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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1903)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, MAY 24, 100.1. in COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Conflict'ng Influences Canse Fluctuations in Grains and Provii.oas. WHEAT CLOSES A FRACTION LOWER Cra aad Oats, HoTreer, Fatly Hold Their Om aad I'roTlilsai Maka (light Gala with Pack era' Rapport. CHICAOO, May 23. Wheat wu rather quiet early, but ahowea firmness later with a slight advance. Near the close a weak undertone developed and the close wan lower, July showing a Inu of ttWc. Corn wai firm, with llgnt trade, final lia; ureii being at yesterday's close. Oats showed conquerable strength, July show ing a gain of toe Provisions were fairly steady at an auvance of 2,tfjl0c. 'I'he early wheat market was easier on the cables and generally Improved weather conditions, July opening a shade to Vt-a lower at T.iaiJc, but predictions of frosts lit Nebraska and some bad crop news from the Ked river valley caused pit traders end commission houses to buy and a firmer feeling ensued, July advancing to 74'e. Liquidation near the end of the session caused a reaction, Armour being credited with unloading considerable July, and the clone was easier with July down WC'c at 7.1Sc There was no noticeable Improve ment In the cash. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 2oO,W9 bushels. 1'rimary receipts were 3i,Js bushels, against 258.784 a year ago. Minneapolis and lJuliHh reported receipts of ls3 cars, with which local receipts of So cars none of contraot grade made the total receipts for the three points of lit cars, against 167 last week and 132 a year ago. The sentiment in the corn pit was mod erately bullish on the crop situation and there was scattered buying by commission houses and local traders. On the other hand. Increasing receipts and liberal coun try offerings were bear factors. Under these conlllctlng Influences the market ruled ateadv, July closing c higher after ranging betwen and 44Vy--t7c. Trade was light, due in a measure to the light offerings. Local receipts were 445 cars, with 1W of contract grade. There wan not a large trade In oats, but the market was quite strong on small of ferings and a bullish sentiment on the crop situation. There was little feature In the trading and but little Improvement In the cash demand. July closed He higher at 33'Ao, after selling between 33)c and 34Vc. Looa! receipts were 182 cars. Provisions were supported by the pack ers and the market held fairly steady. There was some pork and lard on the mar ket early, but a fair demand from brokers caused offerings to be quickly absorbed. July pork closed 6c higher at $18.86: lard showed a gain of 2Mc at $9.06, and ribs were lOo higher at 19.40. Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat, 85 cars; corn, 480 cars; oats, 246 cars; hogs, 6.010 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles.l Open. Hlgh.j Low. IClose. Yes y. Wheat I May V 78 7i 77 78 July 73Vu 74V, 73Vi 7373i!U'4 Bept. 7UV 71 70VtfH70ttlU' 701,71 Corn May 44 45 44S 44 44S July 44Sr8' 44 Vi 44H 44" Sept. . 44 44W44toVi44ttb Oats May td 37 3 -. Sfl 35H July 33 344 S3i 33 33 Sept. o il 8UH 1 3n31 Pork July 'lT&o" 17 60" 'i7-47H 'i7 fi6" 17 55 Bept. 16 Utt 16 96 16 82Mi 16 85 16 80 Lard- May 7V4 t 45 July 00 9 07V4 8 00 9 06 9 MVi Sept. 9 00 WVi 80 906 02". RH,s May 9 60 9 42V, July 960 960 950 960 950 Bept. 95 940 985 940 S 324 ber, ITfte; cash. No t mled. 41c; No. I White, 41V04-c; No. 3, 4fa41c. OATS iSo. I white, Stic; Xso. 3 mixed, 34c. HYE-No. 2, 4ft4.ic. HAY Choice timothy, 313.00; choice prai rie. IS 75'y 10.00. BL" XT fc.K Creamery, lStflSc; dairy, fancy, 16c. t;OQ9 Weak; fresh Missouri and Kansas stock. 12c do,, cases returned; new No. X whllewood cases Included, l.'c. Kecelpts. Shipments. Wheat, bu Si.ooO 23.90 Corn, bu R;',4'l Zi.'OI Oats, bu 3,000 7,000 OMAHA WH0LD.I1LB MARKET. tapl aad Faacy Prodaee. EGOS Fresh stock, 13c. LIVE POULTRY Hens, 10c; spring chickens, per lb., 25o: roosters, according to age, 4yoc, turkeys, ltfloc, uucks, lixac; geese. IKuWc. fcK Parking stork, 13414o; choice dairy. In tubs, Voiilic; separator, 224j28c. Kresn caught trout, 9c; pickerel; c; pike, 11c; perch, tk;; buffalo, 7c; oluensli, lie; whlieriBii, lie; salmon, ltc; haddock, 11c; codfish. 12o; redsnapper. loc; lobsters, bulled, per lb., 27c; lobsters, green, per lb., 26c; bullheads, loc; cattish, 14c; oiack bass, 1; halitmi, 11c; shad roe, too each; roe shad, 75c each. HKAN Per ton. $16. . HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers association: Choice No. 1 upland, a; No. 2, ts.oo; medium, a; coarse, Hys straw, t.5u. These prices are tor hay of good color and quality. Demand lair and receipts light COHN 43c. OA18 34c. KYli-No. i, 46c. VEGETABLES. OLD POTATOh.1 Per bu., 4&S50O. ttjan" P01A1OB.0 eouuium, uer lb., 4U &.; per Loi., o.u. lh,'i l CcuPer do. bunches, 30c PAHuLh,t per aus. buncnes. Sou. PAKSNiPd Per bu., 4o4oc. CLCL AiiiKKS Hot House, per do,., 31.25. OrtiONi Per dux. buuenes, noine grown, liValoc. KAH18HE. Per do,, bunches, 15S20o. flAACli Home grown, per bu. basket. WEANS Wax, per bu. box. 34; per bu. box, 8i.0uii3.60. CABUAOIv-HoiImiiU seed, per lb., 2V4c; new Cailiornitt, per lb.. 8c. TOMAl'oti-Nw Jr'lonua, per 6-baaket crate, HMni.L HHUliAKi-Per lb., lc ASHAKAUL'S-Per do,, bunches, 40c NAVK llliANS Per bu., $ioo. FHU1T8 STRAWBERRIES-Arkansaa. ter 24- quart case, CHEKKliit Caiiiornia. white and black. per lo-lo. box, $1.60. THOflCAL FRUITS. FIGS California, oar lo-lh. narlna ado! Turkish, per 18-lb. box. ISo. OHAXSGilrd California, nuvali. fannv. for 16 and smaller sizes, 33.76; for 160 and larger sizes. U.6: Meuilerraneau. all sizes. 33; Jaffa, 33; fancy blood, per halt box, 2.00. LEMONS California fanev. all slips. 