Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1903, Page 12, Image 12
13 THE OMAITA DAILY HE!:: SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1903. FOR REUNION OF VETERANS Opening if the Florence Lint Makos Old Tort Omaha Arailablft. FIFTY THOUSAND VISITORS EXPECTED Brrrtmrj Vtt tha Commercial Clab Commrati on the Beaeflts Cam las ta Omaha (ram the Soldiers' Rvaaiea, The opening of the Florence Una makes H probable that Fort Omaha will ba the scene of the veterans' reunion to ba held thie fall. The Commercial club, which took the lead In the effort te capture the re union, has conferred with General Bates f the Department of the Missouri who has promised the use of Fort Omaha If It Is desired, provided the club will guarantee to clean up the grounds after the crowd haa gone. The line to Florenca goes di rectly past the fort and now that the cars are put in operation the selection of a site, uaiuvlly n1t4 a problem, has become easy.. eoretary Utt of the Commercial club said: "This veterans' reunion is often con fused with the state encampments of the Grand Army of the Republto. They are very different affairs. The encampment la the meeting of the organized body and at tended almost exclusively by delegates. The reunion Is a ree pitch-in attended by sol diers and their whole families. It will oc cupy some week not yet announced by the council and reunion committee, but likely to be In -September or October. Possibly It will t-e the week of the Ak-8ar-Ben festivi ties, whloTi are to be from October 1 to 10. The total attendance at an encampment In Nebraska la measured by hundreds. The attendance at a reunion mounts to 15,000 soma days and for the week will total about 60,000. Tents are provided on the re union grounds and there many of the old soldiers camp out with their families. There Is no program of business, but Just a free and eaay good time, devoted very largely to the swapping of war tales and reminiscences. For additional amusement a number of the better class of Midway at tractions are 'usually rented space, but neither gambling devices nor liquors are permitted "The club made no Tight' to get the re union away from other towns If the vet erans preferred to go there, but we made a liberal bkl because the reunion, In addition to being a pleasant affair, is good from a business point of view. Those attending always spend a part of each day In the city shopping and in that way the business men f the entertaining city are given oppor tunity to meet them and to promote trade relations." THE BENNETT COMPANY. Wew Fresh, Clean, Pare and Reliable Groceries Ginger snaps, crisp and spicy, pound, 4o. Spaghetti, 1-lb. package, 70. Merry War lye. can, 7a . Catsup, bottle, 80. Baked beans, can, 4a Salad dressing, bottle, 12H. Chill sauce, bottle, 10a , Olives, bottle, 9a Jelly, ass't glass, 60. Matches, 1 dosen boxes So. Salmon, 1-lb, can, 10a Oil sardines, can, 6a . Rica, pound, 6a Lemon extract, bottle, 60. Cheese, cream, pound, 12tta Neufchatel cheese, each, 4a Full Weight milk, can, 10a Baking soda, package, 4a Coffee, fresh roaeted, pound, 12a Tea riflings, pound, 15x Tristan and Isolde at Unity church tonight, Shape Yoar Affairs 80 that you can deposit tl or more In our bank every week; 4 per cent Interest paid and money can be withdrawn at any time. Open until $ p. m. Saturdays, Jt I BRANDEIS & SONS, Bankers, CLEVELAND GRAYS RETURNING Old ' Military Organisation to Pass Throagh Omaha en the Way East. Saturday noon the Union Pacifia will bring In a special train from Denver with the Cleveland Grays aboard. They will remain about two hours before leaving for the east The party contains about eighty members of the company and has Just com pleted a tour of the west, during which it happened to meet with the president on three occasions, and march in parades. The Cleveland Grays Is one of the oldest military organisations In the country and has a wsr record ss long as a Daughter of the Revolution's family tree. It is still a part of the National guard of Ohio and la subject to military duty whenever the state calls upon It, Parsifal at Unity church tonight. DICKINSON GOES TO EUROPE General Manager Is Eathaalastle Over the Pntare of the Stll I well Line. Edward Dickinson, general manager and vice president of the Kansas City, Mexico eV Orient, Is In the city and will leave within a few days for Europe, where he goes In the interest of his road. Mis Dick inson Is enthusiastic over the future of the Stilwell line, which Is gradually stretching Itself across the country from Kanaas City to the southwestern sea coast. 