE well formed shoo oothes A irritable feet. They're na tural , ON A HAN YU pet them at wholesale. $250 and $3 50 Roman Sandals A new shoe and a new Idea In Sum mer font coverings for misses and chil dren. A five-button strap sandal with the patent leather vamps and kid tops. Sizes 1 to 5 Spring heels $1.25. Sizes bV, to 8 Spring heels $1.E0. Sires 8H to 11 low heel $1.75. Sizes 11 to 2 low heel $2 00. Hand turn soles and clove fitting uppers mnklng a cool nnd complete shoe. DREXEL SHOE GO., Omaha's Up-to-Date Shoe House 141 Farnam Street. fig""" ""J " 'SAU4JLMIUV mmmnvW fUl 1 UK nfcl.IAHI.IO ITOHK. The only stock in the city where the In every new and fashionable effect and On specliil sale Monday your choice of 12 colors and black, all linen ettunlne, at Kr yard. On special sale Mondny, your choice of 15 shndes In Know Flake Suitings (light weight I. at 25c yard. On special sale Monday, your choice of the popular black and white Bhepard Checks, silk finished. t l!c yard. On special ale Monday, our entire line of Rough Suiting. Heps, ItonRallne. Hour, ettes, etc.. 25c grade everywhere. 15c yard. (in secla! sale Monday, all colors, blues, black, reds and white ground, fine thread lMicking or Canvas, (polka dots), extra quality and perfect colors, K'V yard On special salo Monday, all our finest Im ported German. Hope Ktamlne Changeable Voiles, (the finest good.' made fur natty suits). Our regular price Is $1.00 yard. OT' Shirt Waist Suiting finlnHnnflnv real shirt waist suiting fabrics are shown weave. We price ths for Monday only, to adver tise the Bilvantnges offered here In -U.t-Ings. nt fisv yard. , lanlHh Cloth In all colors, K'aO Jrd White embroidered pique, round and frit welts the correct fabric for swell white suits. 4:c and 36o yard I'ongee, In colors, made rrom Sim an i linen, 27 Inches wide (smooth glossy fab rics! nil the popular colors. yard. Silk Mull. 70 per cent pure silk, the soft est, most lustrous and most desirable or all the "clingy fabrics". (These are the mulU that DO is'OT HAVK the springy, elastic, gummv feel which cause the wrinkling of all other makes) 20 shades and black an. I white, S9c yard. . On special sale Monday. 70 colors and Muck of tiMnch lawiiB for drop and Insert Ings, at 15c yard. ' IN THE DOMESTIC ROOM We have received another consignment of wash goods that owing to the strike has been delayed. These we have to sacrifice at lews than half tho regular price. Thoy consist of white oxford, white and colored mercerized goods, French ginghams, sheer lawns and dimities, nnd all kinds of the g.xids that make up a first class wash stock. THK MOST IMPORTANT POINT IS TUB PRICK WE ARK SELLING T11KM AT. cream and yellow, nt. yard. 15c. 25C WH1TK OOODS. 10C One big table tO-lnch India linons, lawns, organdies, mer 75C TABLE L1NKN. 65C 75c quality ta ble linen, made from the finest selected flax yarn, pure in finish, free from all chemi cals, warranted all linen and to give the utmost satisfaction while In use. yd 55c. WC MKRUKR1ZKD DAMASK. 45C-(S9c quality snow white mercerised damask, at, yard, 46c. 5oC DAMASK 25C 50c quality grass bleached union damask, all the up-to-date patterns, 4 Inches wide, nt. yard ,'5o. 35C WHITK WA1STINMS I5C One bl table mercerlxed oxford, madras, cheviot i Teady-to-use bleached seamless sheets, slxa neriied strlnes dot Swisses, check and stripe nainsooks, worth 25c yard (In long mill ends) at, yard, 10c. laC INDIA LINONS. 5C One big table sheer India llnon, worth 10c yard, at 5c. K",C LONG CLOTH, 7HC-i:Hc Enpllsti long cloth, 3(i Inches wide, for ladles' under garments, nt, yard. 7'c. tiOC It KAUl - Hh, snr.r. is, ;v ouu and basket weave walstlng, up to 32 Inches wide, not a yard worth less than 3oc, ut, yard, 15c. WIC I'KRSIAN LAWNS 15C 60e nuallty Perslan lawns, In colors, black, pink, blue, Improve I Your Health J There are two things these !: days great for your health one I recreation, the other Meti Beer, and together they will brace up j any run down Individual. I Melz Eros. Brewing Co. . W Telephone 119, Omaha. S Or Jacob Neumayer, agent. 