33.50! Llmonerlas, $4; Meclnlas, $4. DATES Persian, in i0-lb. boxes, per lb., 6c; per case of SO-lb pkgs. 32.26. PINISAPPLES-Cuban, 3J.26. MISCELLANEOUS. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, er lb., 10c POPCORN-Per lb., 2c; snelled. 4o. HIDES No. 1. erreen CVn: No. -I. rrean. Vc; No. 1, salted, 7Vc; fo. 2, sailed, tiVic; no. i, veui calf, to 12 lbs., eV4c; Xso. 2, veal calf, 12 to 16 lbs., 6Vic; dry salted hides, 5tal2c; slieeD belts. 2xu.,dc: horseludes. $1.60W$2.bO. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1. soft shell. ter lb.. 16c; hard Bhell, per lb., 14c; No. 2, soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2, hard shell, per lb., Uo; Brazils, per lb., 12c; filberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, pei lb., 16c; pecans, large, per lb., 12Vc; small, per lb., 11c; cocoanuts, per doc., 01c; chestnuts, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 6Vc, roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black walnuts, per bu.. 31: hickory nuts, oer bu.. 3160. OLD METAL. ETC. A. B. A nlrn quotes the following d rices: Iron, country mixed. per ton, $10; Iron, stove plate, per ton $8; copper, per lb., 8ViC; brass, heavy, per lb., 8Vc; brass, light, per lb., 6Vic; lead, per lb., 3c; sine per lb., 2Vo. itrlng, No. 1 Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Market steady) winter patents, 33.6f3.60; winter straights, $3.2(4)3.40; spring patents, 33.SuCa3.90; spring straights, $3.10 i&0; bakers, 32.60iffi2.80. . WHEAT No. I spring, 79!ff80c; No. S erring, 74079cj No. 2 red. 787c. 8ORN-N0, 1, 45c; No. 2 yellow, 47c ATS No. 2, 33V4c; No. 3 white, 374 38Ho; No. 8 white, 36ig37VsC RYE No. 2, 49V450c. BARLEY Good feeding, 38543c; fair to Choice malting, 49&64C. SEED No. 1 flax. $1.12; No. 1 northwest ern, $1.17Vi; prime timothy, $3.60; clover, contract grade, $11. 5VU 11.76. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $17.87H(fj'17-60. Lard, per 100 lbs., x.958.97V4. Short ribs sides (loose), 3.4Kfi 60. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). $8.12Vt3.25. Short clear sides (boxed), $9.76S9 87Vs. Fallowing are the receipts and shipments of Hour and grain yesterday: Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls 29.200 lf,900 Wheat, bu 136,200 121,800 Corn, bu 866,100 24.700 Oats, bu 218.900 249,200 Rve. bu 6,600 Barley, bu S8.D00 . 840 On the Produce exchange today the but' ter market was steady: creameries. 15421 Vtc; dairies, lZxJjlsc. Eggs, easy, at mark, cases Included, Uii'Ubko. Cheese, weak, lfrtauftc ( NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET, ((notations Varloas r.BM.100; surplus $i.r3.7r.i, mcresse I230.ini); Fx. I". 8. deposits $18,636,076, Increase $,- 360. IGW YORK ITOIKJ AXD BOIDi. Everybody Willi to tell at Oaee aad a Kew Lovr Level Is Reached. NEW YORK. Mar 23 Hopes of a turn In speculative sentiment were again dis appointed by the action of today's stojk market, in which scute weakness devel- Oied on a free outpouring of stocks from free liquidation from all quarters. The selling movement gathered force with the progress of the trading, which was most active at the close and at about the low tolnt of the day. A violent break In nlted States Steel stocks soon after the opening had a very unsettling Influence. The explanation of this was a rumor that me Chicago plants or the company naa shut down. The trading was somewhat disconcerted also by the large Increase In the engagements of gold (or export to Argentina on iMonday. bringing trie total shipments for that date up to $2.25),o00. In tne early selling mere was support tor Pennsylvania, and Its apparent steadiness served as a partial offset to the weakness elsewhere, but that stock was among the leaders of the decline at the last, losing 3 full points. The most conspicuous liqui dation, however, was that in St. Paul, which was forced down m points unaer enormous offerings, making a new low record for the movement by a margin of nearly 2 points. The llnal break took the average level of the market to the low record of the year, effectually wiping out the recovery of yesterday and the day be fore. The unfavorable criticism of the un derwriting of the new Pennsylvania stock at the subscription price to stockholders was a depressing factor on the general 1. . . n"i.A i . . . i ( .. .1 ....... uiai Alio aiiiiitcu iici.xoaii7 ui iaiiis a commission to a syndicate to secure sub scriptions to the stock was regarded as a discouraging indication of the condition of the market for securities. The special weakness of St. Paul was attributed In part to the reports of a threatened strike amongst the freight handlers at Chlcigo. The bank statement dlsclossd a decrease In cash of $1,326,010, compared with the ex- Sectatlon of a gain of from $l,000,wou to !,000,iXK). But the loan contraction of $6.4i6.1oo reduced the reserve requirement sufficiently to leave a small surplus for the Increase. The markets steadied a moment on the appearance of the statement, but f trices plunged down again in the late deal ngs. Union Pacific, Southern Paclllc, Mis souri Pacific, Atchison, Reading and Amal gamated showed the greatest losses. Prices of bonds hare moved irregularly on a larger volume of dealings, due prin cipally to the transactions in the new United States sinking fund 6s. New United States 4s declined per cent, as compared with the closing call of last week. Following are the quotations on the New York Stock exchange: Atchison do pfd B.l. & Ohio do pfd Canadian Pacific, Canada 8o Chra. at Ohio Chlcato a Alton do pfd Chicago A O. W. do 1st pfd 72 do M pfd IS Chicago A N. W 176 Chicaao Tar. A Tr.. Ufc do pfd 16 C. C. C. A St. L. ... 17 Colorado So to do lit pfd (2 do Id pfd Si txi. A Hudaon 178 74 8 1 21 70 40i 2k . 