Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 12, Image 12
19 TIIE OMAIIA IAILY BEEj SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1903. ABOUT PLAYS PLAYERS AND PLAYHOUSES While the trouble In the labor World hare disturbed buslnes In vry other line, the people who undertake to amuse the public Jog right along In the fore front of the prosperity parade. Strike and lockout do not affect the theater, apparently, for not only la the auminer stock company In Omaha doing a bualness that I marvel oualy great, but all the summer stock com panics send out similar reports, and the few "regular" organizations still on the road are experiencing no diminution of re ceipts became of the advance of "the good old summer time." The circuses and ottoe tent shows have had some trouble with the weather, but whenever the day hns been bright enough to give a show the tents have been packed. Managers have taken due note of the fact, and arrangements for next season are now being made on the basis that last season' patronage- will be repeated. And no surface Indication exists to warrant any other conclusion. It is only another of the many outward signs of the generally comfortable condition In which the American people find themselves. As yet the theatrical trade Is a field prac tically untouched by the labor organiser; It la virgin and Inviting. An abortive at- ' tempt was made to secure control of the labor employed In the vaudeville branch of , the business, but the Whit Rats couldn't make It stick. They went to pieces on the rock that has sunk so many other promls- '. Ing young unions, a strike before their organisation had taken on anything like real cohealveness. As a matter of fact, a strike is merely a test which shows the builders where the faults are ' and where the weak spots, and enables them to cor rect these deficiencies. Now, if the gospel of unionism was only properly preached behind the scenes, what a lovely organisa tion might be formed. Of course. It would be difficult to arrange a proper scale of prices for the members, but out of the long experience and accumulated wisdom of the guild tt seem a satisfactory bill might be devised. This would be of much Interest to. the general public, too, for it would, give a Una on .the real value, of the service of the several members of the cast. And .what perfectly beautiful complications it would give rise to. One doesn't need to enlarge on the thought; the vista for the imagination J too enticing. Just figure it out for yourself. v . j Approaching the matter seriously, no pro fession la better paid right now than the theatrical. It is not necessary to single out the high-prlcod stars to illustrate and emphasise this assertion. In passing, though, It is Interesting to note that the basis of the disagreement between Viola AUen and Liebler A Co. Is the belief of her relatives that the 11,500 per week she re- celve for her services Is not enough. Miss . Allen plays thirty-five weeks a year and receives a salary $2,600 greater than that allowed the president of the United States .for fifty-two week. But another of Miss Allen' underpaid slater has a still more bitter grievance. She says: . Tha average girl who works In the Shop ha a much better time all the year rouud than I do. You must remember that I have absolutely no recreation from the time the season opens until the season ends. It Is a routine of sleep, get ready for the , theater, and then act, and the same old tory day after day, except Sunday. De corum makes it necessary for me to stay In the house on that day. And so, if you look at It from my viewpoint, you must agree that I am really the one to be pitied. I haven't been at the opera for four years, and I do love it so much. The average woman who worka may go to parties and theater and meet new people on the ground. She may go tq the theater to toe amused, and needn't go if she doesn't want to. Then the monotony of her work may be broken. by tha many holidays. I have no holidays, for on them I work harder than ver. Altogether, I think the other girl r has much the best of It. ir Commenting on this sad state of affairs, Adolph Glauber write in the New York ', Times: 3 Now, Isn't that really pathetic? Isn't It enough to bring tears to the eyes of the happy, Jight-hearted. care-free maiden ' Who has nothing In the world to do but get up at :JM) every morning, snatch a hurried breakfast, cling to a strap in a crowded car to get to the atore in time, stand behind the counter from T:S0 until 6, listen to the gabble of bargain-hunting females and the tirades of inconsiderate shoppers; who probably derives from her eight or ten hours of toll every day during the week the princely sum of So or fS, which may be expended as she likes on three or four little sinters and brothers dependent upon her earnings for bread and