Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1903, Page 10, Image 10

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Prices fiecover Somewhat Under It fluence
of Bsrorti.
Armeejr Create Sharp Break fcy Bell
la Heavily Hla Mar lloldliers,
hat Market Regains font
at the Close,
CHICAGO, May . Hlghr prices ruled
throughout th list on the Board of Trails
today. Wheat, after a rather weak open
ing, oeveloped firmness and the cire?
showed a gain In July of 'qW- '"rn
was firm, with a fair advance In prices,
July closing "c higher, while oats ginned
VWcHc. Provisions were 7V4"Oo up.
Abundance of rain In the wheat nelt and
lower cables caused a weak start In wneat,
July boing off at the opening V1'4c at
'(3Vs'S'i3n. Heavy selling by Armour on
the bearish outlook caused a sharp break
In May, prices declining 2,c; a portion of
this was regained Inter on bidding by the
same "long." A bullish sentiment at Hi.
Louis caused a demand from commission
houses and scattered sources and started
prices upward, July late in the session
touching 74c, and the close Was firm at
Tib&H'Mo-a gain of 4ifi'Wc. Damage re
ports offset In a measure more favorable
crop advices and aided lit" the upturn. Hit
traders who were short were the best buy
ers late In the day. Clearances of wneat
and flour were equal to 218.812 bushels.
Primary receipts were lM,36i bushels,
against lM.i&l bushels last year. Hnd
street's exports for the week of wheat and
flour were 6.293.(0, against i.l'XMt'j last
week and 6,186,ijo0 a year ago.
Minneapolis and Duluth reported receipts
of 114 cars, which, with local receipt of
J7 cars none of contract grade made total
receipts for the three points of 141 cars,
against 136 cars last week and 116 a year
Rains throughout the corn belt Imparted
a declining tendency to the early market
after a steady opening, with July un
changed to Vc lower at 44y4ru-M')fcc. There
was some selling early, resulting In a still
further loss, but liberal buying by a prom
inent commission house caused a rally,
and under the Influence of wheat strength
an advance occurred In all prices, the
close being higher, with July hlae" at
44Ho, a gain xf Wc. Ixcal recelpu. were
XiD cars, with 19 contract grade.
Oats presented an entirely different as
pect from yesterday. (Jood buying by
shorts and scattered commission house!
caused a strong feeling which resultei In
the practical recovery of all loss. July
closed with a gain of Vifce at 23c, afie.
selling between J.''i(iic. While offering
were large at times, they were well taken
by outsiders. Receipts were small, local
Inspection being 130 cars.
packers supported provisions and the
m.irket was iirm. The higher prices ral
lied throughout the list, July park and lard
being up loc at 816.8 and while ribs
showed a gain of 7 He at $9.32.
Kstl mated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
85 cars; corn, 440 cars; oats, 19a cars; hogs,
lm head.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles. Open. High.j Low. Close. Yes'y.
May July
May July
Lfc id
May July
76 78 7SV
73" 'a V
44 Q'ft
18 90
17 55
16 80
18 90
17 60
16 70
8 85
8 921,
8 92
8 32
9 42H
17 60
U 70
17 55
17 30
16 70
8 86
8 92S
8 92
8 87HI
8 86
8 06
8 45
8 ZV
8 62
8 024
8 02,
8 25
8 36
8 40
8 25
8 82HI
No. 1
Cash quotation! were as follows;
FLOUR Dull, steady; winter patents,
83.6U&3.60; winter straights, $3.203.40; spring
t stents, 83.35$) 3.90; spring straights, 83.10fr
40; bakers, 83.8063.90.
WHEATNo. S spring, TH-gOo; No. t
prlng, 73fj80c; No. 8 red, 7678o.
CORN-No. 8, 45e;.No. 8 yellow, 47o.
OATS No. 2, 83c; No. I white. 87H38c:
Ho. 3 white, 45iS47c.
RYE No. 8, 49V4C
BARLEY Good feeding, 883H3o; fair to
choice malting, 44g54c.
SEED No. 1 flax, 8112; No. 1 northwest
ern, 81.17; prime timothy, 83.76; clover, con
tract grade. 811.609 11.76.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.,
317.37(g 17.60. Lard, per 100 lbs., $8.90ig.95.
Short ribs sides (loose), 893519.46. Dry
salted shoulders (boxed), S.12ui.2a. Short
clear sides (boxed), 88. 60 9.62Vi.
Following are the receipts and shipments
of Hour and grain yesterday:
.Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 23.800
Wheat, bu 9.4(0
Corn, bu 199.200
Oats, bu 174.400
Rye, bu 1.900
221, 4. JO
Barley, bu 46,800
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was steady to Arm; creameries,
lfi(j21c. Eggs, eusy, at mark, cases In
cluded. 13Vullc Cheese, new, easy llVtp
i QootatlOBs of the Day Varloos
NEW YORK. May 22 FLOUR-Recelpta.
80.369 bbls.; exports, 6,441 bbls.; sales,. 14,000
bbls.; more active and steadier; Minnesota
ia tents, 34.00(04 30; winter extras, 32.80(33.10;
dlnnesota bakers, 83.25iQ3.36; winter low
grades. 32.flOifr2.tO. Rye Hour, steady; fair to
good, 32.S0tif3.20; choice to fancy, 83.2593.45.
CORN'MEAL Quiet; yellow vesiern,
3106; city, 1.04; Brandywlne, 83 40J.55.
RYE Quiet.
BARLEY Steady; feeding, 61c. c. I. f.,
Buffalo; mailing. o205c. e. 1. !.. Buffalo.
WHEAT Receipts. 75.000 bu.; exports, 15.
867 bu. Spot, steady; No. 2 red. S3c eleva
tor: No. 2 red. 82 c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1
northern Duluth, Vte, f. o. b afloat; No. 1
hard Manitoba, 8Sc, f. o. b., afloat. Op
tions had an easier opening because of
bearish cables and rains In the Ohio valley.
But on vigorous support of July at Chicago
and St. Loulav attended by strong northwest
martinis, tne nut rained and in the after
noon was firm In face of a small export
trade, closing ic net higher. May, tariff
83c, closed at K)Vc; July. 7S'i79e. closed
at 79c; September, 74c, closed at 76c; De-
csoiner, id o-i'ufi'io-c, ciosea at iivc.
CORN Receipts, 75,450 bu.; exports, 79.180
uu ; mim, iau,uuu du. luiurea, s,uuu bu. spot.
BKt, steady; No. !, 67c, elevator, and
64i,,o. r. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, 66c; No. 2
white, 56c. Options were Irregular; May
advanced on foreign covering, but soon
broke. July opened off on rains and then
recovered with wheat, the closing being
lower to a partial ViC net higher; May, 6'rtf
.' 60c. closed at 67c: Julv. tlKc. cloned n
61 11-luc; September, &066uc, closed at
UAT-Receipts, 69.100 bu.; exports, 775
bu. Spot, steady; No. 8, S8c; No. 3, 37c; No
8 white. 41c; track white. 39&45c; standard
white 41Uc; No. 2 white, 41c. Options
quiet but firmer on reports that rainfall hud
been Insufficient.
HAV-yuIci; shipping, 7075c; good to
choice. 31. im 1.H6.
HOPS steady: atato. common to choice.
. 19ii2. 17f24c; laol. lulsc; old, -.fi0c; pa
clflo coast. 1902. 1823c; issJl. liaise; old.
1 w.
HIDES Steady; Qalveston, to 3 lbs,
18c; California, 21 to 2 lbs.. 19c; Texas dry.
24 to lbs., 14c. '
LEATHER Uteady; acid, 24Q26Hc.
RICK rlrm; domestic, fair to xtra
i!T) 7c; Japan, nominal. '
PROVISIONS He-r. dull: family, 311 00
CL20ti; mess. 39S10O); beef ham. 8'u0)
4J21.0O; packets, 31u.4j 11.0.1; city extra, In
dia meas. 8l7.0oi 19 ()u. 'ut meats, easy
pickled bellies. 300410.60; pickled vhouloerj
3U75; pickled hams. 3U.2f.nH 75. l,Hr,
steady; western steamed. 3930; refined'
weak; continent, 39 80; South American, 8310;
compound, 7.7641.tM. Pork, steady; familv
819: ahort clear, 318 &0ti 20 26; mess, 3i .2iiw
18 76.
tTALIX5W-Eaay; city. He; country. 6'49
COTTONSEED OIL Easy; prime crude,
nominal; prime yellow, 42fi43c.
. BUTTER Receipts, 6.0&4 pkgs.; steady;
creamery, 1SS 2Je.
EtiOS Receipts, 8.995 pkgs; unsett'ed:
western storage packed. I617c; western
firsts. 16V. 1 17c.
