Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1903, Image 1

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    Daily Bee.
Ambassador McCormick Bay the Manohu
riaa Situation ii Hot Serious.
Ciari GoTernmeut Declare it Ha Hover
Had As 7 Other Purpose,
Mabtainanoe of that Po ioy to the Interest
of Eniia.
This Caa Oaly Be Aociapllihrd by
laereaslaa- th Cvaaerei ot the
Ctiatrr Tkrouk Wklch
It Bui,
LONDON, May 22. Ambassador McCor
mlck la her (or a fsw daya on hla way
from St. Petersburg to America. Ha sails
on the Kron Prln Wllhelm, Wednesday
next, with his wife and Miss Patterson.
The St. James Oasetta today prints an in
terview with him, in which ha la quoted
as sayings I
One of hit last official art Wnr lvln.
St Petersburg was to interrogate the Rus-
T government on Its policy toward Man-
destr to See the M.nphurlan nrtrta fluanri
lxciudDlted 8t"e' or tu hav' ,u con,u"
The Rualsn government was emphatic In
declaring that It was at one with America
In the ipen door policy in China and what
applies to ths United States , must apply
to every other power. Your government
also received ana accepted similar assur
ances, I know M. Wllte Is a firm advocate
of the i,pen door and 1 have every reason
to believe that Russia is quite sincere In
tha matter.
It points out that tt Is to Its own Interests
to support that policy and I think that la
the case. Tha Rusnian statesmen are verv
anxloua that the rilbcrlan railroad shall be
a Buccvsa, snd to be no it must get freight
In large quantities Russia cannot of Itself
supply sufficient to make tha railway the
Sltaatlea la Not terlons.
"Ton do not then consider that the situa
tion In the far east Is In any vtay serious
on account of Russia's policy In Man-
churls T
"I do not" replied Mr. McCormlck. "I
can See nothing at present that need alarm
the United State or any other country."
Mr. McCormlck added that the relations
between tha United State and Russia at
the presnt moment was of a most friendly
character. .
"Do you think the United States will view
Mr. Chamberlain' policy In regard to pro
tection with disfavor!" was the reporter's
uaxt question.
'I do not see why It hould," answered I
Mr. McCormlck. "We hare set you the I
example. The auggeetlon that you give
preferential treatment of tho colonies Is your I
own affair. Canada may one day be able I
to give you all the wheat you want but
not for some time. In the United States,
w" are jrrowlnjr. JmMorj nnd wa are
' 'consuming more of our own products. I be
lisve the United State will not alway send I
Its raw material In cotton to England, but I
wui oner ycu tne finished article." I
n.tu i nnuiu isijiimi i nt ruir3 l
Pennsylvania Railroad Employs Re
nt o via a; Westers Union Lines
Along the Railroad.
NEW TORK, May 22. Investigation
shows that notwithstanding the destruc
tion of It line along the Pennsylvania
railroad,' the business of the Western
Union Telegraph company Is moved with
practically no delay. All message for dee-1
tlnatlona on the lines of the Pennsylvania
railroad arc being delivered with usual
The cutting of Western Union pole as a
result of the decision of Judge Bufflnsrton
will not be carried into Jersey City. The
decision cover only a part of New Jersey,
the southern part, ana the pole are being
out on the West jersey s seashore railroad
in that section.
Judge John F. Dillon, chief counsel fori
the Western Union, said today:
"The right of the parties arc In course
of adjudication In the court. The supreme
cour wiu uiuiDaieijr juu,. mm w ine ngnui
oi ia ooropnny ana ii uion ngnia are eo -
ww...,.., ..... "
Its right on the Pennsylvania railroad
and compensated for all damage to It
property and business."
PHILADELPHIA. May 22. Announce
ment wa made today at the office of the
Pennsylvania company that the company
would not permit the Postal Telegraph
company or any other corporation to own
the pole for telegraph service which are
to be erected along the line of the rail
road. According to an official of the com
pany. It Is the Intention to replace the
poles of the Western Union with poles
which will be owned by the Pennsylvania
BALTIMORE, May 23. The Northern
Central Railroad company, which I a
brCh ?! P,enn,y,,v,anU' ,touJ -
cutting the Western Union wire, from .11
f " w, ""
IT A r V X, B '1 f u n M . w- T, , . 1
force of men 1 engaged In removing the
pole of th Weatern Union Telegraph
company along the Cumberland Valley
railroad, which belong to th Pennsyl
vania system.
Waylays Maa aad Girl, Kaoeks
Former Beaelea, Assaalts Girl
aad Throw Body la Crook.
LAWRENCEBURG. Ind., May 12. Posses
with bloodhounds tonight are scouring the
country around Manchester for a negro
who waylaid and assaulted Martin Kaiser
and his daughter Rose, aged IT years, near
Manchester last night
Kaiser waa found
near the Big Four
tracks sarly this morning In an uncon
scious condition. After regaining oon
aclousness Kaiser said that a negro had
assaulted him with a club and carried hla
daughter Into the woods nearby. Tha girl's
hat and umbrella were found near Tanner's
creek and It la believed her body was
thrown Into ths creek by tha negro after
he had murdered ber.