lodging. And aha can go to the opera when her day's work la done providing she still has enough left to pay for standing room. "It Is a routine of sleep, get ready for the theater, and then act.'1 I one to assume that the actress en gaged for two hour every evening, of which fully half the time Is spent in her dressing room for few plays cVmand h presence of the star always on the sceuor requlres fourteen hours of sl3n? The rlay Is over at 11 o'clock. Granting that the actress want a little suppar bctore retiring and a few minutes' social converse, per hsps, there Is still no reason wliv she should not be in bed by 1 a. in. or there abouts. Eight hours 'if rli-ep Is enough for any man or woman. But let her take ten. She may still breakfast comfortably at 11 and have the entire afternoon av on matinee days for recreution. The economy that obtains in the case of I 4 i WI . Tr art twt kitdt f food bki kir t cbosm setwcea Iks kilt tail tutc rood, ta4 tk kl4 fast sosrisacs. Tfc an vi fccte kit busily a HALT-TOO fUUS toast iir. 1 cksni it gets tt Mrs cmMe4 'is lk . rtku. CVCRY COUPON IS VALUABLE r v. i a rc the shop girl Is seldom necessary In her case. She does not have .to hang to the car strap unless she elects to do so. Phe may order s cab, hava a spin In the park, spend sn hour In a picture gallery and still have time to come home for a little siesta before her presence at the theater is neces sary. Fame may linger, but success seem coming to at least one more Nebraska girl. Alice Dovey of Plattamouth is the latest candidate for a stellar position In musical comedy. The Philadelphia Inquirer of last 8unday has this to say about her: In this day of the fin de slerle press agent we hear all kinds of thrilling tales of the rapid rise of the erstwhile chorus ?lrl or the up-to-date prima donna. In act, we have had all stages of the malady, from rollicking Fine Fay. whose fame and fortune were made in a single night by the gigantic step from the rear lines of the oblivious chorus to the chief benefactress by the Iridescent calcium. We have hid the society belle from almost every borough and hamlet that craves the stage for us fascinations then the Lillian Russell con tingent, who have, by steady, arduous strides, developed from a f 15 a week merry merry to a loUO r tl.000 per metropolitan favorite. Then there's the star with a backer the queen of the fickle public and a dozen other classes, all of which might attract public attention or fit one or more of our reigning favorites, either because of their striking beauty or because of change to light opera from the legitimate, but there la still another class upon which to dwell and which Is, In reality, one that has scarcely been developed even by those energetic promoters of publicity who de pend upon the manager for their measly weekly stipend possibly because It savors of truth, and each syllable of which lings of the veracity of the gospel. It is of a lass or lassie with stage Inclinations, whose studies In school and life are for the stage, who devotes her time and ambitions and spare change toward Its cultivation and re quirements, and who, after a series of ten years of energetic study, by the merest chance reaches her goal an opportunity to make good. There Is a tide In the affairs of men. which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune rejected, and all the Journeys of life are mixed up In shallows and despair. Little Alice Dovey waa born In 1884 on the banks of the Missouri, below Omaha. At the age of 1 she was a remarkably clever dancer and yearned for footllght glories. However, being but a child she was urged against such evil Influences. Four or five years later, when remarkable vocal accomplishments were evident, in company with her grandparents and a noted cultivator of the voice, the little Indy visited London, where, for four years, she was under the direct tutorage of Mme. Cellenl, the royal teacher of the Court of St. James, and under whose guidance the plucky little American sang before that regent lady, Victoria, the present king, Ed ward VII, and the duchess of Teck, than whom Miss Dovey has no warmer personal friend. . Having so spent her time a well as placed the polishing touches upon her edu cation, Miss Dovey returned to New York, convinced of her progress, but without that managerial influence or "inside pull" as It is more commonly called to take the center of the stage. With a grim deter mination, under the name of Milton, she took a position in the chorus of the Mar guerlta Sylva. Opera company, where through her gnnlal, modest ways she be came a great favorite. Dame Fortune, however, had not de serted the little pilgrim in the field of fame, and providentially for her especial benefit a wrangle among the principals brought Fred Q. Nlxon-Nlrdllnger, manager of the Nixon & Zimmerman enterprises, into