CHEESE Receipts, 64.153 pkgs.; Irregular
POULTRY Alive, quiet; spring chickens,
tMi'ibex fowls. He; turkeys, lunillc; dressrd,
Irrrgular: western broilers, au30e; fowls.
12"c; turkeys. 15c.
METALS Tin. wesk on the Iindon mar
ket spot declined 1 and futurea 2 16s.
with spot closing at 13i and futurea at
129 li. Ixically tin was wesk and lower,
spot closing at 829.264j29.4fi. Copper closed
unchanged In I-ondon at 6!7s6d for iit
nd al las for futures. The New York cop
per market remained nominally unchanged
at 314.70 14 87i for lake, electrolytic and
casting I.-ad. advancing laid In Ixndn
to 11 lis 3d. remained quiet at 84 37 In the
locai Buurkeb Spelter was uochaugod la
rket. f
was I
Him in innnpuH ininni m v 1.111 anu m
Olcshoroiigh st 4s IVtd. Locally Iron
u.ulet and easy; No. 1 foundry northern Is
mioted st . jO'iiLLUO: No. 2 foundry north
ern at 319.niMfiO.26; No. 1 foundry southern
and No. 1 foundry soft at 320.25(820.75. War
rants are nominal.
Condition of Trade and notations
Staple and fisry Pradnee.
EGOS-rrenh stock, 13c.
LIVE POULTRY Hens. 10c; spring
chicken, per lh.,'2:c: roosters, according to
sge, 4ftc; turkeys, lJtlbc; duoks, Italic;
g'-t'se. I'n inc.
Bi,T'l EK Packing stock, UVlto; choice
dairy. In tubs. Italic; separator, iat&o.
KKlvSH PlriH Fresh catigkt irou, 8c;
pickerel, 9c; pike, lie: perch, sc; buffalo, 7c;
ulueflsli, 11c; whltensn, 11c; salmon, le;
haddock, 11c; codllsh, 12c; redanspper. 10c;
lobsters, boiled, per lb., 27c; lobsters, green,
per lb., 2.c; bullheads. 10c; catfish, 14c;
i lack bass, ITc; hulinui. He; shad roe, 35c
each; roe shad, 75c each.
BRAN Per ton, 315.
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale
Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland,
H; No. 2, 3.ju; medium, M; coarse, ti.otf.
iiye straw, 6.5o. These prices are for hay
of good color and quality. Demand lair
and receipts light. v
CORN 4.1c
OA IS-34c.
RYE No. 2, :c.
OLD POTATOES Per bu., 46S50c
ii.V P01 aiucS boutnern, uer lb., 4V4
4(oc, per bin., to.ou.
L.tC'i l'L'Ctr-Pr dos. bunches, 30c
PARWI.K.t i't-r aoa. buncnes, 80c
tLClMut.KS-HoUiouae, per dox., $1.25.
OimuNb Per doz. buncnes, uome
grown. 12'jloc.
RAUlSiir-B Per dos. bunchea, lijloc
bfliNAC'M Home drown, per du. uket,
WEANS Wax. per bu. box, $4; gtrlng,
per tiu. box, 3J.0Ou3.50.
(JABilAufc-Holland seed, per lb., 2H;
new Caiilornlu, per lb.. 8c
TOMATOES -New Florida, per (-basket
crate, J.5itjJ..f
IiliLWAhu-rtr lb., lc
AbPAKAUUS Per uoi. bunches, 40a
WAVK BhiANS Per bu., 2.DU.
6TRAVBERRIEH Arkansas, per 24
quart case, 2.2oH2.6c
CHERRIES California, white and black,
per lo-lb. box, $1.60.
FIGS Can 101 ma, per lo-lb. cartns, 80c;
Turkish, per 18-lb. box, 18c.
ORANGES California navels, fancy, for
176 and smaller sizes, 33-76; for 160 and
larger sizes, 33.26; Mediterianeaji, all si sea,
$3; J a ft a, $3; fancy blood, jeer half box,
DEMONS California fancy, all sixes, 33.60;
Llmonerias, $4; Mecinlas, $4.
UATLA-i'oinan, ill iu-lb. boxes, per lb..
6c; per case of 30-lb pkgs, 82.26.
PlNEAPl'LLS-Cuban. 33.26.
MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, er lb., 10c.
POPCORN Per lb., 2c; shelled. 4c
HIDES No. 1, green Cc; No. 2, green,
6V4c; No. 1, salted, 7.c; No. 2, salted, 6c;
No. t, veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 8c; No. 3,
veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry sailed
hides. 8yl2c; sheep pelts, 25ijioc; horsehides,
NUTS Walnuts, No. 1, soft shell, per lb.,
16c; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2, soft shell,
per lb., 13c; No. 2, hard shell, per lb., 12c;
Brazils, per lb., 12c; filberts, per lb., 12c;
almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell,
Dei lb.. 15c: pecans, large, per lb., 12c;
small, per lb., 11c; cocoanuts, per dos., tile;
chestnuts, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb.,
5c. roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black
walnuts, per bu., $1; hickory nuts, per du..
OLD METAL. ETC. A. B. Alpirn quotes
the following prices: Iron, country mixed,
dap ton. till! Iron, stove nlate. ner ton 88:
copper, per lb., 8c; brass, heavy, per
lb., 8c; brass, lignt, per id., omic; teaa,
per lb., lc; cine, per lb., 2c
Omaha Branch llO-lll Board of Trade
rfrir?AGO. Mav M w H AT 1 here was
an abundance of bearish influences In wheat
and the opening figures were lower, tne
May breaking sharply on stop-less orders
to 1 bo, at wnicn point support irum 1111
nrlnclnal bull leader carried it back to
about yesterday's figures. After the open
ing flurry there was general steadiness and
a strong undertone. The outside interest
has not been so large as earner in me
week, but was sufficient to conceal the op
erations of any particular house. Clear--
ances for the week, 8.293,000 bu.; today's
clearances, 625,000 bu.; seaboard reported 6
loads taken for export; there were no local
sales of any amount; local receipts, 27 care,
with none contract; 85 estimated for tomor
row. CORN This morning acceptances from
the country were the largest yet, about
1,600,000 bu., but the hedges were well taken
and the early decline wholly recovered, al
though the entire range was not great.
There was some speculation as to who was
buying tne corn, as a snarper decline was
looked for when the size of the counxry
offerings became known. May has gone to
a slight premium over the July, Influenced
by the small arrivals and the moderate de
mand for good cash corn. Cash market
was &c higher; Argentine shipments
were 862,000 bu.; today's clearances, 323,000
bu., and for the week 1,814,000 bu.; there
were sales reported from here of 2u0,000 bu.,
which seemed to have more effect than
country acceptances of several times this
amount; New York reports IS loads taken
for export; there were 10 loads worked di
rect from here to Liverpool: local receipts.
27U cars, with 19 contract; 440 cars estimated
lor tomorrow.
OATS There was hurried selling In oats
on the opening. Influenced by the change
In the weather, general rains having fallen
where most needed, and the outlook ma
terially Improved thereby. This liquidation
caused a fractional decline. Around lowest
figure shorts began to take profits and buy
ing 01 mis nature aeveiopea in such pro
portions that the market was advanced
llo and closed considerably over yester
day' a. Country offerings were light and
did not reflect the same change that the
range naa in speculative markets. Re
ceipts were 136 cars, with 6 contract; there
were 75.O0O bu. sold for shipment east; 196
cars epumaien xor tomorrow.
PROVISIONS There has been a firm pro.
vision ninrktt, with buying of ribs by Ar
mour. There has also been a liberal de
mand for lard. Cudahy Interests have ap
parentiy oeen taamg July lara and selling
orpicmurr. ineio were ia.'wu nogs here;
nrlPM At I ha varfta u t .1 K,, I I
ower than the opening; there were 64,000
nogs west, against eo.iiuu last week and 68,
8u0 last year.
St. Lonls Grain nno Provisions.
ST. LOUI9. May 22. FLOUR Steadv: r.i4
winter patents, 33.50ij;3.60; extra fancy and
ii man-, fi.-vii.inh
CORN Lower; track, 46V4o; July, tlTio;
September. 41Aa41Hc.
OATS Lower; No. 2 cash, S4c. nominal:
Ni. 2 white, 38c.
RY E Firm at 49c.
SEED Timothy, steady, 82.0Oiff2.25.
CORN MEAL Steady, 32 60.
BRAN Strong: sacked, east track. TSCTTir.
HAY Firm; timothy, 39.IHX& 16.50; prairie.
WHISKY Steady. 31.30.
FROVISIONS-Baeon (boxed),
extra shorts. 310.37; clear ribs,
short clear, $10.75.
MKTAl.S-l.ead, dull. 84.17H.
steady. 35.4016 50.
POULTRY Steady; spring chickens, 16
20c; turkeys, 10c for hens; ducks, He; geese.