3 care Neumayer Hotel, Council i Bldffs, Iowa, Fruit C l uddlng UC Jellycon C at All kinds ot C.. Can Soup W" Choice California 9 Prunes Large Italian QK Prunes tjni Santa Clara ? Prunes tJU Very fine 0 Rice tfu at Pancake Flour 1 Buckwheat Flour Iv Tar Oi Soap g,v Choice California fllr Apricots w- Fresh Soda Crackers. HOW ABOUT YOUR TICKETS? Do vou save Ihcm? Wc mean the tickets from our cnn register; THEY ARE WORTH 5 PER CENT; that's more than your money will earn In any bank; It pays to save them Just the same as It doe? to trade here, for we can save you more money on your-drug bills than any other drug store In Nebraska. Watch and take advantage or these dally cnango sneets. $1.00 Peruna all you want 61e $1 Cramer Kidney Cure guaranteed 75c $1.00 Temptation Tonic no limit S5o 2.c laxative nromo yuinine inc. 26c Qulnacetol guaranteed cold cure.. 20o $1.00 Jackson's Bed Bug Exterminator. 753 We guarantee Jackson's. $2 Genuine Chester's Pennyroyal Pills.. $1 $1.00 Pierce s Remedies bio. $1.75 S. 8. 3. lurprest size $1.14 $1.00 Or.omulslon n II you want 75c DE MIRACLE, TAKES OFF HAIR. ..$1.00 25c Hire a Root Beer makes 6 gallons.. 14 35c Genuine Castoiia 24c Our soda fountain Is growing more pop ular every day. Special for Sunday, FROZEN BANANA ri.PUl.MJ, OPEN ALL NIGHT. cirr pricb DRUQ STORE Two Phones 7-47 auil 7UI. XV. Corner lttln ana Cblrago Sta. SGHAEFER'S OUR $28.00 Suits 4 in flannels Homespun and crash are the best values that we ever offered. These nilta have had a splendid demand. A few choice pat terns are left. llelgren & Gradmannf Tailors, 309 South 16tli St. WIFE SLASHESHER HUSBAND Says Cuttlns Waa Done In Defending Herself Against Druuken Man. Al McDonald and hla wife Maggie, re siding on South Thirteenth street near the railway viaduct, got Into a fight Friday night. McDonald was drunk and the woman to protect herself, as she claims, went at him with a knife. She struck him In the right leg above the knee, severing the superficial femoral artery, and the man came near bleeding to death. He was taken to the Clarkson hospital and the wound was attended to oy Dr. Trostler and the hospital physician. Last evening Mc Donald was reported to be In a critical condition. Mrs. McDonald was arrested on tho charge of cutting with Intent to wound and Is now In the city Jail. After the cut ting scrape she went to a roomer In the same block, Henry Enipke, and wanted him to go for a doctor. Instead of doing so he went to the Barker hotel and telephoned to the police station regarding the affair and Mrs. McDonald's arrest followed. Talk at Jewish Eanratlna. PITTSBURO, May 22. The Federation of American Zionists will bold their sixth annual convention In thla city from June to Inclusive. One session of the convention will be devoted almost ezciU' aivelv to a discussion of the Jewish edu cation Question. This is an Innovation In Zionist conventions. Some of the leading Jewish scholars In the country will discuss the question before the convention. Mora Gold lor Argentine. NFTW YORK. Mar 23. Brfnir, Magoon A Co. have iru-reaaed their gold for f hltiment nent to Argentine from 1j.Vi.4Ki te tOu.OuO. The total amount engaged for sbJeraent on I-oke Ihorc Toora Is the title of a very convenient summer tour book issued by the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern railway, showing routes and rates to the eastern resorts. It will be sent on application. M. B. Giles, T. P. A.. Chicago, 111. C. F. Daly, Chief A. a. P, A.. Chicago, III. A WELL DEFINED RUMOR Has gotten out among the well dressed ladles' and gentlemen of this city that The Tentorium is TIJE ONLY place to have your swell clothes cleaned promptly and sattsfartorly. AH work la guaranteed. Tel. 963 for the wagon. THE PANTORIUM 407 Bo 15th St. Tel. Wi3 LADIES. Do you want to save money, time and trouble? Then, why not visit the 8UUARE INCH TA ILOR COLLEGE T.i,. t,, iTTtt and learn the complete Jlir.a art In the most perfect Klx'.tO. turn, not cut. at. 45c. KMC PILLOW CASES. 