the wild and wooly west, and required his presence with the company for upward of a month, when harmony was finally re stored. It was Just about that season of the year when showers that bring forth tha cheering blossoms of spring are most in evidence and it waa on one of these dis mal, dreary afternoons In a far-ofT, little town noted for its mean, dirty hostelry one could scarcely libel the word "hotel'1 by giving It that title end a still damper dirtier theater. The old timers had braved the ftith and cold and gone to- their bunks, while the novice used the proprietor's sta tionery and patience by writing home or elsewhere; but two little girls in blue from Nebraska had wended their Way to the theater and, despite the cheerlessness on the outside, made merry by practicing and studying their music. Says. Alice to .Ethel, her accompanist, "If you will give me the key, I'll give you an Imitation of 8v)va when She's food." The manager heard tt, and the aweet refrains relieved the mind of the company's pilot as to who should replace his leading lady In case of acci dent. The song and a few others over, the sisters went merrily on their way, while the manager began thinking. Some little, while afterward the little ladlea were engaged for parta in "Mis Bob White," although to this day the little misses from across the Missouri are not aware that their one man audience got them a hearing, but rather think it a prank of fate. When questioned upon the subject Alice will say, "You see, the gold enrod is the flower of Nebraska and that i anouiu receive u as my first part prog nosticates naught but success. 1 have my chance now that' all I have ever asked. A you folks say In the east. It's surely up to me. They say imitation is the sln eerest form of flattery I wonder If I'm In ray xempieions class. " Comlsg Eftltl. Tills week the Ferris Stock company will not giv the usual two plays, as the last two nights of the week will be given over to N. C, Goodwin, Jr., In hi new comedy. "The. Altar of Friendship." The play the Ferris company will give, opening tonight ana continuing to and including Thursday night, will be "Unwood," a military drama. It was the original Intention of Mr. Ferris to present "Resurrection," but owing to the Illness of Miss Hayward, whn Intended coming to Omaha especially to play the leading role, It was postponed until the latter part of the month. Mr. Ferrl will also be seen In "Resurrec tion." "Linwood" is a good substitute Tie royal rat to beilti u ttrenrtk lies la tailsr car of tt flet la HALT-TOO FLAUS TO Aire t tiutlss af fte clement that rcaatr fat (rcatest pot. UM seartehjseat to tha lamas Uij. a t-eat sactar will ibsv ye lew ttor ttfhly tell clou i pttlnnx cer eal tost cm 6. -LOOK INTO "HE MATTER I and will doubtless please the Ferrl audiences. It la said to be full of quick action and stirring climaxes. . Its scenes are laid In the south during the rlvli war and its story deals with the love affair of two officers, a confederate and a union man, both of whom are In love with the same girl. She coquetlshly shows neither any favors, but she Is at the same time In love with the boy In blue. Event shortly after the opening of the story force her to declare her love for the union man, and light thers the trouble starts, pushed along by the rejected lover. The union man and his sweetheart have their hands full until the Inst act, when the villain Is foiled. Special scenery and elaborate effects have been provided for the production. Mr. N. C. Goodwin will present here on Friday and Saturday next his success, "The Altar of Friendship," with all the original scenlo accessories. The play 1 based upon the sacrifices made for friendship's sake. Richard Arbuthnot, the character imper sonated by Mr. Goodwin, is a bachelor older in years than In thought or heart He Is In love with a pretty American girl. for whom he has promised to provide a husband, little dreaming that he himself will be the one. About this time a younger Ister weds and the discovery Is made that the man to whom she had given her self had previously had a llason with a tvDewriter In the employ of Arbuth not. Thl is discovered on the wedding day, and the latter, to save the sister from the attending humiliation,4 assumes the guilt Naturally, the American refuses to have any intercourse with him. In the end tt Is all straightened out and Arbuthnot becomes the happiest of men. The love duels, between him, a Richard Arbuthnot, and the young American, ar aid to be the most charming ver enacted on the stage. A special matinee is prom ised for Saturday afternoon. Among the prominent artists In tha company are: Fred Tlden. Nell O'Brien, J. R. Crawford, J. Carrington Yates, Julia Dean, Alice In gram, Suianee Perry. Zeffi Tillbury Is Mr. Goodwin' leading woman. TV. T.uolla VorenauKh-Flsh Wild West show