H UTTER Quiet: creamery. 16S22c: dalrv
.' 1 1 1.
EGGS-Higher, 13c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls..'.
Wheat, bu
Corn, bu ,
Oats, bu ,
.... 7.0(10 7.000
.... 3S.0O0 79.0(10
.... lM.OllO 18.1MI
.... tiS.Out) S3.OU0
Kansas City Grain and Provisions.
67o; July. 4c; cash. No. 2 hard. 714i73c:
jno. 3, u'iiiIHjc; jso. 4, 62'Soc; rejected
bifnfiiVsc; No 2 red, 71c; No. 2. 970e.
ruKN-Mav. 4P..C: Julv 3,'l.,i1:lx7. . -..,
No. J mixed, 42c; No. 2 while, 42(U43c; No!
OATS No. 2 white. 86c; No. S mixed, S4c
RYE No. 2, 4.VfifHc.
HAY Choice timothy, $13; choice 'prairie,
BUTTER Creamery, 16919c; dairy, fancy,
EGGS Weak; fresh Missouri and Kansas
stock, 13- am., caiea returned; new No.
wkltewood cases Inc'.uded. 13c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 2S.t"K) 34.4"0
Corn, bu l)vl 64.0ia)
Oats, bu 14.0UO 2u,uu0
laseinolii Wheal, riesr and Brnn.
M . a-,., . ... 3 . i a.t.
i.ti . wuij. i'Tiuhtji.-, ciicniufrr, W.1J (lie
( 111 trai K: iso. i nara, f"c; 10. 1 northern,
7Vc: No. 2 northern, 7tic; No. 8 northern.
FLOUR First patents, 34 10e4 20; second
patents. 34 0O4.10; first clears, $2fl Vu0
secona clears. ott z ri.
BRAN In bulk. 312 35.
Liverpool Grain Market.
rV'rt Pawl Watorn Infos- Mrm al 1 1 A Va
1 northern spring, quiet, is 7J; No. 1 Call-
I.ordon, and at $5 7B In the locsl market
fornis, steady
July, As 3V1; E
CORN (Spot
As S1; futures, steady;
September. s IVid.
not Amerlcsn mixed. new.
stesdy, s 6d; American mixed, old, quiet,
6s 2'l; fuiurrs, steady; June, 4s 4d; July,
4s 4VI; September. 4s 27d.
Receipts of wheat during the jwtst three
days, Cio.OnO centals. Including IijH.OoO
American. Receipts of American corn dur
ing the past three days, 67,600 centals.
Weather warm.
Philadelphia Produce Market.
Steady, fair demand; extra western cream
ery, 22c; extra nearby prints, 24c,
EGGS Firm, good demand; fresh nearby,
15o, loss off; lresh western, 16c, loss off;
frech southern, 12o, loss off.
CHEESE Firm; New York full creams
choice fall, 14iilc: fslr to good fall, H
J4c; choice new, lic; fair to good new.
Milwaukee Grain Market.
No. 1 northern, MftfS4c; No. 2 northern, 82-41
83c; July. 73c bid.
RYE Firm; No. 1, t,3c.
BARLEY Easy; No. 2, eSH'SSSc; gample,
Sil 64c.
CORN-July, 44c
Dnlsjtk Grain Market.
DULUTH, May 22. WHEAT To arrive:
No. 1 hard, 80c; No. 1 northern, 78c; May,
No. J northern. 76c; July, 76Vie.
OATS May, 84c.
Peoria Market.
PEORIA, May 22. CO RN Firm ; No. 8,
44c; No. 4. 43c.
OATS Steady; No. 2 white, 36c; No. 4
white, 33c
I Toledo Seed Market.
TOLEDO, O., May 22. SEED Clover,
firm October, $5.42. bid.
New Bankers' Syndicate Canses Mar
ket to Look I P.
NEW YORK, May 23. Today's ' early
stock market did not give good promise of
maintaining the strength which developed
yesterday, but the announcement that a
bankers' syndicate had been formed to
underwrite the new Pennsylvania stork Is
sues caused a sudden upward spurt In
that stock to a level of 2 points over last
night. The stock held that point but mo
mentarlly and did not get back to the top
level again for the rest of the day. In
the general market the averager high level
for the day was touched In the atternoon,
when the preliminary estimates of the cash
movements or tne week were published,
showing an unexpectedly heavy receipt on
balance from the Interest, thus offsetting
the loss by good exports, which It was
feared would make tomorrow's bank return
very weak. There was sufficient selling
to take profits during the last hour to
make considerable Inroads upon prices, and
the closing was dull and heavy, bolow the
best. The net changes for tne day are
mostly very smsll and are mixed between
gains and losses. There was continued
heavy selling this morning by St. Paul &
nine ana united states steel stocks were
Inclified to be reactionary, the latter on
account of the further cut in prices of Iron.
union r-acino was incimea to lag tnrouitn
out the day In spite of the claim of a
definite settlement of its labor dispute.
The news of the underwriting of the Penn
sylvania stock Issue did not hold its first
stimulating Influence. The underwriting is
in erreot a protective measure to assure
the taking up of the issue at 120, at which
price It was offered to stockholders. When
the offer was made Pennsylvania was sell
ing above 140, so that the right to subscribe
at 120 seemed sumcientiy attractive, nut
from the first knowledge of the issue there
has been persistent selling of the stock
sgnlnst the expected new issue and of the
rights to subscribe to the new stock. The
decline this week to 125 brought within
measurable distance the extinguishment of
the value of the stockholders' rights to
subscriber. The news that sufficient money
had been sent to New York from the In
terior to offset the rather heavy outgo of
gold came as a pleasant surprise. 1 ne
known movements of money Indicate a net
gain by the banks of several hundred thou
sand dollars, the receipts an bnlaniv) from
the Interior amounting apparency to over
84.000.000. The subtreasury absorption.
which includes payments tor Tne goia ex
ported, was 83.3S4.000. But this 0oes not
take account of the 81.000.000 In gold shipped
to South America last Saturday, too late
for effect on last week's bank statement.
Arrangements have also been made to ship
31.600.000 to South America on Monday.
Sterling exchange broke fullv 25 points to
day In response to the reduction of the
BanK Or l;ngiana raie. uonmn eminma
to buy stocks here today, thus Increasing
thai aiinnU nt exehans-A. and the flinircs of
the week's grain exports show nn Increase
over last week for whest of 1.195.777 buih
els and for corn of SS2.929 bushels. The
market still shows itseir sensitive to me
cotton speculation and the opening
nrh In that market was an Influence
In the reaction In stocks of the first hour.
The bond market was uncnangea; xovai
sales, par value. $2,220,000. United States
bonds were all unchanged on the last call.
Following are the quotations on the New
Tork Stock exchange:
7(1 1 So. Railway pfd q
' Tas A Paclno I2
do pro
Bal. A Ohio
19 Toledo, St. 1 m w. zi4,
tl'4 do pfd 40H
W Union Paclno U
70V. do pfd H
41 Wabash l
IS "A do pfd 47
Whaollng A U X.... 14
XI do Id pfd 144
71 Wlf. Central 12
n. do pfd
. ITS Adami Bi til
. 1! Amnrlcan Bi lu
, t'nltcd 8UM Ex 111
, Wclla-rarso Ex 200
, Jl Amal. Coppar 3'4
da era
Canadian Paclno ...
Canada So
ChM. at Ohio
Chlcaso Alton....
do p(d
Chlcaso O. W....
do lit sra
do sd ntd
Chlcaso A f. W....
Chlcaso Tar. a rr..
do pfd
C. C. C. A St. L...
Colorado 80
do to std
. Iltt Amtf. Car A T i
. tl I do pfd tVi
.174V(tAmar. Us. Oil 11
.Ml do Pfd !
. It Amartcan S. A R.... 4S
. H do pfd H
.. S4S Anao. Mlnlns Co.. ..100
, Brooklyn R. T 4
. M Colo. Fuel A Iron... )
.186 Cons. Gas 301
. M 'Con. Tobacco M....111
. 33 Gen. Electrlo lftoH
.137V. Hocklni Coat V
. tt't Intar. Paper 17
. 64 do pfd 10
. t Inter. Powar 44
.10 Laclede Oaa S7
.Hi National Biscuit .... 41Uj
.11 National Laad 1S4
.12'JVi No. American Mv.
. tS Pacific Coaat hi
. XI Pacific Mall t
. M Peopla'i Gaa 10041
.10 Prrnaad S. Car vi
. IS do pfd to
. MVt Pullman P. Car 112
do Id pfd......
Del. A Hudaon.
Del. L. A W..
Danver A K. O
do pfd ,
do lat pfd....,
do 3d pfd
Graat Nor. Pfd
Hocking Valley
do pfd
Illlonla Canlral ,
Iowa Ctintral ..
do pfd
lko Erla A W
do pfd
Manhattan L....
