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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1903)
14 TITE OMATIA PA1LT BEE: StTNTAT, MAT 24, 1003. The Omaha Suniiay Per E. ROBE WATER, EDITOR. PUBLISHED EVERT MORNINQ. TERMS OF SL'BScRiPTION. r1!y Bte (without Sunday), One Tear...W Buniy Bee, one Year. J0 Twentieth Ceitury rarm.r.'one'Yar" oo DELIVERED BT CARRIEH. j Jinny Be. (without Sundsy). per copy..,.. w I)iiy nn .without sunrtiivi. uer we k....lic I rijy B (including Sunday), per wrk..i7o Evening He (without Sunday). per week to evening Bee (including eunaay;, ywr week We Omnlal.. of trrei uln title In delivery fhould be addressed to City Circulation De partment. OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Rulldlng. Bouth Omaha City lull Building. Tweo-ty-nfth and M Streets. Council Bluffs l. Pearl Street. Chicago IS.) Unity Bulldm. New Tork-ir Park How Bui'dlng. Washington tot Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to mws and edi torial matter should he' addressed: cmnl Ilea, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order, payable to The tee FunHsn-.tig Company. o The tee FunHsn-.tig company, nt stamps sccepled i. payment or unt. Personal checks, except : oa eastern eschsnges. not accepted. Unly J-cant I mall account fimflha At mw , TUB WEE PUBLISHING! COMPANY. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION ftste cl Nebraska, Douglas County, ss.t POeor KWowSWiM publishing. Company, keing wrnni ays that the actual number of full and m-iiiI.1. rnnln nf Th Dnll. Morning So&'Va" l. ..81.TTO 16 I I... I... ... S2.BOO 82,000 32.S2A 1J. II , S1.BSO JJ 20,100 JO 81.600 21 S1.480 JJ .81.T10 21 M..S1.U80 H 81.MO art. r. to f T ,81,410 I.. I.. .. 11.. si.nao .......Bl.tUiO 81,970 82.03O S9.410 St.UKO 26.. 2.. n.. 2S.. t.. 10., .31,380 I " 1 fit I u IS 14 U ..81.U10 ..81,080 ..Bl.OUtf . 81.050 1 81,180 ' Total Leag unaol4 and returned soples.. . .85O.80O .. 1U,4M Ket toUl sales 8,t8T Net sversse aalea 81-U81 Uh-OllUE B. TZBCHUcn.. NWStt-fi OT M.y"V W it. B. HUNUATE. (Seal.) Notary Publio. Every little windstorm becomes tornado on close acquaintance. Governor Pennypacker by this time doubtless wishes that be hadn't. t -n.ntin.ft the hook nnhllshers " . ' .. Combine has a Cinch on tue reading nnhlle and it members are pnshing it I yU . to s finish. "Is poverty sn obstacle or an oppor tunity?" asks a contributor to one of the current magaslnes. ' Poverty Is usually s necessity. The Pennsylvania railroad is harvest- Ing telegraph poles all along its roadway and the crop promises to exceed any- thing In the line ever known In this or any other country. Insurance statistics show that women are longer lived than men. In other words men are required to fight a more strenuous battle of life and the casual ties cannot be avoided. The suppression of news about out pfiewe and nuthrenks bv Russia and Tur- key again emphasizes the truth that there can be no real liberty without th freedom of the press. The woods are full of political sooth sayers and mind readers in these days. Even such close mouthed men as J. Flerpont Morgan and E. H. Ilarrlman Cannot Successfully . COnceSl their 1 1 thoughts or keep their own council. If Senator Clark of Montana should really be precipitated Into the presl- dential race as the democratic nominee, tha nlatform would, of course, have to . ... m .. . I "fu'ul Vl l"" """ ' I and speak mighty softly when referring to the money power. Conrressman LIttlefleld of Maine de- Dies the soft impeachment that he be- llevss members of congress are under worked and over paid and that "in the future he will accept only a,ouu a year from tha eovSrnment for his services." That disclaimer was superfluous. No Congressman has ever proposed to abridge bis own salary That reminds us that Fourth Assistant Postmaster General Brlstow, who Is postmaster uenerai uriaiow, wno is reaping most of the prestige from the proU Of Postofflce department abuses, probing of Postofflce department s a - - -..K a..-)-- i na wr w mail v ii w n n luh bi rutin- man were irolnif to hat. s few months i igo ana wnose piace tney were going 10 t fill with k certain ex-congressman who ... . , . . ... - . . .. Mtii-i .pa 1 inn - tin in aiiinn in wwn them. The pretext for depriving the people of Omaha of the right of home rule in the Are and police departments by vest- Ing thft appointment of police board sieii-bers In the governor was to take he departments entirely out of politics. Tn matter Is one In which the anty of peace la au adequate navy," said rhe pulling and hauling now on for the United States has a very great Inter- Mr. Roosevelt. "The best possible as impending police commission vacancy, perhaps .not less than any other suranee against wsr Is an adequate if course, proves that there is no pol tics in it There are radicals SLuong th. or- ftnised employers Just, as there sf radicale among the organised wage workers. : The trades Unions that huve lecoiuplUhed the most aud stand the best are thOs. that have been con- pervatlv. In leadership aud policies, Permanent results fof the organized employers will Lav. to come froiti eou- tervatisin and not from radicalism. The prospects for tho reno:uiaetlon ot lisyor Iow of New York are raid to tie growing more favorable from week to wek. The p-ple of the nieiropol'.s srlll soon have a c Us ike to say whether ey prefer to go back to Taiumanv rule. Tammany Is a.iwwor. but it