Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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TURNED, and our wagon
liveries are resumed today
Thone your orders. They'll
be delivered with our best
whole matter would have been handled at
Omaha or lomt other point along the line
had not Harrlman been taken 111 and thus
forced to come east. As It Is, there was
nothing else except for President Burt and
representatives of the strikers to come on
east and settle the trouble as best they
could, without troubling Mr. Harrlman.
who was a very sick man.
From the market thla afternoon It was
Indicated that Wall street believed In the
settlement Implicitly, though there was a
slight heaviness from sympathy with the
declining securities of allied roads, out
Union PacWo rallied over a point at the
close on the assurance of Union Pacino
brokers that the strike waa amicably set
tled. When seen late today two representatives
on the committee of the bollermakers and
shopman refused to discuss the matter at
all, saying th nnal negotiations were not
all completed, but from their manner !t
was easy to see they apparently considered
that a favorable settlement, If not already
reached, soon would be. They would not
say when they expected to return to the
Dow, Jones Co.' last "yellow slips"
from tomorrow Wall Street Journal says:
Union Pacino gained 1 per cent on talk
of a deHnlte settlement of the strike of
the boiler maker and shopmen within the
next two or three days, and Southern Pa
cino gained on the news of E. II. Harrl
man'i recovery.
Bo far as Mr. Harrlman' condition Is
concerned, th latest authentio bulletin
gives thlsi
"Mr. E. H, Harrlman, who ha been 111
with a slight attack of appendicitis, Is to
day reported to be out of bed and stirring
around his home at No. 1 East Fifty-first
street. It the weather proves favorable to
morrow it Is expected that Mr. Harrlman
will be allowed to go out for a drive."
So It can be seen the probable amicable
settlement of the strike, as reported from
authentio sources. Is fully believed by the
investors Interested here.
Harrlman to Be Operated On.
It waa decided after a consultation of
physicians and surgeon tonight to oper
ate on E. H. Harrlman ome time tomor
row morning. Thla decision, however, Is
contingent on , the advice of Dr. E. L.
Trudeau, who last summer attended Mr.
Harrlman at Paul Smith' In the Adiron
dack, when, h had, his first attack ot
Dr. Trudeau left Saranae Lake tonight
and will reach New York early tomorrow
morning. Mr. Harrlman Is almost well from
bis second attack and I In good condition
for the operation. Ho waa Informed ot
thl last evening by the physician. -
Dr. W. T. Bull will have charge of th
operation. " ' ' '' k '
Presa Report Cosirmi It.
Thi Associated Pres report wa received
yesterday afternoon;
NEW YORK, May IS. President Burt
and on or two other official ot th Union
Pacino are holding a session today with
the railroad laborer now on trlk In
Omaha. Unofficially It 1 tatd tat on
amicable settlement of existing differences
probably will b reached shortly. Details
a to term are not forthcoming, but It 1
believed a decision ha been reached by
the company to offer material concessions
to th employe.
CHEYENNE. Wyo., May 19. Great ex
citement prevail over the ettlement of the
Union Paclrtc etrlke.
Fuilar Caused by Extensive
Shortage of tho
WASHINGTON, May 19. The Treasury
department today received a telegram (rom
National Bank Examiner Perkins announc
ing the closing ot the Southport National
bank of Southport, Conn.
This action. It is understood, was taken
in consequence of the defalcation of the
cashier, which la believed to have approx
imated $100,000.
Thpnannd Lost at Milwaukee.
MILWAUKEE, May 19 Fire today de
stroyed Jacobs copper shop, th plant
ot the Milwaukee Commutator company,
the Milwaukee Automobile work and th
Milwaukee Bras company. The MiTlne
hotel waa badly scorched. Fifteen families
wer compelled to desert their home on
u count ot the Intense heat of the flame.
The total loss la estimated at about 112 i,
00. . . Three person wer seriously Injured.
Two Hundred and Fifty Homeless.
ST. JOHNS. N. F., May 19-Flr ha d.
vaitated Little Bay, where a large copper
mine Is being worked. Three churches,
th mining company' stores, the govern
ment buildings afid forty dwellings wer
destroyed. . Two hundred and fifty per
son ar homeleaa.
Warrant Out for Desmond.
