Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1903, PART I, Page 2, Image 2
TITE OMAITA DAILY I1EE: SUNDAY, MAY 21, 1003. GREAT AUTO RACE IS BEGUN Speed Contest Between Paris aad Madrid it Fairly On. KEN OF WORLD FAME PARTICIPATING Ipea as Praabbl t Mak( Battle ( Nlr Machine Om af Exciting lntrt. PARIS, Msy 2i.-Oret crowd began to assemble sarly this avenlng at VwmJIIm, where be for daylight tomorrow morning the aiart of the Paris-Madrid automobile race will ba made. In many resoects the raca will be one jf the most remarkable evef run, both' for the number and charac ter Of the Contestants, the prodigious power and speed of the machines and the proba bility of record-breaking' runs. Leading sportsmen from all aver Europe and many from the other aide of the Atlantic have gathered here to are the performance, aa It Is fuliy expected that tn recoras oi me Paris-Berlin race In 1901 and th Parla- Vienna race In 1901 will be far exceeded by this, the leading long-dlatance conteat of 190s.. Owing to th participation In th con- test of a number of Americans, Including W . K. Vanderbllt, jr., and Foxhall Keene, great Interest has been iused among Americans, especially tne i.amoer ox me ii,ooo.000 will be provided at the next ses Newport set,' who hav stive In large Bon of congress with which to erect a numbers. I Perfect weather conditions ar certain for th race. Th starting point la half department to reject all bids heretofore a, mile outside th town and th start will tendered for th extension of public build be mad at I o'clock, th automobiles nr, at Burlington, la., because there Is leaving with on mlnut Interval between not money sufficient appropriated to make them. Th first stags of th contest Is ths Improvements. Thers Is In th treasury from Versailles . te Bordeaux, Ml miles, ' th second. Bordeaux to Vltorla, M miles, I and Vitorta te Madrid, 961 miles. It Is ex- peoted that Bordeaux will be reached at I noon tomorrow, and th conteatanta will rest ther until Monday. Th stretch from Bordeaux to Vitorta will be run on Tuesday, and that from Vitorta to Madrid n Wednesday. Th first arrival probably will reach Madrid about noon Wednes- day. Many persons fear that serious accidents I may. happen owing te the terrific speed, th ponderous weight of th latest types of. motors and th great number of con- teatants. It Is expected that Founder and W. K. Vanderbllt will make eighty-five miles an hour on th roads outside th I cities. The competitors Include all ths holders of long distance records. Including Bene I De Knyff, ths winner of th first Paris- Bordeaux race, Henri Fournler, th winner I of the second Parls-Bordsaux race and the Paris-Berlin race, Marcel Renault, the winner of th Paris-Vienna contest, ths two brothers Farnam C. Jarrott and ths other foremost French, German and Eng lish, and American automoblllsta. Th American entries ar: W. K. Vanderbllt, Jr., driving a 92-horsepower machine; C. Gray ' pinsmor. 90-horsepower machine; W. T, Dannat, th American artist, (0 hbrsepower machine; Foxhall Keene, 60 horsepower machine, and Tod Sloan, a 40 horsepower machine. Ths start In the Paris-Madrid automobile race was mad at 1:46 this morning. Charles Garrott, th English automoblllat, waa th first to receive th signal to go. W. K. Vanderbllt, Jr.. had a start at . pVs-mt hlm-If t th starting post a mlnut lata and ther had sv slight discussion, which caused him to loss another mlnut. He was reported to hav passed Ramboutllett twenty-fourth in :to a. m., going. in fin order. m was scheduled sixtieth In order of aiaxyng.. CONVICT-; BARON OF: PERJURY Member of Oat af Moat Arlstaeratl Faaillles la Prassla Gees Prtsoa. (Copyrighted. 1901. by Press Publishing Co.) tWK, Msy .-(Now York World Cablegram - Special Telegram.) - Baron i-rwln y en Low, a member of en of th highest aristocratic families of Prussia, has been convicted of perjury and sentenced to ignteen months' penal servitude. Th baron i,(uw vi mv aviaiuuraua CIUQ Ol Duseldorf. On svenlne he and a frind Dr. Eck. gave another member of th. cintv Dr. Weidcnrauller, a sound drubbing. When asked to exDlaln th baron said Weid.nmni. ler had spread false reports about him and Dr. Eck' wife. Weldenmuller sued th baron for assault I At the trial Weldenmuller and four other I witnesses swore .thsy saw Mrs. Eek visit ths baron's apartments. Mrs. Eck and the I baron aworo th association was blameless. On th strength of their evldenc Wetden- mullor lost his case and was heavily fined for spreading fals stories. Now th baron confesses' his evidence was falsa. I Heary's Met Political. BERLIN. May 2J.-Th. seml-offlclal as well as th Independent press takes pains 1 to explain that Prince Henry ot Prussia's visit to Spain la without poliUcal slgnlfl- oanc and even casts ridlculs on th Bpan- lah papers for discussing a German-Span- Ua'allianc In connection with th visit. Berahartft Has Coal Reeeptloa. BERLIN, May 24. Sarah Bernhardt made ner secona appearance before a Berlin audience last night Sh had a cool recep- tlon by the audleno and th press. .sstpefi blades at aaas. SUEZ, May 21 -The United States trans port Glacier, pn Its wsy horn from th Philippines, arrived her today. COTTON MARKET IRREGULAR ' Laajltlssata laflaaacas Ar Here Is ErUtaea, NEW YORK. May 2S.