will e surprising if It proves powerful mougn to get the f6veruincnt ot the !rf dt back Under Its grs?p. AfTtH TH tTOHU CvHCS a CALM. Notv that the excitement Incident to Omaha's labor troubles la gradually sub-1 a;dintr A calm dlspnsaionate rlew of th. batth gronnd and the combatants mnylard and gold standard countries that bs indulged la without adding fuel to the lire. The Omaha labor strike of rather tbsa t battle. There has be?n a great deal of powder burned, but the nj0Bt of the ammunition exploded hns ..,,,, ft hlank csitrlflirps consisted or Dianu CRrtnoKes j ninn.v respects the strike has been deplorable, but after all some good will come out of It Omaha has by no means I been isolated as a strike center, but Jt I has furnished to the country an object I lesson that a resort to military force to maintain law and order is not necessary In a well governed city. I While buslnesa rivals have sought to I profit by the labor troubles In Omaha in I Industriously circulating sensational re-1 ports of mob violence and Insecurity of I life and property no city In the country I of equal population baa been as free J from lawlessness and disturbance aa has Omaha since the first day of May. The mistake the business men of Omaha have made was in setting their I faces against a rational consideration of I the Industrial conditions that have be- come a part of twentieth century prog- ., raa. Their refusal to rr.ne1.1pr or enter proposal, for arbitration gre in marked contrast with tho course pursued 1 . 1, !.,. ,,. ..... T..JI l jj iiic vuciiimn u t t li vi a.' ,11, 114 ucrni ing rtth precisely the samo controver- sles. Thore were twice as many wagework- ers out on a strike in Penver as there were In Omaha. The Business Men's iin . nonlro , . I 1 better organized thon the BuRiness Men's ' 1 o n 1 1 .vujimLi nuu I aasoflation nf Hmohi rn.r ti r ... . .... I "M uiouuiaviuini lumiunj BUDmittea tne r case to arbitration and v, t,j .,. A,m ,. . .. I have settled all differences With the Btriking wageworkers within ton days, I whlU tha h.i.ln -. . r,-.. v . I wwi the business men of Omaha hare rejected all arbitration overtures and I h! TT .,e" th5 d00r PCn fr ft r-Petlt ui luL-jr iroumes wnenever.rneir non- union employes shall be unionized. t v.i . .. ., 1 In this connection we invite attention to the able and Impartial analysis of the I lnhnr alhi.tnn in n--. v- x- . ... um uj me iVTr York Independent, a conservative paper published in the environment and nt- mospnere of organized capital, Which we reprint on this page. The article in -,. ,. v. .u ..... . m -"" , iu reji-ctiun 01 lno "rnitrmtion proposals submitted by the Omnhe rontrnl I-v, !-. ... . . .... ,., tue sucject is Handled from the point of View of recncmlrlnv eriiMvort. fM. more potential than fine spun theories. When the smoke of battle has entirely cleared sway, the mistaken policy by wrueh conciliation and arbitration was repelled by the executive committee of the Business Men's association will, we I believe, be manifest to all who have had practical experience In dealing with labor problems under modernized Indus trial conditions. TO rJV SlLVfH AND OOLD. The American commission on Inter national exchange, which went to Europe the past week. Is expected to bring snout Important results affecting the monetary relations between gold- tandard and sllver-standard countries, At present financial conditions between inese countries are most unsaiisiac tory and are likely to become more so unless a general arrangement shall be made that will establish uniformity of exchange and put an end to the fluc tuations which have in the last few M .. A..l.t . years pruvtru sv vruuuieuui auu mr astrous to the silver-using countries. me movement looting to sn arrange- nient ot International exchange which wiU remedy the existing conditions was miuatea ny Mexico ana me appoint- went of the American commission was at th rfkAnatt nt th a FAVrniriArt nt I ... P"" """'' .JZ " mission in its visit abroad Is to learn whether there is any way in which the areat commercial nations of the world a together In some plan to ateady the rates of exchange between gold and silver using nation. Noth- " v""""""'"" vu w, nect monetary system or tnis or other country, so for as the in regnty 01 tne goia standard is con cerned. All the five countries to be specially consulted sre gold-standard countries. There Is nothing at all akin tn th fre eclnsirs nf silver r aron . re "tensive us. of silver ss money that 1. contemplated. Th. commission .. t a a . uai ueen inBirucieu 10 ureaenr to ror. i - - .. ... governments me suojeci or putting ss 11 ni 1 iiT .Mi mas iitfiiiMiH r w rrsnnn.anT - ' t0 th Present fluctuation In the rates I nf rhhnffA ntwpn all var-at An o - and gold-standard, countries. It does not appear that any definite plan has yet been formulated, though doubtless members of the commission have one In liui for suggestion to the feovern- ments of the foreign countries they will visit country. As a great manufacturing na- navy. I ask ror a navy primarily be tlon. producing a surplus that must I cause it is the surest means of keeping Urgely be sold to the silver-using coun - tries, it is obvious that the United States is very much concerned In the I question of a sound monetary system I for those countries, the effect of which j would be to increase their consumption, to the Advantage of all manufacturing countries, while