Kaiser, who Is TO years old. is In a critical
condition and Is not expected to live. -
Kaiser and his daughter had bejn to the boycott of the labor unions on a lumber
Cathollo church at Yorkvllla to attend yard In Brooklyn the Lumber Trades aaso
Ascension day services. They passed elation has decided to close all the yarda
through Manchester shortly after T o'clock
last evening and the attack must have
taken place shortly alter. A negro sera
near Manchester yesterdey afternoon Is
Excitement is st fever heat and if tha
"guilty man is apprehended he probably wlU 1
h li tw-hed,
cteatUta Will Endeavor to Discover
Caase of Cllnr'tle Cksit
la thaf
-I- ''-,.
(Correspondence of the Assoc. 0 '""-)
Paul Milukov, former professor "
at Moscow and Sofia and the buIk
"Sketches of Russian History," will lca,
here for Chicago within a week. Ha was
elected by Charles Crana a year ago to
liver twelve lectures at the University of
Chicago this spring.
Raphael Pumpelly, who has been charged
by the Carnegie Institution with the ex
ploration of Russian Turkestan, haa ar
rived here with hla son, R. W. Pumpelly,
to procure the necessary permission. They
will Join Prof W. H. Davis and Ellsworth
Huntington of Harvard and Prof. Richard
Norton, dlrectoi of the American School of
Classical Students of Rome, at Baku. The
party will search for remnants of the once
flourishing civilisation In the baaln of tha
sea of Aral, will Investigate the climatic
changes that have taken place there In
historical times and will aeek to discover
whether such changes have been sufficient
to cause the decline of thla region and
whether euual. If not creater. ImDortance I
should not be attributed to economic and
political changes, such aa tha interruption
of the old caravan route by the Arabs and
Turks, the devastation of the country, the
settlement of a population unused to earl-
culture and the discovery of the Cape of
vood Hope route to India.
Th Prty wl" remain several months
and perhaps longer, future work being de-
termlned by tha present reconnolasance.
First Conviction Inder the Row Coda
la Territory of Porto
SAN JUAN. P. R-, May Jt-In the
Humaoao district court of First degree
today Pedro Dlas waa convicted of murder
during a political riot at Humacao last
Auguat In killing a boy named Octavlo
Reyes. Dlaa will be sentenced tomorrow to
be hanged sixty days later.
This is the first conviction tinder the new
coda and the hanging will be the first to
occur In Porto Rico. It is certain the gov
ernor will not Interfere.
la Water
Jap a.
YOKOHAMA, May 4. CVIa San Fran-
clsco. May 21 - Correspondence of the Aa- I
soclated Press.) The steamer Hayamla I
Maru was run into and sunk by the Korean I
Maru In Tsurujlma straits. Inland
May 1. Of seventy-two persons on board
forty-one were saved.
The British war ship Albion, Vlos Admin
Grenfell left Japan on May 4 for Welpal
Wet, owing to a death by plague on board.
A, Chlneee servant waa the victim.
KV"tetl Without Opposition.
, ..DUBLIN," Way ' ?3.renn!K Kilbride, for
merly nationalist member of Parliament for
North Oalway and who was recently re-
leased from prison, where he had been sent I
for Inciting the murder of a landlord. Major
General Mearea, haa been elected without I
oppoaltlon as member of South Klldaxs, In
,ucceMUm to Matthew J. Mlnch. nationalist
who resigned May . The local branch of
the Irish league had Invited Mr. Kilbride,
as "being the latest victim of Jury pack
ing," to contest the . seat as . "a protest
against thla Iniquitous system."
Brilttah' Stoanaers Admitted.
GUAYAQUIL, Bcquador, May 22. The
British steamer Taboga and Manul, from
I Panama, have been admitted to thl port
after several days' quarantine because they
I have quantities of lice and flour on board
I deatlned for Guayaquil. The American
I minister haa requested the authorities to
I admit steamer from San Francisco, as
I there are no cases of the nlinn h.
I Nothing, however, ha yet been decided.
I The port continues closed to vessels from
I Peru, Mexico, India and San Francisco.
I w" wouoi noiea in Heart.
UFA, European Russia, May 22. The
I murderers of the governor of Bus-damitch.
I who waa shot an killed Tuesdav. hav
not yet been arrested. The noat mortem
i examination or the governor' body showed
1 there were two bullet hole In his heart
I i our in xno lungs, IWO in tna liver inJ
one through his hand.
...... ... cia.
THE HAGUE, May 22. The decision of
the government of The Netherlands t
station a war ship permanently in the
Dutch West Indies Is regarded as dlspos-
Ing of the recurring rumors of the intended
sale of the Island of Curaooa to the United
n. miaa ....
PARIS. May L The report circulated
by tne Morning Aavarnser or London to-
Am-m that Mma. Melha. the Auatr.ll...
. m I. in in thi. -it.
" ;7k. rtm. ' -d fh.V . -Z "LZ
had been summoned from London to attend
J ncorrect. Mme Melba was never
1 1 k.ii hulth.
British Commissioner la Caracas.