-Tbs substdtnt to. nlgbt Of speculation In the cotton market noted her today , was reflected In Liver pool thin morning, where price changes were nsrrow the market closing unchanged to 1 Luinta lower. . . . " unoer expectations. uu wim wi -fiur aaia isvorsDie, port I receipts still-running heavy and accounts!. fronti th dry goods trads no more favor - able, the regulation market Influences ap parently. favored th bears. Th market opened at a declln ot tm points, en -th Hat generally, while May, still donisated by its speculetlv positions, was pomis mgner. . Trading was vary quiet and ther seemed lltt! disposition, to sell at th decline. ln" irregularity the! bull leaders bought moderately and rallied prices to about tast finals. GOVERNOR SCORES LOBBYISTS naiiraaas- war Here aeg WIimi. I Castlgatlaa fraa La Fallette. Follett scored th railroad lobby In strong terms 1 a veto me.s sent to th legis lature today Just before final adjourn' menu Th governor charges ths lobby with de feating all af th Important legislation brought up at this session and says that the harm don by th lobby cannot be estimated. The governor cent the message with the veto of the bill prohibiting state and federal o files holders and employes from influencing votes of legislators. The bill Is vetoed becauss It does not Include all lobbyists. Among th laws created during the long session were th railroad advalorem tax ation and primary election bills. Th for mer becomes operative In 1906 and th latter. If th people so decide after a vote upon ft, at th general election In 1904. Another bill empowers th railroad com missioner to examine the books and ac counts of railroads to-determine as to th truthful return of gross earnings to con form with the license fees which they should pay. Other measures Included a child labor bill, a co-amploye railroad bill and a bill prohibiting bucket shops. UNCLE SAM PAYS FOR A SITE Warraat far Hearty flBO.OOO Goes to Dee Mlas Balldlaar May . Cast a MUllan. ' (Prom a' Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, May 8. (Special Tele- gram.) A treasury .warrant . was today drawn and signed, payable to t Herbach of Des Moines, owner of th property sold to th government In that city for a sit on which to erect a new public building. Ths warrant was for $149,960, and went to Mr. Harbach In tonight's mall. It Is very probabl that at least an appropriation of building on this site. n was decided today by the Treasury at present but 137.111. and th lowest bid the department has been able to secure for th work was $38,(90. Accordingly it has been decided to await Such time as con- gross may provide mora money before undertaking to enlarge th postofflc build- ing at Burlington. Secretary Shaw left Washington this afternoon for New York and will return to th capital on Wednesday. Mr. Shaw will remain her but a day and than go to Chicago upon official business, thence to Ms hem in Denlson, . Ia. to be present to welcoms President Roosevelt when he, ar- rives in that city on the morning of June t Mr. Shaw will accompany th president's party on Its eastward tour through Iowa. Under the annual readjustment of sala rles of presidential postmastsrs these changes wer announced today: Nebraska Increases, Alma, $200; Albion,' Arapahoe, Atkinson. Bancroft, Blair and Bloomfleld, $100.' Decrease. Bloomlngton,"$lW. South Dakota Increase, Watertown. Ver milion, Webster, Woonsockst and Yankton, $100. The Western National bank of New York has been approved as reserve agent for th First National bank of Mlllbank, 8. D. FINDS A CURE FOR LOCKJAW Chicago Physlela Claims tta Hav Mad a Hast Important Med - leal Discovery. CHICAGO. May .21. ft Is announced at th University of Chicago that Xt. Samuel A. Matthews of Chicago hag discovered a 1 .t..lnn will MIM lsutliiaw unemla, locomotor ataxia and morphin poisoning. . A solution of chloride, sodium chloride, sodium r'sulphat and. ,. solium citrate Is, Injected in Ufg quaiitltles. th patient's velnsv Thy kidneys In pa,r Ucular ar stimulated an.4' tlae entire ner vous system Is .benefited.' The discovery of Dr. Matthew was made after h had experimented slont the Unas ' of 'theories advanced by profs. Jacques Lc-eb and Al bert P. Mathews, 'who held that the ac tlon of the Inorganic salts oft tissues of the body was electrical. Practical appliances of Dr. Mstthews' treatment at the university laboratory, it Is said, have proved It successful. ' ' DOG FINDS HIS FROZEN MASTER Lead Searching; Party Paint Where Sheenherder Was Last la . nii...-d BUTTE, Mont. May -A Great Falls Pcl1 t0 th ' InUr tunUl aayav A P"y of searchers was today uiaao th boay ot William riumoer. on or in hwders lost in m oiiasara or ounoay, ry nl shepherd dog. Th animal earn Into 8helbr last "night and from Ms actions ranchmen, wer convinced . tnat nia m",er wa distress. A poss set out guMed by ths dog. which bounded ahead so "fast that th horses could hardly keep up. Nine mile west of Shelby tn neraer was found, rrosen stiff. lying In a ravin. Plumber was about 62 years of ag and unmarried. I SUE UNDER ANTI-TRUST. LAW I Texas Attoraar Gasal Oats Aft iraahr af Whalesale Qraeers. ' t ' 1 BAN AWTDNlrf. Tax.. Mav Attorney Qeneral Bell and District Attorney Be tP- day filed th first suits under the recently enacted . anti-trust law. The suits, ar I against 'a number of large wholesale. grocers for an aggregat of 115,000. penal ties for alleged violation of the anti-trust law ana (or ins tortejiur oi on com pany's charter. The petition charges that ths firms named formed a trust and eh tered Into an agreement to maintain cer tain prices for groceries sold to retail deal era and hav been doing so sine April 1, 1901. DEATH RECORD. Aatoa Jeraaaa. . WEST POINT. Neb., May M. -(Special.)- Anton Jtrman, father of Joseph, Jsrman of th Btlaren-Jerman company, died this mApnlnv mt th mmm tt 7S hMlu wmm on. of th. plon,er. Bohemian setUer f L-... ..a i vnuiiui ifvuutf asyVB ft vuiiiiaut gag a,uj sa,L 1 r hi. .nnnrnta Um i. . iy of grown sons, 1 I rrtw, . I eT- LOVI8. May U. John U French, well I known as an automoblllat, who was In I lured , In an automobll race In Pittsburg I last August, died tonight at hte home here, Mr. French was 17 years ot age, H had i tea an mvaua since h was injured In th rac. I Mr. Wllliaas Alvard. BAN FRANCISCO. May 13. Mrs. William I ii,A, ,h. -r..M.. ,k. ' w I n, r.iifi. city. She had prominent relatives In New York T Ball Haass ail Cauls. - CHEYENNE. Wye.. May H.