1 Bo. Railway pfd... of the Day commodities. NEW YORK. May 23. FLOUR-Receipts. S0.062 barrels: exports 10,663 barrels; firmly held but quiet. Minnesota patents, $4.HKui 4.40; Minnesota bakers. $3.25&3.46; winter patents, $.70i4.00; winter straights, Vi.iwp 3.U6: winter extras. 12.8018.10; winter low grades. $ (W2.90. Ry flour, dull; fair to aood. 32.804J2.30. CORN MEAL Steady: yellow western, $1.60: city, $1.04; Brandy wine, 33.40Q3.66. RYE-Steady; No. 2 western. 69Vo f. o. b. anoat; state, owuiwc, c. i. i . nt mm. BARLEY Quiet; feeding 61c c. I. f., Buf falo; malting. 62i&8c, c. I. f., Buffalo. WHEAT Receiuts 13.400 bu.: exports 186,664 bu.; spot, steady; No. 3 red, 83 Wc elevator and 82c f. o. b., anoat; no. . . , v . . 1 . . . I. OA- A W ....... Wn jionnnrn uuiiiui, i. v. v., uvai, & hard Manitoba, 88o f. o. b. afloat. Options were quiet and Irregular. They opened easier through bearish crop news and nrnxnecta for heavy world's shluments; rallied on bull support at Chicago, but gain yielded to unloading. The lute mar ket was firm on further covering and the close firm at unchanged prices. May, S3VU 83iC, closed. 83c; July, 7l'n79c. closed lUKtc; September, 75 ll-16.(i76c, closed at 7Ve: December. 76K&76 6 -8c. closed at It S-ftf CORN Receipts. 148,150 bu.; exports, 150. 148 bu.: market dull. No. 2, 67c. elevator and UUr f. o b. afloat: No. Z yellow. 66c: No. 2 white, 66o. May corn sold He lower this morning, but the close was generally Arm nil around. May closed at toe: July, 6161Ttc. closed at 61c; September. 6oS'jj! 5o?... closed at 6ohC. OATS Receipts, 147,700 bu.; exports, 2 425 bu. Spot steady; No. 3, 38c; No. 8. 8c; No. 3 white, 41c; track white, 3U'o46c .,.1A . 1 1 i ,i XTn 4 wVtlt II track mixed western nominal. Options quiet and rather firm. HAY-DiiH shipping 70y75c; good to choleo 11 0IM&1.10. HOPS etedy; state, common to choice. 19u2 cron. 1 iii 24c: llil crop. li'ulHo; olds. C'rt loc Parlflo coast, Vi2 crop, 1bViU19Hc; 19ul crop, l&'18c; olds, 6'uioc. HIDES Steady ; Galveston, 18c Califor nia. 19c; Texas dry, 14c. LEATHER Firm; acid, 2fS25c KU'te Steady ; domestic, fair to extra, 4V'i7c; Japan, nominal. I KOVIfilONS beef, dull: family, $11 0t 12.00; mean, $9.0o0 10. 00; beef hams. $lftv 21.oo; city extra India mess, $17 OwlS 00. Cut meals, easy; pickled bellies. $8.7i'al0.6o; tilrkled shoulders, $S6o8.7S; pickled hams, 111 'oll 76. Lard, firm; western steamed, $9:i6; refined, tirm; continent. $9 46; South America. $lo; compound. $7.76ft00. Pork, quiet; family; lii; short dear. $10.860.60; mens, $1H Km 18.75. BUTTER Wesk: extra creamery, 22e; extra factorv. l."ul5V-; creamery, common to choice, lMh21V: Imitation creamerv, Xiii 19c; state dairy 17toJlc; renovated. IJCilSc CHKKSE-Irregular; state, full cream, fancy small colored, new. 14k,c; small white, ll'Mic; large colored, new, He; (arge white, new, im,4t1c. FiMlS-rSteady ; state and Pennsylvania, 17!7L,r; southern 'firsts. 13i14c: Kentucky, 16rilSic: Western storage packed, 17c; west ern firsts. 16V'17c. . . TALLOW Eusy j city, ta; country. $H9 IV MKTAI.S There hse been nothing worthy of Kpeihtl note in the metal markets to day. Prices remained generally unchanged end buyers appeared to Le Indifferent tak ing only such supplies as they need for Immediate requirements. Copper remained more or less nominal on the basis of $14 76 ) 14 87 for lake, electrolytic and c-tln. Tin, ery, unchanged. txt, $." 4:f)2) 96. Iad was steady at $4 37H. Spelter was quiet and unchanged at $6 75, Iron was nominally unchangec' and dull. Kansas City Grata aad I'rnvlalaaa. Kansas' city. nr wawheat-ihv 6hc; July. Wv: Septeml-or, 6?c; cash. No. 3 hard. 71.' ; No, 3. 6imi7oc; No. 4, 64.q6c; relected, 6nr-; No. I red. 71c; No. 3. 6n7(V. CORN May, Uci July, 8c; Septem- WEARE GUAI COMPANY. Omaha Branch llO-lll Board of Trad Balldlas;. CHICAGO. May 23. WHEAT Action has hinged almost wholly on the weather and has had little else of weight to Influence It. Our latest reports Indicate a marked Improvement In the weather throughout the winter wheat belt and a continuance of the fine weather In the northwest. The rains seem to have obliterated from the memory of many of the facts that the drought was seriously damaging as the crop damage reports the last aay or iwo nave oeen iew ana iar between. A general view of the situation showing the lightness of stocks In all fiosltlons, the poor outlook for the grow ng crop abroad together with the healthy demand and steady consumption seems to us sufficient reasons lor favoring tne bun ide of July wheat lust at present. The crop damage we look on, as more of a side Issue and attribute It almost wholly to efforts on the part of Interested parties to Influence the market, in favor of the southwest which would like a high,' buoy ant feeling so as to enable It to hedge Its growing crop. September wheat should be sold. T here is no question In our minds but that sales based on present prices will show splendid profits before the crop begins to move. corn This week nas seen tne first dis position on ths part of farmers to market their reserve or last year s crop or corn with any freeness and the acceptances total ud well towards 6.000.000 bushels. There Is no Increase In the dally arrivals and little improvement in the grade, but there are still thirty days before the first of this corn contracted for Is due to ar rive. Acceptance of 1,000,000 to 1,600,000 bushels of corn a day would be a very bearish actor, if they were to continue for very long, or If there were any sup- f tiles of corn on hand, but In ths present nstance with the stocks as low as they are and the demand so urgent, there Is little likelihood of any more corn coming In than will be taken care of, and we question very much whether all of these contracts will be filled. The speculative markets hsve been firm and have not suf