CARACAS, May 21-Mr. Harrison, the
Ttrituh commissioner of tha mixed tribunal
which is to pass on the claims against of postmasters these Increases In South Da
Vanesuela. haa arrived here. Herr Ooetsch wer announced today: Pierre, tit
'I . v. I J T J M -1 .t I
the German commissioner, ana Comte Fer-
nava niau imucu v.wH,
Ordered to Stop Insurrection.
PEKING. May 21 An Imperial edict Just
Issued., rnnouncing that the rebels have
captured the prefecture! city of Lin An Fu.
province of Yun Nan, orders that the vice-
i-oy of Yun Nan suppreaa the insurrection
GLASGOW, May 22. Sir Thomas Llpton'a
I aquadron of four vessels will sail for the
United State May 28. two daya ahead of
time. Sir Thomas himself will sail for
New York between Juue lb and June 30.
Boycott la Broohlya May Berloasly
Interfere with Indnstrlal
I NEW YORK. May 22. In return for
In Brooklyn and Queen, which, with thoa
now closed In this city, will practically tls
up the lumber market.
As a far greater business Is don at th
yarda In Brooklyn than In thla city, th
latest move shows th Intention of ths deal
ers to defest ths Material Drivers' union.
even at (real pecuniary lose t
Bund Delivery Diriiion to Eo Moved from
Dearer on Jaly 1.
llmlaary Plaaa for Lineal a Post.
, Arc Ready and Bids Likely
to Bo Invited Wlthla
Two Months.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, May 82. (Special Tela,
gram.) Senator Millard, - who arrived In
Washington last night from New York,
returned to Gotham tonight and after
transacting some private business there
expects to alart for Omaha Monday. Tha
aenator haa spent a busy day, having vis
ited nearly all the departments upon vari
ous matters. His moat Important accom
plishment, however, was the securing of a
promise from tha postmaster general that
the headquarters of the western division
of the rural frea delivery service shall go
to Omaha. Thla was practically decided
during the last session of congress. Sen
ators Allison and Dolllver have each wired
atrong plcaa that when the removal from
Inver occurs Dee Moines shall be the
c,t to have the headquarters. The change
w"1 made ,u'y 1 nd Postmaster Oen-
ral Pvn Informed Senator Millard that
he would adhere to hla former promises
and make Omaha the new division head
It appears that work haa been quietly
going on In the Omaha public building pre
paring rooms-., for the accommodation of
officials attached to the rural free delivery
western headquarters, and Senator Millard
said tonight that already 8,000 has bren
spent In fitting up quarters in the Omaha
Senator Millard called upon W. A. Rich
ards, commissioner of the land office, upon
a purely personal matter and Incidentally
they had a chat regarding the work of two
special agents looking Into matters regard
ing the alleged Illegal - fencing of public
domain by cattlemen. Though Mr. Rich
ards said the work being done was satis
factory to the department, he did not go
Into detail ae to 1'Jst what ia Wing done.
CraMs Gives Satisfaction..
Aa Commissioner Jons is out of the
city, the Matthews sn rase waa not referred
to h Senator M'llard In hla tint to the
Interior department Mr. . Millard also
called upon Secretary Shaw to aea If the
conduct of A. R. Cruson of Curtis, Neb.,
who was appointed collector of customs for
Porto Rico upon recommendatln of the
senator, met with approval at headquar
ters. He waa Informed that Mr. Cruson's
course meets with the entire approval of
the authorities here. This, of course, waa
gratifying to the senator. ;
. Nothing New la Attorneyship.
The War department and Department
ef Juetloe were also visited. Mr. Millard
at the Department of Justice sought to
team If there wa any new as to who
will be chosen. United States district -at
torney, bat tie learned nothing, aa tha at
torney general was out at the time. The
senator Is Inclined to think If tha matter
ware- left to. the attorney general 8ummers
would be reappointed, but as- the matter la
entirely la the president' hands. It is of a
considerable gamble a- what the outcome
may be.
At the War department the aenator wa
Informed be has a cadet at both Annapolis
I and West Point to name; The young men
whom he will select for Annapolis, princi
pal and three alternate, must, be named
soon, aa examlhatlons take place June 1C
Mr. Millard will make his selections shortly
after hla return home next week. The
cadet to West Point and alternates will
not be compelled go take examinations Un
til Jnn 20 next year, so there is not much
need for haste In that case.
The attorney general today made a favor
able report upon the property offered the
government for a postofflce site at Pierre;
8. D., and a treasury warrant will be taauqd
In a few day In payment Thl property Is
located at the northeaat corner of Retreat
and Huson streets, . offered by Charles I
Hyde at i,wu.
' ' Mncola Plaas Ready,
I Secretary Shaw today approved sketch
I plan prepared by the supervising archl
I tent for tha new public building to be
I erected at Lincoln. The plana arc now to be
I auhmltted to other members of the cabinet
ird. namalv. tha secretary of the Interior
and nostmaater general. The plana will
doubtless meet with the approval of the
postmaster general and Secretary Hitch
. nnn their annroval tha architect
I win commence to make plans and specifics
tlons and make public advertisement for
UroDosal to do th constructive work
Architect Taylor ald today he thought he
would be ready to advertise Tor proposals
I for construction of the Lincoln building
wltbln two months. The new building Is fo
be constructed of stone, three storls In
height classlo In design and will be 6e-
i .ined to accommodate bes'de the nost-
Mi.atnma nfllrllals and ITnltjMt
I . . . t-i nuiwn ii.wi-
nr nuttlnn- un the new bulldlna.