-ArUcle of Incorporation bar been filed with th sec retary of stat of th Wyoming Cona trac tion company, capitalised at $2)0.009, and 'I ? th 1wnT C crryln r canal onstrucUon bunaaa. , Negro Bay Set Maay Fires. HELENA. Mont. May H-Harry Ander on, colored, aged U, has confessed to set. Ung the Ore which destroyed the Montana club building. He acknowledged that be had ataried seven other Axes "la sea ts i nr eosmee run. - TULLOCITS CHARGES FALL Fottin rOeneral ' Oivai Oat Antwen of - Tracewell and Outle. ONLY DIFFERENCE FOUND SEVEN DOLLARS Complete Reply to Allegations of Irn meas Irreajalarltles Existing la Admlalstratloa af th -Postal Affairs. WASHINGTON. May U.-Poetmaster Gsneral Payne today made public the anawers of Henry A. .Castle, the auditor of the treasury for ths Post-office depart ment, and Comptroller Tracewell of the treasury regarding the Tulloch charges of irregularities in the postal administration. Ths answers specifically deny wrongful procedure. Mr. Tracewell charges' T. W. Gilmore, formerly an export of his office, of abstracting, but returning on demand, th letter authorising Mr. Qllmore to ex amine the accounts of any poatofflce except! Washington and New York. Mr. Tracewell alleges that this letter wss written by. Gilmer himself with authority from the' comptroller. Mr. Tracewell says the sum of the tenta tive allowances by Gilmer snd ths - com mittee aggregated $.132, that th credits finally disallowed out of a total of $250,000 were JIM, of which he claims only $7 was Incorrectly audited. This, Mr. Csstle says, is the basts of Mr. Tulloch's charges of ths dlsallowanca-ot $30,000 or $40,000. Th postmaster general's statement ays th letters are made (public at the request of th two officers, and It will appear from them how much truth there is In Mr. Tulloch's ststements. Mr. Castle In his answer says Mr. Tulloch shsres In prevailing misapprehension that an auditor is charged with keeping other of' flclals 'correct and honest' and demanding th necessities of the servlc. The auditor says that such functions would bs fatal to administrative freedom by th head of a department. Illegal Items DlaaJlovred. Regarding the settlement and subse quent revision of an account of the late Postmaster Wlllett of Washington, which Involved alleged : irregularities In Porto Rico during the military operations there. th auditor reDlled that averv Item believed to be Illegal was disallowed by the auditor's office. The auditor adds: Men Could be emnlnvibft- rAMMtnutinn fixed and expenses allowed as circum stances demanded. Every exoendlture made was authorised In advent hv th department; every voucher approved and actually paid by a postmaster weeks or months before its presentation to th auditor' office for allowance. Many ex- fendltures were unusual and a few of hem were by us held to be Illegal and disallowed. As to whether the service was necessary or th compensation extravagant the department was the sole Judge. But ic is signincant on tnis point tnat or the 1600,000 appropriated only 1249,66 was ac tually expended in two years, tne bt being covered back Into the treasury. Some months after one of the Quarterly accounts of the Washington postofnee re porting $266,996 in expenditures, for all pur poses witn several tnousana aistinct items, had been . settled. T. W. Gilmer, renre- aentlng the comptroller of the treasury, withdrew the same for revision, aa author ized by law, He was new to postal work and raised many entirely irrelevant -que- lions m a letter asxing ror - expiatiations Which Mr. Tullonh . errnneoualv cites a. letter from th Comptroller .disallowing ceriain amounts. - Objections Rapidly Abaadoned One after another the oblectlons were abandoned by- Expert Gilmer, or overruled by the comptroller-(who had secured from tne omcuus pledges that the irregular prac tices eiiwiwu Dy. iu uocn wouia m auicon- Unueai until the amount ilttntately dlsap- provea wss- reaueea to isaz.w.- But Mr. Gilmer's letter Dolntetf out ths several of the Items might legally be 'paid from other appropriations. The defects were cured by, new vouchers and credits aiiowru. i neie aB9resieu avu.oo. - .Another Item. I Us for surety . bonds -for postal employes, detailed fpr duty for Porto Rico, was a legitimate expenditure,- but was' objeotlonable to the comptroller as. a precedent. Under his unquestioned discre tion the. department covered this charge by o 1 1 y wart r sv Inoraaaad Anmnanaa Mnn Two items of 1168 eacn (per diem as me chanics) .were disallowed tor Irregularities revealed by Tulloch and not unknown st the-auditor's office.1 In one case the de ficit was cured and- the amount was again credited to the postmaster. We hav no record of a subsequent credit as to the otner. -. . On Item of 14.2S for Improper charges In an expense bill of C. C. Masee. a postal ciera. waa aisauowea. On item of $2.66, a drug bill of W. 8. Lamer, was disallowed as personal expense. t nis accounta, tor me nominally "disallowed in tn ceruncat oi diner ences. All Amonats to. Sevea Dollars. ;v The two Items last named, - aggregating $7, thus represent absolutely the entire die-. agreement oetween tne auditor ana tne comptroller, so (sr ss th evidence was ac ceasibla to both. While thl revision waa thus barren, of financial sain. It waa Indirectly orontable. This Is the whole story of the revision of an account wherein Mr. Tulloch- alleges that the comptroller disallowed fjo.uju or $40,000 previously spproved ty the auditor, ana upon wnicn ne oases an assumption that subsequent accounta would -have re vealed immensely . larger extravagances. It ssved llii6 to the government end convicted the -auditors omce oi incorrectly aud ited. Mr. Castle says that th funds at a post ofSc belong to th general postal revenues and th surplus is legally subject to draft by th postmaster general for postal pur pose. Although not Illegal, th custom of drawing on local funds somstlmss violates rules of correct -accounting. Hence, ths auditor frequently suggests to ths depart ment'taat- certain expenditures should be ordered paid' by postmasters.' 