Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1903, PART I, Image 1

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    Sunday Bee.
PAGES 1 TO 10.
i HE
Premier Combe Confronted by 8eriou
Situation on Church Question.
Priest Deolare Thej Have Prerented, Hot
Encouraged, Outbreak.
Bewjpapari Take Divergent Views of tha I
0.. , i
OltUatlOn. 4
Others Assert that at the Critical
Moment la tha Contest Ha
Haa Weakened tad
. Maat Fall.
(Copyright, 1903, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, May 23. (New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) A dangerous
situation Is confronting Premier Combes..
Conservative observers fear grave dis
orders and already there has been con
siderable bloodshed. The disorder in the
Chamber of Deputies only reflected that
throughout France. The priests declare
that trouble was only averted at tha time
the nuns and monks were evicted by their
Interceding with their parishioners to be
calm, but that now they (the priests) will
change their course If persecution is per
slsted in and will wash their hands of
responsibility for the outcome. Thus far
in the street encounters, especially at
Plslaance and Belleville, the weapons used
have been chiefly confined to bladders,
bludgeons and so-called brass knuckles.
But many persons have boen seriously
Injured, nevertheless.
At La Vlllette, which is the slaughter
house quarter, the butchers flocked to the
priests, who encouraged them. . Father
Oriole caused a riot by an address at the
Church of St. Jean Baptlste. One priest,
however, when handed a revolver ty a
sympathiser, hid it under his gown. Dur-
Ing this riot Police Prefect Leplna was
hurt by a bottle.
The newspaper editorials are all heated,
but the editors are of different minds. The
Lanterns, a government organ, says
"The ministers and members of Parlia
ment must listen to the voice of their
country and show themselves worthy of
their task. Now that the debate Is open
between church authorities in France and
the , rights of man, let us destroy this
shameful compact which binds us still to
tha Roman church and overthrow this
worm-eaten edifice the last stronghold of
the reaction. Down with the church.
The . Auto rite In an editorial entitled
"Combes' End" asserts:
"Combes at the supreme moment of
struggle has shown bis cowardice. The
feeling of France Is not with him. '. Neces
sarily he leaves his baneful work un
finished and hesitates In hi persecution,
He who had thought to cause Catholics
to tremble, to dictate to the , Done, to
terrorise the bishops, to cause fire and
bloodshed, lies now like - a bideous 'reptile
stamped . upon no longer able to bite.
What good is net Combes is finished and
before long he will be thrown Into the
Parliamentary garbage box like a piece of
putrid meat."
A cartoon directing attention to the sub
ject, represents President Loubet and
Premier 'Combes as big cigars baring
friendly chat Loubet remarks:
"It seems that, owing to you, If I go to
Rome, permission to kiss the pope's toe
will be refused me."
Combes replied: "Don't you owe me a
areat deal for a service like that?"
Another cartooa shows two deputies In
front of .the Chambers, one accompanied
by bis young son. The first deputy asks:
"What did you do during the Parlia
mentary vacation, dear colleague T"
Second answered: "I had my son take
VI. jut.. .!, at IstM, erne 4 k. ,
mm uiet wiiiuiumuu eaviau imow au wiv n-
Ishlng touches on my bill for the Immedi -
. ate closing of all churches."
Before they were turned out of their
monastery the monks of La Grand
Chartreux destroyed the keys, numbering
1,000. The authorities have been obliged to
order all the locks removed and new keys
made. It Is estimated that this work will
taka the French locksmiths a full year,
Police Prefect Leplne has decided not to
, run for deputy In Montbrison. The strong
public feeling against him, as being re
sponsible for the arrest by the "agents
de moeurs" (morality police) of the sister
.... i t h. nt ih. T .-, .. .
questlonable characters. Is believed to have
hi tr.. ,
French Savants Hot Convinced Rus
sian Artisan Fabricated
1 tk Tiara.
(Copyright. 10, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, May M. (New York World Cable
gram Special Telegram.) Clermont Gan-
nsau, the expert ln antiquities who was
commissioned to pronounce upon the gen
uineness or otherwise of the now famous
tiara of Saitaphernes, has given his de
cision without helping matters much. The
Odessa Jeweler, Ronchomowsky, who as
serts that he "faked" the tiara, came her
to demonstrate to the state authorities hi
skill in imitating antiques. He has ex
hibited his handiwork and proved his craft,
yet Ganneau and the directors of the
Louvre museum are unoonvlnced.
A suggestion haa been made that the
gold in the tiara be analysed to decide
whether it is Scythian,' Russian or French
gold. This would show beyond doubt If
part of the tiara is ancient and part mod
ern. It Is believed It couk! be done with
out injuring the , tiara by taking a few
grains of gold from the interior, which is
Frenchman Has Bright Idea, bat t'n-
fortanately HU First Pnpll
Is Killed.