I Roatla of Deportments.
I The rural carriers were appointed
todayi Nebrsska-Wlsner. Frank Dew.y
Cregulart. Kate R. Dewey (substitute),
Iowa-Bedford. George D.' Walker (regular).
I France m. waiaer lauOTin-jiej; jeiie
Plains, Martin Foots (regular), Adam K.
I Smith (substitute); Britt, Han P. Larson
(regular). Maggie E. Larson (Bubatitutc).
1 Under th annual readjustment of salaries
rarssion, ivapiu v-nj, r.itm,
Spcarflsh, Bturgls, WW eacn.
Homer Hall of Weat Point haa been
swarded the contract for carrying the mall
from Weat Point to Fort Madison, In,
Ths National Live Stock bank of Chirage
haa been approved aa reserve agent for the
I Grundy County National of Ori ndy Center,
Free delivery service will be established
In Iowa on June 1, aa follows: Ames, with
Benjamin A. Kelter, Racine IX Qoble, Ben
ton Btull aa carriers, and Edwin L. E'J'a
as substitute; Osage, with Harold B. Cut-
1 ler, Albert F. Hussellman is carriers, jid
George K. McCollough as substitute.
W. R. Jameson has been appointed a sub-
stftute letter carrier at low Talle and A.
L. B. Shea as substitute In the postofilce at
Lead. 8. D. .
Watson To III to Talk.
CHICAGO, May 2 Jamea B. Watson.
president of the Porter Brothers Fruit
company, arrived at Chicago from , San
Kranclsco looay, uui posiponeu meeting
th receivers whom Judge Kohlsaat ap
pointed In Mr. Watson'a absence to take
churn ot tha company.
"Wa have been tola. ' aaia Mr. J. B. De
attorney for the nreatilent. "Mutt
by his doctor's orders Mr. Wataon will rest
st his home and mret us tomorrow." Thla
was confirmed at Mr. Watson s house,
where it waa said tonight that po explana
tion would be given until tomorrow ninm
Ina. hla condition making rest imperative.
Ths company I bring conducted without
rhang In Its oiganllallon. No adjudica
tion of bankruptcy has been made, but It
! declared by iHwyer for the receiver that
Mr. YYataea wlil hot ooatest Ut ycUUuo.
laloa PaelSe Crciala and (employee
la Conference, and Report ol
Agreement Remits,
NEW TORK, Mf 21 While no Informa
tion Is given out. it is understood here
that the conferences between the Union
reclflo officials ami the representatives of
ths striking boiler makers 'have led to an
amicable settlement.
The representatives of the machinists
conferred with the ffflclals today and It la
understood they have reached a settle,
KANSAS CITY, Stay 22. An Injunction
waa granted today by 'Judge Philip of
the federal court against the Industrial
council and moat of the labor organisations
In Kansas City reft ruining the defendants
from Interfering with the employee of two
restaurants, from posting the name of
customers eating at these restaurants and
from doing other tMngs calculated to In
jure the business of the restaurants. The
fnjunctlon ia the most sweeping in 'char
acter than haa ever ben granted by the
federal court against the labor unions In
this city. ' The cooks snd waiters were en
joined sometime ago fcofn pacing back and
forth In front of nonunion restaurants and
shouting to people to boycott such places.
After that tha union men watched the
people who ate In the prstauranta and had
their names printed on cards as being un
friendly to working people, after which the
cards were scattered broadcast. The In
junction granted today forbids this.
BEDFORD, Ind., May 22. As a result Of
a failure to reach a compromise or meet
the demand of the new. wage seals -asked
by the stone sawyers, who hare been Idle
for a number of weeks, the Perry-Mat-
thew-Busklrk stone quarry, one of the
largest In the district, haa closed.' It Is
expected that the closing of this quarry
will be followed by the closing of others In
a short time. Many building contracts
throughout the middle states would be
affected by a general shutdown.
NEW YORK, May 22. The first shot In
the fight of the Building Trade' Employer'
association waa fired tonight when the
Iron league, the Employers' Association of
Architectural Iron Workers and the Asso
ciation of Wire Work Manufacturers of
New York Issued this deft to the labor or
The undersigned, on investigation, find
that the wages paid to ornamental Iron
worker In Greater New York are from 10
to 20 per cent higher than paid in other
cities, whose manufacturers compete with
ue In this city. We, therefore, cannot con
sider any advance Irt wages, and have de
cided to post the following notice ol the
various planta: J -
- Thla shop will be open May 26. Men
desiring to return to work must apply for
their old positions before June 1 or other
men will be employed to take their
place." .' '..'' ' '
Addition are being m-1e to the Employ
ers' association, the Master Truckmen being
the latest to enter.