'mess inctuoe ths .accounts' of 'departmental' official for traveling expenses. No Pawr. ta Prohibit. " ' "But our critic," says Jhs auditor, "un justly, reproaches th auditor for permtt-ting'-.a practice which h had no power to prohibit Mr. Heath's expense bill, to Which te specially alludes; was charged to th , proper . appropriation . and not to any allowance for th Washington poatofflce." Concerning' th .'allegation . .that certain empieyes . were paid on th rolls of th Washington postofflc who never performed service therein. If anywhere, th auditor answers that no accounting omclal can know In each case whether service was ac tually performed or not, and, that they trust to th scrutiny of departmental offi cials and th honesty of postmasters. Th postmsster at Washington, he says, mad affidavit on his quarterly account that the credits therein were Just and trua,-and ths auditor says it Is hsrd to believ that that affidavit was fslse. Th first answer of th comptroller to th postmaster general Is dated May 1 and denies that any political pressure was brought to bear, or attempted, to secure the suppression of th investigation oi in Washington Accounts, and that th sxaml nation had been completed. He ssys th attorney general and th flrt assistant postmaster general charged Gilmer with being Impolite and offenslvs and that such complaints csused bis detail (not removal) to another office. Th letter says Gilmer WM -eombetent, painstaking and Indus trious." , . M Th seoond answsr. under yesterdsy's data goes into dstall regarding Mr. Tul loch's charge ot a disallowance of $30,000 or $40.00 for ths quartar msntionsd., and In reply says th letter,, cited In this, con nection, was not a letter of disallowance, but ot inquiry, requiring th postmaster of Washington to explain some matters and stats specifically th' nature of some eervleea. That Latter t Ollwi. , . The comptroller says thb answer to this letter waa prepared and sent by Mr. Tul loch. end thereupon sll but $XiQ of th Items were allowed. Th comptroller re fer to th letter to Gilmer authorising him to examine any sccounts. except the VVsshlngton and New York postofnee. and asya this letter waa written by Mr. Gilmer without suggestion from the comptroller. Gilmer,- he says. 'had gone over th Waah ington accounts for ons whole qusrter. He found thst soms clnlms ' had been paid with wrong appropriations, but ss they had been paid and audited and the amount was small, they wer not disallowed. Th comptroller says he did not then suppose th letter referred to was obtained for Improper purposes. Mr. Gilmer, however," says th comp troller. , '"did hot hsv It copied In my office, snd when he left took It with him, also taking the. original draft of th de mand cf the postmaster for explanations. After Mr. Tulloch published his ststement asKed Mr. Gilmer for them, and he brought them to my office." fettering- a Appslllag. United States Consul McWade. at Canton. under data ;of April 7, sent to tha State department' a detailed report of th famine conditions -n Kwang Si, In support Of his cabled, appeal or help. lit produced a mass of Information, which he declares to be reliable, from American missionary and native sources In Ksl Kwal FiPs Wu Chow and other places, showing th destitution and th consequent suffer ing, . which . the .oonsul general says Is absolutely appalling. Ha says that ths heads of families, In their desperation, wer selling their chil dren for from $2 to $6, yet so many wer th offerings sod so few th purchsses that not all .could be sold even at this price. Mr. McWade says that so heart rending wer the appeals for asslstanc that he , had' contributed far beyond his means and would have given mor had he had tha, money. When the report was written, the, famine- wa Increasing greatly in severity , snd thousand were starving to. death. - In on v village joo people perished from starvation, and, he said, that unless some thing In the way of relief came soon thou sands and thousands will starve. Wholo families wer subsisting on a few ounces of ric a day and ar eating herbs and leaves. Unless the rice and other crops of July, August snd September proved plenti ful the famine would be only slightly al leviated. In conclusion, Mr. McWade says: The natives feel that the Americans have corns- amongst them for their and our mutual benefit, and not as their enemlus nor to seise any of their lsnds under any specious or other eretensea. That feellnar is rmpnamseo. Dy to great onarity or our o relieve and ' not to destroy, know no religion, creea, rac or nation. Charged with Being; Shert Th War department has directed General Funston to begin court-martial proceedings against Colonel Llewellyn N. Bushfleld ot th Seventeenth Infantry, who Is charged with being ihort In his accounts while acting quartermaster and commissary at Fort Lawton, Wash. Bushfleld was miss ing for a day or two and It was thought he had left Fort Lawton, but a dispatch received today says he Is now ther. ..Colombian. Ministerial Crisis. United States Minister Baupre has cabled th State, department from Bogota, under lte of May. IS, that .ther has been a ministerial srisls In Colombia; that Far nandes, .