here on Tuesday at the show grounds. Twentieth and Paul streets, at z o cioca in the afternoon and 8 o'clock at night, The show ha many novelties, feat of horse manship and expert marksmanship by Indians, cowboys, Cossacks, Arabs, MexU una. United State cavalrymen and artil lerymen, "Roosevelt Rough Rider" and English dragoons. Occupying an Important place 1 the demon rider, who I billed a the most remarkable mysterious horseman that has ever exhibited In conjunction with . Ti wim west show. Another important element la th vividly pictured reproduction of the Custer massacre, witn it mo.ia.ns, soldiers and central figure of the comman der. General George A. Custer. A new ad dition to the Wild West show is the men agerie, which includes, lions, tigers, elk, deer, hyenas, puma, monkeys, camel and other fine aoological specimens. Among v,- .r. tha ideal lion. Dewey, the model for the World Fair sculptors, and who ha been sketched many time oy arxisis, d .... ik, or.iv hncklnor elerjhant In the coun try; Big Bob, the lmmenaa thirty-foot snake, th cage of piayiui oaDy iionst nu the recently born baby monkey. Little Pete, and his almost human mother, who will interest the children. Tuesday morn ing a free parade will be given over the principal streets, a.,...v mv . the We tern Amuse ment company, of which W. W. Cole is general manager, will open .rugs para iur .. w.varvttilnar. is. In gayest at- k 1 1 0 -- " " . - tire, being newly repainted, lower more beautiful than evr, many new pwumw especially arranged, for the children, to whom much of the success of Krug Park is due. Th musio thl season will be up-to-date, aa Huster'g band of thirty-five people win rnHr concerts, classical, rag-time and popular, every afternoon and evening. A new feature this season I th roller io boggan the lgsag alley a house of too much trouble and the laughing mirror. The original Alpine yodler. tha Gelssler Hlrschorn troup, have been engaged and dar and evening. John Hall, the "enaational balloonist," will make the ascensions thl season, Th iifa.tnntinn nicturea and photograph ma chines ar other innovation. An especial effort ha been made to provide amusement tr th iiitia ones. There Is a merry-go- round and a number of double and single wings, teeter-boards ana otner aevices which delight the children and where they can play and romp on the green grass to their hearts' content In addition a cage of red Arabian. Rheus. ring-tall, golden and dog-face monkey has been provided. To accommodate guests a special flve mlnut car service ha been arranged for and more train will be put on If needed. For picnic apeclal booking can always be made in advance upon application to Mr. Cole, who 1 the general manager and who can alway be found at the park. A the season advances more new ana aeiigni ful feature will be added and yery after noon, as wll a th evening program, will be well and carefully arranged. Not withstanding that four-fold mor attrac tion and feature have been added, the admission will remain th sam. Gossip from itagelaa. Trixle Friransa anticipates Joining th Weber and Fields forces in the fall. Omaha's outdoor vaudeville and muslo parks will open next Saturday for the summer, B. H. Sothern "tood 'em up" all lat week at the Broadway in Denver, playing "If I Were King." Frank Daniels' new opera will be written by Harry B. Smith and Clinton Crawford, and la to be called "The Jockey." Kirk LaShelle 1 considering a proposi tion to send an American company over to South -Africa next season to present "Ari aona" there for the season. Carl Relter left on Friday for Ban Fran claco. He will spend the summer on the coast, managing a theater at Oakland for the Orpheum Circuit company. "Sunny Jim" was given a trial at Easton, Pa.,- and the New York men who saw it say It will have to be worked over before it will come anywhere near doing. Among the things Omaha missed of late were Marv Shaw in Ibsen's "Ghosts" and James K. Ilackelt In "The Crisis." Both of these wer given at in uuver in Lin coln. All through th west even to San Fran cisco, there Is much anticipatory talk of the proposed visit of Amelia Bingham and ber company. Miss Bingham will play only "The Climber" in Omaha. W. J. Burgess of the Woodward ft Bur gess company will leave this week for his summer visit to the east He has much business to do in New York, closing con trasts for next winter' attractions at th Boyd. Luna Park, th Coney Island enterprise of Thompson Dundy, was opened to the publio last Saturday. It has been very favorably mentioned by the New York papers, and Ha propped for the summer are bright Cherldah Simpson, the statuesque prima donna of "King Dodo," has begun an action for divorce in New York sticking a final separation from her husband, Joe Var der Berg, who is also quite well known in the piyfesalon. On the last night of "The