Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 13, Image 13
TTTI3 OfATTA PATLT BEE: SUNDAY", MAY 24, 1005. la BASE BALL GOSSIP OF WEEK Boms Kaookert Drir a Good Ball Plajer from Omaha. TEAM'S SLUMP DUE TO WEAK BITTING Only Tw Mea la the Itaaeh Able t ru tae Rail with Anything; Lik , . Rah for the knocker! Ha got on scalp last week, and It he can only keep up hi present (alt he'll vet another. Ace Stewart couldn't stand (or the deal he waa handed by the Home Roaster club and la now wearing a Peoria uniform. In losing- Stewart Omaha parted with one of the finest ball play era that ever wore a uniform. He waa a capable fielder, a fair hitter and a general of the highest ability. But above all, he waa a gentle man on the field and off; he knew hla au thority aa field captain and he knew hla rights, and Insisted on having them, but he was never known to stoop to wrangling or unseemly debate to secure fair treatment for his team. What he lacked In "aggres siveness," as some of the fighters call their rowdy tactics, he made up In firmness. His career in Omaha waa a distinct success, and hla going a matter for sincere regret He leaves her with the good wishes of a large-body of base ball patrons, who will remember him as a careful, courteous, painstaking ball player and on Who Is a credit to any team. But It Isn't only the knockers who ar worried over the condition of the Omaha team. Even the most faithful of the boost ers ars talking lust now about the games, and wondering If there Is going to be any change. No one tries to locate the diffi culty, but a spirit of apathy seems to have settled down on the members of the team, and not one of them Is playing the ball he la capable of. Some hard luck exists In having both Hlckey and Oondlng oat of the game thus early with badly Injured arms. but that doesn't account for It an. Take Wright for example. Last fall ha came to Omaha from Rock Island, and fairly set the league on fire with hla playing. He batted .I7 and fielded away above W per cent. During th last week he hasn't made a hit and has made an error In every game; his errors are not all of commission, either, the most glaring and costly being those of omission. His work has been far from the snappy sort he la capable of. Wright la not th only offender In this di rection, but Is referred to merely aa an example. Bobby Carter la setting a fine pace for the others at the bat, having 'an average of .143 for the aeason. None of his team mates approaches this, save Shugart, who has only been with Omaha since Wednesday. If the others would only put some of his spice into their work the tale would be much different. It la hardly necessary to look farther for the cause. A tatting average for the team of .MS, a frac tion of one hit out of every five times up, Is In itself a volume. If the record of Car ter and Bhugart Is omitted from the total, the team bating average so far la .107. If anything more la wanted, th following tablea will supply It: . BATTING AVERAGES. four at that None of the rest of th lot Is doing anything worthy of mention, un less It b the batting matinee Dea Moinee held oa Friday, when th Undertakers, JoMed Kansas City's pltebers for twenty safeties. la th big I gnes there Is a very pretty rao Just now. Th National has revived memories of "H, when New Tork and Chi oago fought an tn way around th eours for th lead. McQrew's team still has th advantage of playing on Its bom grounds, while Sole has played a majority of hla contests on other diamonds than Chicago's. If th Colts get aa eren break .with th Olanta during th series which begins to morrow on th Polo grounds, CMoago will return for a long horn series well In the lead of the league. One during th week th Colts had th top place and for th first time In history two Chicago teams were heading the processions. A post poned game at Boston put New Tork back In first, but H'a only an eyelash hold Mo- Grew has on the position. Both teams ar playing magnificent ball and hare th others well strung out Comlskey has taken his Whit Stockings to th front and la making th rac In th American a hot one. Detroit la still hustling and so Is Cleve land, but Chicago holds on to th top posi tion. Comlskey has had the advantage of a long home series. His team must now take the road, and It may take a tumble, too. Clark Griffith hasn't accomplished any great things as yet with his New Tork Americans and doesn't seem at all likely to. So far as popularity goes, the Gotham fans take to the McGraw crowd and the patronage Is something