fered anything from the Increase In coun try acceptances, although the hedging sales must havs been large. At anything under present prices, corn can be fed or manufactured to such a profit that there will arise a greater demand for it than la srDarent lust now. acting as a natural check and Influencing the market towards steadiness. OATS The drought kept the shorts in oats uncomfortable up till the middle of the week when the situation was relieved by general rains and a sharp slump in the July and September followed. The merits to the p. Ices of osts, however, were clearly shown by tne position in wnicn the short sellers found themselves even with the help of the rain for which they had been praying. After the first break of a cent or two under high prices, the friendliness of outsiders evinced by substantial buying, turned the tide ftom extreme bearlshness to quite as extreme friendliness and set values back to almost the high point. As we have advised our friends, the weather and outlook for the new crop may be the Immediate Influences from time to time but the actual cash market, the supply and the demand of good merchantable oats will be the factors to ultimately determine oat prices, and one need only to notice the premiums being paid for cash oats over the futures to see how well our opin ion la baaed. PROVISIONS The hog situation has been very weak, with prices receding daily. Provlslona responded somewhat, but now on- anticipation of the receipts de creasing temporarily provisions are Arm, end may score some further advances. Stocks do not seem to be accumulating, and the cash demand la fslr. Estimated stocks in store- Pork. 17 6o0 barrels; lard. 16.760 tierces: ribs. 10.500.000. A small de crease In pork and lard and an Increase of 6HO.00O ribs. Packing last week. 4ho.0u0 against 400,ml Inst year the same week. WEARE GRAIN COMPANY. Kvapnrated Apples aad Dried Fralts. NFW YORK. Msy 23. EVAPORATED APPLES Quiet; prices unrhanged. with common quoted at 4fi."c: prime, i'tfiic; oholce. iVmlo; fancv. 6VH7W. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITSPrtines steady to firm at from Hfr7c for all grades. Apricots in moderate demand and about firm at 7"frsc for choice and B'tlO'c for lancy. rearnes, quiet ana rather easy; choice quoted at 7iio and fancy at fcyfc 101C Philadelphia t-rndaee Market. PHILADELPHIA. May 3 -BUTTER- FTrm: good demand: extra western cream ery. r.'Wc; extra nearby prints. 24c. EGGS I'm hanged; fres!i nearby. lSUc: loss off; western, 16c. loss off: southwest ern, l.xv loss off; soutnern nominal. CHEESE Firm; fair demand: New York full creams, choice fall made. 14ifl5c; choice fair to good. I4ric; choice ne 12V: fair f good llViill'Wo. Weekly Bank statement. NEW YORK. May 21 -The statement of averages of the clenring house banks of this city for the week shows: l-ons !."!.-4t-3,100. decrease $5 47,lm deposits $?M 611.- 100, oecrease BH.2j4.uu1t; circulation J44.2o4.ow), decrease $&.9uo; legal tenders $71, 873.6k). In- creaae $1.4JB.4t; specie $166,002,000. decrease J?.i64.ton; reserve Jv37.i,5 o. decrease $1.81. reyervs mulied $i iU.77&. decrease Del. L. W 244 Danvcr St R. 0 11 do pfd 86 Erla 13 do lat pfd V do id pfd 4 Oroat Nor. pfd lki Hocking Valla? M do pfd 3 Illinois Central l.K Iowa (.'antral 10 do pfd M Lake Erla A W M do pfd 100 L. N Ill Manhattan L 1SJ Mat. BL Rj 12 Max. Cantral 26 Max. National 22 Minn, m bi. a. ao Mo. Paclflo 104 M., K. A T 14 do pfd SJ Pullman P. Car N J. Cantral 1(8 1 Rroubllc Btsal . N. T. Cantral 125' do pfd .... iu guaar .... 18 Tann. Coal A Iron .... 37 Union Baa a P.... ....!! V. 8. Leather .... 48 do pfd .... 81 U. g. Rubber .... 8 do pfd T4 .V. 8. 8tal Trxaa A PactDc Tolado, St. LAW do pfd , Union Paclflo do pfd Wabaah do . pfd W healing & L. B... do Id ptd Wla. Cantral do pfd Adams El Arawrtcln Ex.... United States Bx. Wella-Fargo Ex.. Amal. Copper . . . Amer. Car A P.. do pfd Amer. Lin. Oil.. do pfd M American 8. & R ... 48 do pfd 4 Anac. Mining Co.... Brooklyn R. T (2 Colo. Fuel It Iran... Cona. Gaa !0I Cont. Tobacco pfd... 110 to tl n 40 .. .. t .. II .. .. M .. 14 .. 21 .. 41 ..110 ..101 ..111 ..loo .. ih .. 17 .. 8 IS Gen. Klectrtc Hocking Coal ... lbter. Paper .... do pfd Inter. Power .... Laclede Oaa National Ulacult National Lead .. No. American ... Pacific Coaat .... Pacific Mall People' Gas .... Preaaed I. Car... do pfd. W. ..188 .. 17 .. U .. 70 .. 40 . .. 17 .. 41 .. 1H .. M .. 4 .. It ,.1(KH .. 6 .. to ..110 .. 14 .. 7814 ..114 s (0 . 11 OH Norfolk A do pfd Ontario A W.. Pennsylvania . Reading do lat pfd... xde M pfd.. Bt. L. A . P. do 1st pfd 14 do Id pfd 4 Bt. L. 8. W 10 do pfd 48 Bt. Paul 181 do pfd 175 Bo Paclflo bo 60. Railway 17V z Offered The closing quotations on bonds; Are as follows: .lot;!,. A N. flnl. 4s 101 H .u3MiBiex. central as 79 .1071 do la Inc H .107 Minn. St. L 4s.. .101 .lUVxM., K. A T. 4a.... It .Ue do la 81 .'.iuVn. Y. C. gen. ta...l02 lllVlN. J. C. gen. fca....l.lf .lczNo. Paclflo 4a 101 1031; do Is 72 wa n. & w. con. 4a. ...loo do pfd Weetern Union Amer. Locomotive... do pfd. tl K. C. Southern 18 no pia 4t Rock Island 19 do pfd 71 U. 8. raf. la, reg. do coupon. , do la, reg do coupon do new 4a, reg. do coupon do eld 4a, rag... do coupon do 8s. rag do coupon Atchison gen. 4a.. do ad. 4a Bal. Ohio 4a... do la xdo cone. 4s.... xCanada Bo. Is. ... 0 Keadlnx sen. 4a 17 ...101 1st. L. I. M. c. as. Ill ... 84 st. L. 8. P. 4a.... M. ...luu-tBl. I B. W. IS 13 ...lutca MQO SB Bl Central ef Ox. (.... lot 8. A. A A. P. 4a.... 71 do la Inc 7i 1 Bo. Paclflo 4a. to Ches. Ohio 4a...l04 So. Railway ia lKIa i.muHBu eTt... lexaa a racme ia...lis B. A Q. 13 all xC, M A Bt P f . 4a.. lot xc. a N. w. 0. 78.. 