Met. St. Rr....
M. Caatral .
Max. National
Minn. A St. L.
Mo. PacISc ....
U.. K. A T....
do pfd
N. 1. Central .
N. T. Central
.170 Steal 11
,.1W: do pfd 76 H
Norfolk A W..
do pfd
VS Sugar 1!5'4
SSVj Tenn. coal a Iron..
Ontario A W...
17' union Bas a P. pfd. t
PannaylTanla ..
do lit pfd....
do id Pfd
St. L. A a. r.
do lat pfd....
do Id pfd
St. U 8. W...
do pfd
St. Paul
do pfd
Bo. Pacific ....
80. Railway ...
.ltH U. . Leather
. to do pfd
. UVj tl. I. Rubber
. 41 I do pfd
, 61
, 11
. Mtj
, tt
, l
, n
, to
, 4014
. il
, T5V1.C. a. Steal
do pf J .
... 6714
... 41
... H
... 26 1
Wcatarn Union ....
A mar. LocomotlTO.
do pfd
K. C. Southern....
do pfd
Hock Island
do pfd.
The closlnf quotations on bonds are at
V. a. rat. la, rg....l06V;Mei. Cantral 4s T
do coupon lot.,: do la Inc 2414
do Is. teg 10ISaMiun. A St. L. 4a...l0l4
do coupon IOT''xM., K. A T. 4a ttVj
do naw 4, reg....lJS'a do la 82
do coupon IJSVj iN. T. c. gan. lv,s.loli
do old 4a. rag 110 VlN. J. C. gan. 6a 132V
do coupon ll'VNo. Paclns 4a 10!
do ta, reg 102Vt do la 72
do coupon l:;c N. A W. con. 4s. ...loo
Atchison gan. 4s M'i Raading gan. 4a !7Vj
xdo ad 4a H. st. L. A I. M. c. Sa.llZV,
jBil. Ohio 4a 1034 St. L. A B. F. 4s....
do IVta H lidt. L. 8. W. Is ... jt
xdo cour. 4a lOuVj! xdo la 81
xrnada 8o. la lu. s. A. A A. P. 4s.... 7
Central of Oa. ta 1 Bo. PacISc 4a
do la Inc 7a igo. Railway ta..v...llV
Chaa. A Ohio 4Vja...l04 xTaxaa A PacISc la. Ill
Chicago A A. ISss... 7si iT., St. L. A W. 4a. 74
C. U. A Q. s. 4a... H I'nloa Pacific 4a 102W
xC, M A 8t P g. 4a. .lot do conv. 4s Is
xc. A N. W. e. 7s . HI Wabash la usu
C, R. I. A P. 4a... lot do la jot
xO C C A Bt L g. 4a. HVj do deb. B 7
iChleago Tar. 4a.... UV '! Bhora 4a lo'
ColoraUs Bo. 4a M ixWhaal. A L. B. 4a. 1V
rianvcr A R. O. 4a.. tt Wis. ( antral 4a...... i
xErls prior II an ta.. Vj 'Con. Tobacco 4a to
do gtnaral 4a Tolo. t'ual conv. ta.. 18
x F. w. A D. C. la. .Ho Man. conv. nug. 4a..l(M
Hocking Val. 4Vts....l07Vs Rock Island 4s (ju
L. A N. unl. 4a 101t4 Pans. eou. ta tuZ
Kerr York Mlalag (saotatlons.
NEW YORK, May 22 The followloa; are
rne quotations on tne new xork Stock ex
Adama Cos .....
Bruaswlck Cos.
..... 20
Little Chief ..
Hisrrs Navada
.Small Hupaa .
... I
... IJ
... It
... tl
... 4t
I'omstork Tunnsl
Cos. Cal. A Va..
Horn Bilvac
Iroa Bilvar
Uadrllla Con...,
. J
Forelaa Financial.
BERLIN, May 22.-Plscount rates-short
bills. 3V per tent; three months bills, 3Vi
per cent.
FAR1S, May 22. Three per cent rentes
n ior me account, txcriange on
London ttt 17Vo for checks.
1 lie weekly statement of the Bank of
r ranee snows tne louowing cnanrea: Notes
In circulation, decreased 27.47h.uisj francs;
treasury accounts current, decreased a,.
uo.uutl iranca; uia la band, lacreased 10,
R0.Ofift; bills discounted, decrease 27,fisn,nr0
francs; silver In hand. Increased 2.6o0,0(0
BERLIN, May 22. Business on the bourse
today was mildly variable. Canadian Pa
clllc v.-as weaker. Money on call was quoted
st oVi ph cent.
I'ArtlH. May 23. rrlces opened firm on
the bourse today. Little business wss
trsnsacted and the market c'.osed quiet.
The private rate of discount was 2 11-16
per cent.
I A) N DON, Msv 22. Rstes for money were
firm In the market today and the supplies
were small. Business on the Stock ex
change wss cheerful, prices were firm
throughout end the trading wss fair. Con
sols advanced on re-purchases. Home rsils
were firm. Grand Trunk an other Cana
dians Improved. Argentines, Brsxlilans
and Rio tlntos were supported. Americans
followed the tone In New York. There was
a moderate business done In these securi
ties, chiefly for New York account and
prices closed firm. Kafflra were buoyant
and active.
Snmntary of Business Transacted by
the Associated CanVs.
NEW YORK, May 22-The following
table, compiled by Bradstreet. shows the
bank clearing at the principal cities for
the week ended May 21. with the percent
BB of increase and decrease as compared
with the corresponding week last year:
CITIES. Amount. J Inc. Deo.
New York 31,8i;2.390,3.R 1.61......
chlcsjfo iso iRK.rfcvt 14 S
Boston 127,:re,193 4 0
I'hilndolphia 124.r.ts I 2 3
St. Louis b3.1SH.5lo 8.4
Pittsburg- B1.MU.2M 17.3
San Francisco 2,2M.9i 24 Si
Baltimore 23.64.109 7.0 ......
Cincinnati 24.r4.nnn n.4
Kansas City 19.lSi.524 19.5
Cleveland lfi.n19.K21 15.9
Minneapolis 11.696.750 1 4. S
New Orleans 15.328..9M 27. S
Detroit 10.710336 4.8
Louisville 9.623.174 2.2
OMAHA 8.145.93T, 19. 01
Milwaukee 7.09S.448 1.1
Providence 7.132.300 ... 4.7
Buffalo 7.522.346 29.2
St. Paul 5.669.311 20.1
Indianapolis 6,637.372 26.8 ......
Los Ang-eles 6.711.182
St. Joseph 5.167.152 5.6
Denver 6.024.506 24.2
Richmond 4.146.073 2.8
Columbus 4.996.900 19 8
Peattle 4.004.O71 26.1
Washington 4,441.876 17.8 ,
Sa-annah 2.658.554 23.4
Memphta 4.407.731 16.8
Albany 8.9R3.617 8 3
Salt Lake City 8.0K6.74R 3.4
Portland, Ore v.. 8.003,133 t.O
Toledo 8.039.074 13.0
Fort Worth 2.729.871 2.1
Peoria 2.766.052 7.4
Hartford f 2.635.520 1.0
Rochester 2.9ii3.61R 7 J
Atlanta 2.499.544 19.7
Des Moines 2.144.548
New Haven 1,906,995 12.8
Nashville 2.679.842 61.8
Spokane, Wash . 2.0S5.57S 44.4
Grand Rsplda 2.36,566 40.7
Sioux City 1.874.692
Springfield, Mass 1.603.916 2.8
Norfolk 1,516,766 18.6
Dayton 1.738,424 23.7
Tacoma 1.925.3S0 84.2
Worcester 1,650.807 2.6
Augusta, Oa 796.607 86.1
Portland, Me 1.460.225 1.8
Scranton 1,659,219 9.6
Topeka 1,226.027 17.0
Syracuse 1,493.9X3 12.0
Evansvllle 1,296.473 81.8
Wilmington, Del 1.233.438 7.6
Birmingham 1.066.554 7.1
Davenport 857.6S0 S.l
Fall River 941,491 19.0
Little Rock 831.659
Knoxvllle 1,426,390 107.8
Macon 644,000
Wilkes barre 922.635 2.8 ......