to make Andy Goose Freedman's pockets bulge. In Chicago, too, th leaning la toward the National, now that the team Is making good, and the prospects are that Colonel Hart will have to enlarge his park or arrange to play to overflow crowd wbea th team geta back home. with Knox. Tobin sent the hammer flying through the air, and It didn't hit bottom until It had gone 12 feet 7 Inches. Ex- Captain Brew, who wed to lead the Ne braakans on th foot ball field, had a record when he waa In school of 117 feet In the mile run Lehmer won with States a close second. The Knox man was lost In th shuffle. Wilson of Knox won the 100-yard dash. Manning of Nebraska won th 230-yard dash, aa well as 440-yard dash. Benedict won th half mile. The sensation ot the day waa the half-mile relay race, which started with four men on each side. Th bunch kept well together until th last lap, when Manning and Wilson took th lead, and then It was a neck-and-neck race. The two men were th best athletes of their respectlv schools, and when Man ning crossed th tap a good margin ahead, the Nebraska rooters cut loose and cheered him to the echo. Th Knox team depended principally upon Wilson to win points for them, and he certainly showed himself a good athlete. Thia victory over Knox I the first big thing the Nebraska track team over accomplished. In other eonegee more attention Is paid to track work than by Nebraska heretofore, but things look good for a better status of thia class of sport In the future. Benjamin Lee, an alumnue of Chicago university, and who has been connected with college athletics all over the west speaking of th situation In Nebraska, compared with th sentiment toward track athletics In other schools. said: "In Chicago university, people will cut out a baa ball gam any day to see a track meet Track men are aa notable characters as foot ball heroes, and training Is carried on for track work with utmost car." It Is hoped that this may be said for track athletics at Nebraska at some not far distant time. 1L AB. Shugart J ' Carter .. 7C Wright M Stewart M Dolan S3 Thomas M Patterson 44 Preston 69 Genlr.s 70 Mickey IS Companion T Oondlng It Bruner 16 Hhafstal 18 Henderson tl Milton , t'relRhton...... ...... S Welch 4 Weldy R. I la IS 0 0 IB. 4 24 17 13 14 12 1 - 12 S 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 FIELDING AVERAGES. PO. Gondlng It bhugart i Henderson 4 Creighton 7 Weldy Thomas V Teuton Uenlns , bhalstal btewart Wright Carter Bruner Patterson . Companion Dolan Milton .... Hlckey Welch 2 66 41 W 1 St 171 S2 0 11 46 t A. 4 4 7 0 0 13 0 lit 40 14 S 11 27 SS 16 10 0 E. 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 4 U 1 n 4 2 PC. .400 .Ml ,36) .Hi .222 .221 .11 .172 .11 .157 .141 .083 .08 .01 .047 .000 two .000 .000 PC. 1.000 1.C0J 1.00 1.0 JO 1.0 0 . .271 .WdO .MS .it .Kl .HI .881 .83 .874 . .it 0 Papa Bill Rourke says he Is doing all he can to get new tnan and that h proposes to strengthen th team It possible. What he Is In need of Just now is a couple of pitchers who can be relied on and a third baseman who can hit a little and field with some certainty. Then get the rest of th team geared up to the pitch of last season, and th outlook will be much brighter. Every patron of the game In Omaha feels confidence In the ability of the team to play ball, and every man who has any Interest In the game wants to see this confidence redeemed. Knockers have always existed here, -and the best answer to the knockers Is to win games. Just a little ginger In the right place Is all that Is needed. In other respects the league rac shows little change. Old Bill Everitt and his Money Burners still Jog merrily along, pil ing up victories aa fast as they play games. Bill has a stack now so high he can't see over It and can play his first trip away from home on velvet and lose three out of ATHLETICS AT THE UNIVERSITY Base Ball Tease Skews m Balaae aa Ledger. That trip th Cornhusker aggregation took waan't quite aa much of a howling success as some had reason t expect It seems that the boys were up against some hard lack, at times, good and plenty. Financially th trip waa a success. Man ager Clark Bell says the athletic board will be a neat sum ahead on the base ball deal at the 'end of the season. This Is cer tainly fortunate. It has been said by persons closely connected with the athletic board that had this year's base ball venture been a failure It waa highly Improbable that th Cornhusker would have been rep resented on th diamond next year, or If they had had a team no such trip