1 Gets f 10U,0)0 a Year Because he has a keen, clear bral nln a vlgirous body.. Electric Bitters give both, and satisfy or no pay. Try them. 60a For sale by Kuhn A Co. Announcements of the Theaters. This afternoon a matinee performance of "Woman Against Woman" will be given at the Boyd. "Woman Against Woman" Is the best matinee bill that haa yet been put on by, thla company. Every performance yet given of It has brought out crowded houses. Opening Sunday night and continuing until Thursday night "IJnwood," a mili tary drama, will be given. Agents for Rogers Peet ft Co Fine Clothing $10 $9.00 $7.50 fx Rogers' Peet A Co. Call 5 'Li(r summer m inw4f f"Tl COATS S VESTS $2.98 Entire Stock, Perfectly New, from the Wholesale Tailoring Htuse of S. II. Marks & Co.. No. 10 W. 4th St., N. Y. Thousands of High Grade Coats and Vests made In Latest Spring and Summer Fashions, All do at About One-Third Price These Coats and Vests In this big special offer are In all the very newest warm weather fabrics end colors. The Costs have the shape retaining front so desirable In summer cloth ing. They arc all smart, fashionable gar ments, at a bargain that surpasses any simi lar offer we have ever made. Oreatest Variety Ever Seen in Omaha. NO TWO ALIKE. Worth yT Easily ( $10, $9 and $7.50 Today Special rapf m 5aWC? at , All of S. II. Marks & Co.'s SI2.50 and SI5 SUITS at All of S. II. Harks & Go's SI7.50 SUITS at All tho S. II. Marks & Go 's S20 and $22.50 SUITS 50 Boys' $1 and 75c Knee Pants at 39c On Sale In Boys' Clothing Dept. Third Floor. A glffantlc stock of boys' Knee Pants for spring and summer wear. Theso, Pants will stand the roughest outdoor usage during the spring and summer months. They are all wool materials, made with Excelsior walstsbauds, tape seams, silk and lisle thread every seam reinforced worth $1.00 and 75c a pair today, special at F. 2?T. Ptunbtl port J. 3C. JJratt&ef & pan. 1 1 .m innluu-iimi The organ recital at Trinity cathedral which was to have been given Wednesday last and which was postponed on ae-j count or the weather win be given In the cathedral Tuesday evening, May 26, at S p. m. Collection In aid of cathedral choir camp fund. Cheeks Cashed. We rash all pay checks and all checks on other banks. Open until I p. m. Satur days. J. I. BRANDEIS ft SONS, Bankers. Tristan and Isolde at Unity church to night THE BEST PLAGE TO BUY tour ouors Special sale prices now on standard Jl makes all sizes- - izm REFRIGERATORS HOSE. HILTON ROGERS & SONS CO., 1 11 1 4th and Farnam streets. i-MWS S San Luis Obispo ; Is the name of a town In California, from which we received a mall order yesterday; KEYSTONE, SO. DAKOTA, was another and in fact we get them from every direc tion, showing the fact that many beside Omaha's people know where they can get good goods, promptly and at prices which are CUT. 8end in your mall orders to Ne braska's largest mail order drug house. SI. 00 Peruna no limit 61 11.00 Her s Malt Whisky M $1.00 Canadian Malt Whisky Pure 75 Ili.OO Chester's Genuine Pennyroyal Pills 1.00 Full line of runner goois at cut prices. 