A warrant ha been Issued for th ar
rest of William Desmond, charging him
with assault and larceny from the person,
thl Lrlng the outcome of the shooting In
Mrs, Metcalfe's road house near Council
Bluffs. Monday night. Desmond was
tkn to C'larksnn hospital after the shoot
ing but yeoterday he was spirited away
from that place by his friends and the
hospital authorities claim not to know
where he la. .
Economical and effective
Silver Polish
Owing to Its form it evonomical
in the extreme. Clean at well
at polLhe
London Timet Declares China ii Granting
All Reported Demand.
Manltloa of War Said to Be Flowina-
Imto PrOTlaee nnd Celestial Bri
gtada Organised I'ndcv
Muscovite Leaders. .
LONDON, May 19.-Accordlng to a Peking
dispatch to the Times the situation at. New
Chwang and in Manchuria, In spite ot proc-
lamatlona and assurances, 1 unchanged.
There la a constant flow of Russian and
war material to both the Chinese and
Korean banks of the Yalu river.
Trustworthy evidence confirms the report
that a number of Chinamen, described as
former brigands, are officered by Russians.
They number at least 2,000 and carry a
badge Inscribed "Protector of the For
The Time correspondent aver China is
agreeing one by one to all the demand
presented by M. Planchon, the Russian
charge d'affaires, which It pretended to
reject enbloc. It ha already undertaken-
(1) Not to alienate any portion of Man
churia to any other power.
(2) Not to alter the present administra
tion In Mongolia.
(3) Not to open any new treaty ports In
(4) Not to employ foreigners in the ad'
ministration ot Manchuria.
Whether China gives it consent or not,
Russia also retains the telegraph line be
tween Port Arthur and Mukden. China ha
also agreed that Russia shall have - full
control of the customs at New Chwang and
there is little doubt that an agreement ex-
tats giving Russia exclusive mining prlv
lieges in the Mukden region. When Man-
charia Is gone, what security will there be,
ask the correspondent, for Japan In Korea,
military or civil? Doe anyone know what
ecret agreement, were signed by the em-
jjsci ur ui nuivs uuiiii 1,11c jcbi jiv icdiucu
in xne nussian legation ai oeom aa a rei- i
Th Time, corresponded .ert. tht o
Anril M M. Planchon handed ta United
State. Minister Conger an official1 copy ' ot I
the Russian demand, on China In the orig
inal Russian, written in hi. own handwrit
Seiao Port of Korea.
The Times' Tokio-correspondent asserts
that the Russians are apparently trying to
establish a settlement at Yongappho, which
I. situated southwest of Wlju, Korea, and
commanda the mouth of ' the Yalu river.
Yongappho, he says, is capable of being
converted Into a good harbor...
Russia' pretext I that It require the
place for the (hipping of timber from th
mountain of Dengha, which mountains
th Korean claim ar not included in
the timber cessions to Russia.
The Korean ar 'strongly Incensed at the
Seeana to Dislike Chamberlain' Sug
gestion, but -Trent M
Judicially. "' ' ',.
LONDON, May. 19 In a speech at Burn
lelgh tonight. Lord Rosebery, referring to
Mr. Chamberlain's appeal lor trade reci
procity within the British empire said that
before tariffs were changed the colonies
ought to be represented In the government
of the country and he did not think h's
wa Impracticable. He did not regard free
trade a a part of the "summons for res
tralnt" but the question arose whether
It would be wise, without long and deep
consideration, to change the fiscal system
under which Great, Britain had achieved
its commercial success.
"We must consider," continued Lord
Rosebery, "whether It would be Judicious
to quarrel with customer who give ua
two-third and possibly three-quarters of
our trade In order to oblige customers who
give us a quarter of It or only a third of
It. A conference between British' and
colonial nnancial experts should precede
any alteration In the British fiscal sy.
Lord Rosebery dealt with Mr. 'Chamber
lain's scheme In a Judicial manner, being,
careful neither to approve nor condemn
It, but on the whole showing that he had
no great sympathy with It.
Discover Store of Dynamite When
Saloalen Shopkeeper la
8ALONICA, My 19. Important disclos
ure have been made and a quantity ot
explosive has been found a a result ot
the arrest of Stojan. the proprietor ot th
hop from which a tunnel wa dug to th
Ottoman bank.
Boris Saratoff. th leadtng Macedonian
agitator, waa here recently and visited th
prominent Bulgarian representatives.