would be taken. As far as finance la concerned th base ball future Is bright enough. About victories. There were fourteen game played on th trip and of these Nebraska lost aix. That doesn't look very well, but the fact must not be lost sight of that of th eleven men on the squad seven are freshmen and were playing their first sea son on the 'varsity team. This remarkable per cent of first year men must be remem bered when the defeats ar being counted. Captain Townsend In reviewing the pros pect for next year aald: "The team will be practically the same next year aa It la this year. We may reasonably expect that the men who ar comparatively green this year will be reliable material next year. The great failing on our team this season has been poor sticking, though on the whole th team put up a pretty warm variety of th American game." un m trip tn cornhusker were decently treated, except at Kansas. The Jsyhawkers stole two gamea from the Townsend crowd, and then turned In and mobbed them and swiped half their equip ment Th authorities at Kansas unlver slty have expressed regret at the perform ancea of some of th students of that in stltutlon, and apologies have been sent to Lincoln. The loss of two games to the Jay hawkers can be attributed only to th un fairness of the Kansas crowd. In th gam with Highland Park on May is, Longanecker and Bender, the battery. showed that they were playing as good ball as ever. This was the first game since the return of the team and fans were glad to see th undaunted Cornhuskers In good shape for the finishing gamea of the aeason J. F. Johnson, shortstop, who did some sensational batting on the trip and who made the only long hit at Notre Dame and wno won the day at Purdue, got a home run and a three-bagger In th Highland Park game. Johnson is one of the fresh men and on of th most promising men on the team. Gore has also shown up re markably aelt Nebraska track athletics took a brae and things began to look better, i when the Cornhusker's track team rubbed It Into the crackerjack team ot Knox college. Those interested in track athletics fairly held their breath until th meet was pulled off. for this meet was to decide the fate of track work in the university. The athletic board agreed to furnish funds and all kinds of encouragement for' the track athletics department for this year, with th under standing that the support would be with drawn if th venture proved a failure thia year. Financially It came up to th ex pectations of th most enthusiastic and best of all, th Nebraska team won by th handsome boots of SS to 43 points. Captain Tobin, who recently broke th hammer throw record of the Nebraska field, raised his own record In the event BOOM IN TENNIS AFFAIRS uasae catches Its second Wind In Omaha aad Is Becesaiag Mighty Papalar. Every day goes to prov that the revival In tennis of last year will continue and in crease In strength thia summer. The east has taken It up so strongly already that It has outclassed golf In popularity and will continue to do so for at least another year. Everything that lent Itself last summer to tbe Increase in popularity of the game will be evident this year and these same conditions will be improved to a great ex tent With all of the courts of last year In better shape and two new tennis clubs In a strong life with nine new courts ana? 144 members things ar certainly bright -rmCTieaiiy an or the men, who were among th better players last year, have already appeared on the courts and many new players and many more with a little experience are swelling the numbers. A few of th strong players of the Field club hav not yet donned their flannels and be gun In earnest, but they have been kept back solely because of the poorness of the court a Last year these courts were the best In the city and they will be so this year agajn, but many changes and repairs have been wrought on them and It has not been possible to get them Into really good shape before now, because of the extensive ness of these repairs and the wet weather that has prevailed for the last few weeks. Many of the men who play on these courts ar members of other tennis clubs and do not Intend to do their really hard practice on thi Field club courts, but will us th more private courts closer home. Some are not situated this way and they must suffer from the lack of early practice. Fortunately this number Is small, however, and but few have suffered thereby. This year the interstate tournament, com prising Iowa, Kansas. Missouri and Ne braska, will be held