Akron 8fi5XOO 23.8
Bnrlnpfleld. Ill 667,138 7.8
Wheeling, W. Va 726,600 18.8
Wichita 806.687 68.0
Youngstown 915.093 43.8
Helena 40M25 a.l
Lexington , 633.479 10.6
Chattanooga 733.653 28.8
Lowell ,. 423.241 30.1
New Bedford ,. 666.472 6.4
Kalamazoo , 696.270 27.4
Fargo, N. D..... i 888.865 20.8
Canton, O . 636.000
Jacksonville, Fla - 430.066 17.4
Greensburg, Pa..,w... 631.371 ,
Rockford, 111 , 418.477 6.0
Springfield. O.. 406.865 17.0
Blnghamton 440,600 16.7
Chester. Pa...,.....,,. 396,585 28.2
Bloomington, III...... 282.752 12.1
Qulncy, III ' 366,366 15.4
Sioux Falls, S. D...... , 229.224 12.8
Mansfield. O 24,162
Jacksonville, III 171.294 16.5
Fremont, ..eb 152.136 7.0
lUtlca 1,660,453
(Decatur, 111 22S.661 2.2
Houston 17,236.204 66.9
Galveston 6.920.000
Charleston 1.056.313
Totals. TT. B....... 82,217,581,5681 8.8
Outside New York.... 866, 191, 173 1 7.8
Montreal ..
2 025.641
Winnipeg .
Halifax ...
Ottawa ...
B. C...
St. John, N. B
Victoria, B. C
London ,
Totals ,
2 50.969.3591..
Balances pa'd in cash. Not Included In
totals because of no comparison for last
year. tNot Included In totals because con
taining other items than clearings.
Boston Steele taootatloas.
BOSTON. May 22. Call loana, 8
cent: time loans, 4M:5 per cent,
closing prices on stocks nnd bonds
H per
... 1
... Sl
... n
... m
... SS4
... 1714
... 16
... 16
... I
... SO
... v
... 83Vs
... 4H
... 11 tt
... 70
Mex. Central 4a..
Calumat a HaclS.
do pfd 14
Boston A Albany.. ..S6J
Boston ElsTsted ....US'
Copper Range ....
Dominion coal ...
Isle Royals
Old Dominion ....
N. Y.. N. H. A H..186
Kltchhura Dfd...
.. 7
t'nlon Psclnc
Max. Central
American 8ugar ...
do pfd
Amartcan T. A T.,
Dominion I. A 8..
Gen. Electric
ataaa. Klacttio
do pfd
t'nltcd Fruit
U. 8. Steal
do pfd
Adventure .........
anu. nvMl,
.ts. Parrot
,1MV Qutncr
.181 IHsnta Fa Copper..
,. 11
.. !
.. IS
,. 81'
-. 4
I'nlted Slates
Winona ......
Wolverine ...
London Stock Market.
LONDON, May 22. Closing quotations:
Consols tor monsv... 1 .New Tork Central... 1H
do account n 1-lt Norfolk a western
Anaronda t I do pfd
Alchlson Onlarlo a Western .
do pfd
Bsltlmora A Ohio.... t2A
Canadian Pacific 131
rhtupeake A Ohio.. 42V,
Chicago O. W !1V,
C. M. A St. P IM
DeBeera 21 '4
Denver A R. 0 141s
do pfd MHt
do 1st pfd 70
do Id pfd t8Vs
Illinois Central 139
Rand Mlnea
do lat pfd
do 2d pfd
Southern Railway...
do pfd
Southern Pacific
Union Pacific
do pfd
United State Bteel.
do pfd
do pfd
33 S
Lculsvllla A Nssh...ll7
Missouri, K. A T 16'
BAR SILVER Quiet at 24 lS-l&d per
MONEY 3534 per cent. The rate of dis
count in the open market for ahort bills Is
2.t3 per cent and for three-months' bills
Is 33s per cent.
Dry Goods Market.
market shows an advancing tendency, with
sellers lndigpod to grant prices that
would have been accepted a few days ago.
Buyers are more liberal In their ideas, but
are not speculating. Manufacturers com
plain of the small, margin of protit and
criticise sales even st an advance.
Cloths and yarns unsettled, wltn buyer
and sellers apart.
Sograr and Molasses.
NEW YORK. May 3. -SUGAR Raw,
steady; refined, steady.
open kettle. iS'iti 7-16c: open kettle cen
trifugal, a'iftjic; centrifugal whites, 4c;
yellows. S5-16c; seconds, 21ti31e.
MOLASriES Open kettle, nominal. 132ic;
centrifugal, tylhc; syrup, nominal, l&bllc
Oil nnd Hosln.
NEW YORK. May 22 OIL Petroleum.
steady. Rosin, steady; strained, common
to good, $2.0i'o2 05. Turpentine, firm, t-t'tf
taAVANNAH, Oa., May 22. OIL Turpen
tine, firm. Vjc. Rosin, firm; A. B, C, l u;
D, tl C; Y. 81 70; G. 81 .75; H. 83; 1, 83: K.
IS .15; L. 8X20; N. 83.25; WU. 83.25; WW, 83 65.
Wklskr Market.
tillers' Aniahexl gouiia, active oa basis of
Catt'.e Beceipta Moderate and Ftices Held
Full Steadj.
Very Few Sheen nnd Lambs Arrived
and tka toalltr Was Inferior So
tkat No Partlentar Chanae la
tke Market Was Noticed.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Monday
Offlcfal Tuesday
Official Wednesday ..
Official Thursday ....
Otllcial Friday
Five days this week. ...12.57 34.807 13.9S3
Samo dt.ys last week. ...21,257 16.6. (j
Same week before 20.2.i 4u.a24 li.f
Kama three weeks ago..l9,ovi 3S.140 15,914
Same four weeks ago. ..In. 611 43.o47 '24,(eil
Same days last year 14,041 ,9t3 6,S8
The following table shows the receipts ot
cattle, hogs and sneep at bouio, uniaua foi
the ytar to uate and compaiisuna wiui last
1903. 1902. Inc. Deo.
Cattle 351,i 3o,oi '
liogS bl),)M 1,016,JJJ eo.a'lll
Sheep outi.uUU o4?,ol4 los,!s6
Average price paiu lor kioga at South
Omaha ior the last several ua a with cum
parisons. Date. 1803. 1902.1W1.1900.189!.;199S.1897.
May 1....
May 2....
May 8,...
Mast 4....
Muy 6....
May 6....
May 7....
May 8....
May 8....
May 10..
May 11..
May 12...
May 13...
Msy 14...
May 15...
May 16...
May 17...
May 18...
May ID...
May 20...
May 21...
May 22...
6 83
6 8fl t
7 Uli 6
7 UJ 6
7 03 '
6 U8 I
6 M i
7 00 t
7 t 6
7 081 t
6 891
64 6 2d
'ill 6 1
7i 6 li
i 6 3o
1 2J
70i 6 21
61 6 10
bal 6 Ul
61i 6 i6
fo 6 lbi
I 6 151
ill 5 17
661 6 21
68j 6 13i
72, 6 2o
7i a 11
6 Mil
67 j 6 03 I
63 6 08
3 61
3 froi
3 60
3 be,
3 bi
3 641
3 69
3 W
3 6-'
3 66
8 66
3 ei
3 63
3 60
3 oU
I 3 79
8 80
3 ai 3 71
3 eM 3 72
3 Ko 3 bo
3 831 3 64
3 90 3 iO
I 3 71
3 9
3 9,i 3 61
t 13i I Ml
4 19 8 67
4 3o o bo
4 22 3 61
I 3 61
4 25
4 4o 3 oj
4 2i 8 61
4 oo 3 ol
4 201 3 53
4 261 3 b i
8 62
6 75HI
6 66
6 bJVs
6 WVal
6 41
6 38ViJ
6 32H
7 (M
7 131
7 n
7 0.
7 131
6 81
7 12i
7 11
7 08
7 03
3 bo;
6 27;
3 (Jo
8 621
6 18
Indicates Sunday.
The official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.H'r'a.
C, M. A St P 3 S3
Wabash 3 .. ..
Missouri Pacific 9 1
Union Paclno system 28 ' 37 .. 4
C. c N. W 4
F.. E. A M. V 11 10 8
C, St. P., M. A O.... 13 3
B. & M 8 16
K. C. A St. J 7 .. 1
C. H. I. & P.. east.. 1 7
n TJ V A. T . i
Illinois Central 1
Total receipts..... 80 106 4 4
The disposition of the day's receipts was
ns follows, each buyer purchasing; the num
ber or nead indicated:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 47 1.113 ....
Swift and Company 631 1,746 1,239
Cudahy Packing Co 147 2,139 sb3
swirt. from country it
Armour, from K. C 766. 2,876 13
Armour, from Bloux City .... 1,206 ....
Lobman A Co ..... 4
L. F. Husx 46 .... ....
Wolf & Murnan 2
Werthelmer 1
Dennis A Co 8
H. F. Hamilton 20
Other buyers 210 .... 267
Totals .Trr...... 1.841 8.5S0 2.362
CATTLE There was a light run of cattle
here this morning, but buyers seemed to be
rather Indifferent, the same as they havo
been for the last several Fridays. The mar
ket waa rather uneven, but as a general
thing was steady with yesterday.