(Copyright, 1903. by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, May X3.-(New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram. ) The Paris
public has long been cracy over looplng-the-loop,
and in view of th high salary drawn
br the only . performer doing the act (an
American) a Parisian has decided that
there would b money In opening a school
to teach young men to do the feat, propos
ing to share the money made when taught
The difficulty was that the Arst scholar of
th loop school was promptly killed, and
Schral. the promoter of the enterprise,
found himself arrested for manslaughter
through contributory negligence. The cyc
list killed was Albert Mennegrla, 1 years
old. Th school ha suspended.
Km On Appears te Kw Jmmt Wilt
la Real Reason (or th
(Copyright. 190$. by Pre Publishing Co.)
LONDON. Mar 23. (New lork World
Cablegram - Special Telegrara.)-Prlnc Al
bert Radxlwlll. who married In New Torn
In lftn a Morir.n millionairess named
Pudentlenne Mllmo, hss Just fought a duel
for soma mysterious reason with Count
Slsxo von Norls, of the embassy here.
A lime of ecarte was being played In
tha St James' club the- other night which
KadUwIU had been standing watcning. ai
a certain staae of the came. When tt In.
according to custom, to cut, Radxiwin pro-
posea 10 ao to,
Tk. - 1 A Any,' want ta
stop playing, but you can take ray place
,f y.ou llke " .
i Hereupon, to me surprise oi every one
around. Radii will exclaimed: "I wouldn't
take the place of such a cad.
The count jumped up Instantly, slapped
RadzlwIU's face and the duel was the re
sult. Both probably will be asked to re
sign from the club, of which they are tem
porary members.
Something about a woman, tt Is hinted.
prompted the prince's attack, for the count
gave hlra no provocation in the room. The
only damage done so far is to the reputa
tion of the woman reported to be the cause
of the quarrel.
The new American millionaire Atlantic
club has placed the limit of the amount
of booked debts thst may be contracted in
one week at bridge at 12.500, the points
being (0 cents and the maximum $50 on a
These limits far exceed those obtaining
in other leading sporting clubs here. At
the 8t. James club the booked debt limit
la 11,600. At the Bachelors and the- Turf.
$1,000. the points being 26 cents, with 325
on the game. These limits have proved
quite enough to ruin many young men.
No money changes hands at the club. The
play accounts are kept by the card room
cashier, who furnishes an account at the
end of the week to the loser. If the money
is not received by noon on Monday the
defaulter ceases to be a member of the
Prospective Heir to Throne of
Bararia and HU Wife Un
able to Agree.
(Copyright, 1903, by Press Publishing Co.)
MUNICH, May 23.-(New Tork World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Those who
ought to know assert most positively that
when Prince Rupert, the prospecUvs heir
to the throne of Bavaria, and his wife.
Princess Maria Oabrlelle, return from their
voyage to China, their marriage will be
dissolved, as It Is Impossible that they can
ever agree. The marriage was a love
match and the bride's parents, Duk Theo
dore (the eye physician) and Duchess Maria
Josephe, had . serious misgivings because
Prince Rupert bad always been the gayest
of the gay princes of Bavaria.
He was not quite 17 when he eloped with
a girl of 15 and if it had not been for lack
of money he might not have been brought
back for a long ' time. As it was, the
police throughout Bavaria took a week te
find him... . .... ... . . - . .
The long voyage through ' India and
China with his wife was a punishment In
flicted by his grandfather, the regent, to
whom Princess Oabrlelle oomplalned of the
scandal which grew out of the manner in
which her husband behaved with all aorta
of women, from actresses to countesses. In
the little garrison town of Bamberg, where
they lived. . "
They have two children whose care the
wife's parents undertook when the young
couple started on their voyage.
First, the parents were distressed be
cause they got word that their daughter
was seriously 111 in India and again In
Peking, and they feared that bad treatment
from her husband had something to do
with the illness. Then the baby girl she
left behind caught diphtheria and died and
! ' ,halt?.b to th
-v., iiiiiiwm rciwrig, rnncej itupert 19
i -ij T. . . ,, "
Al'lZ T """"
wss iiowiiuu aiw tfuuc inrvfj jeaXa".
Rupert's father, Prince Louis. Is the eld
est son of the regent
Wins at Alt Gambling Games
Always Plays for High
(Copyright, 1903, by Press Publishing Co.)
BUDAPEST, May 23.-(New Yorw World
icicgrani.f i ne 1UCK-
tea ambler n h l& is a Hungarian
nobleman named Bela Tusth. He had a
i1' -' . jnonie i;ano rour years
ago and sinoe then has won almost every
game he has played. He played at baccarat
with several friends In the Budapest Jockey
ciud on Thursday and before all agreed
to stop playing Tusth had won $120,000. The
principal loser was Count Michael Karoyle.
Many thousands of dollars were lost and
won ln nl,ht Vienna Jockey club
ww jvmim .Bv, wmivupgn in, emperor,
Indignant that such high stakes should be
played, mad the members promise t ab
stain front ruinous gambling.