on these courts and practically all of those who entered lost summer will try this year again. Beside that an attempt Is being made by the tour nament committee to have Collins and Waldner enter. They play about as fast In the doubles as any team In the country ana ineir coming would certainly be a great boon for the sport In Omaha. It Is more than probable that the dates of the tournament will have to be set a little earlier if they do come, as otherwise It would Interfere with several other tour naments that they would enter tn preference to thia one. Kansas City, Sioux City and other towns will send aa large a represen tation as they did last year, and, of course, Farnsworth and Raymond will be In the lists. Locally there will be a large number of players familiar to the Omaha lovers of th sport because of their last years play and more, too, who have not figured In any of th city tournaments, even, and will be practically unknown and untried. Last year the Field club was looked upon aa the center of th tennis situation and all of the good players were centered there. but a change has come In the situation this year and there are other players who are promising to be in the race who are not represented on th Field club courts. The courts to the west of the Metropolitan club and used by the St. Croix Tennis club Is where they are working busily every day and hare several men who are perfecting a style of play that Is remarkable. - There are forty members In the elub and they are mostly young men and many who have played before. Their courts are as fine as were ever on these grounds In their palm lest days and th Interest Is very great Every evening the courts are filled from I o'clock until dusk. An attempt Is to be made by the St. Croix club to make the club partly social as well as a tennis club and the winter will find It giving a number of dances, while during the summer, two days of each week, Wednesdays and Fridays, will be set aside . WE DO NOT HESITATE to single out Dr. J. E. McGrcw of Omaha, Neb., as a specialist fully deserving: the highest praise. During our twenty years of experience as a newspaper correspondent we have not encountered a more thorough, a better equipped or more reliable specialist than Dr. McGrcw" Chicago Review. Thousands of men throughout the west can vouch for the truthfulness of the above. In fact the life work of Dr. McGrew has been given to the welfare of m en. 17 Years in Omaha. FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS Dr. McGrew has mado a specialty ot Diseases of men, and his success in this line of practice has no superior, Men are cominp to him from far and near for his treatment, and the preat numbers dally at his office are the best proofs ot his success in the treatment ot this class of diseases. There are three reasons tor this: FIRST Men have confidence In him. SECOND This confidence Is nev er betrayed. THIRD His charg-es for treatment are low and within the reach of all. Those who can pay but a small fee are lust as welcome as thoso who can pay more. Dr. McGrew's treatment for VARICOCELE Unacknowledged by all to be the superior of all other forms of treatment. The quickest, safost and with out lost of time. For 27 years Dr. McGrew has made the treatment of Varicocele his special study and it is but 'justice to him to say than his treatment has ISO SUPERIOR ANYWHERE. One visit and a sinjrle treatment is all that is necessary in many case- Stricture Cured in Less Than Five Days. BJTstrT sT"" aP'nTs WrV T C '"ST 1JV a Tf. rtf WTV.TT or Blood Poison and all diseases of the fifing Oa VEaW M KCA M IVL-aClN A Blood All external sirns of the disease dis appear at once under Dr. McGrew's treat ment, and not a spot or pimple will appear to expose the nature of your disease. This fact alone is a priceless comfort and consolation to one afflicted with this ailment, ' - MANY FORMS OF BLOOD DISEASES CURED IN LESS THAN THIRTY DAYS. "fc'V'! 