Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 15, Image 15
TTTE OMATTA DAILY BEE. SUKPAT, MAY 24, 1!03. MALE AND FEMALE TEACnERS Proportions in. Nebraska and in the United States. MASTERS VANISH, NG WITH SOD SCHOOLS Mlatresa la She of the Kltaatloa a. Well a of the Maay Thoeeaads of ChJIdrta Katrasted to Her Tatelaa;e. Soon Hannibal will be crossing the Alps, Bclplo will bo waglnic war In Africa, and the babbling brook will be a-babbllng- along through the green meadows aa "we leave the doar old walls for the last time, per haps." Orators and alleged orators are getting in preparation a speech that will be delivered many times under assumed names. The glorious commencement time is In the air. From out the capital soon will go Governor Mickey, State Superin tendent Fowler, Congressman Burkett and others a mighty host, to tell the gradu ates they "are leaving school Ufa to enter life's school." ' And that recalls the ' fact that In Ne braska many school Urea have been lived this year and last year and most every year, even in the days before Buffalo Bill became educated In the circus business and before junior normal schools were thought of. And that' recalls that in 189 there were scattered through Nebraska eventy-four ' public school houses. The table In the last report of the state supers tntendent does not show what they were built of, so It goes that sod or logs was the principal material. The next year the education fever rose several degrees and the number of school districts were In creased from 877 to 797, und the number of buildings to SOL To show the history of the building of public schools in the state from that time to the present this table Is attached: SCHOOL. HOUSES IN NEBRASKA. jsr.9 J 870 1S7S 1K7S mn ISM 1KX6 ISM im 1893 1SSH IS3 1SS7 1 im lyoi 377 797 1.811 2.A 3.271 3.834 6.243 6.417 6.510 6.63) 6 611 6.6931 6,731 6.T4I 8,718 6,7"S 6,7(J 6,674 6,666 I 196 48 3,772! 8.4381 4,6.5! 4.93. 6.1W 6,317 6.385 6.520 6.544 6.6SO' h.fine t.VH 8,760 o.RU 6,1)00 92 176 23S 243 2671 294 23 302 3i 4 312 320 327 1381 122 220 210 184 188 146 151 140 15! 169 137 141 IT 132 11 338 867 496 628 734! 732 6W8 690 622! 63 1 6171 6061 464 436( o 301 1.13S 2,231 2.f30 8.363 4.261 6.931 6 8S1 .23i 6.49J S.oSS 6.687 6.720 6.69.) 6.676 6. .10 T6.-31 W.77I 4.813 Includes 1 iron and 1 baled straw, t Includes 2 iron. I Includes 1 iron. Includes S iron. What the Records Don't Show. The records do not show what material was used In the erection of the buildings in the years 1878, 1881 and In 1869, probably because there were not enough brick houses constructed to make a good showing. In 1899 there was In the lot one baled straw house, but whether It was constructed and named In honor of Bill Nye and his "Baled Hay" does not appear. , . It is believed by most 'all concerned that the sod houses are on their last legs and that In a few short years more they will have disappeared. If not because of the pride of a new generation that venerates not the old, by legislative act, like tho prairie dog. That the tendency la in this direction was shown during the last legis lature when Mrs. Bowser, she of sod house rather than M. Quad fame, sought to have the state donate her $2,000 to be used in the construction of a sod house at the lioulniana Purchase exposition. It was her intention to make the tipper story of this house modern In every respect, that it would show in a nut shell the growth and progress of the state since the days of one Napoleon. But the legislature would have none of It. It was the general verdict that Nebraska needed not a sod house at St Louis- to tell the people what we "used to was." Statistics oa Teachers. Last year there were 9,629 school teachers employed, and of this number 7,767 were females and 1,862 males, which all goes to show that if all the female teachers are "woman suffragists" bright and early some of these mornings women will be voting to beat the band. In 1900 there were 7,491 female teachers and 2,062 males wielding the rod Just how many of these female teach ers were cousins and sisters-in-law of the members of the school board Is not known. This substitution of women for men in the school room has occurred In all . the states of the union and Its results have been seriously considered by. many men of prominence. The last -report of the state superintendent says there are few reports In existence prior to 1870, either state or national, that will furnish much Informs tton on this question. The report of the United States Commission of Education for 1899-1900 shows that in 1870-71 the male teachers jvero 41 per cent of the entire corps. In 1879-80 they were 43. But during s I i 4 llliimnTnTm""'""""'rr COUHTINOTirT DANGER l: . ft ! courting danger to stand under Cy eaves. Not a few have learned this o tbeir cost. Every winter injury and veu death are reported as the result of bis carelessness. But there is a far uore popular way 'of courting danger. .Every man or woman who neglects a "Vmgh is inviting sickness, and many a atal sickness has its beginning ir a slight ueh. The timely use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will cure the cough. Even when the cough is obetinate and there is hemorrhage with emaciation and weakness, "Golden Medical , Discovery always helps and almost always cures. I waa troubled with a bed cold, which aettted 1 on my lun?:a and left me with a miserable cough, writes Mr. Joseph D. Biirui. of il Huestia Street. Ithaca. New York. M need two bottle of your T.ol.lea Medical Uiscov nr. after which my cough . disappeared entirely. 1 b not recomnieud your tnedt. . ciue too highly. Accept no substitute for "Golden Medical Discov-. ery." There is nothing ' "just as good" for dis eases of the stomach, blood, and lungs. Sub-' stitution means a little more profit to the dealer but a loss to you. The Common Sense Medical Adviser, looS large pages, in paper covers, is seot re on receipt of a I one-cent tamps to pay aspens of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Herce, Buf flo. N. Y. he next ten years the women began to come to the front. The report shows that In thoee years the percentsge of male teachers dropped to 14t4. and In 109-1900 to 30 per cent. In the North Atlantic division now only 18 H per cent are males; the South Central division has 47 per cent males; the North Central division has 29 per cent males. To this division Nebraska belongs and of all the states In this division Ne braska has th least per cent of male teachers, having dropped from (2 per cent In 1870-71 to less than 19 per cent at the present time. In 1899 and 1900 Nebrsska men teachers held the percentage up to 22, but the crash came In 1901, when they dropped down three pegs. Moaepely for the Woaaea. And this little gathering of statistics may afford a them for some sweet girl gradu ate, for, lo, many men have bemoaned this fact of women teaching and thus com pelling men to go to work. Prof. Hugo Munsterberg In writing on the subject said: "The primary school today la abso lutely monopolised by woman teachers and In the high school they have an over whelming majority. The reason for this Is clear, sine the woman does not have to support a family, she can work for a smaller salary. Female competition must, if no halt la called, bring down sal aries to a point from which th supporter of a family must retreat." Th professor concludes his article by saying: "Thar was never before a nation that gave th education of th young into the hands of th lowest bidder." The strange part of thta Is that In th schools of Nebraska, according to th last report of th state superintendent, there wer 190,421 male pupil and 184.917 female pupils. But notwithstanding that a greater number of pupils are males, a rank out sider could tell that Nebraska publlo schools were In the hands of women. They could tell it by a little Incident that hap pened in Omaha. On bright, beautiful warm morning last summer about thirty male pupils of the High school strolled Into the school room wearing shirt waists and defiant airs. The principal raised up In his mighty wrath and he drove from out th tempi these young men. but they came back after frequent meetings and confer ences arid the shirt waists remained In school. Whether the female teachers chuckled In glee at this victory of women's wearing apparel la not recorded, but It Is said the male teachers, the last of a pass Ing race, have banded together to prevent young men from wearing divided skirts. Probably they will not succeed, for the tendency among the fashionable young men of today is In that direction. And th fashion plates