Darling of the Gods" at the Belasco theater on Mav 30 there will be a celebration of the end or a very pleasant season. Mr. belasio wll preside and say something and Mr. Boeder will entertain. Francis Wilson is still dreaming of going Into the legitimate, but for next season his plays are thoroughly mapped out. He will revive "Ermlnle" and "The Little Cor poral" next suson and than may blossom forth in a straight comedy. Frank Daniels, while riding a spirited horse at Kys, N. Y., was thrown and In falling severely sprained his knee. Durkng his recovery, which will probably take a week or more, his role In ' Miss BunpUclty" is being playod by Frank Conway. John Kendrick Bangs, with Roderick Penlield, Is at work on a comlo opera, which Mabelie Oilman fe to bring out. It Is to be cUed "Lady Tsle,'T aod will be a tnwvtAmA mm QK vl.t , a i. 1 A. Baldwin Sloane will furnish the soor ur mv uvw wors. Mr. Lar.gtry' departure for Europe will -in 1 . - . A . . -! an cT-j.iT-iiiir iu nine pari in iii. ltttzi -Insj's Divorce,"' the comedy she tried so succesefully In Providence about two weeks I. C3 ..... V. . . i . . , , V T ..... ciio win uiKcaru ail umer piua uui Ing the coming season. vnriaill iiiiain J- . nvnun( lll l Will I lJ millionaire of Louisville, who proposes that aim miicini kl Mill 1 rUIU lailiuilll IV IVTH- tucky shall b a pleasure party with "lashln'a of satin' an' drinkln'," was the owner of the Auditorium at Ixuisvllle. He built In order that "our dear defunct city," as hs expressed It, should have the biggest theater on the Ohio river. Mrs. Fluke closed her season last week In "Mary of Magdala," and will take a rest for the early half of the summer. The latter period of her vacation will be de- vuiiru iv HisunK in renearnaia 01 Kveiai playa that are to be brought out at the ...u. .. viii, mi n n i .I. n . Ul H ncAfc l,i- son. and also to continuing her studios of Lady Macbeth, in which great character she Is to be seen season alter next. Henrietta Crosman drew large audience to Elltch's Garden tneater, Denver, laat week, where she Is appearing in her repertory. Four years ago she wss leading lady of the stock company there, a posi tion now held by Jane Kennark. At that time one paid 60 cents for the best seat In the house. Now one pay $2 for the pleasure of seeing Mitts Crosman do th playa she was doing then. But Mis Cros man "has arrived." From behind closed doors last week leaked out the fact that Blanche Walsh had been married seven years. Her hus band Is an actor of the name of Hickman. It appears that they were able to keep the fact of their marriage a profound se cret but the news of their divorce got out Immediately, Both have been congratu lated by a large circle of professional friends. As there was no scandal, tt Is not likely the affair will ba extensively advertised. Viola Allen will next season leave the management of Liebler & Co. to appear as Viola, in her own production of "Twelfth rclfrht ' Mtam A II 111 .... .1 ... 1 - -r ' ' "iii 1 1 - 1 1 vtiii unutji luan Mil elaborate production of the piece, and will miimui tuv uiiecuun vi ner oroiner, Charles W. Allen, while Frank J. Wllstach will be her manager. John Blair, who is now supporting Bertha Galland in Shake spearean plays at the Columbia theater, Washington, will play Malvollo in Miss Allen's production, which, it Is rumored, Ben Greet will stage. The death of "Biff" Hall at Colorado Springs removed a man who has long held an unique position in relation to th stage. He was for a long time an active news paper writer In Chicago, and years ago wrote a very entertaining series of fanciful sketches for the Herald of thst city under the caption of "The Turnover Club.'1 Later he went Into politics and wss one of the several police Judges of the Windy City at the time of his death. He corresponded for years for one of the weekly dramatlo papers, first for the New and then for the Mirror, .... Bronaon Howard Is to contest with Stuart Robson s heirs for the rights of "The Hen rietta, his famous comedy, that was con trolled during his lifetime by the late comedian. Mr vr-,i . i . . J I , , . , . -" ii i .i 1 1 livj 1 1 inai J? If "T?, th" rlay averted to him r ST . "uuwi was unaoie to use feared00? t?. "X" W i,.;; " , "w j wyuiu inn inio oiner ' " n ""Id to have destroyed the jT,7 ;, lu prevent n ever being rntte? wnih'd?aih- i'.'8 th h" m?aladjustmett.taken 'nt """ tor LAIim. Pto-cro 4 1 s hi the TbT. 