Henry Blenklewlea QSTcnds Palish
Feopl bp . Literary
(Copyright, 1903, by Press Publishing Co.)
NASSAU. Russian Poland. May 23.-
(New York World Cablegram Special Tel
egram.) Henry Slenklewlcs. once the Idol
of Poland, has suddenly become Its mos
unpopular cltlsen. Recently he was askd
by a Warsaw newspaper what in his opin
ion, is the best Polish drama which was
published in the last few years. His reply
ln effect was that all the latest Polish lit
erature Is worth nothing. This haa excited
a violent controversy, in which Mr. Slen
klewics is supported only by the aris
tocrats, the popular progressive feeling
being bitterly hostile to him. '
Sepper" f Leonard da
(Copyright. 1908, by Press Publishing Co.)
MILAN, Italy. May 23. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Leoardo 4
Vinci's "Last Supper," perhaps the most
famous picture in the world, painted on the
wall of tha refectory of a supprei
monastery nearby, can no longer be seen.
The wall has crumbled away and a scheme
for its restoration and preservation has
been found impossible. The face of Christ
In this picture was always regarded a pos
sessing the most divine expression ef any
fao aver painted.
One American Woman Who Ha One and
Befaiee to Weai It,
Wedded to a Russian Oount Who Thought
She Had Monej.
Marriage Declared to Ee Illegal According
- to the Huesian Law.
Bride Leaves Him at the Altar and
Refuses After His Death te
Claim His Estate
r Title.
(Copyright, 1903, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, May 23. (New lork World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) The only
known case In which an American girl,
married to a foreign nobleman, has never
used her husband's title is that of Gene
vieve Ward, the eminent actress. She
lives now in London In retirement o far
as the stage is concerned, but all the
artistic literary and fashionable London
world flocks to her "Mondays at home."
She Is called the "Grand Dame" of the
English theater, so stately is her presence,
so Irreproachable has been her life.
Wonderfully beautiful she is still, with a
perfectly molded figure, hands that many
a famous artist has reproduced in marble,
big, dark eyes that flash fire or bubble
over with fun as she talks, a delicate
complexion and masses of white hair piled
high on her shapely head.
Genevieve Ward Is Countess Guerbel by
right of marriage, but no one dares call
her countess.' She hates the title, has
never made theatrical capital out of It,
as many actresses would have done, and
does not use It under any circumstances,
Now that her husband. Count Guerbel, Is
dead,' there are family estates in Russia
she might have, broad acres of land, vast
forests and palaces. Her husband had been
won to a passionate regard for her, simply
because she would not tolerate his wicked
life, and he wanted her to have his prop
erty. But she would not accept It. She
had worked - hard, had lived simply and
had- accumulated wealth. But If she had
been poor it would have been the same,
Telia Her Life Traced y.
Genevieve Ward has never allowed the
story of her romantic marriage to be pub
lished and her most Intimate friends know
very little about it Many 1 1 them do not
know that , her husband is dead now, but
sitting in the cosy drawing room of her
picturesque villa In Regent's park, she told
her story for the World as she knitted on
pair of socks for. her gardener ehe is
always knitting and makes dosens of pairs
of socks for her' servants and the poor of
her neighborhood.. The room was full of
souvenirs of her. many stage -triumphs Of
the day when she played "Forget-Me-Not"
from- one end of the ,world -to- the -other,
giving It .over, 1,200 times; portraits of her
as , tha tragedy queen - in' - "Macbeth,"
Becket," ... "Lucretta Borgia,.' , Henry
VIII,". and other plays, At times, as she
told the sad story,- she became a veritable
queen of tragedy herself.
,"The beginning . happened many years
ago. , I was. just IS and I was at Nice with
my mother . She .was the daughter of
Gideon Lee, at one . time mayor of New
York, and she lived much In Paris, where
the famous men and women of the day
came to her salon. My father had been
the American consul ' at Bristol and my
brother had held various consular and
diplomatic positions in Europe. It then
happened that at Nice we knew all the
great - society people, and there was a
rumor which we knew nothing about until
later that I was an heiress. Tou know
the European nobility think every Ameri
can girl abroad is enormously rich.
"Well, at Nice that season the social lion
was Count Guerbel. He drove magnificent
horses, gave-' splendid dinners, was one of
the handsomest men In Europe and . a
brilliant talker. His family was a noted
on in Russia, connected with the Imperial
family. The count himself had been a play
mate of the esar, Alsxander II, and one
of the .page of the empress, and his
brother was at this time a member of the
esar's household,', -;
'Midst Flowers and
Sanshlne. .
"Every woman at Nice raved over Count
Guerbel and it was natural enough that I
should hav been- flattered by his atten
t Ions and finally Infatuated with him.
"He asked my mother for my hand with
old courtesy we thought very
charming. 1 accepted and th marriage
was . arranged. When-my mother sug
gested the American consulate at Nice as
the best place for the wedding, he made
no objection. - Bo we were married there.