1 "if OflsTfc r a Have been cu-ed of Lose of Vitality. Loss of Brain Power, Poor M.X. Ovf sVlUi Vay-VaL Memory, Despondency,' and all unnatural weaknesses of men. OFFICE OPEN EVERY HOUR FROM 8A.MTO 8: JO P. M. SUNDAYS FROM 8 A. M. TO 4 P. M. P. O. Box 766. n l Office nver 21.5 Sn. 1lth Sts Between Dnuoin ntirl Fnrnnrti Stj. Dm n tin. Neh. V at- as ladies' days anJ envsr&I tournaments will b given Curing the summer (or women. The opening, too, which will be at th time of the club's first tournament. Is to be made a social event. Ten or twelve of the members are show ing up In excellent form and the club In tends to hold a series of tournaments in the club and with other city clubs and ten nis aggregations. These will all be played 6n the club grounds and will add to the Interest among Its members. The Country club Is also taking up tennis much more than It ever did before and every afternoon finds the men diligently playing on the two courts there.. These courts are black dirt courts and, conse quently, not very fast, but with such men as Fred Hamilton, George Prltchett. Ezra Millard, B. 8. Strickland and Frank Has call on the courts the Country club will have a very strong representation In all city tournaments. Some of these men played In the Interstate tournament last summer and made an enviable record and the others promise to do equally as good work this year. The game has also found charms for the gentler sex at the Country club and the mornings are whiled away by many of the women In tennis Instead of in playing golf. The Toung Men's Christian association courts will hardly turn out at any time a representative lot of players, but much of the enthusiasm and the new blood of the years to come Is being fostered on these four courts, which give recreation and play to 100 players. Most of them are young men and the training that they get hero will make them work further Into the game and th'elr graduation from these courts will be only to a faster set of courts and Into company that will make them players of the first class. Anyhow the Interest created here is well worth the courts with out thinking of the pleasure and recreation that they also give to many young men, who are working many hours daily over desks and Indoors and who need the light, the air and the exercise more than their luckier brothers, who become mere pro ficient In the game. Dave Bhannahan have been chosen for the Omaha teams and Charles Banther of Council Bluffs and Harry Kelley ot South Omaha. The personnel of the teams In the league has been practically decided upon and Is as follows: It. O. A. Originals Foley, first base; Bradford, second base; Kennedy, short stop; Waller, third base; Scully, left field; Howe, center field; Welch, right field; Saffelder, pitcher; Mcllvalne, pitcher; Welch, pitcher; O'Keefe, catcher; Crelgh ton, catcher. B. Jetters Clarke, first base; Fletcher, second base; Lynch, short stop; Cahlll, third base; Rawley, right field; E. Clark, center field; Ackerman, left field; Collier, pitcher; McHale, pitcher; Sullivan, pitcher; Tonneman, catcher. Eagles Moore, first base; Shugart,' sec ond base; Brewlck, short stop; Sinclair, third base; Grimth, right field; Howarth, center field; Duncan, left field; Matthews, pitcher; MoBher, pitcher; Gordy, pitcher; Strong, catcher; Bhugart, catcher. Crescents Petersen, first base; Hall, sec ond base; Weed, short stop; Lynch, third base; Clute, right field; Casey, right field i Rodman, center field; Ryan, left field; Ken nedy; left field; Troby, pitcher, Crawford, pitcher; Murray, pitcher; Carr, catcher; Bowler,' catcher, Tracey, catcher. 0 RELIEF AT HAND 3 i v A ? 8-.- n f Jlf ' Hundreds of Omaha people are finding relief r Relief for bad backs - For Rheumatic aches and' painsfor Urinary troubles for S Diabetes For every form of Kidney disorder down to the advanced stages of Bright's disease. J DoarTs Kidney Pills relieve and cure 1 Omaha people say so your own friends and neighbors Doan's r Kidney Pills have cured them Will cure you Read this testi- S monjr: a Mr. . U. ScoMllbaeker of tas Omaha Track Co., No. I0T Sooth 1Mb straet. says: "Wbea a youag man I strain: my back lifting " aaa vr slao aay sxtra work, to muck stooping or a eold settling ta the Mas aSecta the kldaoys and browg&t oa backache. Aa ad vartlsesaaat about Doaa's Klday Pllla 10 t procure a box a Kaba a Cc's arug store, earner IBtk aa Douglas streets. Th treat neat cured taa, Doan's Kidney PUts tre for uta it all Druf Storct 51c a box Ftster-fiUfturn Co.. Buffalo, N.Y. TRI-CITY LEAGUE AFFAIRS Two Teams Dropped aad Schedule to De Worked Over for Foil Clubs. After having arranged for a membership of six teams in th Trl-Clty Base Ball league a change has been effected whereby the membership Is reduced to four. The Regents and the C. N. Diets teams did not como up entirely to the requirements of the league, and so were dropped, leaving the Lee-Glass-Andreesen Originals, the Council Bluffs Eagles, the B. Jetters of South Omaha and the Crescents as the members of the league. These four teams have all been together for five years or more, and during all of which time they