at the same time rs - I taMlshlng stable financial conditions throughout the commercial World, the general Influence of which would be highly beneficial. Meanwhile Mexico la making good progress concerning the new moil- etary system, which will rest on the principle of the gold standard. According to the latest Information Mexlc will soon have a dollar bf fixed vine in gold. The free and unlimited talT. .pre cf silver will be doue away with and the government Will maintain an ample gold reserve for keeping the all Iyer currency at a parity. Tber. arc expressions of riovbt aa to the success of tbs movement for -establishing a ry tem of exchange between sllTer-stand- will put an end to the present ductus tlon. but there la no question as to the desirability of such an arrange nient i n imwm A PUPVLIST RAiJVBOH' CHASM. A few days ago the populist weather bureau at Lincoln issued a circular let- Iter to the numerous national committee- men of the populist party with a view to ascertaining the direction and Telocity of the wind and the reading of the signs of the political sodlac for J 004. The first response' that reached the chief weather prophet came from Rainbow Chaser Elmer E. Thomas of Omaha, who rivals the renowned Munchausen In fertility of imagination and impedi- roent of veracity. According to that robust fakir "the recent city election in Omaha proves that the people's party in this city is alive and very much in evidence. All the honors of the election are with us," exclaims the exuberant sky gazer, and continues: We have sained back more prestige and power In this campaign than we lost in all the dreary yeara ot fusion with the demo crats. We e'ected more of our ticket than any other party. We elected our nominees for treasurer, attorney, comptroller, tax commissioner and Ave eut of nine council- men by majorities ranging as high as 1,500 votes. We failed to elect our candidate for mayor anJ city clerk. The populist candi date for building Inspector was not In dorsed by any organization or any party except our own. He received 1.2S5 votes. This Indicates our strength, and It also Indicates that we are about as strong In Omaha as we were ten years ago mi" uiu 1 1 1 in uvuy ui icna 1 1 1 et 1 1 , o' u ywKrin prove so effective? By the adoption of the jr.. . w . i . . , vi -i nonpartisan idea promulgated by uoiden Rule Jones. Wa determined to nominate mt .est men chosen by any organisation ana to mrow our vote to mem. www Our candidate for mayor, E. A. Benson, re. reived 1.177 votes In a three-cornered fight. He had ko votes mors than Ed Howell, the demooratio candidate. This will entitle us to ,0-d n r. . th. tlrlrt ..rMr .n leave the democrats to fieht it out with the wTmotrCd"; our' cratlc friends are mighty willing to get bck ,nto be1 wlth Lately they have not given us a pleasant iook, mucn less ,harinr with us the fruits of ctorv. To. rty we can have what we want to take in n way or nominatiopa. This Is wn.t h(lv(, Anntt m.A fh. whw we rejoice tuhd why we declare that we ir no aa BnJ noJ foln to af,tia to secure good government by clean men Bnd !"'. the peopie upon economio nuestions. me peonie s party could not die if it wanted to. This talk about our being 'a mpites me ineffably tired. It is ss it with Peter, when Jesus asked the dis- . . H thev. too WL-wrw rnln. in him, "Lord to whom shr we go? Thou na"1 no worns or eternal life Thls is decidedly rich and racy. The three tailors of Tooley street are not in it for a moment with Rainbow Chaser Thomas. We populists did it! We made a holy show of ourselves by fusing a baker's dozen of populists with sev enty republicans to project a patched quilt ticket on which there was not a single populist. We nominated as our Standard bearer a hard times money lender and promoter who scoffed at Id to 1, ridiculed populists as calamity lunatics and afcvays held his nose when ever he came within gunshot of a popu lisf, and received the bulk of his support from the corporation cohorts and their dependents. Remember, us populists elected Hen nlngs and made him city treasurer by over 3,000 , majority, didn't we? And Lobeck and Fleming were also elected Dy tne cloudburst of populism. The poor forlorn democracy did not cut any Ice on May 5; neither did the Municipal league, the 8wedish vote, the Real Es rate exchange or the republican party. Didn't our candidate for labor commls sloner loom up out of sight without the aid or consent of any other party Didn't he get within 600 votes as manr as the independent petition candidate who had no party at all behind him? Didn't that prove conclusively that populism is once more on ton? Whr shouldn't we have most of the offl,e. hereafter? Why shouldn't Rainbow Chaser Thomas be appointed police com mlfisioner to begin with to prove that the people's party could not die if it wanted to? The poor old democrat! pflrty as wet nurse to pop ullsm, is frightened out of Its wits br the populist avalanche The shriveled remnants of democracy will have to exclaim, like Teter, "Oh, jora, to wnom shall we go? And the remnants sfter looking around to the rI"ht ,nd to th WHl throw them hendlon on fh ebirf ;0" ln 1 J VtL'?. !?. 