"It was la the midst of flowers and sun
shine, with delighted friends surrounding
us, congratulating us. The count appeared
deeply in love and was devoted to me.
"But the Austrian ambassador, a friend
of my mother,- went to her after the cere
mony and told her very gravely that it
waa not a legal marriage. The count could
not be married without the esar's consent
and according to the rites of th Greek
church. 1 '
You see. th count hsd discovered I was
not rich. He had plenty of land, but no
money, and he wanted to marry me be
cause he thought I had money.
"This waa like a thunderbolt from a clear
sky. He consented readily enough to meet
us in Paris and have the ceremony per
formed there ln- the Russian church. But
when he arrived certain religious cere
monies of his church ware being observed
and we could not be married Immediately.
One day he round m alone In our apart
ments and tried- to get me to elope with
him. . ...
"A few days later he tried to poison me
gentle devil. He handed me a glaas of
wine, but as I was about to drink It my
mother dashed it from my hand. She had
seen him put a powder Into It He was
so disconcerted that he fled.':
"What a terrible man," th correspond
snt exclaimed.
"No worse than many other American
girls meet at fashionable resorts in Europe
and marry for the pleasure of being called
'countess' or 'duchess' and living In an an
cestral palace, the actress replied.
"He wss accepted by all society in Nice
"lit had mbexxhd money and eloped
with another man s wife when he was 16,
his relatives in Ruaala told me afterward.
His Russian friends at Nice probably knew
It but such men are always protected by
their aristocratic friends, who would never
dream ef warning an American girl against
"After the poisoning scene he disappeared
(Continued a Fifth Pag.)
Beats the Record of Mrs. Bradley-
Martin for Entertaining
Titled People. -
(Copyright, 1903, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, May 23. (New fork World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Mr. Adair
seems determined to dispute'' with the
Countess of Warwick the honor of being
London's most brilliant entertainer this
season. Following her sensational fancy
dress ball she has now given a dinner to
th. prince snd princess of Wales, and haa
beaten Mrs. Bradley-Martin' s record . of
duchesses present at a single dinner party,
record made last June. Mrs. Martin enter
tained Prince and Princess Christian, the
duchess of Wellington, . Roxburgh and
Stalbams, Prince Lyorsnd, the eountes of
Cork and Aucaster. -
The princess of Wsles wore all her
finest jewels, which was a special com
pliment to the hostess. Rut she was al
most outshone by seme of the other guests,
who Included the duke and duchess of
Portland, the dind duchess of De
vonshire, the dr .T" d duchess of Well
ington, the du'" tt St Albans, Prince
Henry of Pie' ibassador Chonte, Al
fred RothscV ' Pauline Astor.
After filn- . e guests moved' to the
ballroom, j i tnlnatur stag had been
set up. unlike anything ' that had
ever bee' .' in a London house before.
The cy' were of the costliest cream
broca , rose red velvet and on either
side inks of rosea Goldln, an Amer
ican i.v rlst. seemed hugely to amuse the
pilnce ahd princess of Wales, -who both
complimented him.
Lilly, duchess of Marlborough, formerly
Mrs. Hammersley of New York, has been
critically ill of blood poisoning, contracted.
It Is believed, through defective drainage
at Deepdene, her beautiful house in Burrey.
She now is well enough to be removed to
another house, which she haa taken in the
same county, while the sanitary arrange,
ments at Deepden are being rectified.
The beautiful Gladys Deacon met with an
extraordinary accident at Mrs. Adair's
fancy dress ball. 'A lady who was walk
Ing In front of her tripped, threw up her
heels and one shoe flew off, striking Miss
Deacon sharply on the chin, causing a bad
At Her Majesty's theater the other night
when Claude Lowther'a play, "The Gor
dlan Knot," was produced. Miss Deacon
still had a plaster on her chin. ; All of Mr.
Lowther's friends rallied to his support, but
could not save a bad play. Only the week
before he was down at Blenheim, when the
Duchess of Marlborough had nly Gladys
Deacon and Mrs. Geortre West to meet
twelve men. Mr. Lowther read bart of his
play one evening and all thought it ."splen
did." The duchess was In the first-night
audience to witness its failure.
Mrs. Ross Wlnans of Baltimore has taken
the beautiful house at 348 Park Lane, to
Introduce her pretty daughter Into London
society. Mrs. Wlnans Intends to give
grand ball In the middle of next month
Her daughter will be presented at the next
court . ' r
Among the Americans presented at the
last court, were Mrs. Glasgow, who has
taken a house for the season on Burkley
square, and Mrs. Frederick Wells Peck-
ham,' whose husbands were presented at the
last levee by Ambassador Choat. and are
also staying In London for the season.
Bismarck Dearly " Loved
ThonaTht It Shanld
Be Free.