Dismissed by th Csar.
ST. PETERSBURG, May 19.-The report
that Lieutenant General Raaben, governor
of Klshlneff, where th massacr of Jews
occurred a month ago, ha been dismissed
by the caar, I confirmed. The imperial
ukaae 1 dated May 17. The authorities
hav suppressed the Volny and have pro
hibited street sale of th Novoitl, in both
case for contravention ot th presa reg-
Russian Pensnnts Burn Houses.
BERLIN, May 19. The local Anieiger'
St. Petersburg correspondent say serious
disturbance hav broker) out in the prov.
Ince Of Saratoff. The peasant ur burning
the land holder house.
Russian Governor Assassinated.
UFA. European Rusaia. May 19.-Gov-
raor Bogdanovuch wa Instantly killed
today tr two maa in th town park.' '
Hakes No Set Speech, but Talks to
. Everyone.
Scads Card to Presldeat amd Is
lalrklr t'shered lato the Pres
nee of HI Old Com- .
RENO. Nev., May 19. The presidential
party arrived at Reno at 7:80 o'clock thl
morning and ten minute later wa on th
main line of the Virginia and Truckee road
on their way to Carson.
While the president' train stopped here
he came out on the back platform ot hi
car and pleasantly greeted the Immense
throng that had assembled to give him
true Nevada welcome. The crowd cheered
and was kept In good, humor by the presi
dent talking to them. He did not attempt
to make a speech, but talked to first one
and then another. W hen his train started
he kept waving hi hand and saying "Qood-
bye, good-bye."
The president's train returned from Car
on at 11:10 o'clock.. His party .were soon
seated In carriages and driven to the court
house, where the president made an ad
dress. After his speech he wa driven
about town for ten minutes, spent ten min
utes In the chamber of commerce and wa
then driven to the state university, where
he spoke to 400 students. He was then
driven to his train and started for the east
Among the pleasant incidents of the pres
nt'a visit to Reno was when H. J.. Barto
of Battle Mountain, one of the Roose
velt Rough Rider's, who smelt amoke with
the president in his famous charge up San
Juan hill, sent his card to the president.
"Show him In. was the president's com
mand. On appearing the president greeted
him cordially and asked him several ques
The president wa presented with a string
of 'Truckee river trout, fresh from their
mountain homi, and a case of Nevada
honey when his train passed through on it
way tc Carson.
Secretary Moody, who Joined the presl
1 dent at Riverside, Cal., and who was to
have started for Washington today, has
accepted the president's Invitation to go
through to Cheyenne . with him. .
At the Capitol of the State.
CARSON, Nev., May 19. President
Roosevelt reach here at 9 o'clock this
morning. The city was In gala attire and
member of the presidential party stated
that the capital of Nevada was the most
handsomely decorated city of its size that
had been visited. The weather was fine.
Governor Sparks and Mayor Mackey met
the president at the state line and accom
panled the party to this city. The entire
party wa driven to the state capital
building, whtre a platform had been
erected. The portico of the capital was
circled with rifles, forming an arch over
the. desk where, the president spoke.. Over
this was stretched a banner . with the
words, "Nevada Honor the Hero of . San
Juan." Among the decoration were two
finely mounted specimens of buffalo heads.
raised on. the farm of Governor Sparks,
It Is estimated that- fully 15,000
people gave the president welcome as he
drove down the street leading to the cap!
tol park. The ground were crowded.
BottblaclC Gets Ten Dollar for B
TTh? BlH
.... tO.O
PHILADELPHIA. May 19.-Carm!n
Cammorata, bootblack,- found a-SlO.OOO bill
on the sidewalk at Twelfth and Market
street. ' He returned It to the loser and
received $10. A few minutes later Police
man Volner picked up at the same corner
pocket book containing 1850. 'He also
restored it, receiving a "thank you."
A no one 'saw Cammorata find ' th
$10,000 bill he might have kept It. Instead
of doing bo he handed It to his employer.
A moment later a young man, shaking
from nervous fright, hurried up to the
stand and asked if the note had been found.
When it waa given him he fainted.
Court Deride In Favor of the Pens.
aylvanla Railroad Corn
" pnny.