'XIZ,"?,1 r, ti,,- ' - xwnneix ior fb.'U.OUO. mT Gwlrf i, Mi SEE? SM m. AV OI ow-""u. under the '?,rrT" .11 lh,frement. Miss Blggar se! RnntV Jy ,V. . fnai property of Mr. .V.i 7 :i ""uy or h,n and a so lhW?2.?f KJ l"?i,?e..at11 Et. Eighty- Mi r . t. vaiuea at J40.000. To iniefI has announced ner lntention travel. spena ner a me in Senator unit ; . . . vuauiiucir va . oen)W vlrf ,,p5rty. l 8TJ.e"t went t" see "The i,ZZ v Si lne Mannattan the- ri,Vlnif; aPa th8 cene- w'Uc" 1 laid In th breakfast room of the Waldorf-Astoria" 74 nlfJ?r;t,n"l tn J-ty toot thelJ itiMJ ? a, . tne ctor. who represented a thi ihSt0S !8nat?r nl was discussing wh-rl" .1- if ,wal turned fo the bok k,,JT - v.i lj r, l3T waw locaiea, Dut beyond a bland smile, the bridegroom aen- . ,. . V. i ' " ' unconscious or the author s fling. The management, however, were much imaAi Ku i j - - , - - - "j mj iiiviueni, ana a V. 8CUBJ,'?n vwaa hela ,n the lobby . "uinauuiij or rendering th senator an abjact apology, hut this scheme fd to be abandoned, as no on could be WORK OF MAY FESTIVAL CHOIR Board of Governors of Ak-Sar-Bea Acknowledges Service of Mr. Kelly mn Others. Th following note of acknowledgment I sent by th board of governor of Ak-Sar-Ben: The governors of Ak-Sar-Bon would not eonalder the May Muslo Festival fittingly closed without giving public expression to their appreciation of the untiring efforts of Mr. Thomas J. Kelly to make it a com- lete success. He, with Mrs. Andrews and Ir. Marschner, is entitled to the gratitude of this community for the development of a festival choir which not only elicited en ihuslastio praise from the soloists snd orchestras that accompanied It but also gave so much pleasure to the audiences which heard It. Their work is the more commendable In that It waa entirely with out pecuniary reward, which fact alone enables the committee to report that al though no money was added to the Ak-Sar-Een fund, the receipts were sufficient to meet the debts Incurred. The board most cordially thanks Mr. Kellv and the choir for their enthusiastic work, and also the ushers and other who volunteered their services for the festival. BOARD OF GOVERNORS. KNIGHTU OF AK-SAR-BEN. LABOR A5D ISDISTRY. Safety pin ar peculiarly American. We use 144,000,000 of them each year. Many makers are now building gas en sines of Z.SuO horse-Dower, and ara readv to double thi capacity. A movement ha been Inaugurated In Ger many for the restriction of night work in some lauonous industries. Sandusky. O., brewery men who get ten pints of beer each a day gratia threatened to strike if the allowance 1 not doubled. In Chicaso the wives and sisters of mem bers of the Amalgamated Society of Car penters and Joiners have formed a woman's auxiliary, which is ths first organisation of Its kind in the country, at least in th car penter iraae. Cairo 1 D. Wright United State labor commissioner, says that hla Investigations lead him to believe that no loss of respect toward woman results rrom tns coempioy ment of the sexes, "and as to moral condi tions among women wage-earners." he de clares further, "they are as high as among any other clsss of women and certainly better than among some." The electrical traction station Yankee ar building to furnish power for their un derground railways In London, will be the Unrest in the world. It will have ten steam turbines of 7.500 horse-power. The train used will be similar to those on the Boston Lievated railway, made up of three "motor and four "trailer" cars. The Miners' union, of which John Mitchell is President, claims at Dresent good stand ing membership of 264.439. The editor of the omctai journal in the current issue writes: "The United Mine Workers of America Is by fully luo.000 members the strongest trade organisation In the world. Its growth In the last five years has been steady and con tinuous and is without parallel." 'The women who are member of our union ar better union men than th men themselves," said D. W. Richmond, presi dent of the International Association of Railway Clerks, at a meeting In Chicago. "Recently a grievance committee in the office of one of the local roads waa re quested to present a petition to tha man agement. The two men who were members backed down, and If it had not ben fur the determination of one woman the petition would never have been prest-nted, and the employes of that road would not have re- reived the shorter hour undxr which they ar now working." . Geuld Is Not Isterestsd. NEW YORK, May 2J.-Oeorge J. Gould, In an interview ber. denied that he was secretly interested in a project to reach ths Facilic coast by an Independent line from Bait Lake. Mr. Gould also said that he had not a dollar Invested In any railroad pro tect west of Ogilti, and that he waa not identified with David Moftits Denver A Northern Pacific, which Is being built , through th mountain of north western Colorado to Salt Lake. , AMI'S EM EST. -' if WESTERN AMUSEMENT COMPANY W. W. COLE. Cianaral Mtntftr, INVITES PUBLIC ATTENTION TO THE GRAND PENSNG jv-lr SATURDAY, R51AY 30. The Triumph of the Past Is a Cuarantee for Its Future Strict Malntal nance Inaugurating an Avalanche of New Features, . With Embellshment of All Former Ones ReenKagement of the moat popular flualcal