have been among the strongest of any of the local amateur nines and promise to be even stronger this season than they have ever been before. This change In the makeup of the league has made ft necessary to revise the sched ule, and the managers tof the teams are now working on that and will have It pre pared by Monday night. The season will open, aa originally piannea iur, uu uuo , and play on Saturdays and Sundays and holidays from then until the first Sunday In October. This will make a very full schedule and will give the different teams a great opportunity to test their goodness and should make the race for the pennant very exciting. The original Intention of placing the Crescents In Florence and of playing a por tion of the games there has been abandoned aa the people of Florence decided that any team that should bear the town name and receive the town patronage should be com posed of local players, snd so the idea was dropped. Florence Is too rnall a town to put a first-class team of local talent in the game that could make It Interesting for the others in the lague, snd so the league refused the proposition inconii nently. They say that only teams that can play ball are to be allowed member ship, and that the games will be of the first order or not st all. The games are to be played on the grounds at Lake Manawa, Vinton Street park and pn the B. Jetters neia at Twenty, eighth and W streets, In South Omaha, While the Manawa and Vinton street grounds are used regularly by the Western league and Buck Keith s league, the games will be played on thera at times when the league teams are playing away from home There Is also a strong probability that some I of the games will be played at Courtland Beach. The grounds there are not particu larly good, but an attempt will be made to put them In shape for playing and, if It succeeds, some of the games will undoubt edly be played there. The umpires for the season have been selected and they promise to be both fair and gcod and should add greatly to the I yalu at tb games. Wood Hartley and QUAIXT FEATIRK9 OF LIFE, -Henry Crawford, a resident of New Ro- chelle, N. Y., boarded a train for New York and took a seat in the rear car. He was ordered by a brakeman to take the car ahead, but as the door was open when he entered he refused tp move. The brakeman tried to eject him, but was stopped by the conductor. Mr. Crawford complained to the company, but got no satisfaction. Then he sued for damages and has Just compro mised for $500. Because his wife bad deserted him twen ty-three times Samuel Enders of Joplln, Mo., has filed suit against her for divorce. In his petition Enders states that he has been put to great Inconvenience and ex pense In prevailing upon his wife to return to him after each of the other twenty-two desertions and that "patience has at last ceesed to be a virtue." He sets up that he has been long suffering and kind, but that hs "doesn't propose to stand It any longer At La Plata, Mo., the other day Cole Younger did something original, especially for a showman and an ex-bandit. A patron of his wild west show told Younger that he had been short changed out of 16 by an em ploye of the show. He pointed out the man and Younger went to the employe and said: "Give this man his money back." "What money?" asked the man. feigning surprise. "Did you hear met" returned Cole. "Give this man hla money." The employe com menced to explain. "I don't want any planatlon," said his employer; "pass that money over and pass It over quick." The money was handed over and the dishonest employe discharged then and there. Frank James, who stood by, approved the action of his partner. After having spent $10,000 In search of his boy and having passed fully twenty times within the shadow of the little tin shop in which he stood tinkering away for nearly two years, Martin Walls of York, Pa., Is overjoyed because his son George waa found. George left Spring Grove on Octo ber 21, 1901. He says he was drugged by companions and he remained In a dased condition for a week. He traveled as far as Rlverton and went to work for Jacob Hunkle. He say he did not know his father was looking for him until he read an advertisement In a country newspaper. One of the mont enthusiastic base ball cranks in the country is a blind man, James Judge of Minneapolis, a master steamfltter, successful contractor and mechanical In1 ventor of pronounced ability. He has been totally sightless for forty years and never saw a base ball game In hla life, but he never allows business