1 fuvi tj huu joy wmie a rw pfumhs . I thrown to it from th i . - - THK QCtSTtUlt Of SEA POWER. President Roosevelt has again Voiced I his firm conviction that it is the duty of the United States to Increase its power on the sea. In his speech at Tacoma the president talked in his characteristic way regarding the building up of the navy, urging that such a policy is In the interest of peace. "The surest guar- 1 peace and because if war does come surely there cab be no American who will tolerate the idea of its having any- thing other than a successful issue." There Is no doubt that a very large msjorlty of our people spprove this view, because intelligent opinion In this 1 country recognizes the fact that so long as other nations go on increasing their wa power, in order to be fully prepu red to protect aud safeguard their commer- cial and other iuteresta, the United States must do the same. Those who, in Europe and In this country, talk naval 1 disarmament, will be somewhat discoiir- 8?d the attitude of Mr. Roosevelt, I J'pt most thoughtful men will regard it I as eminently practical and sound. How ver desirable a general policy of naval disarmament may be, it is perfectly manifest that it cannot b. brought - 1 about No European nation would give moment's serious consideration to a proposition to reduce its sea power. When such t suggestion was recently mad In the British Parliament It waa accorded do attention. It would re ceive no serious eonlsderatlon In the legislative branch of any other European country. Tbs United States will not atop with the navy it now has. It will go on augmenting its sea power until It has reached a position where it will feel absolutely secure and prepared for any emergency. Harper's Weekly talks about the so- called 'Iowa Idea" having been set forth In the platforms of 1001 and 1902 under the dictation of Governor Cummins, when as matter of fact the platform of 190t was written by Director ot the Mint Roberts snd brought to the state convention st Cedar Rapids from Wash ington sfter submission to snd approval by the party lenders there. Both Sen ators Allison and Dolllver and nine out of eleven of the republican members of congress from Iowa were present there and not one dissenting voice to any part of the platform was heard. fn 1902 the platform declaration of the preceding year was simply reasserted. The platform containing the Iowa Idea would have been promulgated In pre cisely the same language had Governor Cummins been defeated for the nom ination by the federal brigade that had combined against hi 111 and sonic one else been named to make the race upon it. The various associations of employers in process of formation in the different cities of the United States may have po machinery in common, but the natural development will be their amalgamation Into some form of national association. The trades unions started in Just the same way by isolated societies that gradually found it to their advantage to work together through national organ izations, and it is only reasonable to ex pect the employers to follow In the same steps with similar national orgftniza tlons in the different branches of busi- ness. Organized labor will be met by organized capital and their relative strength in contests between them will depend largely on the degree to which their organizations are perfected. Another socialistic colonization scheme is on tap. The latest socialistic colony is to occupy an island twenty miles from Vancouver, B. C. Money Is not required to purchase land, labor being the only perquisite asked of prospective settlers, who are expected to demon strate that capital and labor enn live and work together in harmony on the same plan that the lion and the lamb can sleep together with the lamb In side of the Hon. That plan is not strictly original. It was tried in sev eral colonies many centuries before Joseph built grain elevators in the land of Egypt during a seven-years drouth. Mo gpellblndere Weeded. Cincinnati Enquirer. They do not have the trouble In Mexico over the election of a president that ws havs In the United States. There It seems to depend almost altogether on whether Porflrlo Diss wants to run again or not. Symptoms of Might Horse. Chicago Chronicle. From the excited manner In which Colo nel Bryan continues to hurl brickbats, old shoes and dead cats Into Mr. Cleveland back yard we gain the Impression that he Is somewhat mors concerned at the po litical reappearance of the latter statesman than he professes to be. Hard Straggle In Prospect. New York Tribune. When Russia gets a grip anywhere It Is hard to loosen the hug of the bear. Even the British bulldog can hardly fasten its teeth deeper and hold on longer. Both are thoroughbreds In their way, and when the final tussle comes, in this or some future century, the struggle will be long and deadly. Canning Schemes of Men. Baltimore American. It Is an odd coincidence that, now that domestic service is such a problem and servants are scarce, women are being told that the best way to preserve beauty and develop graceful figures is by the exercise. obtained through housework. The tien of the land who like their domestic comfort are learning cunning In the gaining of It Progress Succeeds th. Take. Buffalo Express. Since 8paln has been treed from Its colo nies It Is beginning to pick up In a ma tertal sense. It Is now turning Its attention to its own mineral wealth and is beginning to make steel from its Iron ore. Having no longer to carry on Incessant wars In Its colonies, the leading minds of the country are turned to measures of internal Improve ment. Spain's colonies were a burden which It has shifted to America. Grtud