-minister ot ths government, has retired and. Genera) Pinto, recently gov ernor of th province of Cauce; will sue oeed him. Th general Stat of things was satisfactory. Th postmaster - general, has established free delivery servloe, to begin May 23, at Belolt, Kan., -and t Galena, 111. - , The -inauguration of . the - servlc at South Mo-- Aleaters It T.,- has been. . postponed .from June to September 1.-, - ' A report by Colonel W. fl.. Bcott first assistant. Chief Ot the fhinpnin. constabu lary,' of. the engagement . between de tachment . of tha Philippines scouts and a band of. ladrones .under the command of San Miguel, which . occurred March 27, hss Just been received at tha. War department Colonel' Scott after discovering the strong hold of . the Isdrones, which was an old fort loesated , with difficulty, says that ths death -of San Mlruel, commander-in-chief of the ladrones. who waa killed In the fight will "probably hav the effect of crippling th solidity of th organisation and break' Ing them up Into smaller bands. Bravery la Phllipplaes, "Ther seems no reason to believe that th Macabbe scouts will not at all time prove loyal. "I desire to call attention to th gal- lantry In which this band, estimated at ISO, was rushed by th scouts, led by Lieu tenants Flnlayaon and Reea, by scaling a double stone wall in th face of a ter rlflo fir. Th officers and men concerned ar' entitled to the highest commendation for th gallantry displayed and Intelligent control by officers and obedience 6f men in this fight Orders hav been issued detaching Rear Admiral Barclay from th Boston navy yaro to command th Puget Bound yard C. B. Simpson of th Bureau of Ento mology of th Department af Agriculture has been tendered by th government of th Transvaal the position of entomologist sna nss accepted. Mr, Simpson was ap pointed rrom Idaho. Th Postofflc- department todav an nounced h adhesion of the British pro teotorate of southern Nigeria to the Unl versal Postal union, ffectlv October 1 1901. Tha regular costal unlna win apply to mall to and from that country FAIL TO SEE THE EMPEROR Dalmatian Depatatlaa"' Dealed ' Aadt eaee with Fraacls .. Joseph. VIENNA. May JX-Ths Dalmatian denu ties, whoa object is to Indues Emnernr Francis Jdssph to Intervene and prevent tunner nioodshad In Croatia, arrived her today and found. thlr mission fruitless. Dr. von Kosrber informed them that ha was unable, for constitutional reasons, to ask th emperor to receive them. Ths re fusal to. grant tha Dalmatian deputies an audience with th emperor Is likely to bring forth a heated dlseusslen at th Tuesday sitting of th Relchrath. Premier Koerber Invited th delegates to discuss th matter with him tomorrow, but they refused. Today's dispatches from Dalraatla Indi cate that matters are quieter. The prisons cannot aocommodat th prisoners. Th seen of disturbance seems to hav shifted to th Adriatic, wtisr threa province were piaoed under martial law today. The Triest papers report that several person were shot during th riots at Fus- tna. , Oa Caateaaat at Cesrt Charge. M. 8. Height father of P. B. Height who la belnc sued by W. H. Crow on charge of securins from the latter several valuable horses by misrepresentation, wss oeiore justice roster yesterday as de fendant In contempt proceedings. Hs had been subpoenaed bv the plaintiff la ths suit againat nis son ana aid not appear. Justlc Foster, however, dtscharsed him. hnlrflm that his court wss without Jurisdiction be cause oi a oeiect m ins preliminary, pro Gallty af Maaelaaghter. ' CHICAGO, May zl Ex-Contabls Mar tin Howe-was found sullty today of man. slaughter, the Jury having been out since 1 o'clock yesterdsy, Howe was charged with the murder ot James F. Harly on September s, lsl. Ho was released on ball at that ume ana aiaepprarea iroas ina cuy having been brought back later froqi Dkuv KANSAS A STORM SUFFERER tfauj Towns Littered with Wreckage and Many People Hurt. 0RNAD0ES ALSO ASSAIL OKLAHOMA At Oaa Polat Methodist (harem Is Lifted sal Deposited aa Roe! at Parsoaag ay Freakish Praak at the Wlad. TOPEKA, Kan.. May 21-Much Buffering has resulted In Kansas from last night's storm. On account of th bad condition of th wire complete report ar Just be ginning to com In. Eldorado reporta a windstorm throughout Butler county. M. P. Panslcker was badly hurt and six residences destroyed. Newton suffered th loss of som build ings. Eureka was struck by tha tornado at midnight Here eight people were badly hurt but - It Is thought nons will die. Chris Oulllqk, son - and wlfs, wer awak ened by brick falling on their bed. They ar th most seriously hurt Frank Sample and wlfs were carried hall a block by Ms wind, sustaining serious Injuries. Others injured ar: Mrs. II. A. German, Elsie Oerman, Frank Masser and Anna Masser. Tha damage to property here will amount to 160,000. A meeting of cltisens tonight ubscrlbed a large aum for the benefit ot the sufferers. . In Bennett county the German church near Strutgart was demolished and a num ber of farm" houses between Logan end Speed wer blown down. M. Edwards waa hurt Over too cattle were killed In Clay county and a number of farms swept clean. No body was seriously hurt. All tha atreama in the eastern and cen tral portions of th stat are. very high as a result of the heavy rains of last night and tonight A report comes from Em poria that th Cottonwood river Is nearly as high as during tha great flood there last year. Tha wind did much damage to property In Lyon county and to Emporia, but no body waa hurt. Mulvane, In (Summer county, which was reported swept away by the tornado last night la ' safe. Some houses were de stroyed, but no person In town was In jured. ' Tavra at Carsneu Wrecked. OKLAHOMA CITY, Okl., May 23.