PHILADELPHIA, May 19. The United
States court of appeals today held that
the Pennsylvlana railroad had a right to
move the poles and wires of the Western
Union Telegraph company from the rail
road right-of-way.
The decision today affirm a' Judgment
ot the West . Pennsylvania - United States
court and reverse a Judgmeqt ot the New
Jersey. United, State circuit court.
The Pennsylvania court refused to grant
the petition for an injunction sought by
th , Western Union against the Pennsyl
vania railroad and the New Jersey, court
granted the Injunction. .
Thousands of Acre of Land In Wli-
cousin Flooded by High
,- Water.
t CROSSE. Wis., May 19. Reports re
ceived from surrounding towns and vil
lages are to the effect that inestimable
damage has been done to farm lands by a
big rise In the Mississippi and its tribu
taries. - i
The Root, La Crosse and other small
streams are several feet over their banks.
Thousands of acres, of farm land are
flooded and crop will have to be replanted.
Several bridge have been washed out and
road flooded to th depth of three or four
Hotel I'aroofed nnd Livery Stable nnd
Blacksmith Shop Blown
TOPEKA, Kan., May 19. News reached
Topeka thl morning from Horton, Kan.,
ot the visitation of a tornado at that point
at midnight.
The Union hotel waa unroofed and th
livery stable of George Sprague and the
blacksmith shop of Moore Bros, wer
blown away. Several smaller buildings
were also destroyed. Only two persons
were Injured, but It la not thought fatally.
Th storm did not go whirling through
th town, but appeared to dip to the earth
in tne one small circle, then up and gone.
Felon Who Shot Oklahoma Jailer
Loaves On Wife In Slous
SIOUX CITT. Ia.. May 19.-Charlea Thorn.
allaa William Montsomerv. under rri
I at Guthrie. Okl.. for kllllnr hla allr HI.
appeared from Sioux City in 1900, where
he wa a bookkeeper for Ratcflft Watt a
Co. He waa charged with being ahort In
I his accounts and forgery. Thorn's first
I -wit still Uva bar.
Italians Churned vrlth Forglan: Hi
rallsutlou Pupers for Mala
to Compatriot.
NEW YORK, May 1.-Three Italian
were arraigned before United State Com-
missioner Shields In the federal building
today, whom the Secret Rervlco aaent say
are leader In a plot to forge thousands
of naturalisation nannrs. Including the
United States seal, the signature of Com
missioner Alexander and the naturalisation
certificate itself.
The prisoners are Roberto Bunaro,
foreman of laborers; Roccoco Figuelo,
printer, and Oulseppe Caparolll, a foreman
In the department of sewers. According
to the Secret Service men Bunaro financed
the conspiracy.
A small printing establishment In Ho-
boken was purchased and run In Figuelo'
name. The plates were made there and
forgeries committed. The establishment
was then rroved to New York and the cer-
tincates circulated.
The- Secret 8ervlce men say certificates
have been sold at from S3 to $100 each to
Italians and that at least 1,000 have been
Commissioner Shields held Bunaro In
$10,00 ball and Figuelo and CapirMll in
15,000 each to await the action of the grand
Jury. Five additional arrest were made
tonight, all the men being charged with
complicity In th plot.
(Continued from First Page.)
ways been eminently fair and equitable In
Its dealings with the Central Labor union.
Respectfully, W. H. BELL,,
i'resiaent central lienor union.
Horsesboers Oat.
The Journeymen horseshoers who went
out because of the trouble over tho union
and master horseshoers' labels, are still
out, and, according to the statement ot W,
A. Watson, state organiser of the Mastor
Horseshoers' organization and proprietor
of a large shop on Harney, between Four-
teeenth and Fifteenth streets, are likely to
remain out. Mr. Watson was very frank
and conservative In speaking of the trouble
and expressed his regrets that difficulty
had arisen which separated him from men
who had been with him for from one to
ten years.
Will the men be taken back?" Mr. AVat-
son was aked.
Not as union Journeymen." he said.
The Business Men's association seems to
feel that we ought not to have union and
I told my men, of whom I thought a great
deal, that they could resign and if they
came back would have to do so under dif
ferent conditions. All of them, therefore;
Mr. Watson and hi five brothers are
doing all the work that Is being don at
his shop. He says that other shops over the
city are running along as best they can
with partial forces. Mr. Watson says his
shop was closed by the labor difficulties
for a week.