2Sc. Laxative Uromo Quinine 16 25c. Qulnacetol Best fr Colds -Q 26c. Hires' Root Beer It 6c Doane's Kidney Pills .9 SI. 00 Ocnmulsliin "f SI. 60 Lyon's French Periodical Drops.. l.'JS 3fo. Genuine CHSloria -t S1.0C Dr. Pierce s Medicines M 6ic. "Catarrh Hera" Guaranteed Hi $1.00 Temptation Tonic a Watcn these cnange sneeis vjnangea uuny OPEN ALL NIGHT. SCHflEFESl'S SsTaS,. Tot Fkeaes T4T d TUT. S. IV. Ceraer lata C'hlcage Its. t KUBAT SUES FOR DAMAGES Soath Omaha School Board Maa Asks for Tea Thousand Dollars. ,. - - J. Ik Kubat former member of the South Omaha school board, through his attorney, Ed P. Smith yesterday filed suit In ih. Aintrlct court for $10,00 damages gainst J. Laverty. Dana Morrill and David Anderson of South Omaha for ma licious . persecution. The case grows out of the South Omaha school board case of last year, ta which Kubat was made one of the defendants. Scoficld's Saturday Sale Percale Wrappers with wide full flounced skirts, big assortment, choice $1.00. Ladles' Black Mercerised Sateen Petti coats, the $1.50 kind, for $1.00. White Muslin Petticoats, up to $1.75 for $1.00. Ijics Corset Covers, $1.60 kind, for $1.00. White Shirt Waists, $1.60 kind for $1.00, Silk Coals and Blouses at prices much below the usual fls-urea New silk shirt waist suits In exquisite New welkins skirts In noveltv deslrnn. New Voile Etamlne and Canvas Cloth Dress Skirts. Fine bilk Petticoats, black and colors. Nea-.IJnen snd China Silk Waists. All for Saturdsy's trade. Take a look at them. 0. K. SCOFIELD CLOAK & SUIT CO., 1510 Douglas St. Cramer's Kidney and Liver Cure Cures backache ta highly endorsed by Omaha people. Comos in two site. Our price, 40o tnd 75c. Srhaeter's Cut Price Drug Store, Hth and Chicago streets. Nichols Broadfleld. printers. TsL 18tt Parsifal at Unity church tonight DIE1J. VANDKRFORD Jeese J., aged Kl years I months and 19 days. Funeral from family residence, 1123 South Thirty-third street, Sunday afternoon. May U, 118, at 1 o'clock. Interment Foreat Lawn cemetery. Friends Invited. . IP COMPOUND INTEREST PAID , City Saving Bank, S. E. Cor. 16th & Douglas V JL nn nfTrprvn J Great Bargains In Mens GhiWL1,ins TIIK REI.IAM.K STOHK. UillUIUUj We want you to know that this Is as much store for children ss for grown people. An that is new, styllfih snd dcKirnhle for children and youths on ssle here In great est variety and at iiHlimlplilnnly low prices. SATURDAY'S SPECIAL SALES $12.60 values; 3.50 ISO I2S(I VAT.T1F.S FOR $1.50. Children a suits In gray and brown mix tures, rtevlots and cnsslmores. in Vesta, Norfolk and double-breasted styles worth $2.60; sale, price $3.50 VALUKS AT $1 93. Children's suits made of all wool enshmeres and cheviots , many pntterna to choose from; In sailor-blouse, Norfolk and douhle brensted styles; actual $3.60 I AC values at liSJ REGl'LAR $4 00 VALVES AT $2 50. Children's suits mads of bent of worsteds, cheviots or casslmores; a gient variety to choose from; the very best of workman ship and trimmings; made in sailor blouse, sailor Norfolk, Norfolk, double-breasted and three-piece suits, guaranteed i CA $4.00 values for sJU YOUNG MEN'S SUITS sges 12 to 20 years, the largest assortment we've ever had, and by far the bent values; nobby, new patterns, In all shades and all fabrics: in black or blue sersex; cheviots, caaslmeres, worsteds and unnninhed worst eds; positively $7.00 to on sale at $7.60, $0.60, $5.00 and Hoys' odd knee pants, sges I to 1 years, choice of 76c to $1.00 values to Qktf close at 60o and w9 SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY MEN'S $1.60 AND $2 00 SHIRTS AT 6oC f0 doset. men's colored laundered shirts. In madras and linen, all the newest colors snd Mil styles, worm 1.6o and $2, kltn on sale Saturday at lATinDAY SPECIALS. : MEN'S $2.00 UNDERWEAR AT 750209 drzen men's fine lisle thread and silk un derwear. In pink, blue and fancy stripes, In all sixes, wrtrth $2.00 and $2.60, TCa on SHle Saturday at I W" 1,0T0 DOZEN MEN'S FINE BALBRIGGAN 811!RT8 AND DRAW KllS In plain and fancy colors, worth up to $1.00, on sale Saturday at 60c, ORp 36o and. wtt Clearing Sale on Ladies' Ready-to-Year Garments ays ahead oT all others. July rleur-.tner ..(MM. Silk Conts to Select From. B0 d Ing sale prices right in the middle of the season. Women's suits made of all wool material, silk-lined throughout, worth up t $au.0Q; clearing sale price will g Q 200 women's suits made of new mixtures; cape or plain Jacket; skirts trimmed with straps; wortn up to .