Presbyterian at Lea Angel Adopt
Sew negrnlatlna a to t'oafes-
LOS : ANGELES, May. 21 The second
day' session of the Presbyterian General
Aaaembly was devoted entirely to the hear
ing of report by special committees- ap
pointed by the last General Assembly. -Tha
most Important of these report is that-of
the committee on evangellstio work. The
afternoon was given to hearing the report
and listening to addresses by several of
thoee engaged In evangellstio work. The
report had not been disposed of when the
assembly adjourned to t o'clock; tomorrow
morning, at which time there will be fur
ther discussion. Late thla afternoon the
commissioners and their friend were ten
dered a reception at the Chamber of Com'
merce building and tonight a mass meeting
in the interest of the Sunday school move
ment wa largely attended at Emmanuel
The aeasions today were more of a bust'
nes character than on the opening day and
had little of the attractiveness of yester
day' proceedings, though there wo no
abatement of interest
Moderator Coyle called the assembly to
order and after music and prayer stated the
regular order of the assembly to be the re
port of Stated Clerk Roberts of the vote of
the Presbyteries on the amatidments to the
confession of faith. Dr. Roberta announced
that the amendments to the confession of
faith had been adopted by th Presbyteries
by an almost unanimous vote. Not a single
overture received less than 196 affirmative
vote nor more than I negative votea.
A soon a Dr. Robert had finished read
ing the report Dr. Van Dyke was on his
feet and moved Its adoption, A second a a
promptly forthcoming and before any one
had thought of discussing the report it had
been adopted.
Moderator Coyle then appointed a com
mittee of five to canvass the vote of the
Presbyteries on this important question and
Instructed them to relort to the General
Assembly next Thursday morning, it ia a
foregone conclusion that revision will be
Having temporarily disposed of th con
fession of faith question the assembly lis
tened to an earnest appeal by Rev. Dr.
Fox of Brooklyn, secretary of the Amer
ican Bible aoclety. In behalf of that so
ciety's needs In the way of funds for ths
distribution of Bibles In foreign lands. Rev.
Dr. Mateer, the venerable missionary, also
spoke on tljis point. He waa warmly greeted
and llstenTO to with close attention. Dr.
Fox'a appeal waa referred to the commltt-se
on bllla and overture.
The report of the committee on Sabbath
observance, of which James Yeranca of New
York I chairman, waa read.' The report is
a atrong appeal for Sabbath observance and
contained atrong arguments agalnat "sev
enth day Journalism."
Dr. I. W. Hathaway of New York and
Rev. Dr. Ramsdell or Washington mads
stirring addresses In favor of ths commit
tee's recommendations.
New York Banklngr Firm Agrees to
Bay All Not Parchased by
Present Stockholders.
PHILADELPHIA, May 22,-Preaident
Cossett said today that Messrs. Kuhn, Lneb
A Co. and Bpeyer ft Co. of New York had
agreed to take and pay for at KU per ahar
all Pennsylvania railroad stocks not taken
by ths shareholders. This arrangement, hs
said, had commended Itself to the manage
ment of ths company and Insure th
toady prosecution of the Improvement
and additions now being made to enable
th company to take tare of Its Increasing
The price of the new stock to sharehold
er wss $ for each shsre of a par value of
ifo. Aa the shares ar quoted oa tha New
York exchange on tha basis of lluo par tha
Nw York quotation on th new slock wa
One Panon Known to Bo Tilled hud Eaten
Beriouly Injured.
Passes Throagh Farming Section and
It Is Fearod Caaaalty Mat Will
Bo Larger When All See.
tloaa Report.
BLOOMINGTON, Neb., May 22.-(Speclal
Telegram.) About :5 p. m. a cyclone went
through about four mile west. It took a
northeast course and awept everything in
It paths. House and barns were wrecked.
Thu fsr five farm houses are known to
have been wrecked. The large new house
and barn on the alfalfa ranch, one mile
east of Naponee, waa blown down. The
casualty list thus far known Is:
Mr. Glsh, sr., badly hurt
J. J. Glsh and Charlea Gish, badly hurt.
Mr. and Mrs. John Weed, badly bruised.
Mrs. Hall, shoulder broken.
Mr. Hall, badly bruised.
Doctors have gone to the seen and aom
of the wounded have been brought to town.
Or account of the remoteness of some of
the farms, news Is coming In slowly. . Ths
tornado waa watched from this town and
presented . a fearful sight It is raining
here now.
FRANKLIN, Neb.. May 22:-(Speclal Tel
egram.) A tornado passed about eight
miles west of here thle evening at 6:30, do
ing great damage to farm houses and other
buildings In lta path. It could be seen
plainly from here and for a while looked
as though It might come this way. Sev
eral people were badly hurt, but so far
no deaths are reported. Doctor from here
and Bloomington have gone out to attend
the wants of . the sufferers.
Damage at Sattoa.
BUTTON. Neb.l May 22.-(8pecial.)-A
tornado, accompanied by a cloudburst and
electrlo storm, struck Sutton last evening
at 11 o'clock. It wrecked the tower on Dr.
Clark's residence, demolishing two chim
neys and outbuildings. About the same
amount of damage was done to more than
twenty other places in town. The storm
bounded along as It moved, crushing barns,
outbuildings and fencea wherever it touched
the earth. Windows were burst outwardly
and against the prevailing wind in tha
track of the storm, showing vacuum over
head. WEST POINT, Neb., May 22. (Special.)-
The heaviest rainstorm of the season, ac
companied by a severe electrical discharge,
occurred here during the whole of last
night. . Corn planting, which was neartng
completion, was somewhat de'ayed, but will
be finished by Monday at latest ' '
FREMONT, Neb., May 22.-(SpeclaL)-A
very heavy shower fell here last night.