(CoDyrlRht. 1903. by Press Publishing Co
BERLIN. May 23. (New York - World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) "Music and
lav should be without price." This watcn
word of the Iron chancellor's has Just been
brought to light In the memoirs of the
late Ambassador Kendell, who was once
Oermanv's representative at Constantino
ple. -
Kendell. who was a brilliant pianist re
lates that he used to entertain Bismarck
hv ninvins- to him for hours. The latter
liked his playing, particularly because It
was all done by heart. The chancellor
could not bear to see any one decipher
music He would never go to a concert
for two reasons; first because the seats
were so narrow, and, second, because he
did not like to pay for his musical pleas
After Kendell had played Bismarck used
to remain silent for some time. He did
not care much for the musio of Mosari.
"T nrefer." he said, "my little Beethoven,
He suits my nerves better." Once after
hearing a sonata of Beethoven he saia
"If I hesrd that music often I would al
ways be valiant."
He did not seem to care for Wagner
music, though he wrote him a courteous
letter on receiving a poem composed ln
honor of German victories. Wsgner never
forgave him for lack of appreciation.
Incident of Klna- Ewnra
Years Ago to Stadia
Rosa Bonkenr.
(Copyright 1903. by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, May 23.-New: Tom worm
blegram-Speclal Telegram.)-The recent
visit to Paris by England's king hss re
vived an old and favorite anecdote. When
Edward VII was prince of Wales hs used
to often visit Rosa Bonheur's studio. He
was one of the best buyers of her pictures,
and on the most amiable terms with her.
Once, after he had made the tour of the
studio, he sat down on a stool at her feet.
and the two chatted in the rriendllest
fashion. .
In the conversation Rsa Bonheur asked
in a unceremonious wsy:
"How Is your mothorTV
This speech, when recounted to the State
department of ceremonies, shocked the
officials. To think that the queen of Britain
and the empress of the Indlas eould be
mentioned in such a way instead of as
The Queen" seemed beyond be'lef. In
reality, however, Rosa .Bonheur was only
following ordinary customs of French so
ciety, where the mother of a guest Is
always referred to as "Madam, your
Committee of . Artist Prenennc
Stntne Chnvannes as Ex
tremely Original.
(Copyright, 1903, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, May 23. (New York World Ca
blegram 8pecla! Telegram.) Rodiii has
just submitted his plsster cast of tha mon
ument of Puvis de Chavannes to a commit
tee of artists appointed ,ty the society for
Its erection. They pronounce It extremely
original and declare that It will glorify
the painter of the "Sacred Wood" and
Ludua pro Patria." It will be exhibited
at next year's salon. The subscription
still continues for the expense of the erec
tion of th work.
Reliance Prove in Test Race to Ee Leader
of Defenders.
Shows Clean Fair of Heel Whenever Equal
Condition! Prevail.
Thousand Eagerly Watch Plight of Three
Bwift Vessels.
Expresses Surprise at Achievement of
Kew Racing; Boat and Bays He
Wants Seme apart In Secur
ing America's Cap.
NEW YORK. May 23. In a wind that
ranged from a mere sephyr to an eight-knot
breese. Reliance clearly proved Its su
periority over Columbia and Constitution
on the Long Island sound this evening.
Though utHcially the race was no con
test, owing to the failure of the boats to
finish before :30 o'clock, enough was re
vealed to prove that in his latest creation
Designer Herreshoff has wrought his mas
terplece. In all points of sailing, as they
were brought out in the triangular course,
the new ooat clearly outclassed Its rivals.
Whenever conditions were at all equal it
scurried away from the other yachts with
The tests to which the boats were sub
jected were mainly confined to measuring
their respective merits over reaches, close
and broad, little opportunity being afforded
of showing what they may be capable of
ln working to windward or running to lee
ward. iA what little chance, there was to
form an estimata of the boats in these two
latter respects, the new boat demonstrated
Its superiority.
Bo much for Reliance. As for Coiumoia
and Constitution, the contest was inde
cisive, though when the time limit had ex
Dlred Columbia had a slight advantage
over the Belmont boat.'
At I'M the "blue peter" was hoisted and
the boats made for th starting line, in
the preliminary Jockeying for position Cap
tain Barr of Reliance had the Desi oi n.
poking the long bowsprit of the new boat
over the line nine seconds in advance of
Constitution and one minute and forty sec
onds before Columbia.
Official Starting- Time.
Th official Urn of th start was as fol
lows: '
Reliance, 1:60:20; Constitution, lo:a.
Columbia, 1:B2:00.
Tiollance . be Kan to pull away ai once
from Constitution with almost Incredible
swiftness, considering that the wind was
barely sufficient to bulge the other big
headsalls. Columbia, too, was in a oaa
way, owing to its failure to get over the
tin within the time limit, thereby suffering
a handicap of twenty-four seconds.
Both Constitution and Columbia went ore
to leeward,, looking to And favoring wlnda
nf tide currents. ' Her Columbia gained
rapidly on the Belmont boat and about
midway in the leg. overhauled It Then
Reliance became ' becalmed and the other
two boats began to lessen the distance that
separated them from the leader. .