124C lHc rendy-to-use cases, made from Wamsuttu cotton, at, 12VtC SPECIAL GROCERY SALE Butter Crackers..., Fresh Dinger nnne Kiln Dried Oatmeal.... Flake Hominy..... Pearl Hominy.. .. PASSED FBI IT. 3-It), cans all kinds California Plums 3-lbcan IO! California Peaches. . I f. a v 3-lb. can Pl Tomatoes 03 8-lb. gallon cans 19 I at Apples IC 96 5c lie 4c 4c 2c 2c 2c 8ic .7-0 Vim food Keutrlta Break fast Food , Oranola Break fast Food All kinds of U-lb. cans Potted Ham, Ort Potted Ox Tongue Wu TKAASDPOKFKE SPECIALS Good Imperial Tea, only .25 33.c 35c .4o 3-lb. can Pumpk'n. Kiln Dried Cornmeal Best Rye Flour .2c Fancy Sundrled Japan, only..., Moyune Gun powder Tea 60c Kngish Breakfast, Ceylon and Young QOC Hyson Teas WW Good Rio Coffee Good Santos Coffee .8ic I0o HAYDEN BROS. PEERLESS WHITE ENAMEL Eiefrige rotors LUS WITH MINERAL IN SULATION. HOLD 85 LBS. OF ICE SS5.65 Ice Chcsts,$4.95 up. Lawn Mowers, $2.65 up UILTOH ROGERS & SONS CO., Mth an 1 Far.itit Streets. Ml hxsz ' If T vl will Under f he jsedjpbe We are stowing an especially fine as sortment of carriage robea, Including amen cloth and fine ptush. and In order to advertise ourselves a bit, we are sell ing Uunn at from 13.50 to DO each. You are liable to thrnk their value worth ammla. AX1 lesattter salt cases 14. b0 to B0 covera our lrne of now lxl (ia cases, not Ore sheep Skin kind that you buy at bargain prices, but the genuine arftdre the kin 3 fhwt ttme. You never have to buy but one, unless you need two. Suit anaca, trmwettng bags sand vavHaes. lAlfredComi5h 1210 Farnam-st. aim ijjjJIII.1 11HJI III IfltlXl MsMWP. rants a Ufa 9 IS wu - m ? RE-NO-filAY-POVBER ELLENSBCRG, Wash., May 8. 1803. A. MAYER CO. Before gtlng to Alaska I bought a bor of Re-No-May Powder, which cured the worst case of chilblains and sweaty font without ft I could not have lived In the climHte. Anyone In doubt of its great merit can address me. Send price liat. I want the .luency for Alaska. Respectfully, h DAVID WILLIAM HORN BECK A Mayer Co.. 612. Hoc Tlldg. Painless Extraction of Teeth Our succcbs li by Old, Reliable, due to the high grade work done Expert Dentists. No students. Reliable Den Istry. Save Pain and Money. Protective guarantee for ten years with our high class Dentistry. No students, but Graduate Dentists, who come to learn our painless Methods. Misfit, Loose and Broken Plutea re- paired and made to fit. Be sure you get In the right place. SI'Kf lAI. Til. I, JINK 13 Full 8t of Teeth from. $3 01) Gold Crowns from i'i K5 Bridge Work from $2.85 Aluminum Plates from..$00 Fillings from 25o Teeth Extracted FREB UNION DENTAL COLLEGE lfiaa Douglas. (Incorporated) Open dally till O p. m. laaday B to 4. manner. COLLEGE 627 PAXTON BLOCK. Class hours 9 to 11 a. m. and I to ( p. m. EVENING SESSION at i519 Farnam St., from 7 to 9 p. m. Deputy State Yetarteaita Food Inapeetc. H. L. RAMACCIOTTI, D. V. Sj CITY VTSTTffUNAIUAJI. Offloa aoa bkOgPLmrjjmiijod Uaa-a) Omaha. Neb. Telephone (39. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Flae Pbotoaraphle lllnetrailoaa. Going on a Vacation? IK BO. BEE V8 ABOUT A TRl'NK. TRAVELING BAG OH SUIT CASE WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. Repairing Done. Telephone 1058. TAR NAM'S -a Your office cleaned daily f nrnftfure dusted and wiped daily windows and walls kept clean Free janitor service free water electric light heat elevators run day and night building always open plenty of daylight and air la every office in the Bee Building. Suite of two rooms on fifth floor newly decorated $26.00 a month. R. C Peters & Co.. Rental Agents, Grtund Floor Bee Bldf. Residence, .ICS. Monday Is