131 iC, R. I. P. 4s... lot O C O A Bt L g. 4a. Chicago Ter. 4a Colorado Bo. 4a Denver A R. O. 4a.. xErle prior Hen 4a. do general 4a xP. W. I. C. la. xHocklng VaL 48. .107 xBtd. 4a... i xT.. Bt. L. W. Union Paclflo 4a do conv. 4a..., Wabaah la do Ja do deb. B Went Shore 4a... tt Wheal, a L. E. ', Wis. Central 4a. 84 Con. Tobacco 4a 110 jColo. Fuel at... 74 ....10! .... t; ....118 ....107 .... 78 ....109 '4 4a.. 114 .... II 87Vi London Stock Market. LONDON, May 23. Closing quotations: Consols, money.. .11 16-14 New York Central. ..130 do account Anaconda ........... Atchlaon do pfd Baltimore A Ohio... Canadian Pacini-.... Chesapeake A Ohio. umcago u. w C. M. A St. P.... De Beers Dearer A R. O... do ptd Erie do let pfd da Id pfd Illinois Central LouiaTllla Nash 18 Norfolk Waatera.. 11 1 ao pia tl 78 Ontario A Weetern... 18 t8iPennayleanla ui tl Rand Mlnea 10 153. Heading 14 41 I da lat pfd 42 . . ao sa pio at ..158 Southern Railway.... It ao pia is Southern Paclflo 68 Union Paclllc , to A.. ... " OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beef Steers a Big Dims Lower for ths Wtek and Cows a Quarter Lower. HOGS FIFTEEN LOWER THAN A WEEK AGO Sheen May Be Qaated Fifteen ia Qaarter Lower Iar tee Week anal Caansaoas Lambs the Same, bat Chelce Lassos Are Steady. SOUTH OMAHA. May 23. Receipts were: Ottlclal Monday OtlH-ial Tuesday OHH'IhI ednei-uay .. omeial Thursday ... Ottlclal Friday OUIcial Saturday Cattle. Hugs. Ulieep. .. i.bvl 4,uu4 3.904 ... 4. ill) o,i4 . . l.Juo o.Jlu ... 1,. la 6,ttm .. l.tJl ... m 4.d4 1,571 SOS Total this week 13,148 40.667 13.6 Week endina May Id u.lM o4.W Week ending May io.m btml U.109 Week ending May 11 llJ,S 4n.3i lt.bil Week ending April Z5....1s,it3 6u,x M.4J1 Same week last year.... 15,14!) 4i,7U o,4) KKCE1PTB KUK T1IK Vt.AU TO DATE, Ths following table shows the receipts OI cuttle, huga and sneep at tiucfi uniaa lot tne ytar lu oate anu cuinyarwuus uu tm year; 1903. 1902. . Inc. Deo. Cattle 3Si,uo itoo.f.JS 'i.,,jo HOK8 il,80u l.ub.un iou,u Bheep DOd.bOi ktb.&ao loo.ia Averaae once oalQ lor Hons ui BOUUt Omaha lor iue last seveial uujs who vum- parlsonsi Date, j mi. is)i.ivoi.iiou.,i!j.;:sv8.iw. May 1.... May i.... May .... May 4.... May 6.... May .... May 1.... May 8.... May .... May. 10.. I May 11.. May 12... May 14.,. May 14... May 16... May id... May 17... May Is... May ID... May 20... May 21... May May 23. 6 83 1 4 W 6 64 i Wl 1 81 I 7 7e J UI, 6 71, is, u, ! 801 1 tUi B M !! l b'l 1 t' 76S I b boi k ttu bo 1 I W U b ii 7 03 I 6 1W it i i fc 2 W tod 0 M 6 fo I 4 8 W W d Wi VO, t 21,' - 8 80 8 70 d Wti 7 0 b dt 1W 8 6S I 8 Tl 8 U2 7 i 6 t 6 li 1W I 89 1 7 US, bli 0 iil -i 8 j 3 i 8 MMt a J D ldi 3 odi 4 lv, 3 Ui 4d I S I6 8 Bd ii ei 4ls 7 w 8 68 ( 8 Wl sui 8 idl 7 Hi s 1 B l.J 8 tJVxl 7 12 b d i 21 t 67 1 (he (touthern rIVer markets and also at Chicago have undoubtedly-hurt the mar ket on common eornfeds, as packers seem to prefer grass sheep to common eornfeds. The feeder market is very quiet, the "rime as usual at this time of the year. Kecelpts are light, and so, also Is the de mand, and in fact not enough have changed hands this week to make a test of the situation. y.otattons for clipped stock: Choice western lambs, to.2fruti.76; fslr to good lambs, t!.Soi.:ifi; choice western wooled lamha, lV.7Mr7.OJ;' fair to (rood wooled lambs, V.Mii M;; .choice lightweight year lings, $5.50415.75; fair to good yearlings, f4.7oi5 2&; choice wethers. fo.CNXiS 26: fair to good wethers, $4.1Vtf 4 GB; choice ewes, 4.6(v,i6.oo; fair to good ewer. - tfl.60'i4.; feeder lambs. S3. 4 .0; feeder yenrilngs. 83.5" 4.00; feeder wethers, 83.50y4.0O; feeder ewes, t2.J64j3.50. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle Market Itemalns Steady, bat Hogs Rale Lower. CHICAGO, May 2.1.-CATTLE-Reeelpts. 350 head; steady; good to prime steers, nominal at t4 tf?5.25; poor to medium. 14.0) 4i'4.8'j; Blockers and feeders 13 (x&) 75; rows, tl.5GM.60; heifers, $2.0lHi4.7S; cannera t1.5P4jf2.75; Ut, t2.W4.2.; calves, 2.b $ t,75; Texas-fed steers, tl-OtXiTISV HOGS Receipts' toduv, 1o,(hk) head; esti mated Monday, 36.000 head; left over, 4.503 head; opened steady and closed 5c lower; mixed and butcher. 85.90(fm.X; good to choice heavy, 16 3.'.Si6.65; rough heavy, J8.15 diH Mi; light, io.&iiti.Oy; bulk of sales, 6.i0f 8.30. 8HEEP ' AND I.AMB9 Reeelpts, 1.000 head: market steady; good to choice weth er, $4. 75415.50; fair to choice mixed. $.1.75" 4.75; western sheep, tl.oOtfS.SO; native Iambs, 84.5lKii7.tx; western lambs, M.Sixtf.'.OO. 4 22, 6 to. t27 8 ii 6 27S d 24 3 U t 81 e , t i 7 0i B bH 6 U 2 8 4 26, 7 m. a t Mi 2 ti 4 40i W I U W I l 9t 7 12; I & lui 3 ti 4 Jo 3 ol 7 11 8 73 3 bil 4 20i 8 M 7 06 5 7l 5 03 4 2di 52 K x. 1 m:i 5 b3i b usi 3 62! 13 52 I 6 lHi 7 0S 5 61 5 01 8 65 1 4 33 Indicates Sunday. . The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Roads. C, M. & St. P. Ry Wabash Mo. K Ry Union Paclflo system.... C. & N. 1 W. .Ky P., K, & M. V. R. R ... C. St. P., M. & O. Ry.. H. &. M. Ry C, B. & Q. Ry V., H. I. k P. Hy., east Illinois Central Cattle. Hogs. Horses. 14 1 8 3 11 19 t 8 11 6 1 27 1,238 1,049 1.4K. 882 Total receipts 4 86 1 The disposition of the day's receipts was a follows, each buyer purciiaalng the num ber of head indicated: , Uuver. tjaiue. ius- Omaha Packing Co.. Swift and Company .... 11 Armour & Co 25 Cuduhv Packing Co Urmour A t o.. blOUX City .... Other buyers i Totals 23 6,982 CATTLE Cattle receipts at this point hatre been very moderate this week, as will , ih, -ahi Rhove. There is a decrease of about 9,0u0 head J c.mPar with laat week and of about 2.U00 head as compared with the corresponding week or last year. The combined receipts at all the markets, however, have ueen lanse, ". taken with the heavy s-.iuplles o the last several weeks, have caused prices to con- UThedbfnBtaeer market ha. been very un even this week, with prices fluctuating back and forth at a raplU rate. Tuesday and Wednesday were the low days of ths of the decline was regained. As compared , vTi.o f loat week the market may safely be quoted a big dime lower,, with some ) un- from . 