With scarcely a puff to help him. Cap
tain Sarr set his spinnaker, but this did
not avail him anything, as tt shut oft
whatever little wind the balloon had been
drawing, and In short order Its lead of
more than two miles was cut down to less
than a quarter of a mile.
Reliance Is Yet Ahead.
. As he could not get his spinnaker to
pull, Captain Barr took It In, only to reset
it again a few minutes later as he drew
near the Arst mark. They turned the buoy
that marked tha end of th first leg as
Reliance, 5:23:60; Columbia, 5:26:30; Con
stitution, 6:29:10.
Just as the boats were finishing the first
leg the wind freshened, and as Reliance
came about and spread its sails for the
second mark it sped ' away with a. fine
burst of speed. Gradually it crept away
from Columbia, which was being over
hauled by Constitution. Steadily the wind
increased and steadily Reliance Increased
Its lead. The second leg, a close reach, was
negotiated In about sixteen minutes by Re
liance, the turns being msde as follows:
Reliance. 6:3:60; Columbia, 5:43:10; Con
stitution, 6:46:10.
Proves Herself a Great Racer. .
It waa after Reliance had started for
home with Its lee rail awash that it proved
to tno , thousands who were watching it
ashors and afloat what , a racer, it Is. It
simply flew away from Columbia and Con
stitution, and In about ten minutes had
opened up a lead of over two miles, which
was being rapidly Increased when the com
mittee signed a proclamation for the race.
In th meantime Constitution had very ma
terially out down Columbia's lead, and at
the finish was nearly abeam of the old defender.-
Llptoa Is Mich Sarprlsed.
GLASGOW, May 23 Sir Thomas Llpton,
in an interview with an Associated Press
correspondent regarding the excellent form
shown hv Reliance, admitted that he wus surprised that Reliance , wss so
much better than Columbia, but he pointed
out that Colombia waa never fast at drift
ing. He said he reserved judgment regard
ing Reliance until he should bear of its per
formance at top racing speed. He wss not
sorry to think that America had a good boat
In Reliance. He wanted the cup, but he
.1,0 wanted some sport in getting It. He
believed that h had an exceptionally good
vessel,- better than had yet ben shown, but
he wanted no runaway victory.
"The closer the races the better It will
please me," remarked Sir Thomas, "pro
vided Shamrock III finishes on the right
side." H saw nothing in Reliance's vic
tory to sh his belief In Shsmrock III.
Asks for Partition ml Plee ef Prop,
erty In Indianapolis Belonging
te Late President's Estate.
INDIANAPOLIS. Msy 2S.-Russell B.
Harrison filed a suit today tor the partition
of a piece of property at 20 North Pennsyl
vania street thst Is a part of the Benjamin
Harrison estate. The defendants In the
case are Mary Lord-Harrison, wlduw of
Benjamin Harrison; Elisabeth Harrison,
her daughter: Mary Scott Harrison McKee
snd th Union Trust company, trustees of
th former president's will. In his com
plaint Colonel Harrison sets out that the
property cannot be divided and that the
sale will be uecessary In order that the
different lntrsts may be separated, ,
Forecast for Nebraska Showers Sunday
nd Monday.
1 Fear Grave Tronble In France.
Title Which Is Mot Claimed.
Yacht Reliance Is a Wonder.
Strike In Sympathy with Omaha.
S Anto Rare from Purls to Madrid.
Repllrs to Tnlloch's Chara-es.
Tornadoes strike Kansas Towns.
Terms of l'. 1. Settlement.
3 Kens from the State Capital.
Severe Storms in Nebraska.
Police Raid Broker's Office.
4 Presbyterians Not Harmonious.
. Story, "Searle's ltnmmaae Sale."
8 Minister More rovrerfnl Than Csar.
Ilanna on the Ohio Campaign.
) Pnst Week In Omaha Society.
T Retell Merchants Organise.
Affairs at Suntk Omaha.
-Poor Farm Has Lobster Diet.
H Council Blnffs and low News.
9 Mportina Kventa of the Day.
lO News from Iowa Towns.
Doings at the Field Clnh.
President on Herder et Nation.
11 Birthday of Katner Knickerbocker,
Generals of the Civil War.
Co-operative Home (.ettlnst.
Transplnntlna- an Indian Grave.
Morton in th Cabinet,
12 Amusements aad Masie.
18 Weekly Sportinw Review.
14 Editorial.
IB Facts Abont Nebraska Teachers.
Vacation on Five Dollars a Month,
18 Prince ef Socialists Goes Broke.
Echoes of the Ante-Room.
Tencher's View on Sparine; the Rod
Condition of Omaha's Trade.)
10 Commercial and Financial.
2i I. I'. Strike Not All Settled.
Hans Arrested on Murder Charge
Tern per at are at Omaha Yesterday!
Hoar. Dear. Hoar. Dei.