Organization A Superb Reproduction of the Original Paintings from the Famo us Austrian Artist Illuminated panorama, and the most capti vating enlightenment of all biblical history The Original Alpine Yodler The King of all Intrepid Aeronauts Hew Roller Toboggan, Tho Zlg Zag Alley Laughing Mirrors, A House of Too Uuch Trouble, l.terry-Go-Round. Shooting Gallery, Baby Rack, Burrows, Swings, The Life Motion Piclures, Photograph Machines and Refreshments. A Recent Importation from Europe of Red Arabian, Rheus, Ringtail, Golden and Bogface Monkeys AND 100 OTHER SPECIAL PASTIflES. Now Booking Organizations' Special Five-Minute MUSIC AND MUSICIANS Th Mar festival ha com and gone, and as tha Indication are now pointing to a financial aide which 1 not discouraging, Omaha must b congratulated upon th splendid support which It accorded to a purely musical event. It seems that th deficit will t a very trifling one and had there even been a deficit of $1,000, the proposition would have been cheap, for It value to Omaha. And look at what the musical festival had to contend with! tt opened in the fiercest day of the present strike,' when tnen were not 'thinking so 'much of the "concourse of sweet ounis"'aS the' possible settlement of trouble; then, the coplou, but InoDDortune rain which deluged the city on the Sunday afternoon,' when one looked for the big crowd of the season; and the fes'tN val closed with' the opposition of a big how, the Weber & Field organisation. holding forth in downtown theater. Than put on top of thl the distance to the Coliseum, and the Inadequate service of w-k a . - 1 1 .. ' I A I. f I.. 1 1 me uoago sirest cr line, wim it omau and bumpies," and what more adverse cir cumstances could on have? But that was not nearly all. On the day of the opening concert there was not one line of display advertising In a local paper, and I have failed 'to see yet the window- card-advertising of Genevieve Clark Wil son, Sue Harrington Furbeck, George Ham lln, Arthur Beresford or the Chicago Symphony orchestra, except In one window near Fifteenth and Farnam. Several of the artist commented upon this, and everywhere one hear of the lack of ad vertising of the first part of th festival, which waa th Omaha end ot it. I do not say this In the way of criticism, but rather to offer a reason or two why a deficit should not be laid to the lack of mu leal interest! As to next year, ther are no definite plana, except that In all probability the sam society, with soma additions and alteration due to a severer reading test In certain sections, will b In existence under It present conductor, although there are many scheme being talked about. Mr Borglum in writing upon the matter sug LDia man j kwu ' ' i b m.u ami. itucoidi, in an article upon the subject, throw much enthusiasm Into It. The Idea, however, of making the chorus hum ber 250 Is a mistake, Just at present. Thl year' choru num be red just 144, by actual count, and It was generally conceded that their volume' wa suggestive of many more. But that is only a detail. The gratifying thing Is that critics, professionals, teachers, musician generally, regardless of previous personal differences, hava rallied to the support of a May festival, and are now loud In their calls for the making of the scheme an annual affair. Personally, I should Ilk to see in Omaha a concert such as the "Swan and Skylark" concert, one every three month, and let th May festival be a repetition of such concert, with perhaps an additional fea ture or two. But let ua get the Auditorium built, and then we can talk May festival. It Is In good hands, and when the strike Is over methlnks there will be doings down at that Auditorium corner. Dr. and Mrs. Baetens' publio students' recital will tsk place at Germania hall, Harney street, on th evening of May U. Muslo lovers ar Invited to attend without th payment of any fee. Th pupils of Mr, Le G. Krat had another interesting recital last week at th home of Mr. George E. Godfrey. Those who participated were: Miase Strelts, Ethelyn Forties. Clark, Hlgby, Irene God frey, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gratton and Messrs. Brewster, Harrison, Archer, Mor rison, Foster and th T. K quartet. Th organ recital which was snnounoed for fast Wednesday night, and which wms postponed on account of th rain, will take plac at Trinity cathedral on next. Tues day evening. May W. The program will b given by Mr. F. Htson Wright, organ ist and choirmaster of Trinity cathedral, and Mr. J. E. Btott, -who occupies the same position In th cathedral of Qulncy, 111. The' program will be made still more In teresting by th Introduction of several vocal numbers, th choir singing "O Lord Most Holy" (Abt), "Praise Ys the Father" (Gounod) and Master McCormack will essay th difficult aria "I Know That My Redeemer Uvetjt" ,. (Handel). . Mr. S(ott ' will play th Trlere-Orlertolt ' of Paul AMI SF.MKItTS. OF OMAHA'S POLITE RESORT UG PA SPECIAL MUSTER'S BAND MUNECACSEtV THE BOOK OF GEISSLER-I1IRSGIIQRN TROUPE 'JOWW- MALL special Pays for Sabbath School, Society, Outings and Picnics can bo arranged for Street Car. Service to the Cultured Rendevous for ffrS W Manager BOYD SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT. M. G. G00DWIM . ' ' In the Greatest Success of this Season The Altar of Friendship Madeline Lucatts Ttvlsv'a hutlfiil players Rpeclally selected by Mr. Goodwin PRICES Matinee, SGo to 11.50; night, 6 B O.Y D' S FOURTH BIO WEEK FERRIS .STOCK CO. v. Tonight and Until Thursday- Night ' 1 ' -Th Gr eat Military Cra'ma. ;" "LINWOOD'?