-A special to the Oklahoman from Aline says: About 7:30 o'clock last night a tornado struck Carman, five miles north, and de stroyed about one-third of the town, In cluding tha principal buslneaa houses and postoffice. P. F. Brown of Wichita, representing machinery company, was killed by flying Umber, bis brains being found thirty feet from tha body. Mrs. Wlsmiller was fa tally injured and died today. Twenty peo pi wore more or less Injured. Among the buildings destroyed wer th Merrill furniture store, ths Carman drug atcre, the Halstead meat market, th Head light printing office and Wlsmlller's hard war store. Tha Methodist church waa set on top of the parsonage, where it remains and can be - seen for mil. ' A rumor reaches here that waterspout. accompanied by A terrlbl wind, struck tha town -of Yukon, eighteen mile 'west of here, at o'clock tonight Inflicting muoh damage.- Telegraph and telephone .wires are all. down and it la Impossible to obtain details. One of th heaviest rains-ever known in the-city fell her and th North Canadian river threatens to overflow Its banks, -inundating thousands - of acres af growing crops. .,, '. " . MARSHALL, . Mich., May 2S.-A -tornado passed over this city this evening doing at least $60,000 damages. Th Dllcln home for aged woman, valued, at $31,000, was unroofed and twenty other houses ' and bairns in the city and Marengo township were unroofed. Joseph Hlgbe and Ernest Burton, both of Albion, Alexander Skinnner of this city and James Hughes of Marengo wer Injured by flying missiles. . Watomga Is Visited. - GUTHRIE. O. T., May 21. A tornado is reported today In th vicinity ot Watonga. Okl. Th dwelling of J. P. Attarbury and Robert Payn wer demolished. Mrs.. At terbury waa carried fifty feet,-but not seri ously injured, while her son and-daughter war dangerously hurt Orchards and crops wars damaged severely. Th Arkcnsss river Is on a rampag a a result of th heavy rains. Th town of Kaw City is partially under water, many farmers living In th bottoms near Ponca City and Newktrk hav been compelled to leavo their home, nelda and crop ar submerged, numerous bridges hav been washed away and traffic I blocked,. EBTHERVILLE, la.. May 23. A severe wind and rainstorm passed over thl place last night, doing much damsgs to building. barns, ste. Mrs. Hsiuringer. so far a known, waa the only person injured. LUVERNE, . Minn.. May 23. A heavy wind and rainstorm visited this section last night Incomplete report Indicate a heavy loss to farm buildings throughout the county. In this section tha heaviest dam age wss to' shade trees. Telephone and electric plants suffered seriously. ' "- ST. CHARLES, Mlnn.,'May 23. At mid night a tornado wracked' the racetrack bunding and killed five' horses In training there. Many windmills and barna were blown down. DON'T-LIKE HASCALL'S PLAN Graad Vlv Issaraveenen Cla Disap proves His Grading Propositions for First War. The. Grand. View Improvement club., met at it headquartera, corner of Fourth and r.n.r urMii. last nlsht with an attend ants of twenty.flve,, and President Clyde C Sunblad In tn .cnair. A.urau- w questions relative to Improvement In that section were discussed, the chief of which waa the proposed lowering of the grade at tha crest at tha hill at Center and Fourth streets .In order to- glv inlet, and outlet northward on Fourth street An ardlnsnos Is now pending In the council. Introduced by Mr. HascalU which contemplate making a 11 per cent grade from Center t Walnut, and a 14 per cent grads from Walnut to Hickory. This proposition did not meet with ths approval of ths club as It give an abrupt descant of about 45 degree -from th erest of th hill, which necessarily will be practically impassabls la rainy weather, and difficult ot ascent at any time. It waa suggested that a fourteen-foot cut be made at th hill enj Center street-st this point la order to reduce th descent of Fourth street snd to make a gradual grade tlHlckory atreet and a light 'grade southward to Cedar atreet On motion of Mr. Hansen a committee of. three consist ing of the chalrmsSt of ths club. Mr. Sun blad, C. Anderson and Charles Poesch, was named to confer with City Engineer Rose water In reference to (he matter and re port at the next meeting of th club. A netltlon was ordered drawn UD for signatures for ths sstaUishmeet of a firs alarm box at ths eopier ot, Renter and Fourth streets. Th Question of consoli dating th. club, with th South Sid Im provement club wa dlscusssd and It vu deemed ins pedum h tot eCsct.'tb consoli dation-at present . Mr. Jacobson of ths commute on Street lights waa directed to continue hla good endeavor to eeur th fulfillment of prior election promises of candidates for two additional electric light In thla vicinity. Other business ot routine nature waa trsnsacted. Chairman Sunblad stated that It was tha Inttntlcn of tha new councilman from the ward to be present at this meeting, but that he was unavoidably detained at horn. He stated that Mr. Lobeck, as a member of the Board of Publlo Worka. and two or threa member or tha city council will be present at tha next meeting Of th club. tn adjournment waa then taken to Saturday evening, June . GISH DENIES HE IS DEAD Omaha Doctor Decline ta Ba Asaeag tha Blaasslaartaa Vie tints. William Foster, though a Justice of th peace and henc a man of much honesty, gave out a wrong Impression yesterday morning and now Is distressed by Its conse quences. II ha an office In th Karbach block. Directly across ths hall I th offlc of Dr. Jacob dish. Dr. Gish has an uncle, Ellas Glsh, who for years haa been a . casket trimmer In ths