11 . 88 . K a . 70 !l4o5 -11SH4 t'nlteo Suuea aUeel ao pra Wabaah do pfe 48 Mlsoaurl. K. A T ... th UAH SILVER-Bteady at 24 15-I6d per ounce. MONEY S per ;ent The rate of alia. count in the open market for short bl Is ana tnree montM' bills Is 3 5-lUoJH per cent. Dostan Stock Quotations. B08TON,' May 23. Call loans, 84H per cent; lime loans, 4ViU6 per cent. Official closing prices 011 stocks and bonds: Atchlaon do pfd Bostoo A Albanr. BoatoB Elevated . C, B. 4. ..l'.4 ..1414 N. Y.. N. H. A H..138 Pltrbburf pfd tt VnloB Faclto Hex. Central 1214 Amerlran Bugar ki do Bid American T. A T Dominion I. A B. Gen. Blectrle .... Maaa. Electric ... N. B. a. A c... V. 8. Steel do pfd Weetlnsh. Common. Adveutur Alloues Amalsamated Ulncham Calumet A Hacla. .. Centennial Copper Hanga Dumlnloa Coal Franklin Isle Rurale Mohawk (lid Dominion .... Oatieola lit Parrot . 14 IQulnry .1st Hants Fa Copper.. . S8 Tamarack . 84 iTrimouatala .106ViTrlultr . 81Vlalted States . 801, fuh ft Victor! 1 Winona 4) Wolverine 814' liu . tl , 40 . M . . 1 . 1 . 47 . 14 . 84 .108 . I .180 . 8B . I . Sit . 81 grades of cattle selling much worse t fhat. As stated above the market Is so Ivin that sales look all the way t nearly" steady to 1520o lower tnan'ine p?l" s7 prevailing list week: All kinds have suK ere, bur undoubtedly the heavy cattle and especially those lacking in quality have been Bounded the worst. Common cattle a?e Quotable frorn 83.85 to $4.25. fair to good from 34.30 to 84 60. with the choicer grades largely from t4.80 to 84.80. A prime, bunch woSfdundoubtedly bring $y than that, but at the sametime it takes rood cattle to bring over 34. 16. The cow . market has suffered much worse w,u for beef steers, and prices are very uneven. The good cows, such as have been selling from 34 .00 up. ba suf fered .the. worst decline and are fully lower, and In some cases the decline Is-as much as 40c. Canners and cutters, how ever, have sold freely all the week, and prices are. If anything, a little stronger. Packers have not been at all anxious for gc!od "ws this week, which Is rather an uncommon occurrence, but they explain It by saying that cow beef has been costing them too much as compared with steer beef. The fair to good cows are sel Ung largely from 83 25 to 83.75, with the choicer ,!.. rnine vvrv largely from 83. 5. to 84.00. It takes something extra good to bring much over 34.00.- nulla and vbilI calves have held Just about steady all the week where ths quality was satisfactory. . M . The demand for stockers and feeders this uir k.a hn mnflned very largely ta tlie cattle of god quality, and such kinds are a little stronger than they wre a week ago. As high as $4.90 has been paid this week warmed-up came, . nowever, nave been rather neglected and are only about steady. Representative snies: BEfcP STfifBXtS. Ho. At. Pr. N. A Tr. 14 11 4 M , COWS. " " ' HEIFERS. 1 no i CALVES. 11a a ?a urvVoiiThpra was a light run of hogs here today for a Saturday, and the market A.i atrnnir to 6c hlaher than yesterday morning, or a little better than yesterday s general market, uooa nogs ooiu laigir from t20 to 82ft. with a top at Hi .80. kinds went from 88.20 down. Tb s-enaral market was rather unsteady for there were many sirons aim wt snota Late In the morning trading was dull and the market closed slow and weak to Kr. lower. Tha recetnta for the week have been rather llsrht. there being a decrense of about 24,000 from last week ana i,iw rrom tne same week or last year. 1 ne ween startea In on Monday with a decline in prices, but on Tuesday there was the first substantial advance tnat nas ueen mnae mis montn. Prloes continued to drop off from day to day for the rest of the week nntll the average today is about 15c lower than that of last Saturday. Representative sales: Kansas City Live fjtock Market. KANSAS CITY, May 23. CATTLE Re ceipts, 100 head; market unchanged; choice export and dressed beef steers, 34.50tjs.2D; fair to good, $4.00ij4.50; stockers and feed ers. 83.25ti4.60; western-fed steers. tl.v$ 4.90; Texas and Indian steers, 33.00'74 55; Texas cows, $2.00ft3.50; native cows, t-'.L'iii 4.25; native heifers, $2.754.75; canners, $1.20 (U-'.oo; bulls, i:.WuS ;o; calves, 33.ooii.50; ecelpts for week, 22,3Qp cattle, 400 calves. HOQS Receipts. 4,000 head: market steady; top, XS.40; bulk of sales, 8i.lo4jij 3J'i; heavy. $t5.17'4i.f; mixed packers. ti.Wl 6.32H: liKht. $5.8fViifi.l7; yorkera, $6.12V 6.17H; pigs. $5.00ij5.8o; receipts .for week, 54.410 hend. . SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none: market unchanged: native lambs." $4 rWi SO; western lambs. $4.00u7.40: fed ewes. $:!.G0J?5.35; native wethers, J.8,ri'y5.70; Texas clipped sheep, $3.75'36.65: stockers nnd feed ers, $3.404.30; receipts for week, 27,600 head. St. Loots Live Stock Market. ST.. LOUIS. Mav 22 CATTLR Reoelnls. 350 head, including 209 Texans; mnrkot quiet and steady, but with a decline from last week; dressed beef and butcher steers, $3.76'&6.1; steers under-1.000 lbs., 83.754j!4.75; stockers nnd feeders. $2.50h4.B0: cows and heifers. I2.25ff4.76: ennners ! ontftl 75- hull. $2.6f(84.0; calvtis, $5.00416.25; Texas and In dian steers, $2.604.66; cows and heifers, $2.20433.25.. . HOiS-Reeelpts, 1,800 head; .market Steady, with the best a shade higher; pigs and lights, 85.7O$H.0ff; packers. $5.806.20; butchers and best heavy, $6.0O4i.30.. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Reeetpts. 100 head; market steady, with only good stock In demand; native 'muttons. M.Cflffffi.OO; lambs, $504f7.50: culls luirl hunka f ftVnil Kn- a,,nl.. ers, $2,CKgS.0O; Texans. $3.76Q4.76; '. .' Kevr Tork Lire Stock Market.' NEW YORK. Mav ?3 TlRTVirci re ceipts, 84 head, consigned direct: no sales reported: drestfeA beef stendv: clrv rt-r.