The streets In the lower part of the city
were filled with water and much of It waa
left standing In low places. The mall sec
tion of No. I on the Union Pacific ran Into
Omaha On the Northweatera tracks, leav
ing here about 1 a. nt.-and was closely .fol
lowed by Noa. 12 and 4, aU using tho same
tracks. This morning all tho' Union Fa-
clflo trains came In over the Northwestern
and wero transferred here, as -were- also
the eastbound trains. Some o'f the country
roads are reported In bad condition' and
much flams Re it Is expected will result to
country bridges. Farm work of all kinds
Is much delayed.
' EXETER, Neb., fay 22.-T-(Ppeclal.)-Thts
vicinity waa visited by ancther tremendous
wind and rainstorm last evening. It broke
about ? o'clock, making In all three hard
storms this week, with a rainfall of 4.5
inches. Although the day has begun fine
the weather is considered very unsettled
ana a sudden storm would not be a sur
prise. The unfavorable weather is very
discouraging to the farmers, some of whom
have not begun to plant their corn, many
are only half through and very few have
finished. The outlook for the oat crop is
air ana wneat is looking fine.
. Plattsmoath Aetata Flooded.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb.. May l2.-(8pe
cmi. Anomer severe electrical storm
visited Plattsmouth and vicinity last night,
In fact more water fell than during tha
previous night, and the cellar of the
stores on the porth. ' side of Main street
were again filled to their capacity, and in
some instances the water rushed through
the buildings on the main floor,' but not
so much damage was done as by previous
floods, a the goods had been removed from
the basements. The books, chairs, desks,
eic, mai were swimming around In six
feet of water In the office of Judge W. H
Newell and 8. H. Atwood were fished out
and removed' to the Waterman building.
ana me contents or the barber shop of
M. 8. Briggs,. which wss alao under the
Bank of Cnss county was removed to the
Boeck building. In the Burlington yards
the water waa reported to have been four
feet deep, and all the boya are busy today
removing the mud from the floors of "the
plaining mill, pattern, blacksmith, tank and
the machine shops, which is reported to
have been more than at any previous flood.
Lightning struck the high school building,
but did not do much damage.
Two or three bridges are reported washed
out near Rock Bluffs, south of Plattsmouth.
The farmers report that In some fields,
which were recently planted, the corn was
washed out of the ground and will have to
be replanted.
NEBRASKA CITY. May E.-fRpertnl
Telegram.) A severe storm passed over
this city last night snd another tonight.
No damage was done with exception of
broken windows and two houses being
struck by lightning.
HUMBOLDT, . May . 22.-(Bpeclal.)-Thls
section was visited last evening by a
a drenching rain which continued through
most of the night the rainfall amounting
to over two Inches. The rain waa accom
panied at first by a hall storm, which
cut the gardens up somewhat but did no
material damage. The long continued wet
spell has Interfered greatly with the
spring planting and farmers will find It
difficult to keep ahead of the weeds.
Two Children Killed aad Many Per
sons Injared at Clay Center aad
Balldlngra Wrecked.
CLAY CENTER, Kan., May 23. -A sever
cyclone passed over Cloy county thla after
noon, striking the southeast part of the
county, going Just east of Brouuhton rnd
west of Oateavllle, Kan. A far known
no one wa killed In Cley count v. but st
Bala, 'a little town In llllev county, two
little girls named Daub wer killed and a
number of person Injured.
Five houses were blown away at Bnla and
many cattle killed. The storm cleared a
path forty rods wide. Assistance waa railed
from Clay Center nnl tnrre doctots Went
down t- Bala. The Union Pacini train nar-
(Contlnued oa Second Page.)
Forecast for Nebraska Showers and Cooler
Saturday; Fair and Warmer Sunday.
Temperature at Omaha festerdayi
Hoar. Desi.
S a. m ..... , T
a. m......
T a. m im
8 a. n Tt
w a. m Ta
to a. ni T4
11 a. m.a.t TT
ia m. . ...... , T9
I P.
R p.
i. .
i, 1 1 1 1 1
4 -
H p. nt......
a p. m
T p. n......
n, p. m ..... .
p. m ..... .
Plate Glass Mnnafactnrer and Job.
bcrs Plaa to Cartall the Price
CLEVELAND, O., May 22.-The plate
glHsa manufacturers and Jobbers continued
their conference here today, the chief mat
ter under discussion being a proposition to
eliminate what' are known aa commission
men. The latter buy from the manufac
turer and sell whenever . possible, and, tt
Is said, ar a demoralising factor In the
maintenance of prices. ' Prominent Jobbers
state that the commission man Is sure to
be "fro ten out" as a result of the present
meeting. ....