Bin- Restaurants Reopen.
The feature of the restaurant men' strike
wa the reopening of the One Minute
and Calumet. . John. Halplne and Tolf
Hansen, the respective proprietor, brought
in sixty colored men from Kansas City
and divided them between the two place.
They each say this give them all the force
they need. None of . the union restaurant
workers have yet broken through th
trlker line, but are remaining with the
union forces. . . , . .
rno taunaiy sinners nave opened a cen- I
tral omc it IB Capitol avenue,, where , ror their tonnage the German battle
they receive Work" foV' their four laundries, ahina- trnve the highest speed, since it
the Garrett on South Thirteenth trjt In
Omaha, and at, Schuyler, Piatt-
mouth and Fremont. Laundry Is taken at
thl office and shipped to these out-of-town
laundries, where the work will be done by
strikers,"' men 'and women, from Omaha.
The Garrett is running on Its time, but ar
rangement may be made for the strikers
to run it at night Tho striker have eight
wagons out collecting clothes.
The steam laundries that started up Mon
day with nonunion help are all In operation
ana some of them, 1 even the strikers
admit, have good sized, though not com
plete forces, They are said to be most
hampered in their starch departments. Flat
work is said to be turned without difficulty.
No more desertions are reported from the
laundry worker or restaurant workers'
ranks. The teamster say they have lost
and gained one man,' leaving the number
of those who returned to work at about
The dralnlayers assert that the story to
the effect that they are to return to work
l o cent la wituuui luuiiuauun.
Attorney Return: front Pari Claim
ing Evidence that Wife
Died First.
SAN FRANCISCO, May 19. Absolut
proof that Mr. Charlea L. Fair died before
ner nusoana in me auiomooie acciaent in
France 1 said to be in possession of the
attorney who have charge of the Interest
of Mr. Fair' relative.
Attorney George A. Knight, who returned
home yesterday from Paris, whither he had
gone to combat the claim of the member
ot Mr. Fair family that Mr. Fair' wit
survived him and, therefore, Inherited all
hi property, stated that he wa now pre-
pared to snow tnat tne witnesses brought
to this country oy uie rueison lamiiy testl
fled falsely.
American Man-ot-War's Men Row
Races nnd Piny. Ball In
NICE. France. May 19 A race took
place this morning in the roadstead be-
tween the whaleboat of the United States
- 1 ilV, ( A A Ika M rlttrtinn.
war vessel Chicago, AiDany, Lincinnau
and Machlaa. Chicago won, Cincinnati wa
second, Machla third and Albany fourth.
A base ball game will be played tomor
row on the Place D'Armea between team
from the Albany and Chicago.
Atlaatn I'nlvorslty Commencement.
ATLANTA. Ot.. Mav 19. (Special.) At
lanta university, Atlanta. Ga., will hold
ita ihlnv. fourth annual commencement ex-
rrlc durtn the week beKlnnlng May 21.
The baccalaureate sermon will be preached
Mav ia hv Rev. Dr. Washington Gladden
of Columbus, O., president of the Amer
ican Missionary association. The orator on
commencement day will be Rev. Dr. Sam
uel M. Crothers, pastor or me rirsi i nrmn
church of Cambridge. Mass. The eighth
lil.nia onnfprencs will assemble May
the subject under consideration being "Th
Negro Church.
8t. Louis
The Highest Prlcsd but
th Beat Quality.
Postal Auditor Declares Formw Cashier1
Statement! Beokless and Fa'.ie.
Postmaster General Declare the la.
realisation at Milwaukee aad
Hew York Failed to Show
Any Irregularities.
WASHINGTON, May 19. Captain Henry
A. Castle, auditor for the Postofllce depart
ment, today gave out a statement In reply
to Mr. Tulloch's charge against his office.