-...,! native sides, fi'fc'fiflo: rnirtwt ,i'n.. 6S0 harl beeves nnd 4.400 quarters of beef. ' nivio i neaa on saie; city dressed veals, genera) sales, 7"r9e. 111 ms -Kecelpts, 1,720 head. SHEEP AND I.AMftS Tranlnt. o CV head; , sheep nnd yearlings, steadv;' good spring lambs, firm; other era dps quiet and steady; sheep sold at $3.00ft4.75; yearllnpsi ..15; lambs. K.12Wflt.2f: dresapd rnntton kK J(SJ?ressed Yngu, 913c; dressed lambs, 1241.16c. ... , Slonr City Life Stock Market, flTnrrv cttv t i .. n o , -, , -... - - - . , w. iciiicuni i f In gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 100; market steady.; beeves. $4.054.90; cows, .hulls and mixed, $2.604.35; stockers and feeders, $3.50 44.fi0; calves and yearlings, $3.004.35. nuuD-neceipi8, o.itw: market steady: selling, $6.0064.25; bulk. 86.108.20. ' Stock la Sight. Following were the recelnta nf llva ainv at the ajx prhiplpal. vester cities yejjter- ' Cattle. ( York Mlnlns; Qaotatlons. NEW YORK, May 23 The following are the quotations on ths New York Stock ex change: Adama Cea Alice breece Brunswick C... Coiustork Tunuel. (on. Tel. Vs.. Hora Silver Iron Silver lxadvtlle Cos.... zAsked. ... ft ... X ... 8fr ... 4 ... I ...180 ...110 ... I Little Chief .. Ontario Oi,hlr xfhoanlx ...... Pot oat Savage bierra Nevada Small Hopes . standard 8 ...8M ...18l ... 8 ... t! ...15 ... 40 ... 30 ...IM Foreign FlnanclaL LONDON. May 23. Rates for money were rsuier tasior in tne raaraei loony. Uls counts were steady. Business on ths Stock exenange was quiet, but the tone was good Americana were Irregular, tne narrnanxiu of the dealings In New York discouraging dealers here. Rio tlntos were firm. Kaffirs were In fair request and advanced. The amount of bullion taken Into the Bunk of cngiana on balance today was 77.uuo. PARIS. May 83. Prices on the bourse today opened Arm. Business was Inactive, however, and the market became cairn except gold mines, which were In much demand. BEKUN. Msy n-Prices were weak on tne bourse today. Government securities were neglected and Iron and coal shares suffered a further decline, in spite of the publication of a favorable report of the liuiutriciorr iron exenange. Jawney ea Call was uvivu at per tsuu Kadev ERYtiDORD THINK QUICK BUY QUICK A CHANCE OF A LIFE TIME THE POT OF COLD Is a phrase that sctuatly describes the SOUTH DEWEY" mine located on the same great ledge and adjoining the famous "Dewey" mine in Thunder Moun tain, Idaho. THE "SOUTH DEWEY"-MINE NO SALARIED OFFICERS I property consists of ten full mining claims (208 acres) and we own the property outright. This means that every dollar you Invest goes Into development work and no part of It Is use.l to pay salaries. This Is a vital point and should be one of the first things looked Into before In vesting In any mining company. TREASURY I STOCK IIO CENTS PER SHARE j WILL RISE SOON We have decided to place a limited amount of Treasury Stock on sale to continue development work and purchase necessary machinery. For a short time only you can buy this stock (par I value $1.00 non-assessable no personal liability) for 10 cents per share. 1 The present allotment of stock Is limited and the Board of Directors may decide at anytime to raise ths prlt as It Is selling fast. WRITE TODAY And enclose check or money order for as many shares as you can possibly afford It's a chance of a lifetime. A PROSPECTUS FREE Giving full particulars of our property and a description of "Thunder Mountain." which Is going to become the greatest gold mining camp In the world. Sent for the asking. Send Checks, rioitey Orders or Inquiries to The South Dewey Mining Co. (LIMITED.) Suite S 739-740, Stock Exchange Bldg., Chicago, III. Or M. J- CREEVY, 414 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Cmaha' ;.f....v Chicago ...a,.. Kansas City .. St. Louis ...... St. Joseph -..... Sioux City Totals ' 240 100 360 144 100 Hoa-a."' Sheep. 0,0.14 1 10,000 . .. 4.000 ' 1 S10 4.239 8.000 1,000 "566 1.184 30,788 1.100 Wool Market. NEW YORK. Mav 23 wnOT Bimn.. domestic fleece, 2aVgMc. . . ' ST. LOUI8, May IS.-WOOL Active and nrm; medium grades and combing. ' 1R 2cc; light fine, lMrlTHc; heavy fine, U LONDON. May 23,-WOOL-The third series of the wool auction sales closed to- any. 1 ne onenngs numbered 8,618 bales. The demand was good and crossbreds sold at the highest prices of tha serins Mr. lncs, while firm, sold occasionally below the best. The series opened with a 6 per cent advance and gained an additional 7H per cent later. Toward the close prices eased snunuy. owing to a tailing on in tne for eiRTi demahd. Fine crossbreds rlnuil im changed from the March average; medium crossbreds were 10 to 20 tier cent Vilo-h.p Cape of Good Hope and Natal snow-whites were unchanged to 5 per cent up and greasy anu meaium scourea savanced ft per cent. During the series 80.000 bales were taken by the home trade. Sfi.000 bv tha pnntlnsnt 6,000 by America and 20,000 were held over ror tne tourtn series. Following are to day's sales In detail: New South Wains. 2.200 bales; scoured. 9d&-1s 1; greasy, 7d &ls M. Queensland, MO bales; scoured. lldifla lOd; greasy. 4d4rls. Victoria, 1.400 bales: scoured. 7V4dfils 7d: areas v. fid-Jila 2d. South Australia, 80O bales; scoured, in 2Hdgls 8d; greasy, 6d31s Id. New Zealand. 2.1!00 bales; scoured, hUQls d. Cape of Good Hone and Natal. 400 bales: scoure.l. 9l'als UHil; Etersy, 4'jHHd. The arrivals for tne tourtn series of sales nmount to 111, 830 bales. Including 46.KK) forwarded direct to stilnncrs. The exports during the week were: New South Wales, 6.816 bales; Queens land. 1.32 ba ea: V ctorla. 6.3s Dales; Tas mania. 