Maul undertaking rooms. ysaterdsy morning's newspapers reported that a J. J. Gish, visiting at Bloomington,' Neb., had been injured ther Friday by the storm and that his wife had been killed. Anyone Who will keep these tscts in mind will understand how It happens that Judge Foster got Into difficulties unintentionally. II waa Just entering his offlc door when he heard tha telephone ring In Dr. Glsh'e office. Glancing across, he noted that th door was open and the doctor absent. Thinking to do someons a kindness by tak ing th number, he stepped Into tha doctor's office and answered th ring. "Hello." he said. "Hello. Is this Dr. Gish's offlc?". came th reply In a woman's voice. "Yes. but this isn't the doctor. I'm Just a neighbor of his. What wss it you wished r "Oh my. wasn't It awful? I Just wanted to find out where th body is." "Where what Is?" "Where tha body Is. Wasn't It brought to Omaha?" This query rather pussled the Judge, but th woman speaking so earnestly that he didn't feel Ilk Inquiring too far Into her matters. Th thought struck him that some friend of hers and of tha Glsh family had been killed and that ah was going on ths supposition. that Dr. Gish was also the Glsh who trims caskets, so he said: "Oh, I guess you had better speak with the doctor's uncle. ' He can tell you." "Where Is his uncle now?" "Why, at Maul's, I guess. You know where- Maul's undertaking establishment la, don't you? On South Fifteenth street. , "Oh! (Mamma, a gentleman ther at th office says the doctor's body Is a Maul's undertaking rooms on Fifteenth street and that his uncle is there with It Anything further I should ask him. No?) Thank you. sir. That was alL" The parenthetical remark cam to th Judge faintly. He realised that the speaker a! the other end of ths line was addressing an aside to someone els In tha room .with her, but h .did not realise whst. "she waa aaylng .until after aha had finished and- had rung off. Even than he didn't quit grasp the situation because he had not time to look over th papers.. But.. when he did look over them a great light broke upon him. and now ha la much disturbed lest hs haa caussd soms-friends f- tha doctor sev sral hours of unneoessary mourning.. For the relief of such friends and ot any others who may be similarly concerned, It Is well perhaps to stat that Dr. Glsh was seen -yesterday .by. Be representative and gave his personal assurance thst hs Is not dead' or anywhere . near it - Moreover he. states that ao far.. M b.,knows, ths storm victims , ot his name ar not ralatad to him In any way. Brltoas Disdala Peaaats. Over In England they call the peanut ground-nut" and "ground-bean." In Brit ish eyee It la only for pigs. It Is met with occasionally In fruiterers' shops, but never In push carta, as In New York. A British sncyclopedia says: "In th southern states of North America th seeds, or nuts, as they ar called, ar roasted and used as chocolate. They are a favorite article of food with the negroes." Georgians are called "goober grabber" throughout th south. Many a farmsr has grown rich on the humble peanut, th annual product be Irg worth $10,000,000. Sum person try to belittle the goober. A lawyer, examining a witness In an Important case, one whose testimony was conclusive, undertook to ridicule him. "You ar a business msn, I believe?" "Yes." "What Is your bust, ness?" "I deal In peanuts." The lawyer smiled knowingly at the Jury, "A' peanut vender, eh? How many pints did you sell last month?" "I hardly know. A million, possibly." "What! A million?" "I handle about half a nll!lon bushels a year. 1 am a wholesale dealer.". The lawyer sat down, with the laugh turned on him. New York Press. , . , Calorada Will Not Pay. DENVER, May iJ. -Colorado, haa again declined, In a communication from the governor . to the secretary of state at Washington, to reimburse William Rad cllfle, an Englishman, tor his property at Grand Mesa Lakes, which was. burned by a mob two years ago.. This refusal is based upon a report from the district at torney at Grand Junction that - he could ascsrtaln no facta that would make It In cumbent upon the stat to pay damages Woodmen's Convention Ends, MILWAUKEE, May 23. -The-convention of Woodmen of the World canie to a close today with the installation of officers. The salHrica of officer a were made to correspond witn i ne large increase or wont, it was decided to consolidate the various - funds In order thst operations may be carried on from the general headquarters. Cripples geek Dr. Leresi, DALLAS, Tex.. May' Dr. Lorens, the Austrian surgeon, srrlved todsy from Mexico. Nearly 600 cripple are here from the surrounding country In sn effort to avail themselves of his services. SHOT SEED Fraas Oaa Ta Plaat Maaatala. ' On the Duke of Athol'a eatata waa a bare, unalghtly crag, ths rocks of which wer Inaccessible to climbers. Tin canisters were loaded with tree seed and fired from a cannon against the face of ths crag, scat tering their fruitful contents among th rocky crevices. In the course of years these barren heights wer crowned with trees of luxuriant growth. Dr. Burkhart's Vegetable Compound Tablets ars seeds ot health, which are being fired against th rocky rampart of disease. Rheumatism, Constipation, Catarrh and all diseases of the blood yield to their wonderful curative power. 