The beef steer market could best be de
scribed by calling it about steady. It
should be mentioned, however, that tho
? rices paid were very uneven as is very apt
o be the case when prices have been
fluctuating back and forth as rapidly as
tney nave tnis week, in some pieces sales
men thought they got a little better prices
than they did yesterday, while In other
Instances they bad a hard time to do as
well. As compared with last Friday the
market was right around a dime lower on
the average. Trading was not very brisk
at any time today, but owing to the light
run practically everything was disposed of
before the middle of the forenoon.
The cow market was also about steady.
The feature of the trade was the poor de
mand for good stuff and the good demand
for cheap stock. AU the packers seemed
to be anxious for canners and cutters, but
did not care for the kinds selling from
83.60 up. Buyers claim the reason Is that
cow beef has been costing them too much
on the hoof as compared with steer beef.
As compared with the close of laBt week
good cows are safely 25o lower and In some
places the decline looks much worse than
thst. Canners and cutters, however, are
fully steady. Bulls, veal calves and stags
all sold In Just about yesterday's notches.
There were very few stockers and feeders
on hand and as is generally the case at the
close of the week the demand was very
limited. Unless very desirable the few that
arrived had to sell a little easier. Repre
sentative sales:
Ko. At. Pr. No. At. Pr.
M4 8 tl 21 1101 4 40
.0 Ill IK 11 1114 4 40 ,
1 .Kin 4 10 40 1107 4 40
4 64 4 20 1 1021 4 40
1 IN lit 1141 4 4t
" g70 4 10 K 1041 4 46
' ' Ml 4 10 46 1120 4 4t
10 Sf 4 10 tl 1221 4 46
I. 470 4 10 t 4 45
a . St 4 10 II 112S 4 46
a" 1010 4 11 1 1100 4 M
ao tat 4 2t 1 H2 4 to
7 ajj 4 IS H 12l 4 60
a' 1000 4 16 II 1131 4 IS
II 1161 4 SO 11 1U1 4 66
41 1171 4 16 1 1HI 4 40
104 4 It 17 1114 4 40
4 toil 4 IS n ia: 4 to
a 1061 4 It 126 4 40
It 110 4 15 1 140 4 f
il 1121 4 40 S 1141 4 70
tl 1121 4 40 20 1201 4 70
21 SKS 4 40 1 130 4 7t
4 70 4 4 ft. 12 4 76
an 1083 4 40 SS 12S1 4 76
si 1 4 10 11 104t 4 H
14 1044 4 21 14 110 4 60
10 1004 4 IS
I 620 4 10 1014 4 10
4 "cows.
i ho in l ioio i ts
1 600 1 0 10 Ml l to
a a,) 1 tt 1 toO I 40
l' 70 I 00 1 1170 I 40
1 IN IM 4 7 1 40
1 1100 I 76 II 764 I 60
1 1030 1 00 1 1010 I 60
U 161 I !S 1 1100 I 60
7 1011 I 66 4 1141 I 60
3 1010 I 65 10 S.S6 I 65
I 10J4 I to 1 im I to
1 looo I tt t i:a l to
102i I tt l list I o
I no t 10 M ISO I tt
1 12J1 I 70 21 2 1 10 .
J 70 I 7S 10 H7 1 70
Jl 171 1 IS J 12U1 1 71
4 130 I to 16 e I 76
I 6 I at) ) 1300 1 10
1 1000 1 M 1 1050 1 SO
1 1070 I 00 1 MO 1 IS
795 I 00 1 1O30 I US
1 160 I 00 1 1H I to
1 -0 I 00 ' 1 1-10 4 00
16 764 I Ot 1 H 4 00
t 12 I 10 -14 i.llMl 4 00
1 too I It 1 1610 4 00
t 12S0 I 21 1 7t 4 00
II tot 15 1 1140 4 (10
t 166 8 25
1 7 M 1 4S0 I 76
1 15 I 06 1 610 I 71
T 43S I 10 t 7l I tt
4 ISO I 26 1 I5 4 00
I MS I IS 1 110 25
11 7i I tO I HI U
6 Ul I to
I Ml Iti I , 1ST6 I to ,
1 ltoo I It 1 170 I It
1 110 I 71 1 VM I 46
1 110 I 10 I liMO I 70
1 14O0 1 15 1 1M I 70
1 12iV) I 26 I lfciO I It
1 170 I It 1 16.10 I 71
1 ISO I It 1 MM I 7i
1 1440 I 15 I I'M) I 7S
1 11M I 15 1 1M0 I 71
1 1110 I M 1 MM) t SO
1 lk.10 I SO 1 1M) I ti
1 1370 I 40 1 1740 I St
t 1130 I tO
1 lit I ee l no tt
1 iso t oo I nt t st
1, 130 00 1 V t It
1 106 1 26 4 476 4 Jl
1 SAO I 76 It Tkt 4 10
1 1040 4 10 1 7S 4 St
4 107 4 10 1 tun 4 t
t7T 4 16 11 : 71 4 60
144 4 It It tt 4 10
HOGS Receipts of hogs were sgaln mod
erate this morning, but the same as has
been the case for some time past, prices
continued downward at all points. The
market hire opened fyUlOc lower, but the
situation Improved as the morning ad
vanced until at the close the big share of
the loss wss regained. The geiieral market
was lust about a nickel lowr than yes-
1 tarda. s average. Trading waa quite brisk
.. 1.5H7 4,:ki4 8,o4
.. 4.310 fc,(K2 2.N71
,. 2.366 8.316 Z.r.'tt
,. 1,71a 6.N76 2.S.9
.. 1,600 7,(J0 1.7W0
so that all the early arrivals were dls
poied of In good siaMOt but some of the
.rains were late, which delayed the close.
'I lie big bulk of the hogs sold from 86.15 to
ei'-U with the choicer loads selling trom
86.2m to li.27V. The common kinds went
largely trom 3v( to tola About noon
several cars arrived and packers bousnt
tliem up in a liuiry at about uieady prices
with e.4terday, as high at iiJ being paid.
Representative rales:
No. Av. Kb. IT. No. At. SB. Pr.
to in to t ou n ;.' it i n
II l4 t 10 U 171 ... t 2
41 iH 40 t it t4 tol K IK
34 2iil Ml t It 4 1.11 N IN
31 121 ... t It as J to iO
1 lit ... f it eo nt ait I lo
65 2ol ... til SO ISO 120 t 10
76 26 140 I It ti J an t 1'4 t It 7 Mt ISO t 30
'4 32 120 It 70 2.4 , jo -
71 25 ... 16 ft KM t M
3 ISt 10 f It 33 171 ... IK
t 241 ... It 71 1X1 1W 1
HI ... It tl Ul 4 3
HI 131 Ik) ) It (3 21 ... I so
71 240 ... t 1IV, ' Ill ... t 30
3 35t 10 HI, j,6 ... to
4' 247 M t 171, t n to jo
' l"a 7 tt' SO 30
1 4 230 SO n' to 240 ... to
0 lot 40 171, 11 ju 100 10
3.13 ... 11', 31 151 ... 0
2. 0 1H, 17 24 ito 20
2(1 M I 17(, SO. 241 ISO 20
3 li'.l ... tilt, to 141 ... 20
14 2(4 120 I 17 1, tl 311 SO 20
2-' 10 17 134 SO 20
IS m 1 120 t 10
7 2lt HO 17'., 72 137 M t N
7 2.' 120 174 73 :1 40 I 10
3 235 240 t 17', 45 lt 40 4 10
fc ! 17 10 261 10 I 2214
M 240 40 17t, t2 245 M I 12
" 174 6 JM 140 32V,
4 "0 60 tlit, S3 ... 12W
" 221 40 174 71 235 ... 111'.
' '" 174 to 3,4 120 1124
" u 174 3 371 ... Il4
0....,...m 120 I I7i, tt 2 IK tO 224
" 327 to 17 4 ti lot so 4 224
" 3" 1.', 7o 241 to 1224
64 354 40 f 174 71 205 ... f 124
2.4 IkO 4 174 64 til ... ft
7.3 2J7 40 ( 17 4 40 171 ... 26
4" 211 ... I 174 tl M ... I M
2 2.-K) 40 t 17t, M 24 ... t 15
' 324 SO 174 tt 2t 10 21
V 1st 12o t 20 16 34 10 17
307 M l M ni k.s so a
...17 ... a 20 67 2im ... a so
is zn an k m e? .... -a - UA
.?HI?fc;,,r7'rh ""PP'y of" sheep and lambtj
... ,., i,,,b morning was again very mod
erate and a good test of tne market was
not made. Buyers, though, did not seem to
be particularly anxious lor supplies, as the
lew that tll1 arrive changed bands rather
.u", out me quality was rather Inferior.