- PRICES Matinee, any seat, 10c;' night, 10c, 15c, 26a , . , BASE BALL. Vinton Street Grounds. Kansas City vs. Omaha. May M-25-26-27. Games called at 8:46 p. m. ' Mr. Kelly .... TEACHER OF, . ! Singing, 1 Tone Production Interpretation Dstdg Block, 18th and Famam. Devred and other Interesting number. Mr. Wright wilt also contribute some gems of organ composition. . , The pupils of Mr. Wright will glv. a recital at Omaha Commercial college hall, Seventeenth and Douglas streets, on Thurs day evening,, May 28.. . The pupils of Mr. Slgraund Landnberg will give a publio recital on Wednesday evening. May 27, .at Unity church, Seven teenth and Cass streets. The following pupils will asalBt: Miss Helen Pearce, Ethel Baliman, Alma Buck, iieulah Davis, Prelsmann and Laur, Master Boovllle and Mrs. Slabaugh. Mr. Kobert Cuscaden, violinist, and a quartet consisting of Mrs. Walter Dale, Miss UushI I-ehmann, Mr. Walter Dale and Mr. Leon Felgar will lend their aid to the occasion. Mr. Ben Stanley of St. Joseph has been appointed organist and choirmaster of the First Methodist Episcopal church of this city. Mr. Stanley has already entered upon his duties, but he has not yet per manently located here on account of press ing work In St Joe. When the season is ended ha will locate in Omaha. From what I have heard of Mr. Stanley lie will be an acquisition to Omaha and I am glad to be on of the musicians who will wel come him. being always anxious to sea good men (and women) com to this town to swell the real musical growth. THOMAS J. KELLT, BOER COLONY IN . MEXICO Gensral JTonbert Closes, Deal with radicate to Faralsa N.ces. ' sary - SaBtfli.s. ' EL PASO. Tex., May 23 General O. D. Joutert and Captain W. 8. O'Donnell, pro moters of the Boer colony at Tamaullpas, Mexico, are her after closing th con tract with a syndicate, that will furnish th finances for th colony. Thl Is th second Boer colony tq. be planted In Mexico. Th Boer will occupy 83,000 acre. The syndicate In Mexico will bring people from Africa, let them 'have Implements, live stock and glva them credit at their stores. The settlors pay for land at th rat of U shillings per. acre .very year, for a number of years. Th. land, 100 mile north of Victoria, Mex.. ha a fronts g on a nav igable river. A railroad will b built through th tract. AMI HKMFim C3 ATTRACTIONS . 11 Poplt wM reader Claitksl. Popular and Raf Tha Concerts Attcrsoos snd Evening, Presented upon 13,000 square feet, with 92 Im mense oil paintings, an REVELATIONS Instrumental and Vocal Tyrolean Specialty Artists. Sensational Balloonist. . Fraternal or Labor upon application. Ladies atid Children 1 FridQy ad Saturday ) Matinee nnd Night e2y ?Lf. tov fcumor and pathos. With for thl masrniAnAn ts.A . i jT l" ""en tatiuii, 0c to 12.00. Seats on sale Tuesday. The Largest and Best Wild West Exhibition Now ' ; . In . America. , COMING IN ALL ITS ENTIRETY! tSadhaay r.lAV 26 TWO PERFORMANCES At J and 8 p. m., Rain or Shine. - I THE) luEiiA-FOREPAUGIl INCORPORATED. WILD WEST SHOWS GRAND f.iilitary Tournament ROUGH RldERS OF THE WORLD. Purely Educational. Genuinely Historical,. Delightfully Amusing. A Grand, Inspiring Kxhlbltlon, consisting of Cowboys, Indians. Mexicans, Arabs, Cossacks, Untied State. KngliBh, German and French Cavalrymen, Roosevelt's Hough Hlders and Battery oi Light Artillery, Requiring . ' 1,000 MEN AND HORSES Among th Many Feature of Thl Mam-' moth Kxhlbltlon Will Be Tho Battle of the TLittlo Big Horn": GEN. CUSTER'S LAST FIGHT. i ' i WILD I EASTS OP 1HH FOItBST. A IIEIIO OF BIFPALOUS A.ND TEXAS ITKBRI Free Street Parade AT JO, A. 3t. I, COWBOY B.tMJ OK FIFTY FAMOUS tU'81CIAS. Two tChiiliua Dally, Hal a oi Shine. Afternua at 2. Sight at .' Door open boat earlier. FREE TO ALL Oa Nhun fjroaads. Twice ' ' Dally, at 1 and Si p. a. THE MOST DARIN B LEAP v ver attempted by a J-uil, America',- Only Lady Meteor Wbo Will MaVe a Sensational Dtra from lOO FKKT I 411II-AIH. Worth Miles of Travel A Ion. to Sea. ' WESTERN BOWLING ALLEYS. - Everything new and up-to-date. ' Special attention to private parties. ' '.. . BEN9ELB A GIBBS,. Propsu . , , Tel. Lti2. 1510 Howard, OMAHA.