-u.uu; eai- H UI1 urday's sale price only (J'SJw 1 lot nf si k iackcts made in newest ef fects, worth $7.60; our sale 3 95 PIfoe slik peau de sole biouse coats, worth $10.00, will be sold g QQ loo'sllk Monte Carlo coats, lined anil un- lined; some made with six pleats in hack and handsomely applique I med, worth $17.50; on sale at SPECIAL GROCERY SALE $10 Fruit C budding 3C 5c Jellycon at All kinds of Can Soud Choice California Prunes Large Italian frunes ...5 .3c Santa Clara. .. . . C . Prunes t JC .3 ..4 ..4c 4c ?c ,2c Very fine Rice Choice California Apricots Fresh Soda Crackers Butter Crackers Fresh Ginger Ensue Kiln Dried Oatmeal.. Flake Hominy.. . t ..... Picnic Hams. .9ic ' Bacon-Lb.., Roast. Os Beef, 10c U Pearl Hominy Kiln Dried Cornmeal. Best Rye Flour Best Wheat Flour ; Neutrlta Break fast Food , Qranola Break- Tfl fat Food I 2 All kinds or 4-lb. cans Potted Hani, Potted Ox Tongue...... Jel'o at....'.....,.. , Pancake Flour Buckwheat Flour Tar Soap CASS ED FKl'IT. 3-lb. cans all kinds California QU U -j MEETS. Lard-Lb Veal Roast 24c he ...2c c 74c 3c .5c c c 2c 124c 84c 124c 5 Plums. $-lb can California Teaches. 3-1 h. can Tomatoes 8-lb. gallon cans Appics 3-lb. can i'umnk'n TEA AD COFFER SPECIALS Good Imperial ' 9KC Tea, only aW Fancy Sundrle'd 01 Japan, only Ujl1 MoyuneGun- QCr powder Tea 6uc Eng'lsh Breakfast, Ceylon and Young Oft Hyson Teas UOC Good Rio , Oln Coffee 04 Good Santos lflr IV" Coffee. 124 c .74c Boiling Beef... .2ic ,8c Corn Beef. 3c HAYDEKTBROS. (f 50c Underwear 25c. On sale . Saturday. Made of fine Egyptian yarn, derby ribbed, a beautl ful shade of light sky blue, finished neck band, satin facing on onirta, The drawers are French faced, have large pearl but tons and are silk stitched across the Dot torn, It's the regulation 60o value, sale price 26o a garment; not more than two suits to any one customer. Our special suit values at $7.60 and $10.00 are the talk of the town. In fine goods we offer special Inducements In the Benjamin make of fine clothing at $12.50, $16.00 and $18.00 a suit. We carry one of the largest stocks of men's pants lu the city, and ws can save you money on same. Elegant pants are now only ILIM. better ones $2.60, $3.00 and $3.60. The Guarantee Clothing Co., 1611-1621 Doug, laa Strset. - ' - . . v - r f- m- n mmm in atrmu PM M capital SMMIW auryla faa4 Sigasae VK1TUO NTH rat DUHtiHITtiHY. rut M.rj. fMML a a ai W ,.U,ml liaar Urk MWibr P T II. mm rv9 (J Largest Exclusive Retail Millinery House in the West. iillinery That is miillinery fjji vflll the Time.? Get Our Prices. Investigate. Special Sale Trimmed Hats Saturday I I 1508 DOUGLAS STREET. mil t iMTiy tp.'aa $1.50 Shoes for Boys We Just want to Impress upon you the . Impor tance of shoeing your boy right and inexpensively. Tbe $1-50 shoes are equal to any $2.00 shoe ever sold, and are made so as to stand the hard wear a boy will give them gtUurday la boys' day with us. Our misses' and children's department Is making friends for us every aay. We have so many . different styles, sixes and p. lov-a thai It's easy for us to satisfy any mother. . BI2EXEL SHOE CO 1419 FAEIJAM ST. wniirwBJasJagaj-ts5j. m A3erjs le Alton Flour. I'se Alton Floor. Tomorrow we will receive the first shipment of BAHAMA PINK APPLK9. Unsurpassed In flavor and simply deliciouB. Only 0c i f WEIGH AND " a t i CONSIDER. "Hi f When value is In sr if Itself a Bource of 1 J h- b t still gi enter income, li ' -I f can vou arToril not r 1 e I 1 to afford ltT Think J ? 5 " I It over and think i f ? fj V of us. Telephones t J ; a l 1323 and 736. M j Grape Nuts, package 10c Pure Borax, package 10c Sommer Bros. Rolled Oats, 3 packages 25c Condensed Milk, can 10c Economy Is neces sary, but health Is more' Imports nt. We have com lined both and are thus enabled to quote wholesome aidal atable eatables at economical prtc S8 Live, fancy bred SPRING CHICK ENS; average weight, 1 to 1 pounds; dressed while you watt. Satisfaction gjaranteed. l.e Alton Floor. I so Alton Floor. SELECT COOK STOVES have steel fire backs that last ten years. Select Cook Stoves last twenty years. We sell them at $3.00 per month, or the wholesale price for cash. WM-t '''"'KB 1 12 -a Mr. Mlban, 30tb and L streets, South Omaha, says; "The Select Is a beautiful baker and worker and I am more thau pleased with It" ' Select Cook Stoves have the largest ovens made. We have them In all styles and sizes. THE STOETZEL STOVE CO., Only Eaelaslve Stove Store la the Entire West. Tie tOl'TH SIXTEENTH STBKavr, 1 EBSS8BBBES3BB5SE8B58 aim i TonTTTnii n ..iniils n n iBWTf 'si . 