of the Gold Grabbers. Bt. Paul Pioneer Press. One-half of the stamps at the mines In South Africa are idle because only 60,000 Kaffirs can be obtained when 150,000 sre Wanted. As a result, the Importation of Chinese is probable, but there Is natural hesitancy about beginning, and what re strictions to Impose. Perhaps If better wages were paid more Kaffirs could be had. There are plenty of them, but they object to the wages ss well ss to the work. ladolehce Works a tlreft. Baltimore American. When a man of ordinary indolence asks his prospective wife to settle a certain annuity upon him as a condition of the marriage, he claims nothing except that he wants the money. When a genius makes such a request It Is ."that he may have his mind free to follow Intellectual pursuits." Buch was the genius who- wss about to marry Mile. Calve, and the famous singer, like other women, would . be better off brimful of aconite than married to a man whom she would have to support. Breakla lata the Peasloa Roll. Minneapolis Tlmea. More than ti per cent ef the men who enlisted in the United States army for the war with Bpaln have applied fur pensions and It Is estimated that more than 60 per cent will have filed their claims before the end of the year. To men of the north a campaign In a tropical or serol-tropical country la a deperate experience and In some Instances camp life within the bor ders of the Uutted State, was deadly dur ing the war with Spain, but 60 per cent seems a heavy percentage of applicants for pensions wben only five years havs passed. CM PLOT BR AD EMPLOYE. A DIaaetoaa.a Review the Slt tlea at Oaiaaa at I.aag Haage. New York Independent. The Independent has recalvtd ths follow ing communication from ens ot Its sub scribers, a manufacturer of woolen goods and clothing. He says: We have long been subscribers and read ers of your weekly paper, and have been Interested In your editorials on the labor queetlon, We herewith Inclose you A clip ping from the Imlly Trade Kecord of Chi cago, which Includes a reply of W. H. Pell, the president or the Omaha central ijtor utile n, to the platform and principles of he Omaha Business Men s aasoolallon. The rtlnrlpal point we would eall your atten lon to Is Mr. Dell's statement that organ ised lnbor cannot recede from the staml It has taken that employers shall employ 'only union men." To us this strikes at the root of the whole matter. We have been through considerable labor trouble in our businem here, and demands were made upon us that we unionise and employ only union help. We declined te do this, and were able to maintain our position and to All the places left vacant By the strikers, bout 125. who went out and left us. Our total number of employes is about 460. W write tnis letter in nopea that you may have time to look It ever and use It aa an idea for an editorial en tnia particu lar point, which we believe employers will never yield to, except under pressure, and then only so long aa tney are obliged to. Undoubtedly the labor advocate referred to by our correspondent Is oorrect in bald ing that the demand usually Insisted upon most strenuously by labor unions Is thst of exclusive employment of union mem bers. The hostility toward the nonunlonlst and the "scab" is so strong in this country that It became a matter ot surprise to the British labor delegates of the Mosely Industrial commission during their recent , visit. The comparative equanimity with which unionists in Orest Britain look upon nonunlonlBts Is partly explained by the older and stronger position of the unions. and partly by the absence of Immigration. But In America, where the unions are mainly in the formative stags nl where race barriers Interfere with united sctlon. the nonunlonlst or "scab"' Is an object of dread and enmity to the struggling union ists. The constitutions, th. laws, the courts. the employers, the press and Indeed the whole spirit of American Institutions are undoubtedly opposed to the discrimination against nonunlonlst! In securing snd hold ing employment. In the face ot this pre vailing sentiment the persistence of the unions In their antagonism to nonunlonlst must be explained, by new economic con ditions which havs arisen since the time when the American sentiment of Individual liberty had become thus crystallised. For It cannot be explained by reference to a splfft of malice and Jealousy It must be explained as a measure of self-protection. The objects of a union are a minimum wage, maximum hours and favorable rules of discipline. The conditions under which these are secured require first of all, that they be assented to by all workmen In the same competitive field. The employer who psys lower, wages than his competitors under similar conditions will shortly force them to his level of wages, or drive them out of business. Consequently the union must set the standard for practlcslly every employer In the same business, if It Is ma terially to raite wages and shorten hours. Now, experience has sbown that It Is dif ficult snd usually Impossible to set the standard for each employer unless all of the men in his employment are members of the union I. ., unless the shop Is a union shop. Even one nonunlonlst Is a menace to the standard, sines. If the era ployer Is free to hire one he may hlr. two or three, and may gradually displace the union members. Concerted action of the workmen Is prevented, since the nonunlon