. uuuun neerns 10 oe mat so many
grass sheep are arriving at the lower river
markets ana at Chicago from Texas and
Arizona that packers are not very anxious
for corn-feds, especially If they are lack
ing in Quality. The best grades of lambs
have sold about steady all the week, but
all other grades of lambs and also sheep
may be quoted generally lSfoioc lower than
a week ago.
The feeuer market continues very quiet,
with both supply and demand limited. Not.
much trade in feeders is looked for before
mo iniuum oi juiy or nrst of August.
Quotations tor clipped slock. Choice
western Iambi, 86.0wiji;.60; fair to good
Jambs, $5.0041.00; choice western wooled
lambs, 16.5W&7.15; fair to good wooled
lambs, 86.0O&6.60; choice lightweight year
lings, $5.50(66.75; fair to good yearlings,
$4.605.i:6; choice wethers, $6.00478.25; fair
to good wethers, $4,2514.65; choice ewes.
$4.7646.00; fair to good ewes, 4.004j4.60;
feeder lambs, $3.60(84.50; feeder yearlings,
$3.6a4.00; feeder wethers, $3 bo4jM.o0: feeder
ewes, $2.25jj'3.60. Representative sales:
No. Av. Pr.
8 cull ewes , 75 8 00
9 cull ewes 87 8 26
I cull lambs 40 4 00
6 western ewes 78 4 85
80 bucks and ewes 121 4 35
1,239 Mexican sheep and yearl'gs 72 6 16
Cattle Receipts Are Lltrht and the
Market Rales Steady,
CHICAGO. May 22. CATTLE Receipts,
1,000. Market steady; good to prime steers,
$4.90(!j6.25; poor to medium, $4.00(4.80;
stockers and feeders, $3,004)4.76; cows and
heifers. $1.604.75; canners, $1.5092.76; bulls.
$2.0ut4.25; calves, $2.50Jj6.76; Texas fed
steers, $4.0004.80.
HOGS Receipts steady, 20,000; estimated
for tomorrow, 10,000; left over, 8,000. Mar
ket oponed easy to steady, and closed
lower; mixed and butchers, $3.00311.30; good
to choice heavy, $6.4096.60; rough heavy,
.lf(iH..15; light, $5.8O4i6.10; bulk of sales,
86. 15ft 6. 35.
SHEEP Receipts, 8,000. Sheep and lambs
steady; good to cnoice wetners, i4.iuao.Mi;
fair ti choice mixed. 83.75iT4.75; western
sheep, 84 504(6.60; native lambs. $4.50(57.00;
western lambs, $4.6O4f7.O0; spring lambs,
Official yesterdayi. Receipts. Shipments.
Cattle 8,260 4.980
Hogs 27.164 . 60S
Sheep 10,418 1,007
Kansas' City Life tftoek Market.
ceipts, 1,150 native, 160 Texans; calves, 100
mostly natives. Beeves, quarantine, ana
cows and heifers, steady;' stockers and
feeders, aulet. Choice export and dressed
beef steers, $4.50B6.25; fair to good. $6.00
6.50; stockers and feeders, L2(y4.ou; west
ern fed steers, $3.8Wi-4.40; Texas and Indian
steers, $3.00(54.55: Texas cows. $2.00(83.50;
native cows,' $2.25'it4.26; native heifers, $2.75
(t, 4.75; canners. $1.2&i2.50; bulls. $2.50(38.75;
calves, $4.00(B6.60.
HOGS Receipts, 8,000. Market active,
steady. Top, $6.40; bulk of sales, $6.1fVg
7 16; heavy, ti.VWrt.iO; mixed packers, $6.10
!.!4: light. $5.Mvfi.17i; yorkers, $6.124(9
6.17; pigs, $5.00fri6.85.
SHEEP Receipts, 17,000. Market steady
to strong. ..atlve lambs. $4.6O7.60; west
ern lambs. $4.007.40; fed ewes. $3.606.35;
native wethers, 4.85f?6.70; Texss clipped
sheep, $3.76446.66; stockers and feeders, $3.40
fit. Loals Lire Stock Market.
bt TYITTS. Mas 22. CATTLE Receipt.
1,800 head, Including 1,000 head Texans; mar
ket steadv; native snipping anu eapun
steers, $4.0015.00; dressed beef and butcher
steers, $3.9O(fj4.90: steers under 1.000 lbs., $3.60
ii4 75; stockers and feeders, $3.008 4.16: cowl
and heifers. 82.25O4.40: canners, 82.268'3.00;
bulls, $2.50'iJ3.75; calves, $3.00((i6.00: Texas end
Indian steers. xo-SiKat.tu; cows ana iieneis,
$2.25(83.25. . . ,
HOGS Receipts, 5.000 head; market slow
and lower; pigs and lights, $5.7O.O0; pack
ers. $S.80b6.20; butchers and best heavy,
ti 0tvf?6.35.
SHEEP AND LAMBS RecelptB. 400 head;
market steadv; native muttons, M.OOtfiS.OO;
lamha 14 60rn4.70: culls and bucks. $2,604
5.00; stockers, $2.0083.00; Texans, $3.00138.80.
New York Lire Stock Market.
ceipts, S.180; steers, slow; medium steers,
easier; bulls shade lower: cows, steady.
Steers, $4.50S25; bulls, $5.304l4.05; stags,
$4.20; cows, $2.1003.65. Shipments, 8,6o0
quarters of beef. ...
CALVES Receipts, 465 head; feeding,
dull, steady; veals, $4.00!5.75; city dressed
veals, slow at 6T9c; extra, 9V4e.
HOGS Receipts, 2.078 head; eaey; state.
86 20
(SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.272;
sheep, more active but no higher; year
lings, steady; spring lambs, about steady
for strictly good; others slow and easy.
Sheep. $3.('fT4.70; yearlings. $5.0lkS.00; spring
lambs, $6.75(08.50
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
tlves. $4.104r5.20; cows snd heifers. $2.00
4.60; stockers snd feeders, $3 85474.65.
HOGS Receipts, 4.859 head; steady; light
and light mixed. $6.17Vi.27Vt; medium and
heavy, $6.a4u6-42V; bulk. $6.20&6.324; pigs.
15 75.
hhkkp AND LA MBS -Receipts, 1,77$
head; 15435C lower.
Slonx C ity Live Stock Market.
, . T T V 1.. XI u " t a rl a 1 TaU.
gram.) CATTLE Receipts, lfo; steady;
breves. $4.004j5.ou: cows, bulls and mixed.
9 1 ota . Si ; B l nt ft i m siiu l,
culvrs and yearlings. $3.004.35.
niv is Urclnts 2 5ol: market 6c lower at
$6. uufyi. 30; bulk. $6.1oa6.2U.
Stock la Sight.
Fo'lowlng were the receipts of live stock
at the six principal western cities yesterday:
came. nogs, urieep.
Omaha '. l.SOO 7,0i0 1.7o0
Chicago 8.250 27,V4 10.418
Kansas City l.tmi ft.O") 17,i
St. Louis l.WD 1.000 4i0
St. Joseph , 413 4 li 1,773
Sioux City lDO 2,6(10 .....
Totals 13.593 52,023 81.291
Wool Market.
ST. LOUIS, May 22.-WOOL Active,
firm. Medium grades and combing,
2o4c; light, fine. 15'nli'c; heavy, fine, life
14c; tub washed. lS'nAHe.
IX)NDON. May 22-WOOL Offerings ot
the auction sales tiday amounted to 11.6H9
bales. Faulty and Inferior merinos sold
below the best prices. All grades were in
demand. Americans bought hever.l lots
of cross-breds. The sales will close to
morrow. Today's sales In delsll- . New
South Wales, 4.1H0 bales; scoured, lutein
lo'fcd: greasy, 6dtil 2V1- Queensland, OiO
bales; scoured, Ud'ols l'Hl Victoria, 2. 7k)
bales; scoured, 9'14ls 6V,d: greasy. 4'ilf.
Is 3'.i. South Australia. 1.6n0 bales; scoured,
lmfcls 8l; greaay 6V1vil" ld. New Zea
lsnd, 1, bales; scoured 7dfjls T4d; greay,
bA.ftimd. Cape of Hood Hope snd Natal.
4"U bales; scoured, lUiiiflls 7Hd; greasy, 7i
ROHTON. Msy 28 WOOL The Commer
cial liulletln will say of the wool market
In tomorrow's issue: There Is a better
foaling la the wool market. Larss sales ot
medium and low wools, domestic, and for
eign, have been made at no further con
cessions In prices. 11ns wools are firm and
bids within He of asking quotations have
been turned down by some holders. The j
went is excited and the new clip Is moving i
freely st all centers Prices are higher. 11
anything, to the grogrr than Inst week
Foreign advices continued strong. 'i lie
shipments of wool from Boston to dste
from December 31. 1902. are 82,2S5.24 l.,
against 97.72ti.421 at. the same date last
year. The receipts to date are Kl,l.711
lbs., against 96,8.k6,1'64 for the same perlcni
last year.