show It. PRATTLE OF THE! YOL'N GSTERS. Little Wlllle-eay, pa! Pa Well, what la It, my son? Little Willie What did moths live on be fore Adam and Eve wore clothes T Bobby Ma Ma What Is it, Bobby T Bobby Pa hollers so loud at base ball at he makes my head ache. Mamma But, darling, you shouldn't be angry when Bobby gets th larger piece of pie he'a. the older. Bessie Tes, that s lust it. lie's Men eating pie two years longer'n I have already. Father Wouldn't It be funny If I should become a little boy again T Bobble Maybe It wouldn't be so funny for you, pa. If you wua to be llttler'n m I think I'd square up a few things. Mamma Jnhnnv. what made you nlnch the babyT Didn't I hear you asalng th Lord last night to make you a good boyT Jnhnnv (aared a) Tes. mamma: out I guess Ho was busy and didn't hoar me..... On day small Tommy had been Tery naughty and his mother sent htm for a switch with which he was to be punished. Soon he returned and said: "I couldn't find any switch, mamma; but here's a ston I'll let you throw at me." . .m4 eath,. fit a. mtinff honeful of 6 was In the habit of going out every even ing after a glass of beer. The youngster soon grew inquisitive auuui uiew ma""? outlna-s. and his father used to tell him In baby talk: " 'Papa doln' out tor nia waiKie-waigue.- Th. fcM haA a habit of looklns? OUt Of .y,. tAn-m, tn fnllnw his father with his eyes as far as he could sea. He didn't have far to loon, ror me man iwaji nwus a bee line for th corner saloon. thta vouna? hoDeful knew more about th saloon than would naturally be expected, and on evenm wnon company waa present, one oi m vwiwn where his father waa To th great amuse ment of all. he replied: ' 'Papa s gone out lor nis nuwioie. RELIGIOUS. . C. TT fiourreon has been dead for eleven years, but th Issue of bis sermons has continued every week. The total num ber of sermons published Is over 8,000. rr Tnnn Ranrroft Devtns. editor of the New York Observer," and Mrs. Devlns have Just started on a trip around th world, to find out what progress Presby- tenanlsm is maxing. i Rlahnn Alexander Le Roy. who founded a chain of Christian villages reaching al most across the continent of Africa, has come to the United States for th purpose of studying the negro problem as It Is pre sented here. To be fifty-two years a minister and fifty J ears with ona cnurcn la tne recora or itev. . Belden Spencer, rector emeritus of Christ Episcopal cnurcn. larryiown, n. i., ana the semicentennial nu juai uvea ceiv b.ated. Rev. R. Calvin Dobaon, a Praabyterian minister of St. Louis, preached a sermon in th World's fair a-rounda on Sunday to an audience of workmen, being the first re ligious services neia on toe exposition grounds. 'I should like a whole congregation of prime fighters; 1 ooula ao far more wua them than with stuck-up, conceited people." said General Booth, alluding to the conver sion of a professional pugilist aunng pis recent American tour. Rev. Dr. Henry M. Field, the last of th famoua Field brothers, reached his tlst birthday a few days ago. He Is living at preaent at Btockbridg. but will spend ths summer aa uauiu ti nia lmhva iiutuv. jr. Field waa for many years editor of the New York Evangelist. On th subject of his preaching the late Dean Farrar used to quote with much amusement the Judgment of one of bla critics, that he was "a poor mixture of Bpurseon and Dr. Cummlnga, without the robustious humor of the one and without the Scotch accent or tne other. The number of theological students In Germany has diminished gradually from 4.S67 In 1K30 to J.149. or leas thaji half, al though the population has doubled since 1SJ0. Th Insufficiency In the number of .andlilates for the ministry Is discussed a matter of exceeding gravity by German theologian. Very Kev. Charles P. Grannan of the Catholic university at Washington, has been appotntea a member .or the inter national biblical conimlMlon. created by the pope to conduct extensive research In order that the Catholic church might pjsaess the best iranalallon or th Ulbie. Rev. Mr. Llttell of the 6eeond United Prrabytertan church of Pittsburg haa ra-sift-ried hla post because the trusteea of the church have decided to Install an organ as an aid to worship. Mr. Little Is on of thota old-fashioned clergymen who regard ll u u t , i f 1 1 1 In "nriikA