lst seeks favor with the foreman or em ployer, and cannot be disciplined by the union for accepting less than the standard scale of wsges. The modern corporation, with ts hundreds ot stockholders, acts as one man through the manager, and only when Us thousands ef employes act as one msn through their business agent are the two parties on an equal footing. Th. mi nority stockholders are compelled, to act with the majority by the charter of Incor poration, and the minority workmen are compelled to do the same by the union. Just as the corporation could not attain Its ends if lndlvldusl stockholders wsre al lowed to sell Its product at prices less than those charged by the manager, so a union cannot maintain Its position it Individual workmen are allowed to sell their labor at wages less than those established by the union. In the one case corporation law secures uniformity, In the other case the trade union. The experience of unions has taught them that employers take every possible aavan take to break down the standards which they struggle to maintain. Even where an employer has their entire confidence they know that employers and managers pass away and that a successor may come In to take advantage of any. weakness In their armament. The policies of unions cannot bs understood unless account be taken of this experience with employer Th. weaker and younger the union the fresher Is their bitter experience. It is this state of hos tility that explains the Insistence of unions on the exclusive employment of unionists. and only when the time shall come that employer and employe shall have, perfect fslth In esch other will the union abandon this and other weapons of the militant stage. A curious feature of this problem Is the large number of employers who, after being compelled tc unionise their shops, dlscov ered that the labor queatlon gave them much less trouble than when they Insisted On the "open" shop. One employer who won a six months' strike In order to re tain a few nonunion men was chagrined when they joined the union and gave him Such trouble that he was compelled to die charge them. Where the union is con fident that the employer will not take ad vantage of them, as Is th. case in a "union shop." they Join with him In disciplining the unrulv And Inefficient workmen; but where they ar continually fighting lilm. as in an "open shop," they protect all of their members whether efficient of not. If they know that dismissal of a union man means only the employing of another union man, they do not Inquire Into the reaaons for dismissal, aa they do when It means the possible employment of a non unionist. When the employer has reached the point where he recognlsea the union by dealing with its agents, h. Usually finds smoother sailing by going on to the next point, where he Inatructs hia foreman to employ only union men. Very few em ployers would formally agre with a union to this, since It seems an Infrsctton upon the principles of American liberty, but an increasing number of employers do It witn out formal agreement. "II is on of those cases where the theories adopted undef earlier conditions give way to exigencies of new conditions. Dam. Liberty's t'.f.sM.aabt. Garb New Tork Times. It wss bound to Corn. Mme. Liberty 06 Bedlocs Island has bean slowly adapting herself to the landscape. Kindly nature has been spinning for her a fine cobwebby outer raiment ot verdantlque. depef lti one place, lighter in another. Snow, and stinging hsll. fogs and rainstorms ha v. been gently removing the repulsive pew nese of her bronse and streaking cheek and uplifted arm, draperies and crown with tender shades of green such as th. clever est bronse founders try to produce with chemicals on their new rsstlngs, but never quite succeed In simulating. It wss bound to come eomeone was sure to dlseovet that Mms. Liberty looks unneat, and shriek wildly for scrubbing brush and powder, strong sosp snd elbow grease In order to get her back t. her original ugllnMS. SKCt UAR SHOTS AT TUB PtXPlT. Minneapolis Times 1 A Per. (tnd ) preacher has left the pulpit foe the rlreus tent. Ills f.tenVt!t purpose Is t. tearn natural history with the menagerie as an object leoeon. He say. ef Ms new work! "I feel that my preaching wilt be as effect. Iv. en th. elrcu. rotrum as In th. pulpit. Many modern preacher, might ssy the sans, thlsg with equal truth. Baltimore American: Th. efficacy of th. bib), as a euratlv. measure has fallen Into Ill-repute among Hawaiian sorcerers, on. of whom beat a native over th. heed with the good book until th. patient died. Th. fakir wa. trying to drive out a devil from the vie t Ire . A nice, elongated section of weven hemp would prove effective In per forming a similar eervlce for th. heathen physician. Philadelphia Record: Much more oppo sition Is encountered among the laity than among th. clergy to changing tho name of the Protectant Episcopal church. The con vention of the Pittsburg diocese voted by a large msjorlty against changing the name. In the diocese of Ohio the vote on the change was a tie between the two houses, th. olergy favoring and th. laity opposing It. Indianapolis Journal: If we hsdn't got pretty well away from the old notions about hell fire snd swift retribution for sin we should expect the Bible trust to be turned Into a pillar of salt or swallowed up by a fiery furnace or paralysed by something awful. But Instead of anything like that