0 day treatment 2fcc. AH drug gists. Mrs. Refina Watstn'i School F0ITBE HI0HEI AIT wF NAN0 FLA V 1.1 m I. MMlasaa Strut. Cakafe. M. Announces the beginning of Ita SUMMER TERM for JUNK 12nd. Mrs. Watson make a specialty of th training of teachers and concert pianists in repertolrs, etc. Among prominent musicians trslned by her, . li-e following names may b men tioned: Prof. Apel, Detroit Mich.; Prot Lutkln. Dean Northwestern Music School Rvanston: Miaa Parsons, Director Rock ford Musical College: Miss Stilbley. Dlreotor r'lano Clas.ea ot Glrton School' Wlnnetka, II.; Mr. Walter Spry. MUs Msy Allport Min Kleanar ihelb-end other ef Chioago. Applications fur tuition may be anad at sny time. For particulars address TERMS OF ME SETTLEMENT Union Pacifio'i Agreement with Striking Boiler Makers IS BASED ON HARRIMAN'S SUGGESTIONS Plee Work ta B Left to Rmployes and Arhltratloa to Ba Kffected If Satisfactory Decision Caaaot Ba Beached. . NEW YORK. May .-After nearly a year atrike of th Union Pacific boiler makera, the contest has been settled satis factorily to th company and th men on th basis of ths following telegram sent by Mr. Harrlman to John McNeil, grand president and organlier of tha Brotherhood of Boiler Makers while Mr. Harrlman wA hurrying home from the west 'overthe Lake Shor railway on May IS: "Rather than permit a condition to' be brought about whereby men's homes would ' be broken Up and their families, wives snd Children be permitted to suffer through no fsult of their own, I will recommend to . Mr. Hurt, president of the Union Pacific, and suggest to you for conohleratlon. the i following: The sympathetto Boiler Makers' . strike ou the Southern Pacific and. other, lines to bs called oft; Union Pacific strike to be called off; matter ot piece work to be , left to th men themselves, both those , already employed and to be employed here after by the Union Pacific, and piece work not to be employed hereafter' by the Union Pacific and piece work not to be further extendod on th Union Pacific, aud to be abandoned at the end ot four months If so dstermlned upon by a representative ot -tha company and men; if they cannot agree It Is to be referred to other representatives not directly engaged In managing the rosd or the strike; th piece worlOaystein not to be extended on the Southern Pacific or other lines except' after conference, and agreement with the boiler makers; no dis crimination to be made against former em ployes on the Union Pacino when placea are to be filled and no discrimination to be made on account of their accepting tern-' porarily the piece work or not and any adjustment thereof to be determined be tween representatives as above provided. "In lieu of this call off of the strike, both sympathetic and otherwise, as above, and refer the whole Union Pacific controversy In ' Its present condition to arbitration to be agreed upon. On account of present condi tions,. Important that I see you all In New ' York not later than Monday next. Pleaae answer." " Mr. McNeil replied to Mr. Harrlmnn,' agreeing to recommend his suggestions for settlement snd after a conference at the company's ofl'.cc In New York the matter ' was finally adjusted on the basis of the, telegram. A satisfactory adjustment tins been reached and the rights of sll parties Interested have been protected, including, the rights ot the company and Its new em ployes and the old men who are to return to the employment of the company, and It Is thought probable that the method her . established will be conducive ot lasting re sults, and that It may bo mads a basis ot . settling any differences In the future. Retires After Thirty Years. CINCINNATI, May 23.-Af(r thirty years ' of active, servloe In. the Cincinnati Gas company General Andrew Hlckenloper has been compelled to resign by reason of an order from his physician forbidding him to continua in business. His resignation will . be acted upon at the next meeting of ,the board. Hbmesoekers ' 'JUNE 2D AND 16TH. St. Louis, Mo. , JUNE 10TII AND 17TH. Indianapolis, Ind. JUNE 7TH, STH'AND' IrTH. Saratoga. N. Y. , Jp'LY 4TH AND 5Tli.. Baltimore, Md. v . JULY J.7TII AND 18TH. FOH INFORMATION .- , CITY TICKET OFFICE, : 8. E. Corner 14th & Douplss Street", ' THOS. K. tJODFREY. raeaenger and Ticket ARprtt. DR. SEARLES Bo well snd fsvor ably known as th leading, most" reliable and successful ECIALiiBl in ait 6EASKU Off MEN. Th.v . hav been many years in eatab lUhlnf tholr reputa--tion IN OMAHA for kmait and honorable DEALING-, d al,y rjcelvs inany let tare than'tast thsm for ths cUKts ptr, teotad end th great "" Uey are doing lor m Vnelr li.. work haabeen de vtr. as Bpectaiisi. m treating aU die-, Te CERTAIN O A CUKE by CON-, BOLTING th "EST FIRST. hat medical collise and Is e.cknowledged KTbest EXpifirtflfNCEO and SKILLED ftPEClALISI if- dLeae h-tjrsata. , are TViiB. . person or by letter, and sacredly confidential In all diseases. . written contract given m v-. .. Hi man r refund money Pta. Many treated K An per month. ' ' roxgULTATioti rr.B. TBEATMKHT BY MAIL. Call ar a drees. Car. 14th Doaa-las.; CH SEARLES & SEARLES . OsLAUA. JtUst. CL'BCO BT WHITE RIBBON REMEDY He Ne Cas k. ! is flu. nur, wa er aoSM wltbenl' kuIM. Wlvlt KikkM Kerned "III ur. or Mrir tw SIMM .ppMiM tot .Ic.olL mnuluu, nkttui IS. .ll.t 1. a cflrm4 iMbrl.t. a "ttppl.r," ocUl ennkar ar aru.kaH. lawM.itle (er ..yuu t ban ma aapMlie lor a4ceao)l llausri .lur u.iu Whlu Ribbon Ml. Undersea by Members at W, C. T. V. Mrs. Ueora, brm. snp.rlBUa4.nt ef th Vniua'i CkrlMias T.mpruce Union el Vntfa, California, vrtt: '! n.v. tMtd Wblt. Rlbbcn Sm4v vary obstla.1 drunkard!, an Um curt. Sax Sm ata.y. I. aiaar raaa. to. raaieir u f iva MT.Uir. 1 ch.rf.llir rMnnmD4 an4 nan Whli. Ribboa lUaMSy. M.aitMS W eur u.loa mn S.IKhus l. tai a WMouital tpeatottat U .14 ua ta euf law pcrance work." Druaiiei. r sr null. It. TrUI saeka. rr. k miac ktim. A. M TowaMns (lor ion savrctanr ot a W.maa'a CbrtotUo Tp,rDC llalon), i; Trcfmaat aiM, Bmu., Mua. Sold I. Omaha by t HaKr-EsVS CUT PMICB DRltt STORK rnoaa 147. I w. Cor. ink an4 Cklcaae SUmi Ooou .llfd mi to aa pan at euj. . noma, woer a was in tuoing. r w 1"