to interfere when he wishes to "see" a contest on the diamond. Mr. Judge is always accompanied by some one who tells him of the various plays and he yells as loudly ss anybody, even shouting "down In front" when someone obstructs the view of those who can se. He is an Inveterate smoker, too, thus dis proving the oft-heard statement that one must sea the smoke In order to enjoy a cigar. With one parting look at the locomotive he had run for so many years Jackson Adams of Pittsburg. Pa., probably the old est engineer on the West Pennsylvania road, dropped dead this afternoon. Adams had been on the rsilroad for thirty years, first as a fireman and then as an engineer. He did not work today, but love for hla old engine could not keep him from the roundhouse. He visited the place this aft- ernoon and was standing looking admir ingly at his engine when he suddenly reeled J forward on uis face. When picked up It i was found that he waa dead. Heart disease j Is suppose to have caused hla death. BLUE RIBBON UIIIING COMPANY'S Grand Excursion to Colorado WILL LEAVE Council Bluffs, 5:15 p. iil; Omaha, 530 p. in., Monday, June 1st, v Via ROck ISLAND SYSTEM Rate' flT.CU from Council Bluffs and Omaha to Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo aad return. Flual return limit, October 31. As the company's mines are located at Idaho Springs, arraage meats will be made oa the train for special rate tickets from Denver to that point. For further particulars regarding the excursion aad valuable in. formation, address C. P. RINKER, Secretary, Merrlam Block, Council Bluffs, la., or C. A. RUTHERFORD, D. P. A., Rock Island System, Omaha, Neb. erne The Only Double) Track Railway between th Missouri River and Chicago. DAILY TRAINS OMAHA TO 8.15 PU THE OVERLAND LIMITED MacBlflatnt olid Jlly train to lout, Compart irfit ud drswirtfl-room lpln ear, fibrmrr. boflfai, brbor, bath, tolephon. 4inlrt on ud ooMrvatioa n. Eloetrio throanssotu. 8.00 AM THE ATLANTIC EXPRESS Pnllmftn 4iwtnt-room ftn 4 toaHet tlMplstf er and slain urt, aad tr roolinlnc chair oar. 5.50 PU THE EASTERN EXPRESS Pn I tea an draviaar-rooK and totirtat laaDlni ear. wrwm rac i in i na eaair oara. uurary aaa u Oars. llnla oara. 2 OTHER DAILY TRAINS 3n I II pr wing -room alaeplncmra, traffrttnaoav 4L II J.H ing aad library oara aad fraa rao I lain chair oar to Chicago. Dinirfg eara. II )fl lif Thnrach aarrloo Omaha to Ohloatra, l.tjLJ AM NortsvWeenara ataadant day ooaobas aad fraa ohair oara. Uinin oara, 2 DAILY TRAINS ST. PAUL-WlEAPOLIS 7 35 AM 0bUoa Mr'' a 81 n PU lwrlaa . taftt litearr . I U I in can sad tra ncllalns obalt can. BLACK HILLS A nfl PU Torramont.Llacoln.Wahoo.naTidnty, WaWW lot ork. Uaaliaaa. boward. Oanava. 8ud lor, Xortolk, ln Hna. Caspar, Hot Sprlnga, oadwood and Load. Through racUaln ah air ears. mimaa ajeopia ear asrvioe. Ill To Fran ant, Llnooln. Wahoo, Norfolk, AM Lone Pine. Verdi re. Boneetoal and tea lq inaiau naaervatlon ouuntry, is 7J5 Boaabw CITY TICKET OFFICE. 1401 and 1403 Farnatn Street California Excursions la Pullman tourist sleep arson f aat trains, tri-weekly, per so sail y conducted. New cars, courteous emplore, satisfying meals. Cheap and comfortable. "Santa Fe aU the war," Chicago and Kansas City to Lo Angeles and Baa rranclsco. Cheap colonist tickets, dally, untU June 15. Illustrated books about California tour aud cheap Southwest lands. & la. Palmer, P. A., 0 Equitable Bid., Dee Moines, la. Santa Fe Bmlaeu StlmuUttrs BEE WANT ADS .JH eeC9900O9O9CS9SS90CSCS0O0 QUAKER MAID RYE , tin UK iLJ Delightful as a Bcveraae. Healthful s a Tonic. For sale at the lead n ng parv, ewea una drug stores. S. HIRSCH & CO. luui City, Mi. PI HUE CURED WHILE YOU SLEEP. DM Inataatlr stops btoedlar aad i veiling-, amoTaa otoat ssetaaa, raiiaras aa4 can, without kail, operatioa c pain. $2.50 FOR A C t HE. Sent by mall with plain di rections for using, securely sealed, bearing- your ad dress. Write today; en close MAIL ORDER REMEDY CO. 17 Guaranty' Bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn. CLARK'S Bowling Alleys Bli-jest-Brlg-hest-Best. 1313-15 Harney Street. O'LEARY'5 FUTURE BOOKS OK nncninAM ntrnnv HMblllUHII UhllUI Brooklya, Sabarbaa, Tb Harlem. Natlaaal aad Han thorn Haadlcaos. Writ for Quotations. Conasnlsaloaa handled aa all rseca. J A MISS O'I.EARY, 41M3 I. Halsted St. CHICAGO, ll.L. IE PAY C OR OLD B rear old books Into money. Telephone B ISS7 sad our represea tatlre will call. "Ye Old Booke Shop," XU ITAxtPrAM ST. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Wakes Most Isefal rrese