1 JJTffgx 9 Sale of Koys: . WasK Suits THIS announcement will. bo welcomed by hundreds of parents of boys who - would scarcely think of beiiii; ablo to buy Wash Suits under price so early in the season. It is a matter of sheer good luck to be ablo to select at half price such Wash Suits as we are offering for Saturday's Sale. Of course you are more interested in 'the facts than the story of how it hap pened. Here are tho facts. Head them. BOYS' WASHABLE BLOUSE SUITS, In sizes 3 to 8 years, made of imported and domes tic linen and cotton, in white, tan, also light and dark stripes, beautifully trimmed. f Cp fcuits made to sell Q for ?1.50, Saturday. VCJV, 7 EZkfi Suits made to sell 1 1C i Kntnrrlnv. JL1C Suits made to sell for 75c, Saturday Suits made to sell for ?1.25, Saturday. for $2.00, Saturday. Suits made to sell for $2.50, Saturday. .. . $1.45 s EXTRA KNEE PAINTS TO MATCH SUITS. The 25c, J5c and 50c Kind, SATURDAY 15c, 20c and 25c Men's Summer Shirts. Has it occurred to you that it is time to select ypur Summer Shirts? You may be sure to find the highest qualities at the lowest prices among our collection. , We "point with pride" to tlfe price range 45c, 75c, $1.00 $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 the broadest and best variety at ench price that you'll be apt to find anywhere. There are Colored, Striped Madras Shirts, in all sorts of well chosen color combinations. Then a group that is proving very popular, plaited bosom of white; also some with neat, tasteful figures. Some of the prettiest and most exclusive patterns we have seen came in yesterday. We'd advise you to drop in Saturday and have a look at the showing yourself. (Main Floor, 15th Street Entrance.) Now for Yoir An early visit to our hat department is what we sug gest to you. We expect Saturday to be a very busy day in the Straw Hat section, as the hot weather is coaxing every body to wear a straw hat. The assortments and styles that we show at popular prices is enough to keep us on a jump all day long. 25c 45c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50. IP YOU MEN WANT A GENUINE PANAMA, let us 'show you what we sell for $4. SO. Better ones. If you 'ke, up to S7.50 and SS.OO. Some to U July l L'l 14 and IS. Jul? XT and fl arsains Inalanapolis ao4 baok, tU. Juna to . Boston and baok, tU-TS, fun Detroit and baok, 2U, July Baltlmora and baok. $21.16, Jul It. St Louis and back, fUMi una 16 aad It Bellefontalne, O. and back, tXOfl, Mar it to Juns L Denver, Colorado Sprlnia and Pueblo and back. 119.00, May 1. Denver, Colorado Spring's and Pueblo and , back. $17.60, June 1 to Sept. SO. Denver, Colorado Spring's and Pueblo and , back, $14.00, July 1 to 10. Salt Lake City and back, $30. St, June'l to Sept 80. Los Angeles, San FTanclsoo and Ban Diego and back, $60.00, June 1 U 10. Hot Springs, B. 13., and back, $11.40, Juno I to Sept. W. Atlanta, Oa., and back. $8140, July to T. ' The above are some of the Burlington's cheap excursion rates this year. It you are going anywhere you had better write or see ms, ss I ran probably offer you suggestions that will save you money. UW0. mm j J. B. REYNOLDS. City Passenger Agent, 1502 Farnam St.Omaha, N eb, ""'rnfrt' Your office cleaned daily furniture dusted fl R.C and wiped daily windows and walls kept clean Free janitor service free water electric light heat elevators run day and night building always open plenty of daylight and air in ever office in the Bee Building. Suite of two rooms on fifth floor newly decorated $Jo.uo a month. Peters & Co.. Rental Agents, Grtund Floor Bee Bid;.