l.iwl ttv hiBi.hln.pi. ' ' Leung Kal Chow and Wong Far Jee. noted Chinese reformers, with Rev. Bow t'he-, Presbyterian minister, are now in New York and expect t.i be in Boston In a week or two for holding large meetings In the Interest of the Chlueae Empire lie form association and in the Interest of Mercantile company. Considerable funds have been raised toward entertaining the above party. It iharmapala, the noted Buddhist teacher who came first to this country to atteud the world s parliament of religions in 1SU3, la now seeking ths aid of American meichanta and capitalists to astabliau manual training schools in India. "It la not charity that I ask." the Hindoo aald In explaining hla mission. "If the people of India ase raised to a higher level they will need many things that Ut Industrie of this country oaa supply." in NECESSITY FOUND THE WAY Eeitful Summer Vacation Aooompluhed on Firo Dollars a lionth. ECONOMICAL DEVICES OF BUSINESS WOMEN Aa Experleaeo that May Be Followed by These ia Neeel at a Pro tract ed Rest with Llttl Money Take It Oa. Th summer outing of tho average work ing woman la rarely a time that ah re members with pleasure. In nine cases out of ten the two or three weeks which con stitute th vacation must b spent In coun try boarding houses too crowded for com fort. Saturday afternoon brings out even more perspiring humanity to add its noisy quota toward the further undoing of sensi tive nerves, and when th brief sojourn In Arcadia Is over the woman In search of rest wonders why ah had not thought of spending her vacation In town. But on young woman has solved th problem of how to get a quiet and pleas uraabla summer outing on next to nothing. To her sister who Is In need of a protracted rest and who la wondering where th money for It will com from, her experi ence will prove extremely Interesting. As the young woman in question had brought on complicated y trouble by her work, a long country rest waa at last ad vised, hearing which dictum, she at ono mad out In her mind th following memo randum of her resource : Cash pa band: $69. Drawbacks to summer board: Expense, voices, pianos. Gifts for playing Robinson Crusoe: Cour age, cooking, washing, gardening. Available amusements: Walking, boating, fishing. "So bet It," said th young; woman, who already felt a delicious interest in th no tion, "I shall play Robinson Crusoa" Aa Oatlagr la aa Attle. The next thing was to find a desert Island, and this. In th shap of three attic room in a long-closed farm house, was soon appropriated. This came about In th most accidental way. Somebody suggesting an Interior county aa an excellent place for the scheme of Isolation and Independence, the young woman took the hint and a train, and In a little over an hour's time was set out at a little town. Here, for the sum of Sl-60, a man In top boots agreed to put himself and his buckboard at her service for a tour of the country. Ha told of th quiet of Cross river, a sort of deserted village from, which ' sleeping hamlet everybody who had not died had moved away to be nearer the railroad. The cheap possibilities of the place striking home, a drive of four miles brought them to the haven. In the deep shade of superb old trees sat a long gray house, billed to rent, which th exile at one settled upon as her abode. An old farmer, who cam up th hill to do the talking. Informed the woman that the rent was 16 a month. But th goods of one John Donoghu had littered the best of the twelve rooms for a year; so until he could consult a lawyer aa to their removal for John had flown in the night with his portable riches eh must be con tent with the three attlo rooms which overlooked the valley. For these the rent would be 21 month, though this exorbi tant sum included a "garden patch," a spring of "fin" water and all the "fire wood" that th tenant wished to pick up. Presently the old man seemed to place th eccentrlo newcomer. "Be ye on o' them artists folks?" he asked. N 8h nodded. . All was plain sailing after this, for the man now became as anxious to keep the windfall aa he had been a moment before to send it away. How the Attle Was Famished. He had known an "artist lady" one be fore, and all the cockles of his heart warmed to the clan. There was no end to his favors. Hearing that there was only a trunk to be