The window glass Jobbers havs practically
agreed to take 200,000 boxes of goods from
the jobbers at an advance of t per cent
over the old price list, provided the manu
facturers will agree to protect ' them and
maintain prices until August 1. The lat
ter point will be definitely decided at a
committee meeting to be held between now
and Monday
CINCINNATI, O.. May 22,-The dlHtrlct
managers of the National Metal Trades
association, who are In session In this
city today, declied to nationalise the labor
employment bureau by organising local
bureau In alt the district of the asso
ciation. The head of this movement will
be In this city and Ernest F. Dubrul, com
missioner, and Robert F. Wuerst, secretary
of the Metal Trade association, will di
rect the work.
Bureaus will be orgsnlsed In New York,
Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Rochester,
N. Y., Dayton, O.. Cleveland, Detroit In
dianapolis. Chicago, St. Louis. Minneapolis,
Denver, Toronto snd Milwaukee.
When these various locale are once thor
oughly established a labor department of
tho National Metal Trades association will
be formed. .
Local Merchant Will Famish More
Than fiittO.OOO Worth of Indian
More than 2M,000 worth of Indian Bup-
plles will be furnished by Omaha firms dur
ing the next year. This is three times as
much merchandise aa local merchant hav
ever supplied In any single year of the
past, and means that the local dealer
underbid those of Chicago and other larger
. The awards Include 270,000 worth ot meat,
lard, And pepsin to the Cudahy Packing
company; Armour . A Co., 117,000 worth of
bacon;;, Faxton' & Gallagher, IfiO.OOO worth of
sugui: Midland ulu and Paint company
16,000 worth of oils; filch rd Drug company,
Porter-Ryerson-Hoobler company and E. B,
Bruco ft Co., 27,000 worth of medicines;
Twombley Son, part of grain: Omaha
Tent A Awnlhg company all of wagon
covers: National Roofing company, blind
ing, papery tar, pitch, etc., and Orchard-
Wllhelm company, furniture.
N. W. Wells 'of Schualer was the uc
oessful bidder for all of the cornmeal.
valued at about 17.000.
The successful bidding by Omaha mer
chant may hav an effect toward mak
ing Omaha the principle Indian supply
depot instead of Chicago.
Nebraska Girl Left la Denver With.
'. oat Cash or Cloth.
DENVER, May !2. (Special Telegram.)
Haa Fred Burns taken hla wife's $1,000,
her household goods and even her clothea
and bestowed them on another woman, or
ha he merely gone to work and had no
opportunity to communicate with herT
Which ever may be the case he has lost
his bride, for Mrs. Cora Burns leavea to
day for the home of her parents at Minden,
Neb.. Less than three months ago Cora
Peterson, an unsophisticated little country
girl, ; was wooed and won by Burns, who
was a detective In the employ of the Union
Pacific railroad. The girl' grandmother
made her a wedding present of 11,000. All
this she placed In the keeping of her hus
band. After leaving Minden she came to
Denver. . The husband has been missing
since lart Tuesday afternoon.
Swltchmea Go oa Record Against This
Form of Aiding; Fellow
INDIANAPOLIS, May 22. At today'
session of the meeting of the Switchmen'
union It wss decided to reduce the number
of vice grand masters from five to three
and to divide the country into three dis
tricts, each district to be In charge of a
district organiser.
One of the most warmly applauded reso
lutions adopted condemned sympathetic
strikes and embodied the expression that
the organization believes In strikes only as
a last resort.
Talk of Jewish Udnt-ntlon.
PITTSBURG. May 22 -The Federation of
American Zionists will hold their
sixth annual convention In this city from
June I to I Inclusive. One sedition of the
convention will b devoted almost exclu
slvely to a discussion of the Jewish edu
cation Question, This Is an Innovation in
Zionist conventions. Some of the leading
Jewixh scholars In the country will tllscuos
the question before the convention.
Movements of Ocean Vessels May 82.
At tha Lizard Passed: Rhvn.lami a..
werp for Philadelphia. Lancastrian, Boston
lur xoiiuou.
At Rotterdam New York for Rotterdam
At Olbraltar faaned: Nnrd America
New York for Naples and Genoa.
At Movllle Sailed: Astoria, from Glas
gow, New York. Pretorlan, from Liverpool.
At Klnsale Passed: Sylvanla, New York
for Liverpool.
At Cherbourg Arrived: Kuerst Bismarck.
New York, via Plymouth for Hamburg and
At Naples Sailed: Palatla. New York.
Weimar (from Genoa), New York. Arrived:
Phoenicia. New York for Oenoa.
At Queenstown Railed: Commonwealth,
from Liverpool, Boston.
At Southampton Sailed: Deutchland,
from Hamburg. New York, via Cherbourg.
At Glasgow Arrived: Buenos Ayrean,
Boston. Billcla, Montreal via Liverpool.
At Liverpool Arrived: Victorian. New
York. Silled: C'estrlan, Boston; Cymric.
New York.
At Havre Arrived: Ibretagne, Nsw
At Genus Arrived: Konlg, Albert, New
York via Naples,
At New York Balled: Cedrln. Liverpool.
Lachampagne, Hagre, Oerla, Bremen.
Island Government and United Bute
Conclude Compact
All ProTiiiont of Flatt Amendment Aro
Standing cf New Bepublio ii Vow Fall
Segetlatlea Pens' lag tinea Adoption,
of Piatt Anteadment Arc Closed
Satisfactorily by Acnloseeac
f Palma'a froverameat.