7,:1 bales; New Zealand, 7.612 bales;. Capo 01 Good ilope and .Natal, b.SJn Dales' runta Arenas, z.ioo Dates; eisewnere, utis bales. . St. Louis Grain anil Provisions. ST. LOUI8. May 23.-FLOrR-Flrm: red winter patents, 83.6itl3.60; extra, fancy and straight, 83.20Tfi3.50. bkki nmotny, steaay at n.wiai.w. CORNMEALSteady at 82.50. BRAN Strong; sacked, east track, 78 76c. HAY Steady to nrm: timothy. 89.00 16.60; prairie 87.OOSU.00. IKON L'tlTTUIN 1 ltL,0 ll.Uu. BAOOING 6(gMiC. HEMP TWINE 5c. PROVISIONS Bacon, Irregular; boxed extra shorts, JHU7H; clear ribs, 810.6JH: short clears, 810.75. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bhls... 5,000 . . 8.000 Wheat, bu ,...28,000 69,000 Corn. bu....1.1'. 62.000 39.0i0 Oats, bu ; 60,000 47.00 IV. Farnam Smith h Go. STOCKS, BONDS, INVESTMENT SECURITIES. OF ALL KINDS FOR SALE. We buy and sell Union Stock Yards Stock, South Omaha. O COMMISSION. 1320 Farnam St. Tel. 1064 IF YOU TRADE plsxe your orders with s ' CEO. A. ADAMS GRAIN CO., Members Principal Ezcbsnges. GRAIN. PROVISIONS AND STOCKS Write for our dally letter. JM Board Trade Balldlng, Omaha. 'Pkones 100 and 1017. PRIVATE WIRES. Ke lt.. 75... 19., .. 71.. 11.. II.. 80.. 8.. t . ., 88.. 87.. 88.. 75.. 4.. 87.. .. an.. 88.. 67.. 17., a . an., it.. 7t., s . 19.. 87.. 81.. (4.. 18.. 88. 8 ..181 ..221 ..110 ,.m ..12 ...IM .188 .288 ..228 ..117 ..! 148 117 840 tl l.H ! 228 !S8 8h. 8 28 80 10 140 li 110 It ... 8 18 80 It 40 IS 80 18 40 It ... It ... tit 80 t It 80 8 V 80 8 174 tM 8 lTi IM tOO 8 17V4 .184 IM "'i t.'l 110 I 111 .284 M 4 17V .131 140 1T14 40 t IT 80 t 1TH ... 114 80 . 174 ... 17a ... 1T4 110 t HH ... I 1T4 tj m iT4, 238 40 t llt til ... J7Sb lot ... V til 10 t 80 JS1 80 t to 144 1M t to Ne. AT. Sh. Pr. 7t W t IN 44 10 ... 4 t tl tft 400 t tO 84 til 80 I to tl Kl ... t 10 tl th 10 t 10 44... 287 40 tfl 17 181 1W M M 288 180 I to 71 14 10 t SO 121 281 MO to 17 t;t ... t to 71 M ... 110 71 IM 124 ( 10 70 1M 10 20 78 140 40 t 10 0 IM 80 8 10 88 Ill 1W 10 M 146 ... t 20 St 141 ... I 10 tt 20 1M I I2V4 0 2f.l 10 8 tt a. 147 ... 8 124 67 IM 40 t 114 84 27t 120 8 224 84. tS 10 8 274 tl 28 40 t 114 i r?i ... 224 to r4 jto t at . M KaJ ... u 81 Kl 40 t tt 71 Kl IM tt at 1 ... to M tut U III SHEEP Receipts of sheep this week have been fairly liberal for this time of the year, as there Is an Increase over the same week of last year amounting to about 7,0u0 head. As compared with last week, however, there is a decrease of ubout 4,000 head. The Quality of the offerings received here has been very much on the common order, taking the receipts as a whole. Packer, have not taken hold very freely and Con sequently the tendency of prices has been downward. Home days they would appar ently have to have a few and the prloes paid would be much better, and the next day the market would again be way down. As a result tha market may he quoted very uneven, but as a general thing sheep are fully Ij&Xc lower than a week 'ago, and so also are all but the chotoaet grades of lambs. Choice lambs are In good de IPnd st steady prices. The liberal receipts of grass shees st 'Dea inWIeat Send for Sullivan's famous Red Letter The Geo. T. Sullivan Co., 259-261 LaSalle, Chicago and New York Life Bldg., Omaha. A CHANGE FOR A FORTUNE . The greatest opportunity srar known for making a fortune from compara tively small lnvetment. la sow af forded t the Corn market. Never before In He history baa tha Cora market been dominated by atmilar con ditions, and these who take advan tage of the enisling situation will make enormous proni. CORN IS CORNERED kilt The moat Influential elevator Inter ests ol Chicago have practical control of the Corn altuatlon today and tha moat modest Inveetor ran ahare tha normoua proflta of thee millionaires If ha will take advantage o( tola op portunity. SEND FOR OUR CIRCULAR Dd you will hy facta which will pror ( on I thing to you. A study of th itatlftlcs re I at I t to tho prwent wofld'a lock of Corn and tho pro vailing market and crop condition-, and a comparison with tho actual known demand for 1903 will pravo staggering to tho majority of peoplo and will awakon them to a realisation of an opportunity for making a for tune which haa oarer been duplicated. WE ARE CORN SPECIALISTS and derota your antlra anergtaa and attention to that outntnodlty exclu sively, consequently wo are belter fit ted for handling Corn transactions than any other commlMlon house In tbo country- Our Cacti. ties are tin excelled and tboy are at your com 1 mand. We will give you tho services of our complete organisation and help you to proSt by the prevent situation. A SMALL INVESTMENT MAY MAKE YOU INDEPENDENT. LARGE CAPITAL NOT NECESSARY Oar plan gives small Investment ths protection of large added capital and wo keep our clients furnished with detailed statements of all transactions so that they are at all times familiar with tho progress of their Investment. When dealing on I oent margin, tho customary one, $26.00 buys 1,U0 bush els: M 00 buys l60 bushels; )00 00 buys ,000 bushels; $600.00 buys Sft.OoO bushels. Every advance of t oents per bushel doubles your money. lon't delay a day, but telegraph us .your order at onco aud allow your remit tance to follow by mail, HIGHEST RANKING AND COM MERCIAL REFERENCES. Merchants Brokerage & Commission Company, SUITE 95 GAY BUILDING, St. Louis, Mo. "ROCKY MOUNTAIN HIKER A Journal of tilstory and development of western mining Interests, splendidly Illustrated, breciy and up to dale SENT THREE MONTHS FREE. Address Hm'HY MOI'NTAIN MINKH 84 ADAMS ST.. CHICAGO. WEARE GRAIN COUPaNY. Members Principal Eicbangss. iTlTsts Wtrsa. BRANCH OFFICS OMAHA. NB& ira 01 it 110-111 Board EL WAKJJ. Htt. Trad. Tclephona U.t T7 MONTHS FREE II ) ) I'p-to-dats mlnlns paper (fully J ' Illustrated, coiitalulog all ths lat- Bt news from famous gold tamp. . iiit.iuuiiia THUNDER MOUNTAIN t. ftllalas Joarnal. 100 Nasaaa tt.,