Captain Castle says:
Some of Mr Tulloch's statements are
reckless and others absurdly false. Th
comptroller never disallowed W.0H) ap
proved by this office. My recollection now
Is that less than Jl.Oii was finally disap
proved and of that amount a considerable
portion was simply charged under another
Postmaster General Payne said today
that the investigation at some ot the post-
offices has been completed. Instancing Mil
waukee, where, he said, the accounts had
been found correct. Comptroller Tracewell
ha personally Investigated the account
ot the New York postofllce and he under
stands the accounts were also found cor
rect there. The postofflce inspectors have
finished the Investigation of the Washing
ton postofflce and the Civil Service com
mission experts today were finishing their
examination of the office by taking testl
mony of clerk appointed at outside post
offices who are transferred through the
Washington postofllce into the I'ostofflce
Referring to the responsibility of subor
dinates in official matters the postmaster
general said the subordinate officials will
be held responsible for their acts and
should not obey an order that was not ac
cording to law, that an unlawful order
was no law at all so far as the necessity
of a subordinate executing it waa con
Withdraw Oregon Lands.
Acting Secretary of Agriculture Moore
had recommended to the secretary of the
Interior the Immediate withdrawal from
settlement a number of townships in Ore
gon. for examination and report as to
their suitability for a forest reserve.
Floor Monopoly in Draill.
The State department ha been informed
that one house of the legislature of the
Brazilian state of Pernambuco has passed
the bill creating an exclusive monopoly In
the milling of flour. The news has caused
commotion among American flour makers.
Bid for Kerr Gnnhoata.
The Gas Engine and Power company ot
Morris Heights, N. J., was the lowest bid
der for the now gunboats Dubuque and
Paducah, sealed proposal for which were
opened at the Navy department tortay.
The bid wa $295,000 each if the depart
ment's designs ar followed eomplete and
$268,000 If the department' designs are fol
lowed except as to the boilers. The time
for completion 1 eighteen month.
Melville Call fierman Ship Best.
The signed article of Count von Rabcn-
low. published in a Berlin newspaper at
tacking Rear Admiral Melville for ni
statement In regard to the superiority, ton
for ton. of the German battleships, haa
drawn a reply from the latter. The en-
gineer-ln-chlef declares that his statement
that the German battleships, for their dl-
placement, are the superior over others
ls f ujiy rec0gnled when the following facts
are considered
"hips of about 10,000 tons displacement wre
K..iW vm after trie American.
2. By reason ot tne triple screw insinua
tion of machinery they nave superior
tminAiivrln facilities. There are also
structural and economical advantages se
cured by such an Installation of machinery.
Uurlng tne pasi ywr nu im.fti
n4 tacticians have ascribed a greater
value to the maneuvering factor and there
fore the aavantages oi me inpiu n-rcw in
stallation la now receiving mora consider
ation than ever before.
3. Because Herman Dameaiupe wrn m in
cut the numerous luxuries insianea in
those of other nations. lncroa.i weight
and space has been given to those motive
appliances upon which the fighting effi
ciency of the ship depends.
Admiral Melville' purpose in praising
the German navy, he eays, was to recurs
Installation of motive machinery de
manded by the conditions of today, for it
Is only inviting danger to distribute the
25,000 horse-power that is transmittea Dy
the two screw shafts or a modern armored
cruiser when such power could be trans
mitted on three shafts, thu giving th
ship greater security. Increasing the steam
Mn( radius and Improving the manea-
I mialttles
Court urnnt new irmi
In Case of Convicted
JEFERSON CITY, Mo., May 19. Th u-
preme court today reverjed the decision of
I the St. Louis circuit court in tne cases oi
former Delegates Faulkner and Lehmann,
convicted of perjury, and remanded the
cases. JUSUCe uanu wrote mo uijiiiiuii.
Porjury is alleged to have been com
mitted before the grand Jury In connection
with the Investigation by that body of
the Suburban franchise bills scandal In th
n Loul municipal assembly, in which
I fi&.ooo waa to have been used to pay for
(U passage.
Man Who Murder Another Make
Mistake In Identifying Sub
ject of Hatred.
NEW YORK, May IB. Captain Formosa,
In charge at the Brooklyn Detective
bureau, report that Armode Fedechl,
former secret service agent of the Italian
-0Vernrnent who was stabbed probably In
I . . . .
fatal manner a few day ago, wa not
th vlstlm of a Mafia plot, a ha been
Domlnlco Calabur, who (tabbed Fedechl,
mad a mistake In Identifying hi victim.
He thought he wa (tabbing th man who
testified against a friend In Italy a few
years ago.
Receive Call to Pulpit of th Second
Preebyterlnn Church of Thl
CHICAOO, May 19. (8pecla! Telegram.)