moved .from the railroad station, he "guessed" that the stranger might use any of the absconding Donog hue's furniture and not send for her own. Then there waa a nice tick down at the shop that, filled with new hay, would make a fin mattress for her; and if she liked "them things" brown bean Jugs, an old chest painted black, and a cracked willow dish, weeded from John's litter there was, too, at th shop a pile of "Junks" she might pick over. He began to wonder, even. If he had not chsrged too much rent for th attic chambers. The "Junks" of th shop surpassed th young woman's wildest hopes. The Don oghu household goods had been of a sort to set th teeth on edge, but her, covered with dust, and scratched and broken, wer antique bits of purest beauty. She remembered to have heard that the region In question waa famous for its an. clent furniture, and warned ths landlord that the pieces he was willing to sell for so little would bring much higher prices In the city. He set the point aside. Th city was "fur" away, and ten years ago many of the things had been left with htm to sell at these prices. Under such argument the listener felt hey scruples fade; and for "twenty shillings" a wide-topped, thin legged Chippendale sideboard became hers. A radiant old blue quilt, hand-woven and with "Prudence" In th corners the nam of th long-dead spinner followed for SLM. and a low chest of drawers with carved feet for $2. Certain quaint, high-backed chairs the old man would not sell from sheer senti ment. He had begun married life with them fifty-five years before, and had thrown them aside for newer fashions. They really were not worth anything, but. since they pleased the "city lady," she was welcome to th loan of them. In a cedar chest wer linen sheets, soma entirely whole, though spotted with time, likewise spun by the. departed Prudence. Th young woman yearned for th sheets. These, however, wer beyond price. They would fall "to holes" In the washing,' the old man argued. But sine th newcomer handled the coarse meshes tenderly, a loan of four was thrust upon her. With this courtesy he hauled forth a spindling wooden settee aa a present, to eaa his conscience for all the money h had taken from her. Food for Kathlag. Indeed, th whole lonely section of coun try soon proved strangely Indifferent to th value of money, and th subject, besides. needed to be delicately touched upon. For her tl rental the young woman had several pieces of furniture, sheets, dishes, an occa slonal drive, and th privileges of th farm er's kitchen garden. The argument waa al ways the same. "W ain't usln' 'em," or "We throw it away, so why should you pay Even a scrubby little fox terrier came up as guardian of the night, and an old bay onet, ground to stiletto sharpness, wss added by way of a weapon against the pos sible marauder. The new establishment one In working order the old man's wide straw hat ceased to como up the hill many times a day to se how hla guest was getting a'ong. But the new pleasures of her quaint menage kept her from loneliness, and since she needed to skirmish somes hat for existence th night found ber ready for the deep sleep. gomstlmw ah waa tut U U for a break fast, being of forgetful mrmory and th supply wagons passing only twlc a week. But the fact dfd not dismay her, even though th larder was bar as waa Mother Hubbard's cupboard. The Instinct of the chase was awakened, and with something of the fierce Best that was primeval man's, field, hill and brook wer ransacked for their llfe-glTlng treas ures. t On by one, aa the season advanced, the wild gifts of nature poured Into th gray house by the roadway strawberries, rasp, berries, mushrooms, field aalad, wild cher ries, wild gtapea and nuts of many sorts. For all the land contiguous to the house belonged to her landlord, and the tenant waa privileged to roam wherever she chose. Expenses Jast as a Month. With such delicacies at command, th 210 determined on for monthly expenses soon left a cheering surplus. One dollar a week was all that was spent for "boughten stuffs" from the supply wagons. With th monthly rental, th entire expanses wer 23 a month. Th rainy days were th. hardest of all to bear, for the solitary householder had no eyea for books. But soon she found that If there were neither clothes nor dishes to