HAVANNA. My 22. -The permanent
treaty between the United States and Cuba.
In which la Incorporated all tha provision
of the Piatt amendment wa signed thl
The act of signing the treaty took place .
at 4:10 thla arternoon at the office of th
secretary of state. The signers were Sec
retary of State Zaldo and United State
Minister Squlers. who constituted special
plenipotentiaries for that purpose. Sen or
Zaldo and Mr. Squlers simply met accom
panied by their secretaries, and th sign
ing was accomplished and copies ot th
treaty exchanged within a fow minute.
The permanent treaty contain no pro
vision for Its abrogation and no extraneous
conditions of any kind. It almply Incor
porates the entire Piatt amendment Into
the form of a treaty. The length of time
consumed by the negotiations wa prin
cipally due to the fact that the Cuban
government desired to Include In th treaty
varloua extraneous conditions,' especially
one to the effect that there should be no
Intervention into Cubsn affair by th
United States, except through th inter
vention Of tit Xj ruled otaie. All kheao
conditions were rejected.
The Associated Press's correspondent saw
a number of senators with respect to th
ratification of the naval stations treaties
during this session of congress, but they
were not inclined to be communicative. It
remains evident that there I a tendency
to allow th treaties to go over this ses
sion. An urgent messags from President Palma.
which will accompany the Bending of to
day' treaty to the senate, will hav a
strong effect.
Senor Sangullly, the most active opponent
of the treaties with the United States, said
he would oppose the permanent treaty, be
cause under It the United States, being the
stronger power, could Itself decide when
Intervention wna desirable, regardless of
the wishes of Cuba. Other senators say
that the paragraph relating to the Isle of.
Pines should have been eliminated. '
It la now expected that , an agreement
covering the details of .the United State
naval station will be reached by President
Palma and United State Minister Squlers
within three weeks. , , '
What the Treaty Coatafa.
WASHINGTON. May 22.-Mlnlster Squler
has. been at work for several months In the
negotiations with the Cuban government
which were concluded today by tha sljrnlng
of the permanent treaty, which Includes
word for word the provisions of the Piatt
amendment. This amendment was made a '
part of the army appropriation feet of the
second session of the fifty-sixth congress.
Later It was adopted by the Cubans aa an
appendix to the constitution adopted by
them. Its Incorporation Into the form of
treaty Is In accordance with provision
eight of the amendment whloh specified
that by way of further assurance the
government of Cuba will embody the fore
going provisions into a permanent treaty
with the United States."
Those provisions, succinctly stated, are!
"Cuba la never to enter Into any treaty
nr other compact with any foreign power
which will Impair or tend to impair It
Independence, The government I not to
assume nor contract any publio debt to pay
the interest upon which and to make
reasonable sinking fund provision for the
ultimate payment Of which the revenues
of the Island, after paying the government
expenses, shall be Inadequate. , . "
'Cuba consents that the United State
may Intervene for the preservation of the
Cuban Independence. Cuba ratifies all act
of the . United State In Cuba during th
military occupation. Cuba will mak pro- -
vision for the sanitation of the cities of the
island to ths end that a recurrence of
epidemic and infectious diseases may be
prevented." . .
While the permanent treaty mentioned
by Minister Squlera contains the provision
of the Piatt amendment regarding the Isl '
of Pines, the acquisition of coaling sta
tions by the United Statea, the final set
tlement of these questions which will In
volve the ownership of the Isle of Pine
and the specific location of the coaling sta
tion will be made the subject of a special
treaty or treatle between the United Statea
and Cuba.
One' Mnn 'and Thre Women Crashed
- Beyond Reeosrnttloa and
oral Others Hart.
PITTSBURG. May 22. On man and
three women were killed and live or six
Injured tonight at 1026 Fifth avenue, a
building occupied by a dancing academy.
The breaking of a wire cable caused the
elevator cage to drop fifty feet. Th dead
are bo bodly disfigured that Identification
has been Impossible up to midnight
On the body of one of the victim wag
found a railroad ticket bearing th name
"Catherine Curtln."
Among the injured are:
Harry Llpaon. aged 12,' hurt Internally.
Miss Kate Flanlgan, 27, suffering from
Albert Meyers, 20, fractured leg.
Mra. Lulu Postllwalte, scalp wound and
body bruised.
Albert Meyers wss held a prisoner for
more than an hour. While firemen and
volunteer rescuers were preparing rigging
to lift the machine he lay pinioned under
the wreckage. A fireman endangered hie
Ufa by dropping Into tha maaa of wreckage
and holding the Injured man's head.
When the accident occurred over 40$ men,
women and children were on the dancing
floor. Soorea of policemen were present
and ordered all persona In the building to
remain quiet. In thla way the peopl were
allowed to pass from the building by re
lays, avoiding a panic
Moaltor Arkansas Depart.
CAIRO. III.. May f! Th monitor Arksn
sas departrd from New Orleans at 2 p. m,
tixiay. Carrie V will lead tl. way and so
cial Arkansas aa far down a Mcmpkl.