5 a. m...... til 1 p. in...... TO
a. m HO a p. m TO
T a. an 01 8 p. na Tit
ft a. m tt 4 p. m TH
O n. m 04 R p. m...... T4
10 a. m. . . . . . OS p. m...... Tl
11 a. m 00 T p. m T3
11 n es
Adjntant General Arrives Incxpect
dip and Local Members Hav
to Be Sent For.
The local companies of the National
Guard, the Thurston Rifles, Omaha Guards,
Millard Rifles and South Omaha cavalry
troop,, were called together suddenly Satur
day night for inspection by Adjutant Gen
eral J, H. Culver of the National Guard.
The men were rousted out from homes,
dances and the theater quickly and a hur
ried Inspection made according to the ab
breviated regulations of an overworked and
hurried National Guard officer.
The local companies are to be inspected
by the regular army officer detailed for this
duty during Monday, Tuesday and Wednes
day of this week, and It la required that
each company be Inspected by a National
Guard officer regularly detailed ' for this
duty prior to the Inspection by the regular
army officer. As the state inspection, as
originally planned for, failed to matertalixe,
this hurried step became necessary and
was carried out ln great haste. Afterward
the guard will be supplied with Krag-Jorg-ensen
rifles by the national government as
arranged for by the last congress.
General Culver abort, '.gray, soldierly
was considerably pleased' at the showing
made by the Omaha companies.
Your three companies here," he said,
"made a very good showing considering th
short notice they had to prepare tor in
spection and I am well pleased. We were
forced to come so suddenly because of tha
plans of Major Krepps of the regular army
being changed and the date of his Inspec
tion here put forward one -week. These In
spections are made in compliance with the
requirements of the Dick bill and If the
state establishment I found to be up to
the standard, as it will be, the regular
army weapon will be Issued, so that the
equipment will be uniform ln the whole
service - as required by the law.' The
South Omaha company will be inspected
Monday, the Omaha Guards and Millard
Rifles Tuesday and the Thurstons Wednes
day." .
Former Speaker of the Hone Pays
His First Visit to This ,
Colonel Dsvld B. Henderson, formerly
speaker of the house of representatives,
was in Omaha yesterday on bis way east
from California. He was accompanied by
his son-in-law who has been sick. Colonel
Henderson had never been in Omaha be
fore and was much interested as he viewed
the city. He took a drive about the city
with John N. Baldwin and made a num
ber of calls, among them being one to the
Bee building to pay his respects to his
friend, E. Rosewater.
"I saw President Roosevelt In Califor
nia," said the former speaker, "and he
was looking very well. He was given a
rousing reception at every point he vis
ited on the coast. I have been taking a
rest and I feel much better than for some
time past. I will stop at Dubuque for only
d day and then proceed to Weat Point mil
itary academy, where I will . visit as a
member of th Board of Visitors. I ex
pect to be back in Dubuque about the Arst
of June."
Movements of Ocean Vessels May 23.
At New York The steamer New Tork.
from Bouthampton, was reported off Nan
tucket lightship at 3 o'clock this moriilnu.
At Hong Kong Arrived, previously: Hong
ICnne Mril. from Sin KranclMrn viu 1 J , . n
i v ,r"TJ ,.,. .
of Pektns. from Sun Francisco, via Itnn,,
lulu, ror lions Kong; rjninano Maru, from
Seattle for Hong Kong.
At New York Arrived: New York, from
nouinamnion; nespena, rrom Maples, etc. ;
Hailed: Marquette, for London; Finland,
for Antwerp; Furnessia, for Glasgow;
Ktrurla, for Liverpool; Prlniess Iren, for
Naples and Genoa; Inland, for Copenhagen;
Halifax. N. 8.. and St. Johns, N. F.
At Plymouth Arrived: Knenigen Louise,
from New York for Cherbourg and Bre
men, and proceeded.
At Cherbourg flailed: Deutsrhland. from
Hamburg and Sui liampton, for New York.
At Antwerp Sailed: Kroonland, for New
At Havre Sailed: La Savole, for New
At Queenstown Sailed: Cymric, from
Liverpool for New York.
At Liverpool Arrived: Bylvanla, from
New York; Moyune. from Tacoma, via
Hong Kong, etc. Sailed: Umbria, for New
York; Bostonlan. for Boston: Peruvian, for
Belgravia. for Hamburg; Celtic, from Liv
erpool and Uueenstown.
At Glasgow Arrived: Bamatian, from
Montreal. Sailed: Lakonla, for Montreal;
Numldlan, for New York.
At Greenoeh Arrived: Siberian, from
Philadelphia, via St. Johns, N. V.
At Boulogne Arrived: Rotterdam, from
New York for Rotterdam, and proceeded.
At Naples Sailed: Perugia, for New
At Butt of Lewis Pasfied: Noorgs. from
New York for ChrUtlansand and Copen
hagen. At London Arrived: Lancasterlan, from
Kaniaa City Freight Handler Decide to
Go on Strike.
Between Bix and Eight Hundred Will
Walk Out Tuedaj.
Catue of Decision ia Alleged Polio of
Omaha Retailers.