Rev. David B. Gregg, pastor of Roseland
Presbyterian church, ha received a call
to the pulpit of the Second Presbyterian
church at Omaha. It la said he will accept
th call and enter upon hla new labor In
a few weeks.
Receiver for Company I to
Named by Vnlted State
WILMINGTON. Del., May 19.-Judg
Dallas of th United State court for th
eastern district ot Pennslyvanla ha sug
gested that a receiver be appointed for the
Bay State Gas company of Delaware. The
appointment will be made In Philadelphia
on May tC
Steel Manafaelarer and Former Chair
man of Republican Rational
Committee Pusses Away.
PITT8BURG. May 19--BenJamln T.
Jones, sr., member of the advisory board of
Jone A Laughlln' Steel company and for
many year head of their Immense manu
facturing Interests, died at hi residence In
Allegheny at 2:25 thi morning. The end
came suddenly.
Mr Jones had been HI for the last week
from nervousnt-ss, but no eerlou result
were apprehended. Iaat night the mem
bers of the family noticed that he waa be
coming weaker. Physician were sum
moned, but their effort were In vain.
Mr. Jones was 79 years of age. Previous
to April 29 ha wao In rugged health. On
that date he wa seised with an attack of
Indigestion: Later neuralgia set In and the
acute pain caused considerable suffering at
time. Physician were imr0ned and
soon the patient seemed to be on the road
to recovery. It I stated, however, that the
pain and worry attendant on hla Illness
caused Mr. Jone so much nervousness
that his constitution was undermined.
Mr. Jones has been one of the foremost
contributors to the Industrial development
of rittsburg. He was chairman of the re
puliliuan committee during the Blaine cam
paign In 18S4 and was known throughout
the country.
Walls making no pretense as a writer or
speaker Mr. Jones wrote an article on pro
tection in the North American Review and
hi speech In calling to order tho republican
national convention of 18S8 evidenced hi
ability as an orator. No funeral arrange
ment have yet been made.
Mayor Wants the Agreement with th
Belt Line Railroad Com
panr Revised.
The beginning of. actual construction on
the Saddle Creek sewer again has been
delayed by the decision of Mayor Moore
to veto the agreement with the Belt Line
railway regarding the construction of the
two viaducts which consummation of the
combination of roadway and sewer will
necessitate. This agreement had been In
sisted upon by the railroad before the of
ficers acquiesced in the appraisement of
property recently condemned.
Generally the mayor regards the stipula
tions as fair. They are that when the
roudway is built. If ever, the city will
mnke the excavation through the high
embankments and construct the retaining
walls nnd aimtments' for the trestle work,
The wording or the pact, however, does
not suit the mayor, who declares It favors
the railroad at the expense of the city.
One point Is that the city work must be
done under the direction of the chief en
gineer of the railroad. Consequently his
honor will send back the agreement to the
council to have It remodeled. Meanwhile
the sewer waits.
Plunger nnd Sbnrk Hut Official
Trial, Whirh Is Generally
- Suceeasfnl.
GREENPORT. N. T., May 19 -The Hol
land submarine torpedo boats Plunger and
Shark had their official government trials
on Peconle boy today. They covered
two-mile course, each firing a torpedo at
the end.
Plunger exceeded the government require
ment in speed, and fired the torpedo with
absolute accuracy between two flag buoys
the space representing a battleship. Owing
to a hot bearing Shark's speed fell slightly
below .that required, but Its torpedo was
fired as correctly a that of Plunger. .
Captured Gaming Device Valued at
Si2s,ooO Are Destroyed nt
PHILADELPHIA. May 19.-Thlrteen hun
dred slot gambling machines secured In
raids and valued at $128,000, were publicly
burned today by order of the director of
public safety.
for an inferior beer i
SchEtz beer coiet twice
, Whit common beer cotts
in the brewing. One-half
pty i for the product j the
other half for in purity.
One-hilf it ipent in
cleinlineii, in filtering even
the air that touches it, in
filtering the beer, in ster
ilizing every bottle. And
it ptyi the cost of aging
the beer for monthi before
we deliver it.
If you ask for Schlits
you get purity and age,
you pay no more than
beer costs without them.
Bmn Settling.