happening the monopolisers ot spiritual food will calmly sell It, for all tho traffic wilt stand until an Intl-trust bible appears on th. scene and makes salvation approximately free. St. Paul Qlobf. The church merger Issue tarted In Ohio with a consolidated mem bership of 1,000,000 and moving to ritts burg, where a national "convention was held, baa reached as far west as Des Moines. The latter city claims to have more churches In proportion to population than any other city In the world, and so church mergerlsm there Is a burning sub ject. In the villages Of the United Htates, where six or eight churches of different 1 denominations may customarily be found in a town or sw to i,su population, mo church merger will probably prove of greatest value. It Is In the smaller cities and In the villages of the country that the ' church consolidation movement will perform Its most valuable mission, al though there Is little question that the re duction of sects by union Is destined to be general and progressive. PERSOXAI. AND OTHERWISE. Advices from Dublin Indicate that th. lat. Maud Oonne oan do a clever turn In rioting Irish wrongs. A stage tide of sixty-nine miles In ten hours is th. sample of strenuoslty Califor nia put up for President Roosevelt High, grade oson. went with It. Members bf th. Missouri legislature ad mit with delightful candor that they did not pass any 11,000 or 00 bills. They gob bled .very one that came their way. Paris papers are fighting the proposition to permit an American syndicate to supply the city wlh gas. Perhaps the Parisian editors think they can supply the local de mand. Cartoonist McCutcheon cleverly para- phrsses the republican slogan of 1893 and electrifies the race suicide letter of 19 by proclaiming President Roosevelt the "ad vano. agent of posterity." Papa Letter Is said to be willing to set tle Bon Joe's losses on the wheat deal at SO cents on the dollar. Holders of the claims Insist on SO cents as the proper basis, probably because It looks like Jo. Th. head of the Jocksraltha' trust Is said to be a shade of baldness calculated to produce . flock of smiles without further provocation. Unfortunately' he cannot run It Into th. nonpareil column as an exouse for a salary. If th. convicted ex-mayor of Minneapolis could appeal his case to the Missouri su preme coilrt he could smother his ter wells and snap bis digits at th. enemies of graft That good fortune Is not his, therefor, he weeps. Tls an ill wind that blows nobodr gxd. Ever since Governor Pennypacker signed the press muxsling bill the newspspers of Pennsylvania have shown a grade of edi torial vim and picturesque phraseology they have never been accused of before. Their readers should forward engrossed resolutions of thanks to Balus and Qrsdy, authors ot the mussl. MIKD Ol'R OWN K1SCHINEFF. A Pertlaeat Saggestloa About RemoT- img th. Beam from Oar Eyes. Springfield (Mass.)i Republican. Americans as individuals sympathise deeply with the Jews who were so barbar ously treated In southern Rusla, a few weeks sine, yet th.r. Is no civilised gov ernment less qualified than our own to make a diplomatic protest to the csar In order to express its sentiments of horror because of the massacre at Klschineff. The Washington dispatches Indicate that Be: retary Hay has no Intention of parading th. shocked moral sensibilities of his countrymen before th. fit Petersburg government, tn an official not.; but It Is evident thst th. Stat, department is anx ious to act so as to give no offense to th large Jewish population ot New Tork. and, for this reason, timely explanation of our diplomatic position in suoh an affair aie published. The secretary deserves cordial support In his very correct attitude of noninterven tion in another Country'. Internal adminis tration. The Tammany politicians, having In mind next November's city election, are on each otner's heels In their eagerness to pats resolutions denouncing th. Klschineff outrage. There may be detected, als9, a ertaln extra severity ot comment oh Rus sian herbarium In papers which may desire to stir up a general antl-Russlan senti metit on aocount of the Minchurikn situa tion. Despite these Influences, however. Mr.' Hay can be sure that the American people, as a whole, have no desire that their government should Concent itself In antl-Semltlc riots In southern Russ.'a. Melancholy la the fact . that We have Klschineff of our own. The Rock Spring. masaaffe of Chinese was recent enough to forbid any such hypocrisy as an official letter of protest, at the present time, to th. ciaf. Lord Crahborn. said yesterday TP EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. HENRY K HYDE, Foundef. J. W. ALEXANDER. Pres. J. H HYDE. Vice Prei. "STRONGEST IN THE WORLD" HIl MRP! V MANAGER, Merchant Nat'l 1 il 1 , Bank nidjr. Omaha. In th. British Parliament that, aoeordlsg to Prltlsh advlcs from Russls, about Km Jews lost their lives, while many mor were Injured Th. Roek Springs mtesae e In th. American West was fully aa exten sive and harrowing. It would be an excellent Idea to denounce ones self as well as th. Slav. With no Rock Springs massacres to our credit bo slaughters of Italians, no roasting to death of negroes, no lynchlnga, no savag ery In labor wars, America would be In a better position to tell the csar that his people were a very barbarous stt and that all of us. In this blessed land of clvlllat tlon and humanity, were