wash she could occupy her fing ers by shipping rags, which, for 25 cants th woven yard, a weaver who passed would resolve Into radiant portieres and floor rugs. In one way and another she busied her self, and when the end of vacation com she was as strong as any country bred girl and mora than ready for her work. If she had spent every penny of her 260 she had made 2100 mora. Friends paid her r7K fn. i ' the old silk for which other friends had I sent out Her city grocer "gladly gav her 22S for ten gallons ef wild cherry cordial, many Jars of grape and strawberry Jam and, three crocks of tomato and cucumber pickles. The receptacles and sugar and alcohol for these home-made dainties had cost little; and as to their main ingredi ents, what nature had not held out to her. th young woman's own doll baby "garden patch," prepared and tended by her own cherishing hands, had supplied. As sh took the train one bright morning for the city the young woman, who had' so usefully employed th period of con valescence, felt sh had reason to be pleased with her four months' outing. She had learned to sleep Ilk a baby, waa In condition to work once more and had en tertained herself prodigiously. With it all and glorious thought to the needy she was at least $30 mors In pocket than when starting on th adventure. s iiGse Druggists Sell Crani-Tonic OMAHA. DRIGGISTS. WUOLKSALB. B. M. Brars s Ce., 401-406 I. loth. Klctaarisos Drug Co., K'l-K Jacksoa. RETAIL. W. C. Albas. 1004 H. 14th. Beatoa Drug Co., 1MI Farnen. Max Becllt. 7J0 8. Kth. bll Drug Co., lilt Farsank Joe. Bell. 110 N Win. 8. A. Boranak. 141 S. ICth, J. C Buhop. nit Bhermaa Are, C 1. Canan, trul N. 14th. 0. R. Cauthlan. (01 l'lcrta. mil Cermak i:4 8. 1st a. J. B. Conto. t4 S. 1Mb. Tb. CrlMwr Pharmacy. 1424 N. Kth. P. H. Kblera, 1701 Leavenworth. B. H. Faraaley, Boston Store. S. H. Paroawortb. lilt Cuming P. W. Pog. 114 N. 4tn. Poster Arnold!. Ill N. Mth. 1. 1. Froytag. 114 N. 14th. C. J. Piira, 1114 Doojlaa. H. B. Graham Kit Parnam. O. A, Oreamouih. 1424 8. loth. O A. GrvoDough A Co., 1026 8. 10th. Hahn's Pharmacy, ISM Parnam. W. A. Hansen Co., 1401 Ames At. 8. U. Hsstwooa a .., UOl 8. nth At. OMAHA DRVCHJISTi. John Hoist, rot Cuming. Howell Prut Co . tot N. Itth. Samuel B. Howell. Ht4 LeaTsaworU. A. U Haft, mi Laka, J. M. Johnaon, 701 N 11th. Kaon A Co., 114 S. mth. 8. A. Laoyon, 1910 Parnate. C. B. Lathrnp, 1M4 N. 14th. D. C. MrNotl. 111). N. 1Mb. P. U Mama, lot 8. XX a. 1. H. Merchant. 8 W. (or. itth 4V HowarC A4o)h Merrill. 1UI N. SMA. W. M. Mlllen. Ml S. 11th. Myers-Dillon Dnis In., !tn Parnam. O. H. My era. (911 Parnam. C. H. Olaon, til Cumins U K. Peyton. M01 Leavenworth. Bernard Roblnaon. S14 S. Itth. Jullua Roerter. 1301 Parker. Baratoca Pharmacy, 4424 N. X4lh. Auf. Schaefer. 231 fthannaa Ave. Schaefer-a Cut Prlre Drug SI ore, 124 N. Itth. J. H. Schmidt, 1401 Cumins. J. W. Selden. SMI Cuming. ' Sherman MeCennell Dra Co., 101 8. Hla. J. J. Solomon, 137 Vinton. Peter Slrauapaush. 1121 V tat os. torn. Tuch. 1411 S. 19th. R. W. Walton, ltd! N. Mth. Huso Waaaenaan. 101 8. 12th. a H. Wlrth. UN N. 40th. tOt . Mil. ntl FPU rtRt t.UISTS. WHOLFJAl.J. Hasle, Haas Drue Co , u d Mais St. RSTTAIL.. 1. 9. Atklna. lit W. Broadway. R. B. Aaderena, M W. Broadway. -P. II. Amelia, iht Broadway. 0. H. Brown, ill Main St Proneon I)ruf Co . IPs Rreatwa. Camp Broa, tot Broadway. Clark . Blllott. Broadway A Mala St. Geo. 8. Davla. 100 Broadway. 1. C. DeHaven. Ul W. Broadway. Hassan Weanar, w 8. Mala St. Jaa. I. Henry, I1T Main St. U Masenheri, 430 W. Broadway. P. H. Morgan. 741 W. Broadway. Morgan A Picker, HI Broadway. 8 B Whaley. 411 W. Broadway. Jno. W. Scbott A Co., U a Mala l. OITII OMAHA DBrGGISTs. P. 8. Clark, 1421 N. Dillon rni Co . 1444 14. , P. J. Orau. 101 U. U J. Hort. M14 Q. W. r. Hufiky. 701 N. th. J. U Kuhai. 110 N. Mth. C. A. Melrher. Mti N. Howard Meyers, tsfti N. Q St. Pharmacy, 17J6 Cj. O. B. Dcarr. 44 N. 14th. B. J. Beykors. 