Aad Inlon Intends to Skat Oft Base
of Snpplles There and In Other ,
Cities Where They May
Seek to Purchase.
KANSAS CITY. May 23.-Accordlng to
an agreement entered Into today between
representatives of the striking freight
handlers of Omaha and tha union freight'
handlers of this city, between 00 and ami
union freight handlers In 'this city will
ctrlke next Tuesday In sympathy with the
Omaha strikers.
The cause of this probable Lctlon is said
to be that the retail merchants of Omaha
are buying practically all of their supplies
of Kansas City Jobbers and a strike ol
the freight handlers here will force the
Omaha merchants to go elsewhere for their
The striking freight handlers of Omabs
will continue their fight, it Is said, bj
shutting oft the source of supply In othet
cities where the Omaha merchant maj
try to secure supplies, by Inducing th
union ' freight handlers In those cities to
engage In a sympathetic strike.
Walk at Montrenl.
MONTREAL, May 23. The employes of
the Montreal Street railway went out on a
strike again today at an early hour and
the road Is completely tied up.
When a ballot on the question wss taken
at 2:36 a. m. only about half a dosen out
of some 1,600 men voted against striking.
Few cars were started .out during th
forenoon. They were not molested. ,
A number of members of th Montreal
Amateur Athletio association have offered
their services as . conductors until after
Monday, Victoria day, and a number of
students of McGIU university, now on va
cation, hav offered their services as
The electrical workers have, also voted
to go out on strike.
Sltantlon Worse In Chicago.
CHICAGO. May 23.-The laundry strlk
Is to be prosecuted with renewed igor, a
two hours' conference today between em
ployers and employes having resulted In a
deadlock. 1 . .
Propositions nd counter propositions
were submitted , and , after futile efforts
to, arrive at an. amicable settlement com
mittees representing the Laundry Workers'
union,' the Chicago Federation of Labor,
the engineer, firemen and teamster unions
withdrew from th conference, declaring
that all negotiations were off.
Labor officials assert that all anions
affiliated with th Chicago Federation of
Labor will now be brought into-the fight
and' that the war would not be directed
against the laundries alone, but that union
drivers would be instructed not- to deliver
goods or supplies of any kind, ven to
the homes of the laundry owners.
Tha deadlock occurred over a olause pro
viding that no sympathetic strike should
be called during the life of the proposed
agreement and for the arbitration of. all
differences. , .
Demands of Freight Handlers.
General managers of the various railroad
centering ln Chicago would not commit
themselves today by expressing an opinion
on the subject of the demands made by
their freight handlers. They have not yet
returned any answer to the demands and
would not state the nature of the reply
that would be given. . -j.
It is evident, however, from their de
meanor, that their answer wHI be a refusal
to grant the concessions asked. The gen
eral managers evidently expect a strike
and are preparing to meet it should it
occur. " '
The present attitude of their employes Is
considered by them unreasonable ln view
of the adjustment made nine months ago.
. Laandrles to Resume.
. CHICAGO. May 23. Laundries in Chicago
probably will resume work on Monday. The
strike, which has tied up Chicago laundries
for twenty-two days and ha caused untold
inconvenience to the public, was settled so
far as the laundry workers were concerned
tonight at a conference of employers and
employes. The demands ef the laundry
drivers ar still under consideration, hut
ail will probably be settled before Monday.
The agreement between the laundry work
ers and the employers Is a compromise.
Employers are permitted to employ help
regardless of membership in a union, but
j they are not to discriminate against union
men. The question of wages will be con
sidered by a committee during the. next
thirty days. Arbitration of further differ
ences is provided for.
To Compromise Contempt Cases.
CHARLESTON, W. Va., May 33. Is th
federal court today a proposition was made
to compromise the contempt cases against
the miners pending therein by allowing
those- charged with violations of th In
junction to plead guilty and be fined flO
each, with no jail sentence, and those who
are charged with violations on the prop
erty of the Raleigh Coal and Coke com
pany $50 fine each and thirty days In jail.
Court adjourned until Monday to allow th
parties to discuss the proposed compromise.'
ST. LOUIS. May 23. At the metal work
era' headquarters It was announced tonight
that the prospect was very favorable fot
an early settlement of the strike. - Five ad
ditional Arms, making twenty-eight ln all,
hav sfgned th demand. Indications sre
that a number of other firm Interested
will sign early next week.
Federal Authorities Arrest an Ala
bama Farmer on Peonage
Char. ; s
MONTGOMERY, Ala., May t3.-Robrt
N. Franklin, a white man, of Goodwater,
was brought here today by Deputy United
States ' Marshal Gibson on an Indictment
charging peonage. Captain H. C. Dickey
of the United States secret service has been
here for some time at work' on the ease,
having been sent here specially to look
into the slavery traffic, which, it is said.
Is being carried on ln a number of counties
in the middle district of Alabama. Frank
lin. It is said, kept a certain negro in servi
tude for at least a year.