Indescribably shocked by the reports from Ressarab'a. Until our own skirts are cleaner thl should be a cardinal feature of our policy to mind our own KischlnelT and pray that other nations may be saved from the brutal and passionate excesses of mankind. A QI ALITY TO CtLTIVATE. maraeterlatl. Iacl. eats lllastratln American Kladneaa. Chicago Inter Ocean. A little boy went up Chestnut street In Philadelphia the other day, carrying a bsg containing 1,1100 pennies from a bank to his employer's office. The bag burst, the cop pers were strewn about th. street, and the boy set ip a wall for help. Troffio wns suspfnded In that block. Scores of people stopped to help th. boy find the pennies, and mdtormen checked their cars to aid. A good many must have gone Into their own pockets rather than search the pavement. When the boy finally delivered his charge he had not only the S.BOO pennies with which he started, but lti more. A building was being torn down on Mon roe street In Chicago. An old woman came, with others, to gathet up the broken and discarded lumber. She made up a huge bundle, so Urge that sh. could not lift it upon her head to carry It away. As she stood looking about for help, a man, who from hi. dreas seemed to be a prosperous merchant or lawyer, came along ml uw her dlfllcultv. At the same time a truokman ,aw lti mni descended from his I eat Th (WQ m,n fte(, th, bun(,, halpei the old womsn to balance It and then went their wsys while she went hers. It wss dona as a matter of course, with no posing or professions. Just as the search for the boy's Inst pennies was undoubtedly conducted In Philadelphia. There waa the need, snd it wss met by the first comers In the prompt and kindly American way. Prince Henry of Prussia and other for eign observers, whose stations and duties have given them opportunities to not. th. conduct of street crowds In many nations, hav.-sald that the American crowd Is th. most good-humored and kindliest In th. world. Buch Incidents as those recited above prove the accuracy of th. observa tion. This kindliness Is a quality of which th. American people may well be proud, and which we ought to cultivate even more. If It were deliberately extended there would be less heckling of employers by trade unions, less vituperation of unions by em ployers, fewer strikes and lockouts, less In dustrial wsrfare, less danger to prosperity and more peace and profit for us all. DOMESTIC PLEASANTRIES. He The fact 1. you women make fools ot the men. She Sometimes, perhaps: but sometimes w. don't have to. Boston Transcript "Did they run away to get married?" "No; she waa 30, and he had been married before." Philadelphia Leader.. Bashful Willie Aw aw Miss Hilda, you must know erer what I want to say to you. i-ieiprui Mima res, ana 1 nave a oei wnn a friend that you won't get up your cour age to say It. New York Sun. "Skeedicks has named hi. auto Llllle. after his wife." "Why?" "I don't know, unless It's because he ex pects It to blow him ud every one. In a while." Brooklyn Eagle. Landlord (visttlna new tenant) WelL my girl, la your father InT Girl No, he's down among the pigs, but you can find him easily he's got bis hat on. Detroit Freo Press. Architect (doubtfully) It seems as If there should be something on top of your house when It Is finished, Mr. Millionaire. Mr. Millionaire (meekly) Mlsht I sussest a roof ? Chicago Record-Herald. Ardent Lover (who has lust bean an. cepted) And now, Olorlana, what Is to ninaer us from being married tomorrowT Olorlana You foolish fellow I Why, I couldn't possibly get ready In less than a month. Ardent Lover Make It two weeks, -dar. 1I18T! I hate lnnr Chicago Tribune. TO THE HILLS." W. D. Nesblt In Chicago Tribune'. "I will lift up mine eyes unto th. hills, from whence comeih my help." Psalm cxxl, 1. "I to the hills will lift mine eyes '-I'v. . , heard 'em sing the psalm, An thought of how, close to the skies, the hills roe grand an' calm; How peacefully they raised their heads an' stood serene an' still, A-blaxln' with their greens an' reds each hope insptrln' hill. I like the sober hush they've got It's Jusl as If they meant To Send to me this gentle thought: "O. poor man, be content' The hills! Ood made 'em .very one, an' freshens 'em with dew, An makes 'em golden with the sun to gladden me an' you. Down here there's bitterness an' strife; an' lots o' things seern vain; An' we make our complaint of life her. on the noisy plBln. 1 Rut there, the hills lift up their heads, sn' we can look an' see Where brooks play In their sleamln beds an' sparkle in their glee. - I've watched th. hills When Just at dawn the sun swept up their slope. An' knew my night of doubt had gone an' left a day of hope. I've watched the hills at' time, all silvered by the moon. When from their sides In tones sublime the breesee brought a croon. An' all the world grew good to me an' all the World wsa still. O, them's the times a man can see the glory of a hlli; I reckon David must 'a' been a man Ilk. me or you. That had his own sore fights to win, Just ss all humans dni An' he looked to them hills of his thst breathed of quiet peace Just like our hllla, where comfort Is an' all our troubles cease. "1 to the hills will life mine yes"-I'v. heard 'em slug the paalm: An In each mellow note there lies a blessln' pure an' calm. YOU LIVE you will make a fortune for your family. VOjU can take away the "IF" by means of an Endowment Policy in the