8. W. Cor. t4th A b. HAITI ltATURAIXY ABCHDANT. Wheal It la Free ef Daadraff It Grows Luxuriantly. Hair preparations and dandruff cures, a a rule, are sticky or Irritating affairs that do no earthly good. Hair, when not dis eased, grows naturally, luxuriantly. Dan druff is the cause of nine-tenths of all hair trouble. The dandruff Is caused by a germ. The only way to cure dandruff Is to kill the germ, and, so far, th only hair preparation that will positively de stroy that germ ia Newbro'a Herplclde absolutely harmless, free from grease, sediment, dye matter or dangerous drugs. It allays itching Instantly; makes hair glossy and soft aa silk. "Destroy th cause, you remov th effect" dandruff. Bend 10 cents In stamps for free sample to Th Herplclde Co., Detroit, Mich. OUT OF THE ORDINARY. Electrlo railways kill 100 persons a month. Under local option New Hampshire and Vermont expect an Increase of summer visitors. In the Indian Territory 440,000 acres of coal lands are to be sold at auction and the preceeds divided among the Indians. The Income of the British postorace from money in envelopes havlner no, or Insuffi cient, address is 130,000 to t&.OOO a day. The British government will buy all the railways in bouth Africa, the colonies to Bay Interest on the 65,00i,000 necessary to He purchase. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Harrington of Natlck, Mass.. have celebrated the seventy-nrst anniversary of their marriage. He is 9t and she 87 years of age, r nd they have lived In the same house fifty years. The police enrollment of males In Boston 9n v.arfl nlri ttnii nvfr shows fL total of 1S3.&80. an Increase of Just 12,000 over the assessors' list made one year ago and an Increase of 7,996 over the voting Uat Of October 1 last A new law In New Hampshire requires boards of education to place a flag staff on every public school house in the district under their control and to procure a flag for display thereon, under penalty of tlO for neglect .so to do. The amount of money yearly spent for advertising In the United States Is about $tX,000,000 a sum equal to tho value of the annual corn crop, or nearly twice the value of the wheat crop; more than six times th value of the pig iron production in a year, and nearly three times th annual gold production. The biggest price ever paid for a pearl from Wisconsin waters, SZ.125, was paid last week by a jeweler In Prairie du Chlen for what is described as a button-shaped salmon-pink pearl of beautiful luster and weighing ninety-six grains. It was found near Prairie du Chlen. A novel and Ingenious raonument by Bartholcli to the areonauts o the siege of Paris is to be erected In Uontmarte or Its vicinity. It will stand about sixty feet high and be capped by a balloon of bronze and alass or transparent mica. Its diameter will be about ten feet and Inside will be an electrlo lamp with a reflector, so that by nlfcht the monument will be Illuminated. The balloon will be guided by a symbolical figure of the genius of Paris and under it a mother with her dying chil dren will represent tne city of Pans. The Batavla Fruit Farm company of Arkansas finished planting its peach orchard of lJO.wuo trees. It Is putting out 120 acres In cantaloupes, twenty-five acres In Irish potatoes and 100.000 sweet potato plants. This will be the largest orchard In Boone county and It Is the opinion of the promoters that the products grown while cultivating the orchard will more than pay the expenses of cultivation. The outcome or tnis enterprise is being watched cloeely and It Is the general opinion that it will be a success, as this Is certainly the best fruit country known. a. H eat aw v aSI WW eTaaaB' gs -w iBt A Why Don't You Have It Covered With Hair? "IT CAN BE DONE" Granitonic Hair Food 6 WILL DO IT" It is Absolutely Pure and Non-Alcoholic Sold the World Over: Three Sizes, for One. Two and Five Dnlhrc ih( iinttfa - - . y - - - - y - ' - .w arweeaav tllW UVl SPECIAL OFFER Sii (6) One Dollar bottles for Five Dollars, txprcss Prepaid to any part of the United , ' ; States or Canada. REMEMBER IT Makes Hair Grow Prevents and Stops Hair Falling , Prevents and Cures Dandruff Prevents and Stops Baldness Prevents and Cures Itching and Scatp Irritation Is Free from Urease anc edimem Non-Alcoholic -The Modern Hair Dress'n; Absolutely Pure and 0-So-Good For the Hair and Scalp ARE YOU IN TROUBLE? All who bays Neglected their hair or bay any Serious hair or acalp Trouble and are Alarmed or Worried berauae They hava Hard or Dona the Wrong Thins and Do Not Know What To Do. are Recommended to Tall on l a or Writ our MEDI CAL, AND SCIENTIFIC DEPARTMENT.