Cottoa Market.
LIVFRPOOU May 114 p. m.-4rOTTON
Spot In fair demand, prices unchsnged;
Amerlcsn middling. 6.30d. The sales of the
day rare l.ouo bales, ef which Lorsj were for
speculation snd export and Included 9,fc'
Amerlcsn. Receipts. 1L00O balsa, including
8.(4X1 American. Futures opened easier ami
closed quiet and steadv. . American mid
dling g. o. .: May, 6.08d: May and June,
6d; June and Julv, 6.974i6.9Kd; July and
Aiyrusl. 5 94d; August and September. 5.7n
6.71; September snd October, 68ii4i6.37d; Oc
tober and November. 6.05d; November and
December. 4.96Y1; December and January.
4.93d; January and Februarv, 4 92d.
, ST. LOUIS. May 22-COf TON-Qulet, He
higher; middling, 114c; ssles, 67 bales; re
ceipts, 977 bales; shipments, 877 bales; stock,
12,t,:7 bales.
sales, 800 bales; ordinary. 8 7-l(io.
good ordinary, $ 15-16c; low middling.
10 11-lSc; middling. 117-lHs; good middling,
117c; middling fair, 12 916c; receipts, 2.MU
bales; stock, 82,612 bslcs. Futures, qulel
and steady; May 11.66c, bid; June ll.Sik-.
bid; July, 12.0irl2 0c; August, ll.40ii71l.4tf';
September, 9.9i'''(f9.91c; October, 8 23ci9.2lc;
Nov4aThbe, J.OfiiS.OSc; December, 8.04(u1.0ilc.
Secretary Heater's statement of the
world's visible supply of cotton shows n
total of 8.M6.965 bales against 3.19M40 last
year, of which 1,661,968 was American.
NEW YORK, May 22.-COTTON-Openeil
firm at a net advance of 98rlO points and
ruled very Irregular. At first the market
was very excited, as a result of the sur- '
prising strength developed. Following the
call the summer months were advanced
still a little further under the rush of
covering and fresh buying orders which
were attracted by the Liverpool advance -Then
Liverpool began to ease off, tho re-
celpts for the day were estimated once
more to greatly exceed last year's and the
weather , map again reflected favornble
conditions. Bulls became less aggressive,
and, the first rush of demand of shorts
being exhausted, the bears began hammer
ing values. This led to a decline of several
Points from the best on the active options,
ut was succeeded by snother rally. On
the advanoe, however, speculation became
very much less active. Occasionally there
would be a momentary burst of enthusi
asm and prices would fluctuate upward or
downward 1 or J points, but with the gen
eral drift upward from the low point of the
morning. The afternoon trading was com
paratively quiet and featureless and prices
moved slowly. At the best level of the day.
which was reached In the last hour, prices I
showed an advance of from 10 to 30 points
as compared with the closing of last night h
and at this level showed a gain of fronr 1
about 4 to 20 points from the lowest level
of the morning. Just before the close there
wss a little realising, but the market was
finally steady, net 6 to 28 points higher,
July closing at 10.79c, 8 points below the
best of the afternoon, as was also August,
which closed at 10.67c. September closed nt
l.76ci Totsl sales of futures were estl
mated at 250,flno bales. The Liverpool mar
ket opened 6(10 points lower, advanced to
a level net 4V4W17 points Higher, then de
clined and closed net lVrflS points higher,
joints nigner, men ae- s
et lVrflS points higher. J
Ing was the Into sight J
i was reported at 79,991 f
ly estimates of 60,000 J
ps and Dried Frnlts. N
A ractor in tne sent
for the week, which
bales, against early
Evaporated Artples
APPLES The market continues quiet and
prices are unchanged, though the under
tone is easv. Common are quoted at 44J
Rc: prime, 6HS6V4c; choice, 56c; fancy,
reflecting a fair jobbing demand and some
export business, remain steady to firm at
S'ffYe for all grades. Apricots are firm, but
demand Is no better than of late: choice
peaches are quiet at 7Jf8o for choice and
8'i10o for fancy.
Coffee Market. '
market for futures opened quiet at a de
cline of 6 points and ruled easy, owing to
larger offerings bv Importers and heavier
receipts. Speculation wss moderately act
ive and there was a little demand for the
near positions, which caused them to rule
actively- At the close the market was
steady, net unchanged to 10 points. Totsl
sales were 19.500 bags. Including June at
8.75c; July, 3.90c; August. 8.95W4c; Septem
ber, 4.10c: November, 4.26c; January. 4.70c;
March, 4 80e; April, 4.80c
place your orders with
Members Principal Exchanges.
Write for our dally tetter.
St Beard Trade Building, Omaba.
Phones KM and 1017. PRIVATE WIRES
Members Principal Exchanges.
Private Wires.
110-111 Board of Trade.
87. B. WARD, Mgr. Telephone 1S1.
etc. Department of the Interior, O flics of
Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C, May 9,
1903. Sealed proposals, endorsed "Proposals
for Buildings, etc., Rapid City, South Da
kota," and addressed to the Commissioner
of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C, will
be received at the Indian Office until 2
o'clock p. m. of Wednesday, June 10
1903. for furnishing and delivering . tho
necessary materials and labor require
to construct and complete a frame em
ployes' quarters; a frame addition to laun
dry and a brick employes' quarters, all with'
plumbing and acetylene gasplplng; also an
addition to a brick dormitory, with plumb
ing and gasoline gas piping, and a frame
acetylene gas house, with plumbing and
heat, all at the Indian school. Rapid City.
S. ., in strict accordance with plana,
specifications and Instructions to bidders,
which may be examined at this oflice, tho
office of the Improvement Bulletin, Min
neapolis, Minn.; the Ploneer-Tlmes, Dead
wood, B. D. ; The Bee, Omaha, Neb.; the
Pioneer Press. St. Paul, Mlpn.; the Build
ers' and Traders' Exchanges at Omahu.
Neb.. Milwaukee, Wis., end St. Paul, Minn.;
the Northwestern Manufacturers' Associa
tion, St. Paul, Minn.; the U. 8. Indlftn
warehouses at No. XS So. Canal at. Chi
cago, 111., No. 816 Howard St., Omaha, Neb.,
ana jvos. us-jzi wooster St., iNew xork
CHy. and at the school.
Bids are also requested for furnishfne?
a quantity of gas fixtures In the brick school
house ana uricex dormitory in the course of
erection at the above mentioned school.
Lists of the articles are also on file at th
above mentioned places.
For runner information apply to Bam B.
Davis, Bupt. Indian School, Rapid City.
South Dakota. A. C. Tonner. Acting Com.
mlssloner. M 12-14-16-19-21-23-26-28 -80
FORT RILEY, KAN., MAY 20. 19u3.
Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be re
ceived here until 12 o'clock, noon, June 15,
1903, for constructing one double Cavalry
Barracks, four Cavalry Btables, four Artil
lery workshops, four double Cavalry Stable
Ouard buildings and altering Mess H tll for
Post Exchange snd Gymnasium, to Include
Plumbing, Heating and Electrlo wiring
where applicable. Also for an Electrlo
Lighting System for the post. Informa
tion furnished upon application here, also
at Offices of Depot Quartermasters, Chi
cago. 111., St. Louis, Mo., Omaha. Neb. and
Denver, Colo. Bidders will state in bids
the time in which they will complete the
work as time will form an Important con
sideration In the award. Right reserved
to accept or reject any or all bids or sny
part thereof. Envelopes to be endorsed
''Proposals for construtlon of Public Build
ings, etc.," addressed O. O. Cress, Q. M.
M23-25-26-27 J13-14
mnster. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, Msy
21, 1908 Sesled proposals, in triplicate, will
lie received here until 11 a. rn , central time,
June 19. 19(8. and then opened, for con
structing sewage purification plunt. crema
tory and smoke stack, at Fort Leaven
worth, Kansas. Information and blank
forma of proposal furnished on application
to this office, where plans msy be seen.
United States reserves the rlkht to accept
or reject any or all proposals or sny part
thereof. Envelopes should be endorsed.
"Proposals for Sewage Purification Plant,
etc.,' addressed to Msjor D. E. McCarthy,
master. Observatory Office Buil t ng Dei X A
Moines, low. April 27, Ii3. 8 -alrd propo i- .
alt. In triplicate, will be received here un- r
til 11 a. m , standard time. May 26. 1901. for
constructing roads, walks snd dialne. Fori
Des Moines. Iowa. Information furnish 1
on application. U. 8. reserves right to ac
cept or relect any or all bids or aitt
thereof. Envelopes to be endorsed. "Hro.
poaala for addressed Ma. or R. B.
Turner, a M. A27d4l-MS. 88.