W Pay as s
I ST m
11 WiAatflg. Omth Bra?fc I
1 I tl bLr.utti Vlnth Ll C m,.kn. S
if! Snxuwx II
lfc-A 4'flsiaiv? Ill
Be ( V . .rt-izr V
, Don't drive your
1 1 fl O J" horse barefooted when
MUnot "' ""
SHOEING A- Ho"na""',
VllVMiiiw IU N. 16th St., in rear.
"WIII-Powr" Will Not Curo It.
rrtns It the retHrt enrne ef lrnnklnrt. Mnn?
S bi,b of grr.trtt promin hmm tbo
Hnhonorvd grtte of s druoksrd Instead of n
bonnnM rlire In anrielT.
I'h.rilcl.ii. huts long reeognlsrd that ren.
ilnuett is alcoholic atlaiulanta rnnara
the stomach and dlgratlTe errant to become
dlaraaril. In the at majority ot raa, there,
fore, habitual drankrnneo la s rh.lrat dla
eaae, and no amount of mental reaulr or
"faith riirf" will ran. It.
pa1"1" win. r?!Ttvrr,Y and rrn-
w fnarantre this and will rvfiinil tho money
ShonM h renMy fall. But It ner ilnea fall!
"0RBINE" ta ta.telraa, odorleaa and v,.r.
lesa, and raa be glTen wtthont ths patient's
knowledge In tea, c-ffee, water or milk. It
tonra up the dlaeaaed atnmarh and gles a
nearly appetite and good illa-oation.
Members of tho W. C. T. IT., rlert-Ttnen. rhf
strlana and public men 111 oror tbo land ei.dors
thla Wonderful retried.
nav. Tbos. 0. Eaaton. D D., 2T F. Capitol Ht
WaabltiKton, l. C.. wrltea: -I ran aafelr af
JT"' JJS."" on,'r m Peteonal obaerTatlon,
that ORRIKE la a marrelona and permanent
remedy for chronic Inebriates.
11 per bot, boiea for .V Seen rely sealed:
postpaid. Healed booklet mailed free on re.
guest. Address OBRINH CO., Pope Building, .
Washing-ton, 1). C ..old ana rrcununeimril b
Sberman A MeConnell llrua Co.,
Idtb nnd Dodgu .. Umnhn.
Don's Royal Blood Remedy.
Cures Svphllis and stage, Scrofula, Kieu
msllsm. Catarrh of many years Ktnmltng
Mineral and Vegetable Poison, slut all d.s
eases of the blood.
Address .
8513 Franklin St., and 3407 Seward Sttret
For sale by Hell Drug Co., 121(5 Farnam
The Largest and Best Wild
West Exhibition Now
in America.
At 2 and 8 p m., Rain or Shine.
Military Tournament
Purely Educational, Genuinely liiatorlr.aC
Delightfully Amusing. A Urwrtd, Inspiring "
Exhibition, consisting of Cowboys, Indians,-.
Mexloans, Arabs,. Cossacks, United States, ,
English. German and French Cavalrymen, .
Roosevelt's Rouph Rider and Battery of '
Light Artillery, Requiring
Among the Many Feature of Thl Mam
moth Exhibition Will Be
The Battle of the
"Little Big Horn"
Froo Street Parade
AT 10 A. M.
Tws Exhibition Dally. Rnln or
Shine. Afternon nt ' 2, Klsrht at 8.
Door open one hour enrlier.
On Show Grounds, Twice
Dally, at 1 nnd tlifti p. m.
ever attempted by n female, Anierlun'a
Only Lady Meteor
Who Will Make a Sensational Dive
Worth Mile of Travel Alone to Seo.
eToyd's y T,Dr
Thl Afternoon Tonight,
Thursday Night and Balance of Week,'
Prices Mat., any seat. He; night. 10-15-JDc.
Baby contest today. Prizes $10 1st virUe,
13 2d prlxe and U 3d prize.
Vinton Street Grounds.
Mny -Kl-X2-23.
Gam called at 8:46.
'Va.. n is i,
HAiy".',.Snt '
.ml w a(9nsvri-ur -ST-rj-jii-a- v
Opens June. Si. A new house of the
best class wllh. every appointment
designed for the comfort and pleasure ot
the guests. A beautiful outlook from
every room. Eltuated upon a high knoll
fronting the open ocean. Burf-Uuthing,
Canoeing Golf, tennis.
For Illustrated circular addreas.
Dinner at the
Wednesday May 20.