- Conducted by a Board of Hair and Scalp gpeciallate. The Cranltonlo Corporation are the Only manu facturer! of a balr and scalp preparation la the world that Maintain a Medical Department where dlaeaaea of the hair and acalp are Studied by Bpeclallata regularly graduated and liceneed Phy sician who devote tbelr entire time and Ener gies to this Important subject. Fleas Writs oa snd 8end by Mall a few hairs pulled from ths bead, or a sample from the daily combing, for microscopical eiamlnatloa, and our Medical Board will Diagnose your eaa and OIt or (.end you by mall a full Report, absolutely free. Office Hours to (. Consultation. Micro scopla Examination, and Diagnosis ABSOLUTELY FRBB BT MAIL , FREE HAIR AND SCALP FOOD. To enable) the Public to Observe Its Absolute Purity and Learn of Its Possibilities, and What It Has Done for Others A LA ROE TRIAL SIZB BOTTLE -will be sent FREE, by mall, postpaid, to all that send Name and Complete Address and Tea cents in stamps or coin to pay for postage. Granitonic Hair Food Co. Incorporated Iy 6th, J80t. tinder h Laws of New Yorlc Slate p,i.-7A,l.n"nfu,dTpo..Brf K5r3f thYH..?1 a'r 'tffil1,1 ' " MiX. 17 Holborn Viaduct, Loo on. or t Ru ,t Tu Partx. Pari. Education. Taos Is Europe ah on Id call or writs Craoi Toolqu Hair Food Co.. 526 Wesl Broadway NEW YORK Your office furniture and your office stationery should be your first care it's your introduce tion to your customer. HsU nersr know, that you sst4 10 to to per cant, by traylns It of a All ths style and quaJlty of the best there la in furni tureThe reason you sera so much is be ceuse you buy tt of ua at wholesale. Ojfce tupplie and ttatiormrg ntaHed at whoitmah price. lfrrytMt mttU 1m Wm eftlca. OMAHA PRINTING 00.. "RSSir Scad far cautcree. Evcrv Woman anq pooaua snev eboat lb wonasrfoi Mtlrflna Sorey r-Moe Coseenlani. , aatiaaaaiilaalaaMy. a4 ! .HUSH. V I, -m ffnU ivtsrit ni Lsir And 1trwJrT tea- A A Bids., For Sale by 8CHAEFEIV8 CUT RATE) DRUG BTORK. Corner 16th and Chicago, fits., Omaha. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Write for m Sample Copy, WBsm Mrs. Fra'nces Mitchee. Secretary, North Chicago frauen Verein. io56 WinnemacA ve.rChicagoJII.sys Cmoaeo, Ilu, IMS Wlnaemao Arenas, Oat. M, 1MT Win of Oardal eaa aJwayg be relied npoa to ours when srery thins else fella It is a carta I a ears for female diseases in their worst forms. I suSarad for years with alosretioa. latenee pais la the womb aad ovaries aad dreadful headaches nnflUad me for my work, finally I f raw so 111 that 1 bad to keep to my bad. Tbs pains were so Intense at times ss to cause spasms and a disagreeable discharge drained my Ufa forces. Ia my itremity after all else bad failed, I tried Wine of Cardui. Aftor nsing it for two weoks I began to improve so rapidly that I felt nwnnra w.awy up to wiaisan wuion i aid lor ei)fnten weecs, dm at tae ena or mat vims i was entirely en rw. " um m cwiioi was miot sow auw new ana sweuuiui me leosea se me woes gay neeua was real m il fcooes woo oars paaaaa uranga sucb a siege of sieVnsas as I hate will understand how maab I value Wine of Cardui. It ia indeed a boon to sick women. Fully 1,500,000 afflicted American woman bare been cured of female diseases la the priTacy of their bonus by Wis of Cardui and everyone of them would pi ye it the tame praise Mrt. Mitchell pires. verr weak woman needs Wine of Cardui. What better present could be taken to a suffering relative or friend than a bottle of this great medicine? Tbatii the quickest and most Satisfactory way to brinf? joy to the despondent uuotcts inrour uouie w reauy mase your tovra onet nappy, can you reaa airs. Mitchell i letter without teelin: i cures disordered and painful menstruation, pe 1 Vw- i "Iff rtu h V- M 1 f . SMI "liitW -V, II U"y a- A l'7 ..1 I met happy. responsibility to the sufferers m your borne? Wine of Cardui cures disordered and painful menstruation, periodic aches, tailing of the womb ana leuoorrbcBa. It cures extreme cases of these troubles. It ttrenytbens girls approachiag womanhood, helps brief FUing your icaTbead- r A H n n n rnf frr rnsn n n n children to barren homes, makes pregnancy and childbirth easier, prevents mis carriages and is the best medicine ever made for nse during ths change of life. Why permit the good women ia your horns to offer another day? Every druggist has $1.00 bottles of Wine of Cardui.